Izquierdo 100715 SaveTheTrees CV2


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Farewell to the Forest This ad is amazing because it delivers a powerful message on deforestation by personifying the very

thing that’s being destroyed. When you give life to something that is constantly at risk of losing theirs you influence an emotional response and watching this definitely evoked emotion in me.


Beautifully Done

• When I first saw this ad on YouTube, I just couldn’t press skip. The message was inspiring, the song choice was sensational (“You There” by Aquilo F.W.I) and by the end of it I had goosebumps all over me.

• The idea is so simple and pure (put deforestation into perspective) that it is easily relatable to anyone watching. Everyone is familiar with deforestation but we don’t understand the gravity of it and for Unilever to so subtly illuminate the reality is bold and respectable.

• The ad doesn’t just make you sad about the tree in the city, but also about the idea that humanity continues to disrespect all forms of life on earth for its own selfish reasons. It inspires hope that there are organizations out there that are fighting to make a difference which is tremendous.


• I’m sorry but I don’t have anything negative to say about this ad. All of its components flow together so effortlessly – from the tone of narration to the statistics to the music to the symbolism, everything works together coherently.

• I love how they were able to personify an immigrant tree coming to the city to illustrate how the city is safer for the tree than it’s actual habitat. Its an ingenious creative concept that really speaks to our innate sensibilities.

• Can you think of another successful instance in an ad where an inanimate object was personified in order to deliver a message?