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Senatsverwaltung für Bildung, Wissenschaft und Forschung

Schriftliche Prüfungsarbeit zum mittleren Schulabschluss 2009

im Fach Englisch

15. Mai 2009

Teil II: Leseverstehen/Schreiben

3 Lesetexte mit 25 Aufgaben 3 Schreibaufgaben

Arbeitsbeginn 11.15 Uhr Bearbeitungszeit: 105 Minuten Bitte bearbeiten Sie die Aufgaben wie folgt: Leseverstehen

1. Kreuzen Sie auf den Aufgabenbögen die richtigen Lösungen an. 2. Übertragen Sie die Lösungen auf den Auswertungsbogen (S. 8).

Schreiben Benutzen Sie die dafür vorgesehenen Aufgabenbögen. Sie können maximal 50 Punkte erreichen.

Name, Vorname: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .…. Klasse: . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Reading Part 1: Short texts • Look at the text in each task (signs and statements). • What does the text say? • Put a tick ( ) next to the statement that matches the sign – A, B, C or D. • There is only one correct statement for each sign. 1.

A. Do not take any bags on board the plane.

B. Always watch your carry-on bags.

C. Watch out for thieves.

D. Check in your bags here.

2. A. Get good grades to find a better job.

B. Be early when you have a job interview.

C. Get help from this agency to find a job.

D. Don’t wait too long before you start looking for a job.


A. You can pay at the desk after you have finished on the computer.

B. For €5 you can use the Internet or play games.

C. For €5 you can use the computer the whole day.

D. For our special deal go to www.webworkhouse.com


YOUR ATTENTION PLEASE • All carry-on bags may be searched. • All passengers are asked to keep an

eye on their carry-on bags at all times.• Passengers should not accept items

from unknown persons.

Special Deal Pre-pay €5 for 4 hours Now all day long Pay €5 and get Internet access or gaming for 4 hours! Please ask our desk staff for more details. www.webworkhouse.com

Mittlerer Schulabschluss 2009, schriftliche Prüfung Englisch Aufgaben

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A. You should not feed the animals in here.

B. Don’t scare the Big Cats while they are eating.

C. Small children will have no problem watching today’s feeding.

D. It is important for the Big Cats to eat whole animals.

5. Headteacher’s Online Newsletter May 2009

In recent weeks, we have had to take action against a small minority of pupils who have uploaded games onto the school network. This has slowed down the computer system and pupils’ work could be lost. The potential for viruses has also grown. It is important that all pupils only use the school network to complete school work.

A. The school computer network has been out of order for weeks.

B. Do not upload your homework onto the school computer network.

C. Do not use the school computers for gaming.

D. The headteacher has made the school network more attractive by uploading games.

Dallas Zoo - Important:

Whole rabbits will be offered at today’s Big Cat feeding. It may shock small children to watch our lions and tigers eat whole dead rabbits. Eating whole animals gives the cats a chance to use many of the senses and feeding skills they would use in the wild.

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Reading Part 2: How animals can help people Adapted from: http:// www.petpeoplesplace.com/resources/articles/reptiles/018-01.htm http://www.dogmagazine.net/archives/236/10-reasons-why-dogs-make-children-become-better-adults/ http://www.fbi.gov/kids/dogs/search.htm

• First read the headings (A-M), then read the short texts about how animals can help people.

• Find the right heading for each text. • Write the letter of the correct heading in the

box next to the text. • Be careful! There are two more headings than

you need.

The Headings

A. Pets can improve family life

B. Dogs can help children to be successful in life

C. Pets are good companions for the old

D. Guide dogs help the blind

E. Animals can improve your mood

F. Pets help you to get active

G. Pets help children to get better school marks

H. Pets will always love you

I. Dogs help you to make friends

K. Pets can be stressful for old people

L. Animals are allergy fighters

M. Dogs can help in dangerous situations

The Texts

(6) When we’re out walking, having a dog with us gives other people a reason to stop and talk, thereby increasing the number of people we meet, giving us an opportunity to increase our network of friends. Sometimes the conversation stays at the “dog level,” sometimes it becomes a real social interchange. 


 (7) For those who love animals, it’s basically impossible to stay in a bad mood when a pair of loving puppy eyes meets yours, or when a super-soft cat rubs up against your hand. Studies support the mood-enhancing benefits of pets. 


 (8) Playing with pets is in the top ten physical activity choices for children and families; owning a dog may help people to exercise more and can help to reduce childhood obesity. 



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  (9) Anyone who owns a pet knows that a pet quickly becomes a member of the family. As such, the family addition under the dinner table has great benefits for you and the whole family. Pets are great stress-busters in domestic situations — a good German shepherd dog will intervene when tensions rise.  (10) It was once thought that kids who were raised in a home with dogs and cats were likely to develop pet allergies and asthma. However, a growing number of researchers have suggested that kids growing up in a home with “furred animals” — whether it’s a pet cat or dog, or on a farm and exposed to large animals — will have less risk of allergies and asthma. 


 (11) Pets can offer unconditional love and friendship. They are always there for you and can even keep your secrets.


 (12) For elderly people who are still agile enough walking a dog can provide exercise and companionship. Research has shown that old people feel less alone if there is an animal in the home.


 (13) Owning a dog as a child teaches them how to be responsible not only for themselves but also for others. The child learns to understand the needs of others and the consequences of their actions. Learning to take responsibility will not only help the child now but will be very important for their future relationships and careers.


 (14) Some dogs help people who can’t see by leading them so they don't step on something or fall. They guide them so they don't unknowingly walk in front of a car or hurt themselves in some other way. They communicate so that the person who is blind has an easier time getting around.


 (15) When there is a crime or a disaster (like an earthquake), trained dogs are brought in to help. These dogs work hard to rescue people who are trapped or lost. They also help to find people who have committed crimes and fled. The dogs' noses are so good they are almost always able to sniff out and find what they are looking for—even if it's underground or underwater.



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Reading Part 3: Compulsory* Cooking Classes Adapted from the following articles: http://www.dcsf.gov.uk/pns/DisplayPN.cgi?pn_id=2008_0195 11 September 2008; http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/uk/education/article4733953.ece 12 September 2008

• Read the text and the statements on the opposite page. • Put a tick ( ) in the box next to the correct answer. • Only one answer is correct in each case.

In January, the government announced that from 2011, practical cooking lessons will be a must for every 11 to 14-year-old. This is the first time that cooking has ever been compulsory in secondary schools. “Cooking is already taught in the vast majority of primary schools and we’re making it compulsory in secondary schools from 2011”, said Ed Balls, Secretary of State for Children, Schools and Families. He also said that every school would be ready to offer cooking classes – with well-equipped kitchens and qualified, motivated teachers.

Over 85 per cent of schools already have good kitchens and offer cooking and food technology classes. Starting in September 2008 all the pupils at these schools will have to learn basic cooking techniques. By 2011 the other 15 per cent – mainly all-boy schools that did not teach cooking before – will be expected to have the kitchen equipment needed to teach the cooking classes. The government is willing to spend several million pounds to build new food technology teaching areas and to train specialist teachers.

The Government is also publishing a new, free cookbook for all 11-year-olds to help them learn some healthy versions of popular dishes – including spaghetti bolognese, risotto, roast chicken legs, chow mein, lamb hot pot, shepherd’s pie and apple crumble. The Real Meals Cookbook contains 32 classic recipes. These recipes were chosen after the British people were asked to name the basic dishes every child should learn how to cook. You can get the cookbook online and the headmasters of secondary schools will be able to order copies for all their Year 7 pupils.

This new interest in cooking is mainly a reaction to the high number of extremely fat people in Britain, which is one of the highest in Europe. According to government statistics half of all Britons will be too fat in 25 years if this trend is not stopped. “Too many people just accept they cannot cook or simply do not have time for it”, said Ed Balls. “We’ve lost touch with making basic dishes, even though there has never been a wider range of food in our shops. Celebrity chef cookbooks are best-sellers but for too many people, cooking is now something they watch on television instead of doing it themselves.” He

went on to say that cooking is not quantum physics and that once you have learned how to cook the basic dishes it is a simple skill which you can build on for the rest of your life. You can prepare healthy meals cheaply even if food prices are high. That way you don’t have to eat the salt, sugar and fat contained in fast food meals.

Phil Vickery, the star cook who has written the foreword to the cookbook, said that cooking is a skill which should be learned at an early age. He added: “Once you can cook the basics you will have the best survival tool in the box to take you into adult life.“

Have your say Adapted from: http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/uk/education/article3229949.ece; www.bbcgoodfood.com/blog/029-school-cooking, 22 January 2008

I was glad to learn that cookery has been made compulsory in secondary schools. About time, too. At the moment the government’s plan is for each pupil to get just one hour of cooking a week for one term. Still, it's a start and something many of us have wanted since 1992 when cooking lessons were no longer compulsory at schools. Mary Cardigan Is the government now trying to control our day-to-day lives? Our health and what we eat, drink or even if we smoke are all our choices to make, not the government’s. Les, Southport, England I cannot think of a bigger waste of school time than teaching young people how to cook. Instead they should learn something that will make a real difference to their future. Nathan, Chester, UK Parents should be teaching kids about good, healthy food but that is obviously not happening in many households. That’s why they should learn some basic cooking skills in school. A few simple recipes cooked from start to finish with fresh, simple foods will be all that is needed to get most kids interested in cooking. Leah Wright, Chesterfield I think this is a good idea, plenty of young adults I know haven’t a clue even how to do something simple like scrambled eggs! Lisa S Essex

*compulsory = German: verpflichtend

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Reading Part 3: Compulsory Cooking Classes A to all 11 to 14-year-olds. B at all secondary schools. C by qualified teachers.

16 From 2011, practical cooking classes will be taught D all of them (A+B+C)

A will offer cooking lessons for all pupils from September 2008.B will get new kitchens. C have never taught cooking before.

17 Over 85% of all secondary schools D are all-boys schools.

A was written by a group of 11-year-olds. B does not cost the schools anything. C does not have any recipes for meat dishes.

18 The Real Meals Cookbook D contains seven basic recipes for all pupils.

A the British people love cooking. B Britain has the highest number of fat people worldwide. C many British people are very fat.

19 Cooking lessons are offered because

D both A+B

A there should be more cooking programmes on TV. B celebrity cooks use too much salt, sugar and fat. C when you know the basics, cooking is easy.

20 Ed Balls points out that

D cooking healthy food is expensive.

A cooking cannot be learned by small children. B you need a good cookbook to learn how to cook. C basic cooking skills will help you through life.

21 Phil Vickery points out that

D all grown-ups should take cooking lessons.

A inform the reader about compulsory cooking lessons. B criticise cooking lessons at schools. C advertise the new cookbook.

22 The author of this article wants to D thank Phil Vickery for his help.

A learning how to cook is fun. B for many years schools did not have to offer cooking lessons. C students will have a one-week cooking project every term.

23 Mary Cardigan tells us that D both A+C

A a lot of parents do not show their children how to cook. B children are not interested in simple recipes. C schools should concentrate more on the main subjects.

24 Leah Wright points out that

D children have always liked cooking with fresh things.

A Nathan and Lisa B Mary and Les C Mary and Lisa.

25 The following people think cooking lessons at school are a bad idea: D Les and Nathan

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Reading: Candidate Answer Sheet Name:

For students: Put a tick ( ) into the correct box. Part 1 Number A B C D

1 2 3 4 5 / 5 P

Part 2 Number A B C D E F G H I K L M

6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

/ 10 P Part 3 Number A B C D

16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25

/10 P

/ 25 P

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Writing Part 1: Teenagers’ Shopping Habits – A Questionnaire

Southampton Shopping Centre wants to find out more about the shopping habits of young people.

• Complete the questionnaire below. • You must fill in each item. You may use your imagination. • Just use key words (Stichwörter), do not write complete sentences. • Remember: Correct spelling is important.

We are trying to find out more about our young customers. Would you like to help us? Then fill in the questionnaire below. (1) Age : _________ Sex : __________________________ Nationality: ___________________________________ (2) What kind of shops do you normally go to? (two ideas; no shop names, please.)

________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ (3) What is your favourite shopping time? _____________________________________ (4) How do you get to the shopping centre? ____________________________________ (5) What should a good shopping centre have? ____________________________________

1 P

1 P

1 P

1 P

1 P

/5 P

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Writing Part 2: A Special Birthday Party

• Read what Rachel has written. • Then write back, answering all of her questions. • You must write a minimum of 100 words. Do not use Internet slang.

Search the Web go .

E-pinion > Community > Public User Name ____________ Remember Me? …… PARTY Password ____________ Log in .

Register Help Members List Calendar Arcade Articles Today’s Post Journal Search

Name: Rachel (15) Joined E-pinion: April 2008 Location: Cardiff, Wales

Hey guys, I’ll be 16 next month and my parties have always been at home, but now I find that boring! How do you normally celebrate your birthday? My parents always stay at home during my party - uncool! What about your parents? This year I’d love to do something special for my birthday. Please give me some ideas of what I could do. And as usual money is a problem. How do you pay for your party? Love to hear from you! Rachel

Hi Rachel, ________________________________________________________










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Inhalt: / 5 P Sprache: / 5 P Gesamt: /10P

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Writing Part 3: A Trip to Brandenburg

In diesem Spaß‐ und Erholungsbad sind die tropischen Land‐schaften aus fernen Ländern nachempfunden:   Unsere „Südsee“ ist mit circa 3.000 Quadratmetern so groß wie vier olympische Schwimmbecken. Wer sich dort in die Fluten stürzt, wird von 28 °C warmem Wasser umspült. Der 200 Meter lange Sandstrand lädt zum Entspannen ein. Nach einem Spaziergang durch die zauberhafte Welt des Dschungels kann man ein Tropendorf besichtigen oder in den Shops einkaufen gehen. Zahlreiche Restaurants sind für Sie geöffnet und laden zum Verweilen ein. Abends verwandeln sich die Inseln der Südsee in eine zauberhafte Bühne für die Abend-show. Ticketpreise für einen beliebig langen Aufenthalt in der tropi­schen Erlebnis­Landschaft:  Erwachsene  25,­Euro              Schüler 19,50 Euro Anreise mit der Bahn: Direktverbindung von Berlin, Senften-berg, Cottbus: RE 2 oder RB 14 bis Brand (Niederlausitz), kostenloser Shuttle-Bus zwischen Bahnhof und Tropical Islands

      Seit über 90 Jahren werden in Babelsberg deutsche Filme produziert. Während einer Rundfahrt durch die Medienstadt wird Ihnen die Produktionsstätte der Filme gezeigt.   Eintrittspreise: Erwachsene : 19,‐ Euro    Schüler: 12,90 Euro 

Einzigartig in Europa undsüdlich von Berlin in derRegion Fläming gelegen: DerFläming-Skate, ein Para-dies für Inline-Skater undRadfahrer. Über 100 km langziehen sich die asphaltiertenWege durch Felder undDörfer. Die zahlreichen Seenladen zu einer Badepauseein. Auf den verschiedenenRouten gibt es einiges zubesichtigen: historischeStädtchen, Kloster undSchlossruinen, aber auchGlasbläsereien und Töpferei-en. Genießen Sie die Natur undentdecken Sie die Sehens-würdigkeiten und vielenFreizeitmöglichkeiten derRegion. Unser Skater-Service: Der Rufbus holt Sie an dervereinbarten Haltestelle abund bringt Sie dann an dengewünschten Ort. Kartenmaterial, Herbergenund Gaststätten finden Sieunter www.flaeming-skate.de

TV­SHOW­ FERNSE­HEN ZUM ANFASSEN Nachrichten sprechen, Wetter verkünden, Bildschärfe ziehen? Im „Fernsehstudio 1“ werden Träume wahr. In der 30‐minütigen Show  stehen unsere Besucher mitten im Rampenlicht. Echte Filmprofis zeigen „wie die Bilder“ laufen lernen.  Filmtiershow:  Wie werden Tiere zu Schauspielern? Warum springen sie durch Glasscheiben, tanzen, lachen oder  singen? Die Babelsberger Filmtiershow gibt Antwort und zeigt die spannendsten Trai‐ningsmethoden für „tierische Stars“. 

Täglich um 14.30 Uhr (Einlass 14.00 Uhr) Stuntman-Show

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Writing Part 3: Mediation – A Trip to Brandenburg You would like to show your English-speaking friend some interesting places in Brandenburg.

• Read the three texts about places you can visit in Brandenburg. • Choose two places. • Write an e-mail to your friend telling him/her about the two places you have chosen. • For each one of them say what kind of place it is and mention at least two more aspects that

are important. • Do not translate word for word, just give the main information used in these texts. • Write complete sentences and use correct English.

To: …………….@hotmail.com Ref. : Visit to Brandenburg Hi ……………………………………..,

It’s great that you’re coming to see me again. I can’t wait! I’ve already got some ideas of

what we could do, so I thought I’d tell you about two places we could visit.














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What do you think about my ideas ? Please let me know and write back soon!

☺ ______________________________

Inhalt: / 6 P Sprache: / 4 P Gesamt: /10P

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