MO1208-EA C 2012 CASIO COMPUTER CO., LTD. Bruksanvisning … · E-49 Att visa solens upp- och...


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Kontrollera följande innan du använder klockan1. Kontrollera inställningen för Hemstad och sommartid (DST).

Använd proceduren under ”Ändring av Hemstadsinställningar” (sida E-17) för att ändra dina inställningar för Hemstad och sommartid.

Viktigt!Världstidfunktionen, Solen upp/ned-funktionen och Månåldersfunktionen fungerar inte korrekt om inte inställningarna i Tidvisningsfunktionen för Hemstad, tid och datum är korrekta. Kont-rollera att dessa inställningar stämmer.

2. Ställ in latitud och longitud för din aktuella plats.

Se ”Att välja Hemstad genom att ställa in latitud och longitud” (sida E-20).

E-4 InnehållE-3 Om bruksanvisningenE-4 Kontrollera följande innan du använder klockanE-11 Klockans funktionerE-16 TidvisningE-17 Ändring av Hemstadsinställningar E-17 Att ändra Hemstadsinställningar E-19 Att justera inställning av sommartid (DST) E-20 Inställning av latitud och longitud för din aktuella plats E-20 Att välja Hemstad genom att ställa in latitud och longitud E-22 Inställning av aktuell tid och datum E-22 Att ändra inställningar för aktuell tid och datum


E-52 Använda Måndata E-52 Att visa Månåldern för ett visst datum E-54 Använda Alarmet E-54 Att gå till alarmfunktionen E-55 Att ställa in en alarmtid E-56 Att testa alarmetE-57 Att aktivera/avaktivera alarmet och Timsignalen E-57 Att stoppa alarmet E-58 Att använda stoppuret E-58 Att gå till Stoppursfunktionen E-58 Att utföra en tidtagning E-58 Att pausa vid en mellantid



Bruksanvisning 5269Gratulerar till ditt inköp av denna klocka från CASIO.

Varning!• Klockans mätfunktioner är inte avsedda för mätningar som kräver professionell eller industri-ell precision. Klockans mätvärden ska endast ses som rimliga angivelser.• Observera att CASIO COMPUTER CO., LTD. inte påtar sig något ansvar för skada eller förlust som drabbar dig eller tredje part till följd av användning av eller fel på denna produkt.

Om bruksanvisningen

• Beroende på klockmodell visas den digitala displaytextenantingensommörkafigurerpåljusbakgrund ellerljusafigurerpåmörkbakgrund.Idennabruksanvisning visasdisplayernamedmörkafigurerpåljusbakgrund. • Knappfunktionerna anges med hjälp av bokstäverna som visas i illustrationen. • Observera att produktillustrationerna i denna bruksanvisning endast är avsedda som referens. Den verkliga klockan kan skilja sig något från illustrationerna.


3. Ställ in den aktuella tiden.

Se ”Inställning av aktuell tid och datum” (sida E-22).

Klockan är nu klar att användas.


E-26 Justering av grundposition för visare E-26 Att justera grundpositioner E-29 Ta ut riktningar E-30 Att ta ut en riktning E-36 Att utföra dubbelriktad kalibrering E-38 Att korrigera magnetisk deklination E-43 Termometer E-43 Att välja och lämna Termometerfunktionen E-45 Att korrigera temperaturvärdet E-47 Ange temperaturenhet E-47 Att ange temperaturenhetE-49 Visa solens upp- och nedgångstider E-49 Att visa solens upp- och nedgångstider för ett visst datum E-50 Att växla mellan solens upp- och nedgångstider E-51 Att visa solens upp- och nedgångstider för ett visst datum


E-60 Använda Nedräkningstimern E-60 Att gå till Nedräkningstimerfunktionen E-60 Att ange nedräkningens starttid E-61 Att utföra en nedräkning E-62 Att stoppa alarmetE-63 Kontrollera den aktuella tiden i en annan tidszon E-63 Att gå till Världstidfunktionen E-64 Att visa tiden i en annan tidszon E-64 Att ange Standardtid eller Sommartid (DST) för en stadE-65 Belysning E-65 Att aktivera belysning E-66 Att ändra belysningstidE-68 Knappljud E-68 Att aktivera/avaktivera knappljudet




E-70 Troubleshooting

E-75 Specifi cations


Mode Reference Guide

Your watch has 9 “modes”. The mode you should select depends on what you want to do.To do this: Enter this mode: See:• View the current time and date in the Home City • Confi gure Home City and daylight saving time (DST) settings• Confi gure current location latitude and longitude settings• Confi gure time and date settings

Timekeeping Mode E-16

• Determine your current bearing or the direction from your current location to a destination as a direction indicator and angle value

• Determine your current location using the watch and a map

Digital Compass Mode E-29

Determine the temperature at your current location Thermometer Mode E-43View the sunrise and sunset times for a specifi c date Sunrise/Sunset Mode E-49Determine a Moon age value Moon Age Mode E-52Set an alarm time Alarm Mode E-54Use the stopwatch to measure elapsed time Stopwatch Mode E-58Use the countdown timer Countdown Timer Mode E-60View the current time in one of 48 cities (31 time zones) around the globe World Time Mode E-63


Selecting a Mode• The illustration below shows which buttons you need to press to navigate between

modes.• To return to the Timekeeping Mode from any other mode, hold down C for about

two seconds.• In any mode, press L to illuminate the display.

Alarm Mode Moon Age Mode

Stopwatch Mode Countdown Timer Mode

Alarm Mode Moon Age Mode

Stopwatch Mode Countdown Timer Mode


Timekeeping Mode

Thermometer Mode

Sunrise/Sunset Mode

World Time Mode

Digital Compass ModeTimekeeping Mode

Thermometer Mode

Sunrise/Sunset Mode

World Time Mode

Digital Compass Mode


General Functions (All Modes)The functions and operations described in this section can be used in all of the modes.

Auto Return Features• If you do not perform any operation for a certain amount of time in certain modes as

shown in the table below, the watch will automatically return to the Timekeeping Mode.

Mode No operation time

Digital Compass, Thermometer 1 to 2 minutes

Sunrise/Sunset, Moon Age, Alarm 2 to 3 minutes

• If you leave a setting screen (one with fl ashing digits) on the digital display for two or three minutes without performing any operation, the watch exits the setting screen automatically.


Initial ScreensWhen you enter the Sunrise/Sunset Mode, Digital Compass Mode, Alarm Mode, or World Time Mode, the data you were viewing when you last exited the mode will appear fi rst.

ScrollingThe B and D buttons are used on the setting screen to scroll through available settings on the digital display. In most cases, holding down these buttons during a scroll operation scrolls through the data at high speed.



Use the Timekeeping Mode to set and view the current time and date.• Each press of A in the Timekeeping Mode toggles the digital display between the

current date and the current time.• You can select one of the two following Date Screen display formats: SUN 6.30 or

SUN 30.6. For information about how to select the format, see “Date Display Format” under “To change the current time and date settings” (page E-22).

Day of week Month Day Hour : Minutes SecondsDate screen Regular timekeeping screen


Confi guring Home City Settings

There are two Home City settings: actually selecting the Home City and selecting either standard time or daylight saving time (DST).

To confi gure Home City settings1. In the Timekeeping Mode, hold down A for at least two

seconds until ADJUST appears on the digital display. This is the setting mode. Release A after ADJUSTappears.• The city name of the currently selected Home City

data will appear on the digital display with an arrow ( ) fl ashing to the left.

• The watch will exit the setting mode automatically if you do not perform any operation for about two or three minutes.

• For details about city data, see the “City Data Table” at the back of this manual.

City NameCity Name


2. Press D (East) and B (West) to scroll through city names until the one you want to use as your Home City data is displayed.

3. Press C to display the DST setting screen.

4. Press D to toggle between Daylight Saving Time (DST ON) and Standard Time (DST OFF).

5. When the setting is the way you want, press A twice to return to the Timekeeping Mode.• The DST indicator appears to indicate that Daylight

Saving Time is turned on.Note• After you specify city data, the watch will use UTC*

offsets to calculate the current time for other time zones based on the current time in your Home City.* Coordinated Universal Time, the world-wide

scientifi c standard of timekeeping. The reference point for UTC is Greenwich, England.


DST indicator


DST indicator


To change the Daylight Saving Time (summer time) setting1. In the Timekeeping Mode, hold down A for at least two

seconds until ADJUST appears on the digital display. Release A after ADJUST appears.• The name of the city currently selected as your

Home City will appear on the digital display with an arrow ( ) fl ashing to the left.

2. Press C to display the DST setting screen.

3. Press D to toggle between Daylight Saving Time (DST ON) and Standard Time (DST OFF).

4. When the setting is the way you want, press A twice to return to the Timekeeping Mode.• The DST indicator appears to indicate that Daylight

Saving Time is turned on.


DST indicator


DST indicator

Operation Guide 5269

Bruksanvisning 5269

E-70 Felsökning E-75 Specifikationer


Välja funktion• I Illustrationen nedan visas vilka knappar du ska trycka på för att växla mellan klockans funktioner.

För att återgå till Tidvisningsfunktionen från en annan funktion, tryck och håll inne C i ca två sekunder.

Tryck L för att belysa displayen i alla funktioner.

Allmänna funktioner (alla klockfunktioner)Funktionerna och åtgärderna som beskrivs i detta avsnitt gäller för samtliga klockfunktio-ner.

Automatisk återgång• Klockan återgår automatiskt till Tidvisningsfunktionen om du inte utför någon åtgärd under en viss tid i vissa funktioner enligt tabellen som visas nedan.

Funktion Tid utan åtgärdDigital kompass, Termometer 1 till 2 minuterSolen upp/ned, Månålder, Alarm 2 till 3 minuter • Om du lämnar en inställningsdisplay (display med blinkande siffror) utan åtgärd i två eller tre minuter på den digitala displayen, lämnar klockan inställningsdisplayen automatiskt. E-14 Tidvisning Använd Tidvisningsfunktionen för att ställa in och visa den aktuella tiden och datumet.• Varje tryck på A i Tidvisningsfunktionen växlar den digitala displayen mellan det aktuella datumet och den aktuella tiden.• Du kan välja att visa datumet i ett av de två displayformaten nedan: SUN 6.30 eller SUN 30.6. För information om hur du väljer formatet, se ”Datumets displayformat” under ”Att ändra inställningar för aktuell tid och datum” (sida E-22). Datumdisplay Normal tidvisningsdisplay Veckodag Månad Dag Timmar: Minuter Sekunder

2.Tryck C (öst) och B (väst) för att scrolla genom stadsnamnen tills staden som du önskaranvända som Hemstadsdata visas.3.Tryck C för att visa DST-inställningsdisplayen.4.Tryck C för att växla mellan Sommartid (DST ON) och Standardtid(DST OFF). 5. När du är klar med inställningen, tryck A två gånger för att återgå till Tidvisningsfunktionen. DST-indikatorn visas för att indikera att Sommartid är aktiverad. • När du har angett stadsdata använder klockan UTC*-tidsskill nader för att beräkna den aktuella tiden för övriga tidszoner, baserat på den aktuella tiden i din Hemstad. * Coordinated Universal Time, världsomfattande standard för tidsangivelser. Referenspunkten för UTC är Greenwich, England.

Bruksanvisning 5269Klockans funktionerDin klocka har 9 ”funktioner”. Funktionen som du bör välja beror på vad du vill göra.

För att justera: Välj följande funktion: Se:• Visa aktuell tid och datum i Hemstaden Tidvisningsfunktion E-16• Ändra inställningar för Hemstad och Sommartid (DST) • Ställ in latitud och longitud för aktuell plats• Ställ in aktuell tid och datum

• Bestämma bäring eller riktning från din aktuella Digital kompassfunktion E-29plats till ett visst mål, i form av en riktningsindikator och en gradangivelse• Bestämma din aktuella plats med hjälp av klockan och en karta

Bestämma temperaturen vid din aktuella plats Termometerfunktion E-43Visa solens upp- och nedgångstider för ett visst datum Solen upp/ned-funktion E-49Bestämma ett Månåldersvärde Månåldersfunktion E-52Ställa in en alarmtid Alarmfunktion E-54Använda stoppuret för tidtagning Stoppursfunktion E-58Använda nedräkningstimern Nedräkningstimerfunktion E-60Visa aktuell tid i någon av 48 städer (31 tidszoner) runtom i världen Världstidfunktion E-63


StartdisplayerNär du går till någon av funktionerna Solen upp/ned, Digital kompass, Alarm eller Världstid, visas de data som du tittade på när du lämnade funktionerna förra gången.

ScrollningDu använder knapparna B och D för att scrolla genom tillgängliga inställningar på den digitala dis-playennäreninställningsdisplayvisas.Ideflestafallenscrollardugenomdatamedhöghastighetnär dessa knappar hålls intryckta.


Ändring av Hemstadsinställningar DetfinnstvåHemstadsinställningar:självavaletavHemstadochvaletmellanstandardtidochsommartid (DST).Att ändra HemstadsinställningarADJUST Stadsnamn 1. I Tidvisningsfunktionen, tryck och håll inne A i minst två sekunder tills ADJUST visas på den digitala displayen. Detta är inställningsfunktionen. Släpp A när ADJUST visas. • Stadsnamnet för de Hemstadsdata som valts för tillfället visas på den digitaladisplayenmedenblinkandepil(►)tillvänster. • • Klockan lämnar inställningsfunktionen automatiskt om du inte utför någon åtgärd under ca två eller tre minuter.• • För detaljerad information om stadsdata, se ”Stadsdatatabell” på baksi dan av denna bruksanvisning.


Att justera inställning av sommartid (DST) 1. I Tidvisningsfunktionen, tryck och håll inne A i minst två sekunder tills ADJUST visas på den digitala displayen. Släpp A när ADJUST visas. • Namnet på staden som du har valt som Hemstad för tillfället visas på dendigitaladisplayenmedenblinkandepil(►)tillvänster. 2. Tryck C för att visa DST-inställningsdisplayen. 3. Tryck C för att växla mellan Sommartid (DST ON) och Standardtid (DST OFF). 4. När du är klar med inställningen, tryck A två gånger för att återgå till Tidvisningsfunktionen. • DST-indikatorn visas på displayen för att indikera att Sommartid är aktiverad.

Alarmfunktion Månåldersfunktion


E-70 Troubleshooting

E-75 Specifi cations


Mode Reference Guide

Your watch has 9 “modes”. The mode you should select depends on what you want to do.To do this: Enter this mode: See:• View the current time and date in the Home City • Confi gure Home City and daylight saving time (DST) settings• Confi gure current location latitude and longitude settings• Confi gure time and date settings

Timekeeping Mode E-16

• Determine your current bearing or the direction from your current location to a destination as a direction indicator and angle value

• Determine your current location using the watch and a map

Digital Compass Mode E-29

Determine the temperature at your current location Thermometer Mode E-43View the sunrise and sunset times for a specifi c date Sunrise/Sunset Mode E-49Determine a Moon age value Moon Age Mode E-52Set an alarm time Alarm Mode E-54Use the stopwatch to measure elapsed time Stopwatch Mode E-58Use the countdown timer Countdown Timer Mode E-60View the current time in one of 48 cities (31 time zones) around the globe World Time Mode E-63


Selecting a Mode• The illustration below shows which buttons you need to press to navigate between

modes.• To return to the Timekeeping Mode from any other mode, hold down C for about

two seconds.• In any mode, press L to illuminate the display.

Alarm Mode Moon Age Mode

Stopwatch Mode Countdown Timer Mode

Alarm Mode Moon Age Mode

Stopwatch Mode Countdown Timer Mode


Timekeeping Mode

Thermometer Mode

Sunrise/Sunset Mode

World Time Mode

Digital Compass ModeTimekeeping Mode

Thermometer Mode

Sunrise/Sunset Mode

World Time Mode

Digital Compass Mode


General Functions (All Modes)The functions and operations described in this section can be used in all of the modes.

Auto Return Features• If you do not perform any operation for a certain amount of time in certain modes as

shown in the table below, the watch will automatically return to the Timekeeping Mode.

Mode No operation time

Digital Compass, Thermometer 1 to 2 minutes

Sunrise/Sunset, Moon Age, Alarm 2 to 3 minutes

• If you leave a setting screen (one with fl ashing digits) on the digital display for two or three minutes without performing any operation, the watch exits the setting screen automatically.


Initial ScreensWhen you enter the Sunrise/Sunset Mode, Digital Compass Mode, Alarm Mode, or World Time Mode, the data you were viewing when you last exited the mode will appear fi rst.

ScrollingThe B and D buttons are used on the setting screen to scroll through available settings on the digital display. In most cases, holding down these buttons during a scroll operation scrolls through the data at high speed.



Use the Timekeeping Mode to set and view the current time and date.• Each press of A in the Timekeeping Mode toggles the digital display between the

current date and the current time.• You can select one of the two following Date Screen display formats: SUN 6.30 or

SUN 30.6. For information about how to select the format, see “Date Display Format” under “To change the current time and date settings” (page E-22).

Day of week Month Day Hour : Minutes SecondsDate screen Regular timekeeping screen


Confi guring Home City Settings

There are two Home City settings: actually selecting the Home City and selecting either standard time or daylight saving time (DST).

To confi gure Home City settings1. In the Timekeeping Mode, hold down A for at least two

seconds until ADJUST appears on the digital display. This is the setting mode. Release A after ADJUSTappears.• The city name of the currently selected Home City

data will appear on the digital display with an arrow ( ) fl ashing to the left.

• The watch will exit the setting mode automatically if you do not perform any operation for about two or three minutes.

• For details about city data, see the “City Data Table” at the back of this manual.

City NameCity Name


2. Press D (East) and B (West) to scroll through city names until the one you want to use as your Home City data is displayed.

3. Press C to display the DST setting screen.

4. Press D to toggle between Daylight Saving Time (DST ON) and Standard Time (DST OFF).

5. When the setting is the way you want, press A twice to return to the Timekeeping Mode.• The DST indicator appears to indicate that Daylight

Saving Time is turned on.Note• After you specify city data, the watch will use UTC*

offsets to calculate the current time for other time zones based on the current time in your Home City.* Coordinated Universal Time, the world-wide

scientifi c standard of timekeeping. The reference point for UTC is Greenwich, England.


DST indicator


DST indicator


To change the Daylight Saving Time (summer time) setting1. In the Timekeeping Mode, hold down A for at least two

seconds until ADJUST appears on the digital display. Release A after ADJUST appears.• The name of the city currently selected as your

Home City will appear on the digital display with an arrow ( ) fl ashing to the left.

2. Press C to display the DST setting screen.

3. Press D to toggle between Daylight Saving Time (DST ON) and Standard Time (DST OFF).

4. When the setting is the way you want, press A twice to return to the Timekeeping Mode.• The DST indicator appears to indicate that Daylight

Saving Time is turned on.


DST indicator


DST indicator

Operation Guide 5269


E-70 Troubleshooting

E-75 Specifi cations


Mode Reference Guide

Your watch has 9 “modes”. The mode you should select depends on what you want to do.To do this: Enter this mode: See:• View the current time and date in the Home City • Confi gure Home City and daylight saving time (DST) settings• Confi gure current location latitude and longitude settings• Confi gure time and date settings

Timekeeping Mode E-16

• Determine your current bearing or the direction from your current location to a destination as a direction indicator and angle value

• Determine your current location using the watch and a map

Digital Compass Mode E-29

Determine the temperature at your current location Thermometer Mode E-43View the sunrise and sunset times for a specifi c date Sunrise/Sunset Mode E-49Determine a Moon age value Moon Age Mode E-52Set an alarm time Alarm Mode E-54Use the stopwatch to measure elapsed time Stopwatch Mode E-58Use the countdown timer Countdown Timer Mode E-60View the current time in one of 48 cities (31 time zones) around the globe World Time Mode E-63


Selecting a Mode• The illustration below shows which buttons you need to press to navigate between

modes.• To return to the Timekeeping Mode from any other mode, hold down C for about

two seconds.• In any mode, press L to illuminate the display.

Alarm Mode Moon Age Mode

Stopwatch Mode Countdown Timer Mode

Alarm Mode Moon Age Mode

Stopwatch Mode Countdown Timer Mode


Timekeeping Mode

Thermometer Mode

Sunrise/Sunset Mode

World Time Mode

Digital Compass ModeTimekeeping Mode

Thermometer Mode

Sunrise/Sunset Mode

World Time Mode

Digital Compass Mode


General Functions (All Modes)The functions and operations described in this section can be used in all of the modes.

Auto Return Features• If you do not perform any operation for a certain amount of time in certain modes as

shown in the table below, the watch will automatically return to the Timekeeping Mode.

Mode No operation time

Digital Compass, Thermometer 1 to 2 minutes

Sunrise/Sunset, Moon Age, Alarm 2 to 3 minutes

• If you leave a setting screen (one with fl ashing digits) on the digital display for two or three minutes without performing any operation, the watch exits the setting screen automatically.


Initial ScreensWhen you enter the Sunrise/Sunset Mode, Digital Compass Mode, Alarm Mode, or World Time Mode, the data you were viewing when you last exited the mode will appear fi rst.

ScrollingThe B and D buttons are used on the setting screen to scroll through available settings on the digital display. In most cases, holding down these buttons during a scroll operation scrolls through the data at high speed.



Use the Timekeeping Mode to set and view the current time and date.• Each press of A in the Timekeeping Mode toggles the digital display between the

current date and the current time.• You can select one of the two following Date Screen display formats: SUN 6.30 or

SUN 30.6. For information about how to select the format, see “Date Display Format” under “To change the current time and date settings” (page E-22).

Day of week Month Day Hour : Minutes SecondsDate screen Regular timekeeping screen


Confi guring Home City Settings

There are two Home City settings: actually selecting the Home City and selecting either standard time or daylight saving time (DST).

To confi gure Home City settings1. In the Timekeeping Mode, hold down A for at least two

seconds until ADJUST appears on the digital display. This is the setting mode. Release A after ADJUSTappears.• The city name of the currently selected Home City

data will appear on the digital display with an arrow ( ) fl ashing to the left.

• The watch will exit the setting mode automatically if you do not perform any operation for about two or three minutes.

• For details about city data, see the “City Data Table” at the back of this manual.

City NameCity Name


2. Press D (East) and B (West) to scroll through city names until the one you want to use as your Home City data is displayed.

3. Press C to display the DST setting screen.

4. Press D to toggle between Daylight Saving Time (DST ON) and Standard Time (DST OFF).

5. When the setting is the way you want, press A twice to return to the Timekeeping Mode.• The DST indicator appears to indicate that Daylight

Saving Time is turned on.Note• After you specify city data, the watch will use UTC*

offsets to calculate the current time for other time zones based on the current time in your Home City.* Coordinated Universal Time, the world-wide

scientifi c standard of timekeeping. The reference point for UTC is Greenwich, England.


DST indicator


DST indicator


To change the Daylight Saving Time (summer time) setting1. In the Timekeeping Mode, hold down A for at least two

seconds until ADJUST appears on the digital display. Release A after ADJUST appears.• The name of the city currently selected as your

Home City will appear on the digital display with an arrow ( ) fl ashing to the left.

2. Press C to display the DST setting screen.

3. Press D to toggle between Daylight Saving Time (DST ON) and Standard Time (DST OFF).

4. When the setting is the way you want, press A twice to return to the Timekeeping Mode.• The DST indicator appears to indicate that Daylight

Saving Time is turned on.


DST indicator


DST indicator

Operation Guide 5269


E-70 Troubleshooting

E-75 Specifi cations


Mode Reference Guide

Your watch has 9 “modes”. The mode you should select depends on what you want to do.To do this: Enter this mode: See:• View the current time and date in the Home City • Confi gure Home City and daylight saving time (DST) settings• Confi gure current location latitude and longitude settings• Confi gure time and date settings

Timekeeping Mode E-16

• Determine your current bearing or the direction from your current location to a destination as a direction indicator and angle value

• Determine your current location using the watch and a map

Digital Compass Mode E-29

Determine the temperature at your current location Thermometer Mode E-43View the sunrise and sunset times for a specifi c date Sunrise/Sunset Mode E-49Determine a Moon age value Moon Age Mode E-52Set an alarm time Alarm Mode E-54Use the stopwatch to measure elapsed time Stopwatch Mode E-58Use the countdown timer Countdown Timer Mode E-60View the current time in one of 48 cities (31 time zones) around the globe World Time Mode E-63


Selecting a Mode• The illustration below shows which buttons you need to press to navigate between

modes.• To return to the Timekeeping Mode from any other mode, hold down C for about

two seconds.• In any mode, press L to illuminate the display.

Alarm Mode Moon Age Mode

Stopwatch Mode Countdown Timer Mode

Alarm Mode Moon Age Mode

Stopwatch Mode Countdown Timer Mode


Timekeeping Mode

Thermometer Mode

Sunrise/Sunset Mode

World Time Mode

Digital Compass ModeTimekeeping Mode

Thermometer Mode

Sunrise/Sunset Mode

World Time Mode

Digital Compass Mode


General Functions (All Modes)The functions and operations described in this section can be used in all of the modes.

Auto Return Features• If you do not perform any operation for a certain amount of time in certain modes as

shown in the table below, the watch will automatically return to the Timekeeping Mode.

Mode No operation time

Digital Compass, Thermometer 1 to 2 minutes

Sunrise/Sunset, Moon Age, Alarm 2 to 3 minutes

• If you leave a setting screen (one with fl ashing digits) on the digital display for two or three minutes without performing any operation, the watch exits the setting screen automatically.


Initial ScreensWhen you enter the Sunrise/Sunset Mode, Digital Compass Mode, Alarm Mode, or World Time Mode, the data you were viewing when you last exited the mode will appear fi rst.

ScrollingThe B and D buttons are used on the setting screen to scroll through available settings on the digital display. In most cases, holding down these buttons during a scroll operation scrolls through the data at high speed.



Use the Timekeeping Mode to set and view the current time and date.• Each press of A in the Timekeeping Mode toggles the digital display between the

current date and the current time.• You can select one of the two following Date Screen display formats: SUN 6.30 or

SUN 30.6. For information about how to select the format, see “Date Display Format” under “To change the current time and date settings” (page E-22).

Day of week Month Day Hour : Minutes SecondsDate screen Regular timekeeping screen


Confi guring Home City Settings

There are two Home City settings: actually selecting the Home City and selecting either standard time or daylight saving time (DST).

To confi gure Home City settings1. In the Timekeeping Mode, hold down A for at least two

seconds until ADJUST appears on the digital display. This is the setting mode. Release A after ADJUSTappears.• The city name of the currently selected Home City

data will appear on the digital display with an arrow ( ) fl ashing to the left.

• The watch will exit the setting mode automatically if you do not perform any operation for about two or three minutes.

• For details about city data, see the “City Data Table” at the back of this manual.

City NameCity Name


2. Press D (East) and B (West) to scroll through city names until the one you want to use as your Home City data is displayed.

3. Press C to display the DST setting screen.

4. Press D to toggle between Daylight Saving Time (DST ON) and Standard Time (DST OFF).

5. When the setting is the way you want, press A twice to return to the Timekeeping Mode.• The DST indicator appears to indicate that Daylight

Saving Time is turned on.Note• After you specify city data, the watch will use UTC*

offsets to calculate the current time for other time zones based on the current time in your Home City.* Coordinated Universal Time, the world-wide

scientifi c standard of timekeeping. The reference point for UTC is Greenwich, England.


DST indicator


DST indicator


To change the Daylight Saving Time (summer time) setting1. In the Timekeeping Mode, hold down A for at least two

seconds until ADJUST appears on the digital display. Release A after ADJUST appears.• The name of the city currently selected as your

Home City will appear on the digital display with an arrow ( ) fl ashing to the left.

2. Press C to display the DST setting screen.

3. Press D to toggle between Daylight Saving Time (DST ON) and Standard Time (DST OFF).

4. When the setting is the way you want, press A twice to return to the Timekeeping Mode.• The DST indicator appears to indicate that Daylight

Saving Time is turned on.


DST indicator


DST indicator

Operation Guide 5269


E-70 Troubleshooting

E-75 Specifi cations


Mode Reference Guide

Your watch has 9 “modes”. The mode you should select depends on what you want to do.To do this: Enter this mode: See:• View the current time and date in the Home City • Confi gure Home City and daylight saving time (DST) settings• Confi gure current location latitude and longitude settings• Confi gure time and date settings

Timekeeping Mode E-16

• Determine your current bearing or the direction from your current location to a destination as a direction indicator and angle value

• Determine your current location using the watch and a map

Digital Compass Mode E-29

Determine the temperature at your current location Thermometer Mode E-43View the sunrise and sunset times for a specifi c date Sunrise/Sunset Mode E-49Determine a Moon age value Moon Age Mode E-52Set an alarm time Alarm Mode E-54Use the stopwatch to measure elapsed time Stopwatch Mode E-58Use the countdown timer Countdown Timer Mode E-60View the current time in one of 48 cities (31 time zones) around the globe World Time Mode E-63


Selecting a Mode• The illustration below shows which buttons you need to press to navigate between

modes.• To return to the Timekeeping Mode from any other mode, hold down C for about

two seconds.• In any mode, press L to illuminate the display.

Alarm Mode Moon Age Mode

Stopwatch Mode Countdown Timer Mode

Alarm Mode Moon Age Mode

Stopwatch Mode Countdown Timer Mode


Timekeeping Mode

Thermometer Mode

Sunrise/Sunset Mode

World Time Mode

Digital Compass ModeTimekeeping Mode

Thermometer Mode

Sunrise/Sunset Mode

World Time Mode

Digital Compass Mode


General Functions (All Modes)The functions and operations described in this section can be used in all of the modes.

Auto Return Features• If you do not perform any operation for a certain amount of time in certain modes as

shown in the table below, the watch will automatically return to the Timekeeping Mode.

Mode No operation time

Digital Compass, Thermometer 1 to 2 minutes

Sunrise/Sunset, Moon Age, Alarm 2 to 3 minutes

• If you leave a setting screen (one with fl ashing digits) on the digital display for two or three minutes without performing any operation, the watch exits the setting screen automatically.


Initial ScreensWhen you enter the Sunrise/Sunset Mode, Digital Compass Mode, Alarm Mode, or World Time Mode, the data you were viewing when you last exited the mode will appear fi rst.

ScrollingThe B and D buttons are used on the setting screen to scroll through available settings on the digital display. In most cases, holding down these buttons during a scroll operation scrolls through the data at high speed.



Use the Timekeeping Mode to set and view the current time and date.• Each press of A in the Timekeeping Mode toggles the digital display between the

current date and the current time.• You can select one of the two following Date Screen display formats: SUN 6.30 or

SUN 30.6. For information about how to select the format, see “Date Display Format” under “To change the current time and date settings” (page E-22).

Day of week Month Day Hour : Minutes SecondsDate screen Regular timekeeping screen


Confi guring Home City Settings

There are two Home City settings: actually selecting the Home City and selecting either standard time or daylight saving time (DST).

To confi gure Home City settings1. In the Timekeeping Mode, hold down A for at least two

seconds until ADJUST appears on the digital display. This is the setting mode. Release A after ADJUSTappears.• The city name of the currently selected Home City

data will appear on the digital display with an arrow ( ) fl ashing to the left.

• The watch will exit the setting mode automatically if you do not perform any operation for about two or three minutes.

• For details about city data, see the “City Data Table” at the back of this manual.

City NameCity Name


2. Press D (East) and B (West) to scroll through city names until the one you want to use as your Home City data is displayed.

3. Press C to display the DST setting screen.

4. Press D to toggle between Daylight Saving Time (DST ON) and Standard Time (DST OFF).

5. When the setting is the way you want, press A twice to return to the Timekeeping Mode.• The DST indicator appears to indicate that Daylight

Saving Time is turned on.Note• After you specify city data, the watch will use UTC*

offsets to calculate the current time for other time zones based on the current time in your Home City.* Coordinated Universal Time, the world-wide

scientifi c standard of timekeeping. The reference point for UTC is Greenwich, England.


DST indicator


DST indicator


To change the Daylight Saving Time (summer time) setting1. In the Timekeeping Mode, hold down A for at least two

seconds until ADJUST appears on the digital display. Release A after ADJUST appears.• The name of the city currently selected as your

Home City will appear on the digital display with an arrow ( ) fl ashing to the left.

2. Press C to display the DST setting screen.

3. Press D to toggle between Daylight Saving Time (DST ON) and Standard Time (DST OFF).

4. When the setting is the way you want, press A twice to return to the Timekeeping Mode.• The DST indicator appears to indicate that Daylight

Saving Time is turned on.


DST indicator


DST indicator

Operation Guide 5269

Inställning av latitud och longitud för din aktuella platsDu kan försäkra dig om att visningen av tidsinställningarna för solens upp-/nedgång och månåldrar är korrekt genom att ställa in latitud och longitud för din aktuella plats.

Att välja Hemstad genom att ställa in latitud och longitud 1. I Tidvisningsfunktionen, tryck och håll inne A i minst två sekunder tills ADJUST visas på den digitala displayen. Detta är inställningsfunktionen. Släpp A när ADJUST visas. Dina aktuella Hemstadsdata visas på den digitala displayen med en blinkande pil (►) till vänster. 2. Tryck A för att visa displayen för latitudinställning med den aktuella latitudinställningen blinkandes.

Inställning av aktuell tid och datum

Följ proceduren nedan för att justera klockans aktuella tids- och datuminställningar om de är felaktiga.Om du ändrar digitala Hemstadsdata bör den analoga tidsinställningen ändras därefter. Om den analoga tiden inte visar den digitala tiden, ska du kontrollera visarnas grundpositioner och justera vid behov (sida E-26).

Att ändra inställningar för aktuell tid och datum 1. I Tidvisningsfunktionen, tryck och håll inne A i minst två sekunder tills ADJUST visas på den digitala displayen. Detta är inställningsfunktionen. Släpp A när ADJUST visas. Namnet på staden som du har valt som Hemstad för tillfället visas på den digitala displayen med en blinkande pil (►) till vänster. E-22

Display För att justera: Tryck:

Ändra stadsnamn Använd D (öst) och B (väst).

Växla mellan Sommartid (DST ON) och Standardtid (DST OFF) Tryck D.

Växla mellan 12-timmars- visning (12H) och 24-tim- marsvisning (24H) Tryck D.

Nollställa sekundvisning Tryck D. till 00. Justera timmar och minuter

Justera År, Månad eller Använd D (+) och B (-). Dag Välj datumets display- format (DMY, YMD, MDY) Tryck D.

5. När du har utfört alla önskade inställningar trycker du A två gånger för att återgå till Tidvisningsfunktionen. E-24 Justering av grundposition för visareDenna klockas tim-, minut-, och sekundvisare kan visa fel om de utsätts för stark magne-tism eller en kraftig stöt. Om detta inträffar kan du följa proceduren nedan för att justera visarnas positioner.

Att justera grundpositioner 1. I Tidvisningsfunktionen, tryck och håll inne A i minst fyra sek under tills HAND SET visas på den digitala displayen. Detta är inställningsfunktionen. Släpp A när HAND SET visas. Detta får SEC 00 att blinka på den digitala displayen för att indikera sekundvisarens justeringsfunktion.

5. Tryck A för att lämna inställningsdisplayen.•Dettafårtim-ochminutvisarnaattflyttasigtilldenaktuellatidenförTidvisningsfunktionen.


Bruksanvisning 52693. Använd D (+) och B (-) för att det ändra det blinkande värdet i steg om 0,1°.• Tryck och håll inne D eller B medan displayen för latitud- eller longitudinställning visas för att scrolla värdet till vänster om decimalpunkten (värdet till höger ändras inte) med hög hastighet.

4. Om du vill ändra latitudvärdet, tryck C för att visa displayen för longitudinställning med den aktuel-la longitudinställningen blinkandes.5. Använd D (+) och B (-) för att det ändra det blinkande värdet i steg om 0,1°.

6. När du har utfört alla önskade inställningar trycker du A för att återgå till Tidvisningsfunktionen.


2. Använd D och B för att välja önskade stadsdata.• Välj dina Hemstadsdata innan du ändrar någon annan inställning.• För komplett information om stadsdata, se ”Stadsdatatabell” på baksidan av denna bruksanvisning.3.TryckCförattflyttablinkandetochväljadeandrainställningarnaisekvensensomvisasnedan.

Stadsdata > DST > 12/24-timmarsvisning > Sekunder > Timmar > Minuter > År >Månad > Dag > Knappljud på/av > Belysningstid > Datumets displayformat

• Följande steg förklarar endast hur du gör för att ändra tidvisningsinställningar.

4. När tidvisningsinställningen som du vill ändra blinkar, använder du C och/eller C för att ändra den enligt beskrivningen nedan.


Observera!För information om hur du väljer Hemstad och ändrar DST-inställningen, se ”Ändring av Hemstads-inställningar” (sida E-17).• Klockans interna helautomatiska kalender tar med månadernas olika antal dagar och skottår i be-räkningen.Närduharställtindatumetbördetintefinnasnågonanledningtillattändradet,förutomnär du byter klockans batteri.• Om du ändrar Hemstadsinställningen kommer latitud- och longitudinställningarna återställas till platsen för din Hemstad.


2. Kontrollera sekundvisarens position. • Sekundvisarens grundposition är korrekt om den pekar på klockan 12. Om den inte gör det, använd D (framåt) och B (bakåt) för att justera sekundvisarens position så att den pekar på klockan 12. •Tryckochhållinnenågonavknapparnaförattflyttasekundvisarenmed hög hastighet.

3. Tryck C. Detta får 0:00 att blinka på den digitala displayen, vilket indikerar justeringsfunktionen för timmar och minuter.

4. Kontrollera tim- och minutvisarnas positioner. • Visarnas grundpositioner är korrekta om de pekar på klockan 12. Om de inte gör det, använd D (framåt) och B (bakåt) för att justera deras positio ner. •Tryckochhållinnenågonavknapparnaförattflyttatim-ochminutvisar na med hög hastighet.


Ta ut riktningar


Confi guring Latitude and Longitude Settings for Your Current Location

You can ensure correct display of sunrise and sunset time settings, and of moon ages by confi guring latitude and longitude settings for your current location.

To select a Home City by confi guring latitude and longitude settings1. In the Timekeeping Mode, hold down A for at least two

seconds until ADJUST appears on the digital display. This is the setting mode. Release A after ADJUSTappears.• Your current Home City data will appear on the

digital display with an arrow ( ) fl ashing to the left.

2. Press A to display the latitude setting screen with the current latitude setting fl ashing.


3. Use D (+) and B (–) to change the fl ashing value in 0.1° increments.• Holding down D or B while the latitude or longitude setting screen is

displayed will scroll the value to the left of the decimal point (the value to the right does not change) at high speed.

S 62.0° S 61.9° S 0.1° N 0° N 0.1° N 61.9° N 62.0°

4. When the latitude is the value you want, press C to display the longitude setting screen with the current longitude setting fl ashing.

5. Use D (+) and B (–) to change the fl ashing value in 0.1° increments.

W 179.9° W 179.8° W 0.1° E 0° E 0.1° E 179.9° E 180°

6. When the settings are the way you want, press A to return to the Timekeeping Mode.


Confi guring Current Time and Date Settings

You can use the procedure below to adjust the current time and date settings if they are not correct.Changing the digital Home City data should cause the analog time setting to change accordingly. If the analog time does not indicate the digital time, check the home positions of the hands and make adjustments if necessary (page E-26).

To change the current time and date settings1. In the Timekeeping Mode, hold down A for at least two

seconds until ADJUST appears on the digital display. This is the setting mode. Release A after ADJUSTappears.• The name of the city currently selected as your Home

City will appear on the digital display with an arrow ( ) fl ashing to the left.

City nameCity name


2. Use D and B to select the city data you want.• Select your Home City data before changing any other setting.• For full information on city data, see the “City Data Table” at the back of this


3. Press C to move the fl ashing in the sequence shown below to select the other settings.


Date Display Format Illumination Duration Button Operation Tone On/Off Day

12/24-Hour Format Seconds Hour Minute Year


City data

• The following steps explain how to confi gure timekeeping settings only.

4. When the timekeeping setting you want to change is fl ashing, use B and/or D to change it as described below.


Screen To do this: Do this:

Change the city name Use D (East) and B (West).

Toggle between Daylight Saving Time (DST ON) and Standard Time (DST OFF). Press D.

Toggle between 12-hour (12H) and 24-hour (24H) timekeeping. Press D.

Reset the seconds to 00 Press D.

Change the hour or minuteUse D (+) and B (–).Change the year, month, or day

Select the date display format (DMY, YMD, MDY) Press D.

5. When the settings are the way you want, press A twice to return to the Timekeeping Mode.


Note• For information about selecting a Home City and confi guring the DST setting, see

“Confi guring Home City Settings” (page E-17).• The watch’s built-in full automatic calendar makes allowances for different month

lengths and leap years. Once you set the date, there should be no reason to change it except after you have the watch’s battery replaced.

• Changing your Home City setting will initialize the latitude and longitude settings to the location of the Home City.


Hand Home Position Adjustment

The hour, minute, and second hands of this watch can be put out of position by strong magnetism or strong impact. When this happens, you can use the procedure below to adjust the hand positions.

To adjust home positions1. In the Timekeeping Mode, hold down A for at least

four seconds until HAND SET appears on the digital display. This is the setting mode. Release A after HAND SET appears.• This will cause SEC 00 to fl ash on the digital

display, indicating the second hand adjustment mode.

Second handSecond hand


2. Check the position of the second hand.• If the second hand is pointing to 12 o’clock, it is in

the correct home position. If it isn’t, use D (forward) and B (back) to adjust the second hand position so it points to 12 o’clock.

• Holding down either button will cause the second hand to move at high speed.

3. Press C. This will cause 0:00 to fl ash on the digital display, indicating the hour and minute adjustment mode.

4. Check the positions of the hour and minute hands.• The hands are in the correct home positions if they

are pointing to 12 o’clock. If they aren’t, use D(forward) and B (back) to adjust their positions.

• Holding down either button will cause the hour and minute hands to move at high speed.

Correct hour and minute hand positions

Hour and minute hands

Correct hour and minute hand positions

Hour and minute hands


5. Press A to exit the setting screen.• This will cause the hour and minute hands to move to the current Timekeeping

Mode time.


Taking Direction Readings

The watch has a magnetic sensor that makes it possible to take digital compass readings. You can use the digital compass to fi nd the direction to a specifi c objective and to determine your current position.• See “Magnetic North and True North” (page E-40) for information about the two

types of north. For information about maximizing digital compass accuracy, see “Calibrating Direction Readings” (page E-34) and “Digital Compass Precautions” (page E-40).

Operation Guide 5269


Confi guring Latitude and Longitude Settings for Your Current Location

You can ensure correct display of sunrise and sunset time settings, and of moon ages by confi guring latitude and longitude settings for your current location.

To select a Home City by confi guring latitude and longitude settings1. In the Timekeeping Mode, hold down A for at least two

seconds until ADJUST appears on the digital display. This is the setting mode. Release A after ADJUSTappears.• Your current Home City data will appear on the

digital display with an arrow ( ) fl ashing to the left.

2. Press A to display the latitude setting screen with the current latitude setting fl ashing.


3. Use D (+) and B (–) to change the fl ashing value in 0.1° increments.• Holding down D or B while the latitude or longitude setting screen is

displayed will scroll the value to the left of the decimal point (the value to the right does not change) at high speed.

S 62.0° S 61.9° S 0.1° N 0° N 0.1° N 61.9° N 62.0°

4. When the latitude is the value you want, press C to display the longitude setting screen with the current longitude setting fl ashing.

5. Use D (+) and B (–) to change the fl ashing value in 0.1° increments.

W 179.9° W 179.8° W 0.1° E 0° E 0.1° E 179.9° E 180°

6. When the settings are the way you want, press A to return to the Timekeeping Mode.


Confi guring Current Time and Date Settings

You can use the procedure below to adjust the current time and date settings if they are not correct.Changing the digital Home City data should cause the analog time setting to change accordingly. If the analog time does not indicate the digital time, check the home positions of the hands and make adjustments if necessary (page E-26).

To change the current time and date settings1. In the Timekeeping Mode, hold down A for at least two

seconds until ADJUST appears on the digital display. This is the setting mode. Release A after ADJUSTappears.• The name of the city currently selected as your Home

City will appear on the digital display with an arrow ( ) fl ashing to the left.

City nameCity name


2. Use D and B to select the city data you want.• Select your Home City data before changing any other setting.• For full information on city data, see the “City Data Table” at the back of this


3. Press C to move the fl ashing in the sequence shown below to select the other settings.


Date Display Format Illumination Duration Button Operation Tone On/Off Day

12/24-Hour Format Seconds Hour Minute Year


City data

• The following steps explain how to confi gure timekeeping settings only.

4. When the timekeeping setting you want to change is fl ashing, use B and/or D to change it as described below.


Screen To do this: Do this:

Change the city name Use D (East) and B (West).

Toggle between Daylight Saving Time (DST ON) and Standard Time (DST OFF). Press D.

Toggle between 12-hour (12H) and 24-hour (24H) timekeeping. Press D.

Reset the seconds to 00 Press D.

Change the hour or minuteUse D (+) and B (–).Change the year, month, or day

Select the date display format (DMY, YMD, MDY) Press D.

5. When the settings are the way you want, press A twice to return to the Timekeeping Mode.


Note• For information about selecting a Home City and confi guring the DST setting, see

“Confi guring Home City Settings” (page E-17).• The watch’s built-in full automatic calendar makes allowances for different month

lengths and leap years. Once you set the date, there should be no reason to change it except after you have the watch’s battery replaced.

• Changing your Home City setting will initialize the latitude and longitude settings to the location of the Home City.


Hand Home Position Adjustment

The hour, minute, and second hands of this watch can be put out of position by strong magnetism or strong impact. When this happens, you can use the procedure below to adjust the hand positions.

To adjust home positions1. In the Timekeeping Mode, hold down A for at least

four seconds until HAND SET appears on the digital display. This is the setting mode. Release A after HAND SET appears.• This will cause SEC 00 to fl ash on the digital

display, indicating the second hand adjustment mode.

Second handSecond hand


2. Check the position of the second hand.• If the second hand is pointing to 12 o’clock, it is in

the correct home position. If it isn’t, use D (forward) and B (back) to adjust the second hand position so it points to 12 o’clock.

• Holding down either button will cause the second hand to move at high speed.

3. Press C. This will cause 0:00 to fl ash on the digital display, indicating the hour and minute adjustment mode.

4. Check the positions of the hour and minute hands.• The hands are in the correct home positions if they

are pointing to 12 o’clock. If they aren’t, use D(forward) and B (back) to adjust their positions.

• Holding down either button will cause the hour and minute hands to move at high speed.

Correct hour and minute hand positions

Hour and minute hands

Correct hour and minute hand positions

Hour and minute hands


5. Press A to exit the setting screen.• This will cause the hour and minute hands to move to the current Timekeeping

Mode time.


Taking Direction Readings

The watch has a magnetic sensor that makes it possible to take digital compass readings. You can use the digital compass to fi nd the direction to a specifi c objective and to determine your current position.• See “Magnetic North and True North” (page E-40) for information about the two

types of north. For information about maximizing digital compass accuracy, see “Calibrating Direction Readings” (page E-34) and “Digital Compass Precautions” (page E-40).

Operation Guide 5269


Confi guring Latitude and Longitude Settings for Your Current Location

You can ensure correct display of sunrise and sunset time settings, and of moon ages by confi guring latitude and longitude settings for your current location.

To select a Home City by confi guring latitude and longitude settings1. In the Timekeeping Mode, hold down A for at least two

seconds until ADJUST appears on the digital display. This is the setting mode. Release A after ADJUSTappears.• Your current Home City data will appear on the

digital display with an arrow ( ) fl ashing to the left.

2. Press A to display the latitude setting screen with the current latitude setting fl ashing.


3. Use D (+) and B (–) to change the fl ashing value in 0.1° increments.• Holding down D or B while the latitude or longitude setting screen is

displayed will scroll the value to the left of the decimal point (the value to the right does not change) at high speed.

S 62.0° S 61.9° S 0.1° N 0° N 0.1° N 61.9° N 62.0°

4. When the latitude is the value you want, press C to display the longitude setting screen with the current longitude setting fl ashing.

5. Use D (+) and B (–) to change the fl ashing value in 0.1° increments.

W 179.9° W 179.8° W 0.1° E 0° E 0.1° E 179.9° E 180°

6. When the settings are the way you want, press A to return to the Timekeeping Mode.


Confi guring Current Time and Date Settings

You can use the procedure below to adjust the current time and date settings if they are not correct.Changing the digital Home City data should cause the analog time setting to change accordingly. If the analog time does not indicate the digital time, check the home positions of the hands and make adjustments if necessary (page E-26).

To change the current time and date settings1. In the Timekeeping Mode, hold down A for at least two

seconds until ADJUST appears on the digital display. This is the setting mode. Release A after ADJUSTappears.• The name of the city currently selected as your Home

City will appear on the digital display with an arrow ( ) fl ashing to the left.

City nameCity name


2. Use D and B to select the city data you want.• Select your Home City data before changing any other setting.• For full information on city data, see the “City Data Table” at the back of this


3. Press C to move the fl ashing in the sequence shown below to select the other settings.


Date Display Format Illumination Duration Button Operation Tone On/Off Day

12/24-Hour Format Seconds Hour Minute Year


City data

• The following steps explain how to confi gure timekeeping settings only.

4. When the timekeeping setting you want to change is fl ashing, use B and/or D to change it as described below.


Screen To do this: Do this:

Change the city name Use D (East) and B (West).

Toggle between Daylight Saving Time (DST ON) and Standard Time (DST OFF). Press D.

Toggle between 12-hour (12H) and 24-hour (24H) timekeeping. Press D.

Reset the seconds to 00 Press D.

Change the hour or minuteUse D (+) and B (–).Change the year, month, or day

Select the date display format (DMY, YMD, MDY) Press D.

5. When the settings are the way you want, press A twice to return to the Timekeeping Mode.


Note• For information about selecting a Home City and confi guring the DST setting, see

“Confi guring Home City Settings” (page E-17).• The watch’s built-in full automatic calendar makes allowances for different month

lengths and leap years. Once you set the date, there should be no reason to change it except after you have the watch’s battery replaced.

• Changing your Home City setting will initialize the latitude and longitude settings to the location of the Home City.


Hand Home Position Adjustment

The hour, minute, and second hands of this watch can be put out of position by strong magnetism or strong impact. When this happens, you can use the procedure below to adjust the hand positions.

To adjust home positions1. In the Timekeeping Mode, hold down A for at least

four seconds until HAND SET appears on the digital display. This is the setting mode. Release A after HAND SET appears.• This will cause SEC 00 to fl ash on the digital

display, indicating the second hand adjustment mode.

Second handSecond hand


2. Check the position of the second hand.• If the second hand is pointing to 12 o’clock, it is in

the correct home position. If it isn’t, use D (forward) and B (back) to adjust the second hand position so it points to 12 o’clock.

• Holding down either button will cause the second hand to move at high speed.

3. Press C. This will cause 0:00 to fl ash on the digital display, indicating the hour and minute adjustment mode.

4. Check the positions of the hour and minute hands.• The hands are in the correct home positions if they

are pointing to 12 o’clock. If they aren’t, use D(forward) and B (back) to adjust their positions.

• Holding down either button will cause the hour and minute hands to move at high speed.

Correct hour and minute hand positions

Hour and minute hands

Correct hour and minute hand positions

Hour and minute hands


5. Press A to exit the setting screen.• This will cause the hour and minute hands to move to the current Timekeeping

Mode time.


Taking Direction Readings

The watch has a magnetic sensor that makes it possible to take digital compass readings. You can use the digital compass to fi nd the direction to a specifi c objective and to determine your current position.• See “Magnetic North and True North” (page E-40) for information about the two

types of north. For information about maximizing digital compass accuracy, see “Calibrating Direction Readings” (page E-34) and “Digital Compass Precautions” (page E-40).

Operation Guide 5269


Confi guring Latitude and Longitude Settings for Your Current Location

You can ensure correct display of sunrise and sunset time settings, and of moon ages by confi guring latitude and longitude settings for your current location.

To select a Home City by confi guring latitude and longitude settings1. In the Timekeeping Mode, hold down A for at least two

seconds until ADJUST appears on the digital display. This is the setting mode. Release A after ADJUSTappears.• Your current Home City data will appear on the

digital display with an arrow ( ) fl ashing to the left.

2. Press A to display the latitude setting screen with the current latitude setting fl ashing.


3. Use D (+) and B (–) to change the fl ashing value in 0.1° increments.• Holding down D or B while the latitude or longitude setting screen is

displayed will scroll the value to the left of the decimal point (the value to the right does not change) at high speed.

S 62.0° S 61.9° S 0.1° N 0° N 0.1° N 61.9° N 62.0°

4. When the latitude is the value you want, press C to display the longitude setting screen with the current longitude setting fl ashing.

5. Use D (+) and B (–) to change the fl ashing value in 0.1° increments.

W 179.9° W 179.8° W 0.1° E 0° E 0.1° E 179.9° E 180°

6. When the settings are the way you want, press A to return to the Timekeeping Mode.


Confi guring Current Time and Date Settings

You can use the procedure below to adjust the current time and date settings if they are not correct.Changing the digital Home City data should cause the analog time setting to change accordingly. If the analog time does not indicate the digital time, check the home positions of the hands and make adjustments if necessary (page E-26).

To change the current time and date settings1. In the Timekeeping Mode, hold down A for at least two

seconds until ADJUST appears on the digital display. This is the setting mode. Release A after ADJUSTappears.• The name of the city currently selected as your Home

City will appear on the digital display with an arrow ( ) fl ashing to the left.

City nameCity name


2. Use D and B to select the city data you want.• Select your Home City data before changing any other setting.• For full information on city data, see the “City Data Table” at the back of this


3. Press C to move the fl ashing in the sequence shown below to select the other settings.


Date Display Format Illumination Duration Button Operation Tone On/Off Day

12/24-Hour Format Seconds Hour Minute Year


City data

• The following steps explain how to confi gure timekeeping settings only.

4. When the timekeeping setting you want to change is fl ashing, use B and/or D to change it as described below.


Screen To do this: Do this:

Change the city name Use D (East) and B (West).

Toggle between Daylight Saving Time (DST ON) and Standard Time (DST OFF). Press D.

Toggle between 12-hour (12H) and 24-hour (24H) timekeeping. Press D.

Reset the seconds to 00 Press D.

Change the hour or minuteUse D (+) and B (–).Change the year, month, or day

Select the date display format (DMY, YMD, MDY) Press D.

5. When the settings are the way you want, press A twice to return to the Timekeeping Mode.


Note• For information about selecting a Home City and confi guring the DST setting, see

“Confi guring Home City Settings” (page E-17).• The watch’s built-in full automatic calendar makes allowances for different month

lengths and leap years. Once you set the date, there should be no reason to change it except after you have the watch’s battery replaced.

• Changing your Home City setting will initialize the latitude and longitude settings to the location of the Home City.


Hand Home Position Adjustment

The hour, minute, and second hands of this watch can be put out of position by strong magnetism or strong impact. When this happens, you can use the procedure below to adjust the hand positions.

To adjust home positions1. In the Timekeeping Mode, hold down A for at least

four seconds until HAND SET appears on the digital display. This is the setting mode. Release A after HAND SET appears.• This will cause SEC 00 to fl ash on the digital

display, indicating the second hand adjustment mode.

Second handSecond hand


2. Check the position of the second hand.• If the second hand is pointing to 12 o’clock, it is in

the correct home position. If it isn’t, use D (forward) and B (back) to adjust the second hand position so it points to 12 o’clock.

• Holding down either button will cause the second hand to move at high speed.

3. Press C. This will cause 0:00 to fl ash on the digital display, indicating the hour and minute adjustment mode.

4. Check the positions of the hour and minute hands.• The hands are in the correct home positions if they

are pointing to 12 o’clock. If they aren’t, use D(forward) and B (back) to adjust their positions.

• Holding down either button will cause the hour and minute hands to move at high speed.

Correct hour and minute hand positions

Hour and minute hands

Correct hour and minute hand positions

Hour and minute hands


5. Press A to exit the setting screen.• This will cause the hour and minute hands to move to the current Timekeeping

Mode time.


Taking Direction Readings

The watch has a magnetic sensor that makes it possible to take digital compass readings. You can use the digital compass to fi nd the direction to a specifi c objective and to determine your current position.• See “Magnetic North and True North” (page E-40) for information about the two

types of north. For information about maximizing digital compass accuracy, see “Calibrating Direction Readings” (page E-34) and “Digital Compass Precautions” (page E-40).

Operation Guide 5269


Confi guring Latitude and Longitude Settings for Your Current Location

You can ensure correct display of sunrise and sunset time settings, and of moon ages by confi guring latitude and longitude settings for your current location.

To select a Home City by confi guring latitude and longitude settings1. In the Timekeeping Mode, hold down A for at least two

seconds until ADJUST appears on the digital display. This is the setting mode. Release A after ADJUSTappears.• Your current Home City data will appear on the

digital display with an arrow ( ) fl ashing to the left.

2. Press A to display the latitude setting screen with the current latitude setting fl ashing.


3. Use D (+) and B (–) to change the fl ashing value in 0.1° increments.• Holding down D or B while the latitude or longitude setting screen is

displayed will scroll the value to the left of the decimal point (the value to the right does not change) at high speed.

S 62.0° S 61.9° S 0.1° N 0° N 0.1° N 61.9° N 62.0°

4. When the latitude is the value you want, press C to display the longitude setting screen with the current longitude setting fl ashing.

5. Use D (+) and B (–) to change the fl ashing value in 0.1° increments.

W 179.9° W 179.8° W 0.1° E 0° E 0.1° E 179.9° E 180°

6. When the settings are the way you want, press A to return to the Timekeeping Mode.


Confi guring Current Time and Date Settings

You can use the procedure below to adjust the current time and date settings if they are not correct.Changing the digital Home City data should cause the analog time setting to change accordingly. If the analog time does not indicate the digital time, check the home positions of the hands and make adjustments if necessary (page E-26).

To change the current time and date settings1. In the Timekeeping Mode, hold down A for at least two

seconds until ADJUST appears on the digital display. This is the setting mode. Release A after ADJUSTappears.• The name of the city currently selected as your Home

City will appear on the digital display with an arrow ( ) fl ashing to the left.

City nameCity name


2. Use D and B to select the city data you want.• Select your Home City data before changing any other setting.• For full information on city data, see the “City Data Table” at the back of this


3. Press C to move the fl ashing in the sequence shown below to select the other settings.


Date Display Format Illumination Duration Button Operation Tone On/Off Day

12/24-Hour Format Seconds Hour Minute Year


City data

• The following steps explain how to confi gure timekeeping settings only.

4. When the timekeeping setting you want to change is fl ashing, use B and/or D to change it as described below.


Screen To do this: Do this:

Change the city name Use D (East) and B (West).

Toggle between Daylight Saving Time (DST ON) and Standard Time (DST OFF). Press D.

Toggle between 12-hour (12H) and 24-hour (24H) timekeeping. Press D.

Reset the seconds to 00 Press D.

Change the hour or minuteUse D (+) and B (–).Change the year, month, or day

Select the date display format (DMY, YMD, MDY) Press D.

5. When the settings are the way you want, press A twice to return to the Timekeeping Mode.


Note• For information about selecting a Home City and confi guring the DST setting, see

“Confi guring Home City Settings” (page E-17).• The watch’s built-in full automatic calendar makes allowances for different month

lengths and leap years. Once you set the date, there should be no reason to change it except after you have the watch’s battery replaced.

• Changing your Home City setting will initialize the latitude and longitude settings to the location of the Home City.


Hand Home Position Adjustment

The hour, minute, and second hands of this watch can be put out of position by strong magnetism or strong impact. When this happens, you can use the procedure below to adjust the hand positions.

To adjust home positions1. In the Timekeeping Mode, hold down A for at least

four seconds until HAND SET appears on the digital display. This is the setting mode. Release A after HAND SET appears.• This will cause SEC 00 to fl ash on the digital

display, indicating the second hand adjustment mode.

Second handSecond hand


2. Check the position of the second hand.• If the second hand is pointing to 12 o’clock, it is in

the correct home position. If it isn’t, use D (forward) and B (back) to adjust the second hand position so it points to 12 o’clock.

• Holding down either button will cause the second hand to move at high speed.

3. Press C. This will cause 0:00 to fl ash on the digital display, indicating the hour and minute adjustment mode.

4. Check the positions of the hour and minute hands.• The hands are in the correct home positions if they

are pointing to 12 o’clock. If they aren’t, use D(forward) and B (back) to adjust their positions.

• Holding down either button will cause the hour and minute hands to move at high speed.

Correct hour and minute hand positions

Hour and minute hands

Correct hour and minute hand positions

Hour and minute hands


5. Press A to exit the setting screen.• This will cause the hour and minute hands to move to the current Timekeeping

Mode time.


Taking Direction Readings

The watch has a magnetic sensor that makes it possible to take digital compass readings. You can use the digital compass to fi nd the direction to a specifi c objective and to determine your current position.• See “Magnetic North and True North” (page E-40) for information about the two

types of north. For information about maximizing digital compass accuracy, see “Calibrating Direction Readings” (page E-34) and “Digital Compass Precautions” (page E-40).

Operation Guide 5269


Confi guring Latitude and Longitude Settings for Your Current Location

You can ensure correct display of sunrise and sunset time settings, and of moon ages by confi guring latitude and longitude settings for your current location.

To select a Home City by confi guring latitude and longitude settings1. In the Timekeeping Mode, hold down A for at least two

seconds until ADJUST appears on the digital display. This is the setting mode. Release A after ADJUSTappears.• Your current Home City data will appear on the

digital display with an arrow ( ) fl ashing to the left.

2. Press A to display the latitude setting screen with the current latitude setting fl ashing.


3. Use D (+) and B (–) to change the fl ashing value in 0.1° increments.• Holding down D or B while the latitude or longitude setting screen is

displayed will scroll the value to the left of the decimal point (the value to the right does not change) at high speed.

S 62.0° S 61.9° S 0.1° N 0° N 0.1° N 61.9° N 62.0°

4. When the latitude is the value you want, press C to display the longitude setting screen with the current longitude setting fl ashing.

5. Use D (+) and B (–) to change the fl ashing value in 0.1° increments.

W 179.9° W 179.8° W 0.1° E 0° E 0.1° E 179.9° E 180°

6. When the settings are the way you want, press A to return to the Timekeeping Mode.


Confi guring Current Time and Date Settings

You can use the procedure below to adjust the current time and date settings if they are not correct.Changing the digital Home City data should cause the analog time setting to change accordingly. If the analog time does not indicate the digital time, check the home positions of the hands and make adjustments if necessary (page E-26).

To change the current time and date settings1. In the Timekeeping Mode, hold down A for at least two

seconds until ADJUST appears on the digital display. This is the setting mode. Release A after ADJUSTappears.• The name of the city currently selected as your Home

City will appear on the digital display with an arrow ( ) fl ashing to the left.

City nameCity name


2. Use D and B to select the city data you want.• Select your Home City data before changing any other setting.• For full information on city data, see the “City Data Table” at the back of this


3. Press C to move the fl ashing in the sequence shown below to select the other settings.


Date Display Format Illumination Duration Button Operation Tone On/Off Day

12/24-Hour Format Seconds Hour Minute Year


City data

• The following steps explain how to confi gure timekeeping settings only.

4. When the timekeeping setting you want to change is fl ashing, use B and/or D to change it as described below.


Screen To do this: Do this:

Change the city name Use D (East) and B (West).

Toggle between Daylight Saving Time (DST ON) and Standard Time (DST OFF). Press D.

Toggle between 12-hour (12H) and 24-hour (24H) timekeeping. Press D.

Reset the seconds to 00 Press D.

Change the hour or minuteUse D (+) and B (–).Change the year, month, or day

Select the date display format (DMY, YMD, MDY) Press D.

5. When the settings are the way you want, press A twice to return to the Timekeeping Mode.


Note• For information about selecting a Home City and confi guring the DST setting, see

“Confi guring Home City Settings” (page E-17).• The watch’s built-in full automatic calendar makes allowances for different month

lengths and leap years. Once you set the date, there should be no reason to change it except after you have the watch’s battery replaced.

• Changing your Home City setting will initialize the latitude and longitude settings to the location of the Home City.


Hand Home Position Adjustment

The hour, minute, and second hands of this watch can be put out of position by strong magnetism or strong impact. When this happens, you can use the procedure below to adjust the hand positions.

To adjust home positions1. In the Timekeeping Mode, hold down A for at least

four seconds until HAND SET appears on the digital display. This is the setting mode. Release A after HAND SET appears.• This will cause SEC 00 to fl ash on the digital

display, indicating the second hand adjustment mode.

Second handSecond hand


2. Check the position of the second hand.• If the second hand is pointing to 12 o’clock, it is in

the correct home position. If it isn’t, use D (forward) and B (back) to adjust the second hand position so it points to 12 o’clock.

• Holding down either button will cause the second hand to move at high speed.

3. Press C. This will cause 0:00 to fl ash on the digital display, indicating the hour and minute adjustment mode.

4. Check the positions of the hour and minute hands.• The hands are in the correct home positions if they

are pointing to 12 o’clock. If they aren’t, use D(forward) and B (back) to adjust their positions.

• Holding down either button will cause the hour and minute hands to move at high speed.

Correct hour and minute hand positions

Hour and minute hands

Correct hour and minute hand positions

Hour and minute hands


5. Press A to exit the setting screen.• This will cause the hour and minute hands to move to the current Timekeeping

Mode time.


Taking Direction Readings

The watch has a magnetic sensor that makes it possible to take digital compass readings. You can use the digital compass to fi nd the direction to a specifi c objective and to determine your current position.• See “Magnetic North and True North” (page E-40) for information about the two

types of north. For information about maximizing digital compass accuracy, see “Calibrating Direction Readings” (page E-34) and “Digital Compass Precautions” (page E-40).

Operation Guide 5269


Confi guring Latitude and Longitude Settings for Your Current Location

You can ensure correct display of sunrise and sunset time settings, and of moon ages by confi guring latitude and longitude settings for your current location.

To select a Home City by confi guring latitude and longitude settings1. In the Timekeeping Mode, hold down A for at least two

seconds until ADJUST appears on the digital display. This is the setting mode. Release A after ADJUSTappears.• Your current Home City data will appear on the

digital display with an arrow ( ) fl ashing to the left.

2. Press A to display the latitude setting screen with the current latitude setting fl ashing.


3. Use D (+) and B (–) to change the fl ashing value in 0.1° increments.• Holding down D or B while the latitude or longitude setting screen is

displayed will scroll the value to the left of the decimal point (the value to the right does not change) at high speed.

S 62.0° S 61.9° S 0.1° N 0° N 0.1° N 61.9° N 62.0°

4. When the latitude is the value you want, press C to display the longitude setting screen with the current longitude setting fl ashing.

5. Use D (+) and B (–) to change the fl ashing value in 0.1° increments.

W 179.9° W 179.8° W 0.1° E 0° E 0.1° E 179.9° E 180°

6. When the settings are the way you want, press A to return to the Timekeeping Mode.


Confi guring Current Time and Date Settings

You can use the procedure below to adjust the current time and date settings if they are not correct.Changing the digital Home City data should cause the analog time setting to change accordingly. If the analog time does not indicate the digital time, check the home positions of the hands and make adjustments if necessary (page E-26).

To change the current time and date settings1. In the Timekeeping Mode, hold down A for at least two

seconds until ADJUST appears on the digital display. This is the setting mode. Release A after ADJUSTappears.• The name of the city currently selected as your Home

City will appear on the digital display with an arrow ( ) fl ashing to the left.

City nameCity name


2. Use D and B to select the city data you want.• Select your Home City data before changing any other setting.• For full information on city data, see the “City Data Table” at the back of this


3. Press C to move the fl ashing in the sequence shown below to select the other settings.


Date Display Format Illumination Duration Button Operation Tone On/Off Day

12/24-Hour Format Seconds Hour Minute Year


City data

• The following steps explain how to confi gure timekeeping settings only.

4. When the timekeeping setting you want to change is fl ashing, use B and/or D to change it as described below.


Screen To do this: Do this:

Change the city name Use D (East) and B (West).

Toggle between Daylight Saving Time (DST ON) and Standard Time (DST OFF). Press D.

Toggle between 12-hour (12H) and 24-hour (24H) timekeeping. Press D.

Reset the seconds to 00 Press D.

Change the hour or minuteUse D (+) and B (–).Change the year, month, or day

Select the date display format (DMY, YMD, MDY) Press D.

5. When the settings are the way you want, press A twice to return to the Timekeeping Mode.


Note• For information about selecting a Home City and confi guring the DST setting, see

“Confi guring Home City Settings” (page E-17).• The watch’s built-in full automatic calendar makes allowances for different month

lengths and leap years. Once you set the date, there should be no reason to change it except after you have the watch’s battery replaced.

• Changing your Home City setting will initialize the latitude and longitude settings to the location of the Home City.


Hand Home Position Adjustment

The hour, minute, and second hands of this watch can be put out of position by strong magnetism or strong impact. When this happens, you can use the procedure below to adjust the hand positions.

To adjust home positions1. In the Timekeeping Mode, hold down A for at least

four seconds until HAND SET appears on the digital display. This is the setting mode. Release A after HAND SET appears.• This will cause SEC 00 to fl ash on the digital

display, indicating the second hand adjustment mode.

Second handSecond hand


2. Check the position of the second hand.• If the second hand is pointing to 12 o’clock, it is in

the correct home position. If it isn’t, use D (forward) and B (back) to adjust the second hand position so it points to 12 o’clock.

• Holding down either button will cause the second hand to move at high speed.

3. Press C. This will cause 0:00 to fl ash on the digital display, indicating the hour and minute adjustment mode.

4. Check the positions of the hour and minute hands.• The hands are in the correct home positions if they

are pointing to 12 o’clock. If they aren’t, use D(forward) and B (back) to adjust their positions.

• Holding down either button will cause the hour and minute hands to move at high speed.

Correct hour and minute hand positions

Hour and minute hands

Correct hour and minute hand positions

Hour and minute hands


5. Press A to exit the setting screen.• This will cause the hour and minute hands to move to the current Timekeeping

Mode time.


Taking Direction Readings

The watch has a magnetic sensor that makes it possible to take digital compass readings. You can use the digital compass to fi nd the direction to a specifi c objective and to determine your current position.• See “Magnetic North and True North” (page E-40) for information about the two

types of north. For information about maximizing digital compass accuracy, see “Calibrating Direction Readings” (page E-34) and “Digital Compass Precautions” (page E-40).

Operation Guide 5269


Confi guring Latitude and Longitude Settings for Your Current Location

You can ensure correct display of sunrise and sunset time settings, and of moon ages by confi guring latitude and longitude settings for your current location.

To select a Home City by confi guring latitude and longitude settings1. In the Timekeeping Mode, hold down A for at least two

seconds until ADJUST appears on the digital display. This is the setting mode. Release A after ADJUSTappears.• Your current Home City data will appear on the

digital display with an arrow ( ) fl ashing to the left.

2. Press A to display the latitude setting screen with the current latitude setting fl ashing.


3. Use D (+) and B (–) to change the fl ashing value in 0.1° increments.• Holding down D or B while the latitude or longitude setting screen is

displayed will scroll the value to the left of the decimal point (the value to the right does not change) at high speed.

S 62.0° S 61.9° S 0.1° N 0° N 0.1° N 61.9° N 62.0°

4. When the latitude is the value you want, press C to display the longitude setting screen with the current longitude setting fl ashing.

5. Use D (+) and B (–) to change the fl ashing value in 0.1° increments.

W 179.9° W 179.8° W 0.1° E 0° E 0.1° E 179.9° E 180°

6. When the settings are the way you want, press A to return to the Timekeeping Mode.


Confi guring Current Time and Date Settings

You can use the procedure below to adjust the current time and date settings if they are not correct.Changing the digital Home City data should cause the analog time setting to change accordingly. If the analog time does not indicate the digital time, check the home positions of the hands and make adjustments if necessary (page E-26).

To change the current time and date settings1. In the Timekeeping Mode, hold down A for at least two

seconds until ADJUST appears on the digital display. This is the setting mode. Release A after ADJUSTappears.• The name of the city currently selected as your Home

City will appear on the digital display with an arrow ( ) fl ashing to the left.

City nameCity name


2. Use D and B to select the city data you want.• Select your Home City data before changing any other setting.• For full information on city data, see the “City Data Table” at the back of this


3. Press C to move the fl ashing in the sequence shown below to select the other settings.


Date Display Format Illumination Duration Button Operation Tone On/Off Day

12/24-Hour Format Seconds Hour Minute Year


City data

• The following steps explain how to confi gure timekeeping settings only.

4. When the timekeeping setting you want to change is fl ashing, use B and/or D to change it as described below.


Screen To do this: Do this:

Change the city name Use D (East) and B (West).

Toggle between Daylight Saving Time (DST ON) and Standard Time (DST OFF). Press D.

Toggle between 12-hour (12H) and 24-hour (24H) timekeeping. Press D.

Reset the seconds to 00 Press D.

Change the hour or minuteUse D (+) and B (–).Change the year, month, or day

Select the date display format (DMY, YMD, MDY) Press D.

5. When the settings are the way you want, press A twice to return to the Timekeeping Mode.


Note• For information about selecting a Home City and confi guring the DST setting, see

“Confi guring Home City Settings” (page E-17).• The watch’s built-in full automatic calendar makes allowances for different month

lengths and leap years. Once you set the date, there should be no reason to change it except after you have the watch’s battery replaced.

• Changing your Home City setting will initialize the latitude and longitude settings to the location of the Home City.


Hand Home Position Adjustment

The hour, minute, and second hands of this watch can be put out of position by strong magnetism or strong impact. When this happens, you can use the procedure below to adjust the hand positions.

To adjust home positions1. In the Timekeeping Mode, hold down A for at least

four seconds until HAND SET appears on the digital display. This is the setting mode. Release A after HAND SET appears.• This will cause SEC 00 to fl ash on the digital

display, indicating the second hand adjustment mode.

Second handSecond hand


2. Check the position of the second hand.• If the second hand is pointing to 12 o’clock, it is in

the correct home position. If it isn’t, use D (forward) and B (back) to adjust the second hand position so it points to 12 o’clock.

• Holding down either button will cause the second hand to move at high speed.

3. Press C. This will cause 0:00 to fl ash on the digital display, indicating the hour and minute adjustment mode.

4. Check the positions of the hour and minute hands.• The hands are in the correct home positions if they

are pointing to 12 o’clock. If they aren’t, use D(forward) and B (back) to adjust their positions.

• Holding down either button will cause the hour and minute hands to move at high speed.

Correct hour and minute hand positions

Hour and minute hands

Correct hour and minute hand positions

Hour and minute hands


5. Press A to exit the setting screen.• This will cause the hour and minute hands to move to the current Timekeeping

Mode time.


Taking Direction Readings

The watch has a magnetic sensor that makes it possible to take digital compass readings. You can use the digital compass to fi nd the direction to a specifi c objective and to determine your current position.• See “Magnetic North and True North” (page E-40) for information about the two

types of north. For information about maximizing digital compass accuracy, see “Calibrating Direction Readings” (page E-34) and “Digital Compass Precautions” (page E-40).

Operation Guide 5269


Confi guring Latitude and Longitude Settings for Your Current Location

You can ensure correct display of sunrise and sunset time settings, and of moon ages by confi guring latitude and longitude settings for your current location.

To select a Home City by confi guring latitude and longitude settings1. In the Timekeeping Mode, hold down A for at least two

seconds until ADJUST appears on the digital display. This is the setting mode. Release A after ADJUSTappears.• Your current Home City data will appear on the

digital display with an arrow ( ) fl ashing to the left.

2. Press A to display the latitude setting screen with the current latitude setting fl ashing.


3. Use D (+) and B (–) to change the fl ashing value in 0.1° increments.• Holding down D or B while the latitude or longitude setting screen is

displayed will scroll the value to the left of the decimal point (the value to the right does not change) at high speed.

S 62.0° S 61.9° S 0.1° N 0° N 0.1° N 61.9° N 62.0°

4. When the latitude is the value you want, press C to display the longitude setting screen with the current longitude setting fl ashing.

5. Use D (+) and B (–) to change the fl ashing value in 0.1° increments.

W 179.9° W 179.8° W 0.1° E 0° E 0.1° E 179.9° E 180°

6. When the settings are the way you want, press A to return to the Timekeeping Mode.


Confi guring Current Time and Date Settings

You can use the procedure below to adjust the current time and date settings if they are not correct.Changing the digital Home City data should cause the analog time setting to change accordingly. If the analog time does not indicate the digital time, check the home positions of the hands and make adjustments if necessary (page E-26).

To change the current time and date settings1. In the Timekeeping Mode, hold down A for at least two

seconds until ADJUST appears on the digital display. This is the setting mode. Release A after ADJUSTappears.• The name of the city currently selected as your Home

City will appear on the digital display with an arrow ( ) fl ashing to the left.

City nameCity name


2. Use D and B to select the city data you want.• Select your Home City data before changing any other setting.• For full information on city data, see the “City Data Table” at the back of this


3. Press C to move the fl ashing in the sequence shown below to select the other settings.


Date Display Format Illumination Duration Button Operation Tone On/Off Day

12/24-Hour Format Seconds Hour Minute Year


City data

• The following steps explain how to confi gure timekeeping settings only.

4. When the timekeeping setting you want to change is fl ashing, use B and/or D to change it as described below.


Screen To do this: Do this:

Change the city name Use D (East) and B (West).

Toggle between Daylight Saving Time (DST ON) and Standard Time (DST OFF). Press D.

Toggle between 12-hour (12H) and 24-hour (24H) timekeeping. Press D.

Reset the seconds to 00 Press D.

Change the hour or minuteUse D (+) and B (–).Change the year, month, or day

Select the date display format (DMY, YMD, MDY) Press D.

5. When the settings are the way you want, press A twice to return to the Timekeeping Mode.


Note• For information about selecting a Home City and confi guring the DST setting, see

“Confi guring Home City Settings” (page E-17).• The watch’s built-in full automatic calendar makes allowances for different month

lengths and leap years. Once you set the date, there should be no reason to change it except after you have the watch’s battery replaced.

• Changing your Home City setting will initialize the latitude and longitude settings to the location of the Home City.


Hand Home Position Adjustment

The hour, minute, and second hands of this watch can be put out of position by strong magnetism or strong impact. When this happens, you can use the procedure below to adjust the hand positions.

To adjust home positions1. In the Timekeeping Mode, hold down A for at least

four seconds until HAND SET appears on the digital display. This is the setting mode. Release A after HAND SET appears.• This will cause SEC 00 to fl ash on the digital

display, indicating the second hand adjustment mode.

Second handSecond hand


2. Check the position of the second hand.• If the second hand is pointing to 12 o’clock, it is in

the correct home position. If it isn’t, use D (forward) and B (back) to adjust the second hand position so it points to 12 o’clock.

• Holding down either button will cause the second hand to move at high speed.

3. Press C. This will cause 0:00 to fl ash on the digital display, indicating the hour and minute adjustment mode.

4. Check the positions of the hour and minute hands.• The hands are in the correct home positions if they

are pointing to 12 o’clock. If they aren’t, use D(forward) and B (back) to adjust their positions.

• Holding down either button will cause the hour and minute hands to move at high speed.

Correct hour and minute hand positions

Hour and minute hands

Correct hour and minute hand positions

Hour and minute hands


5. Press A to exit the setting screen.• This will cause the hour and minute hands to move to the current Timekeeping

Mode time.


Taking Direction Readings

The watch has a magnetic sensor that makes it possible to take digital compass readings. You can use the digital compass to fi nd the direction to a specifi c objective and to determine your current position.• See “Magnetic North and True North” (page E-40) for information about the two

types of north. For information about maximizing digital compass accuracy, see “Calibrating Direction Readings” (page E-34) and “Digital Compass Precautions” (page E-40).

Operation Guide 5269


Confi guring Latitude and Longitude Settings for Your Current Location

You can ensure correct display of sunrise and sunset time settings, and of moon ages by confi guring latitude and longitude settings for your current location.

To select a Home City by confi guring latitude and longitude settings1. In the Timekeeping Mode, hold down A for at least two

seconds until ADJUST appears on the digital display. This is the setting mode. Release A after ADJUSTappears.• Your current Home City data will appear on the

digital display with an arrow ( ) fl ashing to the left.

2. Press A to display the latitude setting screen with the current latitude setting fl ashing.


3. Use D (+) and B (–) to change the fl ashing value in 0.1° increments.• Holding down D or B while the latitude or longitude setting screen is

displayed will scroll the value to the left of the decimal point (the value to the right does not change) at high speed.

S 62.0° S 61.9° S 0.1° N 0° N 0.1° N 61.9° N 62.0°

4. When the latitude is the value you want, press C to display the longitude setting screen with the current longitude setting fl ashing.

5. Use D (+) and B (–) to change the fl ashing value in 0.1° increments.

W 179.9° W 179.8° W 0.1° E 0° E 0.1° E 179.9° E 180°

6. When the settings are the way you want, press A to return to the Timekeeping Mode.


Confi guring Current Time and Date Settings

You can use the procedure below to adjust the current time and date settings if they are not correct.Changing the digital Home City data should cause the analog time setting to change accordingly. If the analog time does not indicate the digital time, check the home positions of the hands and make adjustments if necessary (page E-26).

To change the current time and date settings1. In the Timekeeping Mode, hold down A for at least two

seconds until ADJUST appears on the digital display. This is the setting mode. Release A after ADJUSTappears.• The name of the city currently selected as your Home

City will appear on the digital display with an arrow ( ) fl ashing to the left.

City nameCity name


2. Use D and B to select the city data you want.• Select your Home City data before changing any other setting.• For full information on city data, see the “City Data Table” at the back of this


3. Press C to move the fl ashing in the sequence shown below to select the other settings.


Date Display Format Illumination Duration Button Operation Tone On/Off Day

12/24-Hour Format Seconds Hour Minute Year


City data

• The following steps explain how to confi gure timekeeping settings only.

4. When the timekeeping setting you want to change is fl ashing, use B and/or D to change it as described below.


Screen To do this: Do this:

Change the city name Use D (East) and B (West).

Toggle between Daylight Saving Time (DST ON) and Standard Time (DST OFF). Press D.

Toggle between 12-hour (12H) and 24-hour (24H) timekeeping. Press D.

Reset the seconds to 00 Press D.

Change the hour or minuteUse D (+) and B (–).Change the year, month, or day

Select the date display format (DMY, YMD, MDY) Press D.

5. When the settings are the way you want, press A twice to return to the Timekeeping Mode.


Note• For information about selecting a Home City and confi guring the DST setting, see

“Confi guring Home City Settings” (page E-17).• The watch’s built-in full automatic calendar makes allowances for different month

lengths and leap years. Once you set the date, there should be no reason to change it except after you have the watch’s battery replaced.

• Changing your Home City setting will initialize the latitude and longitude settings to the location of the Home City.


Hand Home Position Adjustment

The hour, minute, and second hands of this watch can be put out of position by strong magnetism or strong impact. When this happens, you can use the procedure below to adjust the hand positions.

To adjust home positions1. In the Timekeeping Mode, hold down A for at least

four seconds until HAND SET appears on the digital display. This is the setting mode. Release A after HAND SET appears.• This will cause SEC 00 to fl ash on the digital

display, indicating the second hand adjustment mode.

Second handSecond hand


2. Check the position of the second hand.• If the second hand is pointing to 12 o’clock, it is in

the correct home position. If it isn’t, use D (forward) and B (back) to adjust the second hand position so it points to 12 o’clock.

• Holding down either button will cause the second hand to move at high speed.

3. Press C. This will cause 0:00 to fl ash on the digital display, indicating the hour and minute adjustment mode.

4. Check the positions of the hour and minute hands.• The hands are in the correct home positions if they

are pointing to 12 o’clock. If they aren’t, use D(forward) and B (back) to adjust their positions.

• Holding down either button will cause the hour and minute hands to move at high speed.

Correct hour and minute hand positions

Hour and minute hands

Correct hour and minute hand positions

Hour and minute hands


5. Press A to exit the setting screen.• This will cause the hour and minute hands to move to the current Timekeeping

Mode time.


Taking Direction Readings

The watch has a magnetic sensor that makes it possible to take digital compass readings. You can use the digital compass to fi nd the direction to a specifi c objective and to determine your current position.• See “Magnetic North and True North” (page E-40) for information about the two

types of north. For information about maximizing digital compass accuracy, see “Calibrating Direction Readings” (page E-34) and “Digital Compass Precautions” (page E-40).

Operation Guide 5269


Confi guring Latitude and Longitude Settings for Your Current Location

You can ensure correct display of sunrise and sunset time settings, and of moon ages by confi guring latitude and longitude settings for your current location.

To select a Home City by confi guring latitude and longitude settings1. In the Timekeeping Mode, hold down A for at least two

seconds until ADJUST appears on the digital display. This is the setting mode. Release A after ADJUSTappears.• Your current Home City data will appear on the

digital display with an arrow ( ) fl ashing to the left.

2. Press A to display the latitude setting screen with the current latitude setting fl ashing.


3. Use D (+) and B (–) to change the fl ashing value in 0.1° increments.• Holding down D or B while the latitude or longitude setting screen is

displayed will scroll the value to the left of the decimal point (the value to the right does not change) at high speed.

S 62.0° S 61.9° S 0.1° N 0° N 0.1° N 61.9° N 62.0°

4. When the latitude is the value you want, press C to display the longitude setting screen with the current longitude setting fl ashing.

5. Use D (+) and B (–) to change the fl ashing value in 0.1° increments.

W 179.9° W 179.8° W 0.1° E 0° E 0.1° E 179.9° E 180°

6. When the settings are the way you want, press A to return to the Timekeeping Mode.


Confi guring Current Time and Date Settings

You can use the procedure below to adjust the current time and date settings if they are not correct.Changing the digital Home City data should cause the analog time setting to change accordingly. If the analog time does not indicate the digital time, check the home positions of the hands and make adjustments if necessary (page E-26).

To change the current time and date settings1. In the Timekeeping Mode, hold down A for at least two

seconds until ADJUST appears on the digital display. This is the setting mode. Release A after ADJUSTappears.• The name of the city currently selected as your Home

City will appear on the digital display with an arrow ( ) fl ashing to the left.

City nameCity name


2. Use D and B to select the city data you want.• Select your Home City data before changing any other setting.• For full information on city data, see the “City Data Table” at the back of this


3. Press C to move the fl ashing in the sequence shown below to select the other settings.


Date Display Format Illumination Duration Button Operation Tone On/Off Day

12/24-Hour Format Seconds Hour Minute Year


City data

• The following steps explain how to confi gure timekeeping settings only.

4. When the timekeeping setting you want to change is fl ashing, use B and/or D to change it as described below.


Screen To do this: Do this:

Change the city name Use D (East) and B (West).

Toggle between Daylight Saving Time (DST ON) and Standard Time (DST OFF). Press D.

Toggle between 12-hour (12H) and 24-hour (24H) timekeeping. Press D.

Reset the seconds to 00 Press D.

Change the hour or minuteUse D (+) and B (–).Change the year, month, or day

Select the date display format (DMY, YMD, MDY) Press D.

5. When the settings are the way you want, press A twice to return to the Timekeeping Mode.


Note• For information about selecting a Home City and confi guring the DST setting, see

“Confi guring Home City Settings” (page E-17).• The watch’s built-in full automatic calendar makes allowances for different month

lengths and leap years. Once you set the date, there should be no reason to change it except after you have the watch’s battery replaced.

• Changing your Home City setting will initialize the latitude and longitude settings to the location of the Home City.


Hand Home Position Adjustment

The hour, minute, and second hands of this watch can be put out of position by strong magnetism or strong impact. When this happens, you can use the procedure below to adjust the hand positions.

To adjust home positions1. In the Timekeeping Mode, hold down A for at least

four seconds until HAND SET appears on the digital display. This is the setting mode. Release A after HAND SET appears.• This will cause SEC 00 to fl ash on the digital

display, indicating the second hand adjustment mode.

Second handSecond hand


2. Check the position of the second hand.• If the second hand is pointing to 12 o’clock, it is in

the correct home position. If it isn’t, use D (forward) and B (back) to adjust the second hand position so it points to 12 o’clock.

• Holding down either button will cause the second hand to move at high speed.

3. Press C. This will cause 0:00 to fl ash on the digital display, indicating the hour and minute adjustment mode.

4. Check the positions of the hour and minute hands.• The hands are in the correct home positions if they

are pointing to 12 o’clock. If they aren’t, use D(forward) and B (back) to adjust their positions.

• Holding down either button will cause the hour and minute hands to move at high speed.

Correct hour and minute hand positions

Hour and minute hands

Correct hour and minute hand positions

Hour and minute hands


5. Press A to exit the setting screen.• This will cause the hour and minute hands to move to the current Timekeeping

Mode time.


Taking Direction Readings

The watch has a magnetic sensor that makes it possible to take digital compass readings. You can use the digital compass to fi nd the direction to a specifi c objective and to determine your current position.• See “Magnetic North and True North” (page E-40) for information about the two

types of north. For information about maximizing digital compass accuracy, see “Calibrating Direction Readings” (page E-34) and “Digital Compass Precautions” (page E-40).

Operation Guide 5269


Confi guring Latitude and Longitude Settings for Your Current Location

You can ensure correct display of sunrise and sunset time settings, and of moon ages by confi guring latitude and longitude settings for your current location.

To select a Home City by confi guring latitude and longitude settings1. In the Timekeeping Mode, hold down A for at least two

seconds until ADJUST appears on the digital display. This is the setting mode. Release A after ADJUSTappears.• Your current Home City data will appear on the

digital display with an arrow ( ) fl ashing to the left.

2. Press A to display the latitude setting screen with the current latitude setting fl ashing.


3. Use D (+) and B (–) to change the fl ashing value in 0.1° increments.• Holding down D or B while the latitude or longitude setting screen is

displayed will scroll the value to the left of the decimal point (the value to the right does not change) at high speed.

S 62.0° S 61.9° S 0.1° N 0° N 0.1° N 61.9° N 62.0°

4. When the latitude is the value you want, press C to display the longitude setting screen with the current longitude setting fl ashing.

5. Use D (+) and B (–) to change the fl ashing value in 0.1° increments.

W 179.9° W 179.8° W 0.1° E 0° E 0.1° E 179.9° E 180°

6. When the settings are the way you want, press A to return to the Timekeeping Mode.


Confi guring Current Time and Date Settings

You can use the procedure below to adjust the current time and date settings if they are not correct.Changing the digital Home City data should cause the analog time setting to change accordingly. If the analog time does not indicate the digital time, check the home positions of the hands and make adjustments if necessary (page E-26).

To change the current time and date settings1. In the Timekeeping Mode, hold down A for at least two

seconds until ADJUST appears on the digital display. This is the setting mode. Release A after ADJUSTappears.• The name of the city currently selected as your Home

City will appear on the digital display with an arrow ( ) fl ashing to the left.

City nameCity name


2. Use D and B to select the city data you want.• Select your Home City data before changing any other setting.• For full information on city data, see the “City Data Table” at the back of this


3. Press C to move the fl ashing in the sequence shown below to select the other settings.


Date Display Format Illumination Duration Button Operation Tone On/Off Day

12/24-Hour Format Seconds Hour Minute Year


City data

• The following steps explain how to confi gure timekeeping settings only.

4. When the timekeeping setting you want to change is fl ashing, use B and/or D to change it as described below.


Screen To do this: Do this:

Change the city name Use D (East) and B (West).

Toggle between Daylight Saving Time (DST ON) and Standard Time (DST OFF). Press D.

Toggle between 12-hour (12H) and 24-hour (24H) timekeeping. Press D.

Reset the seconds to 00 Press D.

Change the hour or minuteUse D (+) and B (–).Change the year, month, or day

Select the date display format (DMY, YMD, MDY) Press D.

5. When the settings are the way you want, press A twice to return to the Timekeeping Mode.


Note• For information about selecting a Home City and confi guring the DST setting, see

“Confi guring Home City Settings” (page E-17).• The watch’s built-in full automatic calendar makes allowances for different month

lengths and leap years. Once you set the date, there should be no reason to change it except after you have the watch’s battery replaced.

• Changing your Home City setting will initialize the latitude and longitude settings to the location of the Home City.


Hand Home Position Adjustment

The hour, minute, and second hands of this watch can be put out of position by strong magnetism or strong impact. When this happens, you can use the procedure below to adjust the hand positions.

To adjust home positions1. In the Timekeeping Mode, hold down A for at least

four seconds until HAND SET appears on the digital display. This is the setting mode. Release A after HAND SET appears.• This will cause SEC 00 to fl ash on the digital

display, indicating the second hand adjustment mode.

Second handSecond hand


2. Check the position of the second hand.• If the second hand is pointing to 12 o’clock, it is in

the correct home position. If it isn’t, use D (forward) and B (back) to adjust the second hand position so it points to 12 o’clock.

• Holding down either button will cause the second hand to move at high speed.

3. Press C. This will cause 0:00 to fl ash on the digital display, indicating the hour and minute adjustment mode.

4. Check the positions of the hour and minute hands.• The hands are in the correct home positions if they

are pointing to 12 o’clock. If they aren’t, use D(forward) and B (back) to adjust their positions.

• Holding down either button will cause the hour and minute hands to move at high speed.

Correct hour and minute hand positions

Hour and minute hands

Correct hour and minute hand positions

Hour and minute hands


5. Press A to exit the setting screen.• This will cause the hour and minute hands to move to the current Timekeeping

Mode time.


Taking Direction Readings

The watch has a magnetic sensor that makes it possible to take digital compass readings. You can use the digital compass to fi nd the direction to a specifi c objective and to determine your current position.• See “Magnetic North and True North” (page E-40) for information about the two

types of north. For information about maximizing digital compass accuracy, see “Calibrating Direction Readings” (page E-34) and “Digital Compass Precautions” (page E-40).

Operation Guide 5269

Klockan har en magnetisk sensor som gör det möjligt att utföra digitala kompassmätningar. Du kan använda den digitala kompassen för att ta ut riktningen till ett visst mål och bestämma din aktuella position.• Se ”Magnetisk nordpol och Geografisk nordpol” (sida E-40) för information om de två nordpolstyperna. För information om du hur du maximerar den digitala kompassens precision, se ”Kalibrering av riktningsavläsningar” (sida E-34) och ”Försiktighetsåtgärder för digital kompass” (sida E-40).

Att ta ut en riktning 1. Rikta klockan-12-positionen mot önskad kursriktning. 2. I Tidvisnings- och Termometerfunktionen ska du hålla klock- an horisontellt när du trycker B. • COMPASS visas på den digitala displayen och sedan startas riktningsavläsningen. När klockan har tagit ut riktningen pekar sekundvisaren mot norr. Riktningsindikatorn visar en bokstav- skombination (förkortning) som indikerar i vilken riktning klock- an-12-positionen pekar. Riktningens gradangivelse visas också. När du startar en riktningsavläsning med den digitala kompas- sen utförs en riktningsavläsning en gång per sekund under 20 sekunder. När en rad avläsningar har utförts i följd visas — istället för bokstavskombinationen på displayen. • Se ”Digital kompassmätning” (sida E-31) för information om innehållet som visas på den digitala displayen.


Kalibrering av riktningsavläsningarDu kan använda informationen i detta avsnitt för att kalibrera riktningsavläsningar, vilket bidrar till att förbättra den digitala kompassens precision.

Kalibreringsmetoder för riktningsavläsning

Viktigt!För att försäkra dig om att klockans riktningsavläsningar är korrekta ska du se till att utföra dubbelriktad kalibrering innan den används. Denna klocka kan göra felaktiga riktningsav-läsningar om du inte utför dubbelriktad kalibrering.Håll klockan på avstånd från högtalare, magnetiska halsband, mobiltelefoner och andra anordningar som genererar kraftig magnetism. Om klockan exponeras för stark magnetism kan den bli magnetiserad och göra felaktiga riktningsavläsningar. Om de felaktiga avläs-ningarna fortsätter även efter att du utfört dubbelriktad kalibrering, kan det innebära att din klocka har magnetiserats. Om detta inträffar ska du kontakta din återförsäljare eller ett auktoriserat CASIO servicecenter. E-34

Att utföra dubbelriktad kalibrering 1. I den Digitala kompassfunktionen, tryck och håll inne A i två sekunder. • Detta får displayen för den dubbelriktade kalibreringen att visas på den digitala displayen. •Sekundvisarenflyttastillklockan12.Dettafårenpilsymbol (+) att blinka på vänster sida av den digitala displayen och -1- att visas, vilket indikerar att klockan är redo för kalibrering av den första riktningen.

2. Placera klockan på en plan yta i valfri riktning och tryck sedan B för att kalibrera den första riktningen. • — visas på den digitala displayen under tiden kalibreringen pågår. OK visas när kalibreringen av den första riktningen är klar. Ca en sekund senare ändras den blinkande pilen så att den pekar nedåt () och -2- visas. Detta betyder att klockan är redo för kalibrering av den andra riktningen.


Att korrigera magnetisk deklination 1. I den Digitala kompassfunktionen, tryck och håll inne A i två sekunder. • Detta får displayen för den dubbelriktade kalibreringen att visas på den digitala displayen. 2. Tryck C för att visa inställningsdisplayen för magnetisk deklination (DEC). 3. Använd D (öst) och B (väst) för att ändra inställningarna. • Nedan förklaras riktningsinställningarna för den magnetiska deklinationsvinkeln. OFF: Ingen korrigering av magnetisk deklination utförs. Inställ ningen för nordlig magnetisk deklination (DEC) blir 0°. E: När den magnetiska nordpolen ligger åt öster (östlig deklination) W: När den magnetiska nordpolen ligger åt väster (västlig deklination)

Bruksanvisning 52693. Tryck C För att återgå till Tidvisningsfunktionen.• Klockan återgår automatiskt till Tidvisningsfunktionen om du inte trycker på någon knapp under ca en eller två minuter.

Digital kompassmätning• I tabellen nedan förklaras de förkortningar som används som riktningsangivelser på den digitala displayen.

2.Vridkartan(utanattflyttaklockan)såattkartansnorrpekaråtsammahållsomklockansnorr(indikeras av sekundvisaren).Beroendepåhurdinklockaärinställdvisasdenmagnetiskaellerdengeografiskanordpolen.Magnetisknordpol:Indikerarnorrenligtjordensmagnetfält.Geografisknordpol:Indikerarriktningenmot jordaxelns nordpol.•Förinformationomhurställerinklockansåattdenindikerardenmagnetiskaellergeografiskanordpolen, se ”Korrigering av magnetisk deklination” (sida E-37).

3. Bestäm din plats och ditt mål med hjälp av kartan och landskapets konturer som omger dig.


Dubbelriktad kalibrering• Använd denna metod när du använder klockan för att göra avläsningar i ett område med magne-tiska kraftfält, eller om du upptäcker att resultatet för klockans avläsningar skiljer sig åt från andra kompasser.

Kalibrering av magnetisk deklinationMed denna metod kan du ange ett värde för den magnetiska deklinationen, vilket ställer in den digitalakompassenpåatttautdenmagnetiskaellergeografiskanordpolen.

Försiktighetsåtgärder vid dubbelriktad kalibreringDu kan använda två motsatta riktningar vid dubbelriktad kalibrering. Du måste dock kontrollera att det skiljer 180 grader mellan dem. Om du gör något fel under kalibreringen, kommer bäringssensorn att göra felaktiga mätningar.Flytta inte klockan medan någon av riktningarna kalibreras.• Du ska utföra den dubbelriktade kalibreringen i samma typ av miljö som du tänker ta ut riktningar i. Om du t.ex. tänker ta ut riktningen på ett öppet fält ska du kalibrera sensorn på ett öppet fält.


3. Rotera klockan 180 grader.

4. Tryck B igen för att kalibrera den andra riktningen. • — visas på den digitala displayen under tiden kalibreringen pågår. OK visas när kalibreringen av den andra riktningen är klar. Om ERR visas på den digitala displayen trycker du B igen för att starta om kalibreringen.

• Korrigering av magnetisk deklinationNär du korrigerar missvisning anger du ett vinkelvärde för den magnetiska deklinationen (skillnaden mellandenmagnetiskaochdengeografiskanordpolen),vilketgörattklockanskompasskanpekarätt. Du kan göra detta när den magnetiska deklinationsvinkeln är angiven på den karta du använ-der. Observera att du endast kan ange deklinationsvinkeln i hela grader, så du kan behöva avrunda det värde som är angivet på kartan. Om kartan anger en deklinationsvinkel på 7,4°, anger du 7°. Om den visar 7,6° anger du 8°. För 7,5° kan du välja mellan att ange 7° eller 8°.


• Du kan välja ett värde inom intervallet W 90° till E 90° för denna inställning.• Du kan avaktivera (OFF) korrigeringen av magnetisk deklination genom att trycka D och B samti-digt.• I illustrationen visas till exempel värdet som du bör ange och riktningsinställningen som du bör välja när kartan visar en magnetisk deklination på 7° Väst.

4. När du är klar med inställningen trycker du A för att lämna inställningsdisplayen.



To take a direction reading1. Point the 12 o’clock position of the watch in the

direction you want to read.

2. In the Timekeeping Mode or Thermometer Mode, keep the watch horizontal as you press B.• COMPASS will appear on the digital display and

then direction reading will start.• After the watch completes a reading, the second

hand will indicate north. The direction indicator will show a literal indicator (abbreviation) for the direction where 12 o’clock of the watch is pointed. A direction angle will also be displayed.Starting a digital compass direction reading causes consecutive readings to be taken each second for 20 seconds. After a series of consecutive readings is complete, - - - appears in place of the literal direction indicator on the display.

• See “Digital Compass Readings” (page E-31) for information about what appears on the digital display.

















12 o’clock positionNorth pointer


Angle value (in degrees)

















12 o’clock positionNorth pointer


Angle value (in degrees)


3. Press C to return to the Timekeeping Mode.• If you do not perform any button operation for one or two minutes, the watch

will automatically return to the Timekeeping Mode.

Digital Compass Readings• The following table shows the meanings of each of the direction abbreviations that appear

on the digital display.

Direction Meaning Direction Meaning Direction Meaning Direction Meaning

N North NNE North-northeast NE Northeast ENE East-


E East ESE East-southeast SE Southeast SSE South-


S South SSW South-southwest SW Southwest WSW West-


W West WNW West-northwest NW Northwest NNW North-



Example: Determining your current position and your objective on a mapHaving an idea of your current location and the direction to your destination is important when mountain climbing or hiking. In this example, we show you how to plot directions on a map and determine your current location using direction measurements taken by the watch.

1. In the Timekeeping Mode or Thermometer Mode, press B.



North indicated on the map

North indicated by north pointer



North indicated on the map

North indicated by north pointer


2. Rotate the map (without moving the watch) until north on the map is aligned with north as indicated by the watch’s second hand.Depending on how the watch is set up, it may be indicating magnetic north or true north.Magnetic north: Indicates north in accordance with the Earth’s magnetic fi eld.True north: Indicates the direction to the North Pole.• For information about setting the watch up to indicate magnetic north or true

north, see “Magnetic Declination Correction” (page E-37).

3. Determine your location and destination by checking the map and the geographic contours around you.


Calibrating Direction ReadingsYou can use the information in this section to calibrate direction readings, which helps to improve digital compass accuracy.

Direction Reading Calibration Methods

Important!• To ensure correct direction readings by this watch, be sure to perform bidirectional

calibration before using it. The watch may produce incorrect direction readings if you do not perform bidirectional calibration.

• Keep the watch away from audio speakers, magnetic necklace, cell phone, and other devices that generate strong magnetism. Exposure to strong magnetism can magnetize the watch and cause incorrect direction readings. If incorrect readings continue even after you perform bidirectional calibration, it could mean that your watch has been magnetized. If this happens, contact your original retailer or an authorized CASIO Service Center.


Bidirectional Calibration• Use this method when using the watch to take readings in an area where magnetic

force is present, or if you notice that the readings produced by the watch are different from another compass.

Magnetic Declination Calibration• You can use this method to specify a magnetic declination value, which sets the

digital compass up to take magnetic north or true north readings.

Precautions about bidirectional calibration• You can use any two opposing directions for bidirectional calibration. You must,

however, make sure that they are 180 degrees opposite each other. Remember that if you perform the procedure incorrectly, you will get wrong bearing sensor readings.

• Do not move the watch while calibration of either direction is in progress.• You should perform bidirectional calibration in an environment that is the same as

that where you plan to be taking direction readings. If you plan to take direction readings in an open fi eld, for example, calibrate in an open fi eld.


To perform bidirectional calibration1. In the Digital Compass Mode, hold down A for two

seconds.• This will cause the bidirectional calibration screen to

appear on the digital display.• The second hand will move to 12 o’clock. This

causes an arrow ( ) symbol to fl ash on the left side of the digital display and -1- to be displayed to indicate that the watch is ready for calibration of the fi rst direction.

2. Place the watch on a level surface facing any direction you want, and press B to calibrate the fi rst direction.• - - - will remain on the digital display while

calibration is in progress. OK will appear when fi rst direction calibration is complete. About one second after that, the fl ashing arrow will change to point downwards ( ) and -2- will be displayed. This means that the watch is ready for calibration of the second direction.


3. Rotate the watch 180 degrees.

4. Press B again to calibrate the second direction.• - - - will remain on the digital display while

calibration is in progress. OK will appear when second direction calibration is complete.

• If ERR appears on the digital display, press Bagain to restart calibration.

• Magnetic Declination CorrectionWith magnetic declination correction, you input a magnetic declination angle (difference between magnetic north and true north), which allows the watch to indicate true north. You can perform this procedure when the magnetic declination angle is indicated on the map you are using. Note that you can input the declination angle in whole degree units only, so you may need to round off the value specifi ed on the map. If your map indicates the declination angle as 7.4°, you should input 7°. In the case of 7.6° input 8°, for 7.5° you can input 7° or 8°.


To perform magnetic declination correction1. In the Digital Compass Mode, hold down A for two

seconds.• This will cause the bidirectional calibration screen

to appear on the digital display.

2. Press C to display the magnetic declination setting screen (DEC).

3. Use D (East) and B (West) to change the settings.• The following explains magnetic declination angle

direction settings.OFF: No magnetic declination correction performed.

The northerly magnetic declination setting (DEC) will be 0°.

E: When magnetic north is to the east (east declination)

W: When magnetic north is to the west (west declination)

Magnetic declination angle direction value (E, W, or OFF)

Magnetic declination angle value

Magnetic declination angle direction value (E, W, or OFF)

Magnetic declination angle value


• You can select a value within the range of W 90° to E 90° with these settings.• You can turn off (OFF) magnetic declination correction by pressing D and B

at the same time.• The illustration, for example, shows the value you should input and the direction

setting you should select when the map shows a magnetic declination of 7° West.

4. When the setting is the way you want, press A to exit the setting screen.

Operation Guide 5269


To take a direction reading1. Point the 12 o’clock position of the watch in the

direction you want to read.

2. In the Timekeeping Mode or Thermometer Mode, keep the watch horizontal as you press B.• COMPASS will appear on the digital display and

then direction reading will start.• After the watch completes a reading, the second

hand will indicate north. The direction indicator will show a literal indicator (abbreviation) for the direction where 12 o’clock of the watch is pointed. A direction angle will also be displayed.Starting a digital compass direction reading causes consecutive readings to be taken each second for 20 seconds. After a series of consecutive readings is complete, - - - appears in place of the literal direction indicator on the display.

• See “Digital Compass Readings” (page E-31) for information about what appears on the digital display.

















12 o’clock positionNorth pointer


Angle value (in degrees)

















12 o’clock positionNorth pointer


Angle value (in degrees)


3. Press C to return to the Timekeeping Mode.• If you do not perform any button operation for one or two minutes, the watch

will automatically return to the Timekeeping Mode.

Digital Compass Readings• The following table shows the meanings of each of the direction abbreviations that appear

on the digital display.

Direction Meaning Direction Meaning Direction Meaning Direction Meaning

N North NNE North-northeast NE Northeast ENE East-


E East ESE East-southeast SE Southeast SSE South-


S South SSW South-southwest SW Southwest WSW West-


W West WNW West-northwest NW Northwest NNW North-



Example: Determining your current position and your objective on a mapHaving an idea of your current location and the direction to your destination is important when mountain climbing or hiking. In this example, we show you how to plot directions on a map and determine your current location using direction measurements taken by the watch.

1. In the Timekeeping Mode or Thermometer Mode, press B.



North indicated on the map

North indicated by north pointer



North indicated on the map

North indicated by north pointer


2. Rotate the map (without moving the watch) until north on the map is aligned with north as indicated by the watch’s second hand.Depending on how the watch is set up, it may be indicating magnetic north or true north.Magnetic north: Indicates north in accordance with the Earth’s magnetic fi eld.True north: Indicates the direction to the North Pole.• For information about setting the watch up to indicate magnetic north or true

north, see “Magnetic Declination Correction” (page E-37).

3. Determine your location and destination by checking the map and the geographic contours around you.


Calibrating Direction ReadingsYou can use the information in this section to calibrate direction readings, which helps to improve digital compass accuracy.

Direction Reading Calibration Methods

Important!• To ensure correct direction readings by this watch, be sure to perform bidirectional

calibration before using it. The watch may produce incorrect direction readings if you do not perform bidirectional calibration.

• Keep the watch away from audio speakers, magnetic necklace, cell phone, and other devices that generate strong magnetism. Exposure to strong magnetism can magnetize the watch and cause incorrect direction readings. If incorrect readings continue even after you perform bidirectional calibration, it could mean that your watch has been magnetized. If this happens, contact your original retailer or an authorized CASIO Service Center.


Bidirectional Calibration• Use this method when using the watch to take readings in an area where magnetic

force is present, or if you notice that the readings produced by the watch are different from another compass.

Magnetic Declination Calibration• You can use this method to specify a magnetic declination value, which sets the

digital compass up to take magnetic north or true north readings.

Precautions about bidirectional calibration• You can use any two opposing directions for bidirectional calibration. You must,

however, make sure that they are 180 degrees opposite each other. Remember that if you perform the procedure incorrectly, you will get wrong bearing sensor readings.

• Do not move the watch while calibration of either direction is in progress.• You should perform bidirectional calibration in an environment that is the same as

that where you plan to be taking direction readings. If you plan to take direction readings in an open fi eld, for example, calibrate in an open fi eld.


To perform bidirectional calibration1. In the Digital Compass Mode, hold down A for two

seconds.• This will cause the bidirectional calibration screen to

appear on the digital display.• The second hand will move to 12 o’clock. This

causes an arrow ( ) symbol to fl ash on the left side of the digital display and -1- to be displayed to indicate that the watch is ready for calibration of the fi rst direction.

2. Place the watch on a level surface facing any direction you want, and press B to calibrate the fi rst direction.• - - - will remain on the digital display while

calibration is in progress. OK will appear when fi rst direction calibration is complete. About one second after that, the fl ashing arrow will change to point downwards ( ) and -2- will be displayed. This means that the watch is ready for calibration of the second direction.


3. Rotate the watch 180 degrees.

4. Press B again to calibrate the second direction.• - - - will remain on the digital display while

calibration is in progress. OK will appear when second direction calibration is complete.

• If ERR appears on the digital display, press Bagain to restart calibration.

• Magnetic Declination CorrectionWith magnetic declination correction, you input a magnetic declination angle (difference between magnetic north and true north), which allows the watch to indicate true north. You can perform this procedure when the magnetic declination angle is indicated on the map you are using. Note that you can input the declination angle in whole degree units only, so you may need to round off the value specifi ed on the map. If your map indicates the declination angle as 7.4°, you should input 7°. In the case of 7.6° input 8°, for 7.5° you can input 7° or 8°.


To perform magnetic declination correction1. In the Digital Compass Mode, hold down A for two

seconds.• This will cause the bidirectional calibration screen

to appear on the digital display.

2. Press C to display the magnetic declination setting screen (DEC).

3. Use D (East) and B (West) to change the settings.• The following explains magnetic declination angle

direction settings.OFF: No magnetic declination correction performed.

The northerly magnetic declination setting (DEC) will be 0°.

E: When magnetic north is to the east (east declination)

W: When magnetic north is to the west (west declination)

Magnetic declination angle direction value (E, W, or OFF)

Magnetic declination angle value

Magnetic declination angle direction value (E, W, or OFF)

Magnetic declination angle value


• You can select a value within the range of W 90° to E 90° with these settings.• You can turn off (OFF) magnetic declination correction by pressing D and B

at the same time.• The illustration, for example, shows the value you should input and the direction

setting you should select when the map shows a magnetic declination of 7° West.

4. When the setting is the way you want, press A to exit the setting screen.

Operation Guide 5269

Exempel: Bestäm din aktuella position och ditt mål på en kartaAtt känna till var du befinner dig och ditt måls riktning är viktigt vid bergsklättring och vandring. I detta exempel visar vi hur du tar ut riktningar på en karta och bestämmer din aktuella plats med hjälp av klockans kompassmätningar.1. Tryck B I Tidvisnings- eller Termometerfunktionen


To take a direction reading1. Point the 12 o’clock position of the watch in the

direction you want to read.

2. In the Timekeeping Mode or Thermometer Mode, keep the watch horizontal as you press B.• COMPASS will appear on the digital display and

then direction reading will start.• After the watch completes a reading, the second

hand will indicate north. The direction indicator will show a literal indicator (abbreviation) for the direction where 12 o’clock of the watch is pointed. A direction angle will also be displayed.Starting a digital compass direction reading causes consecutive readings to be taken each second for 20 seconds. After a series of consecutive readings is complete, - - - appears in place of the literal direction indicator on the display.

• See “Digital Compass Readings” (page E-31) for information about what appears on the digital display.

















12 o’clock positionNorth pointer


Angle value (in degrees)

















12 o’clock positionNorth pointer


Angle value (in degrees)


3. Press C to return to the Timekeeping Mode.• If you do not perform any button operation for one or two minutes, the watch

will automatically return to the Timekeeping Mode.

Digital Compass Readings• The following table shows the meanings of each of the direction abbreviations that appear

on the digital display.

Direction Meaning Direction Meaning Direction Meaning Direction Meaning

N North NNE North-northeast NE Northeast ENE East-


E East ESE East-southeast SE Southeast SSE South-


S South SSW South-southwest SW Southwest WSW West-


W West WNW West-northwest NW Northwest NNW North-



Example: Determining your current position and your objective on a mapHaving an idea of your current location and the direction to your destination is important when mountain climbing or hiking. In this example, we show you how to plot directions on a map and determine your current location using direction measurements taken by the watch.

1. In the Timekeeping Mode or Thermometer Mode, press B.



North indicated on the map

North indicated by north pointer



North indicated on the map

North indicated by north pointer


2. Rotate the map (without moving the watch) until north on the map is aligned with north as indicated by the watch’s second hand.Depending on how the watch is set up, it may be indicating magnetic north or true north.Magnetic north: Indicates north in accordance with the Earth’s magnetic fi eld.True north: Indicates the direction to the North Pole.• For information about setting the watch up to indicate magnetic north or true

north, see “Magnetic Declination Correction” (page E-37).

3. Determine your location and destination by checking the map and the geographic contours around you.


Calibrating Direction ReadingsYou can use the information in this section to calibrate direction readings, which helps to improve digital compass accuracy.

Direction Reading Calibration Methods

Important!• To ensure correct direction readings by this watch, be sure to perform bidirectional

calibration before using it. The watch may produce incorrect direction readings if you do not perform bidirectional calibration.

• Keep the watch away from audio speakers, magnetic necklace, cell phone, and other devices that generate strong magnetism. Exposure to strong magnetism can magnetize the watch and cause incorrect direction readings. If incorrect readings continue even after you perform bidirectional calibration, it could mean that your watch has been magnetized. If this happens, contact your original retailer or an authorized CASIO Service Center.


Bidirectional Calibration• Use this method when using the watch to take readings in an area where magnetic

force is present, or if you notice that the readings produced by the watch are different from another compass.

Magnetic Declination Calibration• You can use this method to specify a magnetic declination value, which sets the

digital compass up to take magnetic north or true north readings.

Precautions about bidirectional calibration• You can use any two opposing directions for bidirectional calibration. You must,

however, make sure that they are 180 degrees opposite each other. Remember that if you perform the procedure incorrectly, you will get wrong bearing sensor readings.

• Do not move the watch while calibration of either direction is in progress.• You should perform bidirectional calibration in an environment that is the same as

that where you plan to be taking direction readings. If you plan to take direction readings in an open fi eld, for example, calibrate in an open fi eld.


To perform bidirectional calibration1. In the Digital Compass Mode, hold down A for two

seconds.• This will cause the bidirectional calibration screen to

appear on the digital display.• The second hand will move to 12 o’clock. This

causes an arrow ( ) symbol to fl ash on the left side of the digital display and -1- to be displayed to indicate that the watch is ready for calibration of the fi rst direction.

2. Place the watch on a level surface facing any direction you want, and press B to calibrate the fi rst direction.• - - - will remain on the digital display while

calibration is in progress. OK will appear when fi rst direction calibration is complete. About one second after that, the fl ashing arrow will change to point downwards ( ) and -2- will be displayed. This means that the watch is ready for calibration of the second direction.


3. Rotate the watch 180 degrees.

4. Press B again to calibrate the second direction.• - - - will remain on the digital display while

calibration is in progress. OK will appear when second direction calibration is complete.

• If ERR appears on the digital display, press Bagain to restart calibration.

• Magnetic Declination CorrectionWith magnetic declination correction, you input a magnetic declination angle (difference between magnetic north and true north), which allows the watch to indicate true north. You can perform this procedure when the magnetic declination angle is indicated on the map you are using. Note that you can input the declination angle in whole degree units only, so you may need to round off the value specifi ed on the map. If your map indicates the declination angle as 7.4°, you should input 7°. In the case of 7.6° input 8°, for 7.5° you can input 7° or 8°.


To perform magnetic declination correction1. In the Digital Compass Mode, hold down A for two

seconds.• This will cause the bidirectional calibration screen

to appear on the digital display.

2. Press C to display the magnetic declination setting screen (DEC).

3. Use D (East) and B (West) to change the settings.• The following explains magnetic declination angle

direction settings.OFF: No magnetic declination correction performed.

The northerly magnetic declination setting (DEC) will be 0°.

E: When magnetic north is to the east (east declination)

W: When magnetic north is to the west (west declination)

Magnetic declination angle direction value (E, W, or OFF)

Magnetic declination angle value

Magnetic declination angle direction value (E, W, or OFF)

Magnetic declination angle value


• You can select a value within the range of W 90° to E 90° with these settings.• You can turn off (OFF) magnetic declination correction by pressing D and B

at the same time.• The illustration, for example, shows the value you should input and the direction

setting you should select when the map shows a magnetic declination of 7° West.

4. When the setting is the way you want, press A to exit the setting screen.

Operation Guide 5269


To take a direction reading1. Point the 12 o’clock position of the watch in the

direction you want to read.

2. In the Timekeeping Mode or Thermometer Mode, keep the watch horizontal as you press B.• COMPASS will appear on the digital display and

then direction reading will start.• After the watch completes a reading, the second

hand will indicate north. The direction indicator will show a literal indicator (abbreviation) for the direction where 12 o’clock of the watch is pointed. A direction angle will also be displayed.Starting a digital compass direction reading causes consecutive readings to be taken each second for 20 seconds. After a series of consecutive readings is complete, - - - appears in place of the literal direction indicator on the display.

• See “Digital Compass Readings” (page E-31) for information about what appears on the digital display.

















12 o’clock positionNorth pointer


Angle value (in degrees)

















12 o’clock positionNorth pointer


Angle value (in degrees)


3. Press C to return to the Timekeeping Mode.• If you do not perform any button operation for one or two minutes, the watch

will automatically return to the Timekeeping Mode.

Digital Compass Readings• The following table shows the meanings of each of the direction abbreviations that appear

on the digital display.

Direction Meaning Direction Meaning Direction Meaning Direction Meaning

N North NNE North-northeast NE Northeast ENE East-


E East ESE East-southeast SE Southeast SSE South-


S South SSW South-southwest SW Southwest WSW West-


W West WNW West-northwest NW Northwest NNW North-



Example: Determining your current position and your objective on a mapHaving an idea of your current location and the direction to your destination is important when mountain climbing or hiking. In this example, we show you how to plot directions on a map and determine your current location using direction measurements taken by the watch.

1. In the Timekeeping Mode or Thermometer Mode, press B.



North indicated on the map

North indicated by north pointer



North indicated on the map

North indicated by north pointer


2. Rotate the map (without moving the watch) until north on the map is aligned with north as indicated by the watch’s second hand.Depending on how the watch is set up, it may be indicating magnetic north or true north.Magnetic north: Indicates north in accordance with the Earth’s magnetic fi eld.True north: Indicates the direction to the North Pole.• For information about setting the watch up to indicate magnetic north or true

north, see “Magnetic Declination Correction” (page E-37).

3. Determine your location and destination by checking the map and the geographic contours around you.


Calibrating Direction ReadingsYou can use the information in this section to calibrate direction readings, which helps to improve digital compass accuracy.

Direction Reading Calibration Methods

Important!• To ensure correct direction readings by this watch, be sure to perform bidirectional

calibration before using it. The watch may produce incorrect direction readings if you do not perform bidirectional calibration.

• Keep the watch away from audio speakers, magnetic necklace, cell phone, and other devices that generate strong magnetism. Exposure to strong magnetism can magnetize the watch and cause incorrect direction readings. If incorrect readings continue even after you perform bidirectional calibration, it could mean that your watch has been magnetized. If this happens, contact your original retailer or an authorized CASIO Service Center.


Bidirectional Calibration• Use this method when using the watch to take readings in an area where magnetic

force is present, or if you notice that the readings produced by the watch are different from another compass.

Magnetic Declination Calibration• You can use this method to specify a magnetic declination value, which sets the

digital compass up to take magnetic north or true north readings.

Precautions about bidirectional calibration• You can use any two opposing directions for bidirectional calibration. You must,

however, make sure that they are 180 degrees opposite each other. Remember that if you perform the procedure incorrectly, you will get wrong bearing sensor readings.

• Do not move the watch while calibration of either direction is in progress.• You should perform bidirectional calibration in an environment that is the same as

that where you plan to be taking direction readings. If you plan to take direction readings in an open fi eld, for example, calibrate in an open fi eld.


To perform bidirectional calibration1. In the Digital Compass Mode, hold down A for two

seconds.• This will cause the bidirectional calibration screen to

appear on the digital display.• The second hand will move to 12 o’clock. This

causes an arrow ( ) symbol to fl ash on the left side of the digital display and -1- to be displayed to indicate that the watch is ready for calibration of the fi rst direction.

2. Place the watch on a level surface facing any direction you want, and press B to calibrate the fi rst direction.• - - - will remain on the digital display while

calibration is in progress. OK will appear when fi rst direction calibration is complete. About one second after that, the fl ashing arrow will change to point downwards ( ) and -2- will be displayed. This means that the watch is ready for calibration of the second direction.


3. Rotate the watch 180 degrees.

4. Press B again to calibrate the second direction.• - - - will remain on the digital display while

calibration is in progress. OK will appear when second direction calibration is complete.

• If ERR appears on the digital display, press Bagain to restart calibration.

• Magnetic Declination CorrectionWith magnetic declination correction, you input a magnetic declination angle (difference between magnetic north and true north), which allows the watch to indicate true north. You can perform this procedure when the magnetic declination angle is indicated on the map you are using. Note that you can input the declination angle in whole degree units only, so you may need to round off the value specifi ed on the map. If your map indicates the declination angle as 7.4°, you should input 7°. In the case of 7.6° input 8°, for 7.5° you can input 7° or 8°.


To perform magnetic declination correction1. In the Digital Compass Mode, hold down A for two

seconds.• This will cause the bidirectional calibration screen

to appear on the digital display.

2. Press C to display the magnetic declination setting screen (DEC).

3. Use D (East) and B (West) to change the settings.• The following explains magnetic declination angle

direction settings.OFF: No magnetic declination correction performed.

The northerly magnetic declination setting (DEC) will be 0°.

E: When magnetic north is to the east (east declination)

W: When magnetic north is to the west (west declination)

Magnetic declination angle direction value (E, W, or OFF)

Magnetic declination angle value

Magnetic declination angle direction value (E, W, or OFF)

Magnetic declination angle value


• You can select a value within the range of W 90° to E 90° with these settings.• You can turn off (OFF) magnetic declination correction by pressing D and B

at the same time.• The illustration, for example, shows the value you should input and the direction

setting you should select when the map shows a magnetic declination of 7° West.

4. When the setting is the way you want, press A to exit the setting screen.

Operation Guide 5269


To take a direction reading1. Point the 12 o’clock position of the watch in the

direction you want to read.

2. In the Timekeeping Mode or Thermometer Mode, keep the watch horizontal as you press B.• COMPASS will appear on the digital display and

then direction reading will start.• After the watch completes a reading, the second

hand will indicate north. The direction indicator will show a literal indicator (abbreviation) for the direction where 12 o’clock of the watch is pointed. A direction angle will also be displayed.Starting a digital compass direction reading causes consecutive readings to be taken each second for 20 seconds. After a series of consecutive readings is complete, - - - appears in place of the literal direction indicator on the display.

• See “Digital Compass Readings” (page E-31) for information about what appears on the digital display.

















12 o’clock positionNorth pointer


Angle value (in degrees)

















12 o’clock positionNorth pointer


Angle value (in degrees)


3. Press C to return to the Timekeeping Mode.• If you do not perform any button operation for one or two minutes, the watch

will automatically return to the Timekeeping Mode.

Digital Compass Readings• The following table shows the meanings of each of the direction abbreviations that appear

on the digital display.

Direction Meaning Direction Meaning Direction Meaning Direction Meaning

N North NNE North-northeast NE Northeast ENE East-


E East ESE East-southeast SE Southeast SSE South-


S South SSW South-southwest SW Southwest WSW West-


W West WNW West-northwest NW Northwest NNW North-



Example: Determining your current position and your objective on a mapHaving an idea of your current location and the direction to your destination is important when mountain climbing or hiking. In this example, we show you how to plot directions on a map and determine your current location using direction measurements taken by the watch.

1. In the Timekeeping Mode or Thermometer Mode, press B.



North indicated on the map

North indicated by north pointer



North indicated on the map

North indicated by north pointer


2. Rotate the map (without moving the watch) until north on the map is aligned with north as indicated by the watch’s second hand.Depending on how the watch is set up, it may be indicating magnetic north or true north.Magnetic north: Indicates north in accordance with the Earth’s magnetic fi eld.True north: Indicates the direction to the North Pole.• For information about setting the watch up to indicate magnetic north or true

north, see “Magnetic Declination Correction” (page E-37).

3. Determine your location and destination by checking the map and the geographic contours around you.


Calibrating Direction ReadingsYou can use the information in this section to calibrate direction readings, which helps to improve digital compass accuracy.

Direction Reading Calibration Methods

Important!• To ensure correct direction readings by this watch, be sure to perform bidirectional

calibration before using it. The watch may produce incorrect direction readings if you do not perform bidirectional calibration.

• Keep the watch away from audio speakers, magnetic necklace, cell phone, and other devices that generate strong magnetism. Exposure to strong magnetism can magnetize the watch and cause incorrect direction readings. If incorrect readings continue even after you perform bidirectional calibration, it could mean that your watch has been magnetized. If this happens, contact your original retailer or an authorized CASIO Service Center.


Bidirectional Calibration• Use this method when using the watch to take readings in an area where magnetic

force is present, or if you notice that the readings produced by the watch are different from another compass.

Magnetic Declination Calibration• You can use this method to specify a magnetic declination value, which sets the

digital compass up to take magnetic north or true north readings.

Precautions about bidirectional calibration• You can use any two opposing directions for bidirectional calibration. You must,

however, make sure that they are 180 degrees opposite each other. Remember that if you perform the procedure incorrectly, you will get wrong bearing sensor readings.

• Do not move the watch while calibration of either direction is in progress.• You should perform bidirectional calibration in an environment that is the same as

that where you plan to be taking direction readings. If you plan to take direction readings in an open fi eld, for example, calibrate in an open fi eld.


To perform bidirectional calibration1. In the Digital Compass Mode, hold down A for two

seconds.• This will cause the bidirectional calibration screen to

appear on the digital display.• The second hand will move to 12 o’clock. This

causes an arrow ( ) symbol to fl ash on the left side of the digital display and -1- to be displayed to indicate that the watch is ready for calibration of the fi rst direction.

2. Place the watch on a level surface facing any direction you want, and press B to calibrate the fi rst direction.• - - - will remain on the digital display while

calibration is in progress. OK will appear when fi rst direction calibration is complete. About one second after that, the fl ashing arrow will change to point downwards ( ) and -2- will be displayed. This means that the watch is ready for calibration of the second direction.


3. Rotate the watch 180 degrees.

4. Press B again to calibrate the second direction.• - - - will remain on the digital display while

calibration is in progress. OK will appear when second direction calibration is complete.

• If ERR appears on the digital display, press Bagain to restart calibration.

• Magnetic Declination CorrectionWith magnetic declination correction, you input a magnetic declination angle (difference between magnetic north and true north), which allows the watch to indicate true north. You can perform this procedure when the magnetic declination angle is indicated on the map you are using. Note that you can input the declination angle in whole degree units only, so you may need to round off the value specifi ed on the map. If your map indicates the declination angle as 7.4°, you should input 7°. In the case of 7.6° input 8°, for 7.5° you can input 7° or 8°.


To perform magnetic declination correction1. In the Digital Compass Mode, hold down A for two

seconds.• This will cause the bidirectional calibration screen

to appear on the digital display.

2. Press C to display the magnetic declination setting screen (DEC).

3. Use D (East) and B (West) to change the settings.• The following explains magnetic declination angle

direction settings.OFF: No magnetic declination correction performed.

The northerly magnetic declination setting (DEC) will be 0°.

E: When magnetic north is to the east (east declination)

W: When magnetic north is to the west (west declination)

Magnetic declination angle direction value (E, W, or OFF)

Magnetic declination angle value

Magnetic declination angle direction value (E, W, or OFF)

Magnetic declination angle value


• You can select a value within the range of W 90° to E 90° with these settings.• You can turn off (OFF) magnetic declination correction by pressing D and B

at the same time.• The illustration, for example, shows the value you should input and the direction

setting you should select when the map shows a magnetic declination of 7° West.

4. When the setting is the way you want, press A to exit the setting screen.

Operation Guide 5269


To take a direction reading1. Point the 12 o’clock position of the watch in the

direction you want to read.

2. In the Timekeeping Mode or Thermometer Mode, keep the watch horizontal as you press B.• COMPASS will appear on the digital display and

then direction reading will start.• After the watch completes a reading, the second

hand will indicate north. The direction indicator will show a literal indicator (abbreviation) for the direction where 12 o’clock of the watch is pointed. A direction angle will also be displayed.Starting a digital compass direction reading causes consecutive readings to be taken each second for 20 seconds. After a series of consecutive readings is complete, - - - appears in place of the literal direction indicator on the display.

• See “Digital Compass Readings” (page E-31) for information about what appears on the digital display.

















12 o’clock positionNorth pointer


Angle value (in degrees)

















12 o’clock positionNorth pointer


Angle value (in degrees)


3. Press C to return to the Timekeeping Mode.• If you do not perform any button operation for one or two minutes, the watch

will automatically return to the Timekeeping Mode.

Digital Compass Readings• The following table shows the meanings of each of the direction abbreviations that appear

on the digital display.

Direction Meaning Direction Meaning Direction Meaning Direction Meaning

N North NNE North-northeast NE Northeast ENE East-


E East ESE East-southeast SE Southeast SSE South-


S South SSW South-southwest SW Southwest WSW West-


W West WNW West-northwest NW Northwest NNW North-



Example: Determining your current position and your objective on a mapHaving an idea of your current location and the direction to your destination is important when mountain climbing or hiking. In this example, we show you how to plot directions on a map and determine your current location using direction measurements taken by the watch.

1. In the Timekeeping Mode or Thermometer Mode, press B.



North indicated on the map

North indicated by north pointer



North indicated on the map

North indicated by north pointer


2. Rotate the map (without moving the watch) until north on the map is aligned with north as indicated by the watch’s second hand.Depending on how the watch is set up, it may be indicating magnetic north or true north.Magnetic north: Indicates north in accordance with the Earth’s magnetic fi eld.True north: Indicates the direction to the North Pole.• For information about setting the watch up to indicate magnetic north or true

north, see “Magnetic Declination Correction” (page E-37).

3. Determine your location and destination by checking the map and the geographic contours around you.


Calibrating Direction ReadingsYou can use the information in this section to calibrate direction readings, which helps to improve digital compass accuracy.

Direction Reading Calibration Methods

Important!• To ensure correct direction readings by this watch, be sure to perform bidirectional

calibration before using it. The watch may produce incorrect direction readings if you do not perform bidirectional calibration.

• Keep the watch away from audio speakers, magnetic necklace, cell phone, and other devices that generate strong magnetism. Exposure to strong magnetism can magnetize the watch and cause incorrect direction readings. If incorrect readings continue even after you perform bidirectional calibration, it could mean that your watch has been magnetized. If this happens, contact your original retailer or an authorized CASIO Service Center.


Bidirectional Calibration• Use this method when using the watch to take readings in an area where magnetic

force is present, or if you notice that the readings produced by the watch are different from another compass.

Magnetic Declination Calibration• You can use this method to specify a magnetic declination value, which sets the

digital compass up to take magnetic north or true north readings.

Precautions about bidirectional calibration• You can use any two opposing directions for bidirectional calibration. You must,

however, make sure that they are 180 degrees opposite each other. Remember that if you perform the procedure incorrectly, you will get wrong bearing sensor readings.

• Do not move the watch while calibration of either direction is in progress.• You should perform bidirectional calibration in an environment that is the same as

that where you plan to be taking direction readings. If you plan to take direction readings in an open fi eld, for example, calibrate in an open fi eld.


To perform bidirectional calibration1. In the Digital Compass Mode, hold down A for two

seconds.• This will cause the bidirectional calibration screen to

appear on the digital display.• The second hand will move to 12 o’clock. This

causes an arrow ( ) symbol to fl ash on the left side of the digital display and -1- to be displayed to indicate that the watch is ready for calibration of the fi rst direction.

2. Place the watch on a level surface facing any direction you want, and press B to calibrate the fi rst direction.• - - - will remain on the digital display while

calibration is in progress. OK will appear when fi rst direction calibration is complete. About one second after that, the fl ashing arrow will change to point downwards ( ) and -2- will be displayed. This means that the watch is ready for calibration of the second direction.


3. Rotate the watch 180 degrees.

4. Press B again to calibrate the second direction.• - - - will remain on the digital display while

calibration is in progress. OK will appear when second direction calibration is complete.

• If ERR appears on the digital display, press Bagain to restart calibration.

• Magnetic Declination CorrectionWith magnetic declination correction, you input a magnetic declination angle (difference between magnetic north and true north), which allows the watch to indicate true north. You can perform this procedure when the magnetic declination angle is indicated on the map you are using. Note that you can input the declination angle in whole degree units only, so you may need to round off the value specifi ed on the map. If your map indicates the declination angle as 7.4°, you should input 7°. In the case of 7.6° input 8°, for 7.5° you can input 7° or 8°.


To perform magnetic declination correction1. In the Digital Compass Mode, hold down A for two

seconds.• This will cause the bidirectional calibration screen

to appear on the digital display.

2. Press C to display the magnetic declination setting screen (DEC).

3. Use D (East) and B (West) to change the settings.• The following explains magnetic declination angle

direction settings.OFF: No magnetic declination correction performed.

The northerly magnetic declination setting (DEC) will be 0°.

E: When magnetic north is to the east (east declination)

W: When magnetic north is to the west (west declination)

Magnetic declination angle direction value (E, W, or OFF)

Magnetic declination angle value

Magnetic declination angle direction value (E, W, or OFF)

Magnetic declination angle value


• You can select a value within the range of W 90° to E 90° with these settings.• You can turn off (OFF) magnetic declination correction by pressing D and B

at the same time.• The illustration, for example, shows the value you should input and the direction

setting you should select when the map shows a magnetic declination of 7° West.

4. When the setting is the way you want, press A to exit the setting screen.

Operation Guide 5269

Försiktighetsåtgärder för digital kompass Magnetisk nordpol och Geografisk nordpol Den nordliga riktningen kan antingen uttryckas som magnetisk nordpolellersomgeografisknordpol,vilketinteärsammasak. Det är även viktigt att komma ihåg att den magnetiska nordpolen flyttarsigmedtiden. • Den magnetiska nordpolen indikeras som norr av kompassnålen. Dengeografiskanordpolenärjordaxelnsnordpol,somvanligtvis indikeras som norr på kartor. •Skillnadenmellanmagnetisknordpolochgeografisknordpol kallas för ”deklination”. Ju närmre nordpolen du kommer, desto större blir deklinationsvinkeln.E-40

Förvaring• Bäringssensorns precision försämras om klockan utsätts för magnetism. Därför ska du förvara klockan på avstånd från magneter och andra källor till kraftig magnetism, inklusive: permanenta magneter (magnetiska halsband m.m.) och hushållsapparater (TV-apparater, datorer, tvättmaskiner, frysar m.m.).• Om du misstänker att klockan utsatts för magnetism, följer du anvisningarna under ”Att utföra dubbelriktad kalibrering” (sida E-36).


Temperatur• Temperaturen visas i enheter om 0,1 °C (eller 0,2 °F).• Det visade temperaturvärdet ändras till °C (eller °F) om en uppmätt temperatur faller utanför intervallet -10,0 °C till 60,0 °C (14,0 °F till 140,0 °F). Temperaturvärdet visas igen så snartsomdenuppmättatemperaturenbefinnersiginomdettillåtnaintervallet.

DisplayenheterDu kan välja antingen Celsius (°C) eller Fahrenheit (°F) för det visade temperaturvärdet. Se ”Att ange temperaturenhet” (sida E-47) för mer information.

Kalibrering av temperatursensornKlockans temperatursensor är fabrikskalibrerad och behöver i vanliga fall inte någon ytter-ligare justering. Om du upptäcker stora fel i klockans temperaturmätningar kan du kalibrera sensorn för att rätta till felen. E-44

2. Använd D (+) och B (-) för att kalibrera temperaturvärdet med hjälp av mätningen från ett annat instrument.• Varje knapptryck justerar temperaturvärdet i enheter om 0,1 °C (0,2 °F). Om du vill återställa det blinkande värdet till den ursprungliga fabriksinställningen trycker du B och D samtidigt. OFF visas vid den blinkande positionen i ca en sekund, följt av det ursprungliga fabriksvärdet.3. Tryck A för att återgå till Termometerfunktionen.

Försiktighetsåtgärder vid användning av termometer• Temperaturmätningarna påverkas av din kroppstemperatur (när du bär klockan), direkt solljus och fukt. För så korrekta temperaturmätningar som möjligt ska du ta av klockan från handleden, placera den på en plats med god ventilation utan direkt solljus och torka av all fukt från klockan. Det tar ca 20-30 minuter för klockan att få samma temperatur som omgivningen.Vid temperaturmätning är det bäst att ta av klockan från handleden för att undvika påverkan från den egna kroppsvärmen. Ta av klockan från handleden och låt den hänga fritt från din väska eller en annan plats där den inte exponeras för direkt solljus.


3. Tryck D för att växla temperaturenhet mellan °C (Celsius) och °F (Fahrenheit).4. När du är klar med inställningen trycker du A för att lämna inställningsdisplayen.


Bruksanvisning 5269Plats• Att ta ut en riktning i närheten av en magnetisk störningskälla kan leda till stora mätfel. Därför skaduundvikaattgörakompassmätningarnärdubefinnerdiginärhetenavföljandetyperavföremål: permanenta magneter (magnetiska halsband m.m.), stora metallföremål (dörrar, skåp i metall m.m.), högspänningsledningar, antennledningar, hushållsapparater (TV-apparater, datorer, tvättmaskiner, frysar m.m.).Detäromöjligtattgörakorrektakompassmätningarpåtåg,båtar,iflygplanm.m.Detgårinteheller att göra korrekta mätningar inomhus, i synnerhet inte i byggnader av armerad betong. Det beror på att metallstrukturen i väggarna absorberar magnetism från elektriska apparater m.m.



Denna klocka använder en temperatursensor för att göra temperaturmätningar.

Att välja och lämna Termometerfunktionen 1. I Tidvisningsfunktionen eller den Digitala kompassfunktionen, Tryck D.

• THERMO visas i ca en sekund på den digitala displayen för att indikera att temperaturmätningar utförs. Därefter visas mätresultaten. • Klockan utför temperaturmätningar var femte sekund under en eller två minuter. För att starta om temperaturmätningarna, Tryck D. 2. Tryck C för att återgå till Tidvisningsfunktionen. • Klockan återgår automatiskt till Tidvisningsfunktionen om du inte trycker på någon knapp under ca en eller två minuter efter temperaturmätningen.


Viktigt!Felaktig kalibrering av temperatursensorn kan ge felaktiga mätresultat. Läs nedanstående noga innan du utför några åtgärder.- Jämför resultatet som klockan ger med en annan pålitlig och exakt termometer.- Om kalibrering är nödvändig ska du ta av dig klockan och vänta i ca 20 till 30 minuter så att klockans temperatur hinner stabiliseras. Att korrigera temperaturvärdet Du kan korrigera temperaturen som visas av klockan med hjälp av ett annat mätinstrument för att öka mätprecisionen. 1. I Termometerfunktionen, tryck och håll inne A tills det aktuella temperaturvärdet blinkar på den digitala displayen. Detta är inställningsdisplayen.


Ange temperaturenhetFölj proceduren nedan för att ange temperaturenheten som används i Termometerfunktionen.

Viktigt! När TOKYO har valts som Hemstad, ställs temperaturenheten in automatiskt på Celsius (°C). Dessa inställningar kan inte ändras.

Att ange temperaturenhet 1. Välj Termometerfunktionen och håll sedan A intryckt i ca två sekunder tills det aktuella temperaturvärdet blinkar på den digitala displayen. Detta är inställningsdisplayen. 2. Tryck C för att visa inställningsdisplayen för temperaturenheten med antingen °C eller °F (den aktuella inställningen) blinkandes.


Visa solens upp- och nedgångstider

Du kan använda Solen upp/ned-funktionen för t visa solens upp- och nedgångstider för en visst datum (årtal, månad, dag) samt plats. Att visa solens upp- och nedgångstider för ett visst datum Använd C för att välja Solen upp/ned-funktionen såsom visas på sida E-13. • SUNRISE TIME eller SUNSET TIME visas på den digitala display en i ca en sekund. Därefter visas aktuellt år, månad och dag i ca en sekund. Sedan visas CALC för att indikera att kalkyleringen pågår. När kalkyleringen är klar visas solens upp- och nedgångstider för det aktuella datumet. • Tiden som visades när du senast lämnade Solen upp/ned-funktionen (antingen solens uppgångstid eller nedgångstid) är den tid som visas först när du väljer funktionen på nytt.



Digital Compass PrecautionsMagnetic North and True North

The northerly direction can be expressed either as magnetic north or true north, which are different from each other. Also, it is important to keep in mind that magnetic north moves over time.• Magnetic north is the north that is indicated by the

needle of a compass.• True north, which is the location of the North Pole of the

Earth’s axis, is the north that is normally indicated on maps.

• The difference between magnetic north and true north is called the “declination”. The closer you get to the North Pole, the greater the declination angle.

True north


Magnetic north

True north


Magnetic north


Location• Taking a direction reading when you are near a source of strong magnetism can

cause large errors in readings. Because of this, you should avoid taking direction readings while in the vicinity of the following types of objects: permanent magnets (magnetic necklaces, etc.), concentrations of metal (metal doors, lockers, etc.), high tension wires, aerial wires, household appliances (TVs, personal computers, washing machines, freezers, etc.).

• Accurate direction readings are impossible while in a train, boat, air plane, etc.• Accurate readings are also impossible indoors, especially inside ferroconcrete

structures. This is because the metal framework of such structures picks up magnetism from appliances, etc.


Storage• The precision of the bearing sensor may deteriorate if the watch becomes

magnetized. Because of this, you should store the watch away from magnets or any other sources of strong magnetism, including: permanent magnets (magnetic necklaces, etc.) and household appliances (TVs, personal computers, washing machines, freezers, etc.).

• Whenever you suspect that the watch may have become magnetized, perform the procedure under “To perform bidirectional calibration” (page E-36).



This watch uses a temperature sensor to take temperature readings.

To enter and exit the Thermometer Mode1. In the Timekeeping Mode or Digital Compass Mode,

press D.• THERMO will appear on the digital display for about

one second indicating that temperature readings are being taken. After that, the measurement result will appear.

• The watch will take temperature readings every fi ve seconds for one or two minutes.

• To restart temperature readings, press D.

2. Press C to return to the Timekeeping Mode.• If you do not perform any button operation for one

or two minutes after temperature measurement is complete, the watch will automatically return to the Timekeeping Mode.



Temperature• Temperature is displayed in units of 0.1°C (or 0.2°F).• The displayed temperature value changes to --.- °C (or °F) if a measured

temperature falls outside the range of –10.0°C to 60.0°C (14.0°F to 140.0°F). The temperature value will reappear as soon as the measured temperature is within the allowable range.

Display UnitsYou can select either Celsius (°C) or Fahrenheit (°F) for the displayed temperature value. See “To specify temperature unit” (page E-47) for more information.

Temperature Sensor CalibrationThe watch’s temperature sensor is calibrated at the factory and normally requires no further adjustment. If you notice serious errors in the temperature readings produced by the watch, you can calibrate the sensor to correct the errors.


Important!• Incorrectly calibrating the temperature sensor can result in incorrect readings.

Carefully read the following before doing anything.– Compare the readings produced by the watch with those of another reliable and

accurate thermometer.– If adjustment is required, remove the watch from your wrist and wait for 20 or 30

minutes to give the temperature of the watch time to stabilize.

To correct the temperature valueYou can correct the temperature readings displayed by the watch in accordance with another measuring instrument for more accurate readings.

1. In the Thermometer Mode, hold down A until the current temperature value fl ashes on the digital display. This is the setting screen.


2. Use D (+) and B (–) to calibrate the temperature value with the reading of another instrument.• Each press of a button changes the temperature value in units of 0.1°C (0.2°F).• To return the currently fl ashing value to its initial factory default setting, press B and D at the same time. OFF will appear at the fl ashing location for about one second, followed by the initial default value.

3. Press A to return to the Thermometer Mode.

Thermometer Precautions• Temperature measurements are affected by your body temperature (while you are

wearing the watch), direct sunlight, and moisture. To achieve a more accurate temperature measurement, remove the watch from your wrist, place it in a well ventilated location out of direct sunlight, and wipe all moisture from the case. It takes approximately 20 to 30 minutes for the case of the watch to reach the actual surrounding temperature.

• When taking temperature readings, it is best to remove the watch from your wrist in order to eliminate the effects of body heat. Remove the watch from your wrist and allow it to hang freely from your bag or in another location where it is not exposed to direct sunlight.


Specifying Temperature Unit

Use the procedure below to specify the temperature unit to be used in the Thermometer Mode.

Important!When TOKYO is selected as the Home City, the temperature unit is set automatically to Celsius (°C).These settings cannot be changed.

To specify the temperature unit1. Enter the Thermometer Mode and then hold down A for

about two seconds until the current temperature value fl ashes on the digital display. This is the setting screen.

2. Press C to display the temperature unit setting screen with either °C or °F (the current setting) fl ashing.


3. Press D to toggle the temperature unit between °C (Celsius) and °F (Fahrenheit).

4. After the setting is the way you want, press A to exit the setting screen.


Looking up Sunrise and Sunset Times

You can use the Sunrise/Sunset Mode to look up the sunrise and sunset times for a particular date (year, month, day) and location.

To look up the sunrise and sunset times on a specifi c dateUse C to select the Sunrise/Sunset Mode as shown on page E-13.• SUNRISE TIME or SUNSET TIME will appear on the

digital display for about one second. After that the current year, month, and day will appear for about one second.

• Next, CALC will appear to indicate that calculation is in progress. After the calculation is complete, the sunrise time or sunset time for the current date will appear.

• What appears fi rst when the enter the Sunrise/Sunset Mode (either the sunrise time or sunset time) will be the time that was displayed when you last exited the Sunrise/Sunset Mode.

Sunrise time or sunset time

(or )

Sunrise time or sunset time

(or )

Operation Guide 5269


Digital Compass PrecautionsMagnetic North and True North

The northerly direction can be expressed either as magnetic north or true north, which are different from each other. Also, it is important to keep in mind that magnetic north moves over time.• Magnetic north is the north that is indicated by the

needle of a compass.• True north, which is the location of the North Pole of the

Earth’s axis, is the north that is normally indicated on maps.

• The difference between magnetic north and true north is called the “declination”. The closer you get to the North Pole, the greater the declination angle.

True north


Magnetic north

True north


Magnetic north


Location• Taking a direction reading when you are near a source of strong magnetism can

cause large errors in readings. Because of this, you should avoid taking direction readings while in the vicinity of the following types of objects: permanent magnets (magnetic necklaces, etc.), concentrations of metal (metal doors, lockers, etc.), high tension wires, aerial wires, household appliances (TVs, personal computers, washing machines, freezers, etc.).

• Accurate direction readings are impossible while in a train, boat, air plane, etc.• Accurate readings are also impossible indoors, especially inside ferroconcrete

structures. This is because the metal framework of such structures picks up magnetism from appliances, etc.


Storage• The precision of the bearing sensor may deteriorate if the watch becomes

magnetized. Because of this, you should store the watch away from magnets or any other sources of strong magnetism, including: permanent magnets (magnetic necklaces, etc.) and household appliances (TVs, personal computers, washing machines, freezers, etc.).

• Whenever you suspect that the watch may have become magnetized, perform the procedure under “To perform bidirectional calibration” (page E-36).



This watch uses a temperature sensor to take temperature readings.

To enter and exit the Thermometer Mode1. In the Timekeeping Mode or Digital Compass Mode,

press D.• THERMO will appear on the digital display for about

one second indicating that temperature readings are being taken. After that, the measurement result will appear.

• The watch will take temperature readings every fi ve seconds for one or two minutes.

• To restart temperature readings, press D.

2. Press C to return to the Timekeeping Mode.• If you do not perform any button operation for one

or two minutes after temperature measurement is complete, the watch will automatically return to the Timekeeping Mode.



Temperature• Temperature is displayed in units of 0.1°C (or 0.2°F).• The displayed temperature value changes to --.- °C (or °F) if a measured

temperature falls outside the range of –10.0°C to 60.0°C (14.0°F to 140.0°F). The temperature value will reappear as soon as the measured temperature is within the allowable range.

Display UnitsYou can select either Celsius (°C) or Fahrenheit (°F) for the displayed temperature value. See “To specify temperature unit” (page E-47) for more information.

Temperature Sensor CalibrationThe watch’s temperature sensor is calibrated at the factory and normally requires no further adjustment. If you notice serious errors in the temperature readings produced by the watch, you can calibrate the sensor to correct the errors.


Important!• Incorrectly calibrating the temperature sensor can result in incorrect readings.

Carefully read the following before doing anything.– Compare the readings produced by the watch with those of another reliable and

accurate thermometer.– If adjustment is required, remove the watch from your wrist and wait for 20 or 30

minutes to give the temperature of the watch time to stabilize.

To correct the temperature valueYou can correct the temperature readings displayed by the watch in accordance with another measuring instrument for more accurate readings.

1. In the Thermometer Mode, hold down A until the current temperature value fl ashes on the digital display. This is the setting screen.


2. Use D (+) and B (–) to calibrate the temperature value with the reading of another instrument.• Each press of a button changes the temperature value in units of 0.1°C (0.2°F).• To return the currently fl ashing value to its initial factory default setting, press B and D at the same time. OFF will appear at the fl ashing location for about one second, followed by the initial default value.

3. Press A to return to the Thermometer Mode.

Thermometer Precautions• Temperature measurements are affected by your body temperature (while you are

wearing the watch), direct sunlight, and moisture. To achieve a more accurate temperature measurement, remove the watch from your wrist, place it in a well ventilated location out of direct sunlight, and wipe all moisture from the case. It takes approximately 20 to 30 minutes for the case of the watch to reach the actual surrounding temperature.

• When taking temperature readings, it is best to remove the watch from your wrist in order to eliminate the effects of body heat. Remove the watch from your wrist and allow it to hang freely from your bag or in another location where it is not exposed to direct sunlight.


Specifying Temperature Unit

Use the procedure below to specify the temperature unit to be used in the Thermometer Mode.

Important!When TOKYO is selected as the Home City, the temperature unit is set automatically to Celsius (°C).These settings cannot be changed.

To specify the temperature unit1. Enter the Thermometer Mode and then hold down A for

about two seconds until the current temperature value fl ashes on the digital display. This is the setting screen.

2. Press C to display the temperature unit setting screen with either °C or °F (the current setting) fl ashing.


3. Press D to toggle the temperature unit between °C (Celsius) and °F (Fahrenheit).

4. After the setting is the way you want, press A to exit the setting screen.


Looking up Sunrise and Sunset Times

You can use the Sunrise/Sunset Mode to look up the sunrise and sunset times for a particular date (year, month, day) and location.

To look up the sunrise and sunset times on a specifi c dateUse C to select the Sunrise/Sunset Mode as shown on page E-13.• SUNRISE TIME or SUNSET TIME will appear on the

digital display for about one second. After that the current year, month, and day will appear for about one second.

• Next, CALC will appear to indicate that calculation is in progress. After the calculation is complete, the sunrise time or sunset time for the current date will appear.

• What appears fi rst when the enter the Sunrise/Sunset Mode (either the sunrise time or sunset time) will be the time that was displayed when you last exited the Sunrise/Sunset Mode.

Sunrise time or sunset time

(or )

Sunrise time or sunset time

(or )

Operation Guide 5269


Digital Compass PrecautionsMagnetic North and True North

The northerly direction can be expressed either as magnetic north or true north, which are different from each other. Also, it is important to keep in mind that magnetic north moves over time.• Magnetic north is the north that is indicated by the

needle of a compass.• True north, which is the location of the North Pole of the

Earth’s axis, is the north that is normally indicated on maps.

• The difference between magnetic north and true north is called the “declination”. The closer you get to the North Pole, the greater the declination angle.

True north


Magnetic north

True north


Magnetic north


Location• Taking a direction reading when you are near a source of strong magnetism can

cause large errors in readings. Because of this, you should avoid taking direction readings while in the vicinity of the following types of objects: permanent magnets (magnetic necklaces, etc.), concentrations of metal (metal doors, lockers, etc.), high tension wires, aerial wires, household appliances (TVs, personal computers, washing machines, freezers, etc.).

• Accurate direction readings are impossible while in a train, boat, air plane, etc.• Accurate readings are also impossible indoors, especially inside ferroconcrete

structures. This is because the metal framework of such structures picks up magnetism from appliances, etc.


Storage• The precision of the bearing sensor may deteriorate if the watch becomes

magnetized. Because of this, you should store the watch away from magnets or any other sources of strong magnetism, including: permanent magnets (magnetic necklaces, etc.) and household appliances (TVs, personal computers, washing machines, freezers, etc.).

• Whenever you suspect that the watch may have become magnetized, perform the procedure under “To perform bidirectional calibration” (page E-36).



This watch uses a temperature sensor to take temperature readings.

To enter and exit the Thermometer Mode1. In the Timekeeping Mode or Digital Compass Mode,

press D.• THERMO will appear on the digital display for about

one second indicating that temperature readings are being taken. After that, the measurement result will appear.

• The watch will take temperature readings every fi ve seconds for one or two minutes.

• To restart temperature readings, press D.

2. Press C to return to the Timekeeping Mode.• If you do not perform any button operation for one

or two minutes after temperature measurement is complete, the watch will automatically return to the Timekeeping Mode.



Temperature• Temperature is displayed in units of 0.1°C (or 0.2°F).• The displayed temperature value changes to --.- °C (or °F) if a measured

temperature falls outside the range of –10.0°C to 60.0°C (14.0°F to 140.0°F). The temperature value will reappear as soon as the measured temperature is within the allowable range.

Display UnitsYou can select either Celsius (°C) or Fahrenheit (°F) for the displayed temperature value. See “To specify temperature unit” (page E-47) for more information.

Temperature Sensor CalibrationThe watch’s temperature sensor is calibrated at the factory and normally requires no further adjustment. If you notice serious errors in the temperature readings produced by the watch, you can calibrate the sensor to correct the errors.


Important!• Incorrectly calibrating the temperature sensor can result in incorrect readings.

Carefully read the following before doing anything.– Compare the readings produced by the watch with those of another reliable and

accurate thermometer.– If adjustment is required, remove the watch from your wrist and wait for 20 or 30

minutes to give the temperature of the watch time to stabilize.

To correct the temperature valueYou can correct the temperature readings displayed by the watch in accordance with another measuring instrument for more accurate readings.

1. In the Thermometer Mode, hold down A until the current temperature value fl ashes on the digital display. This is the setting screen.


2. Use D (+) and B (–) to calibrate the temperature value with the reading of another instrument.• Each press of a button changes the temperature value in units of 0.1°C (0.2°F).• To return the currently fl ashing value to its initial factory default setting, press B and D at the same time. OFF will appear at the fl ashing location for about one second, followed by the initial default value.

3. Press A to return to the Thermometer Mode.

Thermometer Precautions• Temperature measurements are affected by your body temperature (while you are

wearing the watch), direct sunlight, and moisture. To achieve a more accurate temperature measurement, remove the watch from your wrist, place it in a well ventilated location out of direct sunlight, and wipe all moisture from the case. It takes approximately 20 to 30 minutes for the case of the watch to reach the actual surrounding temperature.

• When taking temperature readings, it is best to remove the watch from your wrist in order to eliminate the effects of body heat. Remove the watch from your wrist and allow it to hang freely from your bag or in another location where it is not exposed to direct sunlight.


Specifying Temperature Unit

Use the procedure below to specify the temperature unit to be used in the Thermometer Mode.

Important!When TOKYO is selected as the Home City, the temperature unit is set automatically to Celsius (°C).These settings cannot be changed.

To specify the temperature unit1. Enter the Thermometer Mode and then hold down A for

about two seconds until the current temperature value fl ashes on the digital display. This is the setting screen.

2. Press C to display the temperature unit setting screen with either °C or °F (the current setting) fl ashing.


3. Press D to toggle the temperature unit between °C (Celsius) and °F (Fahrenheit).

4. After the setting is the way you want, press A to exit the setting screen.


Looking up Sunrise and Sunset Times

You can use the Sunrise/Sunset Mode to look up the sunrise and sunset times for a particular date (year, month, day) and location.

To look up the sunrise and sunset times on a specifi c dateUse C to select the Sunrise/Sunset Mode as shown on page E-13.• SUNRISE TIME or SUNSET TIME will appear on the

digital display for about one second. After that the current year, month, and day will appear for about one second.

• Next, CALC will appear to indicate that calculation is in progress. After the calculation is complete, the sunrise time or sunset time for the current date will appear.

• What appears fi rst when the enter the Sunrise/Sunset Mode (either the sunrise time or sunset time) will be the time that was displayed when you last exited the Sunrise/Sunset Mode.

Sunrise time or sunset time

(or )

Sunrise time or sunset time

(or )

Operation Guide 5269


Digital Compass PrecautionsMagnetic North and True North

The northerly direction can be expressed either as magnetic north or true north, which are different from each other. Also, it is important to keep in mind that magnetic north moves over time.• Magnetic north is the north that is indicated by the

needle of a compass.• True north, which is the location of the North Pole of the

Earth’s axis, is the north that is normally indicated on maps.

• The difference between magnetic north and true north is called the “declination”. The closer you get to the North Pole, the greater the declination angle.

True north


Magnetic north

True north


Magnetic north


Location• Taking a direction reading when you are near a source of strong magnetism can

cause large errors in readings. Because of this, you should avoid taking direction readings while in the vicinity of the following types of objects: permanent magnets (magnetic necklaces, etc.), concentrations of metal (metal doors, lockers, etc.), high tension wires, aerial wires, household appliances (TVs, personal computers, washing machines, freezers, etc.).

• Accurate direction readings are impossible while in a train, boat, air plane, etc.• Accurate readings are also impossible indoors, especially inside ferroconcrete

structures. This is because the metal framework of such structures picks up magnetism from appliances, etc.


Storage• The precision of the bearing sensor may deteriorate if the watch becomes

magnetized. Because of this, you should store the watch away from magnets or any other sources of strong magnetism, including: permanent magnets (magnetic necklaces, etc.) and household appliances (TVs, personal computers, washing machines, freezers, etc.).

• Whenever you suspect that the watch may have become magnetized, perform the procedure under “To perform bidirectional calibration” (page E-36).



This watch uses a temperature sensor to take temperature readings.

To enter and exit the Thermometer Mode1. In the Timekeeping Mode or Digital Compass Mode,

press D.• THERMO will appear on the digital display for about

one second indicating that temperature readings are being taken. After that, the measurement result will appear.

• The watch will take temperature readings every fi ve seconds for one or two minutes.

• To restart temperature readings, press D.

2. Press C to return to the Timekeeping Mode.• If you do not perform any button operation for one

or two minutes after temperature measurement is complete, the watch will automatically return to the Timekeeping Mode.



Temperature• Temperature is displayed in units of 0.1°C (or 0.2°F).• The displayed temperature value changes to --.- °C (or °F) if a measured

temperature falls outside the range of –10.0°C to 60.0°C (14.0°F to 140.0°F). The temperature value will reappear as soon as the measured temperature is within the allowable range.

Display UnitsYou can select either Celsius (°C) or Fahrenheit (°F) for the displayed temperature value. See “To specify temperature unit” (page E-47) for more information.

Temperature Sensor CalibrationThe watch’s temperature sensor is calibrated at the factory and normally requires no further adjustment. If you notice serious errors in the temperature readings produced by the watch, you can calibrate the sensor to correct the errors.


Important!• Incorrectly calibrating the temperature sensor can result in incorrect readings.

Carefully read the following before doing anything.– Compare the readings produced by the watch with those of another reliable and

accurate thermometer.– If adjustment is required, remove the watch from your wrist and wait for 20 or 30

minutes to give the temperature of the watch time to stabilize.

To correct the temperature valueYou can correct the temperature readings displayed by the watch in accordance with another measuring instrument for more accurate readings.

1. In the Thermometer Mode, hold down A until the current temperature value fl ashes on the digital display. This is the setting screen.


2. Use D (+) and B (–) to calibrate the temperature value with the reading of another instrument.• Each press of a button changes the temperature value in units of 0.1°C (0.2°F).• To return the currently fl ashing value to its initial factory default setting, press B and D at the same time. OFF will appear at the fl ashing location for about one second, followed by the initial default value.

3. Press A to return to the Thermometer Mode.

Thermometer Precautions• Temperature measurements are affected by your body temperature (while you are

wearing the watch), direct sunlight, and moisture. To achieve a more accurate temperature measurement, remove the watch from your wrist, place it in a well ventilated location out of direct sunlight, and wipe all moisture from the case. It takes approximately 20 to 30 minutes for the case of the watch to reach the actual surrounding temperature.

• When taking temperature readings, it is best to remove the watch from your wrist in order to eliminate the effects of body heat. Remove the watch from your wrist and allow it to hang freely from your bag or in another location where it is not exposed to direct sunlight.


Specifying Temperature Unit

Use the procedure below to specify the temperature unit to be used in the Thermometer Mode.

Important!When TOKYO is selected as the Home City, the temperature unit is set automatically to Celsius (°C).These settings cannot be changed.

To specify the temperature unit1. Enter the Thermometer Mode and then hold down A for

about two seconds until the current temperature value fl ashes on the digital display. This is the setting screen.

2. Press C to display the temperature unit setting screen with either °C or °F (the current setting) fl ashing.


3. Press D to toggle the temperature unit between °C (Celsius) and °F (Fahrenheit).

4. After the setting is the way you want, press A to exit the setting screen.


Looking up Sunrise and Sunset Times

You can use the Sunrise/Sunset Mode to look up the sunrise and sunset times for a particular date (year, month, day) and location.

To look up the sunrise and sunset times on a specifi c dateUse C to select the Sunrise/Sunset Mode as shown on page E-13.• SUNRISE TIME or SUNSET TIME will appear on the

digital display for about one second. After that the current year, month, and day will appear for about one second.

• Next, CALC will appear to indicate that calculation is in progress. After the calculation is complete, the sunrise time or sunset time for the current date will appear.

• What appears fi rst when the enter the Sunrise/Sunset Mode (either the sunrise time or sunset time) will be the time that was displayed when you last exited the Sunrise/Sunset Mode.

Sunrise time or sunset time

(or )

Sunrise time or sunset time

(or )

Operation Guide 5269


Digital Compass PrecautionsMagnetic North and True North

The northerly direction can be expressed either as magnetic north or true north, which are different from each other. Also, it is important to keep in mind that magnetic north moves over time.• Magnetic north is the north that is indicated by the

needle of a compass.• True north, which is the location of the North Pole of the

Earth’s axis, is the north that is normally indicated on maps.

• The difference between magnetic north and true north is called the “declination”. The closer you get to the North Pole, the greater the declination angle.

True north


Magnetic north

True north


Magnetic north


Location• Taking a direction reading when you are near a source of strong magnetism can

cause large errors in readings. Because of this, you should avoid taking direction readings while in the vicinity of the following types of objects: permanent magnets (magnetic necklaces, etc.), concentrations of metal (metal doors, lockers, etc.), high tension wires, aerial wires, household appliances (TVs, personal computers, washing machines, freezers, etc.).

• Accurate direction readings are impossible while in a train, boat, air plane, etc.• Accurate readings are also impossible indoors, especially inside ferroconcrete

structures. This is because the metal framework of such structures picks up magnetism from appliances, etc.


Storage• The precision of the bearing sensor may deteriorate if the watch becomes

magnetized. Because of this, you should store the watch away from magnets or any other sources of strong magnetism, including: permanent magnets (magnetic necklaces, etc.) and household appliances (TVs, personal computers, washing machines, freezers, etc.).

• Whenever you suspect that the watch may have become magnetized, perform the procedure under “To perform bidirectional calibration” (page E-36).



This watch uses a temperature sensor to take temperature readings.

To enter and exit the Thermometer Mode1. In the Timekeeping Mode or Digital Compass Mode,

press D.• THERMO will appear on the digital display for about

one second indicating that temperature readings are being taken. After that, the measurement result will appear.

• The watch will take temperature readings every fi ve seconds for one or two minutes.

• To restart temperature readings, press D.

2. Press C to return to the Timekeeping Mode.• If you do not perform any button operation for one

or two minutes after temperature measurement is complete, the watch will automatically return to the Timekeeping Mode.



Temperature• Temperature is displayed in units of 0.1°C (or 0.2°F).• The displayed temperature value changes to --.- °C (or °F) if a measured

temperature falls outside the range of –10.0°C to 60.0°C (14.0°F to 140.0°F). The temperature value will reappear as soon as the measured temperature is within the allowable range.

Display UnitsYou can select either Celsius (°C) or Fahrenheit (°F) for the displayed temperature value. See “To specify temperature unit” (page E-47) for more information.

Temperature Sensor CalibrationThe watch’s temperature sensor is calibrated at the factory and normally requires no further adjustment. If you notice serious errors in the temperature readings produced by the watch, you can calibrate the sensor to correct the errors.


Important!• Incorrectly calibrating the temperature sensor can result in incorrect readings.

Carefully read the following before doing anything.– Compare the readings produced by the watch with those of another reliable and

accurate thermometer.– If adjustment is required, remove the watch from your wrist and wait for 20 or 30

minutes to give the temperature of the watch time to stabilize.

To correct the temperature valueYou can correct the temperature readings displayed by the watch in accordance with another measuring instrument for more accurate readings.

1. In the Thermometer Mode, hold down A until the current temperature value fl ashes on the digital display. This is the setting screen.


2. Use D (+) and B (–) to calibrate the temperature value with the reading of another instrument.• Each press of a button changes the temperature value in units of 0.1°C (0.2°F).• To return the currently fl ashing value to its initial factory default setting, press B and D at the same time. OFF will appear at the fl ashing location for about one second, followed by the initial default value.

3. Press A to return to the Thermometer Mode.

Thermometer Precautions• Temperature measurements are affected by your body temperature (while you are

wearing the watch), direct sunlight, and moisture. To achieve a more accurate temperature measurement, remove the watch from your wrist, place it in a well ventilated location out of direct sunlight, and wipe all moisture from the case. It takes approximately 20 to 30 minutes for the case of the watch to reach the actual surrounding temperature.

• When taking temperature readings, it is best to remove the watch from your wrist in order to eliminate the effects of body heat. Remove the watch from your wrist and allow it to hang freely from your bag or in another location where it is not exposed to direct sunlight.


Specifying Temperature Unit

Use the procedure below to specify the temperature unit to be used in the Thermometer Mode.

Important!When TOKYO is selected as the Home City, the temperature unit is set automatically to Celsius (°C).These settings cannot be changed.

To specify the temperature unit1. Enter the Thermometer Mode and then hold down A for

about two seconds until the current temperature value fl ashes on the digital display. This is the setting screen.

2. Press C to display the temperature unit setting screen with either °C or °F (the current setting) fl ashing.


3. Press D to toggle the temperature unit between °C (Celsius) and °F (Fahrenheit).

4. After the setting is the way you want, press A to exit the setting screen.


Looking up Sunrise and Sunset Times

You can use the Sunrise/Sunset Mode to look up the sunrise and sunset times for a particular date (year, month, day) and location.

To look up the sunrise and sunset times on a specifi c dateUse C to select the Sunrise/Sunset Mode as shown on page E-13.• SUNRISE TIME or SUNSET TIME will appear on the

digital display for about one second. After that the current year, month, and day will appear for about one second.

• Next, CALC will appear to indicate that calculation is in progress. After the calculation is complete, the sunrise time or sunset time for the current date will appear.

• What appears fi rst when the enter the Sunrise/Sunset Mode (either the sunrise time or sunset time) will be the time that was displayed when you last exited the Sunrise/Sunset Mode.

Sunrise time or sunset time

(or )

Sunrise time or sunset time

(or )

Operation Guide 5269

Observera!• Solens upp- och nedgångstider beräknas för det aktuella datumet, baserat på Hemstad, latitud och longitud som valts för tillfället. Innan denna funktion används måste du ställa in Hemstad, longitud och latitud för den plats som du vill visa solens upp- och nedgångstider för.

Att växla mellan solens upp- och nedgångstiderTryck A.


Använda Måndata Månåldersfunktionen visar ett värde som indikerar Månåldern klockan 12 på dagen för aktuellt datum.

Att visa Månåldern för ett visst datum 1. Använd C för att välja Månåldersfunktionen (MOON AGE)

såsom visas på sida E-12. • MOON AGE visas på den digitala displayen i ca en sekund.

Därefter visas aktuellt år, månad och dag i ca en sekund. Sedan visas CALC på den digitala displayen för att indikera att kalkyleringen av Månåldern pågår. När kalkyleringen är klar visas Månåldersvärdet för det aktuella datumet.


Använda Alarmet Du kan ställa in fem dagliga alarm som är oberoende av varandra. När alarmet är aktiverat ljuder det i ca 10 sekunder varje dag när tiden i Tidvisningsfunktionen når den förinställda alarmtiden. Alarmet ljuder även om klockan inte är i Tidvisnings funktionen. Du kan även aktivera en Timsignal som ger två signa ler varje hel timme.

Att gå till alarmfunktionen Använd C för att välja Alarmfunktionen (ALARM) såsom visas på sida E-12. • ALARM visas på den digitala displayen i ca en sekund. Därefter visar den digitala displayen den aktuella alarmtiden och alarmn umret (-1 till -5), eller Timsignalinställningen. Om ett alarm aktiveras alternerar den digitala displayen mellan att visa alarmnumret och ON/OFF-inställningsdisplayen i 1-sekundsintervall.

3.TryckCförattflyttablinkandetmellantim-ochminutinställningarna.4. När en inställning blinkar, Använd D (+) och B (–) för att ändra den.När du ställer in alarmtiden med 12-timmarsvisning ska du ta hänsyn till AM/PM.5. Tryck A för att lämna inställningsdisplayen.

Att testa alarmetI Alarmfunktionen, tryck och håll inne D för att testa alarmet.


Att använda stoppuretStoppuretmäterförflutentidochmellantider.

Att gå till Stoppursfunktionen Använd C för att välja Stoppursfunktionen (STW) såsom visas på sida E-12. • STW visas på den digitala displayen i ca en sekund. Den digitala displayen visar sedan stoppurstiden.

Bruksanvisning 5269Att visa solens upp- och nedgångstider för ett visst datum När solens upp- och nedgångstider visas i Solen upp/ned-funktionen använder du B (+) och D (-) för att scrolla genom datumen. • Solens upp- och nedgångstider för det aktuella datumet visas på den digitala displayen. • Valfritt datum mellan 1 januari 2000 and 31 december 2099 kan väljas.

Observera! • Om du misstänker att fel tid visas för solens uppgångstid och/eller nedgångstid ska du kontrollera inställningarna för Hemstad, longitud och latitud. • Solens upp- och nedgångstider är kalkylerade för havsnivån. Andra upp- och nedgångstider gäller för platser som är belägna på högre höjd än havsnivån.


2. När ett Månåldersvärde visas kan du använda knapparna D (+) och B (-) för att scrolla mellan dagarna.• När du scrollar till en annan dag visas CALC i en sekund på den digitala displayen för att indi-kera att kalkylering av Månåldern pågår. Månåldern för valda data visas när kalkyleringen är klar. Tryck och håll inne C i två sekunder för att återgå till Tidvisningsfunktionen.

Observera!• Månåldern kalkyleras med en precision på ±1 dag. • Om Måndata är felaktiga ska du kontrollera inställningarna för Tidvisningsfunktionen och korri-gera vid behov.


• Alarmnumret indikerar an alarmdisplay. SIG visas när Timsignaldisplayen är vald på den digitala displayen.• När du går till Alarmfunktionen visas de data som du tittade på när du lämnade funktionen förra gången.

Att ställa in en alarmtid 1. I Alarmfunktionen, använd D och B för att scrolla genom alarmdisplayerna tills alarmet som du vill ställa in visas.

2. Tryck och håll inne A tills alarmtiden börjar blinka. Detta är inställningsdisplayen.


Att aktivera/avaktivera alarmet och Timsignalen 1. I Alarmfunktionen, använd D och B för att välja ett alarm eller Timsignalen. 2. När du har valt önskat alarm eller Timsignalen trycker du A för att växla mellan på och av. • Alarm på-indikatorn (när ett alarm är aktiverat) och Timsignal på-indikatorn (när Timsignalen är aktiverad) visas på den digitala displayen i alla funktioner. Att stoppa alarmetTryck på valfri knapp.


• Den digitala displayen alternerar mellan att visa SPL och värdet i 1/100-dels sekunder i 1-sekundsintervall.

Observera!Stoppursfunktionenkanvisaförflutentidupptill23timmar,59minuteroch59,99sekunder.• När tidtagningen har startat, pågår den tills du trycker C för att nollställa den. Detta gäller även om du lämnar Stoppursfunktionen och växlar till en annan funktion eller om tidtagningen når den ovan angivna maxgränsen.• Om du lämnar Stoppursfunktionen när en mellantid visas på den digitala displayen, kommer mellantiden att raderas och klockan återgår till tidtagningen.



Note• Sunrise and sunset times are calculated in accordance with the current date based

on the currently specifi ed Home City, latitude, and longitude.• Before trying to use the Sunrise/Sunset Mode, you need to confi gure settings for the

Home City, longitude, and latitude for the location whose sunrise and sunset times you want to view.

To toggle between sunrise time and sunset timePress A.


To view the sunrise/sunset time for a particular dateWhile the sunrise time or sunset time is displayed in the Sunrise/Sunset Mode, use B (+) and D (–) to scroll through the dates.• The sunrise time or sunset time for the currently

selected date will appear on the digital display.• You can select any date between January 1, 2000 and

December 31, 2099.

Note• If you think that the sunrise and/or sunset times

are not correct for some reason, check the watch’s Home City, longitude and latitude settings.

• The sunrise and sunset times displayed by this watch are times at sea level. Sunrise and sunset times are different at altitudes other than sea level.

Sunrise time or sunset timeSunrise time or sunset time


Using Moon Data

The Moon Age Mode displays a value that indicates the Moon age at noon on the current date.

To look up the Moon age on a specifi c date1. Use C to select the Moon Age Mode (MOON AGE) as

shown on page E-12.• MOON AGE will appear on the digital display for

about one second. After that the current year, month, and day will appear for about one second.

• Next, CALC will appear on the digital display indicating that Moon age calculation is in progress. After the calculation is complete, the Moon age value for the current date will appear.

Moon ageMoon age


2. While a Moon age value is displayed you can use the D (+) and B (–) buttons to scroll from day to day.• Scrolling to another day will cause CALC to appear on the digital display for one

second indicating that Moon age calculation is in progress. The Moon age for the selected data will appear when calculation is complete.

• Hold down C for two seconds to return to the Timekeeping Mode.

Note• Moon age is calculated to an accuracy of ±1 day.• If the Moon data is not correct, check your Timekeeping Mode settings and correct

them if necessary.


Using the Alarm

You can set fi ve independent daily alarms. When a daily alarm is turned on, an alarm tone will sound for about 10 seconds each day when the time in the Timekeeping Mode reaches the preset alarm time. This is true even if the watch is not in the Timekeeping Mode.You can also turn on an Hourly Time Signal, which will cause the watch to beep twice every hour on the hour.

To enter the Alarm ModeUse C to select the Alarm Mode (ALARM) as shown on page E-12.• ALARM will appear on the digital display for about one

second. After that, the digital display will show the current alarm time and alarm number (–1 to –5), or the hourly time signal setting. In the case of an alarm, the digital display alternates at one-second intervals between the alarm number and the on/off setting screen.

Alarm time(Hour : Minutes) or SIG

Alternates(1 second)


Alarm time(Hour : Minutes) or SIG

Alternates(1 second)



• The alarm number indicates an alarm screen. SIG is shown when the Hourly Time Signal screen is on the digital display.

• When you enter the Alarm Mode, the data you were viewing when you last exited the mode appears fi rst.

To set an alarm time1. In the Alarm Mode, use D and B to scroll through the

alarm screens until the one whose time you want to set is displayed.

−1 −2 −3

SIG −5 −4

2. Hold down A until the alarm time starts to fl ash. This is the setting screen.


3. Press C to move the fl ashing between the hour and minute settings.

4. While a setting is fl ashing, use D (+) and B (–) to change it.• When setting the alarm time using the 12-hour format, take care to set the time

correctly as a.m. or p.m.

5. Press A to exit the setting screen.

To test the alarmIn the Alarm Mode, hold down D to sound the alarm.


To turn an alarm and the Hourly Time Signal on and off1. In the Alarm Mode, use D and B to select an alarm or

the Hourly Time Signal.

2. When the alarm or the Hourly Time Signal you want is selected, press A to toggle it between on and off.

• The alarm on indicator (when any alarm is on) and the Hourly Time Signal on indicator (when the Hourly Time Signal is on) are shown on the digital display in all modes.

To stop the alarmPress any button.

Alarm on indicator

Hourly time signal on indicator

Alarm on indicator

Hourly time signal on indicator


Using the Stopwatch

The stopwatch measures elapsed time and split times.

To enter the Stopwatch ModeUse C to select the Stopwatch Mode (STW) as shown on page E-12.• STW will appear on the digital display for about one

second. Next, the digital display will change to show the stopwatch time.

To perform an elapsed time operation

D D D D BStart Stop (Restart) (Stop) Reset

To pause at a split time

D B B D BStart Split Split release Stop Reset


Minutes1/100 second


Minutes1/100 second



• Digital display alternates between SPL and the 1/100-second value at one-second intervals.

Note• The Stopwatch Mode can indicate elapsed time up to 23 hours, 59 minutes, 59.99

seconds.• Once started, stopwatch timing continues until you press B to reset it, even if you

exit the Stopwatch Mode to another mode and even if timing reaches the stopwatch limit defi ned above.

• Exiting the Stopwatch Mode while a split time is frozen on the digital display clears the split time and returns to elapsed time measurement.

Operation Guide 5269


Note• Sunrise and sunset times are calculated in accordance with the current date based

on the currently specifi ed Home City, latitude, and longitude.• Before trying to use the Sunrise/Sunset Mode, you need to confi gure settings for the

Home City, longitude, and latitude for the location whose sunrise and sunset times you want to view.

To toggle between sunrise time and sunset timePress A.


To view the sunrise/sunset time for a particular dateWhile the sunrise time or sunset time is displayed in the Sunrise/Sunset Mode, use B (+) and D (–) to scroll through the dates.• The sunrise time or sunset time for the currently

selected date will appear on the digital display.• You can select any date between January 1, 2000 and

December 31, 2099.

Note• If you think that the sunrise and/or sunset times

are not correct for some reason, check the watch’s Home City, longitude and latitude settings.

• The sunrise and sunset times displayed by this watch are times at sea level. Sunrise and sunset times are different at altitudes other than sea level.

Sunrise time or sunset timeSunrise time or sunset time


Using Moon Data

The Moon Age Mode displays a value that indicates the Moon age at noon on the current date.

To look up the Moon age on a specifi c date1. Use C to select the Moon Age Mode (MOON AGE) as

shown on page E-12.• MOON AGE will appear on the digital display for

about one second. After that the current year, month, and day will appear for about one second.

• Next, CALC will appear on the digital display indicating that Moon age calculation is in progress. After the calculation is complete, the Moon age value for the current date will appear.

Moon ageMoon age


2. While a Moon age value is displayed you can use the D (+) and B (–) buttons to scroll from day to day.• Scrolling to another day will cause CALC to appear on the digital display for one

second indicating that Moon age calculation is in progress. The Moon age for the selected data will appear when calculation is complete.

• Hold down C for two seconds to return to the Timekeeping Mode.

Note• Moon age is calculated to an accuracy of ±1 day.• If the Moon data is not correct, check your Timekeeping Mode settings and correct

them if necessary.


Using the Alarm

You can set fi ve independent daily alarms. When a daily alarm is turned on, an alarm tone will sound for about 10 seconds each day when the time in the Timekeeping Mode reaches the preset alarm time. This is true even if the watch is not in the Timekeeping Mode.You can also turn on an Hourly Time Signal, which will cause the watch to beep twice every hour on the hour.

To enter the Alarm ModeUse C to select the Alarm Mode (ALARM) as shown on page E-12.• ALARM will appear on the digital display for about one

second. After that, the digital display will show the current alarm time and alarm number (–1 to –5), or the hourly time signal setting. In the case of an alarm, the digital display alternates at one-second intervals between the alarm number and the on/off setting screen.

Alarm time(Hour : Minutes) or SIG

Alternates(1 second)


Alarm time(Hour : Minutes) or SIG

Alternates(1 second)



• The alarm number indicates an alarm screen. SIG is shown when the Hourly Time Signal screen is on the digital display.

• When you enter the Alarm Mode, the data you were viewing when you last exited the mode appears fi rst.

To set an alarm time1. In the Alarm Mode, use D and B to scroll through the

alarm screens until the one whose time you want to set is displayed.

−1 −2 −3

SIG −5 −4

2. Hold down A until the alarm time starts to fl ash. This is the setting screen.


3. Press C to move the fl ashing between the hour and minute settings.

4. While a setting is fl ashing, use D (+) and B (–) to change it.• When setting the alarm time using the 12-hour format, take care to set the time

correctly as a.m. or p.m.

5. Press A to exit the setting screen.

To test the alarmIn the Alarm Mode, hold down D to sound the alarm.


To turn an alarm and the Hourly Time Signal on and off1. In the Alarm Mode, use D and B to select an alarm or

the Hourly Time Signal.

2. When the alarm or the Hourly Time Signal you want is selected, press A to toggle it between on and off.

• The alarm on indicator (when any alarm is on) and the Hourly Time Signal on indicator (when the Hourly Time Signal is on) are shown on the digital display in all modes.

To stop the alarmPress any button.

Alarm on indicator

Hourly time signal on indicator

Alarm on indicator

Hourly time signal on indicator


Using the Stopwatch

The stopwatch measures elapsed time and split times.

To enter the Stopwatch ModeUse C to select the Stopwatch Mode (STW) as shown on page E-12.• STW will appear on the digital display for about one

second. Next, the digital display will change to show the stopwatch time.

To perform an elapsed time operation

D D D D BStart Stop (Restart) (Stop) Reset

To pause at a split time

D B B D BStart Split Split release Stop Reset


Minutes1/100 second


Minutes1/100 second



• Digital display alternates between SPL and the 1/100-second value at one-second intervals.

Note• The Stopwatch Mode can indicate elapsed time up to 23 hours, 59 minutes, 59.99

seconds.• Once started, stopwatch timing continues until you press B to reset it, even if you

exit the Stopwatch Mode to another mode and even if timing reaches the stopwatch limit defi ned above.

• Exiting the Stopwatch Mode while a split time is frozen on the digital display clears the split time and returns to elapsed time measurement.

Operation Guide 5269


Note• Sunrise and sunset times are calculated in accordance with the current date based

on the currently specifi ed Home City, latitude, and longitude.• Before trying to use the Sunrise/Sunset Mode, you need to confi gure settings for the

Home City, longitude, and latitude for the location whose sunrise and sunset times you want to view.

To toggle between sunrise time and sunset timePress A.


To view the sunrise/sunset time for a particular dateWhile the sunrise time or sunset time is displayed in the Sunrise/Sunset Mode, use B (+) and D (–) to scroll through the dates.• The sunrise time or sunset time for the currently

selected date will appear on the digital display.• You can select any date between January 1, 2000 and

December 31, 2099.

Note• If you think that the sunrise and/or sunset times

are not correct for some reason, check the watch’s Home City, longitude and latitude settings.

• The sunrise and sunset times displayed by this watch are times at sea level. Sunrise and sunset times are different at altitudes other than sea level.

Sunrise time or sunset timeSunrise time or sunset time


Using Moon Data

The Moon Age Mode displays a value that indicates the Moon age at noon on the current date.

To look up the Moon age on a specifi c date1. Use C to select the Moon Age Mode (MOON AGE) as

shown on page E-12.• MOON AGE will appear on the digital display for

about one second. After that the current year, month, and day will appear for about one second.

• Next, CALC will appear on the digital display indicating that Moon age calculation is in progress. After the calculation is complete, the Moon age value for the current date will appear.

Moon ageMoon age


2. While a Moon age value is displayed you can use the D (+) and B (–) buttons to scroll from day to day.• Scrolling to another day will cause CALC to appear on the digital display for one

second indicating that Moon age calculation is in progress. The Moon age for the selected data will appear when calculation is complete.

• Hold down C for two seconds to return to the Timekeeping Mode.

Note• Moon age is calculated to an accuracy of ±1 day.• If the Moon data is not correct, check your Timekeeping Mode settings and correct

them if necessary.


Using the Alarm

You can set fi ve independent daily alarms. When a daily alarm is turned on, an alarm tone will sound for about 10 seconds each day when the time in the Timekeeping Mode reaches the preset alarm time. This is true even if the watch is not in the Timekeeping Mode.You can also turn on an Hourly Time Signal, which will cause the watch to beep twice every hour on the hour.

To enter the Alarm ModeUse C to select the Alarm Mode (ALARM) as shown on page E-12.• ALARM will appear on the digital display for about one

second. After that, the digital display will show the current alarm time and alarm number (–1 to –5), or the hourly time signal setting. In the case of an alarm, the digital display alternates at one-second intervals between the alarm number and the on/off setting screen.

Alarm time(Hour : Minutes) or SIG

Alternates(1 second)


Alarm time(Hour : Minutes) or SIG

Alternates(1 second)



• The alarm number indicates an alarm screen. SIG is shown when the Hourly Time Signal screen is on the digital display.

• When you enter the Alarm Mode, the data you were viewing when you last exited the mode appears fi rst.

To set an alarm time1. In the Alarm Mode, use D and B to scroll through the

alarm screens until the one whose time you want to set is displayed.

−1 −2 −3

SIG −5 −4

2. Hold down A until the alarm time starts to fl ash. This is the setting screen.


3. Press C to move the fl ashing between the hour and minute settings.

4. While a setting is fl ashing, use D (+) and B (–) to change it.• When setting the alarm time using the 12-hour format, take care to set the time

correctly as a.m. or p.m.

5. Press A to exit the setting screen.

To test the alarmIn the Alarm Mode, hold down D to sound the alarm.


To turn an alarm and the Hourly Time Signal on and off1. In the Alarm Mode, use D and B to select an alarm or

the Hourly Time Signal.

2. When the alarm or the Hourly Time Signal you want is selected, press A to toggle it between on and off.

• The alarm on indicator (when any alarm is on) and the Hourly Time Signal on indicator (when the Hourly Time Signal is on) are shown on the digital display in all modes.

To stop the alarmPress any button.

Alarm on indicator

Hourly time signal on indicator

Alarm on indicator

Hourly time signal on indicator


Using the Stopwatch

The stopwatch measures elapsed time and split times.

To enter the Stopwatch ModeUse C to select the Stopwatch Mode (STW) as shown on page E-12.• STW will appear on the digital display for about one

second. Next, the digital display will change to show the stopwatch time.

To perform an elapsed time operation

D D D D BStart Stop (Restart) (Stop) Reset

To pause at a split time

D B B D BStart Split Split release Stop Reset


Minutes1/100 second


Minutes1/100 second



• Digital display alternates between SPL and the 1/100-second value at one-second intervals.

Note• The Stopwatch Mode can indicate elapsed time up to 23 hours, 59 minutes, 59.99

seconds.• Once started, stopwatch timing continues until you press B to reset it, even if you

exit the Stopwatch Mode to another mode and even if timing reaches the stopwatch limit defi ned above.

• Exiting the Stopwatch Mode while a split time is frozen on the digital display clears the split time and returns to elapsed time measurement.

Operation Guide 5269


Note• Sunrise and sunset times are calculated in accordance with the current date based

on the currently specifi ed Home City, latitude, and longitude.• Before trying to use the Sunrise/Sunset Mode, you need to confi gure settings for the

Home City, longitude, and latitude for the location whose sunrise and sunset times you want to view.

To toggle between sunrise time and sunset timePress A.


To view the sunrise/sunset time for a particular dateWhile the sunrise time or sunset time is displayed in the Sunrise/Sunset Mode, use B (+) and D (–) to scroll through the dates.• The sunrise time or sunset time for the currently

selected date will appear on the digital display.• You can select any date between January 1, 2000 and

December 31, 2099.

Note• If you think that the sunrise and/or sunset times

are not correct for some reason, check the watch’s Home City, longitude and latitude settings.

• The sunrise and sunset times displayed by this watch are times at sea level. Sunrise and sunset times are different at altitudes other than sea level.

Sunrise time or sunset timeSunrise time or sunset time


Using Moon Data

The Moon Age Mode displays a value that indicates the Moon age at noon on the current date.

To look up the Moon age on a specifi c date1. Use C to select the Moon Age Mode (MOON AGE) as

shown on page E-12.• MOON AGE will appear on the digital display for

about one second. After that the current year, month, and day will appear for about one second.

• Next, CALC will appear on the digital display indicating that Moon age calculation is in progress. After the calculation is complete, the Moon age value for the current date will appear.

Moon ageMoon age


2. While a Moon age value is displayed you can use the D (+) and B (–) buttons to scroll from day to day.• Scrolling to another day will cause CALC to appear on the digital display for one

second indicating that Moon age calculation is in progress. The Moon age for the selected data will appear when calculation is complete.

• Hold down C for two seconds to return to the Timekeeping Mode.

Note• Moon age is calculated to an accuracy of ±1 day.• If the Moon data is not correct, check your Timekeeping Mode settings and correct

them if necessary.


Using the Alarm

You can set fi ve independent daily alarms. When a daily alarm is turned on, an alarm tone will sound for about 10 seconds each day when the time in the Timekeeping Mode reaches the preset alarm time. This is true even if the watch is not in the Timekeeping Mode.You can also turn on an Hourly Time Signal, which will cause the watch to beep twice every hour on the hour.

To enter the Alarm ModeUse C to select the Alarm Mode (ALARM) as shown on page E-12.• ALARM will appear on the digital display for about one

second. After that, the digital display will show the current alarm time and alarm number (–1 to –5), or the hourly time signal setting. In the case of an alarm, the digital display alternates at one-second intervals between the alarm number and the on/off setting screen.

Alarm time(Hour : Minutes) or SIG

Alternates(1 second)


Alarm time(Hour : Minutes) or SIG

Alternates(1 second)



• The alarm number indicates an alarm screen. SIG is shown when the Hourly Time Signal screen is on the digital display.

• When you enter the Alarm Mode, the data you were viewing when you last exited the mode appears fi rst.

To set an alarm time1. In the Alarm Mode, use D and B to scroll through the

alarm screens until the one whose time you want to set is displayed.

−1 −2 −3

SIG −5 −4

2. Hold down A until the alarm time starts to fl ash. This is the setting screen.


3. Press C to move the fl ashing between the hour and minute settings.

4. While a setting is fl ashing, use D (+) and B (–) to change it.• When setting the alarm time using the 12-hour format, take care to set the time

correctly as a.m. or p.m.

5. Press A to exit the setting screen.

To test the alarmIn the Alarm Mode, hold down D to sound the alarm.


To turn an alarm and the Hourly Time Signal on and off1. In the Alarm Mode, use D and B to select an alarm or

the Hourly Time Signal.

2. When the alarm or the Hourly Time Signal you want is selected, press A to toggle it between on and off.

• The alarm on indicator (when any alarm is on) and the Hourly Time Signal on indicator (when the Hourly Time Signal is on) are shown on the digital display in all modes.

To stop the alarmPress any button.

Alarm on indicator

Hourly time signal on indicator

Alarm on indicator

Hourly time signal on indicator


Using the Stopwatch

The stopwatch measures elapsed time and split times.

To enter the Stopwatch ModeUse C to select the Stopwatch Mode (STW) as shown on page E-12.• STW will appear on the digital display for about one

second. Next, the digital display will change to show the stopwatch time.

To perform an elapsed time operation

D D D D BStart Stop (Restart) (Stop) Reset

To pause at a split time

D B B D BStart Split Split release Stop Reset


Minutes1/100 second


Minutes1/100 second



• Digital display alternates between SPL and the 1/100-second value at one-second intervals.

Note• The Stopwatch Mode can indicate elapsed time up to 23 hours, 59 minutes, 59.99

seconds.• Once started, stopwatch timing continues until you press B to reset it, even if you

exit the Stopwatch Mode to another mode and even if timing reaches the stopwatch limit defi ned above.

• Exiting the Stopwatch Mode while a split time is frozen on the digital display clears the split time and returns to elapsed time measurement.

Operation Guide 5269


Note• Sunrise and sunset times are calculated in accordance with the current date based

on the currently specifi ed Home City, latitude, and longitude.• Before trying to use the Sunrise/Sunset Mode, you need to confi gure settings for the

Home City, longitude, and latitude for the location whose sunrise and sunset times you want to view.

To toggle between sunrise time and sunset timePress A.


To view the sunrise/sunset time for a particular dateWhile the sunrise time or sunset time is displayed in the Sunrise/Sunset Mode, use B (+) and D (–) to scroll through the dates.• The sunrise time or sunset time for the currently

selected date will appear on the digital display.• You can select any date between January 1, 2000 and

December 31, 2099.

Note• If you think that the sunrise and/or sunset times

are not correct for some reason, check the watch’s Home City, longitude and latitude settings.

• The sunrise and sunset times displayed by this watch are times at sea level. Sunrise and sunset times are different at altitudes other than sea level.

Sunrise time or sunset timeSunrise time or sunset time


Using Moon Data

The Moon Age Mode displays a value that indicates the Moon age at noon on the current date.

To look up the Moon age on a specifi c date1. Use C to select the Moon Age Mode (MOON AGE) as

shown on page E-12.• MOON AGE will appear on the digital display for

about one second. After that the current year, month, and day will appear for about one second.

• Next, CALC will appear on the digital display indicating that Moon age calculation is in progress. After the calculation is complete, the Moon age value for the current date will appear.

Moon ageMoon age


2. While a Moon age value is displayed you can use the D (+) and B (–) buttons to scroll from day to day.• Scrolling to another day will cause CALC to appear on the digital display for one

second indicating that Moon age calculation is in progress. The Moon age for the selected data will appear when calculation is complete.

• Hold down C for two seconds to return to the Timekeeping Mode.

Note• Moon age is calculated to an accuracy of ±1 day.• If the Moon data is not correct, check your Timekeeping Mode settings and correct

them if necessary.


Using the Alarm

You can set fi ve independent daily alarms. When a daily alarm is turned on, an alarm tone will sound for about 10 seconds each day when the time in the Timekeeping Mode reaches the preset alarm time. This is true even if the watch is not in the Timekeeping Mode.You can also turn on an Hourly Time Signal, which will cause the watch to beep twice every hour on the hour.

To enter the Alarm ModeUse C to select the Alarm Mode (ALARM) as shown on page E-12.• ALARM will appear on the digital display for about one

second. After that, the digital display will show the current alarm time and alarm number (–1 to –5), or the hourly time signal setting. In the case of an alarm, the digital display alternates at one-second intervals between the alarm number and the on/off setting screen.

Alarm time(Hour : Minutes) or SIG

Alternates(1 second)


Alarm time(Hour : Minutes) or SIG

Alternates(1 second)



• The alarm number indicates an alarm screen. SIG is shown when the Hourly Time Signal screen is on the digital display.

• When you enter the Alarm Mode, the data you were viewing when you last exited the mode appears fi rst.

To set an alarm time1. In the Alarm Mode, use D and B to scroll through the

alarm screens until the one whose time you want to set is displayed.

−1 −2 −3

SIG −5 −4

2. Hold down A until the alarm time starts to fl ash. This is the setting screen.


3. Press C to move the fl ashing between the hour and minute settings.

4. While a setting is fl ashing, use D (+) and B (–) to change it.• When setting the alarm time using the 12-hour format, take care to set the time

correctly as a.m. or p.m.

5. Press A to exit the setting screen.

To test the alarmIn the Alarm Mode, hold down D to sound the alarm.


To turn an alarm and the Hourly Time Signal on and off1. In the Alarm Mode, use D and B to select an alarm or

the Hourly Time Signal.

2. When the alarm or the Hourly Time Signal you want is selected, press A to toggle it between on and off.

• The alarm on indicator (when any alarm is on) and the Hourly Time Signal on indicator (when the Hourly Time Signal is on) are shown on the digital display in all modes.

To stop the alarmPress any button.

Alarm on indicator

Hourly time signal on indicator

Alarm on indicator

Hourly time signal on indicator


Using the Stopwatch

The stopwatch measures elapsed time and split times.

To enter the Stopwatch ModeUse C to select the Stopwatch Mode (STW) as shown on page E-12.• STW will appear on the digital display for about one

second. Next, the digital display will change to show the stopwatch time.

To perform an elapsed time operation

D D D D BStart Stop (Restart) (Stop) Reset

To pause at a split time

D B B D BStart Split Split release Stop Reset


Minutes1/100 second


Minutes1/100 second



• Digital display alternates between SPL and the 1/100-second value at one-second intervals.

Note• The Stopwatch Mode can indicate elapsed time up to 23 hours, 59 minutes, 59.99

seconds.• Once started, stopwatch timing continues until you press B to reset it, even if you

exit the Stopwatch Mode to another mode and even if timing reaches the stopwatch limit defi ned above.

• Exiting the Stopwatch Mode while a split time is frozen on the digital display clears the split time and returns to elapsed time measurement.

Operation Guide 5269


Note• Sunrise and sunset times are calculated in accordance with the current date based

on the currently specifi ed Home City, latitude, and longitude.• Before trying to use the Sunrise/Sunset Mode, you need to confi gure settings for the

Home City, longitude, and latitude for the location whose sunrise and sunset times you want to view.

To toggle between sunrise time and sunset timePress A.


To view the sunrise/sunset time for a particular dateWhile the sunrise time or sunset time is displayed in the Sunrise/Sunset Mode, use B (+) and D (–) to scroll through the dates.• The sunrise time or sunset time for the currently

selected date will appear on the digital display.• You can select any date between January 1, 2000 and

December 31, 2099.

Note• If you think that the sunrise and/or sunset times

are not correct for some reason, check the watch’s Home City, longitude and latitude settings.

• The sunrise and sunset times displayed by this watch are times at sea level. Sunrise and sunset times are different at altitudes other than sea level.

Sunrise time or sunset timeSunrise time or sunset time


Using Moon Data

The Moon Age Mode displays a value that indicates the Moon age at noon on the current date.

To look up the Moon age on a specifi c date1. Use C to select the Moon Age Mode (MOON AGE) as

shown on page E-12.• MOON AGE will appear on the digital display for

about one second. After that the current year, month, and day will appear for about one second.

• Next, CALC will appear on the digital display indicating that Moon age calculation is in progress. After the calculation is complete, the Moon age value for the current date will appear.

Moon ageMoon age


2. While a Moon age value is displayed you can use the D (+) and B (–) buttons to scroll from day to day.• Scrolling to another day will cause CALC to appear on the digital display for one

second indicating that Moon age calculation is in progress. The Moon age for the selected data will appear when calculation is complete.

• Hold down C for two seconds to return to the Timekeeping Mode.

Note• Moon age is calculated to an accuracy of ±1 day.• If the Moon data is not correct, check your Timekeeping Mode settings and correct

them if necessary.


Using the Alarm

You can set fi ve independent daily alarms. When a daily alarm is turned on, an alarm tone will sound for about 10 seconds each day when the time in the Timekeeping Mode reaches the preset alarm time. This is true even if the watch is not in the Timekeeping Mode.You can also turn on an Hourly Time Signal, which will cause the watch to beep twice every hour on the hour.

To enter the Alarm ModeUse C to select the Alarm Mode (ALARM) as shown on page E-12.• ALARM will appear on the digital display for about one

second. After that, the digital display will show the current alarm time and alarm number (–1 to –5), or the hourly time signal setting. In the case of an alarm, the digital display alternates at one-second intervals between the alarm number and the on/off setting screen.

Alarm time(Hour : Minutes) or SIG

Alternates(1 second)


Alarm time(Hour : Minutes) or SIG

Alternates(1 second)



• The alarm number indicates an alarm screen. SIG is shown when the Hourly Time Signal screen is on the digital display.

• When you enter the Alarm Mode, the data you were viewing when you last exited the mode appears fi rst.

To set an alarm time1. In the Alarm Mode, use D and B to scroll through the

alarm screens until the one whose time you want to set is displayed.

−1 −2 −3

SIG −5 −4

2. Hold down A until the alarm time starts to fl ash. This is the setting screen.


3. Press C to move the fl ashing between the hour and minute settings.

4. While a setting is fl ashing, use D (+) and B (–) to change it.• When setting the alarm time using the 12-hour format, take care to set the time

correctly as a.m. or p.m.

5. Press A to exit the setting screen.

To test the alarmIn the Alarm Mode, hold down D to sound the alarm.


To turn an alarm and the Hourly Time Signal on and off1. In the Alarm Mode, use D and B to select an alarm or

the Hourly Time Signal.

2. When the alarm or the Hourly Time Signal you want is selected, press A to toggle it between on and off.

• The alarm on indicator (when any alarm is on) and the Hourly Time Signal on indicator (when the Hourly Time Signal is on) are shown on the digital display in all modes.

To stop the alarmPress any button.

Alarm on indicator

Hourly time signal on indicator

Alarm on indicator

Hourly time signal on indicator


Using the Stopwatch

The stopwatch measures elapsed time and split times.

To enter the Stopwatch ModeUse C to select the Stopwatch Mode (STW) as shown on page E-12.• STW will appear on the digital display for about one

second. Next, the digital display will change to show the stopwatch time.

To perform an elapsed time operation

D D D D BStart Stop (Restart) (Stop) Reset

To pause at a split time

D B B D BStart Split Split release Stop Reset


Minutes1/100 second


Minutes1/100 second



• Digital display alternates between SPL and the 1/100-second value at one-second intervals.

Note• The Stopwatch Mode can indicate elapsed time up to 23 hours, 59 minutes, 59.99

seconds.• Once started, stopwatch timing continues until you press B to reset it, even if you

exit the Stopwatch Mode to another mode and even if timing reaches the stopwatch limit defi ned above.

• Exiting the Stopwatch Mode while a split time is frozen on the digital display clears the split time and returns to elapsed time measurement.

Operation Guide 5269


Note• Sunrise and sunset times are calculated in accordance with the current date based

on the currently specifi ed Home City, latitude, and longitude.• Before trying to use the Sunrise/Sunset Mode, you need to confi gure settings for the

Home City, longitude, and latitude for the location whose sunrise and sunset times you want to view.

To toggle between sunrise time and sunset timePress A.


To view the sunrise/sunset time for a particular dateWhile the sunrise time or sunset time is displayed in the Sunrise/Sunset Mode, use B (+) and D (–) to scroll through the dates.• The sunrise time or sunset time for the currently

selected date will appear on the digital display.• You can select any date between January 1, 2000 and

December 31, 2099.

Note• If you think that the sunrise and/or sunset times

are not correct for some reason, check the watch’s Home City, longitude and latitude settings.

• The sunrise and sunset times displayed by this watch are times at sea level. Sunrise and sunset times are different at altitudes other than sea level.

Sunrise time or sunset timeSunrise time or sunset time


Using Moon Data

The Moon Age Mode displays a value that indicates the Moon age at noon on the current date.

To look up the Moon age on a specifi c date1. Use C to select the Moon Age Mode (MOON AGE) as

shown on page E-12.• MOON AGE will appear on the digital display for

about one second. After that the current year, month, and day will appear for about one second.

• Next, CALC will appear on the digital display indicating that Moon age calculation is in progress. After the calculation is complete, the Moon age value for the current date will appear.

Moon ageMoon age


2. While a Moon age value is displayed you can use the D (+) and B (–) buttons to scroll from day to day.• Scrolling to another day will cause CALC to appear on the digital display for one

second indicating that Moon age calculation is in progress. The Moon age for the selected data will appear when calculation is complete.

• Hold down C for two seconds to return to the Timekeeping Mode.

Note• Moon age is calculated to an accuracy of ±1 day.• If the Moon data is not correct, check your Timekeeping Mode settings and correct

them if necessary.


Using the Alarm

You can set fi ve independent daily alarms. When a daily alarm is turned on, an alarm tone will sound for about 10 seconds each day when the time in the Timekeeping Mode reaches the preset alarm time. This is true even if the watch is not in the Timekeeping Mode.You can also turn on an Hourly Time Signal, which will cause the watch to beep twice every hour on the hour.

To enter the Alarm ModeUse C to select the Alarm Mode (ALARM) as shown on page E-12.• ALARM will appear on the digital display for about one

second. After that, the digital display will show the current alarm time and alarm number (–1 to –5), or the hourly time signal setting. In the case of an alarm, the digital display alternates at one-second intervals between the alarm number and the on/off setting screen.

Alarm time(Hour : Minutes) or SIG

Alternates(1 second)


Alarm time(Hour : Minutes) or SIG

Alternates(1 second)



• The alarm number indicates an alarm screen. SIG is shown when the Hourly Time Signal screen is on the digital display.

• When you enter the Alarm Mode, the data you were viewing when you last exited the mode appears fi rst.

To set an alarm time1. In the Alarm Mode, use D and B to scroll through the

alarm screens until the one whose time you want to set is displayed.

−1 −2 −3

SIG −5 −4

2. Hold down A until the alarm time starts to fl ash. This is the setting screen.


3. Press C to move the fl ashing between the hour and minute settings.

4. While a setting is fl ashing, use D (+) and B (–) to change it.• When setting the alarm time using the 12-hour format, take care to set the time

correctly as a.m. or p.m.

5. Press A to exit the setting screen.

To test the alarmIn the Alarm Mode, hold down D to sound the alarm.


To turn an alarm and the Hourly Time Signal on and off1. In the Alarm Mode, use D and B to select an alarm or

the Hourly Time Signal.

2. When the alarm or the Hourly Time Signal you want is selected, press A to toggle it between on and off.

• The alarm on indicator (when any alarm is on) and the Hourly Time Signal on indicator (when the Hourly Time Signal is on) are shown on the digital display in all modes.

To stop the alarmPress any button.

Alarm on indicator

Hourly time signal on indicator

Alarm on indicator

Hourly time signal on indicator


Using the Stopwatch

The stopwatch measures elapsed time and split times.

To enter the Stopwatch ModeUse C to select the Stopwatch Mode (STW) as shown on page E-12.• STW will appear on the digital display for about one

second. Next, the digital display will change to show the stopwatch time.

To perform an elapsed time operation

D D D D BStart Stop (Restart) (Stop) Reset

To pause at a split time

D B B D BStart Split Split release Stop Reset


Minutes1/100 second


Minutes1/100 second



• Digital display alternates between SPL and the 1/100-second value at one-second intervals.

Note• The Stopwatch Mode can indicate elapsed time up to 23 hours, 59 minutes, 59.99

seconds.• Once started, stopwatch timing continues until you press B to reset it, even if you

exit the Stopwatch Mode to another mode and even if timing reaches the stopwatch limit defi ned above.

• Exiting the Stopwatch Mode while a split time is frozen on the digital display clears the split time and returns to elapsed time measurement.

Operation Guide 5269


Note• Sunrise and sunset times are calculated in accordance with the current date based

on the currently specifi ed Home City, latitude, and longitude.• Before trying to use the Sunrise/Sunset Mode, you need to confi gure settings for the

Home City, longitude, and latitude for the location whose sunrise and sunset times you want to view.

To toggle between sunrise time and sunset timePress A.


To view the sunrise/sunset time for a particular dateWhile the sunrise time or sunset time is displayed in the Sunrise/Sunset Mode, use B (+) and D (–) to scroll through the dates.• The sunrise time or sunset time for the currently

selected date will appear on the digital display.• You can select any date between January 1, 2000 and

December 31, 2099.

Note• If you think that the sunrise and/or sunset times

are not correct for some reason, check the watch’s Home City, longitude and latitude settings.

• The sunrise and sunset times displayed by this watch are times at sea level. Sunrise and sunset times are different at altitudes other than sea level.

Sunrise time or sunset timeSunrise time or sunset time


Using Moon Data

The Moon Age Mode displays a value that indicates the Moon age at noon on the current date.

To look up the Moon age on a specifi c date1. Use C to select the Moon Age Mode (MOON AGE) as

shown on page E-12.• MOON AGE will appear on the digital display for

about one second. After that the current year, month, and day will appear for about one second.

• Next, CALC will appear on the digital display indicating that Moon age calculation is in progress. After the calculation is complete, the Moon age value for the current date will appear.

Moon ageMoon age


2. While a Moon age value is displayed you can use the D (+) and B (–) buttons to scroll from day to day.• Scrolling to another day will cause CALC to appear on the digital display for one

second indicating that Moon age calculation is in progress. The Moon age for the selected data will appear when calculation is complete.

• Hold down C for two seconds to return to the Timekeeping Mode.

Note• Moon age is calculated to an accuracy of ±1 day.• If the Moon data is not correct, check your Timekeeping Mode settings and correct

them if necessary.


Using the Alarm

You can set fi ve independent daily alarms. When a daily alarm is turned on, an alarm tone will sound for about 10 seconds each day when the time in the Timekeeping Mode reaches the preset alarm time. This is true even if the watch is not in the Timekeeping Mode.You can also turn on an Hourly Time Signal, which will cause the watch to beep twice every hour on the hour.

To enter the Alarm ModeUse C to select the Alarm Mode (ALARM) as shown on page E-12.• ALARM will appear on the digital display for about one

second. After that, the digital display will show the current alarm time and alarm number (–1 to –5), or the hourly time signal setting. In the case of an alarm, the digital display alternates at one-second intervals between the alarm number and the on/off setting screen.

Alarm time(Hour : Minutes) or SIG

Alternates(1 second)


Alarm time(Hour : Minutes) or SIG

Alternates(1 second)



• The alarm number indicates an alarm screen. SIG is shown when the Hourly Time Signal screen is on the digital display.

• When you enter the Alarm Mode, the data you were viewing when you last exited the mode appears fi rst.

To set an alarm time1. In the Alarm Mode, use D and B to scroll through the

alarm screens until the one whose time you want to set is displayed.

−1 −2 −3

SIG −5 −4

2. Hold down A until the alarm time starts to fl ash. This is the setting screen.


3. Press C to move the fl ashing between the hour and minute settings.

4. While a setting is fl ashing, use D (+) and B (–) to change it.• When setting the alarm time using the 12-hour format, take care to set the time

correctly as a.m. or p.m.

5. Press A to exit the setting screen.

To test the alarmIn the Alarm Mode, hold down D to sound the alarm.


To turn an alarm and the Hourly Time Signal on and off1. In the Alarm Mode, use D and B to select an alarm or

the Hourly Time Signal.

2. When the alarm or the Hourly Time Signal you want is selected, press A to toggle it between on and off.

• The alarm on indicator (when any alarm is on) and the Hourly Time Signal on indicator (when the Hourly Time Signal is on) are shown on the digital display in all modes.

To stop the alarmPress any button.

Alarm on indicator

Hourly time signal on indicator

Alarm on indicator

Hourly time signal on indicator


Using the Stopwatch

The stopwatch measures elapsed time and split times.

To enter the Stopwatch ModeUse C to select the Stopwatch Mode (STW) as shown on page E-12.• STW will appear on the digital display for about one

second. Next, the digital display will change to show the stopwatch time.

To perform an elapsed time operation

D D D D BStart Stop (Restart) (Stop) Reset

To pause at a split time

D B B D BStart Split Split release Stop Reset


Minutes1/100 second


Minutes1/100 second



• Digital display alternates between SPL and the 1/100-second value at one-second intervals.

Note• The Stopwatch Mode can indicate elapsed time up to 23 hours, 59 minutes, 59.99

seconds.• Once started, stopwatch timing continues until you press B to reset it, even if you

exit the Stopwatch Mode to another mode and even if timing reaches the stopwatch limit defi ned above.

• Exiting the Stopwatch Mode while a split time is frozen on the digital display clears the split time and returns to elapsed time measurement.

Operation Guide 5269

Använda Nedräkningstimern

Nedräkningstimern kan ställas in så att den startar på en förinställd tid och ger en signal när nedräkningen når noll.

Att gå till Nedräkningstimerfunktionen Använd C för att välja Nedräkningstimerfunktionen (TIMER) såsom visas på sida E-12. • TIMER visas på den digitala displayen i ca en sekund. Den digitala displayen visar sedan nedräkningstiden. Att ange nedräkningens starttid 1. Gå till Nedräkningstimerfunktionen. • Om en nedräkning pågår (indikeras av att sekunderna räknas ned) trycker du D för att stoppa den och sedan B för att återställa till den aktuella nedräkningens starttid.


• Ett alarm ljuder i 10 sekunder när nedräkningen når noll. Detta alarm ljuder i alla funktioner. Nedräkningstiden återställs automatiskt till startvärdet efter alarmsignalen.

Att stoppa alarmetTryck på valfri knapp.


Att visa tiden i en annan tidszonI Världstidfunktionen, använd B (öst) och D (väst) för att scrolla genom Världstidsstäderna och se den aktuella tiden i staden som visas.

Att ange Standardtid eller Sommartid (DST) för en stad 1. I Världstidfunktionen, använd B (öst) och D (väst) för att visa Världstidsstaden (tidszonen) som du vill justera Standardtid/Sommartid för. 2. Tryck och håll inne A i minst två sekunder för att växla mellan Sommartid (DST ON) och Standardtid (DST OFF). Om du ändrar DST-inställningen för din Hemstad i Världstidfunktionen, ändrar detta även DST-inställningen för Tidvisningsfunktionen.

• Observera att du inte kan växla mellan Standardtid/Sommartid (DST) när UTC har valts som Världstidsstad.• Observera att inställningen för Standardtid/Sommartid (DST) endast påverkar tidszonen som valts för tillfället. Övriga tidszoner påverkas inte. E-64

Att ändra belysningstid1. I Tidvisningsfunktionen, tryck och håll inne A i minst två sekunder tills ADJUST visas på den digitala displayen. Detta är inställningsfunktionen. Släpp A när ADJUST visas.• Namnet på staden som du har valt som Hemstad för tillfället visas på den digitala display-en med en blinkande pil (►) till vänster.

2. Tryck D 10 gånger tills LIGHT 1 eller LIGHT 3 visas.• Se steg 3 under ”Att ändra inställningar för aktuell tid och datum” (sida E-22) för informa-tion om hur du scrollar genom inställningsdisplayerna.

3. Tryck D för att växla belysningstiden mellan tre sekunder (LIGHT 3 visas) och 1,5 sekunder (LIGHT 1 visas).

4. När du är klar med inställningen trycker du A två gånger för att återgå till Tidvisningsfunk-tionen. E-67

Knappljud Knappljudet hörs varje gång som någon av klockans knappar trycks in. Du kan aktivera och avaktivera knappljudet.• Även om du avaktiverar knappljudet hörs alarmet, Timsignalen och Nedräkningstimerfunk-tionens signal som vanligt.

Att aktivera/avaktivera knappljudet 1. I Tidvisningsfunktionen, tryck och håll inne A i minst två sekunder tills ADJUST visas på den digitala displayen. Detta är inställningsfunktionen. Släpp A när ADJUST visas. • Namnet på staden som du har valt som Hemstad för tillfället visas på den digitala displayen med en blinkande pil ( ) till vänster.

Bruksanvisning 5269


Using the Countdown Timer

The countdown timer can be confi gured to start at a preset time and sound an alarm when the end of the countdown is reached.

To enter the Countdown Timer ModeUse C to select the Countdown Timer Mode (TIMER) as shown on page E-12.• TIMER will appear on the digital display for about one

second. Next, the digital display will change to show the countdown time.

To specify the countdown start time1. Enter the Countdown Timer Mode.

• If a countdown is in progress (indicated by the seconds counting down), press D to stop it and then press B to reset to the current countdown start time.

Countdown time (Minutes, seconds)Countdown time (Minutes, seconds)


• If a countdown is paused, press B to reset to the current countdown start time.

2. Hold down A until the minute setting of the current countdown start time starts to fl ash. This is the setting screen.

3. Press C to move the fl ashing between the minute and second settings.

4. Use D (+) and B (–) to change the fl ashing item.• To set the starting value of the countdown time to 100 minutes, set 00'00".

5. Press A to exit the setting screen.

To perform a countdown timer operation


Start Stop (Restart) (Stop) Reset

• Before starting a countdown timer operation, check to make sure that a countdown operation is not already in progress (indicated by the seconds counting down). If it is, press D to stop it and then B to reset to the countdown start time.


• An alarm sounds for ten seconds when the end of the countdown is reached. This alarm will sound in all modes. The countdown time is reset to its starting value automatically after the alarm sounds.

To stop the alarmPress any button.


Checking the Current Time in a Different Time Zone

You can use the World Time Mode to view the current time in one of 31 time zones (48 cities) around the globe. The city that is currently selected in the World Time Mode is called the “World Time City”.

To enter the World Time ModeUse C to select the World Time Mode (WORLD TIME)as shown on page E-13.• WORLD TIME will appear on the digital display for

about one second. Next, the name of the currently selected World Time city will scroll across the digital display. Finally, the current time in the World Time city will appear.

• To display the World Time city name again, press A.

CurrentlyselectedWorldTime City

Current time in the currently selectedWorld Time City

CurrentlyselectedWorldTime City

Current time in the currently selectedWorld Time City


To view the time in another time zoneIn the World Time Mode, use B (East) and D (West) to scroll through World Time cities and view the current time in displayed city.

To specify standard time or daylight saving time (DST) for a city1. In the World Time Mode, use B (East) and D (West) to

display the world time city (time zone) whose Standard Time/Daylight Saving Time setting you want to change.

2. Hold down A for at least two seconds to toggle between Daylight Saving Time (DST ON) and Standard Time (DST OFF).• Changing the DST setting of your Home City in the

World Time Mode will also change the DST setting of the Timekeeping Mode time.

• Note that you cannot switch between standard time/daylight saving time (DST) while UTC is selected as the World Time City.

• Note that the standard time/daylight saving time (DST) setting affects only the currently selected time zone. Other time zones are not affected.

DST indicatorDST indicator



The display of the watch is illuminated for easy reading in the dark.

To turn on illuminationIn any mode (except when a setting screen is on the digital display), press L to illuminate the display.• You can use the procedure below to select either 1.5

seconds or three seconds as the illumination duration. When you press L, the display will remain illuminated for about 1.5 seconds or three seconds, depending on the current illumination duration setting.


To change the illumination duration1. In the Timekeeping Mode, hold down A for at least two seconds until ADJUST

appears on the digital display. This is the setting mode. Release A after ADJUSTappears.• The name of the city currently selected as your Home City will appear on the

digital display with an arrow ( ) fl ashing to the left.

2. Press C 10 times until LIGHT 1 or LIGHT 3 is displayed.• See step 3 under “To change the current time and date settings” (page E-22)

for information about how to scroll through setting screens.

3. Press D to toggle the illumination duration between three seconds (LIGHT 3displayed) and 1.5 seconds (LIGHT 1 displayed).

4. When the setting is the way you want, press A twice to return to the Timekeeping Mode.


Illumination Precautions• Illumination may be hard to see when viewed under direct sunlight.• Illumination turns off automatically whenever an alarm sounds.• Illumination will not turn on while an alarm is sounding, while high-speed hand

movement is in progress, while a sensor is taking a reading, or while the watch is performing calculation (CALC displayed). Illumination will turn on if L is pressed between sensor reading operations.

• Frequent use of illumination runs down the battery.


Button Operation Tone

The button operation tone sounds any time you press one of the watch’s buttons. You can turn the button operation tone on or off as desired.• Even if you turn off the button operation tone, the alarm, Hourly Time Signal, and

Countdown Timer Mode alarm all operate normally.

To turn the button operation tone on and off1. In the Timekeeping Mode, hold down A for at least two

seconds until ADJUST appears on the digital display. This is the setting mode. Release A after ADJUSTappears.• The name of the city currently selected as your

Home City will appear on the digital display with an arrow ( ) fl ashing to the left.


2. Use C to cycle through settings on the digital display until the current button operation tone setting (MUTE or KEY ) is displayed.• See step 3 under “To change the current time and date settings” (page E-22)

for information about how to scroll through setting screens.

3. Press D to toggle the button operation tone between on (KEY ) and off (MUTE).

4. When the setting is the way you want, press A twice to return to the Timekeeping Mode.

Operation Guide 5269• Om en nedräkning är pausad trycker du B för att återställa till den aktuella nedräkningens starttid.2. Tryck och håll inne A tills minutinställningen för den aktuella nedräkningens starttid börjar blinka. Detta är inställningsdisplayen.3.TryckCförattflyttablinkandetmellanminut-ochtiminställningarna.4. Använd D (+) och B (-) för att det ändra det blinkande värdet.Förattsättanedräkningensstartvärdepå100minuterskaduställain00’00”.5. Tryck A för att lämna inställningsdisplayen.

Att utföra en nedräkning

• Innan nedräkningen startas ska du kontrollera att en nedräkning inte redan pågår (indike-ras av att sekunderna räknas ned). • Om en nedräkning pågår trycker du D för att stoppa den och sedan B för att återställa till nedräkningens starttid.


Kontrollera den aktuella tiden i en annan tidszon

Du kan använda Världstidfunktionen för att visa aktuell tid i någon av de 31 tidszonerna (48 städerna) runtom i världen. Staden som är vald för tillfället i Världstidfunktionen kallas för ”Världstidsstad”.

Att gå till Världstidfunktionen Använd C för att välja Världstidfunktionen (WORLD TIME) såsom visas på sida E-13. • WORLD TIME visas på den digitala displayen i ca en sekund. Därefter scrollas namnet på den valda Världstidsstaden över den digitala displayen. Slutligen visas den aktuella tiden i Världstids staden. • Tryck A för att visa Världstidsstadens namn igen.


Belysning Klockdisplayen är försedd med belysning för att underlätta avläsning i mörker. Att aktivera belysning Tryck L för att belysa displayen i alla funktioner (förutom när en inställningsdisplay visas på den digitala displayen). • Du kan följa beskrivningen nedan för att välja en belysningstid på antingen 1,5 eller 3 sekunder. När du trycker L förblir displayen belyst i ca 1,5 eller 3 sekunder, beroende på den aktuella inställningen för belysningstiden.


Försiktighetsåtgärder vid användning av belysningen• Belysningen kan vara svår att se vid direkt solsken.• Belysningen släcks automatiskt vid aktiverad alarmsignal.•Belysningentändsintemedanettalarmljuder,medanvisarnaflyttasmedhöghastighet,medan en sensor gör en mätning eller medan klockan utför en kalkylering (CALC visas). Belysningen tänds om du trycker L mellan sensormätningar.• Om belysningen används ofta förkortas batteriets livslängd.


2. Använd C för att växla genom inställningarna på den digitala displayen tills den aktuella knappljudsinställningen (MUTE eller KEY) visas.• Se steg 3 under ”Att ändra inställningar för aktuell tid och datum” (sida E-22) för informa-tion om hur du scrollar genom inställningsdisplayerna.

3. Tryck D för att växla knappljudet mellan på (KEY) och av (MUTE).

4. När du är klar med inställningen trycker du A två gånger för att återgå till Tidvisningsfunk-tionen.



Using the Countdown Timer

The countdown timer can be confi gured to start at a preset time and sound an alarm when the end of the countdown is reached.

To enter the Countdown Timer ModeUse C to select the Countdown Timer Mode (TIMER) as shown on page E-12.• TIMER will appear on the digital display for about one

second. Next, the digital display will change to show the countdown time.

To specify the countdown start time1. Enter the Countdown Timer Mode.

• If a countdown is in progress (indicated by the seconds counting down), press D to stop it and then press B to reset to the current countdown start time.

Countdown time (Minutes, seconds)Countdown time (Minutes, seconds)


• If a countdown is paused, press B to reset to the current countdown start time.

2. Hold down A until the minute setting of the current countdown start time starts to fl ash. This is the setting screen.

3. Press C to move the fl ashing between the minute and second settings.

4. Use D (+) and B (–) to change the fl ashing item.• To set the starting value of the countdown time to 100 minutes, set 00'00".

5. Press A to exit the setting screen.

To perform a countdown timer operation


Start Stop (Restart) (Stop) Reset

• Before starting a countdown timer operation, check to make sure that a countdown operation is not already in progress (indicated by the seconds counting down). If it is, press D to stop it and then B to reset to the countdown start time.


• An alarm sounds for ten seconds when the end of the countdown is reached. This alarm will sound in all modes. The countdown time is reset to its starting value automatically after the alarm sounds.

To stop the alarmPress any button.


Checking the Current Time in a Different Time Zone

You can use the World Time Mode to view the current time in one of 31 time zones (48 cities) around the globe. The city that is currently selected in the World Time Mode is called the “World Time City”.

To enter the World Time ModeUse C to select the World Time Mode (WORLD TIME)as shown on page E-13.• WORLD TIME will appear on the digital display for

about one second. Next, the name of the currently selected World Time city will scroll across the digital display. Finally, the current time in the World Time city will appear.

• To display the World Time city name again, press A.

CurrentlyselectedWorldTime City

Current time in the currently selectedWorld Time City

CurrentlyselectedWorldTime City

Current time in the currently selectedWorld Time City


To view the time in another time zoneIn the World Time Mode, use B (East) and D (West) to scroll through World Time cities and view the current time in displayed city.

To specify standard time or daylight saving time (DST) for a city1. In the World Time Mode, use B (East) and D (West) to

display the world time city (time zone) whose Standard Time/Daylight Saving Time setting you want to change.

2. Hold down A for at least two seconds to toggle between Daylight Saving Time (DST ON) and Standard Time (DST OFF).• Changing the DST setting of your Home City in the

World Time Mode will also change the DST setting of the Timekeeping Mode time.

• Note that you cannot switch between standard time/daylight saving time (DST) while UTC is selected as the World Time City.

• Note that the standard time/daylight saving time (DST) setting affects only the currently selected time zone. Other time zones are not affected.

DST indicatorDST indicator



The display of the watch is illuminated for easy reading in the dark.

To turn on illuminationIn any mode (except when a setting screen is on the digital display), press L to illuminate the display.• You can use the procedure below to select either 1.5

seconds or three seconds as the illumination duration. When you press L, the display will remain illuminated for about 1.5 seconds or three seconds, depending on the current illumination duration setting.


To change the illumination duration1. In the Timekeeping Mode, hold down A for at least two seconds until ADJUST

appears on the digital display. This is the setting mode. Release A after ADJUSTappears.• The name of the city currently selected as your Home City will appear on the

digital display with an arrow ( ) fl ashing to the left.

2. Press C 10 times until LIGHT 1 or LIGHT 3 is displayed.• See step 3 under “To change the current time and date settings” (page E-22)

for information about how to scroll through setting screens.

3. Press D to toggle the illumination duration between three seconds (LIGHT 3displayed) and 1.5 seconds (LIGHT 1 displayed).

4. When the setting is the way you want, press A twice to return to the Timekeeping Mode.


Illumination Precautions• Illumination may be hard to see when viewed under direct sunlight.• Illumination turns off automatically whenever an alarm sounds.• Illumination will not turn on while an alarm is sounding, while high-speed hand

movement is in progress, while a sensor is taking a reading, or while the watch is performing calculation (CALC displayed). Illumination will turn on if L is pressed between sensor reading operations.

• Frequent use of illumination runs down the battery.


Button Operation Tone

The button operation tone sounds any time you press one of the watch’s buttons. You can turn the button operation tone on or off as desired.• Even if you turn off the button operation tone, the alarm, Hourly Time Signal, and

Countdown Timer Mode alarm all operate normally.

To turn the button operation tone on and off1. In the Timekeeping Mode, hold down A for at least two

seconds until ADJUST appears on the digital display. This is the setting mode. Release A after ADJUSTappears.• The name of the city currently selected as your

Home City will appear on the digital display with an arrow ( ) fl ashing to the left.


2. Use C to cycle through settings on the digital display until the current button operation tone setting (MUTE or KEY ) is displayed.• See step 3 under “To change the current time and date settings” (page E-22)

for information about how to scroll through setting screens.

3. Press D to toggle the button operation tone between on (KEY ) and off (MUTE).

4. When the setting is the way you want, press A twice to return to the Timekeeping Mode.

Operation Guide 5269


Using the Countdown Timer

The countdown timer can be confi gured to start at a preset time and sound an alarm when the end of the countdown is reached.

To enter the Countdown Timer ModeUse C to select the Countdown Timer Mode (TIMER) as shown on page E-12.• TIMER will appear on the digital display for about one

second. Next, the digital display will change to show the countdown time.

To specify the countdown start time1. Enter the Countdown Timer Mode.

• If a countdown is in progress (indicated by the seconds counting down), press D to stop it and then press B to reset to the current countdown start time.

Countdown time (Minutes, seconds)Countdown time (Minutes, seconds)


• If a countdown is paused, press B to reset to the current countdown start time.

2. Hold down A until the minute setting of the current countdown start time starts to fl ash. This is the setting screen.

3. Press C to move the fl ashing between the minute and second settings.

4. Use D (+) and B (–) to change the fl ashing item.• To set the starting value of the countdown time to 100 minutes, set 00'00".

5. Press A to exit the setting screen.

To perform a countdown timer operation


Start Stop (Restart) (Stop) Reset

• Before starting a countdown timer operation, check to make sure that a countdown operation is not already in progress (indicated by the seconds counting down). If it is, press D to stop it and then B to reset to the countdown start time.


• An alarm sounds for ten seconds when the end of the countdown is reached. This alarm will sound in all modes. The countdown time is reset to its starting value automatically after the alarm sounds.

To stop the alarmPress any button.


Checking the Current Time in a Different Time Zone

You can use the World Time Mode to view the current time in one of 31 time zones (48 cities) around the globe. The city that is currently selected in the World Time Mode is called the “World Time City”.

To enter the World Time ModeUse C to select the World Time Mode (WORLD TIME)as shown on page E-13.• WORLD TIME will appear on the digital display for

about one second. Next, the name of the currently selected World Time city will scroll across the digital display. Finally, the current time in the World Time city will appear.

• To display the World Time city name again, press A.

CurrentlyselectedWorldTime City

Current time in the currently selectedWorld Time City

CurrentlyselectedWorldTime City

Current time in the currently selectedWorld Time City


To view the time in another time zoneIn the World Time Mode, use B (East) and D (West) to scroll through World Time cities and view the current time in displayed city.

To specify standard time or daylight saving time (DST) for a city1. In the World Time Mode, use B (East) and D (West) to

display the world time city (time zone) whose Standard Time/Daylight Saving Time setting you want to change.

2. Hold down A for at least two seconds to toggle between Daylight Saving Time (DST ON) and Standard Time (DST OFF).• Changing the DST setting of your Home City in the

World Time Mode will also change the DST setting of the Timekeeping Mode time.

• Note that you cannot switch between standard time/daylight saving time (DST) while UTC is selected as the World Time City.

• Note that the standard time/daylight saving time (DST) setting affects only the currently selected time zone. Other time zones are not affected.

DST indicatorDST indicator



The display of the watch is illuminated for easy reading in the dark.

To turn on illuminationIn any mode (except when a setting screen is on the digital display), press L to illuminate the display.• You can use the procedure below to select either 1.5

seconds or three seconds as the illumination duration. When you press L, the display will remain illuminated for about 1.5 seconds or three seconds, depending on the current illumination duration setting.


To change the illumination duration1. In the Timekeeping Mode, hold down A for at least two seconds until ADJUST

appears on the digital display. This is the setting mode. Release A after ADJUSTappears.• The name of the city currently selected as your Home City will appear on the

digital display with an arrow ( ) fl ashing to the left.

2. Press C 10 times until LIGHT 1 or LIGHT 3 is displayed.• See step 3 under “To change the current time and date settings” (page E-22)

for information about how to scroll through setting screens.

3. Press D to toggle the illumination duration between three seconds (LIGHT 3displayed) and 1.5 seconds (LIGHT 1 displayed).

4. When the setting is the way you want, press A twice to return to the Timekeeping Mode.


Illumination Precautions• Illumination may be hard to see when viewed under direct sunlight.• Illumination turns off automatically whenever an alarm sounds.• Illumination will not turn on while an alarm is sounding, while high-speed hand

movement is in progress, while a sensor is taking a reading, or while the watch is performing calculation (CALC displayed). Illumination will turn on if L is pressed between sensor reading operations.

• Frequent use of illumination runs down the battery.


Button Operation Tone

The button operation tone sounds any time you press one of the watch’s buttons. You can turn the button operation tone on or off as desired.• Even if you turn off the button operation tone, the alarm, Hourly Time Signal, and

Countdown Timer Mode alarm all operate normally.

To turn the button operation tone on and off1. In the Timekeeping Mode, hold down A for at least two

seconds until ADJUST appears on the digital display. This is the setting mode. Release A after ADJUSTappears.• The name of the city currently selected as your

Home City will appear on the digital display with an arrow ( ) fl ashing to the left.


2. Use C to cycle through settings on the digital display until the current button operation tone setting (MUTE or KEY ) is displayed.• See step 3 under “To change the current time and date settings” (page E-22)

for information about how to scroll through setting screens.

3. Press D to toggle the button operation tone between on (KEY ) and off (MUTE).

4. When the setting is the way you want, press A twice to return to the Timekeeping Mode.

Operation Guide 5269


Using the Countdown Timer

The countdown timer can be confi gured to start at a preset time and sound an alarm when the end of the countdown is reached.

To enter the Countdown Timer ModeUse C to select the Countdown Timer Mode (TIMER) as shown on page E-12.• TIMER will appear on the digital display for about one

second. Next, the digital display will change to show the countdown time.

To specify the countdown start time1. Enter the Countdown Timer Mode.

• If a countdown is in progress (indicated by the seconds counting down), press D to stop it and then press B to reset to the current countdown start time.

Countdown time (Minutes, seconds)Countdown time (Minutes, seconds)


• If a countdown is paused, press B to reset to the current countdown start time.

2. Hold down A until the minute setting of the current countdown start time starts to fl ash. This is the setting screen.

3. Press C to move the fl ashing between the minute and second settings.

4. Use D (+) and B (–) to change the fl ashing item.• To set the starting value of the countdown time to 100 minutes, set 00'00".

5. Press A to exit the setting screen.

To perform a countdown timer operation


Start Stop (Restart) (Stop) Reset

• Before starting a countdown timer operation, check to make sure that a countdown operation is not already in progress (indicated by the seconds counting down). If it is, press D to stop it and then B to reset to the countdown start time.


• An alarm sounds for ten seconds when the end of the countdown is reached. This alarm will sound in all modes. The countdown time is reset to its starting value automatically after the alarm sounds.

To stop the alarmPress any button.


Checking the Current Time in a Different Time Zone

You can use the World Time Mode to view the current time in one of 31 time zones (48 cities) around the globe. The city that is currently selected in the World Time Mode is called the “World Time City”.

To enter the World Time ModeUse C to select the World Time Mode (WORLD TIME)as shown on page E-13.• WORLD TIME will appear on the digital display for

about one second. Next, the name of the currently selected World Time city will scroll across the digital display. Finally, the current time in the World Time city will appear.

• To display the World Time city name again, press A.

CurrentlyselectedWorldTime City

Current time in the currently selectedWorld Time City

CurrentlyselectedWorldTime City

Current time in the currently selectedWorld Time City


To view the time in another time zoneIn the World Time Mode, use B (East) and D (West) to scroll through World Time cities and view the current time in displayed city.

To specify standard time or daylight saving time (DST) for a city1. In the World Time Mode, use B (East) and D (West) to

display the world time city (time zone) whose Standard Time/Daylight Saving Time setting you want to change.

2. Hold down A for at least two seconds to toggle between Daylight Saving Time (DST ON) and Standard Time (DST OFF).• Changing the DST setting of your Home City in the

World Time Mode will also change the DST setting of the Timekeeping Mode time.

• Note that you cannot switch between standard time/daylight saving time (DST) while UTC is selected as the World Time City.

• Note that the standard time/daylight saving time (DST) setting affects only the currently selected time zone. Other time zones are not affected.

DST indicatorDST indicator



The display of the watch is illuminated for easy reading in the dark.

To turn on illuminationIn any mode (except when a setting screen is on the digital display), press L to illuminate the display.• You can use the procedure below to select either 1.5

seconds or three seconds as the illumination duration. When you press L, the display will remain illuminated for about 1.5 seconds or three seconds, depending on the current illumination duration setting.


To change the illumination duration1. In the Timekeeping Mode, hold down A for at least two seconds until ADJUST

appears on the digital display. This is the setting mode. Release A after ADJUSTappears.• The name of the city currently selected as your Home City will appear on the

digital display with an arrow ( ) fl ashing to the left.

2. Press C 10 times until LIGHT 1 or LIGHT 3 is displayed.• See step 3 under “To change the current time and date settings” (page E-22)

for information about how to scroll through setting screens.

3. Press D to toggle the illumination duration between three seconds (LIGHT 3displayed) and 1.5 seconds (LIGHT 1 displayed).

4. When the setting is the way you want, press A twice to return to the Timekeeping Mode.


Illumination Precautions• Illumination may be hard to see when viewed under direct sunlight.• Illumination turns off automatically whenever an alarm sounds.• Illumination will not turn on while an alarm is sounding, while high-speed hand

movement is in progress, while a sensor is taking a reading, or while the watch is performing calculation (CALC displayed). Illumination will turn on if L is pressed between sensor reading operations.

• Frequent use of illumination runs down the battery.


Button Operation Tone

The button operation tone sounds any time you press one of the watch’s buttons. You can turn the button operation tone on or off as desired.• Even if you turn off the button operation tone, the alarm, Hourly Time Signal, and

Countdown Timer Mode alarm all operate normally.

To turn the button operation tone on and off1. In the Timekeeping Mode, hold down A for at least two

seconds until ADJUST appears on the digital display. This is the setting mode. Release A after ADJUSTappears.• The name of the city currently selected as your

Home City will appear on the digital display with an arrow ( ) fl ashing to the left.


2. Use C to cycle through settings on the digital display until the current button operation tone setting (MUTE or KEY ) is displayed.• See step 3 under “To change the current time and date settings” (page E-22)

for information about how to scroll through setting screens.

3. Press D to toggle the button operation tone between on (KEY ) and off (MUTE).

4. When the setting is the way you want, press A twice to return to the Timekeeping Mode.

Operation Guide 5269


Using the Countdown Timer

The countdown timer can be confi gured to start at a preset time and sound an alarm when the end of the countdown is reached.

To enter the Countdown Timer ModeUse C to select the Countdown Timer Mode (TIMER) as shown on page E-12.• TIMER will appear on the digital display for about one

second. Next, the digital display will change to show the countdown time.

To specify the countdown start time1. Enter the Countdown Timer Mode.

• If a countdown is in progress (indicated by the seconds counting down), press D to stop it and then press B to reset to the current countdown start time.

Countdown time (Minutes, seconds)Countdown time (Minutes, seconds)


• If a countdown is paused, press B to reset to the current countdown start time.

2. Hold down A until the minute setting of the current countdown start time starts to fl ash. This is the setting screen.

3. Press C to move the fl ashing between the minute and second settings.

4. Use D (+) and B (–) to change the fl ashing item.• To set the starting value of the countdown time to 100 minutes, set 00'00".

5. Press A to exit the setting screen.

To perform a countdown timer operation


Start Stop (Restart) (Stop) Reset

• Before starting a countdown timer operation, check to make sure that a countdown operation is not already in progress (indicated by the seconds counting down). If it is, press D to stop it and then B to reset to the countdown start time.


• An alarm sounds for ten seconds when the end of the countdown is reached. This alarm will sound in all modes. The countdown time is reset to its starting value automatically after the alarm sounds.

To stop the alarmPress any button.


Checking the Current Time in a Different Time Zone

You can use the World Time Mode to view the current time in one of 31 time zones (48 cities) around the globe. The city that is currently selected in the World Time Mode is called the “World Time City”.

To enter the World Time ModeUse C to select the World Time Mode (WORLD TIME)as shown on page E-13.• WORLD TIME will appear on the digital display for

about one second. Next, the name of the currently selected World Time city will scroll across the digital display. Finally, the current time in the World Time city will appear.

• To display the World Time city name again, press A.

CurrentlyselectedWorldTime City

Current time in the currently selectedWorld Time City

CurrentlyselectedWorldTime City

Current time in the currently selectedWorld Time City


To view the time in another time zoneIn the World Time Mode, use B (East) and D (West) to scroll through World Time cities and view the current time in displayed city.

To specify standard time or daylight saving time (DST) for a city1. In the World Time Mode, use B (East) and D (West) to

display the world time city (time zone) whose Standard Time/Daylight Saving Time setting you want to change.

2. Hold down A for at least two seconds to toggle between Daylight Saving Time (DST ON) and Standard Time (DST OFF).• Changing the DST setting of your Home City in the

World Time Mode will also change the DST setting of the Timekeeping Mode time.

• Note that you cannot switch between standard time/daylight saving time (DST) while UTC is selected as the World Time City.

• Note that the standard time/daylight saving time (DST) setting affects only the currently selected time zone. Other time zones are not affected.

DST indicatorDST indicator



The display of the watch is illuminated for easy reading in the dark.

To turn on illuminationIn any mode (except when a setting screen is on the digital display), press L to illuminate the display.• You can use the procedure below to select either 1.5

seconds or three seconds as the illumination duration. When you press L, the display will remain illuminated for about 1.5 seconds or three seconds, depending on the current illumination duration setting.


To change the illumination duration1. In the Timekeeping Mode, hold down A for at least two seconds until ADJUST

appears on the digital display. This is the setting mode. Release A after ADJUSTappears.• The name of the city currently selected as your Home City will appear on the

digital display with an arrow ( ) fl ashing to the left.

2. Press C 10 times until LIGHT 1 or LIGHT 3 is displayed.• See step 3 under “To change the current time and date settings” (page E-22)

for information about how to scroll through setting screens.

3. Press D to toggle the illumination duration between three seconds (LIGHT 3displayed) and 1.5 seconds (LIGHT 1 displayed).

4. When the setting is the way you want, press A twice to return to the Timekeeping Mode.


Illumination Precautions• Illumination may be hard to see when viewed under direct sunlight.• Illumination turns off automatically whenever an alarm sounds.• Illumination will not turn on while an alarm is sounding, while high-speed hand

movement is in progress, while a sensor is taking a reading, or while the watch is performing calculation (CALC displayed). Illumination will turn on if L is pressed between sensor reading operations.

• Frequent use of illumination runs down the battery.


Button Operation Tone

The button operation tone sounds any time you press one of the watch’s buttons. You can turn the button operation tone on or off as desired.• Even if you turn off the button operation tone, the alarm, Hourly Time Signal, and

Countdown Timer Mode alarm all operate normally.

To turn the button operation tone on and off1. In the Timekeeping Mode, hold down A for at least two

seconds until ADJUST appears on the digital display. This is the setting mode. Release A after ADJUSTappears.• The name of the city currently selected as your

Home City will appear on the digital display with an arrow ( ) fl ashing to the left.


2. Use C to cycle through settings on the digital display until the current button operation tone setting (MUTE or KEY ) is displayed.• See step 3 under “To change the current time and date settings” (page E-22)

for information about how to scroll through setting screens.

3. Press D to toggle the button operation tone between on (KEY ) and off (MUTE).

4. When the setting is the way you want, press A twice to return to the Timekeeping Mode.

Operation Guide 5269


Using the Countdown Timer

The countdown timer can be confi gured to start at a preset time and sound an alarm when the end of the countdown is reached.

To enter the Countdown Timer ModeUse C to select the Countdown Timer Mode (TIMER) as shown on page E-12.• TIMER will appear on the digital display for about one

second. Next, the digital display will change to show the countdown time.

To specify the countdown start time1. Enter the Countdown Timer Mode.

• If a countdown is in progress (indicated by the seconds counting down), press D to stop it and then press B to reset to the current countdown start time.

Countdown time (Minutes, seconds)Countdown time (Minutes, seconds)


• If a countdown is paused, press B to reset to the current countdown start time.

2. Hold down A until the minute setting of the current countdown start time starts to fl ash. This is the setting screen.

3. Press C to move the fl ashing between the minute and second settings.

4. Use D (+) and B (–) to change the fl ashing item.• To set the starting value of the countdown time to 100 minutes, set 00'00".

5. Press A to exit the setting screen.

To perform a countdown timer operation


Start Stop (Restart) (Stop) Reset

• Before starting a countdown timer operation, check to make sure that a countdown operation is not already in progress (indicated by the seconds counting down). If it is, press D to stop it and then B to reset to the countdown start time.


• An alarm sounds for ten seconds when the end of the countdown is reached. This alarm will sound in all modes. The countdown time is reset to its starting value automatically after the alarm sounds.

To stop the alarmPress any button.


Checking the Current Time in a Different Time Zone

You can use the World Time Mode to view the current time in one of 31 time zones (48 cities) around the globe. The city that is currently selected in the World Time Mode is called the “World Time City”.

To enter the World Time ModeUse C to select the World Time Mode (WORLD TIME)as shown on page E-13.• WORLD TIME will appear on the digital display for

about one second. Next, the name of the currently selected World Time city will scroll across the digital display. Finally, the current time in the World Time city will appear.

• To display the World Time city name again, press A.

CurrentlyselectedWorldTime City

Current time in the currently selectedWorld Time City

CurrentlyselectedWorldTime City

Current time in the currently selectedWorld Time City


To view the time in another time zoneIn the World Time Mode, use B (East) and D (West) to scroll through World Time cities and view the current time in displayed city.

To specify standard time or daylight saving time (DST) for a city1. In the World Time Mode, use B (East) and D (West) to

display the world time city (time zone) whose Standard Time/Daylight Saving Time setting you want to change.

2. Hold down A for at least two seconds to toggle between Daylight Saving Time (DST ON) and Standard Time (DST OFF).• Changing the DST setting of your Home City in the

World Time Mode will also change the DST setting of the Timekeeping Mode time.

• Note that you cannot switch between standard time/daylight saving time (DST) while UTC is selected as the World Time City.

• Note that the standard time/daylight saving time (DST) setting affects only the currently selected time zone. Other time zones are not affected.

DST indicatorDST indicator



The display of the watch is illuminated for easy reading in the dark.

To turn on illuminationIn any mode (except when a setting screen is on the digital display), press L to illuminate the display.• You can use the procedure below to select either 1.5

seconds or three seconds as the illumination duration. When you press L, the display will remain illuminated for about 1.5 seconds or three seconds, depending on the current illumination duration setting.


To change the illumination duration1. In the Timekeeping Mode, hold down A for at least two seconds until ADJUST

appears on the digital display. This is the setting mode. Release A after ADJUSTappears.• The name of the city currently selected as your Home City will appear on the

digital display with an arrow ( ) fl ashing to the left.

2. Press C 10 times until LIGHT 1 or LIGHT 3 is displayed.• See step 3 under “To change the current time and date settings” (page E-22)

for information about how to scroll through setting screens.

3. Press D to toggle the illumination duration between three seconds (LIGHT 3displayed) and 1.5 seconds (LIGHT 1 displayed).

4. When the setting is the way you want, press A twice to return to the Timekeeping Mode.


Illumination Precautions• Illumination may be hard to see when viewed under direct sunlight.• Illumination turns off automatically whenever an alarm sounds.• Illumination will not turn on while an alarm is sounding, while high-speed hand

movement is in progress, while a sensor is taking a reading, or while the watch is performing calculation (CALC displayed). Illumination will turn on if L is pressed between sensor reading operations.

• Frequent use of illumination runs down the battery.


Button Operation Tone

The button operation tone sounds any time you press one of the watch’s buttons. You can turn the button operation tone on or off as desired.• Even if you turn off the button operation tone, the alarm, Hourly Time Signal, and

Countdown Timer Mode alarm all operate normally.

To turn the button operation tone on and off1. In the Timekeeping Mode, hold down A for at least two

seconds until ADJUST appears on the digital display. This is the setting mode. Release A after ADJUSTappears.• The name of the city currently selected as your

Home City will appear on the digital display with an arrow ( ) fl ashing to the left.


2. Use C to cycle through settings on the digital display until the current button operation tone setting (MUTE or KEY ) is displayed.• See step 3 under “To change the current time and date settings” (page E-22)

for information about how to scroll through setting screens.

3. Press D to toggle the button operation tone between on (KEY ) and off (MUTE).

4. When the setting is the way you want, press A twice to return to the Timekeeping Mode.

Operation Guide 5269



■ Varför visar den aktuella tidsinställningen fel på flera timmar?Inställningarna för din Hemstad kan vara fel (sida E-17). Kontrollera inställningarna för din Hemstad och korrigera dem vid behov.

■ Varför visar den aktuella tidsinställningen en timme fel?Du kan behöva ändra din Hemstads inställning för Standardtid/Sommartid (DST). Följ an-visningarna under ”Att ändra inställningar för aktuell tid och datum” (sida E-22) för att ändra inställningen för Standardtid/Sommartid (DST).


■ Varför kan jag inte ändra inställningen för temperaturenhet?Temperaturenheten är alltid Celsius (°C) när TOKYO har valts som Hemstad. Inställningen kan inte ändras i detta fall.


■ Varför visas ”ERR” på den digitala displayen efter en dubbelriktad kalibrering?Om - - - först visas på displayen och därefter ändras till ERR (fel) på kalibreringsdisplayen, betyder det att det är fel på sensorn.• Om ERR försvinner efter ca en sekund, försöker du starta kalibreringen på nytt. • Om ERR fortsätter visas på displayen, ska du kontakta din återförsäljare eller närmaste auktoriserade CASIO-distributör för att låta någon undersöka klockan.

Vid sensorfel ska du kontakta din återförsäljare eller närmaste auktoriserade CASIO-distributör så snart som möjligt för att låta någon undersöka klockan.

■ Vad kan orsaka felaktiga kompassmätningar?• Felaktig dubbelriktad kalibrering. Gör en dubbelriktad kalibrering (sida E-36).• En magnetisk störningskälla, t.ex. en hushållsapparat, en stålbro, en stålbalk, ovanliggan-de ledningar m.m. Det kan även bero på att du försöker göra en kompassmätning på ett tåg eller en båt m.m. Avlägsna dig från stora metallföremål och försök på nytt.

E-72 Batteri■ Varför blinkar indikatorn för låg batterinivå? Batterinivån är låg. Klockans funktioner är avaktiverade medan indikatorn för låg batterinivå blinkar på den digitala displayen. Om indikatorn för låg batterinivå försvinner när batterinivån har återställts, men sedan börjar blinka igen efter en kort stund, innebär det att du behöver byta ut klockans batteri.

Indikator för låg batterinivå

E-74 Bäringssensorns precision: Riktning: Inom ±15° Värdena garanteras för ett temperaturintervall på -10 °C till 40 °C (14 °F till 104 °F).Temperatursensorns precision: ±2 °C (±3,6 °F) i intervallet -10 °C till 60 °C (14,0 °F till 140,0 °F)Månålder:VisningavMånåldersvärdenförspecifikadatumSolen upp/ned:Solensupp-ochnedgångstiderförettspecifiktdatumAlarm: 5 dagliga alarm, Timsignal Stoppur: Mätenhet: 1/100-dels sekund Mätkapacitet: 23:59 59.99 Mätfunktioner: Tid, mellantidNedräkningstimer: Mätenhet: 1 sekund Inställningsintervall för nedräkningens starttid: 1 sekund till 100 minuter (i steg om 1 minut och 1 sekund)E-76

Bruksanvisning 5269■ Varför visas ”ERR” när en sensormätning pågår?Kraftiga slag eller stötar mot klockan kan leda till sensorfel eller till dålig kontakt i klockans interna kretsar. Om detta inträffar visas ERR (fel) på den digitala displayen och sensorfunktionerna avaktiveras.Riktningsavläsning och Temperaturmätning

• Om ERR (fel) visas under en mätning i en sensorfunktion, ska du starta om mätningen. Om ERR (fel) åter visas på den digitala displayen, kan det betyda att det är fel på sensorn.• Om ERR (fel) fortsätter visas under mätningen, kan det vara tecken på sensorfel.


■ Hur kommer det sig att kompassmätningar kan ge olika resultat på en och samma plats?Magnetism som genereras av närliggande högspänningsledningar stör avläsningen av jordens magnetfält.Förflyttadigbortfrånhögspänningsledningarnaochförsökpånytt.

■ Varför har jag problem med att göra kompassmätningar inomhus?TV-apparater,datorer,högtalareochvissaandraföremålpåverkarkompassen.Förflyttadigbortfrån föremål som orsakar störningar eller gör kompassmätningen utomhus. Kompassmätningar är särskilt svåra att göra i byggnader av armerad betong. Tänk på att det inte går att göra kompass-mätningarpåtåg,iflygplanm.m.


SpecifikationerExakthet vid normal temperatur:±►30sekunderimånadenDigital tidvisning: Timmar, minuter, sekunder, a.m. (A)/p.m. (P), månad, datum och veckodag Tidssystem: 12- och 24-timmarsvisning Kalendersystem: Helautomatisk förprogrammerad kalender från 2000 till 2099 Övrigt: Hemstad (kan tilldelas en av 48 stadskoder); Standardtid/Sommartid (DST)Analog tidvisning: Timmar,minuter(visarenflyttasvar10:esekund),sekunderDigital kompass: Norr indikeras av sekundvisaren; 20 sekunders kontinuerlig mätning; Kalibre-ring (dubbelriktad); Korrigering av magnetisk deklination; Indikering av den magnetiska nordpolen; Visning av en av 16 riktningsindikatorer; Gradangivelse 0° till 359°Termometer: Mät- och displayintervall: -10,0 till 60,0 °C (eller 14,0 till 140,0 °F) Displayenhet: 0,1 °C (eller 0,2 °F) Mätintervall: 5-sekunders intervall under 1 till 2 minuter


Världstid: 48 städer (31 tidszoner) Övrigt: Sommartid/Standardtid Belysning: LED (light-emitting diode); Valbar belysningstid (ungefär 1,5 sekunder eller 3 sekunder) Övrigt: Knappljud på/avBatteri: Två silveroxidbatterier (typ: SR927W) Ungefärlig batteritid: 2 år under följande förhållanden: Belysning tänd 1 gång (1,5 sekunder) per dag 20 sekunders kontinuerlig riktningsavläsning, 20 gånger per månad • 2 minuters kontinuerlig temperaturmätning (5-sekundersintervall), en gång per vecka • 20 sekunders alarmfunktion per dag Om belysningen används ofta förkortas batteriets livslängd.




Time Setting� Why is the current time setting off by a couple of hours?Your Home City setting may be wrong (page E-17). Check your Home City setting and correct it, if necessary.

� Why is the current time setting off by one hour?You may need to change your Home City’s standard time/daylight saving time (DST) setting. Use the procedure under “To change the current time and date settings” (page E-22) to change the standard time/daylight saving time (DST) setting.

Sensor modes� Why can’t I change the temperature unit setting?The temperature unit setting is always Celsius (°C) whenever TOKYO is selected as the Home City. In this case, the setting cannot be changed.


� Why does “ERR” appear while a sensor operation is in progress?Subjecting the watch to strong impact can cause sensor malfunction or improper contact of internal circuitry. When this happens, ERR (error) will appear on the digital display and sensor operations will be disabled.

Direction Reading and Temperature Measurement

• If ERR appears while a measurement operation is being performed in a sensor mode, restart the measurement. If ERR appears on the digital display again, it can mean there is something wrong with the sensor.

• If ERR keeps appearing during measurement, it can mean there is a problem with the applicable sensor.


� Why does “ERR” appear on the digital display following bidirectional calibration?

If - - - appears and then changes to ERR (error) on the calibration screen, it means that there is something wrong with the sensor.• If ERR disappears after about one second, try performing the calibration again.• If ERR keeps appearing, contact your original dealer or nearest authorized CASIO

distributor to have the watch checked.

Whenever you have a sensor malfunction, take the watch to your original dealer or nearest authorized CASIO distributor as soon as possible.

� What causes incorrect direction readings?• Incorrect bidirectional calibration. Perform bidirectional calibration (page E-36).• Nearby source of strong magnetism, such as a household appliance, a large steel

bridge, a steel beam, overhead wires, etc., or an attempt to perform direction measurement on a train, boat, etc. Move away from large metal objects and try again.


� What causes different direction readings to produce different results at the same location?

Magnetism generated by nearby high-tension wires is interfering with detection of terrestrial magnetism. Move away from the high-tension wires and try again.

� Why am I having problems taking direction readings indoors?A TV, personal computer, speakers, or some other object is interfering with terrestrial magnetism readings. Move away from the object causing the interference or take the direction reading outdoors. Indoor direction readings are particularly diffi cult inside ferro-concrete structures. Remember that you will not be able to take direction readings inside of trains, airplanes, etc.


Battery� Why is the low battery alert fl ashing?

Battery power is low. Watch operations are disabled while the low battery alert is fl ashing on the digital display.If the low battery alert disappears after battery power recovers but then starts to fl ash again after a short while, it means that you need to have the watch’s battery replaced.

Low battery alertLow battery alert


Specifi cations

Accuracy at normal temperature: ±30 seconds a monthDigital Timekeeping: Hour, minutes, seconds, a.m. (A)/p.m. (P), month, day, day of

the weekTime format: 12-hour and 24-hourCalendar system: Full Auto-calendar pre-programmed from the year 2000 to 2099Other: Home City (can be assigned one of 48 city codes); Standard Time / Daylight

Saving Time (summer time)Analog Timekeeping: Hour, minutes (hand moves every 10 seconds), secondsDigital Compass: North indicated by second hand; 20 seconds continuous readings;

Calibration (bidirectional); Magnetic declination correction; Magnetic north indication; display of one of 16 direction indicators; Angle value 0° to 359°

Thermometer:Measurement and display range: –10.0 to 60.0°C (or 14.0 to 140.0°F)Display unit: 0.1°C (or 0.2°F)Reading timing: 5-second intervals for 1 to 2 minutes


Bearing Sensor Precision:Direction: Within ±15°Values are guaranteed for a temperature range of –10°C to 40°C (14°F to 104°F).

Temperature Sensor Precision:±2°C (±3.6°F) in range of –10°C to 60°C (14.0°F to 140.0°F)

Moon Age: Display of Moon age values for specifi c datesSunrise/Sunset: Sunrise time and sunset time for specifi c dateAlarms: 5 daily alarms; hourly time signalStopwatch:

Measuring unit: 1/100 secondMeasuring capacity: 23:59 59.99Measuring modes: Elapsed time, split time

Countdown Timer:Measuring unit: 1 secondCountdown start time setting range: 1 second to 100 minutes (1-minute

increments and 1-second increments)


World Time: 48 cities (31 time zones)Other: Daylight Saving Time/Standard Time

Illumination: LED (Light-emitting diode); Selectable illumination duration (approximately 1.5 seconds or 3 seconds)

Other: Button operation tone on/offBattery: Two silver oxide batteries (Type: SR927W)

Approximate battery operating time: 2 years under the following conditions:• 1 illumination operation (1.5 seconds) per day• 20 seconds of continuous direction readings, 20 times per month• 2 minutes of continuous temperature readings (5-second intervals), once per

week• 20 seconds of alarm operation per day

Frequent use of illumination runs down the battery.

City Code Table

UTC Offset/GMT Differential

City Name Latitude (°)North Latitude +,South Latitude –

Longitude (°)East Longitude +,West Longitude –

0.0 UTC 51.5 0

0.0 Lisbon 38.7 –9.1

0.0 London 51.5 –0.1

1.0 Madrid 40.4 –3.7

1.0 Paris 48.9 2.4

1.0 Rome 41.9 12.5

1.0 Berlin 52.5 13.4

1.0 Stockholm 59.3 18.1

2.0 Athens 38.0 23.7

2.0 Cairo 30.0 31.2

L L-1

UTC Offset/GMT Differential

City Name Latitude (°)North Latitude +,South Latitude –

Longitude (°)East Longitude +,West Longitude –

2.0 Jerusalem 31.8 35.2

3.0 Moscow 55.8 37.6

3.0 Jeddah 21.5 39.2

3.5 Tehran 35.7 51.4

4.0 Dubai 25.3 55.3

4.5 Kabul 34.5 69.2

5.0 Karachi 24.9 67.0

5.5 Delhi 28.6 77.2

5.75 Kathmandu 27.7 85.3

6.0 Dhaka 23.7 90.4

6.5 Yangon 16.8 96.2

7.0 Bangkok 13.7 100.5

Operation Guide 5269



Time Setting� Why is the current time setting off by a couple of hours?Your Home City setting may be wrong (page E-17). Check your Home City setting and correct it, if necessary.

� Why is the current time setting off by one hour?You may need to change your Home City’s standard time/daylight saving time (DST) setting. Use the procedure under “To change the current time and date settings” (page E-22) to change the standard time/daylight saving time (DST) setting.

Sensor modes� Why can’t I change the temperature unit setting?The temperature unit setting is always Celsius (°C) whenever TOKYO is selected as the Home City. In this case, the setting cannot be changed.


� Why does “ERR” appear while a sensor operation is in progress?Subjecting the watch to strong impact can cause sensor malfunction or improper contact of internal circuitry. When this happens, ERR (error) will appear on the digital display and sensor operations will be disabled.

Direction Reading and Temperature Measurement

• If ERR appears while a measurement operation is being performed in a sensor mode, restart the measurement. If ERR appears on the digital display again, it can mean there is something wrong with the sensor.

• If ERR keeps appearing during measurement, it can mean there is a problem with the applicable sensor.


� Why does “ERR” appear on the digital display following bidirectional calibration?

If - - - appears and then changes to ERR (error) on the calibration screen, it means that there is something wrong with the sensor.• If ERR disappears after about one second, try performing the calibration again.• If ERR keeps appearing, contact your original dealer or nearest authorized CASIO

distributor to have the watch checked.

Whenever you have a sensor malfunction, take the watch to your original dealer or nearest authorized CASIO distributor as soon as possible.

� What causes incorrect direction readings?• Incorrect bidirectional calibration. Perform bidirectional calibration (page E-36).• Nearby source of strong magnetism, such as a household appliance, a large steel

bridge, a steel beam, overhead wires, etc., or an attempt to perform direction measurement on a train, boat, etc. Move away from large metal objects and try again.


� What causes different direction readings to produce different results at the same location?

Magnetism generated by nearby high-tension wires is interfering with detection of terrestrial magnetism. Move away from the high-tension wires and try again.

� Why am I having problems taking direction readings indoors?A TV, personal computer, speakers, or some other object is interfering with terrestrial magnetism readings. Move away from the object causing the interference or take the direction reading outdoors. Indoor direction readings are particularly diffi cult inside ferro-concrete structures. Remember that you will not be able to take direction readings inside of trains, airplanes, etc.


Battery� Why is the low battery alert fl ashing?

Battery power is low. Watch operations are disabled while the low battery alert is fl ashing on the digital display.If the low battery alert disappears after battery power recovers but then starts to fl ash again after a short while, it means that you need to have the watch’s battery replaced.

Low battery alertLow battery alert


Specifi cations

Accuracy at normal temperature: ±30 seconds a monthDigital Timekeeping: Hour, minutes, seconds, a.m. (A)/p.m. (P), month, day, day of

the weekTime format: 12-hour and 24-hourCalendar system: Full Auto-calendar pre-programmed from the year 2000 to 2099Other: Home City (can be assigned one of 48 city codes); Standard Time / Daylight

Saving Time (summer time)Analog Timekeeping: Hour, minutes (hand moves every 10 seconds), secondsDigital Compass: North indicated by second hand; 20 seconds continuous readings;

Calibration (bidirectional); Magnetic declination correction; Magnetic north indication; display of one of 16 direction indicators; Angle value 0° to 359°

Thermometer:Measurement and display range: –10.0 to 60.0°C (or 14.0 to 140.0°F)Display unit: 0.1°C (or 0.2°F)Reading timing: 5-second intervals for 1 to 2 minutes


Bearing Sensor Precision:Direction: Within ±15°Values are guaranteed for a temperature range of –10°C to 40°C (14°F to 104°F).

Temperature Sensor Precision:±2°C (±3.6°F) in range of –10°C to 60°C (14.0°F to 140.0°F)

Moon Age: Display of Moon age values for specifi c datesSunrise/Sunset: Sunrise time and sunset time for specifi c dateAlarms: 5 daily alarms; hourly time signalStopwatch:

Measuring unit: 1/100 secondMeasuring capacity: 23:59 59.99Measuring modes: Elapsed time, split time

Countdown Timer:Measuring unit: 1 secondCountdown start time setting range: 1 second to 100 minutes (1-minute

increments and 1-second increments)


World Time: 48 cities (31 time zones)Other: Daylight Saving Time/Standard Time

Illumination: LED (Light-emitting diode); Selectable illumination duration (approximately 1.5 seconds or 3 seconds)

Other: Button operation tone on/offBattery: Two silver oxide batteries (Type: SR927W)

Approximate battery operating time: 2 years under the following conditions:• 1 illumination operation (1.5 seconds) per day• 20 seconds of continuous direction readings, 20 times per month• 2 minutes of continuous temperature readings (5-second intervals), once per

week• 20 seconds of alarm operation per day

Frequent use of illumination runs down the battery.

City Code Table

UTC Offset/GMT Differential

City Name Latitude (°)North Latitude +,South Latitude –

Longitude (°)East Longitude +,West Longitude –

0.0 UTC 51.5 0

0.0 Lisbon 38.7 –9.1

0.0 London 51.5 –0.1

1.0 Madrid 40.4 –3.7

1.0 Paris 48.9 2.4

1.0 Rome 41.9 12.5

1.0 Berlin 52.5 13.4

1.0 Stockholm 59.3 18.1

2.0 Athens 38.0 23.7

2.0 Cairo 30.0 31.2

L L-1

UTC Offset/GMT Differential

City Name Latitude (°)North Latitude +,South Latitude –

Longitude (°)East Longitude +,West Longitude –

2.0 Jerusalem 31.8 35.2

3.0 Moscow 55.8 37.6

3.0 Jeddah 21.5 39.2

3.5 Tehran 35.7 51.4

4.0 Dubai 25.3 55.3

4.5 Kabul 34.5 69.2

5.0 Karachi 24.9 67.0

5.5 Delhi 28.6 77.2

5.75 Kathmandu 27.7 85.3

6.0 Dhaka 23.7 90.4

6.5 Yangon 16.8 96.2

7.0 Bangkok 13.7 100.5

Operation Guide 5269



Time Setting� Why is the current time setting off by a couple of hours?Your Home City setting may be wrong (page E-17). Check your Home City setting and correct it, if necessary.

� Why is the current time setting off by one hour?You may need to change your Home City’s standard time/daylight saving time (DST) setting. Use the procedure under “To change the current time and date settings” (page E-22) to change the standard time/daylight saving time (DST) setting.

Sensor modes� Why can’t I change the temperature unit setting?The temperature unit setting is always Celsius (°C) whenever TOKYO is selected as the Home City. In this case, the setting cannot be changed.


� Why does “ERR” appear while a sensor operation is in progress?Subjecting the watch to strong impact can cause sensor malfunction or improper contact of internal circuitry. When this happens, ERR (error) will appear on the digital display and sensor operations will be disabled.

Direction Reading and Temperature Measurement

• If ERR appears while a measurement operation is being performed in a sensor mode, restart the measurement. If ERR appears on the digital display again, it can mean there is something wrong with the sensor.

• If ERR keeps appearing during measurement, it can mean there is a problem with the applicable sensor.


� Why does “ERR” appear on the digital display following bidirectional calibration?

If - - - appears and then changes to ERR (error) on the calibration screen, it means that there is something wrong with the sensor.• If ERR disappears after about one second, try performing the calibration again.• If ERR keeps appearing, contact your original dealer or nearest authorized CASIO

distributor to have the watch checked.

Whenever you have a sensor malfunction, take the watch to your original dealer or nearest authorized CASIO distributor as soon as possible.

� What causes incorrect direction readings?• Incorrect bidirectional calibration. Perform bidirectional calibration (page E-36).• Nearby source of strong magnetism, such as a household appliance, a large steel

bridge, a steel beam, overhead wires, etc., or an attempt to perform direction measurement on a train, boat, etc. Move away from large metal objects and try again.


� What causes different direction readings to produce different results at the same location?

Magnetism generated by nearby high-tension wires is interfering with detection of terrestrial magnetism. Move away from the high-tension wires and try again.

� Why am I having problems taking direction readings indoors?A TV, personal computer, speakers, or some other object is interfering with terrestrial magnetism readings. Move away from the object causing the interference or take the direction reading outdoors. Indoor direction readings are particularly diffi cult inside ferro-concrete structures. Remember that you will not be able to take direction readings inside of trains, airplanes, etc.


Battery� Why is the low battery alert fl ashing?

Battery power is low. Watch operations are disabled while the low battery alert is fl ashing on the digital display.If the low battery alert disappears after battery power recovers but then starts to fl ash again after a short while, it means that you need to have the watch’s battery replaced.

Low battery alertLow battery alert


Specifi cations

Accuracy at normal temperature: ±30 seconds a monthDigital Timekeeping: Hour, minutes, seconds, a.m. (A)/p.m. (P), month, day, day of

the weekTime format: 12-hour and 24-hourCalendar system: Full Auto-calendar pre-programmed from the year 2000 to 2099Other: Home City (can be assigned one of 48 city codes); Standard Time / Daylight

Saving Time (summer time)Analog Timekeeping: Hour, minutes (hand moves every 10 seconds), secondsDigital Compass: North indicated by second hand; 20 seconds continuous readings;

Calibration (bidirectional); Magnetic declination correction; Magnetic north indication; display of one of 16 direction indicators; Angle value 0° to 359°

Thermometer:Measurement and display range: –10.0 to 60.0°C (or 14.0 to 140.0°F)Display unit: 0.1°C (or 0.2°F)Reading timing: 5-second intervals for 1 to 2 minutes


Bearing Sensor Precision:Direction: Within ±15°Values are guaranteed for a temperature range of –10°C to 40°C (14°F to 104°F).

Temperature Sensor Precision:±2°C (±3.6°F) in range of –10°C to 60°C (14.0°F to 140.0°F)

Moon Age: Display of Moon age values for specifi c datesSunrise/Sunset: Sunrise time and sunset time for specifi c dateAlarms: 5 daily alarms; hourly time signalStopwatch:

Measuring unit: 1/100 secondMeasuring capacity: 23:59 59.99Measuring modes: Elapsed time, split time

Countdown Timer:Measuring unit: 1 secondCountdown start time setting range: 1 second to 100 minutes (1-minute

increments and 1-second increments)


World Time: 48 cities (31 time zones)Other: Daylight Saving Time/Standard Time

Illumination: LED (Light-emitting diode); Selectable illumination duration (approximately 1.5 seconds or 3 seconds)

Other: Button operation tone on/offBattery: Two silver oxide batteries (Type: SR927W)

Approximate battery operating time: 2 years under the following conditions:• 1 illumination operation (1.5 seconds) per day• 20 seconds of continuous direction readings, 20 times per month• 2 minutes of continuous temperature readings (5-second intervals), once per

week• 20 seconds of alarm operation per day

Frequent use of illumination runs down the battery.

City Code Table

UTC Offset/GMT Differential

City Name Latitude (°)North Latitude +,South Latitude –

Longitude (°)East Longitude +,West Longitude –

0.0 UTC 51.5 0

0.0 Lisbon 38.7 –9.1

0.0 London 51.5 –0.1

1.0 Madrid 40.4 –3.7

1.0 Paris 48.9 2.4

1.0 Rome 41.9 12.5

1.0 Berlin 52.5 13.4

1.0 Stockholm 59.3 18.1

2.0 Athens 38.0 23.7

2.0 Cairo 30.0 31.2

L L-1

UTC Offset/GMT Differential

City Name Latitude (°)North Latitude +,South Latitude –

Longitude (°)East Longitude +,West Longitude –

2.0 Jerusalem 31.8 35.2

3.0 Moscow 55.8 37.6

3.0 Jeddah 21.5 39.2

3.5 Tehran 35.7 51.4

4.0 Dubai 25.3 55.3

4.5 Kabul 34.5 69.2

5.0 Karachi 24.9 67.0

5.5 Delhi 28.6 77.2

5.75 Kathmandu 27.7 85.3

6.0 Dhaka 23.7 90.4

6.5 Yangon 16.8 96.2

7.0 Bangkok 13.7 100.5

Operation Guide 5269


UTC-tidsskillnad/ GMT-differential

Stadsnamn Latitud (°) Norr-latitud +, Syd-latitud -

Longitud (°) Öst-longtitud +, Väst-longtitud -

UTC-tidsskillnad/ GMT-differential

Stadsnamn Latitud (°) Norr-latitud +, Syd-latitud -

Longitud (°) Öst-longtitud +, Väst-longtitud -

• UTC-tidsskillnad/GMT-differential: Baserat på data från juni 2012 • Reglerna för världstider (UTC-tidsskillnad och GMT-differential) och sommartid avgörs individuellt av varje nation.


SERVICEKETONIC ABService@ketonic.seTelefon: 0515-421 00Fax: 0515-818 23


Bruksanvisning 5269


UTC Offset/GMT Differential

City Name Latitude (°)North Latitude +,South Latitude –

Longitude (°)East Longitude +,West Longitude –

8.0 Singapore 1.3 103.8

8.0 Hong Kong 22.4 114.1

8.0 Beijing 39.9 116.4

8.0 Taipei 25.1 121.6

9.0 Seoul 37.6 127.0

9.0 Tokyo 35.7 139.7

9.5 Adelaide –34.9 138.6

10.0 Guam 13.4 144.8

10.0 Sydney –33.9 151.2

11.0 Noumea –22.3 166.5

12.0 Wellington –41.3 174.8

–11.0 Pago Pago –14.3 –170.7


UTC Offset/GMT Differential

City Name Latitude (°)North Latitude +,South Latitude –

Longitude (°)East Longitude +,West Longitude –

–10.0 Honolulu 21.3 –157.9

–9.0 Anchorage 61.2 –149.9

–8.0 Vancouver 49.3 –123.1

–8.0 Los Angeles 34.1 –118.2

–7.0 Edmonton 53.5 –113.5

–7.0 Denver 39.7 –105.0

–6.0 Mexico City 19.4 –99.1

–6.0 Chicago 41.9 –87.6

–5.0 New York 40.7 –74.0

–4.0 Santiago –33.4 –70.6

–4.0 Halifax 44.6 –63.6

–3.5 St.Johns 47.6 –52.7


UTC Offset/GMT Differential

City Name Latitude (°)North Latitude +,South Latitude –

Longitude (°)East Longitude +,West Longitude –

–3.0 Rio De Janeiro –22.9 –43.2

–2.0 Fernando de Noronha –3.8 –32.4

–1.0 Praia 14.9 –23.5

• UTC Offset/GMT Differential: Based on data for June 2012• The rules governing global times (GMT differential and UTC offset) and summer

time are determined by each individual country.

Operation Guide 5269UTC-tidsskillnad/ GMT-differential

Stadsnamn Latitud (°) Norr-latitud +, Syd-latitud -

Longitud (°) Öst-longtitud +, Väst-longtitud -

UTC-tidsskillnad/ GMT-differential

Stadsnamn Latitud (°) Norr-latitud +, Syd-latitud -

Longitud (°) Öst-longtitud +, Väst-longtitud -

UTC-tidsskillnad/ GMT-differential

Stadsnamn Latitud (°) Norr-latitud +, Syd-latitud -

Longitud (°) Öst-longtitud +, Väst-longtitud -
