October 2011



The October 2011 issue of Oil&Gas Eurasia

Citation preview

Who Gets What inExxonMobil,

Rosneft DealArctic and

Deep Water forTexas Shale

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#10 October 2011EDITOR’S LETTER | () #!*$+)(#$


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With a double dip recession “imminent” in the United States, a trou-bled Euro zone and another Russian winter on the way I’m finding it hard to find anything positive to write about.

I don’t mind the negative. But I like to approach negative realities as chal-lenges that can be dealt with and turned into positives. It’s my Midwestern American upbringing – and ideology.

So let’s look at some news in search of some silver linings. I’ll leave U.S. recessions (soon to be a global recession) and Euro zone problems to the bankers and politicians who caused the problems to begin with.

I consider myself fortunate to have been working as a journalist in Russia in the 1990s when common people were regularly fleeced of their bank accounts. Do you remember the MMM scam? Much of what has happened in the West in the last couple of years is similar – it’s just bigger and it’s been candy coated.

But let’s get off philosophical issues – let’s look at Libya.Did Russia err in supporting Qaddafi? Maybe not. It seems Russia may have

succeeded in “sitting on all chairs” and will yet come out OK. Mark Pabst, writ-ing in the October issue of Petroleum Africa magazine pointed out that “…while the Russian government may have initially taken a stand against the NTC (National Transition Council), unnamed sources have been widely quoted in news services claiming that Russian refined oil products were shipped to the rebels even before Moscow recognized the new Libyan government.”

"If this is true, Russian businessmen may have been out in front of the pol-iticians; a fact that could be a blessing for Russian companies,” Pabst wrote. Evidence may be found in the fact that in September, ENI and Gazprom reaf-firmed their deal (signed originally in February) to give Gazprom 50 percent of ENI’s stake in Libya’s Elephant field.

Pabst points out that ENI “has such a huge presence in the country that the new Libyan leaders cannot ignor it if they want to reach their ambitious pro-duction targets, and ENI executives have been keen to engage the NTC leader-ship once NATO sided with the anti-Qaddafi forces.” In August, ENI CEO Paolo Scaroni visited with top rebel leaders in Benghazi and then in September met with top NOC (National Oil Company) officials,” Petroleum Africa reported.

So, thanks to Russia’s strong government-to-government relationship with Italy and the long history of cooperation between Gazprom and ENI, Russian interests may be secure. China has a different problem. According to Pabst, the NTC claims it has evidence that “the Chinese sold weapons to the Qaddafi regime in violation of UN sanctions.” The same documents, also supposed-ly revealed that “NTC allies Great Britain and the United States helped Qaddafi track down dissidents in recent years,” – a sin the new Libyan leadership is likely to forgive and forget. “How long it takes the NTC to forgive China may be another matter,” Pabst wrote.

I invite you to visit www.petroleumafrica.com for more insight on Libya and to read Pabst’s excellent snapshot of Libyan oil and gas affairs in full. In November, Pabst will contribute to Oil&Gas Eurasia an analysis that delves more in detail into Russian interests in Libya. So don’t miss this issue.

Also, in November, Oil&Gas Eurasia will be examining Russia’s interest in technologies to develop unconventional resources including shale gas and tight oil. This month, OGE reports on the tie up between Rosneft and ExxonMobil. A few years back, Rosneft had negotiated unsuccessfully with Exxon to trade the U.S. super major a role in the Russian Arctic offshore (Shtokman at the time) in exchange for Rosneft’s entry into one of Exxon’s LNG projects. Today, Exxon has finally gotten it’s nose under the Arctic tent (in the Kara Sea) but the quid pro quo to Rosneft is “tight oil” and shale in North America, along with some offshore in deep water Gulf of Mexico.

Technology transfer is the goal, and Russian majors are achieving this goal by becoming a part of international consortiums and joint ventures operating internationally. We’ll hear plenty about technology – Arctic technology that is – at the SPE Arctic & Extreme Environments Conference & Exhibition 18-20 October in Moscow. OGE will be there and we hope you will too.

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CONTENTS | !"#$%&'()$

EDITOR’S LETTER | "* %$#'+*"%'Refined Product Shipments, ENI Support, Bode Well for Russia’s Return to Libya !"#$%&'( )*+$*,-"./'$"&, ,"..*-0'% ENI – ."1-23 4)%' .56 &"4&-%7*)(6 & 8(&(9

TECH TRENDS | (",-$ *$.("/"0))


CONFERENCE | +"(1$%$(2)3Russia’s Offshore – Challenges and SolutionsRAO / CIS OFFSHORE 2011 Conference Roundup

:"##(3#'(3 ;*5<+ – ,-"15*=2 ( -*;*)(6!" =%$*-(%5%= '")+*-*)>(( RAO / CIS OFFSHORE 2011

SPE Arctic: AEE 2011 Moscow is Center Stage for Key Arctic Dialogue

!"1*.($< «1*5"* 1*4="5&(*»?% @@A "$'-2&%*$#6 &2#$%&'% ( '")+*-*)>(6 AEE 2012

TRAINING | "456$()$"Keys" to SuccessInside Schlumberger's Abu Dhabi Training Center

«B59C(» ' /#,*D/E F5(0)*&"#$"C)"= /C*1)"= >*)$-* Schlumberger & G1/-H%1(

OFFSHORE | 7$/81Subsea Technology Hydrocarbon Extraction as a Key Factor in Developing Resources of the Arctic Shelf!".&".)%6 $*D)"5"I(6 ."12C( /I5*&"."-"."& – '59C*&"3 +%'$"- "#&"*)(6 -*#/-#"& ;*5<+% G-'$('(ARTIFICIAL LIFT | 9$.'():)%",'(('3 #"4-6'Enhancing Equipment Reliability to Increase the Meantime between Failures of Sucker Rod Pumps!"&2;*)(* '")#$-/'>("))"3 )%.*0)"#$( – "#)"&% /&*5(C*)(6 =*0-*=")$)"I" ,*-(".% ;$%)I"&2D )%#"#"&

%':#$/ %$+/'9(-. !*'*$; | ADVERTORIAL SECTIONARCTIC EXPERIENCE | "!,"$()$ '%+*)+)Chevron continues to engage with Russian companies on projects where it can add value based on its wide ranging arctic experience.J*&-") ,-"."50%*$ #"$-/.)(C*#$&" # -"##(3#'(=( '"=,%)(6=( & ,-"*'$%D, I.* ="0*$ 12$< ,"5*4)2= *I" "1;(-)23 ",2$ -%1"$2 & %-'$(C*#'(D /#5"&(6D




ExxonMobil in Right Place at Right TimeRosneft Trades a Share of the Arctic for Texas Shale and the Mexican Gulf

ExxonMobil – & )/0)"= =*#$* & )/0)23 C%#«:"#)*+$<» ,-(I5%;%*$ /C%#$&"&%$< & %-'$(C*#'(D ,-"*'$%D & "1=*) )% ."#$/, ' =*#$"-"0.*)(6= & KJG

RUSSIAN ARCTIC | %"!!);!+'3 '%+*)+'14






CONTENTS | !"#$%&'()$


www.oilandgaseurasia.com e-mail: info@eurasiapress.com

MOSCOW ADDRESS 67/1 Koptevskaya Ul., Suite 111, Moscow 125009, Russia. Tel./Fax: +7 (495) 781 8837 / 781 8836. Oil & Gas Eurasia Monthly is published in Moscow by Eurasia Press, Inc. (USA) and is registered with the Ministry of Press and Mass Media of the Russian Federation; Certificate # 77-16277. OGE monthly is available by subscription and is distributed at industry events worldwide. Subscriptions available through catalogues: edition # 2 to the Rospechat catalog for newspapers and magazines (entry # 45834), Pochta Rossii (entry # 12632), Rospechat (entry # 84552), Rospechat NTI (entry # 66790).ISSN 1812-2086Press Run: 8,000 © 2011, Eurasia Press, Inc. (USA) All Rights Reserved.

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«MNO1» . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . First Cover

ION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Back Cover

INOVA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Front Inside Cover

Netzsch. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Back Inside Cover

Offshore Arctic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

Weatherford . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

Inmarsat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

«N'(6F,3 P,?+,E» . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

«A"Q"#». . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

AUTUS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

Simaco . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

ABB. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

RS Components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21

«<,%,3#+&(6 ?,+08» . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

«5"%&- L3&». . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

Nalco. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27

Lufkin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .31, 33

PDC. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39

ZIRAX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41

«13&4#$"3-)». . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45

SPT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62-63

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#10 October 2011


FIELD FACILITIES | "45!*%";!*," 9$!*"%"&#$();Techmash Group – a 10-year long roadL-/,,% «M*D=%;» – ,/$< .5()"9 & 10 5*$

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DOWNHOLE TOOLS | ,(5*%)!+,'&)((-; )(!*%59$(*Funing Hongda Petrochemical Machinery Co. Presents Innovative Technical Equipment for Russian Oil&Gas SectorB"=,%)(6 Funing Hongda Petrochemical Machinery Co ,-*.5%I%*$ ())"&%>("))"* $*D)"5"I(C*#'"* "1"-/."&%)(* .56 )*+$*I%4"&"3 "$-%#5( :"##((

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WELL KILLING | 0/57$()$ !+,'&)(Salt Systems for Well KillingK"5*&2* #(#$*=2 .56 I5/;*)(6

New Approach to Purification of Kill Fluids ?"&23 ,".D". ' "C(#$'* 0(.'"#$( I5/;*)(6

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Oil&GasEURASIAFor more Tech Trends, visit www.oilandgaseurasia.coma.ccom8

Baker Hughes !"#$%&'()*#& +,(-. &#/+,),01. ,!"#$#)#+1* /'"'2&#"1%&12 3')#41

!"#$%&'( Baker Hughes $)*+,-%.'/% &"."* $"0"/*-&'* 1,-)"2,-. +/( "$)*+*/*&'( 3%)%0-*)',-'0 4%/*5' Reservoir Characterization eXplorer™ (RCX™) ' 1,-)"2,-. +/( "$)*+*/*&'( 3%)%0-*)',-'0 5'+0"2 ,)*+6 In-situ Fluids eXplorer™ (IFX™).

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C,-)"2,-." IFX $)*+&%4&%;*&" . ",&".-&"# +/( =/1<"0"."+&63 ' .6,"0"-*#$*)%-1)-&63 ,0.%5'&. IFX "$)*+*/(*- ,",-%. 5'+0",-' . ,0.%5'&* . )*5'#* )*%/8&"=" .)*#*&', ;-" $"4."/(*- "$-'#'4')".%-8 ,<") "<)%4@". ' +%*- &%;%/8&6* +%&&6* +/( $*-)"?'4';*,0'3 ',,/*+".%&'2 , @*/8: ,0")*2B*=" "$)*+*/*&'( $"-*&@'%/% 4%/*5'. A "-/';'* "- +)1='3 -*3-

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Emerson Process Management (5!-%2'#& +,(56 %2('41++56 $'&712-"'%/,$,8#"

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Baker Hughes Introduces Advanced Reservoir Characterization Technology

Baker Hughes has introduced the next generation of its Reservoir Characterization eXplorer™ (RCX™) and In-situ Fluids eXplorer™ (IFX™) formation testing services.

Used jointly, these services accurately characterize fluid properties in real time—eliminating the need for extensive and time-consuming analyses. Combined with other formation evaluation techniques, they provide criti-cal information about a reservoir’s commercial viability.

The RCX service is designed for enhanced reliability in challenging high-pressure, high-temperature wells. Its high-ca-pacity pumps also improve oper-ations in highly overbalanced wells. The service gathers com-prehensive pressure data and representative fluid samples at up to 27,000 psi and 395 F (201 C). It is also compatible with the Baker Hughes multitank carrier module, which offers the larg-est volume, single-phase sample chambers in the industry—up to 28 chambers. The services can be combined into one run to reduce risk and time on the rig.

Designed primarily for deepwater and high-tempera-ture wells, the IFX service char-acterizes downhole fluid com-positions in real time to allow robust fluid identification, to optimize sample collection and to provide input to the petro-physical evaluations for early assessments of a reservoir’s value. Unlike other technolo-gies in the industry, the IFX ser-vice has a tuning fork sensor and separate sound speed trans-ducer that provide high-resolution density and viscosity and sound speed information. This data allows the direct calculation of a continuous gas-oil ratio without reference to any offset information.

Emerson Launches New Downhole Flow Sensor System

The new system will, for the first time, generate multi-phase flow measurements from downhole in the well, lead-ing to increased operator understanding of reservoir flow and zonal contributions from wells and increased produc-tion control and optimization.

TECH TRENDS | !"#$% &%'!"(")**

Services gather formation pressures !and fluid samples in HP/HT environ-ments.

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: BA






+10 !"#$%&' 2011TECH TRENDS | !"#$% &%'!"(")**

!"#$% & '()%#,-.*/ !0123452 6278090:55 8; <;362 www.oilandgaseurasia.rueurasia.ru

Key features of the Roxar Downhole Flow Sensor System include:

Accurate and reliable flow rates, !

refined through 20 years of topside and subsea multiphase metering experience and 25 years of downhole monitoring experience. The technol-ogy is built on the Zector platform of Emerson’s third generation multi-phase meter with new field electronics, electrode arrangements and improved measurement models. The flow sensor system includes a new water cut mea-surement tool based on dual velocity measurements and a density sensor, measuring the density of the fluid using gamma rays. The system can operate at pressures and temperatures of up to 10,000 psi and 150 C respectively.

A compact and easy to use solution. The 3.5-inch tool !

and G-inch cable are compact and easy to install, fitting in both short zones between packers and in 7-inch liner/casing. There is a single conductor for all well sensors

including the downhole gauges and the system can be fit-ted to existing subsea control systems without the need for modifications. Measurements are performed in the tubing through non-intrusive sensors.

The flow sensor system is also highly flexible and !

forms part of a broader downhole solution. The system is modular with users able to pick the tool combination which best suits their needs – water cut only, for example, and is fully compatible with the Roxar downhole product portfolio, which includes high pressure and high tempera-ture gauges. The flow sensor system is also fully integrated with Emerson’s production management system, Roxar Fieldwatch, providing production and reservoir engineers with the tools and data to make better informed reservoir management decisions.

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Expro ,9#%!#71('#& +,(5# (,38,4+,%&1 2,+&",)* :;</"'63#",(

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Downhole Flow Sensor System improves understanding of res- !ervoir flow from different well zones and branches and opens new window into subsea production operations.

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/ !"#$%&!'

: EM



#10 October 2011TECH TRENDS | !"#$% &%'!"(")**

Oil&GasEURASIAFor more Tech Trends, visit www.oilandgaseurasia.coma.ccom10

Expro Provides Innovative BOP/riser Inspection Service

International oilfield services com-pany Expro recently announced a compre-hensive service to provide subsea operators with a firsthand view of some of their most critical underwater assets.

The service uses Expro’s Multi-Finger Caliper and ViewMax Down Hole Camera systems to provide images and data to view and monitor the integrity of BOPs, casing and risers.

Expro has deployed the Multi-Finger Caliper for years and has completed hun-dreds of well inspections with the ViewMax Downhole Camera systems. Using the two proven technologies together provides a visual and a mechanical inspection of the wells.

The first component of the BOP/riser inspection service, the Expro Multi-Finger Caliper, can provide data to accu-rately monitor the integrity of casing or marine risers in varying sizes in diameter. It is the only caliper on the market with fully mechanical, simultaneous, indepen-dent and continuous readings from all of the feelers. The Multi-Finger Caliper also

)"., ',$"/841*-,( #&"="D1$".62 0%.*)&"#*) (Multi-Finger Caliper) ' ,0.%5'&&%( 0%#*)% ViewMax (ViewMax Down Hole Camera).

A -*;*&'* &*,0"/80'3 /*- Expro ',$"/84".%/% #&"="-D1$".62 0%.*)&"#*), .6$"/&'. ,"-&' ",#"-)". ,0.%5'& , $)'#*&*&'*# 0%#*) ViewMax. O".#*,-&"* ',$"/84".%&'* +.13 4%)*0"#*&+".%.B'3 ,*<( 1,-)"2,-. $"4."/(*- .6$"/-&'-8 ",#"-) ' #*3%&';*,01: $)".*)01 ,0.%5'&6.

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F% &*?-*=%4"."2 0"&?*)*&@'' ' .6,-%.0* Offshore Europe 2011 0"#$%&'( M-I SWACO "<M(.'/% " .6$1,0*

Fugro Breaks World Record for Low-Logistic AUVs Using SeeByte Software

SeeByte, the global leader in creating smart software technology for unmanned systems, announces that Fugro Survey Pty Ltd. (Fugro) has successfully broken the current world record for the longest uninterrupted pipeline inspection using a low-logistics AUV.

The SeeTrack AutoTracker software was utilized by Fugro in conjunction with the Gavia AUV to survey a pipeline on the Northwest Shelf off Western Australia in 90 meters of water. The vehicle successfully inspected 31 kilometers of pipeline on a single mission, surpassing SeeByte’s existing record. The mission was manually ended due to low battery while AutoTracker was still operating successfully. The SeeTrack software was developed to enable AUV’s to carry out export pipeline inspections. Through SeeTrack AutoTracker the inspection data is improved and time is saved by reducing repeat missions which are usually required due to missing data. SeeTrack AutoTracker can also operate in areas where multiple pipelines and unexpected burials are encountered.

Fugro 8"#(,('1*'(2# .*$%'%& $27%$0 3$* *"3%1>4%'(,** ('#%,%.,5: 3%0'%0,5: (33($(#%' " 3$*.2,2,*2. 3$%;$(..,%;% %)2"32=2,*9 SeeByte

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Multi-Finger Caliper provides data to accurately monitor !the integrity of casing of various diameter sizes.

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!"#$% & '()%#,-.*/ !0123452 6278090:55 8; <;362 www.oilandgaseurasia.rueurasia.ru

.%011#&"=" '&,-)1#*&-% +/( 1+%/*&'( ",-%-0". $")"+6 Well Scavenger*, 0"-"-)62 $)*+&%4&%;*& ,$*@'%/8&" +/( ,<")% ' 1+%/*&'( ",-%-0". $")"+6 '4 ,0.%5'-&6 . 3"+* -*3&';*,0'3 #*)"$)'(-'2.

O)*+% ,0.%5'&6 #"5*- ,-%-8 $)'-;'&"2 &*9??*0-'.&"2 @')01/(@'' 5'+0",-' $)' ";',-0* 4%<"( "- ",-%-0". $")"+6. 7",/* $*)?")')".%&'( ";',--0% #"5*- <6-8 4%-)1+&*&% .,/*+,-.'* $"-*)' 5'+0",-', ;-" "=)%&';'.%*- $)"'4."+'-*/8&",-8 &%,",% ' +%./*&'*. E1.,-.'-*/8&"* "<")1+".%&'* 4%<"(, )%<"-%:D** $"+ +*2,-.'*# +%./*&'(, -%05* #"5*- "=)%&';'.%-8 $)"'4."+'--*/8&",-8 &%,",% ' +%./*&'*.

Well Scavenger '#**- #"+1/8&1: 0"&-,-)10@': ' ,",-"'- '4 +.'=%-*/( , "+&'# ,"$/"#, '4 0"-")"=" $"+%*-,( 5'+0",-8,

#"+1/( "<)%<"-0' ",-%-0". $")"+6 ' "+&"2 '/' &*,0"/8-0'3 0%#*) +/( 3)%&*&'( ",-%-0".. I.'=%-*/8 ,"4+%*- ' $"+-+*)5'.%*- /"0%/8&62 $"-"0 "<)%-&"2 @')01/(@'', 0"-"-)62 +",-'=%*- #%0,'#%/8&"2 ,0")",-', "<*,$*;'.%:D*2 $"+M*# ",-%-0". $")"+6, <*4 )%<"-%:D*=" , $".*)3&",-' &%,",% .6,"0"2 $)"'4."+'-*/8&",-'. L"+1/8 "<)%<"-0' ?'/8-)1*- 5'+0",-8, "-<')%( 0)1$&6* ",-%-0' $")"+6. I/( ,<")% ;*)&63 #*-%//". #"+1/8 ",&%D*& #%=&'-"#.

7" ,)%.&*&': , +)1='#' '&,-)1#*&-%#', =*)#*-';-&6* 4%D'-&6* 0"/$%;0' Well Scavenger "<*,$*;'.%:- <"/8B1: <*4"$%,&",-8 $)' "<)%<"-0* '4./*;*&&63 ",-%--0". $")"+6 ' 5'+0",-*2 &% <1)"."2 $/"D%+0*. O @*/8: <"/** 9??*0-'.&"=" 1+%/*&'( #*-%//';*,0'3 '/' 0)1$&63 ",-%-0". $")"+6 /'<" '&")"+&63 -*/ '&,-)1#*&- #"5&" ',$"/84".%-8 ,".#*,-&" ," ,-)1&""<)%4&6#' #%=&'-%#' '/' B/%#"#*-%//"1/".'-*/(#'.

N$-'#%/8&"2 ,)*+"2 +/( )%<"-6 '&,-)1#*&-% (./(-:-,( &8:-"&".,0'* 5'+0",-', &* ,$","<&6* $*)*&",'-8 <"/8B"* 0"/';*,-." -.*)+63 -*/. H%05* '&,-)1#*&- "-/';-&" $"+3"+'- +/( ',$"/84".%&'( $)' "-0)6-"# $*)?")')"-.%&'', 0"=+% '4-4% "=)%&';*&'2 ,0.%5'&&"2 %$$%)%-1)6 '/' &%4*#&"=" "<")1+".%&'( &*."4#"5&" ',$"/84".%-8 .6,"0"$)"'4."+'-*/8&6* &%,",6 ' .6,"0"* +%./*&'*.

includes applications for deforma-tion analysis, casing wear, and corro-sion assessment.

The second component of the BOP/riser inspection service, the Expro ViewMax Down Hole Camera system, can be deployed in a well to conduct visual riser and BOP inspec-tions. The camera has the capability to provide a down view as well as a side view, and can switch back and forth between the two. In addition, the ViewMax Down Hole Camera can be run on standard e-line or fiber optic line for full-time, full-motion video. The camera collects each image in 1.1 seconds on e-line and collects 30 frames per second through fibre.

M-I SWACO Introduces New Vacuum Debris Removal Tool

M-I SWACO announced at the Offshore Europe 2011 Oil and Gas Conference and Exhibition the release of the Well Scavenger* vacuum debris removal tool, which is designed specifically to capture and remove debris from the wellbore during intervention activities.

Wellbore conditions can create inefficient downhole circulation during a debris clean-up operation. After per-forating, clean-up can be difficult due to fluid losses that restrict pump rates and pressures. Sensitive pressure-actu-ated downhole hardware may also limit pump rates and pressures.

Based on a modular design, the Well Scavenger tool comprises a single-nozzle fluid-driving engine, a debris screening module, and one or more debris chambers. The engine module internally generates and maintains an effi-cient localized reverse circulation flow that achieves maxi-mum lifting velocities without the need for high pump rates from the surface. The debris screening module filters the fluid to capture larger debris and is equipped with an internal magnet assembly to collect ferrous material.

Compared to other tools, the sealed lifting caps of the Well Scavenger tool are significantly safer when handling extracted debris and fluids on the rig floor. The tool can also be combined with string mag-nets or junk baskets to opti-mize the removal of ferrous or larger debris.

The tool’s optimum envi-ronment is with Newtonian fluids that have limited solids carrying capacity or when open perforations, pressure-sensitive downhole hardware or limita-tions from surface equipment make it impossible to use high pump rates and pressures.

Well Scavenger tool generates high lifting rates for intervention appli- !cations.

C,"#$8.2,# Well Scavenger %)2"32=*'(2# '5"%78+ "7%$%"#> !3%0D2.( 3$* 3$%'202,** EFA.




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: M-I




#10 October 2011TECH TRENDS | !"#$% &%'!"(")**

Oil&GasEURASIAFor more Tech Trends, visit www.oilandgaseurasia.coma.ccom12

Smith Bits Introduces Next Generation Premium PDC Cutter

Smith Bits announced at the Offshore Europe 2011 Oil and Gas Conference and Exhibition the availability of its ONYX II* premium polycrystalline diamond compact (PDC) cutter. The ability of this cutter to retain a sharp edge enables it to drill more efficiently in the harshest forma-tions.

The introduction of the original ONYX* cutter made a significant contribution to PDC bit performance. To continue advancement of PDC bit performance required upgraded cutter technology. The ONYX II premium cut-ter is synthesized using highly developed manufacturing techniques, including a proprietary two-step process that gives the new cutter superior abrasive wear and excep-tional resistance to thermal degradation when compared to prior generations of PDC cutter technology. The cutter is designed to resist the spalling and chipping that shortens the life of other hard formation drill bits.

Laboratory and Field TestingTo evaluate the improved wear characteristics of the

new PDC cutters, a controlled laboratory comparison was conducted on granite. The new PDC cutters showed a 20 percent reduction in wear flat area with minimal chipping and degradation, as measured against the earlier ONYX PDC cutters.

In Sublette County, Wyoming, a 6-inch MDi516 bit equipped with the new ONYX II cutters outperformed an

Smith Bits !"#$%&'()*#& "#3=5 !"#81-8-2)'%%' +,(,0, !,2,)#+1*

F% *.)"$*2,0"2 &*?-*=%4"."2 .6,-%.0* ' 0"&?*)*&-@'' Offshore Europe 2011 0"#$%&'( Smith Bits "<M(.'/% " .6$1,0* )*4@". $)*#'1#-0/%,,% &% ",&".* $"/'0)'-,-%//';*,0'3 %/#%4&63 0"#$"4'-". $"+ #%)0"2 ONYX II*. O$","<&",-8 9-"=" '&,-)1#*&-% ,"3)%&(-8 ",-)6* 0)"#0' "<*,$*;'.%*- <"/** 9??*0-'.&"* <1)*&'* ,%#63 -.*)+63 $/%,-"..

O"4+%&'* ")'='&%/8&63 )*4@". ONYX* 4&%;'-*/8&" $".6,'/" 90,$/1%-%@'"&&6* 3%)%0-*)',-'0' <1)".63 +"/"- '4 $"/'0)',-%//';*,0'3 %/#%4&63 0"#$"4'-".. O @*/8: +%/8&*2B*=" 1/1;B*&'( 90,$/1%-%@'"&&63 $"0%4%-*/*2 +"/"- +/( $)"'4."+,-.% )*4@". ',$"/84"-.%/%,8 1,".*)B*&,-.".%&&%( -*3&"/"='(. 7" ,)%.&*&': , $)*+6+1D'#' $"0"/*&'(#' )*4@". &% ",&".* $"/'-0)',-%//';*,0'3 %/#%4&63 0"#$"4'-"., '&,-)1#*&- $)*#'1#-0/%,,% ONYX II ,";*-%*- . ,*<* 0%;*,-.*&&6* $)"'4."+,-.*&&6* -*3&"/"='', .0/:;%( ?')#*&&62

+.13,-1$*&;%-62 #*-"+, "<*,$*;'.%:D'2 '4+*/': ',0/:;'-*/8&1: %<)%4'.",-"2-0",-8 ' 1,-"2;'.",-8 0 -*)#';*,0"#1 ,-%)*-&':. Q&,-)1#*&- 1,-"2;'. 0 )%,D*$/*&': ' .60)%B'.%&':, -" *,-8 '#*&&" 0 -*# ."4+*2-,-.'(#, 0"-")6* ,"0)%D%:- ,)"0 90,$/1%-%-@'' <1)".63 +"/"-, )%<"-%:D'3 . -.*)+63 $/%,-%3.

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Sulzer Pumps Ltd. Sets up Service Company

Sulzer (Switzerland) will set up its first service center in the Moscow region. The company will offer services on repair, upgrading and assembly of new industrial pump systems for Russian cus-tomers and showcase its newest technologies and expert qualifica-tions as one of the world’s leaders in pump manufacturing. The center will also provide advanced training programs.

The new center will be one of 65 service companies located in many countries and set up according to Sulzer Pumps’ global expansion plans.

Sulzer Pumps Ltd. %#7$5'(2# "2$'*",%2 3$203$*9#*2

H F$(4$,/$%2) $-/#9%1)-,7 *)#%9& ,)#%",.9& G).-# @%)&G1#,/$3$ /$.G)#.1 Sulzer. F#)(*#"7-") $/1<)- 0,'03" *$ #)4$.-0, 4$()#."+1G"" " "+3$--$%')."C .$%98 *#$49@')..98 .1,$,.98 ,",-)4 ('7 #$,,"&,/"8 +1/1+6"/$%, 1 -1/<) *#$()4$.-,-#"#0)- -)8.$'$3"" " *#$;),,"$.1'"+4, *#",0-B") /$4*1."", +1."41CB)& $(.$ "+ %)(0B"8 4),- % 4"#) ,#)(" *#$"+%$("-)')& .1,$,$%. H G).-#) -1/<) 50(0- *#$%$("-2,7 ,)4".1#9 ('7 *$%9@)-

."7 /%1'";"/1G"" ,*)G"1'",-$%.I$%9& G).-# ,-1' $(."4 "+ 65 ,)#%",.98 *#)(*#"7-"&, #1,*$'$-

<)..98 %$ 4.$3"8 ,-#1.18 4"#1 " ,$+(1..98 % ,$$-%)-,-%"" , *'1-.14" Sulzer Pumps *$ #1,@"#)."C ,%$)& ()7-)'2.$,-" .1 4"#$-%$4 #9./).

ONYX II PDC cutter drills 22 percent more footage at a higher ROP !H24/5 ,( %",%'2 3%1*7$*"#(11*=2"7*: (1.(4,5: 7%.3%4*#%' ONYX II !

%)2"32=*'(2# )%122 '5"%78+ "7%$%"#> )8$2,*9, 3$%:%09 $(""#%9,*2 ,( 22% )%1>I2, =2. 0$8;*2 .%021*.




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: SC








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: SU



+10 !"#$%&' 2011TECH TRENDS | !"#$% &%'!"(")**

!"#$% & '()%#,-.*/ !0123452 6278090:55 8; <;362 www.oilandgaseurasia.rueurasia.ru

ONYX II, $)*.4"B/' $%)%#*-)6 +"/"-% , )*4@"# ONYX $)*+6+1D*=" $"0"-/*&'(.

R/1<'&% . 4 775 ?1-". <6/% +",-'=&1-% 4% 78,5 ;%,% $)' ,0")",-' 60,8 ?1-". . ;%, $)"-'. =/1<'&6 3 900 ?1-"., $)"2+*&&"2 4% 79,4 ;%,% $)' ,)*+&*2 ,0")",-' <1)*&'( 49,1 ?1-". . ;%,.

Weatherford !,)-71)' +,(56 %#"&1>12'& +' 138#"1&#)1 ,9(,$+#++,%&1 Red Eye®

F% '4#*)'-*/' "<."+&*&&",-' Red Eye® 2G ' Red Eye® Multiphase $)"'4."+,-.% 0"#$%&'' Weatherford, $)*+&%4&%;*&&6* +/( '4#*)*&'( "<M-*#&"2 +"/' ."+6 . '4./*0%*#"2 #&"-="?%4&"2 ,#*,' &*?-8-."+%-=%4, <6/ $"/1;*& &".62 ,*)-'?'0%- "< 1-.*)5-+*&'' -'$% ,)*+,-. '4#*)*&'2.

S/%="+%)( .&*,*&&6# -*3&';*-,0'# '4#*&*&'(#, ,1D*,-.*&&" 1/1;B'/',8 #*-)"/"-=';*,0'* 3%)%0-*)',-'0' +%&&63 '4#*)'-*/*2, % 90,-$/1%-%@'( Red Eye® Multiphase -*$*)8 ,-%/% ."4#"5&% ' . 1,/".'(3 $".6B*&&"=" =%4","+*)5%&'( (. +'%$%4"&* GVF 0-99,5%).

C-.*)5+*&&6* -*3&';*,0'* ' #*-)"/"=';*,0'* 3%)%0-*)',-'0' $"4."/(:- $)'#*&(-8 '4#*)'-*-/' "<."+&*&&",-' Red Eye® $)"'4."+,-.% 0"#$%&'' Weatherford . )%4/';&63 ,',-*#%3 1;*-% ' 0"&-)"/( 0%;*,-.% &*?-' &% "<M*0-%3 &*?-*=%4"+"<6.%:D'3 $)*+$)'(-'2, 0)"#* -"=", "&' ,""-.*-,-.1:- -)*<".%-&'(# RNOH T 8.615-2005 . ;%,-' -)*<".%&'2, $)*+M(.-/(*#63 0 $"=)*B&",-' '4#*)*&'2 #%,,6 &*--" &*?-'.

A ",&".1 $)'&@'$% +*2,-.'( '4#*)'-*/*2 "<."+-&*&&",-' Red Eye® 2G ' Red Eye® Multiphase 4%/"-5*& $)'&@'$ %<,")<@'"&&"2 ,$*0-)",0"$'' . </'5-&*2 "</%,-' '&?)%0)%,&"=" '4/1;*&'(, $)' 0"-")"# '4#*)*&'* "$-';*,0"2 $/"-&",-' ",1D*,-./(*-,( &% &*,0"/80'3 +/'&%3 ."/&, ;-" $"4."/(*- $)"."+'-8 '4#*-)*&'( "<M*#&"=" ,"+*)5%&'( ."+6 . #&"="?%4&63 ,#*-,(3 &*?-8-."+%-=%4 ." .,*# +'%$%4"&* "<."+&*&&",-' ("- 0 +" 100%) ' $)' .6,"0"# )%,3"+&"# =%4","+*)5%-&'' ("- 0 +" 99,5 %).

N,&".&6* "<M*0-6 90,$/1%-%@'' '4#*)'-*/*2 "<."+&*&&",-' Red Eye® – '4#*)'-*/8&6* ,',-*#6 URKC, OQ!FO, $*)*+.'5&6* KC ' '&+'.'+1%/8&"* $)'-#*&*&'* &% ,0.%5'&*.

offset well drill bit fitted with ONYX cutters, the prior genera-tion PDC cutter. A notable 4,775 ft was drilled in 78.5 hours at a rate of 60.8 fph, compared to 3,900 ft drilled in 79.4 hrs at an average rate of 49.1 fph.

Weatherford Red Eye® Water-cut Meters Got a New Pattern Approval Certificate

A new Pattern Approval Certificate of Measuring Instruments was obtained for Weatherford’s Red Eye® 2G and Red Eye® Multiphase water-cut meters designed to measure the water content (cut) in a pro-duced multiphase water, oil and gas stream.

Implemented technical changes have significantly improved the metrological perfor-mance of these meters, and now Red Eye® Multiphase can be operated in high gas-content environments (GVF 0 percent to 99.5 percent).

The approved technical and metrological performance allows for Red Eye® opera-tion in various operators’ oil quality management sys-tems. Moreover, this equip-ment complies with GOST R 8.615-2005 requirements regarding oil net weight measurement accuracy.

Primary and common applications of Red Eye® water-cut meters include automated group measure units for gas measuring in oil; systems for crude oil

quantity measurement and quality rating; mobile metering stations; well sites, etc.

The measurement is based on near-infrared absorption spectroscopy, where absorbance is measured over several wave lengths. This allows measuring water content (cut) in multiphase water, oil and gas mixtures in the full water-cut range (0 percent to 100 percent) and with high consumption gas content (0 percent to 99.5 percent).

Red Eye® water-cut meter. !C4.2$*#21> %)'%0,2,,%"#* !

Red Eye®.




/ !"#$%&!'






Rosneft’s selection of ExxonMobil as a strategic partner in the Russian Arctic may have as much to do over the long term with Russian investment in the U.S. energy

sector, as it does with the U.S. investment in Russia.The agreement signed on August 30 between Russia’s

largest oil company, state-owed Rosneft, and global indepen-dent ExxonMobil was consumated quickly, after BP (Rosneft’s first choice among prospective brides) was forced to pass on the deal because of a dispute with TNK-BP.

The seriousness of Rosneft’s intent was underscored by the presence at the signing ceremony of none other than Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin himself. Joining Putin was Rosneft President Eduard Khudainatov and Neil W. Duffin, President of ExxonMobil Development Company.

So who is ultimately getting what from the deal? On the Russian side of things, the partners are to develop three license areas on the Arctic shelf, namely East Prinovozemelsky 1, 2, 3 in the Kara Sea, as well as the Tuapse site in the Black Sea. Arrangements had been made regarding the Black Sea project earlier this year at the World Economic Forum in Davos. Through these projects, the companies should create joint ventures in which Rosneft will hold 66.7 percent, and ExxonMobil – 33.3 percent. The catch for the American IOC is that ExxonMobil won’t be able to book the reserves. Russian law reserves this right for the license holder. And it is state-owned Rosneft that holds the license.

Direct investment is estimated at $200-300 billion. With the infrastructure, construction of the required facilities, and

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*-4.$#4.5 4"6).$-5 ExxonMobil. :";6"7$"#'( -$/%#'-<-8 / =$%*2%'-4> ?@A / +",2"#*"3$"8 )%*#)%4'-/% +,5 "+$"8 #'"*"$0 - .$.,"2-3$.5 /";6"7$"#'(, )*%+"#'./,5%6.5 +*>-2"8 #'"*"$% / !"##--, /";6"7$", #'.,- ")*%+%,5BC-6- &.4-'"*.6- )*- )*-$5'-- *%D%$-5.

E'.4, 30 ./2>#'. '%4>C%2" 2"+. «!"#$%&'(» - ExxonMobil #'.,- #'*.'%2-3%#4-6- ).*'$%*.6-. F"+)-#- )"+ +"4>6%$-'"6 / )*-#>'#'/-- )*%6(%*-6-$-#'*. !"##-- :,.+-6-*. F>'-$. )"#'./-,- )*%;-+%$' «!"#$%&'-» G+>.*+ H>+.8$.'"/ - 2,./. ExxonMobil Development Co. I-, J.&&-$.

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F*560% -$/%#'-<-- "<%$-/.B'#5 / $200-300 6,*+. ? >3%-'"6 -$&*.#'*>4'>*0, #'*"-'%,(#'/. $%"1K"+-60K #""*>7%-$-8, . '.47% "1>#'*"8#'/. '%**-'"*--, ='. #>66. 6"7%' +"8'- +" $500 6,*+. I. &-$.$#-*"/.$-% 2%","2"*.;/%+"3$0K *.1"', 4"'"*"% /";(6%' $. #%15 Exxon, 1>+%' $.)*./,%$" +" $3,2 6,*+. P7-+.%'#5, 3'" )%*/0% #4/.7-$0 / 9.*#4"6 - M%*$"6 6"*5K 1>+>' )*"1>*%$0 / 2015 2"+>, . )*-$5'-% -$/%#'-<-"$$"2" *%D%$-5 $.6%3%$" $. 2017–2020 2"+0.

M'" 4.#.%'#5 ?@A, «!"#$%&'(» *.##6"'*-' /";6"7$"#'( )*-"1*%#'- +",B >3.#'-5 / *5+% 2%","2"*.;/%+"3$0K - +%8-#'/>BC-K )*"%4'"/ ExxonMobil / ?%/%*$"8 A6%*-4%, /4,B3.5


ExxonMobil in Right Place at Right TimeRosneft Trades a Share of the Arctic for Texas Shale and the Mexican Gulf

ExxonMobil – ! "#$"%& &'()' ! "#$"*+ ,-(«.%("'/)0» 12345-6-') #,-()!%!-)0 ! -27)3,'(738 12%'7)-8 ! %9&'" "- :%()#1 7 &'()%2%$:'"3;& ! <=>

Galina Starinskaya !"#$%" &'"($%)*"+

FACTThe Tuapse block in the Black Sea region occupies a total area of 11,200

square kilometers (2.8 million acres) with depths ranging from 40 to 2,000

meters (120-6,000 feet). The recoverable oil reserves are estimated at 1.2

billion tons. Similar projects involving ExxonMobil include Project Neptun,

Romania, and oil patches 3921 and 3922 in Turkey.


!10 !"#$%&' 2011"#$$%&$'() ("'*%'(

!"#$% & '()+,"(-%)

the area planning included, the amount could reach $500 bil-lion. Up to $3.2 billion is expected to be allocated in support of exploration work to be taken on by Exxon. First exploration drilling in the Kara Sea and Black Sea should commence in 2015, while the investment decision to proceed with develop-ment will follow sometime between 2017 and 2020.

As for the U.S. side of things, Rosneft is being offered the chance to acquire stakes in a number of exploration and already up and running projects of ExxonMobil in North America and elsewhere. These include offshore fields in the Gulf of Mexico, and “tight oil” fields in Texas and Canada. ExxonMobil projects elsewhere in the world are also on offer.

Rosneft will receive a share in at least six projects run by ExxonMobil. “For a number of projects, Exxon has decided to allow Rosneft in. These are the projects where the company owns 100 percent. Where there is a third party, you’ll need to dis-cuss it with them,” Deputy Prime Minister Igor Sechin explained. According to some unofficial estimates, one of the projects likely to be joined by Rosneft may be Hibernia, Canada. ExxonMobil has a 33.1 percent share in that project; the rest belongs to Chevron, Suncor, Canada Hibernia, Statoil, Murphy.

Analysts from Uralsib Capital believe that Rosneft is primarily interested in North American shale fields

D%,(&"/0% 6%#'"*"7+%$-5 / Q%4#-4.$#4"6 ;.,-/%, 6%#'"-*"7+%$-5 # '*>+$"-;/,%4.%606- ;.).#.6- $%&'- / L%K.#% (?@A), 9.$.+% - )*"%4'0 / +*>2-K #'*.$.K. «!"#$%&'(» )",>-3-' +",-, 4.4 6-$-6>6, / D%#'- )*"%4'.K ExxonMobil. «F" *5+> )*"%4'"/ Exxon >7% )*-$5,. *%D%$-% +")>#'-'( „!"#$%&'(“. G'" '% )*"%4'0, / 4"'"*0K 4"6).$-5 -6%%' 100%. L.6, 2+% %#'( '*%'-8 >3.#'$-4, [/")*"# "1 >3.#'--] $%"1K"+-6" 1>+%' "1#>7+.'( # $-6», – )"5#$5, 7>*$.,-#'.6 /-<%-)*%6(%* E2"*( ?%3-$. F" $%"&-<-.,($06 +.$$06, "+-$ -; )*"%4', / 4"'"*08 6"7%' /"8'- «!"#$%&'(» – Hibernia / 9.$.+%. : $%6 ExxonMobil )*-$.+,%7-' 33,1%, "#'.,($0% +",- *.#-)*%+%,%$0 6%7+> Chevron, Suncor, Canada Hibernia, Statoil, Murphy.

A$.,-'-4- «R*.,#-1 9=)-'.,» #3-'.B', 3'" «!"#$%&'-», )*%7+% /#%2", -$'%*%#$0 #%/%*".6%*-4.$#4-% #,.$<%-/0% 6%#'"*"7+%$-5 - '%K$","2--. SC% +" )"4>)4- XTO Energy / 2010 2"+>, '*.+-<-"$$0% 6%#'"*"7+%$-5 $%&'- ExxonMobil #"#'./,5,- ,-D( 25% ;.).#"/ 4"6).$--, . )"#,% )*-"1*%'%$-5 > $%% )"5/-,#5 4*>)$08 >3.#'"4 / )%*#)%4'-/$"8 #/-'% Eagle Ford $. B2% L%K.#.. E6%$$" "$ 6"7%' )*%+#'./,5'( -$'%*%# +,5 «!"#$%&'-» # '"34- ;*%$-5 +",%/"2" >3.#'-5 / %2" *.;*.1"'4% - -#)",(;"-/.$-5 #""'/%'#'/>BC-K '%K$","2-8 $. 6%#'"*"7+%$-5K O.).+$"8 ?-1-*-, "'6%3.B' =4#)%*'0. P$- )"+3%*4-/.B', 3'" " #/"%8 ;.-$'%*%#"/.$$"#'- / .6%*-4.$#4-K #,.$<%-/0K 6%#'"*"7+%$-5K $%&'- - 2.;. / 6.% '.47% "1T5/-,

ExxonMobil Development Co. President Neil W. Duffin (left) and !

Rosenft President Eduard Khudainatov (right) seal the deal to let ExxonMobil into Russian Arctic offshore in return for Russian par-ticipation in ExxonMobil projects in North America and elsewhere. Present at the signing was Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin (center in background).

!"#$%&#'( )*+,-'%% ExxonMobil Development Co. .%/ 0-11%' !

% 2&3-"& 43&-5'-(*6, ,"#$%&#'( % ,"#&7#&-(#/8 ,"-6/#'%9 :;: «.< „=*7'#1(8“» ('- 1*(* 7,"-6-), &*>*6*"%/%78 * 7("-(#>%?#7)*+ ,-"('#"7(6# +#@&3 «=*7'#1(8A» % ExxonMobil. .- B#"#+*'%% ,*&,%7-'%9 7*>/-C#'%9 ,"%73(7(6*6-/ !"#&7#&-(#/8 !"-6%(#/87(6- =D E/-&%+%" !3(%' ('- $-&'#+ ,/-'# 6 B#'("#).






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FACTThe East Prinovozemelsky licensed areas occupy a total of 126,000 square kilome-

ters (31 million acres) with depths varying from 40 to 350 meters (120-1,000 feet) (ice period of 270-300 days a year, high ecological sensitivity). Resources are estimated at 49.7 million tons of oil and 1.8 trillion cubic meters of gas and 49 million tons of con-densate. The closest analogue to climatic conditions involving ExxonMobil is Hibernia offshore oil field in Canada.


#10 October 2011RUSSIAN ARCTIC


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F*%;-+%$' «!"#$%&'-» G+>.*+ H>+.8$.'"/ '.4 )*"-4"66%$'-*"/., *%D%$-% " #"'*>+$-3%#'/% # Exxon: «F.*'$%*#'/" „!"#$%&'-“, -6%BC%8 >$-4.,($>B *%#>*#-$>B 1.;>, # 4*>)$%8D%8 - #.6"8 /0#"4"4.)-'.,-;-*"-/.$$"8 4"6).$-%8 / 6-*% "'*.7.%' $.D% #'*%6,%$-% )"/0#-'( 4.)-'.,-;.<-B 4"6).$-- )>'%6 )*-6%$%$-5 )%*%+"/0K '%K$","2-8, /$%+*%$-5 -$$"/.<-"$$"2" )"+-K"+. 4 /%+%$-B 1-;$%#. - >#-,%$-5 4.+*"/"2" )"'%$<-.,.. G'. #+%,4. 5/,5%'#5 *%;>,('.'"6 6$"2",%'$%8 #"/6%#'$"8 *.1"'0 # ExxonMobil - /0/"+-' „!"#$%&'(“ $. 6.#D'.1$0%

and technology. Prior to the purchase of XTO Energy in 2010, the traditional ExxonMobil oil fields were only 25 percent of the company’s reserves, while after the acquisi-tion, Exxon got a large area in the prospective Eagle Ford Formation in south Texas. This might be of interest to Rosneft in terms of equity participation in its development and use of appropriate technologies in the fields of Western Siberia, experts say. They stress that their interest in the U.S. shale oil and gas fields was also announced in May by LUKOIL, though no concrete steps in this direction of the company are known yet.

The companies also agreed on the joint feasibili-ty study of the development of the hard-to-recover oil reserves in the Western Siberia. In particular, the question is about the development of the Rosneft-operated fields in the so-called Bazhenov Formation (“oil shale”) with the deposits of 2.5 billion tons, and production of oil from the low permeability reservoirs in the Priobskoe field.

Under the agreement, the partners will establish the Arctic Research Center (ARC) for offshore development in St. Petersburg to be staffed with experts from these com-panies. The centre will use ExxonMobil and Rosneft tech-nologies and develop some new technologies to facilitate the implementation of joint projects in the Arctic, includ-ing drilling and production vessels and platforms with ice reinforcement, as well as other projects of the Russian state-owned company. Exxon will fund the initial costs of establishing and functioning of the centre.

The American company was generous enough, agree-ing to take on the first costs. However, only last year (2010) ExxonMobil had refused to share exploration of the Arctic shelf with Rosneft, referring to high cost of the projects. This time, Russian officials gave a little and assured the U.S. IOC that the suitable tax exemptions would be granted.

If you assume an oil price of $100 a barrel, you break even in the Russian Arctic considering that mining and transportation in harsh conditions costs almost $30 a barrel, and taxes take the remaining $70 a barrel. With oil prices falling off their $100 peak now, Russia’s Arctic becomes a losing proposition unless taxes are cut. The Russian government is currently discussing preferential treatment for Arctic projects. For example, the Ministry of Energy believes that the internal rate of return for the shelf should be 20 percent or higher.

“The partnership with Rosneft, with its unique resource base featuring the largest and most highly capitalized com-pany in the world reflects our commitment to increase the capitalization of the company through application of advanced technologies, to bring an innovative approach to business and to strengthen the human resource capacity,” Eduard Khudainatov, President of Rosneft said in reference to the ExxonMobil deal.

“This transaction is the result of many years of coop-eration with ExxonMobil, tracking Rosneft out to the large-scale world-class projects, which turn the company into a global energy leader,” he said.

D;<FG,-".)$%)*$/ 0#1* 2 34(%15 51(4 6"%$5"4' -7")'1* 1084/ .#18"9:;

11,2 '<). *5! (2,8 5#% "*(12) ) =#-0$%"5$ 1' 40 91 2 000 5 (120-6 000 >-'12). ?@4%17%<4 $62#4*"45<4 (4)-()< %4>'$ – 1,2 5#(9 '. A#$B"/C$4 "%"#1=$ ) -7")'$45 ExxonMobil – .(14*' Neptun (D-5<%$+), " '"*B4 -7")'*$ 3921 $ 3922 (,-(@$+).

Polarcus Selma will perform !

seismic survey for Rosneft on Tuapse site

Polarcus Selma !

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!10 !"#$%&' 2011"#$$%&$'() ("'*%'(

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For his part, Neil Duffin, President of ExxonMobil Development Co. said, “Our technology, innovation and capacity to implement the projects will add to strong pres-ence and experience of Rosneft, especially in seeing the prospects for the development of the Russian shelf.”

And not to be outdone, Prime Minister Putin named ExxonMobil as “one of the leading companies to be includ-ed in the severe Arctic latitudes.”

Rosneft is already cooperating with ExxonMobil in the Russian Far East, in Sakhalin-1(30 percent ExxonMobil, being the project operator, 20 percent Rosneft). And the U.S. super major has for many years hungered for a share of the Russian European Arctic.

When Rosneft’s negotiations with BP fell apart at the 11th hour, ExxonMobil was in the right place at the right time. However, while the BP deal would have included an exchange of shares, the ExxonMobil deal does not. “We do not need it,” Rosneft’s head Eduard Khudainatov told the media. Igor Sechin, deputy prime minister for energy, said there was no need to exchange shares initially, but such a decision was ultimately up to the companies involved.

“Rosneft was keen on the share swap with ExxonMobil, therefore, negotiations dragged on for six months,” said Alexei Mukhin, General Director of the Center for Political

Information. “It was one of the conditions for joining

the project, but American company

shareholders rejected it. In addition, it required U.S. government consent. It is unlikely that the exchange will occur in the future,” he says. Despite this, Rosneft went on to sign an agreement with Exxon, since, Mukhin said, rejecting the deal would mean “losing face”.

Rosneft had announced an alliance with BP in January. The contract involved a mutual exchange of shares, which would give Rosneft access to its partner’s international projects. Rosneft was to obtain 5 percent of ordinary voting shares in BP in exchange for 9.5 percent of its own shares (each basket valued at about $7.8 billion).

But because of constraints imposed by the shareholder agreement concluded between BP and the AAR Consortium within TNK-BP, the deal was not closed.

In June, Rosneft started negotiations with other for-eign oil companies. The list included the CNPC, CNOOC and Sinopec of China, the ONGC, India, Shell, and Petrobras of Brazil. None of these companies offered Rosneft to a share in their assets. As a result, Exxonmobil, which has the neces-sary drilling expertise to work in severe Arctic environments, became state-owned Rosneft's partner of choice.

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The world community’s concerns about securing energy resources result in a search for new energy sources and development of conventional hydro-

carbon resources in hard-to-reach regions that in the first place include the Arctic.

The Arctic development trend is among the top for-eign policy priorities of Russia. The document entitled “Fundamentals of the RF State Policy in Arctic Until 2020 and Further Perspectives”, which was approved by the RF President in September 2008, define preservation of the Arctic as a peace and cooperation zone among the primary national interests of Russia.

The continental shelf of Russia is the most extensive one in the world. According to the RF Ministry of Nature, the area of the RF continental shelf is 6.2 million square kilometers. The initial recoverable oil and gas resources within this area are estimated at 90-100 billion tons of oil equivalent, which corresponds to 20-25 percent of the global hydrocarbon (HC) reserves. A significant portion of the initial total HC resources of Russia – nearly 30 percent of gas, over 22 percent of condensate, and approximately 12 percent of oil fall to the continental shelf. Major hydro-carbon resources (over 80 percent) are con-centrated in subsurface areas of the Barents, Pechora, and Kara Seas and the Sea of Okhotsk. While the Barents and Kara Seas contain mostly gas and condensate, oil prevails in the Pechora Sea, and the Sea of Okhotsk features both oil and gas deposits.

Thus, the Arctic zone of Russia is a basis for the RF economic development, and pro-cesses occurring therein are of special signifi-cance for the Russian state.

In his welcome speech at the 10th International Conference of RAO/CIS Offshore 2011 held by Restec Exhibition Company on Sept. 13-16 in Saint Petersburg, Evgeny Velikhov, the member of RAS and president

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Russia’s Offshore – Challenges and SolutionsRAO / CIS OFFSHORE 2011 Conference Roundup

!"##$%#&$% '()*+ – ,-".)(/0 $ -('(1$23" /45(-$4)4/ &"1+(-(16$$ RAO / CIS OFFSHORE 2011

Antonina Petrova !"#$"%"& '(#)$*&

RAO / CIS OFFSHORE is one of the most popular !

Russian Offshore Development events. RAO / CIS OFFSHORE – !"#! $% &'()* !

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of the “Kurchatov Institute” Research Center, reminded the participants about the shelf development’s history in Russia, which had its own “rises and falls”. Evgeny Velikhov mentioned an outstanding event, which had been antici-pated for 15 years: on Aug. 17-27 a unique offshore opera-tion took place in the Barents Sea – “Prirazlomnaya” off-shore ice resistant platform, of the total weight amounting to 240,000 tons, was transported to its permanent location at the Prirazlomnoye field. It was the first national project for the development of Arctic shelf resources. The platform

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Prominent Russian scientists are focused on Arctic oil and gas !

fields development issues. <!+0!&'($ 0'%0'4!25$ #,;2,7'%!.)* (,&2!0!=",#$3 !

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#10 October 2011CONFERENCE


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was delivered and installed in the field located in the Pechora Sea on Aug. 28, 2011, with the first oil to be produced in 2012. Oil recoverable reserves are 46.4 million tons, which allows achieving the annual production of nearly 6 million tons.

Velikhov believes that activities in the Northern shelf depend mainly on Russia – in the Barents and Kara Seas and in the Far East. Meanwhile it is impossible to disregard the inter-est being revealed now to the Arctic shelf by the international community, and primarily, by the North countries. “North countries are being consolidated. Everybody understands where hydrocarbon production activities shift,” RAS member noted.

Today, the environmental safety is the paramount chal-lenge, given the sad experience of the Gulf of Mexico. First of all, it is essential to ensure safety and prevent any spills such as oil, condensate, etc. For Russia, this challenge must be among the top priorities. “So we won’t face another Chernobyl, because in the open sea at least 30 percent of oil can be col-lected, but in the ice conditions, this percentage will be equal to zero. Thus, the only way out is to prevent all and any spills. There are technologies being developed in Russia to solve these problems, especially bottom technologies – they will beto be presented at the conference. This is an important moment of a new problem emerging, a solution of which must ensure full absence of incidents. If we admit a serious incident in the Arctic shelf, it will become a more serious catastrophe for the industry than Chernobyl for the nuclear industry, since any opportunity to work in the Arctic shelf will be closed,” Evgeny Velikhov pointed out.

Velikhov expressed a hope that plans stated for Yamal and Shtokman would be implemented.

Vsevolod Cherepanov, Gazprom Board member, Chief of the Gas, Gas Condensate, and Oil Department reported that in April 2011, Gazprom’s Board of Directors had approved the updated “Program for Hydrocarbon Development in the RF Shelf Until 2030”. According to the Program, application of integrated approach will enable the more expedient use of technical facilities and infrastructure in case of offshore projects implementation. Special attention is paid to the integrated development of the Shtokman field in the Barents Sea and transformation of the area into a new gas producing region. (In 2010, Shtokman Development AG, the operator of the Shtokman Development Phase I, stated that it could start gas production for pipeline supplies in 2016 and even

RAS member Evgeny Velikhov calls to enhance safety for offshore !

Arctic operations to avoid “the second Chernobyl”. >5'",($5 <,9$*!. +0$%).',2 @",9$2: +0$&2'9:#!, .#$('#$, !

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!10 !"#$%&' 2011"#$%&'&$()*

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in Quarter 4 of 2015 if needed, and launch LNG production in 2017. The project dates were already shifted once – ear-lier, pipeline gas supplies from Shtokman were planned to start in 2013, and LNG in 2014).

Cherepanov also listed the company’s achievements up to date. Four gas condensate fields were discovered at Kamchatka, with seismic survey carried out and drilling of prospect well No. 1 started at Pervoocherednaya structure. With regard to Sakhalin-2 Project, it’s the LNG export (the first in Russia LNG plant operates), and three offshore plat-forms are serviced by the onshore processing facility. In the near-term outlook, Sakhalin-3 Project will become one of the main gas supply sources. Also, Gazprom is currently developing Kirinskoye gas condensate field. Given the severe environment and harsh climate typical for the area, it is suggested to use subsea production systems. According to the reporter, Gazprom added new reserves of more than 130 billion cubic meters of gas in Sakhalin-3 Project last year, and these will be increased by another 100 billion cubic meters of gas based on this year results.

Anatoly Zolotukhin (deputy principal of the Gubkin State Oil and Gas University) presented his vision of the out-standing problems and prospects of hydrocarbon resources development in the Russian Arctic. He mentioned that proved reserves would be sufficient for 30-40 years, and by 2035 the demand would increase from 18 to 44 percent. By estimate, about 154 !"#$ are concentrated in the Arctic Ocean, which is 58 percent of total resources. “Our poten-tial is non-conventional resources, namely, shale gas and gas hydrates, reserves of which are 10 times higher than in the U.S.,” he said.

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Gubkin State OIl and Gas University Professor Anatoly Zolotukhin !

thinks gas hydrates and shale gas are potentially important for Russia. !"#$%&&#" '() *%$+, , -./. ,0. (123,*. 4*.+#5,6 7#5#+18,* !

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#10 October 2011CONFERENCE


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With regard to the Arctic shelf development, there are still many problems, and the main one is a high production cost. According to Sergei Bogdanchikov’s estimation made in 2009 (Rosneft), a cost of 1 ton of oil produced offshore will be $500-700. A high cost of hydrocarbon production is connected with obsolete technologies in many sectors of the industry and with specific natural environment. Severe condi-tions in the Russian Arctic, such as low temperatures, ice, and icebergs that do not exist anywhere else in the world, require expensive equipment, expensive vessels, expensive infrastruc-ture, special safety arrangements, etc. Since meteorological conditions strongly affect the equipment, in Zolotukhin’s opinion, “it is necessary to have an opportunity to disconnect the equipment and move it aside in case of certain conditions changing”, i.e. to use a “tunnel technology” concept.

Anatoly Zolotukhin paid special attention to the issue of specialists training for offshore operations. Thus, develop-ment of the Shtokman field will require 2,000 employees with specialized higher education. Overall, 12,000 specialists are required. The necessary training programs are available at the Gubkin State Oil and Gas University. Besides, some other uni-versities are setting up similar specialized departments.

Speaking of shelf development, the leading oil producers (Rosneft and LUKOIL) and Gazprom (in essence, monopolists in the Russian oil and gas industry) prefer working with local designers and manufacturers of a wide range of equipment, as well as of technical and marine facilities. Only in March 2008, the RF Government approved the “Federal Special Purpose Program for Development of Civil Marine Facilities for 2009–2016”, thus providing an opportunity for state-owned compa-nies (mainly, former companies of the defense industry) to use scientific and industrial potential for creating new equipment and facilities. Yuri Simonov (Krylov Shipbuilding Research Institute, KSRI) made a detailed report thereon.

Within the framework of projects in the Barents Sea to ship oil from Kolguev island, from Varandey settlement, to ship LUKOIL’s oil through an ice-resistant terminal, various

Gazprom Department Head Vsevolod Cherepanov is proud of the !

company’s records in Sakhalin projects. B.9.5<*,3 @%:."+.0%*+. C4C «(./:"#0» D&%=#5#@ E%"%:.*#= !

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!10 !"#$%&' 2011"#$%&'&$()*

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technical facilities were built, such as onshore tank farms, sub-sea pipelines, shipment terminals, ice-class tankers with dead-weights of 20,000 and 70,000 tons, floating storages to trans-ship to larger vessels, and support icebreakers and vessels.

The largest project is an offshore loading of natural gas from the Gulf of Ob to be liquefied at the Yamal peninsula. The following must be constructed under the project: an LNG plant and an LNG storage, the port infrastructure, arctic ves-sels for LNG transportation (liquefied-gas vessels), and sup-port fleet. KSRI developed a conceptual design of a mobile ice-resistant drilling unit for year-round drilling in the Gulf of Ob. According to plans, in 2011 the design of an ice-resistant process platform should be completed. Also, the institute started working out on pipe-laying vessels for deep and shallow waters. Gazprom VNIIGAZ, “Korall” Design Center, St. Petersburg Marine Machine Building Bureau “Malakhit”, Gazflot, and other companies are involved in development of technical facilities in cooperation with KSRI or indepen-dently.

It should be stressed here that the most important task to be considered is the implementation of projects to develop technical facilities, and the orders should be placed with local companies, such as Sevmash, Zvezdochka (Severodvinsk), Vyborg Shipbuilding Yard, Baltiysky Zavod, Admiralteiskie Verfi (dockyards, St. Petersburg), Amur Shipbuilding Plant, etc.

Nearly 600 delegates representing 19 countries and 250 companies participated in this jubilee forum, with about 180 reports presented.

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For those growing up during the Soviet times, "Arctic", was a popular brand of chocolate candy bar and tele-vision stories about the brave, bearded Soviet polar

travelers who lived for months in these harsh conditions.Having the world's longest Arctic coastline, Russia lays

claim to the greatest volume of undeveloped hydrcarbon reserves in the world - a 21st Century "sweet spot" if you will. So this month, SPE, together with Reed Exhibitions, invites specialists from around the world to Moscow for its first Arctic & Extreme Environments Exhibition & Conference. The event takes place 18 to 20 October in the All-Russian Exhibition Center.

The three-day expo will host representatives of doz-ens of Russian and foreign oil companies and service com-panies including BP, Rosneft, Total, Gasprom, Halliburton, Baker Hughes and others.

The conference is co-chaired by TNK-BP deputy presi-dent Sergei Brezitsky and professor of Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas Anatoly Zolotukhin. “We would like to address issues during this conference, to address,

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rather then resolve,” Zolotukhin said in in his welcoming video address to the conference, posted on its official site.

“The Arctic development is not a task for a single company and not even for a single country, it’s a global challenge,” Zolotukhin said.

According to TNK-BP’s Brezitsky, exploration of the Arctic territory will give a boost to innovation and help developing industries related to the oil and gas industry. “The future of TNK-BP is associated with the region,” said Brezitsky, referring to plans to increase production on the Yamal Peninsula were the company is currently developing oil and gas fields.

The development of oil and gas resources in the Russian Arctic, called by prime-minister Vladimir Putin a priority, is impossible without a state program to explore Arctic shelf, foreign capital and flexible fiscal policy, pro-fessor of Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas Anatoly Zolotukhin said. He would present his views in his report “Hydrocarbon Resources in the Arctic” during the conference.

Interesting enough, some legal experts have already advocated the use of production sharing agreements for Arctic development. Global majors feel more secure with PSA agreements which were the norm on Sakhalin in the 1990s and in one project in West Siberia.

Sergei Lazarev, a senior partner from Rusin and Vekki legal company believes that the PSA can send a positive signal to foreign companies. “Foreign investors understand that they might face the situation, then the state would change the rules of the game,” he told Interfax.

According to experts and industry professionals, the AEE conference and exhibition is a great opportunity for professional exchange of views, concerning the region's development: “If you translate the message from the usual diplomatic language, perhaps we are on the threshold of turning the Arctic into a place which will be of interest to the national economy,” Alexander Pampusha, professor of continuum mechanics and offshore oil and gas affairs of Murmansk University told Oil and Gas Eurasia.

Professor Pampusha, who takes part in the confer-ence, called for creation of a legal framework for conduct-ing operations in high latitudes, which will help develop-ment in the Arctic. He said that Arctic exploration will have to resolve many practical day to day issues, which need to be addressed. “Take the question of glaciation of a floating platform, it is a question that will have to be stud-ied,” says the scientist.

French company Total will organize a presentation on how to conduct exploration in Arctic cold. The company has a considerable experience in similar conditions. It has done projects in such difficult areas as the Barents Sea and the Russian tundra. Total subsidiary, Total thermokarst BV works on the Yamal peninsula in the Yamal-Nenetz Autonomous okrug. Total is involved also in the Yamal-LNG project.

Tatyana Lapina, a senior expert from the scientific institute of Gazprom will speak about the company’s expe-rience in building underwater gas pipes. Lapina is a noted specialist in the field and has written a number of studies on the matter.

The conference participants will hear the detailed account of the current state of development of gas fields in the areas, belonged to the United States, Russia, Canada,


#10 October 2011CONFERENCE


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Greenland and Norway. Attention will be paid to the exploration, and Christian Bukovich, vice-President, Shell Exploration, Exploration in Russia and CIS, will speak about the problems of exploration in connection with the Arctic.

The Arctic area, covering 12 million square meters, could contain up to 22 percent of world oil reserves, according to experts’ estimates. The race to develop the Arctic continental shelf, which could be compared to the Alaskan gold rush of Jack London’s time, has featured 21st Century dramas like Russia's planting its national flag on the floor of the Arctic Ocean in 2007.

Artur Chelengarov, a legendary polar explorer, State Duma Deputy, and Russian Geographical Society First Vice President, told reporters at the time: “We have proven that the Arctic belongs to us. And I don’t care what some for-eign politicians say about it.”

Today, potential reserves of the Russian Arctic shelf are estimated at up to 100 billion tons of oil equivalent and recoverable reserves up to 66 billion tons of oil equiv-alent. The extraction of 500 million tons of oil equivalent reserves will last for 130 years, Zolotukhin from Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas estimated.

Although the stakes are high, specialists and experts understand that the industrial production of oil in the Arctic is not possible without restoration of full naviga-tion on the Northern Sea Route.

“Arctic is the shortest path between European and Asian markets,” prime-minister Putin said at a recent international Arctic forum in Arkhangelsk. He promised the audience that the law on the Northern Sea Route will be adopted by the existing Duma before the December elections. The law defines the water area of the the Northern Sea Route and establishes an overseeing admin-istrative body to watch over the route.

According to Sergei Frank, the general director of “Sovkomflot” shipping operator and a former transpor-tation minister, the Northern Sea Route will significantly reduce the distance and save fuel for ships. “The state returns to the Arctic and it is a good signal to investors and professionals,” adds vice-chairman of the Duma’s energy committee Valery Yazev.

But in order to compete for Arctic oil reserves, Russia needs a strong fleet of ice-breakers, since its existing fleet is ageing. Transport minister Igor Levitin had promised recently that the country will allocate 20 billion rubles for the construction of new ice breakers over a three years period.

Russia is serious about developing the Arctic and the indication is the recent agreement between the country’s largest state oil company Rosneft and the U.S. company ExxonMobile on resource development in the Arctic. Both companies intend to create a research center for offshore development based in St. Petersburg as well as to work together to build drilling platforms to work in the Arctic.

Under the contract, the U.S. side will also carry out exploration works for Rosneft. For Russia, the agreement is a possibility to access advanced technologies.

In turn, the United States which is not a party to the UN Law of the Sea Cooperation agreement, the part-nership with Rosneft will help obtaining an “entrance ticket” to the Arctic.


!10 !"#$%&' 2011"#$%&'&$()*

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To speak about Schlumberger as of recognized world leader in oilfield technology, it is important to remem-ber who and how created and developed those tech-

nologies. Schlumberger takes very seriously the processes of personnel training and development. Company with almost 100-years history has its own system for selection and training of the most talented new-hires and provides opportunities for personnel growing and development into world-class technical specialists. Also, there is a very clear structured career development path (SCDP).

One of the most important elements in the system for development of oil and gas industry professionals is a rela-tively young Middle East Learning Center, located near Abu Dhabi, the capital of United Arab Emirates.

Few months ago, MLC just met its fourth anniversary. More than 100 qualified teaching specialists work in the MLC: instructors, senior instructors and training managers in each service segment, support team and Learning Center manager. Up to 600 students from all over the world study in the MLC daily. Often, almost every week, many differ-ent major oil operators’ representatives from different countries visit the Learning Center for different reasons, such as: attending to specialized technical training courses, meetings, getting to know how the training process is organized.

The Middle East Learning Center is not the only train-ing center that Schlumberger has, and there are few of them in Europe, Russia and in the U.S. All these centers are well-known in oil industry and have their own history and legacy. But the MLC is quite unique. During its design, con-struction and furnishing the experience of its “elder col-leagues” – the centers in the U.S. and Europe – was used. In fact, the MLC is a big complex of offices, lecture rooms, spa-cious workshops with new tools and equipment, full copies of wellsite pads with wells “fit-for-purpose”, and depends

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MLC – 0+ +*)07/#+00-2 <:+;0-2 ?+0/$ Schlumberger. I"*";0-+ ?+0/$- 7<@+7/#<=/ # J#$",+, L"77)) ) MNF, "0) *"7/'/":0" ."$"A" )8#+7/0- ) )4+=/ 7#"= )7/"$)=. O+4 0+ 4+0++, MLC *+27/#)/+(50" <0)&'(+0. I$) +1" ,$"-+&/)$"#'0)), 7/$")/+(57/#+ ) "70'@+0)) )7,"(58"#'0 ",-/ +1" «7/'$A). 7";$'/5+#»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– ,$"#+*+0)+ ";<:+0)% <0)&'(50-4 ",+$'?)%4: 8'&':&+ ,+00"1" ?+4+0/', ",+$'?)%4 7 !9QO 0' /$"7"#-. 7)7/+4'. *(% ,('#<:). ,('/B"$4 ) /.*. C;E+4 &',)/'(("#-("3+0)2 # MLC 7"7/'#)( "&"(" $350 4(0.

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"Keys" to SuccessInside Schlumberger's Abu Dhabi Training Center

«!"#$%» & '()*+', -"%./*01(21$/13 '$*4/13 5*/26* Schlumberger 0 74'-894%

Victor Lyashkov, Service Quality Engineer in Houston Conveyance and Surface Equipment, Schlumberger

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#%:./+"" Schlumberger, ?@A1$%+

Fig. 1. The front view: well testing; on the background: wire- !

line and coiled tubing.!"#. 1. $% &'(')*'+ &,%*' ! – &-)(%.)','*"' /'#/"*0%,

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"00"1" 6&8'4+0' # $+3)4+ «"0('20»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– "/ "*0"2 0+*+() *" /$+. 4+7%?+#. I$) 6/"4 #7+ &<$7- 0':'(50"1" <$"#0% #&(=:'=/ ,$'&/):+7&)+ 8'0%/)% 7 *"(+2 #$+4+0) 0+ 4+0++ 50% "/ ";@+2 ,$"*"(3)/+(50"7/) &<$7'. Q"():+7/#" 7/<-*+0/"# # 1$<,,+ 4"3+/ #'$5)$"#'/57% "/ /$+. *" 30 :+("#+&, # 8'#)7)4"7/) "/ <$"#0% ,"*1"/"#&), #)*' 7+$#)7' ) *$<1). <7("#)2.

I"*$'8*+(+0)+ !9QO # MLC –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–

on requirements by specific service. The MLC complex was built on the highest quality standards. It has its own hotel, which can accommodate up to 480 students. Also, the MLC has a reconstructed copy of WesternGeco marine seismic vessel with a water pool up to 12 meters deep for training purposes with the function of real time sea-bed data acqui-sition. At the MLC, most of conventional and new tech-nologies in different oilfield services have been introduced that Schlumberger provides worldwide in wireline (REW), workover, all types of drilling, hydraulic formation fractur-ing, operations with coiled tubing, cementing services, arti-ficial lift , well testing and some more. The company is very dynamic so in the nearest future, the MLC plans to include into the training process foam cement pumping and cat-enary systems in coiled tubing operations. This was made possible thanks to big investments of nearly $350 million.

Who are the students? Typically, all of them are select-ed by recruiting department – graduate engineers of col-leges and universities from different countries. Students are sent to the Learning Center from oilfield locations only after successful passing of an on-line entrance exam. Even the minimum passing score of the entrance exam, finaliz-ing a pre-school training, is 75-80 percent for all test topics; in general, the training process focuses on helping students achieve maximum possible result with highest possible score. From their mentor on location attendees of courses already know the essentials of current training system at the Learning Center. Schlumberger provides a vast spec-trum of services worldwide, and each of services at the MLC is quite specific in terms of the way for providing technical courses. Training processes are built on business-oriented specific courses and topics, with specific timetables and training programs. The MLC students could be beginners with only few months of seniority and short pre-school or experienced professionals expanding level of knowledge as specialists (if so in one service) and generalists (if so in cross-segment training). Courses duration is also vary from one week to three months. All courses for beginners (Level 1) consist of practical training with hands-on train-ing where practical sessions/exercises take no less than 50 percent of the overall courses’ timeline. The number of students at each course may also depend on service and vary from three to up to 30 students.

At the MLC, the Coiled Tubing Service is one of the most rapidly and continuously developing segments. Effectiveness, unique features and safe reliable opera-tions of coiled tubing services are well-proven over time. Quite often some type of operations and services may be performed only with CT technologies, such as complex operations on highly deviated and horizontal live wells in combined treatments and real-time acquisition , well kill-ing, flow-backing and kicking-offs, etc.

The coiled tubing unit itself represents quite a com-plex equipment, where the main source of power is a hydraulic one. To improve the reliability of all CT unit com-ponents during the job execution, MLC plans for training of engineers and supervisors included a Basic Hydraulics training module with hands-on lab works and trouble-shooting to identify the causes of element’s failure. Such

Fig. 2. A coiled tubing pad with two CT units: HydraRig and X-11. !

!"#. 2. :;#/-5%< &,-=%)3% ),< )5;4 ;#/%*-5-3 >$:? ! – HydraRig " X-11.

Fig. 3. The photo shows a Well Services workshop. !

!"#. 3. @2'9*A' +%#/'(#3"' &-)(%.)','*"< ('+-*/% #35%7"*. !



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#10 October 2011TRAINING


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course is absolutely essential in process of proper operation and maintenance of CT units on locations. Proper operation and maintenance of CT unit is especially important as units worked under extreme climate conditions of the U.S., Russia, UAE, Canada, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia and other countries with similar environment. Currently all hydraulic modules in CT unit linked with electronics systems. Obviously the role of electronics increased drastically over last years and most of safety systems controlled by electronic systems. According to internal rules in Schlumberger, one of essential requirement is to have data acquisition and recording system running on location, during Coiled Tubing operations. The CoilCAT Integrated System* used for those purposes and installed on all CT units, nevertheless on country and operational condi-tions. On the main screen could be displayed up to 12 mea-suring and calculating parameters, depends on choice of Job Supervisor, Engineer or Client representative. The number of displayed parameters can be extended on additional screen and could be up to 50: CT weight, Circulating and Wellhead pressures, Annular pressures, CT speed, CT pipe conditions, voltage of on board battery etc. Especially valuable are fea-tures of CoilCAT* of not only to display reading parameter, but has function of comparison with designed parameter. Such features to display trends on graphs significantly improve overall safety of job execution so Engineer or Job Supervisor can compare theoretical, calculated plots on same screen and overlay real time graph to find threat on earlier stages. One more feature of CT units of Schlumberger compare to other companies – presence of CoilSAVER* system. That is electric-over-hydraulics system of monitoring current CT pipe parameters and to keep them within limits. If one of them will exceed pre-set limit then CT pipe movement will be auto-matically instantly stopped. Combination of hardware and software in a CoilSAVER* system helps to Coiled Tubing unit operator avoid damage of CT pipe. CoilSAVER* is absolutely essential in prevention of overpulls and kicking accidents on CT pipe. Electronics hardware modules installed on CT unit may include more than 10 programmable modules linked into the system, working on reliable communication proto-cols, wired or wireless. Such systems require qualified person-nel with specific level of knowledge in IT. That’s why in main course of engineers and supervisors included training module with elements of basic electronics and basics of computer networking. Successful pass in all training modules, including CoilCAT* Electronics of CTU, is essential conditions to be certified as technical specialist for Coiled Tubing service.

Fig. 4. The front view: WesternGeco Marine; on the background: !

pads for coiled tubing and cementing.!"#. 4. $% &'(')*'+ &,%*' ! –"+"/%B"< +-(#3-6 %35%/-(""

WesternGeco, *% .%)*'+ &,%*' – &,-=%)3% >$:? " B'+'*/%7%.



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!10 !"#$%&' 2011

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Practical trainings in MLC takes special place in whole training process so during those lessons students acquir-ing and improving skills of CTU operation, what to do in Contingency (Runaway In or Out of Hole, failure of most hydraulic systems, ability to use back up equipment , simula-tion of power pack failure – tens of different combinations). For those purposes two real CT units coexist with two addi-tional simulators, hydraulic and electronic. Portion of the practical lessons is over 50 percent of training course time, where only CTU operations takes three weeks. Three-week practicals finalizing by qualification tests – on real CT unit and on both simulators. All practical lessons provided under conditions with maximum reconstruction of real oilfield conditions, comprising simulation of failure in some Coiled Tubing unit modules. In strict accordance with Well Services Safety Standards training personnel developed case-specific flowcharts for CT Contingency operations. Due to real danger of some failures, many of potential failures cannot be reproduced in real life, so the only Learning Center is right place to simulate such cases and let opportunity for Engineers and Supervisors to improve skills in Contingency. That’s why simulators play important role in training pro-cess of CT specialists.

I would say that in Learning Center during training process all instructors pay attention not to only impor-tance of theory and practicals, but also to psychologi-cal resistance of students in case of Contingency and stress managing. During practicals on simulators and CTU instructors revealing weak points and developing recom-mendations for individuals what and how to improve. Statistics of selection for pilots says that only one trainee may be chosen from 700 candidates. I am quite sure that the numbers in statistics in overall process for engineers and supervisors in recruiting-to-specialist cycle are very similar with pilot’s selection statistic. Just imagine that about 40 gauges in CTU, about 20 additional parameters and graphs plus CT crew – all of this supervisor or engineer has to control precisely within 12 hours, days and nights, in difficult climate conditions. Obviously, not everyone able to keep so high level of concentration.

Due to very limited timeline of the course, students facing massive of information. So for them just at this point coming understanding importance of prioritizing activi-ties: ability to proper time management, concentration to achieve good result first time (what we call “Excellence in Execution”), understanding the importance of team work and ability to find own place and role in that team, where all efforts towards to final team’s result.

Few words I would say about new-generation CT units – X11. Clearly understanding all difficulties and specifics of work on CT unit, management took decision few years ago to produce next generation CTU, utilizing all accumu-lated experience and engineering potential. In that type of CTU most of the routine operations controlling by “smart” electronics: conditions of all hydraulic and mechanical systems, CT weight and pipe movement control, all brake systems, spooling operations, control of hydraulic oil leaks , Blowout Preventers control, many more. Taking care and controlling routing operations on CTU, electronics “releases” CT operator, supervisor or field engineer to focus on well conditions to address each step of job execution on changes in well bore, related to specific treatment. There are about 20 of X-11 “electronic” coiled tubing units, and now they work in different countries on offshore platforms WWW.LUFKIN.RU

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e-mail: moscow@lufkin.com

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#10 October 2011TRAINING


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P ,$+*+('. "/0"7)/+(50" &"$"/&"2 ,$"*"(3)/+(5-0"7/) &<$7"#, # <:+;0"4 ?+0/$+ 7/<*+0/- 7/'(&)#'=/7% 7 "1$"40-4 &"():+7/#"4 )0B"$4'?)). S4+00" # /'&"2 4"4+0/ ,$")7."*)/ ,+$+"74-7(+0)+ ,$)"$)/+/"#: <4+0)+ ,$'#)(50" $'7,"$%*)/57% #$+4+0+4, 7&"0?+0/$)$"#'/57% 0' #-,"(0+0)+ &"0&$+/0"2 8'*':) (#-,"(0+0)+ 7 ,+$#"-1" $'8' 0' «"/():0"» – excellence in execution), ,"0)4'0)+ #'30"7/) &"((+&/)#0"2 $';"/- ) 80':+0)% &'3*"1" :(+0' &"4'0*- *(% &"0+:0"1" $+8<(5/'/'.

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;(+4, 7#%8'00-. 0+,"7$+*7/#+00" 7 $+4"0/"4 7&#'3)0-. O'&). <7/'0"#"& <3+ )81"/"#(+0" "&"(" 20, ) $';"/'=/ "0), # "70"#0"4, 0' 4"$-7&). ,('/B"$4'., 1*+ ?+0' "A);&) "7";+00" #+()&'. P <:+;0"4 ?+0/$+ Schlumberger /'&'% <7/'0"#&' +7/5. H(% ,"*1"/"#&) & $';"/+, <,$'#-(+0)% ) ,$'#)(50"1" ";7(<3)#'0)% ,"*";0-. <7/'0"#"&, 0':'(50"1" <$"#0% ,"*1"/"#&) SOL 0+*"7/'/":0". L'8$';"/'0- ) ,$"#"*%/7% 7,+-?)'(50-+ &<$7- ," <,$'#(+0)= ) ";7(<3)#'-0)= <7/'0"#"& X11 &'& *(% SOL, /'& ) *(% ";7(<-3)#'=@+1" ,+$7"0'('.

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Schlumberger – ":+05 ":+05 *)0'4):0'% &"4,'0)%, ,"6/"4<, 7 ?+(5= ,"#-A+0)% &':+-7/#' ";<:+0)%, # 7)7/+4< ";<:+0)% "/*+(50-4 6(+4+0/"4 #&(=:+0 ",$"70-2 ()7/ – "?+0&' &':+7/#' &<$7"# #-,<7&0)&'4).

where cost of error is extremely high. Middle East & Asia Learning Center also has one of X-11 advance CT unit for spe-cialized training courses. Proper operation of X-11 advanced CT unit requires deeper level of knowledge as basic trainings provided at Level 1 CT courses is not enough. That’s why there were developed and provided specialized trainings for super-visors, CT operators, engineers and maintenance specialists.

Often for some advanced technical courses MLC inviting of international experts, usually from the UK and the U.S.

Our 7ompany is very dynamic in term of improvement. To evaluate and address all strong and weak points of training provided to students after course, there is a mandatory feed-back questionnaire from each student with evaluation score for quality of each training topic.

Due to massive information study facing on the course, high load, inability to manage stress and different graduate systems, not all students capable to succeed in the course. It may be 100 percent of successfully trained and certified stu-dents, but it also could be few students who failed course at some stage.

On completion of the courses ex-students will work in different positions: some will continue to work and improve technical aspects and develop new technologies, another may become a part of management, others – to work as sales staff.

No matter what and where ex-students do, we are work-ing in same team, where final results are depends on each team member. And we have same priorities – safety and high-est possible professionalism. That’s what we call – Excellence in Execution.

In conclusion I just wanting to say, that similar to MLC training Center already situated in close distance to Tyumen, about 30 kilometers away. That is big complex of building with administrative, lecture and offices rooms, ultra-modern gym, few drilled wells, workshops, well pads and allocated areas to improve driving skills. International training staff of profes-sionals, standard training system and processes approved in Schlumberger, quiet from urban noise and urban rush location – all of that creates very comfortable for study environment, where students may focus on achievement of highest possible results and become recognized worldwide technical special-ists. Attending to courses students coming from all around

the world countries, but main focus is on Russian-speaking young specialists, who do not have strong English knowledge yet. So periodically you can find in Training Center sched-ule special courses in Russian. For that reason Siberian Training Center periodically invites Russian-speaking instructors from abroad, with inter-national experience. Even few years ago it was not possible. Another advantage of located in Tyumen Training Center – no need to acquire visa, neither spend time and other resources to send students outside of Russia. At the end also I would mention, that apart of many more new service companies appeared in oilfield industry in Russia last years, Schlumberger leads business on long-term basement. And that is one more time proven by huge CAPEX into the brand new, built-for-purpose Siberian Training Center (STC).

Fig. 6. Siberian Training Center (STC). !

!"#. 6. C"9"(#3"6 ;2'9*A6 B'*/(. !

Fig. 7. Master plate from the main build- !

ing at the Siberian Training Center.!"#. 7. ?%9,"23% *% 0,%5*-+ 3-(&;#' !

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: SC





!10 !"#$%&' 2011

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P 8'&(=:+0)+ 7&'3<, :/" <:+;0-2 ?+0/$, '0'("1):-0-2 MLC, 0'."*)/7% # 30 &4 "/ O=4+0). G/" *"7/'/":0" ;"(5A"2 &"4,(+&7 )8 '*4)0)7/$'/)#0-. ) 3)(-. 8*'-0)2, 7" 7,"$/)#0-4 &"4,(+&7"4, ,$";<$+00-4) 7&#'-3)0'4), ,$")8#"*7/#+00-4) ?+.'4) ) ,("@'*&'4) *(% "/$';"/&) 0'#-&"# #"3*+0)%. S0/+$0'?)"0'(50-2 ,$+-,"*'#'/+(57&)2 7"7/'# ,$"B+77)"0'("#, 7)7/+4' ";<:+-0)%, ,$)0%/'% # &"4,'0)) Schlumberger, <*'(+00"7/5 "/ 1"$"*7&"2 7<+/- – #7+ ";+7,+:)#'+/ 7'4-+ ;('1",$)%/-0-+ <7("#)% *(% ,"*1"/"#&) #-7"&"&('770-. 7,+?)'()-7/"#, &"/"$-. 80'=/ #" #7+4 4)$+. M/<*+0/- ,$)+83'-=/ 7=*' )8 $'80-. 7/$'0, 0" "70"#0"2 <,"$ *+('+/7% 0' $"77)27&). 7,+?)'()7/"#, /'& &'& %8-&"#"2 ;'$5+$ #7+ +@+ %#(%+/7% 7+$5+80-4 ,$+,%/7/#)+4 *(% "*'$+0-0-. 4"("*-. 7,+?)'()7/"#, 0+*"7/'/":0" #('*+=@). '01()27&)4. O'&, "$1'0)8<=/7% 7,+?)'(50-+ &<$7- 0' $<77&"4 %8-&+ 7 ,$)#(+:+0)+4 $<77&"1"#"$%@+1" ,$+-,"*'#'/+(57&"1" 7"7/'#' )8 $'80-. 7/$'0 – $'05A+ 6/" ;-(" ,$"7/" 0+#"84"30". Q$"4+ /"1", 0+ ,$)."*)/7% /$'/)/5 #$+4% ) )0-+ $+7<$7- *(% ,"(<:+0)% #)8, :/" )0"1*' /'&3+ 7/'0"#)("75 0+,$+"*"()4-4 ,$+,%/7/#)-+4 *(% ,"7+@+0)% &<$7"# 8' $<;+3"4. U"/+("75 ;- ,"*-:+$&0</5, :/", # "/():)+ "/ 40"1). *$<1). 7+$#)70-. &"4,'0)2, ,"%#)#A).7% # 0+B/+,$"4-7("#"4 7+&/"$+ # ,"7(+*0++ #$+4%, &"4,'0)% Schlumberger 7/$")/ ;)80+7 0' *"(1"7$":0"2 "70"#+. S 6/" +@+ $'8 ,"*/#+$3*'+/7% 80':)/+(50-4) )0#+7/)?)%4) # ,"7/$"2&< 7"#$+4+0-0"1" M);)$7&"1" <:+;0"1" ?+0/$' STC (Siberian Training Center).

Fig. 5. Electronic simulator of Coiled Tubing Services. !

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The area of the Arctic shelf accommodating the oil and gas fields is characterized by harsh climatic conditions and severe ice conditions. Lack of work

experience in such conditions presents a challenge to cre-ate a completely new technology for the field development, whereby for 90 percent of the prospective areas in the Arctic shelf, there are no proven technologies of produc-tion, construction and transportation. At the same time, the experience gained in developing the North Sea and the Beaufort Sea shows some active development of the subsea technology and treatment of the offshore downhole prod-ucts. The country’s scientific potential should be actively involved based on international expertise for the develop-ment of subsea technology in Russia.

The technology of HC subsea conditioning signifi-cantly enhances the flexibility in the production of well fluids. Major private operators, such as Shell, Exxon, Total, BP, Woodside, Statoil and Petrobras, hold the leading posi-tions in the promotion and application of new develop-ments in subsea technologies for injection and well fluid treatment. Partially state-owned companies currently at the forefront worldwide, such as Statoil and Petrobras, have been actively encouraging the development of the entire domain of submarine technology, despite the poten-tially high risk of investing into new developments. The interaction between the subsea technologies for fluids treatment and injection, as well as their classification are shown in Fig. 1.

Having suceeded to create her national innovation system and make it simultaneously a part of the global one, Norway was able to ensure that the foreign corpora-tions operating on the local market would localize their technologies inside the country and hand them over to the Norwegian research institutions.

Subsea field development is regarded as the most prom-ising trend to develop fields in both frozen and unfro-zen seas, using the subsea versions of the equipment for treatment and injection of fluids which include multi-phase pumps, separators, compressor units and drilling rigs.

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J&#;"+$5 *:6"-' &80&;#"6"00& *&98'%. *;&4 0'@$&-0'-.0:4 $00&;'@$&00:4 *$*%"6: $ *8"-'%. "" )'*%.4 +-&='-.0&<, *6&+-' 8&=$%.*5 %&+&, )%&=1 $0&*%#'001" (&#3&#'@$$, #'=&%'4?$" 0' 6"*%0&6 #10(", 3#&;&8$-$ -&('-$9'@$4 *;&$2 %"20&-&+$< ; *%#'0" $-$ 3"#"8';'-$ $2 0&#;"7*($6 0':)0&-$**-"8&;'%"-.*($6 $0*%$%:%'6.

C3&*&= 3#$6"0"0$5 3&8;&8012 3#&61*-&; #'**6'-%#$;'"%*5 ('( 0'$=&-"" 3"#*3"(%$;0&" 0'3#';-"0$" 3#$ &*;&"0$$ 6"*%&#&78"0$< ; :*-&;$52 ('( 9'6"#9'4?$2, %'( $ 0"9'6"#9'4?$2 6&#"<, * $*3&-.9&;'0$"6 &=&#:8&;'0$5 3&8+&%&;($ $ 0'+0"%'0$5 /-4$8&; ; 3&8;&80&6 $*3&-0"-

S.S.Tolstov, D. !.Mirzoyev, I.E. Ibragimov (Gazprom Central Design Bureau)

The article is reprinted from the special issue of Gazovaya Promyshlennost Magazine, #661, 2011 (abridged)

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Subsea Technology Hydrocarbon Extraction as a Key Factor in Developing Resources of the Arctic Shelf

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!10 !"#$%&' 2011"#$%&

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Subsea Multiphase Pumps To date, the application of multiphase pumps (mul-

tiphase pumping – MPP) has become a real and viable solution for the efficient transfer of multiphase gas-liquid flows from the seabed wells across the flowlines and ris-ers to the platform topsides or onshore facilities.

Several types of pumps were developed that are used in the deepwater offshore oil fields in Alaska and in the fields of the Gulf of Mexico, South America and Australia.The spiral-axial multiphase pumps can handle large amounts of downhole products being superior to the rota-ry pumps in terms of gas-oil ratio, and the piston ones for performance.

One of the latest developments is the High-Boost MPP made by Framo featuring the capacity of up to 1,600 cubic meters per hour at a discharge pressure up to 20 MPa that can operate at a gas ratio of up to 95 percent, which is a breaktrhough technology for potential develop-ment at the depths of 2-3 kilometers.

The twin screw pumps manufactured by Bornemann, Flowserve, Nuovo Pignone, etc., became widely popular to be mainly used for pumping the wellstream with a high content of the gas phase. These pumps belong to the cat-egory of positive displacement and remain productive even under the volumetric content of the gas phase of up to 95 percent.

Recently, Bornemann made a significant leap for-ward in the development of the subsea multiphase pumps. For example, in 2007, BP broke two world records simultaneously, in depth (1,700 meters) and the dis-tance from the platform (29 kilometers), having installed two Bornemann MPC-335 deepwater subsea pump at the King field in the Gulf of Mexico.

The main drawbacks of today’s multiphase pumps include low (30 to 50 percent) efficiency of the plants. However, the ongoing improvements to the mul-

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>80' $9 3&*-"80$2 #'9#'=&%&( – ;1*&(&0'3&#01< 0'*&* High-Boost MPP /$#61 Framo 3#&$9;&8$%"-.0&*%.4 8& 1 600 63 / ) 3#$ 8';-"0$$ 0'+0"%'0$5 8& 20 KO' *3&*&="0 #'=&%'%. 3#$ +'9&;&6 /'(%&#" 8& 95%, )%& 5;-5"%*5 3#&-#1;0&< %"20&-&+$"< ; ;&96&70&*%52 #'9#'=&%($ 6"*%&-#&78"0$< 0' +-:=$0'2 2-3 (6.

P$#&(&" 3#$6"0"0$" 3&-:)$-$ 8;:2;$0%&;1" 0'*&-*1, 3#&$9;&8$61" /$#6'6$ Bornemann, Flowserve, Nuovo Pignone $ %. 8., (&%&#1", ; &*0&;0&6, $*3&-.9:4%*5 8-5 3"#"(')($ 3#&8:(@$$ *(;'7$0 * =&-.,$6 *&8"#7'0$"6 +'9&;&< /'91. Q%$ 0'*&*1 &%0&*5%*5 ( ('%"+&#$$ &=N"6-0&+& ;1%"*0"0$5 $ &*%'4%*5 #'=&%&*3&*&=016$ 8'7" 3#$ &=N"60&6 *&8"#7'0$$ +'9&;&< /'91 8& 95%.

R$#6' Bornemann 9' 3&*-"80$" +&81 *8"-'-' *:?"-*%;"001< ,'+ ;3"#"8 ; #'9#'=&%(" 3&8;&8012 6:-.%$/'9-012 0'*&*&;. !'(, ; 2007 +&8: (&63'0$5 BP, :*%'0&;$; 8;' +-:=&(&;&8012 3&8;&8012 0'*&*' Bornemann MPC-335 0' 6"*%&#&78"0$$ H$0+ ; K"(*$('0*(&6 9'-$;", 3&=$-' *#'9: 8;' 6$#&;12 #"(&#8': 3& +-:=$0" (1 700 6) $ #'**%&5-0$4 &% 3-'%/&#61 (29 (6).

H &*0&;016 0"8&*%'%('6 *&;#"6"0012 60&+&/'9012 0'*&*&; 6&70& &%0"*%$ 0$9($< (&% 30 8& 50%) HOE '+#"-+'%&;. >80'(& #'=&%' 3& *&;"#,"0*%;&;'0$4 2'#'(%"#$-*%$( 6:-.%$/'9012 0'*&*&;, 3#&;&8$6'5 * 1990-2 +&8&;, 3&9;&-5"% 0'8"5%.*5 0' *:?"*%;"001< 3#&+#"** ; =-$7'<-,$" +&81, :)$%1;'5, )%& *&;#"6"001< HOE @"0%#&="7012 0'*&*012 '+#"+'%&; – 60–70% $ (&63#"**&#012 – 70–90%.

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Fig. 1. Subsea fluid treatment and injection technologies. !

!"#. 1. $%&'%&()* +*,(%-%."" /%&.%+%'0" " (1.(*+1("2 3-4"&%'. !


#10 October 2011OFFSHORE


; B";"#0&6 6&#", 9'%"6 0',-$ 3#$6"0"0$" 0' 6"*%&#&7-8"0$52 * :7" :*%'0&;-"0016$ 3-'%/&#6'6$, * (&%&#12 &*:?"*%;-5"%*5 :3#';-"0$" #'=&%&< 3&8;&8012 *$*%"6 $ &="*3")"0$" $2 D0"#+$"<.

O"#;'5 ; 6$#" #"'-.0& #'=&%'4?'5 :*%'0&;(' 3&8;&-80&+& #'98"-"0$5 3#&8:(@$$ 3-'*%' $ 9'(')$;'0$5 &%8"--"00&< ;&81 ; 3-'*% :*%'0&;-"0' 0' 6"*%&#&78"0$$ !#&--. ; 80 (6 &% C"#+"0'. B$*%"6' *&*%&$% $9 +&#$9&0%'-.0&+& +#';$%'@$&00&+& *"3'#'%&#', ; (&%&#&6 :+-";&8&#&801< 3&%&( #'98"-5"%*5 0' +'9, 0"/%. $ ;&8:.

A *&*%'; 3&8;&80&< :*%'0&;($ #'98"-"0$5 3-'*%&;&< 3#&8:(@$$, 3&6$6& 60&+&/'90&+& 0'*&*' $ *"3'#'%&#', ;2&8$% :*%.";&" &=&#:8&;'0$" 8-5 0'+0"%'0$5 3-'*%&;&< ;&81 ; 3-'*% $ 6'0$/&-.8 8-5 #'*3#"8"-"0$5 *(;'7$0012 3&%&(&;.

>%8"-"00'5 ;&8' 0'+0"%'"%*5 ; 3-'*% 60&+&/'9016 0'*&*&6, #'9#'=&%'0016 /$#6&< Framo, ' 0"/%. $ +'9 *&;6"*%0& %#'0*3&#%$#:4%*5 0' ;"#20$" *%#&"0$5 3-'%-/&#61. B$*%"6' :3#';-"0$5 3&9;&-5"% &%*-"7$;'%. $ #"+:--$#&;'%. :#&;"0. /'9 ; *"3'#'%&#", $96"05%. 3#&$9;&8$-%"-.0&*%. 60&+&/'90&+& 0'*&*'.

L0'-$9 #'=&%1 3&8;&8012 *"3'#'@$&0012 :*%'0&;&( Troll Pilot $ VASPS ;15;$- 0"&=2&8$6&*%. 8'-.0"<,"+& *&;"#,"0*%;&;'0$5 $2 #'=&%1. !'(, %"20$)"*($" #","0$5, 3#$6"05"61" 0' 6"*%&#&78"0$$ !#&--. C, 0" ;(-4)'4% *$*%"6: &%8"-"0$5 6"2'0$)"*($2 3#$6"*"<, %'( ('( D%& &=&#:8&;'0$" $6""% =&-.,$" 6'**&+'='#$%01" 2'#'(%"-#$*%$($, *&&%;"%*%;:4?$" &=&#:8&;'0$4, 3#$6"05"6&6: 0' *:,". O&D%&6: =1- #'9#'=&%'0 *"3'#'%&# * &=;&80&<

tiphase pumps, carried out since the 1990s, allows one to hope for substantial progress in the coming years given that the current efficiency of centrifugal pumps reaches 60-70 percent or 70-90 percent for compressor pumps.

Underwater SeparartorsOriginally intended for use in the development

of small coastal deposits in the North Sea, they then found application in the fields with existing platforms from which you control the work of underwater systems and provide them with energy.

The world’s first real operating plant for subsea sepa-ration of the formation’s products and injection of sepa-rated water back into the formation is installed at the Troll field, 80 kilometers away from Bergen. The system includes a horizontal gravitational separator, where the hydrocar-bon flow is separated into gas, oil and water.

The subsea reservoir products separation plant, in addi-tion to the multiphase pump and separator, includes the wellhead assembly for injection of stratal water into the reservoir and the manifold for the distribution of well flows.The separated water is injected into the reservoir by the multiphase pump, developed by Framo, while oil and gas are jointly transported to the topsides. The control system allows one to monitor and adjust the phase level in the separator, and change the multiphase pump performance.

Analysis of the Troll Pilot and VASPS subsea separa-tion plants has identified the need to further streamline their operation. Thus, the engineering solutions used at



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The world ! ’s first real operating plant for subsea separation of the formation’s products and injection of separated water back into the formation is installed at the Troll field.

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!10 !"#$%&' 2011"#$%&

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the Troll C field, does not include a system of separation of mechanical impurities, as this equipment has large weight and size characteristics, appropriate to the onshore equip-ment. Therefore, the separator has been designed with a bypass line for the gas phase and the system of separation of oil, water and sand (for installation on the Tordis field).

The use of subsea separators may result in tangible benefits due to increased life of the field, reduction of over-hydration risks in the subsea risers, and decrease in the size of processing equipment at the platform.

These factors have contributed to the increase in the number of projects devoted to the subsea separa-tion, which are often integrated with the pump and com-pressor modules. Traces of sand in a large number of produc-tion wells will require to improve (or upgrade) the design of subsea separators, especially those used in conjunc-tion with subsea gas compression units; in consequence, requirements to the quality of gas conditioning will be higher as well. Application of subsea gas compression tech-nology will help prolonging lives of those oil fields, which have entered the late stage of development and operate in the dropping pressure and active water ingress mode.

Subsea Compressor UnitsThe beginning of research in the field of subsea com-

pression can be attributed to 1990, associated with the start of construction of the first compressor unit (850 kW) by GE’s Oil & Gas Company. The unit was factory test-ed in 1992. In 2001, GE’s Oil & Gas and Aker Kvaerner signed a contract and joined the Norwegian government program Demo 2000, under which projects were launched for the construction and testing of subsea units rated to 2.5 and 12 MW.

The 12.5 MW plant (vertical centrifugal compressor by GE’s Oil & Gas driven by electric motor) is a proto-type on the road to implementation of the subsea compres-sion technologies at the Ormen Lange field.

When developing the Ormen Lange field in 2016, it is suggested to use a subsea compressor unit, which consists of four identical lines (one is standby). In the first years of operation, three of them will be run. Each of the four units provides a pressure increase up to 6 MPa and capacity

-$0$"< 8-5 +'9&;&< /'91 $ *$*%"6&< #'98"-"0$5 0"/%$, ;&81 $ 3"*(' (8-5 :*%'0&;($ 0' 6"*%&#&78"0$" !&#8$*).

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(&63#"**$$ 6&70& *)$%'%. 1990 +&8, *;59'001< * 0')'-&6 *%#&$%"-.*%;' (&63'0$"< GE’s Oil & Gas 3"#;&+& (&63#"*-*&#0&+& 6&8:-5 (850 (A%), $*31%'00&+& ; 1992 +&8: ; 9';&8-*($2 :*-&;$52. A 2001 +&8: GE’s Oil & Gas $ Aker Kvaerner 3&83$*'-$ (&0%#'(% $ 3#$*&"8$0$-$*. ( 0&#;"7*(&< 3#'-;$%"-.*%;"00&< 3#&+#'66" Demo 2000, ; #'6('2 (&%&#&< 9'3:*%$-$ 3#&"(%1 3& *%#&$%"-.*%;: $ $*31%'0$4 3&8;&-8012 6&8:-"< 0' 2,5 $ 12 KA%.

G*%'0&;(' 0' 12,5 KA% (;"#%$('-.01< @"0%#&="701< (&63#"**&# GE’s Oil & Gas * 3#$;&8&6 &% D-"(%#&8;$+'%"-5) 5;-5"%*5 &31%016 &=#'9@&6 0' 3:%$ ( ;0"8#"0$4 %"20&--&+$< 3&8;&80&+& (&63#$6$#&;'0$5 0' 6"*%&#&78"0$$ >#6"0 S'0+".

O#$ &=:*%#&<*%;" 6"*%&#&78"0$5 >#6"0 S'0+" ; 2016 +&8: 3#"83&-'+'"%*5 $*3&-.9&;'0$" 3&8;&80&< (&6-3#"**&#0&< :*%'0&;($, *&*%&5?"< $9 )"%1#"2 &8$0'(&-;12 -$0$< (&80' #"9"#;0'5). A 3"#;1" +&81 D(*3-:'%'@$$ =:8:% 9'3:?"01 %#$ $9 0$2. H'781< $9 )"%1#"2 6&8:-"< &="*3")$;'"% 3&;1,"0$" 8';-"0$5 8& 6 KO' $ 3#&$9;&8$-%"-.0&*%. &(&-& 60 6-0 63/*:%, ' D-"(%#&*0'=7"0$" =:8"% &*:?"*%;-5%.*5 &% ="#"+&;&< 3&8*%'0@$$.

L0'-&+$)01" #'9#'=&%($ ; &=-'*%$ 3&8;&80&< (&6-3#"**$$ ;"8:%*5 (&63'0$56$ MAN Turbo $ Siemens ; #'6-('2 3#&"(%' (&63'0$$ Statoil 8-5 6"*%&#&78"0$5 L*+'#8. A J&#;"+$$ =1-' $*31%'0' :*%'0&;(' MAN Turbo’s Hofim-type, ' ; 2009 +&8: 3#&;"8"01 $*31%'0$5 (&63#"**&#' Siemens ECO-II.

A #'6('2 3#&"(%' «L*+'#8» ; -'=&#'%&#$$, 3#$0'8-"-7'?"< Statoil $ Aker Solutions, &*:?"*%;-5"%*5 3#&+#'66' 3& $*31%'0$4 3&8;&8012 (&63#"**&#012 :*%'0&;&(. Q%& *;59'0& * %"6, )%& ; 3-'01 (&63'0$$ Statoil ;2&8$% :*%'-0&;(' 8;:2 (&63#"**&#012 6&8:-"< (8-10 KA%) 0' +'9&(&0-8"0*'%0&< 9'-"7$ K$(("-., * (&%&#&< 3#&8:(@$5 %#'0*-3&#%$#:"%*5 0' 3-'%/&#6: L*+'#8 B. >7$8'"%*5, )%&, =-'+&-8'#5 :*%'0&;(" (&63#"**&#012 6&8:-"<, :8'*%*5 3&;1*$%. $9;-"('"6&*%. 3#&8:(@$$ 8& 70-80%.

H&63#"**&#0'5 *%'0@$5 (HB) (&63'0$$ Aker Solutions 8-5 6"*%&#&78"0$5 L*+'#8 =:8"% ;(-4)'%. 3#&@"**1 *"3'#'@$$ 7$8(&*%$ &% +'9' $ 3&;1,"0$5 8';-"0$5 ('7-8&< $9 /'9 ; &%8"-.0&*%$. E-5 9'3:*(' 3#&"(%' «L*+'#8» P


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Ormen Lange Subsea Future Compression Station. !

$%&'%&(12 0%6/5*##%5(12 :#+1(%'01, 0%+%5:4 !

/5*&/%-1.1*+#2 "#/%-7;%'1+7 (1 6*#+%5%?&*("" Ormen Lange.


#10 October 2011OFFSHORE


; 2014 +&8: * 6'(*$6'-.0&< 3#&$9;&8$%"-.0&*%.4 ; 10-18 6-0 63/*:% 3#$6"054%*5, ('( :7" =1-& &%6")"0& #'0"", 8;' (&63#"**&#012 6&8:-5 MAN Turbo 3& 10 KA%. H'781< $9 0$2 &="*3")$;'"% 3&;1,"0$" 8';-"0$5 8& 5 KO' $ 3#&-$9;&8$%"-.0&*%. &(&-& 25 6-0 63/*:%, ' D-"(%#&*0'=7"0$" =:8"% &*:?"*%;-5%.*5 &% 3-'%/&#61 L*+'#8 B.

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of nearly 60 million cubic meters per day, while electric-ity is supplied from an onshore substation.

Similar developments in the subsea compression are being carried out by MAN Turbo and Siemens as part of Statoil’s project for Åsgard field. In Norway, the MAN Turbo’s Hofim-type plant was tested, and in 2009 the Siemens ECO-II compressor was put to a test.

Within the framework of the Åsgard project, a pro-gram is being implemented to test the subses compressor units in the laboratory owned by Statoil and Aker Solutions. This is due to the fact that Statoil’s plans foresee installa-tion of two compressor units (8-10 MW) at the Mikkel gas-condensate field, from which the produce is transported to the Åsgard B platform. It is expected that the installation of compressor modules would allow the product recover-ability to be increased up to 70-80 percent.

The Aker Solutions’ compressor station (CS) for the Åsgard field will include the processes of separation of liquid from the gas and increasing of the pressure of each phase in separate.

To launch the Åsgard project in 2014, as mentioned earlier, two 10 MW MAN Turbo compressor units were run with a maximum capacity of 10-18 million cubic meters per day. Each of them provides a pressure increase up to 5 MPa, and the capacity of about 25 million cubic meters per day, while electricity is planned to be supplied from the Åsgard B platform.

The centrifugal compressor is designed to handle wet gas; it was designed with a high-speed motor (without gear-box and coupling connections) on the magnetic bearings (no lubrication). The Statoil plans to install a subsea CS at the Gullfaks South field, too, in cooperation with the com-pany Aker Solutions and Framo Engineering.

Such a solution is an alternative to the special platform designed for the compressor module. Nevertheless, in such conditions a difficulty may arise relating to the transfer of energy (20-40 MW) over long distances (approximately 140 kilometers).

Subsea Drilling RigsOne of the major problems of the Arctic fields devel-

opment includes the lack of solutions for the arrangement of the year-round drilling and energy supply of the field facilities amid severe ice conditions.

In the shallow waters of the Arctic in the Beaufort Sea, already a series of artificial islands and bases of vari-ous types has been built, providing driving of wells at the depths ranging from 6 to 20-30 meters. For the depth of 60 meters, there is an option of using stationary ice-resistant platforms, while for depths under 60 meters their use will depend on the investments justification. The work is underway at Gazprom’s Central Design Bureau for Oil Equipment to develop mobile ice-resistant drilling rigs for exploration and development drilling in shallow waters (6-20 meters). According to the Seabed Rig company, 40



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ILKongsberg’s overall flow metering systems (OFMS) are aimed !

at integrating all available sensors in both the subsea and topside systems (Tordis field).

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percent of all future deposits will be found at greater depths in the Arctic regions.

However, to ensure the reliability of the year-round drilling at greater depths, innovative engineering and technological solutions (the mobile drilling units oriented towards fully subsea methods of wells construction) are being developed.

This will help avoiding limitations of traditional drilling methods, lifting restrictions on the seasonal work, increasing the coverage of deposits by draining through the uniform placement of wells within the gas-bearing area and enhancing the final gas-recovery factor.

For the Arctic deepwater deposits, two engineering solutions for the underwater drilling equipment can be singled out.

The first one is an underwater-ice drilling side designed by Lazurit Central Design Bureau and adapted for use in severe ice conditions of the Arctic. The drilling side includes a subsea drilling vessel and the grid mat to secure the vessel and store the cuttings. It is suggested to use a subsea supply vessel equipped with cargo platforms and containers for delivery and restocking operations.

The second one is a robotic drilling rig developed by Seabed Rig (Norway). The rig is to be transported over-water to a given drilling site and then installed on the sea-bed with the help of the ship’s crane equipment. According to the authors of the design, the rig should run autono-mously and have a remote control via flexible cable from a specially equipped submarine or above-water (sur-face) side.

In addition, the relocation of drill-ing process in the Arctic areas (and the nec-essary equipment) to the seabed would allow the rig exposure to the extreme climatic con-ditions to be avoided, such as ice impact, icing, stormy winds and wave disturbance.

To supply the sub-sea facilities at the Arctic shelf hydrocarbon deposits, the geographi-cal location of electric-ity consumers should become the most essen-tial condition of the power plant selection. Whenever using the subsea facilities for the field development, the electricity source should be located at the near-est coast, the platform (either fixed or floating) or under water. If the power plant is located on the shores, the most significant thing would be the distance to the field, since power trans-

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#10 October 2011OFFSHORE


mission over long distances is associated with large losses of electrical power to the cable lines.

At present, high-voltage transmission of alternating current is used for transmission of electricity to the off-shore facilities due to simplicity of electrical equipment. In other words, the losses increase at distances exceeding hundreds of kilometers.

Although AC enables using transformers for easy con-version of voltage, to ensure electricity transmission over very long distances with tolerable losses, it may be neces-sary to employ DC systems.

Creating a New Domestic IndustryIn today’s Russia, the majority of oil and gas compa-

nies finance the experimental designing phase only. To conduct expensive research, their joint funding would be appropriate.

Unfortunately, the companies have failed to join their efforts until now to centralize at least some money spent on the R&D. This makes it difficult to concentrate on the designing of advanced expensive equipment. Apparently, to enable efficient use of the companies’ funds, it would be helpful to devise a system to consolidate investment opportunities of individual companies.

The Arctic shelf development will require the con-centration of technological and financial resources, com-bining efforts of the state and leading Russian oil and gas companies. Granting this, the Russian Government gave it until the end of 2011 to prepare a national program for exploration and extraction of mineral resources on the Arctic continental shelf, which will make it possible to actively develop the Arctic reaches.

To develop Russia’s new technologies, it will be neces-sary to organize the designing process, using local scientific potential and inviting the leading international design-ers. Commercial production and transportation, however, should be outsourced to the leading Russian companies.

Unfortunately, Russia lacks engineering experience in the development of subsea technologies, that is why the Russian companies can act here only as subcontractors. However, the Russian industry has gained extensive experi-ence in developing large and even giant fields in extremely difficult geological and climatic conditions in the tradi-tional production regions.

Therefore, it is necessary to use the potential and experience of the local industry to develop gas condition-ing technologies. Thus, gas treatment equipment designed by Gazprom’s Central Design Bureau for Oil Equipment, has been used to develop almost all gas and gas conden-sate deposits owned by Gazprom; it can be also adapted for subsea use as part of the subsea gas conditioning and compression station.

Given all the legitimacy of Arctic fields development, better prospects and opportunities will receive those coun-tries and companies, which have technical, financial and organizational advantage, especially in the sphere of sub-sea production and operation technologies.

Accordingly, design and use of subsea technologies that enable meeting technical challenges during projects implementation in harsh Arctic conditions will become the key factors in developing the Arctic shelf’s resources. And introduction of the most advanced technologies will play the major part in saving the Arctic environment in the locales.

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TNK-BP’s SRP well stock currently comprises approxi-mately 1,100 wells, yet their performance improve-ment is as important as that of ESP wells. To address

this issue, the first step will be enhancing SRP reliability. Although the analysis of the reasons behind SRP failures is currently not given due attention, specialists in TNK-BP decided to overcome this trend and appeal to scien-tific findings to address the runlife improvement challenge most efficiently.

The dynamics of the company’s artificial lift well stock demonstrates a steady trend towards reduction of the number of wells operated with sucker rod pumps (SRP). As of January 1, 2011, TNK-BP had 1,134 SRP wells (Fig. 1) with the company-average runlife of 374 days. However, SRP runlife values for West Siberia Division and South East Division differ significantly reaching 356 days and 579 days, respectively (Fig. 2). The equipment runlife in vari-ous subsidiaries of West Siberia Division is nearly the same, which suggests that well conditions in West Siberia are more complicated than those in Orenburg Region and that

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Enhancing Equipment Reliabilityto Increase the Meantime between Failures of Sucker Rod Pumps

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Sergei YakimovThe article is reprinted from Innovator Magazine, #4, 2011

!"#$"% &'()*+!,-,./ 0"#"0"1-,-2- (3 45#2-6- «7*+-,*#», #4, 2011

Sergei Yakimov (SBYakimov@tnk-bp.com), Manager, Artificial Lift Section, Wellwork Dept., Upstream Technology.!"#$"% &'()*+ (SBYakimov@tnk-bp.com), 8"2"94"#, *,9"6 )":-2(3(#*+-22*% 9*;<1(, ="0-#,-)"2, +25,#(>'+-4(22<: #-;*,, ?0#-+6"2(" 0* ,":2(1">'*% 9"/,"6.2*>,(, @7 «A-3+"9'- ( 9*;<1-».

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the service life of the currently purchased equipment is not long enough for these conditions.

Therefore, the first step to improving SRP efficiency is to focus on West Siberia Division and increase SRP runlife there up to 500 days over the next five years. In case of suc-cess, the scope of well workovers is expected to decrease by 285 operations per year and the incremental oil production to reach approximately 10,000 tons per year.

First FindingsTo address the above-mentioned challenge, a compre-

hensive approach is needed, including, first and foremost, an in-depth analysis of SRP failure reasons (Fig. 3). Its results will help determine whether the service life of SRP components is long enough for actual well conditions and these findings will later be considered in new SRP technical specifications and a standard on SRP operation in compli-cated conditions.

The first step within the SRP failure reasons analysis was a study of well conditions typical for West Siberia. The factors impacting SRP service life included the following:

Relatively high content of carbon dioxide dissolved in !

the produced fluid, which favors corrosion processesHigh production of silica sand, which gets into the !

clearance between the plunger and barrel causing their wear

Significant pump running depths (1,680 meters) and !

low fluid levels (1,500 meters), which cause high impact stresses and rapid dam-age of valves

Having iden-tified the key fac-tors complicating SRP operation, TNK-BP, jointly with GRAY com-pany, performed a random analy-sis of technical reasons of SRP failures. 44 SRPs were analyzed that had been in

oper-ation in the

Fig. 3 !

,(-. 3 !

Fig. 2 !

,(-. 2 !


#10 October 2011ARTIFICIAL LIFT


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3) ,)")) %(#%)8J"&,9 #"#81>9 B:81 7&.*)+="9%: ;+&-,&*:) 7&/+:%1' A181".+&* 1 789"0)+&* <%#"=&*:; "#$&-$&* – * ;&.) 1$$8).&*#"1@ &A)"1*#81$J 7+&?"&$%J $A)78)-"1' 7&/+:%1' $ ,#%)+1#8&, &$"&*:, %&8(1"# 7&/+:%1', )=& <)+&;&*#%&$%J, 7&+1$%&$%J, ,1/+&%*)+.&$%J 1 ;1,1?)$/1@ $&$%#*. ! ?#$%"&$%1, &B"#+9018&$J, ?%& 9 &."1; 7+&1>*&-.1%)8)@ %)/$%9+# 7&/+:%1' &."&+&."#', B)> 79$%&% 7& $)?)-"1K, 9 .+9=1; 0) "#B8K.#K%$' &B<1+":) +#/&*1":, >&": ")+&*"&$%)@ 1 79$%&%: *78&%J .& "#81?1' $/*&>":; 7&+ (+1$. 4). 4+&,) %&=&, &/#>#8&$J, ?%& &B&+9.&*#"1) ")$/&8J-/1; +&$$1@$/1; >#*&.&* ") $&&%*)%$%*9)% $%#".#+%9 API 7&

fields of Samotlorneftegaz and TNK-Nizhnevartovsk for an average of 140 days; this study revealed that most problems are associated with valve assemblies (consisting of a ball and a seat): 64 percent of traveling valves and 52 percent of filling valves were identified to have leaks. The main rea-son of leaks was valve galling, and it were seat failures that caused 77 percent of all failures. The random analysis has also identified worn plungers in 20 percent of pumps and worn piston rods in 50 percent of pumps. This suggests low reliability of these SRP components.

Microscopic ExaminationThe next step in SRP failure reasons analysis implied

an in-depth study of the materials of the equipment that is being operated in the company’s fields. Thus, destructive tests were applied to eight new and ten failed SRPs by dif-ferent manufacturers. Upstream’s Wellwork Department contracted Neftespetstekhnika to run these tests aimed to identify technical reasons behind equipment failures.

Metallographic examination of valve assemblies showed that the commonest flaw of balls was pit corrosion with micro-cracks running across the surface and corro-sion pits forming on the cobalt base. As for seats, they are damaged mainly due to master phase dissolution and chip-ping of carbide particles.

A peculiar fact was revealed within the studies: valves by Russian manufacturers are sintered (or else the seat is cast and the ball is sintered), whereas valves by world’s leading manufacturers (both the seat and the ball) are cast. Compared to sintering, casting ensures smaller grains of the material and, consequently, higher impact resistance of valves. In this respect, the equipment by Weatherford

Fig. 4 !

,(-. 4 !


!10 !"#$%&' 2011"#$%&'(')*+%&&%, -*./0%

!"#$% & '()#+)%(',

stands apart: its valves are made of tungsten carbide rather than satellite; the former material is notable for high homo-geneity and very small grain size (3 µm to 5 µm compared to 20 µm to 50 µm in Russian-made equipment despite the use of the same sintering technology).

Chrome coatings of SRP barrels and plungers were also subjected to meticulous analysis: thus, strength of coating bonding to base material was examined and coat-ing thickness, roughness, porosity, micro-hardness, and chemistry were determined. The analysis revealed that coatings by some manufacturers had a uniform texture with no voids along the section, whereas coatings of others had large pits, blisters, voids, and even through pores (Fig. 4). It was also found that equipment by several Russian manufacturers failed to meet the API standard for material hardness and in a number of cases plunger coat-ing was harder than barrel coating (901 HV and 854 HV, respectively), which is a critical defect leading to rapid destruction of barrel coating and SRP failure as a whole. It can be concluded, therefore, that Russian-made equip-ment is notably inferior to similar foreign equipment and in most cases not capable of operating for 500 days in the well conditions of West Siberia. The only exception to this is equipment by Izhneftemash.

Apart from valve assemblies and coatings of pump barrels and plungers, the analysis covered SRP piston rods, too. It showed that typical damages of piston rods are corrosion and one-side wear, which reduces rod diam-eter by 10 percent to 30 percent. The heavy corrosive and abrasive wear can be attributed to the use of plain carbon steels (Grades 25, 30, 40, and 45) that were not surface hardened.

%*)+.&$%1 7+1,)"'),:; ,#%)+1#8&*, # * +'.) $89?#)* %*)+-.&$%J 7&/+:%1' 789"0)+# (901 HV) 7+)*:<#8# %*)+.&$%J 7&/+:%1' A181".+# (854 HV), ?%& '*8')%$' $)+J)>":, %);"&8&=1?)$/1, B+#/&, 1 *8)?)% ># $&B&@ B:$%+&) +#>+9-<)"1) 7&/+:%1' A181".+# 1 &%/#> "#$&$#. 2#/1, &B+#>&,, ,&0"& $/#>#%J, ?%& 7+&.9/A1' +&$$1@$/1; >#*&.&* >#,)%"& 9$%97#)% >#+9B)0":, #"#8&=#, 1, * B&8J<1"$%*) $*&),, ") $7&$&B"# &%+#B&%#%J 500 $9%&/ * 9$8&*1'; $/*#01" M#7#."&@ N1B1+1 – ).1"$%*)"":, 1$/8K?)"1), '*8')%$' &B&+9.&*#"1) 7+&1>*&.$%*# PSP «I0")-%),#<».

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... /0123*-4"53(2"-'(% 6"34# «7#03-'*#-8» www.transkor.ru E-mail transkor@inbox.ru info@transkor.ru tel/fax +7 495 225-9652; 225-9653

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#10 October 2011ARTIFICIAL LIFT


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To increase SRP runlife up to 500 days, it is proposed by the Wellwork Dept. to supplement SRP technical specifi-cations with the following requirements:

Use more reliable materials (tungsten carbide, nickel !

carbide, ceramic metal, or improved stellite) for making valve assemblies, ensure valve material grain size of 3 µm to 5 µm.

Use 0.152-millimeter-thick two-layer chrome coatings !

on SRP barrels (L6 API standard), strengthen requirements to chrome coating chemistry and the number of through pores.

Use hardened alloy steel for piston rods, perfect the !

design of piston rod guides, apply piston rod centralizers to reduce one-side wear.

Breaking ThroughStatistically, 66 percent of SRP failures are caused by

failed components (Table 1), which suggests that high attention is to be paid to the reliability of valve assemblies, piston rods, and pump barrels. If all the proposed require-ments to pump components are implemented, the pump cost will increase by mere $200. It was also estimated in the company, that to recover the costs of SRP reliability enhancement project, just a 10-day runlife increase is suf-ficient whereas the effect from stricter pump component requirements will de definitely much more significant.

Following the analysis, the Wellwork Dept. worked out guidelines on how subsidiaries in West Siberia Division should select SRP suppliers. Compliance with these guide-lines will result in a major breakthrough in terms of SRP runlife improvement.

Thus, up to 30 percent of the demand by the company’s subsidiaries must be covered with high-quality imported SRPs, another 60 percent with SRPs by Izhneftemash (the best Russian manufacturer), and another 10 percent with SRPs by ELKAM Neftemash, namely pumps with brass bar-rel liners that can be operated in corrosive environments. Finally, purchases of pumps that do not comply with the API standard on SRP quality must be ceased.

TNK-BP has already done much to improve SRP reli-ability, but there is still a very long way to reaching the SRP runlife of 500 days. In 2011, technical meetings with SRP manufacturers will be held, pilot tests of pumps made of new materials will be run, updated technical specifica-tions to SRPs will be developed, and equipment will be purchased in line with the new specifications. Moreover, equipment quality studies involving destructive tests will be continued, in particular, the quality of pump rods will be examined. The results of these studies will also be con-sidered in SRP technical specifications thus contributing to SRP runlife improvement both in West Siberia Division and across the company.

Table 1 !

709:. 1 !

The 20th World Petroleum Congress4-8 December 2011, Doha, Qatar


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5050 Oil&GasEURASIA

Chevron continues to engage with Russian companies on projects where it can add value based on its wide ranging arctic experience.

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What are Chevron Arctic Center’s key focus areas?The Chevron Arctic Center is comprised of a multi-disciplined group of Arctic subject

matter experts based in Calgary, Canada and provide engineering and operations sup-port to Chevron’s global arctic activities.

The Arctic Center’s capability is wide ranging and comprises the following skill sets: drilling, facilities, marine operations, production operations, health, safety and the environ-ment, ice & structural engineering, stakeholder relations, geotechnical, logistics, construc-tion and project management. Group members have been involved in a wide range of arctic projects located in North America, Greenland and both Eastern and Western Russia.

The Arctic Center has experience in all of the four main arctic operating environments: onshore, land-fast ice, pack ice and iceberg / pack ice. The North American arctic is the only area in which exploration drilling has been carried out in all four of these areas.

The Arctic Center also brings considerable experience to any arctic challenge with 10 team members possessing more than 30 years of arctic experience. Chevron has an active mentoring/ knowledge transfer program to capture and transfer this arctic experi-ence to younger Arctic Center members.

What is Chevron’s operating experience in the Arctic, both offshore and onshore?Chevron has onshore arctic operating experience from programs in Canada and

Alaska. Chevron’s experience with fixed structures in the arctic offshore includes our Cook Inlet

production operations on the Alaskan Shelf. Arctic Center team members also possess considerable fixed offshore structure experience in the shallow waters of the Arctic Ocean. This experience is largely derived from operations in both Canada and the US, and encom-passes virtually every shallow water exploration drilling structure utilized to date.

Arctic Center team members also have extensive experience in Arctic offshore floating drilling systems from previous Canadian and US Beaufort Sea programs. This experience remains unique to the industry to this day, and it will form the basis of currently proposed drilling programs proposed for areas such as Greenland the deep-water Canadian Beaufort.

What is the Chevron Arctic Center’s global Arctic Shelf experience?In terms of the Arctic and with respect to the shallow water operating areas of the

Shelf, Chevron Arctic Center team members have extensive experience in the design and engineering of shallow water arctic structures

This involved experience includes the design and construction of ice islands, gravel islands, sand islands, shallow caissons, deep caissons, and gravity based structures. An example of the wide range of fixed structure types and the number of exploration wells drilled by each in the North American arctic is shown as follows. Of note, this involved Arctic Center team members in the design, engineering and operation of two of the most well known struc-tures the Steel Drilling Caisson and the Mobile Arctic Caisson (MAC) or Molikpaq.

Does Chevron have any experience of working in Russian shelf?Arctic Center team members were involved in the early stages of the Prirazlomnoye

field conceptual development. More recently, utilizing both North American and Russian Shelf experience the Arctic Center

has developed a shallow water development system for the Russian Shelf. This system can be utilized in the exploration phase, quickly modified for early production, and thereafter adapted for full field development with the use of a shallow water oil transportation system.

Humphrey Michael, Engineering ManagerRybalchenko Irina, Media Coordinator

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AWKS "/="/5,$/+/ 234 .,1'"A+,($+<A % .,21,2+<A .",$%1,1<5",(,1<A ."'1'+$,-",1, % ,5' (%($'-< .",I3% L#(.'"%-'+$/37+69 .",1'"#6. >39&,- # "/="/5,$#' L$,) $'A+,3,:%% ($/3, ."%13'&'+%' ,(+,1+<A =/%+$'"'(,1/++<A :"6.. ('1'"+<A I$/$,1 ( (/-<A +/&/37+<A L$/.,1 .",'#$/.

The system is called the Near-shore Exploration Evaluation and Development System or NEEDS and is designed to be assembled quickly utilizing simple shipyard construction techniques. Such an approach can yield significant benefits to the local economy by uti-lizing existing industries and infrastructure.

What services does the Chevron Arctic Center provide for the development of shallow water Arctic oil and gas fields?

Some of the services that the Chevron Arctic Center can bring in support of shallow water arctic development are as follows:

Project Management !

Multi-disciplined Engineering Support !

Conceptual Design !

Ice engineering !

Geo-technical Engineering !

Safety Analysis !

Facilities Design / Operation !

Ice Management Deign / Operation !

Logistics System Design / Operation !

GBS / Fixed Structure Design / Operation !

Tanker Transportation Design / Operation !

Drill System Design / Operation !

Environmental Assessment !

Stakeholder Relations !

Construction Feasibility Assessment !

Development of Capital and Operating Budget !

Project Scheduling / Controls !

Who is Chevron’s potential partner for Russian Arctic shelf development?Chevron continues to engage with Russian companies on projects where it can add

value based on its wide ranging arctic experience. Currently, Chevron is evaluating a number of major Arctic Shelf projects.

Has Chevron developed technologies for the Arctic offshore?A good example of Chevron’s application of technology to key arctic design challeng-

es is its Alternate Well Kill System (AWKS). The AWKS is a joint R&D project between Chevron and Cameron, and is aimed at the development of a new generation of blowout preventers (BOP’s) for the Arctic offshore.

The AWKS will increase the shear and seal capability of existing shear rams, allow-ing a single ram to shear and seal even on large diameter casing, an industry first. This effectively allows one AWKS to replace two existing rams. Adding a second AWKS will effectively provide 100% shear and seal redundancy over a much larger and broader range of casing and tubulars than is currently available.

The AWKS has been developed for both surface and subsea BOP’s, and both systems have passed ‘proof of concept’ testing. Key to the development of this technology has been the involve-ment of key Northern community stakeholder groups from the outset of the project, ensuring that critical parties have been part of the design process from the very beginning of the project.


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TECHMASH Group turned ten in 2011. For the short-term history of the modern Russia, this is not a small thing but rather a considerable period, and it’s been 10 years now that the reliable "Ermak" caravans have been operating in the cold

regions of the tundra and taiga.The company was created by a group of enthusiasts in the leased premises of a fac-

tory in Yekaterinburg, and, since its inception, the goal has been to offer the market the most reliable and comfortable, best quality caravans. One of the first customers of TECHMASH Group was ALROSA company. They were delivering mobile buildings for workers and local residents in the flooded town of Lensk by AN 124 Ruslan aircraft and

they are still using all of their house trailers in Yakutia, the coldest region of the world.Over time, the chosen strategy attracted customers and sales steadily increased. This

allowed the company to purchase a wood processing shop on the outskirts of Pervouralsk just three years later and focus on the organization of up-to-date fabrication and increasing pro-duction volume as demanded by the actively growing market of oilfield services. During this time TECHMASH Group became a major supplier for the leading service companies, including Eurasia Drilling Company (BK Eurasia), Integra and others.

Simultaneously with the developing of Ermak mobile buildings manufacturing, a strategy was adopted for integrated equipping of camps for the oil and mining industries. That is how the company began to implement projects – ranging from small (40-50 people) to quite signif-icant (400-500 people) – providing the full range of services: design, manufacturing, installa-tion, furnishing, and maintenance.

In 2004 TECHMASH Group started to produce and actively promote module water treat-ment plants (now bearing its own name, “Ermak-Pure Water”). The first comprehensive sup-plies of power stations were made in the same year which started the development of a new line in the small-scale power generation sector. And a couple years later TECHMASH Group became the official partner of Cummins Inc. in Russia, created a large stock of power plants in the Urals, launched its own production of packed power stations (now called “Ermak-Energy”), and set up the maintenance department.

In 2007 the company offered the market a line of new products. This included block-module buildings made up of “Ermak-Unimodule” components of full operational read-

This article was supplied courtesy of TECHMASH Group !"#"$% &'()*+"#,-(.# /'0&&*1 «234567»

KCA Deutag camp in the area of Novy Urengoi town. !

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iness and prefabricated mobile complex-es based on Ermak caravans. A number of TNK-BP fields were equipped after this technology. The mobile complex technol-ogy allowed to build a dormitory for 100 people in just two weeks; it’s been moved twice already since construction but its exploitation features remain intact.

During the crisis of 2009, the volume of production reduced, but not too much and not for a long time, and the accumulated experience enabled TECHMASH Group to focus on the product quality, technology optimization and introduction of QMS, and in 2010 TECHMASH Group received a cer-tificate of compliance with ISO 9001-2008 from Bureau Veritas, an international certi-fication company.

Looking back, we, members of TECHMASH Group, understand that we have something to be proud of. Our com-pany’s products can be found in all regions of Russia where oil, gas and other mineral resources are recovered in difficult climatic conditions. There are leading oil and gas companies among our customers and partners (Gazprom, Rosneft, LUKOIL, TNK-BP, Gazprom Neft, RussNeft, Slavneft, Surgutneftegaz, Novatek), the leading service companies (BK Eurasia, Gazpromburenie, Schlumberger, KCA Deutag, Weatherford, BakerHughes, Integra, Bashneftegeofizika, etc.), construction compa-nies (Stroygazconsalting, Stroytransgaz, Sibkomplektmontazh, Stroygazmontazh, etc.).

But we believe that we are only at the beginning and there’s a big road ahead. We’ve set serious goals and objectives for the future. TECHMASH Group actively develops the project area – we design not only camps, but also industrial and civil facilities, social facilities (schools, hospitals and kindergartens). We continue to develop our engineer-ing: building module-based power stations and construction of water treatment plants, particularly, the module type. We remain true to our mission and build up our knowledge and experience to create the best conditions for life and work of our customers in all cli-mate conditions!

Mobile buildings for Botuobinskaya geological survey expedition. !

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MRSK-Ural branch !

service center. 0+5$4 %:*,@H;&"5;> !

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5454 Oil&GasEURASIA

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The 12th International Scientific and Practical Coiled Tubing and Well Intervention Conference took place in Moscow on September 14-16, in the conference hall of Hotel Aerostar. It was organized by the the Coiled

Tubing Times Journal, The Intervention & Coiled Tubing Association (ICoTA) and its Russian representative CTTDC (Coiled Tubing Technologies Development Center). The event was held under the auspices of the Russian Energy Ministry. The confer-ence was sponsored by the companies Schlumberger (gold sponsor), Trican Well Service (silver sponsor), Fidmash (the sponsor of the seminar), and Tegas (the sponsor of the conference materials).

Technical sessions had been preceded by the traditional one-day seminar on the “Coiled Tubing: Equipment, Technology and Applications” topic. For the last three years, one expert, usually from overseas, has been lecturing for the course. This time the seminar program included presentations from six speakers, each of whom covered one specific topic. S. Kablash (Fidmash) spoke about the struc-ture and principles of the coiled tubing equipment, while A. Brylkin (Uraltrubmash) brought detailed information on the flexible tubes. The state-of-the-art technology of the oil and gas services, including those that emerged in the last year, became the focus of the reports delivered by K. Burdin (Schlumberger), S. Zagranichny and D. Kholodov (TricanWell Service). Importantly, the subtleties of these technolo-gies were described by the speakers referring to the Russian record rather than the Western one. The report by S. Atrushkevich (CJSC “Novinka”, the FID Group) was devoted to the coiled tubing drilling, arousing an ever increasing interest.

Each seminar participant received a summary of the course and the membership certificate of attendance.

The conference was opened by L. Hruzdilovich, President of the CTTDC Scientific Council and the program committee chairman. He outlined the main trends of the oil and gas service development at the present stage, drawing in particular the audience’s attention to the fact that “in tougher environmental requirements and increasing complexity of production conditions, there was a steady trend of increasing the role of the CT technology. The number of the coiled tubing units in Russia has risen fourfold since 1998, when the first conference took place.

The statistics regarding the now commercially available complements is evi-dencing the increasingly complex jobs manageable by coiled tubing. There has been intensive development of multilayer hydraulic fracturing, particularly the con-trolled and multilayer one. The flow of orders for equipment also bespeaks the progress of the hydraulic fracturing technology, at least in the CIS, towards a great-er use of dry mixes for the preparation of gels in the process of fracturing. Most of the technical processes are getting automated, for example, the demand for the high-performance automated cementing systems has multiplied.”

The conference program included six technical sessions, to accommo-date more than two dozen reports. They were attended by about a hundred par-ticipants representing the oil and gas producers (Rosneft, Gazprom, Gazprom Neft, LUKOIL, Bashneft, Tatneft, Belorusneft, etc.), oil and gas field servic-es companies (Schlumberger, Trican Well Service, Weatherford, Baker Hughes, KogalymNefteGeofizika, Packer-Service, KATKoneft, BVT-East, etc.), and the equip-ment manufacturers (Fidmash, Novinka, NOV CTES, NPF Packer, PSA Burenie, RosTEKtehnologii, Global Tubing, Tegas, OMC, etc.).

The 2011 conference became distinct in the almost parity quantitative member-ship of the representatives from the companies offering maintenance services and their customers, both current and potential. This was very instrumental in facili-tating some promising contacts in the process of communication, including the

This article was supplied courtesy of editorial board Coiled Tubing Times Journal

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.":2* HydroPull, 2"?1".":2* 8*#1/":",."C 1*/*,'03 ,'..;< SmartCoil*, #3#$*?* /*93#$/'533 -#$'&"#$3 $/-8; ARADIA* 3 ,/-93< $*<.30*#23< 3 1/"9/'??.;< /'>-/'8"$2'<.H*<.32' "#.":."9" /%,' $'2+* .* "#$'&'#( :.* 4"2-#' 2".4*/*.533. 6"?1'.3%

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&' «@/*?% 2"&$783.9'» 3 .' 4"/-?* #'C$' www.cttimes.org.W,*? :'# .' .'D3< /*#-/#'< 3 .' #&*,-7I*C 2".4*/*.533!

informal one. It should also be noted that many reports had been prepared jointly by the customers and contrac-tors thus summarizing the successful experience of the work.

The emphasis of the pro-gram was placed on innovation and best practice. The audi-ence learned about the inte-grated approach to the inten-sification of oil and gas from a low-temperature heteroge-neous carbonate reservoir using coiled tubing, the adap-tation the AbrasiFRAC tech-nology via the tubing, about unique post-fracturing flush-ing at the Verkhnechonskoye gas condensate field, the experience of well develop-ment after the StageFRAC* multi-stage fracturing in hor-izontal wells (using special liner arrangements equipped with isolation packers and HF ports, the experience gathered during the CT perforation at the Urengoi oil and gas condensate field, and about the flexible pipe being able to transfer a highly vis-cous plugging liquid and magnetic substances to limit water inflows at the oil wells in Turkmenistan and much more.

Significant interest was shown to the news about the state-of-the-art equipment for coiled tubing technologies, i.e. the dowhole two-phase separator, HydroPull configuration, SmartCoil* real-time wireless communication system, ARADIA Coiled Tubing String Management and Fatigue Analysis System and other hardware and software developments.

The mainstream equipment has stayed within the focus of the conference. The Fidmash Company has presented a full range of equipment for modern high-tech operations to enhance oil recovery and effective cementing. The Novinka Design Bureau and BelNIPIneft made several announcements about the equipment for coiled tubing drilling and the positive results of its application obtained at the fields of the Pripyat Depression. Representatives of the Burenie Research and Production Association, RosTEKtechnology, Weatherford have shared the news about the lat-est developments from their companies intended for repair and maintenance of wells. Dr. H.B. (Bernie) Luft, who conducted the last year’s workshop, spoke about his own innovative design, the Duralink spoolable mechanical coiled tubing con-nector. Industrial Group Tegas have presented their improved self-propelled nitro-gen compressor plants.

The topic of the oilfield chemistry was represented by the new chemicals for fracturing, surfactants, chemical reagents for drilling and well service, devel-oped by the Field Chemistry Scientific-Educational Center at Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas and inhibitors for the protection of oilfield equipment man-ufactured by the FLEK Company.

The report entitled the “Shale Gas. Opportunities and Prospects”, presented by the FID Group brought into focus a very important topic – the use of unconvention-al hydrocarbons and coiled tubing drilling for economically feasible production. The report authors L. Hruzilovich and I. Pirch invited the conference participants to a broader discussion of the topic of unconventional hydrocarbons, and emerging technologies of their production. This discussion has concluded the conference.

The organizers hope that the discussion will continue on the pages of the Coiled Tubing Times journal and on the website forum www.cttimes.org.

We invite you to explore our media assets and look forward to see you at the next conference!

5656 Oil&GasEURASIA

Funing Hongda Petrochemical Machinery Co.Presents Innovative Technical Equipment for Russian Oil&Gas Sector

!"#$%&'( Funing Hongda Petrochemical Machinery Co$)*+,%-%*. '&&"/%0'"&&"* .*1&","-'2*34"* "5")6+"/%&'* +,( &*7.*-%8"/"9 ".)%3,' :"33''

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Funing Hongda Petrochemical Machinery Co., Ltd, was founded in1979, with 30 years experience in

researching, developping and producing downhole tools. We are committed to pro-viding customers with the best downhole operation services using economic and effi-cient means.

We strictly implement the requirements of ISO9001 and API quality management system to ensure that our products and ser-vices meet customers’ requirements. At the same time, we can manufacture down-hole operation tool according to customers’ requirements. Today, our customers work all over the oil fields in China.

Now, we are sincerely willing to cooperate with you and provide you with more choices.

Retrievable Bridge PlugRetrievable bridge plug is a downhole

plugging tool used in oilfields, which consists of setting mechanism, anchoring mech-anism and sealing mechanism etc. With unique self-locking structure and reliable two-way pressure bearing capacity, it can ensure reliable sealing without the need to use an overlying mortar surface. The retrievable bridge plug is set by cable setting tools or

Type / H'$O.D., mmA%407&*3 /'%#124, ##

Length, mm


Operating pressure differential, MPa

J4%/'1&2 4%)"91." /%-+1&'(,


Operating temperature, C

K%)"9%( 21#$14%204%, °C

Hydraulic setting pressure differential, MPa

J4%/'1&2 .'/4%-+'91,6"."

0,2%&"-"9&"." /%-+1&'(, MPa

Releasing load, kN A%.4056% $4'


Applicable casing I.D., mm F4'#1&'#*3 -&0241&&'3

/'%#124 "),%/&"3 6"+"&&*,


HDQSA-70-35 70 625 35 120/150 14~16 20~40 76~78

HDQSA-73-35 73 635 35 120/150 14~16 20~40 80~82

HDQSA-76-35 76 695 35 120/150 14~16 20~40 82~86

HDQSA-80-35 80 810 35 120/150 14~16 20~40 86~90

HDQSA-92-70 92 930 70 120/150 16~18 30~50 98~102

HDQSA-96-70 96 930 70 120/150 16~18 30~50 102~106

HDQSA-100-70 100 930 70 120/150 16~18 30~50 106~110

HDQSA-110-50 110 640 50 120/150 16~18 30~50 118.6~121.4

HDQSA-114-50 114 640 50 120/150 16~18 30~50 121.4~124.3

HDQSA-114-70 114 815 70 120/150 16~18 30~50 121.4~124.3

HDQSA-148-50 148 680 50 120/150 18~20 40~60 154.8~159.4

HDQSA-150-50 150 680 50 120/150 18~20 40~60 157.1~161.7

HDQSA-210-35 210 1160 35 120/150 12~15 50~80 222.4~224.4

This article was supplied courtesy of the Funing Hongda Petrochemical Machinery Co., Ltd

!"#"$% &'()*+"#,-(.# /*0&#.1(2 Funing Hongda Petrochemical Machinery Co., Ltd

Gu Zheng da, !

General director !" #$%& '(, )%&%*(+,&-. !


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hydraulic setting tools. When necessary, it can be released and recovered. After wear-ing parts are changed, it can be still re-utilized downhole. The retrievable bridge plug can be used in cooperation with downhole tools for temporary plugging and selective plug-ging etc. It can be extensively used in production test, workover, testing and hydrocar-bon reservoir improvement etc., and is a safe, reliable and cost effective full-function downhole plugging tool.

AdvantageReliable anti-sticking design: the slips use a built-in slip structure, so that the bridge

plug is not easily blocked and stuck when pulled and lowered in the well bore and can be used safely in the well of any obliquity.

Flexible setting mode: the bridge plug can be sent in well and set by the cable setting tool or the hydraulic setting tool, and it is only required to select corresponding setting tool based on specific well conditions.

Unique anchoring mechanism: by flexibly combining the slips, slip cone and the outer barrel of the slips, the bridge plug has good two-way pressure bearing capacity and is applicable to the casing of various grades.

Notice:Casing of setting section should be without serious corrosion, breakage or seri- !

ous deformation.Drift and scrape the well bore, and wash out the dirt and dead oil before RIH. !

Control the RIH velocity in 30 tubings/hour. !

Control the blockage force within 30 KN during RIH. !

Run the releasing tool to 3-5 meters from the bridge plug surface, then clean the !

well completely.To prevent falling into the well during POOH, avoid revolving of the pipe string. !

Retrievable Bridge Plug for Cement SqueezingRetrievable bridge plug for cement squeezing is a downhole cement squeezing and

plugging tool used in oilfields. It consists mostly of setting mechanism, anchoring mech-anism, sealing mechanism, and sliding sleeve switching mechanism, etc. The retriev-able bridge plug for cement squeezing is set by cable setting tools or hydraulic setting tools. After cement squeezing, it can be released and recovered. After wearing parts are changed, it can be still reutilized downhole.

Notice:The cautions of RIH, Setting and POOH: please refer to the retrievable bridge !

plug.After completing cement squeezing operation, lift the pipe string by 2-3 meters !

and reverse well cleanout for over a cycle till fresh water passes in and out with large displacement.

During transport and handling, avoid colliding and getting wet. !

Store away from heat, not allow to contact acid, alkali and salt, etc. !

Type / H'$


A%407&*3 /'%#124,


Length, mm


Operating pressure differential,

MPaJ4%/'1&2 4%)"91."


Operatingtemperature, C

K%)"9%( 21#$14%204%, °C

Releasing load, kNA%.4056% $4'


Applicable casing I.D., mm

F4'#1&'#*3 -&0241&&'3 /'%#124 "),%/&"3 6"+"&&*,


HDQSC-110-50 110 990 50 120/150 60-80 118.6-121.4

HDQSC-114-50 114 990 50 120/150 60-80 121.4-124.3

HDQSC-148-50 148 1130 50 120/150 80-100 154.8-161.7

HDQSC-210-35 210 1450 35 120/150 100-120 222.4-224.4




Funing Hongda Petrochemical Machinery Co., Ltd.

Add: NO.66 Chenghe East Road, Funing, Jiangsu, P.R.China 224400

Tel: 0086-515-87212179

Fax: 0086-515-87266187

Web: http://www.cnhdm.com

E-mail: MYQ907107345@yahoo.com.au

5858 Oil&GasEURASIA

National Drilling Company LLC Choses Andvanced Technology «!"#$%&"'(&") *+,%-") .%/0"&$)» 12'"23 43"-5+ &" &%-62 327&%'%8$$

!"#$%&'( )*+% ",&"-%&% - "./()01 2%+1."3" 451 2002 3"2% ' '6&%7%+8&" "0'1&/'-0"-%+%,8 &% -&1201&'1 &"-*9 /19&"+"3': - &1;/12")*71. < /" -01#( #1/"2 0%6-0%)"/.' &1;/(&*9 $+%,/"- , ',$"+86"-%&'1# -"6#"5&",/1: %$$%0%/40* ."&/0"-

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The National Drilling Company was incorporated in October of 2002 to initially focus on implementing new oil production technologies. At that time MWD-systems with hydraulic communication channels to support the oil reservoir management

had not been widely used in the Russian oil fields.While developing our business plan, we focused on conducting work on abandoned

oil fields, where so-called “big drilling” had passed its peak. After completions on oil patches with large debits of oil reservoirs, drilling companies left behind vast areas where exploration re-drilling was unprofitable, while the geology of the remaining layers and seams showed production on these abandoned sites was still worthwhile as they are more than likely to produce volumes that could cover projected costs for this type of job and yield substantial profits.

2003 was spent entirely on preparing a base to accommo-date the branch company enti-tled the NDC-Western Siberia, and for selecting and train-ing qualified personnel. We have trained the skilled telem-etry employees in one of the best profile institutions, which includes Houston, Texas (USA). In early 2004, we entered the market of oil supply with a pro-posal to sidetrack using the new generation telemetry systems – Logging-While-Drilling (LWD). This technology allows drillers to avoid going beyond the reser-voir, even when its thickness is insignificant and avoid the extra work to isolate water and gas, and sometimes re-drilling of entire horizontal section.

By then, the company had already been equipped with the latest generation of seis-mic profiling equipment made in Canada and the United States. To gain client confidence and demonstrate our ability to per-form complicated operations with a clear timetable for the layer sidetracking as indicated by the customer’s geological survey, we conducted sever-al workshops. Customers were

This article was supplied courtesy of National Drilling Company !"#"$% &'()*+"#,-(.# «/#01*.#-$.*2 34'*,*2 5*6&#.1(2»

NDC performs well construction in Western !

Siberia !"#$%"&'()"*$ )+*,-%./ )%',0% 111 !

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impressed with the results and the compa-ny received its first full-scale work orders along with the experience of sidetracking and telemetry support.

But oil patchers’ happiness is short-lived. Some time between 2005 and 2006, the best management practices in the oil production industry had a change of heart. In an effort to streamline production, major customers started to drive the drilling departments out of their assets, focusing only on the end result of the whole com-plicated chain, and namely, the immediate receipt of the final product, i.e. crude oil.

The National Drilling Company had, as they say, to be re-deployed on the march and participate in public tenders as a gen-eral contractor, who would take charge of the entire range of oil production manage-ment from scratch. This was a new and difficult job for us, but at the same time it was great experience, too. The experience of outsourcing, of finding the best possible chemicals for every new geological site under development was unmatched.

At a certain stage of our business, we conducted an economic analysis and reached the conclusion that we needed to expand in order to optimize our work; con-sequently, we set out to prepare the base for the full-profile petroleum production. We purchased mobile drilling rigs and the base for their technical support and repairs.

All this can be attributed to the technical side of the company, but an increasingly important role in its development was played by the issues of organizational support and, above all, the customer relations.

Sometimes, negotiations with customers were very hard indeed and we had to refuse from some orders. But in most cases, we have found mutual understanding and were eager to complete all works, taking into account regulations and customers’ requirements for particular jobs. This tactic enabled us to endure the hardest times of the global economic crisis in the absence of orders at the time and the need to pre-serve the unique core of the company expertise.

We’d like to believe that all hardships are behind us and we will not be distracted from our main task - the quality performance of customer assignments and adoption of new technologies in the oil production.

At the moment, the most attractive thing seems to be the intensive development of new technologies at the already developed fields. The NDC LLC tries to the best of its ability to get actively involved in the development of new technologies in the area.

This year, the company acquired an underbalanced drilling rig in Canada. Initially, as in the case of telemetry eight years ago, we were met with cautious attitude from out customers. To show the capabilities of new technology, we have adopted a busi-ness plan for the drilling presentations at several sites to urge the real capability of greater oil production rates at depleted fields upon our potential customers. We are confident that in the next five to seven years, there will be no alternative to the under-balanced drilling in the already developed areas.

The customers’ desire to raise production involves some intensive use of novel technologies. However, the use of new technologies is not possible without the real cost of manufacturing the required equipment in the right quantities, training person-nel and bringing improvements in a number of support operations. If the customer is realistic about these issues, then the intensity of work, and eventually the oil produc-tion, should actually increase.

At present, being aware of the complexity of challenges facing the National Drilling Company, while maintaining a certain degree of ambition to achieve the level of a company with a broad portfolio of services in demand on the market, we seek to keep the quality of completed drilling up to the mark by introducing new technologies all the time, convincing customers of the benefits of new technologies and maintaining the highest qualifications of the company’s engineers and technicians.

And not least, we try to keep a sense of the company employees’ involvement in the corporate community that is sought-after and respected both locally and globally.

Underbalanced drilling unit choke manifold !

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6060 Oil&GasEURASIA

Salt Systems for Well Killing!"#$%&$ '(')$*& +#, -#./$0(,

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“To what extent does application of modern salt systems for well killing reduce the losses associated with repair and preventive maintenance on the oil or gas wells?”

The use of high-quality synthetic anhydrous cal-cium chloride can significantly reduce the time required to stabilize a well in the required pro-

duction mode. That is, the return of the well after preservation for repair or maintenance for the same (or more) production figures, which were prior to the preservation. In our estimate, the average time of bringing the well “on line” in Russia when using con-ventional products (such as halite or waste calcium chloride as chemical production waste) is three to six weeks. And throughout the time, the well yields sig-nificantly less gas or oil, than it was before repairs.

That is, five weeks on average, or just a little over a month, the well does not produce at full capaci-ty. Depending on the well flowrate, it is easy to cal-culate the direct losses that the operating company would incur at that.

How can the product from of Zirax help in this sit-uation?

First, we must remember that calcium chloride includes different varieties. There is synthetic, and there is the so-called “waste” – that is, the one that is based on the waste generated by chemical indus-tries. Accordingly, such a product contains a lot of impurities that during the well killing can clog the hollow space both in the zone of perforation, and directly in the producing reservoir. As an example, the impurities contained in the “waste” calcium chloride (e.g., oxides of iron or magnesium) immediately react with the formation water during the kill and form sediments that cannot be dissolved. You can remove them only by hydrochlo-ric acid (if they can dissolve in hydrochloric acid) or mechanically – both ways are very expensive.

If you use a synthetic product, with almost no impurities, because it is made from synthetic chlorine and natural calcium carbonate, you can suceed in bringing the well “on line” much faster. About 90 percent of synthetic calcium chloride produced by Zirax under the PelletOil brand name is used specifically for well killing (i.e. repair). It is being used as drilling muds, additives for drilling muds, oil-well cement component, etc.

Meanwhile, since 2011, Zirax has not been only supplying calcium chloride for some of its customers. The company offers the ready-made salt systems to its oil and gas pro-ducing customers containing granules of calcium chloride, corrosion inhibitors, and hydrophobic additives, allowing the industry to reduce the formation of emulsions, to limit water influx and produce more oil from the well – all the components have already been included in the synthetic granules of calcium chloride in the specified proportions by a special coating.

Directly in the well, this new salt system, which got the name of WOTASOFT, with a hydrophobic additive – we call it a soft water-repellent agent – prevents the formation of water-oil emulsions, and the pores through which oil seeps, remain free from water. In this way, more oil seeps, whereby the resistance to its seepage is less, much of the water remains inside the reservoir, and the pores are not clogged.

Michael Petrushin, Director General, Zirax !"#$"% &'()*+",, -',')$%.,/0 1")'2(3) 444 «5")$26»

Michael Petrushin, Director General, Zirax !

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To sum it up: a) The well stabilizes much faster, virtually within three days, and b) The well lets produce more oil, and pump less water. In other words, the use of the “soft” Zirax salt systems is the next, more modern and

efficient level of wells operating. We already have some real examples of successful product use in Russia and the CIS countries – for example, in Kazakhstan.

We have already done about two dozen well treatments – I cannot give the customers’ names. But proven facts are there, when the well only in one rather than two or three days gets stabilized, whereas without our solu-tions, this process would take at least ten or twelve days, and the custom-er benefit from one well could reach tens of thousands of U.S. dollars. In fact, we have reduced the time needed to “stabilize” fivefold (!). At the same time, most oil wells started to produce 40 percent more oil. How long should this effect con-tinue is hard to predict as we need to gather the statistics. But in any case, both the main (shorter time needed to “stabilize”) and side (improving oil recovery) effects are rather high. Even if a well yields more oil for one week only, the treatment costs pay off immediately and with a vengeance in any case.

What has to be understood is that we are not talking about an enhanced oil recov-ery technology, but rather a way to better repair and maintain wells, and cut the cost of additional chemicals. As a result, you do not need to fight in the previous scale in case of emulsions, no need for additional inhibitors to clean the perforation zone.

Again, as a result, the well produces a more pure product, oil “repels” water and the well gets stabilized in the required mode of production.

Today we offer not just a pure calcium chloride, but enriched with organic and inor-ganic additives, which allow you to work more efficiently. At the same time, we are not catering only for Russia as we launched commercial shipments abroad, too. The first outbound supply was Kazakhstan, where the product had been tested on an industri-al scale. They already kill wells with it in full swing over there, and the customers are very happy.

To make it clear, we have a very intelligible promo; it’s a five-minute animation film, which talks about the technology in a detailed and popular manner. Surely, the experts would see the nuances of our offer without a promo, but for those who are still consid-ering the use of this new product – or has never used the new salt systems from Zirax before and is willing to learn more – the film will be very useful.

Please visit http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gz6y0_B-9dcc and see for yourself. I’m sure you’ll like it.

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In recent years, oil producers became more attentive to protection of pay zones against contamination during well servicing operations (WSO), in particular during well killing operations. To some extent, this was facilitated by the RF Committee for

Mining and Industrial Supervision, Enactment No. 71 dated 06.06.03, “On Approval of Mineral Resources Conservation Regulations”. Article 108 of these Regulations states that during well servicing operations it is prohibited to apply working fluids reducing permeability of the bottomhole formation zone. In this connection, removal of mechan-ical impurities that are contained in kill fluids (KF) and cause deterioration of the reser-voir’s porosity and permeability (P&P) has become one of the most significant prob-lems. Operators and service companies make their best to enhance maintaining purity of KF and other working fluids not only in deference to the Mineral Resources Conservation Regulations. In our opinion, their main incentive is hard benefits.

According to standards of west and leading Russian oil producers, a fluid entering a well must not contain suspended particles exceeding 5 µm in size. But most Russian companies do not regulate this parameter; therefore less severe requirements are set for the KF, which limit only a total content of suspended solids (SS) as applied to proper-ties (permeability and pore size) of reservoirs under development. To comply with men-tioned standards, companies and their well servicing contractors must undertake the fol-lowing steps:

– improve arrangements for a mixing system, in particular, equip it with KF filtra-tion units;

– monitor quality of the KF being mixed;– treat the tank trucks’ tanks to achieve the required purity for fluid to be delivered

to the well.In technical terms, the first two actions are most feasible though quite expensive.

Modern mixing units ensure preparation of high quality KF with SS content equal to 10-30 mg/l and its systematic monitoring. Mixing units using obsolete technologies for KF preparation (purification is based on particle sedimentation), despite their disadvantag-es (a long operating cycle due to low sedimentation velocity of fine particles; impossible sedimentation of 5-8-µm particles due to Brownian movement), also succeed in prepa-ration of acceptable quality fluids. At the same time, results of numerous audits of killing crews in Noyabrsk, N i zhnevar tovsk , and at other fields showed that SS content in the kill fluid delivered to the well by tank trucks is practically always higher than in the initial fluid from the mixing unit. A rea-son for this is not in deficient tank cleaning operations (appropriate regu-lations are fulfilled) but in practical fail-ure to prepare the kill fluid immedi-ately before each

M.A. Terentiev (3! Russia), Candidate of Biological Sciences; V.I. Nadenov,

Yu.V. Danchenko (Novomet-Perm), Doctor of Engineering,

!.". #$%$&'($) (*"+ «3! ,-../0»), 1.2.&; 3.4. 5678$&-);9.3. :6&;$&1- (*"+ «5-)-<$'-=$%<(»), 8.'.&.,

Fig. 1. Appearance of DuoFlo™ filter. !

!"#. 1. $%&'%"( )"* +",-./0 1234,3™. !

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()*+!,&! -."$/&, ()*+!,&! -."$/&, !"#$%& !%'&"()*+ ,-"-%.

filling. Besides, being a corrosive medium for car-bon steel, the kill fluid causes corrosion damage of tanks during its transportation from the mixing unit to the well. Moreover, numerous particles of corro-sion products emerge in the fluid.

Certainly, maintaining stable high purity of the KF requires expensive actions mentioned above, which also can be supplemented by anticorrosive protec-tion of mixing unit tanks and tank truck’s tanks. This also requires serious arrangement efforts. Nevertheless, there is a drastic remedy to overcome the existing, to be honest, unacceptable situation. In any industrial technology with mechanical impurities to be removed at several stages, the most efficient approach to their removal is to monitor the impurities in the possible closest point to their source (filtration at the mixing unit). However, in technologies where zero mechanical impuri-ties are a key quality component, multiple filtrations are applied with final post-filtration before application.

To prevent contamination of the bottomhole formation zone with various mechanical impurities from the KF, the fluid final filtration is proposed to be carried out directly dur-ing the process of its pumping into the well. For this purpose, a portable suction filter is installed between the tank truck and the pumping unit. The filter must be small in size and must have an acceptable weight for easy transportation, installation, and servicing, as well as sufficient throughput performance and service life with high fineness purifica-tion for compliance with pumping process parameters.

Filtration unit DuoFlo™ by 3!, with improved geometry of a bag filter (increased by 62 percent filtering surface area) and supporting double-walled perforated basket (the filter is fully supported by the basket support surfaces) meets the listed requirements (Fig. 1).

Filter features are described below.Length, cm .............................................................................................................72.6Diameter, cm ..........................................................................................................17.8Filtration area, m! ...................................................................................................0.62Filter cake volume, l .................................................................................................5.3Maximum flow, m"/h .................................................................................................34Maximum differential pressure, MPa .....................................................................0.24Purification fineness, µm ............................................................................ 1, 5, 10, 25Maximum temperature, " ............................................................................... up to 149

DuoFlo™ filter body is made of chemically resistant stainless steel. A changeable fil-tering element (cartridge) is made of material based on thermally bonded polypropylene or polyester fibers that are chemically resistant to salt, acid, and alkali solu-tions and organic solvents. A cartridge material has a gradient porous structure ensuring deep filtration and high dirt-holding capacity.

3M Russia jointly with Novomet-Perm, at different year seasons, carried out pilot testing of the filter in several oil-and-gas production departments (OGPD) of West Siberia, geographical-ly remote from each other. See Fig. 2 for DuoFlo™ filter in the system “tank truck – pumping unit – well”.

During testing, cartridges with filtra-tion rating of mainly 5 µm were used, on

#$%&'() ' %* %+,(-.%'/ (0%$1,234%5 .3 23+-,6(2.(7 /&$8). 9:.3'( 6 ,3'%* ,8*.($(;%5*, ;:8 (,+/,+,6%8 78*3.%-8+'%* <2%78+8) 6 <2(:/',8 – '$=-86() '(7<(.8., 8;( '3-8+,63, <2%78.58,+5 7.(;(+,/<8.-3,35 0%$1,234%5 + 0%.3$1.() '(.-,2($1.() 0%$1,234%8) <828: <2%78.8.%87.

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G%$1,234%(..35 /+,3.(6'3 DuoFlo™ (, '(7<3.%% 3!, + /+(682C8.+,6(63..() ;8(-78,2%8) 78C(-.(;( 0%$1,2(E$878.,3 (/68$%-8..35 .3 62% <$(?3:1 0%$1,2/=?8) <(682*.(+,%) % <(::82D%63=?8) :6/*+,8..() <820(2%2(63..() '(2&%.@ (<($.35 (<(23 0%$1,2(E$878.,3 .3 (<(2.@8 <(682*.(+,% '(2&%.@) +((,68,+,6/8, <828-%+$8.-.@7 ,28#(63.%57 (2%+. 1).

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F2% %+<@,3.%5* %+<($1&(63$% '32,2%:D% + 28),%.;(7 0%$1,234%% <28%7/?8+,68.-.( 5 7'7, <28:<($3;35, -,( %7% #/:8, (#8+<8-8.3 6@+('35 +,8<8.1 (-%+,'% 23+,6(23

;$/C8.%5 % :(+,%;./, <2%87$87@) 28+/2+ <( (#H87/ <2('3-8..() D%:'(+,%. P <2(48++8 %+<@,3.%) 3.3$%&%2(63$% +(:82D3.%8 IPP % 023'4%(..@) +(+,36 78*3.%-8-+'%* <2%78+8) 6 %+*(:.() (<(+$8 36,(4%+,82.@) % (-%?8..() (<(+$8 0%$1,23) D%:'(+,%, (#H87 <2('3--8..() -828& '32,2%:D% D%:'(-+,%, 3 ,3'D8 <2(6(:%$% 6%&/3$1-.@) (+7(,2 '32,2%:D8). P ,3#$%48 <28:+,36$8.@ 28&/$1,3,@ %+<@,3-.%) 0%$1,23 DuoFlo™ 6 (:.(7 %& NB>O. O-%,@635 +*(D8+,1 <($/-8.-.@* <2% '3D:(7 ;$/C8.%% 28&/$1-,3,(6 (<2(68:8.( #($88 40 ;$/C8-

Fig. 3. Appearance and fractional composition of mechanical impurities from !

kill fluid before (") and after (b) filter.2'(. 3. 3'. ' )#"$4'5//06 (5(%"- 7&8"/'9&($'8 ,#'7&(&6 ': 1'.$5(%' !

;*<=&/'> .5 (") ' ,5(*& (?) )'*+%#"4''.

Fig. 2. Portable DuoFlo filter at the !

well2'(. 2. @5?'*+/06 )'*+%# A<5B*5 !

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6666 Oil&GasEURASIA


the a priori presumption that they would ensure a high degree of the kill fluid purification with an acceptable volume of pumped fluid to be achieved. In the course of testing, SS content and fraction-al composition of mechanical impurities in the initial (after tank truck) and purified (after filter) fluid, and a volume of pumped through cartridges fluid were analyzed, and cartridges were inspect-ed visually. The table below presents results of DuoFlo™ filter testing in one of the OGPDs. Let us cite some of the killing results taking into account their similarity (over 40 killings were carried out with the filter application).

Due to significant contamination content (SS=89 mg/l), unpurified fluid was brown in color and after filtration became nearly clear (SS=17 mg/l). A degree of fluid purification was 80 per-cent. See Fig. 3 for typical mechanical impurities filtered from the specified fluid samples.

At the filter suction, sediments consisted of mixed sand particles and tank corrosion product scales with a size from several hun-dred micrometers to several millimeters, as well as aggregates of yellow fine particles being ferrous oxide or hydroxide particles according to data of roentgen-fluorescent and chemical analyses. After the filter, the fluid contained only colloid ferrous particles, sizes of which met the filtration rating of the cartridges applied.

For visual presentation of contaminations getting to the reservoir in case of absent fil-tration only with 10 cubic meters of the fluid, see Fig. 4 with a picture of a cartridge with coarse particles partially removed from it by simple shaking.

A total weight of particles varied from 50 to 140 grams depending on the tank condition. Mechanical impurities of small-er size were firmly retained by the car-tridge hairy surface. Their weight was determined by comparing weights of a spent cartridge (after drying) and a clean cartridge and varied between 700-1,500 grams. Performance of cartridges in terms of pumped fluid (before unacceptable fluid head losses occur at the pumping unit suction) was 120-190 cubic meters, i.e. one car-tridge was used for killing four to six wells. Oil contained in the fluid resulted in reduced performance of the cartridge. Due to oleophilic properties of porous polypropylene, oil was well soaked in the material and in combination with mechanical impurities formed a low-permeable layer on the cartridge surface. If oil content was 25-30 mg/l, one car-tridge can be used for filtration of up to 50 cubic meters of the fluid, with a high purifica-tion degree achieved: SS content reduced from 59 to 2 mg/l.

At present, several tens of WSO crews in Noyabrsk and Nizhnevartovsk continuously and successfully apply portable DuoFlo™ filters. Their introduction was facilitated, on the one hand, by ensuring high quality filtrate and on the other, by serviceability, maintain-ability, and time saving. The technology of the final fine filtration at the wellhead dem-onstrated that it could be applied even under extreme winter conditions. According to well operators who already tried well servicing with application of such filtration, the well returns to the pre-repair flow rate much faster. Sometimes, flow rate levels significantly increase. This is the main benefit of maintaining high purity of working fluids and protec-tion of the bottomhole formation zone against contamination.

3! Russia, Filtration Equipment Department17, bldg. 3, Krylatskaya street, Moscow

Tel.: +7 495 784 7474www.3MCuno.ru


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Fig. 4. Mechanical impurities filtered from 10 cubic !

meters of the kill fluid 2'(. 4. @&8"/'9&($'& ,#'7&(', 5%)'*+%#5-"//0& ': !

10 7$ #"(%-5#" ;*<=&/'>

Tank truck SL6,(4%+-,82.3, S

Sample | F2(#3Particle content (SS)"(:82D3.%8 -3+,%4,


1W/o filtration | T8& 0%$1,234%% 177

After DuoFlo™, 5 µmF(+$8 >/(G$(™, 5 7'7 66

2W/o filtration | T8& 0%$1,234%% 235

After DuoFlo™, 5 µmF(+$8 >/(G$(™, 5 7'7 61

3W/o filtration | T8& 0%$1,234%% 89

After DuoFlo™, 5 µmF(+$8 >/(G$(™, 5 7'7 17

Table 1. Testing results at well killing !

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