Фестиваль открытых уроков «ГИА...


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Фестиваль открытых уроков


ИМЦ Центрального района

2016-2017 уч.г.

Презентация к открытому

уроку в 9 классе по теме

«Подготовка к ОГЭ по

английскому языку.

Письмо. (Informal letter)

учителя английского языка ГБОУ гимназии №209

Центрального района «Павловская гимназия»

Колобаевой Любови Александровны

Санкт-Петербург, 2017

Цели урока:

• обобщение ранее изученного материала по части «Письмо» в формате ОГЭ по английскому языку: структура и организация письма;

• знакомство с критериями оценивания,

• развитие навыков самоконтроля (нахождение, исправление ошибок и предположительное оценивание письма).

ОГЭ по английскому языку. Часть 4.

Quiz on the components

Address: - Where is it written? What comes first? second? Do we need a comma after the address?

Date: - How to write it: in one word, in two words?

Greeting: –Do we need a comma before the name?

Introduction:-How many sentences should be written in the introduction?

What is the most typical introduction?

Main Body: -How many questions are to be answered?

How many arguments(ideas) should be used to answer each question?

Conclusion: - What is the minimum number of sentences? What should be mentioned there?

Ending: -Is it a new line? Do we need a comma or a full stop after it?

Personal Name – Do we need a comma or a full stop after it?

Quiz answers

-Top left corner. City. Country. No

21/02/2017 February 21,2017



Thank you for your letter. Sorry, I haven’t written for so long.




2. Reference to future contacts

Yes. Comma


matching components with the sentences given

• In your letter you asked me about…

• That’s all my news for now…Write back


• Thank you for your last letter. It was

great/lovely to hear from you.

• Dear John,

• 09/09/2016

• St Petersburg

• Russia

• Best wishes,

Put the components in the

right order



main body,


personal name,




Saint Petersburg



9th September 2016 /09/09/2016


Dear John,

Dear Mary,


Thank you for your last letter. It was great/lovely to hear from you.

I’m sorry that I haven’t written to you…

Great to hear from you again….Sorry, I haven’t written to you so long.

It’s been ages since I heard from you.

Thanks so much for your long letter. Sorry for not replying to you sooner but I’ve been very busy.

Sorry for not replying earlier.

Main Body

In your letter you asked me about…

I was pleased to hear that ….

I was glad to hear that you…


Please write to me soon, and tell me all your news.

If you want to know anything else, just drop me a line.

That’s all my news for now…Write back soon.

Please give my regards to your… And write and tell me all your plans for…

I would really like to see you. Why don’t you come and visit me. Do write back soon.


Best wishes,

All the best,






Letter Correction. Find and correct mistakes.

St Petersburg


Dear, Sheryl,

Thank you for the letter. Sorry, I haven’t been in touch for so long.

You ask me about hobbys that are popular with Russian teens. Many teens are interested into music and playing computer games while others are into do sports. As for me, my hobby is cooking. I feel I not have enouh time for my hobby as I’ve got too many homework. If I have more free time, I’d take up fotography. That’s all for now. I’ve got to get ready for my piano class.

All the best


100 words

This is a part of a letter from Sheryl, your English-speaking pen-friend.

…My friend and I are planning to start a new hobby but we haven’t decided yet what hobby to choose. ? What hobbies are popular with teenagers in your country? Do you have any hobbies? Do you feel you have enough time for hobbies ?

As for my school exams, they are almost over and I’m looking forward to my summer break…

Write back to Sheryl.

In your letter

answer her questions;

Write 100-120 words.

Remember the rules of letter writing.

Corrected letter St Petersburg



Dear Sheryl,

Thank you for the letter. Sorry, I haven’t been in touch for so long.

You ask me about hobbies that are popular with Russian teens. Many teens are

interested in music and playing computer games while others are into doing sports. As

for me, my hobby is cooking. I collect traditional Russian recipes and cook these dishes.

I feel I don’t have enough time for my hobby as I’ve got too much homework. If I had

more free time, I’d take up photography.

That’s all for now. I’ve got to get ready for my piano class. Write back soon.

All the best,


This is a part of a letter from Sheryl, your English-speaking pen-friend.

…My friend and I are planning to start a new hobby but we haven’t decided yet what hobby to choose. ? What hobbies are popular with teenagers in your country? Do you have any hobbies? Do you feel you have enough time for hobbies ?

As for my school exams, they are almost over and I’m looking forward to my summer break…

Write back to Sheryl.

In your letter

answer her questions;

Write 100-120 words.

Remember the rules of letter writing.

Letter Correction. Find and correct the mistakes.

Saint -Petersburg,



Dear Kate

Sorry, I hasn’t written for so much. I have been busy with my studies.

In your letter you ask me about my family. It is not large. I have a mother, a father

and a sister. Unfortunatly, I dont have any other relatives. We try to spend time together.

As for my parents, they are great. I think they are active, caring, helpful and loyal. My

mother is doctor, she is very kind. My father is a manager. He intelligent.

Sorry, I have to go. Write back soon.

Best wishes,


You have 30 minutes to do this task.

You have received a letter from you English pen-friend Kate.

… I’ve got a large family. I love my parents and I often visit my relatives. Is your family large?

Do you often spend time together? What can you tell me about your mother and father?

Write a personal letter to Kate and answer her 3 questions.

Write 100-120 words.

Remember the rules of letter writing.

The corrected letter.

Saint Petersburg



Dear Kate,

Thanks for your letter. Sorry, I haven’t written for so

long. I have been busy with my studies.

In your letter you ask me about my family. It is not large. I have a mother, a father and a sister. Unfortunately, I don’t

have any other relatives. We try to spend time together. It happens not very often, about two times a week, because we

are busy at work and at school. As for my parents, they are great. I think they are active, caring, helpful and loyal. My

mother is a doctor, she is very kind. My father is a manager. He is intelligent.

Sorry, I have to go. Write back soon.

Best wishes,


You have 30 minutes to do this task.

You have received a letter from you English pen-friend Kate.

… I’ve got a large family. I love my parents and I often visit my relatives. Is your family large?

Do you often spend time together? What can you tell me about your mother and father?

Write a personal letter to Kate and answer her 3 questions.

Write 100-120 words.

Remember the rules of letter writing.

Определить тему письма и вопросы, на которые вы должны ответить:

… I’ve got a large family. I love my parents and I often visit my relatives. Is your family large? Do you often spend time together? What can you tell me about your mother and father? – тема письма и 3 вопроса для вас.
