rpH. ,-, L


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rpH. ,-, 11 L



~}:\,' )'(,::.1:.

THO\I.\c; WJllTT \EEJ,

1 -~ ' .i








9.-Dn. ZoPH.rn BnA:SCH.






15.'-JtroGE Jo-:us BnASCH.




HI.- 1-'oc•GnKEEPSIE Br:.\NCH. -


21.-NEw Hxnm Bn.D;cu. 22.-J\lERIDEN JJn..\NCH.


24.-GIDEO:S H1t..\:SCH.

25.-,V.\TI:la,nw Bru~cH. 26.-,\'E:'lTCHESTEH H!lA'.'\CIT.

5 6

10 13 19 23 29 43 55 63 75 81 H5 ~l9

117 127 133 141 14-7 };3;j

1Gl 1G7 17:; 17!! 18;i



27.-TIOG_\. BRANCH. - 199 28.-STEUBEN BRANCH. 207 29.-8CIOTO BRASCH. 211

30.-LE RoY BRANCH. 219

31.-LAKE SHOHE BRANCH. 223 32.-FORT DODGE BRANCH. 233 33.--J EltSEY BRA:S-CH. - 237 34.-BURLINGTON BnA:!'.cH. 243 35.-BINGHAMProx BuANCH. - 249 36.-VERMONT BHANCH. 253 37.-QUEECHE B1tANCH. 2,59 38.-BETHEL BRANCH. 263 39.-DANBURY BllANCH. 267 40.-8AYBROOK BRANCH. 273



To11msTONEs. - 345 50. -FACTS, TRADITIONS AND DATES. 3:'.i5 51.-INDEX OF PLATT NAMES. - 373 52.-1.'\DEX OF CoLLYfEitAL BnANCHES. 387



WnEREFOBE? Let Lonl Macaulay answer wl1e11 he ,i-ay1S that those "Persons who take JlO pridP fo the i&bla achievements of their ancestrm,, will never

•~ieTe an:vthing worthy to he rememher,d with :pride by their remote descendants." 1Vhe1\ an ~y dispute arose in tlie House of Lords between 1t1)eer of noble lineage and one of 3, new creation, tt is reported that .BiiShop ,v arhurton made this re­Jni.rk, "That, high hirth was a thing which he never -knew any one di,.;paragP., except those who Lad it not, ~ he never knew any one t-o make a hoa.st. of it wlio ~ anything else to he proud of." In tlw spirit of these passages, i:-- it 11ot a tluty to ait1 in pre:c;r-l'\'i11g any worthy memorials ( ,f one's ancestr_v awl kiut1rPt1? In this insbrnee, the writer testifi,,:;;, it has lw,,11 a apecial and an absorbing pleasure. Ho was 1h1 to undertake tliis work hy finding a mmm-,cript 0f a relative higldy e,-teem,?d, iu wl1icl1 tlien· ,n,nc iuauy interestiug detailR gathere.1 t,,gPttH,·r f->nt,w t,1·,,;ity­Ave years since. He thought n full n•,:onl would be Ta.luablA aH ti, urntter of hi,;tor_y awl ;1waki,11 intr•rest

-in. family gronpR 110w wi,lely extemled.



WHO were they? Where did they live? and wh&t inspiriting influence for good have they left their de.:. scendants, as a help in life? These enquiries ~li find some answer in these pages. Yet, imperf~ tion must in some degree mark any work of tlii5; kind,' for the _heads _of new families ~o ou~ fr~ every home circle, like the rays of hght from~JJI; luminous centre. What has been d9ue herein ml.j;. stimulate others to a more extended research, ailtt to a more complete reconl. There has been a srie-:: cial effort to secure accuracy in the details, so far r&fi_ they go. _The writer or compiler, like one of Virg:Q.'s characten,,

"Patulae recnbaus Hnh-tegmiue fogi,"

has been reclining at his leisure, looking up at the wide-spreading hrauches of the family-trei,, wliich has been planted in our soil now over two hundred and fifty years. The result of his studies, he hopes, will interest those who are kimlred, and who bear the family name. Good examples among our fore­fathers· must have an excellent influence among thougl1tful de:<cendants. He would not have spent the time and labor he has, if he did not think, his work would be welcomed by large numbers, and_ be;


t}ie tnf:'ans of much good in tLe wideuing circle of a itlfnie:rous kindred.

:His authorities are the New England Genealogical .ticmary, town records, church rncords, wills and ~s~ admirable papers by the late Prof. Jolrnson T. ~ of the Yale Law School ; also letters with full ,,,$; .

aa.tls from Prof. North, of Hamilton College ; from ~ H. Platt, Esq., of New York; fro~ Dr. T. · ' Platt, of Lakewood, N. J.; from Jonah H. Platt,

,/and tlie Hon. Henry C. Platt, of New York; • Dr. Walter B. Platt, of Baltimore ; also from ~n,. ,T oseph C. Platt., of Waterford; J. Cheney ~,of New York; ,fames Augustus.Platt, of Bucks ~ty, Pa.; Jesse Platt, of Montclair; Cyrus Platt, l'if;l)elaware, 0.; Lewi,; C. Platt, of White Plains; C. tlt~i'}e,tt, of New York; and H. C. Platt and N. G. ;f~, of Milford. Many <lata have been received ft• Mrs. C. P. Underwood, of Auburn ; from Mrs. ;;:~~t Atwood, of Waterbury ; from Mrs. Mary P. ~mele, of Greenwich, Ct.; from Mn,. J. G. Mitch­~H, of Columbmi, O.; from l\Iis,; Anna Platt, of 'W'.lfiSrungtou, D. C.; and from Miss A. E. Platt, of Marcellus, N. Y., be;;iide valuable dP.tailF, from many othtYr ~correRponJents who have kirn1ly aiL1ecl in these ~arches. Iwleed there isa large number of othen;

· whose names might be given, wlw have sent import­&ni data to aid in filling out this externh,d family record; to :tll wl1om the writer thu8 wif'hPs to ac­knowletlge his iudflbteduess and convey hi,, thanks. 'Ma.n:r correspondents have expressred great pleaFmre th•t the work has been uudertaken, and tlw:v l1ave 11J)&Tedno pai11s in lielpiug to make it fullamlaccurate.


Mrs. A. C. Maltbie, of Syracuse, N. Y., has kindly sent her "Rescript," entitled, "Down Seven Ge:ne­rations," treating of the genealogy of the Platt~ Treadwell families, and giving valuable de~ specially in the line of Judge Charles Plait, .Q( Plattsburg. It has materially helped the wriiel;: aided by valuable communications froru :Mrs. S. It:. Bailey, of Plattsburg, and Mrs. Diell, of Hamilton~ N. Y. Mrs. 1\Ialtbie's work is verv creditable, &nt.il . . . he is glad to say that she is among the first who have sought to put in order and preserve in print the records of the family. She is a grand-daughtel;' of J uJge Charles Platt. _

"The Platt Chart," by the late Mrs. A. M. Red­field, of Syracuse, a cousin of Mrs. :Maltby, kindly} sent to the writer by Mrs. M. T. Smith,, her daugh,. ter, is the first extended effort to preserve the f&m:•;' il,v records. It was photographed, and it has been widely circulated. By the aid of a magnifying glass it opens to the view many interesting details._ It has been a help in these researches.

Respecting the correctness of the detail$. it should here be remarked, that thi8 will dPpend largely upon the accuracy of those who have kindly contributerl many of the name;;;, date,- aml evenits.. Di,;crepaucies, ,;ometimes olmerved, have heen ·ca.re­fully examined, an<l if possible, reconciled or cM­rected. Tlie tracing of the ancestral linef'. h1,1,s cliie:fly been hy· the aid of imme puhlic or l(:,g:Ll ro­cord. J\Ir. Charles W. PbLtt, of 1\Ioutclair, N. J., &

student in the L1ehigh Univer:;;it.y, Bethlehem, p._, has giveu me many valuable extracts from ral"e


books iu the college library, respectiug the English branches of the family, for·which I feel greatly iu­dehted. They \rill aiLl those who wish to trace the ancestral lines in the mother couutry.



Sm HUGH PLATT, who lived in the days of Shaks­peare and Bacon, was a noted agriculturist in Eng­land. He wrote several treatises on subjects suited to his taste and growing out of his engagements. He was very successful in the cult~re of fruits. There is an interesting sketch of him in Donald G. Mitchell's "Wet Days at Edgewood." He has left on record this eloquent passage : " That rare and peerless plant the grape." The writer of these memorials has often, in humorous moments, re­garded himself as a lineal descendant of Sir Hugh, for the special reason that he has in his grounds more than eight hundred grapevines, most of which he lias propagated and pbuted himself. The old chronicles have not been consulted, and their testi­mony cannot be brc,ught in to decide this family question! It doubrlesH will remain among the un­determiued prolJlerm; of the past. :Moreover, we are conscious that the age of fable precedes the age of fact. Therefore we look for remarkable nara­tives in the dim twilight period. Herodotus and


l,iv,v tell many a classic story before they get into ,the realities of hi:;;tory. It is generally cuncecled, too, .th.p,t Plntarch had great inventive powers. This in­:~iriting fancy respecting lineage, may hence not be tfUt of place in a record like this. Indeed, were all f.Mts known, it might prove, iu the fatherland, that the family there, more fully than in this country, 'could trace their origin to a single individual. In this connection it is well to say that t.l1ere are sev: eral traditions. One, that the first ancestor came from Poland, another, that one branch nriginatEL1 in Germany. True, our forefathers were Britons, supplemented by the SaxoHs, and these reenforced _hy the Normalls under 'William tlie Conquerer. The Teutonie element, hence, is there in any viPw. :But history puflhed too far back often runs into :,nyth or story. We propose to speak mainly in the line of authenticftted fact. / The name was sometimes written with one '' t," an economy which has not been followetl in our extra,­aga.nt 11ay, by the later Jpscendants. Tlinst· ll'ho claim a German origin, say that it wits firRt spdlr,J Platz, which then became Plats, awl Platts, thPn .fully anglicized Plattr·, and filially as w;c, 110w l1ave it. lu the ~orman Freuch it was Pra,li. Owu Pratt. In each irn;tance it rnean8 an opPH, len• l piec>r, r ,f lanc1, showing a u11ity of origin.* Tlills fron1 t111· ,.;tart it Sef\1llS to have an agri(·ulhiral r,ntlo()k. Tl1ic; is primitive. B,v a slight change it mi,(.;ht c·,,111•· fr()lll tLe Gcrrnau '' Bht.t," a leaf. L(•an·,-; a1111 fl,,wen; have much to do with tla, frnit of the circli11g :n·ars.

• Lozelle J·. PlattK, Deep Uiver, Ot.


In the old English records the name is w~n "Playter." The termination "er," is Germu, "llt­

dicating activity, as we have in the Saxon, helptr, maker, doer. The Greek word, plasso or platte-, w do, might suggest a Helenic origin to our frunilr name. It is an honor to be ranked among ffle world's workers.




IT is well known that our family ,

0~ n1tme is quite frequently fomd in

·=""'""'":,,,~ various part;; of England. There J \l/" is gom1 evidence that coats c,f arms

.4: :::::!, ,,,. lrnve been granted to six or seven wt· ' 7P k of the familY frcim t.he time nf Ecl­l\t, ... ,,n,V"' !/J?J ward I~l., 1B26, to ~,he twe,nty-~rst

,. year of Queen Ehzahetli s re1g11. coAT oF AllMR. In the records of the Heraldry

Office in London, it is cal1Pd "tl1e micient a11d honor­able family of Platt." rrlie first ancestnr rif by far tlie most r,f t.lio:c-f• who 1war tlw narrw ii; tl1,, PJJited Stat.E's, was Ril'!1ard Platt, who camP from the very heart of the olcl cnuntrY. '\VP 11n.w; r,,asn11 to tliink tJiat h,~ was born in tbe s;,1rne yP:H i l1at Qneeu Elizahetl1 died, if tll!' follnwi11g si;1tPn1ent n•,tll:c a!)plies to liim: "Hic-l1ard Phtt. ;.;,,n of Jos•Th T'btt, wns !,ar,tJzr,cl Sc~pt. 28, H;u:-;,'; 'rhi,- ic, (·iairnPr1 as nn PXtract from thr parish rPc:or,1s of Bovin;!,1ou, a village near


Hertford, Eng. There are more Richards than one. Some have thought that Richard 1st, as we shall call him, came from Huntingdon or Norfolk, Eng., but the meagre evidence does not establish either of .these statements as acertainty. Indeed, the research in England has been quite limited; The late Prof. Platt, of the Yale Law School, wrote a few weeks before his death, that " a certain Richard Platt founded a free Grammar School between Oldenham and Elstow, in Hertfordshire, during the last decade of the sixteenth century, and it is now in successful operation, or was so quite lately, on the original foundation. This is shown in Causick's History of Hertfordshire. There is also a description of the school in Cluterbuch's History of Hertfordshire." The precise locality of our ancestor's birth hence may be a question that needs more thorough re­search.

But our progenitor, Richard Platt came to this country in 1638, and landed at New Haven. In the records of the colouy of New Haven we read that Richard Platt had eighty-four acres of land in and around New Haven. In the Milford records we read that he was enrolled among its first settlers, Nov. 20, lG39, having four iu his family. "He hacl probably ·brought with him from England his children, Mary, John, Isaac ancl Sarah; for his first child bap­tized in Milford, by ·the record, was Epene­tus, July ~2, !640. Sul>sequently were.P baptized, Hannah, Ot,.tober 1, 1G43 ; J osiah~164:5, and Joseph iJ/!649." After his arrival in New Haven, Richard Platt acquired possession, among others, of


'sreveral acres of laud iu what is now the lwst parL of l-hE> Elm City; (it was on th<' south sill,i of Chapel !'ltreet, near College street, adjoining the grounJ of

/Peter Prudcfou,) in what was called the " I-fertford­'f$hire quarter." But the project of fomH1illg the l.bwnship of Milford, nine miles west 0£ the city, was s-non t.fter matured, anJ. he threw in his lot among the sixty-six wLo formed themselves into a church organization, August 22, 1639, before they ch:pnrted from New Haven, n.nd proceeded to carry out the en­terprise of setLlingtliatflourishi11gtow11sl1ip. Riclrnrd Platt is on tl1e re·cords as a laudowner. His 1H1me is on the list of free-plaut.ers made out iu lG-Hi; he was chosen a deacon in the first clmrch in .Milford iu 1669. It is recorded that his wife, Mary, died in Jmiuary, 1,676. Hi,; <laughters, Mary arnl Sarah, too, probably <lied before the father made his will, in 168:;, for in it he makPE3 bequests to their children iustead of to 't11em. He leaves something t.o each of his five s011s in addit.ion to ,diat he had given them before. lt is ·quite noteworthy tlrn.t 11f~ left tn one of hi,; heirs a legacy" towards bringing up his son to be a scl1olar." This thought and thi;; expression hetrn>' a profnm1c1 interest in the be-st things in life. The fact, too,

·.that he left by will a Bible to eael1 of his 11i1!dt'f-1l

grand-children, shows in rough pioueer Lhys bow sincere arnl earnest he was in his Christian prufo:-;­sion aml life, and tliat hr; regan1ec1 tlif' diYitw wunl as a pt('cious le(.'ney tu l1i-; dtef:CellCla11ts. H,· rtppears en the l'Pconh cL'> 011e c,[ tlie \, it1w,-,;;e.~ to tlir 0 will c,£ Peter Pnullle11. lliL'hanl Platt's estak w:u, e,,ti­mated at about l_iOO p•)ll!Hls st,,rling. Ifo die(l i11


1684. The place where he was buried is not known~ as no stone has been found to mark his grave. It was probably in his orchard. .

In August, 1889, at the late interesting and note~ worthy commemoration of the settlement of Milfori · 250 years ago, his name was mentioned with hODOr;.

and among the coping stones of the beautiful me-: morial bridge erected over the Wapawaug, to p8.l'­

petuate the memory of the early settlers, a stone wa.1(

placed with this iuscription :



Obit 1684,,


This among the cap-stones in the bridge W'1ilJ placed there by the liberality and thoughtfulnetMil of o e of his descendants, the late Prof. Johnson T. Platt, of New Haven.

The sons and daughters of Richard as nearly ill, the order of their precedence as we are able to de­termine, were Mary, John, Isaac and Sarah, then those who were baptized in Milford, Epenetus, Han• nah, Josiah and Joseph. It should be stated that Richard and his sons J ohu and Josiah are recorded among the original purchasers and proprietors nf New Milford. But John finally went to Norwalk, Isaac and Epeuetus to Huntington, L. I.; only Josiah and Joseph remained in Milford, the first home of the family.

!IIE~fOHIAL IlHlDGE ov-.im THE WAPAw.n;n.



No RECORD is full, and ,Vt, rnay say ju,-.t, that ,101•:S

not embody Rome mEcm<n-ials of the daughter:; as 11·p]l

as the scms. \Ve giYe the first pla.ee' tc, t1n,s(, of Richard 1st in tliis rc,cnnl. It is a pri \j [pg,' to honor the "motlwrs iu Israd." HiR 1>]t1er-;t thughter l\Iary rnarri,~,1 Lnke Atkiusnu, of >ew Ihn'.U, }Jay 1, 1651. A second rnarri;1~c: was to Thomas \\' et­more, J amrnry 3, 16G7. His t1,wvli t.t~r, Sarah. 'il'ilS

also twice married, first tc, 'ltionrns Beac-h aud afrer­wan1 tr) :'.\Iile;.,; :'.\lerwill. It was l't't'or,1Pd ma1iy yearn

ago in the New Eugbnd (fonP,:i.l<lgi.eai ])idi(mhty,

that" six ~lerwiwdrn.d gra,dnatPll from Yale L'.olir•~e." His tl1inl 1b11~l1kr, Ha11ual1, ma1-ri,"l a11d n•,,idn1 in Norwalk. TJ1r, J'•·C<,nls :,>;l\P u;e; lint a fp,w ,1Plhi1,-, of the dr•sl'f·11da11t,.: of }l:u·y, Ti1Pre ar,~ i:l<•l'f: tLicP,; of tl1o;;e nf Saral1 au,1 Han.11:d1.

l\lartlm, da11~·litPr flf )iil(•s l',lr•1·wi.11 ;111,I ~;,rali Platt 1wi,low Bi•,tcL1 i1r,111,Ja11n,,ry ~:::, ltiiili. 1;1;;1rH·,1.

,Ja1t1h; PrillW, so11 of :Lrn1f·,-.. :--;,.j,t. :.:1.1. ]tj,,.j; :.'\l:,ry.

twin !-;i,-,t,"r of ~hrti1,t, 1r1arl'iPd ;\I 1. H nll. Harnwli, tbir,1 cbn~hkr. 11r,r:, ,1\",,v. Ii. liii:7. ll!ar,·i,'.,l _\.].,,} IIoll,ru,,k, Dec. 2Ci, HiS:J. l>,·l1nrali, fnurtl1 (tangiitPr


of 1\Iiles aucl Sarah ~Ierwiu, born April, 1670, mar­ried Samuel, sun of Samuel Burwell. Sarah Platt Merwin, the mother, died in 1670. N. G. Pond, Esq., of Milford, says" that the late Samuel Irenarns Prime. is a descendant from the Sarah ·Platt Merwin mar­riage by Martl~a Merwin who married James Prim fl."

Hannah, daughter of Richard 1st, baptized Octo­ber 1, 1643, married Chris top lier Comstock, October 6, 11{63. Their children were : Dauiel, born July 21, 1664; Hannah, born July 15, 1666; Abigail, born July 27, 1669, who died in her 20th year. Mary, born February 19, 1671; Elizabeth, October 7, 1674; Mercy horn November 12, 1676, and Samuelf Februar_,. 6, 1679. Norwalk was his residence. At a towu meetiug in 1673, "Christopher Comstock was chosen aurl approved oi to kepe an ordinary for the entertayning of strangers." The excellent cus­tom of appointing some "reputable householder to entertayne ye stranger," shows how wisely our fathers managed in their day.

-Daniel, sou of Christopher Comstock, married Elizabeth Wl1ef<ler, daughter of John, of Fairfield, at Blr.ckrock, ,JunP, 1:3, 1692.

-Sarnni:l, youugPst so11 of Christopher Comstock, rnarrie11 Sand,. tla.ugliter of Rev. Tlwrnas Hanfon1, DecemhPr 27, 1705. Their childreu were : Sarah, horn March 2J, 1707; Samuel. 1,orn November 12, 1708, am1 Mary, horn Angu:st :-'i, 1710.

We hencf\ ser, that the collateral lrnwches of some of our fin;t ancestors were the Atkirn;ons, the W Ptmore,:, the BearheR, the :l\forwinR, th 0, Primes, the Hulls, the Holhrooks arnl the Comstoeks.


From the sons and daughters of Richard Platt, the family branches have extended far and wide throughout our country, touching the Gulf, the Pa­cific Coast, and spreading in many of the interme­diate States, as will appear by the record.



Jom; PLATT wns probably the olrlest son of Rich­ard ht, of Milfon1, as he is first mentioned in his father's will. He mrtrried HanuaL Cln.rk, of ?ililford, Jmie 6, 16GO, the ceremony being by the magistrate, Mr. Tre,1t. H,~. returned to Norw::iJk, Ct., 1.is name appearing on tl1e record-, soon after 1660. His chil­dretl were: Jollll, horu Jun,,, 1Gti4; .Josiah, hr,rn De­cember 28, 16G7; Samuel, horn January :!6, 1G70; Jo­seph, l,orn Fel,nrnr.v 17, Hi72; Hauu:d1, 11or11 Decern­bn 15, 1674: amt Sara 11, horn Jlay 20. Hi78. J uLu T'latt, a<"con1iug to tlH: recor,l in ti1e first l,0ok of grants and <fre,ls, lu,d ii lot (if four ,wre8, t1Yo roOlls. The date is 1663. He bought of Tlwrna,; Lupton four aeres in l(i65. It is recnrJul that iie chew a lut for winh·r wheat. In the early Jays of the t..1wu history an estimate wm, placed np,111 Pach nu1e's pnssPssio11s. John Phitt's estate was rated about J.:170 f-terhng. In 1675, in the l!l<lian tronbles, it was l1et.f'rrni1w,1 that. the mePting-hnur,e s1wnhl lw fortified awl garri:;oued for the security of the town. ,Tn!i 1; Pia!i wa,.; oi1 the eommittee •· for c;trr.dng 01; tl,i,- work."

,Jolm, son of Joliu 1st, marriPtl Sarah, ,hagl1t•ol of Ephraim Lnekwood, 1Iuy, H)\l;J. TliPy hail cl1il-


dren: Sarah, born March 30, 1697; Elizabetl1, horn Juue 11, 1699; John, born April 2, 1702; arnl Abi­gail, born February 12, 1708.

Samuel, third son of John. 1st, (deacon) married Rebecca, daughter of Samuel Benedict, of Danbury, June 18, 1712. He had one daughter, Rebecca, born April 9, 1713. He died December 4,1713.

Sarah Platt, daughter of John Platt 1st, mar-1·ied Samuel Kellogg, September 6, 1704. 'rhe chil­dren were: Sarah K., born September 26, 1705; Samuel, born December 23, 1706; Mary, bol'll Janu­ary 29; 1708 ; 1\Iartin, born March 23, 1711; Abigail, boru January 19, 1712; Lidiah, born October 30, 1713; Gideon, born December 5, 1717; and Epene­tus, born June"26, 1719.

Joseph, fourth son of John the first, married, November 6, 1700, Elizabeth, daughter of Matthew M~in, 2nd. Rad issue : Elizabeth, born Decem­ber 2nd, 1701. His wife died April 9th, 1703; Jan­uary 26th, 1704, he married Hannah, daugJ ter of Rev. Thomas Hanford. He had: Hannah, born Oc­tober 29th, 1704; and Joseph, born Septem Ler 9th, 1716, if there be not a suspected mista·kP of ten years.

This, the youugeRt s011 of John Platt 1st, seemed to be highly esteemed among his fellow citiz1!11S. A grant to Joseph Platt i.; reconled J·anuary 11, 1699, " of sixteen acres lying at W e8t Rocks, west ;iide of highway loading up to saill Rocks." In the Indian troubles that annoyed the early settlers in New Eng­land, he, as a soldier, bore himself admirably well. He was too young to be in the" diEunal swamp fir Lt,"


which was a fearful struggle; 300 lndians were slain, and nearly as many taken prisonPn,. It wru,, a, dearly bought victory, for six captains aml eighty men wete_ killed or mortally wounded. One lnrndred and fifty afterwards recovered from their wounc1F-. But the Sfl,vage euemy were fully overcome. This was in King Philip's war. Some yean; after thi.s fight., we find this in the town rncord, dated :February 21, 1698: "Granted unto Joseph Platt, as he was a soldier out in the commr,n serYice against, the enemy, the town as a gra.tJlcation for his good service, do give and grant nnto him ten acrr,s of laud, to take it up a mile from the towu, and where it lies free, not yet pitcht upon by any other persons." We find him called Captain Jof'.~lph in 171:l '' Ye worRliipful ,Joseph Platt, Esq.," was one of a committee to fix the limits of an upper village. After a visiting clergyman ·was at Norwalk, he was appointeJ to "attend ye Rev. Mr. Drnkins011 home into _ye ,Jersies." He wai-1 a ,Justice of the Peace in 17~6-7. These positions show the estimation in which he was held.

Abigail Platt, daughter of John Platt 2ud, horn February 12, 1708, marrif'd Jabez San<ln·s, August l, 1753. Children: Samnf\l, Lorn FelJriVti'Y 22, 1754; Platt, December 14, 1756; Thoma!'!, De(•~mher 28, l:'lt'i8; Aaron, Decem11er 23, 17li0: Pollv, llOrn lt.&rch 30, 1762; Bst.her, June 14.17ii4; aw1.SarntuJ, k:1m May 1C, 1767. ,:,.,John Platt, son of ,Jolin Platt 2nd, marrie<l Char­

i\}' Morehouse, 8epfomber 1:3, 1758. 'l'hc,ir cl1ilt1ren were! &rr,h. l•orn 8eptem her 4, 1759; Hannah, horn


April 30, 1761 ; Anna, born February 12, 1764 ; Sukey, June 17, 1770; Esther, born November 12, 1772; and Jonathan, born April 14, 1775.

Samuel Platt married Ann Raymond, March 2, 1757. Children: Justus, born December 4, 1757, (died under seven years); Jabez, born November 22, 1761; Esther, born August 11, 1763 ; Joseph, born June 25, 1765 ; Justus 2nd, born September 10, 1768; Hannah, born May 24, 1771; Betty, born November 27, 1773; John, born December 17, 1777; and Ann, born February 6, 1781; Ann, wife of Samuel Platt, died February 20, 1781.

The Rev. C. M. Selleck, in a foot-note to his Cen­tenary Address in 1886, at St. Pauls, Norwalk, re­marks" that John Platt was the owner in 1792, of pew No. 12, in the old St. Paul's Church, Norwalk," which is believed to be the first church consecrated by Bishop Seabury.

John H. Platt, of Norwalk, whose grand-father was named Joseph, gives . the following data: "My grand-father had five sons and four daughters-, their names were: Alfred M., Jonathan (who was my• father), Joseph, Charles, and Chauucey C. aud daugh­ter,s, Laura, Smian, Emily, and Minerva. Alfred M. was boru October 6, 1800, <lied March 6, 1876. He had three sons, Giles, Cornelius and Frederick M., aud five daughter,;; one son waf> drowned. Jonatka.n had three sons: D:1Vid M., Augustus, and ,Tohn H., aucl three lhwghters. JosepL had two sous, George M., and Edwanl, awl two daughters. Charlei,; had no sons; Chauuce.r 0., had one son, Chauncey, and one daughter. ,



H1s name is mentioned Hecond iu his father Rich­ard's will. He and his younger brother Epenetus are enrolled among the fifty-seven landowners of Huntington, L. I., in 1666. They were doubtless

. ,residents there some years before this date. In 1646 Gov. Theophilus Eaton, of the New Haven Colony, purchased of the Indiaus a tract of land on Navy Island, now called Eaton\, Neck, awl within thE,l presentlimito:f the town of Huntington. In 1653 conveyances were made hy the l!ldia.ns to 11.cl:ual set­tlers who founded the town. Connecticut claimed the jurisdiction of Long L,land, under the charter of 1662, and did not relinquish it until tlw decisio11 of the commissioners appc,i ntet1 to tletermille the bounds of the Duke of Yule\; pateut, in the fall of 166-1. At a general assembly hPl<l atHartfon1, May 12, 16fi4, Isaac Platt, Epeuetus Platt, arnl mauy other,; re;;iding ou Long lHland, were m,ule free planter::;," with liberty to act iu the cl1niee- of public ot1i~n,, for the carry­ing Oll of public affain1 in that pbntation." 'Ihe in­lmhitant,:; of Hnutingt.011 \\'Are yel ol>liµ:ed to take out a patent of confirmation from Gov. XiPoll, November


30, 1666, in which the names of both Isaac and Epenetus Platt appear as patentees. In 1688, also, a uew patent was taken out, the names of the brothers appearing among the patentees. Here it is well to say, that a very interesting history of this old township is found in the Centennial Address of the Hou. Henry C. Platt of New York, entitled "Old Times in Huntingtou." l\fany of the details of this brnnch I find in its rich pages so full of names, dates, events1 and manners and customs of a past century. Isaac with his· brother Eµm:ietus and others was imprisoned in ~ York by Gov. An­drfalws in 1681, for attending a meeting of delegates of the several towns to devise means to obtain "a redress of grievances under his arbitrary rule."

· After their release, at a town meeting a vote was · passe..i to cover their expenses. He and his brother . were among the sterling patriots of their time, fully · recognizing and claiming their civil and religious rights. Their descendants showed themselves

· worthy of their parentage in the Re;,,-olutionary struggle which separated the colonies from the mother country in 1776 and 1783.

In the town.records of Huntington we read that - "Isaac Platt, September 2, 1679, receiv~d a deed of

land from John Green ;" also "a deed of laud from Jonathan Hamet, May 15, 1683." ·we also read that "Isaac Platt. was Recorder of Huntington in 1687."

In the census records of Huutiugton, in 1755, Isaac Platt appears as a liol<ler of slaves ; as also, Epenetus 1st, Dr. Zophar and Mary Platt.

In the records of Milford, Ct., we find that "Isaac '

OLDER HUNTING-TO:'.'< BR,t:-;C;P.. 31

Platt and. Phebe Sruith "'~ere 1narried March 12, 16:10." He made a second marriage accon1ing to the records of Huntington, to Elizi;tbe.th, , da)1.ghter of Jon_a:§.}Yood;twenty odd years afterwi~{<.'t' ·we find no record of children by his earlier maniage. This doubtless, is one of the gaps which oftR.n eome in to puzzle the antiquary in his researches into the dis­tant past.

Isaac Pl~tt was a captain of militia, and it is said of him-that "Le held every offi~e of consequence iu the gift of his tow11srnAn." He lived in Huutiugtou till his death, July 31, 1691.

By the town records his children were: Elizabeth, born September 15, 1665; Jo1:i~s, born Augw .. t 10, 1667; John, born June 29, 1G69; Mary, born Octo­ber 26, 1674-; Joseph, born September 8, 1677; and Jacob, born September 29, 1682. We know little of John, ,Joseph and Jacob.

Jonas Platt, eldest sou of Le!atw, married Sarah Scudder; they had four son8: Obadiali, Timoth-v, J~~;-~nd l;:;a~c. Obiidiab aud Timothy weut ov;r arnl settled at Fairfield, Ct., (See Fau·field Br:mch). JeJ~e and lsa:w 2d, remained in Huntiugton. JeRse, son of Jona;; Platt ht, had three children: ,f('Sfie 2rl, Isaac 3d a11d ZL)phitr. ·

-faaac Piatt 811, sou of Jesse Platt ht, rnanied Esthet' Ketdrn,m Fi~hruarv 27, 1744--5, dit->d l>e<:em­ber, 1772. Chiklnm: Obadiah, baptized I\Ln-eh 23, 1745-fl, died 1829; Efombeth; l\larv aud Sarnh twins; J,~~::;e·;·: baptizc-c1 Angnt1t ;lO, ] '7\!,, manied Deborah Titw,, dj,..,i l\lav 2G, 1827; al!ll Lmae 4th, horn June 14, 1754, dil3d Angu:c.t8, 1840.


Obadiah Platt, son of Isaac Platt 3d, married Mary Platt, daughter of Epenetus Platt, in 1769. He died December 7, 1829, aged 84. She died June 7, 1825, aged 85. Seven children: Elkanah, 1770, Philetus, Daniel, Esther, RebAcca, Phebe and Sarah, the latter born 1783. This Obadiah Platt lived in the period of the Revolution, after which he made his home on his farm at West Hills.

Isaac Platt 4th, son of Isaac Platt · 3d, married Eunice Platt, who died in Huntington in 1862, at

· the age of 97, leaving no issue. She was a daughter of Obadiah Platt, of Fairfield, Ct.

Jesse Platt 3d, son of Isaac 3d, had children: Lewis, David, Ira, Jesse 4th, Ansel, Sarali, Isaac 5th, and Joel. Elkauah, son of Obadiah, of Hunt­ington, married "Dency" 1Vood, daughter of Jere­miah, 1795, and had children : Elizabeth, born February 19, 1796; G~orge W .. late of New York city, born August 2, 1798 ; David, born May 4, 1801; Brewster W. and Dauiel, twins, born July 1, 1804; Nathan C. (late Chamberlain of New York city). born December 20, 1806; Debora W., born February 4, 1809, and Hannah C., horn February 2, 1812. Of these, Elizabeth married Mr. Mortimer; George \Vood married Eliza Roshore, July 7th, 1821 ; David married Sarah Gould ; Brewster died unmarried; Nathan married JanePlumber-hP clied ~lay 23, 1863; Debora married Curtis Merritt, and Hannah married Clark l\ierritt. The following de­tails in this liue are given by Charles Slasou Platt, from the family Bible: George Wood Platt, the oldest son of Elkanah, born August 2, 1798, a.ncl his


wife Eliza, left five chjldren: Henry l\Iortirner, l,orn July 7, 1822; Maria R., born April 20, 1825; George Washington, born August 27, 1833; Mary N., born November Hi, 1835, and Eliza A., born June 15, 1838. George Wood Platt came from Huntington, L. I., to New York about 1810 or 1812. He was a jeweler, and established Platt's Golct and Silver Smelting Works,-which are still in operation. He was asso­ciated with his brothers, Nathan and David.

Henry Mortimer Platt, married Caroline A. 1\r eed, /uly 7, 1843. Their cliildreu were: Ella Loui1m, born May 10, 1844; CliarleA Slason, horn DecernlJer 7, 1846; Grace A., born ,June 18, 1850; FrA.nk Heu­ry, born April 15, 1852. Caroline A. Platt died Aug­ust 3, 1864. Charles Sla,;on Platt, oldest son, mar­ried Florence Wemple Bissell, June 2, 1887.

-Grace A., secoucl daughter, married Frederick Stallknect, October 22, 1872. Their childnm are folll' daughteTs : Caroline A., Lry.ura, Alice, all(l Ella Platt.

-Frank Henry, second son, marrie(l Sarah E. Wiley, April 18, 1877. Their chilflren rm ... : Em~· li,~ Louise, Estelle Cooper, Frauk \Yood, Ch:-trl .. s Hellr:_v aud Siduey, who wai:, l,orn Dr•er,ml1er 11, 18R!I.

:Maria. IL Platt, cl<lest daup:liter of f+,·org,· "\Von,l Platt, mflrriecl Lmae C. "'itliiugtc,JJ, f-;,-pte1u her 18, 18-H. 'rbeir ehildrrm an:: Clrnrlr•R SurnJH'l', 1,onL April 13, 1848; Laura E., Au11i,"". Lrn1 is<>, lni11g Platt, Isaac Clrnrnlkr, l\Iari:, R, wl,n 11;arrihl .:.\Ir. Belirnau, and ELza l'latt.

George Wasliingtou Platt, 8Pco11rl sou of 0Hol'gE'

Wood Platt, mar~ied :Mary Coles, f:iPptemher rn.


1857. They have one daughter, l\Iary Eliza, who marrietl T. G-. Aller. Their chil<lren are-Georgette and T. Gusten Aller. The son was bom in 188/'i.

Mary N. Platt, second daughter of George Wood Platt, marri.ecl James W. Todd, September 5, 1860. Their children: William Platt, born June 4, 1861; (he married Margaret Chrystal, but died without issmi in July, 1886) ; Henry Hartman, born October 14:, 1863; Walter Herbert, horn 1865; GeorgeD., hornFehruary 13, 1869; and Irving Todd, born October 13, 1872.

-Henry Hartman Todd married Ella Grinzebaek, April 27, 1889. They have a son, Clinton, 1)0ru February 1, 1890.

-Walter Herbert Todd has a son, Harold, and a daughter. His wife's Christian name is Clara. They were married July 1, 1886.

The descendants of the late David Platt, second son of Elkanah Platt, live mostly in Huntiugton, L. I. He himself was a jeweler in New York many years. His Ron, Henry C. Platt, lives in New York where he was born in 1840. He graduated from Prince­ton in the class of '58. He married Jenny Dusen- . berry, daughter of Isaac A., of Glenville, Ct.; had one son, who died in '87, in the 21st year of his a~e. He is uow i11 the full practice of law iu his native city. He is United State~iSSistant Attorney for the Southern District of th( State of New York. He has his summer home in Hl utiugton. He has kindly contrihnted important d ta for this reC'ord. In his family Bihle it is recorded that ClarisHa Pbtt, born August 29, 1788, married David Munson, (horn December 3, 1776) October 29, 1808.


Isaac Platt 5th, son of ,T esse 3d, married Sarah ::Matthews, aud afterwards Elizabeth Doty, of Cold

.Spring Harbor, L. I. He was horn 178;'5 at. Huutiug­ton, and died at Geneva, N. Y., 1880. His :-;econd marriage was at Oyster Bay. His wife died at Ge­

·. neva, 1875, aged 83 years. They had five children : Stephen H., Ananias D., Sarah E., :Mary F., and Isa-

. bella E. 1. Stephen Hendrickson Platt married Phebe Rudman, of Penn Yan; their ollly child, now Mrs. Carll, resides at Cincinnati, 0. He died about 1850. 2. Ananias Doty JJlatt. married Parn1e1ia Hall, of Geneva. He die1l iu New York, 188:,. 'l'heir chil­dren are : Sandford Hall, Wilbur Fisk (who died

., 1887), Mary Belle, Lillie E., and Adelai~e Platt. 3. Sarah E. Platt married William Rudman, of Penn Yan. She died 1844. They have a son living there,

. John,J.; a second son, Isaac P., died aged rn. 4. Mary Fowler Platt married JameR M. Soverhill, of Geue,a, N . . · Y., where Rhe now resiLles. 5. Isabella E.

· married Charles D. Morris, of Phelps, N. Y. He died 1867. A son, CharlAs L. l\forris, resides at Rochester. A daughter prettily writes : "My fat lier and my hrnthers were respeetPJ iu the 1'.ircles of church and 1,u;,inf!ss in w hicl1 they morncl, and of each it might lie said,

"He lmre without nhnse Tbi, grand olrl w1c1w of gentleman."


Joel Platt, Ron of ,JesfP,(~ 3c1, married Mis,-; 8uydam of Centreport, L. I.

Jesse Platt 4th. sou of ,Tesse i.$tl, marrie<l Maria McChesney, of New York City.


Sarah Platt, daughter of Jesse 3d, was .-ery beauti­ful ; she had three husbands : Thomas Steele, John Scudder, of Vernon Valley, L. I., aud Joshua B. Smith.

Philetus, son of Obadiah, of L. I., married Con­tent Sammis, of Huntington, and had children: Oba­diah, Zophar, Stephen, Oliver, Watts, Polly, Amelia, Sarah, :£'hebe and Nancy Platt.

Daniel Platt, son of Obadiah, of L. I., married Miss Smith, of New York city, and had chil<lreu.

Esther Platt, daughter of Obadiah, of L. I., mar­ried Stephen Fleet, of Huntington, and haLl cliil­dr.en: Platt, Ruth, and Mary Esther Fleet.

Rebecca Platt, daughter of Obadiah, of L. I., mar-· ried a Mr. Duryea, and had one son, John Duryea; she then manied Jonas Sammis, of West Neck, L.· I., and had four children: Nelson Sammis, of Hunting-

. ton; Daniel P. Sammis, of New York City; Mary Sammis, deceased, aud Sarah Sammis, wife of Jonah Denton, of Lloyd's Neck, L. I.

Phebe Platt, daughter of Obadiah, of L. I., mar­ried Nathaniel Chichester, of West Hills, L. I., and harl children: Nathaniel, Eliphalet, Platt, and Mary Ann Chich( <iter.

Sarah Platt, clangliter of same O1.1ndial1, marrie,l Jesse Rogers, of Huntington, aud ha<l one daughter, Elizabeth Roger,,.

. Zophar Platt, ,;011 of .J q.nas 1st, son of Isaae fin~t, was horn near 1734. Hii married Esther Plfl,tt of Huntingto11 (Platt was her name before marriage) ; they had four children. Phebe, married Nathaniel Smith; Richard, (his secowl wife wa8 Haniet E.


Kirk); Anna Rogers, aud :Medad Platt. A11na Rogers Platt, born at Huntiugton November 26, 1793, died at Poughkeepsie Octobor 31, 1861. She married Amos Platt Ketcham of Huntington, Sep­tember 9, 1811; a second mal'Tiage was to Warren Skinner of Pouglikeepsie, Februar_v 7, 1832. Medad Platt married Ann Eliza Gantz; a ,;ecoml marriage was to Mary Baker.

-Phebe Platt and Nathaniel Smith had four cliil­dren: Phebe Smith, who married George Smith. The other three died in yonth or infancy.

-Richard Platt and his wife Harriet had d1ildrn1: Richard and William now deceased; Haniet, wlio married George W. Wriglit, of Morristown, N. J.; Augusta, deceased, and John Platt and Fred Platt, both in Mexico

-Anna Rogers Platt, who married Amos Platt Ketcham, hnd five childreu : Esther Emily, Alonzo R., Zophar Platt, Andrew J .. aud Hebec.-ca Ketcliam. The childrell, two, uy lin marriage to l\Ir. Skirwer, died in iufa.ucx. Estlier E. Ketcliam, horn J u!y 27, 1812, at Hnntiugton, married John F. Parker, of Poughkeepsie, J\Lav lf..18R7; diNl Fehrnary 7, ]Jiilll/ They liad eight children: '•Aim Aug11st.a,":\hry V11:-;­sar (rnarri,,tl M. 0. D11ttnn 1,10-Pnrg.-. Pa1:ker irnarried LouiRa Beacli1, ~.\.lonzo R/Ehzabetli~Emil_y Pbtt Park_tw (rnarrie,1 ,villiam B. Fox1,1Louise S. Parb•r am1~In.tthPw V. Parkf•r, who marrieJ Eliz,L .\.ngn,;t1L·

'\Villes. GPorge ParkN Jrns 011e f-mrvi.-i11µ: eLihl, George Parker. Emih· Platt Prtrker lia1l f<1m c.:liil­dren: \\'illiam l'ox, Hat-rv ( u,>t livin!.!), IlPRsie a11J Esther J,'px Parknr. - · . ,


Mechcl Platt (son of Zophar), who married Eliza Gantz, hacl six children who reached maturity; others died in infancy. No issue hy the second marriage. They were : Caroline, decease<l ; Eliza­beth, Emily Platt, now Mrs. T. J. Oweu of New York; Maria and Charlotte, both deceased, ancl Annie Platt, uow 1\lrs. Peter Moller, Jr., of New York.

-Alonzo R. Ketcham, sou of Amos Platt, born Au­gust 6, 1814, died Jannttry 15, 1890, married Cathe­rine Bogardus, March 19, 1831. A second marriage was to Sarah Hinsdale; a third to Anna 1\1. Davis. No issue by first. The children of Sarah H. were four: Amos Platt (1842), lost at sea; Edward, who married Elizabeth Ramsdell ; Alonzo C. and Sarah Ketcham, who married George Gatchell. There were five by the third marriage: William P., de­ceasecl; Emily, Anua F., Albert and Samuel Ketch­haru.

Zophar Platt Ketcham, born April 30, 1817, died June, 1822.

Andrew J. Ketcham, fourth child of A. P. Ketcham and liis wife Amrn Rogers Platt, born March 18, 18Hl, nrnrrinl Sarah Anderson October 25, 1842. Three chiltlreu : Andrew Golding, born ,July 7, 1844, died l\Iay 24, 1854; Richard Platt and Annie Ketcham. A r~c_! marriage was to Frances Cowles. L,sne: One so11, Charles. Mr. A. J. Ketcliarn is a banker iu Pougl1keepsie, N. Y.

Rebecca Ketcham, fifth cliil<l, married Samuel B. ,Johnston, 1\foy IS, 1841. They had one child, Mary, who iu 1867 marrie,l Edward Elsworth. ThPy had


four children: Grace Varick, :Mary ,fohrniton, Ethel Hinton and Edward ,v. Elsworth.

Robert Platt, U. S. N., (son 0£ William Platt. of North Carolina, formerly 0£ New York), was born in 1836. His father moved South iu 18:32. His mother was Margaret Ann Potter, daughter of Robert Pot­ter, of North Carolina. He was true to the oltl :flag in the war, ancl was in the South Atfant.ic Blocb.d­ing Squadron; piloted the fleet into Charleston lrnr­bor, South Carolina, and was wournled in the fight. He was many years on the Coast Survey, and i,; now in command of the steamer Fish Hawk, in cmmec­tion with the United State,; Commission Oll Fish and Fisheries. His family resi(le in Washington, D. C. His grandfather was William, of New York, wl10 had three brother;;;, George, Samuel aud Abral1am. Rob­ert Platt had a brother Samuel, deceasetl; his 1Jrother Henry i8 living In North Carolina. Hobert Platt gives theRe dab.

Oliver Platt, ( son of Philetus, son of Obadiah, son of Jom1R, so11 of J,;aac 1st), marrfr::lHnlda Haw1. Their children wPre: Gtcnl'gE', Edwanl aJJ(l John, all decP.ase<l; Timotln- and S,,ral1, wlw clie1l in cliild­hood; awl l\larv, ;.bo tl1•cpa,,;c-cl; Charles S., Oliver 2d, Ezra and L;abPlla. rrlw father die,l i11 Brook­haven, ,Jul:v 2, 'ff), agPd SL

-Ol1as. S., secoud l'>Oll, hnr11 ,Jamrnn· 1, 1826, urnr­rie<l Urania l\I. G"rnnl. Their lw1J1,• ·is in B('llfc:,rt, L. I. Tlieir children-two danghten-:-Kate G .. ,vl10 married H. ·w. Post, an,l Frnnces A., wl10 manie,l H. M. Goldthwait.


-Oliver Platt 2d, left five children, the oldest of whom i::; Frederick W. Platt. The father died fifteen years ago, leaving the family to the care of his oldest son, who married Emily L. Rodman, August 7, 1882, and has two children : Warreu Nelson, born in 1886, and Irving Voorhis, born September, 1888. Their home is in Brooklyn, L. I.

Other details or the descendants of Isaac Platt, of the Older Huntington Branch, will be found in the Fairfield, Meriden, Washington, New Haven, and N_ew Jersey Branches.




HE removed from "Milford with his older brother Isaac, and, was recorded as one of the laud-liolders of Huntington in IH66. With him, Im was imprison­ed by the tyrannical Andros. In 1667, he mi:.rried Phebe Wood. He died 1693. He has numerous de­scendants. His children were: Phebe, born }\Iarch 19, 1669; Mary,J>_c~rn _ ! !3,nuary ll,_i67~ Epenet.us,_,_ born April { HiU; 1founah, born August ~3, 1679; Elizabeth, born March 1, 1682; J9!~1;:bJJ_<:lt9,.,Apr_il 24, Hi84; ,Jeremiah, boru Novemher-25, Hi86; Ruth, b~ri~-J~ne 13, 168S; awl Sarnh, l1orn February 4, 1692. Pl1ebe Platt married ,Jolin TreadwPll; Eliza­beth mDrried Jona.than Smith; and Mary Platt mar­ried Timr,thy Trea<lw0li. Tl1e Hm1tiHgton records say that Epenetus l'iatt reeeiw,d a, ,1eed of land frum G:tbriel Finch, Felmrnrv 24. Hi6(j, and a deed of laIH1 from Thomas Rkidm1,rP.Jn11uary 2'::!, 1G72. Epe1wtus Platt filled many pc1blie positions with alJil1t_v awl credit. Hewn:-; callt>1l Captain, 1tud i\umntimes Lieu­tenant. Hi;; sou Epc,uc:tns 2,-l was Major Platt

Jeremiah Platt, tLP third sou of Epeuet.u.., 1st, horn 1686, marrieJ Hannali---, aml had a son J,;remiah


2Ll, born December 12, 1747, who married l\Luy, a daughter of :Miles Merwin, of New Milford. He, Jernmiah 2d, was buried in Bridgewater, 1805. His wife, Mary, died February 17; 1825, and was buried there. They left a daughter, Hannah, who married Colby Chamberlain, and a son, Newton Platt, born October 18, 1779, eighteen months after the RiRter. Newton married Elvira Canfield, daughter of Philo. Their children were James N. and Evelina C. Platt. ·In the grave-yard at Bridgewater, there is a stone in memory of Jeremiah Platt 3d of the name, buried 1839, aged 67. There is also a stone to "the memory of widow Sarah Merwin, late of Milford. She was the mother of Samuel and Capt. Epenetus Platt, aud grandmother of Jeremiah Platt of Bridgewater." Newton Platt lived in New York and died there April 28, 1861.

James N. Platt above, born February 3, 1817, is a lawyer in New York. He traces to Newton, son of Jeremiah 2d, son of Jeremiah 1st, son of Epenetus 1st, son of Richard 1st of Milford, Ct. His only sister, Evelina C. Platt, born December 15, 1822, married December 26, 1845, Justin A. Bliss. They lHlYe two children, Jnstine Adele, who married "William Frederick Stc,fford, and Ida C. Bliss. All reside iu New York.

,Jeremiah Platt, whose wife was uamed Abigail, was one of the fouuclers of the Tontiue Coffep House iu New York iu 1792. Of the 203 shares he owned two, anJ had them placed, onP in the uame of l1iA son Sydney, horn April 19, 1781, and the other in


tlw name of !1is ll1mgl1ter Amelia, born ,July 20, 178:3. ,Jpremiah Platt was a merchant in New York.

Eneuetns 2d, son o£ Epenelus 1st, ge11eralh calied l\fuj,\~: Epeuetus Platt. born April 4, Hi74, wa~ J.istin­guished as a member of the Colonial AssPmbly from 1723 to 17~W. He <lieLl i.n 1744, at tlie ;tge of 70. His children were: EpPnetus 3J, Zophar, Urfrd1, aurl Solo­mon, and Elizabeth aml P_hebe. Elizabeth marrjecl M. '11ownsend, l?-li~b..e married Col. Be11jamin Tread­well. Tlteir daughter, Pbehe Treadwell (lnl0-]801), married Hendrick On(len1ouk, and was the grP,rnl­mother of the distinguished Bishops of that 11arne.

rrhe repetition of the same names is a,lrnol'it con­fusing. Some mah out that he also had a daughter lVfar.r, who married Timothy Treadwell. Bnt this Mary, was the daughter of E.p(rnetus ht, was she not?

-Epe11etns 3J, 'IVitS a captain of militia, owned a large-la.nded est~t~. but nothiug has been leal'Uell of, his sonH, if l1is li ue he not extinct.

,Jonas J?latt, second sc,;i of Epe11etus 1st, pur­cha~;,a. ·• the farm 0£ Su11k MPadow, L. I., in 1717, (whieli in 184.3 was owned h_y .Jeremiah, one of his descunda11ts,) it is 110w ill the family. He spent his la.st days there, awl left his estate t~> Zephaniah, of L. I., an 0111:v son. ThiR <me ll1[Ll't'Je·d Hrumal1 ·saxt(~Il, at . Hu11d11gtrm, iH 17:W.. Hi;,: childnm were: Jonas, Zt-1,lrnniah, r,f };_ Y.; Nilthrniei, Charlm;, Hanu:d1 a.nt1 Elizal,f:1.11. A ;.;t;i•ou,1

mar;·iagA wa~·-·f;, Ani:1~-Srnitl1, wit1ow of Itieliar,l Smlth aud danghtr•r cf .Job Rmitli. He h:ul d1il.l-1·en: Jert-rniah, Dauiel, Sarah am1 DorothPa.


"Vi'heu Zephauiah was 74 years old, during the oc­cupation of Long Island by the British, he, with many of his ueigbbors, was taken prisoner and driv­en into New York and confined iu the old prison ship. His daughter Dorothea (Brush) hearing that he was ill with small-pox, drove, with a colored wo­man, into the city, and. asked Sir Henry Clinton to allow her to take him home, as he could not live. 'He is an anant rebel,' said Sir Henry. She answered him with tears in her eyes: 'He is an old man and can never more lllJure your cause.• Her tearful beauty and filial affection prevailed. The old gentleman lived only four days after his release; he is buried in the family plot at Sunk Meadow." (This is related by Mrs. Hugh McCulloch, of Washington D. C.)

The " Old Platt Homestead," of Sunk Meadow, now at King's Park, L. I., is the home of the family of the late Elias Smith Platt, who died December 27, 1890, at Lakewood, N. J. In this historic home six generations of Platts have been born. The wi(low's rnaiLleu name was Caroline Child, born in Brooklyn, May 11, 1848. She was married October 24, 1RG7. Tlrn children are : Lucien A., born Septem­ber 27, 18ml ; :Milton L., born February 20, 1872 ; Ellis S., Lorn ~nypmber 17, 1873; anJ Caroline Child Platt, born l\Iarch 15, 1885, the first tlaughter born ou the place si11ce 1754. The Old Homestead is very intereRtiug in memorials. Iu the spacious hall tl1ere lrnng,; a portrait of Col. RiclrnrJ Platt, the Aide of General :Montgomery at Quebec. Tlie grand­father of the prt>seut children was Jeremiah C., son of ,TerPmiah. Their uncles were: Lucien, died aged


three; Herman, who was ill at Princeton College, aud died soon after he was brought home; Eugene J., the second son, is still living. The searcher for old historic lore will find much to interest him in the Old Homestead.

During the oc,mpation of Long lislanfl by tb; Brit~ ish in the Revolution, many young men crossed over to the Connecticut shore to enlist in the patriot army. Their hardships were severe. 1\Irs. ::\leCul­loch gives this mirrative of some of the _youug men from the aforedaicl meadow home. They came over from the mainland for food: "The mother left the window facing the Sound open a very iittle. They rowed over at high tide, and took the provisions

· from the pantry placed there for them. They asked her ·• Is all well?' she answeretl 'all's well,' hut did not see them, for when the sentinel came iu the morning to inquire if auy rebel had bee11 seen, she could say 'no' without uttering a falsehood. Once, Jerry, the youngest of thP four sons who were in the war, m1rne over to seP his motlier and his young wife. An officer founrl him there, lie ran for his boat. and the officer fire,1. Jprry foll, his wife faiutell, and his mother tl10ngl1t him killell, but in the night lie returned tc, lut tl1em lmnw l1A wa:-, ;.;af.,, that his fout was caught in the loug gntss, au<l he fell without tl1e ,;lwt tnuchi11g 111111. Tl11' offiec-r ,mp­pose,l him d~ad, a.ncl did uot. t,1ke the: trouhlH ti,

watlP. into the ,;alt. mm·sh to 8PP. ThP yun11g mait rernaiue,l l1iLlcku Ullti1 aftPr l1ark, Rn as to fn~•- tliem at LouH" fn_1rn ;;orrnw." How this ]et,-; iu li~2;lit upuu the trial;, of mu p:1triot fathfm,.


Jonas, oldest sou o( ~ Platt 1st, marrieLl Tem­perancf\ daughter of Ebenezer Smith, settled in New York city, ancl died iu 1775, aged 4-1. His children of whom we have record were : Richard, Elizabeth and Ebenezer. Richard married Sarah Aspinwall, and ie.ft two sons, Alexander Hamilton and Richard (who died young), and a daughter, Sarah Matilda, who died in infancy. Ale.xander Hamilton married and left one son. Richard Platt, the fath~r of these, was a colonel and an aide-de-camp to General Mont• gomery at the storming of Quebec, December 31, 1775. There is a tradition that Montgomery died in his arms. He was the venerable marshal of the day when the General's remains were received iu New York and re-interred in front of St. Paul's church in Broadway, July 8, 1818; and he was for a number of years Commissary General of the State of New York. Ebenezer was taken prisoner in the Revolu­tionary war and, it is said, carried to Londou. Re­gaining his liberty, it is related that he married the sister of the wife of Sir Benjamin ·west.

-Jeremiah, fifth son of Jonas ·is£" iu this branch, occupied the family estate at what is now ~alled King's Park, L. I. His wife\, name was HeLlges, of

Easthampton. He left a sou Zepliauia.1, of L. I. For a continuance of this history, the Plattsburg Branch gives iutere;;,ting details of his four ;;,ons : Zephaniah, of K Y., Nathaniel, Charles and Daniel, a,1Hl their 1rnm1•rou,; tlescemlants.

--Dr. Znphar Pln,tt, second son of Epeuetus 2t1, heads the Zr,phar Branch, following this.

-Uriah Platt, tl1it·l1 sou of Epenetus 2d, was born

January 5, 1734, :.tlid dinl ,July 21, 180:l He settled in Qneell's Cnuuty, L. I., married ::Uary Swith, a11d ha<l. five children: l\fargaret, Epe11Ptns -!th, PLilip Smith, l_:riah 2d, aud Catlrnriue Platt. Tl1eir home was at Hempst,eaa. So far as uames and tbte;; C:.Lll

be rBC•Hwile<l, it seemt,i a second marriage ·was to Sr1r:1h Trea:lwell iu 1761. Sli0 was boru ,J,wu:-;,ry-1, 1740, and died Decew lwr 2-i, 1788. Benjamin Platt was tl1eir son, horn ,July 11, 17G2.

-Philip Smith PbtJ, (1732-1801; niarrietl PLwl,e or Elizahetli Mott, tl7a::1-177G; at HernpstP,t,1, L. I.,, ,June 2H, 17ti6. Tlwir el1ildre11 Wpn,: Pl,a,l,t,, Mary, and )Iargaret Kissam Platt. Phwhe, (1763-1855,) married Daniel Kisirnm, i 1770-18Iti_); .l\farg:i.rd mar­ried Benjamin Treadwell Kissam. Piice1e it]](t Dan­iel Kissam l1ad eight, cliil,heu: Da11iPL Philip, Eliz:­abeth, (tlie;,e died in cl1ilc1L<Jod,:; l)::11:iie] i,1. )Iarga­ret, Bt•njitmin T., autl Pl1ilip :S. Platt Kiss;tm.

The will of Pl1i1ip S. Platt, date<l Deer,1ul1er 13; 1747-8, mm,tiuiis l1i'< w1fp Pl111.-l1P, and r·liil,lreu, PlicebP, l\I,try, ,John, Eli;,;alwtl1, S..lab, ai,d Oli.uliali.

-Margarr•t. Platt, tb, fir"t horn ,,fr !'ial1 ht, mar­ried Isaac S1uirl1 at Hernpstr,,1,i. Lnt,;c' L,lau<1. ,Tan­uar_v- 2, 1744. Tlinc- w,·n· d1il,h011: "!\Li1·_,-, ,fa,_.r,b, Uriah, :Ft·r·elnw-. l'btL Plirr-1,e. ElizaLPtl:, Catharine, Philip. T,mac arn1 l\Iargard. Catli;ni11r. rnnnihl J,1e,)l1 131,(:k.~e. tli,. fatltn of .Tnt1Q<· Bn1·k{,, ,,f Dn('h­es;, c,,nntv. N. Y .. wli<> warri1•1l )LLrtlw Oal~le,·. 'fheir da11~l1t0r (;:uhs•rin., .f. 111ani,-11 An~u;-:tus J,'li1;t, t]1P, fatlwr of :\liss Mar;..:,arf:t B11ckt'.f . .Fli11L <•f Kew York

-Epi:me.tm, 4tl1, ~I.]>., is ;;.;aid to 11:tn· 111,011 a snr-


geon in the Continental Army. After the war he lived at White Plains, Westchester County. He died ol yellow fever in New York in 1796. His children '-Were: Epenetus 5th, who removed to New York, arnl Sarah, who married ,Josiah Man, of New York.

-Beujamin Platt, son of Uriah 1st, born 1762, married September 7, 1783, Hannah Woolley, born October5, 176;j. Theirchilrlrenwere: Sarah, Uriah, EliziL TrPadweU, awl Heury Woolley Platt born Aug­ust 2, 1791. Sarah Platt, born October 20, 1784, mar­ried Charles Hewlett. Tl1eir children were: Eliza Ann, born l\Iarch 28, 1808; Beujamin Platt, horn September 17, 1809, died the next day; and Beuja­miu Pl<Ltt, horn August 4, 1811, died August 11, 1815. Clrnrles Hewlett died January 31, 1829. Sarah, his wife, died 1817. Uriah Platt, oldPst son of Benja­min, married Eliza A.nu £eters. Their children were: Hannah Au 11, born October, 1816, died 1886; Sarah Elizabeth, who married Benjamin \Viggins; l\Iariam Frances, horn Septt>mber 29, 1820, who marrit><l Jo­seph Williams, Hl1e llied August 24, 1873; J aue Lou­isa Platt, born April 24, 182.J:, who married James YalP11tiiw; irn,1 BP11jami11 T. Platt, horn 1\L1rcl1 24, 1826, ilie<l ,Jnly 4, 1857. Eliza Treadwell Platt, Llaughter of Benjamin, lrnrn ::\larch 20, 1788, mar­ried Philip Alleu, Octoher 14, 1817. Their childreu were: Benjamin Platt AllPn, Decemlwr 2-i, 1818; Sa­rah Elizabeth, ,fan nary 1, 182~; Emeliue, April 2, 1824; l\fargarc·tta, horn Oct.olwr 23, 1825. EnJPJine Allen marriPtl Blo<>Llgo011 H. Cutter a.t Flnsl1ing, Nowmber 12, 18.J:O; Srll'ah E. Alleu married John W oofo,.'-, DPcem her 22, 1842; :Margaretta married


Benjamin Woolley,January 2H, 1845; Benjamin Platt Allen married Catharine Bergan. The oH Platt homestead at LittlP. Neek, uorth of Hclllpstead, is now occupied by Bloodgood H. Cutter, "the Long Island Farmer Poet," whu marriod ::i, descem1aut of Uriah Plattlst. His wife departed t.his life ::\larch 24, 1881. He has at the homestead HllLny of the ol,1 books in the Platt library. He gave some <)f these data:

Frederic Augustus Platt, of Brnoklyu, J;. I., traces back to Epeuetus 1st, of Hunti11gtou. His fat.her, Epeuetus 5th, a merchant in ~ew York, diecl there, 1843, leaving: William Ependu"., w110 dieLl 1888 ; Maria E., who married Thomas Iloilm,rn Appleby, still surviving her husbawl; Car(Jline W., wl10 Jied in 1888, and Frederick A. Platt, aR abo~·e. Ifo was born in 1817; married 1852, ~Iary Augusta Hull, 0£ Derby,-Ct. His childreu Wfre: FreclArick .A., who died in infancy, Isaac Hull. an<l :\fary Angnsta, who dierl 1884, aged 26.

-Isaac Hull Platt. ;}L .D .. of LakPw<,o(1. X. J., l,,Jrll May 18, 185'3, was uall1Pl1 aft,,_,r his rnnthPr's paternal u11de, Captain L•H1ac Hull, o( Coustil-utinn aml Guerierre mernory. He wu.s a,l111ittr-rl tP tlu, har as a lawyer, bnt fi1:;:i1:v gnuluat,·,l i11 mPdiciue fnJ!li tlie Long hlaud Colkg,! Hospit.a1, 18K2; rnarri;,,l 8,·p­tember 2, 188/1, Emnrn, aanultter of Aar,111 G. Ha,-i­hwl, of BroC!kl\'11. Hi,-, (iltildn~i; are: .Fn-'t1Pl'iL'k Epf•UHus. t>orn Octulwr 17, l:-i'l7, tiiHl HaYilarnl Hull, born April Ii, 1889. lfo ic. \,-dl e:-1t.ddislu·,l ii, liis profe,isiun. His rnotl1er d iHl ,J ,111ua1",. lH\tO. His son l~pEiwtuc\ ic; tho seyc1Jtlt uf this w:me ill ti1e a11-cestral liue.



Dn. ZoPHAR PLATT, second son of l\Iajor Epenetus 2d, heads this branch; born 1705, married N ovem­ber 19, 1738, Rebecca, daughter of Joseph ""Wood, of Huntington. He was quite eminent in his profes­sion, and distinguished as a man of e11terprise and influence in his day. He died 1792. His children were seven: Jeremiah, David, Ebenezer, Elizabeth, Phebe, Sarah and Hannah. Jeremiah died in New Haven; David waH born 1754; Elizabeth married D. Pha.mix; Phebe married Samuel Broome; Sarah and Hannah successively married Robert Ogden, of Elizabeth, N. J. The late Cornf·lius DuBois, of · New York, WM! his grandsoll .. l\Irt,1. :Niclic,l Flo_v<l, of M_ystic, L. I., is a dau;:;hter ()f ~fr. DuBois.

-1\frs. T. C. Doremus, nee Sarah Haiues, mntl..ter of Professor Doremus.of Columbia OollegP, New York, is gladly accordf:d a place i11 tliis anecr;;tral line. She was a great-grand-dau[.":hter of Dr. Zophar Platt, of the younger Huntington Brauch. Her grand-


mother was his daughter Sarah, who rnanied Rob­ert Ogden, of New .Tersey, whose daughter l\Iary was the wife of Elias Haines, a prominent New York merchant. He was the father of l\Irs. Doremus, who was the sister of Daniel Haines, Governor of New Jersey, and a sister of Henriet.ta, who estab­lished "the :l\Iiss Haines school," so well known in Gramercy Park, New York. l\frs. Doremus was the founder, in 1860, of the first distinctive Womau's Missionary Society in our country, the parent of all the others, which have already contributed over teu millions of dollars for foreign missions, and which unitedly have at this time an annual income of one million dollars to aid in lifting up the less-favored of their sex in heathen lands. These facts are de­rived from Dr. A. T. Pierson's " Crisis of Missions." He Rays: "The Woman's Union Missionary Soci­ety, organized in New York in 1860-61, under the leadership of the lamented l\Irs. T. C. Doremus, and with the llfis8imwry Link as its organ, is the pioneer in this country. This unclenominational society led the way, aml ~as the parent of the various boa1:ds now found in connection with all the great Chris­tian hodies." The ":Missionary Year Book" calls this the" mother society" of all the Woman's 1'1is­sionary organization.; in America. These are sterl­ing facts.

-Eheneze1-, third son of Dr. Zophar Platt, boru iu Huntington, 1754, married Abigail, daughter of Jo­seph Lewi!". She ,ms born in 1761 ancl lived tn the age of 67. He was elected to tlie Legislature in 1784-85. Iu 1794 he was appointNl first Judge of Suffolk


County, which place he held five years. In 1799 he removeL1 to New York, and wa:e; in the Cnstorn House many years. He wa,; able, courteous aud J1ospitahle, He di eel June 26, 1839, at tl1P age of 85. His children were : Isa,1.c Watts Platt, many year.;., settled as a clergyru,1u in Batb, N. Y.; Ebenezer, b1-111k cashier, New York ; Elizabeth, who rnarrie,1 James Rogers; and Rebecca, wlio married Etlm:..nL1, a hrother of ,James, of New York. The childreu of the latter were: 'fhe lat,e Rev. E. P. Rogers-; D.D., of New York; .Juhu N., Sarah Platt, ,Juli.-,, antl Harriet Rogers. ? . lsftac ":"atts Platt, il788-l.§fili> son of EhenPZf'l' 1st, married Anna McClure, of Philadelphia. He was a pastor of a churc11 in Bath, N. Y. He die<l 1869. They had five ehiltlrn11: Ebe11ezer, horn· U,23; Jo­seph Sloan, deceased; ,James .McOlnn"' Platt, Archi­balil A. PLtt.t, ,11'Cteased ; and Elizalwth l)latt.

-EhmwzPr 3d, the oltlest, married A1urn, Jaughter of Dr. Charl0 ... Davis, of Eliz:1lwtl1, X. ,l. Tlwir chil­dren w1::re Ch,tdPs D. Platt. Allna )[cClme Platt, "\Yil­liarn Cliffr,d, alll1Lntltr-ff D. Platt. Cbarlt's D. Platt, A. ?\L, gnu1uatr0 ,1 at ·Williams Cnllr•p:c' iu tl1P f'lass of '77. Hr•. i;.; pri11cip:d nf 1\Iorns . .\eadr,my, :'.\lorristown, N. J., whern 11., lias Ltuglit tliP la:c:t -;...-,·t·11 n;an;. He marrie,l l\lary ,Jam, \Y1·st, An~nst, lRH,L 'flwir c-1,il­dreu are: Eleannr 1Y., D(,n,th_,-, a11,1 a snn, Eiclianl ... ,

-Hm-i+H~rrm. 111, n i 1800. -,T;tJll(•,c; :\f,·Clnn· Platt. D . .I> .. ,-;,·,11 ,,f !s:L:t;•\Yatts,

boru 1H2fi, rnarrie,! Fratwr•,-; E. Ppso11, ol .\.,,,. Ynrk IsH1w: '\Villi:Ltn AiPs,n1dr·r n11,1 ~\lit·•· :'.\I,•(:lnn· l'latt. 1Villiam A. marriPd Julia Hawki11so11 ; hrn d1ildreu,


William Wallis and James McClure Platt. William Alexander, the father, is on the editorial staff of the Evening .Zllai"l and Express. The grandfather, the Rev. Dr. Platt, was a successor to his own father in the Church of Bath, N. Y., but after an interval of nearly twenty years. He died in 1884.

-Mary Gildersleeve Platt, daughter of Ebenezer Platt 2d, married Rev.John G. Johnson, of Upper Red Hook, Duchess County, N~ Y. Shs died November 15, 1854, leaving two children, E. Platt, and Ellen G. Johnson. The father, whom the writer of this knew very well, was an able minister of the gospel, and his memory is gratefully cherished by many in his church neighborhood.· He died July 3, 1870. His daughter Ellen Gray, married Henry L. Under­wood. She died in Newark,N. J.,July 3, 1880. Mr. Underwood lives in Birmingham, Alabama.

-E. Platt Johnson, the oldest son of John G., is a graduate of Williams College, in 1869. He is a law­yer of twenty years' practice in New York City.

-Amarintha N. Platt, daughter of Ebenzer 2d, mar­ried Rev. George R. Williamson, late of Amity, N. Y. He died in his 30th year, September 6, 1852, from injuries received in the explosion of the steamer "Reindeer" on the Hudson, near Tivoli, N. Y., on that day. His wife and his oldest son were fatally injurel1, too, the former dying September 15, and Norman, the five-year-old son, in a few hours after the explo:'lion. An 011ly son remains, Edwin B., horn April 5, 1852. He graduated from Rutgers College, New Brumnvick, N. J., in 1871, and from the Colum­bia Law School, New York, 1873, aud he was admit-


ted to the bar the same year. He is in the practice of law in Newark, N. J.

-Sarah Platt, daughter of Dr. Zopbar Platt, born September 27, 1750, married May_l9, 1772, Robert Ogden 3d, son of Robert and Phebe (IIatilelJ), of Elizabeth, N. J. Their cl1ilclren were frrn : Elizabeth Platt, who married Col. Jm,eph Jackson, of R1Jdrnway, N. J.; Robert Ogden 4th, who removed to New Orleans, was JusticA of Supreme Court of Louisiana, a11d an­cestor of the Ogdens of that State; Mary, who mai·­ried~Elia,;, Haines, of New York City, gnnidfother of Rev. Alansou A. Haiues, of Hamburg, N. J.; ;J"ere­miah, who was drowned in boyhood.; and Sarah Platt, who married Cornelius DuBois, of New York City. She is the mother of Henry A. DuBois, of New Ha­ven, Cornelius DuBois of Staten Island, and George W. DuBois, D. D., rector of a churcl1 in E:-;sex, N. Y.

Robert Ogden 3d lost his wife Sarah Platt, 1781 soon after the birth of his daughter Sarah. He was obliged in 177n to remove l1is family to 1\Iorristown, and a year lat.er to Turkey, (now New Provitlence,) to escape the raids of the British from Statea Island. He resided line until near tlie clrn;;e of the war.

-Hannah l)la.tt, Rister of Sarah, was the second wife ofRob .. rt Ogtlou 3cl. The}' were marrie,1 atHu11ti11g­ton on Suncby, jrn;t after service, at t!rn par,.;onage, by Rev. Nathan Woodhull, Dr. Platt';; fumilr uot being awar8 of the marriage, until th .. p:1rt.Jo0:1 ~,:r,1ked home and aunounce,1 it. Their children Wtfff:: Re­becca Wornl Platt, who mrtrri,:,l Dr. F:iar111wl Fowler, of Franklin Furnace; Hannah .A.rndia. Jarvis, who married Judge Thomas C. Ryersou, ci[ Hambnrg, N.


,J.; Phebe Henrietta Maria, who was Judge Ryerson's second wife ; Zophar Platt, William Henry Augustus, anJ Johu Adams Ogden. In 1786, Robert Og­den 3d, arnl his wife Hannah removed to Sparta, N. J., where she died. He afterwards went to Franklin Furnace. He died at Hamburg, February 14, 1826,



THE fourth son of Richard 1st, Joc,ial1, is the fouud­er of this line. There were many of his name, and numerous descendants. He remaine<l in his native town; he was baptizeu in 1645, the probable year of his birth. The town r0corcls say that ",Tosiali Platt au<l Sarah Camfield, both of }[ilford, were married December 2, 1669, by Mr. Jolm Clark, <Jomrnis­sioner." It is stated, too, iu Hrn church records that '.' Jo<:1iah Platt and Sarah, his wife, were admitted to membership October 22, 1672." Their family were four sons aud four da.ughter:3. His eldest, ,T ofl.iah Platt, was born June 29, 1G71. He prolH1.bly died iu in­fancy or early youth, 11s within eight years another sou bears his nB,rne. Sa.rah, the oldest daughter was born SeptemlJer 17, 1G78; l\bry w11s born No­vember 18, 1G75; ,John, a fayorite 1rnrue in most of tlie branches, Witt:>, born September 5, lu77; a secuml Josiah was born January 12, 167n; R_ichard Platt Wat; horn August ~I. 1682; Hannah Platt ,ms bap­tized ~ovember 29, 1G85; Abigail wr1.,; huptized March 4, Hi88; aml JosopL, ,Tannary 15, lCH;;.

Uichan1 Platt 2d, son of ,Jc:-1iah 1st, married Ef>t.er Buckingham, November 7, 170(>; E,o.tor Platt, l1is oldest daughter, was 1;,m.1 April 18, 17G8; Ann Platt


was born November 14, 1710; Mary, September 4, 1713, and Richard Platt 3d, was horn February 2, 1715. This Richard married Me he table Fisk, daugh­ter of Ebenezer, March 1, 1737. The first Fisk Platt was a son of Richard 4th and Sarah Camp, horn 1768. "Richard Platt," it is recorded, "sou of Richard Platt, jr., was born March 30, 1742." This was the fourth in the ancestral liue, the father of Fisk. "l\fehetable, daughter of Richard aud 1\Iehetable Platt, was baptized August 30, 1741." Richard Platt had a son Joseph, "who was baptized September 5, 1784:." So much for the Buckinghams am1 the Richards iu the old time before us.

• Sarah Platt, daughter of Josiah 1st, married Rich­ard Bryaµ. Their children were: Sarah, who mar­rieil7Nettlet.or1; Richard, who married J\Iehetable Clark, daughter of Samuel, afterwards, in 1721, Sarah Treat, daugl'1ter of Joseph; Frauces married, 1725, ,Jeremiah Gillett, afterwards, Stephen Miles; Augu8tU8, lJOrn Jauuary, 1707; Alexander, October, 1709; Hannal1, born January, 1712, married a Bald­win; aud Nathan, born Deceml,er, 1714, married Elizalrnth Wl1itma11, daughtn of Zechariah, June 21, 1nm.

Mary Platt, daughter of Josiah 1st, married Jo­seph Clark, son of Thomas. Their children were: 1\Iary, hon1 l\forch, 1704c, marriefl Joi-;epl1 Sanford, afterwards Thon1~;.; Dalllwi11; Hannal1, born ,Janu­ary, 170G, rnaniell ,Jonr,tlian Fowl,·r, soH of 1Villiam, January H, 172\1; ,Joseph, born October, 1708, mar­rie1l :Mary Sanfonl, t1x.ugliter of A11drew; and Da11iel,/ baptized April 8, 171G, married Atigail, l1aughter of


Samuel aml Silence Buckingham. Prof. J. T. Platt wrote that the town records of Newtown, Ct., give these data following: ".Josiah Platt, of the town and county of New Haven, in consideration of love aml affection to his HOD Josiah Platt, of Newtown, willed him half his land on G8hling Hill in New­town, October 18, 1758. (,Vol. 7, p. 157.) ,Josiah Phitt, of Milford, Ct., in C<.llisideration nf love and good will which I have and do bear unto my grand­son ,Josiah Platt :M, now of Newtow11, Odohei- 18, 1758," willed l!!rn laml in Newtown. (Largr; W>L 7, p. 15fi.) Josiah Phtt, S!"., of 1\Iilforcl, to hit.. ;;;on Josiah Platt, jr., of N,"lw Haven, wi1lHl "108 acres on Gelding Hill in Newtow11." Id, l-4U.

The will of a Josiah Piatt, dated Octobf•r 26, 1758, is on r8ccrd in the Prob,i,tk' Court of New Haven. 'l'he testator rm,ntiol!s his wifr, Sarnli, aml sons Jo­siah, Natl1an, Isaac, Jc,nas, anJ daughter :Frances, (Peck, aud grand-daughters, Sandi, _\..bi~ail an.J :Mary. He gave lands in Newtcrwn t(J his ,;ons .J c,siuh and Jo­nas, arn.1 to hiH grau,1-;;on ,Jo,;ial1. He ga v12 bllds in WaterLury to his sons Natl1an MHl Isaac.

"Nathan Platt and Amos l'latt conveyed to :l\Iary Platt, wiie n! Isaa,c Pl:ttt, la11,h in Zoar, clesceurlecl to tl1r,rn from t.hr·ir rnotl1Pr, Sarah Platt."

J olm Platt. was nt, earl v settler in N E-wtnw11. Ou Februn.ry 7, 17:21--2, lie C(~uveyl·d t.o hiK hrotiwr ,J,J­siah Platt, of ·.'.\[ilf<,nl, tlte (Jlie,-fourth part of a who]f> riglir of commo11age in urnlivi,1,,,.l la11,l throughout tl1P wl10le t,w1i,;]1ip, iBk. l. t,>L 2ti.,. ,lolu1 Platt, of Newtowu, convPveLl land to his hr,lther Richard Platt, of Milford, April 20, 1725, (Vc,1. 3 an<l 4, pagt: 462).


John Jllatt, of Newtown, conveyed lallCl in that to1'·n to his sons, Ebenezer, John n1itl Moses, in 17,11.

In Newtown it is recordetl, March 11, 1766, that Josiah Platt was aged 91; J auuary 3, 1769, his widow was about 91 year,, of age.

In the Newtown Records (Vol. 8th) thiA is found: ",Josiah Platt and Sarah Sanford were joined iu mar­riage covenant, November 13, 1758. Children : Han­nah, born October 3, 1759; N atlian, born Marth 3, 1761; Isaac, born Decem her 24, 1762; Louisa, born l\Iay 28, 176.5; Amos, horn January 12, 1768; ,Jouas, born J anuar_v 11, 1770."

1 It is on record in Newtown that Natl1an Platt, of Waterbury, Amos Platt, of Southbury, Isa:-tc Platt, Josiah Platt, Hannah Platt and Lois Mallery, of Newtqwn, obtaiued from Lidia Platt, of Newtown, widow of Josiah Platt, late of Newtown, a release oI her dower interest in his estate, February 10, 1804, (Vol. 23, page 38). This shows a second marriage by Josiah Platt. "W oodrnont," the house his grand­father built about 1700, is still standing; in archi­tecture, a fine specimen of the American antique, with its long retreating roof.

Nathan Platt, eldest son of Josiah Platt aml Sa­rali, (Sanford) trncing hack to the Milfon1 ,Tosiah stock, was born in Newtown, March 3, 1761; he mar­ried Rnhy Smitl1 of same place. He lived many years i11 "\Vaterbury, Ct. He waR " a soldif:r of tbe Revolutiou." A Reco11d marria~e was to Char­lotte Dickerman. He cliPll in ·walliugford, 1845, in his 84th year. His cliildrPn by hi,; first marriage were: Levi Smith, Alfred, Ely, Almon, Anner, Leon-


~ml, Sarah and l\tartha. Re was buried in ·water­bury. His wife, RulJJ, died 1829.

-Levi Smith, his eldest son, horn 1787, married Patty Hawley, of Danbury. Ile spent his closing days ou his farm there. He died, aged 58. HiR chilc1n'n were: Emmon, M:uy Aun, William, Lorin, and Elizabeth. His son ·williaru, born 1814, mar­ried Fanny Sherman, of Dauhury, (horn 1817). He resides in Newtown, Ct. William'R children were: :Francis, Emily, Charles, Fanny 1-rnr.l Roger. Of these uone survive but Charles S. Platt, born May 1, 184G; he married ~fareh 31, 1879, Ella E. Ingra­ham, of Bridgeport. nnd has tliree children: Charles R., born Jamrnry, 1880; Arthur P., born Febnrnry 22, 1882; and Agues E. Lorin, the next son of Levi S. Platt, was boru in 1817; married ,Jane Sherman, of D:1nbury, 1844; he died in Springfield, Mas~., May 16, 1875, leaving two children living, Annetta and Joseph. He haJ a farm in Pt'l'UK~vhrania.

--Elizabeth, Smith Platt's youngest daughter, mar­ried Harrison Weed, nf .N cw I-faven. They are re1-;id­ing them now. They have four children: De1Vitt, Lorin (,leceased), Harry, and Libbie.

--Alfred Platt, Reeond Ron of Nathan Platt, and Leo1nrd Platt, his yon11gest HOH, give rise to the 1Vaterhurv Ihanel1.

-Ely Platt, thinl 1oon, iieach; tllP Norwich Brauch. --Almou Plutt, fonrth son, rnarrie,l Alviua Allen, of

Waterbury, March fi, 1817. Slie died 1837, a~ed 41, hiaving five childten: Alhert, Mart.lia S., who died iu her 18th year; 1\fa1·y ,Jane, Elizabeth f:;., and Ely Plll.tt. A seeonJ ruaniage wa,1 to Volutia Hall, of Walling-


ford; she died aged 62, leaving children: Ruby .Al­vina, died aged 11; Harvey Almon, died iu infancy; Harvey Almon 2d, born in 1842, died in his 15th year; and Emily Hall Platt. Almon Platt died De­cember 29, 1882, aged 86. His oldest son Albert,

1born December 24, 1818, married Jerusha Ives about 1840. They had two daughters, Martha and Sarah A. Albert married in succession, Lucy B. Barrows, of Pawtucket, Rhode Island, then Paulina Pickett, of Litchfield, and Mary Tuttle, of Southiugton. His daughter Martha married Charles Braithwaite ; two children, Albert and Wesley. They live in Shab­bona, Ills.- His daughter, Sarah A., married Fay Tiffany, of BerkhrLmstead. They- have children, Mary and Arthur. The family now live in Albion, Nebraska.

... Mary Jane, second daughter of Almore Platt, born June 25, 1824:, married Junius Brown, of Waterville. He died without children.

Elizabeth S., born August 23, 1827, married Lewis J. Atwood, of Waterbury, January 12, 1852. Three children: Lizzie Alvina, born July 22, 1853, clie•d May 12, 1856; Fanuie Finette, born March 25, 1856; and Irving L., born May 17, 1861. The second daughter, Fanuie, marrietl Albert I. Blakesley, De­cember n,:1879; she dietl October 10, 1884, not lo11g after the birth of a daught~r, Beth Margaret, who died in infancy. Irving L. married Jeunie M. Ford, December 28, 1882. Their children are : Lewis Ir­ving Atwood, born November 14, 1884, and Carlton F. Atwood, born October 3, 1886. TLe Atwood home is iu Waterhurv, Ct.


Ely Platt, ,;ecoud sou of Almo11 Platt, born :\larch 4, 18::lO, rn-arrietl Frnnces Harrison, of 1YallingforJ, Ct., September, 1851. They haYe d1ildn·n, Harry aud Alice, a11<l others ; resiLling at Carbondale, Kansas.

Emily Hall. youngest dat1ghtn of Allllm, Platt, born ,July 3, ma; lllRITiPtl .Jerome ·wr,,1;:w. They ham Alive M, and Mi1rnie. The farnil.,· resil1,~ at Morris, Ct.

-Of the daughters nf Satl1an Platt, A.1wPr, ntllllftr­riel1, liw,l tn the age of 70. Sara], Hrnaied Daniel Tnttle ; she livP,1 tn her !:-19th year; t1ied at Keno­slm, ·wis., 1889, leaYiug (·lJildreu: .E,1wan1. He1wcca A.nu, Hnhy Smith, .AaroD, Eliza.beth, Sarah In,ue, and Eliza Graee. Of thPKP Re1wc,·a Ailn uiarried DaYid Hull of Sewtown, Ct. They lwve five chil­dren; they are living in I>nulnp, Iowa. The Hecoud daugl1ter, Huhy Smith, marriml "Uans,_,11 Craw: they live in "\Vaterlrnry. (A s011, Edwi11 Craw, i;, married.) Aaron, son of l>ttniel. arnl :--;aral1 Tuttle, 1,orn ia 18:2:3, dietl in youtli. Elizal,etl, l\l., thinl d11 ngliter, bc,rn 1824, married .John A. Smitii, of I>n11lap. Iowa; 1K,tli cfocea,rnd. Saral1 ln·rn,. Lnrn lti:!G, rnarrin1 Horace Oshornfc', 1Kf>'.2: ],r,ttt dPePasHl. Eliza Ura,·\,. fifth daughter, rnaniPLl HiTam Smit],; sl11• di,-,1 lHC'i, The family renH,vH1 l•> Dn11la1,. TliP yonuµ:Pst ;;uu. Ed­wan1 Tuttle, l>orn lS:1.'i, niarrif•t1 Hauuali Curtis,-;, lf<,i,8;

tlwy lmvP tl1n'P l'l1ildren li,.-iug; tlieir oldPHt. dau~li­ter, Liz;1,ie, 111arriell \\'. H. Ft11Jer; living in l'a<.;sai(•, N. J. Edward Tnttlt·, hi,; wifo, arnl ,Josiah a11d Loni,.;e. His d1ildn·n, UH' liYi11µ: in he1Jl)slw, Wis.

-1\Iartlw. daught!'l' of Natl1ai1 Platt, nrnrric,cl AsaLel


Judd. Their children are: Franklin. CalYin, Leonard, aml one daughter, deceased. Cah·iu, born 1824, is living in Iowa. Franklin resides at Plattville, where his mother died, August 22, 1886, iu her 89th year.

George Fowler Platt, born 184:l, deaC'on of the First Church, Milfonl, traces from Richanl 1st, through Josiah 1st, ,Joseph, then deacon ,Josepl1, and Captain J osepl1, to Nathan, liis graml-fatlier, aml Natha11 his fatl1er; his farm has come down to hirn through fiye genemtions. He married Elizahetli A,ltli-1 ; ha.,; one son, ,Yilliarn F .. born 18G7. His hrotl1c-r, Norman S., resides in CheshiTe, Ct., "\\"l.10 marriNl Estelle Beers, of that place. Has 110 surviving children. A third brother is N. Dwight Platt, of Milford, who married Elizabeth ManvillP, October 13, 1809. Frank N. Platt, their only child, was horn December 14, 187.3. E. B. Platt antl Richard Platt are ex-deacons of the First Church i11 :Milford; G. F. Platt and H. N. Platt are uow the acting deacons. This lwuorahle distinction jn tl1e First Church ill Milforn., haR con­tinued am011g those of our 11arne frorn tl1e time of Richar,l 1st,.

OtliPr ,1escelldauts ·of ,Josiah l,;t, uow n•si<lent in :Milfonl are:

Richard I'latt., SOIi of Ridian1, bnr11 De<'Plllher ~n. 1821; lw rnan-iecl AugPlina .LJ.,,lpJ], nf Elizalietli, N. ,T.

Davi<l Baldwin l'iatt alsu so11 of Hidianl, horn 1823, rnarrierl Mary Camp, daughter c,f Elia:-;.

Henry °NAwtou Platt, HOU uf NPwtcn1, born Ko­VPmber 2ii, 18:10. married Smmu Tomlinson, !laugh-


ter of ~athan ( widow Is hell). His brother JoIJah C. Platt resides in A11s<Juia, Ct.

GPorge Fisk Platt, ;;on of Nntlrnu. born April 10, 1835, married Mary l\Iontague, of Northampton, l\Iass.

Elliot Baldwin Pl:ut, s,111 of Josepli and Elizabeth, was born April 2, 1833 .

• Joseph E. Platt is the 801J of Richanl "\Villis Platt and Ahigail (Clarlu.

"William Platt. s•>It of 'iYilliam, born Nonm hel' 17, 1823, married Sarah (h·iatt, daugliter of Curtis; afterward~., Almira A. Haucl, of -n~akrtowu.

PhinPas Plr1tt, ,-:1>11 of TVilliaru, horn, Fe1,ruary, 1833, rnarrietl Ja1wElminll"Clark, daughter of Rogeri.;. He lrns a l1rntlier Tiiclianl iu New H,Lven.

Willis Platt, ;.,nu of D11viu., 1795, a,ll(l grn1Hlso11 of Benjamiu, says that his father left ~[ilforll a1JOut 1812, aud lof'at.~<..l a.t Skarwatele:-:, N. Y. His 1uot.her's maiden name was Bett;ey Higby. The chiidn,n were : Charles, Harv•:·>, Haimah, Eiizn, Danid, "Iartita (Reed), Ahig,1.il IA.1c-ry1, Eliza1wt.L, Is11a('. IL, and 1Villh;. DauiPl, Elizabeth, Isa,w and \\'illir-; only an, liviug. Tiwir lH,rne is iu Sk:tllnatele,.;.

ReY. \Villiar11 H. Plrrtt, D.JJ., of l'ders1mrg. Va., iR l1 son of Hr,urY ,larYis Platt, ,dw, l;or11 at ~ew Beclfon1, C't., rnar{-j,,,l SarnL Daki1t at Arm,nia, :S. Y. 'l'hey lnd ,;ix cl,ilrlren. TliP snu al10Yf•, alH1 his hrotlier Ch:or;..<,· Fi:-,k Plat.t, nf Crnwf/)rd, n:L, /;re tlie only ont.•fi li vwg. Tlie former rnarrip,J Coruel ia C'nt11bnt. nf :,inl,il•·, Ala., lmt fnnuPrh· of (h•or;:6a. Three\ cl;ildru1: CiiarJPf.; "\Y., H()rne;, G-. awl Ell-


ward C. Platt. A second marriage was to Emily Beverly Meade, of Petersburg, Va. Two children : Cornelia G. Kent, of New York, and Johu ~leade of Anacortes, Washington. His present wife is In­diana Meade of Petersburg. One daughter, :Mary Meade Platt. He received his degrees of D.D., and LL.D- from William and Mary College, Ya. He was rector some years in Sau Francisco, Cal., a professor of legal ethics in Hastings Law College, Cal. He was rector of a church in Rochester, N. Y., for several years. He has written "Hand Book of Art Culture," "Influence of Religion iu the Dewl­opment of ,Jurisprudence," "Legal Ethics," "God Out and 1\Ian In," a reply to R. G. lugersoll; "ls Reli­gion Dying?" and the "Philosophy of the Supernat­ural," the Padtlock Lectures in '86, before the Geu­eral Theological Seminary, New York.

-George Fisk Platt, of Crawford, Ga., born i11 1812, married Mary A. E. Smith of Georgia, November 1, 1836. He has one Ron only living, R. H. Platt, who makes his home iu Atlanta, Ga.

The family of Henry Jal'Vis Platt, in full, is aR fol­lows : George Fisk, Ephraim Hawliu, Eliza1Jeth H., William Henry, Ellward, and Edwin. The graud­fatheT of these was Ephraun Hamlin Platt, sen., of New Bedford, Ct. The ancestral line is 11ot fully traced. " Fisk" is a name for the most part hBlong­ing to the ,Josiah stock, whilst the name ",Tarvis" comes in the Fairfield branel1 from the older Hunt­ington line of Isaac 1st, son of Richanl 1st. The true line it is difficult to determine ; the marriage in Sharon Branch may he a clue.




HE is often callerl Lieut. Platt. Richard 1st left the homflstea<l to ,Joseph, his youngest son, with a share of the arable and pasture lands to,Tosiah, next oldf•r. ,Joseph. baptized H.>J,9, married l\fary ~ellog, o:f Norwalk, May 5, rnso; ,Joseph 2d, his SOD, born February 4, 1683, married Elizabeth ·woodbury, January 19, 17()-3; (Sarah Platt,<laugliter of Joseph2d, was born March 28, 1703); Epenetus Platt, 2d, son of Joseph 1st, was born l\'Iay 7, 16UG; Mary, daughter of ,Toseph 1st, was born May 6, 1704.; Samuel Platt ht, son of ,T osepb Platt 1st, was baptize<l September 7. lfifJO; "Samuel, son of Ramuel Platt, waR baptized l\larcii 17, ins."

-Samnel Platt, jr., son of Samue I 1st, married Han­nali Prndden, l\Iay 13, 1742. L,sm.• : Hauuah, born J\hy ~+, 1743; Sa.rnnr-1 3,l, horn October 22, 17-14; Hester, b()rn )lay 17, 1747; Mary, b<,rn ,Ja1,nary 2:.l, 174Q~ aud Gracie, l,orn AugnRt l:!, 17iJ0. Samnel, it sepros, was of the house am1 linBagP c,f .J n,;L•pli.

In the )Iilfonl rt-'con1.c; w1, rea:l t lrnt ",J us,· j ,!1 I>latt, jT., 111,,.l J\.It-l1f-tal,lP r,~rrn Wf~n, marrii,,l ,lUlIP Hi. 17:W ;" if tlii:~ i,-, ,Tol-<PJil1 1d it ii-; a ,;1•en1Hl marriaf-(f',

Their chih1re11 wen~ : :-:ia1al1, born :-;PptPltl her 4, 1721; aw1 ,foHr'pl1, l11)rn~1>Yf'!llher la.17:24:. 'I'his is


another reeord : ",Joseph, son of Joseph Platt, was baptized May la, 1711." This Joseph it, is difficult to place; it may be Joseph 3d; possibly dying young he may have left his place a11d name to Joseph 3d, just mentioned, the son of Mehetable Platt.

The descendants of Joseph 1st, now resident in l\Iilfor<l, Ct, are: Na than C. Platt, son of Clark, born April, 1828, married Virginia Brown, daughter of Hor­ace ; also, Luke Platt, son of Clark, born 1833, mar­ried Ellen Cadwell, of Rome, N. Y.; Theodore, also son of Clark Platt, born November, 1837, married Marriett.a Newton D::.-iver, June 12, 1861.

Also, George E. Platt, son of William and Mary, born 1837, married Miss Wakely, then Nellie Merwin, daughter of l\Iiles Merwin.

Henry C. Platt, of Milford, descends from Lieut. Joseph, the youngest of Richard's sons. This Jo­seph ha<l a son Joseph, and his son Ebenezer, late in life married Hannah Green. These had, amoug others, a son ,Jonah who left eight cliilllren : Clark, William, .fonal1, Charles, Maria, Aurelia, Eliza, aud· Mary; of these there are now living only Jonah, in his 82d year, (who resides with his ouly son, Henry C. Platt,) and Mary, who married ,Jaretl Merwin, she surviving her husbaud. Her sister;. l\Iaria, married Isaac Treat, of Orange, who lias eight-c1iHdfeU:--Au­relia married Charles Merwin. Eliza married Abram ~forks. Of the brothers Charles Platt left one Soll

only, Howan1 B.; William Platt left two sous, Georg8 nnd Albert; Clark, the eldest, left three sous, Na­than 0., Luke, and Theodore Platt. The,;e are still living. William Platt left two daughters : Catharine,


deceased, and Laura, wife of Isaac C. Bmith; Clark left oue daughter, Esther, who married "William II. Cox.

H. C. Platt, above named, married Emma Treat, a direct descemlant of Robert Treat, the celebrated Colonial Governor of Connecticut. His oldest son, Harrison Gray Platt, graduated from Yale in the ciass of '88. He taught a year iu the Bishop Scott Acad­emy at Portland, Oregon. He is now in the Yale Law Sc:Lool. The youngest sun, Ro1ert Treat Platt, graduated from Yale iu tlrn class of '8G. He is now teaching i11 the Betts Academy, Htamford, Ct. :Mr. H. C. Platt Las a law oftice in New Haven, Ct. His resideIJ.ce is at ~Iilford. He .1elivered au acldn-ss at tlie 250th aillliversary of tlrn i;ett.lement of ::.\Iilford, August 20, 1889.

JosPph 1st continues hi8 line of desceJldants through the Gideon Branch, aud through a portion ot the VE-rrnont record.



THIS is an offshoot from tl1e oldPr Huutington stock. Obadiah Platt and his brother Tirn,,thy, som, of Jouas, the oldest sc,n of faaac 1st, crossed the sound arnl located at Fairfiekl, Ct. Tlie name of Obadiah is mer:tionetl in it,.; l'l~cord,;, a.bout tLe year 1724, and he is describet1 as frc,rn Huntington. Ac­cording to tLe book of marriages (p. 109), Oliac1iah Platt and :Mai·y Smitlt were joined in rn::.rriage Au­gust 10, 1722. Their c!,il,1ren were: Abel F'la.tt, born August 2, 1723 ; Sara Ii, hon, June 25, 1725 ; ,Jo11as, Lorn Octoher ~i, 1727, a1,cestnr ()f Hon. 0. H. I'latt; Obadiah, born Au~·ust 8. 1729, ancestor of Prof. ,John,.;011 T. llbtt; An!l, br,rn ~overnt,er 5, 1731 ; DaYirl, horn Sr-pt,,mher 15, 17:-;4 : 2\lary, born January 7, 17:JC, mtl1 Elizaheth, l,on1 1\fay lU, ln7. l\Iary, wifo r,[ ()l1,1.li:•1, ht, 1liP(l at lti[lgdield. };°o­

vernl,er JC. 1771. A.1,d 1in,cl in tli(' 1iari-d1 of Hr-d­ding, in the 110rth1erl:, part nf Fairfi,ild, an,l in Uidge­field, to whicL lit· n~rnnvetl ahr:nt. 175G. 'frnditi(m says lt,· wa.c; takf'li prisrn1r·t 1luri11g tl1r- Danlrnry raid, and ci,1Ti':'d t,_. >e\,· Yilrk cit,Y, ,d1t•re he die,l

01md.iah Pbtt. s,,1: of Oha,lialt ai:,1 ":\IaiT. was h,)rn An~ufst ii, 172\l, nJ;d dihl Snn:m1 l>er 2:-;, l 7fH. lfo rt­

sided iu tlte parisL d ~,md1 Fairfid,l, anrl tl1t, l;ouse in which he li-v<",1 is still Rta11ding, alt110ngh somewhat


altered. He first married Miss Treadwell but he had no issue ; a seconcl marriage was to Thankful Scudder, of Huntington, who was baptized thera May 18, 1735. Miss Scudder's mother died when she was a year old and Thomas and Abigail Jarvis, of Huntington, brought her up. She died at Dan­bury 1816, in her 82d year. She was buried at Starr's Plain cemetery. Their children were : Jar­vis, born 1759; Jesse, Obadiah, Alexander Smith, Sarah, who died in infancy, Eunice, Polly, and ; Ahby. There is great probability that all who bear the name of Jarvis will be able to trace their ances­try in this line.

Jarvis Platt, son of Obadiah, of Fairfield, was born September, 1759, and died at Fayetteville, Va., in 1841; His wife was Annie Nichols, of Newtown, Ct. He lived for a time in St. Lawrence Co., N. Y., also in Newtown, Ct., and in Virginia. They had chil­dren: David, 1782-1814; Philo N., 1795-1871; Alex­ander Smith 1800-1826, unmarried. Sallie married E. Sanford, then A. Wilcox, (she was born 1780) ; Charl-0tte, who married Lemuel Sanford; and Abi­gail, who married Norman Tyler. David had two children : Philo 'l'oussey and Alesia or Elosia.

Philo :N. Platt, son of Jarvis, born January 11, 1795, married Paulina EJwards, November 30, 1811. Children: Eunice, 1818-1834; Albert G., 1820, mar­ried Jane Ross, May, 1856 : Nicholas, born May 23, 1823, married Rhoda N., 1855; Paulina, born Jnly 5,

· 1826, married J. C. ]UcDaniels, May, 1853; and Eu­nice M., born March 31, 1832, married Flemming Hud<lleston, 1848, (the latter name not very legible;


Jesse Pl.1tt 1st, sou of Jonas. liYed at Huutiugtou. His children were : ,T esse 2d, w lw lived at Hempstead and died in 1769, (two c,l11l<lren, Hannah and l\L.ry); Isaac, who died l 77~, and Zophar~ b-;rn 1734. (lied

.:March 27, 1811. Isaac Platt, son of :Jesse, marri,,d Esther Ketclirwi,

Feb. 27, 174-!-5. Tlieir children wen·: Obadiah, Eliza.beth, 11ud Mar.v aud Sarah (twins), .Je:;sc and Isaac. The last wa;,: lJnptiz,·'1 ,Tune 1-1, 170-1. He diAd Ang. 8, 18,_l:9_

-Obadiah Platt, son of Isaac al •<Yv,,, mn nictl l\Iary Platt, daughter of Rpcuetus, 17li9. HP- died Ihc. 7, 1829, aged 8-:i:. She died ,fo1tr· 7, lSi,::;, in lier 85th year. · -Jesse Pbtt, bqrn 17G2, se<·urnl ,-on nf Obadiah,

oi Fairfiekl, and Tli.wkful S,'.1Hliler Pliut, nnnied Hannah Haymond, of Norwalk, Ct .. settlerl at '\V(,ston, Ct., a1td left 0118 child, Clarissa Platt, lmrn Aug. 29, 1788, who married Jnclge DaYid l\In11sou, of Dan­bury, whmw rhugliter, C,Lroliw, .:\.. :'.\lu1J,wu, wa,-; tlie wifr, of !Ra..c A. Dusenberry, of 1-'ort Clie;;ter, N. Y.

-Ob.'H1iali Platt., tl1il'd s('ll ,,£ 01iar1:ali of Fair­:fielil, marrie(_l Eliz.'1.,etli 1L,wlf•y, <•I :\,0 wtnwu, Ct. Hr, liY,'rl ,!t OgtlP11·,lmr'--'.. X. Y., au1l l:iul cliil,1rn1: Eu11ice, :Man·, Elizahdlt, Catl1ari111·. SammJ, ;J,,sse, ,Tani;;, -Oliaiial1. Smith awl DaYid 1L Shf- rnrnn Platt, of tl1r· Treasm..- Dr·11;,rtnw11t .. 'iYnc.clii11at<,11. D, 0., anc1 Miss Bes;;i(' Phtt, ;;f Cliieagn, :n·,· tl,,,.,:,,1Hl­anh1 of thi:-:. 01,adiah l'htt.

-8mitl1 Piatt, Iunrtli r-,on of (>ba,lial, of Fairti,d,l, settle,l at Oalw,1.y, f,igl1t rniles frmn Hall;;t.u11. -:\". Y.; rnarrif:'d Am1ie "'Wakeman, of (heet,tiC'l<l, Ct., an..1 lwd


children: Polly, Abby, Eliza, Wakemal Jarvis and Obadiah H. Platt. The last two, dee., were minis".' ters. Obadiah H., a lawyer, was some time in gov,­erument service at Washington, D. C.

-Abigail Platt, youngest daughter of Obadiah, of. Fairfield, married Peter Williams, of 1Vestou, Ct., and removed to Ballston, N. Y. Her children were : Smith, Jonathan, Moses, Platt, Abby, Eunice and Clarissa Williams.

-Eunice, born July 9, 1767, ma.rried Isaac Platt, of Huntington, Oct. 18, 1787. She died without issue, Aug. 22, 1862, iu her 96th year.

-Polly Platt, seconu daughter of Obadiah, of Fair­field, married Denny Hull, of Greens Farms, Conn., April, 1786, and had children Isaac P., Eunice, Den­ny an<l Polly Hull. She died October 9, 1850, in her 81st year. • It is stated that of the children of Obadiah Platt of Fairfield, David, Amos, and Jonas, died during the revolution. Amos and Jonas were taken pris­oners by the British army, and confined in the o1d "Sugar House" prison, in consequence of which both died. David left a large farm at Ridgefield. He had one daughter and four sons, who all died just before or soon after th6ir fatheT's deatl1, Sept. 19, 1776. The tradition is, that he visited the American camp at New York, where he contracted tlie '' Camp distemper," so called. Returning home, the disease proved fatal to him and his children. 'fheir names wereJohu, Daviq,Sarah and Nathan.

Timothy Platt, son of Jon!ts Platt, of Hunting-


ton, L. I., who 1."ame over with his brother Obadiah about 1723 or 4., settled in Fairfield, in the parish of Redding. In the book of marriages and births, in the town clerk's office, at Fairfield, this recorLl ap­pears (page 143) : "Timothy Platt, c1on of Jonas Platt, and Margery Smith, daughter of ,John Smith, were married August 22, 1728." 'I'imothy Platt, son of foregoing, was born June 2G, 1729. Also, Hezekiah, born April 22, 1732; Abiga11, born April 14, 1736; Anne, born August 2(-i, 1739 ; ,T es,,;e, born ,T uly 4, 17 41; and Zehulo11, lJOrn :Feb. 28, 1743. His will was elated Sept. 22, 1784, an<l in it he mentions his wife Rebekah (a second marriage, it seems), al,;o his childreH Timo­thy, Hezekiah, Jesse, Zebulou, Abigail anrl Anne. Abigail married Nathaniel Hull, a.11d Anne mar­ried Hezekiah Whitlock. Jessi-! and Zebulon were ex­ecutors. Jonas, so11 of Isaac 1st and fatlH,r of Timo­thy, was born August 10, 16G7, Huntington, L. I.

Six person8 of the mtm(, of Platt sigHed the Redding Association, Conu. (to npl10ltl the Contiuen­ta1 Congre,;s), viz.: Ahel, Jo~eph and ,Jo11iah, of Fuir­fi.Plcl Co.; Obadiah, of Fairfield, and ls:.ae, Hezekial1, and Timcthy, of H.eJdiug.

Zebulon l'latt clieJ. .Tuly 2:J, 1811:i, agnl 72. PliPl>e, his wife, <licJ. ,fan. 30, 17~10, i t1 tl1e H9t l I yeiLl' of lier age. Elizabeth, liis second ·,vife, di"'l )larc:11 1-1, 1811, aged 50.

Iu the .Fairiidd la11,l n•er,nls thu:e arn1warl:· tl1irty transfer,; of larn1 to aJHl from thosr· of tl1e 1iarne of Platt-OL,.:vlia11, Timi,tln-, Aiid, HPzekial:, ,Juuah, au,l sevf'J·al otlier:-;. ·


Charles H. Platt, sou of Allen, boni at Stepney, Ct., May 30, 1850, is a descendant of Timothy, the brother of Obadiah. His grandfather was James, of Redding, Ct. His great-grandfather was also a. J a.mes, the son of Zebulon Platt, son of Timothy 2d. The family after the burning of Danbury re­moved to New Fairfield, Ct. Zebulon Platt lived at one time at Lonetown, west of Danbury and Bridge­port turnpike. James 1st had two sisters, Margaret and Martha. His children were eight: Joseph, 1794; James 2d, born 1800; David Montgomery, 1808; and Abel, 1814; Hulda, 1812; Betsey, 1801 ; and Deborah, 1803. Joseph, the oldest, died in 1841, David died at Buffalo, Montgomery at New Fairfield. James 2d, died at Bethel, Ct. C. H. Platt, grandson of James, has been a railroad !!}an a­ger many years. He is_ now Gen13ral Manager at the Grand CtuHal titation, New York. He manied Emma J. Burritt, of Southington, Ct., in 1870. He has a son Allen Hemingway, who was born at Fish­kill, N. Y., Feb. 11, 1885. He gives the following data:

The children of James ht were all horn at New Fairfield, Ct., he having removed to that place with his father Zebulon iu 1791. The house the family occupied is still standing.

Joseph Platt 1st, eldest sou of .Tames 1st, married Lydia l\Iirick, at New Lisbon, N. Y., :March 21, 1824. She diecl September 14, tlie following year. A second marriage was to Olive EaTl, May 10, 1826. She died November 24, 1881. Joseph died at Ham­burg, N. Y., May 11, 1841. Their children were

F.\mFIELD Im.A.NCH. 87

Charles 1\1. Platt, son of Lydia, born l\fard1 4, 1825, died JMrnary 2:3, 187fJ; Lydia M., daughter of Olive, horn March 9, 1827 ; William C., son of same, born at Vernon, N. Y., Sept,emher 21, 1828; Horace J., born ,Tau nary 14, rnao, died March 28, 1832; Francis l\I., October 30, 1831, died March 11, 18R2 ; Horace J., horn at Harnbnrg-, N. Y., l\Iareh l, 18::!3; D:wid W., 183,i, diell 18:37; 8arah A., horn Dec2rn­ber 11, 183(:i; an,l Fra,unis H., borll ,January 3, 18!0, died August 17, 18G5.

-Charley )L, oldeRt son of .TnsE~pli, \,nm 18:!;'j, married Aseuath A. Da_vt.,m, at Ede11, Xov. 9, 184'7. Their childre11 were : ,Jolw D., bol'll JHarch 30. 1851; Frank L., 1852; ~f.Louise,NM.13, 18;i,!; ~ettieD., Feb. 18, 1856; and Lewis D., l\Iay 2D, 18:"i!J. Of these ,John n. diAd Sep. 4, 1S;:J2; M. Loni,m manie,1 Frnnk L. Barnet, attor:....,y at Harnhnrg. N. Y., Sept. 8, 1881; Lewis D. nrnr~·ie(l Ann~ A .. -Ha,vtlini·ue, at Al­den, N. Y., Oct. 18, 1887.

-=-,vm. C. Platt, i'H-'Cl\lll1 so:1, 1trnrri8tl.Tulia E. Dart, Jnly 3, 18,J:3. Tirnir cl1ildreu "·en): ·wan1 D., lwrn April 21, 18G3; lrla :\1., April 19, 18,5,'j; Can-iP F., April 9, rn:m. Of tl1P,-,f• "\V rml married )Iar_Y .T. Bar­nard, of Buffal.,, ,T nlY V. '7i:i : i om, child, l\lan· 1.,orJJ May 1. 1888. rlitil i'2ti1 of -,-,.L1ue rnoutli.1 i,Lt J\L marrif!d ArtPlbPrt Rnl.Prt, of :Enrns, _\.pril '2'."I, 1875, and Carrie, F. maniP,l Od. ~fi. 1HR7. 0-. C. Hanl,•sty, Presitlt,nt 1,f Ba11];: of .-1.ll!!oliea, N. Y. ·wnnl l>. l'h{tt is a clerg_nnan :.Lt Hornr-llsville. ::,.l". Y.

Ida 1\1. iLllll A,1el1,r·rt H11lirrts han~ two l'i1iltln:11: Olive Daisy aud Grae·•· H,!m·it>Ua.

-Horn.c(, :J., third Hnti. nrnrrie,l Parw·lia F. Clmrch


Oct. 10, 1867. Their children are: Clarence W., born l\Iay 16, 1870; Eva 1\1., Oct. 5, 1878; and George Asa, Feb. 6, 1881. .

-Lydia 1\L, oldest daughter of Joseph Platt, mar­ried Dr. L. R. Leach, Hamburg, September 5, 1858. Their children a1·e: Willis R., Frank P., Frederic, and Joseph E. Frank P. is a clergyman.

-Sarah -A., second daughter, married Myron 1f alker, at Hamburg, December 10, 1885.

James 2d, second son of James Platt 1st, married 1\Iary Jacobs, November 25, 1818. Their children were: Orriu, born October 27, 1819; Silas B., bol'l! April 22, 1621; Allen, January 15, 1823; Sarnh, August 12, 1825; Hulda J., June 7, 1831; Lorintha, May 12, 1833; William H. and. Syl­vester, born March 27, 1840. 0£ these Orrin mar­ried Betsey Purdy; tliey had· one daughter, Lydia, who married Henry Fairchild. Betsey P. died at Stepney depot, 1863. Her husband married again, and he is fo·ing at Stepney. SilaK D. died at 1\-fac.e­dou, . leaving one numarrieLl son, ,Jame,-, who was born February, 1845. Allen married Har­riet Hemiugway, Odoher 9, 1844. He diecl at Stepney August 30, 1863. She died at Shelton, Ct., April 7, 1890. Their el1ildre11 horn at Stepney were : Theodore F., born January 4, 1846; Charles H., honi May 30, 1850; ~Iary E., born Jnly 3, 1855; awl Ella J., l\foy 1, 1862. 0£ these, Themlo1·p married H. Augm1ta Bristol, NoYem­ber 15, 1866; Charles H., married E. J. Burritt, of Sonthiugton, June 8, 1870-one son, Alleu H. Mary married J. C. Fields, September, 26, 187(i;


two children, Hattie and Julia ; the mother died December 20, 1889. Ella married Dr. J. D. Patter­son, of Brooklyn, L. I., January 20, 1885; one son, Theodore.

Sarah Platt, oldest daughter of James 2d, mar­ried Charles Fowler, now living at Mill Plain, Ct.; two children, Frank· and Emma. Hulda married Rev. ·w. H. Stebbins; she Rnrvive,;. her husband. Lorintha, her sister, married Edwin Whaley, now living at Danbury; two children, Chester and Alice. Of the youngest sonR of ,James 2Ll, Sylvester died when a soldier in the Union army, unmarried; His brother William Henry married l\Iary J. Taylor, of Redding, now living at Bethel, Ct.; one son, George, born ,Tuly 4, 1866, wlw has one daughter, Grace, born January 6, 1889.

Betsey, Deborah and l\Iontgomery, children of ,Tames Platt, 1st, remained permanently. at New Fairfield, Conn. The first married Ethal ·wheeler : Debora, married Xelson Porter; nnd )Ioutgomery, married Lucy Wlialey, Dec. HJ, 1832. The latter has three sonH: Lorenzo D., Edw;.i.rtl C., aml La­fayette W.

Hulda, Hu~ youngest. daughter of .James ht. mar­ried Leamler Beers_- She i~ uow a widow, living at Danbury, Conn. Two d1iklren living: Clark and Emma.

A1Je1, th8 youngeHt snu of ,Tame;.; ht. married Phebe P,Jrter, of Buffa!,;. N. Y., in 181::5. He tlif"d at Dixon, Ill., ,Tau. 13, l-'<77. Their cl1ildreIJ were: Julius ~-\.., l,orn ~Iav 28. 189.fi ; HomPl', lJPc. 4, 1887; Charlotte, DP('. 1, 1R38: ,Jnome, ~lay 2, 1847; and.


Imogene, born Feb. 9, 1858. Of these ,Julius married Hannah S. McDonald, Jan. 9, 1868. Their childreu were: Albert D., born Feb. 24, 1869 ; Ada May and Charles ,T., born April 20, 1872. Homer died Aug. 17, 1839. Charlotte M. married Elias A. Miller, at Dixon, Ill., Dec. 28, 1864. They have one child Anna, born in 1866. Jerome married Carrie L. Hutchings, at Chicago, Ill., Dec. 18, 1872.

Miss Bessie Platt, of Chicago, Ill., gives these data: Her grandfather, Obadiah H. Pla,tt, married Eliza­beth Hawley. Jesse Platt, his oldest sou, was her father. Her uncle is ,Jarvis E. Platt, living in Mani­towoc;Wis. Her brother, Jarvis H. Platt, is of Lis­bon, N. Y. A cousin, 0. H. Platt, a lawyer, lives in Hyde Park, Ill. A part of the year he resides in Tampa, Florida. His brother was the Rev. Wake­man Platt, formerly of New York city. The latter has several daughters. One is a teacher in the musical cousprvat.ory in Dubuque, Iowa; one marrietl a ~fr. Boardma11, a lumber rnerclu1Ilt, who has an island near :Mackinaw, st(Jckecl with bloolled horses. Miss Bessie Platt says : A short time ago t.liirteen cousins visited me. They were from Trumanslrnrg, St. Louis and New York City. At a wedding iu Chicago I met a Mr. Henry Platt, of St. Louis. My fatl1er's cousin Pl1ilo moved to Virgi11ia. I have au Aunt Eunice liviug iu Lisbon, N. Y., quite aged, wLo at Ollfl time lived on Long Island with her unclA Isaac Platt, whose wife was named Eunice. My fatiter's brother, 0. H. Platt, died in Lifllio11 nearly a year


since. I haYe a cousin, Sherman Platt, li-Yiug in 1Vaslnngton, D. C.; lie has bPen in the Treasury Department ernr since the war. He married Miss Emmr. Carpe11ter, who was a daughter ,Jf my father's sister Cathn-ine. I have also a cousin in Mnnitowoc, Mrs. Joseph Vilas, danghi:er of my fo.ther·s brotl1er, ::\I. S. Platt. Our family origi.ually settled in Fairfield Co., Ct. I have a sister, l\Irs. Dr. ,J.P. Webb, who lin~s in Oakland, Cal.; :mother, l\1rs. Dr. MacRae, li,ing in San Francir;;co. I haYe a .twphew, L. C. Collins, in Cnllius. 'I'ex. I ltaYe always understoorl that the> 11anrn of Jar.-is hecame a family name in t.hi,; way : "My gr<'at-great-graucl­mother was Tirnnkful Scnd;ler. She was left an orphan very young, aurl went anr1 liwd wilh a relatiYe whose name was Jarvis. She not likiug her I'uritau name, took the nanw of Faunie ,Tarvis."-From a li:'tter to Prof. .J. 'T. I'latt, of New-Han'll.

Philc, R. Platt, sna of AlLe1t .J., was hor1, iu F:1~-­ottevillP, ,Y. Va., ia l85ti. He Eve1l tliere uearly thirty _Yt~ars. Iu 188:"i lw re1noved to ~Iourn1svillP, \\·. YrL, anil i11 1887 rnarriPt1 .Jemii_ .. Isrnl-1, c,{ the latkr plaee, \\ !i,-rr• lie Hm, r<'Si<1E·s.



Tms is not fully traced. The first name i;; that of Isaac Platt, located in the northern part of the tc1wn. 'l'he Redrliug town 1·econls give these data: Isaac Platt',:: children: Philip Picket Platt, 1orn Febrnary 13, 1766; Sally, :May Hl, 17C7; Huldah, Noveml>Pr 12, 17G9; Rhoda, Jmw 8, 1772; Mary, June 5, 177;i; David, Lorn April 3. 1781, died November 27, 1784. The burial place of this family ir- Strcrr's Plain in the :;011tl1ern part d Dan bury. The follrnvillf'. i11-scriptions were c:.opied from thP s!·,oJJes iu the ceme­tery iliere: "fa . ..;ac Pbtt diPd l\Lncli G, rnr:o in hi:; 88t11 year." "Mercy, wifo of Isaae Phtt, 1li,·ll ~I ay 5, 1827, agw1 84:." "Pl1i1ip P. I'Lrt 1lied .July 2;\ 184.0, 74 years." "ElizatH·tl1, wife of Pliilip P. Pl.ttt, 1lit"d Suly 1, J,S-!7, agPd 81." "Dnvit1 P1Htt, 1liPc1 .Tnly 1, 1855, age11 Ii:; ye11.rs a1Jd :; m01itli,;." "ElizalJd.h, wife of lhvit1 Platt, d i,?d ::'llan·l1 ~-S, ] H71i, a;..:t,t1 8:! year,; all<l ]4 days.'· David wa:-1 a s(1J1 of Pliilip I'. Platt. TLe r,rr,s 1 :1tt 1eprh;e1,tatiYP uf tLt! fawil:r 1'­HellJ·y Bnn .Pln,tt, th f-!iugnlar1y r,11,· 11,a],_, !11('.l!ilwr

ouly lias pnpduatecl tl1,, rnune. H(· t11ltl l'rn;· . .T. '1'. Platt tl,at tiwY "8!'!.' n·lntul to a >11. !-.a1,1ud l'latt. ThE; Reddinu · n~cPnls ,..Jiow tl1at Smnuel Platt aud Ahigail H[l,ll,. \\f'.l'e rnarrie.J OetolH•r 17, 1770. The


will of the above Isaac Platt, dated August 23, 1814, proved at Danbury March 22, 1830, mentions his wife Mercy, his children: Philip Pickett Platt, Sally Rusco, Huldah, widow of Ezra Bates; Rhoda, wife of Solomon Warren ; and Mercy, wife of Cornelius Hull. On page 241 of Vol. II, Fairfield land records, is recorded a deed from Samuel Gold to Josiah Platt, of land in the Parish of Redding, north of Starr's Ridge, dated April 8, 1754. It is quite possible that this Josiah Platt was the ancestor of Isaac Platt above, anct if Josiah died before 1782, his estate would have been settled at Fairfield. These facts were sent to the writer by the late Prof. J. T. Platt.



THIS traces its origin to the yom1ger Huntington branch of Epenetus 1st, Long Islarnl. Zephaniah, Charles, Nathaniel arnl Daniel, sons of Zephaniah, of Loug Island, were the first settlers and proprie­tor$ at Plattslmrg, N. Y. Haviug purchased, soon after the Revolutionary war, a number of military land warrants, they loeated them on Cmuberla11d Bay, on the northwestern shores of Lake Cham­plain, Clinton Co., ~- Y. They in person suneyed and markPd out the patent in 1784. To iuduce a rapid sdtleruent a hundred acres wen, r:,ffered to each of the first ten sd.tlern who should conw 011,

bringing their families with them, and a lnwdrnd acres also as a donation to the first male child born on the patent. It is now a larg(• allCl flourishing towrn-Jiip, with a population of nearly 10,000.

1. ZepLaniali Pbtl, tLe oll1Pst c,f tlie bn,the1·H who settled Plattsburg, was born in Huntingtou, L. I., Mav 27, 17:1i>. · H> pm·d1:,:,;hl i. farm at :Po'keE,psi; D,bnut \!if~ y,,nr 17fi-1-. Tlit'l'P is an i11ci­dent occnni!lg nHn 177i'i, wl1id1 rnitrk,-; lti;.; },,vp of right antl hi,; i-;l<:!rliug patriotislll. \\'hell tlw first open rev-_jlt again,;t tlie Engli,.J1 rul0 l,egan to 1uani­fest itself, at aJJ iun east of Pu'ke>epsie just 1Jeyond


the turnpike, the people had erected "a liberty pole." The Sheriff, who represented the King's authority, with his deputies and constables came and cut it down. A sharp altercation took plac.e between the Sheriff and Zephaniah Platt, one of the leaders, during which the Sheriff accused him of treason and threatened to arrest him. Mr. Platt seized a club and said he would defend himself if he touched him. The Sheriff drew his sword, but was persuaded to withdraw and leave the patriots unmolested. The incident created much excitement. After the Revolution was in full progress Zepha­niah Platt became an active and prominent man in Duchess County. He at once reached the position of a trusted leader. He was a delegate to the Pro­vincial Congress, also to the Congress under the old coniederation. He was elected a member ,of the New York Convention of 1776, for framing a Consti­tution for the State. In 1777 he was one of the Committee of Safety, with John Jay as a colleague, for Duchess County. In 1778 he was elected a State Senator. He was one of the seven delegates from Duchess County to deliberate respecting the acceptance of the Constitution of the United States. He with De Witt, Gillert Liviugston and :Me1anc­thon Smith voted for its adoption. There were thirty votes in favor and twenty-sPven again.;t it. Their votes thus securetl its ratificatiou. He was made :first Judge of the Court in Duchess County . soon after the court was organizP<l, which position he held till 1795. He was also a Regent of the University of the State.


Thu;;; his l)ositious all(1 honors show that he ranke<l as an able :111d efficient leader in his day. He married Haun.ah Da,i:,, anJ had a son Zepha­niah and a daughter Hannah, who married Peter Comst.ock. S!ie left five children: Zephaniah, Platt, Hannah, Daniel and Sarah Comstock. ZPph,rniah Platt 2d, in this hrn.ucl1 2(1, married Bertha Vi,ird, and left six cliil,hen: l\Iary, Elizah,th, Aune, ,Tere­miali, Daniel and Harvey Platt. A secor1cl marri1lge of Zephaniah, (1st in this hrnneh, w:rn to ~bry, a daughter of TLe0t1orns Vall ·wyke, of Fishkill-011-Hurl;,on. The'ir cliildreu. all born iu I'o'keep:-;ie, were twelve in n1unl.i.er: Theodorus, Elizabeth,· Mary, Jonas, "William Pitt, Charles, Nathauid, Rob­ert, M,Lr.f 2(1, Leri, D,1Yi(1 and ,T arneil. Amoug foe dosing works of an actiwi life was the foundiup- of Plattsburg. Hen:, he died September 12, 1807. HiR wife, ~Iar.v Yan WykP, <lied 1809, at the age 0£ f-36. She may well lw regardt'll a;.: "a motlier in Israel." Her remains a.re iu the family tom1> at Plattf;­bur11.

-Theodorus Platt, tlie el,lest, was br,rll .March 2B, 17G:t He marrie;[ Cliarily, daugl1tPr ui Henry })eltze. hsue: Ehz:tLd!t, who ruarri,•cl Tlwnrns (l-rr:Pn, of l'lattshnr;_r; Ifr·1w1·, wlw wn1-ri(,,l Clmr­lot.t.e Elmon; )Luy. wiH, r~arri.-,11 Ifrrnau Crul_,; l1J1(t Cliar]ei-; T., wlt1, marriell Eliza ·walwortli. 'l'li"re wen· four otl1r·r t'LiLlreu. wl10 l11,-,,l in i1Jfa!lc_\' Gr under i,10 ~·t•ars pf ai:,1.,. .A i,;f:1,n11ll lll,brri,tgr! waH

to ,Tnli,t f-:\ailleY: i,.s:.r•, a ,laud1ter, who married Geor;.,:e M,,r,,L,· c,f Plat:sl,nr.~. Tlieo1l"rns l'latt waH

the first Surro!-:ate of Clintnn Connt_r, ] 788.


Charles T. Platt, son of Theodorus Platt, was ap­pointed a midshipman in the United Sti1tes Navy, .Tune 18, 1812. In 1817 he was ordered to the "Hornet." He was promoted to lieutem111t, l\Iarch 28. 1820. He was on the " Guerierre " and then on tlrn "Shark." He was on duty with Commodore Porter on the "Beagle"; then on the ",Java," and afterward on the "St. Louis." In 1888, he was on the !ighthouse service. September 8, 18-H, he was promoted to commander. From October 15, 1850, he was two years in command of the "Albany." His last service was in charge of the mwy yard at Memphis, on the Mississippi. He diecJ. at Newburg, N. Y., December 13, 1860.

The record giveu above is from the Navy Depart­ment in Washing ton, D. C. He married Eliza Wal­worth, sister of the Chancellor. They hacJ. three children: Charles Henry, Sarah Walworth and Eliza Platt. Charles Henry Platt, his only son, graduated from Hobart College in the class of '39. He delivered the Master's oration at the Hohart commencement in 1842. He was rector of the Episco­pal Church in Lockport for some years, then at Bing­hampton, N. Y., fivf- years. He was chaplain of the 28th New York Vols., from ,July 4, 1861, to Septem­ber 13, 1862, resigning on account of failing health. He died in Binghampton, Fduuary 24, 186\l. He ranked as a fine scholar in eollege and showed de­cided ability in hi,; pulpit ancl parish duties. He was a member of the Alpha Delta Pl1i fraternity. He marriell Mary Louisa Jackson, of Lockport, N. Y. One daughter, Mary Walworth, who mar-

T'L.ATTSP.l'ltG RlU.NCH. 103

ried C. N. ·webster, of Bingharny\to11, :N". Y. She is DOW )frs. F. S. Peahody, and is residing in Chicago, Ill. By her father's sec-und marriage there were three llaugliters. The eldest is .i\Irs. 1V. B. l\1c­Laughliu. of Austi11; her hnsbaud is a physiciu.11. The yuungest is the wife of .James Y. Campbell, son of ,Judge Campbell, of Detroit, Mich. The '-lecoud daughter is not married. Tlie widow, l\1rs. Emma T. Platt, reRicles iu Lyons, K. Y.

The writer of this was in <>ollege v.-itlt Charles Henry Platt, and he is very glad to speak guotl word~ in remernhrauce of hi,; faithful fellow-stw1eut.

-Elizabeth Piatt, oldest da11ghtPr of Zephaniah Platt 1st. maniccl C-h·n. J ohu 8mitb, of }faf',tic, L I. No is,;:ne.

-3Iury Platt. Sh·o1i11 1ln.ughter, nrnrried Abraham Brinkerlrnff, of Sew York. She 1JiNl in 1812. J,1rnes Augu,-;fus Platt. lier rn~plww, Las 11 w;;ll-prn­Rervcd oil portrait of bPr at his daughter's, :'.\Ir,-. J. }Jortou Brown, of Xurrist,owu, Pa. H,:r children were: Abraham, 11·]10 dit1(l aged :J2; ::\Iary; Peter, who marri,~il ::'Ilaria LR\Yr,mce, of New York; Doro­thea and Cliar1<!s lkiHkt•rlwff.

--To1rn,-; .Platt. rli<· Sf'cc,n,1 sc,n of ,Jn,.lg,· Zepha­niah, heacls tlie .Ju(1gf• ,fotiris Bra11ch.

-YVilliam Pitt Plait. third F;Oli, a lar~P landowner ou Litke Clia11qJlaiJJ, Jy,r11 April BO, 1771: married Ifannali, ilangl;ter of ::\I()s,-, K(~nt, anrl a Kister of Cl,aucellor IZ,itit. Tli0v har1 si\ cl,il•!n!U: J1wies Kent, Zepha11iuli, :'.\lar~-. ·williai,1 Elizalietl1, aud ~Ios;~ Keut l'latt. J. ,h;ul",-; K,i,d 1;latt wr1,1 a gm.elu­ate of }liddl"'hm·y C!lll,~gP, Vt.; strnliH1 n1e1licine,


and was a Professor in the medical department of Burlington College, Vt. He died April 4, 1824. His two children died young. His wife died in Phila­delphia, 1883, aged 82. 2. Zephaniah Platt, second son, born August 12, 1794, married Lucretia, daugh­ter of Thomas Miller. Two children : Elizabeth, who died young, and Mary, who married James vVestcott, then Edmuud Hathaway. No issue. 3. Mary Platt, born J nly 15, 1796, married Benjamin J. Movers, December 30, 1813. A lady of marked abil­ity and cultured taste. She died April 8, 1869. They left ten children: Eliza, Susau, Hannah Maria, Wm. Platt, .l\Iary, John Henry, Moss Kent, Benjallliu, So­phia, and Robert Platt Movers. 4. William, born February 2.5, 1799, died aged 30. 5. Elizabeth Platt, born May 15, 1806, married May 29, 1824, Henry Ketchum Averill. She died aged 35. Oha11ce1lor Kent says of -her in writing to his mother (his sis­ter) : " She was a woman of strong mind, and of strong feelings, and of great energy a!J(l decision of character." They had three children: James Kent, Henry Ketchum, and Mary Elizabeth Averill. 6. Moss Kent Platt, born J\fay 3, 1809, was a State Sen­ator, a Republica11 Presidential Ele:.:tor, 1868 ; in '72, Inspector of State Prisons, au elder in the Presby­terian Church. He married, October 14, 1830, Eliz­abeth Freligh ; a second marriage was to Ler half sistf-lr, Margaret Fn,ligh. He l1ad five children: Hannal1 K., Lucy, ,T()llll F., Sarah -E., antl Margaret F. l. Hauuah Kent, liorn October 27, 18:32, urnrrird September 2G, 1853, Jrn,eph l\I. Myer,;. TlH'Y lw.d one child, Elizabeth. 2. Lucy 1\I., born May 15,


1835, married Lemuel Stetson, a lrnvyer iu Platts­hurg, November 27, 1856. He wac,; killed in the bat­tle of Autietarn, while in commaud as Lieutenant­Colm:el. 3. John F. Platt, died a senior iu college, 1858, in Ins 21st year. 4. Sarah E. born October fi, 1839, married Willia,m .A. Fnller. Thn'11 children surviYe: ~forgaret Platt, Moss Kent Platt, and Eliz­abeth. G. l\fargaret F. l'latt, born Koveruher 30, '43, married 18G6. Miclrnel P. Myers, now living iu Platts­burg. No is,me.

-Olrn.rles Z. Platt, fourtli son of Jndb"' Zc,pba­niah, born ,July 22, 1773, rnarrieLl Sarah, daug}itr~r of James Bleeker, of Albany. T1H'.ir chihlum were: Hetty, Bleeker, Van Zant, :Mary Platt, Charles Ecl­ward, Josepl1, Robert, awl Rachel. Hetty Platt married Dr. Peter Staats, of Albany. :Nine childr<"n: Sarnh, Eliza,bAth, Clrnrles, Ed wanl D., Bleeker, Mary, Platt, Ettie, and Ed ward. · Bleeker Platt married Ellen Jerolomon. Tl!ree children: Cliarles Platt, L.-1eusiug, and Ble,,hn-. :\iary Flatt, dangliter r,f Charles Z., rnai-riE·r1 ,Ja1ues ·wilder. Three children : Bleeker, Hettie anrl ,To,,ephiue V,rihlu.

-N:,tlnllid Z., fifth sou of ZPplrn11in.li, of Po'ke<'p­sic:, boru 1),,C',in, lwr lii, l 77ii, (li,-,,1 18:!0. He ,v,.s

a rnernlwr of tlw Statu As;.,,,rnlil \. fo! Cliut(/li Ccnu,­t_v, 1807. He rnanie(l 8arali KP_vPs, lR(J:!. Sis• cltil­tlrPn: Elizalwtl1, ~fnry Ya1t V{n:k. Tlit·odorn,;, 8t,,!lhe1,. Sarnn,-l K,·:,··i', a1"1 1'\"illinrn Platt. Of tl1r•:-s,: Elizal,dh unrrri,·d Ca1,t;1i11 Sa.1,rnd Hu.-;sell. (". S. A. "'\. ;.,,•eo1lll marnag;- 1\1~-.; t<1 Fn·1lerick C. Sailly. 11ary Van ,V_,,·ck mani,·,l (.-pn.-ral C. A. ,Vaitt•, e. S. A.· The, •<lorm-; m:1.n-ihl ::\laridta Niehol.... Sl!epliim


and 1rilham (1iel1 you11g. Samuel married 6aral1 J. Carly first, then Lydia l\Iount. He is liYing iu Pl.ttt;,­bnrg,-the only oue suniving of his father\, family.

William Nichols Platt, 1\1.D., a son of the late Theodorus and Marietta Platt, of Plattsburg, nrnr­ried November 23, 1880, Elizabeth L. Jones, of Sl.10reham, Vt. This is the place of his re;:;idenee.

Remy Russell Platt, 1\1.D., of Rutland. Yt., is also son of Theoclorus. He was born liarch 4:, 1866. He is unmarried.

-Robert Platt, sixth sou of Zepliauiah, c,wuetl nearly a thousand acres of land on Curnl1e1laud Head, near Plattsburg. He gave about 200 acres to his brother, Judge Jonas Platt, 011 coudition that he should reside there after retiring from the practice of law. He was a member of Assembly for 1814-15. He married :Mary, daughter of Nathaniel Da.gget, of New Haven. No children.

-Levi Platt, seventh son of Zephrllliah, born in Po'keepsie, April 17, 1782, died March 31, 184:9. He rnarriPll Eliza H. Miller, ,Tan nary 1. 183-t They had twelve cliilt1ren : Da-virl, who l1iet1 _vouug; ::\Iargaret, Mary, ,Jolrn 1\I., Robert, who <1ied i11 iufa1wy; Helen, Levi, Jcrnas, Susan H., James, l'eter l\I., aucl 1Villiipu Pitt, twin,-. :'.\largaret marri,•t1 Cyrn,_; Cat1y; :l\Iary nrnrrieJ ,James B. Caml,lJell, then ,Julm Mor­gan. HPle11 m,tnietl J. Douglas 1Vomh1·an1. Jonas marric1l ls;d,,,lh J\Iorri,-;, tl1eu l\lary Earn,,s. Sus,ll1 H. marrit•d .J;rnies Bailey ; }f n;. Bailey resi1les iu ·Plattx1,urg. 1'Ple1· -:\I. nianir·,l Clrnrlotte .Morga11. 1Vdliam Pitt nrnrrie,l Jaue l\IcNiel, tli•!ll Mrs. l\Iary Hamrnoud. The father, Ll:Yi Platt, wa,; llHlllY yE-ars


Juclge of Clinton County. He was eigltt. years pPst­master of Plattsburg. His sou, Le-.i 2d, followin~ his father, was postmaster nearly twPDT_\' years.

-DaviJ Platt, ne:d to the yonugest, was born ,Tone G, 1784 ; died l\Iay 30, 1S05.

---James Platt, the ;'Ouugest son d JnL1ge Zepha­niah Platt, of Po'kePpsie, herrds tlie Os,\'t•gu brancli.

2. Natlnwiel Platt, the ~eeornl of tlw lJruthers of Plattsburg, a iion of Zepl1:11tiah, of Lu1,g Islaml, was born in 1741. He m.arrinl Phd,E, dan;J1tu i;f Hidt­anl S11Jith, of S111itlit,)wn, L. J., Nny;•rnha 10. 1766. At th\ lir••aking ,;nt of the Ikn.Jntiou, he, Nat1rnuiel Platt, iR crediteLl ·with havillg rais,·d tlte fir,,,t cnJH­

paJJ_y of fr;,ops 011 tlit· isla11d. HP wa,;; attnchr,d to Gene1·:1l \\Tootllmll"s l,rigac1t; in tlie batb, of Long 1-:larnl. Ht· wns very adin· as a partisan .-_,ffieer in preventing Tory risi1Jgs in Snffolk Comity, until fiunlly th8 garri,,,or1ing nf Si'taukd, all(1 utll<•l' places, and the anind of the Ih-itish flePt in LlP.Hl',-. harhnr, ,,blif.:;t·d lii11i :tnd rnm:y otli2rs tu cros:-; tltr! snuu,1 into Cnm11wticnt. H,· \\'a,-; aftpnvanls t.ra1:sf~1TP,l frJ tlie eurnu1issary d,•.1·a:·trnP-11t, au,l was qnit,, •·ilitoi,,nt iu getl.!11µ- L:,tll sur11bf>~ Hlld 1'{-'-t"l"Uir~ f11}" \Ya.:.,Li11~tnu>.; anny I/II !iw Ji:"·,,! tli,• H1L,]s,,J1 H1\'rl'. I-Ji-; s\\·•;rd.

L•·ari11µ- tlw 11:tmL' ,,f ·· .\:d.l1a1,it·l P 1att, J77fi,"' j.., ti, tl1f: J•o:-;s,•csit,11 ,,f lii~. µT:u,.J-.,111, >.. l'. 1\ ,il•'_Y, E.,q., of NH,- , ,,rL. (',q,t:1i11 PLd.t ,lirc.d ;<I J'J:ti,bhi!J'~• ..

181/i. Hi,. d1il,lrt·u "'·n·: 4 ~i·nr~;,, ·w. l.~aw· ~ .. lLi:111:tli, 1'11,•l•f•, .u,,l :\L:1 i;i !'Litt

--L,;aa,: ~-- sP•:<>1ttl. -;OH,,[ ~:,tl1a,1i,·l Platt, 11wrri, d Dr,rnthy , i:111~:likr nf Hi,·lia1,1 S1,iitl1. :u,,i l!a,1 i:-,-:uc :


Sarah A. Platt, who married Rear Admiral Theodo­rus Bailey.

-Hannah Platt, oldest daughter of Nathaniel, married Gen. Benjamin Movers, distinguished in the Revolution as major and adjutant of General Haven's brigade, and in the war of 1812, as general commanding the militia forces at the battle of Plattsburg, September 11, 1814. Their children were : Benjamin, Charles, Charlott~ aud Ann Movers.

-Pliebe Platt, second daughter of Nathaniel, mar­ried Judge Wm. Bailey, and had issue Phebe A. Theodorus, John W., Nathaniel P., James Q., Heury aud Mar_y Bailey.

-Maria Platt, youngest child of Nathaniel, mar­ried Albon Mau, M.D., having issue Albon P., Susan Maria (two by this name), Hannah Maria and Phebe Alida. A second marriage was to Rev. Theodoric Halsey, leaving one daughter, Letitia. A third mar­riage was to Isaac B. Platt, of Plattsburg.

Phebe A. Bailey, eldest daughter of Phebe Platt and the Judge, born 1799, married Capt. Sidney Smith, U. S. Navy. Issue, ·William Sidnev, Margaret and Catherinf'. A seco11d marriage was to Asa :Mas­call, of Malnue. Bailey arnl Tlieodorus B. are his children.

Admiral Theo,1orns BaileJ·, son of Phel>e Platt and ,Judge B., horn at Chat,anugay, N. Y., April 12, 180::i, entered the navy as midshipman, ,Jan. l, 1818; he­came captain 1855, commamln 1865, aucl rear-admiral 18tiG. HP was engaged in the capture nf Rlave,; on foe African coast, 1820-1; twice Flailed around the world


on the Vincennes iu l83:3-8G; aml agaiu on the Con­stelhttion. He servecl 011 the west coast of Mexico in the nlex.icall -War; in 1861--2, commanded the Colorado in the gulf-blockading squadrou. He commanded the

. van divisio11 of Farragut's fleet, having left hi~ own frigate-tbe Colorado, whid1 was uuable to eross Hie 31is,,issippi bar-and hoisted his fla,g ou the Cayuga, April 24, 1862; he "led_upthe river past:F'orts,facksou and St. Phillip, brushing away all(l tl;,stroyin~ the enemy's fleet, capturing with his flag-gunboat three of the rebels' steamei·s aR ·well as tl1e Chalmette re­giment of infautr_v, and tlie uext day, the 25th, was sent by Farm.gut to land and pass through a hostile population, to Llernand the surrender of New Orleans, which he did successfully." He afterwards com­manded the East Gulf blockadillg R(JUJ.dron, captur­ing 156 prizes, large aud small -vessels, entirely stop­pir:g the l'ebel commerce on the statiou guar,led hy his squadron. He afterwrLrrls Rerved in command of Portsmonth 11aval ,-tation, N. H. He married Sarah A., daughter of Isaac R. Piatt, ,Jnnr•, 1831. Js,me: Annie B. (who marrie;l ,valter RT. Jones), Theo­dora, Sarah R .. Margaret S. an(l Edmun,1 S. The aclmiral <liPd DPe. 10. 1877, fr,aYiu~ an honorable uamre in tlir, ;u111al:-; of l1i:'i cuu11tr_1·.

-,Tolin ·w. JJaih•y, hc,ru 1807, son of l'l1d.H: Platt and "William Bailey, rnm-riP,1 Emily Tlrnrl,er. Issue: Thurber. "\Villin.m, Rolwrt awl Plililw I \\'];o marriP,1 C. J. Anws.) 2\:dlianirl P., SOIi (If ,viJfrnn awl Pl,dw BailP_v, marriPd Eliza ::\1., chn~htPr nf .-Jac·oh Lorillard, of ::S-i>w Yr,rk. J:-;su,·: ~lar_y, ,Jarnes J\1. awl Lorillar,l. Of tht· chil,lron of l\lari1_0 l'latt by 1a,r


first husband, Dr. Albon Man, Albon Platt l\Ian, a lawyer in New York, marrietl l\Iary Louise Brower, of Wilkes Barre, Pa. Jssue: ,villiam, Frederick Hal­sey, Alban Platt, Jr., and Laura Gardiner, deceased. A second marriage was to Mary Elizabeth, daughter of Alrick Hubbell, of Utica; he had issue Mary, Alrick Hubbell, Edward, Mary, Gertrude and Arthur Man. Alrick H. 1\11.1,n is a lawy_er in Wall Street, New York.

Susan Marie Man, daughter of Alblm l\Ian, 1\LD., of Plattsburg, married March 21, 1838, the Hon. Hugh McCulloch, secretary of the treasury under Presidents Lincoln and Johnson. They celebrated their golden wedding in 1888 at their home in Wash­ington, D. C. Her grandfather on her mother's side was Nathaniel Platt, of the Army of the Revolution. Her grandfather on her father's side was Dr. Eben­ezer Man, brigade surgeon at the battles of Mon­mouth and Yorktown; both holding commissions from Washington. Her children are Charles Haw­kins, born Septemhn 3, 1840; Fred. Halsey, born ifa:v 22, 1842; Louise, born ,January 18, 185G; and Marie Stewart, born ,Tannary 19, 1867. Charh"'s H. McCulloch married Sadie Ross, of· Yincennes, Iud., l\Iay, 18'65. Their childrell are ,Toh11 Ross, born Novem11er 15, 1869 ta bauker at Fort Wayne), and Fred. Halsey, horu ,Tuly, 1885. Frell. H. M<.;Culloch married Carrie Ri<ldle, of Cincinnati, April. 1867. Childreu: Hugh l\IcCulioch, horn :'.\larch 9, 18H9 iat Harrn,1·<1 in tl1e clasc1 of '91) ; Clrn.rles, horn ,J mw 7, 1873, and LiU,·, 1879. Louise McCulloch rnarri8d ,J.B. YalP, ,Jmw 3, 1884. l\ln;. l\IcCnllocl1 has an


excellent portrait of lier grandmother, Pheue Platt, at her home in \Vashington.

3. Charles Platt, the third of the Plattsburg broth­ers, was appointed a Judge on the org,wization of CliHton Count}·, aml lw helcl the first court in 1780. He lield office till he wa.a;; ,;ixty, the c1J11stitutioual limit. He had bRen educated as a pl1ysician in Paris. He practiced medicine in Plattsburg for rpauy years, gratuitously auwng the puor. He was upwards <•f a J8ar in the army under \Vasl1i1,gtou. He wa,- !Jl>l'll in 1744, and li,· .. d to tl1e Yenerable age oI 87. He 11.1!:1:!.1'.ted ju_lTI~ __ tr':rQ.ll1_1e_i\.1hjance, of Fishkill. Tlieir children were tLree dirnghters aud fiYe sons : )larga­ret, Letitia, Hanuali, Zepliauiah, Isaac C., ClrnrlPs 0., Knthauiel, a1~cf :Natlianicl 2d. :Margaret, born 1793, marrieil N. H. Tn·adwelL in 1813; sh,, t1ied April 8, 1859. Letitia marriPtl HeY. Frederic Halsey iu 1798. Harmal1 iwtrri,c,Ll Eliezpr 1!il1Pr.

-Isaac C. Platt, secou,l ,;r.m, horu April 11, 1181,. died ag,:,d ()1. H,· ,ra,, otfr·rl',1 lii;c, fatl>er·,- jnt1g1·,d1ip but Ll,•cli11ed. He warri;o,l Arn;r, Treadw,•ll, ,JaJ1ua1·y

13, 180:!. ~l1e dip,l rn :n-arc; aft, 0 r. H" !Harri,•,1 Xm1-cy l3rjstnl, Jaunar:,· '20, l~:;:J. A tliinl JJ1.1!Tiaµ-1• was to '.Urs. }Iari,, Platt Hal-.Py, (lc-t,,h1-r, lH.J-S. His cl1ihlreH h:· J1is fo·;.;t wif,. WPl'P: .A111w Tr,·adwdl, h,-,rn X<>Y1c111iwr lu, lMl,i:J: Z,·plw1ii,1L C., hou, .July 30, 11-loti; awl C1ruiiw· .Li1i,111c,. l,on1 ,T11ly l, ]i,U7.

A11w- Tre;ul well Piatt lllf<l'J'i1•d Dr. LYnHlll 1''ootf•. r. S. A. 'l'J1ey lrnt1 H·H,u d1il,lr,,11. ½,-,;l1a11ial1 (·.Platt married Auna Eliza :'1Ii11Pr, ,Januan; 14, 182!1. Tlir-ir cltild,·t·ll rea.cl1ing w:1tnr,· _n,ars, ~1·cn,: A1i11 }..::Jiz;t-


beth, Caroliue, John Diell, and :Marv Platt. Car~­line A. Platt, daughter of Isaac 0., married ReY. John DieH. eight years Seaman's Chaplain at Honolulu, Sandwich Islands. He died at sea, homeward hound, January 19, 1841. They hall four children : Anna l\1., Eliza G., l\fary (now Mrs. Spear), and Caroline Platt Diell. :Mrs. ,John Diell's home is inHamilton, N. Y., with her son-in-law, Rev. P. B. Spear, D.D.

Caroline Platt Diell married James 1\1. Armistead, of Richmond, Va.; both deceased. Their children were : l\laria Terese, Caroline A., Annie D., and William Johnson Armistead. Her sister Anna mar­ried Charles Rathbun, of Buffalo. Eliza G. Diell, married F. B. Blanton, of Farmville, Va. TheArmis­te11ds reside in Richmond, Va.

l\'Irs. Carrie Platt Thompson, widow of the late Jnclgfl ,John Thompson, of Po'keepsie, is a grand­daughter of Rev. Frederic Halsey, whose wife was Letitia, (bughter of Judge Charles Plat.t, of PlattR-hur~ ·

-Zephaniah C., oldest son of Judge Charles Platt, ;lied of yellow fever in 1805, at St. rflwmas, W. I.

-Charles C., second sou, married Eliza Hoss. HP t1ied in 180!), leaYing two <laugl1ters, Caroline and Eliu~heth. The latter was Mrs. B. Slrnmway. Slie hm1 six children.

-Nathaniel, yonnge,;t so11 of ,TndgP Charles Platt, married "'.\Iriria :Kas•,, 1814. Ow-; sou. A sec<md marriage was tn Parneb Grant. Four chilLlren. Hn lliPll 1854.

Samnel, son of "Nathaniel, arnl grandson of Jmlge Cliar1Ps Platt, is IJ(,W liYing in Platts1mrg.


Zephaniah C. Platt, son of Isaac C., hall a sou John Diell Platt, wl10 married Snsan D. Phelps, Oc­tober 1, 1867. Their children were: .An11a Mary, Zephaniah C., William Phelps, and James P. Platt.

4. Daniel, the fourth of the Plattslmrg- brothers married Charlotte Graham, of New York. The:,· had fonr cbldren : Maria, Daniel, ,Jerernial1, aud Char­lotte Platt. Maria married J ovette Tliompson, of Troy, N. Y. Daniel and ,Jeremiah died at Platts­burg, unmarried. Charlotte nrnrriell We ils Cliff, of New York. She died a few year;:; since. ~either of the daughters bad chilclreu.



,Jo:.As PLATT, secow1 son of• Judge Zephaniah Platt, and Mary Van V{:vke, was born in Po'­keepsie, N. Y., June 30, 171..,9. Aft.er he had finished his preparatory stuclies at a Freuch academy in Montreal, he entered the law otlice of Richard Var­ick, in New York, and under his able guidance pros­ecnteJ his legal Rtudics. He was admitted to tl1e bar in 1700. 'l'he same year he married Heleu, the youngest daughter of Henry Livingsto11, of Po'­keepsie, a sister of Dr. ,Tobu H. Livingston, President of Rutgers College, N. J. Sooll afu~rwanls Le was made clPrk of Herkimer Connty. Hr> llll'l.•1e Lis l10nw i11 \rl,itPstJOro', near Utica, in 17:Jl. 01rnida was set off ft8 a county in 17D8. awl lie w:is made tlie first county clerk. He luul previously, in l7!JG, rr'prP.8Plltf,cl this district Ernd Ouoll(bga iu ti,,, L('gislatur;-; at .A.lliany. He was General u£ Cav.ilrv iu the f-itatt:; militia. He was two yr,ars a rncll!br•r uS C011~ress, fro1t1 17D!J. He was four year;; in the Statfl Suiatt·, frn1,1180fi. Iu 1814. lie wa;.; made ,Judge of tlw f-iuprm11f• Conrt, with Judges Kem ancl 8pencer a1-; assueiates. He filled


this high office with distiuguishe<l ability upwards ·of eight years. He was a member of the Conven­tion which framed the State Constitution of 1821. Under its amended provisions he lost his judicial position. He returned to the practice of his pro!P.s­sion, an<l opened a law office with his oldest wrn, Ze­phaniah, at Utica. In three or four years he r~­moved to New York, where he prosecuted his profes­sion with assiduity and succes;;;. But warned by coming iufirmity, he retired in 182:J, to liis £arm, seven miles from Platfaburg, on the shores of Lake Champlain. It should be recorded that iu 1810, he was the popular candidate of his party for tlie gov­ernorship .of the State, and though beaten by liis opponent, Daniel D. Tompkins, he ma<le a well-con­tested canvass. It should be stated, too, that he was the earliest of the promoters of the Erie Canal enterprise. When Thomas Eddy applied to him as a leader in his party, for his influence to authorize the building of a canal from Oneid;i Lake to the Seneca River, he said: No; a canal slwuhl be cou­structe<l from Lake Erie to the Hudson. The Sen­ator perf.uaded him that this was the trne plan. At )Ir. Platt.'s suggestion they invited to their couu­sels De Witt Clintun, a prominent learler of the de­mocracy. He approvecl tlie project. Senator Platt then moved the first resolution, preparatory to lmilcl­ing it, which waR secol1lled in the SenatP l1y Clill­ton ; and this was finally passed hy ]_1oil1 lion,.;es of the legiHlature. Hen wick, the biogrn pl1n of De 1\"itt Clinton, sav,; of ,Tmlw, Platt, "he was well entitle1l to the merit of having maLl.-, t!JM


first efficacious step towards the attai umeut of the great object of uniting the lakes with the Atlantic." His honors and his public positions Rhow how he was appreciah~d, as a man, a jurist and a statesman. He Lad a well-trained intellect, a well-stored mind and a well-balanced character. A strict regard for what was just, eminently distinguished him. His Iii<', public and private, is without spot, and his dis­tinguished career still sheds honor upon those who bear his name, and those who are numbered among his ki:H.lr8d. He died at his home near Platfaburg, February 22, 1884, in his 65th year. Helen LiYing­ston his wife, died at the residence of her sou Zeph­aniah, at Yonkers, N. Y., April 8, 1859, aged 93. l\Iost of these facts are deriYed from Dr. :l'tI. 1\1. Bagg's "Pioneers of Utica."

It is with reference to Judge Jouas Platt ·and his father's family that the N. Y. Genealogical Rec­ord justly says: "Few families have fornil';he<l so many cliF,tinguished names, and all in close proximi­ty to each other, to the civil service of the State." E,,ery one of the nine sons of Judge Zephaniah Platt and :Mary Van Wyck, with one exception, helcl prominent positions iJJ public life.

:\Irs. Bayard Boyd, nee Mandta Lausing, has very vahrnhle portraits of Judge Jonas Platt, arn1 his wife Helen Livingstm,, paintell slwrtiy aftr~r tl1eir marriagt,. Anothe,_' 011e of tl1e ,J uclge, paiutetl later by Truml,nll, is in the posHessioH of lier sister, Mrs. Judge \Villard. These pai1Jtings are at tlie residences of tl1e grand-<hngliters iu '\Va,-d1i11g-to11, D. C. Thr'.re is au intfn-esting inciilent about the last


portrait. 'l'rum bull's wife was an English lady, and he petitioned the 5ew York Legi8lature to allow her to own property in this country. On the final · -vote, (it was in the midst of the excitement just be­fore the war of 1812), Senator Platt stood a.lone in favor of granting the petition. He deemed it just, and though it periled his popularity when he was iu nomination for the governorship of the state, yet he strenuously defended his positiou. 'l'rum­bull put ou the back of l1is portrait of the Judge the date of tiiiR vote. and this motto-" Just,1111 rl leiio­

r:em propositi 1:ira111, 1wn nirium 11nlur Ji'l"Ui"/1 ,i1t!l(.'i1-

ti-11111, me,de qnatit so1ida." A just man and tenacious of the right, no popular passion sliakes l1iru from his firm purpose. This is an admirable estimate of his character. 'l'rumlmll, who had been an aid to \YashingtQn, was irnlignant at the refusal, and highly appreciated his friend's wisdom, justice an<l courage.

Judge ,Tonas Platt left two sons and six chughters: :\Iary, Snsauna, Zephaniah, Cornelia, :Mary ~ll, Eliza-beth, Helen, and Henry Liviugston Platt. ·

-Su;;amia, his SE-cowl daughter, marri,0 fl Riehard n. L:tusing, of Utica. Tliey hall thirhcell cl1ilLlre11: Etlwar,1, ,Juuas Platt, aml UPnit, all clceeas•J<l; two namp,j E,icl1ard all(1 Fnrneis Tappru1, also rlee(aa,;erl; J\IauettP, lfolen mH1 Charlotte; Cornelia Platt, ::\le­laadl101, \V<ilseY, au,1 Pl1illipi11h, th:ceas,·J; am1 Susa11 Lausiug. 1\Lmdt,, Lansing, tlw ol(fost ,1angli­tcr maniell B;LyarJ BoyLl, snniviug lier 1rns1,,rnd, a!l(l l'PSilli11g in \Va,;hiugtou, D. C. Charlotte mar­ried \\'illanl Smith, awl resides iu \\'ashi11gtfl11 also.


Helen, (deceased) married Judge Sylvester Larned, of Detroit. None of the sons are living. The father, R. R. Lansing, at one time resided in New York. His place of business was hurut out in the great fire of 1835, and his insurance company wa,; ruined. He removed to Detroit, Michigan, and became inter­ested in the growth of that yom,g State. La1ising, which later became the capital, was name<l after him. He died in Detroit, September 29, 1855. 'I'he children of Etlward IL Lansing, his oldest son were: Marie, l\Ianette, wife of ,Tmlge Reill~\ of De­troit; Richard R, a physician living in Detroit ; and Philip lately residing in Boston, )las,;. The children of Manette Lallsing Boyc1 are : Anna l\I., wife of Rev. Thomas Nicliol;i, of :Milford, Pa. ; Helen Livingston, wife of 1Vells fahell, of Chicago; Charlotte L., wifo of GP•)rge C. "\Yebb, of Fnlton, N. Y.; Elizaheth L., ::rnd Susa11 Platt, wife of James T. Sweetwan, l\I. D. The children of Helen Lausing Laruecl, of Detroit, arP: HelPn LiYillgfiton, wife of Fralik Bowen, livrng in Lomlou, Eug., rmd ,Tellnie, wife of Y\'rn. Fite 11, of Louisville, K,. '['he children of Clrnrlnttr Lansing Srnith, arp: ::U:cir(.'.riret Xnrw•ll, widow of F,)fl'Pst NorvFll, of ])i,trnit; Ifoln1 · LiY­ingston, wife of \\"rn. X. l'. l'arlu'r, of Ya.; l\Iau­etta L .. wifenf ,Tohn)IcKiuw·y. of Wac-Lington, D. C.; Eliz,, Eell;o, ,,·ifP of .Eel wiu )Jc·KPf:Yer, nf \Va/'\l1ingtnn, D. C.; anLl Louisr·, wif1, of HP.-. T. l\lc13. ~it!wls. Tho chiltlren of Sus:rn Lan;-;ii1.!! HPeYe, an!: Cl1ri,-tn­pheT, liYing in Cliicagn, 1lll1l ::Uanr!tle, wifo oi ·w1u.

Yalk, of ,raslii11gt .. H. V. C, The cliihlrr·11 of A1111a l\I. ~id1ob, of Milfonl, Pa.,


are: T. 1\IcB., living in Nyack, N. Y.; Bayard Boyd, living iu Chicago; Manette L., wife of Joseph Car­penter, late of Chicago ; Samuel Hall, and Susan Baldwin.

The children of Richard L. Boyd, are : Caroline, :Manette, Bayard and Louise.

The children of Charlotte L. "\Yebb, of Fulton, are : Manetta L., Harry, Chandler and Bayard Boyd.

Margaret Norvell's children are : Willar<l S., Emily, and Bayard Boyd.

Helen Parker's children are: Charlotte, Helen, Henry and Sarah

Eliza B. McKeever has one son Ed win. Manette Valk's children are: Helen Livingston,

Ralph and William .• The children of Jennie Fitch are : Julia and Ed­

ward. Helen L. Bowen's children are : Florence, Fred­

eric, Ethel, Arthur and Sylvia. -Zephaniah Platt, oldest SOIi of Judge ,TollfJ.S,

gnuluated from Hamilf.on College, in 1815. He prac­ticed law iu Utica with his father, then in Detroit a11Ll ,Jaekson, ~Iid1igai1. He was attorney general of the state. After the eiYil war, he rernovnl to Aiken, S. C., a11tl tlwre was chosen r. f-:,;, Circuit Judge. He ,lischargerl liis high duties with impar­tial ability, as wituessetl in tl1e estimatt: of him iu the ClHnlestou Courier. Hr• marrie<l Cornelia Jpu­kirn,, uf X. Y. 'I'lwy had seve11 childre11 : A.nun, uow fr,·ing i11 ,Ya,,hinµt011, D. C. ; Cornelia; Julrn Ho 1, -ard, who diPd yonug; Hele11; Mary A.1111, wlw abo


died young ; 1\Iary Platt ; and Howanl Jonas Platt. Cornelia married ,J. Blackwell first, then A. J. Willard, who after the war went to South Carolina, and became Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of that State. Mary married S. J. Agnew, son of Prof. Agnew of the Michigan University. Two sons: How­erp and Holmes. Afterwards, she married Theo­dore W. Parmele, grandson of ,Judge Jonas Platt. Howard Agnew married Marion Wester of New York. He has a little girl named Myrtle. Helen Livings­ton Platt, grand-daughter of Judge Jonas, married H. 0. Weed, of Newburg, N. Y. Their children are: Josephine, Isabel, Benedict, Nina, Lulu and Marcus. Howard Jonas, the youngest son, -entered Yale Col­lege, but ill-health compelled him to go to sea. He entered the Coast Survey Service. He ,vas on the U. S. ship Arctic at Halifax to receive the first tel­egraphic cable. He materially assisted Capt. Bar­r.vman in the preparation of his report on "deep sea soundings." The following year, he was on the edi­torial staff of the N. Y. Evening Post, and he gaYe promise of early excellence as a public jonrnalist. But he died smhlenly at Yonkers in 1838, at the age of 22. His father, Judge Zephaniah Platt, dietl at Aikeu, S. C., April 20, 1871. His mother dieLl, at the remarkable age of 96, in ·w a8liiugtou, D. C., iu the autumn of 1890. She li:ul rare awl excellent qualitln,.

-Helen Platt, tl1e ynnl!gest daughter of ,T udgc Jonas, married 'I'rnma11 Pannde, a prosperous mer­rhant of New York. Tlwy lrnL1 seven rliildn·n: 'rl1eodore ""·, Howard, Alf1:etl, PLttt, :M::uy, Helen


and Frederic. Theodore W. married Mary Platt, grand-daughter of Judge Jonas in 1870. They lrnLl <me only son, Henry Livingston, who died within l1is first year. Their daughter, Helen Livingston, is Mrs. J. Holmes Butler; their son, Charles R., who married Miss .Alice Butler, Las a son Charles and a daughter Alice. Mrs. Butler has a son Holmes. Howard Parmele, second son of Truman, married a neice of S. F. B. )forse. Their children are : Bessie, Mary, aud Howard. Alfred, third son of Truman, marrie,1 Miss A.ndarine. Tl1eir children are : :Marie, Erlward, Truman and Allie Parmele.

-1\Iary Platt, the oldest daughter of the Judge, died in her youth. Also, her sister Elizabeth.

-Henry Livingston Platt, the second son of Judge Jonas, born 1807, married Sarah M. Morey. They had two sons: Robert., who died in his youth, and Jonas H. Platt, of New York. Jonas H. mar­ried Sarah Gilman, of Plattsburg. They have two sons: John Bailey Platt, born 1863, aud Arthur Livingston Platt, born 1871 John n. n11t1TiPtl Rit­ty Snyder, 1884. They have a son and a Llaughter, Jonas H. am1 Edith Platt. The grandfather. HP11-

r_v LiviugRt,,11 Platt L1ied in 1844. ,Jonas Flatt's place of Lu,-,iuess is ill W,tll stncet, ~ew York.



Tms is an offshoot from the Plattsburg stock. James Platt was the youngest of the twelve children 0£ Zephaniah and Mary Van ·w yck ; born in Pough­keepsie, N. Y., January 2d, 1788; married Eliza, daughter of Wm. and Joanna Floyd, of Western, N. Y. His children were £our: "\Vm. Floyd, James Augus­tus, Robert and Elizabeth. (The last died in in­fancy.) He subsequently was twice married, to Susan Katharine Auchmuty, of New York, then to Saran Breese, widow of Bleeker Lansing, of Utica, N. Y. By these marriagp,s there was no issue. Utica was his residence for some years. He was postmaster there ullCler Presi<1ent ,T. Q. Adams. He was als,; a director in tl1e Ontario Branch Ba11k

at "Gtica. At lengtl1 he weni to Alhany, and in 183G, he removed to Ocewflgo 011 Lab• Ontario, whPre he ,vas pr-o,:;pend. In tl1i:c; place lif• W!LS made 1\favor under the urw city clHuter ; awl ill 18fd-3 he ~ms State S,~nator fro.Bl lris district. Ht; was also Presille11t c,f tlH, J,ake Ontario Natioual 1,:rnk at Oswego. H~: was nf the Alexa.nder HamiHou sdwul


of politicians, a Henry Clay Whig, unostentatious in manners, and sociable in disposition. He has been justly described, as "earnest, affable, public­spirited and high-principled." His death wa& at Oswego, May 8, 1870, at the age of eighty-three.

-Wm. Floyd, oldest son of James Platt, born at Utica, N. Y., 1814; married, at Oswego, January 2, 1838, Catharine Amelia, daughter of Henry L. and Unice Woolsey, of Geneva, N. Y. Children: Wm. Floyd, Jr., died in infancy; James, died in 1889 in New York, (twice married.) Wm. Floyd Platt, 1st, died at Oswego, 1844.

--James Augustus Platt, second son, now of Pine­ville, Pa., was born at Utica, N. Y., July 25, 1816. He graduated at Hamilton College, Clinton, N. Y., in the class of '35, taking the first honor, the valedic­tory. He is a member of the Greek letter association of Alpha Delta Phi. He married April, 1852, Eliza­beth, daughter of James Sellers, of Upper Darby, Pa. Their children are three : Isidor Elizabeth, Samuel Floyd, and Charles Sellers. They were born at Mineral Point, Wisconsin.

1. Isidora E., born October 7, 1855, married J. Morton Brown, of Philadelphia, now of Norristown, Pa; they have t,vo <langltters and a son living: l\Iary P., Isidora E. and Charles P.; Elizabeth aud Evaugeliue died young.

2. Samuel Floyd Platt, horn July 14, 1857; mar­ried Mrwre A. Cad walaL1er, of Upper nlakefieh1, Pa.; tliey have a L1anghter and a Ron, Hannah C., and Floyd Sellers Platt. .

3. Charles Sellers Platt, Lorn ,June 3, 1859 ; mar-

OSWEGO BR.-\.C~m. 129

ried l\Iarch 12, 1883, l\Iartha Eyre, daughter of Preston Eyre, of Upper }fakefiek1, P:t.; two sons, Samuel Platt and Joseph E. Platt.

-Robert, third sou of ,JameK Platt, hnrn at 1't.ica, September 20, 1818; grnduate,l at "Gniou College; a member of Ka.ppa Alpha; diPl1 :1.t O-;-wego in tlie spriug of 1838.



'rum cro,;sp,; the IState line into Duchess County, N. Y. It claims Stephen Platt as its head. He was baptized at Huntington, L. I., l\farch 20, 1731; and Israel Platt (supposed to be bis brotheri was baP,­tized 1740. They are descendants of Isaac 1st, or Epenetus l;.;t. They moved from Huutingtl)n, in the early part of tlrn Revolutiou, settling. Stephen in Sharon, Ct., and Israel in Pleasant Valley, an ad­joining trJwnship iu Duchps,; County, N. Y. Then'\ were tl1n·,, brl)thE_•l'.-<, Epe11etm,, Stepl1e11, aud Peleg, baptiz()(l at Huutiurrtou, 177;'5, snpposed to he sorn, of Stepheu Platt, aHll to li ase removell wit11 their father to Sharon, Ct. Th~i fatl1Pr (lj,,tl there a1,ont 1708.

Isr:tel Platt ahoYe, 1d10 livetl sr,metimP iu Pleasant Valley, or Amenia, Duelies,; Connty, N. Y., was a captain in the, militia iu tlt1-- Revolution. He rnar­ried Eliza lwt li Srmlder nf H 1111t i 11gb ,n, L. I. He ,lied of yellow fen•r in New Y, ;rk, 17(li:i, ,tgPrl fi8. H1· had is­sue: Steplwu L,oru JUarC'.11 28, 176~. lrnptize,l at Hnlit­ingtou, July 2fi. l 7ii2; Eclwiu, ,vlJ1, diell young; Samii, who rnan-iPtl D. Cyn,uiu,; Crosh_\·; Zilla,


born 1773, who married Egbert Barton; Ruth, born 1778, who married Samuel Reynolds; Betsy, (1781-1848,) who marriedAriovistus Pardee; Harriet, born 1785, who married Walter Perlee; anLl Nancy, born 1768, who married Rufus Herrick. This Isreal Platt by dood dated Amenia Precinct, Duchess Co., N. Y., (in which he is des~gnated, "Yoema.n ") con­·veys to his son Ste_phen, fifty acres of land, Yay 14, 1785, for 230 pounds sterling.

-Stephen Platt, eldest son of Israel Platt, above mentioned, removed t.o Freehold, Albany Co., (since Green), about 1788, and there he was drowned in a freshet, December 12, 1800. He was a lieutenant in the army of the Revolution at the age of 19; later was a justice of t.he peace, alld a member of the leg­islature for Albany County 1793-5. He left among others, twin sons, born April 5, 1793, Isaac L. and Jacob L. The former lived in New York. He mar­ried Marion Erskine Ruthren. His children were; John R., :Mary Jane R., Samuel Reynolds, Lydia and Isaac S. Platt. John R. lives in New York. Mary Jane R. Platt married Johu P. Adriance of Pough­keep:i;ie. Their cltih1reu are: Isaae Rey1J0Ia1-;, horn in N. H., ,January 1, lRi"il; ,Johu Erskine, born in :Sew York, December 1853; ,Jame" R born 1856, died 1879 ; l\Iariou R. born 1858, married Silas Wrn1ell, ,Lrnuary, 1887; Hr~rris Ely; William Allen; atHl Francis Henr\ .Adriauee. The Lome of the family is in Pnughlrnepsie. The other twin Ron oi 8tephen Platt, uamely, Jacuh L., married Catherine Wah1rou; isrme, a dangliter, :Mary Jane. Platt Stref~t, Nr,w York, it iR Raid, was named from Jacob L.

SHARO'.\ BlU:'.\CH. 13,5

Platt. Samuel R. sou of Issae L., li:ul one son, Fur­man Nefis, boru April 18, 1853. Lyllia, daughter or Isaac L, married Geo. Ackerman, J uue, 1864.

We here remark, as a help to trace the line, that Treadwell, Stephen and Peleg, Elizabeth, lL-ir:r and Hannah, were chihlren of out• Epenetns Platt, of Hempstead, but what one, it is not determined. His wife's name was Hannah. An Epenetus Platt was haptizecl at Huntington, L. I., 1730. Tlie line is probably the younger H untingtou Bnrnrl1 of Epe­netus first.

-Henry, secornl son 0£ Israel Platt, of Arneuia, horn 1764, removed to Steplientowu, Rensselaer Co.,. N. Y. He was a member of the Legislature of New York. He died October 9, 1842, leaving three sons: Israel, Henry and Alonzo. Israel married Margy Schermerhorn; resided some time in Hndson, N. Y. Henry married a Graves, and liad i. son res­ident in Steplientowu. Aionzo, M. D., married Lo­rill.1 Smith, arnl remoYPtl to Grand Rapids, Michigan, or Ann Arbor.

Htephen Platt above, sou of Israel, married Dor­cas Hopkins, daughter of Ito,-well. De•sides his ;mus, Isaa<' L. and Jacoh L., h1·ins, lie, lwd other children: I.'arrn_,·, who marrietl Cliarles Griggs; Abigail or Al1l1Y, wlio rnarrie<l .Jol1u Hon:--P, of Waterford, N. Y.; Rarali, wlio <lied 1811, n111wtrried: and Dorcas who 1uarrietl ReY. Samuel Rr,hr.rtson. A seco11c1 man-iagr> was ti, Lydia :-;r,ntlierianil. TliPir childre11 wer,3: Harriet, wlio TllitrriPd li<·la Brew­ster; Eliza, wl,c, HmrriPd Geranl Y:rn Skaiek; a11J Arnrnn1tn, 1801--1H8{j, wl10 l,Pcarnf• t}H; !-lPCllrnl wifo


of Mr. Van Skaick. A secoud marriage was to l\Ir. L. Ada.ms.

,John House, who married Al,bey Platt, daughter of Stepheu, had two sons, Samuel R. autl Johu C. House. Samuel R. House, M. D., of ·waterford, N. Y., born 1817, married Harriet Pettit, !born 1820). He was a. missionary in Siam from 184G to 187G. His brother married first Lucy Gaylnrd, then l\frs. Jennie V. Lewis. Dr. S. R. House gives these i11ter­esting data: Dorcas Platt, daughter of Stepl1e11, married Rev. Samuel Robertson. Their sou wa,; Rev. Wm. S. Roberti:-lon, missiouary to the Creek Indians, whose wife translated the New Testament into the Creek language. Their sou, Henry M., is a

D.D. Julia, a daughter, was the wife of Gov. Piern~­pont, of Virginia. 'Stephen Platt, born 1762, hall a

brother, Henry Platt, whose s011 Israel, of Hudson, N. Y., had a daughter Elizabeth, who married Rev. Abram Van ZarnH, D.D., Professor in New Bruns­wick Theological Semi11ary. Henry\,; si,;ter, Nauc:, Platt, marrie,1 R11fns Herrick; and tlieir sou, Rid1-arcl P. Herrick, of Greenbns!i, N. Y., wa,; :i mem hn of Cougress in 18-ifi--7. Annther sister, (Elizaheth Bet:-1Py), marri(•<l .-\rim·istns Panlee, ,d10 lliecl 1843, a:1Ll tlieir :-;oil, Ario l'anlee, gay,, au ellllowrnent of ~500,000 to fnulHl the sc·ientific <lepartillf•lJt of Lafayette College at Easton, Pa. This rnnJJiticent gift to learniug urnki>s l1irn a princely 1JP1rnfaetor to our raeP all(l conutrY. His ol,lf,st S<>ll is Gl'•111•ral Ario Panh,p nf Pl1ila,k·1p11iu, Pa. The father, wl10 is the owner of extensive coal niiues, rei-,icliug at HazeltoH, Penu., was Lorn NovemlJer HJ, 1810. He


married Elizabeth Jacobs. A second marriage was to Anna M. Robinson. His children number five sons and five daugl1ters: Ario, Calviu, both- civil engineers; Ellen E.; Israel Platt, of Stanhope, N. J.; Anne; Barton, of Lockhaven, Mich.; Fra.nk, Bessie, Edith and Gertrude-the last six by his second marriage. Bessie is l\Irs. Augustu;;; Van Wickle. The two older sous gradu3:ted "C. E.'' at the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, N. Y.

JohnPla,tt, born in H11ntingto11, L. I., Jau. 2, 1735; married ·Mary Bl_vdeubnrg, born 1\Iay 23, 1733. A second marriage was toPhehe Hu':lted, wiLlow, wliose husband was fakeu prisoner in the Revolution, and died in New York, December 15, 1777. Joliu Platt died at Alder Creek, Boonville, N. Y., July 30, 1810, in 11is 76th year. He luu1 ten children: William, born 1759, Elizabeth, Richard, J\Iary, Samuel, :May 3, 1766, Phebe, Abigail, Obadiah, ,John, jr., and the last, ExperiencP, born Febrnary 22, 1777. ,J olm Platt, jr., was horn iu Ducl1esR County, N. Y., April 3, 1774. Hit; wife was Phebe Hoyt, of ~ew Ca,11aan, Ct. They harl PlevPn chil<lren: Sara Ii, "Tilliarn L,, Louise, :'.\far_v, Abigail, l\Iattliew H., Estlier, Sarah B., ChanucP_Y, autl Elipliald, lioru at Trenton, X. Y., February, 1817. Most of tlieFJe were bnrn in Oueida County, N. Y. \\'illiam L. Platt, sou of Jolrn, jr .. waR horn in Rtenlwu, N. Y., Oetober 2ii, 1802: mar­ried ,Tan<c McElroy, Odulwr 2R, 1K2i; lin,tl i11 Bum1-

Yille, N. Y. TlH0 ir chil.!rP11 wi"rP: Eliza, ,Tol111 Bl_v­denhurg. ~far_,-. Al,bia, Jam• (Scott ).,Tauwr-; :'.\I., Clrnnr1-CP_v A .. nrn1 William A. Platt, who was horn i11 Boon-


Yille, K. Y., August 8, 1840. Louise Platt, aged SG, and her sister Esther, aged 72, reside in Hamilton, N. Y.

John Blydenburg Platt married Elvira A. Shover, of Canandaigua, N. Y., September 30, 1851. Three children, two only living: Eddie and ,Tennie. The family reside in Delawai·e, 0.

Wm. A. Platt has two children: Arthur McElrov, horn 1871, and :M~ry Emily, not yet in her teens, li~­ing in Sherburne, N. Y. He give;, the above data respecting John Platt and his clescenLlants.



THIS traces closely to Slumm, Ct., aml theu fur­ther on to the younger Huntington branch, L. I. Jnhu Platt, son of Eliphalet, of Pleasant Valley, made Lis home near by, in Clinton, Dutchess Coun­ty. He was a deacou in the Presbyterian Church, Pleasant Valley. He se1~ve<l in the 1Y ar of the Revolution. He married Catherine Barues, aud hatl three cl1iltlre11: Dr. Eliphalet Platt, Wm. Barnes, allll Isaac I. Pratt. A second mar­riage was to ,Terusia Speu~: 0110 r,;ou, He!lry, who made his home in Philadelphia. 'flu· two brother8, Dr. Eliplrnlet Platt and ,vm. I3arnes Platt, a bankt,r Liter ia life, macle lUiinPl,eck tl1eir home near 1835. The othPr IJl'otlier, baa('.. I., 111arried Augeliue Baldwin a11<1 livell in PonglikPPpsiP. Tht>y had nu children. Dr. Eiij,lwl;,.t Platt took hi;; dPgn,e of M. D., ahout the time of liis comi11g t.r, Hl1iw•l11sck. He wa,- lilwrallv P.lnt·atPlL kiwl ari-,1 cnurtP01i,.;, a

skillful ph.'·si<.;ia;1 awl a worti1y eitizu11. He rnani2<l Mar_y Au11 Dilihlr:; lie l1a;; lPft two da11gl1ters, Jnlia and Cori1elia, a1H1 a i,;nn, J. \L1rre11, l,on1 i11 Rliiue-


1eck. The s0u has removed to New Orleam;. He writes rue that his father, Dr. Eliphalet Platt, late of Rhinebeck, N. Y., was born in Pokeepsie, 1796. The sou was born April 16, 1836. He went to Louisiana early in 1800; marrie<l, January 6, 1862, Halmaida Bremond, of New Orleans, born there October 10, 18-!0. She died March 5, 1887. Eight children: Mary Julia, born August 10, 1866; John W .. born in Bay St. Louis, October 17, 1868; Joseph Bremond, December 16, 1872; Adele, January 29, 1875; Ernest, born at Bay St. Louis, December 16, 1876; Alma, January 7, 1879; and Catherine, Febru­ary 9, 1881. Most of these were born in New Or­leans. The father is a merchant in his adopted city.

John Platt, the head of this branch, son of Elip­halet Platt 1st, died iu 1851.

-William Barnes Platt, the brother of Dr. E. Platt, was born in Pleasant Valley, N. Y. ; he mar­ried MiRs Staute11 berg, of Hyde Park. His children were ,John H. and Elizabeth. John H. Platt, bor-n iu Rhinebeck, removed to New York. He married l\fary Cheney, May 27, 1858. His children are; John Cheney, Charles Adams, Richard Goodmau, Eliza­beth and 'Wm. Barnes Platt, 2d. Charles A. Pl:ttt, ou the 17th of March, 1886, married Annie C. Hoe, daughter of Richard M. Hoe, of New York. She dieLl ou tlie 18th of March, 1887. No iAsne. Joh11 H. Platt, the father, died in New York, May 21, 1886.

-Elizabeth Platt, the only daughter of William Barnes Platt 1st, married Charles H. Adams, of Uohoes, N. Y., a manufacturer, and at one timP a


member of Congress. Tl1eir childrell arr William Platt Adams, arnl Mary Eghert Adams. Wm. Platt Adams married Katherine ,Y. Elseffer, of Iled Hook, N. Y., January 23, 188-!, the daughfr;r of J. W. Elsef­fer, Esq. They have two daughtern, Elizabeth Platt· Adams and Katheriue Elseffer Adams. Wm. Platt Adams for a time took his father's l.rnsiuess. He grnduate<l from U11ion College in the Class of '79. H6 is a member of the Greek letter association of Alpha Delta Phi. His only sister, l\Iar_v Egbert A<lams, born in Rhinebeck, married Robert ,Johnston of Cohoes in 1881; he was a graduate of U11ion Col­lege in the class of '77; he also was nu Alpha Delta Phi. He died in 1883, leavi11g an only sou, Robert Johnston, horn August '82. :Mrs. Johnston now occupies her pleasaut home iu her native village in Duchess County, N. Y.

Henry Platt, merchant, son of ,folm Platt, of Clin­ton, by a ,;ecoml marriage ; born August 8, 1808, in Pleasant, Valley, Dnches:,: Cunuty, X. Y., resicle<l in Philadelphia, Pa. ; marriell Abigail Hart Knnwle~ of Titusville, :N. J., April 11, 18:JB. He was killerl hy the falling of a treA a,; he wa,; tr:wdiug uear 'flwm­astou, Ga., August 27, '•Hl. Bi,- d1il1lre11, five : Edwin KHowles (died iu l1is thinl year), Erlwarcl Au­gustm,, William Remy, Eliza 8. rwll }lary Knowles; all b(;ru iu PliiladPlpltia.

-Edwar,l Augustus, lion, Au).!nst 2,';, '38; marriPll Aunie E., daughter of Jolrn ~d1Przer uf A1m...-ill1>, Pa.; has a daugl1ter, Eftie Abigail.

--Eliza S., liorn April 15, '-!B; rnarried ·wrn. H.


Chaffee, February 1, '71; residing in New York; one child, Bertha Eliza.

-Mary Knowles, born February 2, '46; married Charles J. Carroll Taylor, November 25, '68, residing in New York; one daughter, Mary Platt Taylor.

-Wm. Henry Platt, born June 18, 1841; married Hannah Jeffries, of Philadelphia,December 12, 1872. They have one daughter, Cornelia M. Early. They reside in Philadelphia.



THI:'l traces closely to Sharon, Ct., aml thence to the younger Huntiugton hrnnch, L. I. Its head is Eliphalet Platt, who was born ,July 12, 1733. He married Miss Scudder, of Huntington, and 1wulP his home in Pleasant Valley, Dncl1ess Connty, N. Y., near 1780. They had four chikheu: He1fry, John, Jemima all(l Betsev. A seconcl marriage wa,-; to Hannah clit~t~u. Her father .• Joseph, was oue of the "nine partHers," wl10 owne1l a large track of laud east of Pouglikeepsie. She ml1eriteJ orw-fonrth of her father's ef;tate. Eliplrnlet's children by thi!-l marriage wAre four: ,Ju,;ep\i, bon1 ~f,pte111l1Pr 2;3,

1771, Jied 18::lG; Isaac, hrn·1; Sovernlwr :n, 177-!; fa­rael, born FeLruary G, 1777; arnl ~arnh Frnuldin, who tlie1l Jnue BO. i77H. IK:rnc 1li;,t1 Novernber 11, 1802. Eliplrnlet l'latt 1st, nrnrri1cd as a tl1il'(l ,l"ife, the willow Bunce, wlio liacl twr, tlangliter:-; b\· l1Pr former marriage, Dibbie awl Hd,;ey. · Dihl>ie · rnar­ried lier step-fat.lier's oldest kOll Hf•ury.

-Henry Plrttt, son of EliplrnlPt, 11:.;l l>y thiK mar­riage with l\Iiss Ihrnce, Sf'\'eil chil1lren: Eliplialet,


Fanny, Betsey, Nancy, Joseph, Jermima and Henry S. Their home was in Marcellus, X. Y. Fanny married E. Rice, Betsey a Mr. Hopkins; Nancy married Silas Crane; Joseph, Emma Dod~e, after­ward Ann Ocherman. J ermima married Henry Combs, afterwards, Joseph Rhodes. Henry S. mar­ried Mis11 Wood, afterwards, 2\Irs. Dickerson.

Henry S. Platt, of Marcellus, died October 21, 1829, aged 69 years. Debora, his secoud wife, died January 19, 1833, aged 69 years. Eliplrnlet, brother of Henry S., died May 21, 1809, iu his 21st year. Betsey (or Frances) Platt, died April 20, 18Hi, aged 69. Jemin;ia, daughter of Henry S. and Debora. Platt, married Allen Cook; she died April 16, 1826, in her 23d year. Henry S. had a son Josepli, who died October 22, 1851, aged 57 years. Emma, Jo-. seph's wife, died December 16, 1838. Dr. Henry Combs, grandson of Jemima Platt, aud sou of Henry' Combs, resides in Rome, Mich. Mrs. Frances (Craue) Wright resides in A<lriau, Mich. Also, MrR. Aun Elizabeth ( Hopkius) Va11 Brunt, resides iu tlie same place.

-Jemima Platt, oldeBt daughter c,f Eliplrnlet 1st, marrie,l C. Ackerman. Their children were: Han­nah, Caty arnl Eliplin1et. The first two, were iu sncce,:,sioll, first aud secornl wife of BamuPl 'l'lmrs­ton. Eliphalet marrietl Amt Verplauk, of (Jnee11-laml's Patent.

-Betse~·. t\1P secornl t1aughter of Eliplialet 1st, rlitl uot rnarr_,·.

-Julm Platt, the secollll wm of Eliphalet bt, lwall;1 tlie Hltinel,eck Bra11cl1.


Eliphalet Platt (1st), was a ruliug elder iu ~he Presbyterian Church in Pleasant Valley, N. Y., in the year 1789. He died in that place in 1795.

-Joseph Pl:ttt, son of Eliphalet and Hnnnah Cansten, married Hannah B;crnes, Jan. 4, 1800. They had two sons: Isaac Platt, hnrn ,July 17, 1803 ; and Jos~:>µh Cansten Plutt, born Sept. 25, 1805; aud a daughter, Catharine, born 1801, who die<l 1836. ,foseph Caustcn Platt marrietl Elizahetl1 Bmrne, Aug. RO, 1836. Se.n-,u chil(lren : 2\Iary Scofield, Catherine, Su8au B., Cornelia Il., Anna E., C'ansten, anJ Susan E. A secoml marriage was to Almira Parsons, Sept. 9, 1854. Their children are : Isaac, Caroline, Almira, Atleline, arnl Frances. Ca11sten Platt was born Feb. 4, 1851; he tlied April. 7, 1874. isaac Platt, son of ,Tos. Cansten, clied in cliiklhood. Elizabeth 13. Platt, wife of ,Tosepli C., was born July 25, 18-, dietl June 4, 1853; and his second wife Almira was born 1\Iarcli ~I, 1817, and died ,Jan. 10, 1890.

-Mary S., oldest daughter of JosPpl1 Cansten Platt, married Harrisou Bishop ; tl1ey Lave two daughters, ,Josephine all(l Cornelia. Catheri11e, tlie Recoil(l <langl1tPr, marri,:tl ,JamPs Cliaprnau; they Larl three chi1dre11, Lewis, Elizabetl1 and Gertrude ; Lewis died agPCl 27. A second marriage waq to Egbert Sherwood ; they haw one daughter Ahl,i;~ Anll. SuHan B., tlu, third <laughter of ,JosPph C. and Elizahetl1 Platt, diPc1 in her te11th year: Cornrlia B. fourth daughter, marri.ecl TbeUtlore Alnm1. A11u::1, E. tLe fifth daugliter har, not married. Of tlie cliil­dren by his secoiHl wife, Caroline die,l iu iufaney;


Almira married Joseph Tallcot, a descemlaut of the first Joseph 0ansten. The home of the family is Marcelltis, N. Y. Joseph Canstell Platt, died Jau. 24, 1890. '

.._ Isaac Platt, son of Joseph, was born at New Balti­more, N. Y., July 17, 1803. He learned. printing. In 1828, he became the editor of the Duchess Int,,,Ui­gencer, which, in 1838, was changed to the Po'keepsie Eo.,qle. He was editor and proprietor of this during tlie rest of l1is life. He was appointec1 postmaster of Po'keepsie unde1: General Taylor's administration. He was on the commission to locate the bonwlary be­tween New York aud Connecticut, 1859 and '60, Prn­vost Marshal oi the 12th Congressional District of New York for 1863and '64. He was au early advocate -for the Hudson River Railroad. He was au editor 44 years. He married Harriet Bowne, September 19, 1837. Their children are:· ,John Isaac, born June 29, 1839; James Bowne, born August 11, 1841; Ed­mund Pendleton, December 2, 1843; Henry Barnes, born January 12, 1847, and. Harriet B. Platt; the youugest. The father died 1872. His widow is still living in Po'keepsie. (,-:John I. Platt, son of faaac, married Susan F.

Sherwood, June 3, 1862. Their children an• : Ed· mund, Eliza Strong, Sarah Sherwood, Isaac, Francis Wheeler, and Edith Mav. · One, Susau, died in habyliood.

-James Bowne, secoml son of faaac, married Emma Bartlett, October 23, 1875. Their children are : Elizabeth Otis, Louise Bartlett, aud Anua :M:arg:.ret.


-ELlmund P Platt, marriel1 l\Iar_v E. Bartlett, June 22, 1870. Tl1eir cl1ildre11 are: Emily Bartlett, Wm. Vedder, Howanl, and ::\fary Al!etta. Edmund P. i,; a merchant.

These four fn,milies resitle in Po'keept-lie. John I. and Jame:~ B. Platt a.re the publishers of tlie Po'keepsie .E,rqlc ;,daily arnl weekly). John I. was a member of tlie New York Legislature, 188G-7 and 8. HY;_ President of the Po' kE,epsie Board uf Trade.

-Henry Barnes Platt ; marriPd Mary Estelb Smith, nf Pieasant, Yalley, X. Y., Jnne 1~, 187,i. Their c-liil(lren are: Raymond, ~IaLel nll<l Henrietta. He is a cl1emist at 36 Platt Street, ~ew York.



,JOHN BOYD in his annals of ·westchester, Ct., has tliese data: "Daniel Platt from Danbury, bought of Benjamin Bepedict a lot of land on 1''ate~·bury River turnpike, a little south of the Potter place, in 1771, which he conveyed to Philip Priest in 1776. He and his wife Thankful had a sou, Stephen, who was baptized March 13, 1774."

,Joseph Platt, from Danbury, uncle to Levi Platt, liveci on a lot uorth of the Ed. Rngg farm. He had a -fulling mill on the brook a little sou th of the Pot­ter tenement house. He sold iu 1787, aud moved to Ohio.

Levi Platt came from Danbnn to 'iYinchestn when lie was a bor. H•~ was a sclioc,l teachPr in his early manhoo,1. · In 1790 he h0ngl1 t of l\Iartin Hulhut laud, it is now tlwnµlit part nf Henry An­drew's farm, where hn lived fonr years; tl1en bought nnd occupiecl for the resilhw of lifo, th8 farm re­cently owm,<l by hiR son Sylwster Platt, <lecease,1. He wrts clrnractf•rizml ai-; a 1,urit.lm of t~e pnrita!ls, wit.h inte11sf1 conviction;;;, arnl withal ,1 rnau of liu111-·


ble and earuest piety. Religion with him wa:s the dominaut thought---72 years a member of clrnrch­a deacon, in many respects a model Christian. He was Town Clerk and Recorder. He was a member of the Conventiou of 1818, which formed the Con­necticut State Constitutiou. He married, February 5, 1792, Esther Alvord, daughter of Eliphaz. She died March 28, 1840. He died August 14, 1856, in his 91st year, his mental and bodily forces unabated to the last. He is described '' as gigantic in form, of stern stuff, a patriarch and a puritan." His child­ren were: Abi, born July 25, 1793; Eliphaz Alvord, May 3, 1796, died in his 12th year; Ezra Hart, born September 18, 1798; Sylvester, born May 17, 1800; Levi, born April 11, 1802; Lucy, born October 31, 1804; Elizabeth, born September 19, 1806; Eliphaz Alvord, born February 6, 1809; and William born, December 16, 1816, died February 28, 1840. Abi married Hiram Royce, of Norfvlk, widower, the husband of her late sister Lucy. Levi went to Col­linsville, Ct., thence to Hartford. Sylvester filletl the office of Justice of the PeacE> and that of Repre­seutative. He die<l at Winstet1, Septem hE>r 18, 1870. He married Mary, daughter of -Wilcox Plwlps, at Norfolk, September 4, 1833. His children: Levi .. Wilcox am1 Helen Rebecca, both died in earl r youth; and Edwin S_vhester, born Heptemher 30, 1839, wl10

married Ehza1etli Brooks, :February 12, lSG:1 Levi Platt, 2l1, married Pamelia 1t. MungPr. Cl1ild­

re11: Helen Estlier, 1,orn DecPmber 27, 1824; Ruthy Smitli, horn October 10, 1826; Elizahetli, l,orn SeptE>mber 0, 1828; allll Mary ,foue, Augtu,t 22, 1831.

WJ;'i('HESTEH rm.-\SCH. 157

Sarah Platt married Daniel Andrews ; sl1e tlietl 1848, aged 72, leaving chilrlren: Platt, horn March 6, 1799; Amos, August.us, Hiram Lewis, Hulda, and Harriet, the last born November 4, 1819.

Jm,eph Platt\:; name is among tlwse who took the oath of fideliLy to the State in 1778, awl Obadiah Platt was among tl1e new elPetors, in Wiucl1ester in 1801.



'l'HE late l'rof. ,Jolmson 'T. Platt, of the Yale Law School, heaJs this branch. He was a descendant of the older Huntington st(1ck of Isaac lF;t. The oldest son of Lmac,Jonas, had a son Obadiah, whose son Obadiah 2d, left a son Jarvis, born September 6, 1759, who married Ann Nichols. Their son David married Lucretia Tousey of Newtown. They had a son Philo Tousey Platt, who married Jeanette E. Tuttle, of Southlmry, Ct. He was the father of Prof. Johnson Tuttle Platt; this one married Mary Jay Pettee, of Pitt,;fiekl, September a, 18G7. He left no cltildreu. His a.nce,;tral li11e from Riclianl of Milford is thrnngli Isaac, of Hnutini,!ton, Jonas, Obadiah, Olmdial: 2d, Janis, David aml Philc, Tou­sey Platt.

He was horn at NPwtowu, Ct .. January 12, 1844. He gralluat,ed from the Harvanl Law Schou! in 1865, and enternd into tlrn practice of his professiou at Pittsfield, MaKs. After a six monthR residel!ce, he remoYed to NPw HnvP.ll, aml sorn1 l)ecamP quite promi11ent iu his profPssion. On the reorgauization of the Yale Law Scliool iu 1869, l\lr. JJlatt, autl Profs. Rohim;llll ancl Balclwiu, Wf~re placed mainly iu charge


of the institution. In 1873, he received the degree of Master of Arts from Yale. He was a member of the Court of Common Council £or several years, and in 1874:, was made Corporation Counsel. He re·vised the city ordinances, and did a large amount of other valuable work for tlie city. He was Regis­trar in Bankru-r_tcy, Master of Chaneery of Connecti­cut for a number of years; and he was U. S. Com­missioner up to the time of his death. He died sud­denly J anuar_v 23, 1890, of cerebral hemorrhage. He was just going to his class in the Law School when he was stricken, and soo11 becoming insensible, he died in a few hours after reaching his home. A11 testify that he was a man of fine intellectual abilities, and many noble qualities. As a lawyer he was able and ready. As an instructor, he was thorough, gentle, helpful and sympathetic. He won the hearts of all his students. His literary culture was extended and full. He was fond of history and poetry, and was often ready with an a.pt quotation. He was a good cou­versationalist, sincere and agreeable in his manner, and he had hosts of friends. In the Law School, his range was first equity and pleadings, then "torts," or criminal law, and finally general jurisprudence and the history of law. The New Haven County Bar, in a minute approved by them, January 24, 1890, used these fitting words: "He was not only well read in the ordiuary literature of his profesc;iou, but long and loving study hall made him familiar with the science of Jurisprudence in its widest range. His sympathies were warm, and his friend­ships true and deep-rooted. Duriug nearly a quar-


ter of a century at the Har, a11cl twenty years iu the Yale Law School, he hall heeu l1011orabl5· known as a learned lawyer, au imlepe11de11t thinker, a pnblic­spiritecl citizen, a kind-hearted and high-mindetl man. "

His 0ourse of lectures on Jurisprudence, it is hope(l, will soou be gin,n to the press. He pul>fo1hed two valuable essays, one 011 "The Assertion of Rights," and foe other on "The Opportnuity for the Development of J urisnrudence in the tI nited States." This scieuce was his favorite legal study. A brid, but atlmirable sketch of his life wa;; writteu hy Mor­ris F. Tyler, Esq., a member of the New Haven Bar. It should be stated, that Professor Platt had been, during twenty years, gathering facts about the "Plat.t Lineage," and the writer of these memorials is exceedingly iudebted to him for important and in­teresting eontributions t,o t.he accurate histor_v of the family. By the courtesy of his wife, he ha.-; had ac­cess to his manuscript;; rLlso. His age was ·11>. He was sumrnoued in the maturity of hi,;; powers. His brief but ener~etic aml sncces;;fnl life is au honor to the family uarne.

Hi8 only l,rotl1er Theron Eu~ene Platt, liYeR on tlw old ph1ee at Newtown, wliere hotl1 were boru. His brother, born May Hi, 1848, married Mar_v Cathe­rin;; Rus,;ell, of Roud,hury, Novern ber 2G, 1873. He lias 011e sou, .Pliiln 1'. Pl~tt. h.-,rn J\hy 20, 1880. A son Oliffonl, horn l\IP.rch 9, 1884, (lied :May 13, 1889.

Tlieir oulv auut, Elosia, IUarrie<l Erastus l)iPrce, of Sonthhl;n. Two sons, Granville T., of South Britain, Ct., ~ud DaYitl F., who married Eliza Bracl-


ley, of Southbury. They have two daughters and one son: Mary E., born December 20, 1875, Fred­erick E., March 11, 1878, and Anne H., born May 17, 1880.

Richard Platt, resident of New Haven, son of William, is of the ,Josiah Bnmch. His wife, n-ow deeeased, was the daughter of Ilichard Platt, of Mil­ford. Her brother, in MilforJ, is also a Richard. There seem to be six Richards in the field. All honor to those who honor the first in the line. Richard Platt of New Haven has a son and a daughter. The latter is married and resides in New Haven.



Tms traces to Fairfield, tlwn to tlie ok1er Hn11t­i11gtou Branch of Isa:u- 1st, tl1P sou of Ricliard 1st. Orville H. Piatt, U. S. Se1;ator from Ct., is its oldest living representative. The ancestral liue comes from Ohatliali, of Fairfielcl. Tliis Oba<liah was ROH of Jonas, olt1est smi of Isaac 1st, and Elizabeth "\Voorl, of Huntington, L. I. In 1724, Obadiah Phtt, of saiLl town, purchased ln.mls in Fairfield, aml snn11 after re,u<w,•d tl1id1er. He married l\lary Smitl1, A.nlfnst 10, 172~. TlH•y luul eight cl1il­Jren: Ahel, l•oru Angu,-;t 2, 172:-l; Sandi, bon1 June 2fi, 1725; ,Joua,,, 1Jorn ()dnlJn 9, 1727; Obadiah, August 8, 17:.m, a11cest(,r ()f the !ah- Pn,f. .Jolrnso11 T. Platt; Alllt. 1,orn ?'~OYt:lllbf'r !i, 17:n; lJaYid, September 15, 1731; :'.\fory, Loni ,Jairnary 7, 17:~/i; and Eli;,:;,bPt.11, hnrtt May 10, 17:~c,. 'Mary, wife of Obadiah, llie,l at Ridg:did,l. X,,y1•1nl"'r Hi, 1771. Ahd pnrel1m:,•(l hn,lc; in Ur-,l,li11;-;. an,1 in ] 7;.iii at RitlgeliPl,l in comp,w,1· witl1 iii:, fatlin. JI., i,-, sai<l tr, lrnvP ,liP<l whi];, R prii-;"11Pr 1,f war at NPw York. ,Jouas Pla.tt ,:;H,tle,l aL Rt0 d,li11.~. allrl 011 Octol>Pr 17,


1747, marriml Elizabeth Sanford, Jaughter of Ehprairu, of that place .. Both were admitted church members at Redding, July 5, 1749. Tl1eir children born at Reddiug were: John, baptized February 5, 1752; Daniel, baptized August 11, 1754 ; Euuice, baptized May 30, 1756. The two following named are recorded as born at Ridgefield : Obadiah, }Iay 17, 1758; and Isaac, born April 13, 1760. Jonas had other children, namely: Samuel, Jonas, William, Jehu, and a daughter Hukla. Jonas was taken prisoner during the Danbury raid, April 25 and 28, 1777, and is said to have been carried to New York. His name appears among those who marched to :Fishkill to reinforce Gen. Putnam, during the Bur­goy1ie campaign ir.: October, 1777. John, son of Jonas above mentioned, was in the army, and was taken prisoner at Fort Lee, November 16, 1776. He settled at Washington, Ct. He married Elizabeth Pa.rmle, July 7, 1775. Their children were: John, born February 21, 1776; David, born Augnst 31, 1778; Ruth Ann, bornMarch30, 1782; Betsey, horn May 8, 1790; and Daniel Gould, born July 25, 1797.

--John Platt 2d, son of John aud Elizabeth, mar­ried Larenda Warner, November 24, 1800. Their children: Lavinia, born May 22, 1802; Robert S;, born May 22, 1804 ; Enrotus, born December 29, 1806; Laurren R., born June 29, 1809; Fanny ,Janette, born September 27, 1814; and John Taylor, born Jnly 8, 1820, residing in Washing­ton, Ct.

-David Platt married Jerusha Lewis, November 19, 1806. His sister, Ruth Ann. married Leman


Caufield, Nornmber 8, 1802. The chiltlreu of Ruth were : Dauiel X.; Betsey A., born Mardi 24. 1806 ; Lewis A., born March 31, 1809; Daniel N. 2d, born September 9, 1812; and Julia, born 1819.

--Betsey Platt, 2d daughter, marrie.Ll Haney Smith, November 17, 1813. Issue: a i,;on Hemj·, h0rn January 4, 1815. A secoud marriage was to Elisha. ·Gitrret.

-Daniel G., of Washingtou, Ct., you1Jgest so11

of Jolin Platt 1st, married Almyra Hitchcock, Jan 3, 1817. 'fheir children are : OrvillE·, horn March 11, 1822, died 182fi; Orville Hitclicc,ck, l,oru .July Hl, 1827; and Simeon D., horn February 12, 1832. A second marriage was to Harriet Davis, Cold Spring, N. Y., September 26, 1857. She died December 18, 1885. He died October 26, 1871.

Orville H. Platt, Seuator, rnarrieLl Ann Bull, of Towanda, Pa., May 15, 1850. Tlwir children are : James Perry, horn at Towanda, 1'1farch 31, 18i'>l, and Daniel Uonld, born at MeriLlP11, Fe1Jrnary 7, 1858, died January, 1864.

-James Perry Plat.t, l1is sou, iR a lawyer of :Meri.­den. He married Hattie In·s, of tiiat plaeP, Decem­ber, 1885. They lrnve <lllf' d:mµ-liter. Margery Platt.

TliP heacl of this hranclJ, Onille H. Platt, U. S. Senator, was horn at ,Yashi11gtm1, Ct., .Tnly 19. 1827. After a thorough acMlernie eounw, he stn11iPll law at Litchfield, and was :ulmitte,l to tlw bar iu 1H4'.I. Hf­has Hince practiced law at his present horn(•, MPri­den, Ct. He was Clerk of the StatP Seuate in 13;:;5 :mcl 1850 ; was Secretary of State (If Conrn1cticu t ill 1857; a 1,1ember of the State Homw of llepreAeuta-


tives 111 1864 and 1869, serving the last year as speaker. He was elected to the U. S. Senate, a Re­publican member, and took his seat March 18, 1879. He was re-elected in 1885. His steady advancemeut in public l~fe is a creditable recognition of his ability aud efficie11cy, ancl his twelve years in the Seuate show a long, faithful and honoraLle service in our highest legislative body. He is justly ranked among our rising statesmen. Iu January 1891, he WM re­elected £or a third term of six years as Uuited States Senator from Connecticut..

Simeon D. Platt, brother of Orville H., resi<li11g in Torrington, married Helen M. Logan, of Washiug­ton, December 10, 1855. They have one son, ·wm. Logan Platt, born at W aghrngton, April 20, 18;'.}IJ.

-Wm. Logan Platt married Rose Cook, of Wash­ington, Ja1luar,v 11, 1882. They have a son, Daniel Phillip, born March 29 1886, and one daugl1ter. "Wil­liam L. is a ph_ysicia11 in Torrington.

Isaac Platt, Lorn April 3, 1760, son of ,Jonas aud Elizabetl1, lmd c11iltlreu: 1\Iills Platt, born August l, 1789; Hulda, L_nlia, aml A·tro11. This last li\·etl at ,Yestport, hut a,t lP11gtl1 we1Jt ~'e;,t. Mills Platt marriel1 Lucy Frost, Decernher 1, 1814. He ,lied March 2, 18G5. Hnl11a L1iel1 Hingle. Lydia marriPll l:-;aac Bertram, of He111li11g, Ct.

-Mills Platt au,l Lnc·y Frost had seve11 d,il,lrr,n: Jerome 1\1. Platt, 1Jorn Deel'm1,Pr [i, 181.'>, 1lie,l l\Ia rc-h 1, 1816: CurtiH F. Platt, born June 23, 1817, of ~lsW

HaYen: Hul1la E., 1Jorn July 22, 1819; Danir.] :'.\f.


horn December 29, 1823, ,lied February 22. 18R8; .John D., living in Sharon Valley, N. Y., born May 12, 1827 ; Mary S., 1oru March 4, 1830, married Wm. Wheeler, living at Litchfield, Ct., and Charles E. Platt, born December 20, 1833. faaac Platt above, died in 1797.



BENJAMIN S. PL\.TT, Clerk of tlte U. S. Senate, 1Vashingtou, D. C., sou of LaurenR Platt, of ·wash­iu~ton, Ct., was horn in 183::1, at Albany, N. Y.; married there 1865, Julia H. Feltham, from Eng­land.. He was thirteen years in the Governm,mt Printiug Office; in 1879 he went iuto the publication office of the War Records; in 1885 he was made En­grossiug Clerk of the U. S. Senate, his present _ of­ficial position. He was treasurer of the 1Vashington Topogrnph. Associatiou, also a delegate to the Na­tional Topogrnph. Cou vcntio11 iu Baltimore, 1872. He has thn-~e children: Gntrude, /born i11 A.llxmy, :N. Y.), MabPi ,mcl Harry. The latter two horn in ·w a;;h­iugton.

-His hrr,tl1er A.mu,.; ]{, horn iu Ct .. 11342, 1trnnied l\Irs. Kr~tP. R()yuol,1-;, {rn;e Cochran) of \Vmd,ington, D. C., uow decease<L 1Pa \·ing one so;i. He is iu the 0-oYPrument. service.

-His si-,tn. Lavinia E., b(lrn iu Al1any, rnarri8d ,Tawes 1\I. Cltri-,t.ian iu 18(,-4-. Sl1e is fitiil livi11g tliere.

--His ~H,ow1 si,,t,-.r I•'a1111i,, E. j,; 1ivi11g iu Albm1y, ~- Y.

Jol111 Taylor Platt. all u11cl0 of BPnjan1in S. Platt


resides iu "\Yashiugton, Ct. He has two daughters living. He is a son of John Platt 2d, in the Meriden line.

The Hou. Orville H. Platt, Senator from Connec­ticut, is a resident of Washington, D. C., most of the year. There are others of our linPage who make their home at the Capital-sen~ral from the Plattsburg and ,Tud~e Jonas Branches, also one or more from the Tioga arnl the Lake Slwre Branclies.



Tms starts from Joseph Platt, of l\Iilford, the young-est son of Richard 1st. Joseph Platt, often called Lieut. Platt, baptized April 1, rn49, married M:uy Kellogg, daughter of D!l.niel :Kellogg, of Nor­walk,· }\fay 5, 1680. Gideon Platt, son of Lieut. Joseph Platt, we read in the Clnuch records, was baptized September 29, 1700. This Gideoll Platt married Mary Buckingham, FeLnrnry 28, 1726. Their oldest son GidAoD Platt was haptized March 24:, 1734. This llame has been kept in a number of the faniilies to the present timf•, 1890. Gideon 1st and Mary made Milllllehnry. Ct., thei1' l1orue. Their children were: Gideon, Asa and l\Iahel.

Gideon 2.J who marrind Haunah Clark, had t!iree sour;, Gideon 3(1, ~1nrit, allcl ,TosepL.

-Gideon 3d marriP11 Lytlia Sperry, of \\rat,•r1mry, NoYPWlwr 8, 1807. ThPy ha,1 cliilr1n'll: ,fosepli, Anson, Girfom1 Lucian, ~Ienit. 1\Iaria a!J(l Lntl1(>r S. Gideon ~ltl, died Oi>tol,rr 2:!, 11:i4fi.

_;JllRrcpli Plntt, ,;ou oi Gi.JPoll ~Id, r,,,,i;1es i11 Soutl,­Jngton.

-Luther 8. Plutt, of Nanf-(atuck, married Diantlie Tlwmpsnu, still liYing. They have one ,.;011, Fred.


GiLleou, who married Thaukful F. Lee, in August, 1879. He had a son Howard Luther, and a daugh­ter Bertha D. A second marriage in March, 1885, was to Lilian Rockwell. They liave two children by this marriage, Lula F., and Helen R. Platt.

-Anf;ou, second sou, died in California, 1849. -GiLleon Lucian, third Ron of Gideon 3d, was

born in :Middlebury, Ct., July iO, 1813; graduated from the Yale Medical College, 1838; established himself in practice iu Waterbury, held a high rank iu his profession ; he was in suceession Presideut of the County and State Medical Asso­ciatiom,. He married Caroline Tudor, of "\Viud­sor, Ct., December 18, 1844; he died November 11, 1889. She is still living. Their children are Dr. Lucian Tudor, Medora Caroline, Dr. \\'alter Brews­ter, au<l the youngest, Charles Easton. Charles Easton, born October, 1856, resides in Detroit, Mich. Dr. Walter Brewster Platt, born December 20, 1853, married Mary Perine, daughter of E.G. Perine, Esq., of Baltimore, December 4, 1889. He has one son, Washington Platt, born October 6, 1890. He took the scientific degree of Ph.B., from Yale College in 1874, his M.D. from Harvard in 1879, and hi,; F.R. C.S. in Lontlon in 1883. He reRicles in Baltimore in the full practice of his profession. His sister l\fodora C., manied Dr. "\Y. Hamlin Holmes, of CalaiR, l\le., April 6, 1881, a nephf'w of the Hon. Hannibal Hamliu, lafa Vice-Prt>siclent. Their home is iu W,Lterhnry, Ct. Dr. Lucian Tn<lor Platt, born in 1845, graduated from Yale College in 1864, took hiR l\I.D. in 1869, from the University of Penn-

GIDlW~ BlL\~CH. 181

sylvania, Philadelphia. He married September 15; 1871, Rebecca Hurlbut, of WiHchester, Ct. One daughter, Theodora H. Platt. His lwrne is Vine­land, N. J., where he is practiciug medicine.

--Merritt Platt, fourth son of Gideon 3d, married l\Iary Bronson, of Middlebury, November 25, 1838. Have had two children, Edward Bronson and Mary Eliza. Residence, W aterhury, Ct.

-Maria H., second daughter, of GiJeon 3d, mar­ried Elan P. Osborn, of Camden, N. J., both de­ceased; their children are: Lydia l\I., who married Isaac P. Treat, of Orange, and Platt D. Osborn, of New Britaiu, Ct.

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ALFRED PLATT, second son of Na than Platt, of Newtowu, Ct., was born April 2, 1789. He founded the manufacturing hamlet of Plattsville, near Water­bury. He married Irene Blackman, of Brookfield, in 1816. He died Decem her 29, 1873. She died November 2, 1863, aged 72. Their children wf're: Nirom B., Charles Sanford, Wiiliam Smith, Clark Murray, Alfred Legrand and Seabury B. Platt.

-Nirom, eldest son, born September 1, 1818, married Eliza Kirtland, Waterhury, September 17, 1810. Children : Fanny, Margaret., Ida and Wil­liam. Fanny married Charles Russell, who died Christmas, 1889, at Los Angeles, Cal. Margaret mar­riecl .. N. N. Oshorn ; they re8ide in "\Vaterbury. Ida R. marriPd LP-wis Perkins, of Rame place. ,Vil­liam's home is in California. The father died Octo­ber 14, 1863.

-Charles ~- Piatt, seenn(l so11 of Alfred, was horn in Waterbury, July 30, 1820; he rP-moved to ·west Stock briclge, Ma.ss., 18-18, awl built tlie "Rockdale Mills." He was a memb::•r of the State Legislature in 1841. He nmrriell Mary M. Tohev, of "\Vest Stoeklll'i•lgP, Septic,rnber -i, 18(;1. TltPir chiltlren


are: Mary J., born November 17, 1862; Frederick T., born October 15, 1864, residing in Troy, N. Y.; Charles E., born October 31, 1866, and Jeannette E. His public life is marked by Lis opposition to saloon politics and saloon influences. His home is in Stock­bridge, Mass.

- William S. Platt, third son of Alfred, born in Waterbury, January 27, 1822, married Caroline Or­ton, daughter of William, October 1, 1844, born the same year as her husband. He was a manufacturer, and Le showed a Yery remarkable aptitude in the adaptation of new means to desirable ends. He in­vented many admirable appliances of great practical value, as bis very handsome estate proves. In brief, he was an "inventive gt-,nius." His factories em­ployed over 200 workmen, and his industries have greatly enlai·ged Plattsville. The business of his firm is now one of the largest in Waterbury. He died March 27, 1886, in Lis 64th year. His children are : Orton William, died in infancy; Helen Irene W. ; Caroline Amelia; William Hubert, died in his 7th year, and Irving Gibbs, born June 18, 1860. Helen Irene Wilhelmina, boruMarch 4, 1849, married Wallace H. Camp, October 17, 1878; their home ·is in Waterbury. Mrs. William S. Platt survives her husband, and lives at the homestead with her daughter and so11.

-Clark Murray, fourth son of Alfred Platt, horn January 1, 1824, has loug been in business in com­pany with his brother William S. He married, May 20, 1846, Amelia M. Lewis, born January 3, 1826, of N angatuck, Ct. His childre11 are : Bertha


Louise born May 10, 1851, aud Lewi,; Alf reel, boru May 31, 1854. Edward Legra11<l, the youngest, died 1862, in his 6th year. Lewis A. Platt married Ellen Brain­ard, June 20, 1882. Bertha LouiRe Platt married Jay H. Hart, :May 20, 1873. Their children are: Amy Louise Hart, born October 4, 1874; Bertha Murray, born October 10, 1876; Lewis Jay, born August 21, 1878; Alfred Lucius,December 10, 1880; Ruth Spencer, born September 22, 1882 ; and Dor­othy Nettleton Hart, born February 27, 1889. Lewis A. Platt is a graduate of Yale.

-Alfred L., fifth son of Alfred Platt, born ,Janu­ary 1, 1825, married Sarah A. Sherman, of Danbury, July 28, 1847. Their children are: Alfred S., born November 12, 1854, and a daughter, Sarah Jane, older, born January 8, 1849. She married, May 10, 1870, Jared P. King. Two children : a daughter, Lillie, born June 10, 1872, died same year, ancl a son, Rupert Vivian, born October 17, 1877. The -sou Al­fred S. Platt, married Eugenie A. Nettleton, Decem­ber 18, 1876. They have a daughter, Alice E., born October 7, 1879. The_Y reside in "\Yaterbnry.

-Seabury B., sixth sou, horu October 8, 1828, is a lawyer, living lately in Birminµham, Ct. He was three years at Yale College. Ill health prevented his graduation. He was chosen a judge of the Dis­crict Court, but has recently returned to tl1e practice of his profes:-1ion. He is HOW re"i<lent ia Lakeville, Flon1la.

Leonard Platt, youngest so11 of Nathat1, born in March, 1804, married Clarissa Hosmer, of Vermont.


He was seuior warden of the Episcopal Church in Waterbury for several years; aud chairman of the building committee to build a new stone church. His children are: Henry, Maria, Richard, George L. and Clara. They live in Waterbury. He was very much interested in the ancestry of the family. ·while in Europe, he sought facts, aud made a valu­ble record, which, ~ndeed,suggested the compilation of these merr.oranda. He invented several valuahle machines. He died suddenly at Shrewsbury, N. J., J ul_v 4, 1858, in his 55th year. His remarns were brought to Waterbury for burial.

There are several of the family from other bra11ches resining at Waterbury. Some of the descendants of the late Dr. Gideon L. Platt are there, also his brother l\Ierrit and family of the Gideon Branch. Mrs. Lewis J. Atwood, residing in Waterbury, is Eliz:tbeth, rlaughter of Almon Platt, of the Josiah Branch.



IN this the name of Benoui Platt comes first. He resided in Northcastle, Westchester Co., N. Y., as early as 1730, siuce he is then registered in the records as a town officer. His Christian name seems to be a new one in the family. He died ill N orthcastle in 1763, leaviug his widow Han­IJah Platt, two sons, ,Jonathan and Beuoui 2d, and one daughter Abigail. His will is recorded in the Surrogate's office i11 New York (lib. 6, p. 31,) dat~d May 20, 1761, provPd May 14, 1763; in which lie mentions his wife, two sons, hit; daugh­ter Abigail's children, l1is graud-(laughter Abigail daughter of liis son J3enoni 2d, and Lis BOil Jou­atlian's oldesc, llaughter, ah!o hiH grand-daughter Hannah, then uuder 16. The will of hiB widow, Hau11al1 Platt, is also 011 record, (liu. 2£1, p. 427,) <lated Man·h 8, ]7fi4, proved February 25, 17fi7, iu which Rlie mentious lier Hons as above an(l lier daughter Ahigail, alHl ],er gra11d-claaµliter Hau11ah, tlw daughter of Abigail. There is also on record tlrn will of Benoui Platt 2cl, of Northcastle, recorded liber K, p. 271, dated May 2G, 1824.


There is no Benoni Platt among the family rec­ords in Huntington, L. I., or in MilforJ, Ct., that the compiler of these memorials has discovered. There is a Jonathan in the Norwalk Brauch, but ·it was after Benoni Platt'a_oldest son was so name<l. There was a Jonathan Platt an early settler in Rowley, Mass. Jonathan Platt 2d in this line,. went east­ward to Greenwich, Ct., to find his bride. This slight clue is the only one we have. Judge Platt, of White Plains, is of the opinion that Benoni waR a

grandson of Isaac 1st, of Huntington. Col. J onathau Platt 1st, of Bedford, N. Y., re­

moved in 1793 with his son Jonathan 2d to Tioga Co., N. Y., where he died in 1795, the founder of an

important branch of ·the, family. Consult the Tioga records. Benoni Plattt2d, remained on the home­stead place at Northca~'tle. He died November 3, 1796, in the 63J year of his age. His chil<lren were : Stephen, C.vnthia, Hannah, Abigail, Debora, aud Berioui Platt 3d, who was born August 8, 1764. 0£ these, StAphen married Miss Green, both dying young, leaving no issue. Debora never married.

-Cy11tl1ia Platt, daughter of Benoui, 2d, martied Charles Rundle. They lived in Greenwich, Ct. Their children were : Hannah, Jarvis, William and Benoni.

-Hannah Platt married :Mr. Dibble, who tift a (laughter, who marriell l\lr. Hubbard. Their tles­cendants live in New York City.

-Abigail Platt, third daughter, married Benjamin Tripp, of Nortlicastle. Four children: Isaac, DPojamin; ,fr., Hannah (who marrie(l P. Hopkim,,)


and Debora, who married William Palmer. Of these, Hannah Hopkins lived and died in Nortb­castle. They left one child, Hannah, wife of J olrn P. Tripp. Debora Palmer died in New York, leav­ing children uow residing there.

-OI the grandchildren of Benoui Platt 2d, Benoni Rundle had a son Charles, and a daughter, Eliza­beth of Northcastle. James Rundle resides in Brooklyn, L. I. Charles Rundle died leaving a daughter Mar_y. Isaac Tripp, of Nortbcastle, left a son John Platt Tripp, latels of Bedford. Benjamin Tripp, jr., left David, and Sarah, 110w · residing in Middletown, N. Y.

-Benoni Platt 3d, who died May 13, 1824. married Charity Reynolds. His childreu were: Orsomus, born July 4, 1785, dying without issue, April 19, 1831; Rachel, born October 15, 1787, who married Mr. 0. Marvin, but died without issue in her 24th year; Cyntl1ia, horn July 9, 1790, died in her 18th year; Horton, born August !J, 1792, died De­cember 18, 1867; Stephen, born ,June 24, 1794 ; Ch;uity, born April 10, 1796; ReynoldR, born Oc­tober 15, 1798; William, born December 1, 1801 ; and Jane A1111, born Feb. 4, 1804. These wiore hv his first wife. A secoud 11rnrria.ge was to Betsey Brush. His chihlren were: Edwanl Dru sh, born Oetoher 9, 1811; Lewis C. Platt, horn l\Iarch, 1, 1818; awl Jess<, Holly, l,11rn l>ecewher 31, 1820.

-Stephen Platt, tl1e tl1ir,l Hou, married a l\Iiss l1 u­<lerhi]l. Hr <lif•Ll ,Tnly 11, lRGl. His cl1ildreu: w·rn. Platt, ELlwi1i, awl E111i!y ( Keller), all of Pc>'keep-81e; Raebel 1'Yealtl1Pay1, of Moutrose, Faunie


(Mosher), and Ann Eliza (Van Anden), both of Amenia, N. Y.

Benoni Platt Hh, married Jennie E. Ham, of Pine Plains, N. Y. Their children were : Frank Platt, of Hartford, Ct., and Charles H. Platt, of New York. Benoni P., died in .El Paso, Ill., 1860. Charles H. Platt, of New York, January 29, 1884, married Frar­cis J. J anriet.

The widow of Beuoiii Platt 4th, rnai-ried C. M. Clute, of El Paso, where she now resides.

-Charity, born April 10, 1796, married Stephen Sands, (still living a widow residing at Aurora, N. Y.) Her children are: Alexander, (married), :Marcus, Alanson, Rachel and Samuel, of Aurora.

·-Reynolds, born October 15, 1798, died aged 73, leaving a son Ebenezer G. Platt, who married and is residing at Northcastle; and a daughter Sarah E., (~rs. W. H. Green.)

-Wm. Platt, born December 1, 1801, died in his 38th year, leaving Horton and Francis, both de­ceased.

-Jane Ann, married Augustus Cliff; died without issue, April 24, 1825.

-Edward Brush Platt, died October 9, 1811, leav­ing Edward r;ewis Platt, of Mt. Kisco, and Mary, deceased.

-Lewis C. Platt, married Laura S. Popham, May 1, 1853. His children are : Mary S., Eliza, Benoni, Wm. Popham, Jane H., Aletliea Hill, Lewis C. jr., Julia Ward, and Theodora Platt. Judge Lewis C. Platt is a lawyer, residing in White Plains, N. Y. He sent me most of these data.


-Jesse Holly Platt, died ,July S, 1884, leaving two children, Lewis Holly and Alice, who married Rev. Wilberforce Wells.

Jonathan Platt 1st, wheu he removed to Tioga Co., left one son, Charles, at Bedford, N. Y.

Charles Platt, of Bedford, N. Y., sol! of ,Jonathan · 1st, was born February 10, 1771. He married Han­nah Leek, November 23, 1791. Their children were: Philip L. Platt, born in Bedford, ,Jnly 22, 1795, died in California, April, 1852; Joseph S .. Platt, Febru­ary 6, 1798; Eleanor M., May 27, 1800, died Novem­ber 16, 1851; Charles S., born July !J, 1802; Han­nah L., horn August 18, 1804, died July 9, 1841; Samuel H., born May 6, 1806; Jonathan and Mary A., born October 14, 1807, died in infancy; Erastus E., born October 10, 1809 ; Catherine M., March 1, 1818, died September 8, 1820; and Deborah R., born June 6, 1815. She (Mrs. Holly) only is living. She resides with her niece Mrs. Kate M. Smith, Middle­town Ct. The father, Charles Platt died March 17, 183!1

~Joseph S., son of Charles, married Esther Mills, <laughter of J onatlrnu, of Bedf01;cl, N. Y. Their children are: Rachel A., ,Joseph M., Kate M., and Mary E. The youugest clie<l, lea,iug no cl1ilclre11. Rachel married ""\Yrn. C. l\Ierritt, liviug iu New York. 'l'hey l1ave six children: Clrnde,;Anderson, born 1853; Wm. Platt, February 12, 1857; Eclitl1 Augusta, Car­oline Warrell, Anna Bertha, alHl ··Henr_y M., the last born September 12, 18(i7.

Joseph M. Platt, married aud haR one daughter, Flom, who married Albert :Beu<lall; they are now


living in Brooklyn, L. I. Kate M. Platt, married J. Lincoln Smith, of Lanesboro, Westchester Co., N. Y. One son, Howard M., wl10 is residing in New York. The father, Joseph S, Platt, died at his daughter's home in Middletown, July 7, 1873.

Edward Erastus Platt, late of Albany, N. Y., son of Charles Plat.t, of Bedford, N. Y., married Maria Leek Knapp, near 1835. Their children were: Jo­seph Hall, Edward Erastus, May Elizabeth,Oharles, Hubert, Eleanor, E .• Harvey, and Virginia. Two others died quite young. Four of these 0111y ,mr­vive : Edward E., Mary E., E. Harvey, and Virginia. The youngest son and the two daughters reside with their venerable mother in New York. The father was in the service of his country_ in the late war, and after its close, he was still retained in service in the Freedmen's Bureau. He died, 1869. Edward E., his son, was also in the war. He married Seraph N., daughter of Marslui.11 Newton, of Vt., May 5, 1865. Their children are: Mary Leek, James New­ton, and Grace Platt, born in Springfield, Mass. 'rliey reside in Worcester, Mass.



THIS is an offshoot of the Westchester stock. Col.· ,Jonathan Platt, of Bedford, N. Y., went with his son Jonathan, to Tioga County, N. Y., in 1793, and died there two years later. Both the father and the son, doubtless, served in Gen. Sullivan's army, which in 1779 crossed from Trenton, N. J., to the Susque­hanna River, and drove the Indians out of the V(y­oming Valley, and it was that expedition wLich in all propability led them lafor to move back into the Susquehanna Valley: Jonathan Platt, tlie father, was a prominent patriot in the Revolution. He was a member of the Provisional Congress of 1775. from NewYork. He isreferred to inLossing'sField Book of the Revolution, (Yol. 1, p. 691,) as 011e of the " distinguisbed patriots " who constituted tlie Com­mittee of Safety at White Plains, N. Y., 1776. His father was Benoni Platt, of NorthcaBtle, 'Westchester Co., N. Y. The Colonel lived long enough to see his son wPll estaulishecl in his Tioga lwme. ,Jonathan Platt,.so~ of Jonathan 1st, was born April 20, 1764; lie maiTiell Anna Brusli, born October 8, 1766, of Greenwicli, Ct. Their children were: Jonathan 3d, born 1783 ; Mary, born May 20, 1785; Be11jamiu,


born June 5, 1787; Edward, August 19, 178H; Wil­liam, October 29, 1791 ; Brush, horn August 6, 1795; Nehemiah, July 25, 1797; Charlotte, born January 25, 1800: Benjamin, April 2, 1803; Deborah, born August 6, 1805; Charles, May 11, 1808; and Sarah, May 9, 1811, who is stillliving. Jonathan Platt 2d, was prominent and influential in his neighborliood, and he is well remembered by people still living. He acquired a fair property in his day. He died December, 1824.

,Jonathan Platt 3<l oldest son of J onathau 2d, was born in Bedford, N. Y., October 13, 1783, ten years before the f~mily removed to the Susquehanna Val­ley. He made his home'in Nichols, Tioga Co., N. Y., .and he became a lea.ding man in his neigh­borhood. He married Betsey Goodrich. She died 1878. He died January 16, 1857, leaving seven child­ren: Charlotte, Mary, Charles, and George, who died 1851, aged 27 ; and Frances Sarah, who died 1883, aged 52, and Eli.zabeth Caroline, and Edward .Jonathan Platt.

-Charlotte Platt, the first, lJorn August 7, 1817, married George Underwood, a lawyer of Auburn, N. Y. He was a graduate of Hamilton College, in the class of '38; a member of the Greek letter frateru­ity of Alplia Delta Phi. He established a success­ful practice in his profession ; he was attorneJ of the N. Y. Central Railroad; a member of the N. Y. Legislature 1850-2; and Mayor of Au1rnrn in 1854. He died May 25, 1859, in his 44th year. His wife survives ; she is occnpJing the homestead iu Aubnru. Their children were: George Platt, Char-


lotte Platt, and William, who all <lif>cl nearly two years of age ; and Jonathan Platt, George "G nJe;·­wood 2d, aml Fanny GoDdrich l71Hlerwood. Jona­than Platt lTnderwood, born Septemher H, 1849, is a graduate of Hamilton College in tlie clRss of '70. He is au Alpha Delta Phi. He married November 5, 1890, making l1is home iu Chicage, Ill. His wife Caroline, is the daughter of GP-orge Trnmbnll, of that city.

--George Uuderwoor1 2d, horn July 17, 185:5,.is a lawyer iu Auburn, N. Y. HP is a gratlnate of Yale, in the class of 1875. HP- married, October 20, 1880, Grace Kennard, of Boston, l\fass., horn ,Tuly 27, 1858. The name and mantle of his father fall upon him in his native place. Tl1eir cl1il,1ren are : Grace, born 1882, died iu infancy; George Underwood 3d, born Septf•mbPr 29, 1888; Kenuard, born Augm;t 16, 1886; and Rosamund Underwood, horn October 8, 1887. Fanny Goo<lricli, tl1e ~-oungPst of tlie children nf Gr,orge Uwlenrno<l 1st, born ,July 12, 1857; mal'riPcl Juue u, 1888, ,JosPpli C. A1Hlerson, a bankPr iu Auhnrn, born March 2ti, 18ti3.

-Mary Platt, s,•c1,u,l 1hngliter. of ,Jm1atlian Platt 3d, l,oru Septemher 17. lHHJ. rnai-ri,-.,1 SPpternher :3, 184G, Hl1lff,Y Morgan, of Anrnra, X. T., l>nrn A.ngm;t 22, 1810. He <lied, Jannary HO, 1KH7. He left oue daughter liYing, Kfde Mor;a!J; Clms. H,-.11ry, horn Septernher, 184H, <1ie1l )Ia,, 1,%1; ;,11,l ,Julrn Platt ~Iorgan, l,nrn May, V-t".il. ,li.,1l SPpti:ll1be,1·, lk."i2. ::\ln;. Morgan resi<les in ~ew ·York. Hr·r clttugliter KntP 1\Ior~au born ,Ta11uary ,;, 1R47, 11w,-rie,1 ,Jn;,e 2::-1, 1870, \Vm. BrookfiP1<1. of :N°P.w Ynrk, fornwrly of Brookl,n1.


They have five sons:· Henry Morgan, born Octoher 17, 1871 ; Fritz ,Tames H., born April 25, 1H74; Frank, November 18, 1875; Edwin Morgan, Septem­ber 22, 1877; and Herbert Brookfield, born July 4, 1880. Harry, the oldest, is in the class of '93 in Columbia College, arnl is also a member of the fraternity of Alpha Delta Phi.

-Charles Platt, oldest son of Jonathan 3d, born March 19, 1822, married 1\fa~· 10, 1848, Nancy H. Ely; of Binghamtou, N. Y. He died June 18, 186!:J, leaviug oue <laughter living, Louise 'rivers. His sou "William H., cliet1 1873, aged 24; Charles Heur~· died 1870, aged 13; Fanny E., died May 3d, 1878, in her 18th year; aud Frederick Platt, born 18H8, diecl same year. Louise Tiven, Platt, born April 16, 1851, nrnrrie<l Aaron Putnam Storrs, of Owego, now residing tl1ere. They have cliildren: Charles Platt Storrs, horn September 25, 1874, antl Fann_v Platt Storrs, 1878.

-Elizabeth Platt, fonrtli llaugl1tPr of ,To11atl1an 3d, horn ,TnnP 6, 18H3, married September, 18[iR, Silas Coullit Hay. residing i11 !\ew York. 'rlJPy have two cl1il,heu living, tl1P youugPst, Charles Cortlau,1 H:w, l1nrn ~lay 7, 187G, in ~PW York. Two, Elii-::d1Ptlt Pbtt a]J(l Fauny, tlie<l in iufai1cy iu lk(j;i atHl 18fiG. ThP nldPst, Lf>nis C. Hay, lH,n1 ·

~nYPmhH :2!\ lkGD, nrnniP.1 1'r,Yc1nlier 2, 1887, ,Jr!n111•· Unrt, r,f Saginaw, l\lic·l1. Tl1P_Y l1aYe ow• ,;;mi, ,Yr,lli1q:.:tr,11, lior11 Angn:~t -!. lkKK.

-Edwar,.l ,Jrmatlw11 Platt, yom1gPst so11 of Jo11a­tlrn11 ::,1, bnr11 SPptf•rni1f•l' :J, 1S'18, lllarriP,1 Emmn KPtelrnrn, c,f OwPgo, :!\. Y. The,· lin•tl i11 Sa11 Fran-


cisco, Cal., uearly twenty years. They returned to their old home in Owego, in the fall of 1890.

Nehemiah, sixth so11· of Jonathan 2d, has a son, George Platt, living in Owego.

Charlotte Platt, second daughter of same, mar­ried Gur<len Hewitt. Their children are : Gurclen, Jr., Frederick, both living in Owego; and a daugh­ter, who married Stepl1eu Arnot, of Elmira, N. Y.

Debora, third !laughter of Jouathan 2d, has a sou, Edward Turner, living in Flint, l\fichigan. He is a bauker.

William, fourth son of Jonathan 3d, born at Bed­ford, N. Y., October 19, 1791, two years before the removal to Tioga, married Lesbia Hinchman, of L. I., of the family of that name promiuent in the Revo­lution and in the old French ·war. His home was at Owego. He was a law_)er .. He died January 12, 1855. His children, still living, are: Fre,1erick E. Platt, of Owego; Emil_,. Platt, who married Mr. Skiuner, of Owego ; <i.rn1 tl1<" Hnu. T. C. Platt, of New York.

Tl1ornas Collier Platt, you11gest child nf "'Wiiliam, was born at O,vego, ,Tuly Hi, 1833. His first studies were rlt the AcadPm_y ill hi,- natin° plaC'e. HP PD­tered the class of '53 at Yale. I,, liis juuic,r year he left on accouut of illue:-is, which prevPlite<1 him from graduati11g; hut tl1e collq.;f' grnnted liim a11 l10norary llegrPe in 187t,. fo 18.-3'.2 lw nrnrrir•d Ellen Lucy Barstow, daughter r,f H,,lJ. Cl:as. H. Barstow, of Owego. He enten.,,_l iutn lrnsiuess, heeoming intPresti-iJ in lnrnberiug- i11 Mid1igan. HP l>eeame President of the Tioga Bimk HP took an active


part m politics. He was clerk of Tioga Co. three years. He was member of Congres8 from the 29th District, 1872 to 1876. In 1879 he became general mauager of the U. 8. Express Co. From 1880 he was several years quarantine commissioner of the port of New York. January 13, 1881, he was elected U. S. Senator from his native state. He resigned Lis seat in the Senate May 16, the same year. His promiuent and responsible positions in public life indicate that he has marketl ability in the conduct of affairs. He has been an influential leader in his party. His children are: Edward Truex, Frank Hinchman, and Henry Barstow. Ed­ward resides in Washington, D. C.

-Frank H. Platt is a lawyer in New York. He married, November 1, 1881, Caroline Elizabeth Liv­ingston, daughter of Alan Cameron Livingston. They have a son, Livingstou Platt, born March 7, 1885, and a daughter, Ellen Barstow Platt.

-Henry B. Platt, the youngest son of the ex­Seuator, married, November 9, 1887, Grace Lee Phelps, of Wilkesbarre, Penn.



NATHAN PLATT, of 'Hornellsville, N. Y., was born in Prospect, Ct., August 20, 1809. He was the sou of Jose-ph born December 14, 1778, in Milford, Ct., son of Capt. Joseph born 1754, son of Joseph born November 13, 1724, son of Joseph baptized Jan­uary 15, 1693. This Joseph was the sou of Josiah baptized 164:5, tlie son of Richard 1st.

Nathan Platt, above, gives these data of Joseph his father. He had ten children: David :Miles, born MaJ 12, 1802; l\fartlrn M., J uue 15, 1803 ; Joseph, Jr., January 15, 180f>; Eliza, Augu,.;t 3, 1806; Charlotte, January 9, 1808 ; N atlrnn him,-elf; 1809; Catharine, November, 1811; Emily, March 29, 1814; ,Villiam, .Jnly 22, 1816, and Nancy Spencer, October 7, 1819. Daxi<l :Miles livel1 i11 "Wisconsin, deceasr:J; left sow, and daughters. Orn· is Lucius C. Platt of Cliicago. ,Joseph jr., died in Michign.n. His sou, Nathan Platt, n,sides m :Mus­kegon, l\1ich.

Henry N. Platt, lawyer, Buffalo, N. Y., is tltl-'

youngest cLilcl of Nathan l'latt, of Hurnell,-;ville. He married, Decernher 12. 1887, ,Tulia M. Peck, <laughter of M:rrou H. Peck, of Bata,·ia, K. Y. 011e


son, ;\I_vrou Nathan, boru ,June 12, 188!). ~atLan Platt married. January 7, 1842, Caroline l\I. Rich­moml, of LiYonia, N. Y. Seyeu children: Richmond, Susa1J, Snsau 2J, Annette, Lucia, Charles allll Henry Nathan. Richmond J. Platt lives in Cedar Hapids, Iowa, and has a sou "\Yalter, also a secoml am1.

Joseph Platt we11t to Hamburg, N. Y., about 1830. Tliree suns, Charles 1\1., ,Yilliam aud HoracP., and tliree daughters, Mrs. Leach, Mrs. ·walker and Emmy deceased. Charles M. married Asenath A. Daytou, of Ecleu, N. Y., now residing in Aldeu, ~- Y. Tliey liave four childreu li,·iug: Frank L. iu Rieh­moml, Va.; Lewis D. in Altou, low:~; Nellie Platt and :Mrs. F. L. Barnet, of Alden, N. Y.

Joseph Platt above had brothers: Abel, wl10 went to Dixou, Ill. (two sons and two daughters.) David diNl in Buffalo; James all(l Montgomery, wl10 re­mained East. William, l,rother of Clrns. l\I., liar-; a S'll:, HeY. ·ward D. Platt, in HornellsYille, X. Y.

Horne(" rer;itles ou tLf-' old place iu Hamhnrg. 'fhe father of Jmrnph ahoYe was Ja.mes Platt, of New FairfiP]il, Ct.

-CliarlottP Platt, liorn ,Jauuar_\· !1, 1808. claugh­ter of ,Joseph Platt, ()f l'rospeet, Ut., 1?1 rnarriPil F. D. He11liam, ill that place, April C, 1828. Their chiltlren were: E,lwanl F. S. Deuliarn, boru Sept•0 rn­her 1-:1. 1S32; 0 . .J. Benl1atJ1, ~r•ptc·111her ~2. 18:34; ("-l-eorge· C'. (t1if'l1 18R7J; Daui,·1 ,Y., 1,nru lh,c1·rnlwr 1:1. 1837; Awdia C. awl :Florit,da, "\Ym. ,V. all(l H"l,ert D. Benliarn, the last 1,orn April G, 18:i2, 0. J. l31•nliam n~si1les in Clevelnml. Oliio.



Tms traces to the Josiah stock, by William Aug­-ustus, William, Benjamin, Ebenezer, John, son of John, son of Josiah 1st, son of Richard 1st, of Mil­ford, Ct. Benjamin Platt, born in Danbury, Ct., January 3, 1757, heads this branch. March 31, 1776, he married Adah J:"airchild, born September 28, 1758, died August H, 1833. Re removed to Lanesboro'., Mass.; then to Ohio, and about 1817 made his home in Columbus, on the borders of the Scioto. His grandson, Wm. Augustus, born in Lanesboro', Mass., March 7, 1809, was with his grandfather in Columbus in early boyhood. Ben­jamin Platt was a worker in gold, silver and brass. He made clocks, and invented a surveyor's compass, movable, for runnin~ lines over hilly land. He was fond of medical studies, and among relativeR showed much skill in applying his kuow hidge. He had niue children: Hanuah, born February 20, 1778; William; Cyrur-;; Ely, Oc:tohn 8, 1784; Sarah, born June 6, 1778; Benjamin, May 24, 1791, died March 3, 1812; Augm,tus, born August 4, 1793, married Elsa Chase, November 24, 1816; Hiram, July 6, 1796, married Henrietta Summers, November, 1815,


arnl Maria, April 22, 1805, ruarrietl Erastus Luce, October 10, 1825. Sarah married Jarod BracP Feb­ruary 20, 1815. Hannal1, the oldest, married Rufus Ferris, l\fay 7, 1801. Their children were : Harriet, Hiram, 1805 ; Cornelia ; Dan, born N o,em her 26, 1810, and Hufus, March 4, 1813.

- \Villiam Platt, sou of Benjamin, born November HJ, 1780, married February 7, 1804:, Pamelia Royce, of ·Lauesbon}, l\Iass. Their children were: Pam­elia. Lorn June 25, 1805, married 1821; David Gre~ory, died March 24, 188fi, i11 California; Laura An11, Jauuary 7, 1807, married Dr. "\Ym. C. Hicock, and is still living in Burliugton, Yt.; Wm. Augustus; allll Sarah 1\I. Platt, Lorn August 27, 1811, who mar­riecl Mattliew J. Gilbert, died l\Iay 26, 1837, i11 Columbus, 0. A secollll wife of Wm. Platt was

Harriet Little, married Decern ber 4, 1817. Tlieir children were : Cyrus, born 1818 ; and Harriet Little, October 17, 1820, married September 28, 1884, Theodore 8ollace. Wm. Platt died January 7, 1814. His brother Cyrus, horn 1783, married, J m1t:,

1812, Laura R,,yce; he died September 7, 1824. - "\Villiam Augustus Platt, sou of "William, mar­

ried iu Delaware, 0., September 2, 183~1, :E'am1y AralJella Hayes, ouly sister of ex-Presitleut Hnther­ford B. Hayes. They lrnd six children: Sarah Sopliia, Laura, ·William Hayes, Farniy, Emily, and Hutl1erfonl Hayes Platt. 1. Sarah Sophia, horn Octoher 5, 1H40, dit,Ll iu iufancy. 2. Laura, borIJ April 1, 1842. 3. Williarn Haye;.;, hon, Marrh :-:J,

1844, diPd ,fauuary 27, 1851. 4. Fauny, born April 12, 1847. iJ. Emily, bom .July 18, 1850. Ii. Itntlit•r-


ford Hayes Platt, born September 6, 1853. A second maniage of William A. Platt was to Sarah Follet, of Sandusky, 0. Their children were: Susan, Lucy, and Sarah. Susan married Hermon M. Hub­bard, of Columbus, 0.; two sons, Hermon Milton, and Platt. William A. Platt died August 8, 1882.

-L1wra Platt, his oldest daughter liviug, married Gen. John G. Mitchell, October 3, 1862. He served in the Ohio Volunteer Infantry during the war of the Rebellion, arnl wa,; made Brigadier-Geueral while in active service. Tl1eir chil,lren are: Eliza­beth, born October 2, 1864; Fanny, April 13, 1869; Jane Andrews, June 10, 1871; arnl John Grant, born June 17, 187!. Tlie home of the family is iu Colum­bus, Ohio.

-Fanny Platt, 11ext daughter, married Dr. Err,­kine B. Fullertou, October 19, 1871. They reside in Columbus, 0. Their children were five : Wil­liam Platt, November 23, 1872, died January 28, 1873; Laura, born October 30, 1873; Dorothy, July 9, 1877; Rutherford, ,June 30, 1880; and Fanuy, born December 2, 1882.

-Emily Platt, youngest daughter of William A., married Gen. Russell Hastings, ,June HI, 1878. The ceremony was at the ·white Honse, ,vashington, D. C. Their children are: Lucy "Webb, bom l\Iay 26, 1880; Fanny, born April 1, 1882; and Platt, born January 25, 188,5. Geu. Hastings, during the Rebellion, ,,·as iu the Oliio Volunteer Infantry, aud reached his military honors in active service. The home of the family is in Hamilton, Bermuda Islandi;:. It is· one of the very charming places in the Island


group. ;Its lily gardens, oleander hedges, beauti­ful walks and drives makes it indeed a "fairylan<l." I have heard of many who have enjoyed the hospi­talities of their pleasant home.

-Rutherford Hayes Platt, only son living of Wm. A. Platt, born in Columbus, 0., September 6, 1853, a graduate of Columbia Law School, New York, in 1879; married Maryette Smith, January 5, 1887. Their son William Andrews was bor11 December 24, 1887. Anne Swan, their £our months old little daugh­ter, died in micl-January, 1890. "He is a lawyer of promise and good repute in his uatiYe city."

Cyrus Platt, of Delaware, 0., grandson of Wm. Platt, and son of Benjamin, horn in Columbus, 0., September 20, 1818, married November 9, 1847. Jeanette Hulme, of Burlington, N. J., born February 25, 1816, (died. August. 21, 1877.) Their children were eight: Ellen H., Howard, F. W. Platt,Jeanette H., Harriet L., Franklin Cyrus, Martha Canfield, aud Clara I. Elle11 born Au~ust 9, 1848, married April 13, 1874, L. 0. Sayre of Lawreuce, Kansas: Howard, born May 13, 1850, married September 30, 1875, J\I. R. Andrews. F. W. PLitt, boru July 29, 1852, married April 27, 1882, H. Uross; residing in Delaware, 0. ,Jea11ette Hulme, August 10, 1854, married December 12, 1877, A. C. "\Vatsou of London, Ohio. Harriet, April 10, 1857, married November 2:1, 1881, R. J. Mitford, of Ganh·n City, Kansas. F. Oyrm,, boru November 14, 1859, is residiur.: in Gar­dell City. Clara I, horn Augm,t 2, 18G5, died August 25, 1866.

-Howard Platt, son of Cyrus, had four children :


Kennett A., bom October 14, 1876. died September 19. 1880; Jeanette H., born December 25, 1877; Mary, l,orn July 2, 1880; Clara D., April 26, 1882, died Octcber 14, 1886. Howa,n1 Platt resides in Leallville, Col. He is a ciYil ellgineer.

-F. ·w. Platt, r;on of Cyrus, has four children : Warren Curnmi11g, born December 6, 1883; Malcolm Csrns, September 27, 1885, and Marguerite A.lice, and Jeanette Hnlme. The family reside in Dela­ware, 0.



THIS traces to the Josiah Branch. Ezra Platt, son of Ezra, removed from Lanesboro', Mass., and finally settled in Leroy, N. Y., 1802. In the following year he was made first Judge of Genesse county, which office he held till his death, in 1811. The first Epis­copal services in Leroy were held in his new barn. He married Lois Baldwin. No il5sue. A second maniage was to Margaret Buunell, of Lanesboro', Mass. Niue childreu: Lois, who married Stephen A. Wolcott; Oliver, who married Sarah Todd; Ira, who died aged 30; Ezra 3d, who married Sally De­pue; Elijah; Nancy; George, who rnarrieLl Rachel Lyman (he died aged 84); and two who died in in­fancy. Elijah Platt, son of Ezra 2d, married Harriet H. ,Jordaii in 1823. Six childreu: LafayPtte, who married Caroline Spencer; Martha, wlio rnarriPcl E. B. Hinsdale; Horatio, who di Pd aged 28; Margaret Platt, residing in Gettysburg, Soutli Dakota; Henry A., who died in infaucy; and George Nortou. (See the Danlmr.r Braud1.) It wa:'l said of ,Tntlge Elijah Platt tliat " he was ever the friend of Religio11, Edu­cation, Law anrl Onler." HP was 19 years a warden of the Episcopal church in Leroy. His sou, George


Norton Platt, formerly of Leroy, N. Y., finally Jocatetl at Vaca,ille, Solano couuty, Cal. He married Eliza­beth A. 1riard, of Leroy. He has two sons: Ralph Hilton and Frank Lafayette, twins. The latter lrns just graduated from the Dental College at Philadel­phia. This family traces its ancestral line through Elijah, Ezra 2d, Ezra 1st, Ebenezer 1st, ,T olm and J olm and Josiah 1st to Ricliard Platt 1st, of Milford, Ct. These data, in the maiu, were seut me by :Miss Mar­garet Platt, of Gettysburg, S. D., and hy Frank Lafayette Platt, of San Fra11cisco.



M1ss ELLA MARY PLATT, of Cleveland, Ohio, gives the following data. Her father,Alfred Cowles Platt, seventeen years a rf'sident of Sandusky, 0., was born in Milford, Ct., April 3, 1828, iu that part of the town­ship now called Woodmout, lyiug between Milford proper and New Haven. The old log-house is still standing, on what is called "The Flat Iron," a lot be­tween three cross roads near the Sound. He married Harriet Ella Paige, of Oberlin, 0., September 30, 185',. She died March 6, 18fi4, leaving four children: Eriola CowlPs Platt, Ella ~far_y Platt, Clayton Winfield Platt, and Haniet Paige Platt. A second marriage waR to LenoraE. Shattuc, of Kipton, 0. Two cliildren bJ this marriage: Regina M. Platt and Frederick D. Platt. Mr. A.lfrell Cowles Platt die<l in Sandusky,Oct.ober 2, 1884: His widow is still liYiug i11 ClevelmHl, 0. Her (laughter, Regina M., horn in Sandusky, Febru­ary 22, 18£19. married JameR 0. Hamilton, f,f Cleve­laud; unw living thne. FredPrirk D. Platt, 1,orn in Sau,lnsky, Novemlwr Hi, 1872, also n-i-;ides i11 OltwPlalld. Of tllf; older cltil1lrell, Eriula C., horn i11 OLerlin, June 22, 1858, liYes i11 Sarnlusky; Ella Mary Platt, born in former place, Decem her 3,


1859, i,, a well-known artist in Cleveland; Clayton Wiufiehl Platt, born in Oberliu, July 16, 1862, mar­ried Flora Palmer, of same place, in August, 1883. One daughter, Winnifred Harriet Platt. Their home is in Sandusky, 0. Harriet Paige Platt, born in Oberliu, resides in Cleveland, 0.

Isaac Smith Platt, of Fremont 0., now over eighty yearR old, traces his line from Richard first, of Mil­ford, through his son Josiah, and Josiah 2d-theu his son Isaac, through two other Isaacs, to himself, the fourth. He chiefly gives these data. The first Josiah built a house near "Mortimer Tract," about 1700, still stamliug, tltoi1gh quite a ruin. (It has a very antique look, and would doubtless please Ruskin.) J0Rial1 2d lived iu the old house. Then Isaac suc­ceeded him, whose wife was Phebe. He died early, The children were Grace aucl Isaac 2d in this branch. Grace married ,Joseph Merwin, and tlrny removed to New Milford, about which place and l\Ier­wiuville North, many of the descendants still live. Isaa.c 2tl married Amy Eells. Their children were nine : I,;aac 3d, born 1783 ; Arny, Phebe, Asahel, Al­anson, Abigail, Maria, Theresa, aud 2\ferit, the last born 180::!. !RfLac 3d in this branch married Abigail Rmitli, daughter of a rev0lutionary officer. A Recond rnarriagP was to Rebecca Powell, of Wa1,hi11gtou, Ct. HP removCLl to Franklin, N. Y., all(l died tliere in 1H54. His chil(lrell wpre: Ahigail Gratia, horn 1804. Is,1ae 8·11ith, horn July 22, 1806, arnl Harriet wlio die•l i11 lRll. Al,igail G., 11HtrriPd .Jas. A. Grant in Fra11kliu, N. Y., awl dietl in "\Vasl1iugton, Ct., 1879.


Her two surviYing childre11 lirn there. Amy Platt,old­est daughter of Isaac 2d married Elias Burwell. A second marriage was to Robert Burwell, whose sou Robert :M:. lives iu New Haven. She died iu Mercer, Pa., wl~ert> some of her family were living. Sidney PLitt Burwell, her son, uow lives iu Cleve­land, 0. Another son went to Seattle, "\Vashington. Phebe Platt, second claugl1ter of Isaac 2<1, married Amos Smith, of North Milford, and went to Cosclt­octon, 0. She had seven children. Asaliel Platt, second sou of Isaac 2d, went to Ohio, where he married :Mary Barre~t, and died there.

-Alauson Platt, third son 0£ Isaac 2d, married Betsey, da.ughter of David Beach, of North Milford. 'rhey left th~ old homestead aJJd went to Attica, N. Y., and then to Oberlin, 0., where he died 1765 (?).

Their cbildre;1 were eleven: Alausou S., Landra Bead1, Lester Ward, Charlotte, Mary, Samuel Isaac, M. Fayette, Albert Cowles, Phebe, Gratia, and Henry M. Platt, the last born in Oberli11, the others in the olLl home. Alanson S., clockmaker in Bristol, Ct., died in Cincinnati, 0. Lester Ward, printer in Cin­cinnati, went to Keatskotoo;;; 'Indian Harne for Platte River), and die<l there in 1876. Charlotte marrietl a vVinters and liveH in westm-11 Ic,wa. Clarissa, or ThereRa, (?) married a Goodell, and she lives, too, in western Iowa. l\Iary married a Darwin, and slifl was for many yearn a teaclier of Greek iu the college in Burlington, Iowa. Samuel Isaac, born Aug-m;t, 1819, die,l in Oregou about 18ii4; his grave iR rn,1rked at Oberlin. M. Fa:-ette, a Congregational minister, lived in Liucoln, Neb.; but at }ai;t removed t(\ Los


Angeles, Cal. Asahel tlied in Oregon about -1852. Phebe married Dr. Coxhead, and died in Oakland, Cal., 1886. Grntia married Mr. Mill, and she now lives in Cali[oruia. Henry M. Platt resides in Bir­mingham, A.la.

-Abigail, third daughter of Isaac Platt 2d, mar­ried Alfred Cowles, of Bristol,Ct., and died there 1836.

-Maria, fourth daughter, married Isaac Gillett, of Burlington, Ct., and died there about 1865.

-Merit, youugest son of Isaac 2d, was a scientist. He was au assistant to Professor Silliman in New Haven. He married Abigail Merwin in Milford, be­came a teacher there, and died in 1842. His daughter Abbie is the wife of Professor Henry Upson, of New Preston, Ct.

-Merit W. Platt, sou of Alansol?- S., resides in Toledo, 0.

-Herman Smith and his brother Willie reside in Baltimore. They are sons of Landra B. Platt.

-Lester, another son, is a Congregational minister in Flint, Mich. He has no children.

-Fayette Platt has six ; the oldest, Alfred C. Platt, is a lawyer in Lincoln, Nebraska.

-Charlotte C. married Asahel J olmson, of Man­lius, N. Y., at wi1ich place he died. She returned east, anu died at Ferryville, Ct. Archer Platt and his sii;;ter Fannie (Mrs. Hull) reside in Toledo, 0.; Merit ,v., their father, also. Clnyton Platt., son of Alfred, resides in Sandusky, 0.

Isaac S. Platt thinks the uescendants of Isaac and Phebe Platt number at least one hundred; he has persoually known seventy-five. Miss Ella 111. Platt,


of Cleveland, gives these additional data : Henry M. Platt, of Lakeside, 0., has two daughters, Augusta and Frances. Gracia l\I. Platt married a Nash, living near Los Angeles, Cal. Betse_y 0. married a Ricketts, living in Iowa. Mary Abigail (Darwin) had children: Charles Carlyle, of Washington, D. C.; Wm. P., of Keokuk, Iowa, and Mary C., of Waco, Texas. Alan­son S. l")latt, late of Cincinnati, 0., left children : Elleu F. (Johnson); Merrit W. Platt, of Toledo, 0., who has daughters, Jesse Platt and Fannie M. (Hull), of same place, and their brother, Archie W. Platt. Mrs. Phebe R. (Coxhead), of Oakland, who died in 1884, left four children : Minnie G. (Lynch), Ella Platt (Bouton), Ralph S. and Edith, all living in or near Oakland, Cal. It should be recorded of Mrs. Mary A. Darwin, late of Burlington, Iowa, that she was au accomplished and successful teacher and an effective and ready speaker. She died July 30,1886. Iler husband, Will L. Darwin, now resides in San Francisco, Cal. One of the main roots of this branch was Alanson Platt, born in l\Iilford, Ct., ,January, 1792. He married Elizabeth Beach, daughter of Samuel, April 18, 1810. He died in Oberlin, 0. He was a son of Isaac Platt 2d, in this brauch, of the Josiah stock.

Landra B. Platt, of Baltimore, son of Alanson, born in Milford, Ct., September 8, 1812, married March 2H, 1838, Harriet Hemmingway, born in East Haven, Ct., April 5, 1811. He died February 27, 1887. Sile died September 4, 1887. Their chil<lren are: Herman S., Harriet M., James B,, Jane Esther, Lester Beach, and William D. Platt.


-Herman S. married Emily McComas, of Mary­land. Their children are : James B., and Herman S.

-Harriet M. married Lyman R. Ca.gey, late of New York, just elected U. S. Senator from North Dakota. Their children: Harry P., died May 21, 1863; Frank, Carl, and Theodora Casey.

-James B. Platt married Kate B. Hawley, of Maryland. Children: Ravaucl C., died July 7, 1872; and Adele T., who died May 15, 1874. _

-Lester B. married Lucy B. Tillotson, of Michi­gau. One son, Beach Platt.

-Jane Esther Platt married Marvin C. Stone, of Ohio. Their children are: Chester, died October 24, 1876, and Lester M. Stone.

-William D. Platt, the youngest, married Anna E. Washburn, of Maryland. Their children are: Anna, and William D. Platt. Their home is in Baltimore.

N. M. Platt, of Cleveland, 0., gives these data. His father, David H. Platt, sixty-five years ago lived at North Fairfield, Huron Co., Ohio. Re married Betsey Smith there. He is now residing at Cleve­land, seventy-five years of ,1ge. The grandfather was Samuel Platt, born in New Milford, Ct., as his father before him. Samuel Platt died about 1880, aged ninety-four. His brother was Philo. David H. Platt had six sisters; all were married. He had one trother who died in Michigan without heirs. N. M. Platt was born at North Fairfield, 0., Decem­ber 5, 1844. In 1873 he married Ida McGuillicudy.


One little girl. Belle J., born ~fay, 1883. He lias a brother, Corwin H. Platt, residing in Clevelaud. He married Mrs. Sarah Monlton near 1863 ; one son, William G. Platt. This family doubtless trace to old ::Uilfor<l, Ct.



JAMES LA WRENOE PLATT, of Fort Dodge, Iowa, is the son of Theoclorus J. Platt, the son of Stephen, who came from Connecticut. Theodorus J. Platt was born in Alleghany County, New York. He mar­ried Mellissa Anne Bellinger, near 1798. Maria, the eldest daughter, is Mrs. R. G. Montony, of Aurora, Ill. John D. Platt, a son, resides in Richland, Kala­mazoo County, Mich. Henry S. Platt, of St. Louis, is another son. 'fwo other daughters· are Emily, re­siding in Kew;111uee, Ill., and Julia A., residing in New York City. The father, Theodorus, died in Livingston Co., N. Y. ,James L. Platt, of Fort Dodge, is the President of tlie Chicago and Van Meter Ooal Mining Co. Tlie mines are at Van l\Ieter, Iowa. There ~.re sewral 8tephe11 Platt~ iu the ::.\Iilford and Huntingtou Bnwclies.



Tms traces to the oldest Huntington Bra11ch. Jesse 3d, sou of Isaac Phtt 3d~ horn September 15, 1762, died in Huntiugto11, ::S-ovember 24, 1827. He married Debora Titus, horn Jannary 12, 1766; died December 30, 1849. 'fheir children were : Isaac, born August 1, 1785, clieLl October 30, 1880; Joel, born October 12, 1787; David burn April 1, 1790, died ,June 27, 1822; Ira, born December 29, 1792, died 1795 ; Ira 2d, horn March 5, 1795, died August 25, 1825; Daniel, horn ,July 29, 1797, died January 17, 1831; Jesse 4tli, born .Jn]_, 2G, 1800, diell Decem­ber 24:, 1857; SrLlly. boru August 27, 1802, diPLl Feb­ruary 17, 18;')1; AuRel, 1808, died i11 infancy.

-,JeRse 4tli, rnanieLl Niwe111lJPr, 1828, Elizabeth J. Brow11, of Xew York, and suou removPLl tc, Jen,Py City. The"e are his chiltlreu 1Jorn tLere: Jes;;;e 5th, horn August. 24, 182\J, .Tnel Statfon1 am1 Beuja­lllill G.; 1'!1no(lorP S., horn Fdffnary :H, lf{J5, tlircd at ;,;en ,Jnnnary 7, 1837; Cliarles P., iJoru ~\pril ::!-±, 18H7, t1iP-1l frn1n wonml"\ r,;,cc>iv,,<1 at lmttle of Gd.ty-;­bn·rg, .July 28, 18GB; E,lwiJJ Frn.1,klin. born in 1845, llied 1875, wa,; nl,;o at 1,attle nf GPttyslrnrg; Fre<lerick


G., born 1857, died 1878; and Ansel, born, 1841, died 1843.

-Jesse 5th and Amelia Adelaide Chazoth, born September 16, 1831, were married in Jersey City, ,July 5, 1853; living at Montclair. Their children are: Mary Isabella, Amelia Elizabeth, Grace Ade­faide, deceased, Jessie Maude and Charles Wiltber­ger, born March 16, 1869. 1\Iary Isabella, bom 1854, was married to George I. Wichman, of Mout­clair, October 17, 1878; one son, Frank Maxwell. Amelia Elizabeth was married in Moutclair to John N. Solomons, same day. They have two children: Grace "Nelson aud Kermeth Platt Solomons.

-Joel S., second son of Jesse 4th, married Harriet Eliza Downer, of New York, July 3, 185t3. They are living in Jersey City. Their children are : Charles Hemy, born May 5, 1857, died in his 14th year; Jesse Stafford and Haniet Amelia, died in iufo11cy; Elizabeth ,Jane; Edwin Porter, horn November 15, 1866; Grace Adelaide, 1869; George B., horn :March 24, 1872, died in his third year; WaltPr Gorton, !lied in his Hecond ~-ear; Georgi<'tta Emeline; BPujamin Fraukli11, died age(l Reven: nfar:Y Bell; Hany Au­gn,:tus, horn ,J1111e 8, rnkl; nn<l Alonz" }'rePma11, l_,nr11 ,J flllllftl"_Y g' ]S!-m.

-Beuj. G. Platt, tl1inl su11 of ,Ttisse 4tl1, mani(·t1 ,Tulia Lopez, April, 18:i7; rPsit1in;J; ill ,frrs,,.\· City. Their cl1il,1n·n are: Lottit· Isahdk,, 1861, rn:nriPcl Fehrnary 21, lf-lKJ,-wm. H. Arn1fitl'Ollj_'.. (1f ,TerSf:_Y City; FreilPrick (-.-ort11u, horu _.\ pril JJ, ]Kfi--1, rnarri(•tt Sr:-p­

temlwr :;, lRHn, Adt1i~· Wake:, <•f E:1st Ora1q:.;P, X . .T. A second marnfl.gP of BP11j. G. was t<, 1\Ian· 1"ra11c0.s

JERSEY BRA....'\'CH. 239

Higgins, of New York. Childreu: ,Jesse Amelia and Florence Irene.

Abraham Platt located at Potter's Creek, Ocean County, N. J., early in the century. His children were : William, Alexander, Amy and Elmira. .. William Platt left oneson,Job,and a daughter, Charity. Job Platt left eight children: Andrew J., Wm .. Henry, Job Hamilton, Debora E., Caroline L., Rachel A. and Sarah H.

-Charity married a Mr. Stocktou, and had thir~ teen children.

Geo. C. Platt, son of Joel, of Huntington, married Sarah Allen, 1851. Six cliildren. LiYing in New York.



THOMAS PLATT, born 1740, is 8.moug the first of his name resident in Burlingtou County,N,;J. ,Jolm Platt, his son, formerly of Kew Hanover, married Alice Stevenson, September 23, 1784. Their chilr1ren were: Elizabeth, born July 9, 1785, married John Irwin; Martha, born December 27, 1787; ·william, born March 13, 1790; .Mar.,, born January 21, 1793, died 1871; George, born July 19, 17!)5; and John, born September 24, 1802. A SPC011cl marriage was to Mary Conrow. ChilLlren: Frm1klin, born January 1, 1810, died August 19, 1871 ; Samuel, horn ,T uly 11, 1811; aud Claytm1, born J\farcl1 23, 1817, tlied Octo­ber 21, 1879.

Franklin, snn of John, marrierl Clara Ann Green­ough, of 8u111rnry, Pa., DPc•~mher lG, 1837. She is living in PhiladE:lphia. Chilcln~n: Helen Abigail, born S ovemher 18, 1839, tliec1 1883; Annie, 1,orn February 10, 1841, Llied 18GO; Ehem:zer Greenough, bon, Ja.nnar_v i8, 184cl; Frankliii, 11()n1 Xoveml,Pr 19, IS±!; Cbrn Greew,nglt, 1>orn ~nYemher rn, 1848; ·wru. Ci-reeuuugli, 1,orn ,Tane tJ, 1s.:;1, cliecl 1885; and 11ary Eliza, horn August 4, 185-1.

-CLrn.1 Greeuougl1 Platt, marrietl ,J. B. Canby, of


Philadelphia. Children : Clara Greenough, born March 15, 1881; Franklin Platt Cauby, boru April 25, 1884, and Ja,mes Beujamin Canby, born Septem­ber 22, 1887.

William Platt, son of Jolrn Platt, of New Hanover, marriecl Maria Taylor. Children: Emily, born 1817; Clayton T., born 1819, died 1877; Sarah, born 1821; William, Jr., born 1827; Charles Platt, born 1829; and Fanny.

-Emily Pla~t, married David Pepper. Died 1876, leaving two sons, William Platt and David. William P. Pepper married Alice Lyman. Three daughters: Emily', Marian, and Martha. David P. married SallyT. Newbold. A son David and a daughter Mary, dee.

Elizabeth Platt, oldest daughter of John Platt, of New Hanover, married John Irwin. They had eleven children : Mary Ann, Elizabeth, Lydia, Alice, Maria, John W., Geor~e W., S:1mnel, Edwin, William Platt, and Charles Irwin. The last died in his youth. The family live iu Ohio ; some in Indiana.

J olm Platt, second son of John, marrietl Mary Jackson. He died 1854. HiR children were: George, Lavinia, Eliza.beth, A.lice, Sn,;an, Frankliu, Edward 1diecl young), Jolrn 3d, Alfred and Cliarles, au1l two tl:·iug in infauc-y. Of these, George, from the fall nf his horse, died in his 15th yerir; Fra11klin marrie11 Ella B. Ford. ,John Piatt 3d died iu 1862, age,l 21, from wounds in tlie battle of Fair OakH. Clrnrles Platt m11rried Rtel1el H. Lineolu. Ohilt1n!li: .l\Iarv, Florence, Bessie Ii., John Lincolu, awl Helen Platt.

Clayton Taylor Platt, oltlest sou of Willi,im Platt, married Amelia Lockwood (nee Cooley.) A second


marriage was to Martha D. Lucas. By this, two sons, John, born 187;}, aucl Clayton, born 1879.

-S,trah Platt,, daughter of William, marriecl 1Yil­liam Pepper, 1840. Their childien are: George, married Mehita1le Wharto11; <lie,1 lea·\'ing George

and :Frances) ; ,Villiam ( who married Frances Perry; three sons, "William, Franklin, au,.l Oliver Perry Pepper); Maria cwho married John S. Ger­hard; four children); Emily (who married E. Watts; four children: Etl1el, Marion, Henry, and Carlton); Rathaum (who married James B. Leon­ard; three children-one deceased, 8araL, aml Rathaum); and Fanny (who married Sidney ·wright; one child, Henrietta.

William Platt, Jr., died 1862, unmarried. Fanuy Platt married ,John D. Shaaff. No issue. Charles Platt, born 1829, youngest son of Wil-

liam, residing in Philadelphia, married ,June 5, 18;}1, Laura Newbold. Their children: Clayton, who married ,Jessie Bates ; Charles. ,dw marrietl Eliza­beth Norris, (two children, CharleB Platt 3d, and Henry Norris); William A., who married Christine Chambers; aud Laura Newbold Platt.

George Platt, son of ,Tohu 0£ New Hanover, mar• ried Sarah Taylor, of Philadelphia. Doth tlecem;ell. Their childrel! were: Henrr, Laura, :Maria, LouiR Taylor, George,. a1Hl Emily." Of these, llOllP are liviug hut George aml Emily. Their home is i11 Philadelphia. TJ,i,; bra11cli i11 its rouuder is closelv related to the <n1e w hid1 follows. ·



HE\·. ·WILLIAM HE~Iff PLATT, late rector of Trinity Church, Carbou<lale, Pa., is a ,lescendant from Jacob Platt., who was born lvfarcli 10,174.3, and who, with his brotlier Ti10mas, bom December 28, 1740, appear to be the first settlers of their name in Bur­lingtou Co., N. J. His grandfather, son o! Jacob, was Daniel Platt, who reside,1 uear Sew Egypt, in that county. Daniel marrietl Mary Kinl,v, of Eug­lish parentage. S110 died aged uiuety. Their chil­dl'en were: Elisha, 1\IartJrn, Mary, Jac,)11, and lticlianl Platt. ,faeob, the grnndfather of these, <lied July rn, 1816, aml was bnriPil i11 \Yrightstowu, X ;J. Elir-drn, soll of Daniel, dihl at Wilmington, Di•!., 18G0. agPi.1 sevPnt:1·. ,facoh Platt 211 dieL1 1876, iu l1is ii6tli year. Hic1.wn1 <lied 1H6:;, ag,•11 alJollt 42. 1\fary rnarrieJ ,Jolm Holht•rt., of Phibu1el pl1ia; died 1880, aged GH. .'.\fartlia marrie,1 G,,o. Flcuanl. of X. J. Slie snnire,; liPr hn-;lJallll.

-ReY. Wm. Jfonry Platt, sou of Jacc,h ~tl, married Se ptemiJer HU, 1S7-1, Francis Hart, daugli h· r of ,T oseph Hall, of Phila,lelphia. Their eliildn:n an;: Dallas Hall, awl Elizabeth Hall Platt. TliA lte:ul of this


brauch and that of Burlington heyoml a donht were brothers.

The cli,;ta11t aucestry of these tw(i branches i,;; not traced. The first "Jacob Platt" in the family waR a son of Isaac 1st, of Huntington, his youngeRt soil, Jacob, born September 29, 1682. Little is known further about him or his tlescernlauts. In the Mil­ford or Huntingto11 record, t,here i,.; no trace of a .Jacob Platt, born i1117 43 or a Thomas Platt iu 17 40, or near these tlates. These brothers were e:nly set­tlers in Burlington Co., N. J. Franklin Platt, of Phihclelphia, who has been searching iuto the his­tory of the Burlingtou Brauch of the family says : "There was another Thomas J:>ktt of New Hauover, Burlington Co., N. J., because when my gmi1dfather John was married in 1784, lie was named in the wedding certificate, as tlie son of Tliomas Platt., cleceaRetl. Whereas, Thomas, of 1740 marriP<l in 1770, and t.lrn last of his 11i11e childrc11, Clmrles, was lt0rn in 1787." He thinks that this T11omas Piatt was pro­ha.hly tlie father of: Thomas, Jacob :L1ul ,Jolrn, fLJal

uorn near 171.8. "Thomas" in the early reconl of tl1e family ,1<,es uot appear tn t1P a r;n11nno1i narne.

H will be uotetl, t.hat tlH· RPv. Clrnrh•;, HP1n-y Platt, of tlie Plattsburg Braue-Ii, wa.;-; rive yPan; a resitlent arnl ,L rector i11 Bingl1amto1J, X. Y. Tlrn RPv. "\Ym. H<·nrv Pl.i.tt. abnv" is llClW tl1?• redor nf the Episeopal ,·lrnrcl, in t\ii,-, f'ity.



IT is state,l, iu Orcutt\, History of New :Milford, that "Epenetus I>latt, of that town, was one amoug the first tell OH t.lie tax list in 1802-9. He was at the time the wealthiest ma:u in Lower l\leryall, owning lmudrech of acres of laul1."

Epenetus Platt, son of Gideon aml Mary (Buckiug­ham), horn February, 1738, nrnrrietl Susannah nfer­win, daughter of Joseph. They Lad a soIJ, Epfrnetus, lJoru ,1t Milford, August 13. 1760; a]so, Gideon, Fow­ler, am1 Sheldon, and S110Htunali, l\Iary, l\Iabd, and :Margaret. Epeuetns m;i,rriell Molly Stone, Aug-ust 10, 1783. Tl1eir d1ihlrell were: Laura, mar­ried to Nathan Terrill; Avis, who nrnrriedSylve,;ter ·w11Pat011, of Ca,uillus, N. Y., 1809; HervP_r; Polly, whr, m:11-riell f,ibs Hill, 1813, aJHl ElHWrP Platt. latt-, <Jf Gli?rn-; Falls, N. Y. A sel'oud wan-i,1~e was to S,1 rnli Lob,lell, l\hrcl1 .17, 1803. By tl1i-; marriage, ouP chi]J, Marslrnll Platt, 1d10 11mrriP(1 Try]>l>Prnt ::\Ierwiu,()f l\Ii 1-fortl, 1Iareli 20.182;'j_ Elm on, I'latt, l:i t,, of GlP11s F,ills, lwrJJ ill "Milfortt Ct., A.ngust Hl, 1797, rnanied l::Ptsey P,-,·k, Felirnan- 2. 18:Z.i. H,,',iic-d ,fo]_y :.l(i, 18SO, ]PaY­

ing fnt11· d1ililr1'1J; ::u_\ l"fl]I, Sarnlt Tr_q.iH,IJil, Ha1riPt, wl1" 111ani1·cl U. L. Baldw111, ~Liy 1. IFi,>5, a11rl Har-


vey Platt. Myron Platt., born August 15, 1830, mar­ried Sarah Elizabeth Larrabee. They live at Larra­bee's Point, Vt. Th~y have children: Fretl. Elmore Platt, born June 28, 1859; Nellie Rtty Platt, of same place, and Mary Larrabee Platt, born August 22, 1857. The latter married Robt. 0. Bascom, a lawyel' of Fort Ed.ward, N. Y., December 20, 1882. Their children are: Wyman Samuel, born Febrnary 14, 1885, and Hobt. Platt Bascom, born December 2~, 1886, both at Fort Edward.

-Harvey Platt, youngest son of Elmore Platt, born at Glens Falls, February 23, 1838, married Anna W. l\Iorgau ; now reRidi1Jg in Pl1ilaclelphia, Pa. They have: Alonzo ·willoughby Platt, bom at tho Falls, June 22, 1868; Harvey Elmore Platt, born at sam<i place, February 18, 1870; and Anna. Bessie Platt, born at Philadelphia, 1879.

This Epcnetm, stock traces lo the GidPon Branch; tlrnn to Joseph 1st, youngest sou of Richrtrd 1st, of l\I i l forcl.

Victor ::M. Platt, son of Isaac Platt, lately of Kingsbury, N. Y., and ~rau:1sou of EpenPtus of same place, formerly of l\Iilfon1, Ct., lia.cl a brother, Royal TI .. ;rnd three sisters, Emma S., Oaroli11e .A., and ,Jane Platt. Yictoi· M. Platt marrieLl .Temirn:t Brown. He rlie<l 1877 at the resi(1Pnee of his son, Cl1:irles W. Pbtt, at East 8horelrnrn, Vt., lPavi1ig fiw· d1ihtrPll i two onlv arP now livi11g: Carri,· P. an,1 CL:ule;.; W. C,trrie P. married l\h. Tn,nLhray. TIH0 y arr· uow living at Gran1l Rapi,l,.;, l\fidt. Tl1e;· liaYe three sons: Howanl. ,Jolin ail\l Alfn·.,l Trbtd~vnx. Clinrle~


W. Platt married Florence A. Wright, of Shoreham, March 10, 1864. Their children are: Clarence W., Phebe E., Emma A., Thirza A., Mary I., Lucius W., Eugene B., and Florence. Of these, Em ma A. mar­ried Geo. P. LeErocq, of Nasbeth, Pa. One child; a daughter. Clarence W. married Delia Sweeny, ,-,f Whiting, Vt., now living a,t East Shoreham. Charles W. Plv,tt was two yeat·s in the nnion army during the civil war.

Janws C. Platt,11. merchant of Winooski, Vt., is the son of James Satterlee Platt (the latter die<l August 16, 1889, aged 73). His grandfather was of Poultney,

· Vt., also ,James Satterlee Pl'ltt, originally from Con-· necticut. James C. Platt, born May 27, 1842, mar­ried Emma A. Allen, of Winooski, :May 24, 1870. His children are : William E., born FelJruary 22, 1872; Arthur E., born September 27, 1878; Stella A., born November 6, 1880; Martin H., 1>::irn Febru­ar_y 23, 1886.

His uncle, Col. L. B. Platt, raise,J aud eqnipped, by order of the U. S. Govermmmt, the first Verrnnnt cavalry regjnwnt for the late war, tlH, only n11e­l,200 stron~-from the State. His Rou, L. P,, Platt, resides in Wiunm,ki.

:l\IisR EloiRe C. Platt 1s m the dnss of '!Jl in Smith's College, Nortlrnmptou, ~Iass. HPr grand­fa~hrlr wn,R Samuel B. Platt wl10 cli,;<1 in BurliHgto11, Vt., iu 1879. Her fatb~r ww1 Zephaniah }'latt, l>oru in Oulchestrr, Vt Ifo married Rusan Chnbhuek, born in 1Vel1Rhorongh, Pa. The liome of his dm1gh-


ter is Burlingto11, Vt. Her sisters, Acfa alltl Clara, are in the class of '94 in Smith's college.

Edward ·wehster Platt, of Worcester, is the son of D. R. Platt, Barre, Vt.

Alanson Platt, of Highgate Springs, Vt., the son of James H. Platt, late of Swantou, Vt., had two uncles named Jelm and Nathan. Alanson Platt had three brothers younger, Hiram, Daniel, and George, and a sister, Lorina. His grandfather lived in Clar­enclen, Yt. Alanson has a daughter, Elln ~I. Platt, who is now :Mrs. Lovell, of Brockton, Mass. She has one daughter. Daniel Platt resides in Cresco, Iowa. His cliiltlren are : Carrie Louise, now Mrs. Martiu; Mattie irene, and James Leroy.



EDWAUD R. PLATT, son of James, late of Queeche, Vt., born in Burliugton, 1826, graduated at West Point, 1849, sened in foe artillery on froutier to 1855; assistant Professor in Frencl1 at West Point four years to 1859; Captai11 Secolld Artillery, May 15, 1861; commanded hi,, battery at Bull Run; brevett,ed l\Iajor for gallantry; Judge Achocate-Geueral Army of Potomac from N overnber, 1863, to July, 1865; brevet Lieutenant-Colonel for gallantry at Fred­ericksburg; transferred to staff as Assistant Adju­tant-General with rank of major. Died ,June 17, 1884, at Ft. Leavenworth, Kan.

J as. H. Phtt (son of J arnes, late of Qneecl1e, Vt.), born 1837 at St. Johns, Ca., his parents being tem­porarily there; graduatetl frorn tl,e l\Iedical School of the Uuiversity of Vermout in 18.'i9; RervPd ,luring the civil war a;, Captain of Fourth Vermont Volun­teer,;; 011 staff of Geuernl Seclgwick as adiug c·liief quartenua:-;ter Sixtl1 Corp,;; a priso11Pr of war l\Iay iJO to l>et>ember, 1864; appuintt:'!l Li,,ntenaut-Colouel atHl ebief quartermaster, wl1ich he decline.I; at the clos0 of the war he 8ettleLl in Virginia. He was a member of the Petersburg City Council; member


also of the State Constitutional Conveuti(ln; iu 1869 he was elected to Congress, and re-elected for thn,e fo1lowi11g sessions. He is now a resident of Denver, Col. He married Sarah Sophia Chase, of Holyoke, :Mass. He has one sou, George F., boru 1867, and a

daughter, Florence, by a first marriage to Sarah C. Foster in 1859. His second marriage was in 1884. One daughter. His grandfather w11s of Plattsburg, removing to Sandy Hill, where lie died about 1800. His only sister liviug is Mrs. Geo. P. Bugbee, of Hartford, Vt. His sister Eila Sophia, wife of Rev. Levi Rogers, of Georgetowu, Mass., !liefl 188:-1, with­out childnm.



• J.urns D. PLATT, of Ne\\" York City, tracr-s to his grandfather, Ebenezer, born i11 BetlwL Corni., ~\ugust 2:1, 1764, wl10 rnarrit·d Anna Hoyt, 1788. Ebenezer Platt ,liul Ko.-emher 17. 1834.

-Deunis Platt, son of EbP1iezPr, was ];ont in Dau­hur_v or Beth,'.], S,~ptemher 25, 1800. H,~ gnuliwtt,,1 from Yale College iu 1824. He maniec1, June,, 1828, Oaroli11e D1riglit, of New Haven, Ct. He was or­dainnl to tlu~ Cbristiau ministry. His first charge was at Willimantic, Ct., 1S27 to Hl29. He preache(l at Canterhur_,-, Ct., 1830 to 1833; ut Homer, X. Y., 183J to 18J~; at }Llulius, N. Y., fr<% 1842 to lo.t3; arnl at Bi11ghamton, N. Y., frorn 1R4G to ] 858. He rtesitlecl at Sr,ufo Xonrnlk, Ct., at his tl2atl1, it1 1878. Hi,, widow is now livi1,g tl,en', at lltrtPt:· ~-pars '>f age. His d1ildrP11 are ,JamPs D. Phtr, a1111 Eiiza G The cbnghter is living ,Yitii J1pr agPd 111ot}1f'.t it~ ~orll"alL

-,James D. Plalt, .,r,11 ()f 1Jpn11i,; Platt. wa,-, 1io1:11

Fe11ruar_v :21. 18?,(i. He rnarriet1 An~nsta JU. :\Ior~·au, 8eptember 17, 181i3. HP ni-;i(1e,l at narl,a.!oPS, ill tlie 1'r1cst IwliPs, twdn, years. l{,, lias t\1·n cl1il­<lr•.'.!l, a son a11t1 a ,laughter: l>wi_!!lit }I. Platt, b.;n1

RP.pterHhn 21, lSliJ, aHd Ca]'f)li1t,) J[. l'latt. T!1,·-•,

W,·r,· l,otl1 br,ru ill Bad,at1oe.s. Tlit0 la1,1ih· resid,· ·:H LP1111:,· Aw·1rn,-, ;,,p11 York Cih".



EBENEZER PLA'l'T, Ron of ,Tolrn, ,;on uf John, jr., Roll of .Jc,si:111 1st, of Hilfon1. rc,-;lllt-:d ~ume tiurn iu Newtowu. Born 1708, iu l\IilforL1, llf' urnrrie,1 )Iiss Hicock, of Danbury, wh.-,re lire rn:.1t1,i hi;:; home. She W::ti-i born 1719. Tlrny left ele.ven ehiit1n;n: :Molly, wl10 married rl'l:adtlenc: Bennett, of 'iVestou, Ct.; I>Jirhr, ·who rnarriul Dauid Crofnt, JiYetl at- tLR West; E],;_s1,ezflr "2,1 (17:;fl,, who marri.-:,d Sarah Au­dt'ews, dyi1,g iu l>1-whnry. 1770; Ezra, horn 1740; Abial, 17-1',. wlw -:narried Ill,rn1h Hrrll, ,,f La1,esboro', ~Ia:--s., ·wL,:-re lw diml; Jo,-;r_.plJ wli,:, rn1:rriPl1 Lyclin 1':tswort-h or E;111ore, uf ~,lrnr,,i,, ('t.; n,-.11ir,mi;,, of Sci0toBrnnC'l1; .James. horn 171h wlw r.-i:1n-iPJ Oli,·e Be11Pt1ict, dying at (;r,,PJJ l(j,;,,r, ".\. Y., 1,,,11· Hillf,-da],,; and Hau11,cl1, wli,, 11,r,r•·i·,,l 1-:l ,- Taylor. Sht> diio,l 1Li H,·,l,d, 11, lJ;,1t!mn·. Ezra lia:-; the nrnqn1' dis;:inet.i()I! of lia~·iug 1,eeu a tun· in tl11- Ur,\olnt.ir,n. H,, w 0 ·nt t,, }',,rt

?IJ,rnltrii>, ( :J,:irl'·..<to11, ~- C., •.1 l"•n· l1h diPrl l77Fi. Tl,,~r,, !11!1'-'.l h,· s1>mr• !,hd, ~.l,e"jl iu the ilurk. Hi,, wif,. 1\"il" Jp•\'1-1· l-.11,,._, 1, t,, 1ur:1ili,,11 l:i,.._

u:t11!i· Hft-•·r iii' !•-ft h j,,i11 tL- l'.!:~•ii'-'l, f,1n:,:,.--. lfi-:. ,1j;,-.';. 1•l1ildn-n Wl'l"f·: ·Ezra ~.i, I,,., i, lti,i,1, Eli. :11"l


Ebenezer Bd. Ebenezer 1st lived some years rn Lanesboro', Mass., where he died.

The Ebenezer Platt who married Miss Hicock was a son of John Platt 2d, of Newtown, where he lived till he removed to Danbury. John Platt, sr., son of deacon Josiah, of Milford, baptized Septem­ber 9, 1677, was an early resident of Newtowll. At a session of the General Assembly, May, 1711, "Capt. John Hawley, Benjamin Sherman, of Strat­ford, and .John Platt, of Newtown," were appointed a "committee to lay out divisions of land in said Newtown." His home lot was on the west side of the village street, and on the corner next north of where the Congregational Church now stands. His fatlier, Josiah, mentions in his will (proved July 1, 1724-5, vol. 5, Pro bate Records) these children : John, Josiah, Richard, Joseph, Sarah Bryan, Mary Clark, Hannah Merwin, and Abigail Briscol. John Platt, of Newtown, conveyed land to his brother Richard, of Milford, April 20, 1725, vols. 3 and 4, p. 461. John Platt conveyed land to his son John, jr., May 18, 17 41. Also, to his son Moses, same date. Richard Platt, of l\Iilfor<l, conveyed land tn his nephew, Ebeuezer Platt, of Newtown, April 18, 1740. Also, .John Platt, of Nev.-towu, conveyetl land to hi8 son Ebenezer, ,Jaumiry 17, 1744. 'rhis El,eu­ezer Platt, of Danbury, whither hP had removed after his marriage, nrnrle a will datecl September 14, 1764, prove(l NovembPr Hl, following, i11 which these childnm arP Hamed: Eb,rnezPr, Ezra, Al,ial, Daniel, ,Josepli, Benjamin, James, Mary wife of Tlmcldeus Benuett, Abigail, Phebe, anLl Hannah.

D_-1.NRURY Bl!ANL'H. 269

It is well to state that the Prn1ate Records 0£ Danbury slww beside tlJis oue, three other Ebe11-ezer Platts. Daniel, sou of EbenezPr 1st, was bom August 27, 1747; he died April, 1798. ~Iary (l\Irs. Bennett} had three children: ,fah-2z, Platt, aud Ireua. .Ahial and RhoJa had two ;:;ous, Hall and Abial Piatt. Joseph, horn FPhrnary 15, 1700, and his wife Lydia, ha<l two ,;ons aiH1 a c_hnv.1der, ,Jo,;e:>11, Ely, m1,1 Polly Platt.



,JOSEPH 0. PLATT, of Waterfonl, N. Y., has given many data of this branch. The fin,t name is that of I<'rederick Platt, who, it is thought, settled in Kill­ingworth about 1790. There are no very early rec­ords. He ma.rried Miss Fox, of Nf'w London, Ct., and left six children: Samuel, who settlr!(1 in Put­clrnug, now W' estbrook; Ebenezer, of snrne place, who married Dorothy Post; Obadia,h : 1\Irri-.r, who married Samuel Stevens, of Killiugwortli: aml Lydia, who nrn.rrie'1 David Kilsey.

-Obadiah, third son, born 1700, rnarrie,1 Haunah Lane, of Clinton, Ct,., December 21, 17137. He locatf'Cl i1t the- WPStern part of Saybrook, what. tl10 Inrlians ca1li>tl J>Pt,tipau;:, now Wi11tl1rop, Ct. Hi:;; l1r,nse wa.>' ten rods from tl1P school-house. He 11iPd ageL1 sixty-four. HiH widow manietl CalPl1 C!tapmau, of Saybrook.

-Captain Dali, ,-,f tlt.-, rnv11lutio11ary army, Hflll of Ulmt1iah ahnw•, l1(Jrll J7a5, IWllTiHl ,T0mirna Pratt, J·:wuar,r l~, 17C); diPd agPil c•iµ-hty-eiµ-ht.

-Jo-;epl1 l'btt, a.11fitl1er c;ou, horn ,Tu111> 1, 17-!0,


diPtl, age,l twenty-one, at Crown Poiut. HP was i11 the old Fre11cli war.

-Soah Platt, tl1inl sou of Obadiah, born Septem­ber 4, 1742, marriell Lucretia Chapman, 1772; then Mrs. H. Wright, 1800; died October 1 i, 1811. He was the father of Col. Obadiah Platt, 2d.

-Hannah, daughter of Obadiah, boru 17-!5, mar­ried "\Villiam Hill; died aged seYPnty-six..

-,Tolin Platt, a fourth son, born 1746, married Lucy West, of Chester, October 12, 17/H; died at the age of ni11et_y-one. He liad a son, Capt.. .John Platt.

-Elizabetl1, a second daughter, born 174'.), married Benj. Burr; tliecl aged about ninety.

-Sarah, a third daughter, born 1751; married Isaac Post; died at the age of seventy-eight.

-Mary, a fourrh daughter, born 1753; married Michael Spe1H·er; died ageLl seventy-eight.

-Lyclia, last child 0£ Obadiah, boru 1756; mar­ried Josiah Po,;t ; tlicd aged eighty.

Dan Platt, son of Capt. Dan, known as deacon Platt, born .T uue 21, l 7G4; married Catherine Laue, Decern ber 20, 1787. A Af~cou<l nrnrriagf\ was to Mrs. Cynthia Evart,;, of Madison, Ct.; lie died in l\f:uli­so11 over fHoYent.,·-eight.

-,Jerni1aa Platt, llaughter of Capt. Da11, 11oru 1766; diPll agell twenty.

-Hannah Pbtt, a seco!lll daughter, born 17Gg; rnarrif\11 -Toli11 LauP; ilietl nearly sixty-six.

-,-,Joseph Pl:ttt, a secoml S(,U, horn 1774; dierl agell five.

-David, thil'(l sol! of Capt. Thu, lioru 1777: rnar­riP1l Lnlia Wilcox.

--Sarnli. l11in1 daughter of S.tillC~, born 1781; mar­ri,·tl George Havens. Afr,-,r l1i,-1 lieath slie marri0d Beh Stau1md; she die1l oye1· ;.;ixty.

---Lucretia Platt, fourth ciaugl1ter, bcrn 1785; rnarri.et1 Gaylord Coan.

,Tobu Platt, fourth sou oi Obadialt 1st, had five soa,;;: .Tohn, called Capt., ,JareJ, Curti.s, Wilham, and Alfred, and sPveu Jangliters: Lucy, Lucim1a, Anna, ,Tulia, Hannal1, Polly, and Lydia. They mar­rie,l: Lucy, E:::r,1 Barker, of Chest.er; Lucinda, Elidia lGlsey, of Killi1Jgwurtli ; A.1ma, Elisha Rice iu 1808; Hauua1i, ,Jo;;epl1 OliitternleJJ; l'olly, Friend Plielps. of Killiugworth; Lydia, Ezra ,Jom!s; ..:\i­fr~d, Sophi;" 1Yilliarns. ,Tared tlie<l iu Ne,~· Ha,en, and Cnrtis wac1 killed liy a xailroa<l aeci,1eut, 1871.

Deacon Dan Plm:.t had five sons and five Llaugh­ters: ,Joseph, Jemima, H0zf;kiali, Dr. Dmi, Cather­itte, Aust.iu, Ezra, Euniee, Abigail, a1ttl Harrint.

1. J·mmph Platt, elJ.e:st, was a lawyer, l,ont in 1789; lie married Lydia Pratt; he <lied ng0<1 thirty­;.r,r('n. He was an assor:iate of t,Jip fathel' of tl1f' L-it•:i Chif,f Justice \\'aite. 2. ,T1!l!tirna, o]de~~L 11a11gl1-l\·r, rnarrie1l Jn11athau 8cranh1ll; tlu•;, El,<ouez':'r

Dnclley, of ::\L.1.di;,011. ::;. Hez,oki:1lt L,uw l1lntt, sPc-

011(l sou, marrie<l 8:mdi ::.\I ill.~. -l l>r. ] hu Plait, tLird sr,11, born 17DC., rnan-i,·,1 Ahhy La.tlirq,. He mr1.nie.1l twice, aH;;rwar,ls, ,L11il lin,,1 at KP_1· ,Yest, I'h. ti. Cat]1r,ri1in Ln.1w Platt, ,.,:1:ow.l 1laugld.er,

horit 1707, nrnnw,1 ,Jnlt11 Bu,-ti11gl1a111; iL s,·ci:rnd maniH.~(t' was to Gil1,er1, Oayl(lr11, of \Y,,c;t. Hpring­fi,,j(l, }\fa-,s. fi. A ustiu Platt, born 17H!i, 1111trrie<l Eiiza Hi1,,·kma11: lrn is hnried i,, Eiizal•<:tL. .N. J.


7. Abigail, third daughter, married Jeremiah Rus­sell, of old Branfort, Ct. 8. Ezra Platt, fifth son, born 1803; died in New York, aged twenty-five. 9. Eunice Platt, fourth daughter, born 1805; in 1871 was residing in Fair Haven, Ct. 10. Harriet Platt, youngest, born 1808; died in New York at the age of twenty-three.

Jerusha T. Platt, daughter of Joseph Platt, of Deep River, Ct., married Mr. Allen. Three chil­dren : George Wjlliam, Caroline J., and J. Platt Allen, of New York.

Lozelle J. Platt, of Deep River, Ct., son of Oba­diah 2d, born ou the farm he now occupies, April 5, 1819, married :Mary Augusta Albee, February 19, 1844, born in Lyme, Ct., December 17, 1824, her family being from Dudley, Mass. 'rheir children are five: ~fary Eva, Jennie Ella, Ad1:t Lillian, Jessie Corinne and Edith Jerusha. 1. Mary Eva, born De­cember 7, 1846; married Herbert Z. Doane, Au­gust, 1870. Their children are : Eva Herbertine, born Jul_v 28, 1870, and Clara Estelle, born April 7, 1882. 2. Jerrnie Ella, horn March 5, 1849; rnarrie1l Charles Augustus Northeucl, of New Britain, June 18, 187G; now residi11g tl1ere. Their cl1ildren are : Grace Evel,vu, horn December 6, 1878, and Allan Platt, bon1 October 3, 1887; Arthur Platt died May 4, 188B, aged 2 mouths, and Robert also in infancy, 1884. n. Acla Lilliae, born March 18, 18:37 ; residing in Hartfon1, Ct. 4. Jessie Cori11IH,, horu Nnvr,mher 14, 18G0; married Clarence E. Liiml>, August 27, 18S3; residing at thn honwsteatl. Two children ;

f'A YHJ:00 K HT,A \'U Ii.

Louisl3 Albee, born .Mny 1~. 1885, aml Gladp Margaret, born Decern ber lG, 18fm. :3. ]~dith ,foru8lrn, born May 18, ltiG0: n-:-;id,ug with her sister in Hartford, Cr.

Lozelle J. Platt',, brnthers arnl siste:·s were: Noali, Obadiah, Samuel \V. a1,d 1'empenmcP Amdia. He was a grand;.;m1 of ~o:d1 Platt, nrni one of the sons of tlie Obttdiali Platt whr, die:l in 18-H. IL- writes tliat Le tliiuks the Saybrook Branch is of Gerrnau

origill, but that the early record:< of thr, fan1ily in New London wen:-· lrnrnt lw Aruold i1J t.11~" rr,w1lutio11. He admit-; that then; is no reliable prod, :t!J(1 well says that "trnditions, like i-;cientific tl1eories, nre good to set the mind on an enquiry, hut they will not do to swear by." The writer of this lias had occasion to hunt down a good many tracliti011s, and his opinion is that they are very often "such stuff as dreams are made of." The recurreJJce of so many names so frequeJJt in the Milfonl Branch would seem to show an umloul1ted connection; and the Riblieal u1-unes, withont exception, among the first descendants of Frederick, is a decillecl argumf-ut against a German origin. The 'I'rutonie raf'e do not follow Scripture so closely. Among the early cliil­<lreu we ought to timl a 1''6tz, a ,vilhelm, or Hei1i­rich, a Juha1rn, a Ludwig or a Rad. But they are not there. 'rhe inference is that, iu large proba­hilit_v, oue nf Isaac's sons, about whom we kJJow littlfl ( ,Johu, Joseph or Jacol,), may have crossed the Sot1nd from Ruutil1gtou and 0staMisltecl fois hrauch ill the la.st decalle of the 17th century; or somfl other of our name, of whom we know little, may have lJeeu


the first in this branch in the first decade of the 18th century. Traditiou will not even give us the right names, when it fails in so many other points. It is to be regretted that the ancestral li11e is uot more clearly traced. The discm,sion above is by no means conclusive, only suggestive. If the records indeed went far enough back, there would be unit_v doubt­less in some sturdy Saxon's home, before the Teu­touic tribes swarmed over Britain.


THIS is an offshoot of the prnceiliug. ,Joseph Cur­tis Platt, son of Joseph Platt lawyPr, was born in Saybrook, September 17, 1816. He married Cather­ine Serena Scranton, daughter of Jonathan Scranton, of l\fatlisou, Ct., April 2, 1844. 1\fr. Platt was a mer­chant iu :Fair Haven, Ct., but at leugth became a manufacturer of iron. He removed to Scranton, Pa. iu 184fi. He was one of the firm of Scrantons & Platt, wl1ich tirm at length grew into the Lackawanna Irou and Coal Co. They were amoug the Yen first to use coal ill this country for smelting pnrpose;;. 'rlrn enterpri;;e and success of this company in re­ality resulted in the builtling up of tlIP City of Snanton. Mr. Platt clietl at thr➔ agfl of 71, ill that plaee. HB lrnLl two brothers a11Ll two sisters: Geo. "\VaHhiugton, wlio died in d1ik1l10od; Wm. Henry, born Septemher 8, 1821, residing iu Sr-rn11to1J, l'u.; Tt:mpPra11c,~ ,T. wlto Hrnrri,•d Edvrnr,l 0. c\llr:n, of 1frri,len, Ct., fl.l}(l Lydia J'll. w lio rnarrie,l CliarlPs F. Ma.UP:-;. c,f Se1·a!lton. Slu· lin:<1 t11 tlH· aw~ of tliirty­five orlv.

,T (1kC'f•I1 Cnrtis Platt 1st, r,f Sna11tu11, Pa., wa:--:. 111-


strumental in giving the name to the city where he resided. He was public-spirited and influential. His "Reminiscenses of the Earlier History of Scran­ton," an address delivered before the Lackawanna In­stitute of History and Science, is a valuable narrai;ive of enterprise and venture in the neighborhood, show­ing how the foundations of present property were laid. He cliecl in Scranton, November 15, 1887. His wife had preceded l1iru, July 4th, the ,mme year. Their ch1lllren are: Joseph Curtis Platt 2d, now of ·water­forc1, N. Y.; Ella Jemima Platt, and Frank Elbert Platt.

-Joseph Curtis Platt 2d, son of the late J. C. Platt, of Scranton, was boru at Fair Haven, Ct., January 9, 1845. He married Kate Judd Jones, of Penn Yan, N. Y., December 8, 1869, born April 28, 184.5. Their home is in "\Vaterford, N. Y. He grad­uate1.1 at Pl1ilips' Academy, Andover, Mass. 1862, and at the Rensselaer Polyteclrnic Institnle, Troy, N. Y., in 18G6, a civil engim,er. He iR a manufac­turer in irou. He resi<letl iu 8cnmton from eliilL1-!tood, then at Franklin Furnace, N. ,J., till 1875; tl1eu at l1is present l10me. HA "·as PreRident of the ~Irilrnwk aml Hm1son 1\Ianufactnring Co., and of the Eddy Valve Cc,., lmt he lws lately retired from lmsi­ness. He is proprietor of the Bntton Boiler Co., \Yaterfon1. He has cl1ilrhen : Frer1erick Joseph Platt, l>rw11 at Frauklill Fnnmee, ,July 23, 1871; LlPwell~-11 ,l,mh'. Platt, horn a.t. same placr·, .Tnly 23, 1873 (,lied July lG, 187G, wliile c,n a visit to his gram1fatlwr at Scrauton); ElbPrt Scrautnn l'latt, born December 21, 1876; aml Et1w,m1 Howarcl


Platt, November 5, 1878, who diell in infancy. The father, Jos. C. Platt, is a trustee of the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, 'froy; N. Y., where he received the degree of C. E. His oldest son, I<'rederick Jo­seph, is in the class of '92, at Cornell University, Ithaca, N. Y.

-F1•ank Elbert Platt, second son of ,Joseph C. Pfa.tt (1st), born FFJbrnary 21, 1859, resides in Scran­to11, at tlie old homeste1ul. He married J;;Iizabeth An2:r1sta Skimwr, of Guilford, Ct., born 18GO. Their children are: Jc,sepl1 Curtis Platt 3d, bom at Cold Spring, N. Y.. ~,wem ber 18, 1887; l\Iarf!aret ~c-ran­ton, Lorn in New York city; arnl, Philip Skinnl<r Platt, born in Scranto11, Pa., November 213, 1889. He is eugaged in carrying on tlie inclustrieK of his father, the original "Iron 1York,., '' in the L:wka­w anna Valley.

,Ym. Heur_y Platt, of Senrnt.011, so11 of ,Tosepli PlaU, lawyPr, malTiPd Emily l\fol,el Hopkins, of N;111gai.ack. Ct. Hi:,; children are: Clh1. Hopkins; Amelirr Lycliit, wl10 died iu her fourtli y(,,11"; Wrn. HPm·y Platt ~d, c,f J3rooklyn, L. I. ; Emily ]\[. a1H1 Cnthi•riue S. Platt. GPo. Hopkin~ PL1tt, horn 1'Iarcl1 ~- 18/iO, Dl&l'ried Fra11ci;s E. Lr!\n,11. IJ,, was GPJl!·rHl S,q,.,riutf.'rnlent of tlin Cle.irfi,.]d Ihf :rn1iun11s Coal Co. at Peale, l)a., at tl1P tinw nf his deatli, ,Tarnwry 1, 1~ti7. He lrnr1 i,dorn 1J(1p11 8n]i1-riut,,ndn1t of the I\L·lut_n-P Cnal Co. Hi,-; ,riclmr, witli <,11r- rewaini1Jg child, Florern·1:, !tl:,_1·, is li.-iJJg at I:llliirn, N. Y. J~rnily l\I. l'latt, ;;eer,wl (l:Lug11ter, li,,rn Nov;,whpr 3, 18Gl, rn:Lni(,f1 lh. L. C. J'IIillspaugl1, nf Yi!!P Ya11Py, N. Y. C<ttl,,,rill(: S., third ibng11tt,r of "\Y. H. l'lat.t, horn


June 8, 1864, married Albert E. Jenkim,, of West Su­perior, Wis.

-Wm. Henry Platt 2d, of Brooklyu, L. I., boru iu Scrantou, Sept.ember 5, 1858, married Ida F. Drury, of Elmira, N. Y., October 3, 1883. They liad oue son, Robt. Drury, born at Atkinso11 Kas., who died in infanc_y. He is in the office of the Rome, Watertown & Og<leushurg R.R. Co., New York.



ELY PLATT, third sou of Natha11 Pbtt, bnrn at NAwtown, Ct., .July 3, 1793; rna.rrie11 Levi,t BPckley, of :NaIJgatm·l,, daughter of Dr. Danir,] B,-,cLL'.\', a sol<lier under Washington at Treuton. He liw,d Rome years at Washington, Ct., then r~t Utica, KY.; wa:,; seveml years in the pnblic Ren·ice. DiP.cl at Norwich, February 13, 1867, u.getl seventy- four. His children were: Rufns D., G,,orge Lf'wis, Adaline ~I., Natlrnu Ely, Bmily L., Charles BP.ekloy, .wd Helen Theresa I>ln.tt. At one tim.,, uu11er tlw oltl state c,iustitl!tiou, it beeanll' his 1111ty a.R a coroner of Oneida County tu arrPst tlw sliPriff. Hi,-; wi,1,rw Rnrvi\·e1l him many yeari':\, re,-i11in~; ,vitl, dan~::ters iu Alb;my, N. Y

--Hnfuc: D. Pbtt, 11],lP:~t ,-;<>11 llf Ely, l",n1 March 17, 1817, marrib1 Frnnc:<•s ,T. '\\"liitn11, <>f Tr,,y, X. Y., Juue 1~, 18J;J. Their <:l,i1,1n~n ar.---.: Evelyu, Cor­ndia, nw.1 OlH:'- so11, Fra11k. Cun11•lia 1\1. rn;,nied Nr-l,;,,11 C. ::'ILtn'.,_-Jli,:, l\Iarc·l1 28, lk71. H. D. Platt wnc; s,•vf'ral :n,ars ill chargP (lf tlw nmmtf:t(·tnring for d,,p,u·tnwut in tlH· iab· A. T. Stewart's ston•.

}[,-· dit•:! at his hown ili l\Iimlclair, -:-.;-_ .J., An:--;u:-t 1::-i, lS,".i,\ i.!1 l1is six.ty-niu ll1 ye:t r.


-Adaline M. Platt, oldest dangl1ter of Ely Platt, boru September 25, 1821, at Washington, Ct., mar­rietl William T. Rudd, of Albany, N. Y., November 9, 1848. Her only so11 living is William Platt Rudll. His brother, Charles Beckley, died in babyhood, The only daughter living is Adeline, who married George Parker Howlett, of ·west Newton, l\Iass. They hav<' one daugliter, l\Iarioll. William Platt Rnrl<l was horn iu Albany, N. Y., ,J uue 9, 1851. He grad uatecl at U niou College, in the class of '73, also at the Albany Law School, with the degree of L.L.B. He is a member of the Al phi Delta Pl1i fra­ternity; a1Hl 110w, of the law firm of Hiirris & REdtl, Albany. He married, October 25, 1883, Aimee Pier­so11, daughter of Henry A. Alle11, of Albany. The_v have one son,Tracey Alleu, born September 16, 1884. l\Irs. 1Villiam T. Rudtl, his mother, dietl at the age of sixty-two. Her husband is still living, in Albany, at times visitiug his daughter in tlie llE:>ighl,mhood of Boston.

-Natlrnn Ely Platt, thinl son of Ely Platt, born iu ,Vaslii11gt011, Ct., l\fay 1, 1823, lin!d in hoyhoOLl all(l early ma11 l10ocl i11 Utica, N. Y. Ill 18:3K hr:, PS­

tabl ishecl iro11 works at MarquetU·, :Mich., on Lake Superior, but i11 18Gl rf-:rnoYeLl to Oliicag1J, LL He marrif-:(1, DPcemher 14, 184:l l\Iary EYelin<-' Colburn, of Utiea, who was born DPcember li:i, 1823. They Juul 01H, danghtr,r, .Mary Evditw, wlw was honi at Utica, 8epternlwr 15, 18--!7. Sltf! maniecl, I>,·c,-rnl,er 14, HMi(i, Im S. YonngloYe, of Cliicago, wlio wa;-; Lorn i11 Yernou, Vt., November 10, 18,3,i. Slw tli,,d No­veml>Pr 2K, 187,"J, in lwr 27tl1 ye:tr, ]1-aving au ouly


;;on, fr,t Platt Younglon•. boru October 7, 1-~G7. He is 110w in Y;tle College iu the clas,; of '91. Mrs. Pbtt, his gr[l,udmot.l1er, died ,June 11, 1882, in her 5~Jr.l1

year. It slwuld he stated that N:1than E. Platt was J're3ident and Manager of the Lake 8nperior Foun­dry Oo. at ~Iarquette. He was a mernber of thP first bonnl of ahlermen of the cit,. At Chicago 1i~, was in the iron commission busi11ess twf'uty odd years. He is a member of the Chicaw• Boanl of Tra1le, and at oue time was a director in the Board. He l1as retireu from business, but is still living in Chicago.

-Emily L. Platt, second <laughter of Ely, ·wa:s born at Washiu~ton, Ct., in 1825. Slif, was a tpacher in Alliany, devote,.l and Leloved for upwanls of twenty-nine years. She Heerned to lrnvil "'pecial gifts for her cho;,An work. Ther8 is nc, higher function than that of fraching. "Let uot arnbitiou m,,ck at such ns<cfnl toil." Her 1leath wa,; suddeu, in Lyirn,

"l\Iass., AuQ:ust 12, 1880. Hn r011rniw, wPre buriP<l in the l1eantifnl cemetery onb,idP of Allmny, near l1t~r mothr>r\; gran,.

-CltarlPs Be('klP:, Platt, tlw yonngn,t sn11 nf Ely, t>orn i11 -Utica. ;\Iard1 8, 18:n, live,l ill Uf:-11,•,·a, K. Y. some time, then iu New Ha.ve1J: lmt. f111ally li,· f•stah-­lishe,1 himsdf i11 Norwich, Ct. HP was con~E>rned in thte pul,lieation of thP Norwicl1 Tril,n111. antl al:-m in tl,at of tlw llulldin. H,! lw,·arn,; 11 11H·rcl1:t11t and Wa'< sn(•,,Ps<;ful. IT(' 1wr1 a n°markal1]e rn<:mnry, ,~·as well n•ad, aud 111111,,r tlie 110111 ,Ji, 1Jl1w11 of" Karl Beck," Ji,. wrotP mr1t1_v exeellPut pir-cf•S of pr,etry a11d pn•RP. }fo uurri1·d Frances ,J. C. D,·_v, DPcr~m l,Pr 1'1. 1848,


A son, Allen, who died in hi,; 24:tL rear ; and a.

<laughter who died in infancy. A second marriage was to Olive W. Barstow, of :Sorwich, February 6, 1860. Two of their children died young. His <leath was at his beautiful home, "Rocklawn," Septem­ber, 8, 1883, in his 57th year. His widow still re­sides there, where, October 9, 1889, the only child nmrnining, Helen Barstow Platt, was m,1rried to Chanuing Moore Huntington, son of the late Rev. G. Huntington, and a nephew of Daniel Huntington, the artist. He is a graduate of Hamilton College, and is the literary editor of the Utica Herald, resitl­iug in that city. He has an infant son, born March 19, 1891.

-Helen Theresa Platt, the youngest, born in Utica, July 17, 1834, married John N. Byron, of New York, August 2, 1864. Their children are: Emily Lois, horn in 1865; David Platt, born De­cember 4, 1867 ; George Lewis, born April 27, 1870; Charles Ely, born January 16, 1873 ; Freel Russell, born March 7, 1875; all Albanians. Their home 1s

in Albany, N. Y.



Tms comes from the Norwic-h Branch. Rev. G. L.,.wis Platt, :--on d E1y Pl:ttt, has been Re-ct.or of St.. P;rnl';.; Church, Tivoli-on-Hnc1sou, X. Y., now (lE~H) over tliirty-one years. Born at .. Washington, Ct., February 8, 18Hl, prepared for college at Utica under Dr. IJJ.vi,l Prentice, his L~arly friewl a.nd adviser, he graclnatHl at. Hohart CCJllege, Geuwrn, N. Y., in 18-11, faking the second houor in his c1ass. Iu 1S8fJ lw re­ceived tb, rlegree of S.T. D. from his Alm» ~I:itcr; lie was ordai11e,1 in tlie Epic1c·npal Chnrnh in Charles­ton, S. C., 18 lK; c:ill,,,l a,; a.0,,-i,-,tm1t V> ltPY. Jh. Cnt­ler, St. Arnh, Brookl_n1, L. I., ia 1830: in '5ci, Hect.,,r of the Clrnreh (it fop }fo,1iator, Pi1ibdelphia; iu 1855, Rector of St. J ,mm,-:, U-n,at lL.rringto11, Illas,; ; some months in eliar~c of Cli!·ist. Clinrcl1 at Dri1lgr,port, Ct.; aml f:i,-pte·rnber 1, 185(J, callr·rl to lii,-; presc•nt rectnrship. Sew an,l l,eantitul stou0 d1nrchPs, tlnr-1ng his :mi11istr,·, hnve h,~en hniH at Gr,.al ]hrring­tnn allil Tiv:,li. H,, ln,s pnl,lishel "QuL of t!1e 8barlo11 ,·, l11t., lb- Li;!ht," "D,:,rntiful 0!1 thu J\Ionn­t.ains,'· '· Litt•-Work," "Life-\Vork of the Earl_y­Called," .. Light ou the Clnnd.," "Good from t.he


Great Crime," "A Heroic Life," "True Patriotism," and other occasional sermons. He is a member of the Greek 1etter asHociatious of Alpha Delta Pbi and Phi Beta Kappa. He married 8arah D. Willard, of Greenfield, 1\Iass., May 2G, 1848. Four children by thi.s marriage: Mar_v l\Iemminger, born on Wac­camaw, S. C.; Helen Levia, born at same place; George Willard and Frederic H. Pierrepout, horn in Brooklyn, L. I. (FreJeric tlied in Sarnnnab, Ga., April 27, 1874, in his twent_v-seconcl year, after spending two years at Cornell lT niversity, and re­ceiving liis degrees of JH.D. and Pl1.D. from the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia.) A sec­ond marriage was to Clara GiLsou, of Great Bar­rington, Mass., June 26, 1856. Two children living by this marriage: Clara Amelia aIHl Estelle Gertrude Platt ; Joseph G. and Herbert Winthrop died in infancy.

-Mary Memminger Platt, the first dangliter, was married '111 St. Paul's Church, Ti·,oli, N. Y., August 19, 1890, to Kenyon Parsons, cf London, now resi1li11g in New York. He was educated at the London Uuiversity College School, and lately held an appointment in Ceylon. An importer. HiH wife was educatetl at the Packer Collegiate Iu-stitute, Brnokl_vn, L. I. •

-Helen Levia Platt, the second claughter,born 18.50, educated at Mrs. Cary's school, Pl1iladelpl1ia,'mar­rietl J. :Melvin Tliomas, of Albany, September 17, 1873. He graduated from U11io11 Collcgein the claHK of '72. He is a member of the Alpha Delta Plii. They have one daughter, Nellie l\fay, not yet ten


,·,,ar,.; old. Tlie_,. reside iu Spobu1c· :Falls in tlw uew St.,1tA of Washiugton.

--G!,orge Wilhn1 Phtt, ,;on of G·. Lewis Platt, horn iu Brooklyn, L. I., Septemher k, 1851, wa8

sunw time at St. Stephen\; Ooileg,,, Au11andale, N. Y.; t}i,.u at Con;f•ll Uui,·ersity; touk 11. crmr~e of lec­ture,; at t1w Coli,';rc· nf Pliarlllacy, J)JiiLH1elphia, Pa., W7~'.: F:,tl'l'i("rl :Edir.li, dangbter of ,Judge n(Jyal! Tykr, of Dratileboro', Vt., Septc~m1ier ;3, 1K77. Thr·.\ have b1·c, (bnglikr,-; and n ;v,11: UPrtrncle TylPr, Hoyal! Tyln, and Lnnrn \Yillan1 Platt. These cliil­drw1 nntn11t'I' tl1e deventii ge11c~ration fn,w Riclrnrd Lt, of .\Iilfor(1. Tltr iinnw of tlie fa111ily i,-, iu Great Darri1,gtm1, l\Inss. Tlie fotlier is well c:st1tblislic-,1l in the fl rng bu;Q.inr~;-;:-;_



H. PLATT Cusm~G, of Mankato, l\Iinn., gives these names and dates: Mary Ann Platt w_as an only child of Abial Platt, who was one of a family of seven: 'l'irzah Platt, born March 30, 1771; Jabez H. Platt, ,July 30, 1772; Rhoda Platt, born Novem­ber 20, 177-1 ; Adah P., July 26, 1776; Mary, April, 1779; Abial Platt, born February 7, 1781, and Han­nah, J ul_v 7, 1783. :Mr. II. P. Oushiug is tlie great­~rau<lsnu of AlJial Platt ,m his grandmother's Fside.

-G-. W. Platt, of Cincilll,ati, 0., is the sou of A. J. N. Platt, ai1d grat?ilsou •:f Zr,pl,:miah Platt, formerly of New York, lattu·l_v of Rpri11gfi,,}d, 0., wl1el'fi he taught a l1tw sclwol. G-. W. Platt had an aunt, Amelia (widow c,f Danid l'. i\ld.1arou.) He has three children: Gcorw, "\"Y., l\Inrnfonl, awl Mary Platt.

-R,:Y. Abram Plntt livr<l ,;,,nH• yP:,r:-; at. Greenville, ~Iicli., nwl tl11,,.l l11c:re.

Hi.;.; hrot11r>r, .Jo~wpl1 I•fatr, rn.,;il1Ps in Bmnklyn, L. L :ind hi,-; dau~l1kr-i11-l.rn· also n:sides in BrfJ{lk-


ly1;. Slie has a daughter iu Denver, Colo. ·walter F. Platt, of New York, is a grandson of Rev. Abram Platt.

--In the Le Roy Brauch, we noted tl1e residence of G. N. Platt, at Vacaville, Rolano Co., Cal.

-,Tohn Meade Platt, so11 of Dr. W. H. Plat.t, of Petersburg, Va., resides at A.nnacort~s, 1Vashington.

~J. l\Ielvin Thomas, who -married Helen Levia Platt, late of Albany, N. Y., is resi<ling at Spokane Falls, in the 11ew State of ""\Y ashington.

-Howard Platt, son of Cyrus, resides at Lead­ville, Colo.

-Frank Platt., dental sur~eon, son oi G. Norton Platt. is a resident of San Frnncisco.



EPEXF:TU8 PLATT and 8aral1 HclHldu werP MAI!l:rEI•

October 31, 172B. Philip Platt and Pliebe Rogers, Dee<,rnl>er 1;,,

1725. AmoR Platt and Zi,rvia.11 Whitman, ,fn1y :{, 172H. Samuel 8tratton anr1 Rnth Platt, Ap,i1 22, 1728. Eliphalet ·wick,; and Ha11nah l'latt, ,1ard1 2G,

1730. Zephaniah Platt arnl Hannah Sextou, or 8mith­

towu. March 21, 1730. Samuel 13tt: .. d.;.y aili1 Plif'l>H Platt, cf Smitlitow11.

,January 11, liBl-2. 1\1icajal1 Tn\\'l!Se11<l Hll•.l Ehzabdli Platt. April 2:-J.

1n:.t .Ju~qih l'latt, widower, and ,Tau" Hlatt·ld,·y. widow.

May 21, 1733. Hiclian1 A11i,-,:m arnl Elizal,dl1 Platt. :-i,•ptr-m\,,.,

.I!!. 17;;:L Hoh,-•rt Artlrnr antl Tabiti,,,. Platt. 1>t·1•p11,l" r :!::.

1-;:a. Isaat· }>Jait. wi,lm,·H, and A l,i~ail Hayfo;, wi:1ow,

A1tgu;..t L"i. l 7:-ifi.


,Tosia.11 '\Yl1Peler aml :Mary Platt, September 1, 173G.

Zophar Platt r.nd Rebecca ·wood, Sovembcr 19, 1738.

Nehemiah Palmer, o! Greenwicl1, Ct., a11Ll Abigail Platt, January 28, 1738-9.

,John Phttt, willower, and Mary Wood, widow, Augnr,;t Hi, 17?,9.

Arc1ibalt1 Gree11field ancl l\Iary Platt, October 1, 1740.

Eliakirn Srn i th and J\Iar_,- Pbtt, April J, 1743. L;aac Smith, of Islip, aml Jemimah Platt, Decem­

bt~r il8, 17-13. Philip Platt, jr., and Temperance Smith, Novern­

her 14, 17-±-:1. Joseph Platt, jr., and Mary Barker, January 10,

17-:1:4-5. Isan,c Platt, jr., and Est.her Ketcham, Febnrnry 22,

171.4-5. Tread well Brnsli aud Hannah Platt, l\Iay 14, 174G. Hlw. NiLtha11 Tucker ant1 Sarnl1 Platt, of Smitli­

tow11, Jnue 18, 1747. Ep0netns '\Yn,1(1 and ~Lny Platt, wic1ow, Od0liPr

:ti, 17-J.ti . .A.wrJ,; '\Yilld,; aml Kr,zial1 Platt, ,Tuly 2J, 17-.W. ,la.col, Brnsl1 arnl Saral1 Platt, Octo11er -1., 174~1 . .Tor-;f,pl1 ,ricks aml nlary Piatt, SllYCDJ!Jf'l' 20, 17-1~'­,Taer,l, Platt d11t1 l\Iar:,· BrYfllit. I)peernl1('[' 11;, 17,iO. ,T<>ss1; Platt aurl :'.\Lary Hrn,-;],, .Ta111wry :.!-1, l7GO-l. Oiiadial, Platt al!l1 :'.\lar_, Carll. F,:hnrnry 17

17Gl-2. Sh·plie11 KPlsr•y au,1 A1111a Plai.t, :'.\farcli :n, 17fi2.

Richard Platt a11d Elizabeth Jarvis, April :;o, 1752.

John "'\'/heeler and Phebe Platt, Decemuer 7, l 7ii2. John Sammis, widower, and Phebe Platt, widow,

January 14, 1753. ,Jonas Platt and Rebecca Bennett, December 12.

1764. Zophar Platt and Samli Platt, April 11, 1757. Solomon Platt and Hamrnh \Vood, ,Tune 8, 1757. Eliplialet Platt, of 8ruithtown, and Elizabeth Scud-

der, December UJ, 1757. Daniel 0rucker, widower, ancl ElizaLeth Plutt,

widow, Augn;:;t 10, 1758. Epenetus Platt, jr., aud Hannah Marvin, August

13, 1758. Israel Wood, widower, and Yasbti Platt, l\1u~· 1,

1762. Capt. Isaac Platt, widower, a11<l J\Luy Smitl1,

widow, May 11, 1762. Jedediah Raymond, of Norwalk, al}{l Elizabeth

Platt, November 28, 1763. ,John Sammis, jr., anc1 l\Iary Platt., August 5, 17G4. Jesse Carll, widnwPr, aml Temperance Platt,

wi,lmr, ,Tannary ~:!. 1772. Natlianiel Buffdt, anJ Zerviali Platt, Octo1iPr 27,

1774. Henry Titus and Pliehe Platt, December ;n,

1774. Nat.hanid Bnu.;h a11,l Harn,;,}i J>latt, January

1, 1775. Timothy Coukliu, jr., an,J l\Iary Platt, February

Hi, 177fi.


D,will Ru:-;cu, jr .. ;~llll Hamrnh Platt. ::\larcl1 :n, 177(;.

Ezra Conklin au<l Sarah Platt, Octolwr -i, 1778. Solomon KPtdrnm, jr.: and Itebecca Platt, JI.Iareh

7, 177a. ,JnsRpb Platt aucl Rebecca Giltler,-,leeYt', NoYPml,er

28, l 7G9. Obadiah Platt arH1 Mary Platt, :Ft•hrnar,v ;j_ 1770. Zelmlon Platt aml Phebt• Berrnett, widnw, Augnst

23, 1772. Pltiiip Platt alHl l\for:·· Feln·uary 7, 177?,. lsn,a.c Pl:ttt, of Hnntiugtou, aml Enuice .Platt, of

Connecticnt, Octoher 18, 178G. Israel Platt, of Huutiugt.oll, all(1 Hat1wd1 Oakley

Hunt, of Huntiugtnu, Jamrnr,v 24, 1787.

Tliere· are rnany maTriage "licenses " fnuut1 re­conlecl in the Secretary of Stale's office at Albany, N. Y. Among them are Ikujamin Plat.t. antl Ha11-nal1 1V nn1ey, Augnst C, 178,l ; C]u1rles Platt all(l Car()liw· Adriam·.P, iLt~- 2:2, 1778; ~athrrniP] Platt allll Pht,be S1uitl1, Now,mhPr 10, 17fiG; Uriah Platt :uHl S:ual1 TrPatl 1,f'll, .January 21, 17Gl ; and ZPp­lia.nial1 Platt a11,1 :.\Ian· Y;•.n '\\'yck, Kove11il1er 23, 17fil.

Tl1,· hqiti,m1al records i11 tl1P nkl elrnrd1 wens kept hy Rn·. EbeuPZPr Prim,·, (tlie first oue 1s lli

l 72~:) : hy Hev. ,folrn Clos,, from· l 7fi8 ; h,- Her. Natlianiel 1roc"1irnll from 17HG; arnl by n,,·,. ,fo3J11m Hartt. at d iITt•n•11 t. tht1:,;.


The followiug persons of onr uamP were baptized in the town of Huntingto11, L. I. The records, un­fortunately, do not give genernllythe pareutago of the baptized, and <lo not go far back : Jesse Platt, 1723; J"ohn Platt, February 14, 1723--4; Hannah, Novem­ber 8, 1724; Philip, November 6, 1726; Mary, Juue 5, 1726; Phebe, June 10, li2G; Vashti, October 23, 1726; Jonas, December 3, 1727 (died December 10, 1804); Solomon, June 2, 1728; Oha,dial1, September 1, 1728; J P._t;se,_____October _2.0J '(g_8 ; Margaret, October 20, 1728; Keziah, November 24, 1728; EprnPtus, September 13, 1730; Amos, December 30, 1730; Zopl1ar, January 10, 1730; Stephen, JUarcl1 21, 1780; Philip Smith, March 5, 1731; Phebe, May 2, 1731; Sarah, April 2, 1732, Zerviah, November 2.5, 1732; Mary, ,January 28, 1732-3; Uriah, March 31, 1734; Zophar, October 30, 1734; Ann, June 10, 1733; John, February 1, 1735-6; Mary, May 18, 1735; 1'hankfn1 Skudder Platt, same date; Naomi, August 22, 1736 ; Zeuhaniah, January 1, 1737-8 ; Israel, May 26, 1738; Samuel, June 3, 1739; Elizabeth, Sep tern lier 23, 1738; Israel, November 30, 1740; Nathau, November 30, 1740; Hannah, January 13, ln9; Epcnetm,, ;January 27, 1741-2; Sarah, January 27, 1741-2; P!tebe and l\farJ, Harne date; Elizalieth, Auguia;t 15, 174:3; Charles, March 11, 174'.3-4; Sels.h, June 20, 1744; Jeremiah, Augns:;t 26, 1744; Zehuln11, November (i, 1744; Rehecea, l\_farch 23, 17'1!.i; Elizabeth, 1\Iarch ;;!!,, 174G; Obadiah, J\Iurch ~3. 1745-G; Mary Plat~. (adult), October 19, 1746; Mary, ,Ja.mrnry 4, 174fi; David, July 13, 1746; Jmiepb, Oet0l1Pl' 14, 174(i; Elizabeth, September 4,


1748; Phebe, Sr,ptember 11, 17-!-3; Elizahetl1, Sep­tember 18, 1748; Zen-ial1, Fe1,rn:ir_\- 23, 1749-50; Sarah, November 11, 1750; Philip, :l'lfarch 17. 1750-1; Mary, June 9, 1751; Gilbert, April 11, 175a; Han­mi,h, August 5, 1753; Ebenezer, May 9. 175-i; Phebe, October 27, 1754; Bathsheba, ,)anuar!· 11, 1756; :Mary and Sarah (twins), August 1, 175G; H:rnnah, November 7, 175G; Hannal1, January ::l, 17;,;7; Rebecca, .January 23, 1757; Daniel, (of Smithtown) Augnst 7, 1757; Scn<lder, April 23, 1758; Gilbert, Sept.em her 17, 1758; Williatu, li'elmrnry 2,"i, 1759; Amos, Jnl_v 8, 1759; Mary, May 27, 17."iH; Bathsliei,a, J illle 17, 1769 ; Phebe, Augnsil 24, 17GO; Elizabeth, same date ; Elizn.beth, October 19, 17GO ; Jesse, August 30, 17Gl; ~Iary, October lG, 17Gl; Stephen, July 25, 17G2; Trea<lwell, September 12, 17u2; Ananias, October 17, 1762 ; Richard, K overn her 21, 1762; Henry, l\fa_v 1, 1764; Isaac, June 1-i, 17G4; Mar:·, Juue 3, 1764.; Israel, Novernhet 14, 17fi4; Hanwtl1, SPpteml>er 30, 1764; Keturah, October 21, 176-i; Pliel1P, S,,ptPmher 1, 17fi5; ,Judith, :March 5, 17G5; Experience, Decernlier 0, 17GG; ZPpbm1iah, Angnst fl, 1772; :Mary, ,Tu1_v 22, 1770; Clrnrit.'', Oct.o­ber. 2:3, 1770; l\lar_y aml Hamrnl,, sister,-, 1farcl1 11, 177:i ; Elisc,ll, Nonc111l1er 15, 1770; ZPnial1, I),c•cem­l>Pr 17, 1773; EpP11etus, Stephen an,1 PdPg 11irntlten,) l\forcl1 11, 177:j; Z.,phn.11iah, Angu.st ~l, 1772. 'l'iw fol­lmYiug liapti,.;ms wen' hy RPY, J oslrna Hartt: RehH·ea Platt, Au~nst, 1774; Davi,1, May 20, 17\)(J; Phebe, :No­vem1H·r 27, 177G; Eliza1wtl1, ;.;ame ,1atP; Hrrn11ah, J nne 2, 17:J'.J; ,J,tc<,h, April 2~1, 1781; ,foi--;f•pl1, Jim<> 8, 1783 ; Zr,pli:n, Juw.· 20, 1784; Dorcas, J'\larc:11 7, l'i87.


Phehe Platt, wife of Epe11etn,- Platt 1st, by will left to her sou Epenetus, one of the three Bi1les left by his grandfather. 'l'l1e other two, one to e:1ch of her claughter:o, Hannal1 and Elizalktl1.

The land recon1s show that five arres of lanJ we!"e laiil out to Isaac Platt, Huntingt.on, L. I., February 20, 1724-; one acre adjoining his l10rnn lot. aiHt that of Jonas Platt. Land lflicl out to Isaar l'btt, 1722--3. Lam1 laid out to Amos Pilltl, 1730. Lrmd laid out to Isaac Platt inl787 aml 1739. Land bitlnntt.o Philip Platt, 1732. JnsPnl, Platt di,0 <1 Lefore 175,5. Jonas Platt, sr., gave a release to Jo]rn Platt of all interest in hi,; father's estate, Decemh·r 18, 1713. Highway laid out by l8aac Platt and otl1en;. 1\Iay 1, 174:J.

It is to bA noted, that tlrnre was a ;Joh Tl PLttt and a JacoL Platt in Hnntrngtn11, in 1668. ,Jolin Platt in tlrnt year so1ll laucl '' formerly i11 the teuor and occupation of Jolrn Hud<l." ,Jacob Pl:itt. was one of thP owners of" ye sew-uth farm," with five utl1ers, i11 1G72. It does not appPar tiiat tlwy were the sons of lsrwc, for i1is cliildn.,n, I ,y tl1e J"Pcnrcl, were not hor11 ti1011. \\" ere tlie;;e Isaac l)la tt\. :-;011s by his first rnarriag1·? Tl1Prt'. i,., llP trace• c,f n.1,y i11 a11y ri~conh;. I,;;aap 1st was rnarrir.<1 iu ~Ii1for,1 before h(' weut to Lnng Isla11d. Tlie uarnPs w,.. liave <,£ hik children an• ouly 1>v liis marringe in Hunti11gton.

"Isaac Platt :i11c1 Josq,l; Platt w,·re magistrates in HuHti1;gt01,, 1G73."

"Enuice l'btt, horn Fe1,ruarv ft, 17fi7, (lir·tl August 22, 186~.'' Eliz;1. ,J. C,,uklin",.: farnih· Bible•.


The will of Isaac Pla.tt was dated ~fa:· 2:3, 16\)3 ~?) as recited in a quit-claim from the eld<'st Sl>ll Jouas t(J liis brothers, ,Johu, Joseph aud ,Jacob, (>f his (Jonas') interest in his :father Isaac's estate; wliich -quit-claim is dated September 7, HiflG. Bnt faaae .Platt died Hi91.

Tlrn will of Epenetns Platt 211, the 1\Iajor, mt:>utions children, Epeuetus, Uriali, Zr,pliar, Elizahet11 !mar­ried Mjcajah Townsernl), Pi1rPbe, wife of Deuj1nni11 Treadwell, a]l(l Mary, wife of Tiniotliy Treniill'ell.

Laud laid out to ,Toseph Platt and Isaae Platt, 1732.

faaae Platt and ,Toseph Platt were witnesses to a ,denl, Nm·emher 1, 1684.

Isaae Platt was President of the Board of Trustees Huntington, 1746 to 1750.

Capt. faaac Platt,· sc,n (Jf ,Jonas, born 1699. died February 5, 171>3, aged sixty-four. His second wife was ALigail Baylis, wi,low.


,Je,;,;e Platt, of Hempstend, l>aptized 1728, married l\fary Brnsl1, ,January 24, 17@.



Given by N. G. Pond, Esq., drawn accurately from various sources; brought down to 1820. s, son; d, <laughter; b, born; m, married; di, died.

John, s Richard aud Mar,, of Norwalk, m Hauuah Clitrk, ·a George. .

Isaac, s same, of Hulltingtou, L. I., died 1691. ft-iiah, d " r~ Thos. Beach, 2dly )files }fernin. Epenetns, d" b ,July, 1640. of Huutiugt,.1n, di 16~3. Hannah, d " b Oct., lfi.!3, m Chri;.;topher Com-

stock, of XorwaJL Josiah, s 1, Nov., lGJG, Ill Sarah CanfiPld, d

,Jose!-'h, f.:.

Thoma;;, Dec· 2, lf;G9. h Apl., Hi49, m l\Iary K;"llngg, rJ

David, of Korwalk, in HiH:3. Jo"jal1,,; Jo,:;iah, li ,JnJJe, ln71, m 8arnli Burwell, cl

Natliau, Jmrn 8, 1707. Sn.nth, d Josial., h Sept., Hi73, m Hidianl Bryan, s

Hiclianl: tl1i11k slie warri;c,,l 2tlly ,las. GrPP11.

" 1, ~ov., IC,:i. m ,Tosr0 ph Clrrrk, R

'fliomas, di,0 11 Oet. 28, 175,-;.


J olrn, s Josiah, b:Sept., 1677, uot in will, 1721. Richard, s " b Aug., 1682, m [ .E;);ther Bucking-

ham, d Samuel, Nov. 7, 1706. Hannah, d " b NoY., 1685, m Jonathan(or John?)

Abigail, d

Joseph, s

l\Ierwiu Feb. 7, 1706. " b March, 1688, m Sam'l Briscol, s

Nathaniel. ,Tuly 3, 1712, (li 1773. " b Jan., 1693, m l\Iehetable Fenn, <l

Benj., ,Tune, 1720. Josiah, s Josia)1, jr., b Oct., 1707, n:. :Mary Newton

d Thomas. Na,tlian, s

Isaac, s

Sarah. d

Abigail, d Frances, d




" "

b July, 1709, m Elizabetl1 Peck, of Newtown, ,June 5, 1740.

b April, 1711, m Phebe Smith, d Jolrn, l\Iarch 12, 1744.

b March, 1713, m Joseph Beard, s Joseph, children: S~rah, Abigail and Mary.

b Oct., 1716, not named in will. b Feb., 1717, m Jeremiali Peck,

s Jererniah, Oct. 26, 1743. Sarah, cl John Platt, b l\Iai-eli, 1704. Phebe, d " lJ Ang. 1705 .

• El_rnnezer, s " l, ,Ja11., 1708. Johll, s h April, 1711, rn f-larah Peck, cl

Ephraim. Esther, cl Richarll all(l Hester, h Feh, 1708, <lied un-

rnarrieLl, Dec. 2-±, 1728. Ann, 11 same, b Nov., 1710. Ill Camp. Chil,lreu:

Jouatlrnn, Richan1, Abram, Isaac, Saral1, Esther a11,1 Mary.

Mary, d h Sept., 1711. m Thomas Clark, s


'rhomas. Cl1.: Mary, Thomas and Martha, cli i\fo~- fi, 1740.

Richard, s Rame, b Feb., 17H,, rn J',[p\ictable Fisk, cl Ebenezer, 1\forch 1, 17?.7, di May :-1, 175G.

Samuel, s " b Nov., 1720, m HannaL Prudden, l\Iar. 13, 1762.

Jonas, R lo~iah, ;,r. and Sarah Bnrwell, b Nov., 1725, wife Sarah.

Joseph, s ,Joseph and Mehetable Fenn, h Nov., 1724, m I-![~111rnh Bnc·ki11glmrn, t1 of Tliomas, di Aug. 30. 1806.

Mehetable, <l same, b Sept., 1727, rn ,Joseph Whit•

Sarah, d " more.

mentio11ed in will, m John PPck, s ,Jeremiah, 1751.

Mary, d Joseph and Mary Kellogg, b Sept., 1681, m J·ohn Woodruff, s l\Litt11t•w, Dec. 22, 1698.

Joseph, s SflllH\ h Feb. Hi, 168J .. Pl,n]Je, d " l, l\Iarel,, 1H86, t11 Sam') Newton,

Ep,•11eh1,:,. s

·r.tiza.lH=~tb. ,l ·'

Ctir1Pnn, Fl

S:1ra1i, ,l .J,,s,-·;ii,,

Mnry, d

s Salli'], NoY. ~tl, 170£,. b Sept. 1G90, Ill Sarah B(~ard, d

,J ('I'!' Ill iah, 171-1. -'>c " f. . . ''l l''f; I'].' ,,.'l'·W "°c"\ IJ ... ---i.p , hil,), lll :· P~.tlJt'f _;'\Gt'i.'li1,

s Ung Pr . .l'i<.'w 1., ,, 1, }fay, Hifl(i_ (1i A p'l F1, 17~:::l. Lt F,,L., Hi'.)8. ni :-iP!,PJ1il:d1 HrniLl,,

. ..; I!1-111ja11111i.

I, S, · itt.. l ,On. L, ~brel,. 170~1. b May, 170+.


Joseph, s Joseph and Sarah, l, l\Ia_v, 1711, di 1776. Abigail, d same, b Nov., 1712, m Noal1 Plumb, s

Ebenezer, s "

Stephen, s "

Phebe, d "

Sarnh, d "

Joseph, went to Stratford. b July, 1713, m Haun ah Green, di

Aug. 1:3, 1790. b Dec., 1717, m Hannah ·wood­

ruff, d John, of 'Woodbury, 1748• b Aug., 1721, m Jonah Newton,

2Llly Oliver Sanford, of Wood­bury, sa,vs brother's will.

b Sept., 1721.

Jeremiah, s Samuel P. and Sarah Beard, h Oct., 1718, went to New l\Iilfor<l.

Samuel, s same, b March, 1723, m AmHt Welch, of New Milforll, Aug. 17, 1749.

Epenetm,, s " b Feb., 17:3G, of New Milford, di 1760.

Mary aud Ann, twins, ds Gideon aud Mary Bucking­ham. Mary m Benj. Ball, s Benedict, Ann m Dan. Ives April, 1754.

PhebP, d same, L 1\Iay, 1731, m Samuel Miles, s Theopl1ilns.

Hideo11, s " h 1\Iarcl1, 1734, proh. rn Melietnhle Pla.tl, dlticlrnnl, of ,Vaterlrnry, 17ti4.

Sarah, d " h DeC'., 17~1G, m Wm. Nott, say,, moti1er's will.

Epenetm-;, " 11 FPh, 1738, m Rusa1111a Merwin, cl ,T <>,-;Pp 11.

Nelwu1iaii, " 1, Jnly, 1741, rn Thankful l\lerwiu, of K l\lilfonl, 178~.

,. 1, -Tall., l 7GO.


Isaac, s Isaac and Phebe 8mith, d Joseph, l.i Jan., 1755, m Amy Eells, sayR I. Platt.

Phebe, d same, m ,Joseph :Merwin, N. Haven. Mehetable, d Richard and Meheta:ble, b May, 1738,

prob. m Gideon Platt, s G1cleon (law records, vol. 8.)

Richard, s same, b March, 1742, m Sarah Camp, d Caleb, 2dly Ann Rogers, d Jo­seph.

Stephen, s Stephen and Hannah, I> :May 17, 1749; think lie went to Wood bury.

Hannah, <l Sam'l and Hann11l1, b May, 1743.-Samuel, s same, h Oct., 1744, m Sybil Strong, d

David, s Sarah, d

Esther, ll

:Mary, d

Grace, d

Ephraim, March, 1765. " mentioned in mother's will.




mentioned in motl1er's will, m Elias Camp, s Samuel.

b May, 1747, m David Clark, s Samnel.

b ,fan., 174!), m Smith (papers disc. in Strong'R gan .. t.)

L Aug., 1750, m Richard Clark, s Samuel.

Anna, d h 1754 (in will), rn Nehemiah ClaTk, s Tl10mas, di 1810 .

.Tiwemir:.h. s Jeremiah a11d Hannah, 1 Dec., 1747, m l\fary l\ferwin, d Miles, settleil in Britlgewafor.

Sarah, r1 same, 1. ~,JY., l 7i'i]. Newton Sn.n.'l, s " b Ma.rd,, l 7!'i'l.. Nathans Nathan, l1 Oet., 1741. J~lizabeth, d " L :Ma: cl1. 1719.


. Sarah, d Nathan, b June, 1758, died 1762. Asa, s Gideon and l\Iehetable, L 1\Iay. 1769, m l\Iar­

t!Ja 1Yoodruff, April 6, 1791. Gideon, s same, mentionec1 iu will. Mehetable, cl " b March 5, 1762, rn Isaac Treat, s

Joseph, 1785. Abigail, d Steplien, b April, 1768. William, s Jonah and Hanuali Clark, h Oct., 1797, m

]\fary A. B~l,1win, cl Tliadcleus, Oct. 18, 1821.

Clark, s same, h April, 1800, m Sybil Stow, cl Jared or ,Jedediah, Nov. 17, 1825.

Patta Maria, d '' b Sept., 1802, m Isaac Treat, s faaac, Oct. 20, 1820.

Amelia C., d " b Oct., 1805, m Charles 1\Ierwiu. Jonah, s '· b April, 1808, m Comfort Bald-

win, cl Beard. Charles, s " b 1\fav, 1811, m Emeliue Bushnell,

of Deep River. Eliza Ann, d " b Dec., 181:3, m Abm. Marks. Marv Jerusha, d" b Nov., 1815, m Jern- Mervin, s

· · David. ·

Nehemiah, s Nehemia11, 11 Mav, 1773. Had sous: · ,JirPl1 an;1 "William.

Polly Esther, d satnP, married Fisk Duram1, s John. Abigail, d ,Jonas awl Elizabeth, L Aug., 1772, m Jolin

Partree. Pl1el1c, cl same, b Jan., 1774. Sibyl, d rn Jolin ({iJletLe, ,Jr., 1781. Jouas, s l\Iary, d f-iarali, (1 l\Iary, <l

" aml ElizalJPt!i 11., h }\ov. 1774. 1) 1778. me11tioucd in will, Ill Samuel Bryan. b 1778.


Mary, d Ebenezer, b May, 1777, 1u Thomas Stow, 2,1l_v Joseph J. Minor, April 8, 1814.

Ebe11ezer, s " b June, 1780, m Sarah Smith, April 30, 1800.

\ JoLali, H b 1774, m Hannah Clark, d D:-wid, ~ ()Y. 5, 1796, ,1i 1843.

Clarissa, fl ,Jeremiah Pln.tt, b Sept, 178-i. Mehetahle, d Joseph a11Cl Mahel, b Apl. 4. 1771, m

David Treat, s Jusepli, May 24, 1792, di FeL. 22. 18.'>7.

Joseph, s same, b Feb. 1786, m Martha l\Ii1es, (1 David, Mar. 28, 1801; di 185\J.

Mabei, d " b Jan. 31, 1781, m Rd. Femi, s


Benjamin, Aug. lG, 1802, settled iu 0.

b Apl. 28, 1785, m Hoht. Treat s Robt. and Conte11t, March 28, 1811, tli J Ull".' G, 1852.

Joseph, lt Dec. 21. 1789, rn D. Clark, s Sam1H·l, Dec. 2-t, 181~. Settle<l iu Mid<He bury.

NatliaJJ, s s:.Lm,,, b Jan. 2H. 17:H, m Sally FowlPI", d Natl,:rn, ,fa11. 12, 18B, (li 1867.

Rusanua. (l Jusepl1, jr., l, 1'Ltrch 17, 1 i\J±, n1 Mr·nrin A1111n•w, s "\Yilliam, A pl. 23, 1812, di Apl. 20, lti72.

Dan, ,; sa1ue, l) KoY. 2fi. 17:)G. 111 Emily for 2\l wifo Feh fi, H,l 7.

Rid,anl. s Hielianl all(l Sarah Canq,, 1_, 17fit;, rn l\lar­gard Fnw[P.r, d Natliiw, ,TuuP. 6, 17%.


Fisk, s same,

Sarah, d "


b 1768, rn Saral1 Newton, cl Jouah and Phebe, Ang. 8, 1792, di 1847.

m Nathan Fowler, s Nathan, Jul_v 9, 1788.

Rogers, s " b 1779. Joseph, s Joseph alld Anna Rogers, b Sept., 1794, m

Sarah Stow:>, cl Samuel, Feb. 3, 1804; 2clly, Elizabeth Baldw:u, d Elisha, Aug. 23, 1829.

William, s same, b Dec., 1792, m Anna Stow, d J ede­diah, Nov. 21, 1821.

Isaac, s Isaac aud Am_y Eells, b Oct., 1783, m Abi­gail Smith, cl Rich-ard, l\Iay 8, 1803; 2tlly, Rebecca Powell, of Wasliington.

Pliebe, d same, m Amos Smith, Dec. 11, 1803; set­tled in Coschoctou, 0.

Am_v, d " m Elias Burwell, !! John; 2dly, Robert Burwell, of N. H.

Asel, s " m Mary Barrett, lived in Ohio. Alauson, s " h J all., 1792, rn Elizabeth Beacli, cl

Ahigaii, tl "

Abigail, J Beuj.

Samuel, Ap"l 18, 1810, di Ober­lin, Ohio.

h Sept., 1794, m Alfred Cowles, Bristol, Ct.; <liet1 tl1ere. and Abigail Greeu, h 1784 (?), m

Elipliah•t Sanfon1, s Elisha, :March 10, 1799.

Belljamiu, s Hflllle, ]1 17£l.j, m ~ .. lie~· Bristc,l, Ll Na­t ii a 11, ,fa 11. 22, 1802, di 1870, at ProK pP('t.

D11niel, 8 b 17!35. m Bdsey Higby, d


Sarah, d same,

Nancy Sacket, d"

Eiisha, s "

Sam'l, Nov. 25, 1804, settle<l iu Skeneateles.

h before 17H5, m Miles Smith, s Theophilus, 2dly Wm. Bnsh of Eng., di 1818.

m Garret Gillett, s Benj., Oct. 23, 1808.

b bet. 1790 ,.ml '95, went to ProspAci.

Haunali, d " b Aug. 11, 17H4, rn J olm W. San-ford, ;;.; Joh11, NoL 5, 1815.

Maria, d b l\Iay, 1797. Mary, d " m Garret Gillett, (2d wife). Polly Esther, d Jireh a1111 Ketur,d1 Smitli, b May,

1805. Minerva, d same, b ,Jan. 4, 1807. Hannah Smith, d " b Sept. 12, 1792, m J. Stevens. Clarissa, d " b J ul.r 26, 1794. Keturah, d '' alsoJireh, b March toJ uue, 1798. William, s " b June to Sept., 1799. Harvey, s " b bet., Oct., 1801 and Feh., 1802. Mary A., d Asa and l\fortlia W oodrnff, b 1791. Enoch ,voodruff,s same, h Nov. 4, 1793. Patta, d " b l\Ia_y 23, 17UG, m Raymond

Hetty, d Asa Gideon, s

Esther Mnria, d

Bahlwi11. " l, NoY. !I, 1798. " b ,June 23, 1801, di l\fay 12,

1R32. " h he tween Jan. 31 arn1 A.pl.,

lH0-1. Laura and Lucrt1tia, ds " horu in Ornllge. Newton, s Fisk aud Saml1 NPwton, h 1795, rn Annfl.


Clark, tl Ahrnliarn, Oct. 18, 1821, di 1863.

Sarah, d same, b 1797, m Jireli Treat, s Jonatlwn Oct. 7, 1813, di May, 1867.

Richard, s " m J\Iar:· A. Baldwi1J. rl Eisha, May 26, 1820.

Catherine, d " h 1802, d_i Nm·., 1868, uot Ill .

. Jonah, s " b 1804, m Sarah Fowler, d Wm. H., l\farch 22, 1829.

Susan, d " l> Apl. 26, 1806, m Hull Allen, s Gabriel, ·westport, Aug. lG, 1825.

Phebe:Maria,d" b Juue, 1814, Ill Sarc.uel Miles, s

Sam'l, di ,Jnl.,·, 1858. Abigail G., d Isaac, b Feb. 27, 1804, m Jas. A.

Grrrnt, of Franklin, N. Y., di 1879.

Isaac Smith, s " h July 22, 1806, not married.

Alanson S., s Alansou and Elizabetli, b near 1806, di Cincinuati

Orlando B., s same, b uear 1807 (?) went to

LP-ster '\\T~, s "

Betsey Charlotte, d " A.my Clarissa, d Samuel Isaac, s l\Iary Abigail, d Merit Fayette, s Asael Etl win, s Alfrecl Cowles, R

Baltimore. 1, June, 1814. h 181G. b 1818. h Ang., 1819, di Oregon. h May, 1822. h Sept., 1824. l> ,Tnly, 1826.

1, 1828, of 0.

Sally, <l Nathan and Sally Fowler, b Aug. 22, 1810, 111 Al,el R Hine1-,, H Joel.

MILFOfW P.EO!_lllDS UF (WR NAlliE. 323

Natlrnn, s, same, 1, l\Iay 30, 1812, m Sandi 8.

l\fartlrn, d Platt, d JoS\'j1l1, 1839.

b Oct. 28, 1815, m D. L. Hubbel; also Susan, 1813, m ,Y. Andrew.

Phebe Rebecca, d ~, h JnuP.t 1830. Elizabeth Alln, d Joseph and Saral1, b ,Tau. 18, 18011,

1\-Ielietable Maria, d

Marv K aorni c1 •. '

It'd Willis, s

Sarah Stone, d

m .Eliakim Femi, s ,Vm. same, h Nov. 3, 1807, rn :Mari­

etk Sruitl1,""est Have1i. ,, b ,lul_,. 22, 1809, m Da--i,1

~ettlet.011, N,w. -1, 1832. L Jan. 26, 1812, m Jonah

Clark, s Elias. b Juiy 3, 1815, m Abigail

Clark, d Luke. 1, FPb. 16, 1816, ID Na­

tlian Platt, s Natl,aniel, 1839.

Elliot Baldwin, s ,Joseph anr1 E!izalwtli, h April 2, 1833.



WM. K. PLATT, of Phila.lelpliia, thf, ,-:nn of \Yi!liarn, of Sad<llewort,h, West Ridiug, YorksLire, Eng. (who was the son of John Platt), was born iu Sacltl 1eworth, 1829; came to this conn try in 1854; married Emma H. Ellis; has three daughters liri11g: Amm B. (uow

Mrs. Eugene P. Janckt>); Evaliue Victoria, Heieu Eagu1ia, and Bertha Virginin. Tli(-ir home is in Camden, N. ,J. His business officp is iu Pl,iladel­phia.

,Joseph Plat.t,, son of tl1e latP Cl1arles L. Platt, of Bro0klyn, L. I., traces to liis ~:reat-;!Tn11tlfatlier. Ricliar<l Pbtt, of tl1e Island of Curncoa, the finit of the family wl1ocame to this country. His grant1fo.tltc•r is ,Jogeph Platt, now Reveuty-fin:, Comrnissio1,1~r of Buiklings in Brooklyu ; he has six cliildr011.

Mamie E. Platt, of B,dtimor<', lws au 1rnclP iYil­liaw Platt, aad a sister Mattie. Her fat.liH was tiie latP 1'liomas J\I. Platt.

Y C. Platt, Wurcester, J\L1ss., ie; a Holl of Janrna. Platt (wlw,;e father was John, of Saddleworth, Eng.),


who ,yas captain of a v,·ssel, and wlw went to Californja in 18±9; but ,ms uot i:eard of siuce.

Willard H. Platt, of New York, lioru Julle 12, 1854, traces to his great-great-gramlfather, all Eng­lish mercha11t iu New York. His grandfathPr, Hez­-ekiah Doolittle Platt, was horn iJJ Saratoga. Co., N. Y., his great-grnuclfatiier beiug resitleut there in his closiug _vears. His fatl1er, ·willanl Platt, was born in Elmira, N. Y., March 24, 1830. Hezekiah D. Platt li:ul a brother \\Tilliam w 110 rno.-ecl to Lml"ist"n, N. Y. Of liis large family, there are now liviJJg: l\fr,,_ Sarah Allen, Mrs. Abbie Wright, Mi:-;s Louise Platt, Geo. "\Vashiugton Platt, Augnstine E. Platt, a!lcl James :Platt. Mr. Willard H. Platt, who gives tl1ese clata, lias three children: Mabel, Willard Rice, aud Harolq Birdsall. His father's cousin, Miss Louisa Platt, resiJes in Brooklyu, L. I.

D1Hid Mills Platt, of South Norwalk, wlwse grandparents came from London; horn iu Redtli11g, Ct.; married ElizabPth Squires, of Weston, Ct., July 18, 1839. Five 80118 aml one tlaughter: Samuel ,Tallles, Charles Henry, Davi(l Arthur, Georw· \\'al- . lace, aml Albert Everett. All marriecl lmt George. l)_ M. I>latt was seventy-two iu Dece.ml,er, 1890. S,rnrnd J. was fifty in 8eptemLer, 18n0. 'l'liA fatlier had au und,'., Mills Platt, who settle,! iu "\Vashillgton, Ct., aml wlio h,ul qnite a family.

Jay L. Platt, nf West Dr_nleu, N. Y., write;, that his great-gram1parents came from Hollan<1. Daniel


Platt had four <laughters alll1 three so11;.;, namel.r: Alonzo, John L. and Daniel ·w. Platt. This hst was his father, who, April 1, 1860, married Rheb/-1, C. Labar.

Harry Platt, of Germantown, Pa., is a so11 of John Platt, of Saddleworth, Eng. His grandfather, James, married Sarah Bradbury, of Weakly, Eug. His aunt, Mattie E. Platt, is living witl1 l1im.

Horace H. Platt, of Manayu11k, Phil,~dPlphia, i3 the son of Johu Platt; his grandfather, V{illiam, was of Saddleworth, Yorkshire, Eng. He has brothers, Frank and John, here, and sisters, Mary and Sadie.

Chas. J. W. Platt, of Phibdelphia, son of Jas. W. Platt, of Oldham, Lanc'.ashire, Eug., marrie,l Annie Gray, October 27, 1889.

Geo. C. Platt, of Pl1ila<lelphia, son of Rol,ert Platt, ·west Virginia, wrrs iu the late war; wou11<letl at Gettysburg; was i11 over twenty engagemr>nts. Hi;; brother, Jolrn H. Platt, served in tlw lOtlt N. Y. Voluuteers.

,Jam'.)S Platt, of B,1ston, ]Hass., boru Ill York­Hliire, Eng., married l\fag,laleua Bogardus. Ciiildreu livi11p-: l\fort.l1a A., Walter anll Heleua. Tlw last, marri,;,l r-u1sl iiYi11g i11 DPtrui.t, 1\Iich. Mart.ha A. Platt is liviug i11 Bo.-;t.,1,1. 'l'hi> f:tth(•l", ,Jame~, dif:'d HHS. He came to our cnuntn· in 18-12.

There are Platts in Saiern, l\lass., who Rpell


their name with a final s. Their connection with Richard Platt, of l\Iilfon1, is not traced. A Samuel and a Jonathan Platt were early settlers at Rowley, Mass.

Wm. Platt, of Philadelphia, son of Thomas Platt, of Londonderry, Ireland. His mother was of the Ewing stock. An ancestor went to Irelarn1 from England, and was at the battle of the Boyne, uucler William of Orange.

Chas. E. Platt, of Philadelphia, son of James Platt, of Thorp Lane, Eng., had three uncles die m this country. Lives with his mother and. sister.

Edgar M. Platt, of Boston, is a son of Thomas Platt, of English parentage.

Au~ust Platt, of Cleveland, 0., says his father was born in Alsace. Five children. Two brothers are with him.

Alfred Platt, of Roxborough, Pa., whose father, John Platt, was killecl iu onr civil war, ha-; a son Alfred. His tlaughter Amelia married William Tyson.

Charles C. Platt, of Pl1iladPlpl1ia, was horn in Rotterdam, Hol. He thiuks his great-grandfather was Spanish.

,Jol11J Platt, Hon of Jolu, Platt, of lIPy;;i<le, Roy-


ton t.owm,hip, Eng., came to this countrv in 1864; li-vingiu Philadelphia.

George Platt, of Phihulelphia, whose father was from Silverdale, Stnffordshire, Eng., married Wil­helmina Sta1tle; ha:, two children: George Elmer aud Estella.

E. K. Platt, of Long Island Cit_v, N. ,Y., trnces to his grandfather, ,fames Platt, of SallLlleworth, York­shire; Eng. The grnudfather was a nf:'phew of James Platt of that place, horn 172G.



EDWARD HENCHMAN married a daughter of ,John Platt, sou of Sir Hugh Plntt, kuight.

Richard Moseby married Judith, a daughter of Sir Thomas Playter, of Soterby, iuCounty 8uifolk, knight .and baronet.

Sir Stephen St)ame, <•f Hayilen, County Essex, knight, marrieil Elizabetli, daughter of above Sir 'Tiwmas.

'rhese records are tako1; from tlie "Visitation of Loudcrn," 1638-4.

The following record i;; from "The Yisitation of Clieshire," dated 1580:

"Alice, dau~hter of ,John Birclrnlb, of Bircliel. mar­ried Richard Platt. of Loudon. Sorn;: Hugh Phttt a11d ,Joli11 Platt."

The fnllowiug is from "Tltr, Yi;;itatiou of E,is.,x_," datP,l 1G:l4 :

'·U:•nrg,, G()Jll. E"'l, nf )f,,_1u;;, marrit>.-1 Aun,:,, da11gl1tr.J' of Rir Tl,ornm- Platten,. Ji: l-;ot.;:crl,v II1

{;;,untr Suffolk. Sr-•c,,n,1 wife."


Iu "Visitation of Oxford," chted 1566-74, ·alllT 163-1, are the following :

"Frnncis Gates, of Bent, married Elizabeth, daugliter of Bartholomew Platt, of Spershott, in Coauty Berks." "Elizabeth, daughter of John Platte, of Hanney, County Berks, married John Stompe, of Newnam, JUorryn, Gent."

The "Visitations" above are a series of books, m:ule up of various pedigree:;, published by the Har­leian SDctety, in 186'.J. The records, in some sense, are official, as persous appointecl for this purpose vis­ited the localities, and copied from the official docu­ments.

From Le Neve's "Knights," a book of pedigrees, we take the following :

"Rebecca, daughter of Sir Thomas Stringer, mar­ried to Sir J olm Platt, son of John Platt, of Godal­miug, Surrey. (Probably about 1700.)"

"Sir Jolin Platt, of ·westbrook Place, knighted at Whitehall, July 6, 1672."

The following is from "Burke's Dictionary of LaucleLl Gentry'' :

"Tmlwell of ·wales. Thomas Tmlwell, minor canon of 1Vindsor, somP time of Bnulfielcl H,tll, in E-;sex, diml about 1672, len.ving b_Y Anne, his wife, fifth tlaughter of HicbarLl Plil,tt, Esq., ehlest son of Sir Hugl1 Platt, knight, of Bidwell Greeu, County l\fiddlesex, etc."


"Thomas Dalt,, Esq., of Penwick, in County of Derby, born in 160:3, married l\Iary, daughter of 'l'homas Platts, of E'lagg."

"Thomas Platt, E ,q., married, May 2, 18:~9, to Aunt1, daughter of John Hugli Smyth Pigott, of Brockley Hall and the Grove, County of Somerset.

"Diana, daughter of 0rlion1as Little, Esq,, married in 1816 to James Platt, K,q., of Boltou, n.ud diPd in 1819, le:wing a daughter, l\Iary AHn, who was mar­ried, first to GPorQ;e Newm,w HarJy, Ec:q., and secoudly tn Wiiliani Al,;op, Esq., of Liverpool.

In a honk of '' MarriagP Lice1rnes," publiRhe<l by the Harleian Sr,ciety, Loudon, in 1886, there are many curious records. \Ve take from it the follow­rng:

":Marriage Licenses i;;,,suerl from tlie Faculty oifice of the Archbishoµ of Canterbury at Loudon:"

,u :February 10, 1573-4:, Hugh Platt and Margaret You1Jge.''

"',ll5G8, N(jvemher 3, HPill")' Woolnougli, of Shelley, County :Essex,Clerk, Bachelor, 24, a11d Elizaberli Platt of G,lllalzning, Surry, Spiustt:ir, lG, daughter of J.,!ui Platt, of Rarne, Clerk, wlio consents at All Hullr>ws the Les,;, Tharn1os StrePt, or St. Smitl1ins, Lou.Jou (Rev. John Platt)."

"Hi32, Dec. 18. Henbanbrigge, of St. Dm1stall, ia thf• Eiist, Lrrndo11, Gent., lmehl•lor, ~8, nnd Mary Platt, of St. Clement Danes, J\Iid(1'X, about 2f:i, widow of Richard Platts, late of Barwicke, Co. Sussex, draper, to marry at St. J3rides, London."

"Thomas Platt, Esq., of the town of HaguP, iu


Hollall(1, Bachelor, 36, aud Susanna Bressey, of Dort, in Holland, whose parents an; living in Dort and consent at the Hague, or Dort, af·•re,;aid."

"1672, June 12. John Platt of G-oclelming, Co. Surrey, Esq., Bachelor, 2~, and Rebecca Stringer, Spinster, about 18, daughter of Sir Thomas Stringer, Kt., at St. Andrews, Holhoru, or Enfield, Co. :Middle­sex, or Barnett, Co. Herb,."

"1697, ,June 24. Jeremiah Platt, of Folkingham Co. Liucoln, Gent., bachelor, 28, and ::\Iiss Elizabeth "Wallett, of Weston, said Co., spinster, ~2, at her own disposal, her parents dead; at St. Giles-in-the Fields, Middlesex or"--

The followiug are Marriage Licenses issued by the Bishop of London:

1.1'[' 1559, Jau. 22. Georf::('e T_vchet, Kt., Lord Aucle-ley, and ,Joanua Platt, widow, of St. Andrews in East­cheap, London, to marr.v anywhere in the diocese." v, 1577, Sept. 25. John Platt, of St. James, Yarlick

Hithe, and Eliza!Jetl1 Louge, Sp'r, of All Hollows Barking, at Barking, County Essex."

"1616, Aug. 30. Isaac Gilbert, of Rayley, County Essex, yeoman, all(l Sarah Platt, of Roclifon1, said 3ounty, spiuster, clan. of Hobert Platt., of Fnnluess, lee.; at SL Tliaxted.

"1626, Dec. 9. Francis Cham berlaine, of St. 1\1,drt>.ws, in the 1YarclrPl>e, Lnll(loll, yeomall, a11<l 8lizabeth Platt, of St. Clement Dane,;, :Mitlc1., widow; tt St. Clement Dane,;, afst1."

1625, ,J uue 6. Hugh Platt, aml Clara Mirriull, ,vidow.


1612, July ::n. ,folrn B.iil,\,·. of St. l\far_,·\;, "White­chapBl. :Mi,lcl., yeom,rn, anrl An 110 Platts, of "\Vest­ha.m, Connty EssPx, spinster, LtHughter of Rolwrt Platt, late of Sn. ·wiugfiPlll, Cniwty Derb_v; yeoman, dee., a.t Little All Hollows, Tiwrnes St., Lou1lou.

The following rw.rnage,-; an~ from tlie Register of Ht. Georges, Hauover 8qnare, puhlisl1i:-<1 i;, two volumes by the Harleiau Socidy, Lo11rlnl\ :

"1764, Sept. 2G. Enrn Kinsr,y, B.. and l\Iary Plats. S."

"] 727, Jan. 2H. AlexaurlPr 0-nrn l y aud }um Platt." "172H. April 7. Hidrnnl Platt, R. a1i,.l Eliz,d,etLt

Adams, S .. hotli of St. Jamt's, \\' P.,;tu1i11ster." "175G, Jamutry 2. S:tmuel Platt,·'\\~., :rn,1 Eliza,­

Ldh Kippling, S." "1756, Feli. 22. 'l'l1omas Ev:!n;.; of tiiis parisl1, B.,

and Aun Platt, of Pntw-\y, StuT,')·-, S.'' "176G, Dee. 19. Alex1ulll<--'r St:tn hopP, B., and

Saral1 Platt, S." "1778, Nov. 11. ,Jo 11t1 Hiclrnrcl,011 au,1 :\Iary Platt." "1781, N",·· 18. .J,,]111 l\ie}1;,Lt--. T>nran,1. of St.

Catl1ari11,c. CrN', Lowl011, a1Jrl Mary A11li Platt, of

this Jmris!:." "l 7S;j, NoY. 11.

Platt ... " 171-iq_ .-\ pri l 28 . " 17!),:;, .J U!II\ fi. " 17\lG, :-;,,pt. ~4. " 180CI, Oct. 5.

,Tohli Dal,lwi11 a1lll Mary Luuisa

• Toi11, S,tl111u1, :u1,l A1i11 Pbtt. l:i<·l,.u·,l Xnrf"ll. a11,l ,\nn Pl:dt.

,1o;-;lrna l'latt :11111 Sarai, Al_'...".i:i'." "'i\'illialll Platt :m,1 Aun ·Wilkin-


"1802, Nov. 6. George Kidtl, B., ancl :Mary Platt, S."

" 1802, Dec. 25. J 11mes Platt a11cl Ann l\Iorgau." "1804, Sept. 27: John Jarvis and Eiizabeth

Platt." "1807, ,Tau. 1. Charles Platt, Esq., of Rotherham,

County York, B-, ,tml Jnt1ith A.1111 Ramsden, of this parish."

Iu ·' Doll's Book of the Peerage" there is a full account of Hon. Sir Thomas J oshn::. Platt., ,;on of tlte late Thomas Platt, Esq., of Brunswick Square, so­

licitor (who died iu 1842.) 'rhe son was knighted 1845. "He was educated at Harrow School, and at Trinity College, Cambridge, where he graduated B.A. 1810; M.A., 1814. Entered as a Student of the Inner Temple, and was called to tlie bar by that Society in Feb., 1816; went the Home Circuit; became a King's Counsel, 1834 ; was raised to the Bench as a Barou of the Court of Exchequer in 1845. Retired 1856. Residence, 59 Pnrtlatlll Place, London, W."

Iu l\Lw11i ug and Bray's " History of Surrey" the following (lab are reconled :

",Joli11 PLttt, of w .. st H()rslF• . .-v, 1mptized Dec. 2G, 16'19, was knighted. He Lliecl June 17, 170;3, at 'Nicklrnm Abbey, in the parisl1 of "Wickham Skeith. Hi~ fatlwr was John Platt, some time Rector of West Horsley." fo the pedigree of the Platts, in (::h,dd­miug, this following is given in the history named above. "Hugh Platt, of Aldeuham. His Ron, Ric!i­anl, Alderrnau of London, married Alice, daughter of


John Birch ells, of Count;· Ci1ester. Dietl !GOO. His son, Sir Hugh, of Bet Imel Green, rnarriPcl a Jaughter of Justice Youug. A sec·o11d rnarria,ge was to ,T uclith, a <laughter of 1Vm. Alball_Y, a merchant of Loudon, He died 1605. His ROHS were, Richard, Hugh, Jolin, ·William of Highgate, and Robert. ·William was a great lieilefactor of St. Joh11 ·s College, Carnbriilge. He c1ierl 16:37, witl1CJut issue. Hl:l gave extensivu lands and valual)le rents fnr tl;e ;:;npport of fellow-; and scholars. Then' j-, a distiHct 1milcli11g in tlie college appropriate.] tu this foni1llatiou. 'f]ip !'Ollegf', in n1emor5· of t.l1r,ir generou;; be11,.faetor, repaired and beantitied his rno11m1wut iu Highgate clrnpel, 1713, anil ag;tin in 1743. ·Guclfff arcl1es are busts of :Mr. Platt and liis wife, aud among the monuments are uutny "eseoelwo11;:,."

,Tobu Platt, of Hidme11swurtl1, ninrrie;l Jt.-,lJecca, da.nghtn of Sir Hugh Cnk, of LH__.-,., Court, Con11ty "TI-'oreester, Kt. His s,m .J,>1111 wns Hector r,f "'est H"r:-;l,rv. llis sou ,Jol1t1 nf (-i-o,l,•imiug w;1,,-; kniglited. ll1s soi, w,t--; ,Jolm nf Tlrnrl,,w, Snf,,Jk. If,~ so11s

were ,Jo,;,"plt a!l,1 \Yillialll. /ta i11t,•resti1,g 1H'r1igree. Tiler,, w,,s a Hil'.liar,1 ,1,, .P!a_n:, als,, a ,J<,irn df'.

Pbyz, c·1111,.;iu an,l Jwir ,,f AnJiws, ,,ifP uf Edrn1i1,,1, Earl ,,f ]_,a11e1ht•-r, wl,<> li\·,-,1 i1t tlll' n,iµ:11 iif L,l­W1trll HJ.

ltiei1ar,l Platt, of L"11do11, wa-; u IH-1,,-fador to tl1P pansl1 (Ir St. All,al!',,, l1y ti1 1 - f-'.IJ<l<">ll"Jlli'lll <,fa

fn~(: vr,uu ,;;ar -,cl11 ,r, ! ior ,, i :d_1· se Ji, ,Li rs. i 1, l!i!J7 ; nli-<> ,-.ix i1"n,-;1,.., \;11ilt. ,,I' l,ri,-L f.,r ,:j, 1>11,,r p•·rs1J1J:c,

at tlw sa.111p· tiHw. J\ t tl1,· •·1,, i ,,f t.f1c• sd1"'1l-l1ali, ti,en° is :.i portrait ,.f tl1(" f<>ui,il•·r. 'l'l1,! sdioul ls Oll


the road leading from the Yillnge of Oldenbam to that of Elstree. This Richard Platt, was au Ahler­man of London, a high distinctioi1 in liis clay. See "Cluterbuck's History of Hertfords11irP.''

John Platt, England, politician, boru 1817, a mag­istrate of the County of Lancaster, l1igh sl1eriff of County Oarnarvon, 1863, was a member of parlia­ment for Oldham, 1865, and many years afterwards.




WE go back to old England for a few. In Cau­sick's Epitaphs of Middlesex, the following is found, in old St. Pancreas Church:

"Dedicated to the Memorie of William Platt, of Highgate, in the Countie of l\'Iidd., Esq're, sonue and heir of Sir Hugh Platt, of Kerlie Castle, wlw mar­ried ye youngest daughter of Sr John Hungerford, of Downamay, in the Countie of Glouc1 ter, Knight. He had one brother of the whole blo0d, and three siRters, viz: Robert Platt, Ann Platt, Judith Platt, and Mary Platt. HA departed this world upon the eleventh day of November, one thousand six hun­dred and tliirt_v-seveu, aged five allll forty yeares."

This jq followe,l h_v au inscription 011 the same stone in memory of his widow, who married "Ed. Tucker, of :i\Ia.dingly, iu tlie Countic of "\Vilts, Esq., by whom slie liiul ·oue only tlan1.d1ter marrie,l tn Sir Thomas Gore, nf Barrow, in tlte Cmmti,-; of Rnmer­set-, Knight." f-iitH ,1ie,l HiR7, i11 tl1" HGLl1 year of lrnr age. Thi,; monument wa,.; reRtore,l at th,, i"X­

pense of St. ,Jolrn's College, Cambriilgt,, 1848. It


was removed from the old cliapel at Highgate, A. D. 1833.

In Highgate Cemetery, Couuty nlidcllesex. (From Causick's Epitaphs of MicklleRex), is the following:

•· Here repose the n•rnaius of


late of St. Georges, Bloomshnry, t,qnire, who was born on the 4th of ,Trmnary, l7G0,

and admitte,l an Attorney awl S"licitor iu the S11preme Conrt at Westmiuster. 1780,

served the office ot Chan,ber Cierk nn<ler th<' Right Honorable Lords

'.\.lansfield, Kenyon, and Ellenborough, Uhief Justices of England,'

an<l enjoyed the confidence of these noble Lor<ls to the time of their r~spective death~.

After his retirement from office he received from 11 large nmnlwr of his professional BrethrPn the unite,.l and public expression of their gratitude

for the n prig lit, able. aud comtPons manner iu which Le h!!rl di;,cl,arged its duties,

nnd Laviug r<"tainPd the esteem and respect of the tu embers of his profe,;;;ion

an<l R<'qnired the VEnenttion rind nttflcim1eut of 111H private frien<IH,

close,l his nseEnl antl honnral,le life on the 8th d1t~· of Octob~r, 1842.

'Thou shnlt come to tl,y grrivH in a fnll nge, like as a shock of corn cnrn<::>tl1 in hi:, Reasou.'

Job, v.:26.

'.\ i:(On<l nrnu leavPth an inheritnnee to his children',; chil,lrer:.'

Prov., Chnp. xili.i "· 22."


In Higl1g:1tt' County lfrum Cansick',; Epitaphs of l\IiLltll':',WX.) is the followilig:

"I Lelieve

co1uniuuiun of saint-.;.

Hos. i'.'im THU\L\S ,JOSHUA l'L.\.T 1', KsmHT,

many years one of the P.flrons

of Her .Uajest) ·s Cnurt of LxcLeqner.

He; wa-, the d,J.,st sou of Thomas Platt, Esq're,

of BrnnHwick Square;

edncat~,1 at J-I:trrow School and Trinity Coile~e~


he was calle,l tn the b,,r (•tl1 Feh·y. HH!\,

a!1d baviog. on tliP :27Lh ~~f !Jee·r. Hf14

receive,l hh p,1.teut as nue of H,~ :lfo_iP,ty"~ Counsel,

wa.H Hti~(•1l t<, tliC' HerH·l, ou tlH· 27th .Jan'y., V)~fi.

' TIH.: snnlH r,f tbe ri!.!l1ter,us art· iu th•i lta11'1:-. f)f (ir,cl.

llll l t.ilt·rt" ~l,nll H•J torrun1t tnn('ii t.he111,

Irl tlJe hight nf tliiP nriwi:-.f~ tlH1y st-fHIH·.l tn tlif'; aral thnr dr•pnrture 1:-i ud.;:P11 ff,r I!liser_y ;

Anil t.l~t•i1· ~r,jn~. fr,1111 1H tn L1- ntt,:.r 1l1•strn<·ti<,u;

hnt ti1r·y art- in P£~/tC't::, ' --- \\riMd(IJtl ii 1.'

ATh!Clit:a lL ],..:!1 1 dit•i11-itli ~LL~. ll'H'.0.

(t~•,r~1n11. dit111 lf:itl1 .r11ly, l>-;(;(j_

E 11uly ,it-triv1;,. <lte l l Jll, ,J •uH·. l ,:;,;o_"


The following are found in the cemetery in Hunt­ington, L. I.:

"Ester, wife of Scudder Platt, wiw died August 22, 1806, in her 47th year."

"Here lies ye body of Capt. Isaac Platt, who de­parted this life Feb. ye 5th, A.D. 1763, in :ye 64th year of his age."

"In memory of Dr. Zophar Platt, who after a long and successful life died in peace, Sept. 23, 1792, aged 87."

"In memory of Zophar Platt, Esq., who died March 27, 1811, in his 77th year.,"

A "Zophar Platt, died Nqvember 4, 1812, aged 27." L

"In memory of Mrs. Mary Platt, relict of Obadiah Platt, who died January .9, 1795, aged 64."

" In memory of Sarah, wife of Zophar Platt died May 10, 1811, in her 77th year."

"In memory of Scudder Platt, who died Novem­ber 29, 1828, in the 70th year of his age."

The following data are "derived" mainly from a striki11g volume on "The Tombstones in Milford, Ct.," by N. G. Pond, Esq., of that place :

Mrs. Sarah Beanl, wife of ,Joseph Beanl, was the <laughter of Josiah and Saral1 (Burwell) Platt, born M;u•cli, 1713, died Augnst 30, 1751.

-Sarah Platt, daughter of ,Josial1 au,1 Sarah (Can­field) Platt. waH the wife of Ricliar,l Bryau, sou of Richard the Settler in lf:i3H.

-Capt. Joseph Bryan, who died 1783, was the son of Richartl anJ Sarali (Platt J B:·yau. HP- manied


Elizabeth, daughter of Zach,,riah aml Hannah ( Al­len) "'Whitman. On his tombstone:

" Let not the dead forgot.ten be Lest men forget tlmi they must Jie."

-Gideon Buckingham, son of Daniel, died June, 1, 1719. His widow married ,Joseph Platt.

-Mary Platt, daughter of Deacon ,Josiah and Sarah (Canfield) Platt, married cleacon Jo,;eph Clark. She <lied Oct.obor 28, 1755, in her 81st year.

Hannah, daughter of Joseph and Mary (PLttl Clark, married Jonathan Fowler, snn of William, J anuciry 9, 1728.

-Sarah (Platt) Fowler, wife of Nathan, lost her only son William, September 3, 179!:J. On the tomb­stone:

"Htop, children dear, aK yon pa.tu by, And see you're not too F•nug t<J ilie .. ,

-Phebe Newton, daughter c,£ Joseph anrl Mary (Kdlogg) Platt, wife of SamuPl Newt{Jn, dietl No­vember 12, 1727, iu the 42d year of lier ag,".

-Elizabetl1, d;LughtPr of ,Tosepli 1u1<l 8an1h Platt, :lin,t wife of Serg't. ,Tonal1 Newton, <lie,1 ,July 5, 17~}.J:.

-!>hebe, daughter of S,1ral1 au<l .Josepli Platt, murrie<l Serg't. Jonah Kewtn11, who 11ietl April rn, 1756.

-Har,nal1, da.nghtPr of Josq,li an,l :i.\LL:Y (Kellol,'.g·, l"latt, rnarrie<l l,ient. Fldclwr N ewtnu, :'I< ,11 of Hn:,.':Pl' and Abigr.il ;Fldch,:rl ~')wt011.

--Eptmetn:-; I'latt, sou uf .Tn,:;eplt a1nl }LirJ- 1KPl­lr,gg1 Plntt, tlieLl April 10, 17:.n, agr,ll :27.


-Hester Platt, daughter of Richard aud Hester Platt, dieLl December 24, 1728, in tlie 21st- year of her age. Her mother was Hester, daughter of Sam­uel and Sarah (Baldwin) Buckingham.

-Serg't Richard Platt, sou of J osiali e.nd Esther (Buckingham) Platt, marrieLl l\Iehetnble, daughter of Ebenezer Fisk; he died 1\Ia_y 3, 1756, iu his 42t1 year.

-Richard Platt, son of Serg't Richard all(l l\Iehd­able (Fisk) Platt, died January 11, 1799, in his 57th year. On his tombstone:

"A loviog Husband, a teodet· Father, Left this world to eojoy the other."

-Hannah, daughter of Fletcher and Hannah (PL1tt) Newton, was the wife of John Prudden, sou of John and Mary (Clark) Prudden. He died Sep­terubPr 3, 1786. She, October 7, 1790, aged 73.

--Polly, second wife of Captain Samuel Tihbals, was the daughter of Benjamin awl Ann (Platt; Bull. She died :March 17, 179-, in her :-38th year.

-Mary, daughter of Thomas and l\Iary (Platt) Clark, the wife of Robert Treat, died Angns.;t 29, 179!), age<l (:i6.

-1\Iehetahle, daughter of ,Joseph aml Ha1J11ah

(Bucki11gharn) Platt, was the mother of l\Irs. David (l\IeliPtable) Treat. Her grandson, David Tr,,at, two year,.; nld, died Februar_v a, 1707.

--l\Iary, dangltter of ,J<HPJil1 Platt, marrierl Capt. ,Trd1n "'ornlruff, DecenibPr 22, HiU8. Her hu;.;band dit>d ,Jnly 28, 172tj, iu his 5:3,1 year.


-A stoue iu t.!1E: ,YatPrhurY Cemeterv reads :

''N;itlrnn Platt <lie,l .Jnly 30, UH:.. a:ze<l 8!."

A soldier of the revolul10n."

" Them also that sleep in ,J .,,ns, "ill Go,! bring with Him."

Hr, was the grarnlfather of the writer. -GidPon Platt, s011 of Lieut. Gideon and :Mary

(Buckillgham) Pbtt, tliell SPptember 24-, 1796, in his 63d year. On his tombstone:

"In bope~ of a gl(,rinns iu1u1ortality, Hcliold~ r11y frH"'U<l. a--: yon pa:-s by


UP.tnrne<i to dnst-I h€re ,l<, lie. Aslam now~ RO yna mnht be, Ptf:par~ f,,r ,Jen.ti,, an,l follow me."



•rmf> chapter is to pick up disconnected threads .aucl weave them iuto the narratin,. It is a good rule to gather np the fragments tl1at uothiug he lost. The family record in foe Rcvolutiou was creditable. Its memLers generally were fnll of tlie spirit of a wise liberty; and often coutributed to mould our free institutions, iu that position in life in wliich Provi­dr-nce plnceJ them. Capt. N.tthauiel Pfatt, as re­corde,l, held his com mission from Washing-ton, and did effectin; Rerrice. )Lwy ou Loug Isht11Ll, wl1icl1 was under Driti.-;!1 rule, suffered arn1 were imprisoned because tlw_v wf,re J.,yal tu the principles of human right. Four of thf' sous of Zephauiah Platt il709J, of Loug Islarn1, w,n-,, iu tLP r. S. Army in fop Rev­olutionary war. l\Iany otlwrs wen· ;.;o]diPr,; iJJ that a.rmy.

l\f rs. A. T. Ret1fiel(1 relates tliat slie visi tP.1 Long Island am1 o1Jtaiuec1 1,ieceH of the "Platt.'' tree, to wliicl1 }1Pr grPat-rrm1,l!atlier, witli fifty otl1..r:-s, was dmined till takeH t1r tl1f• ,Ter;;oy prisol! ship, wlwre most of tlH,lu died. H1° lived hut hr11 tlavs after IJt" reaclied lww1•, allrl 11 aH linrihl near tlii,c; tree. '1'!1ii-; was Zeplrnuiah Platr, pf L()ng L-darn1.


Judge Charles Platt, of Plattsburg, was a year in the patriot ranks. Dan Platt, of tLe Saybrook Branch, was a captain in the Revolution. Many lost their lives in the Union ranks in the civil war.

Abigail Platt, mother of Benj. Sanford, of Milford, remembered tLat her father, Capt. Benjamin Platt, of Milford, went to Huntington, L. I., to visit their relatives there, · and that he brought home some apple grafts. This Captain Benjamin Platt was an officer in the Revolutionary war, and was at Danbury. He died in April, 1808. This was related by Benj. P. Bush, of West Haven.

Bancroft in his invaluable history of the United States, speaking of the determined spirit of liberty in the early settlers of our country says, that the peoph~ "demanded power to govern themselves. Discontent (on Long Islam]) created a popular con­vention; aud if the two Platts, Titus, Wood, and Wicks, of Huu tingtou, arbitrarily summoned to New York, were still more arbitrarily throwu into prison, the fixed pnrpose of the yeomanry remained un­shakeu."

The coat of arms graute,1 by Etl wanl III, in 1326 iA described th us: Per pale, gule, or, lion passant, armed, motto-" Ment has its rewrird ''-which I havP rernlerec1 into Latin "Virtus sunm praemium liabe t."

The capstone to tlie memory of Richan1 Platt 1st, on the memorial bridge iu l\Iilford Ct., iR tliree feet long, 22 i11ches wide, and 15 inches high. It is locati.,c1


ou the south wall of the bridge, in tlie place of lwuor, next to the stoue in mernor_v of PetPr Prmltlen, '• the :first pastor i11 J'.Iilfonl." Each sto1ie stands out distinctly from the others, giving to the top of the bridge on each side the fi11ish of EL r,urretel1 battle­ment.

The date, respecting the "bapti;;m in Bovingt1on, p:ertfordshire, Eng., of Richard Platt, srJn of .Toseph, iu 1603," canuot be Vtn'ified. for the clrnrcl1 n,cord;:; there now, only go hack to 1675. This v,onl is srmt nm Ly m_y friend, Dr. 1V. H. S. Aubrey, of L011Llon, Eng.

Dr. Daniel Beckley, of Naugatuck, Ct. the w, iter\; maternal granclfather, who servHl umler 1Yashiugton, at Trenton,died at Uticu, N. Y., at tl1c age of 85. He was 70 years a member of church. He told l1is grnmlson, that, his enlistment having expire<.1, on hi;.; 1·eturu home from the army, he paitl sixty dollars for his lotlgiug and hre.Lkfast, iu tlit, FPderai grPen!-1ack correucy of the revolutionary tlay. Fiat money!

Aclmirnl Theodorus Bailey, the types ou paµ-i-1 108 make to be engaged, in commaud of a. C. 8. ship, in "the captnrP of slave,;!'' Sl,tvers. He was captnring ~hipK that WPrt1 c:tptnri11g slaves. 1Voukl tliat tl1ere had been some snelt Anwrica11 Admiral iluing that wnrk a huuchetl year,; am1 more hefon,-wheu Eng­lanll 1uwiug the mouopoly ,,£ tlw slave trai1e was eager to fi11 our coloniPs with tliA killnappetl ;;hip• load:, of tlw,-,e sous of 1ou<lage. Eugbncl aflerwards


did the just thing in freeing the slaves in lier part of the West Indies.

Richard Platt of New Haven, has two children residing there : George H. Platt, and Mrs. 1\f. A. Barnes.

Eliza A.. Platt, daughter of G. W. Platt, of New York, married E. W. Stoddard of Succa,mnna, N. J.

Oliver Platt, was a graduate of Hamilton College in the class of 1823. He has not been traced.

C. C. Platt, of Ithaca, N. Y. is the son of the Rev. Wm. K. Platt, who was born in New York City. He is a druggist.

Mr. George Cornwall, banker of Po'keepsie, N. Y. has a place in this Lineage. His mother Eliza Autoinette Morey was tb.e grand-daughter of James Platt, of tbe Oswego Branch.

Mrs. Wm. Floyd Platt, nee Woolsey, of the Os­wego Branch, was lost at Kea. She waa a passenger on the ill-fated Ville de Paris.

There is a Jonas Platt in Smithland, Louisiana, of the Plattsburg Branch.

Chas. Easton Platt, late of Detroit, l\fich., is in Berlin, Germany. He is perfecting his kuowledge


of tb.e art of music. His mother resides in -n'ater­bury, Conn.

:Mrs. Chas. Wales, of St. Andrews, Canada, is a Platt ttescendaut. Her <laughter is Mrs. Wm. Drysdale, of Montnial, whose husband is a publisher in that city.

Ellen Gray Johnson, of Up. Red Hook, N. Y., married Henry L. Underwood, Oct. 1, 1872. She was born :Nov. 2Hth, 1845. ThP.y had one daughter Mary Platt. Her father removed to Birmingham, Alabama.

Channing :M. Huntington, of Utica, who married Nellie B. Platt, of Norwich, has lately published a handsome little volume entitled "A Bachelor•s Wife and other Poems." It shows ability in that gifted kind of work.

Wm. Platt Merritt, of Grnm1 Union Hotel, is the son of \V DL C. l\Ierritt, who married Rachel, a daughter of ,Joseph Platt, of Bedford. Deacon J o8e JJli was a KC1n of Cliarles, sou of J onat!ian, son of Beuoni Platt 1st, of the \Vestchester Brauch.

Alhrrn Piatt l\Ian, iate of New York City, born at Coustahlc, North Pru New York, ,J au. 18tli, 1811, a son of Dr. Albou 1\Iau, of tho neigl1Lorhoo•1 of Platts­burg, was a grandsou of Capt. Nathaniel Pl.1tt, who served untler 1Vashiagwn iu the Revolution. Ile


studieLl law nuder Jndge Parkhurst in Plattsbmg, .and nuder Judge Kent in Ne"· Tork, aud was admit­ted tD the bar in 1832. He was sixty years a lawyer, successful and promineut. He was a member of the N. England So. and of the Union League Club. He was :i. brother of Mrs. Hugh McCulloch of Washing­ton, D. C. He married Mary L. Brower c,f Wilks­barre, Pa. A second marriage was to Mary R Hubbell, of Utica. He died at his home in New York, March 30th, '91, in his eighty-first year; a long aud honorable life. Seven sons, a daughter and his widow survive him. His oldest, 1Villiam, was horn June 5, 1839; FrederickH.; Albon P. Jr.; Henry H.; Alric H.; Edward, aud Arthur the youngest .son, born ,July 18, 1871, and the only daughter liv­ing, Mary Man. William and Henry were asso­ciated with the father's law firm in ·wall Street. He was a member of the Madison Squ11,re Presby­terian Church, where his funeral was attended.

Theodore W. Parmele, of the Judge Jonas Brancb, of New York, married Emily F., daughter of Gen. Charles Room. Two children living, Charles R. and Helen Livingston. Bertha, <lied young. A second man:-iage was to Mary Platt, grand-daughter of Judge Jonas Platt. One sou, Henry Livingston, who died in infaucy, HolmeR Agllew, of tlie same branch, married, April 6, 1891, Isabelle de PuyR Foote, grand-niece of ex-Governor Rarnlolph, of New Jersey. He resides iu Tacoma, Washiugton.

Thomas Platt, who was a reHide11t of Chazy, N. Y.,


dnring the war of 1812, aml wl10 (lietl tl1ere ahout 1824, had two daughters, E,litl1 aucl Priscilla Platt. 'l'liere were other cLildre11: J\fary, )Iuria11. Eliza,beth and RAleafie, and Nelson and Dauiel. )frs. Mary M. Wil,ler ·was the daughter of E(litl:, (who ;nnrried l\Iatthias B. :Miller, ]',fay 15, 1830), and she was the graucl-daugliter of Col. 'l'horna-; J',Iiller of Platt,-,­hnrg, who won so brilliant laurels iu tl1e battle of Lundy's Lane in tl1e war of 1812. :Mrs. \Yiltler, tl1e widow of J. Spencer ,vilLler, now residPs in Clinton, 1'-'"is. He diml June 6. 188:3. Two of lie1· father's sisters (l'lfillers) warrietl Platts, cou,-,ius, of Platts­burg, both named Zephani:..11, all(l ilrn weddiug was on tbe same da_Y. 'l'lie presence of lnrn<lre<ls of guests made it wliat tlie German.; call a" Hochznit," a l1igh time. Tl1<:mrn;.; Plat.twas from Vermont, and he or his fatl1er was from Corm., pos1oihl:v from New Milford or Norwalk. Tliere is nn Tlwmm; Platt from· .:\Iilhnl, n,ecnnliug to the rPC:or,ls in the oid township. l\Irn. \Vil1ler's si;.;frr i,c, Mrs. Geo. Cooper, 11[,. Clwrlc,tfr· E. l\Iiller, wli,, uow rr:-;ides in Mani­tnwuc, "'iYis.

H(;J1. D. Platt C,1rpe11ter, forlllf:rl_Y of P/J'keepsie, N. ¥., 110\\. of I:fdr,11:-L, ::\Io11ta11H, ,1·;1-., tlH· l:t,-,t tc-rri­toria] G-o,·prnor of t.lrnt new sb1t.P. Hi-., mother, J\.Iaria 13ockee, tlal1ghter nf ,Ta.col, lhck,;r, \\'ltS a p·an,1,la11~hter nf :'.\Iarg:tret Platt,· S1nit!t_1 \\']1,, was ;-,. rhnglit1-r c,f l\Iaj. Epeudn-; I'iatt, r,f tl1P ynnnµ-,·r Hnuiiugtn11 Bra11d1. His faUn•1 was J',Inrgau C,u·p,,11tc-r, of Pu'kc•epsi(•. BeI,,r,· llf! we11l "\V,!st, he was 11ominateL1 on fop Uepnblieau t,ieket for Lien-


tenant-Governor i11 N. Y. He was promiuent in his party in the state. Born in Stanford, Duchess Co., May 14, 1837, he graduated from Union College in the class of '58. · Admitted the following year to the bar in Duchess Co., he held various positions in public life. Among them, he was state senator and county judge. His oldest brother, the Hon. Jacob B. Carpenter, who lias been a member of the legis­lature, mayor of Po'keepsie, and has held other honorable positions, is uow residing at Little Rest, Duchess Co. A sister, Miss S. l\f. Carpe.nter, resides iii Po'keepsie. Mr. Morgan Carpenter had other children: Benjamin, dec'd, Catherine, Mary, Isaac Smith, and Louisa. B. Platt Carpenter was the youngest son. In his new borne in l\Iontana, during his governorship, he was elected a member of the Constitutional Conventiou, and afterwards a member of the Code Convention. He married Esther Tl1orn. They have three childre11: Nina, Katherille, and Steven. Nina married Edward Tower, of Pough­keepsie. They have one so11, Albert Tcwer.

Obadiah, eldest son of Abel, blind in one eye, was cutting a tree, aud it fell on l1im and killed him. Tl1iK was in Redding.

Euuice Platt used to Ray tliat both of her grand­mother,; were :'.\lolly Smiths; one marrif:cl Obadiah Platt, tlie other a, Scul1L1er.

Thankful Platt'R motlier, 1\Iolly Scudder, died when she was only 011e year old, and .;he was adoptt->d hy


Thos. Jarvis and his ·wife, Abigail, they having no children.

Sturges Selleck, of Danbury, had six silver spoons with " T. S." on tl1em. He died 1871. He married a grand-daughter of Polly Hull. Her daughter is Mrs. Chas. Benedict.

Mrs. Hugh l\IcCnllocl1, of Washington, D. C., writes: "My grandmotlier's silver tea-set is with my sister, l\Irs. Lawrenc·e ::\Iyers, Colorado Springs. Old Mrs. "\VoolsPy, nee Linngstou, inquired of me, many year;; since, if I haJ it, for she said they m;ed to have tea from thnt pot 011 grandma's round tea table, when tea was a proscril,ecl lmverage. l\Iy grandmother had hpt a little ,\·ith which to treat old friends."

-She also writes: "The wives of the early settlers of Plattslmrg were very well eLlucatecl women, I h:.ve always heard. Charles Platt married C:-m,line Adri­ance, of Fi;d1kilL who was 1wantiful even in extreme old a~e; a11<l her ;langliters, wl1orn I rPmember, ,rer-e hanLlsome wornen. l\I:_v gram11uotl1er, the llaughter of Riclianl SrnitlJ, of Smithtowu, 1101r Kiug's Park, L. l., was nlsn he:urtifnl. ::Uy eou;.;i11, 1Irs. Collins, lias a portrait pnintnl wlie11 sl1e was past mitllllt· age."

"Tb· ,rorl•l':-, Eucyclophli,L of Wowlr,n, am1 Curi­osities," 1,nhli,d1.;1] Ly ,T. B. An,krson, nnw sold hy ,T. B. Ald,·u, c,f ;"'\ew Y(lrL, wa-, Cllll1]1i],-tl an,l wrjtt"ll

by I. l'latt, D.D. It tahs a wi<k rai1ge tbrn11gl1 natun•, art, scinrtel' a1H1 liu,ratnn·.


Tliere is an iIJterestiug "Life aJJcl Letters of Mrs. Cyrus Platt," of Delaware, 0. Her religi()us char­acter, aud lier effective goml work;; are 1iereiu ad­mirably delineated. Her name before marriage was Jeauette Hnlme, of Burliugtou, N. J. The book was compiled by lier husband. There are letters in it from E. H. Canfield, D.D., aml Stf•plien H. Tyug, D.D., late rector of St. George's, New York. Hers was a briglit and beautiful Cliristi,rn cliaracter. "That slie l1ath do11e shall be spoken of for a me­morial of her." "She walked beside the sad aud weary with words of cheer and comfort." It is a choice Yolume of Christ.ian biograpl1y. Her numerous letters are bright, thoughtful, frank, interesting, and gracefully worded.

James Platt, F.S.S., of LomloJJ, Eng., distributed gratuitously, in 1873, 30,000 copies of an essay on Business. He has lately expallded it into a rich and interestiug volume, entitlerl "Bnsiuess." It isa stir­ring a]J(1 «Jwirnhle work on ,rise li,·i11g. It lws goue through r-.eveuty-five P'1itions ill Lo1H1on. He Jias also written a hook calletl "Lifo," w l1icli l1a;;; go11e tl1rongh tweBty-otw editions. Hi-1 volurnr• entitlf:J "l\low,y," lrns r(•rtdH,<l 11i11ftPeu f'<litio1,s. ,,-itbnut question, tlif'_y all nrny 1,t~ clrnraeterize11 in general as timPl.,·, i1iei,;iv£>, inspiriterl, a1Hl a1,onrn1ing iu wonls of ac1wirahle sug~Pstinn. '11l1eso tlirPP lrnve lieeu rr:-­printr·il hy Pntnalll's S"us. lwre. 'l'l11.-- sarnP autJwr has pn1.d1sltPrl volurnf•s on" ::\Inrality," "Progress," "Ecouomy," au(1 "PovPrty," a1Hl 110 doubt tiH':· will do good in our work-thy world, awl g1v,' ricl111ess


anll effectiveuess to lil'P. "TT't• are glad to eall atten­tion to thesf• book,;. His tlwmes, j11 his works on "Life" and "Bnsiues,-," show how valnahlc they ma_y be wlum handled with force and fre;_.;hness. Some of tliem are: "ls Life "\Vortb Living?" "Onlture,'' "Common Sense," "Thrift," "1\Jan·ia~e," "Happi­ness," Hucl ''Health;'' "InLlustry,'' "Per:-if'n•rancf,," "Punctuality," "Prudence," "Tact,"" Trutiifnli1f~ss," "Integrity," and "A Few Hints what to tl() with :Money." It i8 readil,r seen that the"e topics, though old, ma_v be e,eu new in n1J eanH~st-mi11rh!il tliiHker, wl10 writes 11-ith a.liilit.v nn,l forvor. His vif'w,; of life are realistic. specially adapteLl to the life of to-day. Thn future life has a limit0d weight i11 his scales. He11ce we must say of him, as of ull, tlrnt the writ­ten tlwughts of men 11eed to he ;;iftecl before we adopt and assimilate t1Jell1. :Many writers 1.a ve views that are tlieir own, arnl ought not to belong to any others.

The work.:: of tl1P lleY. Dr, ·wm. H. Platt. rd Peterslrnrg, Va., which are nanF,tl at clos•· r,f Chapter X., lrnv" been favorah!_r n,ceiYed by fop pulilic.

Iu tl1P ;.:eve11tl1 cl1apt1·r ,H, have spr,keu r,J "Ohl Times in Hnnti11gtou," hy Hc•ury C. Platt, E;;q., of New York.

Mr. ,Tn.s.'C. Pbtt. ,,f "\Yat.E,1 f,,Hl, :X. Y .. write", 1'o­vem1ier 10, lfi\i(l: "I latt,l_1· lli!·l ::\fr, JauH'S J>latr awl dauµ:htfT. nf Gl,nie(;st,·r. Eu,'.!. }JJ c:otn-rirsatio11 with them, I lt·arw-,l tJ1;,t tl!f'Y Sell\' iu uw arnl my hrotlier


many family peculiarities which reminded them of their own relatives, and they thought we must have sprung from a common stock." They informed him, that "in Saddleworth, Eng., in Yorkshire, about ten miles E. N. E. of Manchester, there are large num­bers of Platts, and the name appears very frequently on the stones in the cemetery."

The estate of the late Nathan 0. Platt, of New York, was sokl in March, 1886, for the sum of $375,000. In the New York Herald, of the 3d of March that year, we read this statement: "When the Platts-Nathan and George-made their thousands in New York, there was no assay office there. The mint was in Philadelphia, nearly a hundred miles away, and those who had made their return trip from California, around Cape Horn, after a four months' voyage in the famous c~.ipper sliips of the time, dicl not care to make another railroad trip to sell their 'ore.' They carriul it around their waists, had it sewed in the lining of their clot!tes, or in satchels, 01· in tliPir pockets, and even before they tlivestell themsPlves of their mining clothes, or in­dulgetl in the luxuries iuci.J,,nt to a returu l1ome, they tramped down Liberty street three or four lrnn­dred strong, ancl soltl tlieir ' diggings.' Oltl :Mr. Platt weiglH"d tlw ore, fignre,1 the value, and gave the California11 l1is check for the amount. At that time it was well knowH tltat the Platts kept a large cash balance 011 l1and in the growing business of the cit3::- Natha11 an,1 George, wheu quite young, came


to the city about 1810, from Hunting-ton, L. I., and engaged in the manufacture of gold and silver thim­bles, in a small shop in what is now known as Chat­ham square. They met with success there, manu­factured other articles, and had so expanded their business, that, about 1830, they purchased 4 and 6 Liberty street, a part of the well-known Gra11t Thur­burn estate, whose seed store and garden form part of the history of New York. It was here in Liberty street that they became promiuent jewelers in New· York. They opened an assay office just previous to the California excitement, and their stamp on a bar of gold was consideren, here and abroad, as good as that of the U.S. mint. The 'forty niners' from Cali­fornia rapidly increased their business, and in a few years they owned additional property ou Maiden Lane and Nassau street." The old-time Platt estab­lishment, 4 and 6 Liberty street, wa,-; sold to Henry Platt for $123,000. David Platt was a brother of Nathan a11d George above, all childrero of Elkanah Platt, of tlie older Hu11tingto11 stock. Davit1, iu the :first years of t.lieir bnsineiis ill New York, was inter­ested with his brnt.liPrs.

A kinsman, of the Waterlmr:r brauch, latE·.lv de­ceased, left au estate estimatet1, his hrntlier tol.l me, at $300,000.

There are twenty-six PlrLtts, whm,P wills are on record i11 the Surrogate's officp in NPw Y,n·k city.


The tra,dition that Ricliard Platt h:t aud a brot11er arrived with the Salem colony, weut west to Spring­field, Mass., and then south to Wiudsor, Ct.. aud that the brother tarried there, while Richard went 011 to New Haweu, Dr. H. R. Stiles, the historiau of Windsor, disposes of in these words to me : "No trace of Platt-eitlier Josiah or Fisk-in "Wintl­sor. If he stopped there over night nndouhtet1l_r he stayecl witl1 the 'reputable householder' appointnl b_v the ·town, 'to enterta:rne ye stranger,' as was the custom of ye day-but the hotel register h:ul 110t beeu invented, and hence canuot be produced in evi -dence. The land records show that he settled not at Windsor; nor do the town records hint that he was drummed out of town, or in any way harrassed by the constable. So, tradition be hanged l"

As a balance to this, I iusert the following: A brother kinsman sends me this newspap0r clip­

ping: "The W oolseys, of New Haven; tlH, Platts, r,f Plattsburg; the Bowdoins, foumlers of Bowdoiu Col­lege; the Hon. R. C. Winthrop, who made tl1P, ad­dre,-.;s at tl1e dedication of the "\Vashi1Jgt011 :I\lonu­ment, are descc,mle(l from Lr~nffric, c,ne of tl1P, ki11~s of \Vales." He well ,-.;ays: "Tl1is may be a rPT­

elation to some. For myself-

' Hig-her Rtill m.v prond pretentions rise­The Ron of parents, passed into the r,kies.'"

Here is l!O fanry, lmt a str:ty fact. Samiwl Platt was oue of the ori~inal proprietors of Britlgewater,


Ct. He died there Jnly 22, 178f5, in Lis sixty-first year.

Alrick H. Mau, Esq., of New York, writes this to Prof. Platt, of New Haven: "Iu the history of Vir­ginia, 3 vols., it is recorded that Richard Platt and his wife were killed in the Virginia massacre in 1623." This adds another to the many English Richards.

Here the writer parts with the reader. .An l10norable record this. Let us maintain it on onr part. My mother used to say to me when a youth,

"Count that day lost whose low descending sun Views from thy hands no worthy action done."

Let it be it transmitted message. One of our gifted bishops has written:

"We are dwelling, In an age on ages telling, To be living is sublime."

Let us really find this out, and do our part to make it so. And what our hands find to do, let us do with our miglit. If you are as good as :vour fathers, strive even to be better. Tl1ere are higher stand­points before us all. Let us press towards them.

"Heart within and God o'erheacl."





A Abby, 82. 84, 135. Alma, H2. Abel, 81. Almira, 149. A1ial, 267. · Almon, 66. Abigail, 25, 63, 82, 85, 22fi. Alonzo, 135. Ahrnharn, 39, 239. Amari11tha N., 58. Abram, Rev., 299. Amelia, 3fi, 45, 2'-l:3. Ada, 90, 255. At1a Lillian, ~7o. A,1Plaide, 35, 149. Adele, 14:2 . . \.delii1,0

, ':!88. A. Vot.'·, :.lfi. A larn:;oJJ, :225, 25G. Allwrt, 8-:!, 90. 2:2;"5. A!Pxamler S., 8:2.

Alllos, li5, 84. 17ri. Auu, fi3. Auua, 7, :n, b'J, 149, 150. Atma ::\fo('Jnre, 57. A11ue, 85. Anne 'frea,lwell, 111. A1111er, Gti. A11netta, fi7. A.uuiP,.){f<.

Alfre, l, :21:i, !:iu, 185, rn,, ;J3U. An,;r•l, ::-J. Alice E., 7. Areliihal,l A., 57. Alleu, So, 88. Art.lrnr, ]:JH.


Arthur Livingston, 124-. August, 330. Augustus, 2f:l.

Aurelia, 76. Austin, 275.

B Benjamiu, 4~, 50,175, 211, Bessie, 83.

267. Bet_sey, 89, 134, 147-R Benjamin G., 238. Bleeker, 105. Benoni, 191. Brewster "\Y., 32. Bertha, 180, 186.

Cr111ste11, 14fJ. Carrie F., 87 .. Carrie ·P., 254. Carolirw, 33, 38, 51, 111,

112, 149, 180, 263. Caroline Cliild, 46. Catherine, 4!.l, 149, 275. Catherine S., 283. C. Adams, 142. C. Eastou, 358. C. Greunugb, 243. Cliarle;,, 26, 71-fi, lOiJ,

rnri. 330. Charles A., 142. Cirnrles 13P<·kl,0 y. 2H9. CLarlns C., ill. CltarlPs D., 57. Cl,adPs E .. 100. mo. CliarlP-; H., sr.. Olrnrl<'S Hemy, 3;:, CharJP;; ,J. W., 329.

C Cliarles, ,Jmlg,-,, J,j, 111. Clrnrles JU., 87. Charles S., 33, 3!J, 67. Charles Salll1ford, 183. Charles SP!lers, 128. Charle,:; T., r.S.X, 101-2. Charles W., 8. 71, 254. Clrnrles Z., 105. Chas. Henry, He-,., 102. Cliarlotte,38, 89,200 3,208. ChanIJcP~-, 2(;, 137. C. Hemi1rnn._,, 7, 8G, 88. Clam, 25.ri. Clam A .. 2~4. Cliil'Pllt'P ,v., 8,-.;. Clarissa, R:l. Cbrk, 7G. Clark l\ImT;1_1·. ],-.;;;_

( 'laytrni, :U-1 ,--;_ Cla_dou '\Yi11ti(•lcl, 2:.m. Con1e1ins, :W,


Cornelia, 72,120,122,149, C 11rtis, 170. 212. Cyrus, 7, 214.

Corwin H., 229. D

Dau, 274, 275. DaYiil ,v., 87. Dan, Capt., 273. Df'bora, 32, 89, 203. Daniel, 32, 4:5, 71, 113, 170, Dennis, ~63.

256. D. Gould, 168--9. D,1Vid, 32, 71, 81~2--4, 9G, Dorcas, 135.

107. Dorothea, 4S, fi7. David B., 70. Dwight l\I., 2(-i:3. Davi\1 M., 2G, '.J28.

E. Augustus, 143. Ehenezer, 48, 56, 57, fifi,

211, 263, 267.

E Eliplmz A., 156. Eliza, 102, 135. Eliza A., 358. Eliza S., 143, 150.


E. HarRtow, 204. EJgiH 1I., 330. Edith, 124, 150, 27G. C:l. J onathau, 202. Edmund, L30.

Eliza Tredwell, ,10. Eiizabeth, 31-2--8, 4l}-8,

E(lwn.rd, B9, 71-2, Sfl, 1Hl, HlG. 25~1.

Etl wiu, H'.). 2:r,. Effie A., 14:l. E. (:l-rennngli, 24,l. K Harvc:y, 19fi. E. Howanl, 2132. Ell>nt, Scnrntou, 282. EliphalFit 1:17, H7. Eliphalet., Dr., 141.

57, 83,101,103,112, 1:30, 12R, 142, 202.

Eliz:d,r,th BPb,t':', rnn. Eiizah·tl1 II., Ct. ElizaLdlt S .. f,7 -N.

Elka11al1, :tt Ella, :22:1, ~,"iG, 2:4:2. l:1ia ljoniH:1, ~!it EllP!!Ul' ,v., fi'i.

l~lli"t B., 71. Ell i:-1 S., 4€i. Elrnnre. 253.


Elosia, 82, 163. Epeuetus 5th, 50. Eloise C., 255. E. Peuclleton, 150 Ely, 66, 67, 211, 287. Ephraim H., 72. Emelie Louise, 33. Ernest, 142. Emily, 26, 38, 212, 213, Estelle C., 33.

245, 283, 289. Estelle Gertrude, 294. Emily B, 151. Esther, 32, 63, 77, 138. Emily Hall, 68. Eunice, 82, 83, 309. E. Otis, 150. Eunice l\f., 82. Epenetus, 14, 29, 65, 133, Eva, 88.

153. Evelina C., 44. Epenetus 2d, Maj., 43. Epenetns 3d, 45. Epenetus 4th, 49.

Fannie E. and J., 91. :Fanny, 135, 148, 212. 8.

F. C., 327. Florence May, 283. Floyd Sellers, 12R. Frank, 7, 70, 87, 204, 220. :Frank Elbert, 282-3. Frank Henry, ;-33_ Frankliu, 2+8-4. Frauces, 39, 65, 149. Francis, 150. Francis H., R7.

Experience, 187. Ezra, 219.


Francis l\I., 87. Fred, 37. Fred Elmore, 254. Fred Epenetm,, 51. Frederic, 294. Frederick Ang., 51. Frederic D., 223. Fretleric E., 203. FrPderic ,T mwpli, 282, 28:l. Frederick 1\1., 26. Furman N., 135. F. W., 215.


George, 39, 89, 188, 200, Geo. Asa, 88. 245. Geo. C., 239, 329.


Geo. E., 7t5. George Fisk, 71. Geo. Fowler, 70. George H., 358. Geo. Lewis, 293. George M., 26. Geo. Nortoll, 219-20. Geo. Willard, 294-5. Geo. Wood, 32.

Gt>rtrade, 175. (J.,rtrncle 'I'_der, 295. G. Hopkins, 283. Gicleon, 179. Giles, 26. Gra.ce, 33, 19G, 238. G. Washiugtou, 38. G. W., 107, 2!:!9.



H;1nuah, 14, 20, 26, 43, 45, Henry Livingston, 120-21. 59, 63, 66, 83,101, 107, Henry :Mortimer, 33. 111. Henry N., 70.

Hanuah Ann, 50. HeIJr_r S., 148. Harriet, 134, 135. Henry Woolley, 50. Harriet B., 150. He11rr C. of Milford, 7, Harrison G., 77. 76-7. Harry, 175, 329. Henry C. oi N. Y., 7, 30, Harvey, fj8. :H. Han-ey Elmore, 2:"i,t HPrbert Wiutl1rop, 2B-!. Havilawl H., .51. HPrmn.u, 47, 22G. Helen, 1211. 122. Hdty, 105. Heleu Barsttm, 290. Ifozekial1, Hij, :l28. Heleu Levia, 294. H. N., 70. lh·le11 Liviugsto11, 124. H()mn, i-;!1. HP]PH Theresa, 2!!0. Horace, 87, 71, 32:). Henrietta, 151. How:1n1, 12:1, l;°>l, 180, 214. Henry, ~lfJ, 90, 95, 101, Hnlda, 8H.

106, 135, 141, 150, H. Will,t•lmina, 18fl. 204, ~07, 225.



Ida, 87. Isaac Hull, .51. Imogene, 89. Isaac I., 141. Ira, 32. Isaac S., 107, 184, 224. Irving V., 40. Isaac Watts, 57. Isaac, 14, 29, 30, 31, 32, Isaac 5th, 32, 35.

71, 83, 95, 134, 143, Isabella E., 35. . 149, 150. Isidora, 128.

Isaac C., 111. Israel, ,l.33, 13.5.

J Jacob, 31. ,JP.rnima, 147-8. ,Jacob L., 134. Jennie, 276. James, 88, lOG, 107, 113, ,Jeremis.h, 43, 44, 45.

127, 128, 169, 2.33, ,Jeremial1 2d, 44. ~:329. Jeremiah C., 46.

Jas. A., 7, 128. ,Jerome, 89, 170. ,fames B., 150, 228. Jerusha T., 276. ,fames C., 255. ,Tame,-, D., 263. Jan1es Kent, 10:·t ,Ja111Ps McClure, ;j7_

.fames X., 44, 19G.

. T:wws, qf Euµ:., :J1>4. :311,i. ,Jane L., 50. ,Tarvis, 82, 84, !10, DI. .Tanis lL, 90. ,fay L., H~H. . J. Canstn1, 14U. ,J. Clieuey, 7, 142. Jeam•tte Hulme, 214.

Jesse, 31, 82, 85, !10. ,Jesse 2d, 3_h ,Jesse 3d, 32. ,Tessr~ 4tli, 32, 2:37. ,Jesse 5tl1, 7, 2::is . ,Jessie CorimH,. 27G. ,Jotd, 32, :l:H-8. ,Tulrn, 14, 23, 2;>, 2G, ::1,

G3, (;;"5-G, rn,, HL 1w:;, 2C8, 27:i

,folrn B, l?,7 . ,Jolrn Bai!Py, 124. ,folm D., 87, 171.


,John F., 105. John H., 26, 122, 142. .J olm I., 150. Jolrn JU., 106. John Meade, 72. fohn R., 134.

J~ria~~;· ~1oL,_ 191:., '"'

J,1seph~ ... 4, ... 6, 31, 6v, 61, 75, 105, 129, 147, l.'56, 273.

Joseph Bremond, 142. Jo:,. Curtis, 273, 281. ,Jos. Cnrtis 2,l, 7,273. ,Tohn W., 147.

Johnson T., Prof., 7, 14, ,fos. Cnrtis ::hl, 288. 16, 81. 161.

,Jonah, 71, 76. Jonas, 31, 4i3, 63, 81, 84,

101. . ....

Jouas 2d, 4;\ 48. ;rcma.s H., 7, 124. Jonas, ,Tudge, 117. Jonathan, 26, 191, 200.

Kate G., 39.

Lafaydte ·w., 89. Lamlra B .. 220. Lansi1i9;, lOD. La,nrn, 2G. Lanra "Willnrd, 29G. L:1Yinia, ](i,S. L. B., 2:;;;_ lJ<eo11anl, fio, 187. Lr:st.er 1Yan1. 2~i'i. Leiitia, ] 11.

,Joseph S., 57. J osiali, G3, (ii:i. ,T. Taylor, 16i-l. .J. Stafford, ~;n-8. Jillia, rn-t ,Jnliur.; A., 8\.1. Justus, 2f'). J. 1\~,trren, lH.



L<'Yi, 101i, L:,.'). Lr-Yi 2d, JOG, li511. Lr:1i S .. ci;, ti7. LPwis, 7, 87. 187, rn-t Lilli,, E., :J:.. Li vi11gsio11, 20.J-. f,r,~·cnzo D., 8\J. L<•rin. Iii. Lnri JJtlta, 88. L. Tuclor, 180.


Louise, 138, 150. Lozelle J., 276-7. Lucien, 46. Lucius C., 207.

Mabel, 151, 175. :Malcom Cyrus, 215. M. Alletta, 151. l\famie E., 327. l\faqi;aret, 49, i05-ll, 220. l\Iargaret Scranton. :283. )forgery, 16(). l\Iaria, 38, 76, 107-13. Jlifaria E., 51. Maria R., 33. )fariam F., 50. 1\Iart.lia, 67, 68. ::\Iarth,t S., 67. Mary, 15, 19, 30-1-2, 4H,

49, 63, 64, 81, 83, 101, 103, 104, 10;;, 120.

l\Iary A., 67, 122. Mar_Y Belle, 3fi. ::\Iary E., 3-t Ui8, ln6, 2,ii.

288. l\Iary F., 3fi. l\Iary G., :i8. ::\Lary ,Jane, G7, (i8, 1:H.

N auc,r, 3G, 1::l!-G, Ht!. :N'atlrnn, 65-H, 207, 288.

Luke, 76. Luther, 57, 185. Ly<lia, 134. Lydia M., 87.

1\1 Mary Jane R., 134. i\Iary Julia, 142. l\fary Kllowles, 143. Th-fory Larabee, 2-54. Mar:· Meade, 72. Mar;· }Iernmi11ger, 294. 1\Iar,r N., 3-B. .l\far_v S., 149. l\Iary W ul worth, 102. l\fotthew H., 137. Mel1a!l, 37. -1\IeLlora C., 180. l\Ien·:·, 96. l\IPrit, 226. l\f. Fayette, 22;3. :M. Leek, 196. Mill,-, 170. l\Iiltou L., -!6. "'.\Iiripna, 2fl. l\Iontgomer_,·, 8:J. l\I( ,,;es, (j(j_

l\[ """ I(p ll t, l():J-J. l\I_, rn u. 2r;:i.

~atlia11 C., 0'.!. 7fi. 'Katlia11i,,J G., 105.


Nathauiel, Capt., 45, 107. N. Dwight, 70. Nettie D., 87. Nehemiah, 203. Newton, 4:i.

Obadiah, 31, 36, 81-3, 167, 273.

Obadiah2d, Col. 0., 31. Obadiah H., 84, 90. 0.H., 90.

Paulina, 82. Peleg, 133. Peter M., 106. Pliebe, 32, 36, 43, 107. Philetus, 32, 36. Philip, 49, 9;'5, 28:J_

RrLeliel, 10;\ H)!').

RuJph Hilton, 220. Raymond, lr.l. Hebecea, ::2, iii. Hegi11a M., 223. R Go0Jm.-c11, 142. R IL, 72. Rhoda, 9G. Ridmrd, f3~:, 70, Hil.

Nicholas, 82. N. l\1., 228. Noah, 27-1-7. Norman S., 70.

0 Oliver, 36, 39-4:0. Orrin, 88. Orton W., 186. Orville IL (U.8.S.), Hi7,

169. p Philo N., 82. Philo R., 90. Pl1ilo, Toussey, 82, lG,J .. Phi11eaR, 71. Plwebe, 49. :Polly, 3fi, 8~, 84.

R Rielrn.rlt M orri:~, '>;. R1cirnr,l, ,if Lo11ck11, :tn. Roh-0 rt, 10::.-1-;, HiR. Hi,Lt. Drnr_,·, 2f;J. Rr,li,:,rt Trl'at, 7fi.

Hobert 1U. S. N. ,, ~rn. Royall T_y}Er, 2~l.-1. Hufos D., 2.S7. RntL. J,li.

lticlianl Lt, J:-J, (j;j, ,J::i7. Hntli ..-\ nn, lGS. 368. Hnthnf()nl H;1n,c;, 212.

Hichanl. CoL, .lf;, 48.


s Sally Rusco, 96. Seabury B., 187. Samuel, 24, 26, 39, 75, 95, Selah, 49.

106, 112, 129, 225. Sherman, 83, 91. Samuel B., 255. Silas, 88. Samuel Floyd, 128. Simeon D., 169, 170. Samuel Keyes, 105. Sir Hugh, 10, 336. Samuel R., 134. Sir John, 336. Sanford Hall, 35. Sir Thomas, 340-7. Sarah, 15, 19, 32, 36, 45, Solomon, 45.

50, 59, 63, 65, 67, 88, Stephen, 36, 105, 134, 137, 253. 193.

Sarah A., 68, 87, 108. Stephen H., 35. Sarah E., 35, 50, 105. Susan, 26, 106, 149. Sarah F., 147. Susannah, 120. Sarah S., 150, 211. Sydney, 33, 44. Sarah Walworth, 102. Sylvester, 8~, 15G.

Timothy, 31. 81-5. Theodora H., 181. Theodore, 7G, 88, 337. Theoclorus, 101, 105.

U riali, ,ti, 48, '.lOG.

Ya.11 Zawlt., 10:;_

·wakemau, 8-t DO. Walter, 7, 1:--:u, ::WJ. ·

T Theron E., 163. Thomas, 243, 250, :{GO. Thomas C., 203.

u Urial1 2d, 49, 55.


Victor J\L, 254.

\V ,Varel D., 87. \Yarreu Cumming, 215.


W::.rren Nelson, 40. Wm. Floyd, Mrs. 358. Washington, 180. Wm. G., 229. Watts, 36. Wm. H., 88, 89, 143, 186. Wilbur Fisk, 35. Wm. Hayes, 213. Willru·d, 328. Wm. Henry, 283. William, 37, 57, 67, 71, 87, Wm. Henry, Rev., 71, 24.9.

103,105,137,170,203, Wm. K., 327. 227, 228, 244, 330. Wm. Nichols, 106.

Willis, 71. Wm. Phelps, 113. Winnifred H., 224. Wm. Pitt, 103, 106. Wm. A., 211, 212. Wm. Smith, 185. Wm. Barnes, 14:1. Wm. Vedder, 157. Wm. E., 51,255. Wm. Wallis, 58. Wm. Floyd, 70, 128.

Zebulon, 85. Zophar, 31, 3n, 83. Zophar, Dr., 30, 45, 55. Zephaniah, 103, 111, 255. Zilla, 13.3.

z Zephaniah, Judge, of

Plattsburg, 45, 99, 100. Zephaniah 0., lll, 112. Zepaniah, jr. of S.C., 101,

120, 122.






Ackerman, Jemima, 148. Alvord, Theodore, 149. Ackerman, Lydia, -135. Andariese, Miss, 124. Adams, Elizabeth, 142. Andrews, Daniel, 157. Addis, Elizabeth, 70. Appleby, 'I'. Rodman, 51. Adriance, Caroline, 111. Armistead, Jas. l\I., 112. Adriance, Mary Jane R., Armstrong, L. I., 238.

134. ' Aspinwall; Sarah. 48. Agnew, :Mary, 123. Atkinson, Luke, 19. Allen, Alvina, 67. Atwood, Lewis J., 68. Allen, Philip, 50. Averell, Henry Ketcham, Allen, Temperance J., 281. 104.

Badey, Admiral Theo-dorus, 108.

Bailey, ,Tames, lOG. Bailey, ,Tuclge Wm., 108. Baker, l\Iary, 37. Barnard, Mary J., 87. Barnes, Catlierine, 14-1.

B Barnes, Hannah, 149. Barnet, Frank L., 87,

208. Barrows, Lucy B., 68. Barstow, Elkn Lucy, ~03. Bartlett, Emma, 150. Bartlett, Mary E., 151.

388 THE I'LATT LI:'.'.'EAGE.

Bart.on, Zilla, 134. Bascom, )Luy L., 234. Beach, Louisa, 37. Beach, Sarah P., 19. Beckley, LeYia, 287, 357. Bedell, Augeliua, 70. Beers, Estelle, 70. Beers, Leander, 89. Ben<lall, Flora, 195. Benedict, Rebecca, 24. Benham, Charlotte, 208. Bennett, l\foll_v, 2G7. Berg;rn, Catharine, 51. Bishop, Harrison, 149. Bissell, Flon,nce 1V., 33. Blackwell, Cornelia, 123. Blakesley, Albert I., fi8. Bleeker, Sarah, 105. Blis.s, ,Tusti11 A., 44. Bl_nlenburg, l\fary, 137. Bo:mlrnan, :iUr., 90. Dock~e, ,Jacob, 4\J. Bogardus, C., :i8. Bnwell, Frauk, 121. nowne, Hanir:t, 1:;n. Bnw11c, Elizaheth, HH. B"yil, Bayartl, 119, 120.


Cad w:illaLlPr, }Iacrto A., 128.

Cadwell, Elku, 7fi.

Brace, Saral1. 212. Brainard, ElleH, 187. Braithwaite, Chas., 68. Breese, Sarah, 127. Brewster, Harriet, lB:i. Brinkerhoff, Abraliam,

103. Bristol, H. Augusta, 88. Bristol, Nalley, lll. Broome, Saml., .55. Brower, l\fary L., 110. Brown, Isidora E., 128. Browu, Virginia, 7fi. Bryan, Richard, 6!. Buckingham, Abigail

fi5. Buckingham, C. L., 17!). Buckingliam, Ester, 63. Bull, Ann, 169. Bun, Benjamin, 88. Bnrritt, E. ,J., 8G. BnrwPlL Amy, 22:i. Bnnndl, Samnel, 20. Butler, l\Ir;;. J. Holmes,

l~J. But!Pr, Alice, 124. Byro11, Heleu T .. 2!10.

C Ca,ly, O_nns, I()(j_

C:n1y, HPnm11, 101. < ;a(1y, Saral1 ,T., lOG.


Camp, Helen Irene W., 186.

Camp, Mar.v, 70. Campbell, James, 103,

106. Canby, Clara G., 243. Canfield, Elvira, 44. Canfield, Sarah, 63. Carpenter, 91, 362. Carpenter, S. l\f., 91, 362. Carpenter, l\Ianette L.,


Clark, Jane Elmira, 71. Clark, J osepli, t>i. Clark, MPhetahle, 64. Oliff, Wells, 113. Colburn, .Mary Eveiine,

288. Coles, l\Iary, 33. Collin,;, L. C., 91. Comstock, Christopher,

20. Comstock, Peter, 101. Cook, Alkn, 148, 170.

Casey, Harriet, 228. Cowles, Fr~nces, 38. Chaffee, Eliza S., 144. Cox, Wm. H., 77. Chamberlain, C., 44. Coxhea<l, Phebe, 226. Chapman, James, 149. Crnw, Alanson, 1m. Chichester, Nathaniel, 86. Oro,=;hy, Sarah, 13:l. Christian, Lavinia, 175. Curti,;, Hanuah, G\J. Church. Pamelia F., 87. Cuthbert, Conrnlia, 71. Clark, Hannah, 23, 179. Cuttf~r, I3loodµ-ouc1 H., 50.

lhgget, Nathaniel, 106. D,tkiu, Sarah, 71. Dart, ,Tulia E., 87. Jhnvin, l\fa1·_v A., 2:2;j_ Dav.is, c\.nua, 08, ,57. Davis, Ha.mrnh, 101. Ihytou, As,matl1, H7, 208. Dibble,, l\Iary Attn, 1-U. Dibhle, ::\Ir. --, ID~.

D Didl. Rev. ,Toliu, 11:!. DDniwns, l\lr,-;. 'l'. C., 55. D . 'I . ,, ~ .. " r1n,r, .1 anPtta .,., i/1.

Drnr5·, I,Lt l'., 281. Dn Bui", ( \,rnelins, .5,i Dn r_\·p;t. .J ul111, :;,_;_ Du.-;,itJl,,·r~_-,-. L:rna,·, s:·i. Vu-;,,i;lwrr_;-, .J,•11uy. :,U.

l>nttou, 11. 0., 87. Dick,.:-rmau, Charlotte, GG. Dwiglit, Caruliw·, ~{jl.


Earl, Oli ,e, 86. Edwards, Panliua, 82. Elmoll, Charlotte, 101.

Fairchild, Henry, 88. Feltham, Julia H., 175. J<'enn, 1\Iehetable, 75. Ferris, Hannah, 212. Fields, ,J. C., 88. Fisk, 1\Iehetable, 64. Fitcli, ·wm., 121. Fleet, 8tephe11, 3G. Flint, l\I. B., 4!J. Flnyi.l, Eliza, 127. Floycl, ::\Irs. Xichol, ;;.-;.

Uai1ws, Elia:-;, .jfj, 5!:I. Uantz, Eliza. :n, ;;s. Uayl,ml. Lnc>_,-, l:{li. Ueranl, Crnni;t 1I., ~rn, (-i-Prhanl, l\hria, 24:'"i. (-i-ibsnu. Cl:ua, 2(14. Gill>t·rt, ~aral1 1\1., :H~. (l illritl, ,T,:ri,rnial1. fi!. Oil111:t11, Sarah, 12-!.

1iai11f',-,, Elias. ,iti. ii!l. Hall.;\ 1,i,u:,il, !I:).

Hall, ParnH·lia, :;,-;_

E Elseffer, Katherine, 143. Eyre, :Martha, 129.

F Foote, Dr. Lymau, 111. Ford, Jennie M., 68. Fowler, Jonathan, f,4. Fowler, Charles, 89. Fowler, Dr. Samuel, 59. :Fox, "\V m. B., B7. Freligh, Elizabeth, 104. Frost, Lucy, 170. Fuller, W. H., 69. Fuller, Wm. A., 105. Fullertou, Fanny, 21:-1.

G Golllthwait, H. l\I., :-rn. Graham, Charlotte, 11':. G-raut,, .\.hig;iil G., ::.l24. Grant, Pamela, 112. Gravf,,-;, :Miss, 1%. Ure(•ll, Haunah, 7ii. GrnE:11, Thomas, 101. Griggs, Fanny, B5. fhiuzeback, Ella, B-i.

H Hall, Yolnt.ia, <i7. HalSP-)", Maria P., 111. HalsPy, Hev. Ired enc, 111

INDEX OF PL"-TT N.tlllEi-,. :rnJ

Halsey, Rev. Theoclosic, Hinslla!t,, l\Iartkt, ~HJ. 108. Hinsdale, f-;arah, 38.

Hammond, Mary, 106. Hitchcock, Al 111,vra, lfi9. Hand, Almira A., 71. Holmes, l\Iedorn C., 180. Hand, Hulda, 39. Hopkins, Emily l\I., 283. Handinson, Julia, 57. .Hopkins, Dorcas, 135. Hanford, Hannah, 24. House, Abigail, 1:1/i. Hardesty, G. 0., 87. House, Sam'! R, l\I. n., Harrison, Frances, (i9. 13G. Hart, Bertha L., 187, 249. Howlett, A1fol, ~88. Hatfield, Phebe, 59. Hoyt., Plieb,,, 137. Hastings, Emily, 213. Hnbhell, 1\far:v E., 110. Havens, Sarah, 275. HuddlPston, Fleming, 82. Haviland, Emma, 51. Hull, DaYill, 69. Hawley, Eliz:1.beth, 83, 90. Hull, Denny, 84. Hawley, Patty, 67. Hull, Mary, 19, 51. Hawthorne, Anne A., 87. Hull, :~•fatlrnuiel, 85. Hay, Elizabeth, 202. Huuti11gtou, Cban11ing Hayes, Fanny A., 212. M., :C::i!I. Hedges, Miss, 48. Hnntitq.£tnu, Ift_.J,•n 11., Hemingway, HarriPt, 88. 2!Hl

. Herrick, Naucy, l:>4. me. Hnlin,,, .foa11dtP, 21-t Hewitt, Charlntt1·, 20:-J. Hmlhut. 1:PbPl'('a, 1S1. Hewlett, Charles, GO. llnst .. l1, l'ltPlJr·, 1,l7. Hill, Han11al1, 274-. H11ti:l1iJJ!-f:--, Carri,·. L, :IU. Hill, Polly, 2r;,;_

Ingraham, Ella E., fi7. Irwin, Elizahetl1, 2-i~I. Isbell, Well:-;, 121.

br,v·l. ,J,,::!li,,, [ll. lyes, .j ,:;i·mdi:,, fiK, 11;!t.


J Jackson, Col. Joseph, 59. Johnson, Rev. John G., ,Jackson, Mary L., 102, 58.

244. Johnston, Robert, 143. Jacobs, Mary, 88. Johnston, Samuel B., 38. Jenkins, Catherine S., ,Jones, Elizabeth L., 106.

283. Jones, Kate ,Judd, 282. Jenkins, Cornelia, 122. Jones, Walter R. J., 109. Johnson, Charlotte C., Judd, Asahel, 70.


Kellog, Mary, 75, 179. Kellogg, Samuel, 24. Kennanl, Grace, 201. Kent, Cornelia G., 103. Kent, Hannah, 103. Ketcham, Amos P., 37. KRtcham, Awlrew J., 38. Ketclinrn, Esther, 31, 83. Ketcham, Uebecca, 37.

Lrme, Hamrnl1, 273. Lansing, P.iclrnrtl Il., 120. Lansing, Susannali, 120. Larne,l, ,Judge SylYester,

121. LawrRnC'e, ::\Iflria, 103. Leacl1, Dr. L. R, 88. LeP, Tliaukful F., 180. Leo11anl, Ratlianm, 2±5.

K Keyes, Sarah, 105. King, Sarah Jane, 187. Kirk, Harriet E., 37. Kirtland, Eliza, 185. Kissam, Benj. Treadwell,

49. Kissam, Daniel, 49. Knowles, Abigail Hart,


L Lewis, Abiptil, fiti. Lewis, Jem1i1· Y., 13G. Lewis, Jeru;.;ha, 168. LiYingstou, Helell, 117. Locbn1ocl. SaraJ1, 23. Log-au, Hele11 l\I., 170. Lnrillar,l, Eliza l\I.. 100. Lovell. Ella 1\1., 2u6. Luer,, J\laria, :H2.


Mac Rae, l\Irs. Dr., 91. l\Ierwin, Nellie, 76. l\fan, Albon, )I. D., 108. l\Iifforcl, Harriet, 214. ::\Ian, Alrick H., 110. Miles, Stephen, 64. 1Ian, ,fosia.h, 50. l\Iiller, Elias A., 90. :Manville, Elizabeth, 70. l\Iiller, Eliezer, 111. 1\Iarcellis,Cornelia M., 287. 1\liller, Eliza H., 106, 111. Marks, Abram, 7u. Miller, Lucretia, 10-1. l\forsh, George, 101. l\f illspa\lgh, Emily ~I.:., l\Iascall, Asa, 108. ' · 283: -·- -:.: -

Matthews, Sarah, 3;3, McChesney, J\faria, 35. McClure, Anna, 57. 1\IcOulloch, Hon. Hugh,

110. l\IcDaniels, J. C., 82. J\IcDonald, Hannah S.,

90. nlcElroy, Jaue, 137. l\IcKeever, E1.hviu, 121. l\IcKiuney, ,fohu, 121. l\lcNiel, ,Jant~, 106. Me.1.L10, En:,ily B., 7'2. Mea1_k, ludiana, 72. l\fprritt, Cnrtis, ~i~. l\Ie rri t. t, I{ftc Ji e 1, H),j_

l\forwiu, Eliza1,etlt, '.H. l\Ierwi,i, GrncP, 22J. :Menviu, ,Tm·H.1, 'lG. Merwiu, :Martha, 20. lUerwiu, l\IilP:-:, rn.

Mirick, Lydia, 8ft l\Iitchell, Laura, 213. Moller, Mrs. Peter, 38. Montague, l\Iary, 71. Morehouse, Charity, 2u. l\Iorey, Sarah :M., 124. l\forgau, Charlotte, lOG. :Morgau, J olrn, lOG. l\Iorgan, l\Iary, 201. ;\Iorris, Clwrle,.; D., :1:>. l'lfortimer, 1\Ir., 32. ::\l,;tt., Elizahetli, 4-9. l\Inm1t, Lnlia, lOG. ::u()\'('l'S, Het1jarniu, 10-1,

108. 1\Iuugc,r, Pannelia R.,


J\iu11,.,011, .Judw; Di1viit, :;-1, 8::L

l\J n°r,.,, ,Josr0 ph JH., lOt 1\lyf,r,;. l\Iid1d P., 10--l:.


Nase, Maria, 112. Nash, Gracia M., 227. Nettleton, --, 64, 187. Nichols, Annie, 82, 161. NicholR, :Marietta, 105.


Nichols, Rev. T. McB., 121.

Nichols, Rev. Thomas, 121. ' Norvell, Forrest, 121.


Ogden, Robert, 55, 59. Onderdonk, Hendrick,


Osborn, Margaret, 185. _Osborn, Maria H., 181.

Orton, Caroline, 186. Osborne, Horace, 69.

Palmer, Deborah, 193. Pardee, Ario, 134. Pardee, Elizabeth, 136. Parker, John F., 37. Parker, Wm. N. P., 121. Parmele, Helen Platt,

123. Parmele, l\Iary, 123. Parsons, Mary :M., 294. Patterson, Dr. J. D., 89. Peck, Julia M., ,Tulia M.,

207. Peltz, Charity. 101. PeppP-r, Emily, 244. Perine, Mary, 180. Perlee, Harriet, 134.

Oviatt, Sarah, 71. Owen, Mrs. T. J., 38.


Peters, Eliza A., 50. Pettee, Mary Jay, 161. Phelps, Mary, 156. Phelps, Susan D., 11:1. Phamix, D., 55. Pickett, Pauliua, GS. Pierce, Elosia, 163. Pierrepont, Julia, 1:-w. Plumber, Jane, 32. Porter, Phebe, 89. Post, H. W., 39. Potter, Margaret Ann, 39. Prime, James, 19. I)rime, 8. Ireua-'.us, 20. Purdy, Betsey, 88.


Rathbun, Charles, 112. Raymond, Ann, 26. Raymond, Hannah, 83. Reilly, Manette, 1.21. Reynolds, Ruth, 134. Riddle, Carrie, 110. Robert, Adelbert, 87. Robertson, Dorcas, 135. Rodman, Emily L., 40. Rogers, E. P., D. D., 57. Rogers, James, 57. Rogers, Jesse, 36. Roshore, Eliza, 32. Uoss, Eliza, 112.

Sailley, Julia, 101. 8ailly, Frederick C., 105. _$anders, Jabez, 25. Sammis, Content, 36. Sarnn:is, J ouas, 36. Sandford, Mary, 64. Sanford, Elizabeth, 168. Sanfonl, Jmmpli, G4. Sanford, Lemuel, 8:.l. Sanford, Sarah, G4.

R Ross, Jane, 82. Ross, Sadie, 110. Royce, Ahi, 156, 212. Rudd, Adeline M., 288. Rudman, Phebe, 35. Rudman, ,Vrn., 3;'5. Rundell, Cynthia, 1H2. Russell, Capt. Sam ue 1, 10,,. Russell, Fanny, 185. Russell, :'.\Luy C., 163. Ruthren, Mariou E., rn4. Ryersou, Judge Thos. C.,


s Smith, ,J olrn, GV, 10:1. Smith, ,fouatliau. '1,1. Smitl1, L()rilb, 13f.i. Smith, :Margery, 85. Smith, )far_r, 4£1, 72, 81,

L:il, lti7. Hmitl1, Miss ---, 3G. Smith, 1';1.thanif'l, 3G. Srnitli,Plieilf', :-n,x,, 107,

225. Saxton, Hanuah, 4;j_ Smith, Rnhy, nc. Sayre, Elh~JJ, 214. f:imitl:, Capt. Si<foey, lOi-:i. Rchcrmerl1 r ,rn, 1\Iaq,ry, l:1D. Smi tli, Tr·m pentll CP, 4.8. Reherwr, AuniA E., 14:3. Smitl1. Willard, ] '20. Scntlder, :Elizabeth, 13::l. Sa_nlam, .Mis,; --- , :->.:i.


Scudder, Sarah, 31, 36. Snyder, Kitty, 124. Scudller, Thankful, 82. Sollace, Harriet L., 212. Sellers, Elizabeth, 128. Solomons, Amelia E., Sherman, Fanny, 67. 238. Sherman, Jane, 67. Soverhill, James J\I., 35. Sherwood, Egbert, 149. Spencer, Mary, 219. Sherwood, Susan F., 150. Staats, Dr. Peter, 105. Shover, Elvira A., 138. Stallkneck, Frederick, 33. Shumway, l\Irs. B., 112. Stebbins, Rev. "\V. H., 89. Skinner, E. Augusta, 283. Stetson, Lemuel, 105. Skinner, Warren, 37. Stofford, Wm. Fred., 44. Smith, Anna, 45. Stone, Jaue E., 228. Smit.Ii, Betsey, 169, 228. Storrs,Louise Tivers, 202. Smith, Dorothy, 107. Sutherland, Lydia, 185, Smith, George, 37. Sweetman, Jas. T., J\I. D., Smith, Hiram, 69. 121. Smith, Isaac, 49.

Tallcott, Joseph, 150. Taylor, Hannal1, 245. Taylor, J\Iar.v ,J., 89, 144. 1'errill, Laura, 2.53. 1'homas, Helen L., 294. Thomas,~ cllie l\Iay, 294. Tlwmpsou, CarriP P.,

112. Thompson, ,Jovette, 113. Thur1Jer, Emi]_"I·, 100. Tiffany, F:L_Y, uK.

Titus, DfdJOral1. 31. Toda, James 1r., HJ.


Tomlinson, Susnll, 70. Tousey, Lucretia, lfil. 'l'udor, Caroline, 180. Tuttle, Daniel, 69. Tuttle, Jennette E., Hil. Tuttle, l\Iary, G8. Treadway, Carriei P., 254. 'rreallwell, Arnie, lll. Treaclwell, Cul. Bellj>LmiJJ,

45. Treadwell, ,Tolw, 4,;. 'l'rPa<lwell, N. H., 111. 'frearl w~ll, Sarul1, 40.


Treadwell, Timothy, 43. Treat, Emma, 77. Treat, Isaac, 76, 181. Treat, Sarah, 64.

Tripp, Abigail, 192. Tyler, Edith, 295. Tyler, Norman, 82.



Underwood, Charlotte, 200.

Underwood, Geo. Jr., 201. Underwood, Henry L., 58.

Underwood, George, 200.

Valentine, James, 50. Valk, William, 121. Van Wickle, Mrs. Au­

gustus, 137. Van Wyke, Mary, 101,



Van Zandt, Elizabeth, 136.

Verplank, Ann, 148. Vilas, Mrs. Jos., 91. Von Skaick, Eliza, 135.

\V Waite, Gen. C. A., lO;j_ Weed, Caroline A., 33. ·wakemau, Annie, 83. ·weed, Harrisou,67. Waldron, Catherine, 134. Weed, Heleu L., 123. Walker, M:rron, 88. Wells, Alice, 195. 'iValwort.11, Eliza, 102. 'iVP,scott, James, 104. 'iYanl, Bertha, 101. West, ::'.\Iary Jam~. :'>7. TVarner, Lan~rnla, 168. \\7 es tor, ::\Iariou, 12~l. Watson, Jeauette H., 214. 'iVetmore, Tbornas, l\J. Watts, Emily, 245. Whale_,-, Etlwill, RH. 'iVi,lJl,, (}p,_1rge C., 121. \\"lrnlo"y, Lnty, sri. Wel>lJ, l\Irs. Dr .. J. P., nl. Wheeler, Etld. S9. 'iV.,hstPr. )fory Walw,ll'tl1, 1Vheeler, ::\far.'· S., 171.

102. 'iYhitic)('k Jfo;1,e•bal1, k;:i.


Wichman, Mary I., 238. Wood, Dency, 32. Wiggins, Benjamin, 50. Wood, Elizabeth, 31, 167 .Wiley, Sarah E., 33. Wood, Phebe, 43. Willard, Cornelia, 123. Wood, Rebecca, 55. Willard, Sarah D., 294. Woodbury, Elizabeth, 75 Williams, Joseph, 50. 'Woodward, J. Douglas, Williams, Peter, 84. 106. "\Yilliamsou, Rev. Geo. R., Woolley, Benjamin, 51.

58. Woolley, John, 50. ,Vines, Eliza A., 37. Woolley, Hannali, i:iO, 306 Winters, Charlotte. 295. "\Voolsey, Catharine A., Withington, Isaac C., 33. 128. Wolcott, Lois, 219. Wright, Fanny, 255.

Y;1le, J. B., 110. Younglove, Ira, 288.


Younglove, l\far_, E., 289.


In the PLATT LIBEAGE1 with llterattens and Additions.

On 7th page, ninth line, read "Jonas'' for Jonah. " eighth " " "I." for T. (Hull.)

On 23d " fifth " "removed" for returned. " 30th " thirteenth line, read " Andros" for Andrews. •· 35th page, last line. read "Elizabeth J. Brown " for

McChesney. " 38th " sixth line from bottom, read "second '" for

record. " 49th " third line from bottom, read "Martha." for

Margaret. On 51st page, at end of eighth line, a period for the c-0lon.

" " third line from bottom, read "1891" for 1800. " 57th " fifth '' " " " "Morris" for Hunt-

ington. On 57th page, last line, read "Hankinson." '' 59th seventeenth linP, read "Keene Valley " for

Essex. On 68th page, seventeenth line, read " Almon" for A.lmore. " 69th third line from bottom, read "Jooiah and

Louise. his children." On 72fl page, Ia.at line, leave out "branch." " 8flth " fifth line, read '' Timothy 1st " for 2d. '' 90th thirteenth line, read'· Chicag,1, Ill.'' for Lisbon,

N. Y. On same page, read in place of last line, " My brother Obediah

C.-lives in Lisbon, N. Y.'' On 91st page, ninth line, read "Mrs. Webb died in the spring

of '91.'' On 103d page, top line, read " Binghamton." '' 108th second linP from bottom, read "slavers" for

~hves, On 111th page, sixteenth liuP, read" 1773," first elate, for 1793,

" "1792 ·• for 1812.

4(10 :ERRATA.

On 122d page, seventh line from bottom, strike out '' U. S. '' 123d ninth line, read "Weston'' for Westen.

" " tenth from the bottom, read " 18,58 " for 1838.

On 124th page, eleventh line, read "Andariese" for Andarine. " 128th thirteenth line from bottom. read "Isidora"

for Isidor. , On 141st page, ninth line, read ''Platt" for Pratt.

144th " seventh line, read '' Jefferis Early" for Jeffries. 14ith and other pages, read '' Causten" for Cansten.

" 151st page, third linP, read ·•Miriam" for \Vm. at end of ninth line, insert •·and PO!\tmaster."

'' 194th secvnd line. add '' and Benoui 4th.'' 212th twentieth line, read "July 14, 1825 ; his first

wife died Jan. 7, 1814." On 214th page, second line, read "make" for makes. " fifth line from bottom, read " Mefford " for

Mitford. On 214th page, thirteenth line, leave out "grand" before

••son," and put in "grand" before "son" in the four­teenth line.

On same page, twentieth line, read '' Clara T. '' twenty-first, " " "L, E. Sayre."

" 215th page, first line, read "Kenneth." " 238th third " "Chazotte '• for Chazoth.

" " thirteenth line, read "Kenneth " for Kermeth. 273d " fourth " 1670" for 1790.

'· 287th '' seventh '' "1865" for 1867, and '' aged 'i2" for 74.

On 290th '' at end of fourteenth line, insert "Gurden, his father's Christian name."

On 360lh page, fourteenth line, read " Alrick " for Alric. " 361st page, fourth line from bottom, rea<l '' gran<l-Jaughter ''

for daughte,·. •' 36 lat seventh " •' daught"r-in-law •· for

grand-daughter. On 361st page, afler tenth line from bottom, inRert "Thoma,

Platt, married in Sharon, Ct., in 17\JI. Thb may be a clue."

On 374th page, ninth line, read '· Causten ., for Cansten. '' 389th an<l following- page~. !,cad line~. n,ad '' othn" for

