Statisticile Despre Inteligenta Emotionala Si EQ




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Statisticile despre inteligenta emotionala si EQ (coeficient emotional) indic urmtoarele: EQ este responsabil pentru 60% din performana n toate tipurile de meserii. 90% dintre performerii de top au un EQ ridicat. Oamenii cu EQ ridicat sunt de 10 ori mai productivi decat cei cu EQ sczut. 70% dintre noi nu gestionm conflictele sau stresul eficient. Doar 36% dintre oameni ii neleg emoiile pe msur ce apar. Doar 15% dintre oameni simt c sunt respectai i preuii de ctre angajatorii lor.Oamenii cu EQ ridicat: sunt foarte rar copleii de provocrile ntlnite n viaa de zi cu zi. tiu c, dei uneori au emoii negative, se vor simi mai bine. se descurc foarte bine la rezolvarea problemelor. sunt capabili s se bucure de via mai mult decat cei cu EQ mediu sau sub mediu. au abilitatea de a-i pstra calmul cnd apare o criz. se pot opri i gndi nainte s rspund prin cuvinte sau aciuni.

What they look like: Students see the name of an emotion ("sad," "proud," "frustrated," "glad") on a piece of paper and then act out the emotion to other students, who guess what it is. They look at pictures of people and "read" their faces. Or students might pass around a stuffed animal (for moral support) and talk about how they're feeling that day.What they accomplish: Students able to identify their feelings are better able to take action to control them, which in turn makes them better able to work with others cooperatively and get along. When people don't know the source of a feeling, they tend to blame others for their reactions. Appropriate responses require understanding the feelings of others.