Why Has the West Been So Hard on China on Tibet and Xinjiang?



Chinese analysis of the Western reaction to Tibet

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西方为何在涉藏涉疆问题上与中国过不去 作者: 朱维群    发布时间: 2014-02-19 06:26:00    来源: 中国西藏网






“ ” “ ”西藏独立 和 东突厥斯坦伊斯兰国 这两个分裂中国的概念,都不是中国本土产生


1888年、1904年英国以被其殖民统治的印度为基地,两次发起侵略中国西藏的战争。在 1913-1914 “ ” “ ”年 西姆拉会议 上,英国非法制造 麦克马洪线 ,胁迫、利诱西

藏少数上层承认英国对西藏 9万平方公里土地的占领。在这个过程中,英国把中国对西“ ” “ ”藏只拥有 宗主权 、 西藏有独立的权利 等虚假概念输入了西藏少数上层头脑。对于新




“ ”在英国驻喀什领事参与下,分裂势力第一次在新疆打出 东土耳其斯坦伊斯兰共和国 的

“旗号并建立政权,鼓吹 一切操突厥语的民族和信仰伊斯兰教的民族联合起来组成一个

” “国家 ,英国又给予大量经费、枪械和兵力支持。原本产生于中亚的 泛伊斯兰主

” “ ” “ ”义 、 泛突厥主义 及其结合体 东突厥斯坦伊斯兰国 思潮,由此在新疆扩散并祸害各


“ ” “ ”新中国成立后, 西藏问题 、 新疆问题 又成为西方牵制乃至分裂中国的重要抓


力阻挠中国人民解放军进藏;继而从 1954 “年起由中央情报局在美国本土大批训练 藏

” “ ”独 武装特务并派遣回藏区策动叛乱,对中国发动 秘密战争 。1959年达赖集团全面“ ”武装叛乱失败后,中情局引导达赖残余力量流亡印度,公开打出 西藏独立 旗号,并支



二战结束后,美国开始将目光瞄向新疆,设置领事馆,从事间谍活动,拉拢支持有反共倾向的新疆上层人物。 “新疆即将解放之际,美国领事馆召集各路反共势力制定 独

” “立建国 行动预案,支持乌斯满匪帮与人民解放军作战。 9·11 ”事件 后,美国以反恐为


学者 2003 “ ”年完成的 新疆工程 课题,否定新疆自古以来就是中国不可分割的一部分,


“ ” “ ”义和暴力恐怖活动张目。美国虽然也看到 东突 组织与 基地 组织、塔利班组织之间的

“ ”紧密联系及对美国自身安全构成的威胁,但同时又把 东突 视为干涉中国内政并向中国

“ ”政府持续施压的可利用力量,对 东突 反对中国政府、破坏新疆稳定的行为大开方便之

“ ” “ ”门,将中国政府反恐维稳措施统统指为 压制维吾尔人的政治权利 、 压制宗教自由 等


  在西方支持下,2004 “ ” “年多个 东突 组织在德国慕尼黑合并成立 世界维吾尔大

” “ ”会 , 世维会 各分支机构及传媒中心主要分布于西方国家。2006年美国又在热比“ ” “ ” “ ”娅 保外就医 后安排其定居美国,充当 世维会 主席,主掌 东突 势力全面整合。美国

“ ”国会、中情局支持的 美国国家民主基金会 以常年拨款和单项捐款等方式持续不断

“ ” “ ” “ ”给 东突 以金钱支持。至今对 二战 不肯认错的日本也忽然 人权 起来,不仅允许达赖


“ ”国主义的演说,成立什么 日本支持西藏议员联盟 。2012 “ ”年日本支持 世维会 在东京

“召开第四届大会,安排热比娅一伙参拜靖国神社,日本右翼狂妄叫喊 日本也为了维吾

”尔而战斗 。





“当使用武力,而现在则首先依靠其在国际上的话语霸权,将他们的私利装扮成 普世价

”值 。

    “ ” “ ”仿佛只要一打出 人权 旗号,所有 真理 就都象土豆一般乖乖滚入其囊中,连对他

“ ”们所不喜欢国家进行大规模空中轰炸、无人机定点清除都是 人权事业 所需要

的。2008 “ ”年美国一位司法界人士在《西藏和平之战》一文中把 民主 的目标讲得很直

“ ”白: 一旦中国实现民主化,包括西藏独立在内的任何选择都将成为可能 。只要这种帝



“ ”实用主义 的利益考量

    “ ”基于 实用主义 的利益考量和基于意识形态的政治划线,共同构成了美国外交的基

“ ” “ ”本面。这同样体现于美国对 西藏问题 、 新疆问题 的决策。


量占了上风。1972年尼克松总统访华后,美国大幅减少对达赖集团的经济和军事支持,继 1965年中情局停止对盘据在尼泊尔王国木斯塘地区的达赖集团主要军事力量的空投后,1974年更听任尼泊尔政府军对这股力量予以歼灭。达赖集团一度在国际上形

“ ” “ ”同弃儿,茕茕孑立,形影相吊,不得不把 西藏独立 的旗号改换为 中间道路 ,走

“ ” “ ”上 大藏区高度自治 的 曲线藏独 道路。达赖对美国行事方式心知肚明,他在其《自

“传》中多次埋怨 美国政府卷入西藏事务并不是为帮助西藏,而仅仅是冷战时期对付苏

”联的战术需要 。

1989年 3月 5 “ ”日拉萨发生大规模骚乱事件,接着北京发生 六四 事件,此后国际


是大有利用价值的。于是 1989年 10月,作为惩罚中国的一项措施,诺贝尔和平奖的桂冠及时落到达赖头顶上,1991年美国总统第一次接见达赖,由此开西方国家首脑人

“ ”物会见达赖的恶劣先例。 达赖股 在西方突然大幅升值,西方社会一般民众知道人世间

“有个达赖的存在,也就是从这个时候开始的。受此鼓舞,达赖宣称 三年内一定要把西

” “ ”藏搞成独立国家 , 不和一个即将垮台的中国政权谈判 。令美国和达赖遗憾的是,这


2008年西方看准中国成功举办北京奥运会的急切心情,认为又一个千载难逢的机会来了。先是 2007 “ ”年美国把只有为美国作出过巨大贡献的人才能获得 国会金奖 高调

授予达赖;继而 2008 “年达赖集团一手制造了拉萨 3·14”打砸抢烧暴力事件;然后是西方一些国家相继发生暴力拦截奥运火炬传递事件;与此同时,西方领导人以集体抵制







“ ”联、南斯拉夫那样走向分裂的 愿景 。所以人们看到某些规律性现象:当中国平稳发展




   某些国家新领导人上台时,一定要不顾中国的强烈反对会见达赖,然后又私下向中国“ ”保证不会再有这样的会见发生,争取两国关系 转圜 ,此后便是率领一个庞大的商贸代


“ ”的行为遭到中国反击时,其政府、议会、法院以 三权 分立、互不管辖为由互相踢皮

“ ”球;几个国家领导人在一个时期内先后会见达赖,形成多层次的压力分担 共犯机制 。

“ ” “ ”对付 实用主义 ,完全靠说理是不行的。只有当 实用主义 者感到他的一套不

“ ” “ ” “ ”再 实用 ,才有改变的可能。也就是说,只有当西方感到 西藏问题 、 新疆问题 已经

不再具有特殊利用价值,其无理干涉才会消减 ,而要达到这一点无疑还需要假以时


“ ” “ ”双重标准 和 选择性失忆

“ ” “ ”美国把世界上的国家分为 民主国家 和 专制国家 ,表面以是否实行多党竞争式

“ ”的 民主选举 为标准,实际上就是看听不听美国的话,符合不符合美国的利益。


过度镇压行为不置一词。但是,2008 “年拉萨 3·14”事件中,由达赖集团一手煽动组织的暴力犯罪分子半天打死、烧死无辜汉藏群众 18人,重伤数千人,西方却一边倒地把

“ ” “暴力犯罪分子描绘成 为藏民族权利而进行和平示威的民众 ,指责中国政府 暴力镇压

”和平示威人群 。笔者那时访问欧洲多国,没有一位政要、一家媒体对 18名死难者表示过半句同情,仿佛这些受害者本来就是该死的。同样,在 2009 “年乌鲁木齐 7·5”事件中,暴力犯罪分子一天之内残忍杀害无辜群众 197人,西方同样把同情心放在暴力

“ ”犯罪分子一边,相反指责中国政府恢复正常社会秩序的措施是 镇压 行为,要求中

“ ” “ ”国 克制 。直到现在,几乎每次藏区发生 自焚 事件、新疆发生暴力恐怖事件,西方都

“ ” “ ” “ ”把犯罪分子说成 政治异见分子 、 民主人权斗士 、 试图逃离压迫的难民 ,相反却无

“理指责中国政府,要求确保犯罪分子 享有根据中国的国际人权责任范围应当享有的相

”关保障和自由 。

“ ”双重标准 最近一个例子,是 2013年底美国置中国遣返恐怖嫌犯的要求于不顾,将在关塔那摩基地关押的最后 3名中国维吾尔族囚犯移交给斯洛伐克,理由是这些人如果被遣返中国可能遭受拷问。此前,2006年美国曾将 3名同样情况的囚犯移交给阿尔巴尼亚,此后几年中又有 16人被陆续送往其他国家。如果说这些人不构成恐怖活动分子,美国政府又恰恰宣布不允许他们进入美国国境。显然,在美国看来,恐怖分子如果

“ ”是针对美国的,就必须严惩不贷,而且要求各国必须配合美国 反恐 ;如果是针对中国


“ ”为了贯彻 双重标准 ,一向以客观、公正、中立相标榜的西方媒体对反映达赖集

“ ”团本质的种种劣行长期采取 选择性失忆 方针。闭口不谈旧西藏政教合一的封建农奴

制度及达赖本人就是一个占有 27座庄园、30个牧场、6000多农奴的大农奴主;闭口不谈达赖集团 1959年发动血腥的武装叛乱、长期煽动策划暴力恐怖事件;闭口不谈达赖企图将中国 9 “ ”万平方公里领土出卖给印度;闭口不谈达赖与日本 奥姆真理教 麻原彰



“ ” ……裸鼓励 自焚 的大量煽动性言论 这一切被隐去之后,西方媒体成功打造出一个笑眯

“眯的、全身心沉浸于宗教的、远离政治的、严格遵守非暴力原则的、超凡脱俗的 诺贝

” “ ”尔和平奖 获得者,人见人爱的 老顽童 。 “ ”这种长期系统的 洗脑 极大误导了西方公



“ ” “ ”但是, 双重标准 并不总是只给美国带来利益。由美国支持创建的 基地 组织后来

“给美国带来一个 9·11” “ ”,在 阿拉伯之春 中对一些国家反政府武装中的极端势力网开


“ ” “ ”的伤害。同样,美国早晚会明白, 双重标准 保护下的达赖集团、 东突 势力终将是其



  西方在涉藏涉疆问题上很多错误看法,与其对中国的历史传统和现实状况缺乏了解 “有关。本来,对一个遥远国度缺乏了解是难免的事,但是如果还要以此为自己构建 道

”德高地 ,对别国内部事务横加指责与干涉,就会人为给双边关系制造长期的麻烦。


“的影响。十九世纪以来欧洲适应资本主义生产关系的需要, 政治的和民族的单位应当

” “ ”一致 理念上升,加紧走向 一个民族一个国家 。第一次世界大战导致多民族的奥匈帝

“ ”国崩溃;第二次世界大战后的民族大移民使 民族国家 概念进一步固化,与此同时一批

“ ”殖民地国家独立成为新的 民族国家 ;冷战后又有多民族的苏联、南斯拉夫解体。

    “ ” “ ”通过 民族自决权 实行 一个民族一个国家 ,似乎成为西方认识世界各国国家构建

“ ”问题的 通用标尺 。 “ ”这一 标尺 固然推动一些国家在特定条件下得以实现与历史问题


“ ”都存在多个民族成分,如果按 一个民族一个国家 彻底搞下去,包括西方在内的许多国



“ ”而用这把 标尺 来衡量中国是根本行不通的。自秦汉开始中国就成功实现了中央




“ ”西方殖民侵略中,凝聚力和向心力空前增强,形成了 中华民族 的认同自觉。国家统一




“ ” “ ”部搞什么 民族自决 、 民族分离权 。




“ ‘ ’对笔者发问: 为什么 西藏独立 是中国政府不可接受的,是因为西藏在经济上、战略

” “ ” “上非常重要吗 , 中国能不能抛开主权、领土完整问题而承认西藏、新疆的自治 , 中

”……国为什么不能允许欧盟派独立的外交官小组去西藏调查真实情况 一些西方学者把

“ ” “ ”他们所不能理解的中国定性为 伪装成现代统一国家的帝国 ,根据欧洲的 经验 ,不断

“ ” “ ”预测中国民族问题马上就将面临 深刻的总体危机 。笔者一方面对西方 精英 中有这么


惊讶,一方面又为他们面对迅速发展的中国而仍然抱着阿Q “ ”式的 先前阔 心态感到悲


西方与中国在国家的民族构建理念上的分歧,给中西方关系造成一个潜在的爆点,“ ”这就是一方面现在所有西方国家均承认 西藏、新疆属于中国 ,没有一国与达赖集

“ ”团、 东突 势力建立外交关系;另一方面,这种情况并不妨碍西方势力认可达赖集团

“ ” “ ” “ ”及 东突 势力拥有要求 西藏独立 、 新疆独立 的权利,并从各方面予以支持。如果

“中国大局一旦有变,西方国家马上就可以背弃国际法准则和自己的承诺,对 西藏独

” “ ”立 、 新疆独立 予以外交承认,如同他们在肢解南斯拉夫时所做的那样。所以中国必


“ ”系这面镜子中的反射,虽然也束缚了一些国家支持达赖集团、 东突 势力的手脚,但对

“ ”中国实质性加分作用有限。中国的统一和领土完整,不能建立在西方的 承认政治 基础


“ ”同时要指出,在今天国际关系中, 一个民族一个国家 主要是西方用来分裂他们所

“ ” “ ”不喜欢的 专制国家 的,如果其本国有不晓事者试图借这把 标尺 也分出一块土地去,



“ ”远离真实的 香格里拉 神话







   1933年出版的詹姆士· “ ”希尔顿《消失的地平线》虚构出一群偶然来到 香格里拉 这个

“ ”佛教社会的白种人故事, 这里每个人的生活都被瑞祥与幸福所灌满 的描述促使更多西

“ ” “方人把藏区想象成为一个世外桃源,使 香格里拉 成为经济危机中西方人 心灵的止痛

” “ ”药 。甚至纳粹德国也试图从这里找到可以统治世界的 神秘力量 ,一个叫海因里希·哈勒的纳粹分子受命前往西藏与上层建立联系,此人从 1946年起给十四世达赖充当政治顾问和英文教师,直到 1951年才逃离西藏。在其《西藏七年》一书和相关采访中,把

“ ” “封建农奴制统治下的西藏描述为 地球上的最后一片净土 、 我们西方人在现实生活中

”遗失的东西在这个世界屋脊的城市里都可以找到 。1997年好莱坞把这本书改编为电


“ ”平解放歪曲为 中国入侵西藏 ,蓄意误导西方公众。

1959年达赖集团武装叛乱失败后,一批藏人流亡国外,特别是 1989年后戴有诺贝尔和平奖桂冠的达赖本人频繁出现于西方公众面前,许多人以为这回终于见到真实

“ ”的 西藏 。尽管随着中国改革开放的深入,西藏向西方人敞开了大门,但西方对西藏的

















“ ”任。但是,公众中这种错误观念一旦形成,就会以 民意 的形式反过来通过议会、媒体



“ ”法官借起诉中国领导人讨好 民意 的丑剧。但是,仍然要指出,在更多情况下,这

“ ”种 民意 充当着西方领导人搪塞中国的现成借口。在中国的世界分量日益加重条件下,




改变西方在涉藏涉疆问题上的态度,需要中国创造条件使西方社会更多地了解西“ ” “藏、新疆历史和现实的真相。但这并不是问题的关键。因为西方 精英 作为 西藏问

” “ ”题 、 新疆问题 的制造者,对真相的了解不比我们差多少;他们也完全了解有关国际





“ ”可避免的,使西藏、新疆脱离中国只是一场 美丽的 梦,而西方的利益在于发展、保护



“坚决、当面回击,有来必有往,使其感到涉藏涉疆问题并不是他们相像中的中国 软

”肋 ,在这里讨不到什么便宜,相反,谁敢损害中国的核心利益,谁就会自取其辱,就



“ ” “ ”露达赖集团、 东突 势力真实面貌,反思西方对华政策及西方自身 人权纪录 的声音。




Why has the West been so hard on China on "Tibet and Xinjiang issues"2014-02-18 15:33:00|by: Zhu Weiqun|From: China Tibet OnlineThe West has never stopped interfering in "Tibet and Xinjiang issues" ever since the founding of the People's Republic of China despite its overall positive relations with China after China's reform and opening-up. Under special condition, such interference could even suddenly be intensified, which caused the bilateral relations to stagnate and even retrograde within a certain period of time. It has not only made trouble to China but also done no less harm to the West.

Then why has the West been unwilling or unable to give up these acts harmful to both China and itself?

The extension of imperialistic politicsNeither of the two concepts of separating China, namely the "Tibet independence" and "East Turkestan Republic", is originated from China, but imported from overseas with invasion of China by the Western imperialism.

Britain invaded China's Tibet twice in 1888 and 1904 from India, which was under their colonial rule. In the "Simla Convention" held between 1913 and 1914, Britain fabricated a "McMahon Line" and forced and lured the few local Tibetans in the upper class to recognize Britain's occupation over an area of nine square kilometers of Tibet. During the process, Britain claimed that China only had "suzerainty" over Tibet and "Tibet has the right of independence", and introduced such false concepts to the few noble Tibetans.

As to Xinjiang, Britain had wished to enclose the vast land to the south slope of the Tianshan Mountain to its own sphere of influence in order to obtain the illegal right of garrison during its fight with Russia, which was a sheer aggression to the Chinese territory and irrational interference into China's internal affairs.

In fact, Britain had already provided funding and firearms to Mohammad Yakub Beg's invasion to Xinjiang in the 19th century, and signed a treaty with him to carve up Xinjiang since Britain gained the prerogative to establish consulate, send consuls and conduct business in Kashgar. In 1933, the separatist forces in Xinjiang for the first time openly established the regime of the "East Turkestan Republic" with the participation of the British embassy in Kashgar, calling for"all ethnic groups speaking Turki and believing in Islamism should join hands to set up one nation". To this end, Britain also provided a big amount of funds, firearms and troops. Since then "Pan-Islamism" and "Pan-Turkism", the two notions originated from Central Asia, combined with "East Turkestan Republic" had spread in Xinjiang and started to harm the people of all ethnic groups.

After the founding of the People's Republic of China, the "Tibet issue" and "Xinjiang issue" have become important tools which western countries used to contain and split China. The United States first instigated the upper class of Tibet to refuse to negotiate with the Chinese government, transported weapons and ammunitions, set up military broadcasting station in attempt to stop the People's Liberation Army (PLA) to enter Tibet with force. Then the CIA had trained a large number of armed agents for"Tibet independence" in the U.S. since 1954 and sent them back to the Tibetan areas to incite rebellions and launch "secret wars" against China. After the failed armed rebellion by the Dalai clique, the CIA led the remaining forces of the Dalai Lama's regime to be exiled in India and claimed "Tibet independence" in public, and had supported the so called government-in-exile to harass Tibet for a long time. Since then, the U.S. has been the biggest political backstage supporter and lender of the Dalai clique, while the clique has served as the hatchet man to disturb Tibet and the "wedge" to split China for the U.S.

After the Second World War, the U.S. began to shift its focus to Xinjiang. The U.S. established a consulate for spying activities in China and drawing support of the upper class in Xinjiang with the tendency of opposing the Chinese Communist Party. Not long before Xinjiang was liberated, the American consulate called on all the anti-Communist forces to formulate an action plan of

"independent statehood", and support the Osman bandit gang to fight against the PLA.

After the "Sept.11 Incident", the U.S. entered the Central Asia in the name of anti-terrorism and made public its support for separatists in Xinjiang.

The "Xinjiang Project" completed by a group of scholars from the Johns Hopkins University of in 2003, denied the fact that Xinjiang has been an inalienable part of China since ancient times. The project also attacked the policies of the Chinese central government which had benefited people of all ethnic groups in Xinjiang, incited ethnic tension in Xinjiang, and even cheered for the splittist and violent terrorist activities. Though the U.S. has seen the closely connection among "East Turkistan Islamic", Al-Qaeda and Taliban, which also threatens its own security, the country still consider East Turkistan Islamic as an available power that could interfere in China's internal affairs and put pressure constantly to the Chinese government.

The U.S. had supported the "Eastern Turkistan" terrorist organization to oppose the Chinese government and destabilize Xinjiang although it is fully aware of the relationship between the "Eastern Turkistan" and Taliban as well as its threat to its own national security.

It slandered that the anti-terrorist measures for safeguarding security in Xinjiang taken by the Chinese government as "suppressing the Uyghurs' political rights" and "suppressing religious freedom". With the support of western countries, many "Eastern Turkistan Islamic" organizations were merged and set up the "World Uyghur Congress" in Munich of Germany in 2004. with branch congresses and media centers mainly located in western countries.

In 2006, the United States arranged Rebiya kadeer, who was released on medical parole to settle down in the U.S. and served as the Chairman of the World Uighur Congress (WUC) to take charge of the integration of the "East Turkistan Islamic" forces.

The National Endowment for Democracy (NED) supported by U.S. Congress and CIA has provided annual funding or individual donations to the "East Turkistan Islamic" over the years.

Japan, which has not yet acknowledged its wrongdoing of aggression to China during the Second World War suddenly, recalled "human rights".

It not only allowed the Dalai Lama to transit, but also and conducted activities in Japan for many times, but also arranged him to deliver addresses against China and pro-Japan's militarism in the parliamentarians' guilds. Japan also set up the so-called "Parliamentarians League for Tibet independence".

In 2012, Japan helped the WUC hold the fourth congress in Tokyo and arranged Rebiya Kadeer and her group to visit the Yasukuni Shrine while the Japanese right-wing forces were yelling that "Japan will also fight for Uygiur people".

By retrospecting as above, I am not condemning any country for its history, but wanting to show a basic fact that China has never been meddling in any western country' internal affairs or harming any country, but vice versa. It is weird that the assaulters are so assertive without any sense of shame. It could only be explained as that in some people's eyes, such infringement is a kind of political tradition in some countries. It is a kind of granted privilege originated from their Christian faith with no need to concern the benefits and feelings of the victims.

The difference between history and reality only lies in that the West used forces directly in the past while at present time rely on their international discourse hegemony first and dress up their private interests into "universal values".

It seems that all "truth" will "roll" into their pockets as long as they hold up the banner of "human rights". In this sense, even their massive aerial bombardment and targeted killing by UAV (unmanned aerial vehicle) toward some countries they dislike have also been described as necessary for the "human rights course".

"Once China realizes democratization, anything is possible, including ‘Tibet independence’," said an American judiciary in 2008 in his article "Peaceful battle in Tibet", which expressed their "democratic" objective straightforwardly.

It is hard for China and western countries to establish the fundamental mutual trust relationship as long as the imperialist hegemony mentality still exists. Therefore, China should neither relax its vigilance nor stop necessary struggles to safeguard its dignity and sovereignty.

The US's “pragmatism” consideration on Dalai LamaThe American foreign policy is based on "pragmatism"for its own interests and ideology, so is the so-called "Tibet issue" and "Xinjiang issue".

In the 1970s, the US needed to concentrate on the "Cold War" toward the former Soviet Union, extricate itself from the Vietnam War. Under this circumstance, China's attitude was very important, while the Dalai Lama was given the cold shoulder for not being very useful and even affects the improvement of the China-US relations. At this moment, its consideration of interests got the upper hand.

After former US President Nixon's visit to China in 1972, the US significantly cut down on the economic and military support to the Dalai clique. After ceasing the aerial delivery by the CIA for the major armed forces of the clique occupied in Mustang area of Nepal in 1965, it allowed the Nepalese military forces to annihilate it in 1974.

Desolated by the international community, the Dalai clique had to change its banner from "Tibet independence" to "the Middle Way approach", and stepped onto the path of "indirectly Tibetan separatism"under the cloak of "Greater Tibet and High-degree Autonomy" .

The Dalai Lama is fully aware of the practice of the U.S. and repeatedly complained in his Autobiography that "the aim that the US got involved in the "Tibet issue" is not to help Tibet, but to meet its need to fight against the former Soviet Union during the Cold War".

After the series of riots erupted in China including the large-scale unrest in Lhasa, capital city of Tibet in March 5, 1989 and the "June 4th Incident" in Beijing followed by the collapse of the former Soviet Union as well as the tremendous changes in East Europe, the U.S. felt quite strong about it and at that moment resumed its support for the Dalai Lama for its role in disturbing and containing China.

Hence the Dalai Lama was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize on Oct.10, 1989 as one of the punishment on China by the western world. The American president met with the Dalai Lama for the first time in 1991, creating an abominable precedent for the western political leaders to meet with him. Only from then on did the western general public begin to know the very existence of the Dalai Lama, whose fame rose overnight.

Being encouraged, the Dalai Lama furiously alleged that "Tibet will become an independent state within three years", and he "rejects to negotiate with the collapsing Chinese regime". But unfortunately, such wish was disillusioned right after it took shape to both the US and the Dalai Lama .

In 2008, the West saw another opportunity to create disturbance when China was eager to make the Olympics Games a big success. In 2007 the U.S. conferred the "Congressional Gold Medal" which is only designed for American citizens who have made great contributions to the country to the 14th Dalai Lama. In 2008, the Dalai clique plotted the riots in Lhasa on March 14, and then a series of violent incidents occurred to disturb the Olympic torch relay in the western countries.

In the meanwhile, western leaders together boycotted the opening ceremony of the Beijing Olympic Games, threaten and humiliate China, and pressured China to politically give in on issues related to the Dalai clique.

However, all Chinese people and overseas Chinese rallied together to stand on the side of the Chinese government, opposing the Dalai clique and some western media's disgraceful reports about China. As a result, the western countries did not go further.

China's fast development since its reform and opening-up policy has put the West into a dilemma. On the one hand, everyone tries to improve its relations with China to get benefit from it, especially to get rid of its economic and financial crisis. On the other hand, they fear and worry that China would break the long-standing western-dominated international rules and pattern of interests. Therefore, they have taken every opportunity to contain China and separate China as a multi-ethnic country like what it did to the former Soviet Union and Yugoslavia.

So a strange phenomenon emerged: when China is in a steady progress, the western leaders would line up to woo China, but change their attitude immediately and slander China as long as something happens in Tibet or Xinjiang. Of course, their attitudes will become softened immediately after the situation in Tibet or Xinjiang comes back to normal, which is really unbelievable. .

When some new leaders took office, they usually will meet with the 14th Dalai Lama regardless of China's strong opposition, and then privately promises to China that it will never happen again in a bid to recuperate its relationship with China.

It will usually followed by a large business delegation to visit China in order to obtain economic benefits. And so does the cycle go for the next leader.

Pure persuasion would not work out to cope with "pragmatism" unless the "pragmatist" himself is aware that his ploy is no longer "pragmatic". In other words, the western country's unwarranted interference will stop only when they realize that the "Tibet issue" and "Xinjiang issue" are of no special value for them. But there is a long way to go before that day.

"Double standards" and "selective amnesia"The U.S. classifies countries in the world into two types—"democratic" and "autocratic". The superficial standard is whether a nation has a multi-party political election system, but the real standard is whether a nation follows the U.S. or whether what it is in line with the national interests of the U.S. In recent years mass public protests have broken out in the U.S. and its allies, which are caused by social conflicts and economic crises. Those countries invariably have taken suppressive measures, but the U.S. government has never criticized them and done nothing to prevent such crackdowns.

However, the described violent criminals in Lhasa Incident on March 14 as "peaceful Tibetan protestors" with one accord. On the contrary, they accused the Chinese government of "brutally cracked down on peaceful demonstrators". But the fact is, 18 innocent citizens were beaten or burnt to death as well as several thousand people within half a day were maimed by rioters incited by the Dalai clique. However, during my visit to some European countries at that time, none

of the dignitaries and media expressed their sympathy toward the 18 victims, as if those victims had got what they deserved.

The same thing happened in the Urumqi Incident on July 5, 2009. A total of 197 innocent citizens were slain by rioters within one day. As usual, the West sided with the rioters and decried China's measures to restore social order as "suppression" and asked China to "restrain" itself. Up till now, whenever self-immolations in Tibet or violent terrorist events in Xinjiang happened, the West will glorify the criminals as "political dissenters", "activists for democracy and human rights" or "refugees trying to escape from oppressions". Instead, it will make unwarranted criticism to the Chinese government, demanding it to "guarantee the criminals protection and freedom to which they are entitled under China's international human rights commitment".

The latest example of "double standards" is that the United States ignored China's protests for sending three Chinese Uygur prisoners imprisoned at the Guantanamo Bay to Slovakia at the end of 2013, and gave the reason that these suspects might be abused once back to China.

In 2006, the U.S. relegated other three Chinese suspects to Albania and 16 Chinese suspects to other countries afterwards on similar occasions.

If these suspects were not terrorists, the U.S. should allow them to stay. However, the U.S. government forbade them to enter the county. Obviously, for the U.S., terrorists who aim at the U.S. should be punished severely without mercy and taken as terrorists in every county, while terrorists against China are protected as treasures.

In order to adhere to the "double standards", the western media which promote objectivity, justness and neutrality has yet chosen the policy of "selective amnesiac" on the misdeeds of the Dalai clique for a long time.

They never mention the feudal serfdom under theocracy in old Tibet; nor that Dalai was a serf owner with 27 manors, 30 pastures and over 6,000 serfs. And they never mention the bloody armed rebellion in 1959 and other long-term violent terroristic incidents instigated by the Dalai clique, nor the Dalai's attempt to sell China's territory of 90,000 square kilometers to India.

They also never mention that the Dalai Lama enjoys close relations with the notorious Japanese Aum Doomsday Cult, Shoko Asahara who organized a poison Sarin gas attack in the Tokyo subway, nor Dalai exerting religious autocracy on overseas Tibetan and suppressing believers of Dorje Shugden; nor the Dalai Lama's bold and provocative remarks to encourage self-immolations.

Despite all these facts, the western media has successfully created an image of the Dalai Lama as a Nobel Prize winner and a smiling and adorable old man, who

whole-heartedly devotes to religion, keeps away from politics, strictly follows the non-violence principles.

This long-term systematical "brainwash" propaganda has greatly misled the western people, who were unable to know the real Dalai Lama, less alone to understand the justice and necessity of the Chinese government to fight against the Dalai clique.

However,"double standard" does not always bring interests to the United States.

The U.S. supported the foundation of the Al Qaeda, which has brought itself the "911"incident.

During the "Arab Spring", the U.S. gave a way out for the extreme forces of the anti-government arms in some countries by protection and utilization. But after the growth of these forces, they have brought and will bring damages to the security of the US.

Similarly, the U.S. will understand one day that the Dalai clique and the "Eastern Turkistan" forces protected by the double standard will finally become negative assets of its national interests.

Ignorance of China's history and realityThe Western society has many mistaken views of the issues about Tibet and Xinjiang, and has a lack of understanding about the historical tradition and realistic condition about China.

It is inevitable to be short of understanding about a distant country. But, if one side built a "higher standard of morality" for itself and made an arbitrary attack and interference with the internal affairs of another country, the bilateral ties would be damaged by the longstanding manmade trouble.

In history, Europe endured the feudal society in the state of division. Individual nations made up a federation yet enjoyed its independent sovereignty, without a united centralized government.

The condition posed a profound influence to the state structure of modern European countries.

Since the 19th century, to adapt to the need of capitalist production relations, Europe marched towards "one nation forms one state" with the upgrading of ideas that "politics should be consistent with the nation development".

The First World War resulted in the collapse of the multinational Austro-Hungary; after the Second World War, the national immigration made the concept of "national state" further solidified and at the same time a series of colonial countries turned into independent new "national states"; after the Cold

War multinational states including the Soviet Union and the Yugoslavia broke up. The idea of “one nation forms one state” was put into practice through the national self-determination right, which seemed to become a "common criterion" for the western countries to judge the universal countries' state construction.

The "criterion" had helped some countries to separate from historical issues under specified circumstances; meanwhile, it also caused the partition of India and Pakistan and the war between Bosnia and Herzegovina with the violence and tragedies. In modern times, most countries across the world occupy many ethnic groups. If "one nation forms one state" was carried out thoroughly, many countries including the West will endlessly face separation movements. In fact, it has already brought the Europe new instability problems.

It is unworkable to use this criterion to judge China as well. China has realized the effective centralized administration over the century since the Qin Dynasty (221-206 B.C.) and Han Dynasty (206-26 B.C.). With the efforts of all the ethnic groups, China has formed a multi-ethnic country for several thousand years. And thereafter an interdependent relationship of each ethnic group was formed in economy, politics, culture and blood relationship through interaction, intercommunication and integration in the course of history.

Unprecedented cohesion and solidarity among all the ethnic groups were seen in modern China when a sense of identity as the "Chinese nation"was formed among all the Chinese people in defending the unification of China and fighting against western intrusion with unremitting efforts.

History tells the Chinese people that national unification makes a strong country, and separation only leads to humiliation. Therefore, the Chinese people, including the Tibetan and Uyghur people value national unification most because they share the same political and cultural tradition as well as common interests. Therefore, separatist activities are absolutely unbearable and there was no ground for "national self-determination" and "national separation rights" in China.

The fact that during the recent two or three hundred years some western people, by their dominant positions in the world have taken it for granted to equalize China's sovereignty over Tibet and Xinjiang with their colonized rule of their own countries over the developing countries they are so familiar with, shows their blindness to the real conditions and people's feelings of the developing countries, and arrogantly assumed that the western politics and philosophy are the only model in the world.

For many times I have been asked assertively by western officials and media reporters that "Why cannot the Chinese government accept ‘Tibet independence’, is it because that Tibet economically and strategically means a lot to China?", "Could it be possible for the Chinese government to accept the autonomy of Tibet and Xinjiang regardless of its sovereignty and territorial

integrity ?", and "Why cannot China permit the independent EU diplomat group to ente Tibet and investigate the real siuation?"

Some western scholars label China as "an empire in disguise of a unified modern country", and predict an urgent and serious crisis in China's ethnic minority issues will soon occur based on the European experience. I'm shocked by the ignorance of so many western elites in China's political tradition, the real situation in Tibet and Xinjiang and China's policy, and feel sad for their reminiscing of once glorious past when in face of China's fast-paced developments. 

The different philosophies on national construction in a state between the West and China provoke a potential contradiction in the East-West relationship in that on the one hand, all western countries acknowledge "both Tibet and Xinjiang are inseparable parts of China" and refuse to establish diplomatic relations with the Dalai and "East Turkistan" cliques;on the other hand, the West still recognizes the so-called rights of pursuing "Tibet independence" and "Xinjiang independence" by offering various supports.If China experienced political turmoil, the western countries would immediately abandon the principles of international law and their commitment to diplomatically recognize the "Tibet independence" and "Xinjiang independence", as what they did to separate Yugoslavia. So China must clearly realize that the western recognition on China's sovereignty over Tibet and Xinjiang is merely a reflection of China's national strength in international relations, which has exerted limited constraint on some countries' support to the Dalai clique and the "East Turkistan" without real support to China.

China's unification and territorial integrity can only be based on its own political and historical tradition as well as and its growing national strength rather than the Western "politics of recognition".

In the meanwhile, the notion of "nation state" is mainly the West's trick in today's international relations to separate the "authoritarian countries" they do not like. If some ignorant westerners tried to use this "criterion" to separate their own countries, they would be undoubtedly repressed or even exterminated by various decent excuses. Such farces have been continually put on by far.

Unreal "Shangri-la" mythThe western society has so far no objective and comprehensive understanding of real Tibet due to Tibet's high altitude, cold temperature and isolated geographic environment as well as some political reasons in different historical times. The Western society's limited and vague impression of Tibet was originated from the introductions of European missionaries, explorers, and prospectors earlier in the last century.

The industrial revolution brought all kinds of conflicts to the West, its original spiritual pursuit could not meet people's needs in faith. Some people, with limited or no knowledge on Tibet, highly praised its magnificent beauty and

unique culture; meanwhile, they exaggerated the real Tibet by depicting it as a mysterious, old, wise and secluded place which was far away from the modern civilization, war, hunger and crimes.

In the novel Lost Horizon published in 1933, James Hilton made up a story that a group of white people happened to come to a Buddhist society named "Shangri-la". Such description as that "life of every person living here is filled with auspiciousness and happiness" made more westerners take Tibetan-inhabited areas as a utopia and a “spiritual pain healer” for westerners during the economic crisis.The Nazi Germany also attempted to seek some "mysterious power" in Tibet to rule the world. Thus Heinrich Harrer, a Nazi was dispatched to set up contact with the l upper class of Tibet. He had served as the political consultant and English teacher of the 14th Dalai Lama since 1946 until he escaped from Tibet in 1951.

In his book Seven Years in Tibet and the related interviews, Tibet under the reign of feudal serfdom was described as "the last pure land on earth", and "all the things our westerners lost in real life can be found in this city on the roof of the world". Later in 1997 the book was adapted into a movie by Hollywood , which had not only covered up the author's identity of a Nazi, but also made up plots to deny the fact that Tibet is an integral part of China and distort Tibet's peaceful liberation as "China’s invasion of Tibet " and in order to mislead the western audiences deliberately.

After the Dalai clique's failed armed rebellion in 1959, a batch of Tibetans fled overseas. Since 1989, the 14th Dalai Lama frequently appeared in front of the western general public with the laurel of the Nobel Peace Prize, which made many people think that they have finally seen the "real Tibet". Although Tibet has opened its door to westerners along with the deepening of China's reform and opening-up, westerners still rarely judge Tibet from a scientific and unbiased perspective. On the contrary, the Hollywood-style propaganda makes more people victims of the myth of Shangri-la and the political lies of the Dalai Lama.

The 14th Dalai Lama has mastered the rules of the western politics s and tactics of the media after living in exile for a long time. In addition, the deliberate fabrications made by various western powers imposed an impression on the western general public who lack understanding of China's history and national conditions, in which Tibet is a mysterious, religious and peaceful place and the Dalai Lama is a semi-human and semi-god religious leader with noble personality andbenevolence; and it was the extremely "evil" Chinese people who "occupied" Tibet, "drove away" the Dalai Lama and "destroyed" the beauty, happiness and peace of Tibet.

This mindset, combined with western superiority, drives westerners to politically buy into the Dalai Lama with strong sentiments when it comes to the Tibet Issue. All concerning Tibet's development in road construction, mining, water

protection, city construction and livelihood was brought on the table by western activists as potentially devastating Tibet's traditional culture and ecological harmony as if whatever the Chinese government does is evil so long as the Dalai Clique hasn't realized their full power. In recent years, the author has in many occasions caught western journalists accusing the Chinese government's efforts in helping farmers and herdsmen in Tibet improve living conditions as deliberately restricting Tibetans' freedom, and destroying their traditional nomadic culture. The author's argument is: not to mention that all this blame is not factually based, as it is known to all, the development of human beings as from the nomadic to the agricultural society and to the modern city is a huge step forward. If someone while enjoying the modern city life and modern culture requires that our republic should offer a nomadic life that doesn't allow running water, electricity, education and medical care, it is completely a violation against human rights in the first place. Whoever that demands for that sort of life should go having a try first!

In western society, within the governmental, parliamentary, communal and public level, it is the government, the parliament and the media that are mainly accountable for misleading the public's concept of Tibet and Xinjiang related issues and for the deteriorating diplomatic relations between China and involved countries. Once came into being, this misconception in turn forms a pressure to policymakers through the parliament and the media in the form of "public opinion", which results in that heads of some western countries, despite their sober-mindedness on the fact that meeting the Dalai Lama will cause China's strong opposition and damaging their own national interests, in order to gain more votes however, they still have to manufacture all kinds of excuses to meet up with the Dalai Lama, that's why scandals like Spanish judges suing China's leaders for deliberately pleasing the "public opinion" keep happening. Still, it needs pointing out that, more often than not this kind of "public opinion" acts as a ready-made excuse to prevaricate China for western leaders. As China emerges and grows stronger, western leaders have to jump out of this vicious mental circle before it is too late because it is their own national interests that are at stake in the long term.

China needs to create an environment for the West to know more about the history and current conditions of Tibet and Xinjiang in order to change its attitude toward them. However, it is not the key on this matter as western "elites" who created the "Tibet and Xinjiang issues" know no less truth than us. In addition,they understand norms of international relations and act as makers of these norms.

The key to the problem lies in that they will not be satisfied until China agrees that Tibet and Xinjiang get separated from it. Therefore, the top priority should China place on taking care of our own business and discarding all unrealistic illusions, and base the futures of Tibet and Xinjiang on its own national strength. China does not need to care about the opinions of the West, instead it should be focused on its development and stability.

The West might change its mind only when it realizes the inevitability of China's prosperity and the impossibility to separate Tibet and Xinjiang from China and when it comes to know that it would benefit from developing relationships with China.

Regarding the Tibet and Xinjiang related international disputes, China should take an offensive position instead of merely defense, by establishing precautious foreign relations with western countries and actively releasing China's stance to the western media.

Any proactive actions should be fought back. In this way Tibet and Xinjiang will not be treated as China's weak points. On the contrary, anyone who poses harm to China's core interests would pay a price and the bottom line that a country leader shall not meet with the Dalai Lama cannot be crossed.

As China gets more involved in international affairs and with Tibet, Xinjiang opened to the outside world on a much larger scale, more and more people from the West have come to understand Tibet and Xinjiang in real sense. Accordingly, there are voices rising from the West that uncover the plot of the Dalai clique and "East Turkistan" forces , reflect on the western policy towards China and the West's own "human rights records".

Although those voices are isolated, weak and have incurred many attacks , they represent a historical trend, which should be supported by China publicly and strongly. It undoubtedly takes long-term, arduous efforts and enough patience to do it but with regard to time, it stands by the side of China.

Note: The author is director of the Committee for Ethnic and Religious Affairs of the Chinese Peoples' Political Consultative Conference, or CPPCC.