Inspiring the mobile payment experience: what next for people, culture, technology




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Inspiring  the  mobile  payment  experience:  what  next  for  people,  culture,  and  technology  

Ravi  Chhatpar  Strategy  Director,  frog  Shanghai    EFMA  September  27,  2011  

innovaGon  begins  with  the  search  for  inspiration

inspiraGon  begins  with  the  search  for  the right question

immersive  living

immersive  commuting

immersive  working

to  get  from  here…

to  here!

discovering  quesGons  about  the  future  of  mobile payments

trust  emerges  from  that  which  provides  tangible value

value  does  not  always  come  from  formal institutions

nor  from  mainstream  brands

spending  paIerns  create  new  value notions

which  create  new  money management behaviors

which  spillover

what  happens  when  people  trust  mobile  operators  

more than banks?

the  nuclear  family  extends

broader  noGons  of  community

real-­‐world  social  networking  for  life opportunities

the  nuances  of  community intersection

community  behaviors  guided  by  social and cultural norms

which  guide  spending behaviors

and  create  new  mobile spending behaviors

what  happens  when  mobile  money  becomes  a  smarter  tool  

to groom social networks?

the  value  of  education

the  pressures  of  education

ad  hoc  learning

when  it’s  least expected

technology  can  teach relationships

technology  can  teach trust

technology  can  teach activism

what  happens  when  the  mobile  payments  plaMorm  acGvely  

teaches money management?

what  happened  to  the  answers?

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