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A bussiness plan is a document with the

necessary keys to transform your ideas

in a real company.

1. Basic data of your idea.

2. General presentation of the project.

3. General presentation of the product.

4. Market and competition study.

5. Marketing.

6. Inversion plan.

Project name; for example: Blue’s (an

imaginary restaurant).

Basic data of the bussiness. You have to

explain the objectives of your project

and where and when you are going to

carry out it.

Blue’s is a luxury restaurant.

This project will begin 25 November 2013

in Huelin (Malaga).

You have to describe in detail the

activities you will realise and the

information of the promoter.

In Blue’s, Karl Matter, the promoter, has

done a document with his information

(experience, cualification…) and the

information of his restaurant (what type

or restaurant, types of foods…).

You have to explain the basic function of

the bussiness and the information of the


In Blue’s, Karl Matter has done a

document in which he explains the type

of meals he offers to the consumer.

You have to study the different types of

consumers in the neighbourhood you

have put your bussiness.

Karl Matter has studied the different

kinds of people in Huelin. Then, he

knows more or less what type of food

he has to sell.

You also have to study the different

bussinesses that have a similar function


Karl Matter has studied all the restaurant

in Huelin, to offer new things to the


Marketing strategy:

-Distribution canals. It’s how you offer to

the consumer the different products.

In Blue’s, Karl Matter buys the meals to a

wholesaler and he sells it to the


Publicity. You have to show your

products to secure its sale.

Karl Matter announced Blue´s in the

radio and in newspapers. He also

put advertisements in walls

and cars.

You have to prepare a list with the

different prices of all the materials you

need for your bussiness.

Karl Matter has done a list with the prices

of the meals, the taxes, the wages of

your employees…

You can receive subventions from some

institutions. But it’s not sure that they will

give it to you.

You also can demand some credits or

microcredits to the bank.

But these types of supports will be only

given to you once the company is


Nowadays, when creating a company,

young people prefer tourism, R&D&i, the

technological sector, computing…

In Malaga, there is an institution that

orientates you if you want to create a

company. This is «Cámara de Comercio»

There, you can talk with some

especialists that will help you with any

doubt you have.