Email Ethics

Email Ethics

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Email Ethics

Page 2: Email Ethics

Simple Rules

ALL CAPS IS CONSIDERED SHOUTING So is over punctuating !!!!!!!! Not using capitalization or punctuation makes email

hard to read Text messaging abbreviations r confusing 2 ur co-

workers Avoid emoticons

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In An Organisation

Email belongs to the organisation – just as computers, phones, and copy machines do.

Nothing you send to, form, or at work using the workplace email program belongs to you.

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Be concise and to the point: Do not make an e-mail longer than it needs to be.

Answer all questions: An email reply must answer all questions, which will not only save yours and you customer’s time

Use proper spelling, grammar & punctuation: Improper spelling, grammar and punctuation give a bad impression of your company, it is also important for conveying the message properly.

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Keep your language gender neutral: Apart from using he/she in an email, we can also use the neutral gender:

Use active instead of passive: Try to use the active voice of a verb wherever possible. For instance, 'We will process your order today', sounds better than 'Your order will be processed today'.

Use a meaningful subject: Try to use a subject that is meaningful to the recipient as well as yourself

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Email Privacy

Be aware of Spams. Be aware of company monitoring systems. Once sent, e-mail cannot be controlled. Protect information from hackers.

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Email Addresses

Choose your email address carefully when job searching.

It will determine, in part, how you are perceived. Your email is an additional way that employers may

contact you. Check it often! Think of your business email as though it was on your

business letterhead and you'll never go wrong!

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The only times that abbreviations are appropriate in a business email:

I. If you are sure that everyone that receives the email will understand it

II. If the abbreviation is first spelled out, and then abbreviated for the rest of the email

III. If the abbreviation is well-known and used throughout your industry

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Enforce Ethics

Create a written Email Policy: It should include all the do's and don'ts concerning the use of the company's email system and should be distributed amongst all employees.

Proper Training: Employees must be trained to fully understand the importance of email etiquette.

Implementation of the rules: It can be monitored by using Email Management Software and Email Response Tools.

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Before You Hit Send..

Feel free to modify the Subject: field to more accurately reflect a conversation's direction.

When it comes to your email communications, know who you can trust; trust only those you know.

Take the time to review each email to ensure your message is clear and that you are relaying the tone that you desire

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When typing an email, think about what your co-workers would think/say if they were to read it aloud.

Always use a professional format and full sentences. Make sure that your message is clear and in the right

tone. Be sure that all co-workers receiving the email will

understand their part in the project/task/message. Proofread and re-read it for tone before sending!

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