Saved Credit Card for Magento 2 © Meetanshi Saved Credit Card for Magento 2 User Guide Table of Content 1. Extension Installation Guide 2. Configuration 3. Saved Credit Card in Frontend 4. Saved Credit Card Payment Details in Order View Backend 5. Saved Credit Card Payment Method for Backend Orders

Magento 2 Saved Credit Card

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Magento 2 Saved Credit Card by Meetanshi lets customer save their credit card details in the Magento 2 database using built in encryption for offline order processing. Visit: https://meetanshi.com/magento-2-saved-credit-card.html

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  • Saved Credit Card for Magento 2 © Meetanshi

    Saved Credit Card for Magento 2

    User Guide

    Table of Content

    1. Extension Installation Guide

    2. Configuration

    3. Saved Credit Card in Frontend

    4. Saved Credit Card Payment Details in Order View Backend

    5. Saved Credit Card Payment Method for Backend Orders


  • Saved Credit Card for Magento 2 © Meetanshi

    1. Extension Installation

    Extract the zip folder and upload our extension to root the of your Magento 2 directory via


    Login to your SSH and run below commands step by step: o php bin/magento setup:upgrade

    o For Magento version 2.0.x to 2.1.x - php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy

    o For Magento version 2.2.x & above - php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy –f

    o php bin/magento cache:flush

    That’s it.

    2. Configuration For configuring the extension, login to Magento 2, move to Stores Configuration Sales

    Payment Methods, find the Saved Credit Card – Meetanshi payment method to configure.

    Enabled: Enable or disable Saved Credit Card extension from here.

    Title: Enter the title for the Saved Credit Card payment method to show in frontend.

    Show Saved Credit Card Logo: Select YES to show credit card logo on the checkout

    page in the frontend.

    New Order Status: Set status for the new orders placed using this payment method.

    Credit Card Types: Select the credit cards to allow make payment while using this

    payment method.

    Payment from Applicable Countries: Select countries to allow the use of Saved Credit Card payment method.

    Show CC Info in Backend: Select YES to show credit card information to the admin in

    the backend.

    Show Wipe Link in Backend: Select YES to show wipe link in the backend to allow admin wipe out credit card information permanently.

    Hide CC Info (Masked Mode): Set YES to enable masking for the credit card

    information in the backend.

    Instructions: Enter additional instructions to show on the checkout page in the frontend.

    Minimum Order Total: Set minimum order amount to allow using this payment


    Maximum Order Total: Set maximum order amount to allow using this payment method.

    Sort Order: Enter sort order of the payment method.


  • Saved Credit Card for Magento 2 © Meetanshi


  • Saved Credit Card for Magento 2 © Meetanshi

    3. Saved Credit Card in Frontend Once the extension is configured, it can be seen enabled on the frontend. Simply add products to

    cart and at checkout, you can see payment method enabled. Select it, enter card details and click

    to finish payment and place order.


  • Saved Credit Card for Magento 2 © Meetanshi

    Saved Credit Card Payment Details in My Account Section Immediately after the order is placed, the Saved Credit Card payment details can be seen in

    order view under My Account section.


  • Saved Credit Card for Magento 2 © Meetanshi

    4. Saved Credit Card Payment Details in Order View Backend Apart from My Account section, Saved Credit Card payment details can be found in the Sales

    Orders Order View section. If the masked mode is enabled from the configuration section,

    credit card details are hidden by default. The admin can click Show link to expand and see the

    credit card details.


  • Saved Credit Card for Magento 2 © Meetanshi

    Show Credit Card Details

    On click of “Show” link, the admin can see the credit card details. Also, the admin can wipe

    out the credit card data permanently by clicking “Wipe Credit Card Information” link.

    Credit Card Information Wiped from Backend On click of “Wipe Credit Card Information” link from the backend, the credit card

    information gets wiped out permanently.


  • Saved Credit Card for Magento 2 © Meetanshi

    5. Saved Credit Card Payment Method for Backend Orders Just as frontend, Saved Credit Card payment method also works with backend orders. Admin

    can create a new order, select Saved Credit Card payment method, add card details and click

    Submit Order to place an order from backend using Saved Credit Card payment method.
