The Best Answer Key – 3 rd Year - 2015 - www.English2Fun.com Unit (10) Exercises based on Vocabulary A) Choose the correct answer from a , b , c or d : Page : 295 1. a. invisible 2. a. sounds 3. c. process 4. b. fed 5. d. soil 6. c. for 7. a. done 8. a. sugar 9. b. leaves 10. c. gradually 11. d. achieve12. c. diabetic 13. theoretic ally 14. a. cancer 15. b. test 16. c. amount 17. d. about18. c. pot 19. b. make 20. a. disaster 21. b. of 22. c. diabetes 23. d. result 24. d. achievement 25. b. gain 26. d. do 27. a. geologist 28. c. oceanographer 29. b. extra30. d. sun 31. c. from 32. b. food 33. a. made 34. b. realize 35. d. where 36. b. in 37. d. adding 38. c . sure 39. d. anthropologist 40. b. dry 41. d. with 42. c. both of them 43. b. strange44. a. ambitions 45. c. serious 46. b. weight 47. c. about 48. a. together 49. d. comparing 50. d. chemist 51. b. factories 52. c. removed 53. d. produced 54. d. energy 55. a. theory 56. b. do 57. c. on 58. b. grow 59. a. weigh 60. c. geographer 61. b. processed 62. c. specialize 63. c. theory 64. b. chronic 65. d. gravity b) Find the mistake in each of the following …………: Page : 299 90

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Unit (10)Exercises based on Vocabulary

A) Choose the correct answer from a , b , c or d : Page : 295 1. a. invisible 2. a. sounds 3. c. process 4. b. fed5. d. soil 6. c. for 7. a. done 8. a. sugar9. b. leaves 10.c. gradually 11.d. achieve 12.c. diabetic 13. theoreticall

y14.a. cancer 15.b. test 16.c. amount

17.d. about 18.c. pot 19.b. make 20. a. disaster21.b. of 22. c. diabetes 23. d. result 24. d.

achievement25.b. gain 26. d. do 27.a. geologist 28. c.

oceanographer29.b. extra 30.d. sun 31.c. from 32.b. food 33.a. made 34.b. realize 35.d. where 36.b. in37.d. adding 38.c . sure 39. d.

anthropologist 40. b. dry

41. d. with 42.c. both of them 43.b. strange 44. a. ambitions 45.c. serious 46.b. weight 47.c. about 48.a. together 49.d. comparing 50.d. chemist 51.b. factories 52. c. removed53.d. produced 54.d. energy 55.a. theory 56.b. do 57.c. on 58.b. grow 59.a. weigh 60.c. geographer 61. b. processed 62. c. specialize 63. c. theory 64.b. chronic65. d. gravityb) Find the mistake in each of the following …………: Page : 299Mistake Correction Mistake Correction1- diabetes diabetic 2- soul soil3- about out 4- scientist scientist5- recognized realized 6- extras extra7- win gain 8- visible invisible 9- regular regularly 10- gradually gradual11- specialize specialist 12- theoretical theory13- fail succeed 14- to for 15- absorbed given 16- chemical solar17- weight weigh 18- fried dried 19- rainy rain 20- archaeologist oceanographer21- growing grow 22- processor process23- number amount 24- drink eat25- water sugar 26- eaten fed


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27- biologist zoologist 28- induce produce29- moon sun 30- pottery pot

Exercises based on Grammar A) Choose the correct answer from a , b , c or d : Page : 301 1. a. had 2. b. could 3. d. had

bought 4. a. had

won 5. c. had

watched 6. c. earned 7. d. could 8. b. were

9. d. were 10. a. would 11. b. hadn't 12. c. had13. b. could 14. a. hope 15. d. had

been 16. c. could

17. b. hadn't 18. d. had gone 19. d. would 20. c. had 21. c. could 22. a. were 23. b. could 24. c. had 25. b. could 26. a. had

caught 27. d. could 28. b. were

29. d. had been 30. a. had watched

b) Find the mistake in each of the following ……… : Page : 303Mistake Correction Mistake Correction1. like would like 2. will would 3. saw had seen 4. am were5. haven't hadn't 6. have had7. could would 8. can could 9. work would work 10.will would 11.will would 12. live lived /could

live 13.attended had attended 14.will would 15.can could 16. is were17.have had 18. is were19.have had 20.have had21.will would 22.do doing 23.have had 24.knew had known 25.can could 26.can could 27.can could 28.would could 29.have had 30.can could

Exercises based on SB & WBA) Choose the correct answer : Page : 305


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1. a. well 2. b. do 3. c. medical 4. a. experiments5. b. diabetes 6. c. achieved 7. d. result 8. d. specialise9. a. theory 10. b. gradually 11. c. both a and b 12. d. diabetic13. a. achievement14. b. gradual 15. c. specialist 16. d. Theoretically17. a. hadn’t spent 18. b. had known 19. c. were 20. d. had

remembered21. a. hadn’t said 22. b. didn’t have 23. d. had 24. a. would play25. b. soil 26. d. prove 27. b. Sugary 28. b. gain29. c. theories 30. d. process 31. a. amount 32. d. regularly33. a. loseB. Find the mistake :

Page : 307Mistake Correction Mistake Correction

1. are were 2. haven’t hadn't3. can would 4. sleep slept5. can would 6. didn’t hadn't7. Process Theory 8. Diabetes Cancer 9. regular regularly 10. win earn / gain11. qualities quantities 12. visible invisible13. diabetic diabetes 14. get achieve 15. number amount 16. operation process

Test 10A) Choose the correct answer from a , b , c or d : Page : 309

1. b. hadn't 2. b. weren't 3. d. invisible 4. a. could 5. c. grow 6. c. gain 7. d. had

invited8. c. done

9. a. leaves 10. b. extra 11. c. would be

12. d. strange

13. a. selling

14. b. would

15. d. would

16. b. test

b) Find the mistake in each of the following…………… : P 296Mistake Correction Mistake Correction

1- on for 2- accept accepting 3- can could 4- chemist geologist5- decrease release 6- has had

5) Read the passage, then answer the questions : A) Give short answers :

1. Pollution means making the environment in which man lives dirty and unclean.

2. Air pollution and water pollution .


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3. The increase in population and the growth in industry .B) Choose the correct answer : 4. b) recycle 5. d) all

mentioned 6) Read the passage, then answer the questions:

A) Give short answers :1.Being rare , valuable and interesting .2.Collect menus from restaurants , or even bus tickets . 3.the fewer the number of people who have a stamp in their collections

, the more valuable that stamp is . B) Choose the correct answer : 4. c. All stamp collections are worth a lot of money . 5. b.

later 9. a. Translate into Arabic :

أوراقها أن و بنفسها طعامها تصنع واألشجار النباتات أن اآلن نعرف النباتات فإن لذلك و يحتاجونه شيء كل تنتج مصانع بمثابة تعد

. كيميائية طاقة الي الشمسية الطاقة تحويل يمكنهاb. Translate into English :

1.We should encourage small projects through Social Fund for development .

2.We should rationalize our consumption of water otherwise we’ll face serious problems in the near future .

Unit ( 11)Exercises based on Vocabulary

A) Choose the correct answer from a , b , c or d : Page : 3221. a. accused 2. b. treason 3. c. revenge 4. c. financial 5. d. playwright 6. d. from 7. c. assistants 8. finances9. imprisonment 10. historical 11. c. of 12. d. recognize13. b. lecturer 14. c. argument 15. b. object 16. d. on 17. a. to 18. rewarded 19. b. punish 20. c. diamond 21. b. to 22. c. victims 23. a. to 24. b. wealthy25. b. arrested 26. c. captain 27. hidden 28. c. religious 29. a. valuable 30. c. of 31. b. calls 32. a. owner33. d. regretted 34. d. island 35. b. fiancée 36. c. Count 37. c. employed 38. a. buried 39. b. year 40. a. hero 41. c. of 42. b. out 43. a. on 44. b. style 45. c. servant 46. d. mainly 47. a. published48. c. immediate49. d accusation 50. d. adventure 51. b. as 52. c. cover53. a. packing 54. d. making 55. b. missed 56. c. correct 57. b. improved 58. a. well 59. c. cruel 60. b. recognizable 61. b. treason 62. d. objects 63. a. Count 64. b. cruel65. b. system


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b) Find the mistake in each of the following ………… : Page : 326

Mistake Correction Mistake Correction1- for on 2- adventuro


3- publicized published 4- at to 5- envy envious 6- religion religious 7- good bad 8- fiancé fiancée9- accusation accusers 10-healthy wealthy11- recognize recognition 12-survivors victims 13-envious enviable 14-visible hidden 15-charitable treasonable 16- regard regret17-on from 18-avenge revenge 19-pilot captain 20- lock keep21-poor wealthy 22-novelist playwright 23- treasure treason 24-political financial25-kind cruel 26-Lord Count 27- rewarded punished 28- recognitio

n recognize

29-diplomat professor 30-about upExercises based on Grammar

A) Choose the correct answer from a , b , c or d : Page : 328 1. c. had

arrived2. b. had

been 3.d. had been

watching 4. c. had

gone 5. c. had

spent6. d. had

been traveling

7.b. didn't 8. c. had lost

9. c. had been looking

10. c. had been

11. b. had been eating

12. a . had been baking

13. a. hadn't had

14. d. had worked

15.had lost 16. a. cleaning

17. b. as soon as

18. c. comes 19.a. had revised

20. a. had planted

21. c. left 22. c. until 23.a. because 24. c. after25. a. because 26. b. went 27.because 28. d. had been

raining 29. b. hadn't seen 30. b. knewb) Find the mistake in each of the following …………: Page : 330 Mistake Correction Mistake Correction1- took had taken 2- eating eaten


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3- has had 4- has had5- writes wrote 6- has had7- have had 8- have had9- don't didn't 10-have had11-doesn't didn't 12- left had left13-have had 14-before until15- taking taken 16-finished finishing 17-when than 18-When On 19-had watered watered 20-have had 21-was had been 22-had sailed had been sailing 23-has had 24-when until 25-has had 26-won't didn't27-has had 28- locked locking 29-after when 30-have had

Exercises based on SB & WBA) Choose the correct answer : Page : 3321. a. assistants 2. d. playwrights 3. c. lecturer 4. b. object5. d. imprisonment 6. c. historical 7. b. finances 8. a. agreement9. b. had written 10. c. died 11. was known 12. d. had been

written13. c. checked 14. d. had been

looking15. c. had learnt 16. a. have dreamt

17. b. had lived 18. d. had worked 19. d. had been looking

20. a. had drunk

21. b. were 22. d. had been driving

23. a. of 24. of

25. d. to 26. b. for 27. b. from 28. d. from29. a.

recognisable30. b. accusers 31. c. enviable 32. c. envy

B. Find the mistake :Page : 334

Mistake Correction Mistake Correction1. for to 2. at for3. like as 4. true truth5. to about 6. accountant assistant7. imprison imprisonme

nt8. agreement argument

9. master servant 10. reward punishment11. has had 12. felt feeling13. at to 14. robbery treason15. History historical 16. novelist playwright


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17. economics politics 18. survivor victim19. acquisition accusation 20. recognisabl


Test 11A) Choose the correct answer from a , b , c or d : Page : 336 1.b. had spent

2.a. had done 3.c. diamond 4.d. victims

5.c. had been looking for

6.d. hidden 7.b. didn't 8.d. wealthy

9.d. regret 10.c. had been trying 11.c. had found

12.a. from

13.c. had eaten

14.a. treason 15.d. had been feeling

16.c. for

b) Find the mistake in each of the following ……… : Page : 337

Mistake Correction Mistake Correction1- enviable envious 2- has had3- has had 4- tenant owner5- has had 6- fiancé fiancée

5) Read the passage , then answer the questions : A) Give short answers :

1. Her voice was amazing . It had strength and power and great beauty and it appealed to everyone .

2. Kings and princes flew home to listen . Politicians never made speeches during one of Om Kulthoum's Thursday concerts .

3. She gave a monthly concert , which took place on the first Thursday of the month .

B) Choose the correct answer : 4. c. 1935 5. c. approximately 6) Read the passage, then answer the questions:

A) Give short answers :1.Two weeks is the suggested period of loan .2.The book to be borrowed is stamped two weeks in advance .3.The librarian can obtain a list of staff and pupils from the school

office or personnel department . B) Choose the correct answer : 4. c. fine 5. a. showing

9. a. Translate into Arabic :


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التكيف علي قدرتي هي اآلخرين عن تميزني التي الخصائص أحد من يرجع هذا و ، الجديدة المواقف في الراحة و بالمرونة أتميز فأني ،

. األجنبية الدول في معيشتي نتيجة الكبيرة لخبرتيb. Translate into English :

1.We must treasure every drop of water and look for new water supplies.

2.The national programme of education aims at preparing a creative generation able to face the future challenges .

Unit 12)Exercises based on Vocabulary

A) Choose the correct answer from a , b , c or d : Page : 347

1. b. distinctive 2. c. fireworks 3. a. landmark 4. c. spring5. d. position 6. b. celebrate 7. d. drums 8. c. various9. a. style 10.b. procession 11.c. protect 12.d. instruments

13.a. about 14.d. responsibility15.b. up 16.a. Oud17.c. benefits 18.d. with 19.a. irresponsible 20.c. for 21.d. variety 22.evolution 23.D. charitable 24.food25.d. models 26.a. out 27. d. hitting 28.b. on 29.a. mark 30.c. open 31.b. influenced 32.a. physically33.b. eggs 34.c. recognize 35.d. Stressed 36. a. activities 37.c. individual 38.a. to 39.b. for 40.c clean41.d. oral 42.a. unusual 43.d. cheer 44.b. therapy45.d traditional 46.a. sleep 47. b. historical 48.a. from 49.c. describe 50.d. culture 51.c. harvest 52.a. festivals 53. b. sculptures 54.b. down 55.a. capitals 56.d. in 57.b. popular 58.a. Modern 59.b. drummer 60.d. sticks 61.d. drum 62.d. landmarks63.b. varies 64.d. harvest65.b. mentalb) Find the mistake in each of the following ……… : Page : 351Mistake Correction Mistake Correction

1. brigades works 2. up out 3. money food 4. clearly distinctive5. evoked evolved 6. modern traditional 7. done played 8. remarks marks 9. oranges eggs 10. landslide landmark

11. of from 12. tools instruments13. accidents incidents 14. rare common15. like unlike 16. dry open 17. historic historical 18. quoted influenced 19. Bring Bear 20. processor procession


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21. out up 22. for at 23. up through 24. various varies25. for to 26. impossible possible 27. responsible responsibility 28. off down 29. ignores celebrates 30. watering harvesting

A) Choose the correct answer from a , b , c or d : Page : 355 1. c. working 2. a. becoming 3. a. mailing 4. c. smoking 5. d. ironing 6. b. to be

decorated7. a. going 8. c. to do

9. d. to pick up 10. a. going 11. d. staying 12. b. seeing 13. c. to accept 14. b. to tell 15. a. ringing 16. c. to put 17. d. to working 18. c. to buy 19. b. to give 20. d. wearing 21. b. playing 22. d . to win 23. a. smoking 24. c. to win 25. b. answering 26. d. to learn 27. c. lying 28. a. to lie 29. b. reading 30. c. to write 31. d to fly 32. b. going 33. c. playing 34. c. going 35. b. demolishing 36. d. playing 37. d. to persuade38. b. to say 39. a. to eat 40. c. to have

b) Find the mistake in each of the following ……… : Page : 357

Mistake Correction Mistake Correction1- to do do 2- to lock locking 3- eat eating 4- walk walking 5- doing to do 6- signing to sign 7- giving to give 8- receive receiving 9- lending to lend 10- to have having 11- hit hitting 12- to borrow borrowing 13- walk walking 14- taking to take 15- to swim swimming 16- helping To help 17- change changing 18- travel traveling 19- lending lend 20- going to go 21- turn to turn 22- to go going 23- to go go 24- to

watching watching

25- doing to do 26- to missing


27- going to go 28- buying to buy29- attend attending 30- to sleep sleeping

Exercises based on SB & WBA) Choose the correct answer : Page : 3591. a. harvest 2. b. lasts 3. c. place 4. d. on


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5. a. marked 6. b. festival 7. c. Fireworks 8. d. position9. a. landmarks 10. b. celebrate 11. c. drums 12. d. procession13. a. looking 14. b. be 15. c. watching 16. d. to see17. a. going 18. a. to study 19. b. to work 20. b. to be21. c. getting 22. d. singing 23. a. to visit 24. b. to play25. b. to speak 26. a.

responsible27. d.

irresponsible28. c. evolution

29. a. variety 30. d. distinctionB. Find the mistake :

Page : 361Mistake Correction Mistake Correction

1. winning to win 2. to go going3. taking to take 4. to watch watching5. studying to study 6. picking to pick7. revise revising 8. helping to help9. feasts festivals 10. Different Local 11. pop folk 12. out down13. by with 14. going to go15. to going going 16. to travel travelling17. vary various

Test 12A) Choose the correct answer from a , b , c or d : Page : 363 1. c) to kill 2. d. to 3. c. trying 4. d.

responsibility5. b. going 6. b.

throwing 7. d. instruments

8. a. to enter

9. a. play 10. c. from 11. b. to buy 12. c. distinctive

13. a. losing

14. b. alive 15. d. to mail 16. d. common

b) Find the mistake in each of the following …………: Page : 364

Mistake Correction Mistake Correction1- at in 2- eat eating 3- to listen listening 4- distinction distinctive 5- meeting to meet 6- tools instruments

5) Read the passage, then answer the questions : A) Give short answers :

1. It is the dress her mother , or even her grandmother , wore at her wedding .


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2. Throw rice or very small pieces of paper (called confetti) over the couple .

3. She throws them up in the air .B) Choose the correct answer : 4. b. after 5. d.

holds6) Read the passage, then answer the questions: A) Give short answers :

1.In 1950 . 2.To change channels on the television or to turn on the music . 3.They were not wireless ; they were attached to the television

by a long cable . They were dangerous . B) Choose the correct answer : 4. a. five 5. c. different

9. a. Translate into Arabic : و المرض محاربة علي يساعدك فإنه دواء أفضل الضحك إن

إنه ، األلم من راحة أيضا / يزودك يعطيك و صحتك علي المحافظة. منه أنفسنا نحرم ال أن ينبغي لذا و البدني التدريب من نوع

b. Translate into English : 1. Protecting national heritage is laid upon the shoulders of both

government and individuals .2. The country / state has realized the importance of making

investments in giant national projects in Sinai Revision ( D )

Test based on units 10 , 11 & 12 A) Choose the correct answer from a , b , c or d : Page : 371

1. b. recognize 2. a. specialize 3. d. theories 4. c. celebrating 5. s. position 6. c. knew 7. a. had

worked 8. d. had been

playing 9. d. had

traveled10. b. to pass 11. d.

assistants12. b. argued

13. c. to read 14. c. had been raining

15. a. with 16. d. invisible

b) Find the mistake ……………………. correctly : Page : 372Mistake Correction Mistake Correction

1- of on 2- water soil3- to go going 4- prescribe describe 5- write would write 6- is was / were

5) Read the passage, then answer the questions : A) Give short answers :

1. they copied temples built by the ancient Egyptians .2. for the purpose of measuring time that it has survived with a

few changes until today. 3. a) preserve b) worship


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B) Choose the correct answer : 4. b) a modern 5. a) skilful

6) Read the passage, then answer the questions : A) Give short answers :

1.Since the early 1950s .2.Most flowers are grown in special glass houses, where the

temperature can be controlled .3.Twelve thousand different flowers and plants are grown in

Holland . B) Choose the correct answer : 4. c. Because growers share information with each other. 5.

a) By road 9. a. Translate into Arabic :

التي الثقافية الثورة أثناء الصين في الدينية التقاليد توقفت تسعمائة و الف الي ستون و وست تسعمائة و الف من استمرت

أسماء أمام آخري مرة الركوع في الناس بدأ لكن و سبعون و وست السنة رأس عيد في الثمانيات في أجدادهم .

1.Developing education and providing schools with modern science and language labs is the base of the modern country .

2.We should work hard to eliminate illiteracy and spread cultural , healthy and political awareness among different classes of people.

Unit 13Exercises based on Vocabulary

A) Choose the correct answer from a , b , c or d : Page : 382 1. d. charge 2. a. suitable 3. c. licence 4. b. encouraged5. d. personal 6. a. role 7. d. solo 8. c. degree9. b. positive 10.a. positively 11. c. licence 12.b. encouragement13. c. personality 14.a. personally 15. d. up 16.b. for 17.d. broke 18. a. flight 19.b. effective 20.d. charge21. b. position 22.d. impressive 23.a. nursing 24.a. grow 25.b. as 26. c. at 27. c. awarded 28.b. literature29.a. alone 30.d. record 31. c. wounded 32.d. wealthy33. c. get 34. a. by 35. c. aviation 36.b. made37.d. crash 38. a. on 39.b. founding 40. d. with 41. c. husband 42. . b. respected43.d. inspector 44.a. called45.a. respectable 46. c. for 47.d. introduced48.d. with 49.b. staff 50.a. assistant 51. c. taught 52.d. pharaoh53. c. abroad 54.b. coordinator 55. c. brave 56.b. appreciated 57.d. matters 58. c. miss 59.a. reeled 60.b. inspired 61. b. aviation 62. b. arguing 63. a. generously64. d. degree65. a. crash


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b) Find the mistake in each of the following : Page : 386Mistake Correction Mistake Correction1. prince queen 2. conferences meetings 3. on in 4. with by5. on in 6. in at 7. prove improve 8. literary literature9. navigation aviation 10. wound wounded 11. to with 12. complete make 13. damaged broke 14. suitable unsuitable 15. how why 16. duo solo17. pilot nurse 18. produced introduced19. remarks marks 20. made done 21. surely sure 22. armed army23. flash crash 24. did made 25. effectively effective 26. poems articles 27. approach appreciate 28. rewarded awarded 29. on for 30. crew staff

Exercises based on Grammar A) Choose the correct answer from a , b , c or d : Page : 389 1. c. which 2. b.

whose3. c. where 4. b. who

5. d. whose

6. c. who 7. a. whose 8. b. whose

9. b. which 10. a. where

11. c. which 12. a. that

13. b. that 14. d. who 15. b. who 16. b. which17. b. which 18. c. that 19. a. which 20. d.

where21. d. that 22. b.

where 23. b. where 24. c. who /

that25. a. which 26. d.

which 27. c. where 28. b. which

29. d. which 30. b. who b) Find the mistake in each of the following …………: Page : 391Mistake Correction Mistake Correction1. that which 2. who which 3. that who/ whom 4. where which 5. whose who 6. who which 7. which where 8. where which


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9. that who 10. whose who11. who whose 12. which where13. whom who 14. which who/ whom 15. her ....... 16. her .......... 17. which what 18. which that / who19. whom which 20. when which 21. which whose 22. that who 23. which who / whom 24. whom shoes25. which who 26. whose which 27. where which 28. who which29. where which 30. when which

Exercises based on SB & WBA) Choose the correct answer : Page : 3931. b. Personally 2. a.

encouraging3. d.

encouragement4. a. positively

5. c. Personality 6. c. whose 7. d. in which 8. b. who9. a. who 10. c. at which /

where11. d. who 12. c. in which

13. a. which 14. d. of 15. c. whose 16. d. who17. a. when 18. d. in which 19. b. where 20. b. to which21. a. in which 22. d. at which 23. b. by which 24. d. for

which25. a. who 26. c. which 27. a. where 28. c. whose29. a. which 30. c. licence 31. d. for 32. a. effective33. b. Nursing 34. a. as 35. c. impressive 36. b. doB. Find the mistake :

Page : 395Mistake Correction Mistake Correction

1. lonely solo 2. qualification licence3. flying flight 4. envious useful5. efficient effective 6. control charge7. who whom 8. actor actress9. of for 10. distant distance11. which whose 12. whose who13. like as 14. where who15. where which 16. public personal17. grade degree

Test 13A) Choose the correct answer from a , b , c or d : Page : 397 1. d. where 2. a which 3. d. which 4. b. positive


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5. c. who 6. a. with 7. d. which 8. b. effective9. b. who 10. a. who 11. d. joined 12. c. on time 13. c.


14. a. which

15. d. solo 16. b. that

b) Find the mistake ………………correctly : Page : 398Mistake CorrectionMistake Correction

1. that who 2. at with 3. charging charge 4. whose which 5. tax licence 6. wound wounded

5) Read the passage, then answer the questions : A) Give short answers :

1. They find that their eyesight gets worse, for example, if they look at the screen for too long.

2. Because they have changed some people's lives for the better.3. Stress.

B) Choose the correct answer : 4. b. A lack 5. c. three 6) Read the passage, then answer the questions:

A) Give short answers :1.Because they have those snapping jaws and lethal teeth .2.When explorers realised how valuable crocodile skin was, everything

changed. 3.Hunters risked their lives - and sometimes lost them - in order to

satisfy the world's demand for crocodile skin. B) Choose the correct answer : 4. c. save 5. a. worse

9. a. Translate into Arabic : ، الصناعة في والبادئة النامية الدول في العالم سكان معظم يعيش المدارس في لالستثمار الكافي المال لديهم ليس الدول وتلك

هي الدولية المنظمات من واالقتراض ، السريعة والطرق والمصانع. األموال علي لحصولها الطرق احدي

b. Translate into English : 1.Reclaiming deserts and changing them into cultivated land is a

must to achieve food sufficiency .2.Egypt has proved to the whole world that it's a peace-loving

country and anti-terrorism and violence .Unit 14

Exercises based on Vocabulary A) Choose the correct answer from a , b , c or d : Page : 409

1. a. excitement 2. d. as 3. d. conventional 4. b. regard 5. c. storytellers 6. a. bully 7. c. influential 8. d. funeral


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9. d. adventurous 10. c. in 11. a. spontaneity 12. c. out 13. b. spontaneous 14. b. lifestyle 15. c. enjoy 16. a. up 17. b. convention 18. c. retire 19. c. obvious 20. a. tell21. d. after 22. b. on 23. a. married 24. c. to 25. d. abroad 26. a. earn 27. d. routine 28. b. adventure29. b. personalities 30. c. on 31. d. destination 32. a. with 33. d. lead 34. b. national 35. a. published 36. d. for 37. c. graduating 38. a. colleagues 39. d. Watch 40. b. bored41. d. at 42. a. occupation 43. c. flowers 44. b. customers 45. c. traveling 46. b. missed 47. b. gradually 48. d. seventies 49. a. quiet 50. c. make 51. a. from 52. d. manager 53. a. company 54. c. from 55. d. gardens 56. b. lead 57. c. of 58. b. Grandparents 59. d. for 60. b. culture 61. c. funeral 62. b. spontaneity 63. a. With 64. c. missed65. c. wildb) Find the mistake …………………… correctly : Page : 413 Mistake Correction Mistake Correction

1. excited excitement 2. do make

3. regretted regarded 4. up on

5. experiments experiences 6. retired retirement

7. persist persuade 8. to with

9. unmarried married 10. on for

11. surprising surprised 12. for after

13. cultural culture 14. done made

15. journalism journalist 16. lose miss

17. personal personality 18. advertisement


19. seventeen seventies 20. influence influential

21. poet novelist 22. pull bully

23. exciting excited 24. aboard abroad

25. on in 26. interested interesting

27. to at 28. wedding funeral

29. adventure adventurous 30. destiny destination


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Exercises based on Grammar A) Choose the correct answer from a , b , c or d : Page : 4181.c. although 2.a. because 3.c. however 4.a. Although5. d. but 6.b. In addition

to 7.a.


8.b. Even if

9.d. having 10. a. Besides 11. b. does

12. a. but

13. d. so 14. a. because of

15. c. due to

16. d. because

17. b. because

18. d. Although

19. b. but 20. c. but

21. a. because 22. c. Although

23. a. so 24. d. Despite

25. c. so 26. a. because 27. b. Although

28. b. also

29. Although

30.b. are 31.a. both 32.c. too

33.b. either 34.d. could 35.c. so as to 36.a. such37.d. enough 38.a. too 39.a. Whatever 40.b. provided


b) Find the mistake ………………………correctly : Page : 420Mistake Correction Mistake Correction

1. because because of 2. but so

3. because of because 4. due to because

5. but however 6. in spite in spite of

7. however although 8. although because

9. so but 10. so but

11. however what ever 12. due to because

13. beside besides 14. else also

15. so but 16. but although

17. beside besides 18. though despite


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19. but although 20. despite although

21. but although 22. so but

23. despite although 24. however as

25. although but 26. so though

27. Although as 28. know knows

29. or and 30. so but

Exercises based on SB & WBA) Choose the correct answer : Page : 4231. a. cruel 2. b. for 3. c. regard 4. b. artists5. a. excitement 6. b.

influential7. c. bully 8. d. interested

9. b. tired 10. b. relaxed 11. c. because 12. c. amazing13. d. exciting 14. b. boring 15. b. Although 16. d. so17. a. Despite 18. b. On 19. c. Although 20. c. impressed21. a. Despite 22. b. While 23. c. but 24. d.

spontaneity25. d.

spontaneously26. c.

adventure27. b. convention

B. Find the mistake :Page : 424

Mistake Correction Mistake Correction1. Lifesystem lifestyle 2. wedding funeral3. graduate graduation 4. When On 5. After Before 6. get getting7. Though Despite 8. work working9. but because 10. as so11. However Despite 12. heard hearing13. Despite Although 14. convention conventiona

l15. adventure adventurou

s 16. recent conventiona

lTest 14

A) Choose the correct answer from a , b , c or d : Page : 426

1. d. because 2. a. funeral 3. c. due to 4. b. when 5. c. out 6. d.

conventional 7. b. so 8. d.

spontaneously 9. a. on 10. d. after 11. c. in 12. a.


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addition to because 13. c.

retirement 14. a.

lifestyle 15. b. while 16. d.

colleagues b) Find the mistake …………………………correctly : Page : 427Mistake Correction Mistake Correction

1. dresses leads / lives 2. retired retirement 3. so but 4. about out 5. because although 6. because because of

5) Read the passage, then answer the questions : A) Give short answers :

1. With six million visitors from all over the world .2. It has been listed as a World Heritage Site and it is colossal .3. Over 632 years .

B) Choose the correct answer : 4. d. extremely large 5. d. slightly6) Read the passage, then answer the questions:

A) Give short answers :1.I think it is more dangerous than we think .2.Is that it hides the user's identity. 3.This means that someone else can use your name and money any

way they please . B) Choose the correct answer : 4. d. cause 5. c. not keen on

9. a. Translate into Arabic : الوقت في لمصر كبيرة مشكلة شرعية الغير الهجرة اصبحت لقد

الظروف من الهروب المصريين من مئات يحاول حيث الراهن في احالمهم غرقت ولكن اوربا الي بالسفر الصعبة االقتصادية

البحر.b. Translate into English :

1.School has a great effect on the child as it provides him with necessary experiences to solve his problems .

2.Travelling abroad / overseas helps us to get acquainted with the cultures of other countries and their lifestyles .

Unit 15Exercises based on Vocabulary

A) Choose the correct answer from a , b , c or d : Page : 4371. b. bleach 2. d. soak 3. a. enthusiastic4. b. download5. c. screen 6. b. papyrus 7. a. gadget 8. d. available 9. a. paperback 10. d. logs 11.c. fortunately12.b. cheaper13.a. broken 14.c. to use 15.d. disks 16. b. soaked17.c. mixture 18.b. press 19.a. CD-ROMs 20.c. white


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21. d. put 22.b. hold 23.c. printing 24.d. recycled25.c. encyclopedia26.d. libraries 27. a. dry 28.b. up 29.a. with 30.c. no longer 31.b. rollers 32.d. reader33.a. imagine 34.b. online 35.c. made 36.d. Traditional 37.a. a bestseller 38.d. enthusiast 39.a. often 40.b. dry 41.c. first 42.c. invented 43.d. water 44. d. grass 45.b. from 46.d. printing 47.b. replace 48.d. from 49.c. expensive 50. a. to 51.c. grows 52.d. invention 53. c. for 54.b. handle 55.a process 56.a. on 57.b. reduce 58.d. access 59.a. smooth 60.c. on 61.b. screened 62.b. enthusiastic 63. . gadgets 64.d. paper65.a. smoothb) Find the mistake …………………… correctly : Page : 441

mistake correction mistake correction

1. cold hot 2. place replace

3. done made 4. cheap expensive

5. keyboard screen 6. valid available

7. private public 8. on with

9. doing making 10. short down

11. complex complicated 12. recycling recycled

13. soap soak 14. e-mail book

15. overload download 16. increased cheap

17. electric electronic 18. on about

19. metal wood 20. fold hold

21. paperwork paperback 22. much little

23. magazines books 24. preserve press

25. silk cotton 26. roots leaves

27. mixer mixture 28. green white

29. to for 30. references encyclopedias

Exercises based on Grammar A) Choose the correct answer from a , b , c or d : Page : 443

1. c. will be done 2. a. replaced 3. d. will 4. d. will


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5. c. created 6. a . by 7. c. published 8.d. will have been saved

9. a. will 10. d. will be produced

11. c. will raise

12. b. will have finished

13. c. will have been repaid

14. b. will have published

15. b. will have written

16. a. will have been harvested

17. d. will have been built

18. a. will be read

19. c. will have been made

20. b. will be delivered

21. c. will have finished

22. a. will perform

23. c. will be discussed

24. c. will be reclaimed

25. b. will have been built

26. b. will be eliminated

27. b. will be made

28. c. will have heard

29. d. won't be repaired 30. b. will use

b) Find the mistake ……………………correctly : Page : 445 Mistake Correction Mistake Correction

1.finishing finished 2.be passed pass

3.be have 4.have been have

5.have collected collect 6.building built

7.had have 8.travelled have travelled

9.finish have finished 10.doing done

11.will be will have found 12.finish have finished

13.have been have 14.be sending will send

15.have lent will lend 16.be finishing have finished

17.changed change 18.finishing finished

19.buying bought 20.have been have

21.be getting get 22. leave have left

23.have visited visit 24.have been have

25.have been be 26.have been have


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27.been be 28.have begun begin

29.be finishing have finished 30.eat have eaten

Exercises based on SB & WBA) Choose the correct answer : Page : 4471. a. turn 2. b. for 3. c. available 4. d. download5. a. afford 6. d.

enthusiasm7. a. availability 8. b. gadget

9. d. enthusiastic

10. c. screen 11. a. e-book 12. b. paperback

13. c. enthusiast 14. d. unavailable

15. c. be published

16. d. be read

17. d. have been saved

18. a. will be made

19. b. have heard 20. b. will use

21. a. soak 22. b. mixture 23. b. bleach 24. d. CD-ROMs25. c. is hoped 26. a. be

adapted27. b. announce

28. d. be downloaded 29. a. EncyclopediaB. Find the mistake :

Page : 449Mistake Correction Mistake Correction

1. upload download 2. offer afford3. replace be replaced 4. replaced replace5. adapt adapted 6. hopes is hoped7. be have been 8. knock be knocked9. find found 10. generate be

generated11. fold hold 12. recharged recycled

Test 15A) Choose the correct answer from a , b , c or d : Page : 451 1. b. publisher 2.d. papyrus 3.c. write 4. a. out 5. d. will you have

done 6.c. soaked 7. d. saves 8.a. 'll take

9.d. will be delivered

10. d. grass 11. b. recycled

12. a. be

13. b. will make 14. c. will you have saved

15. b. will feel

16. d. make

b) Find the mistake ……………………correctly : Page : 452Mistake Correction Mistake Correction


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1. mixer mixture 2. announce announced3. replaced recycled 4. been be 5. bleach soak 6. generating generated

5) Read the passage, then answer the questions : A) Give short answers :

1. He hoped to travel in space . 2. For a payment of $ 20 million .

3. The National Aeronautics and Space Administration .B) Choose the correct answer : 4. b. 60 5. a.

astronaut 6) Read the passage, then answer the questions:

A) Give short answers :1.Clothing was needed for protection from the weather and perhaps

from injury while hunting. 2.No , because wearing for decoration is a less practical reason .3.Today experts say that clothing is a kind of language. B) Choose the correct answer : 4. d. completely 5. b. different from

9. a. Translate into Arabic : و صعوبة أكثر حياتنا جعلت قد اآللية الحاسبات أن الناس بعض يعتقد ألنها و ، العصرية الحياة إيقاع سرعت فلقد ، محددة ألسباب تعقيدا و االستمرارية لمجرد أيضا بسرعة نتحرك أن فعلينا األداء سريعة

. المستوي علي المحافظةb. Translate into English :

1.Swine Flu is one of the dangerous epidemics which threaten today's world .

2.Literature has a prominent role in criticizing the society and instilling values into the hearts of youth .

Revision ( E )Test based on units 13 , 14 & 15

A) Choose the correct answer from a , b , c or d : Page : 457

1. c. encouraged

2. b. licence 3. a. conventional

4. d. screen

5. b. paperback 6. d. who 7. b. where 8. c. because9. d. although 10. c.

repaired11. b. on 12. c. literature

13. a. bored 14. d. sharing

15. a. Despite

16. b. will be produced

b) Find the mistake ……………………correctly : Mistake Correction Mistake Correction


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1. energy energetic 2. expired inspired

3. reward award 4. tell told

5. have have been 6. hear hearing

5) Read the passage, then answer the questions : A) Give short answers :

1. He borrowed books and hewas given books as presents .2. He examined it carefully and looked at the pictures .3. Once he started to read a book , he could not stop .

B) Choose the correct answer : 4. b- Library books did not cost money .5. a- Because he had been honest .

6) Read the passage, then answer the questions : A) Give short answers :

1.Motorists will get instant access to data without having to take their hands off the steering wheel.

2.The new form of in-car communication . 3.within five years B) Choose the correct answer : 4. b. tell 5. c. Motorola

9. a. Translate into Arabic : في الورق صناعة كيفية الصين مع تاجروا الذين العرب الرحالة تعلم

ألنه البداية في جدا مكلفة الورق صناعة كانت فقد ، الثامن القرن لذلك و الخشب من تصنيعه تم بعد فيما لكن و القطن من يصنع كان. رخيصا أصبح و تكلفته قلت

1.We must make our public and private schools more attractive to achieve the utmost benefit of it .

2.Money should be spent on necessities such as food , clothing and shelter.

Unit (16)Exercises based on vocabulary

A) Choose the correct answer from a , b , c or d : Page : 468

1. d.qualifications

2. c. for 3.b.representatives

4. b. qualities

5. c. CV 6. c. fluent

7.d. hold 8. a. skills

9. c. pass 10. a. date 11. d. smart12. c.

temporary 13. b. in 14.a. accountant 15. b. for

16. c. modules

17. under 18. conscientious

19. c. pharmacy


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20. b. trainee

21. d. skilful 22. a. do 23. b. neighbourly

24. d. fluently

25. c. achieved

26. a. high 27. a. neigbbour

28. d. Far 29. b. academic

30. a. prefer 31. c. for

32. d. captain

33. c. grade 34. c. in 35. finance

36. d. personal

37. c. for 38. a. organized

39. c. sociable

40. b. well-established

41. d. CV 42. d. neigbourhood

43. d. achievement

44. a. meeting

45. c. promote 46. d. MSC 47. c. salary

48. a. graduate

49. b. grade 50. d. career 51. c. develop

52. d. charities

53. c. IT 54. d. sports 55. b. like

56. b. ambitions

57. d. leadership

58. d. offered 59. b. education

60. c. smartly

61.d. promoting 62.b. degree 63.a. sociable

64.c. spare 65.c. historyb) Find the mistake ……………………correctly : Page : 472Mistake Correction Mistake Correction

1. social sociable 2. neighbourly neighbouring

3. trainer trainee 4. experiment experience

5. ambitious ambition 6. conscious conscientious

7. in for 8. affluent fluent

9. interested interests 10. organizer


11. at for 12. do make

13. pilot captain / crew 14. carefree career

15. agency agent 16. on with

17. mark grade 18. charitable


19. MSC PHD 20. for to


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21. earned gained 22. establishing


23. presenter representative 24. driver driving

25. excess access 26. repulsion


27. to for 28. PHD CV

29. projected promoted 30. contract contact

Exercises based on Grammar A) Choose the correct answer from a , b , c or d : Page : 473

1.b. told 2.d. reminded 3.b. could buy 4.d. had5.a. denied 6.c. admitted 7.b. if 8.a. asked9.d. to lend 10. complaine

d11. b.


12. d. agreed

13. c. might have 14. d. is 15.b. couldn't do 16. a. how long

17. a. would invent

18. c. how often

19.b. would leave

20. a. if

21. c. Frank to take

22. c. should be pulled down

23.a. told me about

24. d. me what to do

25. a. had found 26. d. had been

27.b. whether 28. d. not to

29. c. was going 30. a. said 31.a. wanted 32. b. had bee 33. d. should 34. c. on what 35.d. suggested 36. b. would 37. d. following 38. b. had to 39.c. invited 40. a.


b) Find the mistake ……………………….correctly : Page : 476Mistake Correction Mistake Correction

1. will would 2. is was3. has had 4. have had5. 'll phone 'd 6. asked told 7. was is 8. will would 9. do not not to 10. has had 11. us them 12. is was 13. can could 14. she

'll 'd

15. was had been 16. has asked


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had 17. told asked 18. has had 19. aske

d told 20. will would

21. when whether 22. is is 23. was is 24. ha

ve had

25. tomorrow

the next day 26. have

had to

27. last night

the night before 28. have


29. is was 30. saw

had seen

Exercises based on SB & WBA) Choose the correct answer : Page : 4781. b. sociable 2. b. applicants 3. c. established 4. d. pharmacy5. a. ambitious 6. b. CV 7. d. established 8. d.

qualifications9. a. on with 10. b. I had been 11. c. had 12. d. had been13. a. he had 14. c.

neighbours15. a. asked 16. c. fluently

17. a.neighbouring18. b. Fluency 19. c. achieved 20. c. module21. a. skilful 22. a. he had

been23. b. whether 24. c. had

25. b. I had beenB. Find the mistake :

Page : 479Mistake Correction Mistake Correction

1. applicant applicant 2. BA CV3. module module 4. trainer trainee5. to for 6. for to7. established organised 8. conscientiousl


9. want wanted 10. will would11. BSc BA 12. Transfer Technology

Test 16A) Choose the correct answer from a , b , c or d : Page : 481

1. a. ambitious

2. b. he could find

3. d. might 4. b. could

5. c. 6. c. whether 7. d. 8. a. applicants


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established pharmacy9. d. CV 10. a. not to 11. c. the

store opens 12. a. I was

employed 13. b.

sociable 14. a. if I

would 15. d.

fluent 16. d. well-

organized b) Find the mistake ……………………correctly : Page : 482Mistake Correction Mistake Correction

1. loves loved 2. smart smartly3. haven't hadn't 4. grade degree5. can could 6. passport licence

5) Read the passage, then answer the questions : A) Give short answers :

1. Without this " background " knowledge , the information in newspaper reports , TV documentaries and so on would mean very little to me .

2. That school is boring and a waste of time .3. It helps to understand what is happening in the world around

us . B) Choose the correct answer :

4. c. bigger than it really is. 5. b. knowledgeable6) Read the passage, then answer the questions:

A) Give short answers :1.Because they are so warm. 2. In 1875 .1.They covered their feet with animal skins and leaves . B) Choose the correct answer : 2. a. Goodyear could make different things with rubber . 5. d.

save 9. a. Translate into Arabic :

و ، الجس»»دية اإلش»»ارات لغ»»ة مس»»تخدمة يبعضها غالبا الحيوانات تتصل فعلي ، ال»»وقت ط»»وال ) بمربيه»»ا ( المنزلي»»ة األليف»»ة الحيوانات تتصل / المزاجي»»ة الحال»»ة حس»»ب تزمج»»ر أو تخرخر القطط فإن المثال سبيل

. أيضا االتصال من نوع المواء يعد و ، لهم الشعورية

b. Translate into English : 1.The Egyptian youth dream of eliminating unemployment and

housing problems and taking part in political life .2.contamination of water results from dumping toxic and

dangerous substances into water .Unit 17

Exercises based on Vocabulary


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A) Choose the correct answer from a , b , c or d : Page : 493 1. c. depression 2. c. throw 3. b. treatment 4. a. success 5. c. stung 6. b. servant 7. d. pearl 8. a. Divers9. c. celebrity 10.c. steal 11. b. by 12.d. to 13.b. encouraged 14.a. valuable 15.c. Publicity 16.d. telling 17.c. not 18.d. intruding 19.c. advantage 20.c. forced 21.b. away 22. b.


23.b. persuaded 24.a. dive

25.c. greedy 26.d. scorpions 27.b. for 28.a. cried 29.a. persuasion 30.do 31.c. stinging 32.d. persuasive 33.b. wealthy 34.c. buried 35.b. cure 36.b. trick37.d. about 38.c. plan 39.d. poor 40.c. merchant 41.d. trick 42.b. diver 43.a. bigger 44.c. guns 45.d. late 46.b. burying 47.b. on 48.c. private 49.d. badly 50.c. for 51.b. High 52.b. sell 53.d. on 54.c. avoid 55.a. treated 56.b. to 57.d. cave 58.b. destroy 59.c. evil 60.b. refused 61.d. evil 62.d. greedy 63.a. well-being 64.d. correspondent65.b. shelterb) Find the mistake …………………correctly : Page : 497Mistake Correction Mistake Correction

1. heal treat / cure 2. with by 3. off for 4. tricky tricks 5. greed greedy 6. diving diver7. swallowed stung 8. rob steal 9. pretend persuade 10. from of 11. wealthy wealth 12. up away 13. influence influential 14. measurement treatment 15. of for 16. introduce intrude 17. correspondence correspondent 18. pebble pearl 19. persuasion persuasive 20. minute big/ huge 21. merits demerits 22. wealthy wealth 23. attracted attacked 24. merchandise merchant 25. on into 26. publicly publicity 27. civic civil 28. percussion depression 29. special private 30. say tell

Exercises based on Grammar A) Choose the correct answer from a , b , c or d : Page : 499


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1. c. invited 2. b. not to be 3. a. forced 4. c. told 5. c. helped 6. a. to be 7. a. taught 8. b. working 9. b. to attack 10. a. to be 11. d. warned 12. b. to have 13. c. to ride 14. b. to swim 15. a. to abandon 16. d. reminded 17. c. not to 18. c. to talk 19. c. to help 20. b. expect

b) Find the mistake ………………………correctly : Page : 500Mistake Correction Mistake Correction

1. being to be 2. doing to do 3. seeing to see 4. traveling travel 5. swimming to swim 6. not going not to go 7. smoking smoke 8. doing to do 9. phoned to phone 10. washing to wash 11. staying to stay 12. to stay staying 13. coming come 14. keeping to keep 15. seeing see 16. paying to pay 17. doing to do 18. to buy buying 19. to eat eating 20. concentrate to

concentrateExercises based on SB & WB

A) Choose the correct answer : Page : 5011. d.

correspondents2. a. pearl 3. b. Divers 4. c. celebrity

5. a. depression 6. d. to read 7. c. to become 8. d. to think9. a. to leave 10. a. stung 11. b. to arrive 12. c. to have13. d. dive 14. c. attack 15. b. do 16. c. persuaded17. a. scorpions 18. b. away 19. c. persuasion 20. d. greedy21. c. reason 22. b. stingingB. Find the mistake :

Page : 503Mistake Correction Mistake Correction

1. writer correspondent

2. poet celebrity

3. Political economic 4. driver diver5. Shyness publicity 6. wood pearl7. phone to phone 8. work to work9. being be 10. helping to help11. Marshal merchant 12. persuasion persuasive

Test 17A) Choose the correct answer from a , b , c or d : Page : 505


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1. d. for 2. b. not to 3. d. about 4. b. to 5. b. of 6. c. traveling 7. c. to read 8. a. warned 9. a. treat 10.b. to play 11.a. greed 12.d. a chance13.c. encouraged 14.d. away 15.d. to arrive 16.a. taking b) Find the mistake ………………correctly : Page : 506Mistake Correction Mistake Correction1. civilized civil 2. having to have 3. swims dives 4. studying to study 5. depressing depression 6. done do

5) Read the passage, then answer the questions : P. 483 A) Give short answers :

1. Oscars are very important because people want to see films that have won them .

2. There is an Oscar for the best film of the year , another for the best actor , and Oscars for doing many other things well in films .

3. Because the prize Margaret Herrick saw on the table looks like her friend Oscar.

B) Choose the correct answer : 4. d. 1931 5. d. all mentioned

6) Read the passage, then answer the questions: A) Give short answers :

1.Since 1980 the sea wasp has killed about 80 people in Australia.

2.The sea wasp is a kind of jellyfish .3.Children . B) Choose the correct answer : 4. b. few 5. a. hard

9. a. Translate into Arabic : لدرجة أعداده تتناقص الذي الحيوان هو للخطر المعرض الحيوان أن

يظهر لن منقرض الحيوان يصبح أن فبمجرد ، االنقراض من الخوف. االنقراض خطر من الحيوانات حماية ينبغي لذا ، آخري مرة

b. Translate into English : 1.Companies and factories promote their products via audio-visual

advertising.2.With international participation and under the supervision of the

government , ancient Alexandria library was rebuilt .Unit 18

Exercises based on Vocabulary A) Choose the correct answer from a , b , c or d : Page : 516 1. a. enrolled 2. c. qualified 3. b. rewarding 4. d. highly5. b. retire 6. a. department 7. a. enrolled 8. c. employ9. b. employable 10. d. promoted 11. a. doing 12. b. distance


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13. c. ideal 14. d. worthwhile 15. b. keep 16. b. Enrolment17. a. retiring 18. a. mature 19. b. similar 20. d. promotion 21. b. employer 22. b. better 23. d. degree 24. c. with 25. b. Technology 26. c. for 27. d. improve 28. a. qualifications 29. c. retirement 30. a. full 31. d. up 32. c. challenge33. b. appreciate34. a .joking 35. b. sensible 36. c. computer37. d. with 38. b. lifelong 39. d. provide 40. c. open 41. d. from 42. c. on 43. b. finished 44. b. doing 45. a. on 46. c. employment 47. d. e-mail 48. c. during 49. b. produce 50. d. object 51. b. increase52. a. anthem 53. c. staff 54. d. change 55. b. higher 56. c. different 57. d. with 58. d. place 59. b. busy 60. c. from 61. d. promoted 62. b. worthwhile 63. a. refuse 64. b. maturity65. a. employb) Find the mistake ………………correctly : Page : 520Mistake Correction Mistake Correction

1. provide provider 2. employers employees

3. employee employ 4. best better

5. qualified qualification 6. apartment department

7. employed employable 8. employed unemployed

9. promotion promote 10. work working

11. teach learn 12. coarse course

13. missed lost 14. prove provide

15. employer employee 16. proved improved

17. departure department 18. finances finance

19. refusing refuse 20. out up

21. rolled enrolled 22. opening Open

23. out up 24. C.B CV

25. appeal apply 26. idle ideal

27. making doing 28. maturity mature

29. unqualified qualified 30. get keep

A) Choose the correct answer from a , b , c or d : Page : 525


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1. d. can 2. a. 'd better 3. a. to have phoned

4. b. mustn't

5. b. could 6. b. mustn't 7. d. might 8. a. should 9. b. could 10. c. must 11. c. has to 12. d. couldn't 13. a. should 14. a. might 15. d.

needn't 16. d. can't be

17. a. must 18. b. should 19. c. couldn't

20. d. couldn't

21. a. was able to

22. d. must have rained

23. b. should have

24. c. must

25. b. had to 26. c. needn't 27. a. must 28. d. have to29. c. mustn't 30. c. have to

b) Find the mistake …………………………correctly : Page : 527Mistake Correction Mistake Correction1. Need Must 2. should shouldn't3. needn't have to 4. must hadn't5. can mustn't 6. should shouldn't7. must should 8. needn't mustn't9. mustn't shouldn't 10. watered water11. should can 12. must may13. can't must 14. not to

carry not carry

15. can't couldn't 16. is was17. can't can 18. allow allowed19. had have 20. needn't to don't need to21. may needn't 22. had have23. mustn't should 24. can can't25. has have 26. must needn't27. needn't must 28. should to should29. could was able to 30. mustn't must

Exercises based on SB & WBA) Choose the correct answer : Page : 5291. a. might 2. b. can 3. c. has to 4. d. need to5. a. should 6. c. must 7. c. ideal 8. d. enrolled9. a. similar 10. b. retraining 11. c. mature 12. d.

worthwhile13. a. rewarding 14. d.

employable15. b. employees 16. c. qualified

17. d. 18. a. promotion 19. b. employer 20. d. provide


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department21. a. keep up

B. Find the mistake :Page : 530

Mistake Correction Mistake Correction1. employed unemployed 2. employee employs3. promotion promote 4. provide provider5. qualities qualifications 6. High Highly

Test 18A) Choose the correct answer from a , b , c or d : Page : 531 1. d. for 2. a. should have 3. b. out 4. a. quit 5. a. worthwhile 6. a. have to 7. d. couldn't 8. b. enrolled 9. b. had better 10. b. Retired 11. d. should 12. b. employer13. d. mustn't 14. c. employee 15. a. needn't 16. a. qualified

Find the mistake ………………… correctly : P. 509Mistake Correction Mistake Correction1. should have to 2. confusion promotion 3. taking take 4. qualified qualification 5. needn't mustn't 6. suspect expect

5) Read the passage, then answer the questions : A) Give short answers :

1. They used to tie a ceramic crocodile, which was filled with herbs, to the head of the patient.

2. With leeches-small, black creatures that suck blood.3. Because they believed this would let the headache out.

B) Choose the correct answer : 4. b. animal 5. c. take in 6) Read the passage, then answer the questions:

A) Give short answers :1.Basketball is one of the most popular games in the world. It is a good

game for rich or poor . 2.By throwing the ball the most times through a high basket . 3.The ball had to be large and light . B) Choose the correct answer : 4. c. 1934 5. d. both sexes

9. a. Translate into Arabic : خليط علي الدول معظم في الطالب تحصيل مستوي تقيم اآلن يتم الناس بعض ويزعم ، العام نهاية امتحانات و المستمر التقويم من. المدارس في متدنية مستويات إلي يؤدي األسلوب هذا أن

b. Translate into English :


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1.We should improve ( enhance ) educational levels to face technological progress currently .

2.The government has promised to raise ( boost ) the minimum wages above the current inflation rate .

Revision FThe based on Units 16 .17 & 18

A) Choose the correct answer from a , b , c or d : Page : 536 1. a. fluent 2. d. persuade 3. b. employees 4. c. provides 5. c. if 6. b. him 7. c. can't 8. d. to go 9. a. have to 10.b. skills 11.d. to give up 12.c. had been doing 13.b. at 14.a. evil 15.b. must 16.a. sociable

Find the mistake …………………correctly : Mistake Correction Mistake Correction1. buying buy 2. sing sting

3. arriving to arrive 4. skilled skills

5. had I I had 6. applicable applicants

5) Read the passage, then answer the questions : A) Give short answers :

1. At 84 . 2. Because her father died suddenly and she had to go out to work to

help her mother pay the bills . 3. When her children left home .

B) Choose the correct answer : 4. c. She was very interested in studying . 5. a. She had to wait until her children were older .6) Read the passage, then answer the questions :

A) Give short answers :1.She devoted all of her time to others and never put her own needs

first.2.She never thought about the risks she was taking when looking after

people who were sick or dying.3.Her entire life was devoted to charity work. For example, in 1952 she

opened a centre in Calcutta for the terminally ill , where patients could be cared for and die with dignity . She also won many awards, including the Nobel Peace Prize in 1979 .

B) Choose the correct answer : 4. c. India 5. a. whole

9. a. Translate into Arabic : ما يتنبأن وأن يؤدنها التي األعمال في مهرة األفراد يكون أن يجب

يصبحوا لكي المستقبل في يحتاجونها أن يمكن التي المهارات


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الحياة مدي التعليم يساعد ، اليوم عالم ففي ، للعمل صالحين. عمرهم كان مهما المهارات تلك علي يحصلوا أن في الناس

1. It is certain that any attempt to spread violence and extremism in Egypt will come to a failure

2. Freedom is not to do what you like , but to respect the others' rights.