리딩팝 중학교 1학년

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리딩팝 중학교 1학년

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① (A) - (B) - (C)② (A) - (C) - (B)③ (B) - (A) - (C)④ (C) - (A) - (B)⑤ (C) - (B) - (A) 


① How to Lose Weight E�ectively ② Good E�ects of Banana Vinegar Diet③ �e Recipe for Banana Vinegar Diet④ How Actresses Lose Weight⑤ �e New Popular Diet: Banana Vinegar Diet 


① 바나나 식초 다이어트는 전 세계적으로 인기를 끌고 있다.② 바나나 식초 다이어트의 요리법은 쉽다.③ 많은 새로운 다이어트들이 생겨났다 사라지고 있다.④ 한 여배우의 이야기가 바나나 식초 다이어트의 인기 원인 중 하나이다.⑤ 바나나 식초 다이어트 음식은 전자레인지로 조리가 가능하다.



E ssential Grammar

6행moreandmore: 점점 더 많은 (형용사), 점점 더 많이 (부사)

-Moreandmore people are using the smart phone.

(점점 더 많은 사람들이 스마트폰을 사용하고 있다.)

-The number of students in the class is decreasing


(이 수업의 학생들 숫자는 점점 더 감소하고 있다.)

9행comeandgo: 오가다, 왕래하다

-Do not comeandgo with

a bad person.

(나쁜 사람과 어울리지 말아라.)

-You can comeandgo any time.

(너는 언제든 드나들 수 있어.)

Mini Test• Voca Check!

우리 말과 같은 뜻이 되도록 빈칸에 알맞은 말을 쓰시오.

그가 엄청난 인기를 얻었다는 것이 나에게는 이상한 일이다.It seems odd for me that he got much .

• Grammar Check!우리 말과 같은 뜻이 되도록 빈칸에 알맞은 말을 쓰시오.

집과 학교 사이를 오가는 것은 쉽지 않다.It is difficult to between home and school.

E nglish-English Dictionary

oddsomething that is different from


recipea set of direction for making food

refrigeratora thing in which food, drink, etc

are kept cool

odd [ɑd] 이상한 diet [dáiət] 식이요법 popularity [pɑpjəlærəti] 인기 talk about ~에 대해 이야기 하다 recipe [resəpìː] 조리법 cut A into B A를 B로(가 되도록) 자르다 microwave [máikrouweiv] 전자레인지 refrigerator [rifrídʒəreitəːr] 냉장고

(A) The recipe for this is easy. First cut the bananas into small pieces.

Next add equal parts vinegar and brown sugar. Then cook it in the

microwave for about 40 seconds. It will stay fresh in the refrigerator for

about two weeks.

(B) Odd and unique diets are constantly appearing. The banana

vinegar diet is a new diet that is becoming more and more popular in

Asia. Part of its popularity is because a famous actress told about losing

15 kg on a television talk show.

(C) New diets come and go and this banana vinegar diet might work

for some people.




★☆☆ 단어 수 103 독해시간 1.5m


리딩영어본문-1권(4교)-최.indd 10-11 2012-11-13 오후 4:38:32

Page 3: 리딩팝 중학교 1학년


Dear Linus,

I remember when I saw you for the first time. (a) It was autumn,

the first day of October. You moved into the house next door. (b) I

looked out of the window and saw you. You did not carry boxes into

the house. No. You sat on one reading a book. (c) I bought a book to

you yesterday. Then you looked up and saw me. (d) Your smile was

magical and gave me courage to speak with you. So I learned that you

are friendly and caring. (e) I’m so happy I met you. I love you. Do you

want to be my boyfriend?

Love, Jenny




Teen Life

02★☆☆ 단어 수 98 독해시간 1.5m


① 안부를 묻기 위해

② 부탁을 하기 위해

③ 축하를 하기 위해

④ 사랑 고백을 위해 ⑤ 이별을 하기 위해


① Jenny는 가을에 Linus를 처음 보았다.② Linus가 이사온 날은 10월 1일이다.③ Jenny는 Linus가 박스를 나르는 모습을 보았다.④ Jenny는 Linus의 미소로 용기를 받았다.⑤ Jenny는 Linus가 친절하고 배려가 깊다고 생각한다.


① (a) ② (b) ③ (c) ④ (d) ⑤ (e)


__________________________________________________. E ssential Grammar


수여동사 give는 4형식동사로 간접목적어와

직접목적어를 취한다. 다만 간접•직접목적어의

순서를 바꾸려면 전치사 to를 사용한다.

-He gavemealetter.

(그는 나에게 편지를 주었다.)

-He givesmeadvise regularly.

(그는 정기적으로 나에게 충고한다.)


주어가 3인칭 단수인 경우 does,

그 외의 경우는 do를 쓴다.

-Doyouknow this?

(너는 이것을 아니?)

-Doesheknow this?

(그가 이것을 아니?)

Mini Test• Voca Check!

우리 말과 같은 뜻이 되도록 빈칸에 알맞은 말을 쓰시오.

그런 일을 하기에는 나에게 아직 용기가 부족해.I’m lack of to do such a work.

• Grammar Check!다음 괄호 안에서 알맞은 것을 고르시오.

John은 네가 여기 있는 것을 알고 있니?(Does, Do) John know you are here?

E nglish-English Dictionary

friendlyto behave in a pleasant and kind



the quality that makes you take a

brave action

autumnthe season between summer and


for the first time 처음으로 autumn [ɔːtəm] 가을 look up 올려다보다, 찾아보다 friendly [frendli] 친근한, 우호

적인 caring [kέəriŋ] 신경 써주는 courage [kəːridʒ] 용기 magical [mædʒik-əl] 황홀한 carry A into B A를

B안으로 가져오다

리딩영어본문-1권(4교)-최.indd 12-13 2012-11-13 오후 4:39:00

Page 4: 리딩팝 중학교 1학년


When the winter school break is over, it’s time to go back to school,

except that you’ll be one grade higher and there will be new people

in your class. It’s important to have good friends so you have people

to talk with, do activities with, and generally to avoid loneliness. (①)

Making a good first impression is essential to making new friends. (②)

Don’t be shy and wait for people to talk to you. (③) Make an effort to

introduce yourself. (④) Being a good listener makes people want to

talk to you. (⑤) Don’t make fun of another student because they’re

different, even if other students do. Be sincere and be yourself and new

friends will come naturally to you.




03★★☆ 단어 수 132 독해시간 2m


① 외로움을 피할 수 있는 방법

② 새 학기에 필요한 준비물

③ 새로운 친구를 사귀는 방법

④ 새 학기 공부 적응 방법 ⑤ 새로운 친구를 사귀는 것의 어려움


But be sure not to be arrogant or talk too much.

① ② ③ ④ ⑤


① 누군가가 말을 걸 때까지 기다리지 않는다.② 자신을 소개하기 위해 노력한다.③ 자신을 소개할 때 많은 말을 할 필요가 있다. ④ 다르다는 이유로 누군가를 비웃으면 안 된다.⑤ 진실한 사람이 되도록 노력한다.


___________________________________________________. E ssential Grammar

1행Itistime+to부정사: ~를 할 시간이다

-Itistimetogo to bed.

(자러 갈 시간이다.)

-Itistimetofinish my homework.

(내 숙제를 끝낼 시간이다.)

Mini Test• Voca Check!

우리말과 같은 뜻이 되도록 빈칸에 알맞은 말을 쓰시오.

그는 항상 진실하다.He is always .

• Grammar Check!다음 괄호 안에서 알맞은 것을 고르시오.

학교에 정시에 도착하는 것은 중요하다.It is important (to be, being) on time at school.

E nglish-English Dictionary

arrogantbehaving in a proud and npleas

ant way towards other people


behaving and telling honestly

make fun ofto make unkind words or jokes

about somebody

generally [dʒenərəli] 일반적으로 avoid [əvɔid] ~을 피하다 loneliness [lóunlinis] 외로움 wait [weit] ~를 기

다리다 arrogant [ærəgənt] 거만한, 예의 없는 make fun of A A를 놀리다, 비웃다 sincere [sinsíəːr] 진실한

naturally [næʧərəli] 자연스레

3행Itisimportant+to부정사: ~하는 것은 중요하다

-Itis really important for us tofind the goal.

(우리가 목표를 찾는 것은 매우 중요하다.)

-Itisimportanttorealize how small we are.

(우리가 얼마나 작은 존재인지 깨닫는 것은 중요하다.)

Teen Life

리딩영어본문-1권(4교)-최.indd 14-15 2012-11-13 오후 4:39:30

Page 5: 리딩팝 중학교 1학년


① (A) – (B) – (C) ② (B) – (A) – (C)③ (B) – (C) – (A) ④ (C) – (A) – (B)⑤ (C) – (B) – (A)


① the di�erent characteristics of dogs and cats② the method to punish cat’s unwanted behavior③ the relationship between the owner and the pet④ the possibility to train cats and how to train them⑤ the importance of good experiences for cats


① It isn’t hard to �nd people training their dogs.② �ere are misbeliefs that people cannot train cats.③ When cats experience a good experience, they tries to repeat it.④ We should punish cats when they do bad things.⑤ A little snack can be a good reward for cats.


When you are training your cats, you should avoid giving them (A) but rather you should give them (B) such as tuna or cooked chickens.

(A) (B)① punishments - rewards② punishments - patience③ snacks - punishments④ rewards - punishments⑤ rewards - beliefs

E ssential Grammar

10행Itis(not)possible+to부정사: ~ 하는 것이 (불)가능하다

-Itis still possible for you tolose weight.

(네가 체중을 줄이는 것은 여전히 가능하다.)

-Itisnotpossibletotell the truth all the time.

(언제나 진실만을 말하는 것은 불가능하다.)

Mini Test• Voca Check!

우리말과 같은 뜻이 되도록 빈칸에 알맞은 말을 쓰시오.

이것은 원치 않던 결과였다.It was a(n) result.

• Grammar Check!다음 괄호 안에서 알맞은 것을 고르시오.

우리는 그가 이해하도록 도울 수 있다.We can help him (understand, understanding).

12행5형식동사help: 뒤에 목적어와 목적격보어가 온다.

이 때, 목적격보어 자리에는 to부정사나 동사원형이 올 수 있다.

-He helped his grandmother tostandup.

= He helped his grandmother standup.


(A) The most effective method of cat training is through rewards.

You should reward them for good behavior as often as possible. A

reward can be a little snack that your cat really likes, such as tuna or

small pieces of cooked chicken.

(B) Cats can’t read books or attend lectures. They learn by experience.

If the experience is good, they will try to repeat it. If the experience is

unpleasant, your cat will try to avoid it in the future. Still, punishment

doesn’t work with cats and should be avoided.

(C) Training dogs is very common. However, many people think

that it is not possible to train cats. But this is not true. Training cats

is harder but they can also learn certain things. Training your cat can

help you to prevent unwanted behavior like furniture scratching and

using your sofa instead of the litter box.

Be patient and you can change your cat’s behavior. Also, the

relationship between you and your cat will become better.







04 ★★☆ 단어 수 167 독해시간 2m English Only

L earn More



1. 배를 보이고 눕기

2. 꼬리를 세우며 다가오기

3. 얼굴과 몸을 부비기

4. 핥기

5. 규칙적인 목울림 소리

6. 앞발로 꾹꾹 누르기

7. 엉덩이 들이대기

E nglish-English Dictionary

trainto learn the skills that you need in

order to do something


not wanted, not needed

patientstaying calm and not getting

upset easily

train [trein] 훈련하다, 훈련시키다 certain [səːrtn] 확실한, 특정한 prevent A from B A가 B하는 것을 막다

unwanted [Λnwάntid] 원치 않는 furniture [fəːrniʧər] 가구 punishment [pʌniʃmənt] 재앙, 벌 method [meɵəd]

방법, 이론 patient [peiʃənt] 참을성 있는; 환자

리딩영어본문-1권(4교)-최.indd 16-17 2012-11-13 오후 4:40:06

Page 6: 리딩팝 중학교 1학년


① the joy of traveling ② the famous traveling destinations ③ several tips for preparing a trip ④ the destinations where Gulliver traveled ⑤ the importance of bringing cameras for traveling


① You have to check everything. ② Packing well is always essential. ③ A back up plan might be needed.④ Sandals is more preferable than shoes. ⑤ Do not forget your camera.


① �erefore ② On the other hand ③ Furthermore ④ In Conclusion ⑤ Otherwise

Diagram Choosethecorrectwordstofillintheblanks.

Pack check plan camera shoes

Mini Test• Voca Check!

우리말과 같은 뜻이 되도록 빈칸에 알맞은 말을 쓰시오.

다음 경기를 준비하자!Let’s get to the next match!

• Grammar Check!우리말과 같은 뜻이 되도록 빈칸에 알맞은 말을 쓰시오.

그녀는 사막을 건너는 동안 목이 말랐다.She felt thirsty she was passing the desert.

E nglish-English Dictionary

prepareto make something ready to do

what it is expected to do


to put clothes and other things

into a bag


to advise some to do something


Traveling to a new country is like going out onto an adventure. And

while you’re having fun, it’s always a good idea to be prepared for

what you might find there. Here are a few tips so you don’t end up like

Gulliver on your travels:

・�Check everything.

Check the weather, the culture, the exchange rate, etc. Be prepared.

・Pack well.

This may be difficult because you don’t always know what to

expect. For example, if you want to run with the bulls then I would

recommend shoes instead of sandals.

・Make a plan.

Spontaneity is great but nothing beats a backup plan.

Also, don’t forget to take a camera to document your adventure.

_________, who’ll believe you?✽spontaneity 즉흥적임






05 ★☆☆ 단어 수 121 독해시간 1.5mEnglish Only

A few tips





(3) Make a(n)


(4) Do not

forget your


travel [trævəl] 여행 prepare [pripɛər] 준비하다 be prepared for ~를 위해 준비된 end up 결국 ~로 끝나다

exchange rate 환율 pack [pæk] 짐을 싸다 recommend [rekəmend] 추천, 제안하다 instead [insted] ~대신

에 spontaneity [spɑntəníːəti] 자발적임, 자연스러움

E ssential Grammar

2행while: ~하는 동안에

-I felt hunger while I was running.

(나는 달리는 동안 배고픔을 느꼈다.)

-While I am out, be careful of the dog.

(내가 나가있는 동안 개를 조심해라.)



리딩영어본문-1권(4교)-최.indd 18-19 2012-11-13 오후 4:41:30

Page 7: 리딩팝 중학교 1학년



1. ____________ countries are trying to protect environment.

① Better and better ② More and more ③ Little and little ④ Worse and worse ⑤ Fewer and fewer

2. I _______(e)d my mother a birthday card.

① give ② let ③ have ④ teach⑤ rob

3. My roommate came in _____ I was dancing.

① who ② while ③ where ④ which ⑤ what

4. 다음 밑줄 친 부분이 어법상 틀린 것을 고르시오.

① It is important to exercise regularly.② Do your mom like pizza?③ I gave my sister a banana.④ People come and go on a busy street.⑤ It is di�cult for me to learn a new



5. He helped me doing my homework.

6. It is time to going to bed.

7. She gave to me a present.



8. 잠을 잘 자는 것은 아주 중요하다. (is, us, important, to, sleep, for, it, well)


9. 나는 요리를 하면서 행복했다. (I, was, happy, I, felt, while, cooking)


10. 그는 먼저 인사를 하니? (he, does, hello, �rst, say)



1. You should __________ it into two pieces.

① cut ② lose ③ become ④ work ⑤ slide

2. He _______(e)s his luggage into the house.

① carry ② learn③ switch ④ see ⑤ watch

3. Being ________ keeps us from making new friends.

① di�erent ② lonely ③ arrogant ④ essential ⑤ nice

4. 다음 빈칸에 공통으로 들어갈 말을 고르시오.

• Her _________ letter touched people’s heart.

• ________ attitude is important when talking to people.

① arrogant ② sincere ③ mean ④ indi�erent ⑤ cold-blooded


5. unwanted • •① season between summer and winter

6. sincere • •② behaving and telling honestly

7. autumn • •③ If you say something is _______, you mean that you don’t want it.


말을 보기 에서골라쓰시오.

보기 train certain punish prepare pack

8. I have never been _________(e)d before. (나는 벌을 받아 본 적이 없다.)

9. She would _______ her dog later. (그녀는 나중에 그녀의 강아지를 훈련시킬 것이다.)

10. My friend always ________(e)s for the unexpected situations. (내 친구는 만일의 상황에 항상 대비한다.)

GrammarReview Test Vocabulary

리딩영어본문-1권(4교)-최.indd 20-21 2012-11-13 오후 4:41:33

Page 8: 리딩팝 중학교 1학년