3967321 .". ' -i ^H •••.I < ' ^ ^ ^ i < v .. ?. «.• x z?r. ?wv~xv\T®zxm •• ;'.i! '•• ^^H Sl'ATE OF MONTANA,)^ '•• ^ H COUNTY OF HILL T' . H | our DEC2 31963 | H 'vu ' ^l^^l ' .Fee:$2.00 pd. •«* |. "^H '• ' • •• *-^ . _ ^B.

^B.mediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/hill/T33N_R10E_THRU_… · ^^^^B GW4 Apriuvcd Si.xk Form—Simc PuMnluiit Co.. Helen*. Monlim-«13?8 ilfijjll 3 I H Pile No T....3

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Page 1: ^B.mediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/hill/T33N_R10E_THRU_… · ^^^^B GW4 Apriuvcd Si.xk Form—Simc PuMnluiit Co.. Helen*. Monlim-«13?8 ilfijjll 3 I H Pile No T....3

3967321 • .". ' -i • ^ H• • • . I < ' ^ ^ ^ i

<v.. ?. «.• xz?r. ?wv~xv\T®zxm •• ; ' . i ! '•• ^ H

Sl'ATE OF MONTANA,)^ • '•• ^ H


our DEC2 31963 • | H

'vu • ' ^ l ^ ^ l

' .Fee:$2.00 pd. •«* |. " ^ H

'• ' • • •

*- . _ ^B.

Page 2: ^B.mediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/hill/T33N_R10E_THRU_… · ^^^^B GW4 Apriuvcd Si.xk Form—Simc PuMnluiit Co.. Helen*. Monlim-«13?8 ilfijjll 3 I H Pile No T....3

BflHH G X Approved Slock Form—Suite Publishing Co.. Helena, Montana—41338 c { § ^ ^ 3 / / ^ ^ ^ ^ |

HH File NO. T....?.? Jl:..R.._..1?.E>iy!L*... B B B I«HH| " ' HHHtj^H DUPLICATE County. ^ ^ H^ ^ H STATE OF MONTANA ^ ^ B^ ^ B ADMINISTRATOR OF GROUNDWATER CODE & • •^^D OFFICE OF STATE ENGINEER • ^ ^ B

^ H ••• ' ^ E I^ H Declaration of Vested Groundwater Rights H | |^ ^ H (Under Chapter 237, Montana Session Laws, 1961) fl^H^ H 1 Anna M. Breidal o£ Hlngham, Montana ^ H^ ^ H (Name of Appropriator} ' (Address) , (Town) ^ ^ ^ |

B County o£.......Hill..... ...:................. State of.I........H?ntana ( > _ H^ B ^ B have appropriated groundwater according to the Montana laws in effect prior to January 1, 1962, as follows: B^BM

^^ft N ^ H^BJBT i ' i j ! ' 2. The beneficial use on which the claim is based .„_?.„.„.„.". ^ ^ ^ BB ^ H -—; j ;-— ; i J-— l*Y£StOf:k ^BH,.M^HJ , , , I i g Date or approximate date of earliest beneficial use; and how con- ^ ^ ^ H• H ....:...j....:.... | . . . . i_!. . . . tinuous the use has been-J^*6SLJ»JKLlSi*l_H* • •' ^H i : : : i I .._S9.nt.iHSSHSJy...thS5S.ftJ.sS5 ^ H |^ ^ ^ H W 1 • • \ 1 1 E ^ ^ ^ ^ |^ ^ ^ H ; : ; ; ; 4 The amount of groundwatcr claimed (in miner's inches or gallons ^ ^ ^ H

^ H ....: ;.„..; i....i.....j.... per iniBnto)^S^i5LK3^M_.SSiLJ!i2™*2 ^ B

^ ^ ^ B : '• '• ; \* I 5. If used for irrigation, give the acreage and description of the lands ^ ^ ^ H^ ^ ^ H s to irhich water has been applied and name of the owner thereof ^ ^ ^ H

'^^^^H^^| Q1? 1 / C n n O TV O*H T? 1 ft . . . . , . • . . . . . . . . * . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ^^^^^^^B^ ^ ^ ^ H £tEi. .%i O C C . — « . . X..KAU. 14....JLU * ^ ^ ^ ^ H

^ ^ ^ | Indicate point of appropriation i ^^^H^ ^ ^ H and plnce of use, if possible. „„ , , , , , . , , , , , . ^ ^ ^ H^^M Each smaU square represents 10 6- The means of withdrawing such water from the eronndand the ^ H B^^^m acres. location of each well or other means of withdrawal..?.*.. . P r _ ? * n H ^ H^ ^ H SEjSE* Sec.2-T.33N.,R.10E.U.M. about 20 rods ^H)^H nort'E °'*'"tss"•Sf6uth""sSctIon""TIi5B'"a'nia""50~«»(aBi wesi I H^H "6f •"tKe-BaTSf "BeetTcra-i-tn-e"; ^Hi^ H H | 7. The date of commencement and completion of the construction of the well, wells, or other works xjr with- ^ Bfl^ ^ B drawal of groundwater .J.n...1iha..XftaS...3.Sl2. ^Hfl^ H 8. The depth of water table .Abqut..l8p...|oet..deefi HB^ H 9. So far as it may be available, the type, size and depth of each well or theigeneral.specifications of any other R ^ H• H works for tha withdrawal of groundwater S3^JSU.ja^AjJ£»S$j8MJ!J .JH!ffi 1 H

^ H | attaraed _ I^H

<fR 10. The estimated amount of groundwater withdrawn each year 9 M S £ * ^ ? J 8 ? ! ! H 5 ! ^ ^ ^ B

^ m 11. The log of formations encountered in the drilling of each well if available Not...?.Y.?M?b.i?. H ^ H

^ ^ H | 12. Such other information of a similar nature a« may be^useful in carrying out the policy of this act, including ^ ^ ^ B•^B reference to book and pnge of any county record .?.?.?.?. ^ • ^ H

H Signature of 0 w ^ 2 ± T ! & > f ^ 2 ! ^ H

^ H Date .P.®£?B^?f. }•?.' }.9.<i3 HHH |HH ^ H Three copies to be filed by the owner with the County Clerk and Recorder of the county in which the well is ^ H ^ HH H H located. JH^HJ

B^^H Please answer all questioas. If not applicable, so state, otherwise the form will be returned. ^ H ^ H

B^HJ Original to the County Clerk and Recorder; duplicate to the State Engineer; Triplicate to the Montana Bureau B^BR• • B of Mines and Geology, and Quadruplicate for the Appropriator. •iX'/1 fl^^H

Page 3: ^B.mediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/hill/T33N_R10E_THRU_… · ^^^^B GW4 Apriuvcd Si.xk Form—Simc PuMnluiit Co.. Helen*. Monlim-«13?8 ilfijjll 3 I H Pile No T....3

I "—1

^ ^ 1 T° - 1


I ! "BES^' \M i^^?t«i25? • ;.:_, I

^ ^ B Fee:-fc.00 pd. • I

Page 4: ^B.mediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/hill/T33N_R10E_THRU_… · ^^^^B GW4 Apriuvcd Si.xk Form—Simc PuMnluiit Co.. Helen*. Monlim-«13?8 ilfijjll 3 I H Pile No T....3

I Gwjf TH? ." <? ROE \ L J c ^ HE FUE NO. COUNT* • •• STATE OF MONTANA ! r ' ^ "* ~• n ^ - ~ r—>. ^ H• • ADMINISTRATOR OF GROUNDWATER COIE , . • •• OFFICE OF STATE ENGINEER [_, ' • \ j ^M


I / ( U n d e r C W t e r 2 3 7 , Mon tana S e s s i o n l a w s , 1 9 6 l ) ^ ~ v. - / ? . . . . _ ^ H

I i. p^^)/-/^-^^^i^ri^x. *? @»X &7T- $£tv^rkakv\"'-"u HI (Name of Appropria^ori^/ (Address ^ - / - — / (Town) ^ H• County of *j/fs4J/u ,State of y y W a ^ M / __ ^ HI Have appropriated groundwater according to the Montana laws in effect prior to Jan. ^^HI • 1, 1962 as follows: ^ H

I N 2. Thj^beneficial use/m which tiie cl^im is based ^ HI • i t i l ij*/-/ffWit TA r£?yCixtyaSlM- A.- /ry.'2je.J. ^ H

I 3. Date or approximate date of earliest beneficial ^ ^ BI use; and kow. continuous the use has hntm /f^t, HB

I w . J E ^ 7 H| _ k. The amount of groundwater claimed (dn miner's ^ K dH j. , inches or gallons ner minute) f^Jj~t>-<x.y7 ^ H• I i „ y ^xt-fe^c-) /P.I/? srr?XrUbe/7j> • •

I " """ 7"^ / wMm I ^ If'fised for irrigation, give the acreage and ^ ^ 1I description of the lands to which water has ^ ^ HI S been applied and nine of the owner theraof ^^M

I Indicate point of approcria- 6. The means of withdrawing such water from the ^^MI tion and place of use, if poss- ground and the location of each well or ottier ^ H |I ible. Each small square repre- means af .witihdrawal^?r;</. -tfa-A ^ • •I sents 10 acres. (_ti*_MJ,i\j>[QA //J^zArt/) £. ^ HI /7 - // 7 . ^ HI 7 . The date of commencement and coun>letion of thy/construction of tt)e well, wells, or HII "^JET workS/f or withdrawal of groundwater .^W/-wi p rt>O ^/rt— '^> ^ ^ H• S/S,L*1'£IL ns\. .' , , ^ ^ HI 8. The depth of water tabla /5TC /^t(/ ^ HI 9« o far as it may be available, the/type, size and depth of each well^oc^the general / ^ ^ BI specifications of any, other .works Tor the1 withdrawal of groundwater W u a . zA4lrv?Ai ^^M

I / f— / ';' J- | HI N 10. The estimated amount of tffoundwater withdrawn each year /ZCQ-Q^tJ JJO^ 0Q£> ^ H |I 11. Tha.log pf fgrmations/encrquntered in the drilling of each well if available ^ ^ HI ytoi rl*s-As¥-<*'&& . ^ H

12. Such other information of a similar nature as may be useful in carrying out the pol- W^Micy ofi this act, including reference to book and page of any county record! HH

y/vi-^7 C HH>Q ^ H

ISignature of Owner C-'yC^SX y-/) s&M. ?f£> ^L£XA ^ H

Date //e?- 4o / ^ T ^H

Three copies t o be f i l e d by t h e owner wi th t h e County Clerk & Record6r of t h e County i n ^ ^ Hwhich t he w e l l i s l o c a t e d . ^ ^ HP1EASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS. IF NOT APPLICABLE, SO STATE, OTHERWISE THE FORM WILL BE RE_ * ^ HTURNED. ^ HOriginal to the County Clerk & Recorder; duplicate to the State Engineer; Triplicate to fl^Bthe School of Mines and Quadruplicate for the Apuroprlator. J^H

3"S"1 | H

Page 5: ^B.mediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/hill/T33N_R10E_THRU_… · ^^^^B GW4 Apriuvcd Si.xk Form—Simc PuMnluiit Co.. Helen*. Monlim-«13?8 ilfijjll 3 I H Pile No T....3

^M 897129 H


^ H TO ^ H


• :CU,";TY or HILL ) r ' . • •

^ ^ B W.v. r?.00 pd. . . ^ ^ ^

Page 6: ^B.mediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/hill/T33N_R10E_THRU_… · ^^^^B GW4 Apriuvcd Si.xk Form—Simc PuMnluiit Co.. Helen*. Monlim-«13?8 ilfijjll 3 I H Pile No T....3

^ ^ ^ ^ B GW4 Apriuvcd Si.xk Form—Simc PuMnluiit Co.. Helen*. Monlim-«13?8 ilfijjll 3 I

H Pile No T.... ?3 Ira 10 E.M.M,. • I

^^M OEIQINAL County Mil 1



^ H Declaration of Vested Groundwater Rights • I^ ^ ^ | (Under Chapter £17, Montana Session Laws, 19G1) I

^m i^ B A n n a u- Breidal Hingham, Montana I^^^El \ _ _ _ _ _ _ , of - I^ ^ U (N»miI4JLlppropriator) ^ ' t f o n & n a (Town) I^ ^ ^ B County of _ - State of ! f^ ^ ^ H have Appropriated frroundwater according to the Montana lawn in effect pror to January 1. 1962, as follows: I^ ^ ^ ^ M N I^fl^T j j ; [ I '• ; \ I 2. The b'ncfjejajggjjgjyjhich the claim is bw,ed "**?ring ' 1^ K m -—:-.-;...-;--- .-.;- -. j —- | |^ ^ ^ H ; : I ! j j 3. Date or nppr;>iimate date of C4U'S»{ beneficial use; nnd how con- I

j ^ ^ ^ H : '; j ; ' " ; • " "• " ' 4, Tha nmoant of rtKOiM^jatrr ijlsimeil (in miner's inches or gallons I^ ^ ^ H ..'• : . . . ' :• ' . :.-. per minute) I

^ ^ ^ ^ 1 • ; ; ; • '. 5. If used for irrigation, Rive the acreage and description of the lands •^ H ^ H s '"VfJ^VRfifi ha» been applied and name of the owner thereof •^ H 13 33 10 —•-•• I^ H M..14 Sec T 11 I^ ^ ^ ^ | Indicate point of appropriation •

H ^ e h & t a ^ ' r r p r e S ^ O «• Tb- » « n . of withdrawing .ueh water from the groundlaneI the ! I^ ^ ^ H aerrs WvM'wtt'ii-f*'^!—v»tlL«c, other, nirnni of withdrawal."*...SMF.H^k. •

/^^H 7- T1)e da te of commencement lndtta»plyi««rofld '4O : o n 3 l n l < : t i o n of th<' wel1' wcllSl or o the r work8 for w i t h ' I^ ^ ^ K drawal of RrouadwatiT I^^^^^H H^^H Ton to twelve feet deep Ij ^ ^ H 8. The depth of water table •

HH 9. 80 far ns it'may be available, the type, »a&X»b$'Mlitt fe7etvcH4&aW<lnrdl W'or *W ^ee'i Oth*r I| ^ H wodaetpr WitfaitlpUinjpnlBtfaToifl jriij •"-• I

^ ^ ^ B 10. The estimated amount of Kroundwater withdrawn each year l.i.0.0.Q.»..QP.P....£ft.lA.95S •

^ ^ ^ H 11. The log of formations encountered in the drilling of each well if available •

^ ^ H 12. Such other information of a aimUar nttnrc aa n n y j j y ^ e f ^ ^ ^ g ^ m i ; out the policy of thin act, including I• ^ H H reference to book and papo of any county record .'. I

I ~ZZ^^^^k I^ H Dste...December...],3.i..JL9.63 I

| ^ H Three copies to be filed by the owner with the County Clerk and Recorder of the county in which the well U •^ ^ ^ Q located. •^ ^ ^ B Please answer all questions. If not applicable, so state, otherwise the form will be returned. •

^ ^ H Original to the County Clerk and Recorder; duplicate to the State Engineer; Triplicate to the Montana Bum; •^ ^ H of Mnes and Qeology, and Quadruplicate for the Appropriates. .0 •

-L_ —

Page 7: ^B.mediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/hill/T33N_R10E_THRU_… · ^^^^B GW4 Apriuvcd Si.xk Form—Simc PuMnluiit Co.. Helen*. Monlim-«13?8 ilfijjll 3 I H Pile No T....3


H ,.IATi: OF MONTANA,) .^ H GOLTfiY Ot1 iiilL >^ H nrr L C=V. I :j 1963

^ B ^-^-^^umiir^S:

H ^ H *n —. nuii'iT*

^ ^ B Fee.-32.00 pd.L

Page 8: ^B.mediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/hill/T33N_R10E_THRU_… · ^^^^B GW4 Apriuvcd Si.xk Form—Simc PuMnluiit Co.. Helen*. Monlim-«13?8 ilfijjll 3 I H Pile No T....3

^ ^ ^ ^ ° * Apprewd Stock Form—St.le Publiihtai Co, Helm. Monura—39OW a ^ s *l(j I

^ ^ f l File No T__3JL__R___jy?]E I



H H Declaration of Vested Groundwater Rights.,- FMG\NE.FR Ij^H (Under Chapter 237, Montana. Session Laws, 1961) O I A » t _ U W O - I

^ B i .«bssisaLSxl4s , of _ Histi"! IB^BB (Name of Appropriator) (Address) (Town) I• • County of H.m.. S t a t e o f Montana I

^ ^ H have appropriated groundwater according to the Montana laws in effect prior to January 1, 1962, as follows: I

B^BH N •

^ ^ H * ! ! ! i l l "• The beneficial uBe on which the claim in based I

• • • • —:—l—i 1—I—!— Houoohold and garden I• _Ui--L-i--!—!— " 1^ ^ ^ B i i i i l l 3- Date or approximate date of earliest beneficial use; and how con- •^ ^ ^ B ; 1 j i ! — ! tinuous the use has been- •B^BI i : ! j | .Au£ys$...5j_1816 MS...!S!?.9n....V»?.*d I^ ^ H w — j — • — i — ' — i — ; — ; — E continuously ever'"¥in"ce"i I

• _ ! _ _ i L _ i _ i _ ;• ; ~ I^ ^ ^ H ! ! ] j j 4. The amount of groundwater claimed (in miner's inches or gallons I^ ^ 1 — '; ; j ':— per minute) 8.?=X...B?;l.lSRIl....r.?r....'!!A.nute I^ ^ ^ B ' I ' i ' • I 5. If used for irrigation, give the acreage and description of the lands I^ B S B R to which water has been applied and name of the owner thereof •mm np.n» I• • S£....y4 Sec.58.. T..33 R.1QK I^ ^ ^ | Indicate point of aiipropriation " I•S^H a n d p l a c e o f u s e , i t p o s s i b l e . „ „ , , . . , „ , , . , J J t I^ ^ M Ench small square represents 10 <5. The menns of withdrawing such water from the ground and the •^ ^ ^ J acres. location of each well or other means of withdrawal •^ H ...slao.1irifl...(lrJi.y.Qn...alunsjar...o.uffl.-3 I^ H M5Q'.....tX'.osy...m&% .7.Q.!....I!roax..«.QU.th...b.Qun*rj. fl^ ^ ^ B ->. 7. The date of commencement and completion of the construction of the well, wells, or other works for with- I^ H drawai of groundwater i5nmr.ox).inft1tle.ly...4.uly2.,...19l6....ooinjnfiinaBd.. •

^ m A,u&u.st...5.,...19l6....?inlflh9(l I

^^m 8. The depth of water table Asnr.OXlinatBly...l45!. •

^ ^ H 9. So far as it may be available, the type, size and depth of each well or the general specifications of any other I^ ^ H works for the withdrawal of groundwater .Dri l led. 6". 2QQ.1. I

^ H 10. The estimated amount of grounilwatcr withdrawn each year 87.6.».Q0p..-sallonB...p_er..xoaS I

^ ^ H 11. The log of formations encountered in the drilling of each well if available IB^H nono. .ayal.3,at)l..o •

^ ^ H 12. Such other information of a similar nature as may be useful in carrying out the policy of this out, including •^ ^ H reference to book and page of any county record ZlQn£...ft.y.&.ll&bl&. •

^m zzzrrzrrzizzzr^ I^ ^ H Signature of Owvcr.sS,:~:.<.;.r,.^^/r../.??Z.....ii.>yU-iuI^.... •

B ^ H Three copies to be filed by the owner with the County Clerk and Recorder of the county in which the well is I

• • • located. - •

BBH Please answer all questions. If not applicable, so state, otherwise the form will be returned. ' I

P^H Original to the County Clerk and Recorder; duplicate to the State Engineer; Triplicate to the Montana Bureau IB^PJ of Mines and Qeology, and Quadruplicate for the Appropriator. BJi—^i! ::J

Page 9: ^B.mediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/hill/T33N_R10E_THRU_… · ^^^^B GW4 Apriuvcd Si.xk Form—Simc PuMnluiit Co.. Helen*. Monlim-«13?8 ilfijjll 3 I H Pile No T....3


^ H TO



I H • • • J t A7E <jf MQHT^N'AJJ.^ m :^UMTYOfHia ) •

^ H ^ ^ AUfi 2 V 1963


Page 10: ^B.mediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/hill/T33N_R10E_THRU_… · ^^^^B GW4 Apriuvcd Si.xk Form—Simc PuMnluiit Co.. Helen*. Monlim-«13?8 ilfijjll 3 I H Pile No T....3

• ~*. _ tJUi if,f~....'^ ^ H DUPLICATE County ijAl.I..—^ H STATE OF MOHTAHA ^ _^ H ASMIN1STHAT0R. OF QROUNDWATEE CODE D it. C E I \( -\\\\


• • Declaration of Vested Groundwater R'gty*) hj^-^r-?^ ^ | (Under Chapter 237, Montana Session Lam, 1961)

H t tJ°J-^ JJ5n.^.tz of dLui&Avj&L^^^M (Name of Appropriator) (Address) . (Town)H Co tyof - State of KoAL.^J!^^ ^ H have appropriated groundwater according to the Montana laws in effm prior to January 1, 1962, aa follown

^ ^ L I i i 1 1 1 j j 1 2. ThpJwefWjL^wMektheda^^•^^M . . . . ; . . . . .„. . . ; .,....; | . . . . C

^ ^ ^ B •""': ;•"": "*"!—j I 3. Date or approximate date of earlieit beneficial me; and how continn-^ ^ H ....; !—•——•—i—',..-. ona the me hai been.. OL4***+j£~. /.$...*/..£'. .+....*£-. />^ H : : : \ \ \ z&JEu/uc+vu*. X^^CA. ^Oc^cfi—JbuXluf'.^ ^ ^ H w : I . * i ' i t^ ^ H ........;...-; ;..-;..-. 4 ^ amount of-gmundwater claimed (in miner's inehea or gallon*

^ M . . . j . . . . : . . . . ; j . . . . i !.... perminnte) Of. $....p&.' .f£*. ......flHStftSB*.-...

^ ^ H •-J ' •--:-•--:- •-;—;-—;----^ ^ H * ; i ; 1 I 5. If uaed for irrigation, give the acreage and description of the landi^ ^ ^ B to irhick^rater liaa been nniiltd and name of the owner thereof

^ 1 SJYM 8^.^. r.31 R/A. :::::::::::::::::(f::::::::::::::::::::::::::.: ::..:^ ^ ^ | Indicate point of appropriation "^ ^ ^ B and place of uw, if poasiblp. Each . , , , , . . t J J .%. i^ ^ H amall square represents 10 acres. "• The means of withdrawing such water from the ground and tboJaca-^ ^ H tion of eseb-well ot/fther moaas of/withdrawal... **/r..+y*r~*......

^ ^ H , 7. The date of commencement and completion of the construction of the well, wells, or other works for with-^ ^ ^ B drawal of groundwater •

^M 8. The depth of water Uble f^° ...'(*'...."*! L^Q./f,

^ ^ H 9. So far as it may bo available, the type, sice and depth of each well or the general specifications of any other^ H works for the withdrawal of groundwatcr ^^••••^XijU£e^a^ 3ffl "fifr ^ ™ f l a u £ a /

^ ^ H 10. The estimated amount of groundwatcr withdrawn each year

< ^ ^ B 11. Tho log of formations encountered in the drilling of each well if available '?>-^r^...!c.^r^T^r^~?*rt^^^.

^ ^ ^ B 12. Such other information of a similar nature as may bo useful in carrying out the policy of Jiitact, including^ ^ H reference to book and page of any county record .£^i»....*^£Zlc<t~ </•* f'JX**aA'*«<llG*t.—

^H zzizizzzrzrzzzizzz~zzz"zzzzizzzzzzizzziz^ ^ H Signature of Qyrntx^^J^r^£^....^^t/l^C.....

^^M Date r../£..m~...J..$.~..£j..

^ ^ H Three copies to be filed by the owner with the County Clerk and Recorder of the county in which the well is located.

H I ^ B Please answer all questions. If not applicable, so state, otherwise the form will be returned.

^ ^ H Original to the Comity Clerk and Recorder; Duplicate to the State Engineer; Triplicate to the Montana Bureau of^ ^ H Mines and Ooology, and Quadruplicate for the Appropriator. / ^ V o i *


Page 11: ^B.mediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/hill/T33N_R10E_THRU_… · ^^^^B GW4 Apriuvcd Si.xk Form—Simc PuMnluiit Co.. Helen*. Monlim-«13?8 ilfijjll 3 I H Pile No T....3


^ H 'V I2.M9B3

^^H ^ —' tui\C

"^^m Feel«2.00 pd.

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^ ^ ^ B O*'" ^___-* Appro.* Jiocl fon»-St»te *«MnMi« Ce. Helm. Mom»a»-4H:i * •> > J-

• ra.No. T. .33-•&...>»* -..r

^ H STATK Or MOHTAHA n T i ^ ^ E ? ' ^ I f•H ADimnsTBATOR or oftomrowAxxa ooDi ° j ' " u "My]^ H ornor or STAW Bwonnaa UU y^c 271963 - ^^ H Declaration of Vested Groundwater Right»A,c E N l i ' i'l E ~. 3^HH (Under Chapter 237, Montana Scwion Lava, 1961)

^ ^ H ' ' (Name of Appropriator) (Addre*.) ITtfrn;

^ H Conntyof / / / / / State of.. / ^ O r t / / . .^ ^ H have appropriated Broundwatcr according to the Montana law. in effect prior to January 1, 1902, a. follow.:

J ^ ^ H l I j ; ! 1 1 j 1 1 2. The beneficial une on which the claim ia based /y&/*H C » 7/ C

^ ^ ^ H . . . . , . . . . ; . - . - , . . - , — ; . . . . . . . . . j j)at(, o r gpp nxinutp dat,. of Carlie»t beneficial me j and how continu-

u m ....I...:....: L. : •... ou» the w hm Jiecn 4> a. >' Ay l / ' * C l , / ' 7 - t 7

^ 1 „. M i M M . , 9 **?*'*- • ;:.;.:.•^ ^ ^ H . - - . ; — ; j Tf)C nmount of proundwater claimed (in miner'a inchci or gallon!

HI .: ..I....!.... ..:....!....!. per minute) - 3 -^ '* ' f * ~ • ** ' *

^ ^ ^ H : : ; • I 5. If uwd for irriRntion, give Ihe ori-caee and deneription of the landi^ ^ ^ H ~ ~ ~ ~ ———. t n which water lian bron njiplird Mid name of the owner thereof

^M . //** <yyr../r.>...*.ife./*.^ H i %/ 8&- JUT. JIB. /o • • ;;;;;;•;••;;;;;;;;;•;;;;;•;_:;_; ;;;;•;; " ;^ ^ ^ H Indicate po int of npproprlation

• • S£.r w f l r % I L S S " l 0 %&. «• ^ e mean, of whl,dn,winB Wch wter from the ground and the taj^

^ ^ H lion of each well or other mean, of withdrawal U* / . " 7 ** »./f

• • ...J'fc-e-A aAT cyO'titC* ' I

^ ^ B ^ 7. The date of commencement and completion of the otmrtroctlon of Uie well, well., or other worki for with- I^ ^ ^ H drawal of itroundwater (/ft K H ti.Ur..?)... I

^ ^ H 8. The depth of water table tLb.av.'t. yp.**.... yT-JT. I

^^V 8. So far a. It may bo available, the type, .lie and depth of each weU or thnjtcncral upoclfica^Jpn. of any other I^ ^ • f work, for the withdrawal of groundwater 3 7-V~-f'-~t- a.0../*T.A *» *??./-: I

^ ^ ^ H 10. The ertimatcJ amount of croundwater withdrawn each year .X.*^.A f'"* J. A '.. I

^ ^ H 11. The log of formntlon. encountered In the drilling of each well If available / ' " 7 "'"' I

^ ^ ^ P reference to book and page of any county record A/itf: -o-vr,*!...//.**. «. .•/•/« I

^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ H _ _ . , i . -«^^^p» ••• ^ J

^M Date /«» #«. VfCT> I

^ ^ ^ H Three copic. to be filed by the owner with the County Clerk and Recorder of the county in which the well i« located. I

^ ^ ^ B Pleaie answer all qumiimm. If not applicable, no itate, otberwue the form will be returned. I

^ ^ ^ H Original to the County Clerk and Ilecorder; Duplicate to the State Engines; Triplicate to the Montana Uureau of I^ ^ ^ B Mine* and Oeology, and Quadruplicate for the Appropriator. t 'j u • I

Page 13: ^B.mediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/hill/T33N_R10E_THRU_… · ^^^^B GW4 Apriuvcd Si.xk Form—Simc PuMnluiit Co.. Helen*. Monlim-«13?8 ilfijjll 3 I H Pile No T....3

I . -• 3?673P • j . ''••'- ^ K

o i r DtC.231963 • ; H

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•;• F e e : $ 2 . 0 0 p d . "'• ' ; • • . ^ ^ 1

Page 14: ^B.mediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/hill/T33N_R10E_THRU_… · ^^^^B GW4 Apriuvcd Si.xk Form—Simc PuMnluiit Co.. Helen*. Monlim-«13?8 ilfijjll 3 I H Pile No T....3

• •H | OV. Approved Stock Form—Sutc Publishing Co. Hdcna. Montana—-42234 dgg,-*;, * / 1. _ W B f

•fl File No ? T.33.Ax..J.O.t.. ^jl MMMM .. ;: ' ni)f^f-^P^^[fn ' • •^ H DUPLICATE •• CowiyJ.p:/sCA-^--.--.-\-^A ^ ^ 1•H . STATE OF MONTANA ••' • } [_[[] _ _ ..C|.. ; L J / ^ ^ Hj ^ H ADMINISTRATOE OF GEOUNDWATEE CODE JAN 1 -i l"l"i- ^ ^ 1ft^H • • O F F I C E O P STATE ENCHNEEB , . „ _ . - , - . , „ • , , , - r n B ^ H^ H :,-; — - . STAi t EiMQii LER ^ H• H Declaration of Vested Groundwater Rights ^ HH^P (Under Chapter 237, Montana Session Laws, 1961) ' ^ ^ H

• • ! • ft /) ^^HB

• H i QA^L^T. M^LI^^JL. , o0..34*!*dwni — ^ H• ^ ^ ^ (Name s>i Appropriator) (Addrpfes) (Town) • • •^^1 County ot....^{JLf.. State oi..../}^(^ut^*^e^ ^MM•^•j have appropriated groundwater according to the Montana laws in effect prior to January 1, 1962, a* follows: l ^ ^ l

• H . "? cU • . / ^ H^^^g I i i 1 i i j I 2. The beneficial use on which the claim is basod....<<?^t^?*«fesr~s»/.. ^ ^ ^ B

^ B ....; i ; :..-! j . . . . c ^ ? ^ W M^ ^ ^ H ! I | j ! j 3. Date or approximate date of earliest beneficial use; andjiow continu- j ^ ^ B I

^ ^ H j — - • ; I—.j—I ous the use has been 1.3..2..?. ^^^...QfadS^A^&M^^. ^ ^ H

• «v _|_|_i—L_|_j_. ZZ:::I::::ZZ:Z:ZZZZI::IZZIZZZZZ. •^ ^ ^ H : : ; ; ; ! 4 The amount of groundwater claimed (in minor's inches or gallon! ^ ^ ^ B^ H ••-; :—- -| •-—:.—.;—. perminuto).^..^^..-.]^,^^.-/ ^ H; ^ ^ ^ B ! ; ! I i ! 5. If used for irrigation, give the acreage and description of the lands ^ ^ ^ HJ ^ ^ ^ B s to which water has been applied and name of the owner thereof ^ ^ ^ B

flB -%T- See J..Y. T.3i.. 11^0... ^ ^ |H ^ H Indicate point of appropriation " ^ ^ ^ 1H ^ H and place of use, if possible. Each . ' ^ ^ H^ ^ ^ 1 small square represents 10 acres. G- Tll(! means of withdrawing such water from the ground and the loca- ^ ^ ^ |^ ^ ^ H tion of each well or other means of withdrawal...^f:.x?r*7?..k!C*~^.... fi^H

MM .£.;; j. : ::; :..: 'AmJ^^fl| 7. The dato of commencement and completion of the construction of tho well, wells, or other world for with- ^ | ^ R^ ^ ^ B drawal of groundwater..^^V<^r?(.J^H*vs<vvM ^ | ^ H

^ ^ ^ 1 8. Tho depth of water table...»<<JA<«?l!t..i! ia«yiv\..! 1 B |

^ ^ ^ H 9. So far as it may bo available, the type, size and depth of each well or the general specifications of any other I ^B^^H works for tho withdrawal of groundwater l..2..P....^sti...c!b2ji^P. ^ ^ H

j ^ ^ ^ K 10. The estimated amount of groundwater withdrawn each year.....fT.G^.0..?...?....;5*wv. ^ ^ ^ H

^ ^ ^ B 11. The log of formations encountered in the drilling of each well if availablo..u/yt»e 'n>~Hl.- ^ ^ ^ H

^H zz"zzz:zzzzz:zz:zzzzz:zz::zzzzzzzzzzzz::z:"zzzzz ^ B^ ^ ^ H 12. Such other information of a similar nature as may be useful in carrying out the policy of this act, including ^ ^ ^ H^ ^ ^ H reference to book and page of any county record ^Jw-evft-A. B ^ ^ K

^ H Signature of Owner^^fl^q^^^fe^ IHWM DateiLk...£?/..i..i.4^. ^MwB^M Three copies to be filed by the owner with the County Clerk and Recorder of the county in which the well is located. AVAV

^^^H Please answer all questions. If not applicable, so state, otherwise the form will be returned. fl^^H

• ^ H Original to the County Clerk and Recorder; Duplicate to the State Engineer; Triplicate to the Montana Bureau of n ^ ^ ^ |

^ ^ ^ | Mines and Geology, and Quadruplicate for the Appropriator. •s/O'J" B^HI

Page 15: ^B.mediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/hill/T33N_R10E_THRU_… · ^^^^B GW4 Apriuvcd Si.xk Form—Simc PuMnluiit Co.. Helen*. Monlim-«13?8 ilfijjll 3 I H Pile No T....3

mt 39^007 m


^ ^ B THE PUBLIC ^ ^ H


^ B ' STATE OFM^JJ^j* ^ H

^ ^ H TEE: $2.00 pd. ' ^ ^ H

Page 16: ^B.mediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/hill/T33N_R10E_THRU_… · ^^^^B GW4 Apriuvcd Si.xk Form—Simc PuMnluiit Co.. Helen*. Monlim-«13?8 ilfijjll 3 I H Pile No T....3

~ yak

-¥GROPlTOWatER INDEX Page of— • yr ,i

: County //,'// iwSjy *Q*./JLML .

CountySec. Name of Appropriates Type of Form Fi le No. Remarks

_?_ gybe j -&/»» r <* M*// /a? ten? T

/ » ^ y " I # 4f£9>* -r

/ * " " \ » \&**»*-\

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— 1 i ; :I ~ . i zzzi m i l ' ir-^

Page 17: ^B.mediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/hill/T33N_R10E_THRU_… · ^^^^B GW4 Apriuvcd Si.xk Form—Simc PuMnluiit Co.. Helen*. Monlim-«13?8 ilfijjll 3 I H Pile No T....3

il."^H oyw TOP •3-^MME I\ E ^ Hf» H ' STATE.OF MONTANA T / .'- •'"'^[.-ft ^ H*S£ < ^ ^ l ADMINISTRKTCR OF^GROUNDWATER COEE i ' ; j ^ HV ^ ^ 1 OFFICE OF STATE ENGINEER L' ^ |j ^M

'i '^H DECLARATION OF VESTED GROUNDWATER RIGHTS _ ^ |^ ^ H (Under Chapter 237, Montana Session Lavs, 1961? j , , £ j: •• •-• • • • r r- n ^ H

H 1. gft. ___"O ^ . ^ 5 W ' ' ^ & ^ r T A ? ^ ^ " " ' L " A I^ B ' t*afnrf=«r«$pf rtrai6r) —^^~ ^ " - ^ (Address}-"1-" " ^ / " ~ " (Town) ^ H^ H County .«£ - / ' / ^ X ^tata of / ; / > / J ? . ; ^ -^ ^ H^ ^ H nave appropriated <£i'ountWla"ter according to the Montana/law3in'e3ffe'c€'prims~i;o Jan. ^ H^ H 1, 1962 as follows: ^ H

^ ^ ^ H N 2. The beneficial use on which the claim is ^assd ^ H

^ ^ H I I ' - I . ^ , . , , , ") " > " T T~-_J, J " ^ H^ ^ B : praSa 9j ; 3. Date or approximate date of earliest beneficial ^ H^ ^ H — 0 w 2 ~ use; and how continuous the use has bean ^ H

WM » M> 1 B •• ^ H _ r I k. The amount of groundwater claimed (in miner's ^ ^ J<^^H* ~ ^" ' inches or gallons per nrtnuta) ^ ^ |

^ ^ H j^ If used for j_rrigation, giv« the acreage and ^ ^ |^ ^ H ^^mm^m^mm^^m^m^mm^^m description of the lands to which water has ^ ^ H^ ^ H S been applied and name of the owner thereof ^ ^ B

^ H / / ^ s«5 /-T ? »R // ZZIZ!IZZIZZ!ZZIZZIIIZZIZIZII | H^ ^ | Indicate point ef apprspria- 6. The means of withdrawing such water from the ^ H^ ^ H tion and place of use, if p«ss- ground and the location of each well or other ^ H^ ^ 1 ible. Each small squar* repre- means of withdrawal '<'Ly^. j-* • • ^ H^P^H sents 10 acres. J ~~ / ^^M^ ^ H 7» The date of ccnmencement a«d completion of the construction of the well, wells, or ^^M^ ^ H other works for withdrawal of groundwater , s , » HH^ H 8. The depth of water table ^ ^ H^ ^ H 9« So far as it may be available, the type, size and depth of each well or the general ^^M^ ^ H specifications ef amy other works for the withdrawal of frroundwatnr ^^M^ ^ H r ^ - -r-i — , /y ^ ^ H

^ ^ H 10. The estimated amount of groundwateV withdrawn each vaar , I , rV -, - -, A ^ ^ |^ ^ B N 11. The log of formations encountered in the drilling of each wto if/; i'!ikble «" -* t/ 61 ^ ^ H

^ ^ H 12. Such other information of a similar nature as may be useful in carrying out the pcflL. ^^M^ ^ H icy of this act, Including reference to book and page of any county record ^^M

• ^ M Signature of Owner •- J_^^ J D "?,' "' ^ B^ H Data , ^_ ^ ^ |

^ ^ H Three copies to be filed by the tuner with the County Clerk & Reccrd6r of the County in HIW^M which the well is located. j^H


^ H TURNED. <^H^ | H Original to the County Clerk & Recorder; duplicate to the State Engineer; Triplicate to ^^M

Page 18: ^B.mediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/hill/T33N_R10E_THRU_… · ^^^^B GW4 Apriuvcd Si.xk Form—Simc PuMnluiit Co.. Helen*. Monlim-«13?8 ilfijjll 3 I H Pile No T....3

^ H % ®yk. TOP -a^Maa: u fr /^ H •?• F I J ^ S O . cooircr*~ r?=N N» i V f*> S^ H i • * STATE.OF MONTANA. - I;: ,'Mf ^ ij= [) \$[£ f n S ** •^ H i ' ABWMSTRATOR OFrratOtnOMATBR COTS Tp, ~ : ' !'-^ b L |^ ^ H . I OFFICE; OF STATE ENGINEER L' U 'Mi 5

^ ^ B : DECLARATION OF VESTED GROUNDWATER RIGHTS : ',^ H ! (Under Chapter 237. Montana Session Laws, 1 9 6 l S T k 7 F F"I A ' ;•' r tr n^ ^ H '• ©fta ->«v ,/i/A'ey"., (7 _ - X r\ .^ ^ H i ! • OWp /QO i-Y-* _****** ' > ''• ., af ^*/ ff--^-^i>_. J T ^ , i •^ B i' H«Se*Bf ICg o rtratDr) *~<-<s- «-<"^ (Addfesst^" / 1 ~ " " Wwrn) \^ B :...... Coun^flf -7jL'£? ./.State of '/*??'rjTTTT-±^ •^^H ; nave appropriated y55rt£&>iter according to the Montana''laS»3*"i.n'efte ifp iS? io Jan. ;^ H ; 1, 1962 as follows: •^ ^ H I N 2. The beneficial use on which the claim i s ^asad ;

^ ^ B : '; WSm 1* '• ' 3* J^at« or approximate date of earliest beneficial {| ^ H i —Wfi5^ ~ use> a n d h o w continuous the use has been_____^ ^ 1 i T T 05'. ."?/'?!

^ H ; M dfft^ a^ ^ m : r , The amount of groundwater claimed (in miner's '^ ^ V —- . • - • inches or gallons per mtnuta) j

^ ^ H ; 5. If used for irrigation, give the acreage and j^ ^ H ; 1 I 1 1 description of the lands to which water has ;^ ^ H S been applied and name of the owner thereof

^ ^ H Indicate point ft appropria- 6. The means of withdrawing such water from the^ • | tion and piaC0 Of U8ef if ptss- ground and the location of each well or othar^ H I ible. Each small square repre- means of withdrawal f-L^_^-- ^ ^ H sents 10 acres. ^ ~~^~ f

H^B 7* The date of eommencement a*d eomoletion of the construction of the well, wells, or ;^ ^ H • other works for withdrawal of greundwatar / . / «

^ H / / / J^ H 8. The depth of water table x^ ^ H I 9. So far as it may be available, tha type, size and depth of each well or the general^ ^ H i specifications of amy other works for the withdrawal of groundwater^M ! y ,0 • • - ' *jr- n^^Jfl ~ " "L JH H '• 10 . The estimated amount of grouBdwatefr withdrawn each vaar . , \ , ry •. 1 ,i.-s/> I^ H v 11. The log of formations encountered in the drilling of each wfrB: if^a^i^pijr *~ x/ 0a{y :

^ H B : 12. Such other information of a similar nature as may be useful in carrying out the p<fl :^ ^ H i icy of this act, including reference to book and page of any county rwnord

^ H Signature of Owner J^X-rn^-^, ^ £2 /' /'f '^' j~r ^->^— I^ H Date , ~ v/ :^ _ / < ^ /^ ^ H Three copies to be filed by the awner with the County Clerk & Recorder of the County in^ ^ H which the well is located.* ^ ^ B PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS. 13 NOT APPLICABLE, SO STATE, OTHERWISE THE FORK WILL BE RE.^ B TURNED. 1^ ^ B Original to the County Clerk & Recorder; duplicate to the State Engineer; Triplicate to 1^ ^ H the School of Mines and Quadruplicate for the Appropriator.

Page 19: ^B.mediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/hill/T33N_R10E_THRU_… · ^^^^B GW4 Apriuvcd Si.xk Form—Simc PuMnluiit Co.. Helen*. Monlim-«13?8 ilfijjll 3 I H Pile No T....3

• -~ • J? .

B TC -'" m*/ • • • ^

I : ""*t< l; '' : ='.• ."I^ B COUNTY OF HILL ) . ; .

Page 20: ^B.mediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/hill/T33N_R10E_THRU_… · ^^^^B GW4 Apriuvcd Si.xk Form—Simc PuMnluiit Co.. Helen*. Monlim-«13?8 ilfijjll 3 I H Pile No T....3

I . [tORe'aYEI'fi) I-SJILJL —L -iuu , UU „.._ u.uc _



. . , , - / /' ' I, J I OrnictjL.J.L.L..i!..,.'.j/.. ^<iu.J..:.....i JVddress.Z^.:..!....':..".i....(.'...'....'..! I

, ....... . ( J

I \ i i Driller..K..< L fi^...^!.y.i.i..».i..^»*...i.L.<r.f Address.../.../.....1._j....,..i.^.£.:.;.;,..;. I

I • ! ! DatcStarted.....v.V...->.':...c; /.:'/. .DateCompleted..:L..;...L..:2..':; i j

I j 1 Location: Bec.l.J. T i.J. •R...1..1. % KC..:.2J..U.:J,..L C.L..'-.L II c/ •''/• C* ' ''.' II TypoofweU :......L':Ji.:......'. Equipment used.'.... ~..'.t:xL...U.LL II (Dug, driven, bored, or drilled) (Churn drill, roUrjr, other) I

I Water use: Domestic | J Municipal | J Stock \r^\ Irrigation | J J

I Industrial | I Drainage | \ Other: I

Casing: BULL it. to..AJl tt. -Cn*SIA.ht£ Size £JZLJ2J2

I Casing: It. to tt. Type Size I

I Casing: - it. to tt. Type Size I

I Perforated or Bowncd: Pt J..L to ft Ft to ft I

I \I Type of screen or perforations

I Static Water level, for non-flowing well: feet.

I Shut-In pressure, for flowing well: lb./sq. In. on: „I , (date) iI <" ' / • • ' yfs / II Pumping water level feet at /..'....( gal. per mln '..it:..!..'.:, I

Howtested: hAl.L.L.B.I Length of test I...A M...U.3. II Remarks: (Gravel packing, cementing, packers, type of shut-off, depth of shut-off) I

I ^ « • • (over) I

Page 21: ^B.mediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/hill/T33N_R10E_THRU_… · ^^^^B GW4 Apriuvcd Si.xk Form—Simc PuMnluiit Co.. Helen*. Monlim-«13?8 ilfijjll 3 I H Pile No T....3

• . ~ T H

I r i• ' [ 1 -- •

Page 22: ^B.mediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/hill/T33N_R10E_THRU_… · ^^^^B GW4 Apriuvcd Si.xk Form—Simc PuMnluiit Co.. Helen*. Monlim-«13?8 ilfijjll 3 I H Pile No T....3

^ M DOCUMKNT NO. 36009 I I




^ | ' ..ATEOFMOm-ANA.U I ,^ M ;©UNTYOFHILL ) |


Page 23: ^B.mediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/hill/T33N_R10E_THRU_… · ^^^^B GW4 Apriuvcd Si.xk Form—Simc PuMnluiit Co.. Helen*. Monlim-«13?8 ilfijjll 3 I H Pile No T....3

GWJi TOP ^ -^ KS H •FUZ SO. COOSTT ~ - . - ^ •



DECLARATION OF VESTED GROUOTWATER RIGHTS I(Under Chanter 237, Montana Sess ion U w s , 1961), c ,'. \_ 1.1 I

I. UJ dUL*^ -J . VAJU*J\J- . of ykLl^U-x^.l J. I(Name of Appropr la tor ) , (Address) . ' - , - (Tom) MCounty of /\{—^A JL. .State of A ? " cr-w-w*-*! -y^ •Have appropriated groundwater according to the Montana laws in effect prior to Jan. BX, 1962 as follows: •

N 2. The beneficial use on which the claim is based fl

i 1 I I I 1 •1 3» Bate or approximate date of earliest beneficial •

use; and how continuous the use has h»«n H

^ 1 / <? y V / _ •V I E 1 •

I U, The amount of groundwater claimed (in minor's •1 inches or gallons per mlnuta) •

j i _ ^T" c t L^ )q_r^ iis^\~^ •I ' ' ' Ij. j^ If u s e d f or irrigation, give the acreage and •, I , doscrlotlon of the Iand3 to which water has •

S boen applied and name of the owner thereof H

Indicate point of acprooria- 6. The moans of withdrawing such water from the Htlon and place of use, if poss- ground snd the location of each well or other •lble. Each small square repre- wans of withdrawal •oents 10 acres. ~o-i ' - ^ -<--'M.^ <^t f>~< ~<y>' m

0 ' ' •7. The date of commencement and comclotion of the construction of the well, wells, or H

other works for withdrawal of eroundwater / y <, CJ HN 8. Thn dapth of water tabln (s Cl I

9. So far as it may be available, the type, sizo and depth of each wnll or the general •specifications of any other .works for the withdrawal of trrn»iv4u»+*f •

11»^ lr '"' / •' * •*-• "" " • v ^J^C-f. t . f f " ^ -^ -x—. T Ht / •

10. Th^e.eatJjifltQd amount of groundwater withdrawn each vear _ *,<, <C« C . f' n ci a ^A.^, ^ •I I . The log of formations encountered in the drilling of «aeh MWii 4f WanaKl* Q •

I ->. fy-1 •'. >-—P-«—^-f- C <• H

12. Such other information of a similar nature as may bo useful In carrying out the pol- Hicy of this act, including riforenee to book and pago of any county record H

--> ... / •• 1 •

Signature of Omnr A /JCrS&Af /i, ' -//^J'.^rf/' •

Date I

Three copies t o be f i l e d by the owner with tho County Clerk * B^cordftr of t ho County i n flwhich the w e l l i s l o c a t e d . H


Original to the County Clerk & Recorder; duplicate to the State Engineer; Triplicate to Hthe School of Mines and Quadruplicate for the Appropriates H

3, of. p •

" I

Page 24: ^B.mediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/hill/T33N_R10E_THRU_… · ^^^^B GW4 Apriuvcd Si.xk Form—Simc PuMnluiit Co.. Helen*. Monlim-«13?8 ilfijjll 3 I H Pile No T....3

H^ 396936

^ ^ H Dr rv.r.A i r n • «"• . t

^ H N ..ME OF V.0NT.\*;\)M.^ ^ | • liKTY OF HILL ) ,.-,

^ B "V , <L ''253

^ ^ H _ 1V)| 2.00 pd.

Page 25: ^B.mediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/hill/T33N_R10E_THRU_… · ^^^^B GW4 Apriuvcd Si.xk Form—Simc PuMnluiit Co.. Helen*. Monlim-«13?8 ilfijjll 3 I H Pile No T....3

I GW-A V . -•- ' THP 33 RGE ir 10 mm• FILE NO. \ COUNTY <7U)f£.fci r^ n n n r r ^ - ^ H• - STATE OF MONTANA . . ' : \ ' ,; <7 ] i I! ^ H• ADMINISTRATOR OF GROUNIWATER COtB ; " " j I j HI• . OFFICE OF STATE ENGINEER u l- jn : , j , <• •., •__ rJJ • • '

• D E C L A R A T I O N O F V E S T E D G R O U N D W A T E B R I G H T S o - , . . . . „ . _ _ IH• ( U n d e r C h a p t e r 2 3 7 , M o n t a n a S e s s i o n L a w s , 1 9 6 1 ) 1 .". .' L i i l ![','. ^ t t l ^ H

I 1. ART HUR RAH 8 0 nf &lLP£o/?fr • •I (Name of Appropriator) (Address) ~ ~ ( T o w n ) ^ H• County ,pj£ n / n ,State of M O U t ft. K<£- ^ H |I nave appropriated groundwater according to the Montana laws in effect prior to Jan. ^ B I S• 1, 1962 as follows: B |• N 2. The beneficial use on which the claim is based ^ ^ H• , 1 1 1 . . . ^ECf-cJg ixMX£>» BSI I 1 li T T : BH I 2. Date or approximate date of earliest beneficial ^ ^ HI '. , use; and how continuous the use has bpen /yttajwif.* | ^ H

I W _J E X ^^ J ^' | WI _ _ ^m e anount of groundwater claimed (in miner's ^ ^ Hn j. , inches or gallons per minute) 3 rtnOi/*-«^- ^ ^ H• I * MZJ^- swVLsrwJS, 0 ^ ^ H• j j^ jj. usecj j o r irrigation, give the acreage and ^ ^ HI j description of the lands to which water has ^ H |• S been applied and name of the owner thereof ^ ^ HI N t J ^ 5 f ^ s e c )$ i33 Rti ^M• Indicate point of appropria- 6* The means of withdrawing such water from the ^ HI tion and place of use, if poss- ground and the location oft each well or other ^ ^ BI ible. Each small square repre- means of withdrawal &JLi^rvX&£- f,JtM^ ^ HI sents 10 acres. •K-A^L^ > M*jLShi.& Asis'Jl <> / ^Hj

I 7» he date of commencement and comDletion of the.construction of the well, wella. or fl^HI other works for withdrawal of etroundwater 'AAKJLA, UJJWL uu^Ui. f)lA*A-&&AL ^ ^ H

I 8. The depth of w£/ber table " J"C' () t • •I 9. So far as it may be available, the type, size and depth of each well or the general H^BI . specifications of any ..other works for the withdrawal of groundwater >4->^ ^'M-CXK. i^H

I & il 4 • •• 10. The estimated amount of groundwater withdrawn each year SoO ^ f?0>O cua£A~ fl^HI 11. The log of formations encountered in the drilling of each well if' available ^ ^ H

I 12. Such other information of a similar nature as may be useful in carrying out the pol- •HII icy of this act, including reference to book and page of any county record /. i^HI vKfJh A. -<?«L.'I xcti^Ve. ~m /w<J2-. H HI r± ^ B

I Signature of Owner oCt-fevlU-*- r\£LAA.K.)&*<y H |

I Date /2-=?g> (o-K ^H

I Three copies to be filed by the owner with the County Clerk & Record6r of the County in M^VI which the well is located. *:., ^ ^ HI f PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS. IF NOT APPLICABLE, SO STATE, OTHERWISE THE FORM WILL BE RE> ^ B


Original to the County Clerk & Recorder; duplicate to the State Engineer; Triplicate to ^HHthe School of Mines and Quadruplicate for the Appropriator. ^ H

Page 26: ^B.mediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/hill/T33N_R10E_THRU_… · ^^^^B GW4 Apriuvcd Si.xk Form—Simc PuMnluiit Co.. Helen*. Monlim-«13?8 ilfijjll 3 I H Pile No T....3


^iiiiH ' ^iiiiflB

^|fl ^^B

H _ 3SG985 ^ H

^H * T° ^ Hj ^ H THE PUBLIC ' B ^ H


• • STATE OF MONTANA : | ^ l


B H —•"" • c1 riitefffsaar r • ^ H

^ • ^ • H ' ; * ' • ^iiiiiH

^ ^ H • . , H^Hiiii

•H FEE! 2.00 pd. ^ H B

«• HB

iiiiiiH' ^ ^iiiiiiH

Page 27: ^B.mediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/hill/T33N_R10E_THRU_… · ^^^^B GW4 Apriuvcd Si.xk Form—Simc PuMnluiit Co.. Helen*. Monlim-«13?8 ilfijjll 3 I H Pile No T....3

^ ^ B GtfJj. * TgP 3 3 RGE // ./, , Wm^ ^ H FILE NO. COUNTY r-vfo'gur n? " rF> ? M^ ^ H STATE OF MONTANA * , , v . ••] \ j ' H |^ ^ H ADMINISTRATOR OF GROUNDWATER CODE ' i ^ H^ M OFFICE OF STATE ENGINEER U -- j G : . i * :: v ; \ , ^ ^M

^ ^ B DECLARATION OF VESTED GROUNDWATER RIGHTS _ . .. _ , , t. n flj^ H (Under C h a p t e r 2 3 7 , Montana S e s s i o n L a w s , 19(5.) A i t L , , . . , . . _ ^ i\ ^ H

| H 1. ARTtiVR RA MRe Of &ILDFQRD H^ ^ H (Name of Appropriator) (Address) 7 (Town) ^ H^ ^ H County ,Qf tt i '- .State of M c K v a - i t ^ ^ H^^^^o nave appropriated groundwater according to the Montana laws in effect prior to Jan, ^ H^^m 1, 1962 as follows: ^M

^ ^ H N 2. The beneficial usejro which .the claim is asod • •

| H 3» Date or approximate date of earliest beneficial H9^ H| use; and how continuous the use has been Sjfl

^ H W I 1 E «''"<•" <J^ZS '• •B l _ 4. The amount of grcundwater claimed (in miner's ^^M

^ ^ ^ H j. , inches or gallons per minute) A' <•?>• i( !—-->. ^^M^ ^ H j I A ^t, .». ,.7, /..,, . t\-

:i ^ H

^ ^ ^ H j^ jj use(j j Q r irriga-tion, give the acreage and ^^M| ^ ^ H , description of the lands to which water has | ^ H9HB S been applied and name of the owner thereof ^^M| ^ ^ H / f< .-- - .^^^'•-.v /.!=?. . - >l ^ H^ ^ H /V..0 • •.•pt Seo, 1% 1 3 3 R /< (<<- -^CtiK->- A-r n^K.Cw-' ^ H

^ ^ H Indicate point of appropria- 6. The means of withdrawing such water from the ^ HH ^ | tion and place of use, if poss- ground and the location of each well or other • •|H ible. Each small square repre- means of withdrawal A oA- IO-^I^JK. ^ HH^B sents 10 acres. ^ - !i L.— ^HjH^B ^H^ ^ H | 7 The date of commencement and completion of the construction of the well, wells, or ^^M^ ^ B B other works for withdrawal of groundwater -^•MJ-4 fe-<-« -<-»-.-V«W ^ ^ B

^ ^ B 8. The depth of water table //2, . / l ^ f flfl• ^ ^ H 9« so far as i t may be available, the ([type, size and depth of each well or the general H J |• H f l | N specifications:-, of any other works for the withdrawal of groundwatar .-a ft >cJli -'—. i — HI•Hi <.*---fc-f ' • -7u.3-^^\ M: , . q -^ .< -.^-.J -i~tr. . /fxc-t^- 'm) V jLceJt .<U-.. ^ H•^•J -f /•ft-^..1tfTc. t -f/).-g. . . .T/ -"Xt-n>-cr- i<Lv.r Ai'^^ <•• ^ H^ ^ ^ H 10. The estimated amount of eroundwateif withdrawn each year ' "^ -'^^ j C c O c-t^t-ttt-i-^i. ^ H |^ ^ ^ H 11. "he log of formatioi'iS encountered in the drilling of each well i f available '' ^ ^ H

•. ^ H l ; .--tt'-T,^ ^Hj

^ H 12. Such other information of a similar nature as may be useful in carrying out the pol- HH•^^B icy of this act, including reference to book and page of any county record ^^M

^^^m Signature of Owner (•>( -i-f-h ». .-t— '"^ «-«-i-<-6U— ^ ^ H

. WB Date /jg - B c: - fa 'S H

^ | ^ B Three copies to be filed by the owner with the County Clerk & Recorder of the County in * ^ ^ |i ^ ^ H which the well is located. ^ ^ |


| ^ H TURNED. ^ HJ^H • Original tc> the County Clerk & Recorder; duplicate to the State Engineer; Triplicate to ^^M

I I* I

Page 28: ^B.mediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/hill/T33N_R10E_THRU_… · ^^^^B GW4 Apriuvcd Si.xk Form—Simc PuMnluiit Co.. Helen*. Monlim-«13?8 ilfijjll 3 I H Pile No T....3

1 3SB986 Hj

A'iTI:OT HAMEO '. ' . ^ H

TO ^ H



oy DEC 0-1963 _'". ^M..,,»ii*ii*»ii^ l

t ft5«rtTT«Ll«K . V W^M

% A.vi'iW**111' ."'"BBaiH"' •' ^ ^ H

i . • : , • / • •

?EF: "2.00 pd. : , ' ^^m

- ••-• . ^ ^ L

Page 29: ^B.mediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/hill/T33N_R10E_THRU_… · ^^^^B GW4 Apriuvcd Si.xk Form—Simc PuMnluiit Co.. Helen*. Monlim-«13?8 ilfijjll 3 I H Pile No T....3

H . - • -**~ I^^M ' ' ^ TPP ^ ? 3 RGB ' ' ^ H• ! • W-fr * • rnTTMTY _-^-IlJ P- . Bffl^ H FUENO. . STATE OF MONTANA ' ; ^ ' •^ H ADMINISTRATOR OF GROUNIWATER CODE > !) ^M^^M OFFICE OF STATE ENGINEER L . . . , . , , ., • . . „ , "v ^ H

^ H DECLARATION OF VESTED GROUNTWATER RIGHTS - ^ ^ H^ ^ B (Under C h a p t e r 2 3 7 , Montana S e s s i o n L a w s , 19oJ>[ /. ; _ . . ' . . ; , . ^ _ .A ^ H

^M (Name of Appropriator; . S^ffi ^Mftii-fc«o^c^ HB gpgropriated ^ J L f r accordinilo Montana W i n effect prior to ^ HH^H 1, 1962 as follows: • ^ H^ H N 2. The beneficial use on which^the claim is based J [

^ B 1 ' ' I I ' ' ^^^1~ ^ H J 3 Date or approximate date of earliest beneficial B H

^ ^ 1 use; and how continuous the use has been ^ H^ ^ B 1 Dec- > ^ * 3 . ('-^Ct»-.t^^ ;-^^- . HKHJ

^ H W 1 /4.. The amount of groundwater claimed (in miner's ^M^m __!__, inches or gallons >Per nute) -3- <]^ lO-^-t- H H

^ H __ZI 5 If used for irrigation, giva the acreage and ^ H^ ^ H | T | description of the lands to which water has H H^ H !—' — been applied and name of the owner thereof . ^ H

^ H HbUrSti&oJUJSJilL — ' • H^ H , 6. The means of withdrawing such water from the • _ •^ B Indicate point of anpropria- ground and the location of each well or other • _ ••fAf tion and place of use, if poss- B rithirTTi ^ i o ^ > - , "fr^f^' •Vfl| H ible. Each small square repre- «oa%j£. ^g ]? ' r , L^ >-^-^- .A-tTXT ^ B| ^ H sents 10 acres. • ~ •" J | I ^^M

^ ^ i . — • ~—"~~ r~~) / " ^ ^ |H Signature of Owner ^ \ , v J l ^ * - f^c^«--0-*- H

S Three copies to be filed by the owner with the County Clerk & Record6r of the County in M^ | B which the well is located. 9MB|• P I £ A S E ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS. IF NOT APPLICABLE, SO STATE, OTHERWISE THE FORM WILL BE RE- H^ ^ 1 TURNED. ^ ^ H• Original to the Cou.ty Clerk & Recorder; duplicate to the State Engineer; Triplicate to HBB the School of Mines and Quadruplicate for the Appropriates Hj

Page 30: ^B.mediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/hill/T33N_R10E_THRU_… · ^^^^B GW4 Apriuvcd Si.xk Form—Simc PuMnluiit Co.. Helen*. Monlim-«13?8 ilfijjll 3 I H Pile No T....3

^M ^' 396982 >5:

^M N STATE OF MQK»«*4» ' -\ • ^ ^ I

^ H ' V .U: '2.00 pd. • ' • •. "\ v, I

Page 31: ^B.mediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/hill/T33N_R10E_THRU_… · ^^^^B GW4 Apriuvcd Si.xk Form—Simc PuMnluiit Co.. Helen*. Monlim-«13?8 ilfijjll 3 I H Pile No T....3

^ ^ ^ ^ B GW2 Approml Stock Form—State PubUihtet Co. Helena, Montana—4ZJ1. *kpt**

^ ^ ^ B File No T / _R-.._I-__JL3l UL.

| ^ H DUPLICATE County-. n\JEL|2&JpJ|.MJt.jH\fc^^H ' STATE OF MONTANA -!P™ 7^ ™" u l& j I j I^ ^ 1 L 0 Q ADMDHSTEATOE OF OSOUNDTOL » » BQfflBo U j^ H | _ | T o p o f Q l w m d OFFICE OF STATE EKOnnQiS MflR Z4 19W)

^ | - (Eiev. above«»md. ) Notice of Completion of (jwpdvrjrtg^^p^

^ H ~ o 4 surfaoa soli Appropriation by Means of Well^^M - DEVELOPED AFTER JANUARY 1, 1962^ H — i . 25 X 8 l J 0 W Band and gOBIB . (Under Chapter 237, Montana Session Laws, 19G1) -

^ ^ B _ 82 26 small water, gravel

I • LS S S K a S ^ °-*-»raB --—sasiMrsisr-^ ^ H - Driller. Address —BB - 4 C 46 ijjrht cray olay Ortille Jaeobgon Kremlin,. Sent.B^H ^ ft* •»* «w j j a ^ c o j jj ot; c c o f appropriation of groundwater.^ B " 4 6 5 5 f r ^ v ^ ? ^ ' 1 1 Date well started Date completed -^ V _ gandy olay March 6, 1 9 ^ ^ Maroh 9,1965 I^ ^ H ~ 5G 55 more Water '(Dug? Driven7bfi»i4ii*acd) (Churn drill, rota^^jjjjie^Q^g \^ ^ ^ 1 KK no >».«» «i » Water use: Domestic • Municipal D Stock O Irrigation • I^ H - & B & 7 B ' 8 ' O i a y Industrial • Drainage D Other Q I^ ^ ^ | 57 55 brown Olay Indicate on the diagram the character and thickness of th?SSRrflWltlatn I^ ^ ^ H "^^ met with in drilling, such as soil, clay, shale, gravel, rock or sand, etc. Show I^ ^ ^ 1 ~ v - vi depth at which water is encountered, thickness and character of water-bearing I^ g ^ g j 60 OO DTOWn, Diue , strata and height to which the water rises in the well. I^^m — and gray olay . Ii^H - J S ^ I ^ j f S^ l J i . PERFORATIONS Ig^g^BM OE inn l « ~ l > f m«ntr n i o v Drilfcd Wd«hl (Fe«l) (FMt) •^ ^ H 86 100 llgnt gray oiay „„„ ^c^, 5i ^^ ^ 1^ ^ ^ B — SUe (FwO (Feel) I

^ H _ 8 In. CF-OD 2 ft . 100ft Blot 2811. 100 ft I. ^^m steel above I^ ^ H - ground I

" % ^ ^ ^ ^ | — N Static Water Level for non-flowing well I

^ ^ H - i I feet. I^^^H *" J \ Shut-in Pressure for FlowiiQpWcll I^ ^ ^ B _ 1 ; Pumping Water IJOVCI feet IB B B j w | j E at gal. per iftSutc. •^ ^ ^ ^ | ; Discharge in gal. per min. of flowing well I

^ ^ ^ | | j How Tested I^^M - I i 1 i Length of TifeftiW?. IB ^ ^ | — Hcrnarks: (Gravel pi£kfaftfQ!Acnlmg, pack- I

^ M - ,/4 Sce T U ers,tyPeofshutoff) I• • • — n»idi»» loclijpn o well jril gpav«l I

^•B place of use, if possifilc. EacTi p.acMnc...fr.Qj))...3.Q...tft.....ta..JLQ0f.t. I^ • • S — s m a l l s q u a r e r e p r e s e n t s 4 0 . . . •^ H _ acres. .8Urfftp.«....t.5...b9...aftmeHtad. J

^BBfl (Continue on reverso Bide) •A ^ ^ B USE—If used for irrigation, industrinl, drainage or other. Explain, state I• B B j _ number <if acms anil lucntion or other data (i.e.: Lot, Block and Addi- I• • • tion). •

^ ^ H L ^ J Show exact depth of bottom. I

^ ^ H This form to be prepared by driller, and three copies to be filed by the owner with the \ "nM\LZ'rTZZ~^s'.',"\ I^ H County Clerk and Recorder in the county In which the well U located, tissue copy to be • D l l g r 8 I^ensc Number •^ ^ ^ B retained by driller. ___ I

^ ^ H Please aniwer all questloM. If not applicable, to state, otherwlw the form will be ^^Ji^iji'V^'l^ "V"""""" II .- _ ., "rr-fi

Page 32: ^B.mediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/hill/T33N_R10E_THRU_… · ^^^^B GW4 Apriuvcd Si.xk Form—Simc PuMnluiit Co.. Helen*. Monlim-«13?8 ilfijjll 3 I H Pile No T....3


^^M TO



| I - . 1 1 : u H r,''O'"< i -• . '• 'A t^ H i .;:•!.!• jvy or mil.' 'y*:

^ B ^ f.-l:?2 3 1385 '. ^ H R>* E>BCOK-

* ^ ^ H " . _ , . . ' ooiwrrcuwk •

Page 33: ^B.mediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/hill/T33N_R10E_THRU_… · ^^^^B GW4 Apriuvcd Si.xk Form—Simc PuMnluiit Co.. Helen*. Monlim-«13?8 ilfijjll 3 I H Pile No T....3

^^^^^^H~ I ^

^ H ou*. rap 3^m /*^ H F E E MO. COUNTY. ' ^ ; t c - • " - - - - ~ >^ H STATE OF MONTANA ; :^ H AEHINISTRATOR OF GROUNDWATER CODE :^ ^ H OFFICE OF STATE ENGINEER \ " '

^ ^ B DECURATlai OF VESTED GROUNDWATER RIGHTS^^M (Under Chapter 237, Montana Session Laws, 196M;' - ' 1

^ H 1 . A R T ^ t ' g R A lMF>c Of Q )LDFC lip* :^^M (Name of Appropriate) (Address) , (Town)^ ^ H County .Q£ H i uL. iState of M e ttt<*-"•"-•^ ^ H Have appropriated groundwater according to the Montana laws in effect prior to Jan.^ H 1, 3.962 as follows:

^ ^ H N 2. The beneficial use on which the claim is based

Hi u I i r^ ^ H j 3. Date or approximate date of earliest beneficial

.^^H^ use; and .how continuous the use has been^ B I &- ojv.., -> -/<}•, • 7 _ ^ _ _

^m w , E ^ —^ ^ H U. The amount of groundwater claimed (in miner's^ ^ H j , inches or gallons nar minuta) ,•;• n«Ll(.r-^,i 1^ ^ H 5- ^f used for irrigation, give the acreage and I^ ^ H I jj^ description of the lands to which water has I^ | H j been applied and name of the owner thereof___ I

^ M _i-__-.Sec_AZ_T^ilRj/. ^ I^^M Indicate point of approDrta- 6- T he means of withdrawing such water from the I^ ^ H tlon and place of use, if poss- ground and the location of each well or other I^ ^ H ible. Each small square repre- ">°ans of withdrawal . ., (w»n . ^ , A iskc •^ ^ H sents 10 acres. V-' * '-"-f1 '' I

^ ^ H 7> The date of commencement and completion of the construction of the well,-wells, or I

^ ^ H other works for withdrawal of groundwater C£'-<-<\* •*-*•% /'i ->' 7 I

^ H 8. Tho depth of water tabln .?( fc - T~ - - ••• I^ ^ H 9. So far as it may be available, the 'type, size and depth of each well or the general I^^H N specifications of any other works for the withdrawal,of cp-nundwatftr I^ ^ ^ 1 ^1 * '• -«.'i.».<'--U ^ A.- K ' » W / / -2 -£i-*3r <>..v.- . I

^ ^ H 10. The estimated amount of groundwater withdrawn each year *•*>"<- (• \ ( C (• n*t-Llf-»~~i- M^ ^ H 11. The log of formations encountered in the drilling of aach wall If available '•' I

^ ^ H 12. Such other information of a similar nature as may be useful in carrying out the pol- I^ ^ H icy of this act, including reference to book and- page of any county record I

^^M Signature of Owner M \^f~h' i < 1^- /-, rf---ttcQ rv- I

, ^ H ' ' Date fZ-^O -»(ob, I

^ ^ H Three copies to be filed by the owner with tho County Clerk & Recorder of tho County in M

^ ^ H which "the well is located. I



^^M Original to the County Clerk & Recorder; duplicate to the State Engineer; Triplicate to •^ ^ H the School of Mines and Quadruplicate for the Aporopriator. B

Page 34: ^B.mediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/hill/T33N_R10E_THRU_… · ^^^^B GW4 Apriuvcd Si.xk Form—Simc PuMnluiit Co.. Helen*. Monlim-«13?8 ilfijjll 3 I H Pile No T....3

^ H 39G38.'!

M fe— A . .


^ H County of Hill ) *? £ ?

• - g I 3

I mr i'i^ ^ 1 County Clerk t

~^^M " Deouty ' " ff <I


Page 35: ^B.mediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/hill/T33N_R10E_THRU_… · ^^^^B GW4 Apriuvcd Si.xk Form—Simc PuMnluiit Co.. Helen*. Monlim-«13?8 ilfijjll 3 I H Pile No T....3

^ ^ B OUt TOP a ^ ^ BOS 11 '

t^m ?nz so. ^ . . . COOHTT a m ^ - r~-\^ H '• STATS.. OF HOKTAHA ..;... - L .( . 1^ ^ B , ADMINISTRATOR OF GROUNWATER COIE .jB^H ,- OFFICE OF STATE ENGINEER l J ', '

| H | " DECLARATION OF VESTED GROUNDWATER RIGHTS r. . . „ .. . . ,^ ^ H (Under Chapter 237 , Montana Ses s ion Laws, 196 l ) 1 • • • >- ^ • - - • • • - >- •*

fl^fl 1» MillT BlOthW f of QiiAfnrAB ^ B (Name of Appropriate) (Address) (Town)H ^ B County f# HiU ^Ute of Btmtoai^ ^ B Have appropriated groundwater according to the Montana laws in effect prior to Jan.^^M 1, 1962 as follows:

^ ^ H N 2. The beneficial use on which the claim is \jasod• • • • 1 . • 1 . Ljwtock

• • i 1 ^TT^•^•L 1 j^ Og^ m approximate date of earliest beneficial

B^HP I use; and hew continuous the use has bam^ H H | I 1M> Vm»A «rt»t-» w4»K m \*m1*f* . . . p > j . n l . » » ^

^ H M EH^H _ I*. The amount of groundwater claimed (in miner's^ | ^ | ] " Inches or gallons per minute)^^•^H j, mtm._ w _ _ _ _ _ ^t Qtia ottllftti pftT talfiti^w| H ^ H j 5. If used for irrigation, give the acreage and^ ^ H I description of the lands to which water hasH ^ H S been applied and nane of the owner thnreof

^ H .<>• ijjf se<v?/ x&V?J/£| ^ B Indicate point cf approprla- 6« Tne means of withdrawing such water from theB^H tlon and place of use, if poss- ground and tho location of each well or other•^H Ible. Each small square repre- noans of withdrawal•^H sents 10 scr^s. *" i^«*~***~.\ i-.T « w-rTT ^ Uf

,* ^ ^ ^ 1 7- The date of commencement and completion of the construction of the well, wells, or

_ « ^^H other works for withdrawal of goundwater

I I W^M 8. The depth of water table t w l w font1 |L B^H \ 9. So far as it may be available, the type, size and depth of each well or the general»-• B S p H Bpeoiflcaticns of any other works for tho withdrawal of grmindwat-wrrr g K » 8'X 8'X 18* two B* < m nt>»«1 twiw^ in *•>,- tv^»<«.•" o B^^B ——^-^—————__—_.——__—____—_——^_—____* ^ H K I ^ ' ^J8.«3Uwitod amount Of groundwater withdrawn each vaar ^n^nnn.-' ° • • • 11. The log of formations encountered In the drilling of each well if available5 ^H Mot «*»ll«bl«

w I^H 12. Such other Information of a similar nature as may bo useful In carrying out the pol>

5 ^ ^ ^ 1 icy of this act, Including reference to book and pago cf any county motwd

• H^H nqB*

g • ^ • j Data . D ^ , l o ^cp /; >

^ ^ H Three copius to bo filed by the owner with tho County Clerk & Recordar of the County inH^HJ which t h e w e l l I s l o c a t e d .


^•j TURNED.^ ^ H Original to the County Clerk & Recorder; duplicate to tho State Engineer; Triplicate to^ ^ H the School cf Mines and Quadruplicate for the Approprla tor.

' • - ^ — .

Page 36: ^B.mediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/hill/T33N_R10E_THRU_… · ^^^^B GW4 Apriuvcd Si.xk Form—Simc PuMnluiit Co.. Helen*. Monlim-«13?8 ilfijjll 3 I H Pile No T....3

Wm 396940

• E H rrcxin>iwar-«r' uli^. B

HO^ \ ....... ''./<^»-".".,..'./p...

Page 37: ^B.mediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/hill/T33N_R10E_THRU_… · ^^^^B GW4 Apriuvcd Si.xk Form—Simc PuMnluiit Co.. Helen*. Monlim-«13?8 ilfijjll 3 I H Pile No T....3

^ 1I GWJ* TOP 3 8 ™ RGB u ^ *" ^ H• FIIE NO. COUNTY HH

STATE OF MONTANA p ^ n= ^ r r n V P. ^ \ - A • •ADMINISTRATOR OF GROUNDWATER CODE! : ; : !;= ' " '" : o . -, ;', ' : ^ H

OFFICE OF STATE ENGINEER i p " ' : ;J . :: • • ]

DECLARATION OF VESTED GROUNDWATER RIGHTS J<->1J ' : M B(Under Chapter 237, Montana Session Laws, 196l) ' , _, , . . z - -> • B ^ B

! . Donald Miller Gildford STATE E u b i u L ^ ^ _

(Name of Appropriator) (Address) . " ' (Town) | ^ ^ BCounty pJLj&ll sS tate of » » " t a n a j ^ HHave appropriated groundwater according to the Montana lax.-3 in effect prior to Jan. i fl^H1, 1962 as follows: ; D H

IN 2. The beneficial uso on which the claim is based '. H R

1 j j t~\ 1 j I : ! Hj' 3« Date or approximate date of earliest beneficial : ^ ^ H, use; and hew continuous the use has been ^^^H

I ' — —~ <n tnn rt*rx¥ TB yearn ^^BttW . _ | E ^ B

_ ^ . The amount of groundwater claimed (in miner's : fl^H, inches or gallons per minute) approrlnqti'al'y 4 ^ ^ ^ H, iro R ijalifina oar it^ln. ^Hl

^ j ^ . ugetj ^ o r iypigation, give the acreage and ^ ^ HI description of the lands to which water has ^ ^ H

S been applied and rams of the owner thereof ! j ^ ^ BBn <rri^p'HTH3r SHj

M JT y Sec n T q3 R 1\ : j ^ H

Indicate point of appropria- 6. The means of withdrawing such water from the : ^^M

Ition and place of use, if poss- ground and thj location of each well or other '•• ^ B Bible . Each small square repre- means of withdrawal ^ ^ Hsents 10 acres. JJfiflBJi!9il.j3SSPB ; ^^U

: : ^H7. The date of commencement and completion of the construction of the well, wells, or ! ^ ^ H

other works for withdrawal of groundwater Old well data unknown ; ^ ^ H

8. The depth of water table Ar»ngo?:linn>«ly 80 f^et ^ ^ H9. So far as i t may be available, the type, size and depth of each well or the general j ^ ^ H

specifications of any other works for the withdrawal of groundwater i ^ ^ H'' AnprrMf<iwi1'oly TIP fan* rjnoo v l th a 6" canlna _ _ ^ . . ^ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ^ ^ ^ _ _ _ _ _ _ ^ ^ • H

10. Tlje.e.stimated amount of groundwater withdrawn each yaar 0 to SO,000 gallons ^ ^ O11. The log of formations encountered in the drilling of each veil if available ^ | H

Hht nvnllnhlfl ^^M

12. Such other information of a similar nature as may be useful in carrying out the pol- ' H|Bicy of this act, including reference to book and page of any county record ! j^^Hrunt ' m^m

, , ^^HSignature of Owner /U-&-vCvC-^f 'TT'l'tsUxr- ^Hj

an* /a/iol/?c>3 HThree copies to be filed by the owner with the County Clerk & Recorder of the County in fl^Hwhich the well is located. l ^ HPIEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS. IF NOT APPLICABLE, SO STATE, OTHERWISE THE FORM WILL BE RE_ ^ HTURNED. • . ^ BOriginal to the County Clerk & Recorder; duplicate to the State Engineer; Triplicate to ^ ^ B


Page 38: ^B.mediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/hill/T33N_R10E_THRU_… · ^^^^B GW4 Apriuvcd Si.xk Form—Simc PuMnluiit Co.. Helen*. Monlim-«13?8 ilfijjll 3 I H Pile No T....3

^ ^ H ' ' • • -i <"- ' " • • " • ' • i i ,'• • • ^I^B

^ H \ STATE OF MONTANA,)- .. - ' ^ H^M COUNTY QFHtLL ) , - . ^ H

H ox—Op'0 1963 • '' ^ f l

^ ^ ^ H ' ' '^ .-.,'fji-^ry-'i . . . i • •• l ^ ^ ^ l

^ H •' — smnv . ^ ^ H

I ' 1 ^ • H

H w : ^B

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^ ^ B File No..,. "' 'J. '": .' T 2>.3...B. //.. ^ H

^ H | _ DUPLIG^Eji===:_ai V " . "' J County /sLji^L^. _... ^ H

^ H f ^ ^ ^ ^ T W ^ l STATE ° F ^ W * * ' ••' ' '! " ^ |^ ^ f l 1 I K i E ^ " - ^ v' " II ADMINISTRATOR OF GROUNDWATER COPE • ^ H^ ^ B \ ..._•:• II OFFICE OF STATE" ENGINEERS. ' I 6) E C Eil V E f n i ^ H

^ H 1 M b t t e b a "Bureau oi | Dedaraiion of Vested Groundwaleri Righis U •••.<•• i-i;.: 5 lyyv U J H |^ H I Miues a n d G ^ ^ 2 = a (Under Chapter 237, Montana Session Lav s; 19W) ^ HH| h^^^"*^/ - — ' •' MATE ENGINEER ^ M^M i )JLJL iC^dJL. of JL<&4/*«*J...- fl|• | / / (Name of Appropriator) (Addres^ (Town) ^ ^ H^ ^ H County of 7.^L>JiA^. State of y..2.2a^r.\^Lxi^Mr^<. ^ ^ H• ^ • 1 have appropriated groundwater according to the Montana laws in effect prior to January 1, 1962, as fol- ^ ^ H^^^M lows: ^ ^ H^ 1 » ->/ H^ ^ ^ B I 1 1 1—- 2. The beneficial use on which the claim isjjased ..^skr?r^<^<-/ ^ ^ H^^^^p I ..<2~™:±^^......^....jQp<^J^.....(^J/..a:^£<^A~.. ^ ^ ^ H^ H H | I 3. Date or approximate date of earliest beneficial use; and how con- ^ ^ ^ |^ | ^ | tinuous the use has been 4.^u-.-...:...JS//.^......i.\..^....:L...^....A.i ^ B ^ |^ ^ H ...U..&Z. ^^M|HH w E H ^ l^ ^ ^ H 4. The amount of groundwater claimed (in miner's inches or gallons ^ ^ ^ 1^ ^ ^ H per minute) £i.S.....vA,UAi:^...J^.:.^.i^^i. ^ ^ H

^ ^ ^ B ! • 1 5. If used for irrigation, give the acreage and description of the ^ ^ ^ H^ ^ ^ B ' s lands to which water has been applied and name of the owner fl^^l^ ^ B thereof ..$/..Q. ^Bk

^ ^ ^ ^ Indicate point 6f appropriation ^ ^ H^ ^ ^ H and place of use, if possible. 6, The means of withdrawing such water from the ground and the ^ ^ ^ H• • Eai:h sma11 s q u a r e ^presents 10 ]ocation o£ w d l or Qther meang of wi thdrawa l .iL..:,.,^.?.. • •S^D acres. ([ ^ ^ H

H^B 7. The date of commencement and completion of the construction of the well, wells, or other works for with- ^ ^ ^ B^ ^ H x drawal of groundwater ..&....*«.:.*: /J//A...&'.?.'...-.(.'k:...&.Ja~ /..<i.Jug.. ^ ^ H

^ B //ia ...A..?-.2".J>.-yj?...»fe:r. H |^ ^ B 8. The depth of water table /..6^V. £^.^-. a-.^-....tt.<!&L. H^B

^^^B 9. So far as it may be available, the type, size and depth of each well or the general specifications of any ^ ^ ^ H^ ^ H other works for the withdrawal of groundwater ..J..M/..a....^,sj.J...../^tf^....*.*^...d'Qx&& r. ^ ^ H

^H .k....^. L::.....^U^..£, &...^....^!. £. I. MB

^ ^ ^ 1 10. The estimated amount of groundwater withdrawn each year .....Z ..?:.":.. ^C-.r.^.^'.JJ/^1.. ^^^H

•Hi 11. The loc of formations encountered in the drilling of each well if available JlzJ£~Z.. ^ ^ ^ BI . =====:-== I•HH reference to book and page of any county record.../.'J.-.Crj rrz:. ^ ^ ^ H

^ ^ B Signature of Ownof^^...:^>^^..>^Z^22^^.... ^ ^ H

H ^ | [ ate ftflBH ' ' • '— ^ Hj H ^ H Three copies to be filed by the owner with the County Clerk and Recorder of the county in which the well is ^ ^ ^ H

^ _ ^ H located. ' ^ ^ ^ B

^HB Please answer all questions. If not applicable, so state, otherwise the form will be returned. ^ ^ ^ |

^ ^ ^ | Original to the County Clerk and Recorder; duplicate to the State Engineer; Triplicate to the School of Mines ^ ^ ^ 1^ ^ ^ B and Quadruplicate for the Appropriator. j^^H

Page 40: ^B.mediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/hill/T33N_R10E_THRU_… · ^^^^B GW4 Apriuvcd Si.xk Form—Simc PuMnluiit Co.. Helen*. Monlim-«13?8 ilfijjll 3 I H Pile No T....3

^ 1 "^OCUMENT NO". 386832 ^ H

^^M ' J.W. KIDD ^ H

| ^ H THE PUBLIC : ^ H



^M . oif JAN 2 1962 ' ^ |

• | ^J^^sis^m •^ H ) wJ.."MI'..'ii'»ffli»* '""HtfBr ^ ^ H^ ^ B Fee $2.00- paid fl^H

Page 41: ^B.mediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/hill/T33N_R10E_THRU_… · ^^^^B GW4 Apriuvcd Si.xk Form—Simc PuMnluiit Co.. Helen*. Monlim-«13?8 ilfijjll 3 I H Pile No T....3

^ ^ H To State Engineer _ F R O M 9- P- Yepn ^ ^ |

^M ~ """ """ "' "" " " ^M^ ^ H Helena,. Montana County jClerk_ ^^M

. ^ ^ H _ ..._... .__ . Bpx_711.,._.. Havre ,._MpjatL.. . ^ ^ f l

^ ^ H sinjtq. Declaration of vested Oroundwater Rights. _-- _<7_.__W. .Kl.dfl ^ ^ Hj^H _.roLO MESSAGE DATE._JU24 19. 2. WM

^ ^ H Enclosed is the duplicate copy ofVeAted_Or_o«md.waJ;.er_B.lghJts_f.o.r_J.._W.. ^ ^ |

^ ^ H Kldd. This was sent.In error to.Jbhe_.So.hp.o.X_ofJBine.s.t If_y.ouJiay_e ^ H

^ ^ H _.' received the triplicate , please ..reJburn_lt_t.Q._thls_offJ..ce._s.o_we_can ^^M

HH file It with the School of Mines. ^ ^ J

^ H - - -- - siGNED._,O._C._'Je_pn J^L^JZl^Tl . ^ H^ ^ B v REPLY , _ . s~ ] ^ ^ |^^M DATE / - Z £ V)AZ. ^^M^ H . 144>. reiC<Z/'t'&s/ / ^ * _. /<7.d!^<Lye^C/:?i^ ^ H

^ H ^t/G. £.77d/c •S/'?tJf- .' /^^6t?-A-/jj_ 7*Al^J^^2^r£SA%k-Z^--. ^ H

• __ s,GNED '*r^?ti^u2> __ ; •• ^ ^ ^ B ^ „ „ „ . , „ U i A RETAIN V/HITE COPY, RETURN PINK COPY 7 ' V ^ ^ ^ H

Page 42: ^B.mediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/hill/T33N_R10E_THRU_… · ^^^^B GW4 Apriuvcd Si.xk Form—Simc PuMnluiit Co.. Helen*. Monlim-«13?8 ilfijjll 3 I H Pile No T....3


^ ^ B DECLARATION OF VESTED GROUNDWATER R K S T S '{~ ^ \ , : 7 fjB ^ H /^\ /^Onder Chapter 237, Montana Session laws', 1961)" # J~S

• 1. {LJtsJL^,! ^L££>LJ(^ B B ijTame of Appropriate1) ^ ^ (Address) S~I ~# ^ (Town)H | C&ounty ,Q£ 4/«ff£-y >State of ./VSEd-v^T* »fl^BJ rave appropriated" groundwater according to the Montana lairs in effect prior to Jan.B A Y 1, 1962 as follows:

^ ^ H N 2, The Mheficial ase CJ» which tfia^claiiMis based

^ B 1 1^•H 1 , j ^ Date or approxir:=to data of earliest beneficial^ ^ ^ H use^and hot continuous the usaJiaSjbeen , />

• v w E *?y vl ^ ^ H 't'. The amount of grpundv:.atv»' clcir.ed (in miner's^ ^ ^ H , inches or gallons per minute) /u

^ ^ ^ B 5» If used for irrigation, give the acreage and•^H ! w description of the linJs to which water hasj^^H S been applied and nan* of the owner thereof

^ ^ H Indicate point of appropria- 6, The neans of wi-thdravinc such water from the••l tion and place of use, if poss- ground and thr locr.Uon of each weU, or.otiier^^K ible. Each small square repre- weans of withdrawal <<3*<*f~~*A^r<etAr&Af*tT^^ ^ | H sents 10 acres. J-

^ ^ ^ H 7. The date of commencement and completion of the destruction of the well, wells, or I

^ ^ ^ | other works for withdrawal of groundwater / 9 y 3L— . I

^M ._. j&f - 1^^M 8. The depth of water table /^f* -?fT~' •^ ^ H 9. So far as i t may be available, the "type, tfizk and depth of each well or the Bengral I^ ^ H specifications pf any other works for the withdrawal of grounriwatfir sCD^r- •^ H B 10. TJje. estimated amount of groundwater withdrawn each vsar Ji<T/)0O^ H B 11. The log of formations encountered in the drilling of nach wel< If available

^ ^ B j 12. Such other information of a similar nature as may be useful in carrying out the pol-

^^^H icy of this act, including reference to book and pago of any county record

^ ^ H Signature of Ouner (LtjoJ^^^aAcA-^^ -^ *f

• S B T Three copies to be filed by the owner with the County Clerk & RjcordSr of the County in

• • • which t h e w e l l i s l o c a t e d .^ ^ B P1EASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS. IF NOT APPLICABLE, SO STATE, OTHERWISE THE FORM WILL BE HE_BBI TURNED.BBfl Original to the County Clerk & Recorder; duplicate to tho State Engineer; Triplicate to^^^B the School of Mines and Quadruplicate for the Appropri.itor.

Page 43: ^B.mediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/hill/T33N_R10E_THRU_… · ^^^^B GW4 Apriuvcd Si.xk Form—Simc PuMnluiit Co.. Helen*. Monlim-«13?8 ilfijjll 3 I H Pile No T....3

•I 397036

^ H JACK sv? ':\,w.

^ H TO



Hj o^r UEC-3^ 1963 .,

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^ H H-l : -2.00 pd.

Page 44: ^B.mediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/hill/T33N_R10E_THRU_… · ^^^^B GW4 Apriuvcd Si.xk Form—Simc PuMnluiit Co.. Helen*. Monlim-«13?8 ilfijjll 3 I H Pile No T....3

- - H W-As T®;23JSWX ?/£- ,__^ H FI SO, COUKTY ^ / V > • £*^ H STATS OF MONTANA ' H > r= - ~ n np _ j^ ^ H ADMINISTRATOR OP GRCONDWATER CODS , '" > I^ ^ H OFFICE OF STATE ENGINEER I ! ! I

^^M DECIARATION OF VESTED GROONDWATER RIGHTS -'''•'• ' • •• •:/-^ ' I^^M (Under Chapter 237, Montana Session Laws, 196l)_ . ._ __ J

^ B i. / / ir /. ,• or ^ ^ ' r ' L c::3;;:^^| ^ B (Name' of Approprlatoi1) - '/• •' <-' (Address)^ ' — T - ^ ~ ( T o w n ) I^ ^ 1 County gf - ^ 7 fStata of ^- ,f _f 4*7 I^ ^ ^ B nave appropriated "^roundwater according to the Montana laws in' effect '•priorTio Jan. |^ ^ 1 1, 1962 as follows: I

^ ^ H N 2. The beneficial use on which the claim is b^sed I

-fl^H 3. Date or approximate date of earliest beneficial I^^H[ ~ ~ uso; and how continuous the use has been_____ I

• • ! • • w _J E :

^HA _ L*' he amount of groundwater claimed (in miner's^^^m ! inches or gallons per minute)^ ^ H ______

^ ^ H ^ If used for irrigation, give the acreage and^ ^ ^ J I , description of the lands to which water hasH^H S been applied and name of the owner thereof___

• H ' We f- V/ f*£f~— ; - - /• ^ 1 Indicate point ft appropria- *>• The means of withdrawing such water from the^ ^ H tion and place of use, if pass- ground and the location of each well or other^H[ lble. Each small squar* repre- means of withdrawal .j^H sents 10 acres. •/' / . /?"'f '.J

^ ^ ^ H 7* The date of commencement and conmletion of the construction of the well, wells, or^ ^ ^ H other works for withdrawal of groundwatar^ ^ H ••<•./"/ - - •-

^^M 8. The danth of water tablw ~^ ^ H 9. So far as it may be available, the typ"e, size and depth of each well or the general^^^| ' " specifications of any other works for the withdrawal of groundwatwr

^ ^ H 10. The. estimated amount of groundwater withdrawn each vaar ^^ ^ ^ H \ 11. The log of formations encountered in the drilling of nach walif A.frAVa^'^hlrf'

^HB 12. Such other information'of a similar nature as may be useful in carrying out the pol»^ ^ B icy of this act, Including reference to book and page of any county record

|HH Signature of Owner //' ,/ f <"' s • /^ ^ B vy " ' "••" '-<• -• / . .c^- .y. >'./*^ H DAt», s- /^ _ ^ -^ -c- - ' / " •' ''- ~H ^ l Three copies to be filed by the awner with the County Clerk & Record6r of the County in I• • which the well i s located. •


^ ^ ^ 1 Original t o the County Clerk & Recorder; dupl ica te t o the Sta te Engineer; T r ip l i ca t e t o U^^^M the School of Mines and Quadruplicate for the Appropriator. I

Page 45: ^B.mediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/hill/T33N_R10E_THRU_… · ^^^^B GW4 Apriuvcd Si.xk Form—Simc PuMnluiit Co.. Helen*. Monlim-«13?8 ilfijjll 3 I H Pile No T....3


^ H ^t^rt ri..J-L."\'U?k.£Jm- I

^^H ' *"—~ i>:*ATY"¥ijiftK" I

I ...

Page 46: ^B.mediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/hill/T33N_R10E_THRU_… · ^^^^B GW4 Apriuvcd Si.xk Form—Simc PuMnluiit Co.. Helen*. Monlim-«13?8 ilfijjll 3 I H Pile No T....3


^ B DECIARkTIOS OF VESTED GROUNIWATER RIGHTS u " ,! :^ ^ 1 (Under Chapter 2 3 7 , Montana S e s s i o n Laws, 1 9 6 I )

^ | 1. .?/••/.:,. 00 f :r' •* /r?.ffi[\x*- t~ •'•'•'c:ri

^ H (H«te'of ApjJfdpflitbrV / ' ~ " (Addressr *^~ '/' (Town?^ ^ H County af O./ y / .Statn of ,? .'f *:r^ ^ H itave appropriated groimawater according to the Montana laws 'it? effect prior to Jan.^•j 1, 1962 as follows:^ ^ H N 2. The beneficial use on which the claim is \psed^^^B , 1 . 1 1 Y ^ f^CC •* C A /.. • nT..'»^ ^ H j—1 , 2^ 0 ^ ^ appyoxiaate date of earliest benefioial^ ^ H —_ _. use; and how continuous the use has be«n_____

^H W E^ ^ ^ H ^. The amount of groonduater claimed (in miner's^ ^ ^ v ., , Inches or gallons per *Am\t»)

^m /; rc^ ^ H ) 5 If used for irrigation, give the acreage and^ ^ H I description of the lands to which water has•H| S been applied and name of the owner thareof___

^ m c <r, ,/g —^ ^ H Indicate point tt aDproorla- 6. The means of withdrawing such water from the^ ^ H tion and place of use, if pess- ground and the location of each well or other j^^m ible. Each small squar* repre- noans of witt.Jrawal ]^HB sents 10 acres. .- r~ . „ „. .^ ^ H 7. The date of commencement and completion of the^construction of the well, wells, or j^ ^ ^ 1 other works for withdrawal of groundwatar I^^M 8. Thn depth of water table '-*'' ' '- ' / T '^ ^ H 9. So far as it may be available, the type, size and depth of each well or the general^ ^ ^ P specifications of any other works for the withdrawal of p»n»nrfwnter

^ ^ H 10. The, estimated amount of groundwater withdrawn each year -' ^ H N 11. The log of formations encountered in the drilling of an^h uwil if available

^ ^ H 12. Such other information of a similar nature as may be useful in carrying out the pol» j^ ^ H icy of this act, including reference to book and page of any county rueord I

^ H Signature of 0™"- * ? ' _'„ • > f: / ^^"^^ C <?.../>, f

^ ^ 1 Dfttw '•'CJZ ' ~t.' .' f' C I^ ^ H Three copies to be filed by the ewner with the County Clerk & Recorder of the County in I

^^M which the well is located. IHH PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS. IF NOT APPLICABLE, SO ST/vTE, OTHERWISE THE FORM WILL BE R E . I• • TURNED. J^^M Original to the County Clerk & Recorder; duplicate to the State Engineer; Triplicate to ]^ ^ H | the School of Mines and Quadruplicate for the Apnropriator. I

Page 47: ^B.mediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/hill/T33N_R10E_THRU_… · ^^^^B GW4 Apriuvcd Si.xk Form—Simc PuMnluiit Co.. Helen*. Monlim-«13?8 ilfijjll 3 I H Pile No T....3

^ ^ | TO ;


IH / GL->^^^

^ ^ ^ H . ' . . •. • '> •* • •^•>

^ H iTTi't tS.OO pd. -


Page 48: ^B.mediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/hill/T33N_R10E_THRU_… · ^^^^B GW4 Apriuvcd Si.xk Form—Simc PuMnluiit Co.. Helen*. Monlim-«13?8 ilfijjll 3 I H Pile No T....3

H J O« Arpnmtf Slock Form—Sun rvbtlahlu Cs. Helraa. Mmunu-4234 ^ ^ - ^ ' . w * I

I pa.Na i..2JL&K-JJLfe.—Jf* I• DUPLICATE C<»n^^.-y<feW^r—N.- - - •• STATE OT KOHTANA F ^ ~ ' ; ~ !' • j II ADMnOBTKATOB OF QftOUNDWATER OO0K * •) IB ' o m O I 07 8TATB KHOOnSEB ^ l- j /••,;; 1 •>". ' -H I

I Declaration of Vested GroundwatGrsRights;;_?\ 9H (Under Chapter 237, Montana Seaaian Lawi, 1961) I

I L. # t ^ jfiH4_tJ^3<U.lr of J£JLLUZXL- I• (Name of Ajjpropriator) J (Addrep) ('<**) •• County of jtflM. State of ^ U 4 r t V * < _ ...-. I• have appropriated groundwater according to the Montana lawi in effect prior to January 1. 1962, at followi: •

I " jf' / i [ mI I I I j I i ; j I 2. The beneficial we jn which the elatoU baied. .^^<^t../«r«r.!^A I

B "'": i j'""" I i ;"" 3. Date or approximate date of earliert beneficial Uie; and how eontinn- IH • j ; I — ! — | — out the, rue has been / jf.jM. B

I . . - . . ; . . - ; \'"\ ;" ' 4. The amount of proundwator claimed (in miner'! inebeim galloni IB : : ..; ; — •—:— per minute) *. CI.A-4*% ./ _«./.T. .rJ.iM,. *.<KJ<^. I

I : i j : ; i 5. If u»cd for irrigation, give the acreage and deieription of the land* I• ; ( ; , to which water has boon applied and name of the owner thereof. •

• "4-i~is'T/3l*<L ><* iPJjJ J ia& &ZH-.L£. A.k..aJL %L O...T II vi 8< ... ij0«rr* II Indicate point of appropriation ' H• and place of uie, if possible. Gnch . . . , , . , . • . . U• Bnalf Kjuare rcpreacnU 10 acren. °- The mpjusi of withdrawing mieh water frutn the ground and the loea- •I . tion of each well or o t W nieona of withdrawal.. *4*AS\. I'&Aj^.i.mjy I

I - ~#" '- / II 7. The dale of commencement nnd compjetion of tlie enmtruction of the well, welli, or other worki for with- fl

drawal of groundwaUir / 7 J ^ H8. The depth of water table €..A... & ^.P. •

9. So far ai it may be available, the type, lixo and depth of each well or the gcnarajLlpecificatluni of any other Hwork* for tho witlidrawol of groundwatcr ... c v n X ^ /C.Q.. .&^.. ... HJ

10. The cutlmntcd amount of groundwatcr withdrawn each year / / C?; .0. O..M H

11. The log of formation! encountrred in tho drilling of each well if available H

12. Such other information of a limilar nature M may bo unrful in cerrying out the policy of this act, including HJreference to book and page of nny county rccofJ HJ

Signature of Owner /r?.Utr<h*A.... >orT.S«<ftT**3L- H

Date /Ltc-..3..%.JluJir IThree cople* to be filed by the owner with the County Clerk and Recorder of the county in which the well ii located. H

Pleaw answer all qneitioni. If not applicable, to itata, othcrwlie the form will be returned, ^ J

Original to the County Clerk and Recorder; Duplicate to the State Engineer; Triplicate to the Montana Dareau of W^Minei and Geology, and Quadruplicate for the ApproprUtor. g / e 6 o H J

> . H

Page 49: ^B.mediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/hill/T33N_R10E_THRU_… · ^^^^B GW4 Apriuvcd Si.xk Form—Simc PuMnluiit Co.. Helen*. Monlim-«13?8 ilfijjll 3 I H Pile No T....3

, ^ 396997 H

WILLIS \-l. CADY .' ^ H

TO '. ^ B



STATE OF MQftT&N4,i«, ' • ^ HCOUNTY 0P feu. n , •• i H H

'< oy DE-C.3QJ963 • • ] H

^^—-— "kiBtffl" . ,r. . " ^H

FEE: $2.00 pd. r . • ^ ^ 9


» - ^ ^ ^ 1

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- • O f ' , Approved Stock Form—Stale Publishing Co, Helena. Montana—41921 r*. p 3 /*)

File No-:* T33UL-JU/-£.



Declaration of Vested Groundwater Right§7A|t tNiilNEER(Under Chapter 237, Montana Session Laws, 1961) "* i

*LtetiMJ:.ttitfmAJ>^T*^.ZM*fMU !£±l.d/.<?ftJ....(Name of Appropriator) (Address) (Town)

County of H-Dl State oiM^M.^AAAhave appropriated groundwater according to the Montana laws in effect prior to January 1, 1962, as follows:

I i i i i i j j i 2. The beneficial use on which the claim is \nasnsH(!iKJt.Q.^PJM..I —J i i .: • I—. *^j£e...&.6./..*'..e.lr<?.6.x.

t | ! ; I ! !— , — , ,. , — ; — | g Dnto or approximate date of earliest beneficial use; and how eontinu-.„..:....: :.„. !....! !.„_. ous the use has beciiX<?/fy?..<^./?X(?.../*-A^-^<-5C</

i i i : • I .£o./y.7J/¥.a.<&.£..w I i » ; : i E

. — . , , ] 1 ^ ^ e a m o u n t 0£ groundwatcr claimed (in miner's inches or gallons. . . . : . . . i.-i I-—:.—i.... per minute)£tkr^...MAJJ.aM£.J/?&Ji(.-...MjV/.iMXe..

f*» ' ! * ' • 1

• I I j ; I 5. If used for irrigation, give the acreage and description of the lands, s to which water has been applied and name of tho owner thereof

.¥.4./?.d..r: .^.^.j:/f.£..r{M£.^^4..).^.^3j).

»**?!* See3*; • *«: • f i ^ : ^ : : ^ ::=Indicate point o£ appropriationsma/squafe^eliesSTo a^rct 6. The means of withdrawbg such water from the ground and the loca-

tion of each well or other means of withdrawalx. JdCX/iiC-

7. Tho date of commencement and completion of the construction of the well, wells, or other works for with-N- drawal of groundwator.^S/}./?--^--/^^-

8. Tho depth of water table 3).0Jk£.L.A££JZ0X»

9. So far as it may bo available, the type, size and depth of each well or the general specifications of any otherworks for the withdrawal of gmvM&wtev.jD£.eJ?....teejJ...^...£JX--^^ I


10. The estimated amount of groundwater withdrawn each ywx.j/*£.<2.O..&..J24t'l~j

11. Tho log of formations encountered in the drilling of each well if available/y.0.T../X.£-/-*@M-&-

i:::zz:z::z:z::::iz::zi: \

12. Such other information of a similar nature as may be useful in carrying out the policy of this act, includingreference to book and page of any county reeordyfl»e<j. ^»<^af.Cl' t.^....0tn,.ff...^p^:~.^/!.^a-&c/s—-0-/^•fiAJAe -3 ^.•.&/&-~&&&i>A-tj£----*&-£eiu*t-w--ai£~~-/J-+-4-i 3^?:<S-6>-/:-...fi/.jii/H..TA/¥A

Signature of Owner<^?^&p««sK.^<;.^ tji^^^»^t-»n-.

Three copies to be filed by the owner with the County Clerk and Recorder of the county in which the weli is located. I

Please answer all questions. If not applicable, so state, otherwise the form will be returned. 1

Original to the County Clerk and Becordcr; Duplicate to the State Engineer; Triplicate to the Montana Bureau of IMines and Geology, and Quadruplicate for the Appropriator. ., j $ ,a I

Page 51: ^B.mediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/hill/T33N_R10E_THRU_… · ^^^^B GW4 Apriuvcd Si.xk Form—Simc PuMnluiit Co.. Helen*. Monlim-«13?8 ilfijjll 3 I H Pile No T....3




ixam v. •OTFHMJ

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';! f ; ••N STATE OF MONTANA,^


°& L»EO j 8 1963

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I Fee:$2.00 pd •-•


•M^JLJMM^IMM ^ • • • • • I Ml I I ' - - . A

Page 52: ^B.mediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/hill/T33N_R10E_THRU_… · ^^^^B GW4 Apriuvcd Si.xk Form—Simc PuMnluiit Co.. Helen*. Monlim-«13?8 ilfijjll 3 I H Pile No T....3

• Q- ' Approved Stock Form—State Publishing ».-«elen«. Montana—41921 n. >>3 ^ ^ H

I Pile No W)tr...l9........3fe..Blk...l _ Z* •• Gildford-Newnan Morris addition ^ H1 DUPLICATE County Hil l ^ HI STATE OF MONTANA • ^ H

B ADMINISTRATOR OF GROUNDWATER CODE C£\ T!? <C1E B "V iiL jlTl ^ f l• OFFICE OF STATE ENGINEER I n^ l | j ^ HI UU DtC271963 -^ •• Declaration of Vested Groundwater Rights ^ BMI (Under Chapter 237, Montana Session Laws, 1961) ST A1 L £ N U S N 1. L A H H

I i.M??« .J.PM..y.'....P.9.Jk9.?9.1 , of Gi.lflf.orfl. l H• (Nome of Appropriatorj (Address) (Town) • •I County of K i l l State of IlOU-tana ^ HI have appropriated groundwater according to the Montana laws in effect prior to January 1, 1962, as follows: ^ ^ n

I » ^ |Pj I i j j I j i I I 2. The beneficial use on which the claim is based p^pip ....;.....: :..„ .:....: ;„.. 4oaes.t;l.c....ua.e ^^H• —, j ,. j — I — , g Date or approximate date of earliest beneficial use; and hov continu- ^ H |I —.J...J.-—i—- I—-I I—- ous the use has becn...DP.t...l959-r.C0.nwiJlUaU3...uaa...aince ^ H

R w • ! '• \ ; i T. ^ p H

• . ; I , ] | ^ ^,j i c mnounj of groundwater claimed (in miner's inches or gallons ^p^HI ....;....;....! !....: !_... porminute) k...B&X..£$T...Ml& HRJ

I : I ; I \ : 5. If used for irrigation, give the acreage and description ol! the lands ^p^pj• to which water has been applied and name of the owner thereof ^ ^ HI Lot 19 Blk 1 aoae ^MI Newman Morris addition. _, * v 1 MI ft Sec^.. T^j/B..;/^ 7ZIIIIIZZ. ^HI Indicate point of appropriation ^P^PJI smdF'squa^^prL^U "o a^rot 0. The means of withdrawing such water from the ground and the loca- HjI tion of each well or other moons of withdrawal ^J^PJI a\ifem£r.5.1b.l.Q...si«aite:.elaatilo ^ H

I 7. The date of commencement and completion of tho construction of the well, wells, or other works for with- ^ J HI " drawai of groundwator c.oj3iasnos.d..ln..aap1;...l959-s'.r;.onmplatGd...in...Oat...l9&9- f^H

8. Tho depth of water tablo....mta^....ley.el...ffl9flaml9.a..4.Q.^...be.IOTf...sroUttd...laVell ^ H

9. So far as it may bo available, the type, sizo and depth of each well or tho general specifications of any other J^Hworks for tho withdrawal of groundwater. ..QwX5'-tO-p.OOiiL •l-5-2J-<—qui-GkSaHd 23—2-5-r-6lfty ^ ^ |.2.5~J2.?...«uickaand. J2w.3j6.'..(?rey...Blay .3j6.«rl(.l.?...sandy'!'.tm.ter. i«.l-6.5.!-..Gr.ey...clGy ^ H.65s(ia?....aand"/^7iL!iar. .6.8-.71.!....blu.Q...fil«y .71r.7.6.?....]hrc!wa...Qlfly .Z6aB.7i...lilu« .. .alsy H

I .B.7m$2i...zxBy....c.ls&. .92;7.9.6.»...\miifir...san4 .9.6slQ3..!...jECfiy...ft3.§y. 19.3-ia.Q.!...Mntonite ^ H

dea.p-w©3-l-».5^'?--caa.iae-«»l-14)...f.t-,-lB-4«ptli- m^M

10. The estimated amount of groundwater withdrawn each year jL.jQ.tOQQ.. fin l3.~apPr.0X.. ^ ^ B

11. Tho log of formations encountered in the drilling of each well ii available S.e.O....9.itOVe ^ I ^ H

1 12. Such other information of a similar nature as may be useful in carrying out ths policy of this act, including p^JR

reference to book and page of any county record....nans...aTrailahlO. ^ p ^ H

Signature of O^vncr.^^.\^:..^y^;:/^^.f4«id..^^.C^A:<Afkl- ^JH

' Datc.M re . Jsj.:::. 4>3 ^ Hi P^pH

Three copies to be filed by the owner with the County Clerk and Recorder of tho county in which the well is located. ^pH

Please answer all questions. If not applicable, so state, otherwise tho form will be returned. pP^PJ

Original to the County Clerk and Recorder; Duplicate to the State Engineer; Triplicate to the Montana Bureau of ^fl RjMines and Geology, and Quadruplicate for the Appropriator. , ^ H H

/Jv-.;?^ p^p

Page 53: ^B.mediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/hill/T33N_R10E_THRU_… · ^^^^B GW4 Apriuvcd Si.xk Form—Simc PuMnluiit Co.. Helen*. Monlim-«13?8 ilfijjll 3 I H Pile No T....3



• R - IATE OF WOKThK*,}^ ^ H^ H COUNTY 0F HILL ) H |

H : oir i;-G2G19B3 B H^ H ' ___&•_£•-Bicn -— ^ H^ ^ H ~' ' •" 'utt-vrT ^ ^ H

^ ^ ^ K F&s $2.00 pd. '( ^ ^ 1

Page 54: ^B.mediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/hill/T33N_R10E_THRU_… · ^^^^B GW4 Apriuvcd Si.xk Form—Simc PuMnluiit Co.. Helen*. Monlim-«13?8 ilfijjll 3 I H Pile No T....3

•HB »* r7T\ i? -fa it? T; v—""a r~N II »' - ^f .i«es• DUPLICATE •/</>' County.S_T.A.TttX£.N8i.N.Et.R I^ H ' - ' V ; ' * STATE OF MONTANA L " 1^ H >* ,r '.t ADMINISTRATOR OF GROUNDWATER CODE I• I — I Top of Ground >> OFFICE OF STATE ENGINEER I

^ B ~ (Eiev. above sea level -wso.... > Notice of Completion of Gronndwaler I^ H ~ „ .. Appropriation by Means of Well I• IB | _ 0 top SOil r F r * i_ :' I^ ^ H , . . . (Under Chapter 237, Montana Session Laws, 1961) I^ • • H 1 sandy brow clay I^ H - 1 6 boulder* Owner. J«nlo.»'..Engliph Address.GUdfc>rd,..*tontana. I• ^ H _20 runny sand, trace water I• J B „. . . . DrilleW.°Y.d QM HanberR Address.** Jttdex,..,Mcintan» I• • ^ • i _30 sandy ortron clay I^ ^ H _37 l ight brown clay Date of Notice cf Appropriation of Groundwater .Ju*Y..V.«..XWW I• • _57 sandy, l ight brown clay D a l e w o l l Btarted..JWLy...o.t. l»$a Date Completed.July..l3...19.«^ P ^ J P _63 grey sandy clay• • , <r * Tyi )e o f well...«Ml«>. Equipment Used.....«pudder.MM _M grey clay, t a t ( d u g ) d r i v e r i ) b o r e d o r (Churn, drill, rotary or^ ^ B _81 grey sandstone, watcar, Judith drilled) other)^^M _ ' 2 sandstone VVater Use: Domestic ffl Municipal • Stock D Irrigation Q^^M well completed Industrial D Drainage Q Other Q^ ^ H _ tfi&O (k" £° '&*-6ml\ * ::5:5 Indicate on the diagram the character and thickness of the different^ ^ ^ 1 ttL^A^y-^^ %M.'-/yviH *''-' strata met with in drilling, such as soil, clay, shale, gravel, rock or sand,^ ^ ^ H — ^\~y , A j (] c'-c' Show depth at which water is encountered, thickness and character of^ ^ H _ oA ^J^f.dfil^'^ water-bearing strata and height to which the water rises in the well.

^ ^ ^ ^ H — 81zf Rlie and From To^ H | ot W«l|ht of (FMt) (F«t) rEBFOItATIONS^ ^ ^ 1 — Drilled c««lne " Klna Froiu ~" To^^^M IM' 8I» (Feet) (Fept)

^^m _ 6 3/4" 6" O.n. io.SO 0 79' 6" none none none

^ ^ H _ N Static Water Level for non-flowing Well ** feet, 1

^^M - ! I L_. Shut-in Pressure for Flowing Well ?»?.• I

^ ^ B 1 Pumping Water Level .?* feet at ?.9 gil. per minute. I

H ^ H _ T Discharge in gal, per min. of flowing well .£*??. I

^ H - J How Tested.....1*.^."* Length of Test ?...h.t8..T I

^ ^ H ~ •—; I Remarks: (Gravel packing, cementing, packers, typo of shutoff, loca- I^ ^ H _ I tion of place of use of groundwater if not at well, and any I^ ^ H I I other similar pertinent information, including number of I

> ^ ^ H - s acres irrigated, if used for irrigation) I

l ^ H — I/4 SecA?.. T47A K.pr... K c U c a a e d t o san<i8tone,unnccessaty £roi? that point M^ ^ H Indicate location of well and •^ | H ~ place of use, if possible. Each Mfl^H small square represents 10 acres. •

fl^H I Sliow exact depth of bottom. State License Ht> •W ^ H Driller's License Number B

H ^MJ^J^T. IHj Driller's Signature ^ K

P^H This form to be prepared by driller, and three copies to be filed by the owner with the County Clerk and Re- I

Wmk corder in the county in which the well is located. I

H ^ l Please answer all questions. If not applicable, so state, otherwise the form will be returned. I

fl^l Original *o the County Clerk and Recorder; duplicate to the State Engineer; Triplicate to the School of Mines IB B B and Quadruplicate for the Appropriator. . •

• M | Zoo*-- •

Page 55: ^B.mediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/hill/T33N_R10E_THRU_… · ^^^^B GW4 Apriuvcd Si.xk Form—Simc PuMnluiit Co.. Helen*. Monlim-«13?8 ilfijjll 3 I H Pile No T....3




^•j **•>> "i 1 1 ,,WflrA-i£_pwa.

^ ^ B ' ; > r n i t ' : ^ ' ; 130^i^H I _g.t C IEON „

Page 56: ^B.mediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/hill/T33N_R10E_THRU_… · ^^^^B GW4 Apriuvcd Si.xk Form—Simc PuMnluiit Co.. Helen*. Monlim-«13?8 ilfijjll 3 I H Pile No T....3


• GVi Approved Stock Form—Sute Publishing Co, Helen*, Montana—4192! ^ ^ •* J

File No T 3 .3__ -B_U. . . :




Declaration of Vested Groundwater R£gl#?h ENGINEER(Under Chapter 237, Montana Session Laws, 1961)

! . O i l d f p r d Ccttamercial Club , of ? iM?°?.f i' (Name of Appropriator) ' (Address) (Town)

County of .....EEi.i.1 State of MPntteBQhave appropriated groundwater according to the Montana laws in effect prior to January 1, 1962, as follows:


I i ; I i | j I 2. The beneficial use on which tlio claim is based *O?W.?*i9.__..:._..': j ! : !____ p o m u n i t y . . w e l l

\ I ' l l ' !

, ; , j I—i g Tfa\& o r app r o x ;m n t c , |atc of cai'licst beneficial use; and how continu-....:,...:....': L..i |.... ous the use has been Jt953r.-cpntinupu8...usQ.. tjln.ee

i • I ; : ! dey.e.lopmenttv i • 1 • j ! r.

'•": • • ! ; j 4. The amount of groundwater claimed (in miner's inches or gallons. . . : ....• ....'• I—.;.„..;.... per minute) .5P5rp7T...5 £.v.l...por..ni.in?

: : : i | ! 5. If used for irrigation, give the acreage and description of the lands 's to which water hns been applied nnd name of the owner thereof

Dug g n * l i n e oi rocd al lov/ance Hfi.n.SMV7..y4 Soc.39. T.33... R..13,.Indicuto point of appropriation

smnlf'squnl^prescnU "lO a^et <»• The means of withdrawing such water from the ground and the loca-tion of each well or other means of withdrawal


7. Tho date of commencement and completion of tbo construction of the well, wells, or other works for with- jdrawal of groundwater F.fi.ll..l9.53.r-S.t.r!rt..aM...C.QniplGt5on |

\ ,

8. Tho depth of water table U.'... bo low. the . . sx : r f act; (

9. So far as it may bo available, tho type, sizo and depth of each well or tho general specifications of any otherworks for tho withdrawal of groundwater 5Jaall.O\v..X/!9ll--3.6"...ESJLV.i.....O.&ail]J3r.r.l7.!...ln...(lfip.tll

10. Tho estimated amount of groundwater withdrawn each ycar...36.,.5.QQ- :.:a.l3.»... (36.5-...<S^yfl.•&•• 100. . .£»! .o v e r a g e p e r d a y )

11. The log of formations encountered in the drilling of each well if availableN.p...],p.^..ayr..ll:..bl'::

12. Such other information of a similar nature us may be useful in carrying out the policy of Urn act, includingreference to book and page of any county record HOC.©....r.lYuAlt3.1jJLS

/~CI ' •* l z/3 *^Signature of 0»fleii£-^4s<r;^.-:~.:-r«.....rb?r»rf?.^-.-O/' »'


Three copies to be filed by the- owner with the County Clerk and Recorder of the county in which the well is located.

Please answer all questions. If not applicable, so state, otherwise the form will be returned.

Original to the County Clerk and Recorder; Duplicate to the Slate Engineer; Triplicate to the Montana Bureau ofMines and Geology, nud Quadruplicate for the Appropriator. i^ <4 3 I

Page 57: ^B.mediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/hill/T33N_R10E_THRU_… · ^^^^B GW4 Apriuvcd Si.xk Form—Simc PuMnluiit Co.. Helen*. Monlim-«13?8 ilfijjll 3 I H Pile No T....3

^ H * Doc. No. 396765




IB '• • STATE OF MONTANA,^^ ^ D ffiitti it^&.taa.<>'cioek~iL.vi

H | OJV Dc;'. 2 G 1963

^ ^ H • * -••• fusran

HB ' Fee: .^2.00 Pd.

Page 58: ^B.mediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/hill/T33N_R10E_THRU_… · ^^^^B GW4 Apriuvcd Si.xk Form—Simc PuMnluiit Co.. Helen*. Monlim-«13?8 ilfijjll 3 I H Pile No T....3

^ ^ ^ | G 1 ' Appro«4Sfc>c»:Fom-S<MeP»bU«htagCo, Htkm. MonUM—COM »*&**' ' |

^ H - Lots 1,3,5,7, Block 21, I^ H F i l e N o or ig ina l TwnsftA-Tjrcnarwa. 1


H Declaration of Vested Groundwater R$St£E ENGINEER^ ^ H (Under Chapter 237, .Iontana Session Laws, 1961) I

^ B i. .?.^*![£rd_.pJE!ilJ5S!'.l5_£<!"f? , of 5 . i 1 ^ . ™ ! I^ ^ H (Name of Appropriatorj ' (Address) (Town) I• County of ___MH__ . State of *^™* I^ ^ H have appropriated groundwater according to the Mtntana laws in effect prior to January 1, 1962, as follows: I

^^^M I | i j i j i i I 2. The beneficial use on which tho claim is based .! I^^M ....:...„• : :....; ;.... Public service etc. 1

^ ^ H ..... , , j . 2 D a t e Qr gppygjjj,,,^ £ a t e of cariiejt beneficial use; and how continu- 1

• | ...|...j...j |....|,.,.|._.|,.., ^ ™ ^ ; : ; : ^ j| ^ ^ | •-•;•--:••••;•-• ; : ;-••• 4 The amount of groundwatcr claimed (in minttfs iaebet or g l B m I^M ...:....:....; J..4....;.... perminute) *..t?....?..«?M?M.P»r_J&HSSi ^ — |

^ ^ ^ B '. : ! 1 ; ! 5. If used for irrigation, give the acreage and description of th* land* 1^ H Lots 1,3,5,«& 7, lilock 21, to wUch WftT ^Jti^tttVjk&Sn01 A° owae''tt**of I| ^ H Original Townsite of -*• —-—• I| ^ H ^tvf^forfl,Tl Hotft-Ena I^ ^ H Indicate point of appropriation " I^ ^ H and place of use, if possible. Each . . . . , . . ; t , I, ^ ^ H small square represents 10 acres. °- T b o means of withdrawing such water from the ground «Bd ( M loea- I^ ^ ^ 1 <;»/• o n T » n QCI . . . „ . t i n l*oa ° ' ©wch well or other means of withdrawal _..__— I^^m sue as , THp d», range u s ^a c!S *[e^i ??.•!?. ,.„..,.•,.,. I

^ ^ ^ H ' 7. The date of commencement and completion of the construction of the well, wells, or other wpltaL'jCor with- I^ H drawn! of groundwatcr b e g a i ( l r . i l l i p g 2<L.J.M«...1859...c^^^ I

H 8. The depth of water table..!»?'.. from t o p 85« of w a t o r _ ^ I

^ ^ H 9. So for as it may be available, the typo, size and depth of each well or the general ipeaUfartfotK Of any other I^ ^ H works for th« withdrawal of groundwatcr. »•+•«•••«••«• -x •• .'.'-'.:..~- I^ ^ H 1 W f t d e e p 5 ^ D « D . c a l l i n g >/>jii_[-<Li.,ii.'

1 I

^ ^ H peop: we'll'''w?ttbmer8i^I?"''ty/pi»^""pu«pi T"* .:.'u,!?~""" I

H ^ H 10. Tho estimated amount of groundwatcr withdrawn each year *!.?A.»™..Jjr.T™.0.?™. I

^ ^ ^ | 11. The log of formations encountered in the drilling of each well If available I^ ^ B Qtq 48* yellow sandx clay I^ H 43« first"water'. "3JO'° '??.l""San<ix"-3i«iJr" 1^ H 6B« to 8.?.' felue clajf'" 85' '*? ^"'^.^'9^7. M r .1? T?.?1 '??J*O.??.y.'''' I^ H 2nd xat'eir "at 35 i — 1^ m 12. Such other information of a similar nature at may bt useful in carrying out the policy of this act, including I^ ^ ^ B reference to book and page of any county tecord— .?..P.l?.?...?.y?.i.i.?".i?...m_._™_.... «......_...„.. I^ ^ B Gild ford Farmer's Co-op / I

^ H Signature olb<Jmtt.^lh<M^^...^J^.^Liyl!^' Ij ^ l Date .2.3 Dec 1963 I

^ ^ ^ B Three copies to be filed by the owner with the County Clerk and Recorder of the county in which the well is located. I

^ ^ H Pleoso answer all questions. If not applicable, so state, otherwise the form will be returned. I

^ ^ ^ S Original to the County Clerk and Recorder; Duplicate to the State Engineer; Triplicate to th? Montana Bureau of I^ ^ ^ | Mines and Geology, and Quadrapii?*** for the Appropriator. $01X^ I

Page 59: ^B.mediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/hill/T33N_R10E_THRU_… · ^^^^B GW4 Apriuvcd Si.xk Form—Simc PuMnluiit Co.. Helen*. Monlim-«13?8 ilfijjll 3 I H Pile No T....3

fl[ 39S901-


^ ^ B TO




•H ' -1:1:1V -> ;."-L ) .

^ ^ H f1"*-*"',.,-vV'-( #•*!'«^ ^ H ._ | p i . ••

^ H KEE: *2.00 pd. f , i ...-^.IVri^JiiiS^^^M 'Jt: '••[" 2 S ' 1 'r.V':^*'»-*:^^

Page 60: ^B.mediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/hill/T33N_R10E_THRU_… · ^^^^B GW4 Apriuvcd Si.xk Form—Simc PuMnluiit Co.. Helen*. Monlim-«13?8 ilfijjll 3 I H Pile No T....3

^ ^ ^ ^ B G « Appnm Slock Form—Suit mbl'ihlnt Co. Helm. MomM»—«215« ^Step**' ^ ^ |

• • in,*.... VJSJ^/JUL-J* •^ ^ f l DUPLICATE . V ^ County TO-dwC... _ ^ H^ ^ H STATE OF MOHTAHA . ["r r| /->. P- " " " ' H=^ ^ H

^ ^ | ADHINISTBATOK OF QROUNDWATEB CODE ; - ' j | ^ |^ ^ H OFFICE OF STATE EKOtNEEB U d .,-,,, 1 <; .. : *--' ^ H

^ H Declaration of Vested Groundwater Rights ;::n H^^M (Under Chapter 237, Montana Session L»wm, 1961)w ^M

^m i. . ^ 4-.U_ ._••!..J-a.::i.xL..: of ,L _ ^LLJJL : I^ ^ H (Name of Appropriator) (Addrem) (Town) ^ H^ ^ H County of }.1..L'\ SUt* of '/I/ .- L:— __ ^ H^ ^ H have appropriated gnrandwater according to the Montana lawa in effect prior to January 1, 1962, u fouowi: ^ H

^ ^ ^ K j i | • i j 2. The beneficial u»e on which the claim b baaed..-.: ^pttfT. ^ H

^ ^ ^ H •"•; i ; I I !""*" 3. Date or approximate date of earliest beneficial me; and howeontintt- ^ H^ ^ H ....;....:....;.... .....•....:.—';.... ou» the use has been <t**««l /$..%..3. £-O.i/t<Uf>*4M**~\ ^ H

^ 1 —L4-4—\ \ \ r :r:zi:::::rr.i::z:z::::::z::::i::..::z:::::i:: •^ ^ ^ H "i : ; ; : '; 4. The amount of groundwater claimed (in miner's inchei or galloni ^^M^K^U . . . | . : : ';—'.—:— per minute) /'J ^ .o< \ i . . i t - * , ' . . .•97vto:.K**i^..... ^^M

^ ^ ^ H ' I : 1 5. If used for irrigation, give the acreage and description of the lands J^^t^ ^ ^ B i —. „ Atf u , - j _ (, j Jl'^to-which water hn« been applied and name of the owner thereof ^ H

^ H ^ V4 sc JS... T&<*V£ z.::::::::::::::. ::z.:z::::z::z::zzzi~::::z::::::z H^ ^ ^ | Indicate point of appropriation ! ^ H^ ^ ^ H and place of use, if possible. Each _., . . . , . , , , j j , , b^H^^•j gmall square reprcscnU 10 acres. "• T n e means of withdrawinR sueh water from the CTtmnd and the loea- . , j ^ H^ ^ ^ P tion of each well or other mcnn» of withdrawal •A'U*C">i/Wrfi.><l<*'^ ^ H^ ^ ^ H _ ..y*MraM*t{?_ _ ^ ^ |

^ ^ ^ H . 7. The date of commencement and completion or the cutmtruction of the well, wells, or other works for with- ^^M^ ^ ^ H drawal of groundwater / / . « 3 . f/T _.. ^^M

^ ^ H 8. The depth of water tablo Q...A..O. ^ H

^ ^ ^ H 9. So far as it may be available, the type, size nnd//depth of each well or the general specifications of any other j ^ H^ ^ ^ H works for the withdrawal of groundwater ST..... (^<*.<-<_^>—»y .i»...P. .9.*rr~, ^^M

^ | H 10. The estimated amount of groundwoter withdrawn each yenr A ..4!....?r: .h......Q....'J....Q...f.if?:::.^. ^ H

^ ^ ^ H 11. The log of formntlnni encountered in the drilling of ench well if available s7:L4r7ULm~ ^^M

rJ'>»" ^ ^ ^ H 12. Such other information of a similar nature an may bo useful in currying out the polic nf this act, including ^^U• ^ ^ H reference to book and page of any county record - ^ ^ |

^ H Signature of Owner 2££*U4 ^ Ca*jLp&- ^MB | Date ^ < - 3Py JjvL?* H^ ^ ^ 1 Three copies to be filed by the owner with the County Clerk and Recorder of the county in which the well is located. ^^M

^S ... - - H^ ^ ^ | Please answer all questions. If not applicable, so state, otherwise the form will be returned. ^^MB^H Original to the County Clerk and Recorder; Duplicate to the State Engineer; Triplicate to the Montana Bureau of ^^M^ ^ ^ B Mined and Geology, and Quadruplicate for the Appropriator. J / o ^ v ^ ^ H