03/11/14 SLUB - as – w2 1 SLUB Honours Class [Week54 -- AS: α, β, γ and δ moralities; Richard Gill: statistics] R I C H A R D G I L L A E R N O U T S C H M I D T

03/11/14 SLUB - as – w2 1 SLUB Honours Class [Week54 -- AS: α, β, γ and δ moralities; Richard Gill: statistics] RICHARD GILL AERNOUT SCHMIDT

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03/11/14SLUB - as w21

SLUB Honours Class [Week54 -- AS: , , and moralities; Richard Gill: statistics]RICHARD GILLAERNOUT SCHMIDT1The Book03/11/14SLUB - as w221.11.21.3234.14.256Week 4XXXXXWeek 5XXXWeek 6XXXXXWeek 7XX1. IntroductionSummary Lucia de Berk case and its disciplinary discomforts (Coll) [1.1]Summaries reading material (Collective) [1.2]Summary Side stories (AS) [1.3]2. Intra --- disciplines and cultures (Individual) [2.1-2.4]3. Cross-Disciplinary discomforts in the Lucia Case (Individual) [3.1-3.4]4. Heuristics and Hypotheses (Individual)Summary of diagnostics of disciplinary discomforts in LdB case [4.1]How to improve our belief in diagnostics, identifying hypotheses [4.2] 5. Approaches to falsification (Individual) [5]6. Conclusions (Collective) [6]Use Categories in Blog!!Install new website (AS)Install and try JabRef (All)Install and try LyX (All)Produce book (All) [w8-w9]2Done at 02/12/1403/11/14SLUB - as w23Wrote blogs (or categorized your earlier blogs) for the Summary Lucia de Berk case and its disciplinary discomforts (asssigned) [1.1]Summaries of the reading materials (assigned) [1.2]Individual selection of intradisciplinary discomfort [ex: 2.1-2.4]Individual selection of extradisciplinary discomfort [ex: 3.1-3.4]Did we?3For next Week: Week 6 (9/12/14)Read: Robertson, Moalli & Black and 03/11/14SLUB - as w241. Introduction COMPLETE and REVIEW SUMMARIES (categories 1.1, 1.2, 1.3) !!!!2. Selected Intra-cultural discomforts: COMPLETE and REVIEW MOTIVATIONS for your Individual | | | selection 3. . Selected Lucia de Berk case related intra- or inter cultural discomforts: COMPLETE and REVIEW MOTIVATIONS for your Individual | | | | | | selection4. Heuristics and Hypotheses (Individual) [use , and perspectives]Your diagnostics of your 2.x and 3.x in blog of cat. 4.1Your identification of hypotheses for 2.x and 3.x remedies in blog of cat 4.2 5. Approaches to falsification (Individual)6. Conclusions (Collective) 403/11/14SLUB - as w25, , and moralities (I)Morality := willingness to act upon a convictionConviction is a modality of comprehensionAll Comprehension transports as imageryImagery communicates models, lies and stories

Models support useful comprehension Lies are models or stories that cheatStories are all other forms of imageryVisceral creed is an individuals (or an insitutions) collection of gut-felt convictions

Gut-felt convictions are culturally constrained talents/intuitions503/11/14SLUB - as w26, , and moralities (II)Working heuristic: , , and moralities relate to disciplinary convictions that individual scholars in these disciplines tend to be willing to act upon 603/11/14SLUB - as w27, , and moralities (III)Models (also: theories) support useful disciplinary comprehension/knowledge, through fosteringConnectedness (pattern recognition)Unification (diverse application)SimplicityFalsifiabilityBeing Paradigmatic

Auman 1985, What Is Game Theory Trying to Accomplish?Popper 1963, Conjectures and RefutationsKuhn 1961, The structure of scientific revolutions 703/11/14SLUB - as w28, , and moralities (IV)A story, framed as a model:Connectedness10%5%20%30%Unification (generalist)15%10%5%10%Simplicity (Occam)20%35%5%0%Falsifiability (empirically)15%30%30%0%Paradigmaticity 40%20%40%60%100%100%100%100%Words, words: consistency, completeness, knowledge, truth, transparency, objectivity, reproduceability, theory, etc., etc. 803/11/14SLUB - as w29Promodelling Literatures:

Haidt, Jonathan, & Bjorklund, Fredrik. 2007. Social intuitionists answer six questions about morality. Kahneman, Daniel. 2003. A perspective on judgment and choice: mapping bounded rationality. American psychologist, 58(9), 697. Nowak, Martin A. 2006. Evolutionary dynamics of cooperation. Pages 15231540 of: European Mathematical Society (ed), PROCEEDINGS OF THE INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF MATHEMATICIANS in MADRID, AUGUST 2230, 2006) Smits, Martijntje. 2006. Taming monsters: The cultural domestication of new technology. Technology in Society, 28, 489504.

903/11/14SLUB - as w210Qua ABM, Christoph Hauert mentions:

evolution [ary dynamics] acts on populations [populations evolve]; selection acts on genes, cells, individuals; random drift [the transmission of traits through reproduction or imitation] is a stochastic process

And also suggests that there may be different value discount rates

between cultures and between generations

1003/11/14SLUB - as w211THANKS & GOOD LUCK!11