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  • 8/18/2019 07aj0877


     Am J Psychiatry 164:6, June 2007    877

    Clinical Case Conference


    This article is the subject of a CME course.

    Treatment of Psychiatric Symptoms Associated With aFrontal Lobe Tumor Through Surgical Resection

    Zachary S. Hoffer, Ph.D.

    Shannon L. Allen, B.S.

    Maju Mathews, M.D., M.R.C.Psych.

    The frontal lobes of the brain underlie judgment, fore-sight, motivation, and personality and allow us to behave

    as socially appropriate human beings (1, 2). Our under-

    standing of frontal lobe function comes from animal ex-

    periments (e.g., the chimpanzee experiments of Jacobsen

    and Fulton that were the impetus for Moniz’s human lo-

    botomies) and human neuropsychological studies, as wellas case reports involving traumatic brain injuries. These

    case reports have shown that frontal lobe damage often re-

    sults in antisocial behavior, apathy, disinhibition, and

    emotional lability. Discrete prefrontal cortex lesions are

    sometimes associated with unique behavioral profiles. Al-

    though numerous exceptions exist, frontal lobe dysfunc-

    tion exhibits laterality: left hemisphere lesions are more

    typically associated with depression, whereas right hemi-

    sphere lesions are associated with impulsivity and manic-

    like symptoms (3, 4).

    Brain tumors are a well-known

    cause of frontal lobe dysfunction. One

    type is the rare dysembryoplastic neu-roepithelial tumor, a benign supraten-

    torial neoplasm seen primarily in

    children and young adults (5, 6). Ap-

    proximately one-third of dysembryo-

    plastic neuroepithelial tumors occur

    in the frontal lobes, and some become

    large enough to compress regions of 

    the cortex and white matter to the

    point of disrupting behavior (7–9). In

    addition to mass effects, dysembryo-

    plastic neuroepithelial tumors are a

    source of epileptogenic activity, which

    may lead to neuropsychiatric se-

    quelae when there is frontal lobe in-

    volvement (10, 11). Surgical resection, which characteris-

    tically yields an excellent prognosis, is the recommended

    treatment for these tumors (12, 13). Even with partial tu-

    mor removal, there is little evidence of recurrence, and

    most patients make a complete but slow neuropsychiatric

    recovery. This case study is one of a few to report the virtu-

    ally instantaneous neurosurgical cure of a psychiatric ill-

    ness in a patient with a frontal lobe dysembryoplastic neu-

    roepithelial tumor. We also provide a summary and review 

    of the literature on psychiatric disturbances associated with various frontal lobe lesions.

    Case Presentation

    “Jimmy,” a 16-year-old right-handed African American

    boy with a 9-year history of progressively worsening

    conduct was referred to our inpatient medical psychiat-

    ric unit after the surgical removal of a brain tumor. At

    age 7, the patient had begun exhibiting mood swings,

    behavioral problems, and decreased academic perfor-

    mance. According to his mother, his initial symptoms

    consisted of totally unpredictable and inconsolable “cry-

    ing jags” that lasted more than an hour. Over the next 5

    years, his behavior had deteriorated further, and he be-came violent with suicidal ideation. During this time, he

    was given multiple diagnoses: attention deficit hyperac-

    tivity disorder, bipolar disorder, and conduct disorder.

    Eventually his mother placed him in a residential treat-

    ment facility because she could no longer manage him

    at home. At age 12, a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)

    study revealed a nearly spherical 0.8-cm-in-diameter

    mass located medially within the white matter of the

    left frontal lobe superior to the anterior horn of the lat-

    eral ventricle (Figure 1, top). Based on the indistinct ra-

    diographic signature of the mass, a clinical decision was

    made to treat the patient with mood

    stabilizers and antipsychotic drugs.

    His mother reported that Jimmy’s

    teenage years were characterized by

    extreme irritability and that “the

    sound of my voice seemed to anger

    him.” Over the next 4 years, the pa-

    tient was poorly controlled with vary-

    ing combinations and doses of lithium,

    methylphenidate, quetiapine, and ris-

    peridone. Higher dosing and polyphar-

    macy were at times associated with

    increasingly violent behavior. EEG

    studies recorded symmetric 9–10-Hz

    alpha rhythms anteriorly with faster

    overlying frequencies but failed to re-

    veal frank seizure activity. At age 16, a

    second MRI showed that the mass had

    grown to 1.3×1.4×1.0 cm and was now within 0.1 cm of 

    the adjacent anterior cingulate cortex, but there was no

    neurological evidence of a mass effect. Around this time,

    the patient refused to take lithium and risperidone; de-

    spite the discontinuation of pharmacological treatment,

    his behavior did not worsen in the 3 weeks before sur-

    gery. Postoperative imaging studies (Figure 1, bottom) re-

    vealed transection of the left cingulum and total removal

    of the mass, which was histologically identified as a dys-

    embryoplastic neuroepithelial tumor.

    “Human frontal lobelesions can result inalterations in attention,

    insight, mood,planning, andinterpersonal

    communication— changes that are often


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    Postoperatively, the patient’s behavioral recovery, as

    described by his mother, was “nearly instantaneous,” al-

    though he did have mild weakness and paresthesias of 

    the right lower leg that lasted several weeks. During a 4-week postoperative observation period, he exhibited

    none of his earlier aggressive behaviors or violent out-

    bursts and was easily managed on the inpatient medical

    psychiatric unit. Upon discharge, he returned to foster

    care for an additional 6 months before being released to

    his mother. At home, his mother reported that her son’s

    behavior was dramatically improved, and a written eval-

    uation by a school psychologist indicated that our patient

    had no trouble concentrating and exhibited no notewor-

    thy behavioral problems in the classroom. Psychological

    testing (see Tables 1 and 2) failed to reveal any perma-

    nent cognitive sequelae of the neurosurgical procedure.

    Outside the classroom, the patient had a renewed inter-

    est in sports and was forming adequate peer relation-

    ships. At a 1-year follow-up visit, the patient and hismother reported that he continued to do well socially,

    and although he decided to leave school for personal

    reasons, he had completed his General Equivalency Di-

    ploma (GED) and was planning a career in the military.


    Many studies of humans and nonhuman primates have

    established that lesioning the frontal lobes can result in

    abnormal behaviors (14, 15). Depending on the affected

    hemisphere and the location within the hemisphere, hu-

    man frontal lobe lesions can result in alterations in atten-

    tion, insight, mood, planning, and interpersonal commu-

    nication—changes that are often permanent (15).

    In each hemisphere, the bulk of the nonmotor frontallobe is subdivided into the prefrontal anterior cingulate

    and the dorsolateral, orbitofrontal, and ventromedial cor-

    tices. The dorsolateral cortex receives the majority of its

    distant afferent inputs by means of the superior longitudi-

    nal and uncinate fasciculi, and short-range association fi-

    bers (U-fibers) mediate local p refrontal connections.

    Medially, the orbitofrontal cortex connects to limbic struc-

    tures by means of the uncinate fasciculus and to the ven-

    tromedial cortex through U-fibers. The orbitofrontal and

    ventromedial cortices are reciprocally interconnected,

    and it is likely that both are connected with the anterior

    cingulate by means of fibers of the rostral cingulum. Com-

    munication between the prefrontal cortices of the cerebralhemispheres is mediated by reciprocal callosal projec-

    tions, but these are generally much sparser than ipsilateral

    corticocortical connections and are usually limited to ho-

    motopic areas (16–18). In addition to corticocortical con-

    nections, all prefrontal areas receive robust input from the

    limbic channel of the basal ganglia.

    The dorsolateral prefrontal cortex plays an essential role

    in weighting and integrating impulses from various sen-

    sory and limbic channels for the purpose of generating 

    goal-directed behaviors (19). This brain region is also ac-

    FIGURE 1. Preoperative Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) (top) (1.5 T magnet, T1 weighted) Showing a DysembryoplasticNeuroepithelial Tumor (hypoattenuated mass, arrows) in the Paraventricular White Matter in Three Planes of Section;Postoperative MRI (bottom) (3.0 T, T1 weighted) Showing Residual Cavity (arrows) in the White Matter 5 Months After Tu-mor Removal in Approximately the Same Planes of Section





    Anterior Posterior R L R L

    3.0 cm

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    tive in working memory tasks (20–22). Thus, major fea-tures of dorsolateral lesions regularly include labile affect,

    depression, and decreased executive function (19, 23–25).

    Functional imaging studies have linked the negative

    symptoms of schizophrenic patients to perturbations of 

    dorsolateral cortical metabolism (26, 27).

     Altho ugh our patient’s decreased aca dem ic perfo r-

    mance might suggest a lesion of the dorsolateral prefron-

    tal cortex and/or the underlying white matter, other func-

    tions subserved by the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, such

    as decision making, working memory, and capacity to

    plan (1, 2, 20–22), were largely spared. Thus, we surmise

    that our patient’s dorsolateral cortex remained intact, a

    conclusion most strongly supported by serial imaging studies that showed that the dysembryoplastic neuroepi-

    thelial tumor was many centimeters away from the dorso-

    lateral prefrontal cortex. We believe our patient’s de-

    creased school performance was more directly related to

    the tumor’s effects on other prefrontal areas and to the

    side effects of the polypharmacy intended to treat his psy-

    chiatric symptoms.

    Intact orbitofrontal cortices are required for normal

     judgment and socialization. Patients with orbitofrontal le-

    sions tend to be disinhibited (24, 28). Unlike dorsolateral

    lesions, orbitofrontal lesions generally spare cognitive

    abilities and volition, but they can significantly contribute

    to the genesis of antisocial behaviors, prompting some au-thors to rename the orbitofrontal syndrome acquired

    “pseudopsychopathy” (28, 29). Indeed, the outbursts,

    mood fluctuations, self-mutilation, and splitting behav-

    iors seen in borderline personalities may be related to a

    hypofunctioning orbitofrontal cortex (30, 31). Neuroana-

    tomically, the explosive antisocial traits associated with

    orbitofrontal lesions have been postulated to result from a

    loss of inhibitory control over the amygdala (28, 32, 33).

     Although our patient exhibited many antisocial behav-

    iors strongly associated with an orbitofrontal lesion, his tu-

    mor was not located within the orbitofrontal cortex. Thisincongruency might be explained by the fact that his tumor

     was strategically situated in the white matter just superior

    to the anterior horn of the left lateral ventricle. Tumors in

    this location can compress corticofugal orbitofrontal axons

    as they join the uncinate fasciculus. Thus, in our patient,

    corticofugal orbitofrontal fibers may have been compro-

    mised enough to partially denervate the amygdala and un-

    cover behaviors that are normally suppressed.

    The ventromedial prefrontal cortex is believed to regu-

    late empathy, foresight, and reversal learning (14, 34). In

    reversal learning tasks mediated by the ventromedial

    cortex, subjects are trained to respond differentially to

    two stimuli under reward and punishment conditions,and later they are trained to reverse the reward values

    (35). Reversal learning deficits cause patients to persist in

    simple tasks or deleterious high-risk behaviors that in

    the past paid dividends, as, for example, in pathological

    gambling, where high-risk behaviors persist despite re-

    duced payoffs (36, 37).

    Our patient exhibited significant signs of reversal learn-

    ing impairment as evidenced by his repeatedly engaging 

    in high-stakes behaviors that had been rewarded on the

    streets but resulted in harsh punishment in the residential

    treatment facility. These negative behaviors are consistent

     with dysfunction of the ventromedial cortex, an interpre-

    tation further supported by MRI studies showing that thedysembryoplastic neuroepithelial tumor encroached on

    the caudal boundary of the ventromedial cortex. Based on

    this proximity, it is very likely that the dysembryoplastic

    neuroepithelial tumor, by either compression or ephaptic

    activation of corticofugal axons, perturbed ventromedial

    efferent impulses and mimicked features of a ventrome-

    dial cortical lesion.

    The anterior cingulate cortex borders the genu of the

    corpus callosum and merges into the posterior cingulate.

    Functionally, the anterior cingulate can be divided into

    TABLE 1. Pre- and Postoperative Scores for Jimmy on the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children, Third and FourthEditionsa


    7 Years, 0 Months 11 Years, 11 Months


    16 Years, 8 Months(postoperative)

    Score Percentile Score Percentile Score Percentile

    Full-scale IQ 106 66 95 37 Full-scale IQ 94 34Verbal IQ 119 90 110 75 Verbal comprehension 110 75Performance IQ 91 27 87 19 Working memory 107 21

    Perceptual reasoning 88 21

    Processing speed 73 4a The test was administered on the second postoperative month.

    TABLE 2. Pre- and Postoperative Subtest Scores for Jimmy on the Wechsler Individual Achievement Test, Second Editiona


    7 Years, 0 Months 11 Years, 11 Months16 Years, 8 Months


    Score Percentile Score Percentile Score Percentile

    Word reading 103 58 108 70 102 55Spelling 93 32 94 34 96 39Mathematics reasoning 111 77 113 81 102 55Numerical operations — 104 61 91 27a Selected components of the test were administered at each testing session; the numerical operations subtest was not administered at age 7

    years, 0 months.

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    two regions, a rostral affective division and a caudal cogni-

    tive division, although recent functional MRI studies sug-

    gest even greater functional subdivisions probably exist

    (38, 39). The rostral anterior cingulate receives robust in-

    put from the amygdala, whereas the caudal anterior cin-

    gulate receives projections from the entorhinal cortex and

    parahippocampal/hippocampal regions (40). Connecting 

    these areas is the cingulum, a fiber tract embedded within

    the anterior cingulate gyrus and terminating in more ros-tral prefrontal cortices. Functionally, the anterior cingu-

    late may underlie drive (motivated attention) and concen-

    tration (attention allocation), and it may recognize affect-

    mood conflicts and other processing errors requiring 

    heightened awareness (cognitive and limbic error detec-

    tion) (38, 39, 41, 42). Anterior cingulate lesions interfere

     with these functions, whereas anterior cingulate hyperac-

    tivity has been described in most anxiety disorders, in-

    cluding obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) as well as

    schizophrenia and chronic pain syndromes (42).

    Our patient’s clinical and MRI findings strongly suggest

    the tumor had the greatest effect on the anterior cingulate.

    Clinically, Jimmy was apathetic and had difficulty sustain-ing attention, and he often would respond inappropriately 

    to another person’s affect; both of these behavioral deficits

    are associated with anterior cingulate dysfunction. Multiple

    MRIs revealed that of all the prefrontal regions, the dysem-

    bryoplastic neuroepithelial tumor was closest to the ante-

    rior cingulate (approximately 1 mm of separation), necessi-

    tating a mid-rostral cingulotomy for surgical access.

    Frontal lobe lesions exhibit lateralization with respect to

    psychiatric or behavioral disturbances. Left hemisphere

    lesions are more likely to be associated with depression,

    particularly if the lesion involves the dorsolateral portion

    of prefrontal cortex. By contrast, right hemisphere lesions

    are associated with impulsivity and manic behaviors (3, 4).Our patient’s dysembryoplastic neuroepithelial tumor was

    located in the left frontal lobe, but his behaviors were

    more consistent with right frontal lobe dysfunction, e.g.,

    aggressiveness and disinhibition. This discrepancy could

    be explained by several neuropsychiatric observations. In

    children and young adolescents, symptoms of depression

    can manifest as irritability and psychomotor agitation (43,

    44). Our patient periodically exhibited these traits, but

    they were consistently overshadowed by his more extreme

    behaviors. Another explanation is centered on the obser-

    vation that dysembryoplastic neuroepithelial tumors can

    be epileptogenic foci (10, 11, 13). Although this patient’s

    EEG did not show frank epileptic activity, abnormal elec-trical activity associated with seizures was detected on at

    least one occasion, and at some point the tumor may have

    affected the activity of neurons in the left frontal cortex 

    and contributed to his abnormal behaviors.

    This case supports other studies demonstrating that

    neurosurgical cure of a psychiatric disorder is feasible

    (45). Probably the most remarkable aspect of this case is

    the fact that the worst of our patient’s long-standing con-

    duct disorder traits resolved within hours of neurosurgery.

    Our patient had a remarkable recovery, but several key is-

    sues need to be addressed. The impetus for neurosurgery 

    in our patient was tumor growth, not cure of his behav-

    ioral problems. Forecasting neuropsychiatric cure after

    frontal lobe surgery for tumor removal is difficult at best as

    differences in tumor size, subtleties in surgical technique,

    and susceptibilities of different brain regions to operative

    trauma have left patients like ours with a worsening clini-

    cal course, such as postoperative psychosis or epilepsy 

    (46, 47). The prognosis is worse when bulky tumors de-stroy a larger volume of the brain parenchyma, fundamen-

    tally altering the neuroanatomical substrates of behavior.

    Fortunately, our patient’s tumor was relatively small, well

    circumscribed, and surgically accessible, requiring only 

    partial removal of the overlying anterior cingulate gyrus

    and cingulum. Partial cingulotomy may have even con-

    tributed to our patient’s psychiatric improvement, as sev-

    eral reports have indicated that cingulotomy is an effective

    treatment for chronic pain, intractable depression, and

    medication-resistant OCD (48, 49).

    Pharmacological management of psychiatric illnesses is

    the cornerstone of modern psychiatry, but this case shows

    that medication failures may occur in the setting of an un-derlying brain tumor. Our patient was treated with a num-

    ber of different medication combinations over the course

    of 9 years. Both by the patient’s report and according to his

    mother and professional staff at the residential treatment

    facility, the side effects of polypharmacy made him very 

    uncomfortable and probably did little to control his ex-

    treme behavior. In fact, 3 weeks before surgery, our patient

    elected to discontinue all psychiatric medications in favor

    of reduced side effects, yet his behavior did not worsen

    during that time. These clinical observations suggest that

    the deleterious effects of the dysembryoplastic neuroepi-

    thelial tumor were far beyond the reach of the then-cur-

    rent neuropsychiatric pharmacopeia.


    This case study is one of a handful of reports of near-in-

    stantaneous cure of a psychiatric disorder following the re-

    moval of a frontal lobe tumor. It illustrates how a more

    thorough understanding of regional frontal lobe function

    as it pertains to behavior, cognition, and mood may be

    helpful when we attempt to use clinical observations to de-

    duce the location of a putative frontal lobe mass. Although

    exceptions exist, dorsolateral frontal lobe lesions shape

    mood, volition, and executive function; orbitofrontal le-

    sions affect socialization; ventromedial lesions have an ef-

    fect on aspects of foresight and reversal learning; and ante-rior cingulate lesions influence awareness, concentration,

    error detection, and affect-mood congruence. Small le-

    sions in the frontal white matter, which can affect efferent

    impulses originating from widespread prefrontal areas,

    may produce a wider array of aberrant behaviors than sim-

    ilarly sized lesions confined to a single area of the overlying 

    cortex. Furthermore, this case emphasizes that frontal lobe

    masses causing severe psychiatric disturbances may bene-

    fit from evaluation for neurosurgery. Such an evaluation

    may not be prioritized when there is no evidence of malig-

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    nancy or significant mass effect, but our case suggests that

    surgery may potentially lead to significant clinical im-

    provement even in the context of longstanding psychiatric

    symptoms. In cases in which neurosurgery might damage

    critical anatomy, drug therapy is usually warranted, but we

    should expect more frequent medication treatment fail-

    ures in this patient population.

    Received Sept. 19, 2006; revision received Jan. 30, 2007; acceptedFeb. 9, 2007. From Drexel University College of Medicine, Philadel-

    phia; and the Department of Psychiatry, Hahnemann University Hos-

    pital. Address correspondence and reprint requests to Dr. Mathews,

    Department of Psychiatry, Hahnemann University Hospital, Broad

    and Vine St., Philadelphia, PA 19102; [email protected]


    The authors thank Drs. Richard Roth, Myrna Miller, and Sandra Kof-

    fler for criticisms of earlier versions of the article.

    CME DisclosureThe authors report no competing interests.

    APA policy requires disclosure by CME authors of unapproved or in-

    vestigational use of products discussed in CME programs. Off-label

    use of medications by individual physicians is permitted and com-

    mon. Decisions about off-label use can be guided by scientific litera-

    ture and clinical experience.


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