英単語ターゲット1900(第5版) 1501~1900 1 1501excel at mathematics (数学に秀でている) 1502cause the body to swell (体が腫れる原因となる) 1503bounce on a trampoline (トランポリンの上で跳ねる) 1504roam through the fields (野原を歩き回る) 1505stray from a herd (群れからはぐれる) 1506emigrate to the U.S. from India (インドからアメリカに移住する) 1507mutter something as an excuse. (口実として何かをつぶやく) 1508murmur sweet words into her ear (彼女の耳に甘い言葉をささやく) 1509chuckle over a TV comedy show (テレビのお笑い番組を見てくすくす笑う) 1510be choked with tears (涙にむせぶ) 1511frown upon excessive drinking (飲みすぎに眉をひそめる) 1512roar in anger (怒りのあまりうなる) 1513shiver with cold (寒さで震える) 1514tremble with fear (恐怖で震える) 1515shave my legs every other week (1週間おきに足の毛をそる) 1516misunderstand what the teacher said (先生が言ったことを誤解する) 1517soothe him like a baby (彼を赤ん坊のようになだめる) 1518lure customers with bargains

1501~1900numamichi.up.seesaa.net/image/E382BFE383BCE382B2E38383E...1603、chicks just hatched from eggs (卵から孵化したばかりのひよこ) 1604、a way to enlarge your

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Page 1: 1501~1900numamichi.up.seesaa.net/image/E382BFE383BCE382B2E38383E...1603、chicks just hatched from eggs (卵から孵化したばかりのひよこ) 1604、a way to enlarge your




1501、excel at mathematics


1502、cause the body to swell


1503、bounce on a trampoline


1504、roam through the fields


1505、stray from a herd


1506、emigrate to the U.S. from India


1507、mutter something as an excuse.


1508、murmur sweet words into her ear


1509、chuckle over a TV comedy show


1510、be choked with tears


1511、frown upon excessive drinking


1512、roar in anger


1513、shiver with cold


1514、tremble with fear


1515、shave my legs every other week


1516、misunderstand what the teacher said


1517、soothe him like a baby


1518、lure customers with bargains

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1519、mock his repeated failures


1520、tease the girl about her hair


1521、despise life-styles that differ from ours


1522、disregard negative information


1523、betray my real purpose


1524、aspire to a higher level of performance


1525、seize the opportunity to gain work


1526、fetch some CDs from upstairs

(2階から CDを持って来る)

1527、rub my tired eyes


1528、the flag flapping in the wind


1529、plunge into the sea


1530、insert a plug into a socket


1531、dispose of chemical waste


1532、withstand long-time exposure to air


1533、hinder the reduction of greenhouse gases


1534、resume where I left off


1535、unify the sciences of mind and body


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1536、the staples of a vegetarian diet


1537、soybean foods free from cholesterol


1538、leaf buds used in making tea


1539、be covered with tropical vegetation


1540、an operation to fix her broken limbs


1541、his old face wreathed in wrinkles


1542、a rise in anti-American sentiment


1543、feel the grief inside grow


1544、become free of a curse


1545、confess under torture


1546、beg for mercy


1547、be referred to as a coward


1548、learn from the work of our predecessors


1549、try going to a psychiatrist


1550、work on my graduation thesis


1551、harmful chemical mutations


1552、some obese people who developed diabetes


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1553、load a gun with a bullet


1554、a cluster of famous academics


1555、serve as a shield against the radiation


1556、a shop selling gear for mountain climbers


1557、the vessel sunk to the bottom of the sea.


1558、use delaying tactics


1559、a breakdown of the economy


1560、meet at a class reunion


1561、tie the two strings with a knot


1562、a probe designed to seek out new planets


1563、withstand the intense radiation


1564、take two of these tablets with water


1565、the particles in the vapor


1566、a thermometer to measure temperature variations


1567、a letter with your signature at the bottom


1568、a formula to calculate the area of a triangle


1569、an expert at geometry


1570、the abbey commemorating his feat

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1571、a long applause of approval


1572、the eternal glory of British science


1573、a bright and diligent student


1574、have an earnest desire to study


1575、the loyal customers of the restaurant


1576、have a stubborn streak


1577、rigid work schedules


1578、develop stiff shoulders


1579、a timid and unarmed child


1580、be idle for the past month


1581、my friend’s really dumb idea


1582、the rising number of obese children


1583、equal rights for disabled people to use services


1584、the clumsy waiter who spilled coffee


1585、be punctual for an appointment


1586、an absurd notion


1587、feel uneasy about the future


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1588、the nasty realities of life


1589、spank a naughty boy


1590、keep a room tidy


1591、the decisive factor affecting good health


1592、stand in an upright posture


1593、hold the stick in a vertical position


1594、the gloomy nature of the story


1595、hide in an obscure little room


1596、a lot of antique furniture


1597、serve as the sole source of information in the community


1598、the sheer bravery of his action


1599、appreciate marvelous biodiversity in the country


1600、provide a splendid opportunity for patronage


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1601、cherish dreams of becoming a film star


1602、be well nourished and in good health


1603、chicks just hatched from eggs


1604、a way to enlarge your knowledge


1605、furnish a room with a bookshelf


1606、indulge in a strange hobby


1607、surrender to the urge to buy a dress


1608、kneel down in prayer


1609、stumble over a step


1610、wither away in the heat


1611、creep into his mind


1612、be aching from the injury


1613、await the arrival of a rescue party


1614、our ability to foresee the future


1615、illuminate the entire room uniformly


1616、dread the sound of the doorbell ringing


1617、the emotions depicted in comedies and tragedies.


1618、raise a white flag signifying surrender

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1619、swear to be friends forever


1620、dictate the order of events


1621、recite her own poem to the audience


1622、enroll in Japanese classes at university


1623、funds to execute the strategy


1624、fake my father’s signature


1625、disguise herself as a man


1626、stain my T-shirt with paint

(ペンキで Tシャツを汚す)

1627、bind the package with string


1628、slap him in the face


1629、omit her name from the list


1630、grind wheat into flour


1631、undermine the president’s authority


1632、a firm bankrupted by poor management


1633、extinguish all lights in the building


1634、mend broken earthenware


1635、congratulate him on his birthday


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1636、issue a birth certificate


1637、a free encyclopedia on the Web


1638、a passage from a biography of Einstein


1639、collect masterpieces of modern art


1640、recite a nursery rhyme


1641、a means to an end


1642、pour the molten steel into a mold


1643、extend the scope of the research


1644、the bulk of the early immigrants from Europe


1645、waste my time on trifles


1646、wait for the sleeping pills to take effect


1647、the recommended daily dose of vitamin C

(ビタミン Cの毎日の推奨服用量)

1648、the veins visible through the skin


1649、the appalling odor of the river


1650、pilgrims on their way to Jerusalem


1651、my good deed for the day


1652、the first carriage of a train


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1653、get into mischief


1654、stop the large-scale slaughter of seals


1655、with indecent haste


1656、die of hunger and thirst


1657、abolish a monarchy and establish a republic


1658、during the reign of King EdwardⅠ


1659、be heir to a large fortune


1660、beg his pardon for being late


1661、enact legislation against discrimination


1662、ministers at the cabinet meeting


1663、patients in the surgical ward


1664、have surpluses of wood and water


1665、by quick mental arithmetic


1666、heavy metals like mercury and cadmium


1667、retain the monopoly of political power


1668、friction between parent and child


1669、come into collision with a train


1670、the fusion of TV and the Internet

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1671、make a breakthrough in astrophysics


1672、the spectacle of the Grand Canyon


1673、the most eminent British composer


1674、a notable feature of this garden


1675、be notorious for playing practical jokes


1676、finish compulsory education


1677、be liable to make mistakes


1678、be inclined to be too optimistic


1679、remain in a static positon


1680、travel through infinite space


1681、an eternal and unchanging universe


1682、feel an acute stomach pain


1683、bring the expedition to an abrupt end


1684、take swift action


1685、a faint memory of my childhood


1686、with tender loving care


1687、grow in a hot and humid atmosphere


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1688、be damp with the morning dew


1689、go rotten in a few days


1690、have a sour taste


1691、have a sore throat from a cold


1692、be chased by a savage dog


1693、soaring prices of crude oil


1694、the approximate number of refugees


1695、take an intermediate English course


1696、attend a vocational school


1697、common masculine pastimes


1698、dress in a feminine way


1699、cut back on superfluous spending


1700、be of the utmost importance


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1701、contemplate the transience of life


1702、ponder theories about outsourcing


1703、meditate under a tree


1704、conceive of hypotheses and of ways to test them


1705、speculate on the existence of God


1706、presume her friend’s innocence


1707、proclaim victory over germs


1708、disclose personal information


1709、pledge to become a member of the club


1710、exclaim loudly about something


1711、subscribe to a golf magazine


1712、mourn the death of his mother


1713、resent his remark


1714、lament our misfortune


1715、be panting from a long run


1716、suck a lemon


1717、be soaked in water


1718、be rendered unconscious by a blow to the head

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1719、rotate on its axis


1720、pierce a hole in the paper window


1721、carve a statue


1722、divert our attention from a difficult problem


1723、be expelled from the Garden of Eden


1724、assault him on the street


1725、intrude on my privacy


1726、be addicted to surfing the Net


1727、their honeymoon which coincided with my business trip


1728、ascend a staircase


1729、surge through the gates


1730、a pool of slowly evaporating water


1731、a tourist visa which expires next month


1732、use fermented dough to make bread


1733、merge with another trading company


1734、erect stone-arch bridges


1735、be blessed with a good supply of fish


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1736、the prestige of the elite law schools


1737、the residual aristocracy


1738、an experienced and respected statesman


1739、senators and congressmen


1740、regardless of gender, race, or creed


1741、his apparent vigor


1742、to the great dismay of everyone


1743、the general mood of melancholy


1744、go through such agonies


1745、after months of anguish


1746、against my conscience


1747、feelings of hostility and contempt


1748、feel scorn for practical jokes


1749、fall into apathy


1750、export cotton textiles


1751、the symmetry of the building design


1752、on the verge of extinction


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1753、have a big cavity


1754、pay bribes to avoid obeying regulations


1755、the protest riots that took place in Haiti


1756、live in exile in England


1757、a leading scholar of Egyptian archaeology


1758、the huge collection of specimens


1759、the vase used as an ornament


1760、an apparatus for keeping coffee warm


1761、have fatal flaws


1762、a lunar eclipse observed in Japan


1763、the modern developments in astronomy


1764、a career in the aviation industry


1765、with a velocity of 100,000 miles per hour


1766、worsen traffic congestion and air pollution


1767、those who answered the questionnaire


1768、flush the parasites out of the body


1769、all the personnel in the sales department


1770、the advent of the computer and the Internet

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1771、a token of friendship


1772、as life insurance and pension premiums


1773、a delightful and discreet lady


1774、be wary of making mistakes


1775、a grim fact in many regions


1776、dress formally for solemn occasions


1777、be skeptical about the eco-friendly movement


1778、dubious proof that salt doesn’t cause high blood pressure


1779、make a vain attempt to win


1780、his arrest for reckless driving


1781、a quick and ruthless hunter


1782、an excellent and eloquent speech


1783、become furious with him


1784、look old and weary


1785、be pessimistic about the future


1786、a cynical piece of anonymous verse


1787、play the role of the wicked political leader


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1788、make a singular achievement


1789、in a weird sort of way


1790、the literal interpretation of Macbeth


1791、make explicit what they think


1792、the implicit rules for behavior


1793、with a slender finger


1794、spend 63 percent of the gross domestic product


1795、ultraviolet rays that are harmful to life


1796、develop a sense of spatial awareness


1797、search for a vacant room


1798、in a spacious lounge


1799、ample time to think over the problem


1800、the buying power of affluent households


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1801、the facts inferred from these data


1802、seek to discern his thoughts


1803、allege that he is innocent


1804、ascribe his success to hard work


1805、prescribe the medicine patients need


1806、comply with international standards


1807、abide by the rules specific to sports


1808、plead with him to stay in Japan


1809、listen to the priest preach


1810、be intrigued by that article


1811、reconcile economy with ecology


1812、intervene in the children’s quarrel


1813、restrain them from using violence


1814、feel humiliated by her remark


1815、reproach her for her aggressive behavior


1816、condemn the terrorist attack


1817、defy social conventions


1818、revolt against high taxes

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1819、impair our ability to think


1820、inflict serious damage on the economy


1821、degrade the environment with pollution


1822、the gradually deteriorating weather


1823、the social climate that corrupts young people


1824、be contaminated with chemicals


1825、refuse to oppress ethnic minorities


1826、thrust the letter into his pocket


1827、embark on a new project


1828、inspect what is being dug up


1829、summon the flight attendant


1830、testify at the trial


1831、persecuted individuals and groups


1832、coerce them into construction work


1833、unleash a storm of protest


1834、emancipate these countries from poverty


1835、be endowed with special musical talents


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1836、come under scrutiny


1837、an argument based on analogy


1838、his preoccupation with making money


1839、in retrospect


1840、be full of conceit


1841、the popular fallacy about dieting


1842、condemn the hypocrisy of the politician


1843、a nuisance to the neighbors


1844、examine the causes of juvenile delinquency


1845、release the hostages


1846、a dramatic increase in lawsuits


1847、qualify as an attorney


1848、issue a warrant for his arrest


1849、testimonies by several witnesses


1850、a verdict of not guilty


1851、be subject to social sanction


1852、dismiss the idea as superstition


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1853、the academic study of myth and folklore


1854、an anecdote about his works of art


1855、rhetoric in works of literature


1856、a fruit-and-vegetable stall


1857、a large segment of the population


1858、the synthesis of stress proteins


1859、reinforce the community’s cohesion


1860、scientific experiments on heredity


1861、how to avoid such catastrophes


1862、our country’s economic plight


1863、live in solitude


1864、undergo the ordeal of losing a job


1865、fight against tyranny


1866、impose censorship on books


1867、a duty to improve hygiene


1868、the doctrine supporting globalization


1869、appreciate the peaceful diplomacy


1870、exist as a separate entity

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1871、the present sovereign of the country


1872、an authentic work by Matisse


1873、a business which is totally legitimate


1874、a prose style hardly intelligible to anyone


1875、the inherent dignity of human beings


1876、ingenious devices invented by Japanese


1877、an intricate neural network


1878、create a homogeneous world culture


1879、eat a monotonous diet


1880、incessant civil unrest


1881、the perpetual noise of traffic


1882、be in imminent danger of collapsing


1883、accept his plausible explanation


1884、make an arbitrary decision


1885、the preliminary stages of the contest


1886、be deficient in important nutrients


1887、be subordinate to human beings


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1888、documents on feudal history


1889、a word which is becoming obsolete


1890、strike a mortal blow against the government


1891、a painting with no monetary value


1892、be extravagant with electricity


1893、feel dizzy at the sight


1894、the rise in juvenile crimes


1895、an anonymous donor


1896、be compatible with most computers


1897、ubiquitous electronic devices


1898、a symbol of divine power


1899、stay sober over the reception


1900、be zealous in chasing my dreams
