3520地區總監月報 11 月號 November 2014 『2014 扶輪友誼交換』

2014 十一月份總監月報141128

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  • 352011 November 2014


  • RI

    RI 3 5


    102014-15 122017-18 13

    RYLA 17 RFE 9640 202014 21

    10 3520 23 26


    CPR/AED 33 - 35


    2 3

    Gary C.K. Huang


    110 109 A life without a friend is a life without sun.

  • RI RI

    4 5

    Gary C.K. HuanGPresident, rotary international


    Four months into this year of working to Light Up Rotary, I am more excited about Rotary than ever before. Ive been to 22 countries, visited dozens of cities, and metthousands of Rotarians. Ive seen amazing projects and been inspired over and over again by the terrific work Rotarians do all over the world. And Ive been privileged to be part of all kinds of Rotary events, from club meetings to Rotary institutes, from Rotary Days to Foundation dinners. Every event is memorable. I feel especially honored when I am invited to share in club celebrations. To me, taking part in a Rotary club celebration as Rotary International president is like being invited to a family event as an honored guest. Indeed, Rotary is the biggest family in the world. You could say that Rotary is built of service: Each project is another brick in the bigbuilding that is Rotary. If our service forms the bricks, then there is no question that friendship is the mortar that holds those bricks together. I see this every day, but nowhere more clearly than at some of the most special Rotary club events: their centennial celebrations. Being president of Rotary International in its 110th year, Ive been lucky to take part in a number of these. It is natural, when visiting long-serving clubs, to want to know what their secret is because I have always noticed that the longest-serving clubs are also some of the most productive. ey are large, they are active, and they do great work. Not only that, but they have a great time doing it. Of course, that is their secret: In Rotary, strong friendships and great service go hand in hand. When we enjoy our work, we want to do it. We want to work harder, and we want to work better. We look forward to Rotary meetings. Even when our lives are busy, we make Rotary a priority because we want to see our friends, and we want to serve. at is why Rotary is still here, after more than 109 years. In Chinese, we say: , .A life without a friend is a life without sun.Our Rotary friendships give light to our lives, and it is Rotary friendship as well asservice that lets us Light Up Rotary.

    (Supporting Language) RI RI 11 20192021 2022 RI 2015 10 2021 2022 1994 (TRF) TRF 3520 TRF TRF TRF ( Global Grant) TRF TRF 2015 2015 6 6 9 2014 12 15


  • 6 7

    My dear fellow Rotarians,

    The breeze of autumn runs by as the maple leaf goes red. This month, two exciting news are brought back from RI. The first one is mandarin has been officially become the RI supporting language after approval by the RI board. This is the dream come true and a tremendous help in development of Rotary in Chinese culture as well as a great convenience when we attend RIs events and matters in the future. Rotarians in Taiwan are all cheering and spreading out this great news. The second news is that the board of RI selected four cities, out of eleven, as the candidates to host the RI convention in 2019, 2021, or 2022. And I am pleased to say that Taipei is one of them. The final result of whether Taipei could be the host city in 2021 or 2022 is expected in the board meeting in Oct of 2015. Once Taipei is appointed by the board, it would be the second time that RI convention takes place in Taiwan after over 20 years since the first time in 1994. This news truly excites us. The contribution made by the Rotarians in Taiwan to achieving world peace once again is recognised in the Rotary world. Light Up Rotary is truly realised in Taiwan.

    This month is the Rotary Foundation Month. Since the foundation of Rotary, we have been doing good in the world through various humanitarian acts. These acts vary in magnitude as from big project such as End Polio Now to small service such as blood donation. All of these projects or services unite the strength of Rotarians and allow them to understand the world and achieve peace and kindness through health improving, education supports and poverty alleviation.

    And each project is backed by a firm support financially. The Rotary Foundation is the one providing financial supports. The foundation gathered all the donation of Rotarians and use it on humanitarian projects under a very sophisticated and rigorous regulation and procedure. The Rotarians in Taiwan and in our

    district have been very generous donating actively to The Rotary Foundation. And the amount of donation usually ranks at a very high position globally. This generosity has earned the respect from the globe.

    As we donate large amount of money to TRF, we can still retrieve it back from TRF to finance our local projects through, for instance, Global Grant. We can see the amount in financing local projects has been increasing over the recent years. However, we could still put more efforts in these projects. If we miss the opportunity as to utilising the fund of TRF to help the local people who need it, it would be really a shame and pity. So, I strongly encourage you to attend the Grants Management Seminar and the District Rotary Foundation Seminar from which you could learn the procedure and technique of how to apply to grants through practical experiences so that you can help more of the poor locally.

    Lastly, the 2015 Rotary Convention will be held in Sao Paulo, Brazil. This is first time as the Taiwanese RI president holds the convention. And this has a very special meaning for all of us. And as Taiwanese, we are all being very proud of it. The deadline for the first-stage early bird registration is 15th, DEC, 2014. I encourage all of you to seize the budget price and sign up as soon as possible.

    Rotary International District 3520District Governor

    Audi Lin

  • 8 9

    RIDE Frederick RI 2014 10 RI President Gary 11 1


    3 2 RI 4 RIP Gary 3 6~7 RIP Gary 2014-15 Best Class 2015 6 3~4 4

    1. 31,376

    2. 48.010 48.020 RI


    3. 48.020

    4. $80,000 2015-16


    6. ( RI ) Rotarys digital guidelines RI

    Adopted:E-1. Official Translation of Documents in Mandarin ChineseDECISION: The Board

    1. congratulates the Rotarians in Taiwan for their membership growth efforts in reaching 31,376 members and for their continued financial support of Rotary and its Foundation;

    2. reaffirms Rotary Code of Policies sections 48.010.and 48.020. providing that English is the only official language of RI and that Rotary provides translations of essential club and district information in French, German, Hindi, Italian, Japanese, Portuguese, Spanish, and Swedish;

    3. amends Rotary Code of Policies section 48.020. to include Mandarin Chinese with the understanding that the level of support will be determined by need and available Rotary resources, as determined by the general secretary;

    4. recommends that additional staff and resources be dedicated to Mandarin Chinese to ensure adequate translation services, and requests the general secretary to budget $80,000 in 201516 for this purpose;

    5. recommends that resources be a l located to provide interpretation services for Board, Trustee and committee meetings as needed and requested, understanding that interpretation at conventions is determined by the number of registered attendees;

    6. recognizes the desire to build a national website for Taiwan (domain name to be owned by RI and maintained at RIs costs), in compliance with Rotarys digital

    3 2 RIP Gary RI

    PP Hermes

  • 10 11

    RIDE Frederick e-mail RI


    Draft Decisions from the October 2014 RI Board of Directors Meeting C-10. Possible Host Cities for 2019, 2021, and 2022 RI Convention DECISION: The Board

    1. requests the general secretary to proceed to inspect Hamburg, Germany; Hong Kong/Macau, Peoples Republic of China; Houston, Texas, USA; and Taipei City, Taiwan;

    2. requests the general secretary to contact the Rotarians and tourism offices in Boston, MA, USA; Cape Town, South Africa; Madrid, Spain; Manila, Philippines; Montpellier, France; Orlando, Florida, USA; and Rome, Italy to thank them for their proposals and to inform them of the Boards decision regarding future RI Conventions;

    3. requests the general secretary to report to the Board at its October 2015 meeting regarding site selection recommendations for the 2019, 2021, and 2022 RI Conventions.

    2014 10

    C-10. 20192021 2022 1. /



    3. 2015 10 20192021 2022

    PP Hermes

    2021/2022 TRF Trustee Jackson

    2014 10 RI 2021/2022

    : RI President Gary 2014 10

    RI : 1) 2) 2021/2022

    RIDE Frederick e-mail

    10 RI 11 4 ( , / , , ) 2019, 2021 2022 2021/2022 ( 2021 2022 )RI RI 2015 10 RI C-10


    0937-019-102 TRF Trustee Jackson 2021/2022

  • 12 13


    2014 11 20 AL-DOA-141120-09

    2014-15 , ,

    , , RI Gary

    2014-15 ,

    10 7 , ,


    CHI-HSIUN KUOCP Paul :56 : 2010-11 12 2013-14 15

    (Ph.D.) (M.S) (D.D.S) V

    2006-07 . 2010-11 2011-12 . 2012-13 . 2013-142014-15 .

    ( )

  • 14 15

    2010-112012-132013 2013-14


    2009.03.12 2010~2011 2011~2012 2012~2013 2013.05.17 2013~2014 2014~2015 2015~2016 3520

    1. 2. 3.

    Ma, Chin-Ju CP Sara :53 : (2001-02,12 ) (2010-12,19 )

    :1999 5 20 / 15 / :2014-15: 66 208

    2014/08/15: ( 1% )

    2000 2014/10/11: ( RFE / )

    680 TVBS 2014/10/18 : 208 2014/03/29: 14-15




    , 49 2010/01/13: 120

    2014: PHF +17 ( ) 2013: PHF+7 2009: PHF+6 2008: PHF+5 2007: PHF+4 2006: PHF+3 2004: PHF+2 2004: PHF+1 2001: PHF 2001: Benefactor


    2009-10: 2008-09:2008 Taipei Rotary Institute2005-06: RYE 2004-05: RI 2001-02:

  • 16 17

    185 103 10 04 830 ( 260 3 ) RYLA

    RYLA Rotary Youth Leadership Awards , , 2013-14 , i talent fund, , , RYLA 2014-15 i Talent

    , 8 ,8 4 , Yvonne RYLA, 8/6 , rock brains,3.5 , D ! (digital) , ,

    8/6 , RYLA Freya, , 8/7 (Wechat) , (Jeff), 10 ,10/4 , , RYLA 10 4 !!

    RYLA ,


    Freya 2015-16: 2014-15: 2013-14: DTTS 2012-13: 2011-12: RI Trustee / 2010-11: / RIPE 2009-10: / RI 2008-09:2008 Taipei Rotary Institute / 2007-08: / RI Trustee / 2006-07: / RIPE / RI Trustee 2005-06: / RIPE / 2004-05: /RI / RIPE 2003-04: RI 2000-01:

    2014-15: RI Vocational Service Leadership Award 2013-14: 2012-13: / (PS: 16 48 )2011-12: 2010-11: / 2009-10: 2008-09: 2007-08: 2006-07: 2005-06: 2003-04: 2001-02:RI RI Global Quest(RI )


    2017-18 :1. 2. 3. :

    - : - :

    - : RI - :

    Euromoney (2013-2014) -Asia Women in Business Law Awards) Legal 500 (2009-2014) -Leading Individual Chambers & Partners (2013-2014) -Band 1 Lawyer 2005 (2005-2014)

  • 18 19

    We chat , slogan ~we chat, we change ! chat , , IPP Vanessa ~we challenge, we change ! ~ D(digital) , , , ~ , !

    8/11 , : B1 ,10 4 , ,

    8/12 line , ~ Y17, i talent Eveling Sandra , wifi ,

    line ,IPP Vanessa ~ 525 wifi i talent fund !!

    ! Freya team , i talent RYLA Eveling , BianLay, Yvonne !!

    8/4 RYLA,8/6 8/13 IPP Vanessa RYLA Eveling 8/18

    RYLA Freya 8/25 La Farfalla 9/1 Climontine 9/5 Dan Ryans , IPP 9/19 9/22 Papa Pasta9/30 Yvonne ,Freya 3520 , 30 ,

    , RYLA , [RYLA]We challenge, we change , RYLA , , , RYLA : ,

    ? ? ? RYLA, 9/2 ,9/15 400 ? ~http://www.clickforce.com.tw/news_5_detail.php?id=253YLA MV https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mi1ZfkFqruE&feature=youtu.be

    RYLA MV https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AV8DPmisvu8

  • 20 21

    RFE 9640

    3520 13 , 9640 DG Wendy Scarlett PP Charles. , ,Charles DG Wendy , , . . .

    10/7 PP Randal , , , , , . , , , ,Charles , , .

    VAG Lisa - , . , , , , , , , , , , , . , villa , , , , ,DG Wendy ,Charles . , . .

    10/11 DG Wendy , DG Wendy , Charles , , , , , . , . DG Wendy , , .

    10/14DG Wendy , , , ,DG Wendy , . . , , .

    P Joanna

    10 15 Sweetme3520 ~2014-15Betty2014101012

    2014 2 606

    RFE 12 15 3520 10 8 13 PE Haijen 9210 DG Kenneth 10/11( ) 3520 3520

    ~ Betty (PP Sweetme) 2-3

    S Sophia


  • 22 23

    1010( )-1012( ) 606 PP Sweetme !

    DG Audi !

    10 3520

    P David

    2014 10

    10 2

    11:30 P P.T

    PP Hiro 10 3,9,13,16,17

    10 3520 DG Audi 12 15 2014-2015 10 10 3520 :

  • 24 25

    DG Audi RFE Michael Michael 10 11 CP Sara 700 : : !

    Happy Birthday

    DS Casio 11 : 2014

    11 : 11 14 P Jim


    543 : I dreamed a dream !

  • 26 27




    10 4


    P Michelle


    10 25 ( ) ( )

    - -

  • 28 29


    11 29 " "



    1905 Rotary 1919 Rotary Rotary --- acculturation

    Rotary 1921 1922 RotaryRotary Rotary

    RotaryRotary ---

    RIP Gary

    PP Hermes

  • 30 31

    RIP Gary RIP Gary Light up Rotary 2014 10 RIP Gary 108

    2013-2014 RIP Gary

    RIP Gary RIP Gary

    gene pool of Rotary

    2014-2015 2014 6 2014 1 RIP Gary

  • 32 33

    537 ---RIP Gary 110 Rotary


    2014 10 18 CPR/AED SOS 2010-11 (PP. Keynes) 13

    10 18 SOS CPR AED


    1 AED AED 100 AEDAED

    CPR/AED Vicki

  • 34 35

    FB :... CPR 7-8

    11 16 Irene PP Pei Pei Pei Pei

    1. 2.

    3. PP Teresa



    P Mindy

  • 36 37

    Irene, Pei Pei, Peggy, Chu-Ko, Julia,Teresa, Celine, Gallie, Maggie, Nancy Melanie PP Pei Pei PP Michelle, PE Serena, CatherineP Mindy Winni, Pat PP Teresa , PP Amy, Chou JudyPP Chu-Ko, Irene, Jenny Kuo, Julia, PeggyHelen 31

  • 38 39


    2014-15 2017-18


    10 3520

    CPR/AED -