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  • 8/8/2019 25tipsforfundraising-


    for fundraising

    tips & ideas

  • 8/8/2019 25tipsforfundraising-


    t i p s & i d e a s 1

    Choose the right fundraiserfor your group.The most important consideration in fundraising isto choose the right fundraiser for the group.Take your time. Choosing the right fundraiser

    allows for financial goals to be reached whilemaking parents happy.


    Use a reputable fundraising company.Finding the right fundraising company can be intimidating. Talk toother people, talk to several companies and get multiple offers inwriting up-front before deciding. Research your options on the

    internet, request information, make calls and check references!


    Represent value& quality.Not all fundraising productsare created equal. Chooseonly quality products that addvalue! Don't try to peddlefundraising items that are notquality. Present yourself withpride and respect and yourcustomers will appreciate it.

    BelieveKids.com 1-877-7-BELIEVE [email protected]

  • 8/8/2019 25tipsforfundraising-


    t i p s & i d e a s


    Reduce number of fundraisersDont stretch yourself too thin with smaller fundraiserswith low profit margins. The best way to hit a fundraising goal is to have one main fundraiser and put all youreffort behind it. In preparation of this heavy-hitting fundraiser, downplay the fundraisers that won't make abig impact on the group.

    5Ditch the little guysSuccessful fundraising groups have made the decision todo away with fundraisers that don't perform well. Insteadof always appearing to have a hand out, these groups letparents know that they expect participation in one mainfundraiser. Although it may seem hard to turn down freemoney, statistics show that getting rid of the smallerfundraisers will increase your overall fundraising revenueand prevent fundraising fatigue.

    6 Market heavy-hittersUse every opportunity to let parents knowyou request their participation in yourmain fundraising efforts. Instead of focusing limited time and resources onsmall fundraisers, take that opportunityto let them know that you are limiting thenumber of fundraisers so that everyonewill participate in the main fundraiser.Mention this main fundraiser often

    before and during the fundraiser!

    F U N D R A I S E R

    N E X T W E E K ! !

    S C H O O L -W I D E

    HINT: There is no substitute for getting the word out!

    BelieveKids.com 1-877-7-BELIEVE [email protected]

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    t i p s & i d e a s 7

    Focus your effortsWhen you are ready, make a list of the items you willfocus on. Put the most impactful efforts at the top of the list. When the time comes to get the fundraiserunderway, focus your efforts towards creating

    fundraising success! Don't let anything distract youfrom holding one successful fundraiser per semester.

    8Incentivize studentsPrizes, silly contests, drawings andschool-wide glory are all huge motivatorsfor students. Giving gifts and recognitiondoesn't have to cost a lot. Creating excitement will ensure that kids getinvolved to help their school!

    Ideas - Cumulative student prizeprograms, ice cream parties, extra recess,lunch with the principal, classroom pizzaparty, drawing for a bike or other fun item.

    9Incentivize teachersReward the teachers for participating and they will help fuel the

    excitement of the fundraiser. Some fundraising companies willprovide free product to teachers that help support the efforts of the kids. Not recognizing the influence teachers have on thesuccess of a fundraiser is a mistake. A teacher can have fun withit or put a negative spin on it depending. Give them something tobe happy about whenever possible.

    BelieveKids.com 1-877-7-BELIEVE [email protected]

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    t i p s & i d e a s 10

    Incentivize ParentsParents need motivation too. Its crucial that theyunderstand the importance of this fundraiser i.e. whatthe money is going towards, why its necessary, whatimpact it will have on their child. Parents ultimately say

    'yes' or 'no' to the fundraiser when it comes home and weknow they often get out there and help get salesthemselves so incentivizing parents so they will getinvolved is the best way to make the fundraiser a success.

    11Involve the communityThe community will rally around a school if they know the schoolneeds help. They do not have to have children going to theschool, they just need to know that their local community needstheir help. If there is a way to get the point across that they areneeded, they will step up and help. Society is built on giving and support for others, so get out there into the community andlet them know you need their help!

    Ideas - If possible, offer student prizes that also appeal to parents.Provide a special offer to parents, have a drawing for participating in thefundraiser and make it easy for relatives to purchase items online. Offer quality products to make parents look good!

    BelieveKids.com 1-877-7-BELIEVE [email protected]

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    t i p s & i d e a s

    Involve the PrincipalMake sure the Principal is as excited andis willing to get everyone else involved.Have them offer up a challenge to theschool - In exchange for meeting a goal,the principal or another favorite teacherwill do something silly. A good headshaving will create all the excitementneeded! Statistics show that when theprincipal is supportive, sales soar! Don'tforget to have them send a note about thefundraiser to their Principals email list!

    Ideas - Shave head, tapeto wall, throw an icecream social for the

    school. The moreincentives, the better thefundraiser! One of themost successfulincentives weve seenwas sitting in a tree for aday - Just about anything fun will work!


    Keep it simpleThe quickest way for students, teachers and parents to loseinterest in a fundraiser is to make it confusing. Bestraightforward in your goal and how you are going to reachit. Set an expectation for each parent so they know whatthey are responsible for raising. Keep the fundraiser to twoweeks and offer only easily understandable incentives.


    BelieveKids.com 1-877-7-BELIEVE [email protected]

  • 8/8/2019 25tipsforfundraising-


    t i p s & i d e a s

    Kick it offHost a fun school spirit assembly or party to kick off theevent. It will energize everyone and give you a chance toexplain the goal and mission of the event. A favorite teacher

    in the school is usually your best option but there areprofessional entertainers that can really bring theexcitement up a notch. Regardless of how big of a deal youmake the fundraising kick-off, make it fun and rememberthat anything you do will be better than just sending thefundraising information home without letting the students inon how to participate.


    Announce, Announce,AnnounceDont catch your school by surprise andcause a lot of undue stress. Get peopleexcited about the fundraiser monthsbefore the actual fundraiser. Let everyoneknow when the fundraiser takes place,what is expected and when to turn inmaterials. There is no substitute forgetting the word out on the fundraiser!

    Use morning announcements, email,printed newsletters, signs & banners,reminder notices, etc. to communicate.


    Fundraising ToolsYour fundraising company should have a set of tools available for youto market the fundraiser with and make running the fundraiser

    easier. Use these tools. Chances are, anything a fundraising company is providing is done so because they work - so hang posters and use promotions offered to you wherever possible.16




    set of tools available for you

    BelieveKids.com 1-877-7-BELIEVE [email protected]

  • 8/8/2019 25tipsforfundraising-


    t i p s & i d e a s

    Daily incentivesGiving out prizes everyday keeps the momentum upthroughout the whole fundraiser. Good fundraising companies can provide items at no cost for you to use toincrease excitement surrounding the fundraiser during thefundraiser. Look for a promotion that encourages studentsto report sales daily!


    Make it exciting - Raffles& other drawings When you compare fundraising companies,ask what raffle or drawing prizes they will

    provide and get it in writing. You can alwaysadd some additional prizes besides the onesoffered through your fundraising company aswell. Use the intercom system to rewardstudents daily with these prizes. It's quitenatural for excitement to fade a bit over thecourse of the fundraiser, and a drawing canrejuvinate everyones spirit and get themback on the right track!

    Ideas - Bikes, electronics, toys and games. If

    you have time, get some local businesses todonate gift cards or services.


    Timing is importantThe time of year you host your fundraiser is critical. Dont schedule the big fundraiser right before vacation or holidays. Make sure not to schedule amain fundraiser around some other fundraising effort (such as a bookfair). Dont have it drag on for a whole month, youll lose enthusiasm andyour momentum.

    HINT: Consider starting your fundraiser as soon as possible to beat other groups out of the gate!


    BelieveKids.com 1-877-7-BELIEVE [email protected]

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    t i p s & i d e a s 20

    Participation is keyA good fundraiser requires theparticipation of students, parents andadministration. Participation is whereyour level of success will be decided. It'shard to imagine what would happen if nearly every parent participated. Thereare schools that have mandatoryfundraisers and have the highestsuccess rates. On the flip side, schools

    that don't set goals and put in minimaleffort usually have very few participantsand small profits. Even an increase inten students could equal a thousanddollars in additional fundraising money.Just a little bump in participation equalsa large amount of money back to theschool so every single student counts!

    Don't confuse the issue.If you are hosting a fundraiser, host afundraiser - Put your expectations out thereand focus your efforts on succeeding. If youare hosting an event that is not a fundraiserfirst, don't make your fundraising effortsobvious. Say for instance you are hosting asafety fair. Do not call it the 'Safety FairFundraiser' for instance. Keep your moneymaking efforts to a minimum. The point is,you shouldn't appear to always have ahand out. Save your money requests for

    when you really need the money.


    The importance of asking for what you needSet clear expectations. Be very clear to students and parents about the goal of your fundraisers. It's ok to set high expectations too as long as you don't alwayshave a hand out. Make your request clear. There is proof that if you ask for whatyou really need, you will get it. Don't feel like you have to hide the facts. If youneed $80 per family, for instance, let it be known.


    BelieveKids.com 1-877-7-BELIEVE [email protected]

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    t i p s & i d e a s 23

    The education behind thefundraiser - teaching safetyFundraisers also provide a good opportunity for students tolearn about the safety and etiquette of selling, math, handling money and the importance of community. These days,

    however, fundraising companies do not recommend door-to-door sales. Point out who kids can safely sell to and makesure parents accompany children to neighbors houses.

    24The importance of online effortsDont forget about internet sales for remote relatives and friends.As Internet shopping has increased in popularity so havefundraising sales online. Use a company that has a solid onlinepresence to attract sales from out-of-state family and friends.



    Wrapping it up - Delivery,post sale issuesWhen your sale is over, get your fundraising order placed right away. Because orders have tobe processed on the fundraising company end,you will want to get the orders in as soon as

    possible to avoid any possible delay. Usetracking and reports to stay 'in the know' aboutyour sale and make sure to keep a cool headwhen it comes to damaged and missing items.When a lot of product is sold, chances are goodsomething will be damaged or missing. A goodfundraising company will have a system in placeto make this process simple and you should nothave to do anything. Most product fundraising companies will replace chocolates, even if theywere eaten on the bus!

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    BelieveKids.com 1-877-7-BELIEVE [email protected]

  • 8/8/2019 25tipsforfundraising-


    a b o u t u s Believe Kids is notyour average fundraising company. Regardless of whether you use us or anothercompany, we will provide anyinformation we can to help you succeed.

    Please get in touch with us if we can answerany question, big or small.

    Phone: 1-877-7-BELIEVE (1.877.723.5438)Colorado: (303) 200-1290Email: [email protected]: www.BelieveKids.com