專專專專 專專專專 The effect of aggregate size on water retention and pore structure of two silt loam soils of different genesis 專專專專 專專專 專專 79842017 專專專


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專題討論. The effect of aggregate size on water retention and pore structure of two silt loam soils of different genesis 指導教授:林俐玲 教授 79842017 陳品岡. 摘要. 團粒 粒徑分佈和 孔隙 結構影響許多土壤功能和根系生長。 團粒 結構與土壤 化育 和管理實踐應用 有關 此研究選擇兩種不同化育土樣 ( Eutric Fluvisol , Haplic Phaeozem.). - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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The effect of aggregate size on water retention and pore structure of two silt

loam soils of different genesis

指導教授:林俐玲 教授79842017 陳品岡


( Eutric Fluvisol , Haplic Phaeozem.)

Keywords: Aggregate size; Soil type; Water retention curve; Multi-modal pore size distribution


兩種土樣擁有類似的粒徑,在土壤分類中皆屬於坋質壤土。分別取擾動但不破壞團粒且分開過篩的土樣與未擾動的土樣。本實驗目的將擾動土樣由粒徑大小而分離,分成六種大小 (<0.25mm,0.25~0.5mm,


Fig. 1. Examples of pore space (black) images on resin-impregnated soil blocks. Vertical plane 0–8 cm.

Fig. 2. Aggregate size distribution for the investigated soils. 調查土壤的團粒大小

Fig. 3. 土壤水分特性曲線 TP is the total pore volume.

Fig. 4. Soil water retention curves S(h) of undisturbed soils. 未擾動土的土壤水分特性曲線

Fig. 5. Continuous pore size distribution of aggregate beds. 連續孔徑分佈

Fig. 6. Continuous pore size distribution of undisturbed soils. 未擾動土的孔徑分佈
