8x10 Polaroid

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  • 8/19/2019 8x10 Polaroid





    FILM CHARACTERISTICS The development of this film is a complex sensitive chemical reaction, triggeredby light and affected by various parameters such as temperature, film age, mechanical manipulation, and

    others. Variations in results are therefore not only possible but an essential part of this analog instant film.

    WARRANTY AND LIABILITY Any film that does not show any photographic result due to evidential defective

    manufacture, labeling, or packaging, will be replaced. Please contact the Impossible Customer Service for

    details. Film material is provided “as is” with exclusion of liability, to the extent as permitted by law. IP

    RIGHTS All IP rights shall rest exclusively with Impossible. CAUTION This film uses a caustic paste. Avoid

    contact of skin, eyes, and/or mouth with the paste. If you get any paste on your skin, eyes, and/or mouth,

    wipe it off immediately, wash with water to avoid an alkali burn and consult a doctor if irritation occurs. Keep

    discarded materials or paste away from children, animals, clothing or furniture.

    CARACTÉRISTIQUES DU FILM Le développement de ce film est dû à une réaction chimique, déclenchée par la

    lumière et réagissant à plusieurs paramètres tels que, entre autres, la température, la date de fabrication du

    film ou encore la manipulation mécanique. Ainsi, les variations de résultat ne sont pas seulement possibles

    mais font partie intégrante de ce film instantané.TERMES DE LA GARANTIE LIMITÉE ET RESPONSABILITÉ Tout

    film ne présentant aucun résultat photographique, dû à un défaut de fabrication, d’étiquetage ou d’embal-

    lage, sera remplacé. Pour plus d’informations, contactez le Service C lient d’Impossible. Les films sont fournis

    «tels quels», avec exclusion de responsabilité, dans toute la mesure prévue par la loi.DROITS DE PROPRIÉTÉ

    INTELLECTUELLE  Tous les droits de propriété intellectuelle reviennent exclusivement à Impossible.MISE EN

    GARDE Ce film contient des produits chimiques caustiques. Ne pas couper ou démonter le film. Evitez tout

    contact de la chimie avec la peau, les yeux ou la bouche. Si la chimie entre en contact avec votre peau, vos

    yeux ou votre bouche, essuyez immédiatement, rincez abondamment avec de l’eau pour éviter toute brûlure

    et consultez un médecin. Tenez tout composant ou chimie à l’écart des enfants, animaux, vêtements ou


    CARATTERISTICHE DELLA PELLICOLA Lo sviluppo di questa pellicola è una complessa e sensibile reazione

    chimica, innescata dalla luce e influenzata da vari parametri quali l’età della pellicola stessa, la temperatura,

    la manipolazione meccanica e altri. Pertanto le variazioni nei risultati non sono solo possibili, ma una parte

    essenziale di questa pellicola analogica istantanea. GARANZIA E RESPONSABILITÀ Qualsiasi film che non mo-

    stra alcun risultato fotografico a causa di difetti di fabbricazione, etichettatura o imballaggio verrà sostituito.

    Si prega di contattare il Servizio Clienti di Impossible per maggiori dettagli. Ill Film istantaneo viene fornito

    “così come è” con esclusione di responsabilità, nella misura consentita dalla legge. DIRITTI IP Tutti i diritti

    di proprietà intellettuale spettano esclusivamente ad Impossible.ATTENZIONE Questo film utilizza una pasta

    caustica e una batteria. Non tagliare o smontare la batteria. Non bruciare la batteria ed evitare di toccare i

    suoi terminali. Evitare il contatto della pasta caustica con la cute, gli occhi o la bocca. Se a contatto con la

    pelle, occhi o bocca, pulire immediatamente, lavare con acqua per evitare ustioni alcaline e consultare un

    medico. Smaltire i materiali di scarto e tenerli lontano dai bambini, animali, indumenti o mobili.

    FILMEIGENSCHAFTEN Die Entwicklung dieses Films ist eine komplexe, chemische Reaktion, gesteuert von

    Licht und beeinflusst durch verschiedene Parameter wie z.B. Temperatur, Alter des Films, mechanische

    Manipulation. Somit sind Variationen in den Ergebnissen nicht nur möglich, sondern essentieller Teil dieses

    analogen Sofortbildfilmmaterials.GEWÄHRLEISTUNG UND HAFTUNG Jeder Film, der auf Grund von nachweis-

    baren Herstellungs-, Kennzeichnungs- oder Verpackungsfehlern kein photographisches Ergebnis zeigt, wird

    ersetzt. Bitte kontaktieren Sie für die Klärung von Details den Impossible Kundenservice. Soweit gesetzlich

    möglich, ist eine darüber hinaus gehende Gewährleistung und Haftung ausgeschlossen.RECHTE Alle Rechte

    vorbehalten (z.B. Urheberrechte, Markenrechte)VORSICHT Dieser Film beinhaltet ätzende Substanzen. Die

    Filme dürfen nicht zerschnitten oder auseinandergenommen werden. Vermeiden Sie Haut-, Augen- und

    Mundkontakt mit der Substanz. Sollten Sie dennoch damit in Kontakt kommen, bitte sofort abwischen und

    mit Wasser nachspülen um Verätzungen zu vermeiden, und suchen Sie einen Arzt auf. Halten Sie entsorgte

    Materialen und Substanzen von Kindern, Tieren, Kleidungs- und Möbelstücken fern.

    CARACTERÍSTICAS DE LA PELÍCULA El revelado de esta película es una reacción química delicada, desenca-

    denada por la luz y sobre la que influyen distintos parámetros como la temperatura, el envejecimiento dela película o la manipulación mecánica, entre otros. En consecuencia, esta película instantánea analógica

    no solo puede presentar variaciones en los resultados, sino que éstas son parte esencial de su naturaleza.

    GARANTÍA LIMITADA Cualquier película que no permita obtener ningún resultado foto gráfico debido a defectos

    de fabricación, etiquetado o empaquetado será sustituida. Póngase en contacto con el Servicio de Atención

    al Cliente de Impossible para obtener más información. La película se entrega “tal cual”, con exclusión de

    responsabilidad en la medida en que la ley lo permita. DERECHOS DE PROPIEDAD INTELECTUAL Los derechos

    de propiedad intelectual pertenecen exclusivamente a Impossible.ADVERTENCIA Esta película utiliza pasta

    cáustica. No corte ni rompa la película. Evite todo contacto de la pasta con la piel, los ojos o la boca. Si la

    pasta entrase en contacto con la piel, los ojos o la boca, quítela inmediatamente, lave la parte afectada con

    agua para evitar posibles quemaduras alcalinas y consulte al médico. Mantenga los materiales desechados y

    la pasta cáustica alejados de los niños, animales, ropa o muebles.

    (5°C – 10°C)


    儲存方法得到更好的结果,请生产日期后12个月内使用。请保持在 5°C – 10°C的冰箱电影底片特點 本底


    不同。所以,每張即影即有相片的效果亦不盡相同。 問題產品 如產品因製造、標籤或包裝失誤而未能顯






    필름 보관 주의사항: 좋은 결과를 얻기 위해 생산 날짜로부터 12개월 이내에 사용하시기 바랍니다.

    5° C~10° C 에서 냉장 보관하시기 바랍니다. 필름 특성: 필름의 현상은 촬영 시의 온도, 노출 시간, 에이징

    (제조일로부터 촬영일까지의 기간), 물리적 조작과 압력 등의 다양한 변수에 영향을 받으며, 빛으로 진행

    되는 섬세한 화학 반응의 결과입니다. 따라서 다양한 아날로그적인 결과물을 얻을 수밖에 없습니다. 보

    증 제한: 제조상의 결함으로 인한 불량의 경우에는 제조번호가 찍힌 해당 샘플의 모든 필름을 임파서블

    고객지원 센터로 보내주시기 바랍니다. 새로운 필름으로 교환하여 드립니다. 필름의 불량으로 인한 부가

    적인 피해는 보증하지 않습니다. 주의 경고: 이 필름은 수산화 화합물과 건전지를 사용하고 있습니다. 필름 또는 건전지를 자르거나 분해하지 마세요. 필름이나 건전지를 입에 넣거나 접점에 금속을 대지 마세

    요. 필름 안의 물질이 인체에 닿지 않도록 하세요. 혹시 묻게 되면 바로 흐르는 물로 씻고 의사와 상담하

    세요. 보관 또는 사용 후 버릴 때는 어린아이, 동물, 의류, 가구 등에서 멀리하세요.


    If you need further help or

    have more questions please

    don’t hesitate to contact us.


    [email protected]

    Tel: + 1 212 219 3254


    [email protected]

    Tel: 00 800 577 01 500


    To learn more about 8x10 film

    from Impossible visit


    Made with pride in Enschede, The Netherlands.

    Impossible® brand instant film is not licensed,

    manufactured or endorsed by PLR IP Holdings, LLC.

    Polaroid® is a trademark of PLR IP Holdings, LLC.    8  x   1   0   C   /   B   &   W ,

       2   0   1   5  v   1

  • 8/19/2019 8x10 Polaroid



    Our 8x10 film is different from the original Polaroid® 8x10 film. It is an

    integral film, meaning that in normal use the positive and negative staytogether and are not peeled apart. This integral film will work with any

    8x10 camera equipped to accept a Polaroid® film holder. Additionally you

    will need a Polaroid® 8x10 processor. We recommend using an electrically

    powered processor for more consistent results. If you use the hand crank

    function of the processor, turn the handle quickly and smoothly.


    Negative and positive frame batches can vary from batch to batch. Each

    box of film contains a positive and a negative which are a photographic

    match. The photographic batch number is visible on the negative frame on

    the black tab. On the positive the photographic batch number is visible on

    silver mask near the trap.

    The batch number consists of one letter and 3 digits. For example C001

    would mean photographic batch 001 of color film and similarly B001would mean photographic batch 001 of B&W film. The batch number of a

    positive and negative that are processed together should be identical.


    We recommend refrigerating the film until use, but do not freeze. Before

    use allow the film to adjust to room temperature for at least one hour. Thefilm works best at temperatures around room temperature. When shooting

    at deviating temperatures, try to process your images at a temperature

    close to room temperature. Use the film within 12 months of the

    production date. See stamp on the film carton sticker.


    The film is intended for ASA640. Film sensitivity may vary. Allow +/- 1/3

    stop. Suitable for daylight or Xenon flash exposure. Color and ASA can vary

    in response to temperature and different ambient light sources. In direct

    sunlight do not pull of the protective envelope until you are about to shoot.


    In most cases the images obtained with this film will be the mirror imageof the original. For example the text will be reversed. If readable text is

    important to your image, we recommend trying to shoot via a mirror or

    using an image transparency or image lifting technique to revert the

    image to its original orientation.


    Some developing paste may seep from the edges of the photo. This paste

    is a caustic substance! Avoid contact with skin, eyes or mouth. If you get

    paste on your skin, eyes or mouth, wipe if off immediately, flush with

    fresh water to avoid an alkali burn and consult a doctor. Avoid contact

    with the paste by holding the photo by the black tab and refraining from

    touching the edges. The paste can also be wiped off with a moist tissue.

    Keep discarded materials and paste away from children, animals,

    clothing and furniture.


    We recommend letting your photo develop in the processor for

    approximately 5 minutes. Photos will appear as a light blue initially and

    will remain so during most of the development time. This is normal. B&W

    images will take 5-10 minutes to develop. Color images will take between

    30-40 minutes to develop. Handle with care during development. Do not

    shake or bend the photo.


    A newly processed 8x10 photo consists of a layer of wet developing

    paste sandwiched between a negative and a transparent sheet.In this configuration 8x10 photos can take between 3 to 4 weeks

    to dry completely.

    General recommendations:

    • Do not stack the photos when they are still fresh and wet.

    • Maintain sufficient airspace around the images when drying

    • Dry down prints in a cool, moderate to low humidity environment


    Check and clean your processor‘s rollers between prints. Any dirt or residue

    left on the rollers may cause an imprint on the image.


    FILM SPEED: ASA 640 +/- 1/3 stop

    EXPOSURES: 10 exposures per box

    DEVELOPMENT TIME: B&W film images will take 5-10 minutes to develop.

    Color film images will take between 30-40 minutes to develop.

    DIMENSIONS: Format 8“x10“. Image area 7.5“ x 9.35“ (19 x 24 cm)

    FINISH: Glossy

    COMPATIBLE HARDWARE: 8x10 Polaroid® processor and any camera equipped

    to accept an 8x10 Polaroid® film holder

    ADDITIONAL EQUIPMENT NEEDED: Polaroid® 8x10 Processor and film holder.

