Advocacy PowerPoint for School Boards & Administrators Sandy Brennan & Trudy Wilson Maine Art Education Association

Advocacy PowerPoint for School Boards & Administrators Sandy Brennan & Trudy Wilson Maine Art Education Association

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Page 1: Advocacy PowerPoint for School Boards & Administrators Sandy Brennan & Trudy Wilson Maine Art Education Association

Advocacy PowerPoint for School Boards & Administrators

Sandy Brennan & Trudy WilsonMaine Art Education Association

Page 2: Advocacy PowerPoint for School Boards & Administrators Sandy Brennan & Trudy Wilson Maine Art Education Association

Why Learn About Art?

Learning about art is important because understanding the role of the visual arts in

contemporary society and having the capability to use the visual arts are essential components of being well educated for success in our times.

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“Art is humanity’s most essential, most universal language. It is not a frill, but a necessary part of communication. The quality of civilization can be measured through its music, dance, drama, architecture, visual arts, and literature. We must give our children knowledge and understanding of civilization’s most profound work.”Source: Toward Civilization: A Report on Arts Education by Ernest L. Boyer, 1988

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"The process of studying and creating art in all of its distinct forms defines those qualities that are at the heart of education reform in the 1990's--creativity, perseverance, a sense of standards, and above all, a striving for excellence.”

Richard W. Riley, former U.S. Secretary of Education

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The Value of Art Education

1. The arts are worth studying simply because of what they are. Their impact cannot be denied. Historically, the arts have served to connect our imaginations with the deepest questions of human existence: Who am I?What must I do? Where am I going?

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The Value of Art Education

2. The arts are used to achieve a multitude of human purposes: to present issues and ideas, to teach or persuade, to entertain, to decorate. Becoming literate in the arts helps students understand and do these things better.

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The Value of Art Education

3. The arts are integral to everyone’s daily life. Our personal, social, economic, and cultural environments are shaped by the arts at every turn.

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The Value of Art Education

4. The arts offer unique sources of enjoyment and refreshment for the imagination. They explore relationships between ideas and objects and serve as links between thought and action. Their continuing gift is to help us see and grasp life in new ways.

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The Value of Art Education

5. The arts help students develop the attitudes, characteristics, and intellectual skills required to participate effectively in today’s society and economy.

Source: The National Visual Arts Standards, developed by the Consortium of National Arts Education Associations

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There are four reasons why art education is important:

to understand civilization, to develop creativity, to learn the tools of communication, and to develop the capacity for making

wise choices among the products of the arts.

Source: Toward Civilization: A Report on Arts Education by the National Endowment for the Arts

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The visual arts are integral to our everyday lives.




Gardens Clothing





Television MoviesMagazines



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Skills and Competencies Needed to Succeed in Today's Workplace


• Resources: Identifies, organizes, plans, and allocates resources• Interpersonal: Works with others• Information: Acquires and evaluates information• Systems: Understands complex interrelationships• Technology: Works with a variety of technologies

Source: What Work Requires of Schools: A SCANS Report for America 2000, U.S. Department of Labor, June 1991, pp. xvii-xviii.

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SCANS Competencies

• Resources: Identifies, organizes, plans, and allocates resources

To create artworks, students learn to identify artistic problems, organize and allocate art materials, and plan composition and procedures for art making.

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SCANS Competencies

Interpersonal: Works with others

Students learn to work with other artists, art materials suppliers, gallery owners, and the public.

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SCANS Competencies

Information: Acquires and evaluates information

Students learn to study artworks, by describing, analyzing, interpreting, and evaluating them.

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SCANS Competencies

Systems: Understands complex interrelationships

Students learn how social, organizational, and technological systems work in the arts and operate successfully with them.

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SCANS Competencies

Technology: Works with a variety of technologies

Students learn to choose appropriate technologies to create and display artworks.

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advertising art director, advertising commercial director, advertising copy writer, advertising creative director, advertising illustrator, advertising photographer, aerial photographer, animation director, animator (digital/traditional), antique restorer, architect, architectural illustrator, architectural technologist, art auctioneer, art consultant, art critic, art dealer, art director-film/video/print, art editor, art historian, art lecturer, art librarian, art publisher, art teacher, art therapist, art/film critic, artist-in-residence, artists' agent, automobile designer, automobile specialty painter, background artist, basketry artisan, billboard designer, book jacket designer, cabinet maker, calligrapher, caricaturist, carpenter, cartographer, cartoonist, ceramic tile artisan, ceramicist, child/day care worker, children's book designer, children's book illustrator, choreographer, cinematographer, color consultant, combat photographer, comic book creator, comic strip artist, computer graphics designer, conservator, costume designer, court artist, crafts artisan, creative director-advertising, curator, cutter & editor, dark room technician, dentist , design consultant, design engineer, digital artist, digital film maker , diorama artist, director, display artist, display designer, documentary photographer, draftsperson, dressmaker, editorial art director, editorial illustrator, editorial photographer, exhibition designer, fabric designer, fashion buyer, fashion designer, fashion editor, fashion illustrator, fashion photographer, fiber artist, field-expedition artist, film editor, film/video camera operator, film/video lighting designer, film/video sound engineer, floor covering designer, florist, foundry artist, furniture designer, gallery director, gallery owner, glass blower, glass designer, graphic artist, graphic designer, greeting card designer, hair stylist, illustration agent, illustrator-freelance, industrial designer, industrial photographer, interior decorator, interior designer, jeweler, jewellery designer, landscape architect, layout artist, layout designer, letterer, lighting consultant, lighting designer, lithographer, logo designer, machine designer, magazine designer, make-up artist, marine illustrator, market researcher, medical illustrator, metalworker, milliner, mock-up artist, model maker, mosaicist, motion picture camera operator, multi media designer, muralist, museum guide, package designer, painter, parade float designer/builder, paste-up artist, performance artist, photo journalist, photo-retoucher, photographer, photography editor, plastic surgeon, police & legal photographer, police artist, print maker, properties artist , publicity director, puppetmaker, renderer, restorer, salesperson, scenic designer, scientific illustrator, sculptor, serigrapher, set designer, sign painter, silversmith, special effects technician, stained-glass designer, stonemason, structural design engineer, stylist, tailor, tatoo artist, taxidermist, technical illustrator, textbook author, textile designer, theatrical photographer, tool designer, tour guide, toy designer, travel photographer, TV animator, TV background artist, TV commercials director, TV director, type designer, typography designer, upholsterer, urban planner, visual aids artist, wallpaper designer, weaver, web page designer, window decorator, woodcarver



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National Art Education Association

NAEA’s mission is to promote art education through professional development, service, advancement of knowledge and leadership.

Many advocacy documents are available at: http://www.naea-reston.org/news.html


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Americans for the Artshttp://ww3.artsusa.org/

Americans for the Arts is the nation's leading nonprofit organization for advancing the arts in America. With a 40-year record of service, they are dedicated to representing and serving local communities and creating opportunities for every American to participate in and appreciate all forms of the arts.

See a list of quotes at:


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Arts Education Partnership

AEP is a national coalition of arts, education, business, philanthropic and government organizations that demonstrate and promote the essential role of the arts in the learning and development of every child and in the improvement of America's schools.

See their links list at: http://aep-arts.org/Links.htm


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Kennedy Center Alliance for Arts Education Network


Recognizing that the arts express the essence of civilization and nurture the highest aspirations of the human spirit, the Kennedy Center Alliance for Arts Education Network is dedicated to the support of policies, practices and partnerships that ensure the arts are woven into the very fabric of American education.

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Business Committee for the Artshttp://www.bcainc.org/

The Business Committee for the Arts, Inc. (BCA), founded in 1967 by David Rockefeller, is a national not-for-profit organization that brings business and the arts together. It provides businesses of all sizes with the services and resources necessary to develop and advance partnerships with the arts that benefit business, the arts and the community.

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The National Arts and Education Network — supports the placement of the arts at the center of the curriculum and advocates creative use of technology to enhance the K-12 educational experience. ARTSEDGE empowers educators to teach in, through, and about the arts by providing the tools to develop interdisciplinary curricula that fully integrate the arts with other academic subjects.


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President’s Committee on the Arts and Humanities

The Committee was established by Executive Order in 1982.  The President's Committee on the Arts and the Humanities plays a key role within each Administration in identifying issues and developing initiatives in the arts and the humanities of critical importance to the nation.


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National Assembly of State Arts Agencies

NASAA's mission is to advance and promote a meaningful role for the arts in the lives of individuals, families and communities throughout the United States. We empower state arts agencies through strategic assistance that fosters leadership, enhances planning and decision making, and increases resources.


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VSA arts

Designated by the United States Congress as the coordinating organization for arts programming for persons with disabilities, VSA arts is supported by its affiliate network in offering diverse programs and events and innovative lifelong learning opportunities at the international, national, and local levels ranging from training institutes and artist-in-residence projects to arts camps and emerging artist award programs.


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PublicationsCritical Links: Learning in the Arts and Student Academic and Social Developmenthttp://aep-arts.org/CLhome.html

2004-2005 State Arts Education Policy Databasehttp://www.aep-arts.org/policysearch/searchengine

Champions of Changehttp://aep-arts.org/PDF%20Files/ChampsReport.pdf

Transforming Education Through the Arts Challengehttp://aep-arts.org/PDF%20Files/Final%20Report%20TETAC2.pdf

Gaining the Arts Advantagehttp://aep-arts.org/PDF%20Files/GAA%20Report.pdf