http://www.hktdc.com/fair/hkifs-en *Exhibitor list updated on 22 th November 2016, subject to change without notice “Meet your franchise partner” Business Matching Services 特許經營商務預約會見 Be part of global famous franchise brands 快人一步, 加盟國際知名品牌, 共創雙贏未來 The Hong Kong International Franchising Show* 2016 organized by Hong Kong Trade Development Council (HKTDC) brings a wide range of amazing franchising opportunities into one place, where potential partners and brands can meet together and explore win-win business collaboration. We will help you set up meetings with our quality exhibiting brands. Register to visit and sign up for our one-to- one business matching service! 香港貿發局主辦的第二屆「香港特許經營展*(2016 12 1-3 ) 是一個一站式的特許經營商貿平 臺,集合全面的特許經營商機、顧問及支援服務,展示來自世界各地的特許經營品牌及相關服務,協助業 界和各有興趣人士物色合作夥伴,拓展業務,實現互惠雙贏的商機。 是次展覽透過展覽會和一系列專題研討活動,協助各位與中國內地,海外及香港特許界增加交流機會,共 同開拓商機。今年大會有超過 100 家來自中港臺、歐美、澳洲、新加坡等特許經營參展商期望透過展覽物 色合作夥伴,拓展業務,是引入特許經營品牌合作拓展市場的良好機遇* HKTDC Hong Kong International Franchising Show is an event of HKTDC World SME Expo. * 香港國際特許經營展是國際中小企博覽的重點項目之一

“Meet your franchise partner” Business Matching Services...25 November 2016.We will contact you regarding the meeting time end of November. Confirmation will be sent by email only

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Page 1: “Meet your franchise partner” Business Matching Services...25 November 2016.We will contact you regarding the meeting time end of November. Confirmation will be sent by email only

http://www.hktdc.com/fair/hkifs-en *Exhibitor list updated on 22th November 2016, subject to change without notice

“Meet your franchise partner” Business Matching Services 特許經營商務預約會見

Be part of global famous franchise brands

快人一步, 加盟國際知名品牌, 共創雙贏未來 The Hong Kong International Franchising Show* 2016 organized by Hong Kong Trade Development Council (HKTDC) brings a wide range of amazing franchising opportunities into one place, where potential partners and brands can meet together and explore win-win business collaboration.

We will help you set up meetings with our quality exhibiting brands. Register to visit and sign up for our one-to-one business matching service!

香港貿發局主辦的第二屆「香港特許經營展*」 (2016 年 12 月 1-3 日) 是一個一站式的特許經營商貿平




同開拓商機。今年大會有超過 100 家來自中港臺、歐美、澳洲、新加坡等特許經營參展商期望透過展覽物


* HKTDC Hong Kong International Franchising Show is an event of HKTDC World SME Expo.

* 香港國際特許經營展是國際中小企博覽的重點項目之一

Page 2: “Meet your franchise partner” Business Matching Services...25 November 2016.We will contact you regarding the meeting time end of November. Confirmation will be sent by email only

http://www.hktdc.com/fair/hkifs-en *Exhibitor list updated on 22th November 2016, subject to change without notice

“Meet your franchise partner” Business Matching Services 特許經營商務預約會見

Food & Beverage 餐飲食肆

Page 3: “Meet your franchise partner” Business Matching Services...25 November 2016.We will contact you regarding the meeting time end of November. Confirmation will be sent by email only

http://www.hktdc.com/fair/hkifs-en *Exhibitor list updated on 22th November 2016, subject to change without notice

Education and Hobby 教育及興趣

Health, Beauty, Personal Services and Retail 健身,美容,個人服務

Business Services & Franchising Consultants 商業服務及特許經營顧問

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http://www.hktdc.com/fair/hkifs-en *Exhibitor list updated on 22th November 2016, subject to change without notice

Want to become partners of quality global and local franchising brands? Come and get connected with the renowned brands and explore your rewarding future. 有意加盟特許經營行列之參觀人士可參加「特許經營商務預約會見」,協助 閣下與感興趣之機構/品牌負責人預約商務會


Interested parties please return the attached completed form by 25 November 2016. We will contact you regarding the meeting time end of November. Confirmation will be sent by email only. For detailed exhibitor profiles and enquiries, please contact Ms. Iris Yim at (852) 2584 4230 or email [email protected].

閣下只需于2016 年 11 月 25 日或之前填妥並交回附件一 之 申請資料 ,預約會見服務。本局將於完成審核及查詢資料後,

隨即向 閣下發出申請確認通知。如欲索取參展商詳細資料或有任何 查詢,歡迎於辦公時間內致電本局 嚴曉雅小姐 (852)

2584 4230 或電郵 [email protected]

Date & Time: 日期&時間:

1 December 2016 (Thursday) -- 10:00am to 5:00pm 2 December 2016 (Friday) -- 10:00am to 6:30pm 3 December 2016 (Saturday) -- 10:00am to 5:00pm (Approximately 20 – 30 minutes per meeting)

2016年 12 月 1日-- 上午 10:00至下午 5:00

2016年 12 月 2日-- 上午 10:00至下午 6:30

2016年 12 月 3日-- 上午 10:00至下午 5:00

(每節時間大約 20至 30分鐘)

Venue: 地點: Hall 1B - C, HKCEC 香港會議展覽中心展覽廳 1B - C

Who should attend: 參加者:

- prospective franchisees interested in joining a franchise brand - Start-ups looking for a new business ideas - Franchising Agents interested in franchise brands - companies or individual looking for franchise related services and consultancy

- 有意加盟特許經營品牌之加盟商/區域總加盟商

- 有意創業之人事

- 有意引入品牌之特許經營代理

- 尋找特許經營相關服務供應商之企業

Page 5: “Meet your franchise partner” Business Matching Services...25 November 2016.We will contact you regarding the meeting time end of November. Confirmation will be sent by email only

http://www.hktdc.com/fair/hkifs-en *Exhibitor list updated on 22th November 2016, subject to change without notice

“Meet your franchise partner” Business Matching Registration Form 「共創雙贏未來-特許經營商務預約會見」申請表格-加盟商專用

Apply for a one-to-one meeting with famous franchise brands and explore potential collaboration. Interested parties please return the attached completed form by 25 November 2016. We will contact you regarding the meeting time end of November. Confirmation will be sent by email only. 請於 2016 年 11月 25日或之前填妥表格,並透過傳真:(852) 3915 1497,電郵至 [email protected]交回本局。本局將於完成審核及查詢資

料後,隨即向閣下發出申請確認通知。 General Information 公司資料

Name: 姓名:

(First Name) (姓氏) (Last Name) (名字)

Company: 公司名稱:

Position: 職位:

Nature of Business: 業務性質:

Franchising Agent 特許經營代理 Franchisee 加盟商 Franchising related services provider, please specify:

特許經營相關服務供應商, 請注明:

Others 其他:

Industry Sector: 行業:

Page 6: “Meet your franchise partner” Business Matching Services...25 November 2016.We will contact you regarding the meeting time end of November. Confirmation will be sent by email only

http://www.hktdc.com/fair/hkifs-en *Exhibitor list updated on 22th November 2016, subject to change without notice

Country / Region of Head Office: 總公司地區/國家:

Company Website: 公司網站:

Tel: No.:


Mobile No.:




Are you currently own / manage any franchise brand(s)? 閣下現在擁有或正在管理任何特許經營產品或服

務嗎?如有, 請注明品牌名稱:

Available time slot 能夠出席會議的時段

Approximately 20 - 30 minutes per meeting 每節會議時間大約 20 至 30 分鐘

10:00am to 5:00pm 上午 10:00 至下午 5:00

10:00am to 6:30pm 上午 10:00 至下午 6:30

AM 上午 PM 下午 AM 上午 PM 下午 1 December 2016 (Thursday) 2016 年 12 月 1 日(星期四)

2 December 2016 (Friday) 2016 年 12 月 2 日 (星期五)

3 December 2016 (Saturday) 2016 年 12 月 3 日 (星期六)

Page 7: “Meet your franchise partner” Business Matching Services...25 November 2016.We will contact you regarding the meeting time end of November. Confirmation will be sent by email only

http://www.hktdc.com/fair/hkifs-en *Exhibitor list updated on 22th November 2016, subject to change without notice

Please tick the box for the company you want to meet. 請以"✓"表示想會面之公司。

Code 編號

Company Name 機構名稱

Business Nature 業務性質

Brands (Brand Origin) 品牌 (品牌來源地)

Please tick 請"✓"

Food and Beverages 餐飲食肆特許經營品牌

FB001 BBQ Chicken (HK) Limited 比比客(香港)有限公司

Korean Fried Chicken Chain Restaurant 韓國炸雞連鎖品牌

BBQ Chicken (Korea) 比比客 (韓國)

FB002 Food Channels 華空間餐飲策劃

Café 咖啡店特許經營商

La Kaffa (Taiwan), New York Diner (HK) La Kaffa (臺灣),New York Diner (香港)

FB003 Sprouts Concepts International Company Limited 荳芽夢國際有限公司

Franchising Agents for F&B brands 香港及韓國餐飲特許經營代理

The Peak Tower (Hong Kong), The Peak (Hong Kong), The Blue Board (Hong Kong), Shingrildong (Korea), Geylang Shui Kee (Singapore), Sprouts Elements (China), SingaMaly (Singapore), toujours (Hong Kong), Lam Fung Siu Mei (Hong Kong) 淩霄閣 (香港),老襯亭 (香港),新吉

洞 (韓國),The Blue Board (香港),芽籠

水記 (新加坡),星馬一品 (新加坡),

toujours (香港),思博艾利文品牌管理 (中國),嵐豐燒味 (香港)

FB004 KamCha Franchising Concept Limited 金茶王加盟店有限公司

Hong Kong traditional style Milk Tea 港式奶茶

KamCha Milk Tea (HK) 金茶王(香港)

FB005 Champ Global Investments Limited Casual Mexican Food Chain 休閒墨西哥風味連鎖餐廳

Cali-Mex Taqueria (Hong Kong) Cali-Mex Taqueria (香港)

FB006 Crepe Delicious Holdings Corp. 柯瑞普珍味控股公司

Canada’s largest mall-based creepier 加拿大法式可麗餅連鎖餐廳

Crepe Delicious (Canada) Crepe Delicious (加拿大)

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http://www.hktdc.com/fair/hkifs-en *Exhibitor list updated on 22th November 2016, subject to change without notice

FB007 Dim Sum Icon 點心代表

Character cross over Chinese Dim Sum 傳統中式點心

Dim Sum Icon (Hong Kong) 點心代表 (香港)

FB008 JK Foods Co. Ltd. 見康食品有限公司

Tthe top one snow ice brand in Taiwan 臺灣雪花冰第一品牌

Sweet Rainbow (Taiwan) 彩虹雪 (臺灣)

FB009 Roten Ming International Co., Ltd 紅茗國際有限公司

Kung Fu tea (Handmade tea) in Taiwan 臺灣著名手作功夫茶

Kung Fu tea (Taiwan) 手作功夫茶 (臺灣)

FB010 Papa John's International, Inc. World famous Pizza Chain 美國著名比薩連鎖餐廳

Papa John's (USA) Papa John's (美國)

FB011 Eating Plus (Group) Company Limited 為食棧(集團)有限公司

Authentic Sichuan-style Chicken Pot Hut 風味十足的重慶雞煲

Chicken Pot Hut (Hong Kong) 雞煲棧 (香港)

FB012 Chin Cheng Drink and Food Co.,Ltd 志晟餐飲事業有限公司

High-quality Taiwanese tea drink 熱銷人氣臺灣茶品

BubbleZ a~we Drink (Taiwan) BubbleZ a~we 阿偉飲品專門店 (臺灣)

FB013 Mian Guan Huang Limited 面皇館

Hong Kong-based Chinese handmade noodle 紮根香港二十載的純手工刀削麵

Mian Guan Huang (Hong Kong) 面皇館 (香港)

FB014 Guangzhou Wululu Captain Chicken Catering Management Ltd. 廣州巿烤雞隊長餐飲管理有限公司

Australian Aboriginal cultural background and leisurely style to "black Lulu" Roast Chicken Restaurant 以背景澳洲土著為文化和悠閒風情打造的


Black Lulu (Hong Kong) 烏魯魯烤雞隊長 (香港)

FB015 Kopitiam Asia Pacific Sdn Bhd 亞太咖啡館有限公司

Asia Pacific’s leading white coffee brand 亞洲聞名的優質白咖啡品牌

Old Town White Coffee (Malaysia) 舊街場白咖啡 (馬來西亞)

FB016 Kaleigh Polle Group Ltd 嘉美唯品有限公司

Professional coffee beans supplier 專業咖啡豆供應商

Kaleigh Polle (Hong Kong) 嘉美唯品 (香港)

Personal care and retail 個人服務及零售品牌

PR001 Water Laundry (HK) Company 水漾衣坊(香港)

HK 24 hours self-served coin laundry 24 小時自助洗衣幹衣連鎖店

Water Laundry (HK) 水漾衣坊 (香港)

Page 9: “Meet your franchise partner” Business Matching Services...25 November 2016.We will contact you regarding the meeting time end of November. Confirmation will be sent by email only

http://www.hktdc.com/fair/hkifs-en *Exhibitor list updated on 22th November 2016, subject to change without notice

PR002 CRV SDN BHD Fashion retail in store and online platform - handbags & shoes 時裝銷售,含網上平臺 - 手袋和鞋子

Carlo Rino (Malaysia) Carlo Rino (馬來西亞)

PR003 Bio d'Azur Co Ltd 康然有限公司

French organic body care brand 法國有機天然身體護理產品品牌

La Maison du Savon de Marseille (France) La Maison du Savon de Marseille (法國)

PR004 Trendyland Studio (Hong Kong) Ltd. 卡通影城

Toy, housewares, gift, stationary and electronics; Disney-theme photo taking business 玩具,精品,家品,文具和電子產品;專


Trendyland (Hong Kong), Trendyland Studio (Hong Kong), Disney and Marvel Theme 4D Magical World (Hong Kong) Trendyland (香港),卡通影城 (香港),

迪士尼及漫威主題 4D奇幻館 (香港)

PR006 InXpress Franchising Pte Ltd Freight consulting company and platform 貨運諮詢公司和平臺

InXpress (UK) InXpress (英國)

PR007 HYone HK LTD 凱宏創展有限公司

Mobile phone accessories provider 流動電話配件產品供應商

HYone (Hong Kong) Hyone (香港)

PR008 Guang Zhou Kurtiz Business Consulting Co. Ltd 廣州科鐵斯商務諮詢有限公司

Pet shop with store experience platform and online sharing platform 線下體驗平臺以及線上分享平臺的寵物店

Kurtiz Pets (China) 寵物合作社 (中國)

PR009 Hong Kong Prolific Mineral Resources Holdings Limited 香港盛世礦業集團有限公司

Organic microbiological fertiltzers and soil amendment producer 研發有機微生物肥料,土壤護理劑生產商

GVBT Bio-Tech (China) GVBT Bio-Tech (中國)

Education and Hobby 教育培訓和興趣特許經營品牌

EH001 Modern Bachelor Education Limited 現代小學士有限公司

HK renowned tutoring services 香港著名大型補習學校

Modern Bachelor (Hong Kong) 現代小學士 (香港)

EH002 Shenzhen Duoduo Culturely Development Co. Ltd 深圳市多多文化發展有限公司

Training of children's art 少兒藝術培圳課程

DuoDuo Bear Art Family (China) 多多熊藝術家園 (中國)

EH003 Coerver Franchising Asia Pacific Pty Ltd The world's number one football (soccer) skill teaching methods 世界第一的足球訓練模式、系統和方法

Coerver Coaching (Australia) Coerver Coaching (澳洲)

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http://www.hktdc.com/fair/hkifs-en *Exhibitor list updated on 22th November 2016, subject to change without notice

EH004 Total English Learning Gobal Pte Ltd English literacy enrichment program 英語益智課程

I Can Read (Singapore) I Can Read (新加坡)

EH005 School of Creativity 創意學堂

Multi program for Art development 多元化的美術設計課程

School of Creativity 創意學堂

Business Services, Franchising Association, Consultants & Agents 商業服務及特許經營顧問

BF001 Asiawide Franchise Consultants Pte Ltd 愛思威特許經營顧問

Singapore franchising consultant 新加坡地特許經營顧問服務

Member’s brand 協會會員的品牌 :

G4fingers Pte Ltd (Singapore) G4fingers Pte Ltd (新加坡)

BF002 Linkers CPA Limited 連城專業商務有限公司

Professional Accountants in HK 香港財務及會計顧問服務

Linkers CPA (HK) 連城 (香港)

BF003 932 Limited 932 有限公司

Franchising consultant 特許經營顧問服務

Accountable Education (Hong Kong), Organic Footmark (Hong Kong), Fuji Laundry (Hong Kong) 明誠教育 (香港),有機足印 (香港),

富士洗衣 (香港)

BF004 Association of Chain and Franchise Promotion Taiwan 臺灣連鎖加盟促進協會

Taiwan’s largest Association 臺灣規模最大的連鎖加盟協會

Association Member’s franchise brand 協會會員的品牌 : Red Sun Tea Shop (Taiwan) 紅太陽 (臺灣)

BF005 Asia O2O Group 亞洲 O2O 協會

O2O & Franchising Business Mode Association 塑造和促進 O2O 和加盟的商業模式的協會

Member’s brand 協會會員的品牌 :

Shenzhen Dadadi (China) “港貨達人” 推廣平臺 (中國) Dec-tune (China, Hong Kong) 卓駿廣告 (中國,香港) Prime (Hong Kong) 力圖設計 (香港) Hapsim Media (China) 海普信文化傳媒 (中國)

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http://www.hktdc.com/fair/hkifs-en *Exhibitor list updated on 22th November 2016, subject to change without notice

BF006 Hon Yu Limited 翰孺有限公司

Commit to the development of e-commerce and O2O between China and Hong Kong 致力協助發展跨境電商和 O2O 項目

Sherrybox (Hong Kong) Sherrybox (香港)

Would you wish to learn more about market trends and updates on franchise regulations in Asia? Register to attend “Franchise Round Table Meeting and Network Reception” to meet with the following Associations representatives!

您會否想知道亞洲各國特許經營行業更多的市場動態和新展望? 請即登記「特許經營圓桌會議」,跟以下各協會和組織代表見面,仔細交流!

I wish to attend


We will contact you for event detail afterwards.


Date: 1st December 2016 (Thursday) Time: 3:30pm – 5:00pm Venue: Exchange, Hall 1B

日期: 2016 年 12 月 1 日 (星期四) 時間:下午 3 時 30 分至 5 時正 地點:Exchange,展覽廳 1B

Asia Branding and Franchising Association 亞太品牌發展及加盟協會

Association in Hong Kong 香港促進特許經營業務組織

Licensing & Franchising Association of Hong Kong 香港專利授權及特許經營協會

Association in Hong Kong 香港促進特許經營業務組織

Hong Kong Franchise Development Association 香港特許經營發展協進會

Association in Hong Kong 香港促進特許經營業務組織

Association of Chain and Franchise Promotion Taiwan 臺灣連鎖加盟促進協會

Taiwan’s largest Association 臺灣規模最大的連鎖加盟協會

Indonesian Franchising Association 印尼特許經營協會

Indonesia’s largest Association 印尼規模最大的連鎖加盟協會

Philippine Franchise Association 菲律賓特許經營協會

Philippine’s largest Association 菲律賓規模最大的連鎖加盟協會

Franchising and Licensing Association of Singapore 新加坡特許經營及許可協定協會

Singapore’s largest Association 新加坡規模最大的連鎖加盟協會

Franchise Council of Australia 澳洲特許經營協會

Australia’s largest Association 澳洲規模最大的連鎖加盟協會

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http://www.hktdc.com/fair/hkifs-en *Exhibitor list updated on 22th November 2016, subject to change without notice

Terms and Conditions特許經營商務預約會見服務的條款 By submitting your application, you certify that you agree to comply and be bound by the World SME Expo and Hong Kong International Franchising Show terms and conditions stipulated. You agree that your company information may be automatically delisted from World SME Expo and Hong Kong International Franchising Show Participant page immediately. If it is found that any of the submitted information is or at any time becomes untrue or inaccurate, or any terms and conditions applicable to your registration or use of the website is breached. You agree that the Organiser of World SME Expo can use the information submitted by you from time to time for internal administration, marketing, promotional, research and statistical purposes. The Organiser of World SME Expo and Hong Kong International Franchising Show may also share the information with third parties in connection with the operation of World SME Expo and Hong Kong International Franchising Show or with any other persons interested. 本人特此聲明和確認: 本人已知悉、理解和同意遵守主辦機構所訂定的參加細則。本公司明白,上述資料將會儲存在香港貿發局資料庫內,供主辦機構作貿易拓展用途,同時亦可轉交其


Name 姓名__________________________________________Signature 簽名________________________________________ Date 日期 ___________________________

Please return the completed form [email protected] or fax to (852) 3915 1497 by 25 November 2016. For detailed exhibitor profiles and enquiries, please contact Ms. Iris Yim at (852) 2584 4230 or email [email protected]. We will contact you regarding the meeting time end of November. Confirmation will be sent by email only. 閣下只需于2016 年 11 月 25 日或之前填妥並交回附件一 之 申請資料 ,預約會見服務。本局將於完成審核及查詢資料後,

隨即向 閣下發出申請確認通知。如欲索取參展商詳細資料或有任何 查詢,歡迎於辦公時間內致電本局 嚴曉雅小姐 (852)

2584 4230 或電郵 [email protected]