The Awakening Clan This novel is not just a factual guideline to immortality, but a beautiful and intriguing romance. It is one of those gripping tales that urge one to quickly read the next page in order to come closer to the conclusion. At times I have found myself reading rather quickly through the profound messages of POWAH, a Higher Consciousness Guide, whose excerpts can assist all to return Home in a more conscious way, just to get to the pages filled with passion, suspense and love. The two interwoven stories, a romance and a guideline to our awakening make interesting, educa- tional, inspirational and entertaining reading. Rev. Marietjie Venter I found your novel to be a truly inspirational read and thoroughly en- joyed it. What a powerful tool from which others can benefit. Linda de Villiers, Spiritual Healer & Intuitive Congratulations! I loved the story which had me awake until the early hours of the morning as I could not put it down. I was also amazed that you managed to make all the information about ascension so accessible. Apart from the fact that it was a great read, I have been captivated by the information contained in the book. I really just wanted to salute you and recognize how deeply your book resonated within me. Thank you. Tracy Dunley-Owen Nadine your fascinating visionary novel is truly a empowering futuris- tic projection of a possible future for the human species. Although writ- ten as fiction, you have again presented it in such a way that it could easily be true and happening right now on the planet. Not only was the story gripping, but it also offered to me as a reader, a possibility of partaking in a spiritual journey that could lead to full consciousness. David Wicock : Author of articles on the science of ascension This book is a fantastic piece about a life within a new futuristic di- mension. love, mystery,bravery and courage are many other aspects of this book . a new look at what our future could be if only we look to HIM / OUR LORD , OUR GOD ....AND LOVE EVERYTHING AND EVERYBODY Karen L. Mclaughlin "AKHNATON" (NEW HAMPSHIRE, USA)

Awakening Clan E-bk

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Page 1: Awakening Clan E-bk

The Awakening ClanThis novel is not just a fac tual guide line to im mor tal ity, but a beau ti ful

and in trigu ing ro mance. It is one of those grip ping tales that urge one toquickly read the next page in or der to come closer to the con clu sion. Attimes I have found my self read ing rather quickly through the pro foundmes sages of POWAH, a Higher Con scious ness Guide, whose ex cerptscan as sist all to re turn Home in a more con scious way, just to get to thepages filled with pas sion, sus pense and love. The two in ter wo ven sto ries,a ro mance and a guide line to our awak en ing make in ter est ing, ed u ca -tional, in spi ra tional and en ter tain ing read ing. 

Rev. Marietjie VenterI found your novel to be a truly in spi ra tional read and thor oughly en -

joyed it. What a pow er ful tool from which oth ers can ben e fit.

Linda de Villiers, Spir i tual Healer & In tu itive

Con grat u la tions! I loved the story which had me awake un til the earlyhours of the morn ing as I could not put it down. I was also amazed thatyou man aged to make all the in for ma tion about as cen sion so ac ces si ble.Apart from the fact that it was a great read, I have been cap ti vated by thein for ma tion con tained in the book. I re ally just wanted to sa lute you andrec og nize how deeply your book res o nated within me. Thank you.

Tracy Dunley-Owen

Nadine your fas ci nat ing vi sion ary novel is truly a em pow er ing fu tur is -tic pro jec tion of a pos si ble fu ture for the hu man spe cies. Al though writ -ten as fic tion, you have again pre sented it in such a way that it could eas ilybe true and hap pen ing right now on the planet. Not only was the storygrip ping, but it also of fered to me as a reader, a pos si bil ity of par tak ing ina spir i tual jour ney that could lead to full con scious ness. Da vid Wicock : Au thor

of ar ti cles on the sci ence of as cen sionThis book is a fan tas tic piece about a life within a new fu tur is tic di -

men sion. love, mys tery,brav ery and cour age are many other as pects ofthis book . a new look at what our fu ture could be if only we look to HIM /


Ka ren L. Mclaughlin "AKHNATON" (NEW HAMPSHIRE, USA)

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The Awakening Clan

A story over view.

Ing rid Barendse is dumb founded by bold text that ap pears on her

switched-off com puter. She knows of no tech nol ogy that can do what she

wit nesses. The mes sage from POWAH, a mys ti cal voice from Cyberspace,

is both un nerv ing and in spir ing; en cour aging her to join a group of peo ple

who are in ves ti gat ing the sci ence be hind im mor tal ity. POWAH’s twenty

two ex cerpts start to confirm as ton ish ing facts about humanity’s origin.

Through ge netic de cod ing ex er cises in Annelies’ as cen sion work shops,

Ingrid starts to un der stand why age ing, dis ease, and a short ened life-span

was never in the orig i nal blue print of the hu man spe cies.

Ingrid’s newly found tele pathic com mu ni ca tion skills awaken mem o -

ries from other life times. At the time the global com mu nity breaks out in a

caul dron of in trigue be tween the en er gies of dark and light, Ing rid’s life’s

pur pose is awak en ing. At work Ing rid is shown close ap er ture ra dar foot -

age of an cient tun nels un der a con struc tion site in France. It turns out to

be long for got ten tech nol ogy from an an cient civili sa tion which starts to

be re ac ti vated due to the in crease of fre quen cies of the earth. The awak en -

ing has started for the people who be come known as the Jaarsma clan.

They must now stick to gether through great up heav als un til the year 2012.

Other books by Nadine May:

My Love We Are Go ing Home – Ing rid's jour nal (2001) -* new ad di tion

Or phan age of Soulmates – Rich ard’s jour nal (2003) - * new ad di tion

The Lan guage of Light – Mind-draw ing through the higher self. ( 2003)

Med i ta tions on the Lan guage of Light – On our Soul Qual i ties (2004)

* The As tral Ex plorer – Rich ard’s jour nal (2008)* The Cos mic Trav el ler – Rich ard’s jour nal (2008)

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The Awakening Clan

LEVEL ONE:The Desire to Become Aware


Nadine May

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Published by:

Kima Global Pub lish ers50 Clo velly road, Clo velly 7975P.O.Box 374 Rondebosch 7700Cape TownSouth Africa

Contact Details:

Publisher: [email protected]: http://www.kimaglobal.co.za

Author: [email protected]: http://www.as cen sion-work shop.co.za

ISBN 978-0-9802561-5-4

Pre vi ously pub lished un der the ti tle: My Love We are Go ing Home.

© Nadine May 2007

All rights reserved. With the exception of small passages quotedfor review purposes, no portion of this work may be reproduced,translated, adapted, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or through any means including electronic, mechanical,photocopying or otherwise without the written permission of thepublisher.

Made and printed in South Africa

Cover Art by Author Nadine May

The Awakening Clan

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This visionary novel

is dedicated to

My Parents Mientje and Tjalling van der Veen. They both leftour physical world before this first visionary novel was

envisaged but their unconditional love for their stubborn,sometimes controversial, daughter will always linger in my



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Preface by Tulanda

2008 — 2012 — 2020

I was rest ing in my fa vour ite place, high up in the moun tainswhere the bril liance of planet Earth was finely re in stated in its fullglory — where all plant life was once again in har mony with the lawof ONE. I felt an oce anic unity with ev ery thing around me, wheremat ter and en ergy moved in an eter nal dance, and life and deathwere but chang ing states of both. I sensed that be neath that puls ingma trix of mat ter and en ergy lay some thing deeper. Some thing in mecraved knowl edge of the un der ly ing or der, and in that mo ment I be -gan to see as I had never seen be fore…

…Then my thoughts went back to my never to be for got tenevent of ex pe ri enc ing a life in a hu man body on planet Earth. Theim mense de vi a tions of emo tions and men tal thought chat ter havebeen dif fi cult to over come. I have a gen u ine ad mi ra tion for the im -mor tal spir its that have been trapped for so long in this il lu sion ofthe lower di men sions. I feel very priv i leged to have been part oftheir awak en ing, even if it was only for two life times.

Look ing around me now, it is very clear that a tre men dous trans -for ma tion took place when the gal axy of planet Earth was re lo catedin its new po si tion in the uni verse.

My Soul Part ner has made prep a ra tions for our ‘pickup’ as hecalled it. The ver bal com mu ni ca tion has rubbed off on us both. To -gether we will travel multi-dimensionally to our home planet where I will of fi cially hand over my awak en ing as sign ment.

With the help of my fel low soulmates the fol low ing visionarynov el has now been col lected to gether and pro jected on an as tral ho -


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lo graphic screen for my el ders to eval u ate; so I could trans late

Ingrid’s jour nal into a novel rather than a di ary. I know that I can

travel back at any mo ment and be come once again part of a cos mic

plot. My con scious ness can eas ily en ter into the hu man dream and

relive with many oth ers this first awak en ing level of the Jaarsma Clan

.....when the transformation started dur ing spring time of the month

of April 2008.......

Preface by Tulanda

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1888 – 2012 –2020

It is early Spring on Earth, the winter haspassed. The change indeed shows the magic of elemental creation in action. The warming rays ofthe sun are gently stroking many hearts in order to awaken and prepare its inhabitants to a newevolutionary cycle.

My mission started in the year 1888. I wasgranted permission to act as a Guide, and activateindividual consciousness, just as the Sun with itswarmth is activating a new day in this time zone.

Times are changing rapidly now. You the readerchose to be present here on earth in order toexperience the most significant opportunity of allyour many lifetimes.

I came from the dimensional realm, which somecall the Power of One. This primal void or source of One that cannot be named surrounds all creation. In this realm time does not exist and I observe your reality as a happening in only just one moment.

The part of you that exists in a physical formseems cut off from the source therefore I have adeep admiration for the many billions of SpiritSparks that have had the courage to incarnate overand over again through the ages.

However, through that process many have fallenasleep to themselves.

I have been given permission from the inner realmof soul consciousness to ‘nudge’ you all throughlove. Because you are all part of me, the feeling from many that have a need to return home has been noted.

You are still somewhat trapped in the patterns of human activity, which is part of the resistancethat attracts you to the outer tonal, thirddimensional world. The five senses are still


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preventing the full flow of soul energy from beingmanifested into the physical.

I AM the love, the light, and the life ofcreation, penetrating into this earthly densityexternally expressed through your technologies,activating the WHITE LIGHT within all.


The Jaarsma Group Soul incarnated as an idea onEarth in 1888. My Oversoul's energy explored thepossibility of full awakening through manyincarnations. The I AM's of many individual soulsneeded to be nudged to awaken, for they had chosento partake in the transformation — which becameknown as Programme Planet Earth. The followingstory was the result of what happened when actionis taken before the events leading up to the year2012. Ingrid's story happened in the same momentit was created, and you, the reader, are part of it.

Soon you, the reader, will enter space, thein–breath of your evolution; taking back with youall that you have learnt into the oneness andconnectedness. Feel the presence of this light asan aspect of the real you.

Let Ingrid's journey awaken your memories andcall forth the remembrance of being eternalomni–dimensional beings. Every embodied soul knows the connecting link with the manifested and theun–manifested and as you walk through the embodiedstate of existence in your life cycle, know thatyou are a creation in motion.

Beloved, it is all a matter of consciousness,therefore, think no more that you are separatedfrom other spiritual beings.

Soon you will abide in the impersonal realm,where all power, all wisdom and all love aremanifesting as the threefold nature of the idea ofour creator that expresses through all of us.

With love and light.



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The Awakening Clan

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Cast of CharactersIng rid Barendse

POWAH: Spiritual GuideSascia: Daughter

Jeroen: Son Debbie: Daughter

Quincy: SisterEd: Brother in law

Toon: LoverHarry Brinks: BossCarla: ColleaguePiet: Colleague

Marijke: ColleagueUla: Colleague

Liesbeth: FriendCrime scene

Nick du Toit: GamblerThe boss: Criminal

Bruce: CriminalIris: Criminal

André: The detectiveAnnelies Zwiegelaar

Fred: BrotherBen: Husband

Hans: Adopted sonOtto: Half brotherJill: Otto’s wife

Peter: Otto’s adopted sonHelen: Peter’s wife

Yolanda: Niece.Connie: Yolanda’s Daughter.

Tieneke: Harry Brinks’ daughterRoelof de Beer: Tieneke’s husband

Gerrit: Class participantNiels: Class participantZola: Class participantWim: Class participant

Richard de Jong: Class participant

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Preface by Tulanda. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . VII

Prologue. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . VIII

Cast of Characters. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . XI

1 Mental Telepathy?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

2 The Body Codes of Light. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29

3 The Sound and Colour of Numbers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46

4 Soul Connections. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65

5 The Keepers of the Evolution Game. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87

6 The Balance of the Two Polarities.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111

7 A Dream not Interpreted is a Letter not Read. . . . . . . . . . . 131

8 It’s All in the Eye of the Observer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149

9 Nine Character Vibrations of the Individual Soul. . . . . . . . 167

10 Is the 3rd Dimension a Hologram?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 190

11 Releasing Addictive Attachments.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 211

12 Releasing Co-dependancies. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 233

13 Fear-based Thought Forms. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 255

14 The Imbalance of Narcissism. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 275

15 Emotional and Mental Addictions.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 296

16 The ‘Lower will’ and the Higher Self . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 316

17 Beliefs and Judgments. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 337

18 The Higher and Lower Aspects of Intuition.. . . . . . . . . . . . 359

19 The Heart Chakra.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 381

20 The Rules of the Fourth Dimension. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 400

21 Becoming Aware of Being Unaware. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 421

22 ‘The Eye of the Observer’ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 444

Acknowledgments. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 466

About the Author. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 468


The Awakening Clan

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P0WAH's Excerpts

The Awakening Game. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26

The Dimensions and their Densities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35

Sound & Colour . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50

The Symbol of Consciousness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85

The Eye of Horus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87

The Balance of The Two Hemispheres . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129

Time–Zone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146

The 1st level of the Awakening Card Game . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 152

The Nine Character Vibrations of the Individual Soul. . . . . . . 174

I AM that I AM. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 202

Acknowledging The One Source of All That Is . . . . . . . . . . . . 222

Releasing Co–dependencies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 238

Releasing Fear–based Thought Forms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 257

Releasing of the Imbalance of Narcissism. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 279

Becoming Aware of Emotional and Mental Addictions . . . . . . 311

Handing over the Lower will and Surrendering to the Higher Self 335

Mastery over Beliefs and Judgments about them. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 344

Mastery over the Higher and Lower aspects of Intuition . . . . . 374

Mastery over the Compassionate Gateway, the Heart Chakra. 391

Awakening to the Rules of the Fourth Dimension. . . . . . . . . . . 403

Becoming Aware of Being Unaware . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 438

The Awareness of the Power of Words. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 462

The Jaarsma Tree . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 470

The Jaarsma Tree . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 471

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Chapter 1

Mental Telepathy?

Apeldoorn - Holland.

Are you awake?” The popular song on ‘The Awak en ing’ play -ing on her car ra dio was ask ing. A hid den smile dim pled her cheek as she re called the mys ti cal en coun ter from the pre vi ous night. Thewords ‘Are you awake?’ made her heart soft, re in stat ing her en thu si -asm for life that crisp Tues day morn ing. Strong, res o lute handshold ing the steer ing wheel started to drum with the beat. Ing rid’s silk blouse un der her el e gant suit por trayed a grace ful, sen sual woman,ma ture but still youth ful.

Apeldoorn’s busi ness cen tre hummed with ac tiv ity. Af ter park -ing her car for the day she no ticed a big sign in a newly-opened book shop called ‘The Power of Words’ ad ver tis ing: As cen sion work -shops Start ing Soon!

Good grief how in trigu ing. The word ‘as cen sion’ raised her spir -its even more. She dashed around the cor ner through the wide glassdoors of Plea sure Parks mod ern of fice build ing. The tall palms inthe foyer half-hid the re cep tion ist. As the el e va tor door’s in fra redde tec tor re sponded to her body heat, her col league Carla, wholooked like she’d just fallen out of bed, called out…

“Hi! Stun ning suit! Try ing to daz zle some one?” Carla, was both clever and fun-lov ing with a good sense of hu mour.Ing rid loved her job. She ad min is tered the main te nance of twelve

hol i day re sorts through out Eu rope, out lined ar tis tic im pres sions fortheir new de vel op ments and did some PRO work. All this kept her


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Mental Telepathy?

from be ing bored. The chief at trac tions of Plea sure Parks re sorts

were the ex otic fan tasy gar dens with a wide-range of bath ing and

suntanning beaches com bined with wave pools, gym na si ums, health

clubs and shops ga lore. These ex ten sive fa cil i ties were sit u ated un -der one big glass geo de sic dome that as sured a sub trop i cal cli mate all

year round.

She had been look ing for the right job for some time. Then eigh -

teen months pre vi ously this po si tion be came avail able and her three

grown-up chil dren en cour aged her to ap ply for it.

Her move to the out skirts of the town ‘Apeldoorn’, af ter her hus -

band Jan’s death, had been very dif fi cult. Leav ing the har bour city of

Rot ter dam she had shared with him for 23 years, closed a chap ter in

her life.

Ing rid glanced through the glass par ti tion of her of fice. Marijke,

her down-to-earth as sis tant, who pro grammed and in voiced the hol -

i day book ings from the ANWB VVV of fices all over Hol land into

their da ta base, was late.

Marijke had lost her lit tle boy, Kees, in a car ac ci dent four months

pre vi ously and she had great dif fi culty com ing to terms with her

loss. Her grief still hung around her like glue. Think ing about Kees

made Ing rid rec ol lect her own griev ous times af ter Jan’s death, but

her mys ti cal en coun ter the pre vi ous night marked a turn ing point.

She was about to switch her com puter on when sud denly shefroze... A mes sage had ap peared on her screen! The ques tion was

very bright and clear!<Would you like to take part in the Awak en ing Pro -cess?>

How weird! Her com puter! It was NOT ON! How was that

pos si ble? She sat for a mo ment like a statue. No body took any no -

tice of her. Marijke ap peared, apolo gis ing for be ing late as she

popped her head round the door. Look ing back at her screen the

words were still there, very bold and clear, but her mon i tor was

NOT ON! She grabbed the mouse and at that mo ment the screen

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went blank! HOW WEIRD! Hearing the song on the ra dio ‘Are youawake’; see ing the new book shop that ad ver tised a work shop on as -cen sion, and now this. Was this a co in ci dence?

The loud mel ody of her desk phone jolted her back to the re al ityof the work place. It was some one from the Tree Fern Land scap ers &Con struc tion firm. Her thoughts were still som er saulting while shestared at her dark screen.

“To whom am I speak ing?” she asked, since a man’s pen e trat ingvoice brought her back to the pre sent.

“Toon Haardens. This firm has changed hands, I see that we do alot of busi ness with your com pany.” In a self-as sured man ner hecar ried on speak ing to some one in the back ground who had justwalked in. When he handed her over to Nel, his re cep tion ist, shepicked up on his ir ri ta tion with Nel. Glanc ing at her desk phone thedig i tal time dis play said nine twenty, Ing rid felt the man was jus ti fied. Af ter giv ing Nel the in for ma tion Mr. Haardens wanted she wasabout to switch on her PC when her screen lit up again, like it didwhen a fa tal er ror oc curred. But the words!<I asked you a ques tion? Do you want to take part in the Awak en ing pro cess?>

She jumped off her chair as the adren a line surged through herblood stream. Were the words meant for her? Slowly she sat downagain, star ing at the large yel low let ters on a blue screen.

<Who are you?> With trem bling fin gers she typed in re sponse,see ing to her amaze ment her own text ap pear ing un der neath theques tion. Some one must be play ing a trick on her, surely? Or her PC must be on!<No. No body is play ing a trick on you. I asked aques tion! And... I am you: a mul ti di men sionalspir i tual be ing.>

That re mark! With whom was she...? Ev ery one was work ing attheir com put ers as if things were nor mal. Well, things were, butwhat was go ing on in her mind? Then the text changed.


The Awakening Clan

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<I am your mind.>

That stunned her! Who was read ing her mind?

<Ex plain to me what you mean by: my mind?> Her own text

showed again un der neath the large bold caps.<Your mind and the mind of the col lec tive mind areall the same!>

<Oh, sure! Mean ing what?> Her heart was pound ing.<You live in an in tel li gent and be nev o lent ho lo -graphic uni verse. Have you for got ten?>

What did that mean, ho lo graphic? Who was this?<Truly, I speak be cause you are al ways ask ingques tions; and you are en ti tled to be told thetruth. You asked to live this life to your full po -ten tial, did you not? The time is crit i cal!>

She stared spell bound won der ing how on earth some one could

know her thoughts? Her heart raced, with shak ing fin gers she ...

<Are you real? Let me know HOW you can ex press your self

on my com puter when it seems to be switched off>

Marijke stuck her head around the of fice door.

“Ing rid, are you busy? Have you got a min ute?”

“I’ve got my self into a mud dle; I’ll be with you soon.” She re -

pressed her tone in a soft, calm voice, but in side she felt elec tri fied

with cu ri os ity. Ing rid was good at view ing life ob jec tively, but this!<I am the wind, the ocean and the air; If you have a need to call me by a name, you may call me P–O–W–A–H.>ap peared on her screen.

It was real! Her com puter was off! ...There was no task bar, no

icons, just what looked like a test screen. Was she the only per son

see ing it? She was not in a trance. She could hear all the noises

around her. No body had taken any no tice of her. Was she ex pe ri -

enc ing a higher fre quency of thought? What was go ing on? Her be -

wil der ment was once again in ter rupted by Marijke.

“Sorry, Ing rid, but I have a cli ent on the line. She wants to book

her hol i day bun ga low in Tilburg for July but she wants to know if

Mental Telepathy?


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there are any but ter cups or cup of gold creep ers grow ing at the newcom plex in Tilburg. She’s very in sis tent. She read some where thatthose flow ers are very poi son ous and she’s wor ried about her smallchil dren.” She would have to find that out from Nel, whom she hadjust spo ken to and whose firm han dled the landscaping.

“Marijke tell the cli ent that you will look into it and phone herback. That will keep her happy.”

Ing rid peered at her now blank com puter screen. The text had clearly stated that she had asked to live this life to her full po ten tial. Now who would know her own pri vate thoughts? She turned thecom puter on and af ter a mo ment her fa mil iar taskbar and icons ap -peared. She re sumed typ ing on her key pad to who ever it was whileher blood was pul sat ing in her throat.

<POWAH? Where are you from? You say you are me! Doyou mean you are my own mind?> This was so silly! What wasshe do ing? Noth ing hap pened! That felt even more un nerv ing. Was she talk ing to her self ? Was this all hap pen ing in her own imag i na -tion? Gosh, while staring at the ter mi nal she recalled the ex traor di -nary ex pe ri ence of last eve ning.

<How do you know what I want?> she typed again. If some -one was play ing a trick on her, she had fallen for it big time.<Do you know what you want Kitty?>

<YES, I do! But...how did you know my nick name?> Heramaze ment in creased…thinking…<Mmm ...What ex actly do you want to know, and why?>

Af ter that ques tion she just sat there trans fixed. Why? Shewanted to know the truth about life! She would then un der stand lifebetter and why things hap pened. Her mind raced as new textjumped sud denly back onto her screen:<Kitty, you have the right in ten tion, and that isev ery thing in life. You want to ex pe ri ence things, to know things. From now on we will have a work ingre la tion ship. You will grow in aware ness with the


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‘cod ing sys tem’ we are work ing on to gether. It’stime to pre pare you and oth ers for your awak en ingpro cess Love P–O–W–A–H>

Her screen now re verted back to the screen saver.

Who was read ing her mind? That was how it felt. What could

have been meant by ‘a cod ing sys tem’? What was she get ting her self

into now? Who was com mu ni cat ing with her on her com puter?

How? From where?

Ing rid won dered who POWAH was. Could the five let ters re ally

be a name? Was it all hap pen ing in her own mind? Had she gone

schizo phrenic? Her whole body was in turmoil. She found it dif fi -

cult to con cen trate on work for the rest of the day. Ing rid keptthings to her self a lot and al most for got to phone Nel about the but -

ter cup flower de tails Marijke was wait ing for. She di alled Nel’s of fice

before going home.

“Tree-fern Land scap ing.” The same res o nant voice she had spo -

ken to be fore re plied. Where was Nel? She cleared her throat, as

if...why was she so ner vous?

“Hi, I’m Ing rid from Plea sure Parks. May I speak to some one in

con nec tion with the type of plants you use in the land scap ing of our

re sorts?” She had never heard of ‘but ter cups’ grow ing in Brabant’s

heather fields, where Tilburg’s hol i day re sort was built.

“I spoke to you this morn ing. What would you like to know?

Per haps I can help?”

“We have re ceived a query from one of our cli ents. She asked if

there are any but ter cups or cups of gold creep ers grow ing in our

new Tilburg com plex. Ap par ently they are very poi son ous. Do you

have any idea?” She won dered if he knew any thing about plants.

There was a si lence....Did she ac tu ally hear...or feel... him chuck ling?

“Ing rid, I have my doubts whether this firm has used ei ther ofthese plants in the past, but I will in ves ti gate the mat ter. Shall I come

back to you on this?” His mas ter ful tone sounded amused. Ing rid

was very re cep tive to emo tional un der tones in peo ple’s voices, and

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with this man she was pick ing up a lot more than with most peo ple. She re pressed a stir ring feel ing of...what?

Be ing nat u rally cu ri ous she asked. “This cup-of-gold creeper,what plant is it? I have never heard of it.”

“I am not sur prised, Ing rid, some spe cies of but ter cup flow ersgrow in the moun tains. But the cup-of-gold creep ers are sub trop i cal, very spec tac u lar, with yel low flow ers in a cup-like shape. The bigsub trop i cal types could have nar cotic prop er ties. Your cli ent is prob -a bly mix ing it up with a large shrub called an gels trum pets, which ispoi son ous,” he voiced in a knowl edge able way. Mr. Haardens wasvery in for ma tive, charm ing but some what im pos ing. They seemedto have an un der cur rent men tal con nec tion. She thanked him forhis en light en ing chat about the flow ers, ask ing him to phone back sothat she could give the cli ent an an swer.Some thing about his voicewas al most fa mil iar. But what was it. Why did he make herfeel...what, in ter ested?

“That I will Ing rid,” She was puz zled by his change of tone, al -most play ful, when she heard mu sic play ing in the back ground, itwas the song from the ra dio that morn ing with the ti tle ‘Are youawake?’

Ing rid longed for the sum mer to ar rive but in stead heavy cloudswere build ing up. Her floor-to-ceil ing of fice win dows looked out over Apeldoorn’s main shop ping street. Many peo ple hud dled up in raingear, which re minded her that Beekbergen had a mar ket on a Tues day. On the way home she would make a de tour to buy fresh gro cer ies.

When she closed her of fice, an in ner joy... a sense of rap ture wasstill with her due to the rather baf fling di a logue with POWAH.

She was the last to leave. When step ping out of the lift Ula, the re -cep tion ist re marked on her cheer ful am bi ence with a spec u la tiveglance, ask ing her if she had a date as she ti died her desk be fore go -ing home her self. If only Ula knew! She did feel dif fer ent. Would n’tany one, af ter what she had ex pe ri enced to day and last eve ning?


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“Ing rid! You just missed a very creepy caller, ask ing af ter you, he

re fused to give his name.” Ula’s frown showed dis com fort. She did -

n’t know any one you would call creepy.

“I’m sure, he’ll phone back if it is im por tant.” Ula proudly showed her ring , smil ing again. She was go ing to meet her fi an cee’s mother

for the first time. Ula’s boy friend was a de tec tive like Marijke’s hus -


She de cided to visit the new book shop to gather more in for ma -

tion on the but ter cup flower and to in quire about the as cen sion

work shop.

The young girl be hind the coun ter in formed her that it was their

open ing day. The shop had a big se lec tion of books and an es o teric

sec tion. Post ers of the Dutch painter Anton Pieck were dis played at the


“I’m Con nie. My mom went out for a mo ment, so I’m stand ing in

for her. What can I do for you?” Con nie looked as if she was ex pect -

ing her.

“I would like to look up some thing in a plant book if I may.

And... about this as cen sion work shop you ad ver tised, do you know

any thing about it?”

“Some thing to do with ge netic de cod ing of your blue print

through sound. Have you been asked to write the first jour nal?”

Con nie spec u lated. “What jour nal are you re fer ring to?” Ing rid’s mind leaped in amaze -


“Oh, I over heard my aunt Annelies in form ing my mom. She said

that a lady of your de scrip tion would ask about the as cen sion work -

shops while brows ing in our book shop to day. This lady would write

the first awakening jour nal.”

“Who’s Annelies? I have no idea...what ...” Ing rid was per plexed.

More cus tom ers en tered the shop so Con nie at tended to them. She did

not in quire any fur ther but would re mem ber the name ‘Annelies’!

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As the rain hur tled down re lent lessly it cut her vi sion to al mostnil.The drive way of the Prinsengracht Ho tel was upon her so fastthat she did not see the BMW in time. In or der to avoid it she droveinto a ditch.

She rested her head on the steer ing wheel because her heart waspound ing. The knock ing on the win dow broke her shock.

“Are you all right?” A tow er ing fig ure asked as he stood there get -ting drenched. Peo ple from the ho tel who had gath ered around the carhid her guilty ex pres sion as she low ered her win dow to re as sure him..

“I’m so sorry, I’m re ally fine, please go in side. You will all getsoaked.”

“What a beauty”When the man asked where she was head ing for she was

tongue-tied ... was she tele pathic? ....All she saw, was his mouth....She dis missed her thoughts and re as sured him once again. His con -cern re ally touched her.

“Yolanda” He called to his com pan ion. “Go in side. I’ll drive be -hind her to see if she is okay, you go on.” His dy namic voice causedan up roar in her mind, jolt ing her back to to day’s phone call...whatwas go ing on with her?

He got back into his BMW and fol lowed her. When she parkednear the mar ket and waved at him, he paused, look ing at her, asif...did he re call some thing too? Then he hooted and drove off...

At the food mar ket in Beekbergen, the rain had stopped, the fishseller cried tune lessly “Fresh her ring.” His voice lunged at the min -gling crowd hop ing to at tract a buyer. Ing rid re flected on all that had hap pened that day, and the pre vi ous night.....

While soaking in the bath the pre vi ous night, she had had a strange ex pe ri ence of hear ing a voice! She had looked around but knew shewas com pletely alone in the house. She grinned as she re called look -ing ev ery where af ter her bath to sat isfy her self that she was alone.


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The words: “My be loved, can’t you re mem ber me?” still rang in her ear.

“Who are you?” She had re sponded, but of course there was no an -

swer. Hear ing her self speak ing to no body made her grin to her self.

Her fa ther used to tease her about it.... But the voice was so real! Then she heard clearly;“Kitty! Wake up, be still and lis ten!” Ex cept that

it was dif fer ent! Both phrases had been as clear as if some one else

was speak ing in a nor mal way. That is, if one ac cepted con vers ing in

ver bal sounds as stan dard.

“Lis ten to whom?” Her heart had skipped, spec u lat ing that if

some one was in the bath room with her, why had she not seen any thing.

Ing rid could still not ex plain to her self what had hap pened, but

the feel ing of rap ture, of be ing in love, as if she had never ever been

alone, was pro found. Go ing to sleep af ter this most mys te ri ous ex -

pe ri ence had been dif fi cult....

A sud den cloud burst brought her mind back just in time to reach

her car with her gro cer ies. The traf fic was heavy driv ing home andher car ra dio was in ter rupted by a voice say ing;....

“This is Apeldoorn ra dio, Rob speak ing. We are in ter rupt ingthis mu sic for an im por tant bul le tin. We re ceived a mes sage thatbe cause of the dra matic in crease in the elec tro mag netic x–rayflux of the sun, this boost of so lar ac tiv ity can cause poor trans -mis sion. The pos si bil ity of an elec tric ity fail ure or a black out for an ex tended pe riod of time can not be ex cluded. We are for tu nate tohave some one with us in the stu dio who is pre pared to ex plainwhat is hap pen ing. Mr Haardens, can you clar ify to our lis ten ers

what is go ing on?” The broad caster asked.....

Ing rid was im me di ately struck by the name ‘Haardens’!

“There is no im me di ate cause for panic at all. This has beengo ing on for a long time. The ef fects of Global warm ing is start ingto show. We know that our earth’s weather has been greatly af -

fected for aeons by the in crease in elec tro mag netic ra di a tion,” ...a deep, so no rous tone re plied.

That voice! Had she not just heard the same....?

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The tall fig ure in the BMW was, in a hurry...why? To give this in -ter view. The new owner of Nel’s firm’s name was Haardens. Buthow would a man, who had just taken over a con struc tion firm, becon nected to in ves ti ga tions in weather pat terns.

“Was that the only rea son for our hot weather, the global warm -

ing the ory? ” the an nouncer asked.

“Yes, and we know that the shift ing of earth’s mag netic field isdi rectly linked to this in creased so lar ac tiv ity. In Aus tra lia and NewZea land where the ozone hole is ex pand ing, the ef fect on bird life,

plant life and ma rine life is very pro found.” Mr. Haardens statedwith con vic tion.

“You are say ing that the sun is also af fect ing our warmweather?”

“There are var i ous changes cur rently tak ing place and we needto as sess their full im pact on a global scale and look at what spe -cific prep a ra tions are es sen tial. Any one who still doubts the on setof global warm ing need only look at what's hap pen ing in the Arc ticand Ant arc tic, where gla ciers are re treat ing and ice bergs calv ingat a scary rate.

“So the ris ing of tides has to be taken se ri ously?”

“Yes, but even more so we need now to plan for al ter na tive liv -ing strat e gies that might be nec es sary when we are faced withblack out con di tions, meaning no elec tric ity soon.”

Ing rid won dered whether this could be the same man. He cer -tainly seems knowl edge able, but what con nec tion would a con struc -tion guy have with global warm ing is sues.

“That does sounds alarm ing. Which co mes first, flood ing of ma -jor pro por tions or hav ing no power. What prep a ra tions do peo pleneed to make when there is no elec tric ity, not to men tion the wa terlev els?”

The im pli ca tions of what the in ter viewer called alarm ing madeher sad. How many peo ple lis ten ing would won der where to go ifthe sea lev els rose; es pe cially in a coun try where the sea lev els werehigher than the ground they all lived on.

“We have pre pared a web site on the Internet for any one who

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wants to find out more, and fur ther lec tures on the ef fects of thisso lar ac tiv ity will start soon.”

Mr. Haardens con tin ued in the same knowl edge able tone as theman who had de scribed the but ter cup flower. The ra dio an nouncerthanked Mr Haardens and told the lis ten ers that a programme on the sub ject would be sched uled later.

When Ing rid ar rived at her drive way, she stretched her still youth ful

curved body full length. She was try ing to get her sta bil ity back and re -

called the mu sic that had played in the back ground when she spoke to

Mr. Haardens. There was some thing about his.... Was she sud denly

see ing and hear ing things? Gee, first the voices, then the mes sage on

the com puter screen to day! Could it all be in her imag i na tion? She

could n’t tell any one, be cause who would take her se ri ously.

“Guess what, I am com mu ni cat ing out loud with a voice in my

head,” she mum bled, grab bing her gro cer ies from the boot of her car.

“Oh, re ally?” she mim icked when reach ing for her front door.

“Yes, and this voice texts with me through my com puter when it’s

switched off!” She gig gled, and...it can read my mind! Peo ple would

re ally look at her, had she sud denly lost her senses? Ob serv ing her -

self made her feel real silly while scratch ing for her keys.The next-door neigh bour waved while she dumped un wanted

goods at the curb for the gar bage col lec tion the fol low ing morn ing.

She must be spring-clean ing. Ing rid waved back.

Fluffball, her cat, was sit ting at the win dow mi aow ing. She side -

stepped her mail in side the hall way as she opened her front door.

While pick ing it up a smart blue en ve lope

stat ing “Dear Kitty — Ex cerpt one” fell out.

The print ing seemed fa mil iar, so did the

symbols, but not the wa ter mark.

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Programme...Planet Earth

The Awakening Game.

Life has of ten been com pared to a game, not so? And what is the pur pose of any game?Apart from hav ing fun. To evolve the rules ofthe hu man game. The pur pose of Annelies' de cod -ing workshop is to ac ti vate and re-en code yourdor mant DNA strands, so that you can prove toyour selves that YOU CAN HAVE IT ALL!

Kitty, now is the time to pre pare. Changesoc cur ring on a ga lac tic level will soon in flu -ence cli mate pat terns and your ac cus tomed life -styles may never be the same again.

The jour nal you will be asked to write mustre flect the games you all play. Many will be -come aware that they need to re-learn the uni -ver sal rules of life.

Through your daily life, your re la tion shipswith your self and oth ers, through yourdream–travel jour neys, Annelies' de cod ing work -shops, through the re-awak en ing of your 22 frag -mented as pects that are all you; all these willbe of help to you in or der to mas ter a new set ofrules to live by.

Many hid den parts of the real you that werepre vi ously sup pressed will awaken. Be come theob server of your own role–play ing.

You will meet many oth ers who have cho sen a new set of rules to live by, thereby let ting go ofold dis torted pat terns. Soon,when your planet’svi bra tions have speeded up you will be wel comedinto a dif fer ent di men sion where the unity ofyour po lar i ties will re veal the‘Riddle’ of TheProphet's Game.


Dear KittyEx cerpt One

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Wow! The name POWAH she had en coun tered on her screen

had now ap peared on pa per!. The girl Con nie, in that new book shop

had asked if she would write the first jour nal, had she not men tioned

Annelies? POWAH’s let ter was also men tion ing a jour nal! Was shego ing to write about the twenty-two frag mented parts of what?

Her self ? Ing rid needed to know who she was, and why she was

here. She un der stood very well that the peo ple in her life were of ten

re flec tive mir rors of her self. Not easy to grasp how, but… had she

asked for this? She knew she had an in ner de sire to at tract in di vid u -

als who felt as she did about the real mean ing of be ing alive; but was

this the re sult?

The pelt ing rain grew more in sis tent while Fluffball was purr ing and

whirl ing her self around her legs.

Ing rid’s in ner tur moil cre ated a strong need in her to share her

thoughts, but…she could just hear Jan say ing; “Ing rid, you are get -

ting like your sis ter, Quincy. More up in the clouds than down on

earth!” Had she imag ined it all? Was it all just her own fan tasy? If

only she could speak to her clair voy ant sis ter, Quincy, who was on a

tour with peo ple from a health cen tre in Delft. Quincy had her own

health shop there.

When the phone rang in the hall way, her friend’s face jumped in

her mind’s eye. Ing rid had al ways been good at guess ing who was on

the other end of the line. “So you knew it was me?” Liesbeth laughed.

“Yes! How did you guess? How are you? When did you get

back?” Liesbeth worked as a free lance lit er ary agent and wrote ar ti -

cles for a few sci en tific mag a zines. It had been a while since she’d

seen her.

“Ing rid, can I meet you to mor row af ter work at the Pannekoek,

near you? A friend gave me a pam phlet about a work shop that is

start ing soon. I’m sure you’ll be in ter ested. It is all about awak en ing

to unity con scious ness.” Her voice car ried an ex cited tone.

“You’re kid ding? You mean these ascension re lated work shops?

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I’ve seen it ad ver tised as well, in that new book shop close to my of -fice build ing. Gosh, what a co in ci dence?”

She was tempted to share her ex pe ri ences with Liesbeth ,thereand then, but be cause she still couldn’t re ally be lieve it her self shekept quiet.

Ing rid knew that she could fan ta sise peo ple into her life, ratherthan deal ing with real life. She also did n’t cope well with spon ta ne -ous hap pen ings.

Af ter her shower, while she was brush ing her nat u ral styled hair,she sud denly heard the voice again loud and clear …say ing!!

”Kitty! Be still and listen with your heart in order to experience the magic of whoyou really are!"



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Chapter 2

The Body Codes of Light

An Introduction to a Game

Ing rid, I need the orig i nal ae rial view photo, you have it on aDVD.” Piet de Wit whined.

“Why?” She peered into the floor man ager’s shifty eyes. He made her skin crawl. His sal low com plex ion re flected his poor health andhe was very un der weight for his height. His pes ter ing about thedraw ings for the French com plex started to an noy her. Ing rid couldbe very aloof with ir ri tat ing peo ple.

“Never mind why! Have you got it?”

“No, not here in my of fice. Why your sud den in ter est?” Gosh, he

was get ting un der her skin.

“I have my rea sons! What did you do with the disk?”

“Good grief, don’t be so se cre tive! You even gave me the one I’m

now work ing on two weeks ago. Re mem ber?” Her tone flew at him.

“So what did you do with the orig i nal DVD?” he snapped, while

his men tal di a logue at tacked her.

“Look for it yourself ” She was star tled by her own sud den tele -

pathic sen si tiv ity.

“Piet, stop both er ing me. Phone head of fice and ask for the orig -

i nal photo.” Her cool ness dis guised her rage.

“One day you’re go ing to be sorry for the way you talk to me.”

He yelled back and roared out of her of fice. When her phone rang,

Ing rid’s blood was still boil ing with an ger af ter Piet’s out burst. What was he in sin u at ing? She an swered in a pro fes sional but in a slightly

abrupt man ner.


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“Still at the job, are you? I’m im pressed. I prom ised to phoneback with the in for ma tion on the but ter cup flower. Are you al waysthat quick and ef fi cient? ” Mr Haardens’ mas ter ful tone acted as acat a lyst.

Good grief, she’d for got ten to phone back and tell him it wassorted out with the cli ent. She should apo lo gise but felt flus tered byhis undertone.

“I think so. Aren’t you?” she re plied in stead. It was out be fore sherealised! What had made her say that? She was nor mally not soabrupt. Af ter a short si lence she apologised for her tact less ness, ex -plain ing that her re ac tion was di rected to some one else. Rather an -noyed at her self for be ing so ir ri ta ble...she could al most feel histhoughts, as if he were prob ing into her mind. “It must be.....?” That’sim pos si ble! Was he ques tion ing him self? Surely that must have beenher own mind talk ing to it self? She didn’t know this Mr Haardens.Could he be the same man that had spo ken on the ra dio the day be fore?

“You have a lively mind, Ing rid. By the way, I’m glad you were n’tre act ing to me. I will speak to you again,” he laughed, as if he knewsome thing she did not be fore he hung up. What did he mean by alively mind? Oh, well, at least he was not of fended by her man ner.He felt like a rather chal leng ing per son al ity, some one that might nottake ’no’ for an an swer. She spec u lated about his ap pear ance. Apow er ful voice did n’t al ways match the phys i cal form.

As she passed the new book shop on the way to the cof fee house, anew big sign in the win dow now read: Decoding Work shops / Start -ing Soon! Con nie, the sales girl, waved at her to come in side. Ing ridhoped that Con nie’s mother would be there.

“I think your name is Ing rid, is n’t it?” Bit ing her lower lip.“Yes! How did you know?”“My mother asked me to give you this.” The girl handed her a blue

en ve lope that made her shaky all over. She had never given Con nieher name. Other cus tom ers were wait ing be hind her so she left.


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The Pannekoek cof fee shop was across the street. She spot ted

Liesbeth through the win dow wait ing for her at a cor ner ta ble. As

she was about to greet her friend her mouth gaped in ab so lute as ton -

ish ment: Liesbeth’s ap pear ance! She looked at least ten years youn -ger since she had last seen her four months pre vi ously!

“What has hap pened to you? What artefacts did you find on that

dig you joined? A re ju ve nat ing tonic?” Her voice leaped in amaze -

ment while hug ging her. Liesbeth was tall with an ath letic fig ure. Her

smile ex pressed a warmth that was dif fi cult to de scribe. She was the

most com pas sion ate woman Ing rid had ever known.

“Hi! Rich ard will join us, and I’ve or dered two cap puc cinos.”

“Who’s Rich ard?” A new boy friend? She ad mir ed Liesbeth’s

stun ning but slightly fuller fig ure, that gen er ally did not make peo ple

look youn ger, so what was it.

“Ing rid! I’ve heard all about you.” a man in his late thir ties, quite

at trac tive in an in tel lec tual way, re marked, while serv ing them two

steam ing cof fees. His lively eyes con vey ing an alert mind. His long -

ish wavy hair was ca su ally held back with a rub ber band.

“Well, you have me at a dis ad van tage for I know noth ing about

you.” Ing rid liked him on the spot. He was quite char is matic but far

too young for her.

“Ing rid, as you know, I joined a group of ar chae ol o gists in Egypt.

They were in ves ti gat ing some very new, se cret sites at Luxor. It wasmy job to write a re port on their find ings for the spon sors of this

dig. Rich ard was with this group of archeologists.”

Rich ard ex plained how he took over the ex pe di tion from his late

brother; who had been the or ga niser. He knew about all the prep a -

ra tions his brother had pro cessed two years in ad vance, mainly han -

dling the au thor i ties, mean ing the red tape.

“Rich ard is a part–time lec turer at the uni ver sity of Utrecht,”

Liesbeth voiced proudly

“Oh! What sub jects do you lec ture in?” He looked very young to

be a lec turer.

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“Egyp tian my thol ogy, mainly on the trans la tions of their Hi ero -glyphic scripts.” When it be came busy, Rich ard ex cused him self, say -ing that he would join them later.

The Pannekoek was a pop u lar cof fee/snack bar. It ad ver tised the many hol i day at trac tions of Gelderland on the walls. Cus tom erscould write their re marks in a large elec tronic key pad that was dis -played at the entrance.

“Rich ard is man ag ing this cof fee shop for the owner.” Liesbethcar ried on. Ing rid raised her eye brows spec u la tively, but Liesbeth ig -nored her glance.

“His aunt, who is vis it ing her chil dren in South Af rica owns thecof fee shop. He needed the money. The pass ing of his brotherTheo has been a fi nan cial, as well as a trau matic or deal. You’re won -der ing if he is my boy friend but he is not; so stop schem ing, I canread your mind. He’s just a very good friend.” Liesbeth pushed herplayfully.

“Re ally?” Liesbeth ig nored Ing rid’s teas ing un der tone.The pam phlet that Liesbeth men tioned on the phone about the

‘as cen sion work shops’ looked in trigu ing. It cov ered many cre ativework shops where one would cre ate one’s own deck of cards. Thede cod ing of your ge netic blue print seemed to be trans lat able due tothe 22 spac ings one oc cu pied on the ho lo graphic grid.

Mak ing your own 22 in di vid ual cards prom ised to be a cre ativead ven ture. It read that by mak ing these cards, hid den po ten tialswould be re vealed, even the mem o ries of the pos si bil ity of phys i calim mor tal ity! Ing rid re called Con nie tell ing her about this ge netic de -cod ing that had to do with sound.

“Are you both in ter ested? I know about Annelies through Theo.” Rich ard queried while bring ing them their fa vour ite snack, two veg e -tar ian loempia’s. Ing rid jerked at the name Annelies! Rich ard sharedwhat he knew about the decoding work shops be tween help ing cus -tom ers. Ing rid had dif fi culty not let ting her in ner tur moil get thebetter of her. She was so to tally un pre pared.


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“Rich ard’s brother had known Annelies when she as sem bled the

ma te rial for the work shops and the card game with the help of a

‘guide.’” Liesbeth added, peer ing at her frowning.

“Re ally?” Ing rid’s voice leaped in as ton ish ment while think ing of POWAH, know ing that her friend was prob ing her mind.

“Yes. That’s how I re acted at first, doubt ful.” Rich ard leaned

over to clear the ta ble.

“Annelies is look ing for par tic i pants who are will ing to write a

jour nal.” He added.

“What for, why?” Rich ard shrugged his shoul ders. “I guess, it is

writ ing a jour nal about your own awak en ing while cre at ing your own

cards. I‘m very in ter ested and I im me di ately thought of Liesbeth

who told me that you might be as well.” They both waited for her re -


“I’m very keen to find out more about it,” Ing rid swal lowed her

real be wil der ment while her palms started to sweat, think ing about

the en ve lope Con nie had given her.

“Good, I’ll phone her now.”

Rich ard worked hard. The cof fee shop’s buzz was hum ming be -

cause all the eight ta bles were oc cu pied. He looked like an in ter est -

ing man, youn ger than her friend but... why had Liesbeth de nied the

boy friend part?

Rich ard re turned to their ta ble tell ing them that Annelies hadapparently been wait ing for his call!

“She is look ing for ward to meet ing us and asked if one of us was

called Ing rid.”

“Re ally?” Liesbeth arched her eye brows.

She ig nored her friend’s nudge for her to speak up. She could n't

share her en coun ter just yet. She was n’t ready to dis close the rather

bi zarre com puter in ci dent with POWAH. Even the ex cerpt she

mys te ri ously had re ceived held her back. Rich ard was un known to

her and she was still rather wary to ex plain some thing so airy fairy.

All three would join the ‘in tro duc tory class’ the fol low ing eve -

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ning. They made ar range ments to meet again the next day at thePannekoek af ter work. They would drive to gether to Annelies’home on the Veluwe where she gave the work shops.

Ing rid was about to open her um brella as she step ped out into therain, when a tall strongly built man bumped into her.

“Uh–huh. We are in a hurry.” His voice trig gered an im me di atesen sa tion. For a mo ment their eyes con nected and for a split sec ondthe depth of his glance over whelmed her like a tidal wave.

The rain was pelt ing down when she ar rived at her drive way. Shefelt re ally shaky af ter that con fron ta tion. His pen e trat ing gaze hadmade her heart jump.

A damp and clammy Fluffball came rub bing up against her legs,as if to say: “Where have you been? I have missed my sup per.” Af ter pre par ing cat food, she checked for tele phone mes sages. One wasfrom Deb bie, her youn gest daugh ter, to say she would be com inghome for the week end. Ing rid still missed her three chil dren. Shehoped by now to have heard some thing from Jeroen, or Sascia forthat mat ter. Her twins were very in de pend ent. They both were headstrong, not like Deb bie, who was the softie of the fam ily.

Jeroen worked for the fam ily’s steel con struc tion firm dur ingJan’s ill ness. Af ter Jan died, Jeroen went back to com plete his stud ies in Eindhoven. He then sud denly had taken his last se mes ter off andwent back pack ing! To ‘find him self, as he called it. Ing rid real isedthat Jeroen had taken the role of the man in the house very se ri ouslywhen he knew his fa ther was very ill. She won dered if he would have cho sen to fol low in the fam ily busi ness. Jan’s dad, Den nis Barendse,who still ran his steel com pany, had been very glad about Jeroen’s de -ci sion to fin ish his stud ies.

The mu sic from a CD brought her back into the pre sent, while re -vi tal is ing her en ergy field. What a shower or bath did for her phys i calbody, mu sic did for her whole be ing.

Ing rid was re lieved that it had stopped rain ing. She opened the slid -


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ing door lead ing onto the ve randa. Ev ery thing smelled fresh and ready

for sum mer to ar rive. Her thoughts went back to what the girl had said

in the book shop. She opened the blue en ve lope from Con nie in great

an tic i pa tion, won der ing if it was ex cerpt two?

The Body Codes of Light


Programme...Planet Earth

The Di men sions and their Den si tiesThe pri mary pur pose of this in car na tion is toex pand your aware ness to full con scious ness.

Only by awak en ing and trans form ing parts ofyour per son al ity as pects, can you raise yourcon scious ness to a higher fre quency. Thishigher vi bra tion will al low for your in di vid -ual soul to fully merge with your phys i calform.

Your ge netic blue print will be re vealedthrough the sound of your pres ent vi bra tions. By es tab lish ing the spac ings of your soulqual ity as pects within your en ergy field, andby mak ing your 22 con stel la tion cards, you will be able to play the awakening card game and re -dis cover the mul ti di men sional be ing you haveal ways been but have been un aware of. This will pre pare you for your as cen sion if you so in -tend.

The five lev els of the awakening card game are:

1DESIRING TO BECOME AWARE by ac ti vat ing men -

tal te lep a thy with your soulmates.

2BECOMING AWARE OF BEING UNAWARE by trav el -ling con sciously into for got ten ter ri to ries.

3LETTING GO OF THE OLD by let ting go of theper son al ity as pects, your veils are liftedand a clair voy ant in ner vi sion is ac ti vated.

4INTEGRATION by em brac ing the bi o log i cal as -cen sion path, your soul can chan nel throughyour phys i cal form.

Dear KittyEx cerpt Two

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She was spell bound. It was ex cerpt two, it was def i nitelyfor her. This awakening card game ob vi ously had a con nec tion withthe book shop. Was ev ery thing al ready planned with out her know ing about it? Oh, she needed to talk to some one about all this. Why her,of all peo ple?

Now she wished she had con fided in Liesbeth and Rich ard aboutPOWAH. Her fear of mak ing a fool of her self had stopped hershar ing. She’d been on her own for over two years since Jan had diedand it still felt lonely at times. She would be turn ing 45 this year butdat ing did not in ter est her. Most of the in ter est ing men were mar -ried anyway.

Ing rid had learnt a lot about her self dur ing their twenty-four year mar riage. Some friends had de scribed their relationship as stormy. At least she’d be come emo tion ally and men tally in de pend ent.

When Jan was gone, it was as if she had lost a soul mate that hadbeen her best teacher, her best friend and just be fore he re ally got ill,her best lover. Those mem o ries had blocked her for a new re la tion -ship. She liked be ing on her own. When she joined Liesbeth at func -tions, she did not re ally an tic i pate meet ing any one. No bodystim u lated her and she hated idle chitchat.

She had met Liesbeth at a party that she had been per suaded toat tend by her sis ter, Quincy, just af ter Jan died. It was the first out -


The Awakening Clan

5FREEDOM by liv ing in full con scious ness ex -press ing ‘The Power of ONE’. Your mul ti pleDNA strands have been ac ti vated again in or -

der to as cend

That is your Oversoul’s full po ten tialdur ing this in car na tion.


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side ac tiv ity she had at tended, and she had fun af ter all. Liesbeth had

ap proached them both be cause she needed to write about the health

shop for a mag a zine. They clicked im me di ately.

Liesbeth owned her own house on the out skirts of Apeldoorn. When Ing rid told her of the job of fer, her friend en cour aged her to

take it. To gether they looked for a place for her to live. Meet ing up

with her again Ing rid could still not get over the no tice able change in

her. Not only did she look youn ger but it was also some thing else

she could not put a name to. It was a change that took away the look

of any age!

When the phone rang in the hall way...she knew it was Deb bie, her


“Mom, my train ar rives at 11:15 on Fri day eve ning. I want to

come di rectly af ter my late shift in stead of Sat ur day morn ing. Is that

all right?”

“Great! I’ll be at the sta tion,” Ing rid bub bled. Deb bie was a fully

qual i fied nurse at the Ac a demic Hos pi tal in Utrecht. It felt that life

was tak ing a turn so she de cided to pam per her self with a de tox i fy -

ing treat ment.

Af ter she had ar ranged ev ery thing around her bath tub, she set tled

lan guor ously into the warm soapy bub ble bath, al low ing all the ten -

sions of the day to ease out. Her feet just reached the tap while her

head was rest ing on a towel. Her short wavy au burn, brown hair fell

play fully about her oval face cre at ing an ef fect of age less ness. Her

well shaped firm body had not lost its youth ful ness, even af ter giv ing

birth to three chil dren. She rev elled in hav ing this time to her self

and con tem plated what POWAH had writ ten. Pon der ing on the five

lev els of the awakening game, start ing with the first level. POWAH

said that the de cod ing would awaken her to her soul’s full po ten tial.

Or was it her Oversoul? And what about …the ‘Rid dle’ of The

Prophet's Game. Oh, how weird…was it all for real?

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“Hello, Ing rid, what time is it?” Carla called out as they both ar -rived by car at the park ing bay near the of fice. The dull over cast skyheld an as sur ance of rain again.

“It’s 08:15, five min utes to browse in that new book shop.” Shehad to buy a pres ent for her sis ter’s birth day. Ing rid spot ted Marijkesit ting in side, on her haunches, in the cor ner en grossed in a book. They were both very aware of Marijke’s si lent despair.

Carla in quired what she was read ing while Ing rid ap proached avery fa mil iar ar tis tic look ing woman at the coun ter. When her blueeyes met hers, Ing rid re cog nised that she was a friend of Tieneke,the lady who gave mind draw ing work shops. She re called hav ingmet her at Tieneke’s Art–an a logue Sym bol ism classes a year ago.

“You’re Yolanda, aren’t you?”“Ing rid! I’m so glad to meet you again. Did you get the en ve lope

yes ter day?”

“I did, but I was very sur prised that it was for me. ”... Yolanda was about to ex plain when both Carla and Marijke re minded her aboutthe time. Yolanda said that she would see her at Annelies that eve -ning.

Ing rid’s phone in her of fice was blar ing its mel ody. The air wascharged with ten sion be cause the hol i day book ings had started. Be -fore she could say any thing, a fa mil iar man’s voice que ried; “Ing rid,we spoke about but ter cups the other day.” She tried to imag ine what he would look like. His voice re minded her of the man she bumpedinto at the Pannekoek.

“Ing rid, can you ar range a meet ing with your Di rec tor, MrBrinks, in Am ster dam? This com pany that I took over last weekseems to do a lot of busi ness with your firm.” He sounded as if heex pected an im me di ate an swer. She looked up the list of sub con -trac tors on her com puter. Ing rid saw that the Tree–Fern land scap ing


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di vi sion did most of the main te nance. She was think ing of the new

complex in France.

“Yes, that’s cor rect. Most of the land scap ing and main te nance of

our com plexes are han dled by your firm. No meet ing is sched uled forthe sub con trac tors for the new site. Can I come back to you on this

mat ter?” She asked in a firm man ner, while her heart was beat ing.

“I’ll wait for your call.” As she no ticed the chuckle in Mr.

Haardens’ voice, again he re minded her... It was...As if....No, that was -

n’t pos si ble. She had better snap out of her sud den fan tasy world.

She was get ting an noyed with her self. What was go ing on with her?

Af ter work, she met Liesbeth at the Pannekoek for din ner. The

three of them would drive to Annelies’ house. Con nie had of fered

to run the cof fee shop so that Rich ard could join them. She never

told them about POWAH, in stead she pon dered over Mr. Haardens.

Annelies lived in a very af flu ent part of the out skirts of

Apeldoorn sur rounded by nee dle and birch trees. They scram bledout of the car, run ning through the heavy rain to the front door.

Oth ers were ar riv ing as well. A tall, rather heavily built dark haired

strik ing woman in her late fif ties, very flam boy antly dressed, greeted

them with a big smile, her eyes spar kled.

“Wel come, I’m Annelies.” Her en ergy re flected her strength. She

was a woman that had seen it all. “Come in, this way” she in di cated

in her mu si cal voice. They hung their rain coats up be fore en ter ing

her class room. On a door was writ ten: In tro duc tory class


Very un usual sym bols and colour ful ka lei do scopic wall dec o ra -

tions were on the walls. All eight of them in tro duced them selves.

Each in their own words had to de scribe how they were trig gered by

the word as cen sion. This did break the ice, hear ing some of the

com ments. It was clear to Ing rid that they all had one thing in com -

mon; they were all un will ing to al low me di oc rity in their lives.

Ing rid’s eyes wan dered around the room. There were eight par -

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tic i pants in the class. Rich ard, of course, and three other men, Niels, Wim and Gerrit. The three other women were: Liesbeth, Yolanda,Zola. Zola and Wim were a cou ple in their late twen ties.

“The pur pose of the work shops is to re claim our in di vid ualpower. This means to lift the veil that has kept our real mul ti di men -sional po ten tial hid den for so long,” Annelies’ whole pos ture ac cen -tu ated by the colour ful caf tan re minded her of gypsies.

“Annelies, do you believe that phys i cal as cen sion is pos si ble?”“Ing rid, we’ve all cho sen to in car nate at this sig nif i cant time in

or der to fully wake up. Most peo ple walk ing the as cen sion path willen coun ter the doubt I hear in your voice, because many chal leng ingthought pro grammed pat terns re flect that ev ery liv ing crea ture onPlanet Earth has a cy cle end ing in death. I’ve cho sen to fully wakeup be fore my cy cle is com pleted.”

“You mean you will not phys i cally die?”“Wim that is my in tent, but for now you will all ex pe ri ence your

awak en ing jour ney at the first level. When you have awak ened to the third level, far more facts will be re vealed that sup ports our the o -ries.” “He's not taken it all in. He is re sist ing something.”

For a mo ment Ing rid thought...was she hear ing her own mindspeak out loud? Wim’s ex pres sion was in deed sceptical.

“Annelies, as cen sion be ing the most chal leng ing jour ney by far,will these work shops as sist us in that shift? I mean over com ing thatdoubt? By awak en ing our un imag in able po ten tial, will that en able us to leave this third di men sion phys i cally?” Gerrit’s eye brows archedover his glasses.

“If that is your in tent, then yes. Some call this shift a re birth orres ur rec tion. Many words are used to ex press en light en ment. Ourge netic de cod ing tech niques, with the help of sound fre quen cies;will ex pose the in cred i ble power of your real selves”

That com ment and the sym bols on Annelies’ wall made her re -em ber the mind draw ing work shop she had at tended last year. Thebark ing of a puppy dog in the hall way tem po rarily dis tracted her, but


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Annelies’ fur ther ex pla na tion brought her back.

“Ev ery fre quency res o nates to a cer tain num ber, col our and

sound. The en ergy that forms pat terns, num bers, and ge om e try

sym bols is used to un cover the many per son al ity masks we all wear.”Annelies’ mu si cal voice was fas ci nat ing to lis ten to. Ing rid’s eyes

were drawn to the many un usual but fa mil iar sym bols on the walls,

won der ing if this de cod ing was dif fi cult to do.

“Annelies, while gath er ing and re leas ing all our frag mented parts,

will this ac tiv ity re con nect us with our Oversoul?”

“Liesbeth, I’m glad you asked that. The de cod ing will ac ti vate the

mem ory stored in our DNA/RNA, which re con nects us with the

cos mos. It will trans form our minds, emo tions and ul ti mately our phys -

i cal forms. Our per son al ity fre quen cies have kept us in this vi bra tional

en trap ment. We were greatly in flu enced by the vi rus called “be lief ”.

The ha bit ual need to at tach to any be lief, dogma or du al ity con -

scious ness must be re leased in or der to ascend.” Annelies’ tone ex -

pressed her con vic tion. Ing rid won dered about her age. Would this

af fect their age ing pro cess, she won dered? “Oh yes it will” For a mo -

ment Ing rid thought again...was own mind answering?

“Our per son al ity is the en trap ment of our mind?” Zola, the

youn gest woman in the class gasped.

“Yes, Zola, the masks we wear for dif fer ent oc ca sions are the per -

son al ity en ti ties or as pects of the ego. These ‘masks’ res o nate towave lengths of var i ous fre quen cies, de pend ing on how we are think -

ing and feel ing.”

Annelies first ex plained the five lev els of the de cod ing program,

which re minded her of ex cerpt two from POWAH that Con nie had

given her the day be fore. So it must have come from Annelies!

“Sound cre ates form, which is a vi bra tion, an en ergy. You can say

that we are born into ex is tence first by thought and then by sound.”

Annelies had ev ery one’s at ten tion.

“We all em a nate a sound. We are en ergy ex pres sions in a solid

form. The de cod ing of your 22 spac ings on your en ergy field sheet,

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will re veal what your in ten tions and as pi ra tions are in this life time.These are your Ge netic Body Codes of Light.”

“You’re say ing that all life starts with a thought?”“Yes Ing rid, and thoughts cre ate sounds and col our. In our de -

cod ing we use num bers and let ters be cause they are SOUNDS. Byex press ing them through our voices, we ex pe ri ence dif fer ent vi bra -tions on many fre quen cies.” Annelies’ glanced at each of them.

“You mean, we cre ate our own lives, be cause of the names we aregiven?”

“Yolanda, our daily thoughts cre ate our ev ery day ex pe ri ences. The sounds we have cho sen to ex pe ri ence un con sciously re veal thege netic life blue print. Each time your name is called, this sound,now more than ever, will ac ti vate the power the name re flects.” ForIng rid this was not a new con cept but she never had given it a lot ofthought be fore.

“I see. So if we change our names, we use a dif fer ent sound,which cre ates a change in our lives?”

“Yolanda, any change means a shift in vi bra tion. We’ll go intoeach card to un der stand the dy nam ics of sound and col our. You allwill learn how you re act and re spond in or der to re lease that whichhas held us all back.” Annelies squeezed Yolanda’s shoul der. Ing ridin tu itively picked up an in ner men tal com mu ni ca tion be tween them. Yolanda is go ing through a di vorce. How did she know that?

“On this first level for the next five Fri day eve nings, we de code the22 ma jor spac ings. This is your ge netic makeup that will re flect thereal as pects and soul qual i ties you have cho sen to em body dur ing thislife time.” Annelies pointed at the im age on the wall, pro jected fromher lap top. Ing rid could clearly see a three di men sional grid pat tern inblocks that en cased a hu man fig ure.

“On the next five Fri day eve nings, we’ll make the first five awak -en ing cards. These five cards round off the first level of the as cen -sion card game. The two weeks af ter that are set aside to in te grateyour in di vid ual pro cess be fore we start the sec ond level.”


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“Wow! What a lot of work!” Gerrit had the im age some art ists

have, a bit ec cen tric but still dis tin guished. Peo ple that seem to skip

that mid dle-aged look.

“Ex cept for Liesbeth and Wim, all of you have at tendedTieneke’s mind draw ing work shops not so?” That was it! The nod -

ding of the oth ers took her back to Tieneke’s work shop where she

had found peace with Jan’s death. Through her mind-draw ings she

re leased emo tional mem o ries in or der to come to terms with all that

had hap pened; but she never met the oth ers during Tieneke's work -

shop retreat.

“So we com mit our selves for the first twelve weeks only?” Zola’s

pretty face was flus tered as she looked up at Wim, who was star ing

into space look ing al most... bored?

“Yes, you can, and Gerrit, the real work is pro cessed by all of you

dur ing the full twelve weeks. The Fri day eve nings, those are the fun

times, be lieve me.” Annelies ob served Wim with more than just a

glance, as if...but then she car ried on:

“In this first level you cre atively make your five Pres ent Per cep -

tual Con scious ness Cards that will re awaken your mem o ries. It

also as cer tains how awake you are at this mo ment.” That evoked a

re ac tion from most of them. How awake was she? Sud denly a bond

was es tab lished when they shared in sights from Tieneke’s Art–an a -

logue Sym bol ism courses. She had at tended a week end re treat on the spur of the mo ment, just af ter she had settled in Apeldoorn.

“Please, a warn ing! Any hand outs you re ceive or down load from

our Internet site, don’t in ter pret it lit er ally as ab stract truth. Es pe -

cially if your aware ness is ex pressed in the lin ear way of thinking.”

Some one must have ar rived at the house be cause the young dog

went ber serk, Yolanda got up to take a look. Then she heard her

laugh ing.

“So be gen tle on your selves when you all be gin to grasp that

truth is of ten hid den by those whose ar gu ments are false!”

“Yolanda is that Toon?”

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“You mean we all per ceive truth dif fer ently?” Gerrit asked. Fora split sec ond Ing rid was side tracked, did she re ally hear that men taldi a logue com ing from Annelies.... Did she hear a ques tion?

“Yes, Gerrit you’re right. From a per son al ity point of view wecan never agree on any in tel lec tual in for ma tion to tally. Our ex ter nalper cep tions dif fer.”

“Toon be fore you leave can you take the charts for Otto with you?” Ing ridwas dumb struck. Was Annelies talk ing to some one tele path i cally? Yolanda came back in again nod ding to Annelies.

“Your lives will be come an ad ven ture all over again. I hope to see you all to mor row eve ning?” Annelies con cluded her in tro duc tionclass while pass ing a form around.

“An nie, I’ll see you on Mon day, be good” Ing rid’s mind was rac ing. That men tal voice! Then the front door closed with a thump while adog was still bark ing. Annelies smil ingly asked if the three of themwould stay behind.

“I have been told by my guide that the three of you will be ap -proached in time to write your ex pe ri ences. Your jour nals will be -come an as sign ment of the awakening pro cess. Ing rid, you’ve beenap proached to write about the first level have you not?” Annelies’thought ful glance had an in ten sity as if she knew what she wasthink ing! Ing rid was to tally un pre pared for this mind prob ing. Theguide she men tioned must be POWAH, but how come?...then sheheard, or thought she did, the fol low ing sen tence.

“When the stu dent is ready the teacher will ap pear.”“It is all new to you is n’t it? I hope to see you all to mor row eve -

ning.” pass ing a blue en ve lope to her, like the one she had re ceivedbe fore! The oth ers were al ready in their cars driv ing off, whenAnnelies took Liesbeth, Rich ard and her self aside.

“Ing rid read the firsts aware ness level from ex cerpt two care fully, es pe cially when you are writ ing your jour nal. Ex press your mo ti va -tion in a feel ing way for your reader to un der stand about the in ten -sity you need to have, in or der to wake up.”


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“But that is so per sonal! I'm not sure if I can do this.” she al most

beamed at her. Annelies em a nated such warmth that she wanted to

burst out about her en coun ters but Rich ard in ter rupted her

thoughts.“Annelies, I think I speak for the three of us. I’m very ex cited

about your work shops.”

As they walked out into the mild spring eve ning, a young Lab ra dor

greeted them ex cit edly from be hind Liesbeth’s car. Annelies cud dled

the puppy, speak ing softly tell ing him that his boss would be back

soon. Ing rid won dered who his boss was.

On the way home, all of them were oc cu pied with their own re flec -

tions. Ing rid picked up thoughts that went on in Liesbeth’s mind, but

she hated to eaves drop. Both were im pressed that she was asked to

take on the first level for her as sign ment. She was far more shaken

about all the in ci dents of this week, and still trying to come to terms

with her tele pathic abil ity that seemed to get stron ger by the day.

“Some thing hap pened to me a week ago that seems to be re lated.

It’s too in cred i ble to be lieve.” Her voice trem bled from sheer dis be -

lief. They both wanted to hear her story at the Pannekoek the next

eve ning. Liesbeth pointed at the en ve lope Annelies had given her.

“Who’s Kitty?” Rich ard asked

“That’s me… don’t ask. Annelies says it’s all about the five cardspaces that we are de cod ing to mor row eve ning. From now on I

have to keep these ex cerpts for my jour nal.”

“Dur ing our cof fee break Yolanda told me that some of the con -

cepts are also pub lished on her website!” Rich ard shared.

Liesbeth dropped her off at the park ing bay. She waved to both,feel ing so ju bi lant in side that she drove right past her house!

Gosh, that made her re al ize how dis tracted her mind was while

driving. When she turned the car around, an in tu itive voice stated:

“Kitty, stay in the pres ent, more grounded.”

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Chapter 3

The Sound and Colour ofNumbers

The ascension – workshops

Ing rid al ways check ed her e–mail be fore start ing her workday, butever since Tues day she was look ing out for more of the same text fromPOWAH. As she was down loading a let ter from a But ter cup Land -scap ing firm, her at ten tion was drawn to a heated ar gu ment go ing onout side her par ti tion. Piet, the floor man ager, who had a row withCarla, stormed into her office.

“Ing rid, about the meet ing with this Mr. Haardens fel low and Mr. Brinks, this guy only wants to deal with you; he’s very ad a mant aboutit,” Piet’s ag i tated tone flew at her.

“What do you mean? I don’t have to be there!” Oh no! She hassuch dif fi culty with her draw ing. Why this pres sure. Piet was look ingover her shoul der at her draft ing proposal. His en ergy was so neg a -tive, his whole pres ence em a nated an ger.

“Mr Brinks wants you there with your plan. I spoke to him on his cel lu lar phone and he in sisted on your pres ence.”

“When is the meet ing sched uled?” “Next week on Thurs day, two o’clock at the head of fice in Am -

ster dam,” Piet snapped as he walked out. Gee, less than a week toget this lot right! Meet ing this Mr. Haardens trig ger ed feel ings ofcau tion, since her emo tions were aroused by even his name! For allshe knew he was tiny, short, fat and dull. Piet’s hos til ity made herques tion what she was here to learn from it when sud denly her

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screen be came very bright and the fa mil iar text ap peared! Her heart

surged.<Kitty, your job on earth is not to learn, be causeyou al ready know, but to re mem ber who ‘you’ are andwho ev ery one else is!>

Wow! Was it read ing her mind? Piet was gone, so she quickly

typed back:

<I want to ask so many ques tions, like: Who are we? Who

are you? Are you Annelies' guide? You say that our job is not

to learn, but I al ways thought that life it self was a learn ing ex -

pe ri ence, like be ing in a class room?>

She was break ing out in a sweat.......then the text ap peared again:<Kitty, life is not a school. You are here to re -claim who you are. School is a place to learn about some thing you want to know. Life it self is an op -por tu nity for you to know experientially what youal ready know con cep tu ally. You need to learn noth -ing about what you al ready know; you merely need tore–re mem ber that and act on it. And yes, I am yourguide, com mu ni cat ing with your higher self.>

Ing rid was stag gered. How was this hap pen ing on her com puter?

<Why do we not re mem ber who we are? Is my higher self

aware? How do we know that we have to re mem ber any -

thing?> The text re acted again to her ques tion:<Your over soul al ready knows all there is to knowall the time: there is noth ing hid den or un known toyour over soul. But...your in di vid ual soul seeksto ex pe ri ence earth re al ity so that a con cept be -comes an ex pe ri ence. It wants to ex pe ri ence‘ITSELF’ through a physical form.>

Which part of her was read ing all this? Who was re spon si ble for

this...who was she typing to? she was about to ask a ques tion when

the text changed. <Your higher, real self is just an ex ten sion ofyour in di vid ual blue print. Its your cel lu lar mem o -ries that have now been awak ened. Whereas your

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lower self em bod ies many frag mented parts that form your over all per sona, these frag mented parts mustbe dealt with and re leased from your en ergy fieldin or der for your soul to com plete its phys i callife cy cle on this third di men sional plane. Con -tem plate this.


Gee, she re called Liesbeth ask ing Annelies a ques tion, us ing theword oversoul! What was the ques tion? Any way, she fully in tendedto live this life to her full soul po ten tial. This POWAH made it im -pos si ble to fo cus on her work. She needed to drag her fo cus to herdraw ing. Marijke would take her phone calls so that she could con -cen trate on her il lus tra tions for the rest of the day. She was look ingfor ward to this eve ning, their first de cod ing class...won der ing whather soul pur pose card would re veal.....

* * *

“Ing rid, Ula has the same man she told you about on the line again, in sist ing on talk ing to you. Do you want to take this call?” Marijkelooked wor ried.

She had man aged to do a fair amount of work but needed a breakand nod ded. She re called that Ula had in deed told her about a call shemissed on Tues day just be fore go ing home. Her mind was on herdraw ing of the dome po si tion. She was not pleased with her work atall when an un pleas ant squeaky voice in ter rupted her thoughts.

“Are you the woman that draws the ar tis tic impressions of thePlea sure Park com plexes?”

“Yes, that’s cor rect. To whom am I speak ing?”“About the draw ings of the dome po si tion you are work ing on at

this mo ment, are you in ter ested in do ing a job for us?” Gosh, hesounded like a real sleaze bag.

“Who’s ‘us’?” She re gret ted ever an swer ing his call. His re fer ring to the dome po si tion gave her goose flesh.

“A group of busi ness men would like to in ter est you in a lu cra tive


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busi ness prop o si tion.” The man again ig nored her re quest for his

name. What was go ing on with these draw ings?

“I have no in ter est in hav ing a con ver sa tion with any one with out

a name. Who ever you are, please go through the proper chan nelsand con tact Mr. Brinks. He is the owner of Plea sure Parks. The re -

cep tion ist will give you the num ber. Good–day to you,” Ing rid cut

him off. This man emit ted an un pleas ant vi bra tion, to say noth ing

of his tone, which she in tu itively knew con veyed a negative in ten -

tion. Had she picked up on his men tal di a logue? He seemed false.

She phoned Ula and ex plained that if the same man phoned

again to re fer him to Mr. Brinks of fice. She did n’t think he would

phone back. She some how felt the man knew Mr. Brinks.

The rest of the day went so quickly that she al most for got to check

and read her e–mails. ——- Original Message ——-

From: “T Haardens”

To: <Undisclosed-Recipient:;>

Sent: Friday, April-11, 2008 8:21 AM

Subject: appointment

Our Landscaping division: THE BUTTERCUP

Dear Ingrid.

I have made an appointment with your Director, Mr Brinks, for Thursday 24th April at two o’clock and I have requested that you join us. I live temporarily in Apeldoorn. Would you like me to give you a lift toAmsterdam? I will be happy to do so.

Do you like the new name?


Toon Haardens.

He had changed the com pa nies name ‘Tree fern’ to ‘But ter cup.’

How orig i nal! Ing rid was not in ter ested in his lift idea. She was en -

tranced by this un known man but de cided to squash that feel ing. He

sounded very sure of him self. She did n’t re ally want to get in volved

with just any one. Mon day would be early enough to re ply. Ing rid

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was more in trigued by the next e–mail, which sud denly ap pearedwith the ti tle of ‘Sound.’<Kitty, if you have the de sire and the in tent tofully awaken, then you were born to em body yourtrue self; to re-learn how to think and how to know your own thoughts. Re mem ber as you think in yourheart, so it is with you. Add this fol low ing ex -cerpt to your jour nal.>


The Awakening Clan

Programme...Planet Earth

Sound & Col ourYour phys i cal planet is built up of thou sandsof dif fer ing rates of vi bra tions. These dif -fer ent wave lengths of sounds form a three–di -men sional plan e tary ho lo gram that you alsocall Gaia. She is a be ing like you.

Man is also a three–di men sional ho lo gram and is al lot ted a cer tain amount of en ergy ev eryday, de ter mined by the num ber of heart beatsthat pass through the phys i cal body. That en -ergy in stantly cre ates your soul/as tral bodyor, when you are al ready en light ened, yourlight body. This soul/as tral body emits a sound and a col our ra di ance, which re flects all thatyou have ac cu mu lated through a range of var i ous ex pe ri ences.

Kitty, you all ex ist in ev ery di men sion si -mul ta neously, but your level of soul aware nessde ter mines what form (den sity) you ex pe ri ence.

Di men sions are realms of con scious ness thatde fine through what vi bra tional fre quencyrange and na ture of form, or ab sence of form,your soul can pro ject into men tally.

The hu man soul/mind uti lises this fre quencyrange in or der to evolve. Your Spirit Spark, or life force must be present in or der to pre parethe soul for a phys i cal in car na tion, when sochoosing.

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This third ex cerpt was printed in the same for mat, with the same

watermark as the other two ex cerpts she got through the mail.

Ing rid was amazed at how well she in tu itively un der stood the

mes sage. A deeper part of her was stim u lated by the sub ject mat ter

of the ex cerpt. It still un nerved her that some one, or some thing,

was com mu ni cat ing with her in this way, but for now she would fol -

low her in tu ition. The ref er ence to the men tal ho lo gram that was

full of de cep tions started to give her hope. The world was in such amess. So much sad ness. Rag ing wars and threat en ing de struc tions

cre ated by hu man ity of ten clouded her day.

As she locked up for the week in a happy mood, her phone

rang...should she pick it up? To night they would de code the three

soul cards, so she had to hurry. She guessed in tu itively who it could

be and it was a bit against her prin ci ples to let it ring.“Plea sure........”

“Still on the job are you? Did you get my e–mail?” Good ness,

this man was di rect.

The Sound and Colour of Numbers


It’s this vi bra tional fre quency range thatde ter mines the level of con scious ness that the hu man brain of an un born fe tus re spond to. Itsthe hu man mind that pro jects a hu man body intothe phys i cal realm.

When man wants to at tain a higher state ofaware ness he needs to change its fre quencyrange in or der to make a den sity shift. Onlythen will a change in hu man per cep tion takeplace. This shift will re-ac ti vate a lightbody.

Kitty the de cod ing classes will awaken youto the amaz ing il lu sions that the third di men -sional realm is known for; for, af ter all, youlive in a men tal ho lo gram full of de cep tions.


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“I have just read it Mr. Haardens, but I have to stay on in Am ster -dam. I have a daugh ter liv ing there so I’ll or gan ise my own trans port. Many thanks for the of fer.” She was very proud of her self, think ing soquickly on her feet, and she did want to find out how Sascia was do ing.

“I would still like to meet you be fore the meet ing. Are you free atall this week end?” he per sisted. She couldn’t stop grin ning, hop ing it did not travel over the line.

“Well, ac tu ally, my youn ger daugh ter is ar riv ing this eve ningfrom Utrecht for the week end. This week end is out.” She held herbreath as it re ally sounded as if she was hav ing him on.

“How many chil dren do you have?” he chuck led. This man could very well re spond to her eva sive ness in the wrong way. She re allywas in dif fer ent about see ing him…or was she?…She re luc tantlytold him that she also had a son back pack ing some where. There was a si lence and again she could al most feel an in tense men tal en ergyprob ing her mind. Was she imag in ing this? To be po lite she askedhim if he had re cently moved to Apeldoorn, since he had writ tenthat in his e-mail.

“Yes, I travel over seas a lot, and I’ve not set tled in yet so I’m stay -ing with fam ily un til I de cide where to live in Hol land.” “It must be,”Must what? She wanted to ask, but in stead she re plied…

“Oh, and you do land scap ing in other coun tries as well?” Ing ridwas amazed. Some thing about this man was con fus ing, but whatwas it? Did she hear this man think?

“Mmm, yes, you could say that. Ing rid, may I ask what your sur -name is?” What for! Why?

“Barendse,” want ing to add that it was her mar ried name, butdid n’t want to go into any de tail with a man she had never met.

There was a long si lence. Again she could al most in stinc tivelyhear him think: “Well, well, bingo!” She was about to ask why hername was so in ter est ing when she re al ised that it could be her ownimag i na tion that was over ac tive.

“What about Mon day eve ning? I’ll tell you what. I’ll drop into your


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of fice on Mon day af ter noon. Then, over din ner, we can go over the

main te nance pro gram. I would re ally like to get to know you be fore the

meet ing on Thurs day. What time do you usu ally fin ish work?”

Ing rid felt as if she was be ing bull dozed into this ar range ment. He was per sis tent all right. An noy ingly she had to ad mit, she was cu -

ri ous, think ing of the man with the name, ‘Haardens’, that had spo -

ken on the ra dio.

“Mr. Haardens, can I sug gest around five–thirty at my of fice on

Mon day?” She got that across in a very pro fes sional tone. Then he

asked where to book a ta ble! He cer tainly sounded very keen on the

idea of din ner! She told him her din ing pref er ences. It al most felt as

if they were play ing some sort of game! Who was go ing to have the

last word?

“Ing rid, I’ll meet you Mon day af ter noon. Have a good week end

with your daugh ter.” His tone im plied vic tory. Well, was this a date

or what? How had she got in volved in this? And his men tal prob -

ing, as if he were try ing to get into her mind while he was on the line!

Then; “Could it be just a co in ci dence?” jumped into her mind tele path i -

cally. Not that those words had any mean ing for her. Think ing back

to the eve ning when for the first time she heard a voice in her head.

Had she heard the same voice? “Oh, get hold of your self girl!” She

said out loud when Carla walked past, frowning.

“Stay ing over this week end are you?” “Oh, Carla, re mem ber that I gave you that orig i nal DVD? The

one of the ae rial photo of the French build ing site. Did you keep it

in the safe? Is it still there?”

“What! You as well? Piet was af ter that disk this morn ing! He

was quite nasty about it. I’ll have a look.” Carla rushed away while

Ing rid mulled over her date on Mon day.

“I’ve got it. Piet was so un pleas ant this morn ing, I’ll gladly give it

to you in stead but what is so spe cial about the disk?”

“I have no idea, but I’m go ing to in ves ti gate. You go, and I’ll lock

up.” Carla was far ti dier in her ap pear ance than be fore. She al ways

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looked as if she had bor rowed some one else’s clothes that did not fit her. Now she was wear ing some thing that made her far more ap -peal ing. She had told her that she had a new boy friend she was verykeen on with the name Niels. He cer tainly had a good in flu ence.

Sud denly Sascia, her el der daugh ter jumped in her vi sion whenthe phone rang again.

“Hello, Mom, what are you do ing this eve ning?” She told her she would meet Liesbeth.

“I must have picked up your thoughts. Mom, I’ve met a very in -ter est ing guy and we’re at tend ing a lec ture on our sun’s so lar flares incon nec tion with our weather pat terns. Have you heard any thingabout them? I be lieve your friend, Liesbeth, is involved.”

“Re ally? When did you meet this new man?”“Oh, at a friend’s party. Mom, you can’t be lieve it, he’s in ter ested

in all the things the four of us have al ways dis cussed at home. Re -mem ber, only daddy never got in volved......sorry, mom, I said thatwith out think ing. We think about you a lot, you know!”

“Oh, dar ling, you’re right. It did not cap ture his in ter est the way itdid with us. At least he never con demned it ei ther.” Ing rid was get -ting a lump in her throat at Sascia’s sad ness. Yes, she did miss Jan. Thelast few months be fore he had died had been dif fi cult. He had lost the power of speech and he needed a lot of at ten tion phys i cally. She hadtaken time off work to be with him full-time in the last months whenshe prac tised com mu ni cat ing with his higher self men tally, mak ing upall kinds of con ver sa tions. It had helped to fo cus her mind. Cre at ingan af fin ity on an in ti mate men tal level had ful filled a de sire she hadlonged for. She con vinced Sascia that she was do ing very well inApeldoorn while ask ing af ter her twin brother Jeroen.

“No, I have no idea where he is. Mom, don’t worry about him,Jeroen needs time to think out for him self if his fu ture is withgrandpa’s steel busi ness. Now that dad has gone and Un cle Ed livesin Aus tra lia he is the only one left.”

“Yes, I know, and it is his own de ci sion. We can’t help him in that,


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can we? How’s your new job?” Think ing about the ca reer choices,

her chil dren had to make.

“Mom, I hate to be a jour nal ist for this paper in Am ster dam. I

don’t know how long I’m go ing to last. I want to pur sue myphotography work, make real pho tos, not just snap shots for the

daily news. I would love to work free lance but I need more ex pe ri -

ence,” Sascia sighed.

“Sascia, vi su al ise your de sire as if it is al ready hap pen ing ev ery

time you do your work. If you do this, you will man i fest it some day.

But make sure it is re ally what you want!” Ing rid hoped she didn’t

sound too preachy.

“I know what I want to do. Take pho tos of an cient places, but

who’s ever go ing to pay me for that?”

“Sascia, where did you get the idea that you can not get paid for

the things you love do ing?”

“I don’t know. It’s al most as if...I can eas ily ac cept get ting paid for

some thing I hate do ing. Where did that come from Mom?”

“Dar ling, we’re all pro grammed in one way or an other. Daddy

and I were prob a bly re spon si ble for some of that. Or, our ed u ca tion

sys tem is partly to blame, that is, if you need to blame anything.”

“Mom,... how do you know whether the per son you like very

much would be right for you as a part ner?”

Ing rid knew this would not be the man she had just met. Shewould have re acted dif fer ently. But it was not for her to say so she

changed the sub ject.

“Mom, are you ask ing for some thing in your life right now?”

“Be lieve me. I’m work ing on it. I’m learn ing. I play it safe, all that

I’m ask ing is that I live and ex press my self to my full est po ten tial. If

I fail in any way, I try to ex press my grat i tude for an op por tu nity the

next day.” Ing rid was chuck ling at her own words of wisdom.

“Sascia, are you home on Thurs day next week in the af ter noon

and eve ning? I need to at tend a meet ing in Am ster dam on the 24th

in the af ter noon. Can I crash with you for the night?” Sascia loved

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the idea so she could meet Vinny, the new boy friend and hung up. At the last min ute be fore clos ing her of fice she took the disk Piethad been pes ter ing her about. Some thing on that photo started tonag her.

* * *

At the Pannekoek, Liesbeth had al ready or dered and Rich ard wasget ting ready to leave for the classes.

“Ing rid, some one asked about you. A very tall big fel low, verypleas ant but...I got the im pres sion that he...knew you.” Rich ard’seyes looked her over.

“Who? Did he say his name?” Try ing to read Rich ard’s thought’s.“Yes, I think so...Toon...I can’t re call his sur name, he de scribed

you very well so he must know you!”“Re ally?” It could n’t be? Rich ard de scribed a tall man. Was this

Toon the one she bumped into? The name Toon, had she heard itbe fore? Know ing in her heart she hoped it was.

When Liesbeth told her that she needed to pre pare a lec ture onen vi ron men tal is sues that week end Ing rid re mem bered about theweather pat terns Sascia had re ferred to; and the ra dio in ci dent. Sheasked her what she knew about the ef fects of in creased solar activity.

“I know our earth’s weather is af fected by the sun’s so lar flares. It’s cre at ing higher tem per a tures com bined with droughts andflood ing con di tions. Planet Earth’s elec tro mag netic fields are de -clin ing. I did n’t know you were in ter ested in this topic.”

“I heard some thing about it on the ra dio. I might even know theper son that spoke on the pos si bil ity of our be ing with out elec tric ity. What are your thoughts on that?”

“Well, this is still spec u la tion, some thing to do with the null zone,but no one re ally knows. Higher vi bra tions func tion solely on mag -netic en ergy. It is spec u lated that our whole so lar sys tem will shift toa new po si tion.” Liesbeth waved for Rich ard to come over.

“Our Earth’s global light body is chang ing to the tri ple mag netic


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cir cle pat tern over a time pe riod from now on. That is the start of

the de tox i fy ing of elec tri cal energy.”

“Liesbeth how do you know all that?” Rich ard eyed her.

“One day I’ll share that with you both. I knew that there was go -ing to be a programme on the ra dio some time. I’ll let you both know

when but let’s go now or we’ll be late,” Liesbeth urged.

Class 1De cod ing of the fifth level stands for FREEDOM IN UNITY’

was writ ten on the class room door. All eight of the peo ple who had

been the pre vi ous night were back. Each handed Annelies their in -

for ma tion sheets with the dates of birth, full names at birth, and any

later given names, plus their ad dresses.

Annelies made cop ies and re turned the forms be cause theyneeded them for their de cod ing ex er cises. Then Annelies ex plained

the method of the de cod ing. She walked be hind them to see if they

had done it cor rectly.

“Your nu meral sound mel ody is your high est vi bra tional score

for that par tic u lar card you are work ing with. As we go along, I’ll ex -

plain what is ap pro pri ate at that mo ment.” Annelies held up an in -

ter est ing look ing card. She won dered whose it was.

“You are go ing to ex pe ri ence so much all in a short pe riod of

time, that you must n’t try to grasp all the in for ma tion at once.

Please do ask ques tions.” No body said a word. The still ness elec tri -

fied the en ergy in the room.

“Some of the in for ma tion you will know al ready and some ma te -

rial you have to as sim i late first be fore you can ac cept it. So be gen tle

with your self. Ask al ways for the high est good in all you do.”

“Annelies, how im por tant are nick names?” Think ing about her

nick name ‘Kitty’. Re call ing the mind draw ing course where she used

it in her draw ings.

“They are im por tant as a vi bra tion within your card. The nu meral

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vibe of a nick name shows which Soul Qual ity you have added toyour fre quen cies. When we come to the mak ing of your cards, youwill use them.” All were busy, cal cu lat ing and add ing their names tothe num bers in their ex er cise books.

“The vowel sounds are re lated to our outer aware ness while thecon so nant sounds re late to our in ner aware ness. The most im por -tant nu meral tone is your Soul Pur pose Card vi bra tion. It’s the high -est sound vi bra tion of ac cu mu lated ex pe ri ences you have cho sen tore in car nate with at birth.”

“Annelies, mine is num ber eight which I know is a kar mic num -ber. Does that mean I have asked for the ex pe ri ence of my re la tion -ship?” Ing rid waited for Annelies’ re ply to Yolanda with greatat ten tion. Her Soul Pur pose card was also an eight!

“This is the eighth oc tave of love in the Lan guage of Light to as -sist the soul and the form in re mem ber ing di vine un ion. Di vine un -ion vi bra tions re lease those pat terns that have caused the mas cu lineand fem i nine within to be in con flict.” Annelies re sponded toYolanda’s anx i ety. Ing rid won dered if her re la tion ship with Jan hadmir rored that conflict.

“Be fore one can ex pe ri ence this di vine un ion within, the need forcom pe ti tion be tween men and women over all must cease on the out -side. It also re veals a strong power that was given to you in an other life.Please visit our web site. Take down the fol low ing ad dress.http://www..ascensiontopics.com Click on the as cen sion classes link andtype in annelies as your username, and de cod ing as your pass word. Pleaseread your ex tended de cod ing in ter pre ta tions on line.”

Yolanda, who was wear ing a fas ci nat ing out fit that com ple mentedher very long blonde hair, re minded Ing rid of her sis ter Quincy. Couldshe do her de cod ing she won dered.

“Annelies, I have the num ber one! How can that be a highscore?” Zola’s eye brows arched

“Be lieve me, Zola, that is a high score in a vi bra tional sense. Thegift of de ter mi na tion. It makes a lot of sense to me al ready, and it


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will to you as well.” Annelies’ long black hair was held to gether in a

twist with one long wooden pin, en hanc ing her gypsy look.

“Annelies, I was brought up in an or phan age for the first five years.

No body knew the name given to me at birth so my adopted par entsgave me the name ‘Liesbeth’. Is that valid? And do I use a four or the

twenty-two num ber for my card?” Ing rid sud denly ob served how

Liesbeth re sem bled Annelies! Liesbeth was a lot youn ger but they

could have been sis ters.

“Well well,... let me see. Do you know your date of birth?”

“I was found bun dled up dur ing the month of May, so my nick -

name be came May. They guessed I was one year old so one year was

added to the day of my dis cov ery.”

“Ah! Use the name ‘May’ as a vi bra tion within the card later on.

Use Liesbeth for now and use the date given to you. You are right to

use num ber twenty-two for your soul pur pose card.”

“In ter est ing in deed”

“Re ally, why?” Ing rid was stunned! Did she hear men tal..di a logue?

“Liesbeth, if that vi bra tion of truth is your soul pur pose card,

that means that you will in spire the awak en ing in oth ers who have

been seeded to as cend.” Annelies squeezed Liesbeth’s shoulder.

“We’ll have to talk” Those words! Did she re ally...

As Annelies passed be hind the par tic i pants, she sud denly ex -

claimed: “I see now to my amaze ment that three of you have thesame sur names. Are you aware of that?” Her tone gave away that

she knew some thing they did n't.

“Liesbeth, in which or phan age were you left be hind?” Gerrit

peeked over his glasses.

“The Jaarsma Or phan age. I was named af ter the Or phan age and

was adopted when I was five years old but I kept the sur name.”

Gerrit took his glasses off in re sponse.

“Re ally? Well, so was I, but I lived there un til my eigh teenth

birth day,” his sur prise was heard by all.

“My sur name is Jaarsma be cause my mother was named af ter the

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same or phan age. I must ask her about it,” Niels added cau tiously. “Annelies, are we con nected in any way?”“Gerrit, later in the course I will tell you all about the con nec tion

with this or phan age. It plays a ma jor part in our as cen sion jour ney.But let’s go on. The soul’s mo ti va tional vi bra tion num bers re vealhow oth ers see you!” Annelies was good at keep ing their at ten tion. The de cod ing was quite stren u ous.

“Now that I would like to know! My girl friend is pre par ing sup -per to night. I won der what she sees in me?” Niels voiced histhoughts. Annelies stood be hind him, look ing at his num bers.

“Niels, your girl friend sees in you the pos i tive faith you have inyour own abil i ties. It could mean that that is what she needs to dis -cover within her self.”

“Re ally? You can see all that by just look ing at this num ber? Niel’s as ton ish ment made her grin. Ing rid sud denly had a men talpic ture of Carla in front of her eyes. Could it be? They would makean in ter est ing cou ple. Niels had In do ne sian an ces try. He was notvery tall, but had a strong, solid body. He prob a bly had a ten dency toput on weight like Carla.

Annelies peered over her shoul der at the pa per on which shewas do ing her de cod ing. Her guide num ber was twenty-two.

“Ing rid, this num ber vi bra tion re veals a very pow er ful guide. How do you feel about that?” Annelies winked. Then Ing rid heardsi mul ta neously the fol low ing fur ther thoughts very clearly: “Is itPOWAH, or a mus cu lar po lar ity that is clos ing in on her, I won der?” Whatdid those im pres sions mean? Never had she heard some one else’sthoughts so clearly.

“You are tele pathic, aren’t you? Yet you have not been aware of it be fore,have you?” Was Annelies re ally pro ject ing her thoughts?

“No, I have not!” They all looked at her. Liesbeth just smiled. Had she heard it too?

Non of them needed any coats be cause it was al ready warm weatherfor a spring eve ning. April used to be much colder in the past.


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Annelies re minded them to look on the Internet about the song of

num bers and asked Ing rid to stay be hind. When they all asked for

the Internet ad dress Niels told them that he had found the web site

when he was search ing us ing the words as cen sion top ics. “Ing rid, if ever you want to talk, call me dur ing the week. I’ll wait

for you to make the first move.”

I have a lot of ques tions,” Ing rid mur mured. Annelies seemed to

know her dif fi culty in shar ing her thoughts with oth ers. Sud denly

her hand felt some thing wet and cold. She al most jumped, when she

looked down into the spar kling brown eyes of a young Lab ra dor

that wagged his tail.

“And who might you be?” strok ing his ears.

“Joris Good blood.” Annelies chuck led. Ing rid won der ed if

Annelies had a hus band.

* * *

Rich ard gave them a lift back to the Pannekoek. When Liesbeth

told them that she would take on the fourth level as her as sign ment.

She and Rich ard were not sur prised. Rich ard had been given the sec -

ond level as his home work“Did she say who’s writ ing the third and the fifth level?” Ing rid

was glad to be writ ing about the first level. The sec ond level in volved their per son al i ties and the left and right hemi spheres of the brain. Rich ard must have a flair for that! But the fourth!

“Annelies her self is writ ing the third level which is the most dif fi -

cult one, I think. Even she’s not aware who’s writ ing the fifth level.

“Ing rid can you hear my thoughts?”

“Yes, Yes, I do, what about Rich ard?”

“Mmm, no not yet I think” Rich ard was ob vi ously un aware of their

tele pathic di a logue.

“Ing rid, I re mem bered that later this eve ning there is some one

speak ing over ra dio Apeldoorn 87.9 FM about the so lar flares you

asked me about. The speaker is an Egyptologist or a Me te o rol o gist but I

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for got his name. Rich ard, you should lis ten : It’s right up your alley.” “Thanks for tell ing us.” Rich ard dropped them off at the park ing

bay be hind the cof fee shop.

Since Ing rid had some spare time be fore fetch ing Deb bie from thesta tion, she switched on her car ra dio. She was cu ri ous to learnwhether she would hear Mr. Haardens’s voice again when her cellphone rang, show ing her that it was Deb bie. Her free week end waspost poned. She had to take on a friend’s shift who had lost herbrother in a mo tor ac ci dent that af ter noon. Deb bie sounded verysad and dis ap pointed.

“Mom, I can’t even at tend her brother’s fu neral for I have takenover her thea tre duty, but I want to do this. I hope the weather willstill be nice next week end. See you then!”

Well, that was it. She would be alone this week end. She couldhave ac cepted Mr. Haardens’ in vi ta tion af ter all.

On the way home the ra dio an nouncer in tro duc ed a Mr.TrevorZwiegelaar, which was Annelies’ sur name!

“Mr Zwiegelaar is an Egyptologist, a Me te o rol o gist and a mem -

ber of the World Health Or gani sa tion. That’s quite a mouth ful.” thein ter viewer com mented.

“Mr Zwiegelaar what's your re sponse to the let ters and phonecalls? We have re ceived hun dreds af ter Mr. Haardens spoke on thepos si bil ity of an elec tric ity black out. Peo ple are start ing to panic.”

“Mr. Haardens may have sounded like an alarm ist, which he isnot, but in or der to sur vive the global changes, we need to co-op er -ate in un prec e dented ways.

The ra dio in ter viewer asked if Mr. Haardens had spoken out ofturn, since he was no sci en tist.

“His in ter est lies with the build ing of com mu ni ties where peo ple can be re lo cated to. Many have to be re ad justed to liv ing with out

the tech nol ogy on which we’re all so de pend ent.” Mr. Zwiegelaarre plied with a au thor i ta tive voice, which re minded her of Mr.Haardens.


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“So he is a mod ern Noah, pre par ing the peo ple on our planet

for dras tic changes?” The in ter viewer gasped at his sud den in -sight.

“Yes, you could say that; and I can just see his face when he is

called that, but why not?” Mr. Zwiegelaar re plied with laugh ter.

“Are all the many pre dic tions that started dur ing a mil len nium years ago truly happening?”

“First of all, I would like to point out that I’m not pre dict ing any -thing. Nor am I talk ing about the end of the world. The sci en tificdata on our weather pat terns hap pens to co in cide with tales fromthe past. They all re fer to events we know to day, might have been shift ing of the earths po lar caps, cli mate changes or even alien in -va sions.Our re search team is busy trans lated pic to graphicscripts from an cient slates as I speak.

“By tales you mean myths?”

“An cient knowl edge has of ten been trans lated as a myth. Agood ex am ple is the cre ative work of J.J. Tolkien. “The Lord ofthe Rings” He must have un der stood the sci ence be hind the roleof evil in hu man evo lu tion, in or der to trans late it so well. Newlyfound pic to graphic scripts, dat ing back to be fore the Sumer iantimes all men tion that so lar sys tems change, and that they havehap pened to other civili sa tions in the past.They left us with warn -ings be cause they them selves were not well pre pared.”

“Are you talking about the ancient days of the Atlanteantimes?”

“It could be. We are pre par ing a So lar website with de tailed in -for ma tion. It will mainly be about how to go about mak ing some

ba sic phys i cal prep a ra tions” Mr. Zwiegelaar re minded the lis ten -ers.

“How are we as humans affected by these…changes? Apartfrom having to do without electricity.”

“There are many planes of re al i ties, likewise dif fer ent peo plewill be af fected in dif fer ent ways. There is even some spec u la tionthat hu man ity is go ing through a cel lu lar trans mu ta tion....but soare the plant, an i mal and min eral kingdoms.”

“You mean that our human body is changing?’

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“Yes, just as crea tures that have evolved be fore. This in for ma tion is all found on our web site. These changes are not any thing to bealarmed about; they pre pare us for our re birth into an other age. Many re li gious in sti tu tions have spec u lated in dif fer ent ways as tohow it will come about. Some re gret fully chose to spread fear aboutthese nat u ral phe nom ena as a form of con trol, but, it’s ev ery one’sfree choice to act ac cord ing to their own per cep tions.”

“Are you giv ing more lec tures on these sub jects? The tele -phones have not stopped ring ing in our stu dio.”

When Trevor re plied say ing that there were plans for reg u larlec tures sched uled in July, the in ter viewer con cluded the in ter viewwith the words:

“We found it ap pro pri ate to play the pop u lar song ‘Are youAwake?’ from the new CD called ‘The awakening’ I wish my lis ten -ers good night. I’m Roger from City Ra dio, Apeldoorn.”

As the mu sic washed over her, Ing rid felt that her life had startedto take on a com pletely new mean ing the mo ment that voice said:“Kitty! Be still and lis ten.”a few days be fore. She was surg ing with newfound en ergy. Her mind was full of ques tions and thoughts criss -cross ing like a traf fic grid as she switched off the ra dio. She keptsee ing those eyes of the man she had bumped into...


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Chapter 4

Soul Connections

Toon Haardens

“Ingrid, there’s some one for you at the front desk!” Carla said

with fran tic hand sig nals from be hind her glass par ti tion. Ing rid cov -

ered the mouth piece, try ing to reorientate her self to what Carla was

try ing to tell her.

“Who?” see ing Carla’s warn ing ex pres sion. Ing rid’s draw ing ta ble

was cov ered with sketches and pho tos and her cell phone had n’t

stopped ring ing the whole of Mon day. It had been one of those hec -

tic, crazy days. Roelof de Beer, Mr Brink’s son-in-law and the build -

ing sup plier for the new French com plex was on the line. The poor

man was on the edge of a ner vous break down. His large lorry that

de liv ered the build ing ma te ri als for the com plex in France had beenin volved in an ac ci dent. Ev ery thing was scat tered on the free way to

Paris. Now he was ask ing her for a new sup ply or der be fore the day

was over. It was already after five o’clock!

“This must be Ing rid’s of fice?” a deep voice filled with an in ner

con vic tion of power that could be both ruth less and com pas sion ate

rang forth.

A tall man was stand ing in the door open ing to her of fice. Her

light brown eyes went slowly from as ton ish ment to still ness and she

held her breath. She met a pair of bril liant, grey-blue, laugh ing eyes

that were ob serv ing her as only a man can. For a time less mo ment a

wave of joy over whelmed her. He dis tracted her to tally. His tall body

frame made an im me di ate im pres sion. He was car ry ing a rather big

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floppy bunch of hand picked pink and yel low flow ers! “But ter -cups?” She im me di ately knew who he was.

“Mr. Haardens, please do take a seat. Some thing ur gent has justhap pened that I have to at tend to. Do you mind?” The tremor in her voice, as she pointed to the only chair next to her desk be trayed hercon fu sion.

“Not at all.” He turned to Carla in the doorway and handed herthe flow ers. Carla’s puz zled ex pres sion made her look quite com i cal.

He ca su ally man aged to slide down on her chair ex tend ing hislong legs right un der her desk. His black polo–necked sweater un der his sports jacket con veyed a ca su al ness of male el e gance that onlysome men could get away with.

She pressed the back of her hand to her eyes, try ing to re gain hercon cen tra tion. Her arm movement made the creamy silk fab ric ofher three-quar ter sleeve slide away, ex pos ing her bare arm; re veal ingthe con tours of her sen su ous body. As she leaned for ward, her lightbrown eyes showed her con cern for the per son she was speak ing to.

The ac ci dent, ac cord ing to Roelof, had been a con spir acy and hewas rat tling on about be ing black mailed. She had heard that he wasgo ing through a di vorce which could ac count for his ag i tated be hav -iour. She tried to re as sure Roelof de Beer but she sensed Mr.Haardens’s eyes ob serv ing her with such in ten sity, that she was al -most un able to con cen trate. She nev er the less asked; “Mr. Haardens,can you sup ply build ing ma te ri als?”

“Roelof, can you hold on for a mo ment? Just hold on, don’t goaway, stay on the phone,” ges tur ing at Mr. Haardens. As she held her hand over the re ceiver, she ex plained the sit u a tion to him. Hepromptly reached out. When he took the phone from her his pos -ture trans formed into that of a self-as sured busi ness man.

“Roelof! Toon Haardens speak ing. Can you ex plain what isneeded? I may be able to ac com mo date you.” He con fi dently drewout a pen from in side his jacket and lis tened at ten tively.

Carla came back with a vase that dis played the wild flow ers to ad -


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van tage. So these were but ter cups? How orig i nal! She won dered

where he had got them.

“Who is he?” Carla whis pered in her ear out side her of fice. Ing -

rid smiled, try ing to set tle her inner tur moil. The whole day hadbeen a night mare, and now his visit had an in ex pli ca bly elec tri fy ing

ef fect on her. He was the same man that had played on her mind

ever since she bumped into him. This had never hap pened to her

be fore, what was so dif fer ent about him?

“Mr. Haardens is one of the sub con trac tors. At this mo ment he

is try ing to help Roelof de Beer, at least I hope he can.” She whis -

pered, think ing what a strik ing man he was. Tall with a tanned skin,

tou sled blonde hair and deep blue–grey eyes that seemed to in di cate

an out door man and a real charmer. She judged his age to be some

where around fifty. Prob a bly mar ried.

“Has ev ery one gone home al ready?” Carla nod ded as she handed

her the vase with the but ter cups.

“What, has Piet left as well? I wanted them to meet.”

Piet was ar gu ing over the phone ear lier on and I heard him

threaten some one. He ran out of his of fice and never came back.

Are you all right Ing rid?” Carla glanced to wards Mr. Haardens.

“Shall I wait? He is very in trigu ing. Wow, that voice!”

“Yes, you go home, I’ll talk to you to mor row.” Ing rid ges tured to

Carla, grin ning at her in quis i tive fa cial ex pres sion.“You’d better!” Carla grabbed her hand bag.

Mr. Haardens was look ing over her sketches that were pro jected on

a screen.

“Do you draw the whole plan?” his ad mi ra tion rang out.

“Oh, no. I ob tain the draw ing plans from the ar chi tects. I used to

do draft ing but now I cre ate an art ist’s im pres sion that ap peals to the

pub lic us ing Photoshop; my idea of a re treat would be very dif fer -

ent.” She re gret ted say ing that when he looked ques tion ingly at her.

“Ing rid, if you ever de cide to quit this job, let me know,”

“You’d give me a job?” while try ing to hide her ner vous ness.

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“Any time,” His eyes ex pressed ab so lute sin cer ity. Those twowords– they cre ated a time less mo ment.

“Did you man age to help Roelof de Beer?” They were stand ingso close that she felt shaky at his in tru sion into her pri vate space.

“Yes, I can help with some of the build ing ma te ri als.” Then,while look ing at his watch, he con tin ued. “Ing rid, I’ve left my tab letPC at the of fice, may I use your com puter to send an email? I needto send the list of ma te ri als to a busi ness as so ci ate of mine who mayhave some of the equip ment in stock which nei ther Roelof nor I can de liver.” His flirt ing put her on her guard.

“What is the name of your busi ness as so ci ate?” She did n’t wanthim to take her job over com pletely. He kept look ing at her, as if heknew some thing she did n’t.

“Den nis Barendse.” His eyes ... he knew that she knew the fam ilybut did he know that they were her in–laws? Well, she was not go ingto in form him of that. Let him do his own de tec tive work.

“With luck, some of the ma te ri als can be loaded onto the truckto mor row morn ing and be on the way by about eleven.” he statedwhile typ ing the or der on her com puter.

“You cer tainly came in at the right mo ment. Thank you!” Ing ridwas grate ful for his as sis tance. As he got up from be hind her desk,she could sense him stand ing be hind her when she was clear ing pa -pers from her printer

“She is a tal ented lady,” Good grief, did she re ally hear that?“Ing rid, I’ve booked a ta ble for two at the Prinsengracht Ho tel. I

hope that’s all right with you?”“Oh, yes, fine,... Mr Haardens, thank you for the flow ers.” She

touched the hand-picked bou quet.“What made you change the name of your land scap ing branch to

But ter cup?” He said noth ing, just looked at her, and then sud denlythrew his head back and laughed. This man has an in ner joy that isal most catch ing; she thought.


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“One day I’ll tell you where they came from,” he whis pered while

hold ing her in the cir cle of his arm and guid ing her into the lift. His

eyes rested on her with such a sat is fied grin that it made her heart

race. Down stairs he took her el bow, guid ing her to a dark me tal licgreen BMW that was parked right in front of the of fice build ing

where peo ple were not sup posed to park!

It had been quite a day, Ing rid re flected, while Toon was driv ing to

The Prinsengracht Ho tel. She knew it had been an old cas tle from

the late sev en teen hun dreds. For many years the build ings were used

as an Or phan age. Now, it was beau ti ful in side af ter it had been re -

stored, and very ex pen sive. If he was try ing to im press her, it

worked! Ing rid won dered if her camel-col oured out fit was ap pro -

pri ate for the place.

“Ta ble for Mr. Haardens please,” the head waiter called out as

they walked in. Toon was ob vi ously known!

“What is she wor ry ing about? She’s the most strik ing woman here.”Wow! Were those his thoughts? It was nice to imagine that he

liked her ap pear ance. While Toon considered the wine list, she tried

calm ing her nerves. As they were study ing the blue menu, she saw

some thing that was fa mil iar about the menu–cover. That num ber!

She’d seen that 1888 num ber be fore.

Af ter the waiter had taken their or der, Toon’s in tense ob ser va tion

made her want to look away. It took all her con cen tra tion try ing to

ig nore the but ter flies in her stom ach while hold ing his glance with

ab so lute self con fi dence, as if she was used to be ing flirted with.

“Ing rid, ex plain to me your state ment back in your of fice. You

im plied that if you had your way, your draw ings would be very dif -

fer ent.” His in tense gaze ex pected an answer.

“Oh, I don’t re ally know how to ex plain that. I think my per cep -

tion about with draw ing from ev ery day liv ing is dif fer ent.” He looked

at her in si lence, wait ing to hear more.

“Mmm... The Plea sure park com plexes, in an il lu sory way, just re -

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place our mod ern way of liv ing. It seems to work for many peo ple,but my idea of a re treat is dif fer ent. Mr. Haardens, please, you don’twant to lis ten to me on that sub ject; it’s very ‘al ter na tive’. Its dif fi cult to ex plain and I don’t want to sound judg men tal in any way.” Ing ridhoped he would change the topic.

“Ex plain a bit more, and please call me Toon.” He poured herwine, af ter he had in di cated his ap proval to the waiter.

Ing rid was vi su al iz ing what she had to ex press; hol i day re treatsthat were some how un spoilt. Nat u ral, more peace ful like sanc tu ar -ies. The sort of places that only re ally ex isted in her dreams. Shewas about to make an at tempt to ver bal ize it when Toon spoke!

“Let me guess, you are imag in ing a com mu nity liv ing en vi ron -ment with a cen tral build ing where all the ac tiv i ties are held. Thepeo ple in this com mu nity live in many at trac tive cot tages, all blend -ing into the beau ti ful un spoilt nat u ral scen ery, to en hance pri vacy asif they belong there.”

“Yes, how did you guess?” She was speech less, he had just de -scribed her vi sion!

“By look ing into those beau ti ful eyes of yours,” he told her whim si -cally, think ing. “I love the way her mind is play ing with me.”

Was he flirt ing men tally? She was lost for words. If only he knewthat she could read his thoughts! When the waiter ar rived with theirstarter, she was de ter mined to steer the con ver sa tion back into hiscor ner.

“Tell me, you travel a lot, don’t you? Now that in trigues me.” “Why does travel in trigue you?” His gaze re mained on her.

Good grief, this man was de ter mined to get her to talk, while he waswatch ing her for his own plea sure. She was not hav ing it.

“You are in the land scap ing busi ness. And you seem to know allabout the con struc tion busi ness. And then you tell me that youtravel as well! Now it’s your turn: why do you travel so much?” Peer -ing into his eyes thereby meet ing his chal lenge while beam ing,“Check mate” made her feel proud that she had got all that out. Was


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he aware of the bat tle she had, keep ing him men tally ‘off her’? She

looked down at her food, took a bite and waited for him to re spond.

The si lence made her glance up again. He was still ob serv ing her.

She was not go ing to open her mouth. She had dif fi culty look inginto those eyes as it was. They cre ated an over whelm ing feel ing of

...want ing to melt into them. It was al most erotic. She raised her

eye brows at him in stead, try ing to keep her cool while think ing. It’s

your turn, mate!

He looked away into his plate of food. She had won this round

but his grin in fu ri ated her. She would keep quiet un til he made a con -

tri bu tion to the con ver sa tion ver bally. She won dered if he was mar -

ried, guess ing that for sure a man like him would not be on his own.

She hes i tated to ask him if he was. It might give him the wrong idea.

He seemed not at all in ter ested in the fact that she could be mar ried.

She could have a hus band, wait ing at home! Toon sud denly roared

with laughter.

“Oh, Ing rid... no, I’m not mar ried, never have been. I’ve never re -

ally found the right part ner. I’ve worked all over the world on large

con struc tion sites as a civil en gi neer. I have var i ous busi nesses around

the world that I visit reg u larly. I have a deep love for ev ery thing to do

with na ture. My ab so lute pas sion is to build small com mu ni ties where

peo ple can live to gether in an har mo ni ous way. Where they can share

their tal ents and skills to make our planet a better, more peace ful placeto live in,” he ex claimed while, gaz ing at her.

Good ness! Could he read her mind as well? Was he for real? He

had com pletely taken her by sur prise with his re ply. He must be the

same Mr. Haardens from the ra dio! She re mem bered that com mu -

ni ties were men tioned. She wanted to get to know this man. Some -

where from deep in side her she knew ex actly what she wanted to do

with her life: get in volved with com mu ni ties! She had never known

it un til now! Yes, that could be the new way of liv ing, think ing about

the in cred i ble changes oc cur ring on the planet.

She found that the rest of the eve ning raced by. They dis cussed,

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amongst other things, the meet ing for the fol low ing Thurs day. Hedrove her back to the park ing bay and walked her to her car.

“If you change your mind about a lift to Am ster dam, let meknow. I’ve so en joyed be ing with you.”

When he took her hand, hold ing it a lot lon ger than was nec es -sary, she trem bled from his touch.

She was so shaken up that she took the wrong road home. Thiswas a very in ter est ing man but he had never asked her any thingabout her self. Was he not in ter ested? How would he know if shewas mar ried or not? Would that make any dif fer ence to him? Ordid he know that she was a widow? Oh Ing rid, get real! Stop act inglike a teen ager! She rep ri manded her self.


Ing rid de cided, af ter an in ner bat tle, to drive in her own car to Am -ster dam on Thurs day af ter noon.

“Toon Haardens, I’m pleased to meet you,” Mr Brinks held outhis hand when they both walked into his of fice. It was a goodchance to ob serve Toon. She could see that Mr Brinks took to Toonim me di ately. They seemed to have a lot in com mon. He knew ofToon’s con struc tion firm that he had taken over. Not only was hevery self as ser tive when talk ing busi ness but at the same time heknew what he wanted out of it and was very open about it. When itcame to the lay outs of the French pro ject, they in cluded her.

“Mr. Brinks, about the ae rial photo of that build ing site: I’vemade some stud ies of it and there is some thing that re ally in triguesme. Will you both please take a look?” Ing rid loaded the disk intoher lap top and the ae rial photo came up on her screen.

“This lady likes in trigu ing things, I have no ticed, but you have myfull at ten tion, Ing rid.” Toon winked at her while study ing the screenin si lence. She knew that, apart from her ap pear ance, they both liked and val ued her for her work. She felt a thrill to be in the com pany of


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two peo ple who were very good at what they were do ing. Both men

would al ways do their ut most to de liver the best work they were

capable of.

“I think I’ve got it!” Toon played with her pad of her lap top. She sensed that he had seen the sym bol as well. Mr Brinks sat star ing

into the dis tance. Ing rid had a sud den feel ing that he al ready knew what

she had seen!

“It looks like a for ma tion... in the shape of.... an eye! It re minds

me of the way the Egyp tians drew their sym bols,” Toon re marked,

look ing at Ing rid in sur prise. “Has this been in ves ti gated?” Mr.

Brinks looked ab sent minded. She sensed that he had lots on his


“Ge ol o gists have told me that great elec tric ab nor mal i ties within

the rock for ma tions be low, let's call it the eye socket, were found,

com pared to the crys tal line struc ture in the sur round ing en vi ron -

ment. It's be yond my grasp of knowl edge what that means but I’ve

got sci en tists look ing into it. There’s noth ing to see from the ground

and I’ve been rather oc cu pied with the Tilburg com plex, so I’ve left

it for now.”

“Mr. Brinks, I’ve been ap proached tele phon i cally by a rather du -

bi ous char ac ter. He re fused to tell me his name. He asked me about

the new draw ing show ing the po si tion of the dome of our new com -

plex. He even of fered me a pro posal to do some pri vate work forhim. I thought you should know.” Toon be came con cerned, his

frown had a nur tur ing effect on her.

“Thank you for tell ing me, Ing rid;. I’ll in ves ti gate the mat ter.” Mr.

Brinks mum bled. His sec re tary came in to re mind him of a func tion

he had to at tend. They con cluded their meeting.

Ing rid showed Toon around the re cep tion room where all the

Plea sure Parks com plex pho tos were dis played. He was en ter tain ing

com pany and asked her many ques tions. She was aware that he was

far more in ter ested in her than the work. She man aged to stay im per -

sonal, which he made very difficult.

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“Ing rid, are you free this week end?” He walked her to her carwhile she could feel his hand rest ing ever so slightly on her waist.

“Do you re mem ber that I told you on the phone my daugh ter was vis it ing me?” Re luc tantly she had to re mind him while he openedthe car door.

“Deb bie, the nurse yes, I re mem ber.”“Well, she could n’t make it, so she’s vis it ing me this week end, ar -

riv ing to mor row eve ning.” Ing rid sat be hind her steer ing wheelwhile he was lean ing over, hold ing on to her car door.

“Where are you go ing now?” He was lean ing down, look ing se ri -ous. Ing rid knew she was very at tracted to him but she was to seeSascia in half an hour!

“Oh, now I re mem ber. You were go ing to see the other daugh ter. Ing rid, I re ally want to see you again. “I want to get to know her better!”His eye con tact aroused her again, could he read her feel ings too? She hoped he would ask her out again, she was smit ten by him bigtime.

Sud denly he held his hand un der her chin, all she could do wasgaze up into his laugh ing eyes. Then he bent down and kissed her.

“Have a great time with your daugh ter. I’ll see you soon,” he said gently, closed her car door and walked away. Ing rid felt elec tri fied! Never had she felt so aroused by just a sin gle kiss! She was fu ri ouswith her self for be ing so cap ti vated by him. And what was worse, he knew it! She would try to keep her dis tance. She was no piece ofcake just to be gob bled up.

Sascia was al ready home when Ing rid ar rived at her one-bed roomhide away on the top floor with a breath tak ing view over some ofAm ster dam’s many ca nals. The sound of a Dutch street-or gan re -minded her of her child hood.

“Hi, mom! Gee, you look smart! How did your meet ing go?” Sascia blurted out while hug ging her.

“Very in ter est ing,” still sa vour ing his kiss. Had she re ally at -


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tracted this re mark ably in ter est ing man by her own thoughts? She

had never asked for a new re la tion ship! Which part of her was in

con trol? Was it her per son al ity with its many needs or the agenda of

her higher self which was still un known to her?“Mom, where are you, you are far away? I’m try ing out a new rec -

ipe, please taste it.” Sascia chat tered away with a spoon in her hand.

Ing rid lov ingly ob served her tall wil lowy daugh ter. She saw her -

self in her in many ways. They were dif fer ent but shared a pref er -

ence for their own in de pend ence and pri vate space. While she was

won der ing about this new boy friend, Vinny, Sascia’s phone rang.

Ing rid looked around re cog nis ing many things in the tiny place that

came from her home in Rot ter dam. She had de cided to start afresh

in Apeldoorn with new fur ni ture and a new style. Liesbeth had

helped her with the dec o rat ing which had been great fun. Sascia

ended her tele phone con ver sa tion look ing deeply dis ap pointed.

“Vinny can’t make it to night. His part ner has a cli ent that could

only come af ter hours. He’s on duty. Vinny is a bit like Deb bie, al -

ways pleas ing oth ers,” Sascia sighed.

“You say cli ents. What is Vinny’s line of work?” now she was cu -

ri ous.

“He is a psy chol o gist shar ing a coun sel ling bu reau with two other

so cial work ers. They all started prac tis ing at the be gin ning of this

year, so their coun sel ling bu reau is not es tab lished yet.


She left Sascia’s apart ment very early the next morn ing. She drove

straight to work on the A1 in a slug gish stream of traf fic. Ing rid was

glad she did n’t have to drive like this to work in Apeldoorn.

Marijke was at home with the flu, but Ing rid nev er the less

whipped through her work at the of fice. Piet was his usual grumpy,

un pleas ant self again. Know ing that he was in the pro cess of a di -

vorce she tried hard to stay tol er ant. She had also heard that he gam -

bled. Be cause of his in volve ment in shady ac tiv i ties, he was

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black mailed, so the ru mours went. Ing rid hated gos sip and tried tohave some com pas sion for the man, but it was dif fi cult.

As she was ti dy ing up her desk fin ish ing for the week, her cellphone rang…She got an im age of Toon. She’d been think ing of him the whole day and was an noyed with her self about that. She knewwhat she wanted for her self. Any re la tion ship with some one whodid not have the same spir i tual in ter ests was not worth considering.

“Yes, Plea sure Park, may…” “She knows! She knows it’s me,” Howdid he…?

“What are you do ing be fore your daugh ter ar rives later this eve -ning?” His pro jec tions star tled her. How did he know that Deb biewas com ing later?

“I have art classes from seven un til ten,” she re plied al most re -gret fully. What could she say? It was true, and she would n't missthem for any thing.

“This woman is re ally chal leng ing me,” Gee, had she really be come tele pathic? The first level of the awak en ing pro cess, of course, thatwas it! She’d better be care ful, the pos si bil ity that he could read hermen tally as well crossed her mind. Was some thing like this pos si ble? Were they play ing a tele pathic game?

“If she is play ing hard to get, she will lose,” that last men tal state mentre vealed his will power. Was she play ing hard to get? That was howhe ob vi ously per ceived it.

“Ing rid, what about next Sat ur day?” She was very aware of hisef fect on her but she had made up her mind. Af ter Jan died, sheprom ised her self that her life from then on would be for one pur -pose only. To at tract peo ple into her life that were mo ti vated by thesame pas sion for a spir i tual awak en ing. Or better still, the as cen sionprep a ra tion. “I will let you know around Thurs day.”

“So I do have some ef fect! She feels the same,” Wow! If he could readher thoughts but then... did he feel the same?

“Have a good week end, Ing rid, and en joy your art classes. I’ll seeyou next week.”


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As she locked her of fice for the week end she tried putt ing him

out of her mind, by mak ing an at tempt to fo cus only on the eve ning

ahead. She would show the ae rial photo of the site in France to Rich -

ard. Toon was right; it did look like the way the Egyp tians drew theireye sym bols.

When she ar rived at Annelies’ home, there was no park ing un til

fur ther down the street A dark BMW with a dog’s head stick ing out

of the car win dow pulled away, so she parked in that spot.

“Hi, Ing rid, we waited for you,” Annelies greeted her while tak ing

her coat.

Class 2 De cod ing of the fourth level stands for INTEGRATION and

com plete self-ac cep tance’ was writ ten on the door. They would de -code their three higher sub tle di men sional body cards. They be -

longed to the fourth level of the as cen sion card game.

“Are there any ques tions from last week?” Annelies asked, but no -

body seemed to have any. She re minded them that in or der to ex pe ri -

ence an in ter ac tive class, they should visit the website on as cen sion

top ics.

“Your Emo tional body card as so ci ates with your feel ings and

your right hemi sphere of the brain. The Men tal, Etheric body card

as so ci ates with your log i cal, in tel lect and your left hemi sphere of the

brain. And the As tral body card rep re sents the cre ative/in tu itive

body card. On this level your higher real self blends all the ex pe ri -

ences of your higher men tal and emo tional in ten tions. It’s as so ci -

ated with your thoughts.”

“Annelies, how do you know which one is in con trol?”

“Do you mean your per son al i ties or your higher self ?”

“Yes, how do you know? Is this a dumb ques tion?”

“No, not at all, Ing rid,”

“Our many per son al ity en ti ties or as pects within our ho lo graphic

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rounded by col our streams of vi bra tions; what looked like threads

of dif fer ent shapes, tex tures and sound!

“What I’m giv ing you is my own per cep tual in ter pre ta tion, al ways

re mem ber that. Some of you may have dif fer ent in sights. Hu mansare perceivers and our per cep tions of fer far more pos si bil i ties than

our minds can con ceive. The aim of the board game is to gather our

Soul qual ity en ergies in or der to start per ceiving dif fer ent di men -

sions. For the pur pose of play ing the awakening game with your

cards, the fol low ing in ter pre ta tion on the three bod ies is used.” She

changed the image and the sound was gone.

“Annelies, when we play on the third level, have we awak ened

most of the frag mented parts of our selves?” Zola had nudged Wim

to ask ques tions.

“I think it is safe to say ‘yes’, and hope fully dis persed of our

shadow side”.

It is also the most dif fi cult level to pass through. We have to com -

pletely re lease any hang-ups or de pend en cies, ad dic tions, at tach -

ments, rit u als and any per son al ity needs in or der to pro ceed onto the

fourth level. So let’s go on.” Annelies pointed at a large im age on

the wall.

“It’s im por tant that you all un der stand the ex pla na tion of the

three bod ies. Our phys i cal body is a solid thought–form we can all

see.” She clicked and the hu man fig ure was high lighted.“Now, not all thought-forms are phys i cal.... your emo tional body

is where your feel ings are stored. Then your men tal and your in tu -

itive/cre ative bod ies make up your whole soul /as tral body. We will

call it the as tral body, which is the fa mil iar term.”

“You talk about the aura that sur rounds all liv ing things?”

Yolanda pointed at the next im age that ap peared. The mov ing

colour ful va pours that swirled around the hu man fig ure stim u lated

ev ery one’s visu al is ing ability.

“Yes, it is, and it co mes into form through the life en ergy force or

your spirit spark or the kundalini en ergy that en ters the baby at birth.

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This force is like a fire that fun nels up wards through the spi nal cordwithin your phys i cal body.”

“Annelies, this life force, or kundalini en ergy, does it come grad u -ally into its full ma tu rity ev ery seven years?” Gerrit was mak ing in -ter est ing sketches.

“Yes, I per ceive it the same way. Try to visu al ise this life force as a vi bra tional spi nal cord run ning par al lel with the phys i cal spine. Seeit trav el ling from the back and the front of the phys i cal bodythrough the seven chak ra vor texes. They are re lated to the seven lay -ers of the As tral body.” They were all clos ing their eyes try ing toimag ine this life force.

“Liesbeth, can you see their en ergy fields?”“Only five of them.” “I want you all to visu al ise this di vine life force like a fur nace, form ing

vi bra tional wave–pat terns of colours.” Annelies clicked and the next im age on the wall showed very clearly an elec tric spark, the life-force. Now closeyour eyes and see this en ergy in your men tal third eye.”

“Now I can see more! They are visu al is ing it!” Ing rid was in rap ture,hear ing the di a logue al though she could not see what Liesbeth saw.

“Annelies, these seven lay ers all have a dif fer ent col our and theymin gle, not so, form ing a colour ful sym phony that is sensed by most peo ple through feel ings. Am I right?” Niels com mented knowl edge -ably while slouch ing in his chair.

“Niels must be the sen si tive one” she heard Annelies voic ing mentally.“Yes, and a clair voy ant per son sees this as the aura or as tral body

and a clair audi ent per son can hear the sound of this as tral body. Are you all with me so far?”

“Annelies, is this the body of our soul. I mean the as tral body?” Gerrit looked up from his draw ings.

“Yes, you can call it that. Our soul is the ac cu mu lated ex pe ri ences of all life times in and out of em bodi ments. Spirit, or life-en ergy isal ways part of the power of One of all that is. Our spirit is like thedrop of wa ter that is still part of the ocean. It is one and the same.”


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Ing rid sud denly re al ised the dif fer ence be tween soul and spirit.

“Annelies, is our etheric or men tal body the cover around our

aura form ing our soul cover?” Look ing at the im age, it seemed to be

kept within an oval space. Some said the etheric was the first layernext to the skin.

“Yes, but your etheric or men tal body per me ates your other bod -

ies. It’s like a kind of blu ish-white light. It is in con stant mo tion and

is meant to be come our light body in this life time.”

“Ing rid, they see a light body, not the etheric level. There are no lev els, just vi -

bra tions.”

“So we are in side this soul body?” Yolanda’s arms made a loop. “Or

are we just vi bra tions?” Yolanda pro jected, join ing their men tal con ver -

sa tion.

“Soul is ev ery where but its elab o rate con scious ness is mostly cut

off from our form. It will not dwell where it is not in vited. Soul only

re sponds to our feel ings, not just thoughts.”

“What do you mean, by not in vited and cut off?” Niels re plied.

“Your in di vid ual soul will not dwell and ex press when per son al ity

en ti ties are in charge. In our as cen sion jour ney we must re lease all

per son al ity en ti ties. We have to cre ate space for our soul to ex press

it self through our phys i cal form.” “Ing rid, other peo ple’s thoughts can clut -

ter up your space!”

“Annelies how do you know that your soul is act ing through youcon sciously, and not the per son al i ties?” Ing rid re sponded out loud.

“You are wor ried aren’t you? Be lieve me you will feel the dif fer -

ence. The rap ture that sud denly floods from the chak ra vor ti ces is

im mea sur ably joy ful. Also, your in tu itive, cre ative body has to be ac -

ti vated in or der for the soul to start com mu ni cat ing. Some call these

in tu itive flashes chan nel ling.”

“I read that we have more than seven chak ra points.” Zola com -

mented, show ing off her knowl edge.

“Yes, we do. Our men tal etheric body car ries more chak ras. For

now we will deal with the seven that ex press our daily be hav iour the

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most.” Ing rid ob served that Annelies en joyed the ques tions.“Where is our mem ory sit u ated, is it in the etheric body?” Rich -

ard frowned.“That’s an in ter est ing ques tion. I’ll try to an swer that, but re -

mem ber it’s only my per cep tion. In the card game we use this in ter -pre ta tion.”

“Rich ard needs this an a lyt i cal data, so let’s hu mour him.”“Dur ing an in car na tion our mem ory is sit u ated in our etheric,

men tal body. When, up till now, our phys i cal body dies, or let’s saywhen our life force aban dons our form, it takes about three days forour con scious ness and our mem o ries to with draw into the ethericbody and then to dis en gage and blend with the as tral plane.”Annelies waited for ev ery one to grasp that while she fid dled with her lap top. Ing rid’s thoughts went to Jan’s con scious ness that wouldhave merged with this as tral layer. Annelies sug gested that theyshould look at their pre vi ous mind draw ings, while she was fid dlingwith her Flash pre sen ta tion. Then a new im age on the wall clearlyshowed how a blue–white sub stance sep a rated from the hu man fig -ure and the colours slowly evap o rated.

“Oh, is that why we ex pe ri ence an in ter rup tion in our aware ness ofour past life mem o ries? Be cause we in car nate again through the birthpro cess?” Gerrit’s whole body straight ened up from his in sight.

“Bingo!”“Yes, that’s why we all have to main tain our con nec tion with our

Higher Self dur ing this life time. Only the higher self can cre ate alight body. This light body will awaken us into full con scious nesswhile in the phys i cal form.” Annelies con tin ued.

“But An nie when do you know you are work ing through your Higher Self?”Annelies switched off the lap top “Yolanda ask out loud please.” “So, if our per son al i ties are in con trol, we’re not con nect ing to

the Higher Self ?” “That’s better.” “No, we’re not or that is how I per ceive it. Each


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per son al ity en tity has to be come sub ser vi ent to the higher self, who

in turn is guided by the soul’s pur pose. If not, they have to be re -

leased.” Ing rid’s mind soared with Annelies’ mul ti di men sional

teachings.“We first let the higher self be in con trol through med i ta tion,

breath ing tech niques, hu mour and laugh ter. Then through de vel op -

ing our in ner men tal im ag ery, true com pas sion and un con di tional

love we cre ate a bridge from our as tral-cre ative-in tu itive body to our

etheric body which be comes the light body. We will de velop this

bridge dur ing your de cod ing work shops on five lev els.. This will pre -

pare us for a new evo lu tion ary shift.” Annelies’ voice rang out pas -

sion ately while pass ing around fascinating symbol cards

“Can this be achieved dur ing our dream time?”

“Yes, partly. Rich ard, when we make the three cards for the sec -

ond level we will learn to re awaken in the dream planes while still in a

phys i cal body.” Annelies smiled. “He’s the dreamer!”

“So your phys i cal body is in side non-phys i cal bod ies?’

“Yes, so you see Zola, we’re all a lot more than what you see with the

phys i cal eye.” Ing rid won dered how her men tal body picked up Toon’s

thoughts. Had she al ways be this tele pathic?

“Ing rid, did you want to ask some thing?” ... gee she’d better be...

“Yes, I can some times sense what some one is think ing and lately I

en coun tered some one who is men tally very strong. I un der stand thatwe are all in ter con nect ing with other minds through our men tal bod -

ies....but when do you re ally know when te lep a thy oc curs?” “ I know it

with you all but...I was not al ways this sen si tive, why now?”

“Ing rid, when you say ‘strong’, you mean that you hear men tal di -

a logue? Or did you make a deeper con nec tion? We have a men tal en -

ergy link. But you can also have what I call a wave length fu sion.”

Annelies dem on strated this by flut ter ing her eye lashes. Ing rid

wished she had not asked this for ev ery one laughed.

“Well, I can al most hear words form ing in my mind as if I am

talk ing to my self. Un less it is wish ful think ing,” she grinned.

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“But your feel ings are re ceiv ing more than just di a logue?” “Yes, they do!…But…yes with this one per son my feel ings are

dif fer ent from…like…I have with you.”“I should hope so!” Annelies’ naughty look made her blush.

Gerrit peeked with a mis chie vous look over his glasses. “What you ex pe ri ence could be men tal te lep a thy, or is it more

than that? Is this per son very close to you? Come out with it dear, we are all lis ten ing!” Ing rid felt all three men tally probing.

“Oh. No. It’s prob a bly my own imag i na tion, sorry for bring ing itup,” real is ing that Annelies was fish ing! She re minded her of Toonin some ways. Annelies was still star ing, ob serv ing her with an un -nerv ing in ten sity. Sud denly Yolanda in ter rupted with a chuckle.

“Don’t worry about it, Ing rid. I have the same ex pe ri ence withsome peo ple I know!” “Stop snoop ing An nie” Liesbeth just smiled,say ing noth ing.

“Ing rid, would you mind stop ping at the Pannekoek on your wayhome, I need to ask you some thing.” Dur ing their cof fee break Rich -ard had queried her about the guide Annelies had men tioned tothem all. She had held back talk ing about it while all the oth ers werejust hav ing a light con ver sa tion, be cause chat ting about such an in ti -mate ex pe ri ence was not her style.

“An nie is Toon back from Aus tria? Fred asked af ter him.”Yolanda’s pro jec tion star tled her, the name Toon! Who were they

re fer ring to? “Yes he is but...I’ll tell him.” Rich ard was still look ing at her....wait ing. “Yes, I’ll meet you, I

have some thing I want to show you so have my cap puc cino ready.”Annelies gave her the fa mil iar blue en ve lope with an im print of a

num ber 1888 on it, af ter which they all parted. That was it! She'dseen it on the menu-cover in the Prinsengracht ho tel. Annelies’phone went, which pre vented her from ask ing about POWAH.

When Deb bie ar rived by train, they went into the cof fee shopwhere she was able to in tro duce Deb bie to Rich ard. They both made a con nec tion. She showed Rich ard the ae rial photo on her lap top.


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“It looks like the sym bol of the eye of Horus,” Rich ard called out.“Do

you think it’s of any im por tance?”

“I don’t know. This is the place over which we are erect ing the

large dome, but there are al ready com pli ca tions.”“Mmm Ing rid, I won der why they do not cover the whole eye

with the dome struc ture. Some thing about pyr a mid en ergy made

me say that. I’ll have to do some read ing on the sym bol so I’ll come

back to you, shall I?” Rich ard never did ask her what he wanted to

know, or talk about. In stead he asked Deb bie out.

When she opened Annelies’ dark blue en ve lope at home, the

sheet of pa per in side men tioned the three cards they had de coded

within the let ter from POWAH.

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Programme...Planet Earth

The Sym bol of Con scious nessThe eye sym bol holds the rules of the hu man game.

You are ac ti vated into a thresh old of light con -scious ness where you are able to see, per ceive andopen thought com mu ni ca tions on a higher levelthrough the three high est sub tle body cards. YourEmo tional,Men tal and As tral Body Cards are joined, their num ber vi bra tions be come your tonalsignature.

The eye print that was left be hind on the planet re flects the win dow of the plan e tary over–soulcon scious ness. By its align ment, (which will hap -pen soon) it will re ceive di rect men tal pro jec -tions from higher evo lu tions that cre ated this 3rd

di men sion. All this is in or der to re lease theil lu sion that has been de ceiv ing you all for solong. This align ment will be re ceived by the col -lec tive global mind to pro ject into the in di vid -ual men tal fields, where hu man men tal ac tiv i tieswill be awak ened.

You will gain ac cess to your es o teric en ergythat in flu ences your intent in this life time.

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So the as cen sion pro cess, in clud ing the eye im age that she had seen on the ae rial view photo were con nected? She tried to re mem ber what Mr. Brink had said about the eye sym bol. Some thing to do with the en er gies that came from the stone or rock for ma tions? But…why theup heaval with the tech ni cal draw ings of the con struc tion in France?Wow, she must share this with Rich ard. He was ma jor ing in ar che ol -ogy af ter all.…Oh, she had so many ques tions! Would they ever becom pletely an swered…


The Awakening Clan

On the 4th level of the awakening game com -plete self–ac cep tance and in te gra tion will bees tab lished through the third eye in your hu manbody. That is the win dow which al lows yourover–soul to ex press full con scious ness.

The plan e tary eye was left be hind as a re -minder by me, the main Game Keeper, for phys i cal cre ation to evolve. The eye of the ob server ofthe game will en hance the per cep tual mem brane of man. It will awaken the brain codes and re storeall mem o ries that have been asleep for aeons.


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Chapter 5

The Keepers of the EvolutionGame

Office at home

That Sunday af ter noon Ing rid made a start on her jour nal at the

com puter. The rain had stopped and the smell of sum mer was in the

air. Deb bie, who had gone out with Rich ard on Sat ur day, made

friends eas ily. Her youn gest had dif fi culty say ing ‘no’ but had a good

sense of hu mour with an abil ity to re late to peo ple. She was the

same height as her mother but there the re sem blance stopped as she

was blonde, with eyes the col our of deep blue lace ag ate.Her com puter screen sud denly bright ened. This was the first

time that it had hap pened at home! How did some one pub lish a doc -

u ment on her screen for her to see, with out know ing she was there?


Programme...Planet Earth

The Eye of HorusThe Eye of Horus is 'sym bol i cally' used by theplan e tary over–soul to per ceive all the lifeforms on Earth.

The phys i cal eye also rep re sents the most im -por tant mas ter gene in the hu man phys i cal body.It cre ates a grid net work ev ery mo ment lighttrav els through it, thereby es tab lish ing theblue print of your ho lo gram, which in turn re -flects your phys i cal human body.

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Your third eye takes in cos mic LIGHT that canac ti vate the true blue print of your over-soul. That is why the ge netic codes of ev ery or gan canbe found in the eye. By add ing more of your in di -vid ual soul qual i ties into your au ric field onyour as cen sion jour ney, you are re con nect ing allyour hu man ex pe ri ences in or der to awaken the'god gene', left by God/God dess/All that is.

Through the spirit’s in tent, your I AM be gins to as cend. In di vid ual souls be gin to merge into one over-soul, which can hold 144 I AM’s. These I AM’s are all as pects of your selves from var i -ous life times.

The mes sages in the form of sym bols that wereleft be hind around the planet and through outan cient my thol ogy, all tell the story of how hu -man ity de scended into the lower vi bra tions. The hu man soul be gan to frag ment be cause thephys i cal form could not sup port a whole soul en -ergy field. Soul frag ments be came per son al i ties which could only tem po rarily oc cupy a phys i calbody, ow ing to the loss of con scious ness. Thisdis tor tion cre ated a time zone realm. The law of du al ity and the ag ing pro cess be came your newre al ity. Your plan e tary soul frag mented thesame way and this af fected the cre ation of allthe four king doms on your planet.

The higher Lan guage of Light vi bra tions, left by be ings of light, scat tered on Gaia be camesym bolic im ages; of ten mis in ter preted by man.

These Lan guage of Light vi bra tions are nowpen e trat ing each grav ity layer that sur roundsyour plan e tary sphere.

The eye out line on your ae rial view photosym bol i cally means con scious ness. It is a mon -i tor ing de vice cre ated by ME, the Keeper of theawakening game.


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Ing rid was riv et ted by the sub ject of the ex cerpt. POWAH had

re sponded to her query about the mo tif in the ae rial photo. Did he

re ally im ply that he had put it there? Read ing over ex cerpt four and

five, she was im pressed with Rich ard’s con clu sion so far. She hadgiven him the disk to study fur ther. On the sec ond disk Piet had

given her, the file had the same im age on it, but the vague wa ter mark

im pres sion that re minded her of crop cir cles were n't on it.

<POWAH, what hap pens when we go through this ac cel er -

a tion pro cess?>

To her amaze ment text ap pear ed in reply.<Kitty,your ques tion ing mind has ac ti vated theknowl edge that is stored in the un con scious. Newideas will shift into your sub con scious.Pre pareyour self for some dis tur bances. It is nec es sarythat the brain goes through a time-ac cel er a tionpro cess dur ing your awakening. For the brain to ac -cept new knowl edge a new bio-en gi neer ing pro cess is ac ti vated to cor rect ret ro gres sive evo lu tion. Youare now en ter ing into this ac cel er a tion period un -til 2012>

Gee, what was so spe cial about the years be tween 2008 — 2012?

Un less to day’s tech nol ogy could reach many more peo ple. And what

hap pens af ter the year 2012?<Kitty,Rich ard is on the right track. In your ae -rial photo you see the sym bol of the Eye of Horus.The dif fer ence in the de sign is that in the trueplan e tary eye there is a white hole. The ae rialphoto pro jects a black hole!>

<What does that mean, neg a tive en ergy?> More on that black hole will be re vealed as youmake the awakening cards. Kitty, your mis sion inthis life time is to let your soul learn to lovespon ta ne ously while fully grounded in your form and to open your heart chak ra. Lis ten to what yourfeel ings tell you. You seem dis com fited by thischal lenge, are you not?>

What would POWAH mean by lov ing spon ta ne ously? Was it

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some thing to do with her fear of re veal ing her in ner feel ings?<POWAH, are you re fer ring to my han dling a love re la tion -

ship?> She felt rather silly to type this in ti mate con fes sion, but how could one dis tin guish be tween a purely sex ual at trac tion and real af -fec tion? She prob a bly ana lysed her feel ings too much; won der ed ifshe could re cog nise the dif fer ence.<Kitty, once you be gin to let go of old men tal andemo tional bar ri ers through the re leas ing pro cess,you will at tract your true strengths and gifts.Your soul-knowl edge will awaken and in vite a soulpart ner to ex pe ri ence a di vine un ion that will re -flect both your in ner com mu nions. See it as agift.>

“What did POWAH mean by her soul part ner? Ing rid knew shewas on the edge of fall ing in love. But how did she know that Toonwould be com pat i ble on a soul level? She knew noth ing about him! For all she knew she would hear no more from him. Her re la tion -ship with Jan had cer tainly not been easy. She was not about to startone like that again, no mat ter how good it had been at the end.

<POWAH, is the sym bol a warn ing as well?> Think ingabout the black cen tre she’d took to be a pu pil within the eye sym bol. Rich ard would be very in ter ested in what POWAH had just writ ten. She would print it out if she could.<Kitty, dark forces that were left be hind by pre vi -ous spir i tual be ings are now be ing ma nip u latedlike a vi rus in a com puter. You are right; blackholes re veal a warn ing! Speak to Liesbeth aboutit.>

Wow, at that mo ment her printer started work ing! Gosh, this was re ally get ting un canny.

<POWAH, does my per son al ity have a neg a tive or fear fulef fect on my rea son ing?> she typed quickly if only to ver bal iseher thoughts while the printer was work ing.<Your ego per son al ity does not al way have your best in ter ests at heart on this phys i cal plane. It feels


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lost and threat ened. Yes the feel ings that re flectfear are the dark forces within the hu man ho lo gramthat have to be re leased. Your Earth phi los o phieshave ad vised that you re ject it, by giv ing it a very neg a tive value in or der for you to stop ques tion ing it. When your true self is not nur tured by lov ingself-ac cep tance, a neg a tive false self that re -flects un wor thi ness and self-crit i cism will drawlike wise. You can see that in Piet? Your per son al -ity also pre tends that it wants to pro tect you fromdis ap point ment and a sense of fail ure.>

She sud denly jolted when Fluffball jumped on her lap, purr ing.

Gosh, POWAH men tioned Piet!<Through ex press ing fear, man kind is trapped by its own dark forces that are the cause of all the up -heav als that you might ex pe ri ence. Be aware! Thedark forces seek to pre vent hu mans like you, whichare now close to their evo lu tion ary shift fromfully awakening. This means that you can not leaveany neg a tive thought form be hind.

That al most sounded like an im pos si bil ity to do. How could she

stop hav ing neg a tive thoughts? <Cos mic con scious ness will awaken glob ally.Loveyour self, for you de serve it. Kitty, be pre paredto ex pe ri ence a dif fer ent un ion which will be on asoul level, which in many takes a leap of faith.Love POWAH>

First the men tion of Piet and then, en trap ment by dark forces!

What was all this? Who typed this? Why would some thing or some -

one want to pre vent their evo lu tion? She must talk to Annelies and

find out what un ion POWAH was re fer ring to.

Pleasure Parks

The week was over be fore she knew it. Her draw ings were

delivered by courier that morn ing, with a let ter at tached from Mr.

Brinks. He re quested her to set up a meet ing with Toon Haardens.

While di al ling the But ter cup land scap ing firm, she won dered

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where Toon was. She had not heard from him and was an noyed with her self for still think ing about him.

“The But ter cup, can I help you?” a young woman chirped. Shewon dered what hap pened to Nel.

“May I please speak to Mr. Haardens? It’s Ing rid Barendse fromPlea sure Parks.”

“Mrs. Barendse, I will phone Mr. Haardens for you.” “Oh, where is he?”

“In South Af rica. He will be back next week but he was ad a mantthat I must phone him the mo ment you phoned.” Toon’s new re cep -tion ist Ellie, had both her work and home num ber. She wished Elliea good week end, won der ing if Nel was fired. She could n’t fo cus onher work and her heart skipped when the phone rang.

“Ing rid speak.........”“Hello, stranger, I’ve been miss ing you. My sec re tary told me to

phone you di rectly be cause you are go ing out to night.” She had togrin. Very good, let him think I’m lead ing a busy so cial life. Thenshe heard a roar ing surf and birds in the back ground.

“Toon. I hear sea gulls. Are you busy land scap ing?” She wishedshe was with him in far-off South Af rica. “What’s this woman do ing tome? I don’t en joy my self as I used to. I keep think ing about her, wish ing she was here with me,”...did she re ally tap into his mind?...or was this her ownwish ful think ing? She hoped not.

“Yes, you heard cor rectly. There are sea gulls be cause I’m nearthe beach and yes, I am land scap ing, build ing a com mu nity like thekind we’ve talked about. I could use some of your cre ative draw ingskills. Are you in ter ested in the job and what are you do ing to night?” he asked all in one sentence.

How in ter est ing, but him as a boss?! No way, never! Sorry, mate,but that is not on, she would ig nore that ques tion. “She wants to be abusi ness part ner?” That’s more in the right di rec tion, smil ing to her -self for sensing his thoughts, won der ing what that would be like.

“Toon, Mr. Brinks asked for you. Can you con tact him on his cell


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phone? It’s ur gent.”

“I will, but I want to know where you are go ing to night.” Gee, he

is per sis tent.

“Re mem ber my art classes, on a Fri day? Toon, tell me all aboutyour com mu nity when you come back. When are you com ing back

any way?” She hoped she did not sound too ea ger.

“I am glad you asked. Hope fully next week, see you again soon.

By the way what do you need art classes for?” Some one was talk ing to

him in the back ground. He prom ised to phone her again just for a


Class 3DETACHMENT was writ ten on the door, as they all fil tered into

the room. Ev ery week there were dif fer ent sym bols on the wall. Pro jected on the wall was a large colour ful draw ing of a hu man

body. The mil lions of dif fer ent col oured lines, swirls and fun nels all

en cap su lated in a grid around the hu man body dom i nated the room.

Annelies told them that Liesbeth was called away.

“I’m sorry to hear that. Is she go ing to miss the classes? I hope


“No, I’ll make a plan, don’t worry. I would n’t al low her to miss

our lit tle group. To night we’re de cod ing your three Youth and three

Health cards. They be long to the third level of the awak en ing

process. Are there any ques tions from last week’s de cod ing?”

“Yes, Annelies, I just want to get this soul stuff clear in my mind.

Is our un con scious mind the in tel li gence of the soul?” Wim asked

in his colour less tone. “Well well he’s warm ing up”

“Yes, that’s how I have cho sen to see it at this mo ment. All the

ex pe ri ences of many life times on Earth or some where else, are

stored in our soul or as tral body. See it like an en ergy li brary that

holds all in for ma tion that has ever been ex pe ri enced.” Annelies

winked at Zola who looked at Wim with af fec tion.

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“I never con nected our soul with the as tral ho lo graphic body. Ithought soul was ev ery where, but it makes sense to me in tel lec tu -ally,” Wim nod ded.

“Our soul is ev ery where. Don’t com part men tal ise soul. We areall chan nels within soul.”

“Annelies this means that our soul can be sep a rated from ourphys i cal body, yet still be con nected to the etheric body throughwhich the mind, the in tel li gence of our soul, is chan nel ling?” Rich -ard’s note pad was as un tidy as his car Ing rid no ticed.

“I won der if he re mem bers his dreams?” Annelies pondered.“Yes, your sub con scious mind re lates to your soul, and your spirit

re lates to your body.”“Annelies, if the etheric body through which the mind chan nels,

is the un con scious in tel li gence of our soul, does the soul knowabout all the other life times?” Ing rid asked, think ing of the manypast lives that the soul must know about.

“Not past lives, more like par al lel lives Ing rid.” “Well...yes, and no. Even our in di vid ual soul is frag mented,

but...yes Ing rid, your soul holds all the ex pe ri ences of many lives,whether in or out of a thought form ve hi cle. Soul knows no time”

“You mean that our soul is in de pend ent of our body, and not inthe phys i cal body? I’m get ting all mud dled up now.” Yolanda re -marked.

“An nie, you con fuse me with the thought ‘time’.”“Our in di vid ual soul is seen to hover above our phys i cal form in

gen eral but again...yes, and, by the way, when we are dream ing, wetravel men tally with the etheric or as tral body.” Rich ard looked atAnnelies with an tic i pa tion.

“Annelies, when peo ple say they have had an out-of-body ex pe ri -ence, does that mean that they con sciously re mem ber their dreams?”

“That’s right,” “and you do don’t you?” Annelies pro jected, butRich ard did n’t re act at all.

“We all astrally travel while still liv ing in the phys i cal body but the


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spirit spark, the life en ergy that some call the IAM re mains within

the phys i cal body dur ing that time. “Come on Rich ard, start shar ing!”

Annelies pro jected. Ing rid looked at Yolanda who raised her eye -

brows.“Annelies, when we see the sil ver cord where our life-force runs

through in our dreams, when that is dis con nected, peo ple de part,

not so?” Rich ard’s voice quiv ered.

“Yes my boy. It’s their choice to do so. When the spirit or the I

Am, for many rea sons leaves our phys i cal body per ma nently, it’s usu -

ally be cause the soul sees no point in stay ing with the form, or be -

cause of the lack of spir i tual aware ness.”

“Rich ard ask Theo why he left” Ing rid won dered why Annelies talked

to Rich ard tele path i cally. She could see that Rich ard was dis tressed.

“And dur ing wak ing hours? A clair voy ant told me that she could

see when the aura was lop sided, as she used to call it.” Ing rid wanted

to change the sub ject and her sis ter had men tioned see ing this.

“She is prob a bly see ing an un grounded per son or some one out of

bal ance. That is why ground ing prac tices are im por tant dur ing our

awak en ing.”“Ing rid, it is im por tant to be in the ‘feel ing’, that is more ground ing!”

Ing rid re al ized that Annelies stirred Rich ard’s emo tions on pur pose,

so he would feel his pain and deal with it.

“You got it, his dreams are at the mo ment fan ta sies but they will change

soon.” “We’ll dis cuss the ground ing skills in more de tail later. I know it’s

a lot to take in but when we make the cards it will be come a lot

clearer. Let’s go on with the de cod ing of our three Youth cards,”

The young Lab ra dor named Joris wanted to get into the room and

Annelies let him in. “Joris, you prom ised me to be good. Be quiet so

your boss will be proud of you when he co mes back.”

“Annelies, these six spac ings we are de cod ing to night, will they

re flect why we were born?” Niels asked in his easy-go ing man ner.

Joris went straight to Niels who adopted him on the spot as he sat

down un der his chair.

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“Yes, your three youth cards will ac ti vate your ge netic and ethericblue print. You have cho sen to in car nate this geo met ric pat tern, so it will re veal at what level your fre quency has been the most ef fec tivebetween the ages of zero and seven years.”

“Is that not the time our per son al ity was formed?” Ing rid al waysen joyed see ing Yolanda who was dressed in quite way–out clothes. Dur ing their cof fee break she must ask her if she made them her self.

“Well, Yolanda, you could say that. It’s the pe riod when your in di -vid ual per son al ity is de vel oped and be hav iour pat terns are shaped.”“That is why re–birthing is im por tant for some, Con nie will need this.”

“What do you mean by ‘shaped’?” Zola ques tioned, frown ing. Ing rid be came aware of Yolanda’s pain. What did Annelies meanabout Con nie?

“Zola, in these early years we have all been af fected or even trau -ma tized by our sur round ings, es pe cially when our feel ings werethreat ened or at tacked in some way. When we are very young, thelit tle neu rons in our brain con nect rap idly, so any per cep tual ob ser -va tion is im me di ately es tab lished or formed for ever.”

“Ing rid, any dis har mony around chil dren is de struc tive.” That hit home!What about her chil dren!

“The let ting go of this pro gram ming is the most dif fi cult stage of the res ur rec tion pro cess to ac com plish. In later classes we will gomore into that.” Annelies ex plained more on the de cod ing and the22 spac ings.

Dur ing the cof fee break Yolanda asked Ing rid about her draft ingskills and she asked Yolanda if she de signed her own clothes. Yolanda’s long hair was all held up very ca su ally by a large red clasp.

“Yes, that’s my hobby. I love to cre ate wear able art. For you to haveno ticed is a com pli ment, you know!” Yolanda laughed with plea sure.

“Wow, what makes you say that?” “Have you any idea how well you dress? You have a nat u ral tal ent

for throw ing things to gether and still look as if you’ve stepped out

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of some de signer’s bou tique.”

“Thank you, but no, I was not aware of it. I don’t quite per ceive

that in my self, but it’s nice to hear.” She smiled, think ing back when

she and her sis ter were teen ag ers in Am ster dam. Her mother al wayshad a strict rule about what was not aes thet i cally pleas ing and what

was. It must have paid off.

Niels asked Gerrit what it had been like liv ing in an or phan age.

Joris had not left his side and she won dered if his boss was Annelies’

hus band.

“Well, I don’t know what it’s like grow ing up in a nu clear fam ily so

I feel I was very for tu nate in that we learned a lot of things that you

don’t learn oth er wise,” Gerrit re plied in his usual ca sual man ner. He

was both a sci en tist and an artist.

“Like what?” Niels hinted cu ri ously, Gerrit laughed.

“The nuns were psy chics and they in spired us to de velop our psy -

chic abil i ties. Un usual, but there you are…”

Niels con tem plated this when sud denly he ap peared star tled

while Ing rid watched him. Annelies asked Gerrit whether he re -

mem bered about a baby found at the or phan age dur ing the time he

was liv ing there.” Ing rid was aware of an in cred i ble des o la tion com -

ing from Annelies. Why was that she wondered?

“I left the or phan age when I was eigh teen and I can’t re mem ber.

It must have been long af ter I left. Are you think ing of Liesbeth?” “Never mind. Ing rid, look up in your e–mail at home, there is

some thing for you for your jour nal.” Ing rid was acutely aware that

Annelies had quickly changed the sub ject. All were aware that the at -

mo sphere had changed, but why? Even Joris got up and licked

Annelies’ hand. Had he sensed it also?

Driv ing home past Pal ace ‘Het Loo’, she had to think about her fa -

ther-in-law. He lived in a mod ern pal ace in Mijnsherenland. He had

phoned her at work, ask ing her when she would visit him. He was

very in volved in his steel com pany but felt like re tir ing. He had been

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a great sup port dur ing Jan’s ill ness and he en cour aged her to learndraw ing with the lat est pro gram on the mar ket. He told her that he’dasked Ed to come home. Jan’s brother had not been on her mind for a while since she'd met Toon. Her fa ther-in-law had been prob ingher about Ed...all she Wished for was that Toon would phone soon.

At home she checked her email. She hoped to hear from Jeroenwhen sud denly the fa mil iar bright blue back ground ap peared.<Kitty, the time is at hand to lay the foun da tionsfor the next quan tum leap in hu man ity’s spir i tualevo lu tion. By dil i gently clear ing and re leas ingall past ego ac tions that brought any pain orguilt, you start to re cog nise them for what theyare. In ‘cyberspace’ you will read that de tach -ment means let ting go of the old thought forms thatoc cupy the au ric fields of most hu mans. The threeyouth cards rep re sent your ge netic blue print cho sen this life time. The three health cards re flect what you think, feel and be lieve your selves to be.>

Feel ing of guilt sud denly overwhelmed her. Let ting go of oldthought forms made her aware of her own, could she ever for giveher self, could she ever let go of the pain as the re sult.....<Kitty, a woman who car ries a se cret is an ex -hausted woman be cause it will drain your chi, re -mem ber that. The three health cards are verydif fi cult for most of you to con front. Be pre paredfor the re leas ing pro cess in or der to pro ceed tothe fourth level of the awak en ing game. LOVE POWAH>

Her emo tions were welling up into her throat while read ing thetext. How did he know? She knew she car ried a se cret. Most peo ple did; even Annelies, and Rich ard, they were all hid ing some thing. She hated to spoil her won der ful eve ning and could not bring her self tothink about it. To her re lief the phone rang and her sis ter’s facepopped up.

“Hi, Ing rid, I’m back!”“Quincy! I knew it was you! How was your trip? When did you get



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“Oh, Ing rid ... a lot has hap pened. Ol i ver and I had a nasty fight

when I came home; Kim moved out. She’s stay ing with a girl friend,

or so she says. I’m so mis er a ble.” Her sis ter’s voice broke down

over the line. Ing rid did n’t know what to say, for her sis ter had had avery stormy re la tion ship with Ol i ver for as long as she could re mem -

ber. She asked her what the fight was about this time be cause Ol i ver

hated any thing Quincy was interested in.

“Kim asked me for money which she needed for some col lege

func tion. I told her to go and ask Ol i ver. Well, did that spark some

re ac tion! But I don’t think it’s the money or the trip. Ol i ver’s been

very se cre tive lately and I can see his aura has many brown flecks.” Ing rid had al ways en vied her sis ter for be ing able to see au ras.

Their granny had al ways tried to awaken the psy chic gifts she wascon vinced they both had. Her mother dis liked her mother–in–lawbe cause of the old lady’s in ter est in the oc cult. Her mother hadjudged any es o teric prac tises evil and she had banned it af ter Grandied when she was nine. Ing rid re called her par ent’s com bat ive mar -riage and she had of ten sus pected her fa ther of be ing un faith ful. He was al ways away a great deal. She had of ten felt aban doned by himbe cause of his sud den dis ap pear ance. She now won dered if thatwas the rea son she had dif fi culty trust ing men her self ?

“Quincy, did the trip re veal any thing to you? I mean, what to do

about your re la tion ship?”

“Yes, it did. I’m get ting too tired to make it work. I’m aware of

be ing de spon dent with my self and feel that I am never goodenough.” She prob a bly tried too hard to please, she spec u lated.

“I’ve never been ap pre ci ated for any thing I do. Kim says I take

things too se ri ously and I am too tense. Ing rid re ally, tell me, am I

too anx ious?” Ing rid knew her sis ter to be a real per fec tion ist. She

could be re ally up set if she felt that oth ers did not try as hard as she

did. She evaded the ques tion and sug gested in stead that Quincy

come and stay for a while.

“I was hop ing you would say that. I would love to be out of this

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house and I have a friend who has of fered to take care of the shopfor me.” Her sis ter was on her mind for the rest of the eve ning.

Quincy Hartman

Ing rid slipped si lently out of bed to avoid wak ing Quincy in theother room. The birds were chirp ing, nest ing and pre par ing for anew sea son. Quincy sus pected Ol i ver was hav ing an af fair. De spitethe emo tion ally charged at mo sphere, hav ing her sis ter stay ing for awhile was a rare treat. She was now able to share about POWAH and the as cen sion classes.

That Thurs day morn ing while driv ing to work Ing rid be gan to feeljoy ful again. The pre vi ous week she had ex pe ri enced a rest less nessand loss of com po sure she did n’t en joy one bit. She knew that it hadto do with the fact that she missed Toon far more than she wanted toad mit. For some rea son Toon had dis rupted her whole ex is tence.

When Ing rid ar rived at her of fice, she could see by Marijke’s pos -ture that she was trapped in her own world of mis ery. Oh dear, what could she do?

“Ing rid, I feel re ally de pressed. When is it ever go ing to stop?” Her sad voice con veyed her grey de spair. Ing rid was lost for wordsand wrapped her arms around her. Marijke cried against her shoul -der. She whis pered the usual words of com fort, know ing that theywere not of much use. Marijke’s heavi ness of grief and emo tionalstress vi bra tions drained her in stead.

“I’m sorry. I’m not han dling it very well. Paul has been away on a case and Hendrika, my lit tle girl, is with draw ing more and more intoher self...Thank you, I feel better.” Ing rid knew in tel lec tu ally thatsuf fer ing was a ma jor part of be ing hu man. It seemed the only emo -tion that had the abil ity to cre ate shifts of per cep tions.

The rest of the day passed un event fully un til the phone rangagain. Her heart leapt which re ally ir ri tated her. She waited and in -stead of greet ing the caller she re mained si lent just hold ing thephone. “She’s play ing a game with me; she knows it’s me,” she per ceived,


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very clearly. She did n’t want to give her self away, sus pect ing hecould read her mind.

“Ing rid speak ing, can”........

“You are play ing with me, aren’t you?” Ing rid had dif fi culty sti -

fling her gig gles when hear ing his amuse ment, her heart was thump -

ing. What an ef fect this man had on her!

“Toon! Where are you phon ing from? Are you back?’” The

words spilled out.

“Yes, I’m on my way. I want to take you out to night af ter seven.”

“Oh, Toon,... my sis ter is stay ing with me, she’s leav ing to mor -

row. I just can’t leave her on her own to night, she’s go ing through a

dif fi cult time at the mo ment. I am sorry.”

“To mor row night then, or are you go ing to your art classes


“Yes, Toon, I am,” she whis pered. If only he knew how she felt,

but it was maybe for the best.“Heav ens, now she’s con fus ing me! I feel she wants to go out with me but is not

pre pared to drop her art classes. What can be so spe cial about them?” Wow, was

this for real. This was get ting nerve–rack ing!

“Toon, I’m free on Sat ur day,” she voiced cau tiously, know ing that

she wanted to be with him yet not lose her in de pend ence. Oh, did

she re ally know what she wanted. She knew noth ing about this man!

“I have a meet ing in Lon don on Sat ur day at lunch time. Why

don’t you come with me?” Ing rid was stunned. Lon don! His ca sual

pro posal was some what un ex pected.

“Toon, let me think about that one. You.....How......Oh, never

mind, will you phone me on Fri day eve ning? I’ll be home af ter ten.”

Her in ner tur moil made her al most in co her ent.

“Ing rid, I do want to spend some time with you.”

While driv ing home from work she had dif fi culty get ting Toon out

of her mind, just af ter she had be gun to feel more to gether. Her

walk ing up the drive way cre ated some dis tur bance in side the house.

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The front door opened ...

“Jeroen!” Both Quincy and Jeroen laughed at her sur prised look.“You’re home!” The joy of see ing him helped dis perse the con -

flict in her mind. Hugging him re minded her of Jan for he was as tall as his fa ther had been, but much leaner.

“Cof fee is ready! We’ve been wait ing for you,” Quincy called outfrom the kitchen. Ing rid could smell the Nasi–Gor eng.

“What a treat!” Sa vour ing the aro mas of the cook ing and the cof -fee, she glanced quickly at an other blue en ve lope that was ly ing next to the phone. The blue en ve lope made her think of the menu of thePrinsengracht ho tel and Toon! Jeroen had many sto ries to tell anddur ing the eve ning Sascia, his twin sis ter, phoned to chat to him.

Annelies phoned to in vite her to din ner the next eve ning be fore theclass started. Ing rid knew Quincy would go home that same eve ning. At least it com pen sated for her sense of dis ap point ment af ter re fus ing totake up Toon’s in vi ta tion to din ner so she ac cepted with plea sure.

Jeroen had some work to do in her study on the com puter so they were both re lax ing in the lounge while Ing rid put on some tran quilmu sic.

“Ing rid, I’ve been hear ing lately that one has to prac tise be ing inthe pres ent. What does it re ally mean to you?” Gosh, she is in aphilo soph i cal mood to night,.....

“Mmm, we must have our thoughts fo cussed on the ac tiv ity weare do ing. Not drift ing off men tally into the past or fu ture. Whenwe prac tise be ing fully in the mo ment by stay ing fo cussed on the task at hand, then we are in the NOW. That’s my per cep tion of it.”

“Men tally drift ing away? What would be so wrong about that? My thoughts are al ways wan der ing,”

“I know what you mean, but I re al ise that we re ally cre ate a fan -tasy world that way. Thoughts are very cre ative. We could un know -ingly very well man i fest the same stuff of the past or fear it willman i fest again in the fu ture.”

Was that what she was wor ried about? Start ing a re la tion ship that


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could end like...be fore Deb bie was born? The sounds of a com -

puter game Jeroen was play ing pen e trated the walls.

“Oh, yes, I get it. While I was cook ing the meal this eve ning, all I

was think ing about was my ar gu ment with Ol i ver.”“To avoid cre at ing things we don’t want in our lives seems very

dif fi cult for me too. When you just said that you were dis ap pointed

with your self, you sud denly gave me an in sight. I have only lately

truly been pleased with my self. Mind you, small specks of feel ing,

of needs and ex pec ta tions are still there. Annelies calls them per son -

al ity en ti ties.”

“You mean that I’m cre at ing my prob lems with Ol i ver by men -

tally fo cus sing on them?”

“Yes, I gather we all do, Quincy.” She hoped her sis ter could han -

dle this re flec tion.

“Mmm...where our thoughts are, is that our im me di ate fu ture?

I’m al ways wor ry ing about not be ing per fect. I guess I’m not! I must

learn at least to live it...or visu al ise what I want.” Quincy spec u lated,

while strok ing Fluffball.

“Yes, I gather we have to live it first, al ready pre tend ing we have

what we want, be fore it be comes real. Some thing like fak ing it be fore

you make it. That sounds, I sup pose, as if I mean that you must deny

your feel ings. I don’t mean it that way but it feels as if we have to let

go of the pain of it.” Ing rid won dered if she could do that her self.“I have to ac cept the way Ol i ver is? You’re say ing that is all I can do?”

“Yes and no, ...Quincy the pain and hurt we are re act ing to is an

op por tu nity to dis cover what we want out of life....or...we learn to

give our selves those needs with out need ing oth ers. Not easy, is it?”

She hugged her sis ter as she ob served her lone li ness.

“No, say that again. I can see how I re peat or at least seem to at -

tract the things I don’t want. I prob a bly give those thoughts the

most power. More so when my feel ings are in volved. You are say ing

that those are needs that I must ac knowl edge and give them to my -

self ? But how?” The tears flowed down her cheeks.

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“Do you feel en ti tled to them?”“Yes, I sup pose I do, and Ol i ver feels en ti tled to have his needs

met. So he has found some one else that will do just that.” Her sis ter’sre ply was ob jec tive but the emo tional pain had reached the sur face.Ing rid knew that en ergy cords be tween peo ple are an at tach ment,pos i tive, or neg a tive. To break this at tach ment be cause they cre ate anun healthy de pend ency is dif fi cult to do. Peo ple be come ad dicted totheir at tach ments for their own per sonal needs. To give Quincy sometime to get her emo tions in bal ance she poured more cof fee and of -fered her a stroopwavel she bought fresh at the mar ket.

“Ing rid, if we imag ine men tally what we want out of life, couldwe cre ate it, do you think?” Ing rid only had to think about her ownfo cus. She had been ask ing what it would be like ex pe ri enc ing morespir i tual awak en ing. She had fo cussed on feel ing al most like be ing in love with her self more than just lik ing her self. That must have at -tracted the lat est people in her life.

“Yes, I think so. If you act or feel as if you al ready have it, it willcome about, pro vid ing you know what you re ally want ” She smiledlike a well-fed cat as she thought about Toon. Had she asked for anew love in her life with out know ing it? Why then was she in fear ofa new re la tion ship? What was Toon re flect ing to her she won dered?

“So if I’ve been fo cus sing on things I do not want, I’ve cre atedthem! Wow. I must be gin to learn this trick of pos i tive think ing. Now I can un der stand how it can work!”

Ing rid won dered how a re la tion ship would func tion if it were es -tab lished with out one need ing any thing from one’s part ner. Wouldeach one in such a re la tion ship com ple ment the other com pletely? Would it be pos si ble? Would Toon have any needs he would wanther to meet? She knew the an swer to that one: oh yes, he would want a sex ual re la tion ship. That was very clear to her, and what about her -self ? She had to ad mit that she had started to miss that phys i cal in ti -macy as well. But then she knew it would not be enough. Shere called her lone li ness within her re la tion ship, even when the sex


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was good. There was still an empty space, a void, and she knew that

Jan had felt it too. Want ing to be in each other’s com pany, was that a

need? She had re pressed that need and it was ig nited through be ing

with Toon. She could not ex plain it but even talk ing on the phonewith him evoked a feel ing of a once-lost love. It must have to do

with their tele pathic com mu ni ca tion. Would Toon be aware of that?

“Ing rid, I’ve been think ing about what you told me last eve ning.

What is the goal be hind your de cod ing classes?”

“To phys i cally as cend.” Quincy’s ex pres sion made her laugh.

“As long as the per son al ity as pects are in con trol in our lives we

will never know who we re ally are.”

“What do you mean by ‘per son al ity as pects’?” Fluffball’s purr ing

made her think of the per son al i ties in an i mals. Or did they take on

peo ple’s char ac ter is tics?

“Annelies ex plained to us that our soul through the many in car -

na tions in the il lu sion of the 3rd di men sion, has be come frag mented.

Those frag mented pieces be came per son al ity as pects.”

“Re ally! That’s a thought. Let me get this right. We are scat tered

into 22 pieces or as pects? And what do you mean by as cend ing?”

Quincy pressed on. Ing rid had missed these talks. How would Toon

re act to all this? Oh, what if he was like Jan, not all that in ter ested,

what then?

“I mean, our hu man form is an il lu sion but our soul de cides topar tic i pate in ex pe ri enc ing this il lu sion in or der to wake up to full

con scious ness. By be liev ing that the past, the pres ent and the fu ture

are for real the soul will not achieve its purpose. Those are per son al -

ity con cepts be cause it only knows time and space.” At least that was

how she grasped it for now.

“But that does not ex plain what you mean by as cend ing. My per -

son al ity thinks that ev ery thing has a be gin ning, a mid dle and an end.

When we look at na ture or even our own bod ies we ex pe ri ence that

ev ery thing has a be gin ning and an end, as in birth, life and death,”

Quincy’s dis be lief at what she had said was very clear.

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“I know, but the mo ment we con sciously in vite our soul to par tic -i pate, in or der to awaken to the pos si bil ity that it mightn’t be real, our per son al ity feels threat ened. It will tell us that ev ery thing around usis all there is.” She shared the idea she came up with dur ing class,about the char ac ter Smeagle. Quincy had seen the movies, but a long time ago. She poured a li queur for both of them while Fluffballjumped off Quincy’s lap.

“And so it still is for me, I mean this life is all very real. I re mem -ber that when we stud ied ‘ A Course in Mir a cles.’ I had dif fi culty with that il lu sion con cept.” Quincy sighed.

“For us to un der stand our one ness with all life prop erly we haveto change the per cep tions of our selves and find out who we are.” Ing rid thought about her sud den tele pathic abil i ties.

“Mmm....do you mean that if our per son al ity keeps hav ing con -trol of our daily thoughts, we’ll keep cre at ing the same il lu sory pat -terns, and keep go ing round in a circle?”

“Yes, we are go ing in a cir cle. We’ve cre ated our phys i cal man i fes -ta tions around us. What has been in our sub con scious and con scious thoughts will go on ex ist ing.” It al ways amazed her when she had anin sight. “That’s the il lu sion! Of course!”

“You mean that the past is at the same time our fu ture?”“Yes, so our fu ture has al ready hap pened in the past. Quincy, it

sud denly makes sense to me: be ing in the NOW is closer to the re al ity! Annelies told us in the in tro duc tion class that the as cen sion card game is de signed to help us be come aware that we get ex actly what we askedfor!” This sud den self em pow er ment made her feel in con trol.

“Quincy, I feel so lucky to have an in ner de sire to ex press my soul’spur pose. Her face beamed as she re-lived some of her ex pe ri ences.

“If my soul wants to as cend with this phys i cal body, then I haveto let go of any thing that would not be in ac cor dance with this in ten -tion.” Toon’s face jumped into her mind when she ut tered thosewords but she squashed the rea son why im me di ately.

“Good grief, that is a tall or der!”


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“Mom, there’s an e–mail for you from Liesbeth.” Jeroen called

from her study.

“I’d better have a look.” She left Quincy pon der ing in the lounge.——- Orig i nal Mes sage ——-

From: “Liesbeth ”

To: <Ing rid Barendse:;>

Sent: Sat ur day, May-17, 2008 7:21 AM

Sub ject:United world con gress

Dear Ing rid

How are you? I am writ ing this let ter on my lap top in my ho tel room. The eve ning af ter we came back from our de cod ing class, I re ceived an as -sign ment. I was asked to be a speaker on the sun so lar flare ef fect. Iwish you were here as some of the top ics made me think of the classesand Annelies’ decoding work shops.

Ing rid, guess what? One of the speak ers, Hans Jaarsma, spoke on:Mother Earth – The New Con scious ness and Life-giv ing Wa ter! He’sjolly in ter est ing. He’s Annelies’ adopted son and knows all about theclasses! My talk was on Prep a ra tion for a New Ga lac tic Cy cle. The two sci en tists re spon si ble for this United World–2008 con gress in Zu richwere two peo ple with the same sur name as Annelies! They were fas ci -nat ing to lis ten to. Annelies will help me with my de cod ing and I be lieveshe’s in vited us both to din ner to mor row night. See you then, and we’llmake a date to have sup per to gether. I still want to hear your story, re -mem ber! Have a great day.

Love Liesbeth

“Mom! You must in vite her for din ner...but now I’m go ing to

bed. I know you want to know what my plans are: I’ll en rol in Sep -

tem ber for my last se mes ter, I’ve al ready con firmed it.”“Jeroen! I’m so glad.” smoth er ing him with a hug “Do phone

grandpa and tell him to mor row, won’t you? I’ll talk for a bit withQuincy as she’s go ing home to mor row.”

“Is she go ing to di vorce Ol i ver?” Jeroen whis pered“I don’t know, love. It looks as if your un cle has found some one

else whom he pre fers to be with so who knows what’s go ing to hap -pen.” When she went back to the lounge, she re mem bered the blueen ve lope.

“Quincy, let’s see what’s in the en ve lope that ar rived mys te ri ously.”

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Ing rid waited for Quincy to fin ish read ing.


The Awakening Clan

Dear Kitty,

I come from the realm

where time does not ex ist. Your re al ity hap pens only in just a mo ment.The Past, Pres ent and Fu ture are per cep tionsthat are en coded in stone.

Only when one re leases one’s ex pec ta tions ofthe out come, that things have to look a cer tainway, then you are truly in the mo ment. Only then can a shift in per cep tion take place.

Hu man ity needs to let go of all con cepts con -tain ing lim i ta tions. By al low ing the mind to be more re cep tive to the flood ing of the mem ory ofwho you truly are,this shift in per cep tion will pre pare you for your com mu nion with yoursoul.By con sciously ground ing your self dailywith your planet and al low ing the wis dom ofyour lov ing soul to come through, you can en joyand love be ing fully in each mo ment, liv ing inthe pres ent!

Be ing in the pres ent means let ting go of allthe mem o ries of pain, or any thing that has in -flicted pain on you. Mean ing: break ing the at -tach ment cords which are per son al ity en ti ties. Then the mem ory of emo tional pain, suf fer ingand hurt will not be ex pe ri enced any more.Theex pe ri ence of joy and peace car ries no sense offear.Only in the sense of fear do you give mean -ing to time. In Re al ity there ex ists noth ing towhich there is an op po site. Only in your il lu -sion ary world do you ex pe ri ence du al ity. Likethis chan nel, stick with the plan of act ingawake! You are al ready awake! Love POWAH

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How it was pos si ble that only a while be fore they had been talk -

ing about be ing in the pres ent while this let ter was al ready in the

room with them! Was that again a co in ci dence? This let ter was not

called an excerpt. “Kitty, this is very thought-pro vok ing! How did you get this and

from whom?”

“ It al most seems that the mes sage I get is al ways re lated to what -

ever is in my mind, or in our minds in this case.”

“That’s right, we were talk ing about be ing in the pres ent and you

cer tainly did not type this! It all sounds very fas ci nat ing,” Ing rid

smiled at the words; ‘you cer tainly did not type this.’ Her sis ter was

al ways very upfront about ex press ing her thoughts.

“You are telling me that you don't know who de liv ered this let ter?

Was it just thrown through your letterbox with no re turn ad dress?”

“The blue en ve lope was ly ing next to the phone in the hall way

when I came in. You must have been home when it ar rived. I pre -

sumed that it again came through the post.”

“What do you mean… again.”

“I re ceived the first ex cerpt through the mail, since it was ly ing

on the floor in the hall way. The sec ond ex cerpt was given to me by

Con nie, who works in the book shop near work. She told me that it

came from her aunt Annelies.”

“She is the woman who gives these de cod ing work shops?”“Yes, but I never met her un til a few days later. The third ex cerpt

came through my email at work, straight af ter my chat with POWAH

over the internet. What is so very weird is that I’m not us ing any of

the chat pro grams. POWAH just sud denly ap pears on my screen.

That still has me baf fled.” Quincy never used a com puter, so she was

not all that clued up on the tech ni cal mys tery.

“And the fourth ex cerpt.”

“Oh, that came di rect from Annelies. She handed it to me in the

same blue en ve lope, al ways with the name Kitty on it.” Quincy

looked tired. She sensed that her at ten tion span had dwin dled. She

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tried to read her mind, but could n’t.“I have been de ceiv ing my self. I now real ise that stay ing in my re -

la tion ship with Ol i ver has be come de struc tive for both of us.” Ing -rid felt proud of her sis ter’s ac knowl edg ment as she hugged her.

“Ing rid, you have to go to work in the morn ing. Let’s go to bed. I have to do some se ri ous think ing. I’ll ask for a sign for I realise nowthat I’ve tried to be some one I’m not, just to please.”

Ing rid won dered how life would be with a part ner that had thesame in tent as she. At least Toon was in ter ested in com mu nity liv -ing, but...what about the as cen sion pro cess. Could he em brace thatpos si bil ity...or...was she be ing tested....


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Chapter 6

The Balance of the TwoPolarities.

At the office

A large box with twelve red roses ar rived at her of fice that

morn ing with a note say ing. ‘I will not give up; see you Sat ur day. T.’

Ing rid’s thoughts had wa vered be tween her head and her heart about

join ing Toon in Lon don. Her heart said ‘go for it,’.. her mind flut -

tered with fear of get ting hurt.

Driv ing on the way home the colour ful gar den ar range ments and

hang ing bas kets out side the shop win dows showed her that sum merhad ar rived. Af ter ar rang ing the roses in the lounge, she went up -

stairs to change into some thing ca sual that was still smart enough for

that eve ning. She then joined Jeroen and Quincy who were hav ing

cool drinks out side on the ve randa.

“Mom, you look stunning. Whom are you meeting tonight?”

“Ingrid, is there someone in your class we should know about?

Whom are the roses from that you sneaked into the lounge just


“Some one in con nec tion with work and don’t ask.” They both

ex changed a glance when she in di cated that the sub ject was ob vi -

ously not open for dis cus sion.

“Since I’m having dinner with Annelies, I’d better look dif fer ent

than usual. Am I too dressed up?”

“No, not at all, mom, you look great. Shall we go?” Jeroen would

give them both a lift so he could use Ingrid’s car.


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Quincy’s heaviness was reflected in her drooping posture as theywaited on the platform for the train. Jeroen stayed in the car.

“I’ll give it an other go again, be tween Ol i ver and me I mean. ButI think my mar riage could be be yond re pair, if you know what Imean.” Ing rid knew that Quincy was still emo tion ally at tached toOl i ver.

Would she have been able to re lease her nee dling dis con tent fornot be ing able to share her emo tions? Yes, a large part of her had,but she never re ally knew that for sure. Now for the first time shefelt to tally re leased from the pain of Jan’s death be cause of Toon. So what did that mean, was it just hor monal and was she go ing to fallfor yet an other at tach ment with some one that would not share herspir i tual quest? Not to men tion her com mu ni ca tion with POWAHand Annelies’ decoding classes.

At the busy plat form the glances they re ceived due to their el e -gance and mag ne tism worked as a tonic for Quincy. The lively glintin her eyes mo men tarily re turned. The con trast in hair col our, build, and style of dress, still re vealed that they were sis ters.

“Ingrid, let me know how the classes are going and when morebaffling information ar rives, it has been play ing on my mind a lot.”

“I will, and good luck at home!” Quincy looked sad when she em -braced her.

Jeroen dropped her off at Annelies’ house and she re minded himthat Liesbeth would give her a lift home.

Both Annelies and Joris greeted her in a flamboyant manner onlythey could get away with. It was a mild evening and she followedthem to the back of the house.

“Ingrid, I’m so glad you could make it a bit earlier so you can joinus for a drink in my conservatory. I’ll introduce you to two veryspecial people.” Large tropical plants and the musical cadence of awaterfall greeted her.

“Liesbeth has been here since lunchtime as you know, and Ingrid,


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this is my son Hans. He surprised me with a sudden visit.” A tall

young man with a very wise and striking face and a thick mop of

almost white hair greeted her warmly. What an unusual–looking

person Ingrid observed, attractive in a different sort of way with avery stout but fit looking body.

“Hi, I’m glad to see you and thanks for your e–mail.” Ingrid

whispered to Liesbeth who looked glowing.

“Toon, meet Ing rid who is the par tic i pant that will write about the

first level of the decoding work shops.” Annelies in tro duced her to a

man who had been ob scured by a large plant when she walked in. Ing -

rid could n’t be lieve it when Toon got up from his chair. The laugh ter

in his eyes as he took both her hands in his while greet ing her showed

very clearly how he felt, as if she was the only per son in the room.

“Have you two met be fore? “Toon, what have you been hid ing from


“Oh yes, I’ve met Ingrid several times,” while he mentally teased

“I’ve got you.” She could feel she was blushing.

“Anyone involved with Annelies’ decoding project is of great

interest to me,” Toon said for everyone to hear, pointing at an empty

chair next to him.

“When I learned all about you this af ter noon from Liesbeth,

realising that it was you, have you any idea what I felt?” He had taken

her hand close to his mouth when he spoke. Ing rid was to tallycaught off guard. She re called that Toon had said that he was stay ing

with a mem ber of his fam ily.

“You’ve been stay ing with Annelies all the time, where I had the

art classes?” Ing rid felt a tu mul tu ous joy, and the way he looked at

her made her want to hold him. She was aware that ev ery one

glanced at them and Annelies’ ex pres sion needed no in ter pre ta tion.

“Well, well, have you ever” Her heart beat had ac cel er ated from the pure

rap ture of see ing him and from the fact that they might af ter all have

some thing in common.

“Annelies, how did you know that I was approached to write

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about the first level of the de cod ing workshops?” she knew that hervoice was slightly shaky while Toon’s eyes on her revealed hisobvious adoration. It was clear who was Joris’ boss. The dog satpractically on his feet.

“Have you not figured it out yet?” “Annie, what does she mean?”“Look at the time! Let’s go to the dining room and have supper.

Toon, please will you serve the drinks.”Annelies had ignored Toon’smental beam.

“Ing rid, you look stun ning! I can’t take my eyes off you,” No sound hadcome out of his mouth but his hyp notic look said it all. When hishand ca ressed her shoul der, it felt like an elec tric shock that rundown her spine. She won dered, was he aware of her re ac tions.

“By even touch ing her I feel my en ergy field blend ing with hers, and I knowshe’s feel ing it too. Could this be it?” He felt the same! How could shenot fall hope lessly in love with him now?

Then she realised why she was asked to write about the first level. She had asked for it!

“Ing rid, your thoughts are very pow er ful!” Annelies winked at her.“An nie, you are shield ing me, why!” “You fig ure that out, that’s your pun ish ment for not....” Both Toon and

Annelies were men tally chal leng ing each other! Ing rid’s mind som er -saulted from pure rap ture when Liesbeth’s lov ing eyes for a mo mentflick ered at her.

The table was already set and the food was standing on a warmeron the side table. They helped themselves while Toon organizedtheir drinks. He placed her wine glass on the table next to his.

“Where do you know each other from?” Liesbeth asked themboth. Ingrid looked up and met his steady gaze.

“You tell them. I want to hear it from you,” he beamed.“Pleasure Parks uses landscapers and building contractors and it

is part of my job to organise the various subcontractors that are used for the construction of the Parks around Europe. Toon is the newowner of one of the landscaping businesses we use.”


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“Mmm” Annelies looked at Toon. “Now I un der stand your change

of plans,” Ing rid looked at Annelies who pulled a face at Toon.

“An nie, don’t you dare.”

Liesbeth and Hans were talking together so Ingrid pretended tohear nothing.

“Don’t worry, Toon, your se cret is safe with me; but I think she’s al ready able

to join in,” Ing rid was al most chok ing with dis com fort but kept pre -

tend ing that she had swal lowed too much food. They were com mu -

ni cat ing as if they were hav ing a nor mal con ver sa tion but she could

hear ev ery thing. This was the clear est te lep a thy she had ever ex pe ri -

enced! How would Toon...she’d better be care ful!!

“Ing rid, I know your boss, Harry Brinks, very well. Toon, do you

re mem ber Nick du Toit? He was the man that lost the bid on the

Prinsengracht Ho tel be cause of Harry Brinks. Harry made it pos si -

ble that Fred and I got to own the cas tle in or der to turn it into the

ho tel we both wanted to do for so long.”

“No, I didn’t connect him with the hotel. Do you mean the real

estate tycoon? Losing out to Harry Brinks must have been a nasty

blow to Mr. du Toit’s ego,” Toon mocked.

“Oh, it was, and still is, I think. I have n’t seen Harry Brinks since

his wife’s fu neral five years ago.”

Ingrid was amazed at the connections Annelies seemed to have.

She wondered if Fred was her husband, and why he was not here.“Hans, how did Trevor and Otto do on the United World–2008

con gress in Zu rich?” Annelies was a good host ess and made her feel

very wel come

“Mom, you know Trevor. It always amazes me how he manages

to captivate his audience, and Liesbeth made quite an impression

with her introduction on the solar flares. Toon, you would have

enjoyed hearing her,” Hans was clearly in love with her. Liesbeth

was totally enchanted by Hans.

“Is that so?! Liesbeth, you and I must share some ideas. Hans,

how was Trevor’s latest report on the earth’s weather received?”

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“Toon was that not your topic?”“Very well, lots of ques tions about the pos si ble black outs. He told

the au di ence about a new type of weather-re port ing called ‘spaceweather’, that will mon i tor the geo mag netic dis tur bances.” Hansseemed to share an in ner joke with Liesbeth who car ried on:

“Yes, be cause the so lar flare dan gers to sat el lites and tele com mu -ni ca tion will af fect our ra dio and tele vi sion trans mis sions.” Ing ridwas amazed at the topic of con ver sa tion and now knew for sure thatToon had been the man on the radio.

“We’re going to experience some severe weather-re lateddisasters. Especially with the recent discovery that the sun’s solarflares can create tornadoes and solar quakes.” Toon confirmed herthoughts. Liesbeth looked at Toon with a speculating glance.

Ingrid was impressed with Annelies’ cooking skills. There was achoice of fish and veal, served with wild mushrooms and a spinachsouffle with Gouda cheese, asparagus and dill. Even the seavegetables were delicious.

“Toon, when the solar flares create an increase in soiltemperatures, if such high temperatures bake our crops in the fields,combined with drought and flooding conditions, what could theconsequences be, do you think?”

“Liesbeth, that’s hard to say, many adverse conditions that areoccurring now are due to increased activity of the sun.” Toon waseating with relish.

“There will be a con tin ued in crease in the mal func tion ing or fail -ing of sat el lites. That will af fect com put ers and tele com mu ni ca tions in clud ing ex ces sive static and poor trans mis sion of RF and tele vi -sion sig nals. Es pe cially for day time TV, AM and FM ra dio. Nev er -the less, the Internet web site has been vis ited very reg u larly.” Toonpoured wine for everyone.

“Toon, I’m surprised you weren’t there, did Otto take over yourpublic lecture?”“Or has Ingrid got something to do with it? Why did you take over another construction firm? Don’t you have enough around the world? I’m


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surprised you’re not yet off to Australia?” Ingrid was spell bound by the

conversation verbally and mentally but did not like hearing about

Australia. Mr. Zwiegelaar must have been this Trevor they were

talking about. “Toon, what would you have spoken about if you had been

there?” Ingrid’s heart pumped jerkily when she asked, but she was

genuinely interested.

“Mmm, I’m more in ter ested in pre par ing peo ple for the com ing

changes, since the world is about to plunge into a new era of dwin -

dling fos sil fu els, and no one is pre pared; and the pol lu tion on our

planet is get ting alarm ing.” “Woman keep look ing at me like that and…

“Toon, go-slow will you” Toon watched her silently.

“Annie, I wonder how much she already knows?” She started to feel

quite shaky, intruding mentally.

“More than you think. Have you told her about your communities?”

“Ingrid, what do you know about the photon belt theory?” Toon

startled her with that question, recalling an article she’d read about

that two months before.

“Something about our solar system moving through the photon

belt. As for the rest, nothing” Her heart was still beating at a rapid

pace while keeping eye contact.

“My love, that’s why I’m so interested in building communities.

The need for specific preparations is essential and we need to planahead for being without electricity;” “Are you going to join me?” His

look reflected a longing for a partner.

“Is this really going to happen? There is no evidence of it as of

yet.” Her own rapture of him as a partner in his community building

gave her such.... She’d better watch her thoughts!

“I think there is, look at the disasters to do with fires, things

explode quicker due to the light particles that are changing in the


“You mean...like what happened in Enschede years back, or the

re cent fires around the world?”

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Toon looked pen sive... Yes, who knows, the next de cades will befilled with oil wars, eco nomic col lapse, and en vi ron men tal ca tas tro -phe. As a re sult, our global in dus trial civ i li za tion is likely to col lapseas oth ers have in the past, but this time the scale will be global – yetwe are be ing very care ful not to cre ate mass panic.” Toon leanedover whis per ing: “Ing rid, the pho ton-belt is of a higher fre quency. I can al ready feel its en ergy, can’t you?” His eyes glinted but Ing ridwas not go ing to be thrown off guard by his flirt ing.

“Is that what you would have talked about, the photon belt? Thishigher frequency, has it something to do with the blackout youtalked about over the radio?” Ingrid looked over her glass coyly. Toon’s stare became so intense that she needed to look away.

“She heard my radio talk!” She almost gave herself away byresponding. His sudden serious expression made her re al ise that there was a dif fer ent man be hind this flirting mode.

“Yes, I would have, because times are changing rapidly now. We allchoose to incarnate here on earth to experience the most uniqueopportunity we all have been granted.” His eyes accompanied the rest.

“That’s why I’m so glad you have joined Annie’s de cod ing class. She has prac tisedit on me you know.” Ingrid had difficulty not exposing that she had heardall that.

“My love, in this life we have to remember our soul’s purpose and connect with all our past lifetimes. Ingrid, you never told methat you heard that radio program?” He leaned over stroking herchin. Ingrid had difficulty holding her cool while reaching for hishand that took hold of hers for a spit second.

“I didn’t know who the speaker was at the time. I did hear yoursurname and I tried to connect your landscaping business and thiselectromagnetic field story but I couldn’t see any connection then.” His eyes mesmerised her so powerfully that she felt pulled right intothem. For a moment she was only aware of Toon mentally makinglove to her.

“I can already feel my hands stroking your lovely breasts.” she gasped for


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breath. Good grief, this man really made her lose control. If it was

her own imagination whispering in her ear, her blushing would give

her away. Had he done that on pur pose?

“The time is now to pre pare on all lev els: phys i cally, emo tion ally,psy cho log i cally and spir i tu ally. Toon is try ing to pre pare peo ple so -

cially, in clud ing cre at ing and strength en ing our com mu nity re la tion -

ships be cause life as we know it and our ac cus tomed life styles may

not be the same within a few years,” Annelies took the lead in the

con ver sa tion again as if noth ing had hap pened! Both Hans and

Annelies dom i nated the con ver sa tion by tell ing the oth ers about

Trevor’s the o ries. The name was fa mil iar and the topic sur round ing

all the cat a strophic events around the planet dur ing the last three

years made more sense than ever.

“According to Leo, this solar peak activity will extend even more

from 2009 to 2012. Only those who are pure in heart and

consciousness will survive this period of cosmic purification.”

Hans commented with some regret. Ingrid was amazed at that

statement coming from such a young person, but what age would he

be? He looked ageless somehow!

“Hans, too much in for ma tion-gath er ing from the media about

geological cataclysms could suck a lot of people into mass hypnosis and

paralyse them with fear,” Liesbeth’s tone was both soft and wise.

“Yes, I know. We must rather develop global awareness.” Hansplayfully tickled Liesbeth’s chin.

“We have an opportunity if we apply ourselves to do the soul

work of many lifetimes during this period. This is why it would be

prudent to make some basic physical preparations now. Are you

going to assist me?” Toon whispered the last words. All she could

do was gaze into his laughing eyes. Toon had an air of permanent

irresistible playfulness.

“Hans, Toon, I have to leave you men on your own. My class is

starting in ten minutes and I want to get ready.” “Toon go slow on her”

Annelies beamed. “Annie, push off.”

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Liesbeth and Hans were so engrossed in their own privateconversation that they hardly heard Annelies’ words. Toon flirted,knowing she felt the same as he. Or was he just teasing? Obviouslyhe was not at all embarrassed or shy and all she could do was smile.

“Ing rid, I feel as if I knew you from long ago.” Thank good ness the classeswould start soon for she was be com ing more and more un set tled, like avol cano that was about to erupt. The close ness be tween them stirredsome thing. Just now she was go ing to give away how in fat u ated shewas. She so wanted to tan ta lise him, just a lit tle. Liesbeth was still incon ver sa tion with Hans, when Toon sud denly wrapped his arm aroundher waist

“Are you com ing with me to Lon don?” he whis pered while his lipsstroked her neck. Could he not feel her quiv er ing when he did that? Annelies greeted the oth ers in the hall way while Toon still held on to her.

“Ing rid, you know you want me as much as I want you. I can feel it,” Oh,so he could read her feel ings! Ing rid searched his face; with Toon toLon don for the week end would only end up one way.

“Yes, I want to make love to you,” Wow, he could read her thoughts! Part of her wanted to jump at the sug ges tion of Lon don, while theother part was very ner vous. Was she ready for that?

“I’ll let you go now. We’ll talk later.” When she got up to join theothers in the class, her knees were shaking.

“You have plenty to tell me, what did I miss?” Liesbeth eyebrowssaid the rest.


“Shall we have a cappuccino with Richard before I take you home tonight or have you two made other plans?” Liesbeth teased.

“Oh, all right, gosh, I hope I can fo cus to night,” “And don’t tell meHans is just a boy friend. This time you are not fool ing me!” she beamedback. At least it was safe to try out her newly–dis cov ered skills withLiesbeth. “Ing rid, watch out, you are beam ing all over. Annelies can hearyou!” She gig gled out loud if only to get her com po sure back.


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the door.

“Tonight we are decoding your three cards that play a major part

on the fourth di men sional realm. We play with these cards on the

second level of the awakening game.” At the same time she raised

her eyebrows to both of them. How much mental dialogue did shehear, Ingrid wondered.

“Annelies, when you say the fourth di men sion, do you mean the

etheric-as tral level?” Rich ard was ob vi ously ea ger to learn all about

the level he would write about. “My boy a lot will be re vealed to you.”

“Yes, both the third and fourth si mul ta neously. These three spaces

will re veal to all how you uti lise the left and right hemi sphere of your

brain and what soul char ac ter type you work through while in this in car -

na tion.” Ing rid won dered what Annelies knew that they did not.

“You say we use these three cards on the second level of the

awak en ing game only?”

“Why are you asking this Ingrid” She knew by asking a question, her

mind would focus again.

“You are saying soul has a character? I’m confused” To her soul

was more impersonal.

“On the second level the personality card reflects what is a

personality entity or fragmented part of soul, and the main character

of your soul. The second awak en ing level is mainly an ex pres sion of

an aware ness level, like the first level.” Annelies showed variouscolourful cards with familiar symbols.

“Tieneke must have told you that your Lan guage of Light qual ity

cards are used as an en ergy cur rency dur ing the decoding, not so?”

She was baf fled. She could n’t even re mem ber what she had done

with hers. Annelies asked if any one could bring them along next

week. Ex cept for Wim and Liesbeth, all had at tended Tieneke’s

mind-draw ing work shop.

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“You are only de cod ing the ‘spac ings’ on your grid sheet for thesec ond level to night, re mem ber!” Annelies was ey eing her when she ex plained again how im por tant it was to re call, on an en ergy level,why they all had an at trac tion for the as cen sion jour ney.

“Our soul has an in di vid ual char ac ter is tic pat tern of its own andwhen you make the in di vid ual cards in later ses sions, you will learn alot more about how and why we are all made up of light and dark vi -bra tional per son al ity thought forms, or en ti ties.” Annelies car riedon while point ing to the wall im age that was also on her lap top. Ing -rid re al ised more and more how much in ten sive work was in volved. She had been asked to write about her per sonal ex pe ri ences of theawak en ing on the first level through her five awak en ing cards.

“That means very per sonal Ingrid, are you up to it?” She heard. Gosh,was she? All she needed to do was keep a diary.

“Annelies, are we consciously trapped in our physical arenabecause we experience life through our five external senses?” Gerrit always asked good questions. Annelies was still for a moment. Gerrit was a man who never spoke unless he had something to say.

“In ter est ing ob ser va tion” was her men tal re ply.“Annelies, you mean that five-sensed human beings perceive the

world by feeling, smelling, tasting, hearing and seeing? Zola held her hand out to Wim, who held his hands in his pockets.

“Yes, we ex pe ri ence our lives ex ter nally. The logics of thefive–sensed per son al ity orig i nated in the mind. They are the prod uctsof the in tel lect. When we make each card, we will start to un der standhow we came to each per cep tual ex pe ri ence that we call re al ity.” Sud -denly Annelies asked her.

“Ingrid, what is your personality card num ber spacing?” “Well, if I’ve calculated it correctly, a five!” “Well well, the introvert

observer, that fig ures.”“Mmm, can you be aloof at times? Do you see your self as an ob -

server?” Annelies was tap ping into her in ner world that was still verypri vate to her. Exposing her thoughts to any one was not easy. Jan had


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of ten com plained that she could be with drawn and aloof. Which was

true be cause she liked to ob serve things first be fore par tic i pat ing. She

was about to re spond, when she men tally heard Annelies read ing her

thoughts.“What a challenge that is going to be for Toon!”

“Annelies, I was about to say ‘yes’! I do like to be in control of my

own life and usually don’t follow others that easily.” “What did you

mean by a challenge?” “Well, now Ing rid, you and I have to talk,” “When are you let ting that

poor man know you are tele pathic?” “It’s all new to me. I will soon, but don’t you tell him.”

“Oh, I think he knows it al ready.”

Dur ing the cof fee break she won dered if Toon was still around,

but she was not go ing to look for him. That would give away how

much she was cap ti vated by him.

“Niels, is your girlfriend’s name Carla by any chance?” “Yes, how did you know?”

“A hunch I guess, we work for the same firm. She spoke about

mak ing din ner for a Niels,” Ing rid was again amazed how lately the

peo ple in her life seem to be con nected one way or an other. She

hoped Niels would be the man for Carla, who tended to be bossy. She

hoped that Niels could share his in ter est with her, apart from that they

both had to watch their weight!

The rest of the eve ning went fast. Annelies gave her a blue en ve -

lope again with the same num ber 1888. She now un der stood why she

had seen the same num ber on the menu of the Prinsengracht ho tel.

She owned it. Sud denly Toon stood be hind them in the hall way.

“Ingrid, can I give you a lift home?”“Toon, why don’t you join us for a cap puc cino at Rich ard’s cof fee

bar?” Liesbeth in ter jected be fore Ing rid could say any thing. Sheglanced at Toon side ways sens ing that he was de ter mined to be withher for as long as pos si ble. She was still plagued by anx i ety about thepos si bil ity of an af fair. She knew her self far too well to think she

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could just be ca su ally in ti mate with some one tem po rarily. She wantedto be sure it was not just a sex ual at trac tion, no mat ter how he seemedto think on the same wave length as her. She ac cepted his of fer with aprom ise to her self to do only what was right for her.

As they drove to the cen tre of Apeldoorn Toon took her hand inhis. What were his in ten tions, she won dered?

“This woman still has no idea how ec static I am about her,” Gosh, whenwould he know that she was tele pathic? At the Pannekoek she wasabout to get out when his arm slid around her pull ing her to wards him.

“You must just stop me when I go too fast... but be gentle.” Shealmost burst out laughing from sheer nervousness. When theywalked in, Connie was serving behind the counter.

“Hello! Have you all come from Aunt Annelies?” Ing rid had for -got ten that Con nie knew them both, but of course, they were mem -bers of her fam ily. Rich ard car ried five cap puc cinos to their table.

“This is on the house,” he said cheerfully. Toon held her handwhen he moved into the only long seat against the wall. His bodypressed against hers when Liesbeth, Hans and Richard joined them.

“Liesbeth, about your trip to Zu rich: please tell us about it,” Rich -ard begged. Liesbeth looked at Hans who started to ex plain that hehad met Liesbeth in Zu rich. Toon was en joy ing him self. Liesbethwas a good sto ry teller and her re flec tions on the expo were truly en -ter tain ing.

“Rich ard, Annelies told me that you lec ture on Egyp tian hi ero -glyphic scripts?” Toon que ried. Ing rid was be gin ning to re lax see ingToon with the peo ple with whom she had a lot in com mon. Some -how she knew this would not have been Jan’s choice. Ed, Jan’sbrother, would have been the same as Toon. Now what made hersud denly think about him?

“Yes, I’ve made a study of ancient scriptures and learned a lotfrom my brother, Theo. Did you know him?” Richard asked Toon.

“No, I never met him but Annelies and Ben of ten talked about


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him. I’ve lived a lot over seas, mainly in Aus tra lia and South Af rica.

Which of you three has been con tacted by POWAH, Annelies’


“I have.” she blurted out, re act ing in vol un tarily to the un ex pected ques tion. They all looked at her for an ex pla na tion.

“Wow, Ingrid, is that what you wanted to tell us a few weeks

ago?” Liesbeth called out realising it would put Ingrid in the spot -

light, which she hated.

“Yes, well, it all happened about a month ago and I still have to

come to terms with it.” She told them more or less what she had

experienced but Toon’s eyes on her made it difficult.

“Gosh, Ingrid, I think I would react just the same as you did. I

would also think someone was playing a trick on me. I will tell you all

about my connection with POWAH one day.” Richard’s comment

made her feel a lot better.

“Rich ard, re mem ber I showed you the eye sym bol on my lap top?

I re ceived more in for ma tion from POWAH and you were right

about the Eye of Horus. Wait. I have it in my bag; I printed it out.”

Then she re mem bered her ques tions to POWAH and that his an -

swers were also printed out but it was al ready too late. Toon would

love her ques tion to POWAH about her sex ual feel ings. How would

she get out of that one?

While Liesbeth and Richard were reading, Toon gazed at her. “What is she hiding from me on that printout?” Oops, he had picked up

her thoughts!

“Toon, he warns us about the illuminati or dark forces as he calls

them. Very in ter est ing read ing! Is this com ing via Trevor, I won -

der?” Hans re marked.

“Kitty, I don’t want you to get wor ried about any dark forces, we will work

through them. We are aware of the con spir a cies that only want the global pop u la -

tion to be par a lysed by fear.” His gaze beamed to tal ad o ra tion.

“How did you know my nickname ‘Kitty’?” She whispered. His

eyes told her that she had given herself away. She quivered, holding

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her breath. He tightened his arm, drawing her towards him and onlywhen Richard passed her printout did he take his eyes off her. Heread it while still holding her close. She scanned his face for anyexpression when his eyebrows shot up. Then she knew that he hadarrived at her dialogue with POWAH.

“So, Kitty, you are at tracted to me on a sex ual level. Yes, it gets better andyou are go ing to ex pe ri ence a re ally ful fill ing un ion. I could have told you that,love.” Then he glowed. “You’re my soul’s choice for a part ner Kitty, don’t youknow that?” Ing rid blushed in con ster na tion, to tally un pre pared forthis ex po sure while Liesbeth re garded her with great amuse ment.

Hans threw his head back and laughed just as Toon’s arm slowlyslid down her back and encircled her waist, pulling her to him.

“Toon, it looks as if you’ve found her at last. Both your souls are prac ti callysing ing a sym phony of joy. It’s won der ful to see you two so en rap tured with eachother. Now I know we are speed ing up to a higher fre quency,” Rich ard mustbe the only one that could not hear Hans’ tele pathic remark when hesaid: “Ing rid, I hope to tell you soon what the hieroglyphs re veal. Ihave to pre pare a lec ture on the Sphinx, but when I have time I willlook into it fur ther. May I keep the disk meanwhile?”

“I will speak to Trevor about the sym bol, so may I keep this print -out, Ing rid?” Toon added. “He will want to meet you.” Ing rid lov -ingly gazed up at him but sud denly felt tired.

“It’s get ting late so I’m go ing to take Ing rid home,” Toon readher en ergy lev els well and quickly moved her through the fare wellsout to the car.

They were si lent on the way to her home, each lost in thought.“Ing rid, what did your hus band die of?” while tak ing her hand,

hold ing it on his lap. His sen si tiv ity was very ap par ent. The in ti macy he cre ated while he fo cussed on the road made her heart reach out to him. He must have been in ves ti gat ing her since he had found out that shewas a widow!

“Jan was bed rid den for three years be fore he died. The only con -


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clu sions the doctors could come up with was that he had suf fered

some kind of poi son ing that af fected his ner vous sys tem.” They

sur mised that it was some sort of neu ro log i cal dis or der. When they

ar rived at her house, he parked in her drive way. “Go on love there mustbe more” he leaned over to her stroking her hair.

“We went all over Europe to gether looking for alternative cures

when it started to affect him five years before he died. I would say

the three years before his death were the hardest. His illness

affected our whole family, as you can imagine.” Ingrid relived Jan’s

emotional battle with the fact that he was dying.

“My sister got involved in alternative healing and Debbie, my

youngest daughter, was inspired to go into nursing.

“That must have been difficult. Was it a good marriage?” She

was quiet for a while, thinking about how it had been. Yes, she

thought so, every marriage has its problems and they had survived

many difficult times. There had never been these intense feelings

she felt now for Toon but...she remembered many good times too.

“How intense are they Kitty?”

“Mmm, I think our marriage was good and you, why have you

never been married?” Ignoring his thoughts. How was it possible

that this attractive man had managed to stay single.

“I never lived long enough anywhere to settle down, or..... really

met anyone I wanted to settle down with. I’ve always been too in ter -ested in Eastern phi los o phies to pur sue hav ing a family.” Toon

fingered her collar, which made her shake slightly.

“The women I was attracted to were not interested in any ...well

the few..... they were ....outlandish, out of balance and airy-fairy. I’ve

had some intimate relationships, yes, but they never ended in

marriage.” His finger travelled slowly inside her blouse. Ingrid’s

nipples reacted and Toon’s breathing became more apparent.

“ I spent some years in In dia and Ti bet, which must have been

dur ing the time you started a fam ily. I’ve al ways known I would find

my true soul mate in this life time. That’s why I could never set tle

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down. Kitty, are you the one? It cer tainly feels that way to me.” Hisvoice trem bled while pull ing her to wards him. Ing rid tried to con -trol her breath ing. Was that why she felt like this? Did she be lievethat he was? She was aware of his hand that was very firmly en cir -cling her waist while the other one stroke her breast.

“Toon, you are going too fast for me.” Her voice trembled whilesliding her arms around his shoulders.

“Ing rid...please won’t you come with me to Lon don to mor row, Iwant to get to know you all over again,” she could see that he meant it.

“Just for the day?” while trying to take his hand away from her.He reacted quickly by grabbing both her hands and pulling thembehind her, making her lean against him and he kissed her eagerly. For a moment she allowed her sexual arousal to run free byresponding to him. Toon was all over caressing her. His hands wereso sensual. He had become far too intimate. She needed to pullaway, knowing she was fearful of her own reactions.

“Kitty, I want to make love to you.”“Toon, I can’t, ... Jeroen is home…it’s too fast too soon!”“Can I fetch you to mor row morn ing at eight?” his lips were sen su -

ously ex plor ing her neck“Toon, please I...all right, I’ll come with you on one condition,”

“Oh she wanted him too!”“Oh, Ingrid,what possible conditions are you imposing on me?

Can I not hold you, or kiss you, or make love to you?”“Toon,...I’ll go with you if you.....Oh, Toon, please stop do ing

that”...she moaned, shak ing. He let her go re luc tantly and she knewit took all his self con trol not to give in to his sex ual arousal, as it didwith her.

Ing rid got out of the car and walked to her front door which Jeroenhad al ready opened.

“Who brought you home, mom?”“Someone from the classes.” Still feeling shaky all over while

waving at Toon as he drove away. Jeroen walked back into the


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hallway, still wearing his overcoat.

“When did you come back then?” trying to act normal.

“Oh, only 15 min utes ago. Mom, who was he? Is he from your

class?”“No, he’s a house guest of Annelies.” All she wanted to do was to

take a look in the en ve lope to read what POWAH had in store for

her and go to sleep, dream ing about to mor row. She car ried the roses

up to her bed room to be near him.

The Balance of the Two Polarities.


Programme...Planet Earth

The Bal ance of The Two Hemi spheresThe 2nd level of the awakening pro cess dealswith be com ing aware of be ing un aware. Onlythose who are in har mony and bal ance withinthem selves and with na ture will sur vive the com -ing earth changes.

The two Hemi sphere cards play a ma jor part inyour awak en ing.

The driv ing force of the right hand, the LeftHemi sphere; the men tal ob jec tive, and the driv -ing force of the left hand, the Right Hemi -sphere; the emo tional sub jec tive has beenac ti vated by the de cod ing of the two hemi spheric cards. Like wise in your west ern and northenhemi sphere re gions of planet earth. When thosetwo hemi spheres of your planet are brought intoalign ment, you are bal anc ing the elec tric (male) and the mag netic (fe male) prin ci ple of yourplanet. Think of the planet as an or ganic bodylike your own.

A di vine un ion within the self can only oc curwhen in bal ance. When the large geo de sic dome ispo si tioned di rectly over the eye sym bol, it will be come a hemi spheric syn chro ni za tion tem ple.The pat terns from the sound within the dome willbecome like a tun ing fork, bal anc ing themale–fe male, elec tro–mag netic as pects withinthe body.

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Al ways af ter read ing POWAH ex cerpts more ques tions stock -piles in her inbox file of her brain, but she also ex pe ri enced a joy asif she awak ened a mem ory of a bliss ful state that truly ex isted. Shemust keep writ ing her di ary, but now all she seemed to do was tossand turn from de sire… try ing to fall asleep....



The Awakening Clan

When a di vine un ion within each in di vid ualis at tained and bal anced, your in di vid ualsoul, by your in vi ta tion, will grad u ally oc -cupy the phys i cal form due to the re ac ti vatedmu ta ble DNA strands.

Very soon your planet will be head ing to -wards some thing won der ful. A very sig nif i canttime for hu man ity lies ahead. This is notsome thing to fear but to em brace fully and your hearts and souls must rise to the chal lenge.

You now have an op por tu nity to raise thecon scious vi bra tion of hu man ity as a whole to a new high.

Peo ple that have worked through the firstthree lev els of the de cod ing work shops canvisit this mod ern tem ple at your re sort. Theiras cen sion pro cess will be en hanced.


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Chapter 7

A Dream not Interpreted is aLetter not Read


Ing rid’s con scious ness slowly drifted away…moving…into…the

re flect ing cre ations her thoughts em a nated.…Her im me di ate…

causal…dream plane…The fa mil iar place made her drift to wards the moun tains, trail -

ing up the steep, wind ing, gravel road. Her at ten tion is drawn toan un usual rock for ma tion next to which a man in ca sual cow boygear, ob serves her with a smile.

“Would you like to do this test?” he beamed as she no ticed thesign: You al ready have eter nal youth, health, beauty and free dom, in any phys i cal ex pres sion you want. Come in and see for your -self.

“Why not, How long will it take?” She was game for ad ven ture.“FOR SOME, FOREVER; FOR SOME, JUST A MOMENT;

FOR MOST, A LIFETIME” he re plies and in stantly she is in a large chang ing room with many other men and women. A loud speakeron the wall broad casts ex qui site mu sic, which is in ter rupted by avoice ask ing them all to un dress and place their hand palms on theglass panel next to the mir ror. Their test would be gin.

A cou ple did as re quested, stepped past the mir ror and dis ap -peared. Ing rid is very aware of how her own na ked ness plaguesher as she un dresses, but cu ri os ity wins.

The mir ror opens like a slid ing door and she finds her selfwalk ing across a wooden bridge.


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Be low in a colour ful trop i cal gar den peo ple are pic nick ing.De spite be ing na ked, she’s not cold. They wave to her, whichmakes her feel em bar rassed.

Her per cep tion of be ing over weight in places and all thethings she dis likes about her body co mes rush ing into her mind.

As she ar rives at a tun nel lined with mir rors re flect ing herbody from all an gles; voices as if many eyes are watch ing hercause her to trem ble.

Then a white mar ble stair case co mes into view where a man,dressed as a door man, asked for her Pres ent Phys i cal Con -scious ness Card. In stantly she is aware of her self when he tellsher to vi su al ize wear ing a gar ment. Her awk ward ness as shemakes her way to wards a ball room, where peo ple are danc ing and hav ing fun, is over whelm ing.

As the door man is busy an nounc ing her by name, ev ery oneturns to greet her. She’s stand ing na ked, ex posed for ev ery oneto see! Her over–sen si tiv ity to her phys i cal faults over flows hermind and she cer tainly is not per ceiv ing her self wear ing anygown! A voice within says: “Cre ate a tem ple for your soul to staygrounded in.” Ing rid knows that she only in tel lec tu ally had in -vited her soul to take con trol, not in her heart. It’s a jubi lat ingex pe ri ence danc ing na ked! Does her part ner not see she’s na -ked? He gazes at her, his eyes! She wants to dis ap pear on thespot re cog nis ing those grey-blue eyes....

“It’s your mas cu line side within that you see as a mir ror. Kitty, em brace me lov ingly,” with a re-as sur ing smile he whis pers into her ear tobe more re laxed. Her need for pri vacy is al most im pos si ble tolet go of when the man takes her to an el e va tor. When Ing ridsteps in, he dis ap pears. She knows that the mir rors in the lift re -flect what hold thought-forms have on the phys i cal form. When the lift doors open, she’s handed a dress ing gown and aform and asked to take a seat in a room with raked seat ing.

Ev ery one is look ing at a screen on which a na ked woman iscross ing a bridge and you can see just how she feels! Na ked!


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A voice re quests her to fill in the name and age, while re lat ingde tails about the na ked woman’s back ground. She is asked tostudy the scor ing from one to nine plus the stron ger mas ter num -bers on her form and to fill in any ap pro pri ate num ber she feelsap plies to the woman as she moves. At each of the num bers aword and a sen tence re flect some feel ings ex pressed by thewoman’s body lan guage.

1. Don’t look at me! A fear of not be ing per fect! Self-fo cus is un der pres -sure.

2. Tries to look for ap proval? Feels threat ened and alone? Cau tious, afraid to try some thing new?

3. A feel ing of hav ing no imag i na tion? Still, hangs onto oldideas about the self.

4. Afraid to ven ture for ward? Acts bored and cut off? Lack of faith? Un will ing to do the test?

5. Ex pe ri ences in ner tur moil, acts very aloof, un so cia ble, with -drawn.

6. Un will ing to co–op er ate? Over–sen si tive? Afraid of be ingre jected? Rigid. Full of self–pity?

7. Acts a bit ir re spon si bly and shows some very in se cure feel -ings, in clined to run away.

8. Shows off, flashy, acts bored, ex presses jeal ousy, needs todom i nate, wants to be re cog nised.

9. Very emo tional, moody, eas ily in tim i dated, shy, lacks per -sonal con fi dence, shows a mar tyr com plex.

11. Dom i neer ing, or very crit i cal, show ing re sent ful ness andec cen tric ity, acts as if with head in the clouds.

22. Quick-tem pered, boast ful, self-pity ing, ag gres sive, lackssex ap peal, un ap pre cia tive, held back by feel ings of in fe ri or ity.

33. Clings, afraid to let go, ar gu men ta tive, abra sive, cold, seeks se clu sion, very cau tious, ig nores con se quences.

Ing rid gasped, as she too must have been ob served as shewalked across the bridge. Then an el derly, fit–look ing man on thescreen walks very briskly across.

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He even be gins to look youn ger. He shows that he is un re -served and feels good about him self as he walks into thecrowded ball room.

She’s search ing for the fa mil iar man she had danced with asshe felt at tracted to him. Some of the peo ple around her areleav ing hand ing in their pa pers. Had she failed the test?

“Yes, for this mo ment. So now you know what you think about your -self, and that is what oth ers will see as be ing real. They will re flect ex actlywhat is in your mind. Do you want to try again?”

Why not! Hop ing to meet the man who had en cour agedher. She hands in her pa per, and sud denly she’s in the dress ingroom again.

The dif fer ence is that now she feels less con spic u ous butwhen the voice over the in ter com asks her once again to un robe she is still, trem bling, from what! Where does this shy nesscome from? Chil dren don’t have it.

When it’s her time to go, many peo ple are on the bridgegreet ing her but the mir rors which are ev ery where only re flecther! Look ing at her pos ture, she straight ens up proudly.

This time she ob serves her thoughts with a cer tain in nercon fi dence and a feel ing of grat i tude wells up in side. Her in nerguide, her real self is awak en ing to ex pe ri ence it self in a hu manform.

Peer ing at her some what rounded body, her still firm breasts and her waist that still has the shape it al ways had and know ingshe has good legs, her nerves in her stom ach slowly re lax. Asshe moves to wards the mar ble steps, she visu al is es a deep-blueseal skin flow ing fab ric, cling ing and fig ure–hug ging, drap ingaround her body, feel ing her body mov ing as sin u ous, strongand youth ful to wards the ball room.

This is how she is go ing to see her self from now on, stillwear ing some cov er ing, but of flimsy fab ric that flat ters hershape. Her whole body trem bles with a de sire for her self.


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In stead of the door man wait ing to an nounce her, the veryhand some man she had danced with be fore takes her into hisarms while a daz zling smile ap pears on his face.....Rrrrrrrr.

Just as the dream be gan to be in trigu ing the ra dio alarm woke her

up! Her thoughts lin gered like an af ter taste, know ing that she

quickly had to write her dream down. For the first time she felt what

it was re ally like to love one’s own self. This was what hon our meant,

to hon our thy self.... For the first time she missed hav ing no sex ual

re la tion ship. Oh, how was she ever go ing to be re ally con tent again.

Was that Toon in her dream? Re call ing the voice tell ing her to em -

brace her mas cu line side was quite re veal ing. Had her fan tasy cre -ated an im age of Toon?

“Get real, stop act ing like a teen ager,” she scoffed when Toon’s

face ap peared as her land line rang next to her bed.

“Kitty, did I wake you?”

“No, the alarm clock beat you to it. What’s happened?” knowing

something was wrong.

“Oh, love, when I ar rived back at Annelies’ house we re ceived a

mes sage from a rel a tive. Otto, my half brother, had a mild heart at -

tack and both Annelies and I are on the way to him now so I will not

see you for a while, but I’ll phone you soon.

“Kitty…you were in my dream last night.” Ing rid could feel her -

self blush ing, re mem ber ing her na ked ness.

“You were in my dream too.”

Pleasure Parks Reception

“Ingrid, please come down stairs!” Ula pleaded over the in ter nal

speak ers while ev ery body was busy be hind the com put ers en ter ing

data that Mon day morn ing.“What for, Ula? I’m busy.” Piet had been hang ing around, get -

ting un der her skin, nag ging about the orig i nal disk. She knew hemeant the one with the eye sym bol. Dis ap point ment for not hav ing

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spent the week end with Toon had made her ir ri ta ble. “Ing rid, lots of roses have ar rived for you. You won’t be lieve it;

some one must have placed an or der with ev ery flo rist in town. Please come down, I can’t leave my desk.”

By now ev ery one in the of fice build ing was alerted by the in ter nal speak ers. When she got down to the foyer, she was greeted by anaroma from the flow ers. Sev eral dif fer ent ar range ments all with thesame mes sage: BE FORE I FOUND YOU, WHAT I FEEL NOW ONLY

HAP PENED IN MY DREAMS. T. crowded Ula’s coun ter. Ingrid was flabbergasted. Why all these roses? One arrangement

would have been sufficient. She phoned Toon’s firm and got Ellieon the line. When she commented on the multiple arrangementsthere was a long silence.

“Ingrid, how many did you...receive?” “Let me see ...eleven...no, twelve flo rists have each sent in di vid ual

ar range ments. Ellie, they are ex qui site, but a bit ex trav a gant Iwould say!” won der ing what could have hap pened. She heard a lit tlegirl’s voice in the back ground talk ing to Ellie.

“Mommy, I know how to send e-mails! I wanted to help you!” “Ing rid, what can I say? It was my mis take! I should never have

left Sammy on her own...I’m sure Mr. Haardens is go ing to be re allyangry…What shall I do?”

Ula pointed to the glass doors through which she could see twomore flo rist vans. Ing rid burst into gales of laugh ter while won der -ing how Toon was go ing to re act when he sees the bill! The wholeof fice heard that ev ery flo rist in Apeldoorn and sur round ings re -ceived the same or der through the e-mail.Ing rid urged ev ery one tohelp them selves to roses. It made up for her dis ap point ment.

While mak ing din ner, she laughed as she re called the roses in ci -dent, spec u lat ing what that mir rored in their re la tion ship. Abun -dance, that’s for sure. Ev ery one was spec u lat ing at work where theflow ers came from....


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The sound of the phone in the hall triggered her into the shakes,

would he have heard already!

“Ingrid speaking” trying very hard not to giggle.

“I be lieve you got my mes sage very loud and clear”. “Now youknow my feel ings!” “Kitty, I’m deeply in love with you, that’s all I

wanted to say. You sleep on it. I’ll see you next week.”


“Good-morn ing, this is Rob from the news desk in Apeldoorn

with an up date of the news. The po lice are in ves ti gat ing an al -

leged hold-up that re sulted in the ter rific ac ci dent last month on

the M5, the motor way to Paris.” Her car ra dio broad casted.

Was Rob re fer ring to Roelof de Beer? His com pany’s truck had

been in volved in an ac ci dent about a month ago.

“The com pany in volved was not avail able for com ment, but it

is spec u lated that a very prom i nent busi ness man is con nected to

a real es tate scam. We hope to have de tails later”.........

Ing rid switched off the ra dio. Roelof de Beer was not in any real

es tate, so it was prob a bly some thing else. Her mind went back to the dream she had woken up with just be -

fore Toon phoned, won der ing about the mean ing be hind it. For thefirst time since Jan passed away she con tem plated hav ing a sex ual re -la tion ship again. Her sex life dur ing the early sev en ties with Jan hadbeen pas sion ate, she’d be come preg nant with the twins just be foreshe turned 19. Then af ter the twins were born some thing hadchanged; they had drifted apart. Dur ing the time that Ed, Jan’sbrother, was around a lot, things were re ally bad. She had knownEd’s feel ing for her was more than just broth erly love. Jan was sel -dom home, she even sus pected that he was having an affair.

Then one eve ning, she had just had a bath, the twins were asleepwhen some one came up the stairs in their apart ment in Rot ter dam.She had ex pected Jan and only wore her dress ing-gown when sheopened the front door. Ed was just stand ing there, look ing at herbut say ing noth ing. Later he told her that Jan had asked him to col -

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lect some pa pers and to tell her that he would not be home that eve -ning. She knew that she was just as guilty as him for al low ing theirsex ual arous als to get the better of them.

Three months af ter that one ep i sode, Ed left for Aus tra lia, tell ingher that he could not stay around any lon ger with out re veal ing to hisbrother what he felt for her. Ing rid knew the mo ment she had in ter -course with Ed that she con ceived. It took all her ef fort to have sexwith Jan af ter he came home.

Jan had been very surprised at her sudden amorous interest and for thefirst time in her life she play-acted out of fear.

It al most de stroyed her self worth. Jan never sus pected it at the time, but she al ways knew Deb bie was Ed’s child. Think ing about it made her feel sad and re morse ful for the cost had been very high. In her de spairshe closed off, be came numb and lived as a zombi for years.

She only saw Ed again nine teen years later at Jan’s fu neral but shedid n’t want to be with him. She was too raw, her feel ings of griefand her guilt for that one time that she had been un faith ful had ruled her life.

Dur ing her pregnancy with Deb bie she de nied the pos si bil ity thatDeb bie could have been Ed’s child and the long pe ri ods of lone li nesswithin her mar riage made her of ten want to head for a di vorce.

Years later when she learned that Jan had had an affair, they bothstarted to talk, which was very heavy going in the beginning. Jan haddifficulty forgiving his brother for many years. Ed must have known that he had found out. Only after Debbie was twelve, when she hada mis car riage, did things start to clear up. The loss of that unbornchild shifted her whole outlook on life.

They had stayed together, and thinking back now she felt thattheir marriage had improved considerably. The last years, evenduring Jan’s illness, had been good, and they had become loversagain as well as best friends.

A sud den emo tional re lease from the pain of Jan’s death en gulfed her whole be ing. Then the mem o ries left and feel ings of love that


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she thought came from Jan were now for her self. Now she knew she

was free again for the first time, to love again.

Hol i day mak ers over crowded the al ready full park ing lots in the cen -

tre of Apeldoorn when she saw Marijke be ing dropped off in front of

the Pannekoek. Ing rid asked Marijke how she was do ing, with the loss

of Kees in mind while they strolled past Yolanda’s book shop.

“They say time heals, but at the mo ment there is still that heavy,

sad feel ing. I sup pose you know all about it eh?” Marijke looked at

her side ways. Marijke was at trac tive in a moth erly way, and Ing rid

won dered why she worked. Surely her hus band, be ing a de tec tive,

earned an ad e quate sal ary to sup port his fam ily?

“Los ing a child must be hard,” giv ing Marijke’s shoul der a squeeze.

She un der stood that Marijke was re fer ring to her own loss of Jan but

she was not sure if that was the same. The thought of los ing any of

her chil dren was for more in con ceiv able.

“I dream about the accident often, but I wasn’t even there when it happened! The other day I was looking for a dream book in the

bookshop to see if there would be anything in it for me that made

any sense.” Her voice trailed an air of sadness.

“The resentment and pain I feel in my dreams leaves me so

drained in the morning. I have difficulty getting out of bed. Work

helps in a way, but I feel I should be at home for my other two

children in the afternoons. Last week I applied for a mornings–only

position with the firm.”

“What did they say?” Thinking that would not be a bad idea.

“I can start part time from next month. It’s a drop in sal ary, but

Paul agrees that it would be better. He’s glad I made that de ci sion,

say ing it had to come from me. I’m still wor ried about the time I’ll

have on my hands. Work gives me a tem po rary re lease.” Marijke’s ag -

o nised voice made her re al ise that the job was a tem po rary ex cuse, a

fan tasy to es cape the pain. What could she do to help?Ar riv ing at her of fice, yet an other beau ti ful ar range ment with a

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COME BACK TO YOU, AND YOU KNOW MINE! T, made her day. She won dered how deeply he could tap into her men tal di a logue.

Only when she was near him could she sense what he was think ingand even hear the words, she won dered if it was the same for him.

She had to ac knowl edge that he had an al most erotic ef fect on her. She was about to check her email for the day when sud denly with outher do ing any thing the plain blue screen filled with writ ing ap peared!<Kitty, you asked why you dream?>

Yes, she had, in the car this morn ing! <The hu man mind is sim i lar to a gi ant com puterwhich acts and re acts ac cord ing to its pro gram ming. While your ac tive pro gram ming started the day youwere born, there are in flu ences be ing im printed onyour sub con scious and con scious minds long be forebirth.>

Did POWAH mean that not all dreams were like the one she had? That was more a fan tasy surely, not any thing real. Some times youcan al most dream about a dif fer ent life but...

<POWAH, when we dream, is it al ways about things thattrou ble us?> she punched away at her key board.<Kitty, dreams can serve as your in ner guid ancesys tem. It is sim i lar to when prob lems oc cur onyour com puter and the trou ble shoot ing op tions arethere.>

Gosh, like the many flash ing boxes that ap peared on her screenwhen she did some thing il le gal on her PC. Some do in deed carry so -lu tions on how to sort out the prob lems. <You learn from the com puter trou ble shoot ing doyou not? In that way you learn from yourdreams.Most dreams re spond to the im pres sions thatare stored in your ra tio nal mind. Your dreams canalso help you get in touch with your Higher Self,mak ing the con nec tion to your in ner core, yourIAM's au ric field, which holds all its col lec tivemem o ries of many life times. All these im pres sions


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are stored in your un con scious, ready for ex plo ra -tion.>

For a mo ment her own dream flashed by.

<What can I do to help Marijke in her pain?> Ing rid wishedear nestly that she could some how help her to get on with her life

with her other two chil dren. <Kitty, Marijke’s dreams will help her out of hercon fu sion and into a deeper re la tion ship with her -self. Her de sire to see Kees is still very strongand she is still long ing for some thing she can nothave. She was un able to pre pare her self for his de -par ture al though he had made his in ner prep a ra tions long be fore he left. Soon she will awaken to thisin ner know ing that all is well with him.>

Ing rid won dered if she could sug gest to her that she start a

dream jour nal.<Yes! In that way she will change her own think ingand look for the guid ance she so badly needs at thismo ment. Re mem ber, you can not do it for her! Justlove her.>

Ing rid was as tounded by the way the an swer would just ap pear, as

if it were part of her own mind. A warm feel ing of one ness, the

mo ment she read it as if she knew the an swer al ready, still spurred

her to ask more ques tions.

<POWAH, what did my dream mean?><Kitty, nu dity in your dream is your Higher Self’sway of tell ing you to get used to a new sense offree dom, a rev e la tion, a shed ding of all af fec ta -tion, a new sense of hon esty and open ness. Theworld as you see it is noth ing more than a pro jec -tion of a wish.>

Of course, all the mir rors in her dream were not real, they only

pro jected her own thoughts back!<That is cor rect and they have no last ing sig nif i -cance. Don’t cen tre your dreams on some thing asephem eral as the out side world. Your feel ings ofem bar rass ment in the be gin ning ex pressed your fear

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of ex pos ing cer tain emo tions and in ner thoughts and about your self–worth! Think about that.>

<POWAH, my in ner feel ings for…Toon, are they real?> She felt a bit odd ask ing that. Just now…<Kitty, in the end you did feel good about your -self, did you not? Meet ing up with peo ple that arein your daily life in a dream helps you to re cog nise the qual i ties within your own self that this per son is re flect ing to you.>

Ing rid won dered which of Toon’s qual i ties rep re sented in her. She real ised that he did ac ti vate a need in her to take ac tion. Her own need for em pow er ment was a lot stron ger lately. She won dered ifthat was the mas cu line po lar ity within her self.<Kitty, look up the root num ber of your PCP card. Then be come aware as to which Lan guage of Lightqual i ties are al ready at your dis posal. Have manymore dreams, es pe cially now dur ing these times.>


An ex hil a rat ing feel ing of joy flooded her whole body, this couldbe come quite ad dic tive. Was she re ceiv ing this re ply from her ownmind? Which was still a bit hard to swal low. She could surely nothave come up with all those an swers?…Which qual i ties wasPOWAH re fer ring to? Was she tap ping into the uni ver sal mind andwas her per sonal mor tal mind only trans lat ing it? Or, was it com ingfrom a sep a rate in tel li gence?

Class 5MOTIVATION: the de sire to be come aware, was writ ten onthe door.

“To night we are de cod ing the first five awak en ing card spac ings forthe first level, be gin ning with the pres ent phys i cal per son al ity card,” Annelies looked very ex otic in her colour ful kaftan which she seemed to wear a lot. Per haps it was one of Yolanda’s cre ations. She told them one eve ning that she was a gym nas tics ad dict, they were dis cuss ing ad dic -tions; that was why she looked so ath letic but still fem i nine.


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Only Yolanda and her self used their mar ried names in their de -

cod ing. Ing rid felt that to be al most a trib ute to Jan, for he had been

her best teacher and her best friend to find things about her self she

liked and dis liked.“Annelies, will I see in the energy of my married name where I

went wrong? Yolanda whispered.

“Why do you say that you went wrong? Do I detect a desire for

punishment or guilt?” Yolanda looked up at Annelies and Ingrid

could feel her sad ness.

“Darling, perceive it as a blessing, it helped you to be what you are now,”

Liesbeth winked at her from across the large table. Ing rid realised

how lucky Toon was to have Annelies as a friend, she wondered

what this woman had to go through to become what she was now.

“Annelies, will each new sur name bring new and dif fer ent chal -

lenges? How un fair that men stay with the same name!” Her need to

up lift Yolanda’s mood worked.It evoked a jok ing re sponse from the

oth ers, es pe cially the men and ev ery one be came less serious.

“Thank you,” Annelies beamed when she walked past to check on

their cal cu la tions.

“Who makes the decision to change your name, Ingrid? “Names

can become radioactive ownership thought-forms.”

“Well, it’s the custom, but I suppose…we do…you don’t have

to…My mother kept hers and added my dad’s name to hers. I nevergave it any thought.” “What do you mean by ra dio-ac tive?”

“Annelies, is that why you never took on Ben’s name?” Gerrit

asked her in all seriousness.

“That, my dear, was pure re bel lion on my part.” she laughed.

Annelies never sat down. In stead she hov er ed around, peer ing over

each shoul der at their cal cu la tions.

“Jaarsma was far too com mon for me and it in fu ri ated Ben, so

that spurred me even more to re fuse his sur name.”

“Really? Also, Jaarsma?” Liesbeth ex claimed. “But Annelies,

how come?”

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“Ben had been brought up in the same orphanage as Gerrit.” “Really? Gerrit, do you know Ben?” Yolanda's mood had

shifted. In stead she showed great surprise at the co in ci dence.“Oh, yes, did I ever. The terrible twins they were called. Leo, the

eccentric loner, completely the opposite to Ben, is a man with aninexhaustible imagination. Both brothers have an immense capacityfor hard work and the ability to inspire others. Annelies you mustmiss him!” Gerrit looked pensively at Annelies.

Ing rid won dered where Ben was. She did n’t get the feel ing that he had died but she did n’t want to probe. As she glanced at Niels, heseemed far away in his own world and she sensed that he was notvery happy. Pick ing up peo ple’s in ner thoughts was not al ways an ad -van tage. The more tele pathic she be came the more she was awareof the in tense emo tions peo ple har boured.

“It’s good that you be come aware of that Ing rid. Mag netic, ra dio ac tive andelec tri cal en er gies are all thought forms.”

That was something new! “Where do our thoughts fall under?” How would you separate the

essence of a thought she wondered...“Through be com ing aware of feel ings that thoughts trig ger. We’ll go into that later.”“After the coffee break we’ll decode our last two cards which

have to do with your past or future lives that all happensimultaneously.” Annelies opened the door for Joris who greetedeveryone abundantly.

“Annelies, is it necessary to know or remember your past lives?” “Rich ard, dur ing these times other life’s ex pe ri ences will flood into

our mem ory. Of ten dur ing dream states peo ple will gather some thingthat has a bear ing on this life. Your phys i cal life is a mir ror of the con -tent of our Souls li brary; which is a spir i tual one. But please, don’ttake any thing I say as gos pel,” she urged, ras ing her hands.

“Annelies, I had an amaz ing dream the other night,” She vol un -teered bravely.

“Will you share it in your jour nal, Ing rid?” Annelies made sure


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ev ery one heard her. “I want to read all about that one, is Toon in it?” Joris

sud denly perked up his ears when he heard Annelies think of the

name Toon. Gee, she wondered if all an i mals are tele pathic.

“I suppose I have to, now that I have blabbered that out. Gosh,that is very personal.” Caressing Joris at the same time.

“That’s probably the reason for having the dream in the first

place,” Annelies grinned while peeping at her numeral spacings.

“Ingrid I see that your life opportunity card is mirrored in the

vibration of the twenty-one which represents the world! You will

have some large projects reflected by this card for this lifetime.

Mmm, interesting.”

Annelies stood be hind her when she beamed. “Annelies, how’s

Otto, Toon’s half–brother?”

“Otto’s fine, but it was a warn ing to Toon that he must stop trav el ling so much.

Thank good ness he now seems to be mo ti vated to shed some of his many com mit -

ments.” Annelies squeezed her shoul der while an nounc ing a tea break.

“Yolanda, if I were to give you a draw ing of an eve ning gown,

would you be able to make it?” she asked while Joris had adopted her

dur ing their cof fee break. “Miss ing your boss, aren’t you?” his puppy

eyes flick ered.

“I’d love to try. What did you have in mind?”

“I love draw ing ideas but I’ve al ways re stricted my self to draw ing

an art ist’s im pres sion for ar chi tec tural and build ing plans but why

not clothing?”

“All right, why don’t we give it a try? You draw an idea with the

colours and texture, etc. and I’ll see if I can put it into shape and

form. That could be fun!”

Annelies and Joris accompanied her to her car. The sun had just

set now that the time was set one hour later due to daylight saving.

“Ing rid, I’m still wait ing for the many ques tions you must have.”

Ing rid’s mind raced, did she ever! “I’ll let you know if I hear from Toon, butI think he’ll con tact you be fore me,” Annelies beamed, wav ing...

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When she heard the phone in the hall way as she parked her car, she hoped Toon would keep on ring ing.

“Toon, is”…there was silence, except for the telepathic message. “I’ve been really miserable, Oh, Kitty, I miss you.” Ingrid felt ec static andalive. She felt sort-of-sim i lar only when listening to good mu sic.

“Hello, love, I needed to hear your voice.” I’ve madearrangements to have a meeting on Wednesday at your office withHarry Brinks and I believe some other subcontractors.”

“Toon, are you phoning from somewhere in Holland? I’ve never known anybody that can be at so many different locations all in aspace of two weeks!”

“Yes, love, I’ve created a lifestyle that has a busy schedule withmany booked appointments but I’ll have to make some drasticchanges now that I want to be with you.”

“Where are you now?” “At Heathrow airport. My flight to New York was delayed…but

they are calling me now. See you next week.” “I’ll try to visit you in my dreams dur ing the flight, wear some -

thing.…”They were calling a Mr. Haardens over the PA system.Ing rid was al ready long ing for the fol low ing Wednes day to ar rive.

She was about to check her email, when excerpt seven appeared.


The Awakening Clan

Programme...Planet Earth

Time–ZoneYour third di men sional sound fre quency thatcre ated the il lu sion of ‘time’, is only a men talpro jec tion, a super-ho lo gram, a solid thoughtform within a time-warp! That is all it is! From a time less per spec tive you can see all the past,pres ent and fu ture re al i ties spread out be foreyou so you can per ceive your soul’s vi sion.

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Wow! POWAH clearly said that ‘time’ was cre ated by sound fre -

quen cies. Her stu dio dis played many books she had col lected over

A Dream not Interpreted is a Letter not Read


Vi bra tions of a new oc tave have been an choredwithin Gaia’s plan e tary ho lo gram in the lasthun dred Earth years. These new higher oc tavesform a cos mic lan guage, ‘the Lan guage of Light’.

This sym bolic language will help suc ceed inggen er a tions in dis covering the truth about them -selves, while heal ing the rift be tween the maleand female po lar i ties within themselves.

Man’s purely lin ear male dom i nated think ingmethod be tween your spe cies re sulted in the di -vi sion of per ceiv ing co-cre ation in a dualisticway. Co–cre ation is the pro cess in which one’sHigher Self (right hemi sphere) di rects from out -side of time. While the phys i cal body (lefthemi sphere) di rects from in side of time.

This ‘Lan guage of Light’ only com mu ni catesthrough man's feel ing na ture when in love withlife. Only then can they res o nate to wards higher light–graphics and pul sa tions. Through this‘lan guage’ man, as a spe cies, ac quires an un der -stand ing of the many lev els of higher in tel li -gence.

As a re sult of ma jor drops in fre quency, hu -mans were cut off from this ‘lan guage’ foraeons. This has been one of the many rea sons for the fall to wards earth bound solid thought–formcon scious ness. NOW is the time to re gain yourmem ory of this Lan guage of Light, in or der to be -come ga lac tic inter–di men sional trav el lers.

You must un lock the space time-warp codes inor der to make bi o log i cal as cen sion pos si ble. Inyour his tory tem ples, you call pyr a mids, youran ces tors could cre ate a space time-warp ar ti fi -cially. That knowl edge was lost dur ing the fallof Atlantis.

It is hoped that a mass awak en ing will hap penbe fore planet Gaia’s as cen sion, which could bethe end of the use of elec tri cal ap pli ances.


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the years. She looked up what ‘time-warps’ could mean. One booksaid that a time struc ture could be an elec tro mag netic force that wasor bit ing around the planet at an ultrahigh fre quency!

When she looked up in for ma tion on the ‘Lan guage of Light’ fromTieneke's notes, the de scrip tion read that man in the past com mu ni -cated with other planes of in tel li gence due to a mag netic force thatres o nated with na ture. It was an in stant com mu ni ca tion with the in fi -nite mind, us ing ideographic and pic to graphic cy ber net ics. Thegraphics Annelies used as a Lan guage of Light sym bols had also come from Tieneke.

Last week she had found her Lan guage of Light cards fromTieneke’s mind-draw ing re treat. She was amazed how her sym bolsfrom last year re flected her ex pe ri ences now. All the qual i ties thesym bols stood for had be come part of her. At the time Tieneke’sLight body work shop had just been a dis trac tion for her. Annelieshad ex plained that the sym bols with their nu meral in ter pre ta tionsare a sym bolic lan guage. How the en er gies from a sym bolic lan -guage seem to have an ef fect, re minded her that Annelies had men -tioned that the re cent crop cir cles made similar patterns. The eyesymbol on the aerial photo was a good example.

Sud denly she had a flash as if re call ing mem ory, as if she shouldknow about this space time warp. Some thing to do with a star map? Ing rid started to feel quite weird, as if…but the flash was gone whenshe heard Jeroen ar riv ing in the drive way.

She made a late night snack for them both and spent some timewith him be fore go ing to bed. She would spend that week end work -ing on her jour nal af ter read ing over the eight trans mis sions fromPOWAH, hop ing that one day these ex cerpts would make moresense…


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Chapter 8

It’s All in the Eye of theObserver

Jeroen Barendse

“Mom, can I bor row your car?”

“Jeroen, I thought you could use one of grandpa’s company cars, until yours is fixed?”

“I could, but last night Kim’s boy friend bor rowed the car to take

her home, af ter he dropped me off.” Jeroen’s tall frame just fit ted in

the door way of her study. His dark blond wavy hair cov ered half his

face. Un like his twin sis ter Sascia, who was or gan ised and tidy,

Jeroen was very ca sual and dis or ga nized. His cousin Kim, Quincy’s

daugh ter, had sud denly ar rived on her door step yes ter day, es cap ing

from her par ents Kim told them in an emo tional state.

They both heard a car on the driveway and Jeroen looked relieved

when he peeped through the blinds. He knew he was not supposed

to just hand over a borrowed car! Even if Kim’s boyfriend seemed a

nice enough guy.

Ingrid had with drawn to her of fice to start sorting out the

excerpts and the notes, when she sensed someone standing next to

her. The computer screen suddenly beamed the same brightness as it

did at work and the text started to appear.<Kitty, any emo tion that is ex pressed by you, is are flec tion of the state of mind that you are in atthe mo ment. If it ex presses love, it will bring you peace. If it ex presses chaos or up heaval, it willre flect that back.>


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That made her think about Kim and her sis ter. She missed Toon,but why was she still so ap pre hen sive to start a new re la tion ship?

<POWAH, why am I fear ful of get ting in volved again?>Real is ing she was get ting very per sonal with who ever!<If your think ing pro cess en com passes the be liefthat you have a ba sis for be ing fear ful and mustthere fore pro tect your self, your per son al ity willen gage in con flict. You will feel an urge, or adriv ing need to be on the de fen sive.>

Yes, that she knew. She was very hard on herself for she so muchwanted to follow her soul’s desire and not her personality’s needs.

<POWAH, when I feel that I would like to know moreabout a man that I’ve only just met, surely it is not wrong tofeel this way? How do I know if I’m di rected by my per son al -ity or the real me?> won der ing if she knew the an swer al ready. <Kitty, the value of any re la tion ship is that which is achieved in that re la tion ship, when you are al -low ing your self to ex press only LOVE, and ap ply ingit in any re la tion ship, in ti mate, or not. Then youknow it is the real you. There is no greater value.>

Did that not im ply.… was she get ting ad dicted to this form ofcom mu ni ca tion? She had to ask the fol low ing ques tion.

<POWAH, is there such a thing as a “cos mic soul mate” ora twin soul?> she waited with bated breath, the still ness in thehouse, af ter Jeroen and Kim gone out, made her feel at one with thecon scious ness that was com mu ni cat ing through the text.<You are all re flec tions of one an other. Re mem berthat you plan care fully all ex pe ri ences you have.Should you both have cho sen to have a cos mic mate,well, your plans have no lim i ta tions.>

She liked read ing about hav ing no lim i ta tions, know ing that eachex pe ri ence must first orig i nate within her mind.<Kitty, the pur pose of any re la tion ship with an other is to share your own com plete ness. Your own in di vid -ual soul’s de sire will cre ate an op por tu nity for in -di vid ual growth. If your soul is long ing for the


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un ion with its cre ator and if that is ac com plishedby at tract ing its op po site po lar ity to ward it selfthen, yes, you can call that your twin soul.>

Did POWAH mean that this de sire that she felt lately is the soul’sde sire and not just her hor mones?<Yes, bless ev ery re la tion ship, for ev ery one willgive you in for ma tion about who you are, or who younow choose to be. The fem i nine as pect of your be ing is the real and en dur ing spir i tual self of you.When you have em braced and bal anced the mas cu lineand fem i nine as pects within you, you are ready fora soul mar riage.>

Ing rid knew that ask ing to live to her full soul po ten tial could at -tract all kinds of ex pe ri ences, why not a higher form of part ner ship.<Kitty, you and Toon have an op por tu nity to be comea cos mic cou ple. You are en ter ing into a new evo lu -tion ary spi ral that means you will draw to you asoul–to–soul un ion that is very pro found. You com -mu ni cate tele path i cally, do you not?>

She knew those an swers came from a part of her self that seemedco her ently linked to her higher self. But then, did Toon and sheshare a con scious ness on that level?

<POWAH, what is stop ping me from awak en ing fully outof this dream or il lu sion?> She typed fe ver ishly, want ing to feelthat she was par tic i pat ing with some one in what ever way. Was POWAH her own mind, her own guide, her own… She was not cer -tain what to make of it. How could POWAH be her own mind ifAnnelies shared the same guide? When she com mu ni cated this wayher adren a lin rush was al ways high. She could feel her heart pound -ing in her chest and won dered if at that mo ment her en ergy lev elswere more con du cive to this type of com mu ni ca tion.<Kitty, we all share in the uni ver sal mind. Love is the key to the new fre quency and it ex pands your own state of aware ness by see ing ‘you’ al ready fullyawake this very mo ment; but as soon as yourthoughts ex press any thing dif fer ent, you will goback to ex pe ri enc ing the shadow of the truth.PRACTISE STAYING IN THE MOMENT!>

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<Do you mean be ing in the med i ta tive state when you areprac tis ing hav ing a one-pointed fo cus, and hold ing the feel ingthat goes with it?> She had been feel ing very ex u ber ant lately, butthat must be be cause of Toon. Would she have felt like this with outhim? Sub con sciously she knew that she would have to feel like thiseven with out a lover. Lately she had been far more at peace with her -self ever since she started to work for Plea sure Park. She had of tenplayed with ideas at home af ter a day’s work. Es pe cially to do withde sign ing and lay outs. It was through this job that her vi sions sur -round ing fu ture liv ing con di tions in com mu ni ties, or Eco-vil lages,had cre ated a pur pose and in ner joy. <Yes, you’ve got it! The more you at tempt to hold onto this feel ing of joy, the more you al low your selfto get im mersed into your HIGHER SELF and the more it will be made known to you in ways that re quire noques tion ing. For the INDIVIDUAL SOUL joy must be re -cog nised and ex pe ri enced. Your DIVINE/OVERSOUL knows eu pho ria al ready. Kitty, you have the mo ti va tionand the de sire. The in ter pre ta tions of your 22 gridspac ings will guide you through the whole awak en ingpro cess. Con tem plate your five sa cred tonal vi bra -tion spaces with their in ter pre ta tions.>

At that mo ment her printer was ac ti vated and ex cerpt eight wasprinted out. Some one must have typed this!...When they were at thePannekoek Fri day eve ning Hans had asked Toon if it was Trevor, send ing POWAH’s mes sage. But who was Trevor?


The Awakening Clan

Programme...Planet Earth

The 1st level of the awak en ing Card GameKitty, you need to have the ‘mo ti va tion’ and

the de sire to be come aware.

The two life card spac ings re veal the soul les -sons and ob sta cles ex pe ri enced in many otherlives. Some of the ex pe ri ences have been the re -salt of pre vi ous in com plete awakenings be causeof neg a tive thought forms that were left be hind

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It’s All in the Eye of the Observer


within your etheric blue print.

The Life Op por tu nity Card Nu meral Vi bra tions re -veal the soul gifts you bring into this life time. Yours be ing twenty—one, ac knowl edges that thislife re flects your com ple tion, the end of the oldand the com ing of the new. It is the same spac ingas planet Earth’s spac ings used in the awak en ingcard game called; ‘The Eye of the Ob server’

The Life Ob sta cle Card nu meral vi bra tions re -veal how your ob sta cles will be made known to you.Kitty, many voices seem to be con fus ing you, which is a re minder to you to seek si lence and to be comein wardly cen tred. Let your Higher Self be in con -trol so your soul can fully oc cupy your form.

The Three Pres ent Per son al ity Cards nu meralspac ings re flect the aware ness you have at thismo ment. It can re veal to you which as pect of youis in con trol. That is why they are called theawak en ing cards.

The Pres ent Con scious Per son al ity Card nu meral vi bra tion re flects what you ra di ate con sciouslyat this pres ent mo ment.It ho lo graph i cally rep re -sents your bi o log i cal grid pat tern.

The Pres ent Men tal Un ex pressed Per son al ity Cardnu meral vi bra tion is the sub con scious vi bra tion,your sub tle men tal body that you work with at thismo ment.

The Pres ent Emo tional In ner Strength per son al ity Cardnu meral vi bra tion is the power force of your sub tle emo tional body, ex pressed through your heart chak -ra. Ev ery thing that the hu man form at tracts is re -lated to the thought-forms that cre ate a par tic u lar set of ex pe ri ences upon the phys i cal plane.The abil -ity to em body the ‘Lan guage of Light’ will soon bere stored. As this lan guage tran scends po lar ity,lim i ta tions dis ap pear and all things again be comepos si ble.


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Ing rid felt over whelmed by the vol ume of work, es pe cially re -gard ing this Lan guage of Light. Only now, did the mind draw ing ex -er cises with Tieneke make sense. Even when she drew the sym bolsthen, it must have an made an im pact en ergy wise. Mak ing the cardsdid slowly re veal what POWAH was talk ing about in his ex cerpts. Look ing at her own spaces on the chart she saw they had be come the in ner jour ney the work shops had prom ised.

Suddenly an awareness of Toon’s presence swept so powerfullyover her, it was most unsettling, particularly as she’d always thoughtthat if one reached a certain age, one would not land on thisemotional roller-coaster. She was wrong!

The phone in the hall way rang, “Toon, is that you?” She won dered if she could com mu ni cate tele path i cally with out know ing where he was.

“Kitty! Pick up the phone and say nothing, just listen!” She lifted thereceiver to her ear and silently projected, “Toon, if it’s you, mentallyspeaking to me, how is it we can do this?” She hoped he understood whatshe really meant.

“My Kitty, soul love is a mag netic so lar en ergy and we have a soul-to-soul con -nec tion. I never again want to be with out this dy namic mag ne tism that I have withyou.” His thoughts elec tri fied her whole being.

“This is called cosmic fire, Kitty. I would love to experience this in thephysical, how about it?” She knew her own passion would lead her intohis bed, realising too late that he could read her mind!

“I heard that, but when?”“Toon, I need to get to know you a lot better, I mean your per son al ity.”“Do you realise how difficult that is going to be, not to mention unhealthy?’ Toon

sighed. “Kitty, there is such a thing as sympathetic, empathetic and compassionatetelepathy,” his mental pleadings were very convincing.

“Toon, do you communicate with others this way, I mean women?” “Kitty, I am not in love with any one but you.......I’ll see you on Wednes day

and I’ll show it when I see you. No other woman ever turned me on the way youdo.”


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Apeldoorn city centre

“Good morn ing to all my lis ten ers around Gelderland. Mys te ri -ous de vel op ments have come to light in con nec tion with the reales tate scam of a prom i nent busi ness man, Nick duToit. When thelarge es tate of the late Don ald Jaarsma was pur chased by Mr.Brinks of the Plea sure Parks hol i day re sorts ”.…

Just then a van with blar ing mu sic drowned her ra dio. She re -

mem bered the name duToit! She knew that the name had a con nec -

tion with the Prinsengracht ho tel, or some thing to do with Mr.Brinks, but who was Don ald Jaarsma? She must ask Toon when she

saw him at the board room meet ing the next day.

Ing rid looked for ward to vis it ing her sis ter on Wednes day af ter -

noon af ter the sub con trac tor meet ing. It was Quincy’s birth day on


Kim, her niece told her and Jeroen that her par ents had been

fight ing ev ery day and she would not be liv ing at home much lon ger.

Ing rid had been so pre-oc cu pied with her own agenda that she had

ne glected to con tact Quincy. She had given Kim an en ve lope for her

mother on Sat ur day eve ning, just be fore she went out with Jeroen.

Be cause of a traf fic jam on the Arnhem road at the en trance to thechil dren’s farm ‘Malkenschoten’ she was run ning late for work. A

van with boxes of or anges had over turned on the way to the mar ket

in Beekbergen. The an gry brut ish look ing man from the van seemed

all right but the mo tor bike he col lided with, was man gled. The or -

ange man was shout ing at ev ery one. Ac ci dents al ways gave her the

shiv ers, the am bu lance and po lice cre ated an at mo sphere of gloom.

She spied Carla across the road after she found a parking space at

the back of the Pannekoek.

“Carla can you still take me to the sta tion at lunch time to mor row?

My sis ter is re ally go ing through some rough times. I’ll be back dur ing

Thurs day af ter noon.” Carla’s hair could do with a make over, what

hap pened to her? Carla told her that in her spare time she took up

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sculp ture again, but was that a rea son for let ting her self go un tidy!“Ing rid, I broke off with Niels. I was re ally fond of him, but all of

a sud den he was very dis tracted as if I did not ex ist any more. Youknow how sen si tive I am; the mo ment I feel a man shows that his in -ter est in me is wear ing off, then I tend to call it quits. I’m not get tinghurt again!”

Carla’s outburst revealed her be ing mis er a ble, when they walkedthrough the glass doors of the office building.

That’s why Niels was so quiet last Friday at Annelies’ class, he had been just as miserable! Niels was single and had his own computershop. He had told them in his charming way that he never had timefor girlfriends because he wanted to establish a business first. Healso wanted a partner that would have the same spiritual in ter est. Annelies had asked about Carla and he had shared his suddenanxiety that Carla might not be interested in the awak en ing journey. Ingrid liked Niels who had a way of making everyone feel special.

“Carla, I’m sorry, but something tells me that you maybe castinghim off prematurely.”

“What do you mean by ‘cast ing him off? What makes you say that?”“Carla, Niels is in my Friday evening class. Did he tell you?’ she

confided while they were waiting for the lift to come down.“Yes, he did, and he is secretive about those classes too, as if he

cannot share them with me.”“Niels did tell me that he was looking forward to your cooking

one evening and last Friday he was miserable as well, so somethingelse must have happened between both of you,” Ingrid respondedcarefully while stepping into the lift.

“Well, he was very tired when he came to me after his classes twoweeks ago, and I was very disappointed. I was so looking forward toan interesting evening, I really wanted to know about the classes, and all he wanted to do was...well, you know what I mean!” Carla looked at her as if she understood! What was Carla implying, sex? She hadtold her that she had met Niels in the past when she was very young,


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but Carla had been married twice before so she must have had a lot

of experience with men. Carla was about to press the top floor

button when Piet joined them in the lift. Ingrid could see by her ex -

pres sion that he was the last person she wanted to see. It stoppedtheir conversation. Ingrid took the opportunity to inform Piet that

she would be out of the office on Wednesday afternoon and

Thursday morning.

“We have a meeting Wednesday morning with Mr Brinks and that

friend of yours.”

“Mr. Haardens? Yes, Piet, I have not for got ten; I hope you will be

there.” He looked hag gard, as if he had not slept in two days. Had

he been drink ing? He was cer tainly short–tem pered.

There was plenty of work ly ing on her desk and more graphics to

play with for an ad vert that would be sent to the over seas cli ents that

were in vited to the open ing of the new com plex in Tilburg.

When she walked past Piet’s office, she overheard him shoutingto someone on the phone about the new French site that seemed to

be giving problems: something to do with the soil. She wondered

about all the blasting that was taking place to make room for the big

dome and what effect that was having on the eye symbol.

There were many emails, one of which was from Sascia. She

made a lunch date with Carla to whom she had promised an

explanation about the awak en ing workshops. She could sense Piet

had walked in and was looking over her shoulder.

“Ingrid, will you work longer today?”

“Yes, I have to finish this proof. What is happening in France?

Are there any problems with the blasting and the soil?”

“Oh, don’t worry your little head over that. It will be sorted out,”

He stared resentfully at her which infuriated her. He was really

getting so obnoxious, she had difficulty not reacting to him.

“Piet, you had better not keep something from me that I should

know about.”

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“Well, ask your boyfriend; he will be there.” “I will ignore that statement” He walked away without replying.

She felt guilty because her thoughts had not been very focussed onthe job. What was she doing? Did she really need this job?

While Carla took the proof pamphlet on the Tilburg complexand the artist’s impression of the French Pleasure Park off her forthe meeting, she experienced a surge of joy and lightness at thethought of seeing Toon the next day. Den Haag

Her pre sen ta tion looked good that Wednes day morn ing. She hadbeen glid ing along on a wave of ela tion, verg ing on rap ture, sus -tained by the an tic i pa tion of see ing Toon.

While she was rearranging things and looking at the clock, shesuddenly felt something prickling her neck ever so gently and whenshe turned, she saw Toon standing in the doorway, looking at herwith an intensity that produced butterflies in her solar plexus. In herheart she wanted to run to him but instead walked slowly, smilinggaily...

“How long have you been standing in the doorway?” Matchingthe flicker in his eyes with a sparkle from her own. She still feltdetermined to overcome the formidable mental power he seemed to have over her.

“Toon, say some thing oth er wise I will ig nore you the whole morn ing,” shebeamed, very aware that he was ob serv ing her whole body. His looksud denly changed to a gen tle, lov ing gaze. They held each other’sglances with out speak ing which cre ated a time less mo ment. She knew that he was ap prais ing her trem bling figure.

“That won der ful blue suit you are wear ing re veals a very de lec ta ble body un der -neath, do you know that?”

“Oh re ally, can you see through me now?” “Ing rid, it’s so good to see you!” he greeted her warmly, hold ing her

briefly be fore set tling, stretch ing his long legs un der the board room ta ble.


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Good grief! Was he a clair voy ant too? She tried her best to ig -

nore him and moved away to her draw ing board as the meet ing

started with a dis cus sion on the prob lem they were hav ing with the

blast ing. Roelof de Beer looked hag gard and Toon sat star ing in thedis tance as if he was not there. The oth ers talked in dif fer ently about

how to use the ex plo sives. Ing rid felt a re vul sion sweep ing over her

as if they were do ing some thing wrong! Were they de stroy ing some -

thing im por tant with these ex plo sives? Mr. Brinks was very quiet, he

let ev ery one have a say, she knew him to be a very discerning man.

“You have to move the site of the dome,” Toon re marked in that

deep voice of his. The other sub con trac tors were all re act ing neg a -

tively to his pro posal.

“Toon can you show us what you have in mind?” Mr. Brinks

asked, while ig nor ing the oth ers.

Toon got up, took Ingrid’s drawing, winked at her and started to

draw on the map that show ed the aerial view of the French building

site. She was spellbound. Where did he get the ideas from? He gave

the whole project a new dimension. She could see how it would

work, thinking about how the island would cover the whole eye!

Suddenly having the urge to participate, she took her drawing,

sketched in a few lines to make the centre pool completely cover the

eye symbol and the island in the middle directly over the black pupil

of the eye. Not that that was at all noticeable on the plan: it wasmore in her head. As if someone had shown in her mind how it

should be. Did Toon have the same vision? He glanced knowingly

at her, holding up the drawing for all to see. Mr. Brinks got up.

“I am sat is fied, Toon. Can your firm han dle the whole pro ject

from now on? Ing rid, take all your time, and if you need as sis tance,

get it. Toon, thank you for be ing here, I’ll leave it to both of you.”

The other sub con trac tors were out raged, storm ing out of the room

af ter Mr. Brinks, ar gu ing with him about their own deals.

Both were standing looking at each other.

“I thought you were go ing to ig nore me,” Toon pro jected while flirt ing.

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Ev ery one had left and she wished she had the bold ness to hug him. She was about to walk out of the board room when he seized herarm, pulled her in side and closed the door with his foot. His armheld her strongly, press ing her against him. When she felt the cling -ing pres sure of his mouth again and again and the firm ness of hisbody through the soft wool len fab ric of her suit, she suc cumbedwith pas sion while breath ing in gasps. When he pressed the lengthof his body into hers, feel ing his male ness, she blurted out.

“Toon, what are we doing?” “I’m catching up on the devouring of you that I’ve been wanting

to do for a long time,” he quivered “I’ve missed you terribly.” “What...do you mean by a long.... long time?” while moving away

just in time as she saw the door opening and Carla looking at them.“Ingrid, were you not going to take the train to Delft at two

o’clock?” Ingrid had completely forgotten that Carla was taking herto the station because Jeroen had borrowed her car again.

“No problem, I’ll take her. What time do you have to be inDelft?” Toon interrupted

“About four o’clock. Are you sure it’s all right?” She had hardlyany time to regain her composure and felt utterly bewildered athaving lost it so quickly.

“Carla, my apol o gies, you’ve missed your lunch. Is Piet back al -ready?”

“No, I've not seen him” She looked quizzically at both of them.“Toon, I have to get my bag from the office and give Carla some

instruction about Piet’s work. It’ll take me only five minutes.” Shesmiled happily at him, giving her feelings away.

She decided to give Carla more of the work Piet usually did forher. Carla was happy about that as she enjoyed the change.

“Ing rid, he’s a real dish, and you can see he adores you.” Carlawhis pered. “Don’t let him slip through your fin gers”, prob a blythink ing that Toon would n’t hear it, but Ing rid knew he did.

“Is that advice from a pro?”


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“Ab so lutely!”

As they hur ried to wards Toon’s BMW which was parked out side

the of fice, Ing rid felt both pleased and ex cited yet at the same time

some what over whelmed. Could he take her over so eas ily?

Toon’s straight blonde hair gave him the look of a man who spent

most time outdoors. He was definitely not your normal city man, in

fact he was almost a bit wild look ing, as if he had been living off the

land and working with his hands.

“Have I survived your test, Kitty? I know you have mine, have you any idea

what you are doing to me?” Ingrid looked at him with amusement while

he was edging into the traffic.

“How did you know my nickname was Kitty? Was it from that printout?”

He glanced at her with a secretive smile.

“I gave you the name, Kitty, can’t you re mem ber?”

“What do you mean, gave me that name?” Ing rid ut tered, her

thoughts whirl ing.“Kitty, we’ve been together before, have you any idea how long

I’ve been looking for someone that I could communicate with in this

way?” Toon’s excitement in his voice reflected the level of immense

joy one has when meeting someone dear again after a very long time.

“Yes, I do have some idea.” “Some how your trav el ling is stim u lat ing a

mem ory, but I don’t know why.” Ing rid was feel ing a con nec tion she had

never felt be fore with any one when she beamed her reply.

She looked side ways, ob serv ing his strong hands hold ing the

steer ing wheel while he was con cen trat ing on the road

“Do you trust me?” Ingrid wondered if she had heard correctly.

Those four words made her stomach wrench! She started to talk,

while pretending not to hear.

“As a child I always knew that I could read people’s minds but I

never knew that nobody else did, and when adults were saying things

that they were not really thinking, I was always so confused. That’s

how I lost trust in people.”

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“You are avoiding my question dear.”“Kitty, do you trust me?” Toon re peated out loud glanc ing at her.

Ing rid was grin ning to her self, real is ing that from now on she wouldhave to be aware of her thoughts! Toon’s look was the same as it had been when they first met at her of fice. His smile and his laugh terwere like the sound of a laugh ter that had tran scended pain and hisvoice was soft and low yet strong and clear. Did she trust him? Itwas more likely that she could not trust herself.

Toon laughed, for read ing her mind, and grab bed her hand fromher lap and kissed it passionately. He did not take his eyes off theroad again. Instead he slotted a CD into the drive and Ingrid wasable to let the music take over and revel in what was playing. Thisman certainly knew what music to play to make her disappear intoanother world.

“What music is this? It’s beautiful!....” “Kitty, what do you like about it?” “It’s... I don’t know, is it Irish?” What pipes did she hear play ing?“It brings back a mem ory. Is that pos si ble?” “Kitty, that was the idea and it worked!” After driving in silence for a while, letting the music take over her

senses that suddenly sprang alive as if she was in a different realm,Toon brought her back with the same question:

“Do you trust me, Kitty?” She tried closing her mind tocounteract the feeling of being drowned in Toon’s magnetism. Hemade her feel like a young girl, beautiful and desirable, but was sheremembering him from long ago? It was all so real. She seemed torecall now that she had been very young when she had known him. Was it in some other life? Her feelings were in disarray.

“I’m not sure,” her tre men dous new-found joy in her voice re -vealed a love for him that had ap par ently al ways been there but wasnow a new ex pe ri ence. He was ex plor ing her face, cher ish ing it as ifhe wanted to re mem ber ev ery part of her.

“All I know is that I lost you, and now I have you back,”


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“Do you remember any other lives?” she projected.

“Yes, I do, that’s why I played that music to see if it brought back a memory,

like it did for me when I heard it for the first time. You must tell me what you

remember.” A wave of such happiness surged through her that she almost

lost her physical consciousness. Was he her soul partner or a twin

soul? Had she known him before, in a different life?

“Where are we?” she whis pered while peering out of the car

window through the torrential rain.

“Just before Delft. Where do you need to go? Do you have to be

at your sister’s at four o’clock?” Glancing at her watch, she saw that

it was only just after three. She had made arrangements to be at her

sister’s shop at four. She decided to phone her on the cell phone and

make it later, about six. She directed him to the shop and he parked

further along opposite a Douwe Egbert coffee bar. He switched off

the engine and turned to her, she felt his thoughts being shaped into

words as he held her with his eyes.

“Since the first time I saw you, I have longed for noth ing but your body, that

mouth of yours, and the way your eyes look at me, and I re mem bered you … if

…The trust you gave me once, and know ing I must have be trayed you once, the

only per son I ever re spected… the best part ner I could ever have! ... Do you know

what it’s like to want you now? When I’m ly ing awake at night…I am con -

stantly imag in ing tak ing you, teach ing you any plea sure you want, see ing you need it and see ing you ask ing me for it, see ing your won der ful spirit awak en ing and

sur ren der ing to your pas sion ate need. To watch you now as you are and then to

see you at my side, for ever… to see you in my bed, sub mit ting your whole body to

me in ab so lute trust is what I’m hop ing for, at this mo ment.”…

She heard it all while struggling very hard not to give herself away

to his hypnotic beam. She inhaled deeply while she thought, if this

was mental foreplay, she was experiencing it.

He took her hand, raised it to his lips and with a sudden

movement pulled her forward and kissed her most intimately. Was

her body her own? It felt as if she had lost all control when she felt

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as if lightning was shooting through her spine, she could not stopherself from responding to him.

“Kitty, please come to Lon don with me.”“Toon, please!” she cried in a shaking voice. “Kitty, I knew it, you are just as pas sion ate as I am! Oh, how I want you! I

never want to lose you again.” She re cov ered a trickle of her for mer con -trol but all she wanted was to be with him.Gosh, was this nor mal?

“Could we have some lunch, please?” she trem bled as she point -ing at the coffee bar, reluctantly getting out of the car. Toonclutched her hand when they walked inside. His face expressed hisreluctance to let her go. They shakily selected a corner table andordered something to eat.

“Toon, remember that eye symbol? You really upset them todaywith your new suggestion. You must know something in order to beable to make such a quick change. Is it because it has to be coveredfor a reason? What do you know that I don’t?”

“What’s going around in that head of yours that I’ve missed? Love, what do you know about crop circles?” he asked whilefingering the contours of her face.

“I seem to re mem ber read ing that they are thought to have beenformed by mi cro waves and that high lev els of mag netic en ergy havebeen found within the cir cles which af fect peo ple in dif fer ent ways. Some feel head aches or diz zi ness...But then Mr. Brinks said that... Toon, I can’t con cen trate when you do that! Please stop,” she whis -pered, tak ing his hand and try ing to be se ri ous. All he did was laughwith his eyes.

“You do gather a lot of information, don’t you? I’m impressed. There are two types of crop circles. The primary ones are the‘genuine’ ones, whose origins are unknown and the secondary circles are man-made. The primary cir cle-mak ers are of higherintelligence.”

“You mean, not human?” Toon’s face retained a constanthumour, as if he had fun all the time.


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“I be lieve that there is a form of in tel li gence, other than hu man,

that is cre at ing these pat terns in the fields for some form of com mu -

ni ca tion. But you work with them, Annelies uses them in her card

mak ing workshop.”“You mean the Language of Light symbols? Toon, why do you

think the crop-cir cles are appearing?”

“Kitty I want to be alone with you” the waiter brought their food, as

she heard him.

“There is an ob vi ous de lib er ate in ten tion to get man’s at ten tion,

like with the im pres sion of the eye. I have to get into con tact with

Ben, Annelies’ hus band, on that eye sym bol.”

“Toon, where is her husband?” Ingrid observed with amusement

how he gobbled his hamburger with relish.

“If I can’t gobble you up, this is second best.”

“He’s an un der cover agent for Inter pol. He’s with Leo, his twin

brother, last I heard” Again their eye con tact had such an un der cur -

rent. Would that ever go away she won dered.

“Does that mean he is away from home?”

“Our eyes are our soul’s windows’ love. I want to merge with you” She

pointed her finger at him beaming.

“Toon, you are flirting and you are very good at it.” Ingrid smiled with

joy, loving his company.

“Toon what connection does the dome have? Why did youchange the drawings?”

“Kitty, the eye sym bol is con nected with Annelies’ awak en ing

work shops, but I don’t know all the com plex i ties. I’m con cerned

about the ru mours that I hear. I be lieve that there are more sin is ter

things go ing on that I don’t want to go into now, but, yes, the dome

needs to cover the sym bol. Some thing to do with the en er gies that

come from the stone for ma tions un der ground. Look it’s be yond me

but I’ll in ves ti gate, since it seems that is all you want from me.”

Toon was studying her hand with such concentration that she broke

into a giggle.

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“Kitty, when can I spend some intimate time with you!”“Gosh, I have to get used to all of this. Ever since I have been

involved with these awak en ing workshops, my life has been turnedupside down.” Ingrid giggled at his attempt to stop her fromlooking at her watch.

“You are the one who is travelling so much.”“I have to go, Toon, as it’s almost closing time for the shop.

Where are you going from here?”“Catching up on that London appointment. I wish you would

come with me,” he sighed.“How long are you away for?” she asked him instead, ignoring his

request while getting up. Ingrid looked with pride at his tallattractive frame as he settled the bill.

“You’re very hard on me, you know,” he whispered soulfully,holding her hand while he took her bag out of the boot.

“I’m not myself any more Kitty. En joy the time with your sister. I’llbe generous, and let you go for now but soon I’ll want to spend moretime with you, a lot more.” He kissed her amorously while a passerbywhistled.

His eyes looked mourn ful as she walked to wards the health cen -tre where Quincy had her shop. Be fore she en tered the build ing, she looked back, wav ing at him and beam ing at the same time, “Toon, I dowant to be with you but she is ex pect ing me!” she felt his eyes and thoughtstrav el ling over her.

“You have the love li est legs I’ve ever seen.” Ing rid re luc tantly steppedthrough the large re volv ing doors.

“I heard that” she beamed.As she looked at herself in Quincy’s shop window she felt a surge

of youthful energy as if she had shed 10 years.....



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Chapter 9

Nine Character Vibrations of the Individual Soul


Ing rid watched for Carla as she ar rived at Apeldoorn’s crowded

rail way sta tion at mid day. Her visit to Quincy had been emo tion ally

drain ing. Her sis ter was bat tling through a cri sis and her own feel ings

were in tur moil for a dif fer ent rea son.

Tourists who visited the many sightseeing attractions, especially

the palace ‘Het Loo’ crowded the platform. The perfumed lilac

blossoms a flower vendor had creatively displayed, cheered her up.“How was your visit?” Carla called out as she came out of the sta -

tion. She ex plained in the car what went on in her sis ter’s life. As they

walked through the foyer of Plea sure Park Ula handed her, a long

grace ful box with one rose, beau ti fully wrapped, with no card, noth -


The af ter noon flew by and just be fore clos ing time Toon was on

the phone. As she picked up the re ceiver...there was only si lence…

“Oh, Kitty, I want to be with you, I miss you. I feel like a teen ager! You’ve

com pletely over turned my whole world.”

“Where are you phoning from? I heard that! Where are you?”

“Kitty, I’m on an oilrig of all places, not where I want to be, but I’ll be back

af ter the week end. Take care, love; I’ll see you soon.” The con nec tion broke

and she heard a lot of static. It was weird that when the line was bad,

his thoughts were clearer. What was he do ing on an oilrig?


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Annelies’ awakening-workshop

Liesbeth ar rived at Annelies at the same time as Ing rid. She in vitedher to din ner, tell ing her that Jeroen wanted to hear all about the Zu -rich con fer ence. “And I want to hear all about Hans.”

“You’re on for next week. Tomorrow Hans and I leave for theUnited States to attend a sem i nar.”

“Re ally, what are you both up to?” Liesbeth’s sun tanned lookmade her feel pale.

“Hans is speaking on ‘life-giv ing water.’ It’s not new…It hasalways been on the planet but…oh, I’ll explain when I’m back…I’mgiving a lecture on ‘The consciousness of our planet’. OhIngrid...you know, being in love…” before she could reply, Hansopened the door. He had eyes only for Liesbeth.

Class 6 Annelies had turned her class room into a stu dio. On the door itsaid: THE PRESENT PHYSICAL CONSCIOUSNESS CARD.Beau ti ful man da la pat terns in many colours dec o rated the room. On the op po site wall a large paint ing that re sem bled a night skylooked fa mil iar!

“Now the work is really starting! This is the fun part.” “What is so fa mil iar about the star clus ter paint ing Ing rid?” She still had to

get used to Annelies pick ing up her thoughts. “I don’t know any thing about con stel la tions but...” She again got a weird

sen sa tion, like déja vu. “Ing rid déja vu is a time-warp or a mem ory flash.” The room was to tally re -

ar ranged. All of their fixed com fort able seat ing places were gone! Ing -rid had to sti fle a laugh at their dis com fort.

“Now you experience how through a small thing like a change ofseating arrangement you can get thrown out of your com fort zone.” Annelies responded.

Ing rid chose a seat next to Liesbeth. The word time-warp made


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her stare into space…when her eyes were drawn back into the room,

she felt that the Lan guage of Light sym bols on the wall cre ated an at -

mo sphere of peace.

“We will do lots of cre ative draw ing ex er cises with some de cod ing in or der to make your cards. You will get a feel ing and un der stand ing

of the vi bra tions that af fect your daily lives.” The book let that came

with the cards would hold their in ter pre ta tions. Annelies in tro duced

them to the Genogram, as she called it and showed them how to use

the man da la pat tern each had cho sen. Al though most of them be gan

to en joy them selves, Yolanda looked pale and run down.

“Annelies I think the painting triggered a memory, but…why?”

Annelies pulled up her shoulders.

“Annelies, do I have to use any colour on my cards?” That must

have floored Annelies because she looked at Wim in puzzlement.

“Can I restrict myself to using only black, grey, and white, I


“They are your cards, like your body. You’re creating them so do

with them what you like.”

“No colour at all, now I get it… a lack of…what?…” she heard

Annelies mentally thinking. Her first card was a master number

eleven with the name of ‘world power’, the number two vibration

was again represented within her card twice.

“An nie, do you think I have no in tu itive body? That is what my in ter pre ta tions are say ing.” Yolanda beamed in an guish while rest ing her head in her

hand at the large horse shoe-shaped ta ble they all shared.

“Love you are discouraged, use this opportunity to uncover a dark personality

aspect. Mus cle-test if it’s yours or Piet’s” None of the others were aware

of their telepathic conversations.

Liesbeth’s head leaned against Yolanda’s for a moment.

“Take hold of your power dear, read on,” Liesbeth pointed at Yolanda’s

book let.

“Please, study your interpretations well at home and if you like,

share any revelations they unlock.” The rest of the evening flew by.

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Ingrid loved the creative activity, like being a child again playing withcrayons. As usual Annelies kept their attentions rivetted.

When she drove home, Ing rid realised that she had a greater need to see peo ple and go out more than she had for ages. Toon had cre -ated an un set tling feel ing of long ing in her that she could n’t un der -stand. Was she ever go ing to get used to his trav els? She mulled over the words he had beamed at her: “Oh, Ing rid, you have no idea how long Ihave longed for some one that I could com mu ni cate with in this way.”

A dinner guest

What was left of that week had sped past, es pe cially now that shehad to at tend to the French pro ject more than ever. Carla was a great help and Marijke liked work ing part-time. Piet came back but ap par -ently had a ter ri ble fight with man age ment. She was try ing hard tosee past his ag gres sive per son al ity. If only he could see that he hadcre ated all that hap pened to him by his man ner. His thoughts wereso vin dic tive that she won dered how he still man aged to stay alive. He had shouted at her for in ter fer ing with the draw ing plans whichmade no sense at all. She knew that one word from her could jeop ar -dize his job but she hated to be the one to do it. To day his ha tred was di rected to wards her more than just about work. Why was Piet soworked up about the changes? Did he know some thing about theeye sym bol? What was re ally go ing on? A feel ing of great dis com -fort in vaded her space.

Af ter work she pur chased fresh veg e ta bles from the mar ket inBeekbergen, when she had heard “ fresh or anges from South Af rica,two boxes for the price of one, hurry while stocks last,” she wastempted to buy them be cause Toon lived there, but the stall-holder’sbig pur ple face with leer ing eyes made her feel na ked, he even lookedfa mil iar!... She shiv ered and changed her mind.

Driv ing home pass ing the Prinsengracht Ho tel made her re call theac ci dent she al most had in the pour ing rain when…good grief that


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was Toon! The man that had asked her if she was all right! Of

course, that voice! Why did she only now…? Then sud denly she re -

mem bered where she had seen that creepy man from the mar ket be -

fore! He was the an gry man with the up turned van with the or anges! Had her mind sped up faster? Were more im pres sions sub merg ing

into her con scious mind?

When she was close to home Ingrid felt a stirring within her, as if

Toon could be near. She speculated if she could communicate on a

mental basis from a dis tance. Could she just send a thought to him?

She was mentally seeing a light beam projecting from her to Toon

with the words forming in her throat…

“Toon, can you hear me?”

“Loud and clear, I’ve been waiting for you to contact me,” She had to hold

onto her steering wheel so as not to drive into her neighbours prized

possession, a Citroën, called an ‘ugly duckling’.

Her heart was still pound ing while she picked up a blue en ve lope

with the mono gram of the Prinsengracht ho tel from in side the hall way.

She knew they came from Annelies, but now won dered who de liv er ed


Jeroen was not home yet and her long ing for Toon an noyed her.

He seemed to take up her whole mind.

While lis ten ing to a mes sage on the an swer ing ma chine from

Jeroen, tell ing her that he would be home for din ner she felt de -flated. What was she go ing to make for sup per, look ing at her shop -

ping. While chop ping veg e ta bles and some chicken for Jeroen her

mind was drift ing again…could she re ally send Toon a mes sage?

She was ea ger to see him, but what would she pro ject that would

travel on a beam of light?

“Toon, where are you at this moment?” ...she was now really grinning at

herself. Whom was she kidding? But the feeling of elation as if he

were almost standing next to her became stronger.

“I’m near you, can’t you feel me?” Did she hear this thought transference

or was it in her imagination? When she heard a car door slamming and

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someone walking to the front door, her heart skipped a beat when sheopened in astonishment. Toon just stood there, grinning.

“I’m so glad that you finally responded to my signals.” Ingrid feltuncomfortably exposed, knowing she was blushing.

“What signals?” She played for time pretending total ignorancewhile trying to keep a straight face.

“You responded to me. Whom are you trying to fool?” His eyeschallenged her as he took her hands in his. Ingrid knew she hadasked for it and felt out-ma noeuv red. When Fluffball came running up, he let go and picked up her cat ever so gently.

“How come Fluffball knows you so well?” Her bewildermentand his nearness caused her to perspire as she walked into thelounge. Fluffball was purring away in his arms while Toon lookedaround with approval.

“I knew it would look like this,” study ing her photo gal lery as shecalled it.

“My daughter, Sascia, is the photographer of the family.” Shetried very hard to watch him objectively like an observer, discardingany emotion, which was very difficult.

“Are you alone this evening?” He stood very close, gazing intoher eyes with that intensity that made her feel that he was observingher whole being.

“No, Jeroen is coming soon,” She was almost relieved becausethis was getting far too intimate. She knew that he had heard that.

“Kitty, re lax, what are you fright ened of ? I feel such plea sure be ing with you.”She could not relax and her stomach was quivering. She could

think of nothing to say to him that was of any importance apartfrom the fact that it felt so good having him here in her home.

He followed her to the kitchen and looked at her water purifierwith the floating crystals, which gave her some breathing space. Gee, when he was not around, she missed him and when he wasnearby she was frightened of her own feelings!

“Kitty, what do you know about water?”


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“I have a sister who is very much into all health projects. She told

me crystals restore life. I’ve no idea if it works but”…Toon was very

silent for a while, just watching her while getting closer. He let

Fluffball out of the kitchen door.“By the way, I was the mes sen ger to day. That’s how I got ac quainted

with Fluffball!” he whis pered in her ear while strok ing her hair. “It feels very good, be ing here in your home too.”

“Messenger? What do you mean?” She jumped away, not

trusting herself. He felt much too near for comfort but she could

see in his eyes that he knew how she felt.

“Have you not just retrieved a blue envelope?”

“Are you? Do you deliver the excerpts?”

“No, this is the first one Annelies gave to me to hand over.”

She of fered him cof fee and while he was look ing out at the gar -

den she stud ied his face. There were wrin kles of hu mour at the cor -

ners of his eyes. Only his slightly grey ing hair showed a sign of

ma tu rity, but his high fore head and the large grey/blue eyes held

such an ar rest ing in tel li gence that one could no tice noth ing else. He

looked back, no tic ing her ob ser va tion and a smile of amuse ment ap -


“Have I met with your approval?”

Oh yes he must know he had. Ev ery thing about him had her ad -

mi ra tion. His en thu si asm for life, his sense of hu mour, the way he

ap proaches peo ple.

“Madame, and, where would you like to go for dinner?” He beamed as he seated himself on the high stool at the counter, drinking his coffee

and picking up the blue envelope.

“May I have a look?”

“Yes, go ahead.…Toon, who is Trevor?”

“He’s Annelies’ un cle, why, have you met him?”

“No, but Hans asked you if POWAH's ex cerpts came from

Trevor. Re mem ber, at the Pannekoek.” Toon was si lently star ing at

her but she could n’t read his mind.

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Programme...Planet Earth

The Nine Char ac ter Vi bra tions of the In di vid ual Soul.

The power vibe of ONE is where it all be gan. Ones are Achiev ers, who strive to live up to their high ide als. They are busy bea vers,with many pro jects, that are some times halfdone.

The power vibe of TWO has all the an swersfor you. Two are the Help ers, the most sen -si tive to oth ers’ needs who make the bestvol un teers, and do many good deeds.

The power vibe of THREE will or gan ise thelot. Threes are Suc ceed ers, the mostgoal–ori ented bunch. It they fail at any -thing you would never know, be cause theyhold on to what they’ve got.

The power vibe of FOUR makes the best art -ists in all fields. They are In di vid u al istsand their “role–play ing” is in tense. Fullof pas sion, very cre ative, ev ery thing tothem has to make sense.

The power vibe of FIVE craves knowl edge.Fives are Ob serv ers and talk mainly to them -selves. They con tem plate un til they’vegath ered more in for ma tion to put back on the shelves.

The power vibe of SIX val ues loy alty aboveany thing else. Sixes are Guard ians; theybe lieve in a cause. They are ac tive, charm -ing peo ple, the most re spon si ble in theforce.

The power vibe of SEVEN lives men tally inheaven most of the time. Sev ens are Dream -ers, and make the best schem ers. Their minds

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Toon was read ing the let ter with such at ten tion that Ing rid won -

dered about the con tent.

“Very interesting! Have you read it already?” She inclined herhead, still won der ing why it was that now she could n’t read his mind.

“To an swer your ques tion, Yes I know Trevor, he is a very un -

usual man. Part from be ing an Egyptologist, he’s a re searcher, a

roboticist. Not a per son that would have writ ten this, but Kitty, I

would love to read your jour nal.” Toon stood up as he spoke. His

tall ness had al ways an ef fect on her.

“What does a roboticist do, building hu man ro bots?” Toon

laughed when he passed the ex cerpt to her. Toon was stand ing be -

hind her while she tried very hard to con cen trate on read ing

POWAH’s let ter. Her per son al ity card num ber was a five, an ac cu -

mu la tor of knowl edge, it said. She won dered where Toon would fit

into the scheme, prob a bly be tween the seven or eight as he had so

many things on the go.

“I now re call that some time back Trevor was ex per i ment ing with a

brain-op er ated ma chine. Like a non-in va sive brain-com puter by us ing

elec trodes that can col lect scalp mea sure ments of brain ac tiv i ties.”

Nine Character Vibrations of the Individual Soul


con vic tions, they are never to blame.

The power vibe of NINE cre ates the most re -spected ac tors on the stage. Nines arePreservationists, who seek un ion with oth -ers in their plays. Easy go ing is theirmotto and through the power of si lence they go their own ways.

Kitty, each char ac ter qual ity of a soul has a gift to share while the per son al ity withits ad dic tions must be re leased and no soul is su pe rior to the other. Each has a giftto of fer.

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She was in tensely aware of his se duc tive ca resses as he whis pered thatin for ma tion in her ear. Then sud denly she heard him again speak ingtele path i cally.

“You already know me well, don’t you! Relax, Kitty, I just want to holdyou,”

His hands were softly exploring her breast which made itimpossible for her to relax, all she really wanted to do was respond. She dropped the excerpt and turned around curling her arms around his neck while pressing herself to him, feeling his mouth kissing herneck. Her body trembled as she clung to him.

“Toon...Jeroen can come in at any moment....Please...we must stop.”“You must make me stop, Kitty I can’t” Toon was cud dling her most

in ti mately while she was in wardly feel ing her long ing to love himover whelm her in a tor rent of hun ger. His eyes ob served her as ifhe was men tally... pen e trat ing her. “Will you share your deep est se crets with me?”

“Will you?” she re peated in a shaky voice while try ing des per -ately to con trol her self.

“Oh, very soon,” he kissed her while sensually running hisfingers down her back, making her shiver all over. Then she heardJeroen coming up the driveway.

“Toon, do you like stir-fry?” she glanced up at him, trying not toshow how difficult it was for her to stop him arousing her.

“Are you inviting me for dinner?” he gaily responded. Shestarted to turn to wash the vegetables in the sink when she again felthis exploring hands while his mouth travelled again down her neck.

“Oh, Toon, please,” her legs almost gave in, knowing she’d givenherself away.

“Toon! Jeroen has just arrived!” “A taste of family life? What a treat!” Ignoring her plea. “You are adorable, Kitty! Do you know what you do to me?” “No, tell me” she beamed back while busy ing her self with her

cook ing.


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“Watch out ma dame, I’ve no shame in show ing my real feel ings for you, even when

Jeroen walks in on us, you know.” She knew he meant it but he re luc tantly let

go of her, en joy ing her bat tle to get her com po sure back.

“Mom, whose BMW is parked in our…? Oh, hello…mom, I seeyou have a visitor!”

She in tro duced them to each other and Jeroen played the per fect

host, of fer ing Toon beer and mak ing her a drink. The cosiness in the

kitchen as the men were un wind ing at the break fast cor ner was

height ened when Fluffball purred as he swirled around her feet for his


The mo ment Jeroen told Toon what his stud ies were Toon re -

sponded with the right kind of ques tions. He was a very good lis tener

and she found her self com par ing him to Jan. Jeroen had never re ally

ex pe ri enced a fa ther he could talk to the way he did now with Toon.

Jeroen was nine teen when Jan started to get faint ing spells and the

chil dren were of ten too much for him. She re al ized what Jeroen had

missed in the pre vi ous six years.

Looking at them both sitting relaxed at the kitchen counter

talking, now and then including her in the conversation, she knew

then that she had been in love with this man the moment she saw

him for the first time. Jeroen was telling Toon about his

grandfather’s firm. She stopped listening and just observed Toon.

For one moment as their eyes met, she wondered whether he hadread her mind? She could see that he had which made her blush.

Jeroen suddenly broke her train of thought with his next remark:

“Mom, did you know that Toon knows uncle Ed in Australia?”

“No, I didn’t!” Oh no, not Ed! That really shook her.

“Yes, I know Ed very well. He told me a lot about your parents. I

only realised who your mother was, after I had spoken to her over

the phone, when she told me that she had three children, twins and a

younger daughter. It had to be the same Ingrid Barendse Ed was

always raving about. Jeroen, did you know that your Uncle Ed had a

big crush on your mother?”

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“Mom, did he?” Jeroen peered at her while he got up to answer thephone in her of fice.

“I can see why he had a crush on you,” Ingrid was stunned at this rev e -la tion.

“I always wondered why you never asked me if I was married!” Shebeamed back.

“Why did n't you ever ques tion me about that? Were you wor ried I would get the wrong idea?” his eyes held an amused glint. Had he read her mindall along?

“What idea do you mean?” Want ing to pro voke him but then shesaw his ex pres sion had be come se ri ous.

“Kitty, I’ve to go away for a while. I do wish you could come with me,” Hismen tal plea dis turbed her greatly. But what about her work! Whatbusi ness could he pos si bly have that in cluded so much trav el ling? Oh how much she would miss him too.

“How long?”“You two are very quiet”, Jeroen remarked when he came back

into the kitchen, offering Toon another beer. She had made avegetable stir-fry with Hong Kong chicken extra for them both.

“Mom, that was Quincy. I told her we had a vis i tor so she askedif you could phone her back later,” Jeroen re sumed their easy, com -fort able con ver sa tion while Ing rid served the meal in thediningroom with a heavy heart. Toon asked about her sis ter’s nameQuincy, which was no Dutch name. She told him a story that herGran had told them.

The rest of the eve ning went by far too quickly. Toon re mainedthe per fect gen tle man and did not at any stage of the eve ning re vealhis feel ings for her openly but she was loath to see him go when shewalked him to the door, while Jeroen cleared the table.

“Kitty, thank you for a lovely dinner,” he whispered in the hallway “I want to hold you, kiss you.” Watching her sadly.

“Where are you going, Toon, and for how long?” “I have to go to Australia for a few weeks but I’ll be back as soon


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as I can; in fact I should already have been there. I’m closing some

of my holdings over there and the rest Ed will take care of in the fu -

ture.” Ing rid looked shocked and she knew he could read her

feelings. Toon pulled her outside, next to his car, in the dark, drawing her

to him urgently, holding her as if he never wanted to let her go. He

let her know with a kiss what he had in mind. Oh, she now wished

that she had been more …she allowed her feelings to run freely. His

response was so overwhelming that they had to stop. Both their

breathing had become unstable.

“When I come back, I’ll take you with me.” She gazed into his

eyes, while stroking his face, loving his mouth, knowing what he

meant. Toon was moaning softly, “Kitty, this is going to be so difficult,

being apart from you, This can’t be normal! I feel so incomplete without you, now

that I have found you, I want to be with you always,” His body trembled.

“Oh, Snooks, I’ll miss you as well,” She held him firmly while his

hands ex plored her all over. Then he re luc tantly let her go.

She re mained stand ing out side for a while steady ing her breathbe fore go ing in side after Toon drove away. The thought of his be ing far away gave her an un ex pected feel ing of bleak des o la tion.

“Mom, he has the hots for you all right.”

“Jeroen! What do you mean?” He grinned and went to the

lounge to look at a sport match on the TV.

Friday evening

Class 7When she drove to Annelies’ home, she felt empty. Toon hadbeen gone for a few days and al ready she missed him. A large signwith the words: THE PRESENT EMOTIONAL CONSCIOUSNESS CARDwas stuck on the door. See ing the night sky paint ing again made herwon der where she had seen it be fore. What was it sup posed to be?

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Noth ing was ever on the wall for any rea son other than the awak en -ing work shops!

Liesbeth came in and Hans winked at her while calling Joris whohad sneaked in to greet everyone like only Joris could.

“How was your trip to the United States?”“Oh, Ingrid, I’ve lots to tell you when we are on our own”

Liesbeth said frowning. “Why do you look so sad, I see a heavinesspushing into your energy field?”

All she could do was sigh “ I’m missing Toon.”“To night I’ll in tro duce you to the Geneagram with a dif fer ence.”

Annelies asked if any one had any thing to share about the past week. Yolanda’s eyes had a spark again and she told them all what shelearned from her in ter pre ta tions. Yolanda’s shar ing of her per sonaltrans la tions through ac cess ing her own block ages was a greatcontribution.

“Thank you for that journey mapping. Others will benefit and go through the same obstacle quicker.” Liesbeth beamed. Ingrid realised the dynamicsof sharing.

“Ing rid how are your cloth ing de signs get ting on?”“I’ll show you later!” she beamed back at Yolanda.Af ter they had done their de cod ing, cho sen the graphics to go

with their nu meral vi bra tions and Annelies showed them what to donext, Tieneke’s mind draw ing came to mind.

“Place yourself in the centre on your paper that I’ve given you, andnow visualise and feel your emotional body that surrounds you. Onyour paper colour in the attachment lines to the people of your choice. You can also write the names of persons, with whom you have anemotional connection. Use both positive and negative reactions, at theend of each emotional attachment line!” “Even your late husband Ingrid, ifyou still have emotional ties with him.”

“At this present moment, or from last year? How far do we go back?” Yolanda asked as she helped herself to water, asking if anyone wantedsome.


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“Take it from this year, then it will make it five to almost six

months.” “Or any emotional ties that still prevail now Yolanda.”

“But, An nie, I have n’t seen him for ten months!” Ing rid no ticed that

Liesbeth sel dom par tic i pated in their tele pathic di a logue. “Next to your sym bol you can write, or col our or how ever you

would like to do it, the per son or per sons that you feel are im por tant

to you. As you can see, I’ve al ready given you a plan to go by. This is

to es tab lish the emo tional at tach ments and con nec tions you have at

this time. By colour ing them in you are draw ing your own shim mer -

ing ho lo gram vi bra tion in colour.”

“Annelies, do we add more if we have more people that have

strong attachments to us?” Zola queried while Wim sat staring in

space. Ingrid could not read any thoughts coming from him.

“Yes, you do. Remember to include anyone to whom you are still

reacting to with pain and hurt as well as the people that make you


“Ingrid, telepathy is only possible on a magnetic frequency, his thoughts are

very electric, that’s why.”

“Annelies, but this can change from one day to the next!”

Richard called out as he dropped his pencil.

“I’m glad you no ticed, the last three cards are chang ing all the time,

and even the vi bra tion within the three cards can move around in case

of a mar riage, a dif fer ent job or a new re la tion ship.” Annelies ex -plained, glanc ing at Ing rid while beam ing, “Think about that, Ing rid.”

Ing rid blushed at Annelies in sin u a tion. This was an emo tional

ex er cise so she even had to put Piet in there, re al ising how much he

still af fected her, and Toon, well.... she was in clined to make the col -

our very or ange with specks of red, blue and yel low be tween them,

and be tween Piet and her al most grey-black. Be tween her chil dren

she chose a soft blue shade and be tween her sis ter a yel low col our.

Wow. This was very in ter est ing! Ing rid had used Toon, Jeroen, Piet,

her fa ther-in-law, Quincy, Liesbeth and Ed, know ing she still had an

at tach ment to him.

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“Annelies, when are thoughts elec tric?” This was a rev e la tion, sothoughts op er ated on dif fer ent wave lengths?

“When only per son al ity en ti ties are in con trol dear.” Annelies handedcray ons around and Ing rid ob served again that she al ways stayed onher feet!

Joris was grow ing fast. He now had his own bas ket but he stillpre ferred Niels’ com pany by re laxing un der his chair. Annelies toldher that Joris was Toon’s birth day gift.

“From to day I want you all to start a dream jour nal which will pre -pare you for the mak ings of the two life cards in a few weeks time.”

“I never dream” Wim re marked, shrug ging his shoul ders. Hejust does n’t re mem ber them, Ing rid thought, when Annelies glanced pen sively at Wim.

“Wim, when we are asleep, we are in a trance state, so our un con -scious is then dom i nant and fills our per cep tual screens with re al -ity–based im ages that come up from our soul mem ory re cords.” Ing rid wished she had POWAH’s ex pla na tion in her head.

“Wim, are you com puter lit er ate?” Liesbeth asked “You mean, do I use a computer?” Conversation did not come

easily to him. Was it because of shyness or was he generally not all that interested? In a way he reminded her of Jan.

“Do you?” Liesbeth watched Wim with more than just a glance. What did she see that nobody else was able to detect?

“People who lose their creative/ emotional body do not remember dreams. His hologram reveals that this is the reason he is avoiding colour! His creative/intuitive body is missing!”

Ingrid tried to visualise what Liesbeth was describing but shebecame more aware of the perfume of the lilac blooms in Annelies’large glass vase.

“Wim, we all do dream. The most sim plis tic way for us to fathomhow our phys i cal world, or our dream world be comes a re al ity for us is as fol lows. Our brain is like a men tal re corder that trans lates oursound, smells, sight, taste and touch sen sa tions into codes. These


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codes, like the codes be hind the im ages on our com puter screen, they

form im ages. There fore by writ ing down the im ages from your

dreams, the story line or the im pres sions from a sym bolic point of

view, that ex er cise will en hance and ac ti vate your psy chic abil i ties inyour con scious state.” Liesbeth advised.

“Liesbeth can you see who took his in tu itive body?” Liesbeth’s re laxed

pose as she slouched in her chair did not give away how at ten tive she

re ally was.

“Not re ally, it’s from a child hood trauma.” Both Ing rid and Yolanda

had fol lowed their tele pathic dis cus sion with riv et ted at ten tion.

“Annelies, I’ve heard that we learn more and ex pe ri ence more

dur ing our dream state. Does that mean we can gain ac cess to ex pe -

ri ences that could speed up our spir i tual, men tal and emo tional

growth?” Rich ard asked.

“I’m sure he is pick ing up on our thoughts” Liesbeth nod ded at her.

“Yes, our mind can fil ter brain in for ma tion on an el e vated level

when it is op er at ing on Al pha into Theta and on into Delta brain

waves. Rich ard, that’s go ing to be your main sub ject when you write

the sec ond level of the awak en ing jour ney. It will mostly be on the

brain, our or ganic com puter,” Annelies re plied with a grin as she

took out a file that dis played draw ings of the hu man brain.

Ing rid had been dream ing a lot in the past two weeks. Hav ing re -

corded her dreams for a long time, she was be gin ning to know thedif fer ent lev els of her dream jour neys.

Dur ing their break she showed Yolanda a draw ing of an eve ning

dress she had been work ing on for the whole week dur ing the eve -


Her small sketch book showed a vi sion that still lin gered.

“What do you think? Could you make some thing like that?”

“Gosh, Ing rid, that’s gor geous! What fab ric did you have in mind?”

“I don’t know, something dark blue, silky, and soft, I leave that to

you. You have to work with it.”

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“For what occasion did you want to wear this? It’s very smart.” “I don’t know, I don’t have any evening wear and I saw it in a

dream; I leave it to you. Let me know what it will cost, but don’t letthat stop you from experimenting.”

“Ing rid, how are you do ing with your jour nal?” Annelies askedher af ter the oth ers were al ready out side. It was still full day light forthe time of the year. She loved sum mer time.

“I’ll show it to you soon.” Ing rid had no idea what Annelies wasgo ing to do with it.

“Ingrid, have you heard from Toon?” “Not di rectly, no. I’ve re ceived flow ers, but I don’t know where he

is. Do you?” Annelies must have been aware that they were in con tactout side of fice hours. Her eyes were laugh ing at Ing rid, as if she knewsome thing.

“No, I’ve no idea; but know ing Toon, he’ll ap pear sud denly, so be pre pared,” while giv ing her a pat on her cheek.

That Fri day night, be fore turn ing off the light, she pon dered onthe ex pla na tions Annelies shared dur ing class when sleep i ness tookover and she drifted off…into the higher-fre quency delta pulse...Herbody felt heavy...the vi bra tions felt so dif fer ent.....cold......................

The wind was stream ing past her and she spewed with an ger. She gal loped on her horse faster and faster, try ing to get rid ofthe pain and hurt that burned in her chest. She needed to makesome de ci sions be cause her dreams were shat tered.

Tears were run ning down her face and she cried as she never did be fore. She felt be trayed and aban doned. When she hadlooked into Mc.Nealy’s eyes that morn ing, she had read in them re morse as if he knew that he’d be trayed her!

It had hurt her so to see what he did to him self. Why did heneed to ex plore the world. Those grey/blue eyes had al waysmade her feel beau ti ful, chal lenged her, probed her, al most un -dressed her, which had made her feel like a real woman.


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She had never been with a man yet, and he knew it. He al ways made her feel that he would one day take her as his,

and she had waited for that mo ment. This morn ing his eyes had lost all that spar kle as if he was al -

ready gone for ever, al most as if he had will ingly made a sac ri fice,but for what. He’d told her that he had signed up to leave withthe oth ers from his vil lage to start a new life.

He would sail away in an hour’s time. What had hap pened tohim to make that de ci sion? She had asked him over and overagain. He had told her how he dreamed of hav ing a place of hisown, that stay ing in their vil lage would mean that he would al ways work for some one else.

He thought she would un der stand. She re mem bered hear ingthe pipes that some one was play ing, prac tis ing for the an nualdance in three days’ time, and she would have no part ner! Mc.Nealy knew what she had been think ing, for they had al wayshad this com mu ni ca tion be tween them. He tried to make a jokeabout the fact that ev ery boy in the vil lage would want to makeher his wife for she was the most de sir able, strong–willed womanin the whole dis trict. Af ter lis ten ing to his plans she re mem beredblurt ing out that she would come along, but he had not re acted. Or had he pre tended not to hear?

In all her 18 years, Sonya only re mem bered feel ing a deep loveand long ing for Mc.Nealy. She had been in love with him from theage of twelve. When she was old enough to join their rid ing team,she be came closer to him than any one ever had been. He was tenyears older and dur ing the last year that they had rid den to gether, hemade her feel wanted, as the woman that would be come his. Sheknew that; and had al ways taken it for granted that they would bemar ried af ter the last of the tim ber had drifted down the river. Shehad hoped that they would marry be fore the win ter had set in af terwhich they would be snowed in for months.

She al ways dreamt of the time that they would live up in the logcabin he had built himself.

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She knew her fa ther would not have made it easy, but shehad al ways got what she wanted from him and Mc.Nealy wasthe cen tre of her life.

As the weather was cold and a storm was com ing, she knewshe had to get back to the manor be fore it hit her. She slowedher gal lop ing horse to a slow trot, pat ted Prince on his flank and looked over the val ley.

In re cent de cades the last shift of the land had closed off theval ley, form ing a shal low ba sin which had been filled by theriver, cre at ing a small lake be hind the nat u ral dam.

The pre vi ous au tumn a mudslide had dammed the out letchan nel again far ther down stream, con tain ing the rag ing flood -waters within the con fines of the val ley and caus ing aback-wash.

Look ing at the scene be low, she felt welling up in her a pro -found sense of be long ing. Never could she live any where else;this was where she wanted to raise her fam ily. This place al waysgave her strength.

Months rip pled by but she had lost in ter est in look ing for a soulmate. All she felt was the in ner need to be free from ever be ingso in love. Never again would she be trapped like that. Sonyade cided she would live her life the way her fa ther wanted her to,re mem ber ing Mc.Nealy’s words to her, that ev ery boy in the vil -lage would want to make her his wife. As if that made it all rightto leave her! She would look for a mate who would give herstrong, healthy chil dren, some one she could de pend on, some -one she could trust, who would never leave her but with whomshe would never fall in love. Only then could she avoid be inghurt like this again. Why? Why?......

The alarm woke her up. Ing rid re called the dream viv idly. The sor -row that the dream left be hind felt very real. It was like she had justcome from...Toon! This Mc.Nealy was Toon! And he went away. Was that why Toon had asked her if she trusted him? Did he re -


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mem ber the same…life? Ing rid had dif fi culty tak ing her self se ri -

ously, but the emo tion of des o la tion made her feel drained even

now. If only she could speak to him, tell ing him that she re mem -

bered, and that she would trust him! She knew he would come backthis time.

Richard de Jong

While eat ing her break fast that Wednes day morn ing, Ing rid pon -

dered over the week that had raced by re gard less of the fact that she

missed Toon a great deal. He had phoned her three times. In the last

call he begged her if he could book a flight to Syd ney for her. He re -

ally was try ing to talk her into join ing him and sounded rather de -

pressed, but she was re ally not ready to walk out on her job. Toon

wanted to phone Mr. Brinks ask ing him to give her some time off.

When she tried ex plain ing the dif fi cul ties they were hav ing with the

French com plex, Toon had asked many ques tions. Ing rid knew he

had been in con tact with Mr Brinks to find out what was go ing on. Leav ing her job now, just like that? How could she?

She was glad of the hec tic time at work, and she planned to see

Annelies be fore Fri day night. They would make their Pres ent Men tal

Per son al ity card on Fri day eve ning and she wanted to ask Annelies lots

of things! Check ing the time, she de cided to phone her now be fore

driv ing to work.

“Hello, Ingrid, we were having breakfast when your face

suddenly popped up. You phoned to make arrangements to see

me?” “Yes, would to mor row eve ning be suit able? You can per haps an -

swer some of my…ques tions?”

“Why don’t you come for supper tomorrow at seven? I’m

looking forward to reading your journal.”

Why not? she thought. Maybe they’d heard from Toon. She ac -

cepted the in vi ta tion gladly. Jeroen must be sleep ing out as he had

not come down for break fast be fore she left for work

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The whole day was hec tic, lots of in qui ries about the Tilburg com -plex of fi cial open ing. The park was al ready fully booked up. Ing ridhad al ways liked her job but some how it was not as ful fill ing any -more. Piet was very dif fi cult and grumpy and con stantly wanted tolook at the changes in the draw ings on the French com plex. Carlaalso com plained that he was im pos si ble to work with. Carla hadover heard Piet talk ing to a per son on his pri vate cell phone to dowith the tech ni cal part of the draw ings. Not that that in flu enced any of her work. She only did the cre ative sketches of the new hol i dayre sort, but Carla seem to sus pect that there was some thing sin is terbrew ing to do with the tower con struc tion. She usu ally never lis -tened to ru mours of any kind, but why had that creepy man a fewweeks ago pes tered her to do draw ing work for them? While she hadlis tened to Carla, she knew that the tower was go ing to be built rightover the cen tre of the eye for ma tion, only seen from far away. Rich -ard had not come back to her about the mys te ri ous sym bol but per -haps she’d made too much of it.

“Ingrid, Roelof de Beer, our sub-con trac tor and a man calledRichard are on the line, which one do you want to take first?” Ulatold her on the internal line.

“Put Rich ard through first will you!” Gee, just as she was think -ing about him.

“Ing rid I’ve done some re search on re corded crop for ma tions inEng land dur ing the late 19th Cen tury. It’s been spec u lated that manystones, es pe cially the stone slabs were used to build tem ples. Likethe pyr a mids, they were, or are, formed by peo ple who had a tech -nol ogy that could, or can, ac ti vate the struc tural sec tors in stone.Maybe that is how they stored their in for ma tion like we do to day, onmicro chips. Which is a crys tal.” Some ar chae ol o gists, like mybrother, to this day used di vin ing rods or even a pen du lum to datethe slates that had undeciphered scripts en graved in them. The rea -son must be be cause of the en ergy that is en coded in stone.”

“You mean that any stone can be seen as a memory chip?”


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“Yes, sort of.

“Gosh what a thought! No wonder people are attracted by


“Yes, and what's more, these for ma tions speak in uni ver sal lan -guages of symbology, math e mat ics and ge om e try.”

Rich ard fur ther told her that most re search ers sus pected that

mum mi fy ing was not a re li gious rit ual orig i nally but rather a form of

...freez ing...like we do to day. Rich ard spec u lated it had to do with the

fact that the pyr a mids were re ally gi ant res o nat ing boxes. The priests

were ap par ently al ready then look ing for a way to travel inter-

dimensionally. The hieroglyphs all re veal that they were ex per i ment -

ing with clon ing tech niques.

“Really, you mean…like genetic engineering?”

“I think so. They were look ing for the miss ing ge netic code that

con trols the DNA/RNA grid tem plate.” Ing rid re mem bered read -

ing that the eye held the blue print of cre ation. Sud denly the

star-map paint ing in Annelies’ class room flashed in her mind again.

Were there any con nec tions? She was get ting no where and re luc -

tantly fin ished her call with Rich ard, real is ing Roelof was still


“Ing rid, please can I see you per son ally, I’m in a sit u a tion and I

need your help.”

“My help? What do you mean, is it to do with work?” She pickedup on Roelof ’s ner vous ness.

“The blast ing has to stop, they are threat en ing me if I carry

on…Your draw ings are,…then she only heard a di al ling tone..the

goose bumps were crawl ing down her back...


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Chapter 10

Is the 3rd Dimension aHologram?

Dinner at Annelies

When Ing rid ar rived at Annelies’ house, Hans and Liesbethhad been in vited for sup per as well. The two of them ap peared to be very close. Annelies seemed pleased with their re la tion ship. Theywere hav ing an aper i tif in the con ser va tory. As Ing rid ob servedthem both, when they walked hand in hand in the gar den, she be -came aware of some thing else. It was al most as if they were morethan just a cou ple. It was the ma tu rity of their re la tion ship that im -pressed her. Hans was a very un usual per son with a spir i tual wis dom that was not ac quired through liv ing ex pe ri ences, but more as if hehad lived many life times and re mem bered them. Was that it? Wouldthat be pos si ble? Was that the rea son why so many men never gotnear Liesbeth? Hans had a qual ity about him like Liesbeth! Why had she never seen that before?

“Annelies, how does POWAH reveal himself to you, may I ask?” she inquired courteously, sipping her cocktail.

“The very first time, which was about six years ago, he was as real asyou are now sit ting op po site me. There was a trans par ency about himbut…ever since then POWAH men tally talks to me like we are now.”

“And he helped you create the decoding workshops?” “Most of it, yes! I re ceived the in for ma tion over some years in

small parts at first. In the be gin ning I had no idea what I was in forand I had a lot of help from Leo, my hus band’s twin brother, Tieneke


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and Fred my youn ger brother. You re mem ber Tieneke?”

“Yes, from the drawing classes, but I’ve a feeling there’s more to it.”

“Yes, there is. Let me show you.” Annelies invited Ingrid to

follow her into a guest bedroom with its shutters opening into abathroom. A large drawing in a frame dominated the room.

“See that Geneagram out line? It rep re sents the off spring of the

chil dren that grew up in the Jaarsma or phan age from 1888 un til 1976.

Come and take a look again at the star clus ter paint ing that rep re sents

the same an ces tral lin eage.” She fol lowed Annelies to their class room.

So that’s what it was, a fam ily tree, but no body was re ally re lated phys i -

cally. It looked like a chart of constellations.

“Annelies, all I see is a map of stars with faint lines between them.

Why a family tree?” She still had an uncanny feeling that she had

seen it before.

“I know that most of us are pro jected as a star, each one of you

must go back to trace your fam ily his tory, if you had a fam ily mem -

ber that was in any way con nected with the Jaarsma Or phan age. In

the decoding work shops it is re lated to the re call ing of our dis cor -

dant grid work from our an ces tral lin eage at the third level. To mor -

row night with the oth ers I will ex plain more about it, but come, let’s

have our sup per and let me see what you have written.”

“It has the same date that is on the blue envelope? Where was

this orphanage?”“It was what is now the Prinsengracht Hotel. Didn’t you know?”

“Oh!… now I see the connection …the date on the menu: Toon

took me there the first time.”

“Yes, I know; he told me about you just be fore he left for Aus tra lia.

He is deeply in love with you, you know that, don’t you?” Annelies

glanced with a pierc ing look, as if to say, “don’t you hurt him”.

“Annelies, the at trac tion is very mu tual, be lieve me. I’ve never

been so...I don’t know the right word for it...I was very tempted to

rush af ter him when he wanted me to fly to Syd ney. He sounded very

de pressed, which has been wor ry ing me. Have you heard from him?”

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“No, but don’t you worry, Toon is not the type to stay de pressedfor long. He’s very smit ten with you, and can’t bear to be away! I’mde lighted for both of you. ” Annelies re as sured her as she gave herthe file she had been work ing on. While they all helped them selveswith the many cold sal ads on the side board, Annelies was peer ingthrough her folder.

“I love the way you’ve written your thoughts about yourtransmissions with POWAH. Has Toon seen it?”

“No,...yes, one conversation with POWAH about the eye ofHorus. I showed a print-out to Liesbeth, Hans and Toon a fewweeks ago.” Ingrid explained about the aerial photo and whatRichard’s theory about the eye had been.

“Annelies, what do you know about the eye imprint?”“Very lit tle re ally, some call this the age of Horus be cause it

means a pas sage through dif fer ent di men sions which we are ex pe ri -enc ing now.” Liesbeth and Hans joined them and Joris fol lowedwith a ball in his mouth, beg ging to play. Af ter din ner she helpedAnnelies to clear up be fore they joined Liesbeth and Hans who wereplay ing a game of chess in the lounge.

“Ing rid, you’ve writ ten in your jour nal that the pic to graphic sym -bols we use in the de cod ing of our 22 spac ings and the mak ings ofour cards are thought-forms of light, Tieneke will like that!” Hans ex -plained that the sym bols were a bio chem i cal lan guage that could trig -ger the hy po thal a mus in the hu man brain, as he was moving his King.

“How?” This was beyond her grasp and she felt rather simple.“Ing rid stop judg ing your self, you are not stu pid. By har mo nis ing

our ho lo graphic aura field with col our and sound, the re cep tor cone ofour eye is ac ti vated in or der to see ob jects on the many lev els of space.” Hans re plied and Annelies car ried on. “Some of us be comeclairvoyant.”

“That is if the soul oc cu pies the hu man form not so?” Anneliesun usual sunny liv ing room was filled with col lected trea sures. Thetwo couches and a huge wall-hang ing were cre ated by the re nowned


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leather art ist Hermien Pool. The large slid ing doors re vealed an ex -

pan sive view over the heather fields.

“Yes, and when the soul is fully merged with the phys i cal body it

also pro vides us with a new ner vous sys tem in the brain which givesus the full abil ity to com mu ni cate tele path i cally.” Liesbeth added

while mov ing her queen. Ing rid felt ex hil a rated at be ing in the com -

pany of peo ple that held this kind of dis cus sion, but she still did not

quite grasp this bio chem i cal lan guage.

“Ask Toon, because he’s lived with my husband’s brother Leo, the

genetic engineering scientist.”

“Hans, do you know where Toon is?” Annelies winked at her

while pouring coffee.

“Who is asking?” Hans looked up teasingly from the chess game.

Ingrid knew she was lovesick. Their telephone conversations and

emails had strengthened the bond between them.

“Toon was in Sydney two days ago; he’s now visiting a

community near Brisbane and then he has to be in New York. After

that, unless he has an appointment in South Africa, he should be

back.” Ingrid saw Liesbeth make a move with her queen.

“Check mate!” Hans was blam ing his loss and her win ning on be -

ing dis tracted by Ing rid’s ques tions with a show of witty hu mour

that changed the mood of the eve ning.

“Liesbeth, remember you were going to tell me something thathad happened to you in Egypt.”

“Shall I tell her?”

“Start with your father, I think small bits at a time will do,” Hans

replied with some reluctance.

“Ingrid, how much can you accept about visitations, I mean

actual visitations by beings that come from a different galaxy or a

planet?” Annelies got up to change the music.

“I don’t re ally know. I don’t think we are the only liv ing be ings in the

whole uni verse. I can ac cept that there is life on dif fer ent plan ets or di -

men sions, but then why not life in dif fer ent uni verses and in dif fer ent

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life forms? Yes, Mmm...Liesbeth, why are you ask ing me this?”Annelies set tled back in her chair read ing her jour nal while Hans

was re lax ing on the sofa next to Liesbeth, star ing ahead as if he wasnot in the room with them.

“Well, as you already know, I lived at the Jaarsma Orphanage forfive years before I was adopted; so I never knew my biologicalparents.”

“This Jaarsma orphanage, what is so important about it,Annelies?” Ingrid queried, looking puzzled.

“Liesbeth, you tell her your story first,” Annelies said while car ry -ing on read ing her file.

“One eve ning at the be gin ning of this year, while I was busy writ -ing an ar ti cle, my front door bell went. I was sur prised as it was al -ready af ter eleven. When I opened the door, a man in his fif ties washold ing my cat. I was about to thank him and take Plume from hisarms when he pro jected. “I be lieve you took on the name ‘Liesbeth’.” Wellthat took me by sur prise. “You don’t re cog nise me, do you?” he saidand he then in tro duced him self as my fa ther!”

“Re ally? But… you said you’d never met your bi o log i cal fa ther.” “That’s ex actly what I said to the man,” Liesbeth car ried on ear -

nestly. “While he was in the hall way, some thing changed. I don’tquite know how to de scribe it, but he sud denly looked dif fer ent. Part of me was still at my flat and an other part was see ing into a dif -fer ent di men sion, al most as if I were see ing a movie and was in it si -mul ta neously.” Liesbeth’s whole pose re flected grace.

“While you were still standing in your doorway?”“Yes, part of me was, but...I ob served my self as Tulanda! I

some how knew that was my real name. Men tally I was rest ing in myfa vour ite place, high up in the moun tains where the bril liance ofplanet Earth af ter its new cos mic birth em a nated pure splen dour.”Liesbeth’s dark brown eyes be came deep pools.

“Wow, what did that look like?”“Beau ti ful, all plant life was again in har mony with the law of ONE,


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I was sur rounded by the el e men tal be ings that had al ways been my

friends. There was a har mony be yond de scrip tion. A tre men dous trans -

for ma tion had taken place.” Liesbeth’s face ex pressed a glow that one

only sees when some body has ex pe ri enced some thing be yond de scrip -tion. Hans’ hand rested comfortably in her lap.

“So you looked into the fu ture?” Ing rid’s as ton ish ment showed.

“No, I don’t think so….then he was stand ing in front of me

again,” Liesbeth said with a glazed look.

“You mean the man in the hallway?”

“Yes, and I asked him how this trans for ma tion had come about.

He re plied that it had to hap pen as it hap pened and that in the long

run all trag e dies brought about a greater good. Then he urged me to

un der take this last as sign ment. Writ ing the fourth level of the awak -

en ing jour ney”

“Gee, I thought I had a miraculous encounter with POWAH but


“He promised me that I would return to our own planet soon. I,

Tulanda, then recalled a previous life on earth as a nun! That

memory was...well, I emphasised to him what that felt like.” Ingrid

got a flash of children surrounded by a nun!…Liesbeth sighed with


“Then my fa ther re plied that he re mem bered only too well, I saw

my self bend ing my head, feel ing re morse ful that I had ever doubtedhis com pas sion. He un der stood my re luc tance to un dergo an other

in car na tion.” Hans handed her cof fee, his at ten tive ness to Liesbeth

re vealed his af fec tion for her.

“I don’t un der stand? Your fa ther is the man in the hall way? I’m

con fused.”

“Yes, he continued saying that he had followed my training over

the previous earth years as a nun and that his elders had brought it to

his attention that my level of understanding made me eligible for the

next assignment. The physical form my soul would em body, would

be born to a woman who would be a great influence in my later life.”

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Liesbeth said in a whisper as if coming out of a trance.“Now you lost me. Your father tells you…?”“No, I’ve ex plained it poorly. When I say my fa ther, I mean he

was my fa ther from a dif fer ent planet in a par al lel uni verse to ourplanet earth. He was tell ing me about an in car na tion I would un der -take again on your, our planet Earth.” Ing rid still could n’t com pre -hend what Liesbeth told her, who was her mother?

“Ingrid, I only embodied a human form when this little girl’s soulgave full consent.” Now she was stunned, was Liesbeth implying.…

“You are what they call…a walk-in?” She grabbed her knees andtook a deep breath to release the tension in her back.

“I suppose you could say that. He told me how difficult it is tomonitor some of the traumatic DNA re-align ments; that’s why Ientered the world differently this time.”

“You mean, not through birth?” She could hear her own disbe -lief in her voice.

“Mmm, no, but.…” Liesbeth looked sideways at Hans whoshook his head slightly.

“Ingrid, then my father was standing in front of me in his fullglory, shimmering with the brilliance of a jewel, and light particleswere shooting out from him like energies of the purest love, bathingme with love.” Liesbeth’s face took on an agelessness that was quiteuncanny. Ingrid’s attention was rivetted as she slowly allowed thepossibility of her story to sink in.

“I heard myself replying to him that his request was impossible. I could feel my own inner reluctance because it was like going back toa place I did not want to return to. The feeling was very strong butmy father kept reassuring me this is what I had been prepared for.”

“You mean you re mem bered a dif fer ent life and where were youasked to re turn to…Earth?” Was Liesbeth tell ing her she was analien? “None of us are from Earth orig i nally Ing rid.” Hans beamed.

“Yes Ing rid, I re mem bered he used a lan guage that was rad i callydif fer ent! It was men tal but al most mu si cal at the same time. The


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lan guage he used was so clearly ex pressed that I knew in my heart I

could never re fuse. I did have a choice, but deep down I knew he

was right.” Liesbeth looked very far away, as if she were ex pe ri enc -

ing it all over again.“Right about what?”

“About what I came here to do, which I did n’t un der stand un til a

few months ago. I then re mem bered him as my fa ther, but not from

this life.”

“From a past life?”

“No, it’s not a past life: it is as if I lived a dif fer ent life, al most at

the same time. When we were in side my flat, this man, my fa ther,

then ad dressed me as Liesbeth.” She looked at Hans who nod ded.

“My fa ther prom ised that I would re ceive all the help I needed.

Then I saw what our planet will look like, af ter her awak en ing! The

pic tur esque scen ery, while I was still in my flat, was si mul ta neously

pro jected through my mind.”

Ingrid was spellbound. Was Liesbeth implying that she came

from another planet?

“Ing rid, my own planet is very beau ti ful. There I was wear ing a

mag nif i cent gown made of a fab ric I find dif fi cult to de scribe, al -

most trans lu cent, vi bra tional, and the sounds of birds and wa ter

trick ling down like a small wa ter fall, re flected a tran quil lity of pure

bliss. I even saw or ganic foods dis played in shal low glass-like disheson al most sus pended shelves. They were…perfect!”

Ingrid tried to visualise what Liesbeth was describing.

“Close your eyes Ing rid. I’ll take you there.” Hans took hold of

her hands.

Noth ing happened…then for a .moment…all she saw were colours

min gling around her, sing ing!…and it was not the mu sic but the fra -

grance that cre ated a feel ing of...rap ture, but it looked noth ing

like…Earth! Or was it? She could per ceive forms but...they were all

part of her! Then, what came into her fo cus took her breath away. The

clos est de scrip tion was a crys tal glass shaped py ram i dal domes that

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were all sup ported by gi gan tic trop i cal look ing plants…Liesbeth’s voicebrought her back to the room.

“Gee, what happened? Hans how did you do that?”“I pro jected a mag netic thought im age so you could...feel and see

and ex pe ri ence a men tal trans mis sion of a dif fer ent kind.” Hans’ big grin ob served her wide eyed be wil der ment. Her whole body shookfrom the rev e la tion.

“Ing rid now you know how I could see my self in my flat and inthat other place at the same time! I asked my fa ther if I would beable to see him again.”

“Was he real? I mean, did you touch him at all?” Liesbeth wasstill staring abstractedly in front of her as if she were again back atthe place she had just described.

“Ing rid, it was as real as all of us sit ting to gether in this lounge, buthe had a trans par ency to him as well. His re ply to me when I asked himif I would be given any help was, that as sis tance would be given whennec es sary; but he said I would un der stand all of it only when I had com -pleted my own as sign ment. Then he put my cat down, told me hewould visit again and left.” Liesbeth fin ished her story and looked atHans, who nod ded, and so she con tin ued.

“Hans provided the assistance I needed as he is from the sameplace where I come from.”

“Hans? That ex plains it! Do you re mem ber your other livesthen?”

“Ingrid, we all have only one life in spirit although for now I havechosen to live in a physical body in this period of existence withTulanda. I’ve always known that this was what I came here for. I wasinstructed to wait until the time was right. It has been a long wait and I’m jolly glad it’s over!” With a twin kle Hans em brac ing her.

Ingrid now suddenly realized what she could not explain before:why he looked very young and at the same time…not old…but…

“Annelies, have you always known about this?” She noticed howquiet Annelies had been during their conversation. Her file lay next


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to her as she was curled up in her chair.

“Yes, from the day Ben and I brought Hans home from the or -

phan age he told us ex actly where he came from.” She smiled. “I

must ad mit, in the be gin ning both Ben and I just pre tended that weknew, think ing he had a ter rific imag i na tion. We only realised that

some thing was not nor mal when he jumped his classes in school and

later uni ver si ties and many small in ci dents that re vealed he was

too…aware for his age.”

Hans play fully ducked his head be hind Liesbeth while hold ing on

to her shoul ders.

Ing rid was so stunned by Liesbeth’s story that she sat in si lence,

her mind bat tling to store the in for ma tion in a log i cally ac cept able

man ner. Was there any more to come that would throw her fairly or -

gan ised rea son ing pow ers com pletely into chaos?

“I’m get ting stiff and ready for bed,” Liesbeth an nounced lan -

guidly while stretch ing her self. Hans took her hand when they were

get ting up from the sofa.

“I think Ingrid has to absorb it first. Let’s go home,” Ingrid

realised that Hans must have moved in with her. Thinking back, she

wondered whether Liesbeth’s story was any more bizarre than her

own. Not many people would have taken her dialogue with

POWAH seriously.

“Thanks for shar ing that with me, Liesbeth, or do I callyou...Tulanda? What an un usual name. Yes, I’ve to mull it over but,

if I may ask, have you seen your fa ther again since?”

“Yes, I have, I’ll gradually tell you more about it, and.…I’ll stay

Liesbeth for now” Liesbeth re plied with her usual sparkle.

“Thank you, Ingrid. It was important for me that you took me

seriously, even if I know that it all sounds rather bizarre for now.

You are very dear to me; you are one of my at tach ments.” Ing rid

embraced her, feeling very privileged to be part of this unusual

group of people.

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The Pannekoek

The next morn ing at work, a great big bou quet of wild flow ers wasal ready on her desk. Could, that mean Toon was back? The cardsaid cryp ti cally: NEW BE GIN NINGS ARE AL WAYS STEPS INTO THE

UN KNOWN. I AM VERY WILL ING TO TAKE THAT STEP. ARE YOU? T. That note made her feel ec static. She knew that she wanted to get toknow him far more in ti mately.

Ingrid invited Marijke and Carla for lunch at the Pannekoek asthey had both been working very hard the whole week. WhenRichard took their order, he asked after Toon which made bothMarijke and Carla look at her with astonishment. She read theirthoughts as they battled to work out how Ingrid knew him, and howRichard knew Toon. They fired questions at her. Both wereattracted by the glamour of Ingrid’s social connections.

She told them that Rich ard was also do ing the same awak en ingwork shops. They were now even more in ter ested in what the course was all about, so she told them. They took in what they couldfathom, and the rest would come at the right time.

“Ing rid, last year you talked about spe cial art classes, is this an ex -ten sion of them?“ Marijke ap par ently thought that Tieneke’sArt-an a logue Sym bol ism mind-draw ing classes and her work shopswith Annelies were sim i lar.

“Well, they are in a way. Would you be interested in a creative artcourse? I can give you the name of the lady who gives them.” Marijke’s serious expression while clutching her straw in her mouthmade them all silent, waiting for her to open up.

“I feel I have to get over my de pres sion and do some thing with mylife.” Marijke still sounded grieved. She would look up the in for ma tionon the mind-draw ing work shops and give her Tieneke’s ad dress. She re -mem bered that Tieneke gave eve ning classes. As it was time to go backto work, she prom ised to show the first three cards she had made soon. Marijke went home now that she only worked part-time and Carla


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joined her back at the of fice. The rest of the day dragged. There was

still no word from Toon, only flow ers. She started to won der what he

did. How ever, what ever he did she would not feel any dif fer ent.

When she checked her inbox be fore clos ing up for the week end, shewas de lighted that there was an e–mail from Toon, re cog nis ing his

e–mail ad dress.——- Original Message ——-

From: “T Haardens”

To: <Ingrid Barendse:;>

Sent: Sunday, June-5, 2008 7:21 PM

Sub ject: Kitty

Dear Kitty

I’m rest ing next to a wa ter fall that min gles with a river fur ther down in the val ley be low.

The mu sic of the wa ter cur rent is cel e brat ing that there is al ways a to mor row.

Then I see it join ing the ocean, in a con stantly mov ing tor rent of foam ing glory.

Even the waves that are clasp ing in a play ful em brace of power tell the same story.

That ev ery crea ture, even the bee tles in the white sand be low my feet do min gle.

Even they speak of a un ion, that tells me noth ing in the world is for ever sin gle.

I look up at the sky, where the clouds play hide and seek to gether;

And I see the birds are free, fly ing with one an other in all types of weather;

I see the moun tains reach up high to em brace heaven above,

and all around me the sweet per fumes of the flow ers speak of love.

Kitty, in my lonely sol i tude from where I am view ing my world un hap pily,

Look ing in side my soul I feel it only has one de sire, which is for your com pany.

I miss you, my love, my dear be loved. You are in all my dreams where I find that the

im age of your el e gance and your beauty is en graved into my mind.

Will you be my com pan ion, my lover and my part ner and cel e brate for ever

the awak en ing of our spir its with their long ing to be merged as one to gether?

Ing rid’s tears welled up. How could she ever have doubted him?

Why could n’t she have let go of her own fears and just gone with

him? She wanted to write back but could n’t find the right words.

She could not put down her feel ings as well as he could, but she

needed to send him some thing.Snooks!

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I dream of you too but you know you left me once be fore, re mem ber?

You asked me if trusted you, and the mem ory of be fore was swept away.

Now my de sire tells me that all I want to do is sur ren der.

Next time I will go with you when you come back to stay.

Dur ing my day, and go ing home my thoughts are of us to gether.

All day I miss you and at night I do not want to keep you away;

So my an swers is, yes, I do trust you, I re ally do now for ever.

I look out for you ev ery morn ing, night and day.

Thank you for the flow ers, my love.

They give me com fort be cause you are so far away.

Did she have the nerve to send this? All she needed to do was oneclick, and it was gone. As she hes i tated about send ing the clumsy be -gin ner’s at tempt at a poem, she had a vi sion of him all by him self sit -ting on a rock with his lap top on his knees typ ing to her. Herat ten tion was then caught by a new e–mail from POWAH, with theti tle “I AM”


The Awakening Clan

Programme...Planet Earth

I AM that I AMAll the bil lions of spirit sparks whoincarnated in a third di men sion ho lo gram,must first wake up to who they are in or derto play the awak en ing game.

Since all the uni verses to gether are com posedof count less gal ax ies, so lar sys tems and plan e -tary sys tems, this to tal ity is one con scious liv -ing be ing and we are all part of it.

Kitty, your spirit spark en ergy cells are be -gin ning to awaken through this rap ture of love you are feel ing within your self. All phys i cal life is cre ated from an etheric blue print. This blue print coded a geo met ric grid pat tern that was orig i -nally formed through the power of love!

The arous ing of this love ec stasy will be feltin the depths of your soul now that you have foundeach other. Cel e brate your un ion to gether in yourdreams.

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“Ing rid, you are far away, are you dream ing of Toon? Are the flow -

ers from him? Did you two have a fight?” Carla com mented, peep ing

around the door. Ing rid was about to re act when she re al ised that she

must have been miles away for a while.

“Toon had to go to Aus tra lia on busi ness.” She clicked with one

fin ger to send her e-mail. She closed the com puter for the week endand walked out with Carla.

“How are you both, Carla, you and Niels, I mean?”

“I vis ited Niels af ter work in his work shop for the first time, last

week. I real ised that I wanted this man, es pe cially af ter what you told me

about the awak en ing card game. I did some thing I have never done.”

“Now you make me cu ri ous! If you have been mar ried twice

what is it you have never done be fore? Or is that too per sonal?”

Is the 3rd Dimension a Hologram?


In the sleep ing state the mor tal mind has nopower or mo men tum of its own, but your awak enedaware ness must be re–cre ated daily. Pro ceedwith this in ner jour ney that has al ways be forebeen be yond your imag i na tion, you can now cre ate and ex plore new worlds within worlds.

Now you are em bark ing on the most ex cit ingre turn jour ney to one ness, by cre at ing in yourdreams your fu ture light–body, re mem ber thatyou are al ready a spirit of pure light and loveas your souls in car nated into form, to evolvespir i tu ally into the next evo lu tion ary spi ral.

Prac tise dis cern ment be tween the false“needs” that are per pet u ated by the ego. Learnto rec og nise the real needs as en vi sioned by the soul.

Now is the time for all souls who have beenlost in this ex per i ment, this cre ation to wakeup from the dream and re turn home.

Be gen tle with your self and love and for giveall of the as pects of your self.

This is of the ut most im por tance dur ing thistrans for ma tion pe riod.


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Grin ning gaily. Carla looked, paused and then smiled with a glint inher eye.

“I’ve never seduced a man before. Have a great evening, anddon’t you tell him I said that”.

“Carla! What do you take me for? But I think you were very wise! I’ll see you on Mon day.”

Class 8That eve ning they would be mak ing their PRESENT MENTALCARD. Ing rid’s thoughts an tic i pated the class ea gerly as she droveto Annelies’ house. Hap pi ness ra di ated from her face, as her mindbounced back to her psy chic com mu ni ca tions with Toon. Wouldher men tal card re veal things that would give her more un der stand -ing about her self and how they com mu ni cated tele path i cally? Theas pects in the two pre vi ous cards did re fer to the mind-draw ingswith Tieneke. Could it be that the en ergy or qual i ties from the Lan -guage of Light sym bols, which were the as pects within the cards,cre ated an en ergy cord with oth ers on a men tal level? Yolandagreeted ev ery one at the door as they all ar rived si mul ta neously.

“Hi, Ingrid! Annelies is on the phone, but I think it’s for you,”Yolanda looked puzzled.

“Toon, she has just walked in; let me get her for you! Hold on,”Annelies spoke as she beckoned Ingrid to the phone in her lounge. Ingrid felt a joy rising within that propelled her to the phone as if she had no control over her movements.

“Kitty, I re ceived your email....you...lifted up my spir its as nowoman has ever done be fore. You made me so happy; I want to take the next plane out of here to be with you; I will never go away for solong with out you; I want to take you in my arms, hold you, kiss you,make love to you…Kitty, is this nor mal, to feel like this?”…Say some -thing! I want to hear your voice! Make love to me over the phone, I dare you!”Ing rid thought of Carla. It was not quite the same but tele path i -cally...she could do it...


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“Snooks, I’m…visualising your spar kling eyes go ing over my whole body, ca -

ress ing me, hold ing me! I can feel your hands…stroking me all over...I can feel my

own long ing for you reach ing out to you, em brac ing you.”…She pro jected the rest in

pic ture form, as it seemed some how eas ier to be in ti mate that way.“Kitty, you’d better stop, you are mak ing it too real for me! You

sur prise me more and more. If you can do it like this, well…I sup -pose you have to go to your classes,” she heard him sigh.

“Where are you phoning from? What time is it where you are?”“It’s early in the morn ing. I’m in a cot tage out side of Bris bane, wait -

ing for Ed. We’re go ing out on a hike around the large es tate he pur -chased a month ago. He has some great plans for a com mu nity on thisprop erty. I just wish you were here; I want you by my side while I’m do -ing what I do best. Kitty, I feel so...happy for my self but also very sadfor Ed.”…he whis pered the last few words .

“Snooks, Ed needs a friend like you, but come home to me soon,Annelies is call ing me.” She heard Annelies pro ject ing: “Toon, phoneher back when she is at home!”

“I heard that!” “ I adore you, you know,” he spoke softly, which

made her giggle. Was he ever going to hang up?

“Oh, Snooks, I miss you as well.” And she gently placed the re -

ceiver back in its cra dle, her mind joined to his. “I love you,” whilevisu al is ing her thoughts trav el ling over a light beam.

“Kitty! I heard that! I...Oh, my other half...I love you too”...When she walked back into the class room, they were all smil ing.

Was she so trans par ent? “Ing rid, I’ve never seen or ex pe ri enced Toon be ing in love! It’s quite some -

thing!” Annelies pro jected

“Are you ready to come down to earth again and make your Pres -

ent Men tal card?” Liesbeth winked. “You peo ple re ally suf fer be ing

sep a rated don’t you.”

“Ingrid, share with us your spacings of your physical card from

last week,” Gerrit asked her with a chuckle. They all laughed.

“All right, you can all gloat, it’s eleven! Sat is fied?” Glow ing with

em bar rass ment. The pre vi ous week she had been read ing up on her in -

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ner vi bra tions of her phys i cal card so it was very ap pro pri ate. She would be con fronted by height ened ac tiv ity in her sec ond sex ual chak ra. Wow!

Their class room re minded her of Tieneke’s draw ing classes, colour -ful and cosy.

Annelies ex plained the pro ce dure as to how they had to use col -our and sym bols, and write the things that they were good at and thepeo ple they had drawn into their lives that were in spir ing them topur sue their in ner growth.

“An nie when you say good at, do you mean, how Tieneke showed the five cre ative draw ing tech niques to me?” Ing rid also re mem -bered Tieneke’s an a log draw ing ex er cises that had showed how theirmen tal world could cre ate many sit u a tions to bar gain with and sowould re veal un ex pressed emo tions. Ing rid knew that Yolanda hadfin ished her di vorce pro ceed ings. The mu sic in the back ground asthey were all work ing on their cards, stim u lated their men tal vi sions.

“Annelies, are there any re li gions that preach, what you call our as -cen sion jour ney? A friend vis ited your website and read many of the ar -ti cles, but she is a de vour Chris tian. She was look ing for any ref er encesto your ideas that she could feel com fort able with. ” Niels asked

“Did he or she read our in ter pre ta tions on the first three soulcard vi bra tions?” Did any of you looked it up? None of you havecome with any ques tions so far.”

“I must ad mit, I only last week vis ited that page, and many of myques tions sur round ing re li gious dogma have now been an swered.”Gerrit re plied. The si lence in the room was elec tri fy ing,

“Re ally, lets hear it” Ing rid thought of her mother who had beena de vout Chris tian. Any slightly es o teric ideas or prac tices was abol -ished.She kept her faith in that Je sus was her sav iour.

“Well, the Chris tians 'hope of a heaven and a new earth, mean ing, aphys i cal res ur rec tion into more di men sions that dove tails re mark ablywell with the new sci en tific world-view of to day.”

“You can't be se ri ous. You mean af ter one dies there will be a time


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that all 'be liev ers' wake up from the grave? I found that so pre pos ter ous,

I could never get my mind around that one.” Yolanda re sponded in dis may.

“There is no death when you talk about res ur rec tion. We are all in -

ves ti gat ing im mor tal ity con cepts, not so. Read ing some of Annelies' ar -ti cles I re al ized that 'Je sus' rep re sents the child within us all. It's the child

within that must fully wake up in or der to see the king dom of heaven.”

“Of course. It's our EGO that must be come sub ser vi ent to the

child within. That's it. The child will see into dif fer ent di men sions, what

we of ten call fan tasy worlds, why not.” Liebeth ex pressed it with such

joy, she won dered what she'd missed.

“Yolanda it's mis un der stood what res ur rec tion is re ally about.

Many re li gious-driven peo ple rather hide be hind their re li gious rules

that are easy to fol low, in stead of al low ing an en coun ter with their al -

ter EGO, or their in ner spirit, the child within.”

“You mean for us to phys i cally as cend from this 3D di men sion

has been proph e sied all along, but mis un der stood?” Yolanda's

whole en ergy was sud denly elec tri fy ing.

“Ab so lutely. The hold of the hu man EGO is very strong, es pe -

cially when peo ple have em braced a re li gious be lief and made it into

a dogma. Of ten the child within, or lets say a child that has been

given to an en emy as as sur ance for a peace treaty. That ges ture has

been used by sev eral tribes in our past, so the story that God gave his

only son in or der to of fer ev ery in car nated im mor tal soul a peacetreaty, that we would se as 'be ing free d' from their own earthly trap -

pings, is not such a dif fi cult idea to em brace is it. ”

“No, not if you put it that way.”

Dur ing their cof fee break Yolanda had told her that she had been sep -

a rated for two years. Yolanda was anx ious about her hus band’s strong

hold and in flu ence over Con nie. Ing rid had been puz zled about that

for he was her fa ther af ter all, but some how she real ised she did not

know the whole story. She squeezed Yolanda’s shoul der as she got up.

“Ing rid, the aware ness of tele pathic rap port will have to be re cog nised first

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and that is why you were cho sen to write the first level. Ask POWAH about te -lep a thy,” Annelies pro jected

Ing rid glanced back at her with a warm glow of grat i tude to havethis woman as a friend. She real ised that she loved this woman withall her heart. What had awoken in her was the abil ity to love oth ersmore deeply, more hon estly and more openly than she had al lowedher self to do be fore.

As they were stroll ing to wards their car, she in vited Liesbeth forsup per the next eve ning. She some how knew that things wouldchange when Toon would be back. It might be the last time shecould have her friend over on her own.

“My friend, I’m so happy for you. Toon is an amaz ing man. Hede serves you! I’d love to come. Hans needs to go away this week end,I be lieve its some thing to do with Toon’s many en ter prises, I re allylook for ward to spend ing some time with you. It might not hap penagain.” She was stunned to hear that Hans worked for Toon.

On the way home, her thoughts were with Toon, vi su al ising himwith Ed…As her thoughts whirled around she lost con cen tra tionand al most did not see a car from her left swerv ing in front of her. All she could do was to step on her brakes.

Her heart was pump ing so fast it was nau se at ing. An an noy ancewelled up in her di rected to wards the rude driver! They could both have been in jured or even killed! Her whole mood had changed. She blamed the other driver when she drove up into her drive way as well as blam ingher self for not pay ing more at ten tion. She real ised how scat tered hermind had been. If she had fo cussed on her driv ing it would not havehap pened, she would have spot ted the car. At least she was safe but itcould have been worse. The in ci dent had shaken her more than shewanted to give it credit for. She had been day dream ing! Annelies al waysre minded them to stay grounded!

Jeroen was stay ing over with a friend, so she de cided to go straightto bed.

Her dream jour nal and pen were still ly ing next to her bed from the


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other night. Af ter read ing the last dream, Ing rid won dered if it couldhave been real. Fluffball curled up next to her and she felt her self drift -ing off…

First the driver of the car came into her mind again…Then asense of warmth over took her...then her con scious ness …from adif fer ent dream time took over...she sud denly felt cold. The tallpine that had been struck by light ning was burn ing. The flames il -lu mi nated the gen eral con tours of the nearby land scape. Sonyawas star ing down into the dark ness of the val ley, as if spell boundby the scene she had seen be low. An other light ning bolt flashed,and the sound of thun der died away. She loved stand ing in thesoft rain at the end of the bor der of her land day dream ing. Shewas al ways in awe of the en ergy that came from the heav ens. Shefelt part of that awe some power.

There was not much in the way of shel ter so she be gan to getback to the log cabin up the hill.

She was over taken by the rain that came gush ing down,drench ing her al ready soaked cloth ing, and fi nally ex tin guish ingthe strug gling fire in the tree. When she was near the log cabin,she saw Josh stand ing in the door way, look ing out for her with awor ried face.

“Hi, I needed that; it was beau ti ful up there. A tree was hit bylight ning but the rain doused the flames.”

“You are all soaked, Sonya. When will you ever learn to takecare of your self? Come in, the fire will warm you.

Sonya looked into Josh’s face see ing the love he had for herand she al ways felt guilty re ceiv ing it.

Over the years of be ing mar ried to him, she had grown very fond ofhim, and did love him, but not in the way she had loved Mc.Nealy.

They had been blessed with four chil dren, all of whom had nowgrown up and left. Her con tent ment was real, she had a good life,and had never re gret ted any thing, ex cept for the one thing she hadnever ex pe ri enced.

Josh had given her ev ery thing a wife should be grate ful for,and she was. But al ways at the back of her mind was this in ner

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long ing, this sim mer ing pas sion that never re ally caught fire, likethat tree in a way. When the flames had en gulfed the tree, she feltthe ap pe tite of its de sire that the flames ex pressed, to take it all; thenthe hard rain came down and it lost its strength, the em bers of pas -sion some how died.

When Josh brought her a cup of tea, she felt she should re ally getup to pre pare his pack for the next day as he would be go ing awayfor a week. Sonya felt a weird tired ness, al most like the em bers of afire mak ing a last bid for life be fore dy ing out com pletely. Sheneeded to hold Josh’s hand so she called him, took his hand andbrought it to her mouth. Josh bent down and stroked her hair.

“Sonya, about to mor row, I think I’m not go ing,” she heard...buthe was far away...she was get ting fur ther away from him.

Part of her felt sad, but then she felt that in ner fire flar ing up inher, which made her sud denly float! She felt her self mov ing out ofher body, look ing down at her self sit ting in her chair with Josh stillhunched next to her, strok ing her head. Then she heard him ut tera deep an guished cry of de spair and his grief poured over her.

What had hap pened? She tried to shake him, to tell him thatshe was all right, but he did n’t no tice her at all. She heard a soundin the dis tance...her body felt still......................

She woke up star tled from the sound that came from her alarm ra -dio. She re mem bered! In the dream! The man was Jan! She knew it. He looked like Jan but, only...the pe riod, and where? She could stillsee the scen ery that sur rounded her. It could be a Ca na dian land -scape. But Mc.Nealy was an Irish name? What was the dream re -veal ing to her? Had she died... in her dream? She would look it upin her dream book to night. Her thoughts turned to the hec tic weekahead but at the back of her mind the yearn ing to hear from Toonre mained. Oh, how she missed him!...



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Chapter 11

Releasing AddictiveAttachments.

Liesbeth's story

As the sound of her fa vour ite CD “Par a dise” played on her ste -

reo, Ing rid was pre par ing din ner for Jeroen and Liesbeth. Mu sic was

all that could re place the feel ings of emp ti ness. Even their men tal di a -

logue was not enough. She wanted to feel Toon phys i cally. Never had

she ex pected to be this deeply af fected by his ab sence.

“Mom, you really don’t mind me going away right after supper,

do you?”“Jeroen! Please, I would love to have Liesbeth to myself, are you


“Mom, what’s wrong?”

“Why would something be wrong?”

“You’ve been very different. Mom....where is that man who was

here a few weeks ago, Toon Haardens?” Ingrid felt guilty for not

sharing how she felt.

“Toon is in Aus tra lia. Ac tu ally he was with your un cle Ed the last

time I heard from him.” She saw Jeroen peer ing at her, try ing to read

her mind. She was about to con fide her feel ings for Toon when they

both heard the front door bell. Ing rid heard Jeroen greet ing Liesbeth,

whis per ing to cheer her up.

Liesbeth beamed happily. “Haven’t you told him?” as she walked in.

Liesbeth looked radiant which made her look ageless.

“What do I tell him, that I suf fer from…what? ….A love sick ness?”


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When the phone rang Jeroen an swered but she knew it was Toon.“Mom! I think this should cheer you up.” his laugher rang out as

she gave him a push and then the world was just a blur…“Snooks, where are you now?” Hoping she would like his reply.“Oh, Kitty, I needed to hear your voice. I have with drawal symp -

toms; I can not con cen trate on any thing.…I am in New York; I adoreyou and I miss you.”

“You said it: thoughts and feelings are like boomerangs. Youreally have made me the talking point in the office with your flowers,but thanks, it helps me knowing you are suffering as well.”

“Are you suffering?” Ingrid wanted to say all kinds of things butdidn’t in case the others were listening.

“Are you land scap ing in New York?” His laugh ter was so un ex -pected that she al most dropped the re ceiver.

“Oh, love, you are so immensely desirable, I’ll be back as soon asI can. I never want to be apart from you like this if I can avoid it. How do you feel about that?”

“Snooks, I don’t either. She pictured herself loving him. “Kitty, I could not sleep, I want you next to m…I can feel your thigh against

mine, I can feel your hips sliding over me, I can feel your breast in my hand.”Ingrid burst out laughing. They both had a one-track mind.

“Ab so lutely, and I do like my nick name.”… “I’ll let you go now. Seeyou soon.”

When she came back into the diningroom Jeroen was pour ing the wine. Dur ing their din ner Liesbeth an swered many ques tions con -cern ing the Zu rich con fer ence and when Jeroen went out Liesbethhelped her to clear the din ner ta ble. She told her that Hans had leftfor New York to han dle some of Toon’s le gal af fairs.

“Hans has a degree in corporate law and Toon is his largestclient.” Ingrid was reminded how little she knew about Toon, butshe also wanted to hear all about this Hans, and his talk aboutlife-giv ing water.

“Ing rid, I would first like you to un der stand about Hans, I mean


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why I’m sud denly so at tracted to a man af ter all those years; even a

youn ger man at that.”

“Well, I would not quite put it that way, but, yes, I have been

curious in the past. Hans is a rather unusual person and I’ve beenthinking a lot about your story. I still have some difficulty with it but

I can see Hans fitting into the whole scene.” Her friend did look

ageless. What had made her change?

“Liesbeth, I never asked, but how old are you?”

“You’re going to get a shock, you know.”

“What, about your age? Well try me, I al ways thought you to be

around mid dle thir ties or a bit older, but now you look ...late twen -


“I was born about 1960. I don’t know the exact date but…I’ve

taken the date to be 15–2–1960, at least that was written on my cup,

that was sent anonymously to me after I was left in the orphanage.

What is different about both of us is the lack of incarnations on this

planet. I have had only one previously, and for Hans, this is his first

time, but we know each other very well, I mean from where I come


“But…that would make you forty-eight years old, three years older

than I am!” She had dif fi culty tak ing this all in, as Liesbeth looked

age less.

“I told you, I warned you, Hans…is from 1969, my body is ninecalender years older. When I saw him for the first time in Zurich, I

suddenly knew who he was when he looked at me across a large

room carrying a drink in his hand. He took my drink, put it down

and just embraced and kissed me, beaming: “Well, it took you long

enough! How are you, Tulanda?” Liesbeth’s great big smile confirmed

her story.

“He knew your name instantly?” Recalling Toon’s explanation

about her nickname Kitty...

“Yes, and at that mo ment I again ex pe ri enced an in ner trans por -

ta tion to a dif fer ent scene where I’m Tulanda and I’m stand ing next

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to a tall fig ure who is my ‘twin–flame’ as we call it. The un ion thatwe ex pe ri ence is some what dif fer ent from what you have in a phys i -cal body, be lieve me! At that mo ment when we con nected andgreeted each other and talked and made love, my mem ory came back in a flash. He awak ened in me all that I was, all that I al ways havebeen,” Liesbeth shared with a ra di ant ex pres sion. Ing rid’s ex cite -ment bub bled up from accepting her story.

“How long were the two of you spell bound with each other in thatroom? That must have been quite some thing.” They were hav ingtheir cof fee in her sunny pa tio, lead ing out from the din ing room.

“That’s the wonderful part about it because it happens out oftime! When we came back to the conference room, so to speak,probably only one minute had passed.”

Ingrid knew her friend well enough to know that she wasspeaking from her heart, even if it still felt weird for her suddenlybeing confronted with a phenomenon that she only had read about. Even with her own experiences she was still thinking that it was all in her head. Was she living a mental life that was so vivid that it feltreal?

“Tell me about this spe cial wa ter,” while pour ing the cof fee. Fluffball was purr ing away on her lap and grunted when she moved. She was so dis gusted that she jumped off and set tled her self onLiesbeth’s lap with out any con sent from her. Liesbeth stroked herand ex plained about the spe cial wa ter.

“When Hans started to ex plain about this ‘liv ing wa ter’ I knew hewas re fer ring to a nat u ral sub stance of the world where we bothcome from. At the same time, while giv ing his lec ture, he told metele path i cally that part of his as sign ment was to re ac ti vate the wa terel e ment in its orig i nal state and to as sist Gaia in re stor ing her orig i nal grid–for ma tions in or der for her to as cend. I am to be his part ner inthat as sign ment as he is in mine,” Liesbeth em a nated such joy thatIng rid be gan to re late to Liesbeth’s feel ings the more she thought ofToon and her self.


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“You’re talking about our drinking water, our oceans and our


“Yes, he took the audience on a mental tour through our galaxy.”

“You mean he did to the audience what he did to me? Transporting me to a dif fer ent.…”

“If the peo ple con cen trated on his vi sual guid ance, yes. Point ing

out that planet Earth in its mag nif i cent splen dour is unique and dif -

fer ent from all the other plan ets.”

“How do you mean by different?”

“When you come down to the surface of this planet, the four

different life–forms called kingdoms that live on it are composed

almost totally of water,” Liesbeth continued while sipping her

coffee and stroking Fluffball. Mmm, she knew Liesbeth meant

humans, the plant, animal, and mineral kingdoms.

“Every living expression of consciousness is attracted to water in

some form or other, if we move through the forest and come to a

river our hearts are pulled to the water because we are attracted by its

life energy.” That’s so true, recalling Toon looking at her floating

crystals in her purifying jar.

“Then Hans pro ceeded with the lec ture in a more sci en tific di rec -

tion so as not to bore the in tel lec tual au di ence, and he kept ev ery -

body spell bound.”

“Our wa ter is very pol luted not so? Even our rivers and ourdrink ing wa ter?” Her ea ger ness to hear more was over whelm ing.

Liesbeth ap peared more and more mys ti cal. She was very dif fer ent

than most peo ple and now she knew why.

“Yes, he called it un struc tured wa ter, ex plain ing that ev ery cell, no

mat ter how healthy, will be come dis eased if it’s sur rounded by un -

struc tured wa ter. The dif fer ence in the wa ter is the num ber of elec -

trons that are in the outer or bits and un struc tured wa ter is miss ing

these outer elec trons.”

“Liesbeth! Which is the water that is so unhealthy?”

“All water that goes through pipes, lead pipes are the worst even

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if it’s just a few feet, is under pressure so the water can’t rotate theway that it wants to. It’s forced to move in concentric rings that ripoff the outer electrons and form unstructured water, and we drinkout of high–pressure water pipes that predispose us to disease.”

“What was the response to all this? Did Hans give any clue as tohow to change this and to make the water structured again?”

“Oh, yes, that was the whole aim. There were lots of ques tions,peo ple wanted to know more, and what they could do. Dr. Emoto’swork has al ready con trib uted to a great shift in peo ple's aware nesslev els. Through im ages he cap tured how wa ter re sponds to mes -sages, emo tions, and feel ings, not just words. This ap plies our ownthoughts too, since our bod ies con sist of a high per cent age of wa ter. Hans alerted his au di ence that wa ter is alive and greatly chal lengedby the way wa ter is abused glob ally. It has been stripped of the sa -cred ness that in dig e nous cul tures across the world have al ways at -trib uted to wa ter. He warned the au di ence that if some thing is notdone to change this, we have fewer than hun dred years left on thisplanet.”

“Really!” “All life will gradually disappear because it is related to the oxygen

levels of the planet and that will decline to a point where life cannotbe sustained,” Liesbeth continued in a serious tone.

“Gosh, when so much hangs in the bal ance for hu man ity and thefu ture of this world, what more can we do?”

“Waking up, that's all.”“Yes, if one awak ens from their spir i tual in er tia, in so do ing they

are add ing their light to the global awak en ing pro cess. The soulawak en ing pro cess Annelies' work shops are all about is al ready gath -er ing speed in tan dem with this planet's own spir i tual awak en ing to -wards a higher di men sions.”

“How come, on the news all one hears is ac com plished throughde struc tion?

“Yes we know, but Hans and I are here to pre pare, through story


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tell ing, how this in fi nitely com plex and in tri cate uni ver sal field of

multi-level ex pe ri enc ing is go ing to ap pear. That is why your jour nal

is trans lated into a novel.”

“Now you star tle me. I've only just started writ ing it. Are you re -fer ring to the fu ture? Who is do ing the story tell ing? Not me.”

“That's my as sign ment, which took me by sur prise, but now I un -

der stand how it is go ing to be ac com plished.”

“Re ally, be cause you are an ed i tor? But Hans is not a sci en tist.

He stud ied Law, did n’t he?”

“He is a sci en tist of the high est or der in our world but he needed

to know the laws on this planet so that they could be of ben e fit to

Gaia. What many peo ple still fail to re al ize is that, as Earths plan e -

tary field of ex pe ri ence grad u ally as cends to wards higher vi bra tory

fre quen cies, all life forms will soon be vi bra tionally un fit and un able

to main tain their very phys i cal ex is tence.”

“That is still a puz zle to me. How is that ever go ing to hap pen?”

“Ingrid, Toon’s communities all over the world are designed to

cope with the changeover to a different style of living.”

“I know, and I am so glad to become a small part in his ventures,

the more I hear about Toon’s enterprising spirit, the more I love this


“The pop u la tion of this planet will go through ma jor up heav als

phys i cally as well as emo tion ally, men tally and spir i tu ally and weneed all the help we can get in or der to sur vive the changeover.”

“Wow, this is some thing close to my heart! Ing rid sighed, won -

der ing at the fact that this highly evolved man with such ad vanced vi -

sion and en light ened am bi tions could be in love with her. She knew

that ask ing to ex press her high est po ten tial in this life other peo ple in

her life would act as a mir ror im age to her self, de pend ing on the

need or the les son. So on a soul level this must be like wise.

“Ingrid, Toon is besotted with you. Toon’s lack of focus–made

Hans leave for New York.”

“Oh why”

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“There are some large corporations in this world that are awareof the discovery of this living water. Because of many otheractivities they are involved in, they don’t want to see changeshappen.”

“What activities.” “Those who have vowed their al le giance to dark ness, They are

still do ing their ut most to main tain as many peo ple as pos si ble,through fear-based ma nip u la tions and sheer vi o lence, in the low estpos si ble lev els of aware ness, in an ul ti mately vain ef fort to per pet u -ate their power and dom i na tion over this planet.”

“You mean through the du al ity of good and evil?”“Yes, there is still a lot of fear among many peo ple that can not let

go of the good and evil con cept, so they are more re cep tive to be ingbrain washed by their own ra dio-ac tive lower lev els of cre ations from other gal ax ies.”

“Wow, now you scare me. Aliens, are they al ready incontrol?…Or do you mean people who believe in a pre or daineddestiny?”

“Yes to both. Con trol is pro foundly done through the bank ingworld, po lit i cal groups and mil i tary out fits. Some re li gious move -ments are also be ing used and con trolled by be ings that have evolved in tel lec tu ally and have fan tas tic tech nol ogy, but lack the com pas sionand love that is so es sen tial to the evo lu tion of the hu man spe cies.”

“But how is this achieved?’ “Through their lack of compassion, they will keep people in a

fantasy reality, an illusion. Toon, needed Hans to be at his side tooversee some major changeovers that will have a great effect on thestock exchange and ultimately the whole economy of the planet,” Liesbeth got up from her chair and Fluffball was highly offended byher move.

“Gosh, I feel guilty, wishing him to come home as I’m beginningto realize his commitments are enormous, I have to get used to theidea of going into a relationship with someone that I have to share in


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many other ways, time wise, I mean.”

“Well, Annelies seemed to think you are very suit able for this po -

si tion be cause of your own need for in de pend ence, so you have a

great sup porter in her.”


Ever since Liesbeth’s visit and her story about Hans and the con nec -

tion with Toon, she felt at peace. She missed Toon, but know ing the

mag ni tude of his com mit ments, it was hard to be lieve that he got in -

volved in the land scap ing firm, and in the Paris pro ject. Surely this

man could not di vide him self amongst so many dif fer ent en ter prises?

She changed her new draw ings for the site in Paris dras ti cally and

cop ied the very large files onto three cd's be cause she was out of a

re-writeable dvd’s. Carla still had them on order. She would take one

cd home to work on the ‘centre file’ that week end. She placed the

other two cd’s into the back of her drawer. She checked her e-mail

and down loaded one mes sage…

...Ingrid...they are black mail ing me be cause of you!

That mes sage hit her so lar plexis. No ad dress, un less you call de -

[email protected]. an ad dress. It had come from Roelof, who else?

As she de leted it, a bright screen with text ap peared.<Hello, Kitty. You know by now that there is no sep a -ra tion be tween your world and the many di men sionsaround you, only the aware ness of the in di vid ual con -scious ness that is ex pressed through the hu man mindand brain.>

Her back went rigid! Piet sud denly stood be hind her! She

thought ev ery body had al ready gone!…

The screen was still alight with POWAH’s writing yet Piet did not

comment at all. He just looked at her screen.

“Ing rid, I must look in your ad dress-book, I’m off line at the

mo ment,” The an noy ance his body lan guage re vealed nau se ated her.

Why not look on his own com puter an other time if he was so an gry

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with her? Or was he look ing for some thing she might be hid ing onher com puter? Piet was ap proach ing fifty but looked older. He hada small, thin-lipped, sulky mouth, and wispy hair cling ing to a baldfore head. The flesh of his face was washed-out and soft. His eyeswere hooded, ex press ing a chronic re sent ment to wards the world. She won dered whether he saw the words at all.

POWAH’s bright, ra di ant text flashed in a sort of bril liance yet he did not re mark on it! He took her mouse while lean ing over to lookup a name in her ad dress book when she saw him glar ing at the laste-mail mes sage. He mum bled some thing rude while the screen wasre spond ing nor mally.

Suddenly the screen turned back with more of POWAH’swriting, but he did not react to it; he simply walked away!<Kitty, ev ery man is the liv ing ex pres sion of thecon scious ness at any given mo ment. Hu mans are lu mi -nous, spirit–be ings, and you must never for get it.>

Tril lions of ques tions were all cram ming her mind.<POWAH, how is it that I can see your writ ing very clearly

yet Piet does not ac knowl edge it at all?> Was she ab nor mal? The text with the blue back ground was al ways clear to her. <Kitty, the men tal di vided mind of the ‘per son al -ity’ of man is the real prob lem. Peo ple in yourphys i cal world are told what to think and how tothink, and what to do. Only com par a tively few – you are one of them – are able to think for them selvesand will gain free dom from this il lu sory make-be -lieve world.>

Her heart still raced at see ing the text ap pear ing, like she was insome type of thought-wave, or was this also men tal pro gram ming?<Kitty, re mem ber that ev ery thing is a ho lo gram, andyou are a ho lo gram within a ho lo gram. Your planet isin side a ho lo gram, so is your gal axy, and it is cre -ated by con scious ness. Piet will only see, hear,smell, touch and sense what his mor tal mind can com -pre hend, and only that will be real to him. Most ofyou can not see the false, be cause you are all caught


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up in it. Kitty, use your in tu ition with Piet, he isan un con scious be ing liv ing in the ef fect of his ex -pe ri ence, that is why he is in trou ble. Your con -scious liv ing means that you in vite the cause of your liv ing. You walk in the aware ness of it.>

Part of it made sense, reg is ter ing what POWAH was talk ing

about, but what trou ble was he re fer ring to?

<POWAH, are you tell ing me that be cause I be lieve in you

talk ing to me, I can see your text and he can not?> Some how

she al ready knew the an swer but won dered if POWAH knew that. <Yes, Kitty, you are be gin ning to un der stand that what -ever is in the mor tal mind is dead, it is not re al ity butan il lu sion that has its foun da tion in a “lie”–a be lief –. The words that you see are also not real, but your mindhas cre ated them to be real for you. Con scious ness and

en ergy are in ter re lated.>

Ing rid was stunned. The words were not real! POWAH was read -

ing her mind again but she would not have put it the same way. How

could her mind be dead? She felt as if she was an open book to him. <That you are. A spher i cal lu mi nous mass of count -less, static, yet vi brant field of en ergy. Thefaster your en ergy field can shift, the faster youcan shift into the per cep tion of an other to tallydif fer ent uni verse.>

She des per ately wanted him to know what she knew and un der -

stood so far, but the screen went back to the screen saver. Toon had

men tioned that this Trevor, Annelies’ un cle, was a ro botic sci en tist.

Had elec tronic tech nol ogy al ready so far ad vanced that it was pos si -

ble to read the mind of some one who sat be hind a com puter? She

knew that one’s tone of voice can be mea sured, but one’s thoughts?

But then lately her tele pathic skills were greatly en hanced, was that a

sign Liesbeth was re fer ring to?

Ing rid could still not quite un der stand who POWAH re ally was.

He said he was her mind but was she cre at ing all this? She wanted

some an swers when sud denly, as if he heard her, or could read hermind, the screen went bright again.

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The Awakening Clan

Programme...Planet Earth

Ac knowl edg ing The One Source of All That IsAll you spirit sparks who are col lect ing ex pe -

ri ences of their cre ations from many dif fer entdi men sions, and add ing these ex pe ri ences to their soul clus ter li brar ies, are serv ing hu man -ity as a whole.

Ow ing to the drop of vi bra tions, in ter breed ing with alien ra dio-ac tive cre ations and ge neticexperimentations, loss of con scious ness cre atedmany falls into dis torted re al i ties.

Any one who has the de sire to be come aware ofwho he/she is, why you are here will awaken andre mem ber the un ion of one ness.

Which is:

THE UNIVERSAL/im per sonal /DIVINE MIND, thatagain di vided into many SPIRIT SPARKS, (I AM’s)ex press ing it self through GROUP SOUL CLUSTERSthat di vided into OVER-SOUL CLUSTERS and againdi vided into INDIVIDUAL SOUL CLUSTERS, is stillan ac knowl edg ment of the one source of all.

THE INDIVIDUAL HUMAN SOUL, with the HigherSelf (un con scious mind) still holds the mem ory of the I AM’s but be came frag mented while in car nat -ing into the hu man form over many earthly life -times. These frag mented souls be came per son al ity entities.

The in di vid ual soul’s etheric blue print be came dis torted thereby cre at ing a lower elec tro-mag -netic fre quency that could only cre ate a phys i cal form with fewer DNA strands. This re sulted incom plete loss of unity con scious ness.

Be tween 2012 and 2020

When a soul in car nates, and re-ac ti vates thecon nec tion with this Higher Self dur ing thesetime zones, only through a phys i cal in car na tioncan this soul re gain all its frag mented parts to -gether in or der to awaken phys i cally. If that in -di vid ual soul man ages to ac ti vate the cel lu larcon scious ness of their phys i cal form,through

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Wow, once again she re ceived an im me di ate re ply to her thoughts.

Now she un der stood it! The per son al ity she was ‘known’ by at this time

was Ing rid or Kitty. Her brain was just the com puter that her mor tal

mind used. She was the op er a tor of her bio-com puter. When she

quiet ened her con scious mind, and only fo cussed on one thought, she

would con nect with her higher self, her sub con scious mind which

once more would re mem ber all the ex pe ri ences she had had which were

stored in her in di vid ual un con scious-soul-mind. A vi sion of an ad vert

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the mor tal mind (ego per son al ity) that is ex -press ing through the or ganic BRAIN, then theirHigher Self acts like a chan nel.

Kitty, the fol low ing ex cerpts are the rules ofthe awakening game that need to be un der stood.

a A daily in tent to fully awaken must be af -firmed and re–as serted.

b Re leas ing all Re la tion ships that areBased upon At tach ment.

This is Rule One of the awakening game. Kitty, you have to be will ing to at tainmas tery of the fol low ing ex cerpts from nowon.

Those who stick with this pro cess and fol lowtheir soul’s de sire will ex pe ri ence the re wardof a greater de gree of joy, love and free domthan they may ever have thought pos si ble.

At tach ment can be seen as a line of en ergycon nect ing one in di vid ual to an other in di vid ual or ob ject within each one’s life.

The level of at tach ment upon your third di -men sion can be seen as a spi der web that is thick with cords. There is very lit tle space be tweenthe web bing for any in for ma tion to flow. Forthis rea son, third–di men sional thought–formsare so dense that it is dif fi cult for hu man ityto com mu ni cate tele path i cally.


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came into her mind; an old ad vert with a woman stand ing dis play ing atin on a tray. The tin, which was the prod uct that she was ad ver tis ing,had the ad vert on it and the same im age went over again, the one withinthe other.....one ho lo gram within the other...one con scious ness levelwithin the other…

Ingrid knew that she was busy creating another attachment toToon! She wondered how that was going to affect her intent toascend.<Kitty, re leas ing the many ad dic tive at tach ments is to be re placed by ser vice. Con tem plate this.>

<POWAH, where are you in re la tion to all this mind stuff ?>She was still not sure if the text she saw was only her mind, and shehad dif fi culty per ceiv ing any en tity with out form.<You and I are part of the whole! The great esttrag edy (the fall) is that hu mans are uni ver sallyhyp no tised from birth. Free dom only co mes if mancan es cape from the prison of his own mind. Kitty,all ap pear ances in the mind have no re al ity, sodon’t fear them. Re mem ber those words, don’t fear


How could you pos si bly es cape from your own mind? What wasthere if there were no thoughts?<Through the awak en ing work shops you will dis coverthe “real self” that ex ists be yond the mind. Inthis pool of si lence, in which the eter nal is re -vealed, your IAM will be in unity with all there


Ing rid re al ised that in or der to be free from this con di tion ingPOWAH talked about, she her self would have to un der stand thepro cess of her own mind for no body could do that for her. She al -most grasped that she had to dis cover what was be yond the mind. <Kitty, I am to guide you and oth ers on how to bring the su pra–men tal pow ers of the di vine con scious ness into the un aware mind, trans form ing the mind andbody, thereby cre at ing a di vine life in mat ter.


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Gosh it all some how made sense to her. From now on she would

not ques tion how she re ceived these ex cerpts. When more text

spon ta ne ously ap peared as if she was chat ting to some one, it seem

to flicker. <Do not ac cept what is writ ten down as pure truthbe cause it may be come an other be lief. Un til youyour self make an in ner choice to be come an ear nestex pres sion of love and af fec tion, then only willyou know what uni ver sal truth is.>

She knew then that one had to ex pe ri ence truth, be fore one re ally

knew it, and one could not push the truth down un will ing throats ei ther.Everybody had gone home and the silence in the office outside

her glass partition became a blur.

<POWAH, what has hap pened be tween Toon and me? Did

we live in an other life to gether and are my mem o ries com ing

back? Is it be cause we op er ate on the same thought wave, that

we can com mu ni cate as we seem to do?> She typed with a

pound ing heart. Was this hap pen ing to many oth ers as well? She

knew only of Liesbeth, and that did not really count.<Kitty, when you com mu ni cate, and make plans withthose within this in car nate state, do you thinkthere would be some spe cial way of not be ing able to com mu ni cate when you were in a discarnate state?Your mind is not within your body un til you have

cho sen to have a body.>

That did not tell her why they had this con nec tion be tween them.

The text ap peared again, as if some one had been think ing and then

re plied.<Your re la tion ship with Toon can be an ex cep tionalone of to tal ac cep tance, with both of you hav ingopen, ex panded minds. When you re lease the wantsand the at tach ments of your per son al ity in or der to ac com mo date an other’s growth, you at tune your selfto that per son’s soul. Re mem ber in the mind of AllThat Is ev ery thing hap pens at the same time.>

Could she re ally be com pletely open with Toon? They were dif -

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fer ent in per son al ity but that did not re ally mat ter any more. She re -al ised that ev ery thing was per haps still part of a di vine plan,in clud ing her feel ings. Even her feel ings of the need to be with himwas ac cept able as long as she had no at tach ment or judg ment aboutthem. She felt as if she had given her self an an swer! It was the judg -ment that was so toxic!<You have!>

<POWAH, do you also com mu ni cate with oth ers in thisway?> She knew the an swer to that ques tion al ready but what shemeant was the com puter.<Yes! As the year 2008 draws to a close, those whoare at peace within them selves will find their livesin creas ingly aligned with oth ers through any me dia. The com puter is a pow er ful com mu ni ca tion sys tem un -til the use of te lep a thy takes over to strengthen the thought fields of many in di vid ual Souls.>

Ing rid had this vi sion of Internet or cyberspace, be ing an en ergyforce you could tap into.<Mag netic love and light are two forms of the samees sence. When love is hon oured, light is un der -stood. Spirit makes love with mat ter through light and sound and through the hu man form. Di vine loveis now in ter fac ing with mat ter, flow ing through the hu man fo cus into a re spon sive sub stance, like your cyberspace, for such is the pro cess of cre ation.>

She now ques tioned if POWAH was a men tal thought trans mis -sion from a par al lel uni verse.. <Kitty, the age of plan e tary awak en ing will pass,bring ing your world with a bi o log i cal sys tem into a world in which all its in hab it ants will be ca pa bleof in ter stel lar travel through love and in grace. There is no time and no space and we are in sep a ra -ble. Kitty, sur ren der to your in ner feel ings,what ever they may be, sur ren der be cause they willbe your clos est link to the being of your self.>

Ing rid felt very hum ble at hav ing ac cess to this com mu ni ca tion.


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Was POWAH on the con scious ness level of an over-soul ? Not that

she un der stood that the ory com pletely!

<POWAH, how is it that I can hear Toon’s thoughts so

clearly, but not oth ers? With them I seem to get more of a feel -ing.> There was a dif fer ence, be cause lately she could hear

Annelies and Liesbeth in the same way but Toon was the clear est.<Kitty, there are three types of te lep a thy. In -stinc tual te lep a thy is what you feel when oth ersare think ing on the ba sis of the en er gies they pro -ject out. This is mainly from the etheric sub stance that all live bod ies have. You feel in your so larplexus when it is ac ti vated and healthy. This is

of ten an elec tri cal force.>

Yes she could un der stand that, Piet must be very elec tric, she

picked up on his men tal ac tion through her so lar plexus. Not in di a -

logue, like with Annelies, Liesbeth, Toon and Yolanda.<Men tal te lep a thy is mainly a throat cen tre ac tiv -ity and there can some times be a lit tle heart ac -tiv ity and a mea sure of a so lar plexus re ac tion.Can you re call that? This is more an elec tro–mag -netic force.–>

That was the feel ing she had with Toon es pe cially, was that way

she felt her heart pump ing?<Then you have in tu itive te lep a thy which hap penswhen you are in true med i ta tion and a con nec tion ismade with be ings not nec es sar ily in a phys i cal em -bodi ment but pos si bly from higher fre quency sources. This is a pure mag netic force. Kitty, con tem plateall the in for ma tion you have re ceived so far.

<POWAH sign ing off>

Ing rid felt as if she had been sus pended in space while she com -

mu ni cated with POWAH. It al ways amazed her that hardly any time

had passed. Was this in tu itive te lep a thy that she had with POWAH?

She had been be hind her com puter the whole of Fri day, work ing

on the pro gram of the var i ous main te nance sub con trac tors that

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looked af ter the Tilburg pro ject that opened this week end. Herphone went, just when she wanted to go on her lunch break.

“Ingrid, Harry Brinks. Do you have any commitments forSaturday and Sunday?” Ingrid was so surprised to hear her boss sheneeded time to think. If Toon were back she would not be free, buthe had given no indication when he would be back when he hadphoned her last night from Johannesburg. He must have theconstitution of an ox, the way he flew around the globe. All he hadtold her was something about the Eastern Cape Province and howbeautiful the coastline was.…

“Mr. Brinks, would it be for the whole weekend?” “Yes, Ing rid, can you act as my host ess for the open ing of the

Tilburg com plex? My daugh ter has come down with the flu, she ac -tu ally sug gested you.” Ing rid was dumb struck at the thought. Whatwould be re quired of her as a host ess? The man must be desperate.

“Mr. Brinks, the opening is tomorrow evening! I’ll be honouredto help out but under one condition.”

“And what might that be?““I’d like to meet your daugh ter to mor row morn ing, even if she has

the flu, to learn what is re quired of me be cause I’ve no idea at all,” sheut tered with as much con vic tion as she could bring into her voice.

“Ing rid, that I’ll ar range gladly. Tieneke will surely be able to con -vince you that you will make a per fect host ess, oth er wise she wouldnever have sug gested you.”

“Mr. Brinks,…you said Tieneke?” The only Tieneke she knewwas the mind-draw ing facilitator and her surname was…de Beer,not Brinks? Unless…Tieneke was mar ried to Roelof de Beer, hewas af ter all a sub-con trac tor for their firm! She would never haveconnected the two. She was amazed how things were all comingtogether, how lately the people with whom she came into contactseemed to be connected one way or another.

“Ingrid, can I arrange a car at five o’clock tomorrow afternoon? You’ll stay over at the park and be brought home after lunch on


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Sunday, and oh, yes, if you can get hold of Toon Haardens please do

invite him. I spoke to him recently and it slipped my mind to ask if

he would be in the country.

“Toon was on his way to South Africa the last I heard, I can sendhim an invitation by e-mail.”

“Yes, do that. Thank good ness that’s ar ranged. You have no idea

how these so cial func tions drain me, but I seem un able to avoid them..”

The rest of the day flew by. She organised an invitation to the

opening for Toon. She knew that he would join her if possible.

So Tieneke was Mr. Brinks daughter and prob a bly Roelof de

Beer was her husband. Would Tieneke know about her husband’s

prob lems?

Class 9THE OPPORTUNITY CARD was dis played in big let ters on the

door when she joined the oth ers.

“I be lieve you’re go ing to have a busy week end,” Annelies re -

marked on her ar rival.

“How did…you know?”

“Ingrid, you’d better just get used to it; you’ve been officially

adopted into the Jaarsma clan. Annelies arranged it all with Tieneke.

I’ve got your evening dress ready. You might want to wear it.”

Yolanda’s enthusiasm indicated that she wanted to include her in the

Jaarsma clan herself.

“Well, thank you, that’s great! I’ll see Tieneke tomorrow morning.

I’ve no idea what is expected of me and I am really nervous.” The

idea of exposure to any limelight gave cramps in her stomach.

“You know how ap pro pri ate it is that you’re do ing your ob sta cle

card next week! Ing rid, our tal ents are usu ally re vealed by the things

we fear the most, so you will have to tell us next week what it was like!”

All of the events of the last month came flood ing in and now


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“Tonight we make the opportunity card, and it seems to me thatyour opportunity is happening. Ingrid, this card is close to my heart. It’s the one that helps us see our capability to developcommunication on a different level. Liesbeth, will you do someexplaining about telepathy?”

Ev ery one looked sur prised. Ing rid re al ized that Liesbeth wouldprob a bly be far more aware of many psy chic gifts, it be ing a nor maloc cur rence where she came from.

“Are you a telepathic, Liesbeth?” “Yes Wim, and there are three more here who are, and I sus pect

one more per son is, but he’s not aware of it as yet. The rest of youhave other psy chic abil i ties that have not been ac ti vated.” Wim’s re -ac tion to that was some what dis turb ing, but she could not fathomwhy that was so. “He is scared that we can read his mind” Anneliesbeamed. “Can we? I can’t read him at all, can you?” Some how she knewthe an swer to her own ques tion. His thought were not on their wavelength. But why was he…must be Zola who begged him to join herin these work shops. Would Annelies not be aware of his lackof…what…aware ness?.

“Yes we are, but Zola must learn to re cog nise the dif fer ence. He is her bestteacher.” Liesbeth joined in

“Liesbeth, how do you know the dif fer ence, hear ing some one’sthoughts or your own think ing?”

“Rich ard, peo ple who are ad ept at psy chic hear ing as sume veryof ten that they are merely think ing out loud them selves, be causethey’re so used to this psy chic echo, it be comes sec ond na ture tothem. Can you re late to that?”

“Yes, I sup pose so, I do talk a lot to my self, ac tu ally, all the time. Ivery of ten hear my self think, those are my hunches. But, are theynot just my own men tal judg ments? Based on what I al ready knowor un der stand?” “He would see it that way.” Annelies winked at her.

“Richard, you are very analytical, aren’t you?”“Yes, I think I am, I want to un der stand things and I think what I


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hear is very of ten a co in ci dence.”

“Ing rid, I want to do an ex per i ment on him. You hold Deb bie in your mind

while I ask him to pick up my thoughts,” Liesbeth pro jected.

“Richard, I’ll send you a message. Try to sense what I’mthinking,”

“Debbie is working night shifts,” Liesbeth beamed, while Ingrid was

holding the image of Debbie in her mind.

“No, I don’t get it. All I’m hearing is myself talking again.”

“Well, hu mour me! What were you think ing?” Rich ard grinned wide

“I spoke to Ingrid’s daughter, Debbie, on the phone, she told me

that she had night shifts.”

“Did you speak to her? I mean to Debbie?”

“No, I did not, I spoke to her ...a few days ago, but the thought

must have jumped into my mind.”

“And if I told you that the mes sage I was beam ing at you

was.…Deb bie is work ing night shifts” what would you say to that?

Liesbeth’s smile was catch ing.

“I would say it was a pure co in ci dence.” Rich ard chuck led, cross -

ing his arms up be hind his head, stretch ing his long lean body.

“You see, that’s what happens to most people. They’ve been

hearing their own thinking for so long that they take it for granted,

not realising that it can be a major source of psychic information.”

“You’re say ing that I did pick up your mes sage, only I don’t be -lieve it my self ?” Rich ard’s frown spelled disbe lief.

“That’s right, Richard. You must stop trying to talk yourself out

of it and start learning to develop your natural telepathic skills,”

Annelies said with the firm voice of a teacher. With the help of

colourful musical, moving images from Annelies’ lap top, the

vibrations that accompanied each language of light symbol started

to feel familiar.

When they had to colour the symbols of favourite music, songs

or CD’s and place them around the head symbol plus the Language

of Light vibrations, Ingrid’s thoughts went back to the Celtic music

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from her dream and the music Toon had played in his car. It wasmusic that had triggered her memories.

“Sound can shed light on an experience not so, you remembered the harmonicovertones.” She looked at Liesbeth whose eyebrows raised ever soslightly.

“Yes, I did, but...it was more a feeling at first.” “Can I get the at ten tion of you two please” Annelies gri maced to both

of them.

“I want you all to prac tise two ex er cises dur ing the week, visu al is -ing that you are wear ing head phones, and when you see peo ple talk -ing in the dis tance, with only their mouths mov ing, pre tend that youcan hear what they are say ing. The next ex er cise is; ev ery morn ing,be fore you do any thing, think up a men tal man tra for the day, like ashort phrase. “I’m the god/god dess in hu man form.” Or “ I in tendto fully awaken in this life time.” Cre ate your own man tra. Hold tothat short man tra through out your day. Bring this man tra back intofo cus while go ing about your daily chores.”

The rest of the eve ning went very quickly. Wim joined them af ter he had smoked his pipe out side. This had be come a rou tine likeJoris, who be came a con stant com pan ion be tween Niels, Anneliesand her self. Her thoughts were drift ing to to mor row, es pe cially onRoelof de Beer’s e-mail.

“What is trou bling you Ing rid? Annelies beamed as they were clear -ing the room.

“Tieneke’s hus band, do you know him?” Annelies frowned. “He’s in bad com pany, that’s all I know. Prac tice hold ing on to your bound -

aries my dear.” “Ing rid, have a great time to mor row. I know you will charm ev -

ery one and Harry will be re ally proud hav ing you next to him. Iknow Toon will be jeal ous.” She gave Ing rid a great big hug. Thiswoman could re ally draw out the feel ings that had been bur ied for along time...


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Chapter 12

Releasing Co-dependancies


Var i ous gar ments were on her bed. Ing rid would wear Yolanda’s

stun ning deep-blue eve ning dress for the open ing func tion. It fit ted

her like a sec ond skin. When she looked at her self in the mir ror, the

fab ric looked like seal skin, the tex ture and sheen made it al most im -

pos si ble not to stroke it. Yolanda had seen it on a fab ric expo in

Utrecht. She looked for ward to dis cuss ing a busi ness en ter prise to -

gether next week. De sign ing clothes had taken a hold in her mind and

Yolanda had al ready come up with some ideas.The blue three-piece-suit

would do very well for the fol low ing day’s break fast and lunch.

Her mind flipped back to her time with Tieneke that morn ing.

Ap par ently Roelof, her hus band,had gam bling debts that were forc -

ing him into bank ruptcy. That was also one of the rea sons that

Tieneke felt that she could not be in volved with her fa ther’s com plex open ing. Roelof was not there and she was re lieved at that. Tieneke

also spoke about her daugh ter Hennie, with mis giv ings, be liev ing

that she was in the wrong com pany. Annelies felt Roelof was in bad

com pany so she won dered which was, or were they both? Tieneke

never men tioned any crim i nal in volve ments her hus band might

have, like be ing black mailed so she kept quiet.

“Mom, you look stunning!” Jeroen peeped around her bedroom


“Turn around, mom. You look very.…cool…I mean…will that

Toon fellow be there?”


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“No, he will not, and I will really miss him but he’s in SouthAfrica at the moment, so…” his face flashed in her mental eye asthey were interrupted by the phone. Jeroen answered…

“Okay, eat your heart out…My mom is wear ing…a silky dress with a very long split on the side that re veals her leg just enough to…okay… and one shoul der is naked…very sexy”…Jeroen was beam -ing a cheer ful grin as he handed the phone.

“Go away, I want some privacy. Push off,” she giggled gleefully.“I got your e-mail, Kitty, and I would give anything to be there

tonight, “The thought of someone else touching you however slightly makes mefeel..“I know my ego is really having a go at me! I never knew I had itin me to feel so possessive all of a sudden. Kitty, what I mostdespised in others was the need to have a partner they wanted tocontrol.” “Now I know what it feels like having a need to have someonecompletely for oneself. Kitty, I’m ashamed of my own mirror.”

“Oh, Snooks, I wish you could be there. I know in my heart that I need to be independent in every way. To be my own person, and yet,you make me want to give that all up!” “But it’s not you, it’s my personality that wants to be submissive, but not to my own Higher Self. Oh, no, to a maleinstead!”

“Oh Kitty that is why I want to share my life with you, you areself-aware, fun and intelligent as well as compassionate and giving.”

“Snooks, for the first time I realise what I’m capable of and nowthe real me is yearning to be independent, but simultaneously, inorder to stay co-de pend ent, my personality manipulates you on aphysical level. As a lesson, I’m sure.”

“My love, by dem on strat ing your vul ner a bil ity you are so muchmore en dear ing, “Your fem i nin ity is so nur tur ing, so beau ti ful. Love, mythoughts will be there with you and my spirit will soon be in un ion with you.” Ing rid could feel his pow er ful en ergy trig ger ing her sex ual needs.

“Snooks I’m very aware of that power within me, to get you into my clutches but...” “I want to love you with out any con di tions at tached,” she whis pered.

“You al ready have me in your clutches in all senses of the word,


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be lieve me. Oh, Kitty,…I know so well what you’re tell ing me. I’m

so happy that you realise your own power and your abil ity to see be -

yond your own per son al ity needs. I will be with you soon, my ego

has to suf fer a bit lon ger!…Jeroen called her to say that the driverhad ar rived to take her to Tilburg.

* * * *

Mr. Brinks greeted her with an ap proval that was very ap par ent inhis ex pres sion and he of fered her his arm. He in tro duced her to

some peo ple she needed to ad dress later that eve ning. Ing rid then

remembered her na ked dream in a flash, re call ing how she felt the

sec ond time she walked over that bridge. That was the feel ing she

would hold in her so lar plexus to help her to con trol her nerves.

“Mrs. Barendse, there’s some thing de liv ered in your suite that you

need be fore the of fi cial open ing,” the com plex man ager told her. Re -

lieved be cause of the break, she fol lowed him to the suite that had

been booked for her. As she walked in, a most un usual flower ar range ment greeted her,

huge yel low blooms were dis played to gether with smaller yel low and pink flow ers on a piece of bark as if they had seeded them selves forthe pure plea sure of her com pany. They were “cups of gold” andbut ter cup flow ers! How had Toon got hold of those? It re mindedher that it was through the Tilburg com plex that their re la tion shiphad started. Then she spot ted a blue box with the fa mil iar 1888 dateat tached to the ar range ment. Her heart started to pulse while open -ing it and a typed print out read:To the one and only woman I want to be with for ever I give this piece ofjewel lery that be longed to my mother. Please will you wear it.

This gift will ex press our un ion through time and that only true twinsouls can cel e brate the di vine.

The mu sic piece on the sculp ture is my vi bra tion of love.

The two fig ures that are hold ing our planet above prove that our soulswere born to be for ever, help ing with the trans mis sion of our planet to -gether…

Yours for ever!.... Snooks.

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With trem bling fin gers.…she lifted the vel vet cover and a breath -tak ingly beau ti ful sil ver and gold sculp tured brooch ap peared! Theart ist must have worked for hours to cre ate a de tailed im pres sionthat came from the two fig ures that were reach ing out for each otherwith a vi o lin hold ing to gether the old clock face that was just show -ing from the top. There were two fine dan gling chains that camefrom the back of the brooch to the front, held up by a play ful dol -phin that em braced the planet. The whole sculp ture was ac com pa -nied by small wheels that she had only ever seen in very old watches.

Never had she seen anything so exquisite. She pinned it on theshoulder of her dress where it fitted into its place as if it had beenmade for it and she wore no other jewellery.

Ingrid was standing silently in her suite knowing that this giftgave her the confidence she needed to be the best she could be andsilently she thanked the one and only power for the love that she soabundantly received, knowing it had always been there.

When she joined Mr. Brinks, he no ticed her brooch be cause heraised his eye brows. When it was her turn to thank the staff that had been in volved with the build ing of the com plex, she looked for onemo ment into the video cam era that was re cord ing the whole open -ing. She saw Toon’s face flash ing, as if he ... but she knew that wasnot pos si ble. “Ing rid, stay fo cussed,” she mum bled to her self.

Hold ing the mi cro phone, she turned to the au di ence. She was ob -serv ing her self to be com pletely at ease mak ing ev ery one laugh. Atthat mo ment she was sur rounded by love and feel ings of rap ture, sheknew the peo ple could feel this nur tur ing en ergy as well. For the firsttime she re al ized the in cred i ble power of this heal ing force of LOVEthat had awak ened and would free her. The open ing was a resounding success.


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Summer rain

The re lent less rain cas caded down, drown ing the Lin den trees thatwere heavy with fo liage as she drove past them to work. Ing rid

turned on the ra dio just in time to hear:

“Good morn ing to all my lis ten ers on this wet morn ing. This is

your host, Roger, speak ing with the news bul le tin. The open ing ofPlea sure Park Hol i day Re sort in Tilburg got off to a good start butthere is nev er the less a cloud hang ing over the re sorts due to a ru -mour that the new com plex near Paris is trou bled with many un ex -pected set backs. There is some spec u la tion from a knowl edge able source that the area on the es tate where they are build ing the dome is sup posed to be rid dled with un der ground tun nels. It is evenspec u lated that many trea sures that were sto len dur ing the sec ondworld war could still be bur ied there. There is a real es tate dis putego ing on and an ac cu sa tion that the owner, Mr. Brinks, never pur -chased the land le gally is be ing in ves ti gated!”…

She turned the ra dio off when she spot ted a park ing spot near

the Pannekoek, shaken at hear ing the ru mour that Mr. Brinks could

be in volved in some thing il le gal. When she ar rived in the of fice Ula

waved the news pa per.“Hi, you are fa mous, look!” Ula pointed at a photo of her stand -

ing hold ing the mi cro phone. On the so cial page the re port un der -

neath the head line said: …The open ing of Plea sure Park in Tilburg

will bring many over seas tour ists to our coun try. Its suc cess was

guar an teed es pe cially af ter Mrs. Barendse charmed the stock hold ers,

staff and guests into ex plor ing the many at trac tions that were avail -

able. Mrs. Barendse is the daugh ter-in-law of Mr. D Barendse,

owner of the steel con struc tion firm that sup plies the large struc -

tures for the domes which main tain the con stant sub-trop i cal cli -

mate all year round at the re sorts. Mrs. Barendse was wear ing a sleek

deep-blue eve ning gown cre ated es pe cially for her by Yolanda de


“Hi there. Ingrid, I never knew that you were related to this large

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steel company.” Marijke called out as she and Carla came throughthe glass doors together.

“Ingrid! Did you see the paper?.....And have you all heard thenews? Mr. Brinks had a burglary early this morning. Paul, myhusband was called out to investigate.”

“Oh, no, at his home?” Ingrid asked with concern as they allwalked to the lift. They both asked lots of questions about theopening.

“Oh, Ingrid, you haven’t heard yet because you left early but Pietgot fired late on Friday,” Carla told her. Then she spotted thebrooch. They both drooled over it speculating on the giver butIngrid was too stunned at the news to respond.

“Who fired Piet? I was won der ing how long he would last. Some -thing was not right about that man.” Ing rid re al ized that she wasglad that he was gone. She knew that a part of him be longed to thesame whole ness as her self but she had al ways bat tled to grap ple with the de struc tive part of his na ture.

While her PC was boot ing up the screen flashed a bright blue andthe familiar text appeared.<Kitty, those in the pro cess of awak en ing musthave a will ing ness to pool gifts and tal ents and toshare knowl edge. Piet is hold ing back in for ma tionout of fear and greed, which makes him co–de pend ent on oth ers. Look at your at tach ments.


At the same time her inbox downloaded a letter with the title:


The Awakening Clan

Programme...Planet Earth

Re leas ing Co–de pend en ciesRule Two of the awak en ing card game.

Those who daily in tend to fully awaken willhave all the ar chives of in for ma tion nec es -sary en coded in their DNA codes to com pletethis jour ney.

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As she was think ing about this excerpt, her screen sud denly

changed again.<Kitty, many per son al ity en ti ties, which are notall your own, have run the hu man drama on Earth forover 10,000 years. Your ego force is the frac turedsoul part that cre ates and re flects your per sonalwill power be cause it still holds the power, your blue print ex presses.>

Ing rid thought back to the de cod ing of their three cards on the

sec ond level Rich ard would write about.<Kitty, the lost as pects, the per son al i ties or themany masks you wear cre ate a sense of du al ity thatis your own cre ation. Many of you that are cur -rently in car nated on the planet carry a lot ofguilt and shame for be liev ing that you caused thefall of man. That was mainly due to the fact thatthe en tire story of why the fall was en acted hadbeen lost and thus com pletely mis in ter preted and

mis un der stood.>

Would she ever be com pletely free from the masks she cre ated

Releasing Co-dependancies


Those who share all knowl edge will be des -tined to meet like–minded souls that come to -gether to com plete many tasks on Earth, and cando so with out re stric tion. A car ing role ofnur tur ing, and sup port ing can of ten be a form of at tach ment that the per son al ity has cre atedthereby cre at ing a co–de pend ency with oth ers inor der to feel loved and ap proved of.

Those that are ad dicted to the need to beloved, which is based upon any one’s def i ni tionof them selves, cre ate a co–de pend ency. Thosepeo ple are al ready lov able just be cause of whothey are.

Re leas ing of co–de pend ence on an other is tobe re placed by........brav ery


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for dif fer ent sit u a tions and the guilt com plexes about some things?<POWAH, do we have to re lease all the ad dic tions to qual -

ify for the first level of your as cen sion card game?> She won -dered what more needed to be re leased.<Kitty, it is a good start as at tach ments can beseen en er get i cally as lines of en ergy con nect ingone in di vid ual to an other in di vid ual or to the an i -mal king dom, or with ma te rial ob jects in one’slife. The level of at tach ment upon the third di -men sion can be seen as a spi der web that is thickwith cords.>

That made sense, re call ing Annelies’ draw ing of the ho lo graphicgrid–pat terns around a hu man body.<Yes, be tween these grid–pat terns are third–di men -sional thought–forms that dis tort your thoughtswhen they are emo tion ally ex press ing through theper son al ity as a need. The area be tween thesecords can be so dense, that there are very fewspaces be tween the web bing through which en ergy and in for ma tion can flow. That is why it has been dif -fi cult for your spirit spark (the I AM) to ac ti vatethe em bodi ment of soul, through this phys i cal ve hi -cle.>

Ingrid wondered about Piet’s soul? Who controlled his destiny?<He does, Kitty, the hu man ini ti a tion pro cess re -quires that all soul–re lated ex pe ri ences be ad -dressed in or der to be fully re leased so that onecan as cend the phys i cal plane.>


Wow! Ing rid still won dered if that was at all pos si ble? But to seeemo tional en ergy lines like web bing was help ful. She com posed inher mind flimsy viscose ma te rial and she could un der stand that thethicker the web bing, as in fab ric, the harder it would be for the per -son to be soft, flex i ble, re cep tive and float ing. So the spaces be -tween the emo tional web bing would be the chan nels through whichone re ceived in spi ra tion. It was again in for ma tion to think about.


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The rest of the day passed un event fully. She re ceived sev eral

phone calls from peo ple she had not heard from for a long time, and

both Sascia and Deb bie phoned. Sascia said that her boss at the

news pa per had yelled at her for not be ing in Tilburg to take pho tos.Pass ing the book shop that morn ing Yolanda, in con sid er able ex -

cite ment, had in vited her for sup per as she wanted to dis cuss some -

thing. Ing rid loved sum mer with its long day light that ran into long

mild eve nings en hanced by the buzz ing of bees, in sects and birds,

which cre ated an at mo sphere of peace ful ness.

She fol lowed Yolanda’s di rec tions to drive around the back of the

Prinsengracht Ho tel, where she and Con nie lived. Yolanda was al -

ready on the look out.

“Hi, I’m so glad you came,” Yolanda walked ahead through a

park-like setting towards a pergola with a patio from the olden days.

“This is Annelies’ favourite spot. She told me that Ben proposed

to her here at least four times.”

Ingrid loved the view from the patio where tables were arranged

around in a circle. They must have a very good garden service, the

area was a visual miracle of flowers and creepers.

“Yes, Toon, Annelies’ half–brother’s land scap ing firm has taken

over the main te nance of the grounds, which has made a big dif fer -

ence.” Ing rid realised that she also could read her mind, so she

would have to be on guard with her thoughts in this fam ily! “Yolanda have you al ways been tele pathic?”

“Yes, I think so, and Annelies en cour aged it. Toon is very good at

it, and so is Ben and Leo. Fred, her brother, is a clair voy ant but he

never re veals what he sees. He’s very se cre tive about it ex cept when

some one is re ally out of bal ance.” Sud denly a waiter ar rived with

drinks and the menu.

“Thanks, Jimmy. Please won’t you tell Mr. Zwiegelaar we are here

having our drinks.”

“Well, I see that living at the back of a hotel has its

compensations.” Admiring the prompt service.

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“Yes, I know, Connie must have told them that you’d arrived; butlet me show you this letter from the fabric expo where I purchasedthe material for your dress.” She read that they had invited Yolandato exhibit her summer collection for next year in November on theirannual fashion show, using their fabrics.”

“Have they seen your designs?”“Well... I’m reg is tered as hav ing my own stu dio un der the name

of Yolanda. They have con nected your eve ning dress at the Tilburgopen ing with me.” Yolanda’s ex cite ment was in fec tious.

“Wow, that’s quite a tall order, that’s in three months time! “Yes, I know, I want you to design some of the collection, would

you be interested?’“So this is the lady Toon has fallen in love with,” a strong musical

voice called out before the person appeared from behind thegreenery.

“Really? Gee, Ingrid, I was suspicious when he phoned you atAnnelies’ house.” Yolanda turned to a man in a business suit.

“Ing rid, this is Fred, Annelies’ youn ger brother. Ing rid, how didyou all keep that away from me?” She shook hands with a very dis -tin guished gen tle man with wavy white hair. His dark–brown eyeswere ob serv ing her with a gaze that made her feel quite ex posed.

“Don’t worry, you’ve already passed the test.” Yolanda beamed with agrin.

“I must have been the first person Toon confided in, when hemade the booking for dinner, was it at the end of April?”

“Yes, the 26th” “I saw you both ar riv ing, Toon phoned me the same eve ning ask -

ing me what I thought about you. I laughed be cause what ever I would have said would not have made any dif fer ence. Ing rid, I’m so glad forthat man. Toon has been search ing for you for years, you know,” Fred joined them for a drink be fore the waiter brought their dinner.

They dis cussed the de tails for the fash ion show. Ing rid wouldmean while start on some draw ings. It was a stim u lat ing eve ning and


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she was glad to tum ble into bed when she got home.

The awakening -workshops

Go ing reg u larly to Annelies com forted her. She felt closer to Toon

there than any where else. He had phoned her at work and in the eve -

nings, tell ing her that he had made some ma jor changes in his sched -

ules. He pleaded with her to pre pare Mr. Brinks for the pos si bil ity of

her leav ing her job.

Be cause of all the trou bles and ob sta cles with the French com -

plex, she held back. Mr. Brinks, whom she had got to know a lot

better in the past two weeks shared with her that he would not mind

sell ing the whole com pany.

While driv ing to Annelies’ house, she con tem plated the power

of mu sic while lis ten ing to the CD Toon had played for her be fore,

the one that had trig gered so many mem o ries. Mu sic had a pro -

found ef fect on her and this piece made her feel even closer to him.

The pre vi ous week Annelies had ex plained the Jaarsma Or phan -

age role in the awak en ing work shops. Annelies had told them that

they dis cov ered doc u ments be hind the star paint ing that dis closed a

ge netic an ces tral fam ily tree. They were asked to do some re search

into their fam ily his tory. They would make their last awak en ing card

that eve ning and they would use some of their own dream sym bols

for this card.

Niels ar rived at the same time as she did and greeted her cheer -

fully. Ever since Carla had told her about her se duc ing him, Ing rid

had to smile at the way Niels looked. He had changed from a se ri -

ous, si lent per son to some one more open and lov ing. He seemed to

be more in touch with his feel ings.

Class 10THE LIFE OBSTACLE CARD was writ ten on the door.

Yolanda, winked at her, pro ject ing “I need to talk to you about the fash ion

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show.”“Re mem ber as I’ve ex plained be fore, the last five awak en ing

cards change, if you have al tered a name, a busi ness, or, in thewoman’s case if you’ve got mar ried, moved to a dif fer ent ad dress, orswitched your tele phone num ber.”

“You’re saying that the three mental, physical and emotionalcards take on a different tonal influence?”

Yolanda radiated a lot more self worth and her long blonde haircreated a romantic effect.

“Yes, or in side your card can be of a dif fer ent vi bra tional tone. So you see, you can al ways ma nip u late your op por tu ni ties and alsoyour ob sta cles!” “Some how I’m glad for that, at least I have some say”Yolanda’s face took on a spec u lat ing look.

“We’ve al ways had dear, we can cre ate any ex pe ri ence.”“Annelies, if I want to re ally ex pe ri ence some thing, how do I at -

tract that?” “Yolanda, first make sure that’s what you want, then if it is for the

good of all and it will ben e fit you, in your case the awak en ing pro -cess, then start see ing that this is al ready hap pen ing in ev ery de tail. Your own visu al is ing when backed up by a feel ing of rap ture willman i fest, have no doubt.” Yolanda pulled up her eyebrows.

“Re ally? What has stopped me from ma teri al is ing a lov ing part ner?”Annelies’ ex pres sion beamed a glow of un der stand ing.

“My dear some things are so far hid den in the sub con scious, we have to first be made to look!” Ing rid was riv et ted by their dis cus sion, she knew thather long ing for a soul com pan ion had al ways been there but she hadnot been aware of it be fore! If one’s aura is filled with en er gies from the Lan guage of Light, then those qual i ties be come like a mag net, at tract ing and mir roring ex pe ri ence through those qual i ties. If youwant a part ner to re flect one’s self, then you will. Any thing is pos si -ble in life.”

“Ingrid, we all want to know about your opening, I believe youwere a tremendous success!” Zola remarked warmly. Ingrid knew


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that image was important to her.

“What makes you say that I was a success? It was very scary at

first and it must have shown, but something gave me courage to do it

anyway, then it was not so bad. I even started to enjoy it.” “Ingrid, what gave you the courage.” Yolanda’s serious tone

warranted her honesty, but that was a personal thing which her

nature resisted discussing.

“That is part of your fear, my dear,” Annelies projected.

“So it is, thank you.” When they were all drawing and pasting and

colouring, Annelies reminded her to share about courage.

“When I was told to go to my suite be cause there was some thing

de liv ered that I needed be fore my speech, I had no idea what it could

be. I was grate ful to es cape for a mo ment. But when I walked in my

room, I saw the most ex qui site ar range ment on the dresser. It was

more than just an ar range ment, it was a re minder of some one spe -

cial I got to know through the flow ers in the ar range ment; and then

a lit tle box with a let ter… Anyway…I’ll show you what was in the

box.” Her voice be came soft and warm when she showed them the

brooch that was partly hid den, pinned to her scarf.

Ev ery one was mes mer ised by the in tri cacy of the brooch and

Annelies, gazed at her. “That’s Toon’s most val ued pos ses sion from the mother

he never knew,”

“Yes, I know and that gave me the cour age, know ing he loved me be fore I evergave the speech. What could I lose? He loved me be fore I gained my in ner power.

Annelies, you know my feel ings of self-worth were not all that great, ”

“So your talent might be to speak in public?”

“Speak in pub lic? Annelies! Any thing that has to do with com mu -

ni ca tion ver bally I find dif fi cult. Give me a job that in volves draw ing

and plan ning, and leave me on my own to do it! Now that is where

my tal ent co mes in handy, surely?”

“Ing rid that’s just it, that’s what your per son al ity tells you be cause

it is com fort able and your per son al ity knows it’s good at it; so for ob -

vi ous rea sons it will con vince you that that’s where your tal ent lies!

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Don’t be fooled by that, it’s not al ways the case.” Ing rid was stunned, she had never thought about it that way, hav ing al ways se cretly ad -mired peo ple who were good at ex press ing them selves in pub lic. She se cretly used to stand in front of the mir ror when she was smallpre tend ing she would stand on a po dium speak ing.

“Ing rid, the num ber two vi bra tion within your card re flects theneed to have an im age, and it also rep re sents the priest ess, mean ingthe over com ing of your ob sta cles! You have to do just that!” Annelies stated kindly but with firm ness. That com ment ‘im age’made her realise that Zola had mir rored the same ad dic tion be causeshe re cog nised it in her!

“Annelies, you know me well. Now I al ways thought that cre at ingwear able art and help ing peo ple in the book shop was where my tal -ents lay.”

“Yolanda let me see your obstacle card spacings and thevibrations inside, dear.”

“Num ber four teen.” Yolanda’s whole pos ture ac claimed her view -point.

“Your soul char ac ter is very …earthy and had an af fin ity to the an i mal king -dom.” Annelies must know that some could read her thoughts.

“Mean ing what!”“Mmm... Abundance, but true wealth is found within. Yolanda,

since you asked me, you will tonight share with the group what yousecretly always fancied doing or working with; but it scared you.”

“What do you mean by scared me?”“You really admire people who can do whatever it is that you feel

very uncomfortable doing. Think about it.” Annelies dealt outsheets of paper with a mandala in the centre with five partitions leftopen for them to work in. Zola tried encouraging Wim to join in, ashe excused himself again to smoke his pipe.

Annelies in structed them how to ex press, through col our and sym -bols, feel ings that are at tached to their in ner fears or lack of self–es -teem or in ner har bored am bi tions. Ing rid re mem bered the in ner drive


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she had at school ac tiv i ties when she had to lead her group into action.

“Well, Yolanda, what did you get? Now, be open about it, let’s

have it.”Annelies re ally did put her on the spot and won dered what

Yolanda’s chal lenge would be. “Well, I al ways ad mire peo ple who ride horses and work in sta bles,

also gar den ing is def i nitely not one of my hob bies be cause you get

your hands dirty, but I ad mire peo ple who can. Are you tell ing me that

is what I should do? To op pose or chal lenge my per son al ity?”

Yolanda looked proudly up at Annelies, who burst out laugh ing.

“Your un con scious has just spo ken! I must ad mit I can’t pic ture you...but...”

“You’d better read your in ter pre ta tions, I’ve a feel ing, just a feel -

ing, or pre cog ni tion if you like, that you will soon be chal lenged with

such an op por tu nity, so sit with that, dear,” Annelies’ eyes were

gleam ing mis chie vously. Ing rid won dered what she knew. Liesbeth

just gave her a wink. “She might be right.”

While they were busy de cod ing their cards, and choos ing their

ap pro pri ate graphic sym bols, Ing rid won dered what her op por tu ni -ties were and how they would be re vealed to her. Joris let out an ec -

static whim per un der Niels chair, he was dream ing.

“Annelies, if our talents are not in things and activities that we feel

comfortable doing but those are our personality’s comfort zone

activities that we are nourishing instead, how do we recognise our


“Which is stronger our unconscious or conscious willpower?”“Ing rid, once we are aware of the real pur pose that our soul

wants to ex pe ri ence, and once we are awak ened to our real tal ents,we are then in a con scious po si tion to make use of the abil i ties thatcome our way, and use them.” Ing rid ob served that Wim, who hadjoined them again was very frigid, was he bored? She no ticed thatZola kept whis per ing to him.

“This is not Wim’s path to walk just now and Zola must learn to let him go.

He has a dif fer ent agenda but I can't get to it.” hear ing .Annelies’ thoughts

for Zola sad dened her.

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“How do we recognise our soul purpose?” “Rich ard when we truly ex pe ri ence the real in ner pas sion, the

driv ing force and the joy of liv ing for each mo ment in what, we aredo ing, your IAM is awak ened within. That’s the re ward most peo plelook for and never find.” Ing rid pon dered, think ing back to how she had felt when she had to be the host ess. It had felt ex hil a rat ing. Some how she felt more alive for hav ing ex pe ri enced it than with ev -ery other ac tiv ity. As if she knew she had be come her own her o ine. She had over come her great est fear of fail ing, but mostly, the fear ofrid i cule.

“Is it in those mo ments when you re cog nise the real tal ents youhave and you dare to test them that your Higher Self takes con trol? So only then can we ex pect ex cel lence in what ever we do?” Gerritasked in a slow, pen sive tone. Most of the cray ons were piled up infront of him.

“Well stated! You’ve got it!” Annelies smile was catching“When you were good at some thing, you loved do ing it. I al ways

thought that that must be your spe cial tal ent!” Zola com mentedslowly. Wim ex cused him self again to smoke his pipe.

“Well, in some cases per haps but I’ve dis cov ered that it can re sultin some peo ple los ing it, be cause there is no chal lenge for the soul. The per son al i ties of these peo ple can very of ten be come dull andbor ing!”

“You mean, those people do not grow.…or?” Zola’s posturegave away disappointment.

“Zola, if your per son al ity’s needs for com fort and be ing pat tedon the back is con stantly be ing granted, like spoil ing a child for thewrong rea son, that is truly an act of de struc tion of your real self.”

“How come, I thought those people are content?” “Errrr.…Zola most con tent peo ple are dead peo ple!” Annelies’

whole body ex pressed what she had just stated, which made ev ery -one laugh.

“These people whose personalities have become their master


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have huge egos and go around bragging how good they have been,

but deep inside they feel a failure, because they cannot really fool

themselves. They just played it safe.”

“But surely, there is nothing wrong with being content?” Ingrid battledwith that one. There had been moments that she had been content.

“Those were fantasy realities my dear, one day you will know the dif fer ence

be tween con tent or truly at peace with one self.”

“Is that why you very often hear of very successful people, who

commit suicide when things go wrong, rather than face the

challenge? Are they afraid to confront their failure?”

“Yolanda people who are threatening suicide most often don’t

really do it. Their souls are just crying for help, to be given one more

opportunity, and that’s the hardest road to take.”

“Annelies but if peo ple over come that, then they are the stron ger

for it, not so?”

“Gerrit I …don’t rec om mend it…For the soul to travel through

the fear zone is the most pain ful jour ney and many lose them selves

by go ing through with a sui cide mis sion. But like any ob sta cle

course, if we sur vive it, we will truly never be in bond age again.

Then we re ally know what free dom means,” Annelies stated this

with such con vic tion that they all knew she spoke out of ex pe ri ence.

Gerrit just nod ded.

“You don’t have to go to such lengths to experience this freedom, do you?” Richard appealed, throwing his hands in the air. Wim had

chosen just the right moment to join them again.

“You don’t have to do any thing at all! That is the other end of the

scale. If you do noth ing and let your in ner spirit, your Higher Self,

your IAM, what ever you feel com fort able with, do it for you, free -

dom is also guar an teed.” Annelies said joy fully, but when she saw all

of them look ing so se ri ously she ex plained how the awak en ing card

game came into be ing. That made ev ery one re lax as she winked at

Ing rid. Af ter their cof fee break she ex plained the out lines and chal -

lenges on the first level of the card game.

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“The fol low ing four ob sta cles pre vent peo ple from awak en ing totheir full po ten tial. The first two are re leas ing all re la tion ships basedupon at tach ment and the re leas ing of co-de pend ence ad dic -tions.” That re minded Ing rid im me di ately about the last ex cerpt from POWAH.

“Re leas ing all at tach ments? That’s a big one be cause surely ev eryre la tion ship has some form of at tach ment?”Niels voiced ap pre hen -sively. Ing rid could re late to his worry.

“Yes, from the hu man per spec tive; but you must un der stand, at -tach ments are usu ally there be cause of a need the per son al ity has. Then it be comes an at tach ment, we all make en ergy cords with onean other.” Ev ery one was quiet. When the per son al ity has a need inor der to feel good, that be comes an at tach ment, Ing rid realised.

“What you’re saying is when the personality’s needs are involved,the situation or circumstances are an attachment?”

“Yes an at tach ment can be seen en er get i cally as a line of en ergycon nect ing in di vid u als to an other in di vid ual or ob ject within theirlives.”

“Now I un der stand that you are better off with out ma te rialgoods or as sets, be cause we have to re lease at tach ments to ob -jects. If you have the need to pos sess it, it be comes an at tach ment,but if you re lease the fear of not need ing it, then you still can en joy it to its full est, but it does not own you! Wow! That’s not easy,Annelies.” Zola re plied, she loved her jewel lery, es pe cially her goldear ings that banged against her cheeks, not to men tion the or angehair streaks.

“Very good Zola, think of it in this way; you can have everythingyou feel you need at the present moment to live this life to the fullestpotential if it is for the good of all.”

“That is such a pow er ful state ment,.” Gerrit agreed when he ti -died his ruck sack. He lately had ar rived on a Harley Davidson mo -tor bike with a side car. All the men had drooled over his bike andAnnelies kept teas ing him to find some one for his side car.


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“Thank you Gerrit. By ex press ing this aware ness, peo ple ex pe ri -

ence no lim i ta tions. It’s only the per son al ity that has the need to own

it or to be co-de pend ent with oth ers. Your soul says to you that you

can have it all, so long as you are not pos sessed by it.” “When do you know that your need for something is gone then?”

“Rich ard, any feel ings of fear, sad ness, pain, an ger, un wor thi ness,

guilt, blame, and the need for ex ter nal ad dic tions or en ter tain ment in

or der to es cape these feel ings are fan tasy man i fes ta tions of your

per son al ity.”

“Gosh, then I’m often in fantasy” Ingrid heard Richard’s thoughts.

“You mean that if you escape in a novel or a movie and create a

space to emotionally hide, you are in a fantasy?”

“Yes Zola, or if read ing a novel or see ing a movie is a way to kill

time, then your real world needs tend ing. If you ask your soul to take

con trol, an swers will ar rive with a clear mes sage from within, then

you will ex pe ri ence an in ner joy that’s real.”

“But, what happens if you don’t get an answer?”

“Yolanda, for your soul to com mu ni cate, you have to be

grounded, be in the pres ent in your body. Read your in ter pre ta tions

and the ex er cises you can do at home.” Annelies looked at them with

com pas sion. Ing rid realised that only through a daily fo cus on in -

tend ing to reach self realisation could the re pro gram ming take place

on a cel lu lar level. “That’s all you need to do!”

“Yes, and there are two more ob sta cles to re lease: fear-based

thought-forms and the im bal ance of nar cis sism (In tro verted/ex -

tro verted). Re leas ing the above four ob sta cles are the aim of the

first level.” Joris’ sud den bark made ev ery one jump in their seats.

For a mo ment Ing rid’s heart jumped think ing it was Toon but it was

Hans, and Liesbeth left the room.

“Ob serve your selves dur ing the fol low ing two weeks on the four

ob sta cles. Be aware of them.”

“Annelies, the fear for survival and co-de pend ence comes from

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not having the information necessary to survive, not so?” “Yes, I wish ev ery one could see that.” Gerrit was pol ish ing his

glasses, wait ing for Annelies’ re ply. Wim was look ing at his watchwhich made Zola rather ner vous.

“Gerrit, yes I think that within our civilizations people who haveno information on physical survival and no education end up beingpoor, homeless and abandoned. The willingness to share allknowledge will heal all nations.” Annelies and Gerrit seemed tohave a special regard for each other Ingrid noticed.

“Mmm I’m look ing for ward to your card game be cause I’m cu ri -ous how you have trans lated all the ob sta cles through play ing a cardgame.”

“Be lieve me it still haunts me when I was shown, in a vi sion, howwe lose our en ergy on a mo ment to mo ment ba sis. The awak en ingcard game’s aim is to shift our per cep tions in or der to learn, or travelthe dif fer ent di men sions while fully con scious. We need lots of en -ergy for that. Any change no mat ter in what way, emo tion ally, men -tally or phys i cally takes lots of en ergy.”

“So what you are say ing is that our per cep tion of re al ity absorbs en -ergy, like hold ing an il lu sion of our re al ity in thought?”

“Yes Ing rid, lots of it. That’s why med i tat ing is so im por tant.” Ev ery one was si lently pon der ing. Deep from within she real isedsud denly which type of en ergy Annelies meant. Some peo ple feellarger, en ergy wise.

“Yes, some peo ple have cho sen an per son al ity type that can har vest more en -ergy that oth ers, but it's their mind that again drains that en ergy.

“Annelies, what you are im ply ing is that… let say global warm ingis a prob lem and it may be in creased by man-made fac tors, butgloom and doom hys te ria based on con flict ing data does noth ing toad dress the prob lem not so? It just de pletes peo ple’s men tal en ergy.”

It was the first time that Wim asked a ques tion. They were allsome what sur prised.

“Mmm…The only thing nec es sary for the tri umph of evil is for good men to do


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noth ing” “That is quite true Wim, but of course if the sea level will be

ris ing, we will need quite a lot of ex tra en ergy to ad just the dikes, and to

our change of life styles, but….Wim, what is your part in all this?”

“What do you mean?” “Hu mans do not CAUSE global warm ing, we are con trib ut ing to a

nat u rally oc cur ring change in cli mate, but some how I get a feel ing that

you”…What is he hid ing from us? Wim just shook his shoul ders, say ing…

“The ques tion of sur vival has be come more than a ca sual topic of

con ver sa tion. It is not only cit ies that will die but the bi o log i cal life in

them. We have only a few years, and not ten years but less, to do some -

thing, that's why I asked.”

“Annelies, is the name of this card game ‘the Eye of the Ob -

server’ sig nif i cant?” Gerrit in quired in his nor mal happy-go-lucky

voice, plainly to dis perse the gloomy en ergy that had crept in the


“Oh yes, you will dis cover that for your self how the card game

works. I hope to see you all in di vid u ally dur ing the fol low ing weeks.

Have any of you dis cov ered any con nec tion with the Jaarsma Or phan -

age?” “Wim is in volved, or hooked, into dark en ergy, that all I get” Liebeth

beamed back to Annelies.

“My mother’s not very ea ger to talk about her past but I can’t find

out why. My brother never even knew about the or phan age. I ex -

plained the classes to him and he be came very in ter ested. I’ll ask mymother again when the mo ment is right,” Niels shared with the group

be fore he got up.

“Annelies re minded them to read up on the lat est in ter pre ta tions

of the Lan guage of Light which Tieneke had pub lished on the

Website. They would need to click on the same Awak en ing classes

link and type in a username: tieneke and pass word: POWAH 22

It was a lovely eve ning and Joris’ ju bi lance nor mally brought on

laugh ter, but feel ings of sad ness that the Fri day classes had come to

an end af fected ev ery one.

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“Ob serve this feel ing Ing rid, it’s one way to lose en ergy.” “So next week, Niels, Zola, Wim and Gerrit are hav ing a pri vate

ses sion with me dur ing the week. The fol low ing week I’ll make anap point ment with the oth ers. You all get a per sonal read ing first,that has been re quested by my guide. Are there any more ques tionson these four psy cho log i cal obstacles?”

Ingrid was still sorry that the first level was over but this privatesession was new to her. They were all getting a reading! She now gotit. Even feelings of sadness no mat ter how shallow depleted one’senergy field.

“So next week there are no classes?” Ingrid smiled. Richardmust have picked up on her thoughts, presuming it was his ownmind.

“That’s correct. I’ll see you all together when I organise areunion; by that time you will have received the information on howto play your own card game through the post, then we’ll proceed tothe next level of the awak en ing workshops. I hope to see you allback.”

Out side the park ing lot they all ex pressed their in tent to stay fo -cussed and make the best of the tem po rary break in their Fri day rou -tine.

“Ing rid, can you com plete your jour nal be fore we start the nextlevel, which you said will be in about three to four weeks time?” she nod ded. She had been work ing on her jour nal a lot more since Toon was away, add ing her hunches and con tem pla tion. The last twoweeks had been like a re birth, first POWAH then the classes, thenToon, what next?

“Yes, I’ll finish it. I’m already looking forward to the next level”she replied with an eagerness they all shared......



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Chapter 13

Fear-based Thought Forms

Ed Barendse

When the phone rang in her of fice that Tues day morn ing she

knew in tu itively that it was n’t Toon.

“Pleasure Parks, Ingrid speaking, may I help you?”

“Hello, lovely stranger, I finally got the courage together to

phone you.” That voice! She had not heard from him for two and a

half years! Her heart fluttered. It was so totally unexpected.

“Ed! It’s so nice to hear your voice! Where are you?”

“I ar rived in Am ster dam last night and I heard from Dad how

you cap ti vated the au di ence at the Tilburg Plea sure Park open ing,

I’m very proud of my sis ter-in-law.” She could de tect ad mi ra tion.

“Ed, what made you come back? I saw Dad two weeks ago and

he was fine,” she knew she was playing for time.“Dad has asked me to come back to take over the di rec tor ship;

when he saw you a few weeks ago, he con vinced me to come back” She knew what her fa ther-in-law was try ing to do. When she had vis -ited him, he had been very in quis i tive about her per sonal life, know -ing that Toon was pur su ing her. He liked Toon but he did n’t think he was the man for her and said so openly. She had tried steer ing awayfrom his prob ing ques tions but he had been very di rect. She lovedthe man, but he was a very dom i neer ing per son and went af ter things as vig or ously as Toon, and Ed for that matter.

Oh, Ed, deep down she felt sad for him. How was she go ing to beto wards him if she could not give him the one thing he wanted from her?

“Ing rid, I know you are see ing Toon but I need to see you be -


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fore...you ...make up your mind.” When she had laid eyes on Toonfor the first time she had known there would be no one else for herbut she had not fully re al ized that un til now.

“Ed, I’m deeply in love with Toon; nothing will change that.” “Ingrid, please, I need to see you. Can I take you out to dinner?

I’ll pick you up at seven-thirty?” His persistence was so strong thatshe found it hard not to yield, so she accepted the invitation.

From the mo ment Ed phoned, her mind be gan to swim and pri -vate schemes were tum bling about in her head for the rest of the day. She was not sure if play ing Cu pid was her style but she wanted to see Ed happy with some one, if only to make her self feel better! All shecould think of was how Yolanda would con nect with him. Shouldshe fol low up on her hunch now that Yolanda’s di vorce was fi -nal?…She had been sep a rated for two years so why not. Why did she get this strong feel ing that those two needed to meet?…Liesbeth!She would ask her! She di alled Liesbeth’s cell-phone but her voicemail an swered so she left a mes sage.

“Ingrid, what’s wrong?” Wow! She was impressed. They didn’t even need cell-phones anymore!

“I need to speak to you about a dear friend of mine. Please can you come tothe Pannekoek at lunch?” she projected.

“I’ll be there, af ter one, see you!” Gosh, that was easy! She’d never re al izedthat her friend’s tele pathic skill was so pow er ful. Hers was n't that good.

To drag her mind back to the draw ings for the French com plexwas im pos si ble. Her own un com fort able hunches, trig gered by allthe ru mours that were float ing around, were be gin ning to af fect heral though Piet had gone. The po lice were look ing for Piet in con nec -tion with the bur glary at Mr. Brinks house. All their per sonal re -cords were be ing in ves ti gated but no body knew what for.

When her e-mail icon started flashing on her toolbar, excerpt 13appeared on her screen, but she knew that it was not sent to her as an e-mail. Her screen showed no back ground pro gram, none of the fa -mil iar browsers she nor mally would see when in cyberspace.


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Fear-based Thought Forms

Programme...Planet Earth

Re leas ing Fear–based Thought FormsRule Three of the awak en ing card game.

You all cre ate your own re al ity be causeyou are ho lo graphic. Ev ery cre ation is are flec tion of its own thought-forms, emo -tions and be liefs. Many thought-forms are sub con scious; but it is through the sub -con scious that oth ers can ma nip u late yourcre ations, even if you have un con sciouslyagreed to their en er getic pres ence. Asyou re lease the un con scious agree ments you tran scend the men tally pro grammed pat -terns, and need not al low any body to ma -nip u late you in the same fash ion again. That is the law of cause and ef fect.

It is this law of en er getic im bal ances thatkeeps the swing of the pen du lum within your ex -pe ri ence of du al ity in mo tion. A re lease of all de sire to harm an other for any rea son has to betran scended.

Love and com pas sion must be the only emo -tional vi bra tion oc cu py ing your thoughts. There are many con scious and sub con scious planes ofre al i ties where ge net i cally re lated karma isstored, like the four lower lev els of the as -tral plane where fear-based be liefs are sim u -lated. Dur ing your dream time your un con sciouscan in te grate and re lease these fear-based be -liefs. Fear-based be liefs need en ergy to op er -ate!

In your dream-travel jour neys you will ex pe -ri ence how you can ac cess and in te grate themany re al ity planes.Your con scious phys i calplane is your day time re al ity and your deeper,sub con scious plane of re al ity is a non phys i calre al ity that man i fests in ex act op po si tion tophys i cal plane ex pe ri ences. You can say this is your fu ture that has al ready been cre ated byyour past thought pro jec tions.

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Gosh, she was quite in tim i dated by this ex cerpt, know ing her own be liefs, when Piet came into her thoughts, feel ings of loveand com pas sion were not the thoughts that came into her mind.<Kitty, we of the cos mic ga lac tic coun cil an tic i -pated that it would be dif fi cult for many par tic i -pants to com plete this re leas ing pro cess,es pe cially in re la tion ships which are based uponat tach ment rather than soul agree ments. We alsoknow that those who stick with this pro cess andfol low their soul’s de sire above all else will ex -pe ri ence the re ward of a greater de gree of joy,love and free dom than they may ever have thoughtpossible in human form.>

She was re lieved to read POWAH’s re sponse to her thoughts. Her soul’s de sire was strong but there must be plenty of ‘karma’stored as well. Her eyes were riv et ted on her screen in sus pensewhilst typ ing her next ques tion.

<POWAH, when do we know that we have re leased our at -tach ments, our co-de pend ence and our neg a tive thought pat -terns? Do we achieve that by over com ing per sonal fear andthrough ser vice in one way or an other?> She won dered whatser vice, she could give at this moment.<Kitty, if you were free from the emo tional, men tal and ma te ri al is tic at tach ments cun ningly de vised bythe per son al ity en ti ties to en slave you, you wouldau to mat i cally serve. If you were de tached fromyour own per sonal petty wor ries, you would serve.If you en joyed better health by tak ing in onlynour ish ing foods, you would serve. If you pre pared


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Kitty to re shape your des tiny you first haveto change your be lief sys tem of who you are fromwithin; then sec ondly, ex ter nally in your en vi -ron ment you be gin to mas ter time! Re flect onthis.


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your self for a new world, free from war, greed,hun ger and pov erty and free from the il lu sory ad -dic tions you feel you have a need of, like smok ing,ex ces sive drink ing and eat ing, and neg a tive sex ualac tiv i ties, you would serve. If you could onceagain live freely in the mo ment with out lim i ta -tions, you would serve. What is service but love in practical ac tion?>

Did POWAH re ally mean that her will ing ness to fully awaken was

a ser vice? Was that all one needed to as pire to?

<POWAH about co-de pend ence, are we not all de pend ent

on one an other?> She knew that she wanted to please Toon, and

her self. The text jumped into ac tion.<Kitty, when a soul unites with an other soul whileboth are in car nated and both al low the ex pe ri enceof love and ex pan sion to flow with out any judg mentor pref er ence be tween souls, this com mu nion willnot cre ate a co–de pend ence. Co–de pend ence only oc -curs when any judg ment or pref er ence is pres entwithin one’s field. The com mu ni ties that you andToon and many oth ers are build ing around yourplanet is a ser vice.>

Well, that was a re lief but... no judg ments? Mmm, she still had

pref er ences, es pe cially around work. Look ing up through the glass

panel, her col league Carla was at tack ing the cof fee per co la tor. <Kitty, there will al ways be va ri et ies of tal ents,gifts and skills amongst all hu mans, but ev ery onewill con trib ute equally to the smooth run ning ofyour com mu ni ties, which will pre pare peo ple for the changes that are coming soon.>

She won dered what changes would spur peo ple to share their tal -

ents and know how freely. Would Carla see the words...and if she

did, would she want to share her con ver sa tions with POWAH?<Lack of in for ma tion has led to the ex pe ri ence ofco-de pend ence on oth ers for sur vival within yourso lar sys tem. When in for ma tion is non ex is tent forself pres er va tion or evo lu tion, frag mented soulswithin a cre ation be come de pend ent upon oth ers and

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their gov ern ing bod ies for sur vival. Brav ery ises sen tial in all things, es pe cially when co-de -pend ence is based on fear. But, if you go forthinto BRAVERY to dis pel this fear, which is a par -a dox, you will have taken an es sen tial step bycol lect ing your own frag mented soul pieces to -gether upon the lad der of evo lu tion>

Wow, the fear of be ing rid i culed was still there but she grasped with joy that she would be come part of Toon’s mis sion to cre atecom mu ni ties as she could do the cre ative plan ning and what everelse was nec es sary.<Kitty, lack of cre ativ ity and pas sion can alsoplay it self out amongst in di vid u als on Earth. Itis through the lack of cre ativ ity and pas sionthat peo ple lose the in for ma tion nec es sary tobring a vi sion into man i fes ta tion within theirlives, or they lack the chi or en ergy nec es saryto sus tain a cre ation that has al ready come tofru ition.>

Ing rid im me di ately thought of her fash ion-de sign ad ven tureand Yolanda’s en thu si asm.<Yes, when cre ative po ten tial within a per son’sre al ity is re stored, the dreams and vi sions theymay have car ried for an en tire life time are re -stored. Only then can a re lease from fear–basedthoughts be gin to be come a reality.


Her screen came back to her draw ing pro gram just in time be -fore Carla walked into her of fice. The rest of the morn ing flewby but her thoughts kept turn ing to her meet ing with Ed.

* * *

“Well, well, you are fa mous,” Rich ard greeted her with a cheerygrin! She joined Liesbeth while Rich ard served them cof fee,Con nie waved at her and she spot ted Ula in a deep dis cus sionwith an in ter est ing-look ing In do ne sian man at the cor ner ta ble.

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Ing rid told Liesbeth about Ed, what had hap pened be tween themyears be fore, his phone call and what Toon had told her, in clud ing hisan guish be cause Ed was a good friend of his, her date for the nexteve ning, and fi nally, her hunch. Liesbeth was a good lis tener whonever once in ter rupted.

“Ingrid, what are your feelings for him? You’re certainly going to

some lengths to make him happy, and you know very well that is not

possible! Playing Cupid is all right as long as your motives are clear.”

“Liesbeth, I love Toon, and I love Ed but very dif fer ently. As for

that one time, well, I prob a bly un in ten tion ally used Ed. I don’t

know, I was feel ing very re jected at the time and one thing led to an -

other.” Her re gret was sin cere, real is ing the truth only now that she

had met Toon. Noth ing and no body could make her feel the way he

made her feel, as if he were a part of her.

“Yolanda. Mmm....What makes you think that they are suited toeach other?” Ingrid had to smile at her own reasoning. She could

just see Ed’s face next to Yolanda’s.

“I think Yolanda’s tal ents could very well com ple ment Ed’s! I

know I’m not mak ing any sense but I’m visualising Yolanda work ing

and liv ing on a large es tate in Aus tra lia, run ning a com mu nity. Ed is a

very en ter pris ing fel low, very dif fer ent from Jan, who was more the

steady, de pend able type. Ed is a busi ness man like his fa ther. I know

it’s pre pos ter ous but some how I can see it all.”

Liesbeth erupted in laugh ter thereby at tract ing Rich ard and Con -

nie to their ta ble. As Ing rid looked up at Con nie she felt weird,

funny, as if she were spin ning!…All she was aware of was…Con nie!…Was with…no, she was

not sure…but…in her mind she had a vi sion see ing Yolanda to -gether with Ed?… they had…chil dren! But where did Jeroencome into all this? She saw open spaces around Yolanda, andhorses! Yolanda was rid ing a horse with Ed rid ing next to her. They were look ing at scen ery that was very open with sparse veg -e ta tion. She saw it all in a flash. As if her mind had spun a movie

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script in front of her in ner eye. Was this where Ed lived withYolanda? Con nie was on the scene as well, and for some rea son shesaw Jeroen, but she also saw Jeroen run ning her fa ther-in-law’sbusi ness. What was he do ing there where Ed lived?…Had she hada vi sion of the fu ture? Was that pos si ble? And where was she in allof this?…

“Ingrid! Are you all right?” Richard asked her with concern. “What? Yes, I’m fine, thanks. Wow, how strange. I was some -

where else!” She looked into Liesbeth’s smil ing face, the gleam inher eyes told her that Liesbeth knew what had hap pened to her.

Richard still looked worried but eventually shrugged hisshoulders as he walked away to attend to other customers.

“Liesbeth, did I have some kind of precognition?” Liesbeth askedConnie for the menu, ignoring her mental question but still grinning.

“Ing rid, are you all right?” Con nie anx iously asked. “Yes, love. I’m fine.” Ing rid re as sured her and as Con nie walked

away, she looked at Liesbeth who still had a smirk on her face. “Liesbeth, now I know what you were talking about the other

evening when you said you could be in two places simultaneously!” “All right, what happened to you was that your psychic mind,

which can travel to any place in the past, present and future visitedthe causal plane, which is usually five to six years ahead of time.”

“You mean I saw into the future?” Her mind was stalling indisbelief.

“Yes, Ing rid, I cre ated a time vac uum into which you could pro jectyour un con scious thought forms. Re mem ber, it can still be changed and what you saw could be changed by the peo ple in volved. Also, you never dis close this to any one. Pre ma ture sug ges tion can be a form of brain -wash ing which is against uni ver sal law.” Liesbeth agreed to the plan butlooked in tently into Ing rid’s face with a se ri ous ex pres sion, add ing: “But no med dling af ter wards! We do this once only, and af ter that, well, na ture must take its course, you understand?”

“What are we going to do? Do you have a plan?” The buzzing


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voices around them enhanced their conspiracy.

“Yes, all you have to do is let Ed take you out to dinner to the

Prinsengracht hotel this evening and leave the rest to me.”

“That is where Toon took me the first time so it’s rather spe cial to me.”

“Yes, Ingrid, there. I’ll organise the rest, but we tell no one about

this,” Liesbeth impressed upon her.

“Never? Not even to Toon?”

“I did n’t say ‘never’! But don’t you say any thing about this to

Yolanda. Don’t even con sider it! Can you man age that?” Liesbeth

looked se ri ous.

* * *

Jeroen was mak ing him self an om elette while Ing rid was wait ing for

Ed. To see Ed again was still nerve–rack ing. Toon’s brooch on her

jacket gave her some form of sup port.

“Mom, why is uncle Ed taking you out to dinner? What is going

on?” Ingrid could hear in his voice that he was wondering about her


“Uncle Ed wants to hear from me how I feel about Toon. I’ve

told him already over the phone but he wants to hear it from me


“What did you tell him. May I know?”

“I am very much in love with Toon sweety, and I want to spend

the rest of my life with him.”“Gosh! Really? I have to get used to that idea but… I’m glad for

you,” Jeroen swept her off the floor into his affectionate embrace

which he often did when he wanted to express his feelings to her

about something.

“So Toon was right, he still has a crush on you! Is Toon aware that

you’re going out with uncle Ed tonight?”

“No! At least, I don’t think so.” They both heard the front door

bell, Jeroen put her down and went to greet him. She was glad that

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he was at home. She heard Ed cheering Jeroen with a very open andfriendly note of approval. Ed was a very flamboyant and extrovertpersonality, in a way similar to Toon. She greeted him without delay.

“You look very tanned and fit” giving him a hug. Ed looked ather, searching for a sign, but all she could give him was a soft smileexpressing the same genuine love she had for her own sister. Hiseyes were surveying her but she felt no butterflies.

While they drove in si lence to the Ho tel, she could feel him watch -ing her. When they ar rived, Ed parked the car and turned to her.

“Ing rid, if I had known be fore that Toon would meet you Iwould have tried to pre vent it. I knew he would fall for you, and sohe did in a big way. I want you to say it to me now; what are your feel -ings for him?” His di rect man ner, that was so typ i cal of the men sheseemed to at tract, was still nerve-rack ing.

“I fell in love with Toon the mo ment we met. Al though I’ve notseen him for al most four weeks, which has been hard, I want tospend what ever time there is on this planet with him,” she de claredwith the ab so lute sin cer ity Ed de served. He just looked at her, si -lently...The park ing bay of the Ho tel was fill ing up with guests.

“He is the luck i est per son I know, and a good friend, but I needed to hear it from you. I am not sur prised, not af ter spend ing time withhim, lis ten ing end lessly to him ex press ing his feel ings for you.”

“Toon knows that you are here? Does he know you were go ing toask me ?”

“You bet he knows,” Ed pro jected, his eyes gave away that he wastele pathic

“If you can read my mind, you know my feel ings for him!” she beamed inas ton ish ment.

“Yes, I do now but I needed to be sure, Ing rid. I’m hun gry! Come, let’s have din ner and you can tell me all about the chil dren,” Ed over-cheer ful, put on an act. A great re lief flooded over her atthe same time, amazed at his abil ity to mind-read. Toon had n’t toldher that he could.


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As Ing rid re called her ar range ment with Liesbeth, she knew that

she had to warn her about Ed’s abil ity to pick up thought–waves.

“Mr. Barendse, we have a ta ble for you wait ing with the com pli -

ments of Mr. Haardens.” Ing rid was so flab ber gasted that she shot aglance at Ed’s face to see if he knew. All he did was throw his head

back and laugh. The ta ble was set for seven peo ple.

“Did Mr. Haardens order a table for seven guests?” Ed asked the

waiter in a direct manner.

“Yes, sir, and I be lieve I have to give this to the lady. The head

waiter took a white linen pack age from his side trol ley and put it

down on a plate with her name on it. Ed took out her chair and sat

down next to her. She was open ing the white linen cloth slowly when

sud denly sounds of mu sic that re minded her of Toon filled the

whole din ing room. She looked up to see where it had come from,

but it was be ing re layed over the speak ers. Look ing back to see what

was in side the white cloth, she saw a beau ti ful lit tle cor sage made up

of very small min ia ture roses with a small card that had lit tle mu si cal

notes sprin kled on it! All it said was: THIS DEL I CATE HAUNT ING


heard! The Uilean pipes! Toon had been play ing it in his car when

he drove her to Quincy, af ter the board meet ing! She fin gered the

del i cate roses care fully, search ing for the clasp at the back when Ed

offered to pin it on her dress.“I must hand it to him, Toon knows how to be pres ent with out

ac tu ally be ing here.” Ing rid started to feel more at ease look ing at his

grin ning face.

“Hello there! Great music, is it Irish?” Liesbeth and Hans

suddenly appeared, followed by Yolanda and Annelies.

“So this is Toon’s friend he always talked about, Ed Barendse, I

believe? Annelies introduced herself and the others. Ed was not

letting on that he was surprised and he greeted Hans showing that

they already knew each other.

“I must thank Toon for this un ex pected wel come; I’m sure he

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would love to be here.” Then he took Yolanda’s hands in his. Ing ridob served that he was si lent for a while, just look ing, while Yolandawas quite flus tered. Her eyes be came larger.

“Ingrid, who is this gorgeous man! Your brother-in-law?“Ing rid could feel in her so lar plexus that they had made a con nec -

tion and Annelies and Liesbeth were aware of it too. Was it the samefeel ing that she’d had with Toon, that im me di ate rec og ni tion and thatin ex pli ca ble attraction?

“Let me guess. You are Yolanda? I’ve lost track of what part ofthe family you are, but Toon has always been very good at describingpeople,” Ed’s voice carried an amusement while holding her handsclose to his lips. Yolanda giggled.

“Well, his de scrip tion of you was not far off the mark ei ther. Ican tell you that now.”

“Ing rid, what game is this man play ing? He is a real charmer and he seemsto know me.” Ing rid knew Ed could men tally hear her but he did notlet on that he did. How ever, he looked at Yolanda with more than apo lite glance. She could see that he was ab so lutely smit ten by her!

“Ing rid! Say some thing! He makes me in cred i bly ner vous! Is he mar ried?”Ed pulled out the chair next to him on his other side and askedYolanda to sit down next to him when Fred ar rived at their ta ble.

“Ingrid, I believe you have not met my brother Fred.” Ingridlooked into Fred’s dark-brown eyes as Annelies introduced him.

“I met Ing rid at the beginning of the week. I see that Toon hasexcellent taste in many things besides music, don’t you think?” Thiswas directed at Ed especially, while shaking his hand.

“I re mem ber now! You’re in the ho tel busi ness and this is yourplace. To an swer your other ques tion, Ing rid is very spe cial to me andI’m glad to meet Toon’s fam ily for her sake. The next time I seehim...I’ll ask him how he man aged to or gan ise this lit tle fam ily gath er -ing.” Ed had an amused smile. The eve ning was in ter est ing and ev -ery one ap peared to be en joy ing them selves but Ing rid’s heart wasach ing for Toon more than ever. Liesbeth winked at her, dis tract ing


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her from her thoughts and draw ing her at ten tion to Yolanda. The

waiter brought the main course. The ho tel was known for its cui sine.

“Ed, how much did Toon tell you about us?” Ingrid knew

Annelies was really trying to get into his mind. “Ingrid, your brother-in-law’s mind is a closed book which is unusual. Is the

man telepathic yet he’s purposely put on a mind barrier or what?”

“Annelies, Toon usu ally talked at the lo cal bar when he had a few

drinks and I seem to re mem ber him de scrib ing the art ists in the

Zwiegelaar fam ily,” Ed an swered po litely while keep ing his eyes on


“Annelies, the man is mak ing that up. Toon does n't drink, at least, not in

the way he is im ply ing. Why do you think he said that? Ing rid, why are you si -

lent? He’s a big flirt! Do you think he’s tele pathic?” Liesbeth and Hans

were hav ing a con ver sa tion, pre tend ing not to be aware of what was

go ing on and Fred was or der ing an other bot tle of wine from the

waiter. Some how Ing rid wanted to warn Yolanda but Liesbeth sud -

denly beamed: “Ing rid, re mem ber what you prom ised at the Pannekoek. No

med dling!” Gee, Liesbeth was com pletely on cue. How did she do that

...block ing the oth ers…

“What meddling is she implying, Ingrid?” Ed mumbled softly,

leaning over. So he heard! She had difficulty not giving herself away.

“I’ve no idea, Ed, why don’t you ask them?” Annelies was look -

ing very ob ser vantly at Ed. Surely Liesbeth must know that Ed sus -pected a con spir acy? He seemed to want to keep his tele pathic skills

from them, so she’d better watch her own thoughts. How care fully

one had to watch one’s thoughts when one was in the com pany of

tele pathic peo ple! She won dered how Ed man aged to men tally

block out the oth ers. Whether her plan be tween Yolanda and Ed

would lead to any thing re mained to be seen. She would have to keep

her prom ise to Liesbeth and not interfere.

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Connie and Yolanda de Wit

Ing rid stretched her body, rev el ling in a glow of hap pi ness thatbathed her like warm sun light. Some how she knew Toon would behome that week end. It looked like a gar den ing day out side, hear ingthe busy chirp ing of birds. What a pity that she had to go to work! She heard Jeroen down stairs in the kitchen mak ing break fast. Hewas up early! When she joined him, her toast was al ready on herplate.

“What a treat. What’s going on?”“Grandpa asked last night if I could be at the factory early this

morning for a board meeting. Uncle Ed has requested me toattend.”

“Oh, wow, what’s your uncle been up to, I wonder?” “You should know! You went out with him Tuesday evening. I

tried to phone him the whole day yesterday but nobody knowswhere he is. How was it, mom, the evening I mean?”

“We had a very good time and Toon knew about uncle Ed’s planto take me out, so we had dinner with five others and Ed now knows how I feel about Toon. I think I know what he’s been up to, but Imust run. Jeroen, are you home tonight?”

“No, I’ll be back on Saturday. Will you be all right? When isToon coming back, do you know?”

“I’ve a feel ing this week end, but that must not stop you from do -ing your thing. I’m glad that Ed needs you at the of fice as you’ll bepartly run ning the com pany, you know, I mean maybe.” She sud -denly realised how easy it was to start pre dict ing the fu ture but re -mem bered what Liesbeth had told her.

“You really think so?”“Would you want that?”“Yes, I would, to gether with un cle Ed; but I also want to see Aus -

tra lia. I would love to see what un cle Ed’s place looks like.” As shefo cussed on Jeroen’s se ri ous ex pres sion, she longed to tell him what


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she had ex pe ri enced, but knew that was not al lowed, real is ing what a

re spon si bil ity it was to know cer tain things but not re veal them.

When could you im part to some one a vi sion of the fu ture, never?

“But mom, more so than ever I want to ex plore…what so lu tionsthere are for us with the com ing short ages of land?”

“What do you mean?”

“Well dur ing my last se mes ter I joined a group of en gi neer ing

and ar chi tec ture studentsm who are work ing on pi lot pro jects to

build whole cit ies at sea.”

“Your kid ding, I never knew that.” For the first time she saw

Jeroen in a state of…what, ex cite ment.

Yes, we all have to find in no va tive so lu tions in the com ing years. I

have been speak ing to Ed, who has great ideas. He said that our tra -

di tional way of just fight ing the sea with dykes has to give way to al -

ter na tives, like go ing with the wa ter.”

I’m so glad you found your pas sion, or at least a di rec tion. I must

ask Toon what his ideas are on cre ating a com mu nity which co ex istson wa ter, that might be a very sus tain able so lu tion” She gave him a

hug and sent her love to his grand fa ther.

When she ar rived at her of fice, she knew it was Toon on the other

end of the ring ing line so she closed her door be fore she picked up

the re ceiver glow ing with happy an tic i pa tion.

“My dear Kitty, I will soon hold you, love you, kiss you, be with you,” she

heard in the silence

“When is soon?”

“At the weekend, I promise. I have to create a completely

different hologram with you in it permanently,” Toon voiced his


“Toon, do you think we live in a mental hologram?”“Kitty, only the woman I’m in love with would ask that question.

My love, if consciousness is an awareness of the “light” that reflects

All That Is and we perceive objects either because they emit or

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reflect light, as it arrives at our eyes, then this invisible undetectablefield holds all of ‘reality’ together. Yes, we could very well be in ourown hologram.”

“You mean that All That Is, is this field? Then this light, or field,when it enters into our eyes, like it does through the camera that isreflected on any physical object, sees...matter?”

“Yes, we look at a three-di men sional world and the cameradetects it two-dimensionally.”

“Good grief ! Let me get this right, when we take a picture, wecatch a light-sen si tive view which arrives through the lens of thecamera. So, the total information recorded on a photographic film isthe intensity of light caught in the film?”

“Yes, and Kitty, without getting into the science of photography,the question then becomes, what more is there to record than justthe intensity of light at each point?”

“Now you’ve lost me. What do you mean?”“I know, I’m racing ahead of myself, but the prospect of virtual

reality can be very awesome because it appears real but it is much less scary than real life because virtual reality technology is designed toput you inside the scene. Kitty, I heard that the Pleasure Parkcomplex in France is going to have a hologram island inside it.”

“Now you’ve floored me! You mean a hologram deck?” Thinking of the movie Star-Trek.

“The word ho lo gram means some thing which merely re cordstwo–di men sional thought-forms of three–di men sional re al ity. Yes,that’s what they’re plan ning. I heard this only last week and I don’tcom pletely un der stand it my self but the sym bol has some thing to dowith it. I must in tro duce you to Trevor, he’s an un cle of Annelies. Kitty, they’re call ing me. Re mem ber, I love you very much.”

Ingrid was still savouring his last words when suddenly shebecame aware that someone was knocking at her office door. Carlawas looking questioningly because she never closed her door, askingif she was all right.


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“Yes, I’m fine, thanks. I just spoke to Toon. Thank goodness.

He’s coming home soon!”

“Oh, good!” Carla’s arms hailed in grat i tude.

The rest of the day flew by. Ing rid de cided to have her eve ning

meal at the cof fee shop as no body was home to night. Con nie was

help ing Rich ard now that the hol i day sea son was in full swing.

“Ing rid, my mom has just phoned to ask if you would mind pop -

ping in?”

“ Where’s your mom now? Is she still at the shop?”

“No, she’s already home. Could you come past the hotel before

you go home?”

“All right, I will. When are you fin ished here, or are you work ing

the whole eve ning?” Ing rid thought she’d better get to know this girl.

“No, I’m going in a few minutes. Richard said he will stay on


While driving to the Prinsengracht hotel Connie chatted awaynext to her. Ingrid liked the enthusiasm this girl had for life.

“So you’re in ter ested in the ho tel busi ness like your aunt

Annelies?” Con nie had told her she had en rolled in the ho tel school to

start in Sep tem ber be cause she would love to run the ho tel one day.

“Uncle Fred wants me to learn the catering side first. I believe

you’re going into business with my mom?” Ingrid smiled as she

would not have put it quite like that but if drawing a summer

collection was going into business, well why not.

“Does your uncle Fred own the bookshop?” she could not see

Yolanda staying there long.

“Yes, when my parents separated, we came to live with uncle

Fred, he always wanted to own a bookshop. He’s really quite a

bookworm and likes to collect old manuscripts and stuff, but the

hotel keeps him very busy. Aunt Annelies has been very occupied

with the decoding workshops so mom offered to run the bookshop

as she needed a job.” Ingrid always felt sad for children whose

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parents went through difficult times. Even her own three childrenhad experienced heavy arguments between Jan and herself whenthey were small.

“Do you still see your father, Connie?”“Not re ally. He gam bles a lot and I dis like the friends he hangs

out with. I wish he’d never got in volved with them. Mom has re allytried but I’m glad they’re not to gether any more. I love my Dad, buthe’s gone off the rails. I hope my Mom will meet some one else; I’dre ally love to see her taken care of.” Good grief, an other one thatwants to see Yolanda with some one, just as she did! As Liesbeth hadsaid, no body can make some one else happy, but she liked Con nie’scon cern nev er the less.

When they ar rived at the Prinsengracht ho tel, they took the sideen trance as they lived in a side build ing that used to be the sta blesand later the dor mi to ries of the or phan age, Yolanda had told her the pre vi ous time she’d been there. Yolanda ap peared from a side doorand in vited her in.

“Oh Ingrid, I’m so confused. Come, let’s sit here, I badly need toask you about your brother-in-law.”

“What do you want to know about him, and why?”“I don’t know what to do. For the first time in my life I’ve come

across some one that un der stands me com pletely with out any needfor me to ex plain any thing. Ed said he felt the same about me. Ing -rid, I only saw Ed Tues day eve ning and the whole of yes ter day. I feel as if I’ve known him all my life!”

Now Ing rid knew why no body could find him. He’d spentWednes day with Yolanda!

“So what’s your prob lem? It looks as if you’ve found each other, I’mre ally glad for you both,” she was so happy that her hunch had paid off.

“Ing rid, he asked me to go to Ire land with him for a week and Iwould love to go, but you know, I know my self ! I’ll end up sleep ingwith him, don’t you think that’s far too quick?” Yolanda’s anx iousmind needed re as sur ance. Ing rid could feel so well what she was go -


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ing through, and realised again how much she longed for Toon in ev -

ery way. Ed had ob vi ously no in ten tion of wait ing, she won dered

where he was stay ing at the moment.

“He’s at the hotel tonight, waiting for me to make a decision,”Yolanda responded to her thoughts.

“Yolanda, follow your heart. You’re free, aren’t you? I mean,

from your ex emotionally?”

“Oh, yes, I re ally only feel sad for the way his life worked out. I’ve

no idea where he is; but yes, I am free. Ed told me that he fi nally un -

der stood how Toon felt when he was in Aus tra lia and he has no in ten -

tion of be ing on his own any more. He said that the mo ment he saw

me he knew that I was the one he wanted to be with. Can you be lieve

that? So quick, Ing rid! Do you be lieve in fall ing in love instantly?”

“Ab so lutely, I do, believe me.”

“Ed is so glad that you found Toon, and he also told me to tell

you to thank you for med dling. I don’t know what he meant by that,

and he would n’t tell me.” Yolanda’s blue eyes were prob ing. She was

not al lowed to tell her but won dered if Ed had al ready re vealed his

tele pathic skills.

“Yolanda, can you read his mind?”

“Oh, yes, I even think he can read mine as well. What do you

think? Did he ever let on that he could mind-read? Annelies thinks

he is very telepathic and that he’s testing me,”“Ingrid, don’t let on that you know. She has to discover that for herself,”

Liesbeth beamed while screening it from Yolanda! That had given

her a jolt, so she got up to leave to avoid giving herself away.

“Yolanda; fol low your heart and do what feels right for you. Ed

is a ter rific man but stand your own ground. I’m re ally very glad for

you both. Al low your self to have a great time. I must go! I’m tired!”

She gave her a hug and left.

When she drove home and was re flect ing on the many things that

had hap pened the mu sic on her car ra dio was in ter rupted by the an -


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“More con spir acy the o ries are com ing to light con cern ing thePlea sure Park es tate in France. There is a spec u la tion by a ge ol o -gist that an in cred i bly large gold de posit was dis cov ered on the site when the blast ing for the great dome caused a col lapse of therocky ground near the river that runs past the French es tate. There are great ob jec tions be ing voiced by the lo cal pop u la tion and theGreen Peace move ment in con nec tion with the blast ing. When Mr. Harry Brinks was ap proached for a com ment he told our news re -porter that a team of peo ple from dif fer ent sources had be gun to in -ves ti gate the many al le ga tions and a state ment would soon bere leased to the press.”

Ing rid switched off the ra dio. Would her boss know far morethat he let on? Fluffball greeted her with a rub when she walked into the hall way and she men tally saw Toon di al ling her on his cell phone.

Would it work? Would he phone her if she focussed long enough on her mental vision? Thinking of Toon made her want to send amessage to him because she needed to talk to him about so manythings wherever he was. When the phone rang she almost, jumped. Had it worked? “Yes, love, I knew you wanted me to phone you. I’mon my way home to take you with me this weekend.”

“Toon, how did you know that I’d just arrived home?” “I was wondering where you were. Kitty, can you take leave from

work? Please, love, I want to spend some time with you.” There wasan excitement in his voice she had not heard before. She recognisedthe sounds of an airport in the background.

“Snooks, I’ll arrange some time off with Mr. Brinks. Will I seeyou tomorrow?” She wished she knew at what airport he was now.

“I’m in Johannesburg hoping to get a seat, but the planes are full. I’ll try to get on any flight now that I have finished what I needed todo in order to spend time with you. Then she heard his name beingannounced over the PA system.

“Oh, Kitty, when I speak to you again I want to hold you at the sametime.”...


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Chapter 14

The Imbalance of Narcissism

Richard de Jong

A mas sive dis play of ex otic fo liage with dash ing blooms all

snug gled around a mag i cal wa ter fall greeted Ing rid in the foyer. The

sound of trick ling wa ter en hanced the arrangement.

“Hi Ingrid, gee Toon certainly goes to great lengths to express his

love” Ula’s wide grin as she handed a closed envelope made her heart

leap, while beaming: “Toon! I want you in person, no substitutes,”

She marched to the lift while ripping open the envelope, hoping

his wording would soothe her longing.





She laughed in the lift. So that was why the arrangement was soenormous! Everyone would admire it when they walked through

the foyer!

She and Carla were having lunch at the Pannekoek when Carla

told her that on Monday Ula had quite a nasty caller who insisted on

speaking to Ingrid, while she was gone to Mr. Brinks estate in

Utrecht. At the time his house had been ransacked from top to

bottom, Mr. Brinks established that the original aerial photos of the

French site were gone so he had asked her to come over that day.

“Gosh why did you not tell me that before, did Ula get his

name?” Connie served them two delicious whole-wheat bread rolls


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with many different Dutch cheeses. “I’m sorry Ing rid but with all the in ves ti ga tions go ing on I’ve for -

got ten. By the way, Ula’s fiancé is the de tec tive that is search ing forPiet.” Ing rid sud denly re called recognising this André when he ar -rived at Mr. Brinks house. She’d seen him with Ula at the Pannekoek. Mr. Brinks had con fided that a ge ol o gist had mea sured un usual read -ings at the French site that could de lay the whole con struc tion. Shewanted to ask Mr. Brinks about the sym bol but a de tec tive by thename of André Jaarsma had ar rived.

“Ingrid, Piet phoned me at my flat one evening, grilling me if Ihad the disk I gave to you but I brushed him off. This was justbefore the burglary.”

Ingrid remembered with a jolt that she must speak to Richardwho still had the disk. She was anxious about its safety, now thatCarla reminded her.

“Did you tell the de tec tive about Piet?” Carla nod ded as shecalled Con nie over to ask where Rich ard was. Con nie told her thatRich ard was book ing a lec ture in Utrecht for the fol low ing Mon dayand would be back around four.

When they ar rived back at the of fice, Ula at the re cep tion desk told her that André, her fiancé, would soon con tact Ing rid in con nec tionwith Piet. He had been called back by his su pe rior of fi cer, just as they came back from lunch. The wa ter-fea ture’s mes sage of love in thefoyer worked like a tonic amongst all the dra mas.

She had Rich ard on the line af ter four but his spec u la tions on thecrop-cir cle sym bol did n’t give her any clue. He told her that the an cienthieroglyphs’ trans la tions about the eye of the eter nal li brary said that thesym bol of the eye mir rors the high est level of per fec tion; mean ing all theom nip o tence and om ni pres ence qual i ties. Lots of spec u la tions passedthrough her mind ever since Toon had talked about the Plea sure Parkcom plex in France be com ing the first ho lo gram park and she re mem -bered that ex cerpt six had men tioned a modern temple at a resort.


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“The eye of Horus could mean a dimensional gateway. Ingrid,

are there any large light beams situated inside the dome structure?”

“Yes, they all have them, especially over the pool area, laser

beams, which make colour patterns in the water, combined withsound. Why do you ask?”

“According to the Sumerian clay tablets, some kind of

purification ceremony was apparently practised. They also

mentioned that gold was offered to the gods during the


“Really! Why was the gold important, do you think?” She

recalled the radio message the day before. Gold seemed to be a link.

“I haven’t been able to find out why… It has something to do

with ‘atomic gold’ which contains unbelievable healing properties

that allow the cells to carry phenomenal amounts of light energy.”

“Now you’ve lost me but you said you wrote it all down.”

“Yes, the sym bol means that when the sev enth light beam in tel li -

gence re paired the spec trums of lim ited col our and mem brane ra di -

a tions, the lower forms of in tel li gence would be freed from

lim i ta tions. That is the lit eral trans la tion.” Ing rid was think ing

about the un der ground tun nels but why would any one want to jeop -

ar dise the con struc tion of the large dome?

“Ing rid, it does not make much sense but af ter what you’ve told

me I feel that we might be get ting nearer to an an swer, think ingabout Annelies’ decoding work shops and the tonal fre quen cies, she

and Tieneke call the ‘Lan guage of Light.’

“Mmm, Richard, there might be something on that disk that the

burglars were looking for on Monday at Mr. Brinks’s house. The

original aerial photos are missing but thank goodness you have the

disk. Can I fetch it from the coffee shop after work?”

Rich ard asked if he could keep the photo on his com puter for

later study and Ing rid had no ob jec tion. Mr. Brinks who looked very

de pressed and tired on Mon day had de clared that this was the last

hol i day re sort he would be build ing. Just now when she was about to

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phone Mr. Brinks her screen bright ened.<Kitty, the ‘Eye of the Ob server’ ti tle is a re flec -tion on the four plat forms within your re sort, theymir ror the four “el e ments” or “fre quen cies” that are the ba sic build ing blocks of your planet. These el -e ments are, Earth, Air, Fire and Wa ter. Withinthese el e ments are many cor re spond ing cy cles likewood and metal through which en ergy flows in thephys i cal body.>

Ing rid trem bled in awe, won der ing, was this all for real? The textflashed back in re ply: <Your trans for ma tion will be speeded up as you will soon be mov ing into an elec tro mag netic null zone. The plan e tary mind will soon fully en ter your di -men sional space and time zone through ro ta tionalcir cum ven tion that cre ates ar ti fi cial time warps>

This again made ab so lutely no sense to her, but when P0WAHmen tioned the four plat forms, the ar chi tec tural de sign of the re sortin France in cluded wood, which was part of the out side walk waywith the steel struc tures that sup ported the four bridges over thetrop i cal gar dens and the round wave pool, with its cen tre plat form.Where the fire el e ment would come in, she could n’t imag ine, un -less...the...gold...

<POWAH, is the island in the Pleasure Park in France ahologram tem ple?> She still could not really understand how thatwould come about? Oh she needed Toon. He could explain it to her.<Yes, Kitty, as above so be low. You live on a planet of en ergy, you are en ergy and your phys i cal body isa pul sa tion of life be com ing life. Hu mans re ceivethe multi–spec tral fre quen cies or en er gies throughwhat you call ‘spin points’– mini vor ti ces.>

What had their chak ras to do with all this? POWAH took her in tel lect far too much for granted, she had no idea what he was go ing on about.<Kitty, from these ‘spin points’ arise ax ial lineswhich ra di ate out in a fine grid net work, trans mit -ting en ergy to each and ev ery cell of your form. When the time has ar rived and your par tic i pants are


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ear nest in their awak en ing pro cess, we of the ga -lac tic coun cil of light, know the time is ready tochal lenge the un con scious mind of man by chan nel -ling more in for ma tion that has been kept away as are sult of fear–based belief sys tems.>

All this still floored her. The at mo sphere in the whole of fice out -

side her glass par ti tion was in a state of con fu sion be cause of the in -

ves ti ga tions and if any one would know what she had been ex posed

to they would all freak out. Of that she was sure. The screen kept

dis play ing more text. <The mor tal mind of man is trapped in the ma nip u la -tor, the ma trix, which is con trol ling the mass con -scious ness on your planet. By ex pand ing the forcefield of self-aware ness, a lot of re leas ing has tobe pro cessed through the grid pat tern of the hu manaura in or der to as cend from this realm.>

When ex cerpt num ber four teen ap peared on her screen, she

won dered if she would re ceive the next one through the post box,

now that she had taken next week off.

The Imbalance of Narcissism


Programme...Planet Earth

Re leas ing of the Im bal ance of Nar cis sism

Rule four of the awak en ing card game.In or der to learn com pas sion for oth ers,

through be ing in bal ance, man has to find themid dle road of his own role-play ing per son al ity. Ex tro verted per son al i ties will re gain theirsense of self-iden tity with out need ing oth ers to con nect with their in ner real selves. In tro -verted per son al i ties who suf fer from the in abil -ity to un der stand or con nect to oth ers, learncom pas sion through con nect ing with oth ers. Asthe need to cre ate kar mic en coun ters ceases, theplay ers of the decoding work shops can be gin todraw oth ers to them based on soul agree ments. Such re la tion ships will be based not upon thestrug gle but on the com mon pur pose of ser vice.

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Wow! POWAH knew about her weird ex pe ri ence in thecof fee shop! Her con cen tra tion the rest of the day was nil. The textre sponded again to her thoughts.<Kitty, the outer-di rected ex tro vert suf fers fromthe loss of self-iden tity in con tin u ously be ingdrawn into the dra mas of oth ers and they gen er allyfind them selves in part ner ship with in ner-di rectedin tro verts in or der to find a bal ance.>

It still amazed her that time seems to stand still while she was be -witched with her screen. She knew she was an in tro vert so what washer drama?

<POWAH, does that mean that Toon and I would help each other to find that bal ance?> The screen stayed blank so herthoughts drifted back to her ex pe ri ence in the cof fee bar withLiesbeth. Had she glimpsed into the fu ture and had she seenYolanda on horse back? Then the screen re sponded again.<Kitty, at no time are we ever to in ter fere in thechoices that each in di vid ual makes be cause of thefree will of any co-cre ator. You can ex pe ri encein cred i ble trans for ma tions when you prac tise justbe ing in the pres ent, in your body! It came as agreat shock real is ing the level of ig no rance that


The Awakening Clan

Kitty, your visit to the causal plane waspartly to show you the power of thought. Now you see how im por tant it is to re leasea lot of neg a tive think ing pat terns. Thiscausal plane as it is now, which is in deedabout 5 to 6 years ahead of time, will look a lot worse if the hu man pop u la tion doesnot change its de struc tive and neg a tivethought pat terns. Now you have the un der -stand ing that you not only cre ate your ownman i fes ta tions in the phys i cal plane buton the many other in vis i ble planes of re -al i ties as well. LOVE POWAH

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many frag mented souls have of their own power ofthought. Kitty, think about the four rules youneed to em brace.>

Was she ever able to think log i cally again?

“Oh, Toon, where are you?” she beamed. The whole week had been

hec tic and it was al ready late in the af ter noon. Carla had just left.

As she sat at her desk, star ing at her screen with her one leg

stretched across to her draw ing stool, she did n’t want to go any -

where, there would be no class and four weeks had passed since

Toon had left and it felt like for ever.

“Oh, Toon, I miss you, I can feel you are near; but where are you?” Toon had

no ex pe ri ence of mar riage or any long re la tion ship. She won dered if he

could en ter into a re la tion ship with her with out ex pec ta tions, con di -

tions and at tach ments. What about her self? Could she love him un con -

di tion ally? She knew noth ing about him and what about girl friends?

He was surely not a man that would have with held him self from sex all

those years! The screen sud denly caught her at ten tion again.<Kitty, pure love is to be found in the higher spir -i tual realms, where the cre ative forces ofsoul-love, the erotic emo tional force, and the bi o -log i cal sex force, are ex pe ri enced si mul ta neously,cre at ing the feel ing of unity. That is real or gasm. Phys i cal or gasm is noth ing com pared to that bliss -ful ex pe ri ence.>

That must be some thing, she grinned at her self hav ing this in ter -

ac tion with who knows who. Would Toon know all this? She could -

n’t wait for him to read her jour nal.<Kitty, there can never be a point when you know the other soul en tirely, nor when you are known en -tirely. Ev ery hu man soul has a style of its ownwhich you see re flected in ev ery thought, act, andwish of that per son but two de vel oped souls canful fil each other by re veal ing them selves fromtheir soul level. Are you ready for such a un ion?>

She just sat there, know ing only that at that mo ment all she

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wanted was to be with Toon, lis ten to him speak ing, look into thosegrey-blue eyes, and to be swept up by his pas sion for life and his en -thu si as tic hu mour that em a nated from him as a strong fresh breezeover the ho ri zon. <Yes, I am> she typed away at the key board.<Kitty, only when you meet love, life, and theother be ing in such readi ness are you able to be -stow the great est gift on your be loved, namely your true self. Then you will in ev i ta bly re ceive thesame gift from your be loved. You and Toon have thespir i tual ma tu rity to have cho sen each other. Youin tu itively waited for each other and longed inyour un con scious for each other.>

<POWAH, why am I still fear ful?><Kitty, you will never have to be afraid of los ingthe love of your be loved; use your re la tion ship asa tool to dis cover your cre ative real self. By hon -our ing your feel ings, you hon our your self.>

<POWAH, cer tain peo ple be lieve that they can cut out sexand the de sire for a part ner and live com pletely for love of hu -man ity. Is that valid?><Kitty, is such a life pos si ble for you? Is thatwhat you want? It is pos si ble for some, but cer -tainly not healthy or hon est for most. The realrea son some peo ple re nounce re la tion ships is fearof the life-ex pe ri ence of this love and then thefear ful re nun ci a tion is rationalised as a sac ri -fice; un less it’s a friend ship be tween two peo ple,then that is broth erly love. POWAH signing off.>

She had no idea how long she had been sit ting be hind her desk. For the first time she un der stood the power that was re sid ing withinand around her. Al most as if time was no more. A new life wasabout to start; it felt like…a new life…For just a few mo ments, while it lasted, she wanted to for get ev ery thing and just per mit her self tofeel just noth ing, to sur ren der com pletely. She gently stroked thebrooch...as if she knew he was al ready with her. Then she be cameaware of a pres ence that filled her whole be ing…


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When she looked up, she saw Toon stand ing in the door way.…she

had no idea how long he had been watch ing her but as she got up she al -

most glided to wards him. For the first time, look ing into those eyes, in -

stead of feel ing the flut ter ing of her nerves, she felt a power ris ingwithin her that was a soul con nec tion that wanted to be in to tal un ion

with him. Her smile matched his while his eyes elec tri fied her whole be ing.

“Kitty, I have been dreaming about this moment, and all I want to

do is hold you, kiss you.”

“What is stopping you?” He laughed, took her in his arms,

holding her body pressed to his as he kissed her passionately. As

they stood in the middle of her office, they both knew at their soul

level that their desire for each other was kept alive through eternity.

He slowly let go of her.

“Kitty, I’ve never been so in love with a woman be fore,” She

looked at him, placed her hands be hind his head, pull ing him to -

wards her and kissed his face ev ery where gently, softly and ca ress -

ingly. This was a face she had known be fore.

Toon helped her close up the of fice and at the last min ute she

threw the first CD disk that was part of the new draw ing back into her

bag, al ready know ing she would n’t find time to work on the draw ing.

As they ran through the rain, she looked up into his eyes where laugh -

ter greeted her with such force that she felt like a school girl go ing on

her first date. He drove be hind her so that she could pack her bag togo wher ever he was tak ing her.

Toon fol lowed her ev ery where in the house. When she started to

pack her over night bag in her bed room and took her eve ning dress

off its hanger he took it from her with one arm while en cir cling her.

“Kitty, please will you wear it for me?”

‘What, now?” knowing very well where that would lead to.

“Do you have any idea what I went through when I saw you in

this dress?”

“What do you mean, saw me?” Toon dropped the dress on the

bed and started to kiss her neck and her shoulder down inside her

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blouse…then he gave her a big wide grin. “You don’t know, do you?” She had difficulty not buckling from

his penetrating stare. “I had your whole opening ceremony videotaped, since I could

not be there phys i cally, I would be with you from Cyberspace. Icould not stand trying to imagine what you would look like whileothers would see you in the flesh! That was in con ceiv able, so Iorganised a direct line which took some doing.”

“You mean the video camera was you?…I knew it!…A part ofme knew it…and was it worth it?” Her eyes brilliant withexpectation.

“How did you know it was the biggest punishment I could givemyself ?” He uttered these words with so much torment, shelaughed.

“Toon Haardens, that served you right! Sneak ing up on me!” Some how she must have picked up the frus tra tion he was ex pe ri enc -ing, look ing at her and not be ing there.

“Kitty, you have no idea what I’ve been go ing through, es pe ciallywith Ed...The thought of los ing you again...but I’m for ever grate ful toAnnelies for ar rang ing Ed’s wel come din ner that I asked for, I wouldhave given any thing to have been there. Did you re mem ber the mu sic?” His whis per ing as he was nib bling on her ear while press ing her firmlyagainst him aroused her so she had dif fi culty stay ing calm.

“Oh, love...how clever of you to play that music at Ed’s dinner! You knew I would want you to be there with me!” she was tremblingwhile removing his shirt.

“Oh, Kitty, I want you, I have been imagining this moment for Idon’t know how long. To make love to you”… she could feel hislonging for her had become close to a point of no return.

“Kitty, when is Jeroen coming home?” She quivered as he looked silently at her, waiting for an answer. She knew they had the wholeevening to themselves. Jeroen was gone for the whole weekend andthere were no classes. His eyes told her that he had read her mind.


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“I can’t stop now, I want you, and I can feel you want me as well”

he moaned while his hands were under her blouse. While he was

undressing her and removing her blouse, she sagged in his arms.

When he car ried her to the bed, she heard him gasp when he re moved all her clothes, feel ing his hands mov ing over her breasts as if he were

learn ing for the first time the in ti macy of her body. His lips were on her

nip ples and then he trav elled all over her ex plor ing ev ery detail.

She heard her self whim per ing from ec stasy. What he was do ing to

her felt acutely in ti mate and she was to tally in har mony with who she was

while mov ing with a rhythm that re vealed all her sex ual passions.

She felt the weight of his body pressing on to the length of hers,

caressing her with purposeful insistence. He acted as if he needed

no consent from her. She responded to him with every fibre of her

being and her arousal reached a point of total bliss. When their

climaxes came simultaneously, she heard Toon gasping out of pure

joy and it gave her an intense pleasure knowing it was her body that

made him feel so satisfied.

Ingrid felt that from deep within a new spiritual sense that had

been unconscious before, had suddenly sprung open. A reunion

took place that was meant to be…She reached out in an embrace of

wonder, knowing she had never experienced lovemaking this way.

“Is it not wonderful that our bodies can give us so much joy?” he

whispered, after they both returned from a place where theycompletely had been one… She could hear that his thoughts were

the same, “Kitty, you were well worth waiting for.” The way he looked at

her told her everything about herself, and what he saw in her eyes

was a reflection of himself.

“Snooks, I love you, ”…her breath ing was still very un steady af -

ter be ing so swept up into a dif fer ent oc tave of ex is tence. They were

ly ing next to each other, star ing into each other’s eyes, never to feel

alone again. This was a re union that made them know with ab so lute

cer tainty that they were twin souls. Now their sep a ra tion of aeons

was over and their new jour ney had just started. Both were com -

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pletely in de pend ent in di vid u als that had found their mir ror im age. Each knew that be fore there al ways had been a lack of ful fil ment inthe many re la tion ships they had both ex pe ri enced which they hadnot com pletely real ised un til they came into each other’s lives.

“Gosh, you are so de li ciously per fect. You know, when I saw you forthe first time, I felt an ad o ra tion for you so ...over whelm ing that...Iwanted to sweep you up and take you away with me there and then.”

Ing rid snug gled up in con tent ment so that each with their ownthoughts slowly drifted away on a wave of plea sure....

Af ter they had slept for at least three hours, Ing rid awoke and won -dered when he had ar rived in Hol land. Toon was still sleep ing andshe ob served his face, his nose, his mouth, and his whole body.

As she was reaching over trying to look at the clock radio he woke up and grabbed her by her waist and while holding her on top of him he admired her breasts that still retained their youthful firmness.

“Snooks, are you hungry?” While squirming away, feeling veryexposed.

“And how! For you, yes!” Oh, how she loved this man and hearoused her so much that she wanted to make love again! She couldnot resist doing to him what he had done to her, hearing himmoaning which made her even more excited. Toon suddenly rolledher on her back and entered her so fast that she gasped withpleasure. Ingrid felt a huge sense of relief, having found someonethat could bring her so completely to this height of ecstasy.

“Kitty, this is al most a whole new way of ex pe ri enc ing sex ualplea sure. When I en tered you, such rap ture came over me that itstruck me like a shaft of light ning,” he whis pered softly while ca ress -ing her.

“Love I’m very starved after making love to you. Please put onthat silky dress and let’s go and have dinner. After that I’ll take youaway for the whole weekend.” The joy in his eyes matched hers asshe stepped into the shower.


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As the water cascaded over her body, she heard Toon asking Fred

to book a table. While he took a shower she dressed herself in

Yolanda’s creation, pinned the brooch on her shoulder and was

drying her hair when he walked in. She could see that he waswatching her in her mirror while she was observing his naked body.

She turned around and stood up in front of him, smiling at his face

and for the first time she saw that he could be shy.

“Snooks, you have a magnificent body.”

“Have you any idea what you look like through my eyes?” Toon’s

admiration as his hand travelled intimately over the deep-blue silky

fabric excited her.

“Snooks, you’d better stop that oth er wise we’ll never get away

and it’s al ready ten o’clock!” Ing rid gig gled in re sponse to his fon -

dling. She fed Fluffball and left a note for Jeroen, tell ing him that she

left with Toon for the week end. Sud denly she spot ted a blue en ve -

lope in the hall way on the floor that was not there be fore. She put it

in her shoul der bag to read later.

When they ar rived, Fred was wait ing for them in the foyer of the

ho tel. Ing rid won dered if he would know that they had made love.

“You have no idea how brilliant your auras look” Fred whispered

so that nobody would hear.

“Toon, I ordered your taxi in two hours, in case Ingrid wants to

change before you both leave, I have a table for you ready in the

family diningroom. Both Annelies and I will be joining you later for

a late-night snack if that’s all right?” Fred’s eyes travelled

appraisingly over her dress.

“Where are we going?” Ingrid whispered to Toon.

“You wait and see.” The fam ily diningroom had an im pres sive de cor.

“Snooks, I’m curious about this place. Will you tell me who is the

artist?” Toon’s eyes travelled over the artwork. Un usual paint ings of

worlds within worlds told a story only an im age can achieve.

“Kitty, this diningroom still holds both the memories of glorious

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and sorrowful times for me! I will tell you all its secrets and surprises one of these days. Leo Jaarsma, Ben’s twin, is the artist.”

The waiter arrived with their starter, they both ate so quickly thatIngrid shrieked with laughter. Toon’s eyes shone with absolute glee,knowing how hungry lovemaking had made them.

“Well, if it is not the arch-ma nip u la tor who swept my sis -ter-in-law away from me,” Ed’s voice broad casted. Ing rid sawToon’s face fleet ingly ex press a hearty sur prise, then he laughedwhile greet ing his friend with a slap on the shoul der.

“What have you been up to?”“I have a date with Yolanda. When Fred told me that you two

were having a cosy private late dinner, I thought I would join youwhile I was waiting for the others. When I wanted privacy with thislady I did not get it and we all knew why. Ingrid, you lookbreathtaking! Is that one of Yolanda’s creations?”

“Are you remarking on the dress, or the contents?’ Toonteasingly remarked while pouring Ed’s wine

Ingrid noticed how at ease and relaxed Ed was.“My friend, when Yolanda arrives, you say nothing, do you hear?

I’ve not revealed my telepathic skills yet while I’m enjoying herresponse to my thoughts, but she is very good,”

“Ed, that’s not fair!”“My dear, I can relate to him! You gave yourself away over the

phone. I was not aware that you were telepathic because Ed nevertold me.”

“When did you know then?” Thinking how she had been aware ofhis mental probing.

“When I saw you for the first time, I heard ev ery thought and sensed ev ery de -tail of your emo tions.” Ing rid could feel her self blush ing and Ed smiled be cause he heard it all.

“I’m not sure if I can or will keep quiet!” Ing rid beamed just asAnnelies, Yolanda and Fred joined them.

“Ingrid, your dress looks stunning! How are your drawings


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going, and what can you not keep quiet?” The look Ed gave Yolanda

triggered an idea how to help her friend without giving anything


“Thanks, I can see my brother-in-law is smitten by you. Do you knowthat?” As she felt Toon’s hand sliding intimately over her thigh, she

had to sti fle a gig gle Her elation with the whole set-up was

interrupted when Annelies’ inquisitive mind projected:

“Ing rid, what is go ing on? Have I missed some thing?” she flirted with

Toon who tried to stare her down.

“How much did Annelies tell you about the Jaarsma Orphanage,

Kitty?” Toon gleamed, steering the attention away from the mental


“We were all asked to investigate our family history. Annelies,

I’ve not told you this but I spoke to my sister, Quincy when we went

through the family photos. We discovered that our grandmother

Kitty Jaarsma had a twin sister.”

“Is your sister younger or older, and is she telepathic like you?”

Fred interrupted.

“She’s a clairvoyant like you but two years younger, blonde with

blue eyes.” Ingrid wondered why Fred was single.

“Is she married?” Yolanda asked.

“She’s at the moment getting a divorce as her husband apparently

found someone else a few years ago,” Ingrid’s voice carried a toneof sadness for her favourite sister.

“I didn’t know that! Oliver was her husband’s name I remember.

A lawyer, I believe?” Ed commented while filling their drinks.

“Ing rid, did your grand mother awaken you and your sis ter’s psy -

chic skills? That would again con firm our re search into the Jaarsma

or phan age’s his tory.”

“Yes, my gran died when I was nine, but my mother wanted noth ing

to do with any es o teric teach ing so she banned it from our home. Quincy

pur sued it more than I did, that’s prob a bly one of the rea sons why she

had prob lems with Ol i ver. He could not come to terms with it.”

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“How did you repress your telepathic skills, Ingrid, with Jan Imean?”

“Ed, I wasn’t aware that I was telepathic. I thought everyonecould read others the way I did and I learned that I had to stopmaking a judgment about not being able to communicate with Jan inthat way. When did…” Ingrid stopped when she suddenly realisedwhat she was about to ask him. In stead she sti fled a gig gle.

“Toon, did you teach Ed telepathy?” Yolanda looked at Toonand her eyes widened.

“Ingrid, you must tell me, I, oh …Ed Barendse, if you do not reply to mementally right now I’ll get up and leave this minute,” Yolanda beamed sostrongly that Ed practically choked on his wine. Ingrid saw Edlooking at her in a way that would make any woman quiver.

“I adore you even more when you are angry but I know you are not reallyangry, are you? I did so enjoy knowing and reading your feel ings…” Edprojected on an open channel. Ingrid could see that Yolanda’s blueeyes enlarged slightly and Fred laughed.

“I might not ver bally hear all your tele pathic di a logue, but boy,the sparks that are fly ing in this diningroom are truly a spec ta cle tosee. What do you think sis ter, are we in trud ing on the two cou ples?”

“Toon, please tell Ing rid about your phil an thropic pas sion for es -tab lish ing com mu ni ties,” Annelies went on, ig nor ing Fred’s in ten -tions to leave. Ing rid knew that Annelies was en joy ing her self fartoo much to leave now and won dered about Ben her hus band andhow the pri vate ses sions with the others had been.

“What do you mean by a philanthropist, Annie? I work very hard for my living,” Ingrid knew that they had great admiration for eachanother.

“Toon, what made you aware of what you had to do in your life?”“Yolanda, as you know I’ve lived in many countries where I’ve

seen great wealth and incredible poverty. I can be very addicted togood living but I could not really enjoy it if it deprived anyone else.”

“But what made you think about communities?”


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“People are gifted in various ways, and humans have to learn to

pool their gifts and talents in order to survive, especially financially.

I realised that by establishing community living environments for

them, since I have the means to to it, I had found my opportunity, soI had to start exploring my passion.”

“Finding you added meaning to my life, love.”

Toon’s sincerity and devotion to his purpose made her love him

even more and his love for her filled her with humility. She could see

that Toon, being a very strong, powerful, energetic person attracted

many people to him. She felt so grateful to have manifested this fine

soul in her life. His hand stroked her under the ta ble.

“I feel that about you too!”

“Toon, what is your vision of these communities?” Ingrid knew

that Yolanda wanted to know this because of Ed’s partnership in a

settlement in Australia.

“When trans for ma tion oc curs glob ally, within each in di vid ual

hu man soul, a work ing knowl edge of what the in di vid ual wishes to

con trib ute will awaken.”

“Annelies did you do the workshop with Toon?”

“Yes Yolanda, I have been used as a guinea-pig up to where you

are now. When transformation happens, many people that fully

immerse with their soul will be expressing a variety of talents, gifts

and skills they need to share.” Toon replied as he watched the time.“My love, because of the massive global physical

transformations, the survival of our species will depend on the cal i -

bra tion level of consciousness from which each person operates.”

Ingrid could see how happy Yolanda was when Ed joined Toon’s


“Kitty I see our com mu ni ties as light-cen tres where ev ery one will

con trib ute equally and then a new civ i li za tion will flour ish. Our world

econ omy sys tem has, for the last hun dreds of years robbed peo ple

blind. Our com mu ni ties will re flect the new par a digm where ev ery

per son’s tal ents, skills or gifts are used as an ex change for their daily

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com mod i ties. I want to es tab lish places where peo ple will be free todo this, hop ing that in this way they will stop sell ing them selves out for money or money-re lated priv i leges. Money is very much a bi o log i caltrig ger within most peo ple’s ge net ics. The fear of lack of money keepmost peo ple in tow and there fore sus cep ti ble to ma nip u la tions. ”

“Oh love, I’m so glad you said that.”“Ben would prob a bly agree, his pas sion lies with ex pos ing the

dark forces that un con sciously have em bod ied many peo ple on theplanet that can not ac cess com pas sion be cause of their lack of feel -ing.” All of a sud den Toon looked gravely at Annelies

“Toon, this new world order as you called it over the phone atone time, are they aliens? I mean, are they looking like humans butthey are not?” This was something she still could not come to termswith as it sounded like a science fiction script where people werebeing subjected to a controlling technique like brainwashing, shapeshifting and all that.

“Ing rid, re mem ber that we dis cussed the dy nam ics of cre at ingour own re al ity when we pro ject a mag netic thought vi bra tion, like ara dio that is broad cast ing?” Annelies clar i fied.

“Yes, you mean that our thoughts at tract peo ple with sim i lar ide -ol o gies and be liefs, mean ing that we broad cast on a sim i larwave-band.”

“Kitty, this new world or der is rep re sented by frag mented soulper son al i ties that are ad dicted to be ing in con trol. They do this bysteal ing en ergy. We see this re flected through the usury tac tics calledin ter est rates, to men tion one. We are all in a way ge net i callybrokered when we trace it back to our an ces tral lineages. ”

“You mean, like pol i ti cians or busi ness man that are un scru pu lous?”“Kitty, most peo ple con form to be hav iour that they think is ac cept -

able to oth ers, rather than ex press ing who they re ally are them selves, doyou agree?” The waiter was serv ing a va ri ety of mouth-wa ter ing snackswith their cof fees and li queur. She ob served that Toon de clined any al -co hol and drank juice in stead.


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“Yes, I see what you mean. To day money has be come the main

con trol ling de vice. Most of us can be bought and dog mas, re li gious

be liefs and tra di tions do the rest; but how can any one con trol 15 bil -

lion peo ple?” The mu sic from Amadeus en hanced the cosy fam ilyatmosphere.

“Surely many peo ple would not…I see….we are all wear ing masks!

Our per son al i ties could very well be un der the in flu ence of some

form of con trol.” Ing rid sud denly real ised how easy it would be.

“That’s right Kitty, and the moment you say ‘I’m a unique aspect

of all that exists, I am that I am,’ you will be confronted with

ridicule.” Toon placed his hand protectively over hers on the table.

“The fear of facing this condemnation gets most people to

behave like sheep, and fear, being the most powerful weapon is then

applied to ensure total control.” Ed added, looking pensively at


“ Now I understand where you all are coming from. You mean

that if we want to live our lives from our awakened state, instead of

still being trapped by the economic and physical snares, your

communities would be a sort of sanctuary for awakened people to

hold on to their new-found freedom.” Ingrid glanced at Toon with


“Yes, quite right, but I have an ul te rior mo tive. I love the ac tiv i -

ties of build ing and cre at ing beau ti ful en vi ron ments and this seemed the way to go about it. Es pe cially the idea of a com mu nity on wa ter.

In our small and densely pop u lated coun try, metres be low sea

lev els, we are truly most at risk from cli mate change and ris ing sea

lev els.” She re mem bered Jeroen's en thu si asm as she peered at Ed.

“Al ready a row of am phib i ous houses lines the wa ter front at

Maasbommel, all pan elled in blue, yel low and green. They have a hol -

low con crete cube at the base to give them buoy ancy.” Ed added.

“My love, we are try ing to de velop new types of more sus tain able

build ings which have no ad verse im pacts on the en vi ron ment. I’m

still a build ing en gi neer at heart. But you ex pressed it very well,” his

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arms slid around her waist while kiss ing her neck, “With you as a part -ner it’ll be even more plea sur able.”

“How did the two of you meet? ”Toon watched her...“You tell them love.” Yolanda’s face turned

into a wor ried frown as she lis tened.“I never knew that you worked for that firm, Ing rid. How did I

miss that?”“But…I’ve talked to you about my work! You’ve asked me a few

times, re mem ber?” “It’s the name Pleasure Parks that escaped me. I’m sorry”… “Toon, some thing is go ing on with that firm, we have been in ves ti gated by

Inter pol as well.” Ing rid knew Ed was pro ject ing to Toon but therewas a men tal screen…then she saw that Annelies was show ing oneof her wa ver ing ex pres sions, as if some thing came to light.

“Toon, why ever did you pur chase that land scap ing busi ness? To get to Harry Brinks? Or to get near Ing rid?” Toon, raised his eye brows.

“Annie, is Ben still un der cover?” Ingrid was taken aback aboutToon wanting to get to Harry Brinks. What was Annelies getting at,and where was her husband?

“Yes he is” she sighed. “But I know that Harry Brinks has beengreatly harassed by Interpol, he told me so and you know Ben, Iwouldn’t be surprised that he knows a lot more about what is goingon. Toon, do you know where Trevor is?” Both Fred and Anneliesexpressed unease.

“Toon what are they after, do you know?” “I re ally don’t know An nie, “Leo has asked me about the site where the

tun nels are but I don’t know why.” Ing rid knew that Toon had re -sponded to Annelies tele path i cally but he was... al most screen ing the rest...why?

“I’ll tell you all about that soon love. Please will you go and change into some -thing warm and com fort able...Yolanda, you did a ter rific job, but .. Ed, the con -tent is for my en joy ment, thanks to you.”

Ing rid pushed him play fully for that last men tal re mark. The at -


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mo sphere in the diningroom light ened up.

“Ed, can you explain to me why Toon is thanking you?” Yolanda

asked Ed directly. Ed was throwing his head back laughing and

wrapping his arms around her. “Often when Toon and I were having a drink together in

Australia, we used to brag about the women in Holland to the other

Australian guys. I used Ingrid as an example a lot and Toon did

mention his cousin occasionally, as I recall.” “Both Otto, your uncle,

and Toon himself taught me mental telepathy, and Ingrid, the Barendse family

are also related to the Jaarsma orphanage,”

“I didn’t know that,” Ingrid voiced when she was on the point of

leaving. Ed looked up at her and in the silence of his stare he

projected something she knew only she could hear.

“I’ll al ways have a spe cial love for you, you know. Good bye, Ing rid.”

She knew this was Ed’s way of closing a chapter in their lives.

Toon got up as well to get her overnight bag from his car...


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Chapter 15

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Buttercup Valley

The taxi driver who seemed to know Toon took their bags. Ing -rid de cided to re lax and see what sur prise Toon had in store for her. It was by now com pletely dark out side and they both felt a long ing to be alone.

“You’ve made me the hap pi est man by just be ing here with me,” he gazed as he was hold ing her close in the back seat. She was again the younggirl in her dream, beau ti ful and de sir able.

“What do you re mem ber, Kitty?” Her dream kept lin ger ing in hermind like a movie that she had been watch ing, some where in Can -ada.

“Ev ery thing, I think, and you went away!” she beamed. “I’ll never do that again. It still haunts me, you know, that I went away to

find greener pas tures, leav ing you be hind.” The si lence cre ated a time lesscocoon.

“Where are we?” she mumbled when the taxi came to a stop. From the car window she saw the outlines of small aeroplanes. Shevaguely recalled reading the name Soesterberg. She could feel a slight breeze blowing when she got out while Toon took their bags.

“Have a good flight, sir.”“Are we flying?”“Are you frightened of flying?”“Are you kid ding? I love it!” She looked around, some how ex -


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pect ing to see more peo ple.

“Toon … who’s fly ing the aero plane?” Toon did not re ply but he

took her bag and opened a back door of the plane that was parked in

front of a han gar. He went in first, then took her hand and guidedher into her seat up in the front. She was sit ting next to the pi lot, that

much she knew. Then the next mo ment Toon climbed into the pi lot

seat! He teased her with his eyes, set tled her in and placed a pair of

head phones on both of them. She lis tened in tently to the ra dio that

was giv ing out a burst of tower talk that sounded like the static

sound of an other world. She felt ex hil a rated at the pros pect of fly -

ing. Toon talked to the con trol tower peo ple who all knew him!

Lights were glow ing on the panel in the front and Toon was tak ing

the small eight-seat er plane to the start of the run way. Then with a

for ward thrust ac com pa nied by the long, per il ous run, gath er ing

power and go ing faster and faster, the plane went up while her stom -

ach for a short mo ment heaved. Look ing out side she could still see

the ground un der them and the tops of trees slip ping past. There

was still enough light to see that ev ery thing be came smaller and the

ex hil a ra tion of be ing free of the ground made her won der again

who this man was that she was go ing to spend her life with.

“Kitty, please love, can you reach behind you on the seat in the

back for my laptop, and take it on your lap, I need some information

from it.” When she had it positioned and switched it on Toon gaveher instructions and a map appeared. Oh, dear, she was not the best

map reader! What now? She was out of her depth.

“Kitty, look at the le ver on your right in front of you, next to your

con trol but ton, now punch that num ber in on the left-hand cor ner

on your screen.” Sud denly the map changed, en larg ing a por tion of

it. Toon turned the lap top to face him and looked at it, then started

to speak to the con trol tower through the mi cro phone that was at -

tached to his head phone… Af ter that they both sat in si lence, just

en joy ing the mo ment of be ing in each other’s com pany. It was get -

ting jet black out side and the lights be low twin kled.

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She wondered how long they were going to fly and to where? Toon was talking to someone down below somewhere in the outerworld.

“Oh, Kitty, I’ve dreamed of this mo ment all my life, I’ve searched for you inmany women and never found what I was look ing for. Then at my low est depthof de spair, when I had let it all go, re leased my search ing for good, know ing I hadto look for my ful fil ment within my self, when I heard this voice: I would nevergive you the idea, the de sire and the wish, with out also giv ing you the power tomake it true. Kitty, af ter hear ing that voice, know ing they were not my ownthoughts, I knew that one day I would find you again.” His thoughts tookher back…

Re mem ber ing the scen ery in her men tal eye from an other time, an -other place, know ing that they were the same souls, liv ing out a life -time on this planet. What she had learned from her op por tu nity cardhelped her to gain some per spec tive. Annelies had told them to beaware and be come the ob server and that tests would come up for each dur ing the two weeks be fore they would have an in ner cir cle to gether.

So much had happened since she had started the workshops thatonly when the laptop suddenly transferred itself into the familiarbackground and text, did her attention switch back to the present.<Dear Kitty, there are many en ergy cords con nect ing souls with each other. You have made a strong soulcon nec tion with your be loved in many dif fer ent time zones. That is why a full–blown past life mem ory is now sur fac ing. The re la tional cords be tween bothof you from the sec ond chak ra were pre ma turely dam -aged, ow ing to your in di vid ual choices made then.>

Good grief, how was that pos si ble? Was she imag in ingPOWAW's text? …who ever she was in her dream…she sensed thatthe hurt in her dream for the loss of Mc.Nealy was what POWAHwas re fer ring to. How was it that even high up fly ing in a small planePOWAH man age to link up with her? Was she men tally such anopen book? Could it be that their phys i cal world was be com ing lessdense? Was their way of com mu ni cat ing tele path i cally a sign of their


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time? How could some one or somebody know what was in her

mind? What field or en ergy sep a rates peo ple’s thoughts, thereby cre -

at ing an il lu sion that thoughts are pri vate?

Toon showed his sur prise when she started to type, but she hadto ask. <POWAH, what is that en ergy that makes me quiver ev -

ery time he looks at me? If we had dam aged each other’s re la -

tional cords, how has it been pos si ble to feel so con nected

again?> Then Toon beamed. “With whom are you con vers ing? Not me!”<You have both made a choice to re con nect in thislife time. You both need to heal this re la tionalcord in or der to ex pe ri ence the un ion of life’sfruit ful ness in both your sen sual and sex ual ac tiv -i ties. Your core stars in your so lar plexus wereboth fully ac ti vated the mo ment you came into phys -i cal con tact.>

Wow, did it ever! She still rev elled at the in stant at trac tion she felt

for Toon, like a spark of light ning, but the re play ing text kept be wil -

der ing her<Kitty it’s your life-force in the front and at theback of your sa cral chak ras that made a con tact,con nect ing you both with your heart chak ras so that in this life you both ma ture to an awak ened con -scious ness of com pas sion and un con di tional love. You will help each other to fully awaken and ex -press the I AM you are in this life time.>

Toon was try ing to see what she was do ing and he freed his hand

from the con trols. Be fore she could stop him, he turned the lap top

to wards him, study ing the ques tion that she’d asked POWAH. Af ter

read ing it all he looked into her eyes and the ef fect that it had on her

was al most too much to bear.

“Kitty, from the first mo ment you saw me, you’ve been play ing with me.

When I saw you the first time, I wanted to make love to you on the spot in your of -fice! You were wear ing a soft green silk blouse that re vealed a pair of beau ti ful,

sen su ous breasts that re acted im me di ately to me but it was so con tra dic tory to

your ac tions that you made me be lieve that it was in my own imag i na tion. Even

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when I could read your thoughts I was not sure! How did you man age that?”She had dif fi culty not gig gling. It was pure self con trol! “You do not own me” Toon laughed out aloud. “Are you kid ding your -

self ? We are at one with each other,” He beamed while strok ing herthigh. <Kitty, when you both re spect the unique ness ofyour mate, you will ac ti vate a deep, holy nat u ralurge to mate on the phys i cal level and the deepspir i tual yearn ings to unite with Di vin ity. Thisre union rep re sents the mar riage of both the spir i -tual and phys i cal as pects of two hu man be ings. Love to both of you. POWAH.>

July in the Alps

Ing rid woke up with a jolt…when she heard Toon’s voice speak ingto the con trol tower be low. She saw far down in a val ley a sweep oftrees with snow-capped moun tains in the dis tance. They’d been fly -ing for a long time. Swit zer land, Ger many! Where were they? Vaguely she re mem bered that they had landed be fore, but Toon had -n’t woken her. The sun was com ing up through the clouds. Toonwas fly ing south east to wards the high est moun tains that ob structedthe path of the sun. When the sun light reached the snow in thecrev ices, some houses with steeply pitched roofs came into view. Had she been sleep ing, while miss ing all this won der ful scen ery infront of her? And Toon! Look ing side ways her love had turned into a con cern, think ing that he must be tired, for he’d been be hind thecon trols for at least five hours!

“Are you awake?” “Snooks, I never realised but I must have slept for hours,” The

clock on the panel in front of her said 5.05. “Good grief! You must be tired and stiff. Have you not moved from your seat

all this time?” Feeling stiff all over herself. They were circlingdownward when she saw the rocky ground coming up and the ringof mountains growing higher with the peaks coming closer together


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in the sky. Then she felt a thump. One moment they were free and

the next moment they were touching the ground. The aeroplane

landed on a small concrete strip and someone was running toward

their plane. Toon took his headset off and looked at her in a way atrue lover looks at his beloved.

“Welcome to Buttercup Valley.”

“You’re kidding, is there such a place? Snooks where are we?”

Suddenly the door at the back swung open and a man in his sixties

came inside.

“Hi, folks, I expected you earlier. Were you held up?”

“I rested for an hour at Luxembourg airstrip before take off. I’m

very glad to see you so well” Toon replied, shaking the man’s hand.

“Toon!” Thinking, this man had been without proper sleep for

far too long. Toon introduced her to Otto as they moved out of the


Otto climbed down first and grabbed her hand and she stood

shak ing on a small con crete run way, both sides were pad ded with a

thick cush ion of slop ing grass that was sprin kled with wild flow ers.

She was trans ported by the pro found still ness in the early morn ing

as the light streamed down from be hind the moun tains. At that mo -

ment a feel ing of be ing in the pres ence of sa cred ness trans formed

her whole be ing. But where was she? In the dis tance she saw yel low

but ter cups al most laugh ing up at her, all hap pily grow ing as if theywere planted just for the fun of it, to ex press cre ation in all its glory.

“My dear lady, did you have a good trip?” The older man with

dark, penetrating eyes asked. She felt in a short moment while he

was observing her that she was being evaluated on the spot like a

prize piece of real estate! The man suddenly produced a great loud

sound that came from far. His face was full of joy but at the same

time emanating wisdom and compassion.

“Toon, she’s all you said she would be! Congratulations.” Toon

glowed like a young school boy that had just received a medal.

They strolled down to wards a small cot tage set deep into the

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woods with beau ti ful flower boxes and or nate win dows. When theywalked past a sign, she stopped and read what it said:By your choice you dwell now in the world which you havecreated. What you hold in your heart will be true, and what

most you admire, that you will become.

A woman of about the same age as Otto sat on a wooden ve -randa. She had one of those faces that showed no age at all.

“I have no idea where I am but for all it’s worth, your place is oneof the most breath tak ing prop er ties I’ve ever seen.” Toon in tro -duced Jill as they shook hands, then she took one look at Toon andfelt it sud denly her duty to take some con trol.

“Toon, before you show me around, I insist that you take a napnow! You look tired. Jill, just now I realised that he hadn’t had anyproper sleep since coming back from South Africa!”

Grinning from ear to ear Toon held her tightly as they followedJill who was in total agreement with her.

Their charm ing cot tage had a liv ing area lead ing into the large bed -room with a sauna and Ja cuzzi.

The bedroom had a veranda that overlooked the valley below. “Now I know what you meant by good living. What a magical

setting!” Toon opened the sliding doors wide and from behind heencircled her as she leaned on the wooden railing admiring the view.

“Kitty, I’ve waited for eons to take the woman of my desire to asanctuary like this, and to share with her the joy of being alive.” Toon’s jaw-line reminded her of the first time she had seen him inher office, a face of rare serenity and unflinching perceptiveness,without pain or fear or guilt.

“Please, Toon, take a nap, I’m go ing to look around,” firmly re -mov ing her self from his em brace.

She strolled around out side the cot tage while Toon re luc tantlyobeyed. She rev elled at the fra grance of pure air and the view downthrough the tree tops to where the con crete rect an gle of the air field


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marked the bot tom of the val ley. Where could he have taken her af -

ter al most four hours of fly ing? He must be an ex pe ri enced pi lot.

She knew this place to be high up be cause there was a crisp ness in

the at mo sphere that was free of any pol lu tion.Look ing down the val ley gave her a feel ing of be long ing. Birds

made sum mer sounds, busy with their ex is tence and na ture made its

own music…she felt like rest ing and sat down ad mir ing the peace -

ful ness…

Grad u ally she be came aware of the sound of an an i mal graz ing

nearby. Her watch in di cated that it was still fairly early but she must

have dozed off. She got up and climbed to ward the cot tage from the

other side of the slope when Otto and Jill’s cot tage came in view. Jill

waved to her.

“Come and join me for some tea and warm strudels with fruit if

you are hungry. I saw you walking around and lying down near

Bambi’s grazing pad. I knew he would look after you! Have yourested?”

“Yes, thank you.” The aroma of warm apples made her hungry

as she sat down. More buttercups and cornflowers of all colours

decorated the surroundings.

“Since when is this valley called Buttercup Valley? “

“As far as I can remember it was always called Buttercup Valley,

because of the many varieties of buttercups that grow here.”

“Jill, what is this place, do people come here for holidays? Does

this valley belong to you?”

“Good grief, no! It all belongs to Toon. We’re just the caretakers

for as long as we’re needed, and then we move on.”

“Move on to where?” Otto joined them, helping himself to the

most mouth-wa ter ing appelstrudels she had ever tasted.

“So, we fi nally meet Ing rid! Toon never stopped talk ing about

you the last time he was here,” he looked to his wife for some sort of

con fir ma tion.“She’s stun ning! Toon has good taste,” she heard, but pre -

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tended she did n’t. “I think Ing rid wants to know where we move on to when we

leave here. I think she is one of us, what do you…” “That’ll take some time. Toon only just purchased this valley six

months ago, and the building plans have not yet been approved.”“Is this becoming one of the communities that Toon says he’s

building around the world?” How many communities did this manbuild around the globe all at the same time?

“Yes, this is the first one in Europe. Isn’t it magnificent? Toonhas a special nose for these faraway places.” Otto replied proudly.

“Have you always planned this together, the communities, Imean? You’re his half-brother, aren’t you?” She sud denly re mem -bered where she’d heard the name Otto be fore, as Jill poured moretea.

“Yes, we go back a long way. Let me think, Toon was taken in as a fos ter child by my fa ther in his sec ond mar riage when he was four orfive. They brought him up as their own. I’d left home al ready bythen; so we only re ally got to know Toon when he took over therun ning of his fam ily’s many en ter prises when he turnedtwenty–one.”

“He seems to be a very busy man with lots of interests.” “Toon’s grand fa ther was a self-made mil lion aire and Toon’s own

par ents Ste ven, and Siska died in a car crash when he was only sevenmonths old,” Otto was munch ing away at the past ries filled withfruit.

“His grand par ents took him in but they were killed in a tram wayac ci dent in Am ster dam a year later when they were vis it ing Toon’smother’s fam ily in Hol land. He was left be hind at the Jaarsma or -phan age un til fos ter par ents could be found.

“Really… Toon as well?”“Yep, we are all be long ing to the Jaarsma clan.”“So it seems. How ex traor di nary.” My fam ily pre pared him for run ning of his grand fa ther’s busi -


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ness en ter prises that were un der the su per vi sion of the chair man of

the Tech nol ogy Com mit tee of the world en ter prise un ion leg is la -

ture. His grand fa ther made many stip u la tions in his will. Pre vi ously

his only son, Toon’s un cle, Ste ven Haardens, was man ag ing his com -pa nies.”

“Otto, have you been talking her head off?” Jill teased, when she

came back with a new pot of tea.

“Jill, she knows nothing about Toon.”

“We only really got to know him when he was a young bloke then,

full of crazy ideas and thrown in a world where his outlook on life

was rarely accepted.”

“Are you a Civil or Building Engineer too?”

“We both are,” Otto said with pride. The sparkle in their eyes and

the way they observed each other made her realise how strong a

bond was between them.

“There you all are, having a treat, I see!” Toon joined them,

grabbing a chair, Jill poured the tea while Toon helped himself to

the delights on the sideboard.

“Did you have a good rest?”

“Yes, I did.” As he stretched his long body, his eyes studied her

with an intensity that triggered a flutter in her belly.

“What have you been do ing while I was asleep? I missed you when I woke

up,” Ing rid heard but she was not go ing to re act.“She’s been sleeping too, right in Bambi’s paddock.”

“What, did he allow that?” Toon remarked in surprise. “At that

moment the sound of a truck filled the valley, it stopped in front of

their cottage, their quiet, intimate breakfast party was over. On the

side of the lorry in big letters was written: Buttercup Construction

and Landscaping Co.

“Who’s Mr. Haardens?” a man asked, when he jumped down

from the cabin.

“I am.” Toon inspected the docket, signed it, handed it to Otto

while inspecting the lorry’s contents.

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Ingrid felt suddenly out of place in her creased clothes. Shewanted to refresh herself and change into something more casualseeing Toon had changed wearing jeans and a casual shirt.

“Toon, I’m go ing to take a shower. I’ll see you later. I can’t waitto see the plans you have for this place.”

While climb ing up to their cot tage, the two men fol lowed her withtheir eyes be cause she heard Otto say some thing and Toon laugh inre sponse. Ing rid would have loved to know what they were laugh ing at be cause she had not re ceived it men tally.

Toon’s clothes were hang ing over the chair and the lap top was onthe bed. It felt won der fully in ti mate to walk into the bed room thatthey were go ing to share. The di als on the sauna were turned on. She stood in the shower for as long as she could to shed the sen sa tion ofstiff ness and feel ing her body re turn ing with new life. All the cells,at oms and mol e cules were re vi tal ised with each mo ment.

Big white terry tow els were in the bath room when she re mem -bered the cream she had thrown into her shoul der-bag. She wasabout to re trieve the tube when she looked at the screen of Toon’slap top that was still on. With one touch the screen changed and thestrong bright fa mil iar back ground with large text ap peared. It was acon ver sa tion with POWAH! She could not stop her self read ing.<Hello, Toon, this is POWAH. It took somesynchronistic ma nip u la tions from the realms of il -lu mi nated truth to bring both of you to gether inthis fi nal chap ter of your planet’s his tory. Areyou pleased?>

<Who are you?> Toon had typed.<I have been given the job (I be lieve you call it)of be ing a guide to both of you. I AM the love, thelight and the life of cre ation. I AM YOU. Are youpleased?>

<Are you also com mu ni cat ing with Ing rid in this way,through both our minds?>


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<YES, I’m the pri mal sun group soul that speaks. Toon, you are one of the few awak ened souls that be -long to the top en vi ron men tal group spirit, and to -gether with Kitty you are com mit ted to re in statethe el e men tal true en er gies of the global plan e tary spirit. We sa lute you. I have cho sen this form ofcom mu ni ca tion by us ing both your sixth and sev enthchak ra en ergy vor ti ces. You both have an af fin itywith sym bols. Words are sym bols in the writ tentext. I asked you a ques tion: are you pleased?>

Gosh, that was the first time POWAH iden ti fied him self as a pri -

mal sun group soul, what ever that is.

<Yes, I’m de lighted! POWAH is there a higher pur pose to

our un ion? I re mem ber that we lived to gether in other life -times. Did I hurt her so deeply that it took me al most a life -

time to find her? Are Ing rid and I to gether to pre pare each

other for the birth of the new earth to which the an cient scripts

re fer too? I seem to have lived in sim i lar com mu ni ties. Are

they vi sions of the fu ture or the past or what?><YES, to your ques tion. Since we are all ho lo -graph i cally con nected to ev ery thing, you can the o -ret i cally re mem ber ev ery life that ever was livedon this planet, as well as oth ers, as if you werethe one who lived it. >

<Why did it take so long to find her?><The I AM seed within needs to re awaken first andsome ex pe ri ences must be re lived in or der to bringback the mem ory of the soul pur pose. Toon, re mem -ber that time is not real. You live many lives si -mul ta neously and on in ter plan e tary planes. You are syn chro nisti cal ly at tuned to com mu nity liv ing be -cause at other time pe ri ods you cre ated many com mu -ni ties of light… They are still around! There isalso some in ner work to be done be tween you both and your chak ra sys tems must be fully re aligned in or -der to be truly re ju ve nated. Some heal ing and in -ner for give ness have to be ex pe ri enced from both of you. To gether at a later stage you must share thelat est news so that the peo ple who are ready to hear

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have ac cess to this new way of liv ing and to getheryou will ac com plish a lot.>

<POWAH what is my soul pur pose?><To ac knowl edge the I AM pres ence within you. Thenthe I AM will am plify your ef fec tive ness athousandfold. You are one of the awak ened ones whohave re turned and who have cho sen to re main fullyin car nated dur ing the awak en ing of your planet.>

<Do you mean that I can be come im mor tal phys i cally evenat fifty?><Yes, if that would be your choice. If the speed ofen ergy in the at oms of an awak en ing phys i cal bodywere to ac cel er ate be yond the speed of light, thatper son would van ish from your world and ap pear onan other plane of quan tum re al ity. You will phys i -cally as cend when you have ful filled your soul pur -pose. You will stop your ag ing pro cess when yourcel lu lar re struc tur ing re turns again to a crys tal -line cell that will re ju ve nate it self. There forewith the prom ise of phys i cal im mor tal ity a re ver sal of ag ing is made pos si ble by inter-space travel.The awak ened ones are the healthy cells in my plan -e tary or gan of in tel li gence. They are my teach ers,heal ers, build ers and vi sion ar ies who teach thelaws of love. POWAH sign ing off>

The screen went back to its screen saver. Ing rid sat on the bedthink ing to her self that if POWAH were com mu ni cat ing into thesame mind wave as theirs, would peo ple au to mat i cally at tract sim i larmind waves to ward them selves? She spec u lated why she had onlynow started to re mem ber things that so ob vi ously be longed to an -other time when sud denly the screen re sponded to her thoughts.<Kitty, when your planet was es tab lished on thephys i cal plane its life was di vided into sevengreat pe ri ods. Hu man spe cies evolve throughensouling seven great suc ces sive root–races. Re in -car na tion un der the great im pulses of time af fectsso lar sys tems, plan ets, man, an i mals, plants, andall forms of life. It is one vast con tin u ous pro -cess of strength en ing, in di vidu al is ing and re fin -


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ing, re peated over and over again. The law ofre birth holds the se cret of the pres ent cri sis. Groups of souls come to gether to work out karmathat was cre ated within the same time im pulses.>

She stared in awe at the screen. How…was her own mind putt ing

words on the screen? but it can't be…she…

<POWAH, have Toon and I been in car nated in dif fer ent

life times many times?> Won der ing as al ways who an swered the

ques tions when she felt a lov ing en ergy en gulf ing her.<Yes, many times, and in each life time the soulneeds to merge more with the phys i cal form to dom i -nate the phys i cal sit u a tion and as sert ing its ownau thor ity.>

Ing rid un der stood that an as pect of her soul con nected or chan -

nelled through her higher self. But why and how could she sud denly

be in two dif fer ent time zones all at the same time?<Kitty, some times emo tional fac tors bring peo pleback to gether life af ter life. Your I AM choosesmany life times to ex pe ri ence dif fer ent as pects ofit self; and when it reaches a cer tain goal then itagain makes a choice, ei ther to leave the phys i calbody to be born into a dif fer ent in car na tion, ordur ing these transformative times, it can add an -other lifetime to this one.>

Add ing an other life time? Did he mean she would not leave this

body ever? Some how that did n't…<Be fore birth your IAM chooses the ge netic an ces -tral blue print most suited to your spir i tualgrowth. These grid for ma tions build a body. In asense you sep a rate a por tion of your greater be ingand the frag mented con scious ness part cre ated abody. If you com plete that pur pose – in this par -tic u lar life time – and reach a cer tain goal, thenif you have cho sen to do so, you can add an otherlife time. You sim ply in ter weave pre vi ous I AM’sin stead of seed ing a new I AM as pect that would beawak ened into the next in car na tion. Both you andToon have made that choice, have you not?>

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Some how it made sense to her and she even felt that her bodywas dif fer ent al ready, as if she was in a new cy cle. Was that why shere mem bered ex pe ri ences from other life times? <Kitty, your body-tem ple is a tool, a ve hi cle thatyou have cre ated to fo cus on cer tain points withinthe self that you wish to trans form in a most ef fi -cient way.The big gest prob lem at this mo ment inearth time is to ob tain this broader per cep tion thatis nec es sary to pro duce a heal ing ef fect on higherlev els.The in di vid ual mind is re stricted by the nar -row per cep tions that the brain is pro grammed to re -ceive.>

Ing rid’s whole body tin gled out of awe, won der ing if her in ter ac -tion with POWAH was unique.<Kitty, all hu man be ings are ca pa ble of trav el lingand ex pe ri enc ing the many mul ti di men sional as pectsof cre ation if only they have the de sire to learnand to de velop the skills. In stead, they are con -cern ing them selves en tirely with the mas tery of the outer vis i ble world at this mo ment. When your mindbe gins to drift along the con scious ness spec trumaway from time-space per cep tion, and this hap pensdur ing your dream state, or while con tem plat ing,med i tat ing or while be ing so en grossed in a cre -ative art form that you be come less aware of the im -me di ate phys i cal world, you will be come con sciousin an other form. This is your IAM, your guard ianan gel.The prob lem lies in per cep tion and the trans -la tions of them. For many they are dis torted by the use of your cur rent–time–space sys tems of anal y sisand mea sure ment.>

Yes, she now un der stood it better, think ing about her two lifecards from the awak en ing work shop. She did won der what her ob -sta cles were, and if she would be able to over come them.<Kitty, do you want to find out?> The ques tionprac ti cally jumped at her.

Did she have the cour age to find out? She wanted to live out thislife time ful fill ing her soul’s full po ten tial. If that in cluded find ing


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out if she could over come her ob sta cles, yes, she would…she hoped

she had n’t asked for some thing she would re gret later! <Kitty mas tery means to elim i nate vic tim con scious -ness. It means to be free of phys i cal death as a ne -ces sity. It means to in te grate your soul, mind andspirit with your body.>

Then the screen changed and the by now fa mil iar page showing

ex cerpt sixteen ap pear ed with rule num ber six. Some thing was not

right. Where was rule five? Or ex cerpt fif teen? She was sure one was

miss ing.

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Programme...Planet Earth

Be com ing Aware of Emo tional and Men tal Ad dic tions

Rule Six of the awak en ing card game.

This is one of man’s most dif fi cult ad dic -tions to let go of. The power of the mind,when un der con trol of the ego dur ing greatdu ress and stress, will ac ti vate the men tal self pro gram ming of the il lu sion. Then manes capes into his fan tasy world in or der notto feel that he is dis con nected from thesource and soul.

Noth ing ever co mes to you that is be yondyour con scious avail able mind. What is inyour mind will make its ap pear ance in yourphys i cal world. Kitty, only when you nolon ger ac cept an ger, ha tred, guilt, andcon flict as be ing real or hav ing value,will there be no rea son for them to be inyour thoughts. Above all, choose love andpeace above any thing else in any sit u a tion. LOVE POWAH

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She must ask Toon to print this out for her jour nal that she would give to Annelies the fol low ing week be fore the re union of the group. Ing rid won dered if she could adopt love and peace in any sit u a tion. Piet came into her vi sion and she was trou bled by her in tol er ance to -wards him. At least it said that you had to be aware of the ad dic tivebe hav iour within your self.

She started to shiver for she had been contemplating the excerptand it was still not that warm this time in the morning.

The sauna heat welcomed her and the smell of the herbsinvigorated the confined space. As she poured water on the hotcoals, a lot of steam arose and she revelled in the luxury of it all.Toon had been very open-minded about POWAH. What other man would have been? She’d always wondered what it would be like,sharing metaphysical subjects with a partner.

Suddenly she felt cold air coming in. His eyes travelled slowlyover her body as he closed the door. “Kitty, you are beautiful, you aremade for making love to,” She held her breath instantly knowing thatshe had betrayed how much she wanted him. She gasped when hishands caressed her all over. The steam had gone and they saw eachother clearly. Her smile told him she had given him permission longago...so long ago. In the quivering act of her total surrender to him,he took her simply, merging with her.

“Oh, Snooks, I…never realised how much I missed this sex ualplea sure.”

“I’ve been an ab so lute saint to have waited so long. The first mo -ment I saw you in your of fice. You were on the phone. I went al -most dizzy for a mo ment, when your silky sleeve slid away to re veal a beau ti ful, round, soft”…his fin ger trav elled slowly over the con -tours of her breast.

“That’s what I must have felt then, you mentally were alreadymaking love to me,” she nibbled his ear when they heard the phoneringing in the bedroom.

“That must be Otto.” Toon carried her out of the sauna on to


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the bed where they admired each other’s nakedness in full sunlight.

He answered the phone, and after a few minutes told Ingrid that they

had been invited for lunch.

“We’d better get dressed then,” Ingrid giggled when his eyesturned hopeful. “ Hey, Toon!” Jumping away.

“Snooks, I saw that you had a com mu ni ca tion with POWAH on

your lap top.…How do you think it hap pens, the in ter ac tion? ”

“I have no idea but Leo and Trevor will know.… and the more I

ex pe ri ence the more I realise how lit tle I know.” The joy in his eyes

mir rored her feel ings as they got dressed. It switched her off from

trying to re mem ber who Leo was.

“You look stun ning as al ways,” Toon took her hand as they

walked down to ward the other cot tage. Hap pi ness bub bled up such

as she had not known for so long that she had to squeeze his hand to

con firm that it was real.

“Toon, thank good ness, you’ve fi nally come back to us. Ing rid,

when Toon met you he slowed us down with this pro ject at least six

weeks. The last time he came fly ing in was only to cut but ter cups

from the val ley,” Otto mocked, want ing to get back at Toon for his

ne glect.

Toon’s piercing look at Otto made her smile.

“Don’t give everything away all at once.” Ingrid remembered the

buttercups he’d brought in that first day he walked into her office. Now she realised that they were the same flowers that were growing

all over here! She adored him for that special gesture.

“Come and join us on the veranda, you two. Jill, come and sit

down and let Greta take over. We need you here now.” Otto was

ordering them all about around a makeshift drawing table that

displayed a big map with lots of loose paper, drawings and sketches.

“Before all of you explain anything to me, first I want to know

exactly where we are!”

“Toon, didn’t you tell her?”

“Jill, there was no time! You can just imag ine the in qui si tion I

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would have had, if I had told her that I in tended fly ing to the Alps inAus tria!”

“You’re kid ding me?” Otto took her by the arm and brought herto a big ae rial map on the wall in side the cot tage. This val ley is a partof the Rheatian Alps!

Dur ing lunch, which Greta had served on a side board, Jill told hera bit about how they’d all worked to gether in the past on many bigcon struc tion sites all over the world and how they’d prac ti callyadopted Toon whose only dreams were to do the im pos si ble. Ottoand Toon were ear nestly de bat ing en gi neer ing prob lems, she turnedto the draw ing ta ble to see if she could make out what they had inmind.

“Snooks, where are your pro posal plans? All I see are lots of pa -pers with ideas but”…Toon came over and started to ex plain on aclean sheet the vi sion he had in mind of the com mu nity. She lis -tened to his schemes and wanted to add some ideas and sug ges tionsof her own.

“Oh, love, how I wish I had my of fice on my back! I’m ea ger tomake you a pro posal plan so that you can show your con trac torswhat you have in mind. No body will make head or tail of thesescrib bles,” Ing rid’s frus tra tions blew while Toon snug gled up frombe hind and whis pered; “What do you need, Kitty?” Lean ing backagainst him, she re plied.

“Draw ing equip ment, a scan ner, a copier, a com puter with mydraw ing pro gram the lot. I’ll have to do it at the of fice af ter hours.”

“Ing rid, Toon has that equip ment at the top cot tage in his of fice.Come, put that girl to work. We’ve earned it af ter all your tem po rarydi ver sions.”

“Hey, she’s here to re lax, and she has n’t seen any thing of the val -ley, not to men tion the lake! Stop or der ing us all about,” Toon com -plained to Otto, but with a grin on his face as deep down he be gan to en joy get ting to know Ing rid.


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“Snooks, take me to your office. I can see the property later. Jill,

thank you for that lovely lunch but I’d better get to work and I’m too

excited to go sightseeing now.”

“Toon, you could not have picked a better partner! You’ll go far,mark my words.” Otto approved. When Toon took her to the house

and showed her his office, she had to be firm with him as she could

not do any work if he hung around staring at her with those spaniel


“Snooks, go away! I cannot concentrate! Go and do what you

have to do, and come back later.”

“This isn’t what I had in mind; I want to do other things,” he

sighed while looking at her shapely bottom that was showing up

from the stretch of the pantsuit she was wearing.

“I just can’t get enough of you; I’ve been starving all those years!

I have to make up for it, don’t you see?” Toon fondled her all over.

“Snooks, I heard that! Go away and come back at say...four o’clock. I want

to see the valley and everything around here before it gets dark,” she beamed

while she pushed him out of the office....


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Chapter 16

The ‘Lower will’ and the HigherSelf

Community living

Ing rid was in her el e ment be hind her draw ing board. A part ofher that needed to play came to the sur face. Dur ing those mo mentsof ab sence from the mun dane world around her, the un re solved ob -sta cles she’d car ried with her into this life came up. As if some thingin her mind was trig gered, free ing her to re mem ber. While do ing her work, her mind drifted off…into a dif fer ent plane of re al ity. Ing ridfelt her self stand ing in a dif fer ent room, also at a draw ing ta ble butthe draw ings were very dif fer ent, almost…as if she had ex pe ri encedthis be fore! It was just a vi sion....But the draw ings were more of theplan ets? the uni verse?…the gal ax ies?…her tools were old-fash -ioned and she won dered what pe riod it was…

She came back again to the sketches of the com mu nity cen treand was so en grossed in her work that she did n’t hear Toon com ingin un til he en cir cled her waist and kiss ing her neck am o rously.“ Kitty, I missed you,”

“Toon, how many lives do you re mem ber?” Think ing about herflash backs.

“I remembered that I lost you,” he murmured, burying his headin her neck and clutching her so hard that it almost hurt but shedidn’t stop him, and for a long time they just stood there…

“Kitty, I…words that say it are in ad e quate.” he mut tered, whileshe turned, hold ing him tightly.


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“Kitty, this will only end up one way.” She knew what he meant

but then he gasped, while star ing over her shoul der at her work, and

let go of her.

“ Kitty, that’s it, you’ve got it!” “Talk about re jec tion,” she laughed while he was study ing her

draw ings.

“Love, a large part of me has only one thing in mind and you are

feed ing it con stantly.” He took the draw ing, rolled it up and guided

her down the path to the cot tage be low.

“Otto, come here! Look at this,” he ex claimed ex cit edly, “I told you

she reads my mind! She’s drawn it ex actly how I’ve seen it with my

men tal eye. Is n’t she a mar vel?” His pride in her while dis play ing the

draw ings on the ta ble was cap ti vat ing.

Both Otto and Jill stud ied her proof draw ing and loved it. They

spent some time dis cuss ing their im pli ca tions and then Toon took

her for a stroll. She fell in love with But ter cup Val ley.

When they walked through a gorge where a field full of yel low

buttercups greeted them, her eyes wid ened in ab so lute amaze ment.

The pro found still ness was sud denly bro ken when she heard how

wa ter can cre ate a mel ody when it breaks up in waves against the

shore. A large lake, that had been hid den by moun tains, sud denly

dom i nated the scen ery.

“ Snooks, who is going to live here? Who decides that?”

“That seems to happen without me having anything to do with it.

Both Otto and Jill joined me in this venture and there are lots of

others you haven’t met yet. We already have seven communities

almost running, one in South Africa, one in New Zealand, one inAustralia, one in the UK and three in the United States. This is the

eighth and first one in Eu rope, part of the com mu nity that is go ing

to be build on wa ter.” Ed, is a partner in the one in Australia as you

know, and in the float ing pro ject in Holland.”

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“Yes, he told me something about it. I was very surprised at howhe has changed, or we prob a bly both have!”

“When did you see him last, I mean before now?”“When we had the funeral for Jan, I was not the best company. I was

so tired emotionally and physically that I had no energy left for him andjust wanted to close that chapter in my life. He needed some sort ofcomfort that I could not give him. Something happened between uslong ago that I totally misunderstood at the time and I think I must have hurt him deeply.” Her feelings of guilt erupted and her voice dipped asToon looked behind the pain.

“Kitty, Ed had a deep affection for you?” Ingrid was silent as shehad difficulty looking into her own self as to how she had felt aboutEd all these years. At the time in the seventies Ed had smoked potwhereas Jan never did which made up her mind. She wantedchildren and Ed would not have been the right man as the father,which was the deciding factor at the time. She knew in her heart that she longed for Ed in a different way, almost like she now felt againfor Toon. In the previous years when the symptoms of Jan’s illnessappeared, she had thought she was being punished for her ownsexual denial.

She was a good partner for him but somehow there was never the spark that she experienced now with Toon. Something told her thatshe could have had a similar type of relationship with Ed. Ed gotmarried once, which had a painful effect on her. His marriage didn’tlast and there weren’t any children.

“I never want to lose you, Kitty!” Toon’s agony revealed his insecurity.“You never will.” They stood very close in the mid dle of a gorge,

with large cliffs of craggy maj esty around them, hid ing them fromany civili sa tion. The lake gave her a sense of long ing. An in ex press -ible rap ture that was nor mally guarded as one’s deep est de sire, as ifthey had seen each other na ked in that mo ment pro voked the nextac tion. He kissed her so rav en ously that nei ther could have stoppedwhat hap pened next. He lay her down on a soft grass patch among


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the but ter cups and slowly re moved all her cloth ing. Her body came

alive as she men tally screamed; “Please take me.”

Both were almost as exhausted as if they’d climbed a high

mountain, but at the same time the energy of their climax that hadburst through them had somehow healed a far deeper wound that

was from a different, more etheric level of their being.

“Kitty, I’m going to need an early night.”

“What! To re cu per ate? You are a beast, you know.” Know ing

very well how she en joyed mak ing love.

Af ter they came back from their tour around the val ley it be came

over cast. Otto was wait ing for them at their cot tage.

“Toon, your cell-phone has been ring ing. You left it be hind at

our house so I an swered it. It was Harry Brinks. Please can you con -

tact him as soon as pos si ble.” He in vited Ing rid to join them for a

drink. Jill had pre pared din ner and joined her in a glass of wine out -

side on their over hang ing wooden veranda.“That’s my boss! I won der what can be so ur gent?” She told

them about her work and Harry Brinks and the prob lems with the

new com plex in France.

“And what do you think of this place?“

“Jill, what can I say? It’s per fect. Is Toon find ing these places by

just fly ing over them and are they all like this, high up in the moun -


“Toon follows some sort of grid pattern which is apparently

planted in his mind. At least that’s how we understand it works. He

gets a sudden notion and off he goes. In the early days Otto and I

couldn’t understand how he did it, but everything always seemed to

work, the money is always there and besides that he still works as

well. Take the landscaping business he purchased a couple of weeks

ago for instance, and your connection: that’s how things fall into

place for him. Mind you, he has always been searching for you, and

sometimes we were worried when he used to sit for hours talking

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about you, but never really knew if you existed. At least we neverthought so! We just took it for a fan tasy he held on to”

“I know so little about him apart from the fact that he nevermarried. I shouldn’t ask those questions but things happened sofast.”

“Well, mind you, twice he con sid ered mar riage, but some how heal ways walked out at the last mo ment. He broke many a heart thatwe can tell you,” Jill’s ear nest face re minded her of Mc.Nealy…shesud denly laughed.

“You know, I don’t even know how old he is, When is his birth -day?”

“The 15th of April. He turned fifty this year,” Otto in formed her She pondered on the affinity the two astrological fire signs, Leo

and Aries might have. While Otto fetched a jumper for Jill, sheasked: “Jill, how is Otto? I’ve been meaning to ask you, I know hehad a mild heart attack because he told me when both Annelies andToon visited him.”

“Do you know Annelies?”“Yes, I’ve joined her decoding classes, I’m writing a journal on

the first level of the awak en ing work shops” They both looked at herin amazement. Ingrid realised that she had apparently created a stirin their world for some reason, and was dying to know why, whenToon joined them.

“Well, love. There’s a change of plans. Something happened atthe site. Remember the ho lo gram-park? Well things are crumbling.” Ingrid could see that he was worried.

“Snooks are there opposing parties involved? I mean, are therepeople that have objections and are the rumours about underground tunnels valid? If you know anything, then please tell me. I’ve beenplagued with plenty of questions about the whole project right fromthe start.” Ingrid frowned while her whole energy turned intofrustration. Both Otto and Jill looked at Toon.

“You’ll have to tell her about some of the dangers Toon; she’s quite capable


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of deciding what is right and what is not in the interests of humanity as a whole,”

she heard Otto beaming at him.

“Snooks, what is he implying?” Knowing they would hear.

Otto looked startled“Ingrid, we must teach you how to direct your thoughts to one

person. You’re mentally beaming at the whole universe.”

“You mean you two can mentally have a private conversation?

I’m still new at this! I still can’t believe there are so many people

using mental telepathy.”

“There are not that many but we’re very happy for Toon’s sake

that you can. How did we miss that?”

“That’s me, I think. I can screen her off mentally from others,

“Kitty, this is for your mind only: I adore you. I want to play with you. I want


“You both didn’t ...what he just...beamed.?

“Well, not all that clearly as when he pro jects it to us or in the

open, but we know it was in ti mate, as the feel ings are all there,” Jill

guessed with a wide grin.

“All right, love, let me explain something about my part in the

confusing affair of Pleasure Parks. Ben, Leo and Trevor approached

me last year about purchasing the property in France of Harry

Brinks. According to our investigations he was the owner of the

estate except for the small section where the old mine entrance is. This old building that used to belong to the chateau belongs to Nick

du Toit.”

“So this Nick du Toit and Mr Brinks are in partnership?”

“Oh, no! Ben dis cov ered that Nick il le gally forged the doc u -

ments and di vided the prop erty. There’s even a sus pi cion that he

mur dered the old Eng lish ar chae ol o gist that lived there. Inter pol is

in ves ti gat ing this. When Harry Brinks pur chased the es tate he was

un aware that it did not in clude the cha teau and he’s been try ing to

buy it from Nick du Toit through a bro ker but with no luck. Last

year Nick du Toit was ar rested for hav ing heavy gam bling debts and

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so I man aged to pur chase the il le gal doc u ment from him throughmy le gal bro ker, Hans. Ben got Nick on pro ba tion through Inter pol con nec tions. That was their deal. But we now re al ize that all of ushave been used for a far more sin is ter pur pose.”

“But, Toon, if it was illegally acquired by him, why buy it fromhim and what do you mean sinister?”

“To buy time, Leo and Trevor have their headquarters at thechateau, so to speak. They have found things in the old mine shaftthat the English archaeologist left behind.”

“So Annelies was correct that your interest in a landscaping andconstruction firm was more than you led us to believe?” “Why did younot share the conspiracy with us?”

“Otto I was not all that aware about treachery then, none of uswere, and when we ‘woke up’ Ben, like me, wanted to keep Anneliesout of the whole sinister busi ness. He went undercover as youknow.” Ingrid stood up to help herself to more wine when Toonpulled her onto his lap, she knew Toon liked to express his affectionopenly.

“Jill, can you fill her in?” “Ing rid, Nick du Toit was my first hus band. It’s a long story and I

was very young. Nick lived at the cha teau that was turned into an or -phan age dur ing the war.

“You mean like the one in Apeldoorn?”Yes, it be longed, or was run by the same fam ily. The chil dren that

were born there were all named Jaarsma. I knew Nick’s fas ci na tionfor the old, ec cen tric Eng lish gen tle man was only be cause hethought there was a trea sure bur ied there and wanted to be in on it. Nick had al ways been a gam bler, even I was ac quired through a gam -bling debt, but that is an other story I will tell you one day.”

“What is happening in France, Toon? You haven’t told us whatHarry Brinks wanted,” Otto interrupted. “Or is that also a secret!”

“Apparently Harry Brinks is being blackmailed to deliver a DVDthat reveals the underground tunnels.”


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“Toon, do you mean they know that there is a DVD?”

“Yes love, they do now, when you spotted the symbol, I then

realized the tunnels are the lines that form the symbol.”

“What is so special about these tunnels?” Otto asked. “Gold, that’s it, they are after what is hidden inside them!” Ingrid

suddenly knew that was why Piet was so nasty, she had chanced

upon the drawings! But why? Toon explained all he knew about the

hologram deck to Otto and Jill. Otto knew that Ben was troubled by

Interpol himself!

“But…is he not an agent?” Her mind leaped.

“That’s the sinister part, he is and he uncovered something they

were hiding!”

“What Interpol?”

“Kitty, peo ple are used through their sub con scious ness but they

are un aware of it them selves and prob a bly feel they are do ing some

good. They are now boy cott ing the whole pro ject. Harry Brinks

wants us to join him on the site on Mon day.”

“Snooks, why did you purchase a whole construction firm? To

become one of the subcontractors?”

“Yes, love but there is a lot more at stake. I’ll tell you all about it in

due course but I’ve no idea what is going on now.” He shook his

head and sighed. Ingrid was thinking that she only knew the one

subcontractor, Roelof de Beer. Her in-laws had many dealings withhim but she now wondered. The other two subcontractors she didn’t

know as Piet had handled their contract.

“Snooks, is Mr. Brinks aware that I’m with you?”

“He apparently knows. I was just as surprised at that as well.” “Is

that a problem with you?” Toon’s expression was of pure adoration and


“Take that smirk off your face! I’m just surprised. That’s all.”

Sliding off his lap while ruffling his hair Ingrid’s stomach began to

ache from all the delicious food Greta a cook from a village nearby

had prepared. She stretched while leaning against the wooden rail,

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admiring the view.“Mmm ... I’m sure the connection must be Annelies or Yolanda. Who

knows?” Unless Ed ... “What about Ed? What’s go ing on?” Toon laughed and Ing rid

realised that her thoughts were an open book to them. She def i nitely needed to learn the skill of screen ing soon. Then Ing rid told them asmall part of the con spir acy she and Liesbeth had schemed, shemade them all prom ise never to tell, real is ing that Otto and Jill knewEd very well.

“I’m glad for Yolanda. That first hus band of hers was no good,and he’s heavily in volved with the same crowd that Nick hangsaround with. Thank good ness I’m free of them,” Jill ex plodedwhen Otto grabbed her hand.

“Remember love. It is a subconscious manipulation.” “Jai, jai, jai”“Toon, please do go slow with that one. She has no idea what

she’s in for; but at least she has Annelies on her side. Tell us how youman aged that!”

“Jill, Annelies was never aware of the connection; she’s slippingup,” Toon laughed. “Mind you, it took all my mental powers toblock her probing mind, I can tell you that.”

“Wow, but you must be getting stronger then.”“Yes, but when Ingrid joined us telepathically I had more

difficulty screening her projections and pretending I didn’t know her thoughts,” he continued, slapping his knee.

“Ingrid, you didn’t know?”“Well, yes and no. I was being very discreet in general,” “Except to

you of course,” trying to beam that thought di rectly. “What do you mean? You are not discreet with me? Toon beamed while

flirting. “I haven’t even started with you yet!” Both were enchanted with each

other in the silent mental beam of delight that Jill and Otto heavedfrom laughter.


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“Toon, she’s very good!” Ingrid felt as if she had found her long-lost

family. Never had she connected with others in this way. She had

always been under the impression that it was just her own

imagination, and tried to block it out when she felt that people werelying to her. Now she understood why she felt so comfortable with

them. They were crystal clear because their words at least matched

their thinking!

“Welcome home,” They beamed in unison which brought on tears.

A huge release from years of repressing other people’s thoughts,

because the subconscious betrayal was over. Toon stood up to hug


“Toon, take her to bed! She looks tired, and you both have a busy day ahead

of you.” Jill pro jected.

“Kitty, are you really worn out by me?” Toon teased when they

strolled back to their own bed room.

“Snooks, don’t kid yourself, I don’t tire that easily but do you

know what I feel like doing!” “What?”

“Soak ing in the Ja cuzzi with lots of bub bles!” They both ran

gaily to wards their cot tage, elated by each other’s com pany.

Half-way House

Ing rid was woken up the next morn ing by the prob ing beams of

sun light that fil tered through the wooden win dows. She felt Toon’s

eyes on her. He was ly ing on his side with his arm sup port ing his

head, high enough to ob serve her.

“Did you sleep well?” he whispered.

“Mmm! …Yes, stretching herself out like a cat, releasing all the

stiffness in her muscles.

“Did you?” she reached out to touch his cheek.

“Oh,…yes”…He stroked her face. “You are…so…lovely!”

“I think you are terrific too!” Looking back at him with a relaxed

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expression thinking, she could not have invented a better bedpartner, lover and business partner or whatever they would be toeach other. She observed Toon fluffing some pillows, settlinghimself so that he could see her clearly, then he pulled the duvetaway slowly, his eyes travelling over her naked body. She needed tomove because of his gaze.

“Please stay still, Kitty” he choked. “I have to get up but when you move, something happens to me

that I cannot control.” They flirted to see who would be the first tobreak the foreplay both were engaged in. Toon made a sound at theback of his throat like a deep animalistic call and she couldn’t helpbut burst the bubble by responding; “You are an animal!”

That was plenty of rea son for Toon to make love, as she knew hewould.

Toon was work ing out their flight plan on his lap top for the flightto the Plea sure Park site near Paris where they had ar ranged to meetMr. Brinks. She used Toon’s cell-phone to in form Jeroen that shewould not be home be fore Mon day night. It was 8.30 on Sundaymorn ing and when Jeroen an swered with a sleepy voice she chat tedto him about But ter cup Val ley, while send ing him some pic tures ofthe val ley over the phone.

“Mom, Mr. Brinks phoned here and was very de ter mined to gethold of you or Toon. I phoned the lady where you go for your classes to find out if they knew where the two of you went. Should I not havegiven Toon’s num ber?”

“Oh, now we know. We both wondered how he knew I was withToon.”

“Mom..... are you....you know...”“Jeroen!” She chided looking up at Toon who with a gesture

asked for the cell-phone.“Jeroen, what would you like to know that your mother might not

tell you?” He made a comical face when listening and she tried to


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read his mind. Jeroen seemed to sug gest some sort of ar range ment.

“That’ll be splendid! I’m looking forward to meeting all of you.

We’ll keep you informed when we are back, and, Jeroen, I’ll look

after her very well.” Laughter was spreading all over his face. “Well, well, your son has just informed me that both his sisters

were shocked that he never even told them about me. They all

insisted on an informal introduction.”

“I hope you are up to this? My chil dren can be very in sis tent

when it co mes to fam ily mat ters!” She hugged him with all the

strength in her arms.

“Kitty, I’ll be very proud to meet them. I never had any children,

and I would love to be a good friend to them.” His sincerity was


“Snooks, nobody, not even my children, has any say about whom

I sleep with, or whom I’m in love with, but I’ll be just as proud to

show you off.” Her kiss demonstrated how much.

“Kitty, I have to talk to Otto be fore we leave so let’s have break -

fast with them.” He took both their bags while walk ing down the

nar row path to their cot tage.

“Good morn ing! Do tell us your plans.” Jill greeted them, hav ing

laid out break fast on the pa tio. The sun revitalised the whole val ley

with its ra di ance.

“Jill, I’ve con tacted Pe ter and Helen. We have to be on the Plea -

sure Park site by Mon day af ter noon so I’ve booked us into their

B&B. It’s only one hour by car so I’ll use that op por tu nity to in tro -

duce Ing rid.” Toon pulled out a chair for her.

“Ing rid, you’ll adore their three chil dren. They are our pride and

joy. Pe ter is our adopted son. Our fam ily is com pli cated but one day

you’ll know our clan. Leave it to Annelies and give them our love.”

Otto joined them and started discussing with Toon about the

large crew that would arrive soon.“Ing rid, do you know if the name Jaarsma is in your fam ily?” Ing -

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rid looked at Jill in amaze ment.“Gee, this fascination about the Jaarsma name! Her mind went back to…a sud den vi sion of a mas sive big build -

ing and chil dren’s laugh ter in the back ground. What was her con -nec tion with this im age all of a sud den? Ing rid realised that she hadbeen drift ing off in a split sec ond into other time, just like in the cof -fee shop! Then she re sponded to Jill’s ques tion.

“Yes, my grand mother, whose name was Kitty Jaarsma, died when I was nine years old. I re mem ber her very well as she used to visit uswhen we lived in Am ster dam.” Otto stopped his con ver sa tion withToon.

“Jill, do you think it’s the same Kitty I think it is?” “Oh, yes, that ex plains a lot, and I bet Annelies is aware of it as

well.”“What are you two on about?” “Toon, did Annelies never talk about the conversations she had

as a child, with a nun called Dienie?” “Otto, I was n’t even aware that you knew about it. What brought that up?”

Toon looked per plexed.“Some thing Annelies told me years ago, be fore I met Jill, I never

re ally thought about it un til now, be cause the name ‘Kitty Jaarsma’came up.”

“Are you going to tell us what Annelies told you?” Toon askedmore for Ingrid’s sake.

“Ingrid, we’re a large family, but very scattered. Annelies andFred are a half-brother and sister to me and my sister Margaret. Iwas visiting our home in Leersum when Margaret moved out to start her nursing career. Toon that was the time you came to live withthem. Let me think. It must have been in 1962 when you wereabout five. Annelies must have been fifteen when she told me thestory one evening. I remember it well. Fred, who must have beenaround five as well, got very ill, so I was asked to look after you whileour father took him to the hospital.”


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“Annelies al ways talked about Dienie, the nun, that started the

Jaarsma or phan age with the two Jaarsma sis ters. Ap par ently

Annelies al ways saw this nun in the gar dens of our home in

Leersum. It was a big joke in our fam ily as no body had ever seen this nun ex cept Annelies. One day Dienie told her that she, Annelies,

was re spon si ble for gath er ing the Jaarsma clan to gether, be cause

they were go ing to play a very big role in the trans for ma tion that was

to come. That’s why we thought that Annelies had a role to play in

get ting the two of you to gether. Toon, do you re mem ber any thing

about the orphanage?”

“No, not really. Something about nuns, yes, but I think I

remember more things from what Annelies told me.”

“You’re all talking about the Prinsengracht ho tel, or the one in

France?” Ing rid butted in, looking at Jill with large eyes.

“The one in Apeldoorn, but it did n’t look any thing like what it is

to day, it was very run down when Annelies and Fred bought it. Did

Annelies show you the star paint ing?”

“Yes, she did.”

“We are all con nected in one way or an other. It cap tured Leo’s fas -

ci na tion be cause of the etheric and ge netic blood line that runs

through us all.” Otto added. Ing rid re called that he had given a talk at

the United World – 2008 con gress in Zu rich.

“Otto, my grand mother’s name was Ka trina Jaarsma, not so?” Toon asked.

“ I know that you and Annelies have the same grandmother, but

we’re a bit confused as to how Ingrid is related.”

“Annelies tried to decode the Jaarsma orphanage’s tree. I know

that Mien Jaarsma was the second wife of my first husband. Her

father, was also a John Jaarsma,” Jill said with laughter in her voice,

when she saw Ingrid’s face.

“Otto, you’ve still not told us about the story Annelies told you

about the nun,” Toon reminded him.

“No, but Toon, hey, you two must leave. It’ll take you about three

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hours fly ing. It’ll have to wait for an other time. Tell Pe ter to get pre -pared to move up here in six months time, will you?” Otto’s re gret inhis voice was very ap par ent. He liked Toon’s com pany and now thatIng rid had joined their cir cle, it seemed un fair to break up their dis cus -sion. When Ing rid looked around her, she felt acutely how all the build -ing ma te ri als that were be ing offloaded from the big lor ries made theplace sud denly dif fer ent from what it was the day be fore. They saidgood bye to Otto and Jill, ex press ing their hope of an other meet ingsoon. She still had a great deal to ask them, es pe cially things about Toon.

“What do you want to know?” he beamed after he had talked with the control tower.

“Lots of things. For a start, ex plain to me again how you are re lated toAnnelies.”

“Annelies’ mother was my mom’s sister. My own parents died together in anaccident when I was seven months old.” The noise in the cockpit made nodifference to them.

“Toon, when did you be come aware that you could pro ject thoughts like youdo?”

Mmm... Toon fid dled with some set tings, “Annelies used to prac tice onme, say ing it was the nun Dienie that told her to teach oth ers to com mu ni cate prop -erly.” He took her hand and brought it to his lips.

“Kitty, you’re im prov ing all the time, you know.” Ing rid was ad mir ing the beau ti ful scen ery down be low, and rev el -

ling in the free dom of be ing up in the sky. They were still fly ing at ahigh al ti tude, Toon was in con tact with dif fer ent peo ple in the con -trol tow ers whom he knew by their first names.

“My grandmother must have been very telepathic. She used to talk to me aswe are now. …My mother tried to stop her once. I think she was aware of ourthought projections. Quincy was always talking to my gran about the colours shesaw around people when my mother was not around. I never saw colours, but Icould hear voices. Toon, tell me about Dienie.”

“Be fore I go into that dis cus sion, Kitty, can you get me the lap top which is al ready con nected to my CPS sys tem, and bring the air map


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on the screen? I need to do some cal cu la tions.” He spoke into the

mi cro phone be cause the noise was very loud if they took off their

well-pad ded head phones. She re mem bered the programme and

turned the screen to Toon. He made some changes on the con trolpanel and talked again to some one be low. She turned around at the

back where there was a flask with cof fee and some stru dels Jill had

packed for them.

“Toon, you were go ing to tell me about Dienie?” hand ing him his

cof fee.

“Kitty, Annelies is ten years older and to me she is both a sister, a

teacher, a friend, and even in later years a counsellor. I owe a lot to

her as she was there for me when I was very depressed. She told me

a story that was so fantastic that I did not really take it all that

seriously until many years later, when I was searching for answers.”

She glanced at him sideways, wondering how much Ed had told him

about her.

“A lot, Kitty, so much so that I think I fell in love with you be fore I even met

you. When Ed and I used to go to a bar, af ter a big job, we both used to offload to

each other. At those mo ments he al ways talked about you.” Ing rid felt a stab

of pain for Ed’s un hap pi ness.

“I was get ting so fa mil iar with you that I used to look for ward to hear ing

about you. He loved his brother, and when he got ill he had to re strain him self

from run ning back home to be with you.” That must have been when shefelt so guilty, think ing Jan’s ill ness must have been a pun ish ment.

“I know his fa ther tried many times to of fer him the di rec tor ship of the firm

in the past but he kept de clin ing it. Kitty, I can feel your hurt, what are your feel -

ings now?” She could feel his re luc tance, per haps his fear of hear ing

the truth. What were her feel ings? Now she re garded Ed as a

brother, but in the past it had been dif fer ent.

“Snooks, when Jan and I were court ing, Ed was al ways with us. I knew that

we had a con nec tion on a dif fer ent level, a bit like we have now, but now I know

that it would never have been like what we have. I hope for his sake that he will

find hap pi ness with Yolanda.”

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Toon kissed her fin gers, her arm, her el bow, “heeeee watch out!” Hetook a dive down!…and up! The crack ling noise from the sta tion be low was buzz ing in her ear. Was he do ing some thing he should n’t? Toonstarted to give in struc tions into the mike while giv ing her a big grin.

“I wanted to jump for joy, that’s all.” You have no idea what agony it hasbeen, thinking that I’ve stolen the love of his life. Kitty, I want to be married toyou, I want you to be my wife, my partner, my lover, my best friend, and above all, I want to awaken next to you physically as well as spiritually. Kitty, don’t givean answer yet if I’m too fast for you.” Did she really hear all that? Atelepathic marriage proposal? She knew she loved him deeply. Shewanted to be with him, but marriage? Would it be the same?

“Toon...I want to live with you first. I’ll be your lover, your friend, and yourcom pan ion, and I will want to wake up with you, phys i cally as well as spir i tu -ally.” Toon sud denly held her by her blouse and pulled her to wardshim. She could feel and hear his thoughts that were very vi sual at thesame time.

“ Mean ing I will move in with you? And you’ll come with me when I need togo away?” She planted a kiss on his nose.

“Let me hold on to my job for now, at least un til the pro ject in Paris is fin -ished. I’ll make up my mind about the mar riage part af ter the open ing of theParis com plex in Sep tem ber.” He was laugh ing, while still hold ing hertightly.

“You’ll make sure you have the last word lady, but that’s only be cause I’moth er wise oc cu pied.” He was be ing called on the ra dio so their thoughtpro jec tions were not pos si ble any more. Toon needed all his at ten -tion for his fly ing. She was well aware that he was a very strong, per -sua sive man and she needed to keep her wits about her if she wanted to main tain her in de pend ence.

They landed at Liech ten stein to re fuel and con tin ued. Oc ca sion -ally he asked her to look up some thing on the com puter screen fromthe lap top on her lap. They were fly ing lower and she could makeout vil lages, mo tor ways, moun tains and green hills. Our planet is a


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beau ti ful place, why could it not al ways be like this? Sud denly she

saw the lap top screen brighten up.<Hello, Kitty, let’s talk about joy. First of all,you are feel ing happy, which is an emo tional andper son al ity re ac tion. Then you feel an in ner joywhich is the qual ity of the soul which is ac ti vatedin the mind when align ment takes place.>

“Is that POWAH? ”

“Yes, it amazes me ev ery time” Turn ing the lap top for him to read.

<POWAH, that ac cel er ated happy feel ing. Is that mostly

my per son al ity?> she typed<Yes, Kitty, but by bring ing joy to oth ers you willboth al ways have joy and by bring ing about con di -tions which help oth ers ex press them selves freely,then your joy in the liv ing-ness is a ser vice. Pon -der on joy, hap pi ness, gai ety and bliss. These re -lease the chan nels of the in ner life and ex tend to awide cir cle of many kinds of peo ple. Kitty, joyheals the phys i cal body and helps you do your workef fort lessly. Learn to feel joy. You are both stand -ing at the door way of great changes, in your per sonal as well as in your com mu nity lives.>

“Kitty, ask about these changes” But before Ingrid could touch

the keyboard, the screen reacted instantaneously.<The best for both of you is to be fully in yourpres ent mo ment. The joy you and Toon feel is the keyyou must cul ti vate to gether. This re laxed flow thatfeeds you both is an ec stasy of in ner bliss which isthe eter nal pres ence within, which has al ways beenthere! Such a state of con scious ness will al low youboth to en joy the speeded-up en ergy cur rents andwill heighten your aware ness. This fre quency ofhigher cur rents will sweep through the earth dur ingthe ex pan sion of the non-time in ter val.>

<POWAH, how will these higher cur rents be man i fested on

our planet? Will they in ter fere with our en ergy re sources?>

Toon asked af ter he read POWAH’s mes sage.<Yes, Toon, it will, but long be fore the mo ment of

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col lec tive awak en ing hap pens. Around the planetsuf fi cient groups of peo ple have al ready re ceivedthis in ner call ing. Some have to live in com mu ni -ties where they can func tion on higher fre quen ciesof aware ness in or der to dis place the in flu ences of those who may re act in fear.>

<You say some peo ple but you mean that not all have to livein those com mu ni ties?> Ing rid’s mind was work ing over time. <That’s cor rect. Some are light work ers, like youtwo, who will travel and dis play this in ner truth ontheir own. When this joy and love ra di ate from youboth into your sur round ings, heal ing will take place where it’s needed. It will come to pass that youyour selves have to be able to visit these light cen -tres, to re con nect, just as you now need a break from your work. The chaos brought about by fear-trappedfrag mented souls and the phys i cal dam age ex pressedthrough war can have a de plet ing ef fect on all of you.>

<POWAH, I get the feel ing that we don’t have all that much time left. Is that so?><Toon, in cer tain places on earth chaos and de struc -tion is al ready in the pro cess of erupt ing any mo -ment. The cen tre you started on in the Rhaetian Alps is needed there to cre ate some sort of power-house,just as you now have power sta tions on your planetfor your en ergy re sources. When your nat u ral en ergyre sources start to col lapse, this and many otherlight cen tres will take over the func tion of yourpres ent en ergy sup ply. Your own small fam ily unitwill be come a beam of light soon. You both will dis -cover what your soul’s pur pose is and how it is usedfor the good of all.>

<POWAH, you seem to know our fu ture. Can you see whatis hap pen ing be fore we know it?><Toon, the I AM within you knows there is no ‘here’and no ‘there’ but only om ni pres ence. It’s yoursoul’s po ten tial to en joy per fect spir i tual free domfrom time and space. Your free will and how you useit will cre ate your man i fes ta tions. That which is


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cre ated goes back into the cre ator. But you bothknow that, so why ask?>

I know that I still have some fears in me that make me anxious about

making mistakes and I also know that I will be more determined to live my soul’s full potential with Kitty at my side. I know she has some fears of losing her

freedom. She heard Toon’s thought and wondered what her soul

purpose is that POWAH says she’ll soon know.<Hu mans are very good re flec tions of each other, es -pe cially when they are as close as you two are. Toon, you are re flect ing your own fears about com -mit ment. Kitty has proved be yond any doubt the abil -ity to com mit fully to a re la tion ship, but have you?>

Gosh, typ ing wasn’t even nec es sary. Their thoughts were di rectly

an swered! Ing rid was al most sorry for him hav ing to get such a

straight an swer. She looked side ways and saw that Toon was grin ning.

“Wow, that was very di rect! Or is my mind giv ing me a taste of

my own pit fall?” They were de scend ing and Ing rid could see a run -

way in the far dis tance.<Your mind and mine are the same. You’d better land your plane be fore you run out of fuel. Your lovefor each other is a joy to be hold. Con tem plate your next ex cerpt. Love POWAH>

“POWAH sends his love and tells you to land the plane soon,

Snooks,” she beamed be fore read ing ex cerpt sev en teen. She was

sure that rule five was miss ing.

The ‘Lower will’ and the Higher Self

Programme...Planet Earth Hand ing over the Lower will and Sur ren der ing to the Higher Self

Rule Seven on the awak en ing card game.Mas tery over the three lower chak ras willex pand the size of your au ric field aslarger seg ments of soul de scend.

The 1st red root chak ra at the base of thespine is the gift of life.

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When Ing rid saw Toon look ing at his fuel gauge and swear -ing at him self, she knew from his mind that he’d been so pre oc cu -pied with her and POWAH that he’d not been pay ing full at ten tionto his con trol panel.

The con trol tower was di rect ing him for land ing and she wasamazed how the time had just flown by. Her legs were stiff and shewas look ing for ward to feel ing the ground un der her again. She stillwon dered what had hap pened to ex cerpt fif teen…


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Prac tise be ing in the ab so lute joy of the mo -ment and see ing your self as an ex ten sion oflove’s per fec tion.The qual ity of For give ness heals this chak raso it can spin faster.

The 2nd or ange en ergy vor tex chak ra givesstruc ture to life. This sex ual chan nel hasthe ca pac ity to chan nel very high vi bra tionsof en ergy for the pur pose of gov er nance andcre ation. Open your self to the ex pres sion ofhav ing it flow through you. Bal ance in allthings heals this chak ra.

The 3rd yel low en ergy vor tex chak ra gives wis dom to life. The right use of this power is un con di -tional love.This wis dom is com ing to you in termsof sur ren der ing your self and giv ing up re sis tance to ev ery thing that is not re flect ing peace. Sur -ren der ing to your soul power heals this chak ra.When your life force can flow faster through thefirst three lower chak ras it will awaken and ex -pand the field of your heart chak ra.

The 4th green heart chak ra gives har mony tolife. The mas tery of this chak ra will pre pare theper son for a new form of re la tion ship like soulre la tion ships and the in clu sion and ed u ca tion ofoth ers in a fifth–di men sional par a digm. Rec og nize your self as be ing in a state of love. Com pas sionfor your self and oth ers heals this chak ra.


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Chapter 17

Beliefs and Judgments


When Toon was free of the land ing pro ce dures, they were

greeted by a short, stocky, jolly man.

“Hello, Toon, am I glad to see you! We ex pected you sooner and

your peo ple have been wait ing for at least an hour. What hap pened?”

Toon shook his hand with his arm hug ging Ing rid’s shoul ders.

“Ingrid, this is Dirk. We learned to fly together, he runs his own

airbase and I’m forever grateful to him because he looks after my

plane as if it were his own, something I’d entrust only to him.”

“I’m pleased to meet you, and thank you for looking after Toon’s


“Your partner? Toon, have you finally found her? Wait until I tell

Christine.” Toon held her close, whispering. “He and his lovely wife

tried many times to hook me up with a date. Thank goodness I don’t have to go through that again.”

Suddenly Ingrid heard a commotion of little feet running.

“ Uncle Toon…Oh, you’ve come, you’ve come!” Two children, a

boy of about seven and a younger girl, came dashing from around

the corner of the hangar and were hanging on to his legs the

moment he put his bags down. He picked them both up expressing

his joy at seeing them. It charmed Ingrid’s heart to witness the love

he clearly felt for those children. A young couple, of which the

woman was carrying a toddler, greeted them.

“Well, we’re glad you’ve arrived! We were getting worried. Did

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you have bad weather?” the man was shaking Toon’s hand and at thesame time disengaging the children from Toon with difficulty.

“Timmy, please give uncle Toon a chance to introduce us to hislady friend,” the mother told him.

“Hi, I’m Helen and my husband, Peter.” Ingrid felt at ease witchtheir warm welcome.

“We’ve al ready heard a lot about you from mom and dad, andwe’re thrilled by your visit. Come, the car is wait ing to take you home.” To her sur prise she felt a lit tle hand slid ing into hers, glanc ing downshe looked into a pair of big blue eyes that held such open ness only achild can dis play, ac cept ing her as if she knew her well.

“Hi, and what may I call you?” The little girl bounced whilechatting.

“My name is Karin that is my brother Timmy, and my babysister’s Jenny. What’s your name?” Ingrid smiled.

“You may call me Ingrid.” “When are you going to get married?” Timmy asked when they

arrived at a Landrover. Toon roared, his eyes challenged her. “Kitty, I adore you. Mar ry ing you is a com mit ment I’ll gladly un der take”

They were all stand ing next to a Landrover wait ing. She was think ingfast for they were plainly not let ting her get away with just any an swer! She re mem bered from Otto that these were the peo ple who were go -ing to move to the com mu nity at But ter cup Valley.

“Let’s see…when the sum mer’s over…and you have to startschool soon…before you move to your new home…in the moun -tains.…Toon and I will in vite you to our wed ding party. Sat is fied?” She was sud denly picked up from the ground by Toon with such ad o -ra tion. She felt very ex posed.

“Oh Kitty, I love you, I love you, I’ll always love you.” He kissed her as ifhe was never going to let go. Helen laughed, “I have to phone Momand Dad! I know they want to hear this news.”

They all climbed into the Landrover. Both chil dren squeezedthem selves be tween her and Toon. Helen was still hold ing the tod -


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dler while turn ing her head, “Please, Ing rid, will you take Jennie from me,

since I’m in the front,”

“But of course.” “I’d love to.”…she took Jenny in her lap.

“Mom, she has clear ears as well!” Timmy beamed at his mother asToon ruf fled the boy’s hair.

“Peter. You’ll have to start teaching him to stop eavesdropping.”

“Toon, you try, I’ve explained the rules but he has not taken any

notice of them yet.”

It had been a long time since Ing rid had a small child in her arms.

What a joy to fol low Jenny’s ques tion ing blue eyes! Both the girls

had curly, light golden blonde hair but Karin’s hair was lon ger and

many a teen ager would ‘die’ for their hair to do what Karin’s hair did.

Toon was ex plain ing to both Helen and Pe ter that he’d fol lowed a

lon ger fly ing route to show Ing rid some scen ery, when she beamed

teas ingly.

“You never did such a thing! We were hav ing a con ver sa tion with POWAH

while you were cir cling!”

“Who’s POWAH?” Peter asked out loud. Both Toon and Ingrid

looked at Peter in his rear view mirror.

“Sorry, I seem to have broken my own rules.”

While they were driving through breathtaking scenery, Ingrid was

thinking she could easily live here.

“I’m so glad you like it here, Kitty. Take a good look around as we’ll be com -ing back here.”

Pe ter stopped in front of an im pos ing gate which opened by re -

mote con trol. Ing rid grinned at the tra di tional gates that op er ated by

mod ern high-tech elec tronic de vices. They drove up a wind ing lane

lined with rows of trees which cre ated an at mo sphere of tran quil lity

all of its own. They ar rived at a beau ti ful chateau with a sign:‘The Cup of Gold Half way–House’ B&B.

By your choice you dwell now in the world which you havecre ated. What you hold in your heart will be true, and what

most you ad mire, that you will be come.

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“Toon, that’s the same sign that you displayed at Buttercup Valley, and it’snamed after the flower!” Helen laughed at Ingrid’s surprise

“Didn’t you know that you have a very wealthy man that’s madlyin love with you?”

“Meaning what? Toon? This also belongs to you?” “Kitty, it will be long to peo ple who live here. No body has to own it, just use it.”Af ter a short drive on a twist ing gravel lane, Pe ter stopped in

front of a wide stone stair case that led to a mas sive front door. Theview of the build ing was hid den by mas sive trees and shrubs.

“This chateau will be used as a ‘doorway‘ to the community in the Alps,” Helen explained.

“What do you mean by a doorway?”“Toon’s vision is that people who want to live in a community

have to release most of their attachments to material possessions,meaning that they will retain their privacy and their individuallifestyle in their own cottages, but on paper little will belong to thempersonally.

“You mean peo ple have to be will ing to leave their ma te rial pos ses -sions be hind?” There was a great sense of peace in the air. The soundof birds and run ning wa ter dis closed a na ture sanc tu ary not far awayas they en tered a foyer full of plants. A wa ter fea ture next to a stair -case re minded her of the ar range ment Toon had de liv ered at work.

“Ing rid the nor mal per sonal items and me men tos that es tab lishes our in di vid ual taste;which are still im por tant to us we keep, and anytools or other equip ment that co mes along with the skills each per -son brings in, yes that stays one’s per sonal prop erty, but for the rest,our daily com mod i ties, like out build ings, sport ac tiv i ties, rec re ationsand any equip ment that a com mu nity needs in or der to be pros per -ous, will be long to the whole group.” Helen ex plained as she pressed an in ter com button to announce their arrival.

“Most people are not ready for a changeover, even if they thinkthey do” Peter added, then he asked Timmy to call Heidi, theirnanny.


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“Kitty this is a stopover where selected people get introduced to

a new way of sharing before they take up community liv ing. We are

also train ing peo ple for emer gen cies. None of us know when the

first signs of the ris ing wa ters are go ing to af fect great masses ofour pop u la tion. All over the world many people are al ready moving

to higher ground, but as you well know, a great part of Hol land is

well be low sea level.”

“How can we pos si bly be pre pared for such a cat a strophic


Es pe cially the bartering system that we still have to improve on as

time goes on.”

"Snooks, what do you mean by selected people?"

“Kitty, anyone who seriously has arrived at a point where they

would rather choose an alternative lifestyle that will support their

soul passion, instead of staying in the old par a digm and have already

gone through major changes in their lives, don’t you agree?”

Toon opened massive glass sliding doors that were leading onto a

wooden terrace that overlooked a vineyard. Karin let go of her hand

and ran to a tricycle in the corner. Jenny started to feel heavy in her

arms. Ingrid was so taken by the abundance of it all, she imagined

that many people would gladly walk away from their mundane lives

in order to partake in a new lifestyle however challenging, when they

see all this. “Ingrid you are right” Peter beamed. “We have people stay here that

have explored many different options to new economics.” He

added as he handed Toon some letters.

“Ing rid, the Half-way Houses around the world are used for trial

stop over places as Helen men tioned. The fo cus on in di vid u al ity

verses the whole group ap proach, in terms of liv ing con di tions, is

earned through the skills each per son is will ing to con trib ute. We

also have to make this en ter prise work for it self. No body gets any

hand outs. That’s why we run a guest house as well as a vine yard, a

plant nurs ery, a small pub lish ing house and soon we hope to open

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an art gal lery with a tea room where peo ple can meet and dis playtheir tal ents.” Pe ter’s eyes glit tered, show ing his pas sion for theHalf-way House project.

“Your future husband is a good businessman.” Helen smiled upat Toon as she spread her arms wide admiring the view.

The children’s nanny appeared and a wriggling golden cockerspaniel called ‘Snoopy’, adopted her straight away.

“Ing rid, will you come up to help me change?” Karin asked. Shethought she’d better give Helen a hand think ing about the many tasksthat were prob a bly wait ing for her. She was still hold ing Jenny in herarms when she saw that Toon was hyp not i cally star ing at her and atthat mo ment she longed to be alone with him. Jenny broke the spellwhen she clearly in di cated that she wanted to walk by her self.

Ing rid came down stairs af ter the nanny had bathed the chil dren andgiven them their sup per. She was sur prised that the par ents did noteat with their chil dren. They were wait ing for her in the lounge hav -ing cock tails. Snoopy jumped up to say ‘hello’, but was pushed backby Helen.

“Ingrid, my apologies, but Snoopy has taken a real liking to you.” Toon patted at a space next to him on the couch.

“Is Heidi man ag ing up stairs? I’ve prom ised them that if theyeat their meal in the play room to night with Heidi, they may be al -lowed to go with us to mor row morn ing to the aero plane and lookin side. Toon, I prob a bly bribed them but it’s some times so nice to be free for an eve ning.” Helen was peer ing at Toon for ap proval.

“That’s a deal. Ing rid, I’ve told Pe ter and Helen why we camehere. They’re go ing to drive us to the site to mor row af ter lunch andI’ve just spo ken to Harry Brinks, who, by the way, knows both Pe terand Helen very well.”

“Really?”“Harry Brinks is a brother of my grandfather,” Helen explained.

Ingrid was not surprised anymore, thinking about the family tree.


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Ingrid and Toon relaxed in their company. Her eyes roved over the

beautiful Turkish carpet, on the lustrous brick floor.

“Love, I’d like to in vite your un cle Harry to our guest house to -

mor row eve ning, if that’s all right with both of you? I think he’s onhis own a lot since his wife died about five years ago.”

Both Ingrid and Toon were impressed by Peter’s hospitality.

Toon would offer him a lift back to Holland in the plane.

Af ter din ner, when Pe ter and Toon were talk ing about the build ing

plans for But ter cup Val ley while Ing rid was lis ten ing to Helen’s idea

of start ing a spe cial school when they would move to the moun tains. Helen was a school teacher who’d al ways wanted to teach on her

own, based on the ed u ca tional phi los o phies of Rudolf Steiner and

the awak en ing ma te rial. Ing rid got ex cited and she was soon mak ing

sketches at their huge diningroom ta ble for a school build ing in the

main street of the prop erty. They were both so in volved, Ing rid

never no ticed that Toon stood be hind her, look ing over her shoul der

at the draw ings that were spread out on the ta ble.

“Kitty, that’s great! I’ll have to scan this drawing for Otto and

send it so that he can prepare the site for the school immediately.”Helen talked to her about how they got in volved a year ago when

Toon needed a cou ple who could run the Half-way House. Both she and Pe ter had been to Damanhur in It aly for six months prior, in or -der to learn as much as pos si ble about com mu nity liv ing and the new eco nomic sys tems that were on trial there.

“Pe ter is very in ter ested in Perma cul ture so to gether we have runthis half way house as best we can. The pub lish ing busi ness was hereal ready and Toon has asked if Liesbeth would be in ter ested to run -ning that sec tion after we have moved to But ter cup valley.”

“Re ally, she never told me that!” Writ ing and ed it ing was

Liesbeth’s skill, but was it her pas sion?“Ing rid, this came for you through the e-mail so I printed it out.”

She was speech less when Pe ter handed her ex cerpt eigh teen. Toonex plained about POWAH.

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Ing rid won dered why POWAH had writ ten that shecould do it. Un der what con di tions would she not be able to be lov -ing? Ing rid felt a wave of sad ness that she shook off as fast as pos -si ble. They all wanted to read the ex cerpt and Helen asked about theother trans mis sions. She was dis tracted by Toon’s arms that he wrapped round her from be hind.


The Awakening Clan

Programme...Planet EarthRule eight of the awak en ing card game.

Mas tery over Be liefs and Judg ments about them.Mas tery of this ex cerpt is es sen tial in or der

to learn how to nav i gate non phys i cal en ergy re al -i ties con sciously through out the jour ney, whiledis en gag ing the death hor mone. Bring ing the fol -low ing three chak ras into unity by bal anc ingthem, will lead to more in ner in te gra tion.

The 1st Sa cral base chak ra that con trols thechi en ergy in the phys i cal body must be mas tered through daily ground ing prac tises.

The 4thHeart chak ra, which is the heart chak -ra, is ex panded by de vel op ing and em a nat ing love and com pas sion to all. Your pri mary pur pose inlife is to learn how to love openly and un con di -tion ally ev ery one and ev ery thing. Ra di at inglove to all un der all cir cum stances is the mostdif fi cult of all. This is nec es sary in or der tomain tain your con nec tion to your higher self and the di vine.

Your in ner spir i tual heal ing of the heart isthe most es sen tial thing you can do to pre pareyour light body, which is needed to make the di -men sional shift.

The 6th third eye chak ra is opened and ex -panded by visu al is ing that you al ready are spir -i tual liv ing be ings of light.

LOVE POWAH (you can do it)

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“I want to go to bed, what about you” he shot on a private beam as it

felt more...intimate.

Helen showed them to their suite and al though they were tired,

they both looked for ward to their love mak ing which formed such an es sen tial part of their grow ing fa mil iar ity with each other. Look ing

at the shower, both were hav ing the same thoughts. Toon was un -

dress ing her slowly while she un but toned his shirt, “Kitty, is it al ways

go ing to be like this?” His breath gasped at her na ked ness

“I hope so! Are you com plain ing? She al ways re acted to Toon’s in -

tense ob ser va tion of her body and when he pulled her head back, his

eyes con veyed the full mean ing of his long ing.

“We have made love five times, but not yet in the shower. It’s about time”

His mouth seized her lips with de sire as the wa ter washed over them.

The mo tion of his body and his driv ing hun ger went search ing on

and on, as if she were only a sen sa tion of end less joy. When the

won der ful re lease that united her body with his into a sin gle shock

of plea sure hap pened, just for one split-sec ond she knew that some -

thing was dif fer ent, “Oh, Kitty, I never knew any thing like this!”

Toon turned off the tap while hold ing her close and slowly lifted

her up as if she was the most val ued part of him self. Ing rid had ex -

pe ri enced, with out any doubt, a sud den know ing that some thing had

joined them in their un ion! Was that re ally pos si ble? She was al ready

forty-five. Could she still con ceive? She had n’t taken any pre cau -tions and nei ther had Toon.

“Kitty, I felt it too. Can you still have children?” She never for one

moment thought she would be confronted with that option! A kind

of disbelief overcame her. Nothing had prepared her for this. She

glanced at him, “What are your feelings about that possibility?”…

“Oh, Kitty, it’s not fair on you! You had children; but when I

looked at you, when you were standing with Jenny in your arms, I

suddenly knew what I would still love to experience!” She

remembered the look he had given her on the terrace. Was that what

he’d felt? Toon wanted a child?

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Could it be that carrying his child was her soul purpose? It wouldbe very meaningful, but was she not far too old for this?

“Remember love. You will never be too old.”“Toon…prom ise me one thing.”“What?” Anything! What?” “Snooks, to no one, not a single soul, mentally or verbally do you

reveal this possibility, this intuitive feeling we seem to share beforeI’ve some medical proof that I’m pregnant,” Ingrid said with suchconviction that his eyes started to dance. He roared with laughter ather serious face. How well she already knew him! This would be thehardest thing ever. No shouting from the rooftops what he wantedeveryone to hear!

“Toon?”…she knew that holding him to a promise would be achallenge for him. She needed time to get used to the idea, if theywere right.

Toon got up and pulled something out of the drawer of thebedside table and brought it back to the bed. He placed his hand onthe book on her lap while his face beamed a smile at her, which made her laugh at the comical situation. With a straight face he said:

“I solemnly promise not to say or even project a thought aboutour possible miracle, that I made you pregnant, that you might carrymy child, that we are having a baby, that…”

“That’s more than enough! Please come to bed, I’m get ting cold and I want to snug gle up.”

As the tired ness hit her, she just curled up asleep at his side. Theun con scious part of her knew, while asleep, that the in ev i ta blewould hap pen: she would si mul ta neously ex pe ri ence a sub con scious ex is tence that would take her into a re al ity that be longed on the sub -con scious as tral plane where any re main ing ge net i cally-re latedkarma that had n’t been re leased was wait ing for her, the ini ti ate, inor der to tran scend this un re solved is sue dur ing her dream…

Laura found her self on a high pla teau. She was about to cross


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the nar row ledge. Some dis tance out she froze, un able to movefor ward, or go back. Waves of ver tigo swept over her and she be -gan to trem ble vi o lently. She bat tled to stand on the edge of themas sive slab that pro truded out far into noth ing ness. Was she go -ing to jump? Then it would be over, her baby would go with herand no body would ever know. She knew deep in her heart thatthe pen alty for tak ing one’s own life was not as fear ful as thepriests made it out to be. She had lost her brother years be forewhen she was only ten. The eve ning of the day of his death, alone in her bed room when her grief had be come in tense, she hadsensed a pres ence that made her look up, stand ing in the room,sil hou etted against the moon light, was her be loved brother.

“Eddie, can’t I go with you?” she had pleaded. He hadgrasped her hand and she had felt her self go ing up.

“Eddie…I…I’m not a bird I can’t fly!” she had called to him. Gently he pulled her up and slowly they rose to the high ceil ing ofthe room. She re mem bered when look ing down that she hadseen her self ly ing out stretched seem ingly fast asleep.

“Am I dead too?” “No, you are not. Look.” He pointed to a thin glow ing

thread link ing her self to her sleep ing body. When she moved fur -ther away the thread stretched…

Eddie told her that the place where peo ple go to af ter deathlooked at first just like the place one had left. He took her tomany places where they played. There she met An nie, a womanwho had taken her own life. She re mem bered ask ing Eddie whyshe was not in hell.

“Laura, there’s no such thing as hell. She’s here as long as shewants to be un til she’s ready for a new life. The only thing is thatin this new life she’ll have to con front the same hurt and pain thatmade her take her last life.

“Re ally, why?”“An nie left many oth ers be hind, who cared about her. Oth ers

suf fered when she com mit ted sui cide.”

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Through out the years when she grew up he told her that itwas not her time to go....

Stand ing at the edge, she won dered whom she would hurtdeeply if she jumped.

Her fa ther would be very dis ap pointed, es pe cially if she hadto tell him that she was preg nant.

She shud dered at what his re ac tion would be. He was a veryim por tant as tron o mer and their fam ily was well re spected. Girls in their so cial cir cle were not sup posed to work, but herfa ther al lowed her to draw the charts and il lus tra tions for thebook he was writ ing. She loved the work, but the thought ofleav ing her home to be mar ried was un ac cept able. She hadbeen given away in mar riage a year be fore and her soul wasscream ing out at the very thought of it. Her fam ily still prac -tised that tra di tion and al though she ar gued about it re lent lessly, she could not win. She had met her fu ture hus band only once. He was al ready old so the wed ding would take place the fol low -ing month. Laura won dered what would they do if she told themshe was preg nant?

Her mother would be dev as tated, more for the shame of it. The pros pect of con front ing them was un think able.They’dnever re ally got over the loss of Eddie when he was only twelve. Oh, if only Eddie were with her!

Look ing ahead she heard in the dis tance the church bellsring ing. Then she felt some one was watch ing, and as sheturned a man’s eyes held her in such ad o ra tion that deep in herheart she knew he was a part of her.

He was wear ing a kind of dark robe, like priests wear. Hiseyes as he stud ied her were full of love and she felt that he waspre par ing her for some sort of rit ual. Her mind and his werejoined! She could hear his thoughts!

“Kitty, don’t ever let go of life, don’t ever lose faith in the power of love,real love, the en ergy that trans forms all things.” Then he dis ap pearedand she was alone again.


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Who was he? Laura felt as if she had con nected with a part ofher that she’d al ways looked for but never found. She knew in her heart what to do, so she fixed her eye on the nar row area in frontof her, avoided look ing down and crept slowly up and out of dan -ger away from the cliff.

Laura sud denly had a pur pose for liv ing. She would take some

clothes, some money and her draw ing tools from her home and

go to a con vent that took in young girls that were in her con di tion.Only the pre vi ous week her mother snobbily dis cussed this

con vent that was run by a nun and two other women.Her nanny would help her find this con vent, she was sure of

that, es pe cially if she threat ened Inge with the ex po sure of all herown lov ers!

Laura had no real need to ex pe ri ence mar ried life, she couldbe come a nun if nec es sary and she would have the baby.

She did not know what would hap pen af ter that, but meet ing

this priest, who ever he was, had made up her mind. She’d be come

preg nant by John, who worked for her fa ther. She knew in her

heart that she could have stopped him, but her own cu ri os ity got

the better of her. She did not re ally love the man and he was al -

ready mar ried. When he started to flirt with her in her fa ther’s of -

fice, she was aware that she was re spond ing to it. She al ways had

been cu ri ous about what hap pened when a man and woman came

to gether.

Her own mother never wanted to talk about it. Inge had ex -plained to her in de tail the plea sures of it, leav ing out the pos si bil -ity of fall ing preg nant.

This morn ing when she re mem bered again that her pe riod had not ap peared, Inge had asked her why she did not need any san i -tary ban dages. Her face! It was al most com i cal, then Inge hadslapped her. “Who is the fa ther?” she raged.

Laura had never even con sid ered the pos si bil ity that she couldbe come preg nant. She had sex with John twice, af ter which she’dhad enough. It was n’t worth the ef fort.

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What ever Inge, her nanny, had been rav ing about, she’dfound it a very over rated pas time. It hurt as well so how couldthere be any joy in that? To think that she would have to en dure that ex pe ri ence ev ery night when mar ried! The thought of thatop tion was un bear able and be ing a nun be came far more at trac -tive. She only re gret ted giv ing up her draw ings and stud ies. Some how she did n’t think that was what one did in a con vent.

She would not mind work ing with chil dren and she wouldof fer her ser vices for free board and lodg ing.

The more she thought about her plan the more she waslook ing for ward to it. At least she would not be mar ry ing an old man. “Where have you been?” her mother’s whin ing voicemade her cringe, when she walked into the diningroom.

She had been gone for two hours and the whole fam ily wasin up roar.

“I needed some fresh air but Nanny knew where I was. Why did n’t you ask her?” Laura re plied in a tone that al ways madeher fa ther re coil. When he came out of his study that was joinedto his re search li brary.

“Laura, that’s not the way to speak to your mother! Go toyour room and stay there un til I call you.”

That was no prob lem to her. There was not a lot of love be tween her par ents and they never con sid ered that she had any feel ings.

Eddie had been the only one that had taught her what it waslike to feel loved. She wanted to speak to Inge, won der ingwhere she was when she went up to her room.

While she was pack ing her bag she looked at all the things,she had to leave be hind.

Her draw ing of the plan ets in the milky way was her pride andjoy. Her fa ther had com pli mented her on her pre cise de tail, whichwas the only ac knowl edg ment Laura had ever re ceived from him.He was a well re spected as tron o mer but this pro ject she was givento do was be ing kept a big se cret. Why she had no idea. She de -cided to take the draw ings with her when her door flew open.


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“What have you been tell ing your mother?” Inge shouted. “Noth ing. All I said was that you knew where I was. I told you

I was go ing for a walk,” Laura said calmly. “But I need your help,”“What makes you think I’ll help you?” Inge had been with the

fam ily since af ter Eddie was killed as her mother was bed rid denfor months af ter the ac ci dent and Inge be came her Nanny andtook care of her. That was nine years ago.

Laura would turn twenty this year and her par ents had de cided it was a good year for her to get mar ried.

“Inge, I over heard my mother last week, talk ing about a con -vent or or phan age. I want to go there, have the baby and be comea nun if pos si ble and you are go ing to help me.” Her voice wascalm but de ter mined. Inge’s face, changed from ut ter dis be liefinto a rage. Laura could hardly avoid laugh ing be cause of thein-be tween thoughts that Inge jug gled in her mind about her po -si tion.

“I know you’re wor ried about your job, but that’s your prob -lem. If you don’t help me, I’ll tell my par ents some sto ries thatwill make them dis charge you so fast you won’t have time topack.” Her de ter mined face must have con vinced Inge but in sideshe felt the fear in ter fer ing with her de ci sion.

“Well, I can see that you’ve made up your mind but you can’tgo to night. I have to find out about the con vent in the morn ing. But how do you know they’ll let you in?”

“I don’t, but you’ll make that hap pen, won’t you?” Laura hada bout of bil ious ness which gal va nised Nanny into ac tion.

The next day her fa ther called her. He had just fin ished achap ter in his book and her draw ings had to be changed. His cal -cu la tions were in con flict with a col league from the uni ver sity. There was quite a de bate over the dis agree ment. Look ing at thedate 1888, she was think ing; this is the year I give birth to a baby.

“Laura, pay at ten tion. What is the mat ter with you?” Her fa -ther was a very proud but stub born in tel lec tual whose im pa tientout burst could snare you to bits.

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Laura won dered what hap pened to John as she was stand ingat her draw ing ta ble ad just ing the place ment of the star mea -sure ments and mak ing notes.

She realised that she would miss this work…but…she men -tally visu al ised the priest’s eyes. Where did she know him from? “Your de ci sion will change the di rec tion of many things and have an ef fecton many peo ple.” What a strange thought! Out side in the streetshe heard chil dren’s voices and…

Ing rid heard chil dren’s laugh ter when she woke up. Toon was awake next to her, watch ing her.

“Kitty, have I been dreaming that something happened lastevening in the shower?” His wondering tone as he bent over her and kissed her navel, reminded her…Could she be?

“What do you think? Can you know some thing like that im me di -ately?” Ing rid thought back to when she had fallen preg nant the lasttime, it was when Deb bie was al ready nine and the twins twelve years. She did n’t want an other child at the time and she never told Jan whathad hap pened. She had a pain ful mis car riage af ter Jan had gone towork. The pain was so bad that she al most passed out. Sascia camelook ing for her af ter she had shouted to them through the bath roomdoor to make their own break fast for once. Sascia knew some thingwas wrong and asked through the door why she did not come out. She did n’t want them see ing what had hap pened, so she asked her towake Quincy, who was vis it ing them at the time. Thank good nessQuincy was there. She did not want to tell Jan about it later be causethe steel busi ness was in jeop ardy. She knew Jan was very hurt whenshe with drew from him and she be came aloof. Would this be thesame soul that knew then the time was not right?

“Kitty, don’t do that,” she heard Toon’s plea. “What? What did I do?” He cud dled her like a small child.“Kitty, now you must promise me something,” he said gently,

taking her hand and placing it on the same book. “Promise never to keep me out of your innermost pain, no


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matter what it is. I don’t want you ever to feel that you have to keep

anything from me, no matter how bad, for whatever reason. I want

to share everything with you and live with you for the rest of my

earthly life, and beyond!” Ingrid returned his gaze knowing hemeant every word he said so she placed her hand on the book.

“I promise always to confront you with things when I recognise

that I become aloof and withdrawn.” Then she drew his head down

on her stomach.

“Toon, if I’m really pregnant but we’ll not know that for at least

four weeks. I’ll make sure you know every move, every kick, every

little squawk this little girl is making.”

“How do you...know it’s a girl?” Toon gasped.

“I’ve no idea but let’s get out of bed. I want to join the chil dren

down stairs so you’d better get some train ing just in case.”

“Kitty, what about hav ing sex? Could you lose it?”

“Toon Haardens I heard that. If you for one mo ment think I

would want to quit hav ing sex with you for what ever rea son, you

must be mad. Don’t you know by now that I love mak ing out with


“That’s what I like most about you.”

“What? Having sex, or that I like it?” She threw a pillow at him.

“Kitty, seriously, how far would it be in those few hours?” Toon

appealed, showing how important it was for her to have the baby.“I seem to re mem ber from read ing about it that this new in di vid -

ual spends its first few days grad u ally mov ing through the fal lo pian

tube. It’s not im planted yet. Snooks, hav ing sex would do ab so -

lutely noth ing, that is, if I’m preg nant. We could be mak ing this all

up, you know.” she ut tered softly, know ing al ready that he would be

dis ap pointed.

“Mmm, thanks for tell ing me. I would go crazy with frus tra tion

look ing at you if I could not have you.” he af firmed as he ca ressed her.

“Toon, I had a strange dream. It was very real. I think it was a

dif fer ent life this time, and you were, I think, a priest!”

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“Kitty, that must have been a nightmare. Me a priest? Did I haveto save you from something?” he teased, relieved that it was just adream.

“Yes, you pre vented me from throw ing my self off a cliff !” Shere garded him care fully, re mem ber ing how vivid the dream had beenbut with hold ing the fact that she had been preg nant in the dream.

“Mmm, that makes sense, and you are now my reward for doingthat,” Toon said with total conviction.

“You think so?” Ing rid loved the way he laughed. His whole facewas an open book, he was can did, very sharp yet he seemed to havea knack for ob serv ing the world very op ti mis ti cally. Then they hearda knock on the door.

“Un cle Toon, daddy asked if you want to have break fast be forewe go,” Timmy’s voice was muf fled by the door. Toon grabbed hispants and looked back to see if Ing rid was cov ered up be fore heopened the door..

What a glo ri ous Mon day morn ing it was! Af ter Pe ter and Helenshowed her around the es tate af ter break fast she met quite a fewpeo ple who all knew Toon. Timmy kept re mind ing his mother oftheir out ing. Both chil dren were ex cited to see Toon’s plane andTimmy told Ing rid he wanted to be a pi lot. Dirk, Toon’s air-tech ni -cian friend, was talk ing to Toon about some changes around a newILS in stru ment-land ing sys tem that he wanted to in stall be fore theyflew back home, while Karin tried on a pair of head phones in sidethe cock pit.

Ing rid felt so happy she could burst. She knew that ev ery thinghad changed; her life had taken on a to tally dif fer ent di rec tion. Sheknew she would be con fronted with chal lenges also, but from nowon she would take POWAH’s ad vice and live just for the mo ment. Hold ing onto that in ner joy felt so ex hil a rat ing, as if this was whatwas nor mal. All the colours out side were brighter and she felt a gen -er ous feel ing to wards ev ery body and ev ery thing. Would she ever


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lose it? No, what ever di rec tion or ex pe ri ence she en coun tered from

now on, she knew what it was like to feel in ner bliss and in bad mo -

ments that would give her strength.

Pe ter dropped Helen and the chil dren off at a friend’s home af ter

Toon treated them to lunch at the airbase. He drove them to the

Plea sure Park site to meet up with Harry Brinks. Some thing was go -

ing on but nei ther of them could make out the cause of the prob -

lems. Ing rid won dered how they could be of as sis tance.

Thinking back on the last drawing plans for the new proposal,

she had drawn up only a few days before Piet left Ingrid

remembered Piet’s reaction to the new drawings. He’d shouted at

her for her interference. At the time she was so shocked at his

outburst that she’d belittled him.

Could the problems have anything to do with the foundations of

the large dome?

She hoped they would not stay for long at the site because thismorning she’d had to wear the same pantsuit she’d worn when they

made love in the valley Ingrid marvelled if she was strong enough to

project the image of their love spot as a pure thought–impulse.

Only Toon would know what it meant so she visualised the grass

bedding. Toon turned, his eyes spar kled

“I saw that! That suit you’re wear ing will al ways bring back mem o ries“ His

look made her warm. No body else re acted.

Peter parked his landrover next to a Volkswagen van that had no

windows. Funny, but she felt as if they were being spied on. What a

weird feeling! While getting out of the car, Ingrid spotted three of

Toon’s lorries, with the Buttercup landscaping logo. One was parked

at a strange angle and police cars were everywhere. What was going

on? There were lots of people about. Toon put his arms

protectively around her shoulders as he must have had the same

feeling. Something was very wrong and Ingrid was engulfed with a

feeling of dread that made her shiver.

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“Kitty, we won’t stay here for long; I feel it too. This is a placewhere lots of energies have been tampered with. I don’t know whybut now I’m beginning to understand the drawing problems you’vehad with this place.”

Suddenly from out of a crowd of people Harry Brinks appeared,looking haggard and distracted.

“Thank goodness you’re here!” He shook hands with the menwhile holding Ingrid’s hand.

“Toon, you’re steal ing away my best plan ner on the draw ingboard I be lieve, Ing rid, you look lovely! What ever you both are upto, it seems to agree with you. Sorry for dis turb ing you both thisweek end. I still hope it was a good one?” Harry glanced at Toonwhile Ing rid blushed all over, as if ev ery one could see what had hap -pened be tween them.…

“You look glow ing, that’s why.”“Now, I need all your help to sort out this mess. Come, let’s go

into my trailer-of fice where we can talk. Peter, please join us. Maybesome outside perception might throw some light on this wholebusiness.” Inside the trailer the air was stale with cigarette smokeand unwashed dishes. Harry Brinks turned to Toon when he closedthe door.

“Be fore I start, Ing rid, have you by any chance got the DVD withyou where you stored the last changes of the draw ing plans?” Ing rid was star tled and for a mo ment had to think, what had she done withthat DVD? Then she re called that it was stored on three CD’s. Theim age files were huge. That was when Toon had come to her of fice,she fixed her eyes on him, con cen trat ing.

“Toon, you were with me.…I can’t…We were oth er wise oc cu pied, re mem ber?” “Kitty, I’ve no idea. All I re mem ber from Fri day in your of fice is see ing you,

want ing you.” Tak ing her eyes away from his, she started to think aloud. “Maybe I threw it in my bag? Everyone had already gone that

afternoon and I would not have left it there. I remember now, I wasgoing to work on one drawing. Carla had already locked the safe.


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I’ve got the same bag with me so it’s still in the landrover. Is it


“Yes, very much so. I got an anon y mous phone-call yes ter day,

ask ing me what had hap pened to the newly-drawn-up plans. It tookme a while to reg is ter what they were ask ing and when I asked who

was call ing. I re ceived a lot of ver bal abuse. I was about to hang up

when I was threat ened, the man men tioned my grand daugh ters

name, in form ing me that I would not re cog nise her when he was fin -

ished with her.” Harry’s whole body was shaking.

Ing rid flinched as the im age of Tieneke’s face flashed across her


“Did you tell the po lice?” The pain and fear for her only daugh ter

Hennie made her re coil.

“The whole project would be highjacked if I did not produce

these plans immediately. I called André the detective, but apart from

the insinuated threats, he has nothing to go on.”

“Could it have something to do with your burglary?”

“Peter, the police also think so but I’ve no idea. I now wish I

never even purchased the property, I know I did it to spite someone.

All I can think is, what could have been on that drawing that was so

important? Toon I realise now that I have been in a denial not

wanting to take note when things started to go wrong. Apart from

the rumours about deposits of gold, there is far more going on. The Interpol involvement makes me almost believe in the rumours

Tieneke always goes on about the Anunnaki reptilian invasion”

Both Peter and Toon’s expressions altered to shock.

“Toon, Trevor also has some weird theories. One evening when

he stayed over one night, he talked about an alien takeover. He calls

it the psychic wars in the heavens. Both Helen and I found his

theories far too farfetched and the name Anunnaki triggered some


“Harry, why do you think Inter pol might be part of the con spir a -

cies?” “Pe ter, I have to get hold of Ben, do you know where he is?” Pe ter’s

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eyes lifted as she heard the men tal ques tion.“Inter pol wanted to see the ae rial photo that is show ing the eye

sym bol as well. That’s when I thought of you, Ing rid, I hoped you’dhave the disk with the last draw ings with you. Do you?” Ing rid re -sponded by leav ing the trailer straight away.

It started to rain softly so she took a sprint to the parked Landrover. Again she felt this un pleas ant at mo sphere em a nat ing from theVolks wagen! She quickly opened the side door, and took her bagfrom un der her seat.

What oc curred next was so sud den that she never re ally knewwhat hap pened. Some one grabbed her from the back in a vi o lentman ner. She felt her self be ing dragged into the side-door that hadopened from the Volks wagen van. Some one pressed a cloth in herface. She al most gagged from the strong odour, and the last thing shere mem bered was Toon run ning to wards the Volks wagen as they re -versed, hit ting a parked car and sped off. Then she heard a gun shot,and saw Toon stag ger ing in her mind’s eye as she passed out.......


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Chapter 18

The Higher and Lower Aspectsof Intuition.


Ing rid ached all over when she re gained con scious ness. She sat

up right squashed be tween boxes on the seat of a rap idly mov ing ve -

hi cle and she was tied up. It took her a while to re gain all her senses

as her eyes would not clearly fo cus. Sounds of po lice si rens and

scream ing voices be came louder but it was the am bu lance si ren in

the far dis tance that jerked her fully awake. Toon! Had he been

shot? By whom? Oh, no, this could not be hap pen ing! All she saw

was Toon run ning and then the sound of a shot.“Oh, snooks!” Overwhelming grief hit her stomach and an instant

panic that erupted into fear overtook all her senses. All she could

make out in the dark was technical equipment and two men up front.

One was doing the fast driving and at the same time shouting at a

man next to him. They were being chased, but the sound of the po -

lice sirens was getting fainter. She then clearly heard a familiar voice

of the man next to the driver. As he turned and leered in her

direction she recognised Piet! The look he gave her was so full of

hatred that she clutched onto her breath.

“You bitch, see what you’ve got yourself into now. It’s your own

stupid fault!” he yelled over the noises from outside.

“Piet, keep your trap shut. Get useful for a change. Knock her

out and wind a rag around her eyes. I don’t want her to see where

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we’re going.” Ingrid saw in horror that Piet got up from his seat andmoved to the back where she was. The look on his face waspositively demonic. She tried to struggle to free her hands but heslapped her hard and pushed a rag into her injured face. The pain on her cheek was nothing like the shock she felt at being slapped likethat. She felt nauseous. She came to her senses when she realisedthat would harm the baby if she didn’t calm down…then she passedout again…

She re gained con scious ness when the van came to a stop, theygrabbed her roughly by her arms that were tied be hind her back anddragged her out of the van. She felt her an kle snap and screamedout in pain.

“For heaven’s sake man, what’s wrong with you? Give her to meand lock up the van. You’re get ting us into more trou ble than she’sworth,” a throaty voice snarled an grily as she was lifted up and car -ried into an en clo sure. Her an kle was so pain ful that she al mostblacked out when she heard a woman shout ing.

“What did you bring her here for?”“Shut your face! We need her. Piet’s too stupid to change the

drawings himself. Get a chair. She hurt her ankle, which is startingto swell, damn!”

Need her for what? What was Piet sup posed to change? Whatwas go ing on? The pain in her an kle was spread ing to her whole leg. Had she bro ken it? She felt her self be ing dumped into a chair andthe rag was re moved from her eyes. A heavy, thick-set man with acruel face leered at her.

“Piet, you never said she was pretty, are you los ing your touch?” The woman placed her foot on a stool and she had dif fi culty notscream ing out loud.

“Please can you get some ice? It will help with the swelling,” Ingrid begged to the woman in as polite a tone as she could muster.

“Bloody hell, what am I supposed to do with her? She could


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have broken her ankle. This wasn’t in the deal. All you were

supposed to do was to get her cooperation, no funny stuff. Piet, if

this is the dame you worked with, you handle her,” the gaunt,

youngish woman snapped.“Shut your face! She de serves any thing she gets. I’ve tried to ask

the ar ro gant woman to co-op er ate be fore and she had been asked

by,”…Piet’s in sult ing man ner as tounded her as he swal lowed the last

word. The young woman looked as if she had not slept in days. Piet

also ap peared very scruffy.

She let her self sink into the chair, her heart was still pound ing in

her chest but she tried to calm down and closed her eyes....

When she opened them again, be ing stiff and ex tremely un com -

fort able, she was on her own but still tied to the chair with her arms

pulled back. She could hear a de bate go ing on some where above.

The room stank and was messy and dark, the chair with a faded

pansy pattern material was dirty and the stool her foot was resting on was rickety. The walls were covered with technical drawings, but she

hadn’t a clue, what they were. There were three computers but only

one was like the one she used at work. Something far more sinister

than she ever imagined was going on.

Why had they kidnapped her? She started to shiver from cold, or,

more likely the reaction from the adrenalin that had been racing

through her body. The young woman that had been shouting at the

big heavy man came down the open metal staircase that was bolted

into one wall, carrying a tray with food.

“Piet, bring a blanket. It’s freezing in this basement.” So she was

in a basement, and it must have been getting dark outside. Not that

she could spot any windows, she just knew. The woman placed the

tray on a box, next to her chair. There were many boxes lying about.

“Look, I was against the idea of bringing you here from the start

but you’d better do what they order you to do. Bruce is a dangerous

man to mess around with, he has no soul, I’m telling you,” she hissed

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as she untied Ingrid’s arms. She felt the pain as her blood ranthrough them again.

“I have no idea what I’m supposed to be doing.” “Oh, you’ll know soon enough. I hear that you’re one of the

people responsible for the changes with the other guy that got shot.”“Toon! Is he hurt? Please tell me!” Ingrid’s heart leapt when her

mind started to consider dreadful unacceptable possibilities.“Is that his name? I don’t know? All I know is that all hell broke

loose the mo ment the draw ings were with drawn and they startedblast ing at a dif fer ent site. I’ve said far too much al ready. I don’t ap -prove of kid nap ping and don’t you let on what I told you!”

“What are you blabbering about? Iris, get your butt in gear! Iwant some grub,” the bulky man shouted as he came down the stairs. He threw a blan ket and sat down heavily on a metal box next to her.

“Now, let’s get down to busi ness. I know you must be pissed offfor be ing dragged the way you did but we had no choice. As Pietsaid, you brought it on your self.” Ing rid won dered what on earththey were ac cus ing her of. His breath had a fishy smell.

“What happened to the man you shot?” Her rage was hard tocontain in the tone of her voice but tears threatened to well up.

“What was he to you?” he asked her di rectly. His eyes weregleam ing from ex hil a ra tion that came from a feel ing of the power he seemed to think he had over her.

She closed her eyes, us ing all her con cen tra tion not to strike at him. All she wanted to do was to kick him in his fat stom ach. He gave herthe shiv ers…“Ing rid, stay calm; stay cen tred. Be still; don’t fight it. Can you hearme? It’s Liesbeth.” Could it be? All she could think of was Toon. Whydid she not hear his thoughts? Was it pos si ble that Liesbeth was pro -ject ing to her? Was her own mind play ing tricks with her? Feel ings ofde spair welled up, she kept her eyes closed tightly pro ject ing rap idlywhile visu al is ing a beam of white light and Liesbeth’s face.

“Please, tell me what happened to Toon? I saw him fall as I heard a shot! What’s happening? I’m so scared, Liesbeth! Piet is involved.” She wondered


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if her vision and thoughts were strong enough to reach her. Would

Liesbeth have picked up Piet’s name? She kept her eyes closed

hoping not to give away that she was communicating with someone.

If only they knew!…“Ingrid, Annelies here, stay calm. Focus your attention on your solar plexus

by visualising light to your uterus, protecting it with love. You and the baby will

be all right. Take care of yourself first.”

While she was trying to listen to Annelies, she pulled the coarse

blanket around her, partly as protection from the brutish creep who

was referring to Toon in the past tense...

“Ing rid, an ger is not a bad emo tion to have but don’t di rect it at a per son. Try

to stay aware that you see an il lu sion! I know it must be dif fi cult, love, but do try.

We are all di rect ing our thoughts to you to give you strength in this or deal. I’m

glad you feel an gry, which means you’re fight ing, but get above your per son al ity.

Let your higher self take charge. It is far more ca pa ble of deal ing with this kind

of sit u a tion.”....Hans’ face that came as a flash comforted her.

Ingrid felt vastly relieved for Liesbeth, Hans and Annelies

reaching her telepathically. When she opened her eyes, the scary

man was still waiting for her answer when he suddenly jerked her

blanket off and he undressed her with leering eyes! She’d seen him


“Well, do I get some answers?”

“What is the time?” her mind reeled when the market scenejumped into focus, ignoring his threatening question. Was Toon in

any danger? Was he still alive? That thought brought on more tears

and she started to shiver partly because of his offensive stare. Those

eyes! …Or anges!

“I thought so. He’s your lover! Well, all I can say is that I did shoot

him, but he got up into the landrover and started to chase us. He didn’t

get very far.” He grinned maliciously.

“We’re going to have some fun, you and I.”

“Bruce, the boss is on the line. He’s pissed off, so you’d better get

up fast,” Piet shouted from the top of the metal staircase while she

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still shuddered at his insinuations. Bruce cursed as he got up whilepointing at her food.

“You’d better eat. We have work to do and it’s already aftereleven.”

He stomped up the staircase and she was left alone again. Thatlate already! She’d been tied down for so long, no wonder that herarms were numb. She must have lost her watch in the struggle. They had met Mr Brinks just after lunch so it must have been just after two o’clock. Where had the almost nine hours gone? Why hadn’t Tooncontacted her? Why only.…How did Annelies know about her…She understood that Toon must have reached out to Annelies,imploring her to help Ingrid, Oh Toon!

“Annelies, can you hear me? What’s wrong with Toon? Oh, please.....please let him be all right!” She tried to pro ject but she knew that her fo cuswas ham pered by her acute anx i ety for him. Noth ing had pre paredher for this un ac cept able pos si bil ity that he could be fa tally shot! She could n’t eat and wept help lessly. She needed to know the truthabout Toon. She tried to pro ject men tally but she was too playedout. She draped the blan ket around herself and some how fell intoan an guished sleep.

Even tu ally she awak ened in dark ness, in con sid er able pain fromher an kle and from her re stricted po si tion.

“Kitty!… I can … you are in pain!… she heard or sensed! Oh,Snooks,...is that you.... What have they done to you? My love, I’m go ing crazywith worry! Are you hurt? Ing rid started to cry sens ing his thoughts,and a vast re lief washed over her. Toon was alive!

“Kitty, I’m so wor ried,… are you in dan ger?”…she could also sensepain com ing from him. He must have been in jured! She felt a re sur -gence of strength now that she knew Toon was taken care of. Hemust be be side him self, be ing so help less since no body knew whereshe was.

“Snooks, I’m a lot better now, know ing you are all right. Where are you?”


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Her mind was rac ing when sud denly he was gone and she did not

feel him any more!...

“Ing rid, we’re all to gether! Don’t worry, love, Toon has lost con scious ness but

he’s go ing to be fine. He had an emer gency op er a tion on his shoul der in Paris. Af ter he came round, he re fused any pain kill ers. He wanted to con tact you first

and he needed us to boost his men tal pow ers.” Ing rid cringed, sens ing his

in jury. Where was Toon now, with Liesbeth? She was...

“Ing rid, they flew him down to our hos pi tal in Utrecht. He’s been given a

blood trans fu sion be cause he lost a lot of blood. Your three chil dren were here

this eve ning. Harry Brinks has taken them to his house. Ed, your

brother-in-law, has just ar rived, and he’s giv ing me a men tal boost. He’s very

strong.” She sensed Annelies’ fear, but why?“My dear, we have to know where you are. Have you any idea?” She knew

in tu itively that it was Ed ask ing her. Ing rid felt some calm ness flow -ing over her. She was not alone so why had she so quickly lost faith? Toon must have been badly hurt, she won dered how her chil drenwere cop ing with all this. Toon was in phys i cal dan ger but she was ina to tally dif fer ent kind of danger.

“Ed, An nie, I’m so glad you are with Toon. Tell my chil dren that I’m all

right. I’ve no idea where I am, but it could be only a few kilo metres away from the

site. I’m in some sort of base ment. I can’t be lieve we drove for all that long but Ilost count of time. Tell Mr. Brinks that Piet’s in volved and it’s some thing to do

with the changes in the last draw ing …They’re com ing back again…I’d better

stop beam ing oth er wise they’ll know what I’m do ing. I’m scared! Oh, An nie,

Ed, I’m so scared! Keep talk ing ; it makes me feel better….An nie, how did you

know about the baby?…Oh, dear, I’m so cold...... her men tal fo cus blurred

and she felt her head spin from the ef fort of try ing to visualise…

Piet de Wit

She must have slept for quite a while be cause they were shak ing herto wake her up. She was still shiv er ing and her an kle was ex tremelypain ful. She had tried to put her foot down next to the chair be forebut the pain was too bad. That morn ing in the Landrover she could

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not have felt hap pier and more se cure. Never would she have be -lieved that she could be cat a pulted from that state to the ex treme op -po site emo tion. Her per son al ity re acted mostly through fear, whichwas a le git i mate sur vival in stinct, but un for tu nately man’s worst en -emy and she had to keep it un der con trol.

Ingrid tried to take some deep breaths as they shook her, trying to keep her mind empty of any fear-based thoughts. When she opened her eyes, all three were standing around.

“Thank good ness she’s all right,” Iris re marked, re lieved. “I tellyou now, when the Boss is here, she’d better be in a co op er a tivemood if only for both your sakes, and you don’t achieve this byforce!” Iris hissed at both men.

“Ingrid, your life is not worth much if you don’t co-op er ate. Ourboss is coming soon and he needs you to change something on yourdrawing, if you won’t do it, you’re finished,” Iris told her bluntly. Bruce was holding the disk that came from her bag.

“What’s this? Where is the DVD?” He glared at her while Piettook the disk and loaded it. Then he swore.

“I can’t get in!”“For start ers, your ac cess code! Quick, we have n’t got much time

left. It’s al ready past mid night, we’ve been stu pid to let you sleep thislong. Bruce yelled at her but Ing rid al ready knew that not ev ery thingwas on that CD. She re mem bered that she had split the file in threeand stored it the old fash ioned way. She re mem bered where the othertwo disks were. Usu ally she was very ef fi cient when it came to stor ingaway her work but she had been dis tracted by Toon at the time. Theac cess codes on all three files were dif fer ent, but easy to un ravel be -cause they were her three chil dren’s names. Piet was not the bright estman around, oth er wise, he could have dis cov ered that. She had tothink quickly: if she told them that there were other CD disks in -volved, that they were in her of fice, Piet would have to get them.

She was dragged, with chair and all, in front of a computer. Howdid Iris ever get herself involved with this lot, she thought when Iris


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left. Ingrid punched in ‘Jeroen’, so that she could show them her

intentions were to be cooperative. Bruce looked at her files.

“They are not all there? Where are the others?”

“In my drawer at the office, I wanted to work on only one file that was on this CD.” Hop ing to avoid his angry threatening temper.

Bruce swore and jerked her chair round.

“You bitch, you’d better be tell ing me the truth.” Then he

grabbed her by her blouse and pulled her up from the chair. She

tried not to lean in any way on her an kle but Piet pulled the chair

away from un der her.

She screamed in pain bring ing Iris run ning down the stairs to see

Bruce clutch ing her blouse that was torn open.

“You fools, what are you doing?”

“You shut up. The bitch is making idiots out of us. She tells us

now that there are two more CDs at her office.” Bruce was glaring at

her while his eyes fixed greedily on her exposed bra.

“Piet, this is all your stu pid ity. You were around when they made

the changes. Why did you not swipe the old ones then? I won der

what it will take for her to co-op er ate?” Bruce sneered.

“Yes, why didn’t you, Piet! It would have saved us all this hassle,

and Bruce, you’d better cool it,” Iris said sharply with disgust when

she came aware of Bruce’s hungry stare…

“Bitch, watch out who you are speaking to!” but he let go of her. The tension was so electric that Ingrid needed to say something.

“If you would only explain to me why and what you need from

me, I would not be so in the dark.” At the same time she was

massaging her ankle and holding on to her ripped blouse. Attacking

Piet would not help her situation at all.

“Yes, you’d like to know, wouldn’t you?”

“Piet, it makes sense. Why not tell her? She’s not go ing any -

where” Bruce grabbed Iris’s arm and pulled her into a cor ner. Iris

was get ting re ally fed-up with them and they ar gued, while Piet car -

ried on glar ing at her.

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“See what trouble you caused us! Why could you and your lovernot have shut up about the changes?”

“Piet, what are you talking about? Tell me, why are my newdrawings so important to you lot? I can draw the same plan again.”Ingrid was getting really sick of being in the dark and of Piet’soffensive manner.

“Hey, you two, what if she does the whole drawing again?” Pietshouted at them in the corner.

“Would that take long?” Bruce replied in a threatening tone while glaring. She gave him a look of disgust when he jerked her arm awayfrom her blouse while getting hold of her bra at the front at the same time, violently tearing if off. Ingrid hit him so hard that he wasstunned.

“I like that, some spirit!” Throwing her torn bra in the corner. “You’d better start drawing so I won’t be tempted.” His

drooling face made her nauseous. Her skin was shaved from thetorn bra straps.

She clutched at her torn blouse, shaking with anger. If theybelieved that she could just quickly redo a drawing that had taken her at least a week to create, they were more ignorant than she’d thought.

“If I have to start from scratch it would take at least a week but ifI had the previous drawings it would help. I also need the rightdrawing program and a scanner, unless you can get the disks out ofmy drawer at work,” she voiced as calmly as she could while covering herself in the blanket for protection.

“A week!” Bruce shouted. He was about to grab her again out offrus tra tion when Iris shouted from up stairs and they left her alone in the dark base ment. She let her self hang over the key board, cry ingsoftly when she be came aware of a strong feel ing of Toon! It wasboth a mix ture of con fu sion, dreads and....

“Oh, no, Kitty, love! What have they done to you? I’m with you. I can seeyou. Oh, love, what are they wanting from you?” The feeling of himaround her was so strong that she suddenly wondered.


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“Snooks, are you all right? Why do I feel as if you are near me? Oh, Toon,

please, doesn’t let me think that you are…dead. Toon, I love you! Please come

back” In her despair she let the blanket slide off her. Why did she

suddenly think Toon was gone? Died! Was it because she had felthis whole essence near her? Her grief took a grip on her.

“Please God, my spirit, the source of all that is, I don’t want

to....please give me the strength the deal with this pain. Give me a

reason to live!”

Then from upstairs a third man appeared with Bruce and Piet in

tow. This must be the Boss! Ingrid had difficulty not breaking out in

a sweat of panic.

Both Piet and Bruce were talking to him as his face showed an

inner rage but he stayed very calm. She knew straight away that he

was the most dangerous of them all.

“Well, well, so this is Toon Haardens’s fiancée. I wonder how

much you are worth to him?”

He pulled the blanket away while Bruce pulled her arms behind

her and ripped her shirt off. She shuddered in humiliation as both

men’s animalistic glow mentally raped her.

“Mmm, I know where your lover is. We have some one out side his

hos pi tal room. One word from me and he’s a goner. Ing rid had dif fi -

culty in not show ing any re ac tion, but the fear for Toon’s life was in -

tense. “Give me the cell-phone,” the Boss or dered while glow ingly trav -

el ling over her with small, cal cu lat ing eyes. He di alled a num ber

…Ing rid held her breath, closed her eyes, and tried to con tact

Annelies. She could feel the tears gush ing down her cheeks partly

out of the phys i cal hu mil i a tion and partly out of her fear for

Toon….“Annelies, please hear me, some one out side Toon’s room is in con tact

with these peo ple. Please, he’s in great dan ger!”…

“Mr. Brinks, lis ten to what I have to say to you. I’ll only say this

once. You have not much time left to save both your em ployee and

Toon Haardens.” Ing rid looked again at the man, who kept his glare

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on her while lis ten ing; then he gave in struc tions in a res o lute voiceinto the cell-phone, and then he turned it so she was now fac ing thecam era, when sud denly she re called his un pleas ant squeaky voice!

“If you fail to do so, or draw any at ten tion to your self, Mr.Haardens will be the first to die, and at this mo ment we are all look ingat your em ployee’s lovely breasts that are very.…” Ing rid could al mosthear Mr. Brinks shout ing, as he must’ve seen the im age of her na -ked…from his cell phone’s screen. She saw the man’s glar ing ex pres -sion change as he was click ing away pic tures with his cell phone. Hemade a sign at Bruce who grabbed at her pants, rip ping them off heras he pushed her back into the chair. As she clawed and screamed athim, the cell-phone was click ing away…Then he dis con nected andgave Bruce a sign to stop…which Bruce did re luc tantly, gleam ing ather na ked ness.

“Now, I want some cooperation from you, lady. You get yourpreview drawings and you’d better start working, or I order Brucehere to release his frustration on you!”

“Boss that will be a pleasure!” His eyes were drooling. Pietgrabbed her torn clothes and threw them back. She clutched at herripped blouse while pulling on her pants. The revulsion of glaringeyes ripped her of any privacy. Iris helped her and draped theblanket over her shoulders.

They retrieved her old drawings on the screen so she knew whatto do for the first part. She still needed an architectural drawingprogram to revise the alterations. She asked Iris for the program she had used and looked at Piet who suddenly got into gear and placedthem into the DVD drive. Iris brought coffee. Ingrid looked up and managed to thank her.

“Ing rid, two po lice men are out side Toon’s room. Girl, keep your fear level down, you must be ex hausted! what are the b.…what are they do ing to you?…Love,please can you con cen trate and pro ject to me?” Ed was men tally with her,acutely aware of her or deal. Ing rid looked up to see what they weredo ing. Some how she now had to work and pro ject at the same time!


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“Ed, I must re-do the whole draw ing of the site near Paris again. I have no

idea why. They have threat ened Harry Brinks. They got him on his cell-phone.”

Sud denly the boss man stood be hind her and she hoped fran ti cally

he was un aware that she had been play ing with the key board whileshe was pro ject ing.

“Why was the plan changed” he asked abruptly. The Egyptian

eye flashed across her mind. She hoped that Ed could read her

thoughts, while thinking and speaking at the same time.

“The blasting was causing problems because of something to do

with the soil, so a decision was made to move the dome to a different

side of the property and relocate some of the cottages.” He

suddenly grabbed the mouse from her and retrieved some other

drawings from the C drive and projected them over hers. Some

parts were the same but some were in a different place. What was

that drawing? It looked familiar, but it was not a building at all, more

like an electronic plate.

“Ed, it looks like …a sound card! Why would a com puter or elec tronic plate

have to match with my draw ing plans?” It did not make sense at all. As he

de leted it and looked at her draw ing, she could see he was think ing,

and she tried to read his mind. All she picked up was…why did it work

be fore…the rest was tech ni cal. He looked at his watch, started swear -

ing and walked away to the oth ers, af ter which she was left alone.

Ingrid was so tired. She wanted to make her mind completelyblank with no thoughts, nothing. She didn’t even immediately react

to her screen when it suddenly turned bright, and there was

POWAH! The warmth and love that she associated with the bold

text made her fully alert, while quickly looking around, but they were

all upstairs.<Kitty, con tem plat ing even for one mo ment, mak ingthe mind blank is not only fool ish, but also ac tu -ally dan ger ous! When the mind is stunned into in ac -tion by in tense fear, or per sis tent rep e ti tions ofmean ing less thoughts, in your case threats, it can -not be tran scended in con tem pla tion. You lose your

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men tal tele pathic con nec tion. Fo cus. Fo cus. Fo cus. You can do this.>

That’s easy to say! You are not me! She thought in a panic. Howare they ever go ing to find me? <Kitty, all thoughts have to man i fest at some time. Take this as an op por tu nity to re lease any thoughts of vi o lence. If one holds on to a thought of vi o -lence, one shall ex pe ri ence vi o lence.>

What was he im ply ing? Those words re ally hit her so lar plexus. Has she man i fested this her self ? This was all too much, maybe thisawak en ing way of life was not for her. How could she ever be lievethat she was good enough? Her whole body sank into a dark pit.Tears streamed down her cheeks. Im ages of un imag in able vi o lenceflashed past, clutch ing her in ter ror. Why was she sud denly sur -rounded by hor rific thought forms? Even POWAH’s bold textlooked frightening.

This gave no hope. The images that were still coming up indroves created turmoil in her stomach. She knew the screen hadchanged. She hardly wanted to read more disturbing ideas, but hercuriosity got the better of her.<Kitty, there are no real vic tims, one is sim plyliv ing the re sult of an ear lier in car na tion or their an ces try’s thought-form, fan ta sies or be liefs. Just let them go. Em brace the feel ing and qual ity of for give ness. That en ergy alone will free you. Nowmore than ever must you di rect your at ten tion forthe good of all and con trol your mind so that yourbrain be comes a sen si tive re ceiver of the thoughtsand de sires of your higher mind. Then you’ll re con -nect with your IAM.>

Af ter chok ing on heaps of air from her shal low breath ing, whichmade her whole body shud der when sud denly she felt an in ner core; like a fire burn ing in side. She al lowed it to spread all over un til shebe came numb. She had reached a place of in dif fer ence. Her shak inghad stopped when the screen flared up again. <Kitty, you and I are one, but if you want to clear


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your mind in the right way you have to fo cus withfull con cen tra tion so that all other thoughts stayclear. Kitty, when you send a mes sage in a tele -pathic way, you have to be able to fo cus in aone-pointed way. You can do that al ready; that ishow they will find you.>

<POWAH, I’m so tired, I’m cold, I’m in pain and all I want

to do is sleep. I don’t care any more.> she typed. She knew the

mo ment she had thought it that it was not true; she wanted to draw

the right en er gies to ward her self; Toon’s love, those of her chil dren,

Liesbeth, Ed, Annelies and all her dear friends.<Kitty, con cen tra tion con sists in bring ing thewhole of your per son al ity to a one–pointed vi sion of

a se lected sub ject or ob ject. This then cre ates acon di tion of qui et ness and calm ness fused to getherin still ness. Your mind is your sixth sense andyour brain is your re ceiv ing plate. It be comes are flec tor of what ever you have your fo cus on!>

“POWAH, is that what true med i ta tion is? When I’m fo cussed, I‘m med i -

tat ing? I thought you had to be still and lis ten!” she beamed at the screen.<Kitty, true med i ta tion is an at ti tude of mind,which grows out of an at ti tude of con cen tra tion. This will cre ate a chan nel in or der for more lifeforce en ergy to en ter your field. Fix ing your mindupon a par tic u lar ob ject, or a cho sen topic ofthoughts means re or gan is ing your mind, with draw ingfrom the sense per cep tions and draw ing your self into the brain. Kitty, use your third eye cen tre. Thestill ness will come. Then the trust that all is good will be come your re al ity. That is true pray ing.>

As she sat star ing at the screen, shiv er ing and mull ing over whatPOWAH seem to pro ject to her, she won dered if it was her log i cal

mind that ques tioned how she could see the text… She clearly saw

the text. Was it her ho lis tic mind that just allowed it to be. Was that

all what was needed to wake up?

The excerpts had made her aware how difficult it was to release and

master any of the virtues and qualities of the Language of Light in

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moments of despair. She was never go ing to keep her in tent. It was tohard. All she wanted was to be with Toon. Her life was not go ing to be worth liv ing with out him. Sad but true…

The screen sud denly changed and a file was down loaded. To herut ter amaze ment the next ex cerpt, nine teen ap peared… Did some -one know where she was?…But how.…


The Awakening Clan

Programme...Planet Earth

Mas tery over the Higher and Lower as pects ofIn tu ition

Rule nine of the awak en ing gameThe lower in tu ition which is cen tred in the

so lar plexus usu ally de rives its hunches fromthe un con scious and in stinc tual phys i cal self. It gains its im pres sions pri mar ily through im -ages, sym bols or words which are of ten dis torted by emo tion and so it must al ways be in ter pretedor trans lated.

When the higher in tu ition is ac ti vated by te -lep a thy and other psy chic abil i ties, your sub -con scious mind be comes ac tive and you canre ceive im pres sions from other peo ple, the group mind and the col lec tive con scious ness.Yourhigher in tu ition, which is cen tred in the heart, re ceives its im pres sions from your heart love,your soul and the I AM spirit es sence, pri mar ilythrough feel ing and di rect ex pe ri ence.

Through the heart cen tre you will con nect with those with whom you have a love re la tion ship.Kitty, the heart trans mutes the earth plane en -er gies to spir i tual en er gies. Re mem ber, you are al ways at the right place at the right time andyour ca pac ity to visualise will help to ac ti vate the third eye of your be loved planet. Re mem berthat I AM the Keeper of the Game!


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Af ter read ing POWAH’s let ter off her screen she saved it on a CD.

Why had she not done that be fore? It had never oc curred to her

to…The ex cerpt had given her strength but she felt more alone than

ever but she should n’t. Her abil ity to com mu ni cate tele path i cally,and ex pe ri enc ing hav ing a guide that seem to know her ev ery move,

why did that not give her an in ner strength?

POWAH said that she was at the right place all the time, but if

this was at the right place what was she sup posed to do? She felt as if

all her good in ten tions had gone over board with the first real cri sis

when her per son al ity took over. Would she ever learn not to react?


Fear is our great est ob sta cle and re leas ing it is the test Annelies

knew while try ing to re lax. She felt ex hausted by the feel ings Ing rid

men tally pro jected, be cause they were hor rific. What were they do ing

to her? Liesbeth and Hans had left. Thank good ness for their tele -

pathic pow ers that far over shad owed hers. She was curled up in a

chair next to Toon’s bed with her eyes closed, glad that Harry was still

with her. The last time they had seen each other was when they bothwere bid ding for the ho tel six years be fore. So much had hap pened

since then. When she glanced around the hos pi tal room, she saw that

Ing rid’s chil dren were all crammed next to Toon’s bed, try ing very

hard to be brave. Toon had been given some thing in his drip to make

him sleep. The noise from the life sup port ing equip ment was de -

press ing.

By now Annelies was very aware what Ing rid and Toon meant to

each other. Toon had risked his life try ing to fol low her, and then be -

fore he would let them do any thing to him, or give him any med i ca -

tion he got her at ten tion tele path i cally. Annelies knew that it must

have taken all his men tal en ergy to man age that but luck ily Pe ter was

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some help in giv ing him the ex tra men tal boost he needed. It wasLiesbeth that had sud denly burst through, tell ing them to fo cus onIng rid.

The last four hours had been bad. They almost lost Toon,because of his determination to follow that Volkswagen. He lost adangerous amount of blood from the bullet wound in his shoulderjust a fraction away from some major arteries.

Annelies heard from Pe ter and Harry Brinks what hap pened. Pe -ter and Harry saw Toon fall down as they heard the shot; then he gotup again and got into Pe ter’s Landrover and fol lowed the van whileshout ing at Pe ter to get to the plane. Pe ter knew Toon was in juredbut not how badly. He took Harry’s Mercedes and fol lowed Toonin stead while Harry got to the plane. Pe ter could see that Toon wasin trou ble when his driv ing be came un sta ble and the van he waschas ing gained speed. By then the po lice tried to by pass Toon whowas block ing the road as he was head ing di rectly for a ra vine. Pe terman aged to ram into him just be fore he would have gone over thecliff. When he reached the side door Toon was only just con sciousbut still tried to reach her tele path i cally ask ing for Pe ter’s men tal as -sis tance. Pe ter then knew he was in bad shape. The am bu lance wasquickly on the scene thanks to Harry Toon had lost so much bloodthat he passed out in the am bu lance. She heard it all from Pe ter first,then Harry filled her in on the phone while he stayed with Toon inthe am bu lance. Toon’s friend, Dirk, took the plane up in the air hop -ing to find some clue as to where they had taken Ing rid but by thenthe po lice had lost the van.

The police were still outside the hospital room, and Annelies’worst fear was if it leaked out how they could continue tocommunicate! If the newspaper got hold of that Ingrid would be ingrave danger.

“Harry. It’s al ready af ter mid night. Ing rid’s chil dren must have arest, how ever hard it must be for them.” she whis pered. “I’ll staywith Toon, just in case he wakes up. Please can you take them to


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your home?” Harry looked hag gard, hav ing not slept since the in ci -

dent. He blamed him self for get ting them in volved in some kind of

sin is ter plot. Annelies had men tally picked up from Harry’s in ner di -

a logue that Ing rid had been very an gry at some one, but she had dif -fi culty reach ing her to find out way.

“Harry, call Fred for me, I need to get in touch with Ed, Ingrid’s


“Annelies, uncle Ed is already on his way to the hospital,” Sascia,

Ingrid’s twin daugh ter re plied instead.

“Harry, Liesbeth told me that Ingrid had mentioned the name

Piet. Does it mean anything to you?” She looked into his sad dark

brown eyes full of worry that turned into rage when she mentioned

Piet’s name. She had managed to project to Ingrid, telling her about

Toon, so Ingrid knew he was looked after. When Toon told her

about the baby, she knew he would not want to live without her.

“Harry, please keep it to yourself. They must not know how I

found out from Toon,… please,” knowing Harry himself was not

aware of how she could communicate with Ingrid.

Harry grasped her shoul der need ing her strength for a mo ment.

Deb bie was cry ing. Jeroen was con sol ing her while Annelies saw

Sascia sit ting star ing into space. She was the only one of Ing rid’s

chil dren who seemed to have some tele pathic skills but they needed

to be ac ti vated to be of any use.Sascia announced that she was staying! Annelies knew that Sascia

was aware that she was in contact with her mother. The other two

could not really comprehend it. They knew something was going on

between them but it was too much for them to grasp the possibility

of telepathy.

“Jeroen and Debbie, please don’t say a word to anyone about our

telepathic skills. If that leaks out, well, I don’t have to spell it out, do

I?” They were both looking at her with big eyes, full of fear for their


“Annelies, can we phone Quincy, she’s very close to mom, and

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she must by now have heard something over the news or in thepaper.” Jeroen needed someone close to be with them and shehugged them both.

“Look, yes, get your aunt to be with you, but say nothing thatwent on until I’ve spoken to her and seen her. Understand. I meanthis very seriously.” They both nodded and were about to leavewhen they all heard Toon making a sound, trying to get the tubes out of his nose. Annelies rushed to him.

“Please, Toon, leave it in. It’ll help you get stronger. You’re nohelp to us if you get weaker.” His eyes were full of emotional pain as he made a gesture to Jeroen and all three rushed to his bed. His eyesrested on Sascia.

“You’re the pho tog ra pher?” he mum bled weakly, tak ing herhand.

“You look so like your mom. Harry, take her with you tomorrow when you fly over the area. Sascia, you must take lots of photos. Your mom is somewhere not far from the site where it all happened. I want to see all the photos tomorrow evening,” He pressed herhand, and then lay back, not able to talk more.

Sascia’s tear-streaked face acknowledged for the first time thatthis man was not going to leave anything to chance. If anybody gother mother back, he would. She nodded her head and all fourprepared to leave when Toon made another attempt to speak.

“Harry, Dirk must phone me on his cell-phone, please. Don’tleave me trapped here, knowing nothing,” Toon pleaded butshowing signs of deep exhaustion.

“It’s a promise! You get some rest and get better fast,” Harry’svoice broke, they all looked tearfully at Annelies who whispered, “go.” Outside a policeman was sitting in the corner. They weretaking no risks. Annelies went back to the room when Toon wassleeping. She would try once more to contact Ingrid but instead fellinto a light sleep at the side of the bed.

Toon’s stroking hand awakened her. He looked quite peaceful


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and she saw Ed at the other side of the bed. When Toon opened his

eyes again, he knew Ed was there so they must have talked while she

was asleep.

“Annie, is she back with us again?” Annelies suddenly let go ofher own emotions, needing to cry, and Toon held her against him

with one arm.

“Annie, I’ve learned more in this one long day and night that in

my whole life. I now truly know what fear can do and for the first

time I’ve experienced how to project myself out of my body! I

didn’t get far, not even out of this room, but what a sense of

freedom! Annie, I know everything is going to be all right if I keep

my focus.”

For hours she had been focussing on Ingrid with no response,

and she knew Ingrid was not sleeping. They had both been aware of

Ingrid’s fear.

Toon woke up twice to join her mentally, after which he almost

lost all hope of being connected to her again. Liesbeth made all the

difference, and they knew Ingrid could mentally hear them.

“Lets try again shall we, together. “Ingrid, we’ll all join our focus on

this wave-band. Toon is looking a lot better. Hold your attention, create a

force-field of light around you so strong that we will find you by it.....don’t ever let

go. We need your help to find you. Look after yourself. Be still and listen to us

when we are near and try to get some sleep,” They were all quiet for a longtime then they mentally heard her.

“Ed, Annie, I’m so glad …Toon. Tell my child.… I’m all right now. I’ve

no idea where I am, … sort of a basement. I can’t believe …all that long. Tell

Mr. Brinks ... Piet is involved ... something to do .... drawing changes,…Oh,

they are coming back again ...Just now they’ll know what I’m doing. I’m scared,

Annelies or Ed, keep talking to me. It makes me feel better…Annie, how did

you know about the baby?… I’m so cold…Annelies glanced at Toon and saw

that he was asleep again. She turned to Ed. “Did you hear what I heard?” Ed

was crying.

“Yes, I’d give anything to be with her. What drawings is she

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talking about? Can you fill me in as to what has happened so far?” Ed asked in a broken whis per so as not to alarm Toon. She told himall about the shooting and the chase and Toon’s operation and thatHarry would fly the next day with Sascia taking photos when theyboth were mentally interrupted.

“An nie, my love, I’m break ing our agree ment. I heard what hap pened. Look af ter Toon dear est, we’ll get her back soon.” Annelies’ head waspressed into the sheets and her shoul ders heaved, she broke downand cried.“

“Ben, oh, how I’ve longed for your con nec tion!” Ed read Toon’s chart totry to block him self off men tally to give them pri vacy.

“Ed, how much did Toon share with you about the Jaarsma estate in France?” Annelies whispered, appreciating his discretion.

“I’ve no idea what you are talk ing about. I know Harry Brinksbe cause our steel com pany has deal ings with them and we are awareof the le gal bat tles that are go ing on. We’ve em ployed our own in -ves ti ga tor, but that’s for fi nan cial rea sons. My dad has great re gardfor Mr. Brinks and has not sub scribed to ru mours that are fil ter ingthrough to his of fice,” Ed whis pered.

Suddenly the heart machine made a different noise and Annelieswent stone cold. She looked up at Ed with absolute horror, only tosee in his face the same expression of despair and anguish, notwanting to believe that Toon’s heart had stopped!

The door burst open and the trauma unit went into full actionshoving Ed and Annelies out of the room...



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Chapter 19

The Heart Chakra.

Intensive care

Toon Haardens

Toon drifted into his in ner men tal world where the past and fu -

ture be came the pres ent, re mem ber ing the first time he saw her…

She had be witched him on the spot as she was lean ing against the

wall with one hand hold ing the phone to her ear. He was in stantly

cap ti vated by her fem i nine beauty and her pos ture ac ti vated his

imag i na tion. He knew he had found his beloved.So this was the Ingrid Ed was always raving about. Many a night

after a long hard day’s work, he and Ed Barendse would visit the

local bar in Darwin and inevitably Ed drifted into his pet topic;

Ingrid, his brother’s wife that he could never get out of his mind…

When he was five years old, Toon was given in fos ter care to Den -

nis and Hetty Zwiegelaar who al ready had two chil dren of their own.

Fred was his age and his sis ter Annelies, was a strong-willed teen -

ager. Den nis Zwiegelaar had two more chil dren from a pre vi ous

mar riage, Otto and Mar ga ret. Toon was well loved by his ac tive fos -

ter fam ily who were in the ho tel business.When he grew up Toon be came one of those men who never

wanted to place any lim its on him self so he de nied him self noth ing. He was pro duc tive at what ever he did and had the gift of an un usu -ally happy dis po si tion be cause he truly as sim i lated his ex pe ri ences. When he was ap proached by the board of di rec tors of his de ceasedfa ther’s es tate when he turned twenty-one, he had no idea of the ac -

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cu mu lated wealth that came with it. Otto Zwiegelaar took his role as half-brother to young Toon very

se ri ously and in flu enced him to study in the field of build ing andcivil en gi neer ing. Later Toon trav elled with Otto and worked onmany large con struc tion sites around the world that partly be longedto the es tate he would grad u ally in herit over the years ac cord ing tothe stip u la tions of the will.

Toon was good com pany be cause of his en thu si as tic out look onlife. What ever he did, he did with en thu si asm. He would neverdream of do ing any thing be cause some one else has said it was im -por tant. He only did it if he felt like it. The only thing in Toon’s firstfifty years of his life that had been hard on him was the lonely feel ing as if he was miss ing some one he knew, but he’d never met hissoul-mate. He searched for her in many places and on many oc ca -sions thought he’d found her only to dis cover that it was not she.

Caught in the snares of wealth and suc cess, di sas ter and be trayal,he aban doned his search, and the walls he cre ated for his emo tional pro tec tion be came his own prison for many years.

Dylan Haardens, Toon’s grand fa ther who’d been a self-made mil -lion aire started life as a sim ple coal miner in Liv er pool. It wasknown that he hated banks, la bour-un ions and evan ge lists. Be sideshis oil busi ness in Alaska he owned a pub lish ing com pany, and aman u fac tur ing plant of steel pipes that sup plied many an oilrigaround the world. When he de cided that he wanted a wife, helooked for her in the same man ner as he ap proached his manyenterprises.

When he met a young Dutch girl, Vera Jaarsma, who was run ninga board ing house in Lon don where he stayed on one of his vis its,he’d pro posed to her af ter he’d ob served her for six days. He hadmade up his mind. That was the first time some thing else be camemean ing ful to him be sides mak ing money. Vera, his wife, started ares tau rant in Lon don which he made his head of fice. On the birthof his only son, Ste ven, he lost in ter est in mak ing money. By now


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the huge ac cu mu lated for tune of his hold ings was of such mag ni -

tude that he wisely looked for the right peo ple to run it. He was a

good judge of char ac ter and es tab lished a board of ca pa ble di rec -

tors to man age his af fairs from an of fice in New York. Even dur ingthe war years his in vest ments had been prof it ably han dled. Later his

son be came man ag ing di rec tor of his fa ther’s com pa nies.

Toon’s par ents, Ste ven Haardens and Siska de Jong, died in 1958

in Rot ter dam when he was only seven months old. He was looked

af ter by his grand par ents on their es tate in Eng land. They were

killed a year later in a tram way ac ci dent in Am ster dam when they

were vis it ing Siska’s fam ily in Hol land.

He was left be hind at the Jaarsma or phan age un til such time as ap -

pro pri ate fos ter par ents were found that would pre pare him for the

run ning of his grand fa ther’s many busi ness enterprises.

When Toon turned twenty-one, he was the only heir to a co los sal

for tune. He was in tro duced to the re spon si bil ity of the po si tion of

man ag ing di rec tor. He took to it with the same en thu si asm as any -

thing else. By then his pas sion for com mu nity liv ing was slowly un -

fold ing through pow er ful vi sions he had in his dreams which he

shared with a close friend, Ed Barendse, and Otto, his half-brother.

Then only after his fiftieth birthday when Toon met Ingrid

Barendse did he know that his life had finally started to have

meaning, the discovery of love and joy… and… would he reallyexperience what it was like to have a child of his own?…Toon’s mind

drifted to the surface as the throbbing pain in his shoulder woke


He was at tached to a drip and he felt stiff all over. He vaguely re -

mem bered nurses be ing with him. He re called that An nie had been

there, to gether they man aged to reach Ing rid tele path i cally when he

was too weak. Toon felt a heart rend ing sor row sweep ing over him

again when he thought about Ing rid. What grue some or deal was she

fac ing? Never in all his life had he ex pe ri enced such love for a

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woman, the thought of liv ing with out her was un bear able. Surelylife could not be so cruel.... that pos si bil ity made his heart stop.

“Kitty, please love, I’m com ing..I want to be”… the heart mon i tor towhich he was strapped made an odd noise and nurses came rush ingin. Toon felt him self slip ping away. The pain in his chest be came un -bear able; all he wanted was to be with Ing rid…

The pain…he wanted to leave…away from…Then he sawhis own body, ly ing very still, the heart mon i tor made a soundthat prompted ev ery one into ac tion. There was a lot of com -mo tion but no body no ticed him! He felt a hand pull ing himaway.

“Leave it to them, you wanted to be with Ing rid, come,” avoice said. Toon vaguely saw a per son stand ing next to him. He felt a hand guid ing him. The voice had said ‘Ing rid’, whensud denly he felt a float ing sen sa tion...a sense of warmth.

He was free of phys i cal sen sa tions...free of pain....was hedead? “No, you’re not. Your con scious ness is de tached from phys i cal re al -ity for the mo ment be cause your phys i cal body is hav ing a mild heart at tack,but its op er at ing on an au to nomic ba sis and your alarm and alert sys temwill call you back when needed. Come” he was aware of some onenear, but there was no detail…was it some one he knew?…For a mo ment he thought he saw...then dif fer ent shapes be came vis i -ble, like a metal stair case, the place looked run–down, with mil -dew on the walls.

The man! Rich ard was his name. Now he re mem bered. Itwas Ing rid’s friend from that cof fee shop! He was about to askhim what he did there when he saw her! A dark blan ket that wasdraped around her as she was work ing be hind the com puter andto his hor ror he saw her an kle and…a piece of her cloth ing…

“Oh, no, Kitty, love! What are they do ing to you? I’m with you. I cansee you. Oh, love, what are they want ing from you?” He tried to touchher but he went right through, which shook him more than hecared to ad mit.


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“Snooks, are you all right? Why do I feel as if you are near me? Oh,Toon, please, don’t let me think that you are…dead. Toon, I love you! Please come back” Toon saw and felt her de spair. Ing rid was cry ingand the blan ket slith ered off, re veal ing her torn blouse. Her an kle that rested on a box looked swol len. He could do noth ing! Hefelt so help less! Why would Ing rid think he was dead? The voicehad said he had a mild heart at tack!

Toon felt a great need to re turn, he did n’t want to be dead andleave his soul mate on her own again! His in tent to fully awaken in this life time be came an even stron ger de sire now that he found his twin flame. He would have to res cue her fast but he needed to re cover first....

When he opened his eyes, he saw Annelies, Ed and Ben stand ing

next to his bed.

“We cannot do anything more for him, he is stable but his heart is

very weak.” The doctor explained. Toon’s chest felt as if he had

been run over. Had he been asleep? He remembered something but

what? “Annie, have you”...

“Oh, Toon, you scared us! Please stay with us!” Annelies

implored. She was stroking his face while Ed grasped his hand.

“Toon, you scared the day lights out of us. You had a heart at -

tack,” Ed’s shocked voice was full of pain, then when he saw Ben

stand ing next to Annelies he rec og nized how se ri ous his con di tion

must have been.

Their emotions triggered his own frustrations.

“Toon, Harry’s been in con tact with some one that is hold ing Ing -

rid hos tage, but ev ery thing is be ing done to find her, love. Ben’s de -cided to quit his as sign ment.” Annelies quiv ered with relief.

“Oh, An nie you must be so pleased. Ben! Can you still carry on

with your work? I’m so glad for you both but please, all of you, help

me to pro ject to Ing rid. She needs to know I’m alive!…she…I

think…she thinks I’m…dead?…I don’t know why I think that?” He

felt an urgency…but why?

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“Kitty, I’m all right! Please, love, hold on, we’ll find you. I know we’ll betogether for a long time. Both Ed and Ben and Annie are here with me.” Theothers beamed their own message.

“Ing rid, Toon’s all right. Just do what they ask of you and fo cus, love,”Annelies knew from Harry how se ri ous it was. Ed’s eyes were closed,

“Ing rid, all you need to do is look af ter your self. There are lots of peo ple outlook ing, and we have a few tricks up our sleeve,” Ben squeezed Annelies’hand

“Ing rid, I’m Ben. Please look in your bag and read my let ter, then de stroy itand fol low the in struc tions on the disk. Hold on to your thoughts of love,” Allfour were si lent for a long while, each try ing to fo cus on Ing rid. Toon had a vi sion of her in a damp place with a metal stair case....histears were cre at ing a slip pery mess as his pow er less ness over -whelmed him.

“Oh, Snooks, now I know that you are still alive! Oh, love, be care ful, a newman has threat ened Harry Brinks. Snooks, be care ful, this Boss man has beentalk ing to ...What let ter, what must I do? …I must look in my bag …Toon, Ilove you.…Get better…I can’t...stay”…

“Did you all re ceive that?” Toon’s trem bling voice was nev er the -less get ting stron ger.

“Ed, I must speak to Rich ard about the ae rial photo but I can’t re -mem ber why” Toon mum bled weakly. His throat was sore and thetube in his nose made it im pos si ble to talk. He wanted to get rid ofall the con trap tions in his nose be cause they were not help ing him. He pressed the alarm but ton, he wanted some free dom and he feltstron ger al ready for know ing Ben was back.

* * *

Iris van Hattum

Iris woke her up with black cof fee and stale bread, as ap par entlythey’d run out of sup plies. She had been work ing a full day and hadseen no body the whole time. Her an kle felt a bit better and she must


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try to walk on it. She needed to go to the bath room again and hoped

she could con vince Iris to take her to a proper toi let, not to the dis -

gust ing long-drop where she had al most passed out.

“Iris, is there a proper bath room?” The tem per a ture in the base -ment had risen con sid er ably so the weather out side must be hot be -

cause Iris was wear ing shorts and a skimpy top.

“Upstairs, come, I’ll take you before those men get back.”

Ingrid almost passed out when she put her weight on her foot,

the tears smudged her cheeks and she was running a temperature.

“Iris, can you get me some thing to wrap around my an kle?” Hid -

ing her mis er a ble state, know ing she could be stretch ing her luck.

“Any thing will do, like a towel. I can cut it into strips,” know ing

that Iris was not the most in tel li gent woman but even sim ple peo ple

could grasp ideas if one pre sented them with log i cal steps.

Iris came back with a rag, sim i lar to the one they’d used to gag her

with. Ing rid tore it into strips and ban daged it tightly around her foot

and an kle. At least it would give some sup port. Then she grabbed her

bra from the filthy floor and her re vul sion for the man welled up.

Iris helped her up the metal stair case. She tried to peek if she

could see any win dows or any thing up stairs that gave any thing away

of the sur round ings. The build ing was in bad shape, like an aban -

doned fac tory. The bath room was in an ap pall ing state too and Ing -

rid started to feel dirty all over from the smell of urine. She couldhave done with a nice hot bath but think ing about it brought on a de -

pres sion. When she saw the face of a bat tered woman with a bruised

cheek in the cracked mir ror, tears of mis ery erupted. The but tons

on her blouse were gone so she fas tened it tightly in the front with a

knot to hide that she was braless, her pants’ zip was bro ken but Iris

shouted for her to hurry, so her ripped bra-strap be came use ful.

Go ing down the stairs again into the base ment was a lot eas ier

than go ing up.

“You have lots of work to do, so shout if you need any thing, I’ll

be up stairs.”

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“Iris, what am I doing all this for? What is so important about the drawings?” She was still not any the wiser about what was going on.

“I only know that some thing went miss ing in your draw ing. Youdid some thing when you used that draw ing pro gram and it in ter -fered with the in for ma tion in the back ground. I’ve no idea why, andI would n’t want to know. I’m only tell ing you this be cause these peo -ple are dan ger ous and I want to get out of this mess. Re mem ber, the more you know the more you are a threat to them, so don’t ask anyques tions, do you hear!”

Iris helped her set tle in front of the com puter. The two otherdisks that Piet had given her dur ing the early morn ing re minded herof his sneer ing re mark:

“Witch, I warned you about the treatment you gave me when Iasked you about the aerial photos.”

Ingrid remembered very well that she was angry and irritated justbefore she had picked up the phone and Toon was on the linephoning her back about the buttercups.

Oh, so much had happened! It felt like ages, and yet it was onlytwelve weeks! Thinking about Toon plunged her back intoheartache. Had he been near her during the night? She didn’t evenwant to think that…the inklings of loneliness were emotions she’dknown very well, especially after her miscarriage and the years af ter.

When she opened the file on the disk, she won dered who hadfound them in her of fice. Would any body at work al ready know abouther be ing kid napped? Ing rid be came rigid. They were not the samedisks! Some one had made cop ies! But who, Mr. Brinks? When sheopened the one with the pass word ‘Sascia’, she ex pected to see fivefiles with her own list ing but some thing was different.

Ingrid opened one of the files and the background was back! How? She scanned with her mouse over her own drawing when shesuddenly spotted some typing she knew was not hers. It looked as ifsomeone was pretending it belonged to the drawing. It said: Aproposed site is to be projected from an aerial view in connection


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with the noise pollution. The three proposed entertainment areas

are to be joined by two light (laser) beams that are projected to the

main source.

It made no sense at all. What was some one try ing to tell her? Shehad a feel ing she had to al ter some thing, but what? Where did the

noise fit in? What were they go ing to do with her when… then she

re mem bered the sound card?…Your mind is your sixth sense and

your brain is your re ceiv ing plate. It be comes a re flec tor of what ever

you have your fo cus on!” Why did she sud denly think…the foun da -

tions?! She cop ied the three draw ings and her new pro posal to -

gether on the one screen. There were not all that many changes but

some one had tried to tell her some thing. But who?

“Kitty, I’m all right! Please, love, hold on, we’ll find you. I know we’ll be

together for a long time. Both Ed and Ben and Annie are here with me.” Her

heart filled with relief, Toon was alive! She knew Toon’s thoughts

were getting stronger

“Ingrid, Toon’s all right. Just do what they ask of you and focus, love,” She

sensed Annelies’ an guish.

“Ing rid, all you need to do is look af ter your self. There are lots of peo ple out

look ing, and we have a few tricks up our sleeve,” Ed’s love for her beamed

across. She had no idea what time it was but the need for the bath -

room was back. If only her an kle was not so pain ful! She was get ting

thirsty and her throat was feel ing raw. Oh, please, let me not get the flu!“Ing rid, I’m Ben. Please look in your bag if pos si ble and read my let ter, then de -

stroy it and fol low the in struc tions on the disk. Hold on to your thoughts of love,”

Oh if only... she wanted her pregnancy to be real; she wanted a

child from Toon and she was determined to prevent anything that

could jeopardize having his baby.

“Oh, Snooks, now I know that you are still alive! Oh, love, be careful, a man

threatened Harry Brinks. Snooks, be careful, this Boss man has been talking to

…What letter, what must I do?…I must look in my bag…Toon, I love

you…Get better…I can’t…stay”…

They were ar gu ing up stairs so she re moved the two typed text lines

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out of the draw ing on her clip board just in case.As she peered in her bag to see if there was any thing in there to

suck on, she spot ted the blue en ve lope that, as an af ter thought, shehad dropped in her bag from the hall way on Fri day be fore they haddin ner at the Prinsengracht. Ben had pro jected to her some thingabout a let ter! No body was around, but she still heard an gry voices. She looked in side the en ve lope when she no ticed that one let ter wasstuck fac ing in ward to the back of POWAH’s let ter. It was a let ter ad -dressed to Toon and her.Dear Ingrid and Toon,

I would give almost anything to see your face when you read this Toon,but I suppose I’ll have to wait until you are back next week. Ingrid, letme introduce myself. I’m Ben, Annelies’ husband.

When I found out that Toon was go ing to take you to But ter cup Val ley, Itook the chance of en clos ing this let ter know ing you would read it faraway from Apeldoorn. Ing rid, the draw ing that has led to many com pli -ca tions has to do with the sym bol of the eye you so rightly spot ted.Toon, when I ap proached you about you ac quir ing the com pany thathad the land scap ing di vi sion I had no idea what com pli ca tions it wouldbring. Some of them have been a bless ing, I be lieve. I can not ex plainall the sci en tific de tails in this let ter but, Ing rid, Toon will know that if Iasked you to draw the po si tion of the dome ac cord ing to the fol low ingplan. You would help us ac ti vate a vi bra tion that will re lease cer tainstored tab lets that Leo needs for his fur ther re search from the un der -ground tun nels. The cor rect po si tion of the dome will re lease tre men -dous lev els of en ergy, thereby shift ing a plan e tary por tal – re quired tocoun ter mand the other plan e tary vor tex por tals around the planet.These ho lo graphic por tals have been held within the con trol of the op -pos ing forces. Leo thinks that the dome po si tion will ac cel er ate thecol lapse of the 3D ho lo gram tem plate our world has been trapped in.Op pos ing forces want you to pre vent that by chang ing the dome po si -tion. They want to keep full con trol of our planet. Keeping our illusionary reality intact.

I know that Toon has the draw ing equip ment at But ter cup Val ley, and Ihave sent the right in for ma tion through the e-mail to his ad dress. I willnot go into de tail about the con spir a cies but be lieve me, if you man agethat, Ing rid, you will be of great ser vice to us all. Toon, I’m look ing for -ward to see ing you next week and to meet ing Ing rid in per son. Sayhello to Otto and Jill for me.



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Ing rid was rid dled with con fu sion. She could n’t be lieve that this Ben

would have known she would be kid napped, sud denly re cog nis ing the

dan ger if they found this let ter. She had never looked into her bag again

af ter Toon took her away so she had to dis pose of it some how. Af ter read ing it three times she tore it up in very small pieces and

scat tered it around the whole dirty base ment. She started to read

POWAH’s ex cerpt fif teen, the one that was miss ing!

The Heart Chakra.

Programme...Planet Earth

Mas tery over the Com pas sion ate Gate way, theHeart Chak ra.

Rule Five of the awak en ing game.Earth is a planet of love and wis dom and the

heart of your planet is prac tis ing for give ness. Peo ple who raise their con scious ness while inmed i ta tion to the in fus ing move ment of the planet’s love en ergy will have ac cess to thislove vi bra tion in all sit u a tions.

If man’s mind would only res o nate to peace,his thoughts and feel ings would be in sep a ra ble. The thoughts that you are now most ac cus tomed to are those which are gen er ated from your per son -al ity that re sponds to fear. When you are con -trolled by the per son al ity, a feel ingpre-ex ists in your un con scious that has gen er -ated the thought, which then again seems to pro -duce a cor re spond ing feel ing.

Man’s es sence, the IAM is pure con scious -ness, and it vi brates at a higher levelthrough the heart chak ra. When man to tally sur ren ders his lower per son al ity, he willre con nect to this true state of be ing. His heart will be a rep lica of the heart of the one source that is all. The I AM withinall of you are al ways help ing you clear all the blocks and re place them with your nat u -ral state of joy ful ness.

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She would keep it, hop ing they would not look into her bag. Ben’s rea son for us ing her draw ing skills was be yond her, but read ingPOWAH’s mes sage she was re minded once more of her own power. She fo cussed on Toon and their love for each other, the un ion thatthey ex pe ri enced, which she would al ways be grate ful for and whichwould sus tain her for the rest of her life. She con cen trated on herlove for him, feel ing it spread ing over ev ery thing around her, she felt again the joy of liv ing, be ing in the mo ment. She drew this en ergyinto her so lar plexus and up, through her heart, up her throat and upinto her head. She ex pe ri enced a dif fused light some where far away,and then she felt the still ness com ing over her…then the com puterbright ened up again.<Kitty, you must lose life to find it. Throughfaith you learn to give up ev ery thing, even thespir i tual joy of close ness. In your aban don mentand de spair, your per sonal joys must be done awaywith. This is very of ten the fi nal pe riod of test -ing.>

“But I failed! I did ev ery thing wrong!” I...her thoughts were sti fled byemo tions of guilt. <Kitty, tell the story of your life in such a waythat ev ery thing that hap pened to you was po ten -tially good, but of ten ob scured. Feel your life,ex plore it, and know that you will re shape your fu -ture as you align your thoughts with the many man -sions of God’s uni verse. You have passed yourfirst ini ti a tion al ready by par tic i pat ing. Your way


The Awakening Clan

Kitty, in di vid ual awak en ing must be de siredthrough the heart cen tre of each in di vid ualthrough the cul mi na tion of a life time of ser -vice. By keep ing your thoughts on love and hav -ing com pas sion for all life, the mag ne tism thatyou cre ate around you will bring you the free dom you so de sire.


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is through the in ner reaches of the la tent pow ersof your mind, know ing that it ex ists. Kitty, wel -come home to one fam ily, one Soul, one Spirit of Iam that I am.>

The tears welled up but this time from re lief. Sud denly the eye

sym bol that was only seen from a great dis tance spoke to her as in tu -

itive in sights flashed across her mind. Then she un der stood that the

scheme of the uni verse was good, only man was out of har mony

with it. In one beau ti ful mo ment she gained in sight into the time less

re al ity of con scious ness that was with out lim its. Now she un der -

stood her part of the plan. She would write her story as POWAH

had asked her to do in the be gin ning.

Think ing about the draw ing, she could re draw the dome’s an gle,

for that was wrong! She opened her draw ings again think ing about

the placings of the two light beams, be cause they would not pierce

si mul ta neously at the right an gle! The in sight that she had to change

the an gle of the dome came from some where. She had to ac com mo -

date the two enor mous con struc tions that reg u lated the strong light

beams that would il lu mi nate the whole dome. It re minded her of

the la ser beam that was used to op er ate on the hu man eye! That wasit! Of course it would be a la ser beam that would be used when the

ho lo gram was in op er a tion! Only then would the planet re spond to

the changes thereby ex pe ri enc ing the open ing of the plan e tary third

eye. It would give the plat form on the is land a pas sage to the many

dif fer ent di men sions.

Where did that idea came from ? Were they her thoughts?

Her ankle was throbbing painfully but it took second place now

that she understood the magnitude of her opportunity. She was in

the right place at the right time! As her screen brightened again it

was as if the screen, the message and her receptive mind were one.<Kitty, back in an cient times com mu ni ties wor -shipped the mother god dess col lec tively. They man -i fested the law of spirit and not the law of mat terlike the races of peo ple liv ing to day do. Your deep

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mem ory of how to cre ate and live on planet earth ina peace ful way is now ac ti vated by those an cientin tu itive rec ol lec tions.>

Ing rid knew that she needed to re call ev ery emo tion and ev eryhurt and pain that trig gered her, in or der to re lease it. Now sheclicked. She had started to rec ol lect her I AM’s of the many life times into the one law of spirit. <Yes, hold ing on to dark thoughts will cre ate in -com plete awak en ing, for it is in the gaps of miss -ing DNA strands that the dark forces can workthrough one’s field. Hu mans had highly de vel oped‘right brain’ minds be fore the sep a ra tions of thehemi spheric think ing mode came about. It was anex qui site pe riod of non-sep a ra tive, erotic, and yet peaceful liv ing.>

She won dered if it was true about the ru mours around aliens,want ing to pre vent them from evolv ing?<Kitty in the lower di men sions souls are frac turedinto many as pects and many dark thought forms havebeen dumped onto your planet from other cre ations. These dis torted en er gies re sulted in se ries of cat -a clysms, such as the Ice Age, and many falls in con -scious ness. Most of the re cords and ar ti facts ofthis great pe riod can only be ac cessed in yourdream time.>

Ing rid was mes mer ized by POWAH’s re sponse on an cient cul -tures. So it was true! In his let ter Ben called them op pos ing forces.Did he mean that Alien forces were in con trol? Through peo plewho un con sciously in vited them in, but why had she at tracted thisvi o lence?<Kitty sub con scious harm ful thought pat terns arenot pleas ant, some act like an in ward abuse andsome re act to an out side abuse. They are one andthe same.>

Gosh, had she at tracted an out side abuse? Was that a pat ternwithin her self ? She hated that idea. She spec u lated what this ho lo -gram is land was go ing to be used for, and how did she sud denly


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know what to do with the draw ing and that it con nected with sound?

The screen jumped at her again<Kitty, close your eyes for a mo ment.>

Wow! What was this? She closed her eyes and let her body sink

deep into her self...she started to hear sound, like a kind of sing ing... <As you are now one with my spirit, the sound youhear pul sat ing in your brain is a high-pitched res -o nance that is not au di ble in the third di men sionof your vis i ble world, it is only recognisable ifyou find the bridge.>

Then she saw a ball of red light on her right side while a ball of

green light ap peared on her left side. <Kitty, you see that the two com ple men tary colourscan not ex ist with out each other, the same ap pliesto what you man i fest in the world around you. Thecom ple men tary op po site stays be hind in the un-man i -fested state. This is the rule of the world of du -al ity. Both good and evil have arisen only throughsep a ra tion from unity which in it self is nei thergood nor evil but di vine. When you unite in yourcon scious ness two halves of your self, you’ve foundyour way back into the in fi nite.>

A beam of light en tered through the roof and floated gently

down, sub merg ing her. Within this bril liant white cloud she saw

colours whirl ing, and she felt warm, and glow ing with a ra di ance of

love ...then Toon’s face flashed upon her mind, her com ple men tary

half, with whom she could ex pe ri ence this soul love....<Kitty, as a co-light-worker in the great di vineplan, learn to love the di vine within each per son. Then you will ex pe ri ence the unity within the self. From now on as you awaken to who you are, you willex pe ri ence dif fer ent states of con scious ness asdream pic tures, with out be ing con scious of ei thertime or space.>

The text dis ap peared from her screen when she heard a dif fer ent

noise. It came from far away but it had not been there be fore... Po -lice! There was a lot of shout ing go ing on up stairs, Piet, Bruce and

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Iris were run ning down the metal stair case and Ing rid was men tallydrawn back into the base ment. What had hap pened? What werethey go ing to do with her?

“Quick, get the disk, she’s done it!” Bruce yelled. “Why can’t we just leave her and go?” Iris screamed as she got the

disk while Piet ripped at all the wiring. The drawings were torn ofthe walls and Bruce shot the computers to bits. Ingrid’s whole bodybecame cold and stiff.

“Do as you are told” Bruce shouted at Iris. She heard a car speed ingaway and Bruce swore while grab bing her by the thick knot in herblouse, press ing a rag in her mouth. The foul taste made her heave andhis fishy re pul sive breath close up made her…then she lost con scious -ness...

* * *

At a mystery resort

Ing rid was out side rest ing on a large re cliner. She had been given asteam bath, and a mas sage, but she had no idea where she was orhow long she had been here. Had she been drugged? The last words from POWAH, ask ing her to close her eyes made her men tally seeher draw ings, then the up heaval. Thank good ness she’d de stroyedthe let ter from Ben.....then his foul breath...

She had been blind folded all the way to the place where she wasnow. Bruce had car ried her the whole way, that much she knew. Sheheard noises from peo ple at a dis tance. She was aware of Bruce’sface all the time, it made her go rigid all over and his breath was evenmore re pul sive.

“It’s a real shame that I did n’t get a chance with you” he hadleered at her. “The boss told us to treat you like roy alty. Why all of asud den is to tally be yond me but you are in luck. You’ll get the treat -ment of a movie star if you keep quiet. Are you lis ten ing?” He hadpushed her down into a big chair while hold ing on to her blouse.


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She could n’t bear his coarse hand on her bare skin and had man aged

to kick him away. When he ripped off her blind fold, she was in

some kind of en trance hall. Iris was talk ing to some one at the coun -

ter and Bruce hissed at her not to say a thing. Where was she? It alllooked very lux u ri ous. Then her eyes were drawn to a pic ture that

hung on the wall fac ing the en trance, she in haled sharply, it was the

same star paint ing Annelies had! How was that pos si ble? Bruce’s

sneer brought her thoughts back.

“This is a place where the very rich go when they need a make

over. We’ve been told that you must keep quiet for at least two days

if you want to see that lover of yours. There’s still someone outside

his hospital room,” Bruce threatened in fury.

“Hallo, dar ling, your daugh ter told me all about you. We’ll put

you in a wheel chair and you can have a long hot bath,” the woman

be hind the coun ter had squealed to her in Flem ish.

She wanted to comment but seeing Iris’s petrified expression, she

sensed how crucial it was to keep quiet. She would go along with

them for now but had already spotted a phone in the corner.

They wheeled her through a nar row pas sage. Iris went in side

room 22 in spect ing the win dows. It was a very posh place but there

was no warmth in the room.

“Ing rid, I don’t know what’s go ing on but I want to get out of this

mess. I’m glad they’ve dumped you here and I’ll in form the po licemy self of your where abouts. Yes.…I prom ise, if you lie low for at

least two days. I know the Boss was not bluff ing. I’ve never seen such

rage when he was told why he had to let you go. I’ve no idea why but

Ing rid, don’t say any thing un til two days have passed.” Iris was dead

se ri ous, her face crum pled from fear, she al most felt sorry for her.

“Where am I?”

“Believe me you don’t want to know, say nothing, you hear!”

“I hope you get out of the com pany you’re keep ing?” All she

wanted was a bath and some fresh clothes. The bath was there, what

about clothes?

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“Well, since I’m to be treated like royalty, get me something elseto wear. I don’t want to get into these again after my bath!” Herneeds to pamper herself after her ordeal made her abrupt.

“I’ll see what I can do but don’t talk to anyone, do you hear?”“You’d better take your life a bit se ri ously, and start afresh some -

where. I’ll pre tend for now, that I have not seen you.” Iris’s de plor -able state made her al most want to give her a hug. At least she hadbeen some help. Iris had never been a threat.

Piet was a different story entirely, and the big boss had triggeredraw fear! But Bruce was the most revolting of the lot, he had shotToon and the insinuations he’d made gave her gooseflesh. Iris hadwalked out of the room locking her in!

After she man aged to have a bath and hopped back to the bed -room she found a night gown, un der wear and a track suit on her bed. All very neat and smart. This must be a place for the very af flu ent,won der ing who was pay ing for it? She had tried to pro ject to Toon,but had not been able to do it while they were rac ing her away, know -ing that when she was ner vous or emo tion ally stressed it was al mostim pos si ble. Think ing of Toon ac ti vated her psy chic senses.

“Kitty, where are you? We’re all try ing to reach you. What’s hap pen ing toyou?” Toon’s over anx ious state of mind shocked her…

“Snooks, I’m fine, a lot better. They’ve moved me. I’ve been or dered not tospeak to any one for two days, but, oh, I long to be with you! Are you in a lot ofpain? Toon, some one is out side your room that would ‘deal’ with you, if I…Oh, I wish this night mare were over but I’m far more wor ried about you.”...Ing ridwas so fa tigued af ter that pro jec tion it made her head spin. Whatday was it? Wednes day, Thurs day?…“I love you! Go to sleep. I’m fine. To mor row I’ll find you”…

When she awoke, her an kle was feel ing a lot better, she could al -most rest on it with out want ing to scream. This place re minded herof a health re treat, ex cept for the en ergy of peace and whole some -ness that was miss ing. Some body had brought her break fast but as


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most of the staff spoke French, she could not com mu ni cate ad e -

quately. She had asked for a phone but no body took any no tice of

her re quest.

She was given a massage and her ankle was seen to by an elderlywoman, who prodded it and when she drew back in pain, she

bandaged it in a strong, stiff support, which made it feel a lot better.

Later, af ter she’d slept for some hours again, she won dered if they

had put any thing in her cof fee or din ner, she felt so drowsy! How

would that af fect the baby? Some times her mind drifted again to the

pos si bil ity of preg nancy since she had lots of time to think about it…

They had her rest ing out side again be cause it was a very mild eve -

ning and a plane that flew over the area brought her back from her

thoughts. When she looked up, there it was; could it be…no. Toon

was in the hos pi tal!…but some how she felt a con nec tion with that

plane.…then it went away. It was prob a bly wish ful think ing, and per -

haps they had drugged her be cause she kept feel ing drowsy….

When she woke up again, it was get ting darker. She re mem bered

the lit tle plane and that she had seen Sascia’s face in her mind. A

staff mem ber col lected her in a wheel chair be cause she still could

not walk very well. Where was ev ery body? This place must be very

iso lated, but there were other peo ple about.

A man in a white coat whom she’d never seen be fore took her in -

side, pushed her through the foyer. If only she could get to the

phone! The woman be hind the coun ter took her to her room lock -

ing her in! Ing rid felt fury welling up. Why was she be ing locked up?

No body said a word. Were those peo ple ro bots? They all had a

numb, flat look about them. Revulsion came over her, those peo ple,

they had no thoughts! No feel ings! There was some thing greatlywrong with them, al most as it they were not hu man! She must have

drifted off again be cause she was woken up by a lot of noise..........

The Heart Chakra.

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Chapter 20

The Rules of the FourthDimension

Half-way House

“Mom where are you?…Mom, it’s Jeroen…Mommy,…canyou hear me? Are you there?”...

Ing rid was.stunned…Could it re ally be Jeroen?.....As she jumpedout of bed the stab bing from her an kle made her flinch,…but…nev er the less she man aged to stum ble to the door…

“Jeroen...It that re ally you?...” Her voice broke as she heard run -ning feet.

“Mommy, are you all right?” Sascia exploded into sobs of relief. A man’s voice argued. Who were they? They were fiddling with akey and then.......her door flew open....Jeroen grabbed her sosuddenly, she almost fell.

“Mom! Are you okay? Are you hurt? Oh, your face!” Sasciacalled out as the tears of worry poured down both her twins’ faces. She held their shak ing bod ies close to her. Oh, it felt so good, feel -ing them, touch ing them, hold ing them. Then she looked up intothe taut ex pres sions of Hans and Rich ard.

“Well, I’ve got a whole party res cu ing me, I see,” she em braced bothmen falsely cheer ful. Both Jeroen and Rich ard took turns car ry ing her,even though she had tried to con vince them that she could walk. Hansseemed to have the es tab lish ment un der his men tal con trol.

Peter was at the wheel of a sedan. He came running up and tookher from Jeroen after a big hug. He settled her gently in the back seat


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and handed her his cell-phone.

“Hello,”......she knew who was on the other side......no sound, just

breath ing,... “Toon...are you there?” she whis pered breath lessly, her

whole be ing al most rigid with ex pec ta tion.“Ingrid, it’s Annelies, Toon is a ”.....

“Kitty, oh, love, they found you!” His weak voice gave her quite a


“Toon...thank you”.... she started to cry again.... “for my children,

it was such a surprise. Is Debbie...”

“Mom, are you okay? Toon called me as I just walked in.”

Debbie broke into a whimper.

“Deb bie, I’m fine re ally, but how is Toon? Please Deb bie, is it

bad? He sounds so weak!”

“Mom, Toon is fine now that you’ve been found.” Debbie was

crying and Ingrid knew that she had been lying!

“Kitty, I’ll be fine, re ally. Come back soon. Dirk will fly you all

back to mor row morn ing. It’s too late now.” His voice sounded

better but she knew he was in great pain. Ing rid looked at the clock

in the dash board as the car drove down a fa mil iar road. It was

nine-thirty. That was not late!

“Peter, can’t Dirk fly us back tonight?”

“You’ll arrive after midnight Ingrid and you cannot visit him

then. They won’t let you near him!”“Snooks, please go to sleep, I’ll be there as soon as possible.”she

uttered softly through the cell-phone “I love you, remember. We both love

you.” Ingrid smiled when she knew that he got the message. She fell

back into her seat and Sascia kissed her softly on her bruised cheek.

“He’s a wonderful guy, mom! Where did you find him?” They

were all four in the back seat of a sedan. Sascia was almost squashed

on Richard’s lap while Jeroen sat next to the window.

“What makes you think Mom found him? I think he found her!”

Jeroen’s tone ex pressed re lief and they all started to laugh. The des -

per a tion of the pre vi ous four days evap o rated, the air was clear and

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for one mo ment it al most felt as if noth ing had hap pened.When they drove into the fa mil iar drive way, Helen was wait ing

for them at their front porch. Pe ter helped her out of the car, hold -ing her like a frag ile doll and Snoopy came run ning, greet ing her with lots of lick ing and wrig gling. Helen’s voice broke as she hugged her,the tears dripped.

“Oh Ingrid, your face! They hurt you, your ankle! Ingrid, we’vehad four of the worst days ever. Even the children picked up thatsomething terrible had happened and they’ve been impossible!”

“Are they already asleep?” “Not Timmy! You know that he’s very telepathic. We had great

difficulty keeping stuff from him. He’s distraught about Toon being shot. He still can’t come to terms with it.”

Helen’s dis tress made Ing rid aware of how many peo ple were af -fected by any form of ag gres sive be hav iour. She in tro duced Sascia,Jeroen and Rich ard. Hans organised with Dirk a time in the morn -ing to fly back.

“Ing rid, your daugh ter looks so like you, only taller; and Rich ard,is that her boy friend?” Helen re-ban daged her an kle when they wereall in the din ing room where a late sup per was spread out. No bodyhad eaten yet. Ing rid had to smile watch ing Jeroen gulp down hisdin ner. He’d al ways been one for food, whereas Sascia was more re -strained, and Rich ard was hav ing a con ver sa tion with Pe ter whileeat ing at the same time.

“He’s my other daughter’s boyfriend.” She explained to Helenthat Debbie was with Toon, being the nurse on duty near his ward

“Mmm, are you” …Hans interrupted them carrying Timmy inhis arms and told Ingrid that Timmy had insisted on seeing her forhimself. The young boy ran to her as if she was someone he’dknown all his life. She took him on her lap and hugged him. Timmywas quietly staring at her. Ingrid wondered what went on in thischild’s mind.

“Timmy, Toon is okay, we will both come back soon when he’s


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out of the hospital, I promise.” Timmy’s puzzled expression slowly

changed into a small smile, he put his head on her shoulder, cuddled

up and drifted off to sleep on her lap while Snoopy curled at her

feet.All her emotions had been shaken and put through a shredding

machine, she needed to close her eyes and let the bottled up feelings

of fear, humility and anger wash away to be replaced by relief and

gratitude. Peter gently took Timmy from her.

“That is the first time he’s fallen asleep by himself since

Monday,” Helen remarked when Peter came in again after taking

Timmy to bed.

“Ing rid, this came over the e-mail for you just now. It looks sim i -

lar to the let ter you re ceived the last time you were here. Who sends

them?” Pe ter handed her a print out of ex cerpt twenty. Her mind

tum bled as an idea started to sur face as to how...some one could al -

ways trace her …But how?

The Rules of the Fourth Dimension


Programme...Planet Earth

Awak en ing to the Rules of the Fourth Di men sion

Rule Ten of the awak en ing card game.Your re al ity will very soon be en tirely ruled

by fourth di men sional laws in your third di men -sional polarisation where ev ery thing is stillper ceived in du al ity. Ob ses sion with this du al -ity could hin der you so you miss the di vine leapto the knowl edge that noth ing is ac tu ally solid.

The first di men sional mat ter is with outlife-forms and holds the re cords of ex pe ri encein time. When you hold a rock, know that be tweenthe mol e cules is emp ti ness and the I AM ex ists in this emp ti ness in unity with the one source.

Then the sec ond di men sional life is in jectedinto mat ter and form. The plant king dom of yourplanet is guided by the el e men tal spir its

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This was one of POWAH’s puz zling let ters again. She wouldhave to start see ing all the ex cerpts to gether and play the card game. How she looked for ward to get ting back to nor mal ity and herfriends in the group again! A noise came from Snoopy who was ly -ing at her feet. Her tail was mov ing as she looked up at Ing rid, tap -


The Awakening Clan

for their evo lu tion to un fold. When you com mu ni cate ver bally and men tally with your plant king dom you are in un ion with the el e -men tal king dom.

Mat ter was cre ated and polarised in thethird di men sion for dif fer ent spe cies toevolve. Your an i mal king dom ex ists freelyin the third, fourth and fifth di men sionssi mul ta neously. Since an i mals do notjudge, their evolv ing di men sional skillsare a source of rich spir i tu al ity in mul ti -di men sional liv ing. An i mal be hav iour, es -pe cially that of house pets, will re vealthe se crets about hu man po ten tial.

Kitty, your third di men sional time-zoneis mov ing to wards the time less and non-ver -bal ex is tence that you can al ready em bracethrough the fourth di men sion.

Con tem plate the laws of the fourth di men -sion. You need to per ceive those lawsthrough the un der stand ing that ev ery thingis en ergy. You need to awaken and per ceiveen ergy con scious ness in or der to play onthe sec ond level of your as cen sion cardgame.

It will open the up per chak ras above your crown chak ra that then will fil ter the fifth di men sional en er gies down into thethird di men sion.


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ping the floor as if she tele path i cally heard her think! What did

Snoopy know and sense? She would have to pay more at ten tion to

an i mals from now on.

“I’ve no idea who is responsible for sending the excerpt to me,Peter, but I’m beginning to suspect that Ben might know more

about it. I think that is how they found me. I’ll have to ask him.

Whoever is sending them knows where I am and is determined that I

include them in my journal.” She was thinking that the letter from

him in her bag was in the same blue envelope.

After telling them a bit about her ordeal, she decided not to

disclose the intriguing part of the drawings to do with the park.

Peter seemed to think that Toon had been the target for some

unknown reason, which made her rather uneasy, thinking of the

threat that the boss man had made.

“Ingrid, watch your thoughts on fear as they can still keep you from becoming

free. Hold them in the light,” Hans projected. She felt his genuine

affection and received a wink

“Thank you for reminding me.” Hans knew far more but was

probably under some form of oath not to get involved up to a point.

It must take some incredible self discipline not to interfere. Ingrid

wanted to know how they had found her at the resort and for some

reason they all looked at Richard.

“Ingrid, you look very tired. For now you need your sleep,” Hans got up. Helen directed them to their bedrooms and Sascia insisted

on sharing a double room with her.

“Mom, are they going to become family?” Sascia asked her,

when they both climbed into bed. She felt so heavy with sleep that

she had difficulty even uttering a reply.

“How would you feel about that?” She glanced at Sascia in the

other single bed next to hers.

“I just won dered. This is a lovely place to visit! I wish I had all my

cam era equip ment with me. I’d love to do some photo shoots here,

es pe cially of the chil dren. Do you think I could ask them if I could

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come back in a few weeks’ time?”Ingrid smiled. “I’m absolutely positive that Helen would love to

have you here. Do you want me to mention it?”“Mom…I’ve quit my job,” Sascia shared with her that she

wanted to go freelance and asked if she could stay home for a whileuntil she was on her feet. She had to remind her that there alwayswould be a home for her. When Sascia asked where Toon would livewhen he came out of the hospital she realised that she had to sharemore with her children.

“Sascia, I’m carrying Toon’s baby.…I love him very much, and Iwant to spend the rest of my life with him. Is that a problem withyou?” Sascia looked stunned. She sat up leaning over.

“You’re preg nant? Oh, mom, I never knew! Now I un der -stand!.…Toon’s re ac tions, the dev as ta tion, the pain! It was like see -ing a man mourn for…of course…now I un der stand. Mom, I justnever visualised you with some one else. Please for give me, I did n’tknow. Jeroen never told me.” She fell back into her pil low, her armsbe hind her head.

“Jeroen doesn’t know. All he knows is that Toon, ‘has the hots for me’.” Ingrid giggled, thinking about that day when he’d said it. “But nobody knows about the baby. It’s too soon to know anyway, but itseemed appropriate to tell you. Was it?”

“Oh, mom, yes, I’m glad that I know and I’m happy for you,really, but I’ve still got to get used to the idea of you having a baby.Mom, are you not....too old?” Sascia’s frown made her smile.

“No, I don’t think so; but don’t worry, I’ll take every precaution,otherwise I’m sure Toon will!”

“How does Toon like that idea? Be com ing a fa ther at his age?” Ing rid grinned at this age part. He would never be too old to her inany way.

“He likes the idea so much that he had to swear to me on thescriptures not to tell a soul but I think he broke that promise after acouple of hours. He must have told Annelies, but that’s because


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they’re very close and he was very worried about me. I forgive him

for that indiscretion, but Sascia, please, I don’t want this to go any


“Not even to Jeroen and Debbie?”“No, not yet, I don’t think it’s right to an nounce some thing like

this too early. Toon wants to get mar ried right away, I told him

some time in Sep tem ber, not sooner, but now we’ll see.” Sascia was

hav ing dif fi culty tak ing it all in.

“Sascia, I loved your father very much but with Toon it’s

different, he’s part of me. I don’t know how seriously he’s been

injured, but I don’t want him to be a day longer in that hospital than

is absolutely necessary, I hope he will come home soon, and your

room is there too. Sascia, what about that boyfriend of yours?

Vinny? He lives in Amsterdam. Is he aware of your plans to come

home to stay for a while? You mean you’re giving up your flat?”

“I don’t know, mom. I’m confused.”

“About what?” Ing rid looked at her lovely face won der ing about

all that had gone on that she had missed. All she picked up were her

scat tered thoughts, all try ing to come into fo cus. She could re late,

she’d felt the same the first time Toon had taken her to din ner at the


“Mom, how do you know that you love a person and that a

person is the right one?” Gosh, she had asked that before! “Dar ling, you will feel it. You will know that you want to be with

that per son al ways. I did feel like that about your fa ther when I

was18; and then, when you grow older, your feel ings move onto dif -

fer ent lev els. What I feel for Toon is dif fer ent com pared to what I

felt for your fa ther. But in its own way, it was good. But I would n’t

want to go back.” Ing rid was dream ily think ing of Toon’s and her


“But mom, I thought I really liked Vinny, and I still do. But…

“Let me guess, he does not make your heart flut ter ev ery time he

touches you, he does n’t make you quiver when he’s flirt ing, or when

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he’s look ing into your eyes. He’s not mak ing you feel that you are the only woman he has eyes for.” Ing rid’s voice an i mated the rest.

“No, he’s a good friend, but oh no, not that ...other, def i nitelynot.” Ing rid glanced up at her. Sascia sat up in bed hug ging her ownshoul ders. The bliss of chat ting like this made the kid nap ping or -deal al most un real. Sascia was far away, pon der ing. Then she madeher self com fort able.

“I want all that you de scribe mom, and also the friend ship, the lot, yes. Now I know! Thanks mom, now I know what I want for my -self.” Sascia leaned over, touched her face slightly and switched offthe lamp.

“Oh mom, I’m so glad you’re okay” she mum bled un der the blan -kets.

“Good, let’s go to sleep. I can’t wait for tomorrow. I know Toonis miserable.”.…


“Yes, what?”“Is that what Toon does to you?” Sascia asked her softly and

Ingrid smiled and suddenly with that question she had an awak en -i…ng

“More, a whole lot and more. I learned that with Toon I can bemy true self, or at least find it. With Toon I started to love my self be -cause there’s no ob li ga tion in our re la tion ship, only a glo ri ous op -por tu nity to ex press my soul’s de sire! Sascia, we com mu ni cate withmen tal te lep a thy and that makes it even more spe cial.”

“Yes, I know! Rich ard told me. Wow, can you con nect with himnow?”

“If you keep quiet and go to sleep, I might” She had missed theircon ver sa tions and never had they been so in ti mate. Now she wassorry for the times that she’d seemed dis tant from her chil dren. Shenow knew that she needed to be more open, more trust ing in her self to speak her thoughts aloud and share them with oth ers. When shelooked side ways Sascia seemed to be asleep.


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“Kitty, are you fi nally free? I’ve been try ing to get your at ten tion. I’m al ready

sick of ly ing here. Please, love, now you must res cue me. Sleep well, see you

soon.”…Ing rid was very tired, but not too tired to send him a lov ing

beam. “Snooks, I’ve al ready been re fur nish ing the house, so you can be at home with

us. I’ll take care of you. You go to sleep. The doc tors must give you the go-ahead

to come home. So be very good.”

Peter & Helen – Karin & Timmy

Ing rid had been awake for two hours and it was still only seven

o’clock. If it had been just her, she would have wanted to leave long

ago but Sascia was still fast asleep. Oh, how she longed to be with

Toon! Then she heard a soft knock.

“Yes, come in,” she whispered smiling...knowing that it was both

Karin and Timmy…They ambled towards her bed.

“Come, climb in,” she whispered, opening the bedcovers. Karin

sat up, looking at Sascia in the other bed and she asked with a child’scuriosity who that was, in a dramatic whisper she told them stories

about her children.

“When are you com ing back with un cle Toon?” Ing rid stroked

Timmy’s hair out of his face that was all scrunched up, his mind was

still in tur moil, she could feel it.

“You’ve been very worried, haven’t you? ” Timmy nodded.

“I heard Mommy saying to Daddy that uncle Toon was going to

die. Is that true?”

“No love. He will be with us for a long long time. He’ll see you

both grow up.”

“Really? So he was not shot?”

“Yes, he was, but you don’t always die when you get shot,


“Peo ple do in the mov ies I’ve seen; they al ways do.” Timmy

rocked on the bed.

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“Timmy, it’s not always good to look at movies, they make youbelieve in things that are not always true. Darling, did you hearMommy and Daddy do mind talk?” His eyes became rounder.

“You heard them having a mind talk when they said that uncleToon was going to die?” Timmy hands made a fist. Oh, poor child,he knew that mind talk was always more real than loud talk. Shecuddled him while Karin was still peeping at Sascia.

“Timmy, some times we hear thoughts that peo ple think are go ing to hap pen, but then when they don’t we see that peo ple have beenmis taken.” Timmy was pull ing at his ears pon der ing.

“But daddy said that people with bad thoughts really hurt uncleToon.”

“Yes well, we all make mistakes. You will as well when you growup. When you hear things that are upsetting, always remember, notall thoughts are real. Many people, and grown-ups especially,including Mommy and Daddy, are not always aware what they arethinking! And some thoughts are different from talking. You knowthat, don’t you?”

“Yes, when grown ups say ‘yes’ they think ‘no’,” Timmy statedwisely which made her want to squeeze him to her, he so re mindedher of her self when she was lit tle.

“There you both are. Ing rid, have they been both er ing you?”Helen asked, when she brought tea into the room on a tray. Sasciawoke up and asked what the time was. Jeroen peeped around thedoor and both the chil dren saw in him a play mate. Jeroen took themdown stairs so that she and Sascia could be ready in ten min utes. They all made an ef fort to leave for Hol land, know ing she was anx -ious to get to the hospital.

* * *

For Ing rid the flight and the drive took for ever. It was al readyeleven in the morn ing when they fi nally drove to wards the med i calcen tre. The closer they came to Toon the more im pa tient she be -


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came and her heart started to pound. She al most wanted to jump

out of the car when they drove into the hos pi tal grounds, she in -

sisted on walk ing which was slow go ing but she was not ar riv ing in a

wheel chair!When they were get ting out of the lift on the floor where Toon’s

room was, she spot ted Harry Brinks and then from no where Ed ap -

peared. The joy in his face that changed when he no ticed her bruise,

was al most too much. She was shocked at the way Harry looked. He

had aged over night!

“Thank goodness you are safe,” Ed hugged her.

“Ed, how is he?” Then suddenly from everywhere more people

were asking her all kinds of questions.

The press?…Oh no!…“Mrs. Barendse, why were you freed?

Who were the kid nap pers?” …Annelies came march ing through

them, took one look at Ing rid, hold ing her at arm’s length while both

Ed and Harry pushed peo ple away…

“Are you ready...Toon is still on life support and a heart machine.”

“Oh, has it been that bad! Did he have a heart at tack, Annelies?

Oh, no!” Annelies nod ded.

“I just wanted you to be prepared. Now go in, we’ll be outside,

and I’ll make sure you two are alone for a while.” Lots of people

wanted to ask questions but Ingrid only wanted to be with Toon.

As she opened his door, her heart was pounding at what shewould find. The machine noises and disinfectant smells for a second

took her back. The hospital smell almost choked her. There was a

screen in front of the bed and she saw photo’s everywhere, aerial

pho tos

Toon was sit ting straight up sup ported by big pil lows, his shoul -

der was ban daged, some wires were at tached to his chest and he had

a drip in his arm. There was no air pipe through his nose, thank

good ness. Annelies must have been mis taken be cause she cringed,

al most fainted, re mem ber ing Jan’s last mo ments. The mo ment she

saw Toon’s pale, wor ried frown when he saw her, his eyes filled up

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with tears. She ran to the bed ig nor ing the nasty twinge of pain inher an kle.

“Oh, Kitty, are you in pain?” His arm encircled her and thestrength was still there! He pulled her onto the bed, kissed her in herneck, her hand and her ear, but Ingrid being more mobile took holdof his head and very gently kissed his mouth that was so dry and hot.

“Oh, Snooks....oh, love, she re peated again and again. She laydown very care fully next to him. Toon took the blan ket to cover herand she could see that he was in pain, as his eyes gave it away. Theirtears dripped over each other’s faces and they cried for joy but couldnot speak. She just lay there, say ing noth ing, hold ing his hand, strok -ing his face, his neck, very gently press ing her body against his......

“Kitty, I would not have wanted to live, if you were not shar ingthis life with me. What do you think POWAH would have said tothat?”

“He would say that we would never be apart love.” “Oh, snooks, I don’t re ally know, I felt the same. One day we will

ask him but we are to gether now. You will not get rid of me eas ilynow that there might be two of me.” …they stared into each oth erseyes, melt ing their love for each other. He softly touched her bruise,a fleet ing mo ment his eyes flick ered, then he whis pered,

“At least our lit tle baby will have a chance to set tle as I won’t asyet...”

“Toon, where are your thoughts!” His glint was back in his eyes. “Kitty, you are the sex i est, most de sir able, lov ing, beau ti ful,

warm blooded woman I’ve ever known.” She kissed him on hisnose.

“You are the most persistent, seductive, sexy, charming, gorgeous hunk of a man I’ve ever encountered in my whole life. You’d betterget your health back in shape as you’ll soon have to make an honestwoman of me.”

“When?” he asked, his arm was pulling her against him tightly. He leaned his head against her breasts.


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“Kitty, when I’m with you, I almost get a glimpse of who I really am. I want,

purely for myself to enter into a sacred marriage with you for the glorious

opportunity it gives me to live my life to my fullest potential.” Oh, it felt so

good to feel him, to hold him and to hear him mentally say that.“Oh, Toon, you are so good with words, even when you just

think them. I want the same for myself,” she whispered into his ear.

She had to be careful of his draining tubes that were attached to his

chest on his right side. She looked at the heart monitor that looked

very stable to her when somebody knocked.

“Snooks, I must get of this bed, otherwise they’ll think I’ve come

for only one thing.”

“They would not be far off the mark.” Toon chuckled. She

flinched when she had to take a few careful steps to get her ankle

used to her body weight again.

“Kitty, you were hurt!” He got up to reach out for her, while the

heart machine at the same time was changing its tune. The door flew

open and the doctor rushed in to see what was happening.

“Well, well you must be Ing rid! I’m glad to see you. Toon, has

she been ex cit ing you? I can see your heart is get ting stron ger!” A

tall man with dark brown eyes and a warm friendly face ob served the

scene on the bed, not fool ing him that Ing rid had just got off.

“Re ally? I got a fright. It changed its tune, it did, did n’t it?” Ing rid

in ter rupted his read ing, wor ry ing sickly while shak ing his hand. Doc tor Don van Houten glanced at Toon’s chart, took out his

stetho scope and lis tened to his chest.

“Good, it has a much stronger beat now. We’ll remove the

machine this afternoon.”

“Re ally? Great! Oh, I’m so glad. How long do you think it will

be be fore he can go home?”

“We’ll talk next week, after the weekend. What did you have in

mind” his eyebrows lifted while his eyes bored into hers with a

serious frown.

“I’ll be at home the whole day, I’ll be nursing him and Debbie, my

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daughter, can show me what to do with the bandages.” Hepondered seriously, taking her chin into his hand, looking at herbruise.

“Oh, yes Debbie, that’s right! Well, Toon, it looks as if we aregoing to get rid of you soon to this lady of yours. I can see why youwere so worried.” He observed Ingrid again. “How are you?”

“Don, can you make sure that they take an x–ray? I’m sure shehas a badly in jured an kle?” Toon’s in sis tent tone faded quickly whenhe talked.

“That we will, Ing rid. I’ll make an ap point ment down stairs. Ithink we’ll keep you over night just in case. Your or deal needs to becon sid ered Ing rid, you were very for tu nate to have es caped from the hands of peo ple who are so bar ba rous.” While he talked, his pro fes -sional ob ser va tion did the rest.

“Yes, but I’m fine now that I’m back.”“Don, can she not stay here with me? I don’t want her in another

room.” Toon asked in all se ri ous ness.“Toon, you are asking a woman to share your hospital room?” A

laugh that spread all over his face indicating his relief about hispatient.

“I’ll see what I can arrange, but, Toon, you need your rest. Dotake it slowly. I can see that you are a lot better but don’t foolyourself. It was a warning so take it seriously!” Toon looked up witha weak smile admitting that he was tired.

The doctor left and she sat on the edge of the bed next to himwhile he dozed off. He looked so pale that it was difficult not to feela strong dislike for the man who was responsible for this. She hadgreat difficulty accepting that Toon had attracted all this to himself: the heart attack he might have, because his travelling could not havebeen that healthy.

The door burst open and the room was sud denly full of peo ple. Annelies, Ed, and a man she had not seen be fore came in. Toon wasawake again and he held her close to him.


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“Toon, I de serve a medal, I’ve kept them all out as long as I

could. Crumps! You al ready look a lot better!” Toon’s grate ful ges -

ture as he brought Annelies’ hand to his lips with out let ting go of

Ing rid, spoke for it self. When Deb bie rushed in hug ging hermother, cry ing when she saw the bruise that started to look more

hor rific by the mo ment, Ing rid knew she had so much to be thank ful

for. Toon squeezed her

“I know we are blessed, aren’t we, love?”

“Mom, they are organising a bed for you in Toon’s room so you

can stay the night and I’ve to take you down to the x–ray department

for your ankle.” Debbie’s surprised tone expressed astonishment,

she told them that Toon seemed to have twisted the doctor’s arm

because she knew Dr. van Houten had been very persistent when

the head nurse protested. Her bed was rolled in as the man she had

not seen before held out his hand to her and shook Toon’s at the

same time.

“Ing rid, I’m so glad to meet you but very sad about the cir cum -

stances. We don’t al ways un der stand why things hap pen but I heard

from my re sources that your last draw ing had the right ef fect. We

have to thank you for that.” Ben’s voice was both dy namic and di rect

with a hint of hu mour in it as if life was one big ad ven ture. She reck -

oned he was around sixty, his eyes were of a dark blue that openly

looked at life with out any in hi bi tions the way chil dren do. The sin -cer ity in his face re flected a deep thinker that had learned his les sons

well through some tough ex pe ri ences. He was al most the same

height as Annelies but he gave the im pres sion of be ing a large man.

“Ben, I want to discuss a lot with you. I know that Ingrid needs

to know a great deal more about the part you have played in all this

but for now I want her for myself,” Toon’s voice became stronger by

the moment.

Ed placed the wheel chair next to Toon’s bed and be fore she knew

it he picked her up and gently set tled her in. Deb bie took her down

in the lift to have x–rays taken. In the pas sage two peo ple, ob vi ously

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re port ers, sud denly ap proached her, ask ing her ques tions. Theywere from the Utrecht Dis patch news pa per.

“Can you tell us who kidnapped you and why?” The reportersprobed, following them into the lift while Debbie manoeuvred herwheelchair.

“Was any ran som paid for your re lease?” they per sisted. Ed musthave seen what was hap pen ing as he was sud denly in the lift withthem and asked both re port ers to give her some time to get over theshock from the whole ab duc tion or deal. He prom ised them both afull re port in the morn ing. They fi nally left her alone.

“Thanks, Ed! They took me to tally by sur prise. I would not haveknown what to say any way.” Deb bie left them to gether to organiseher x–ray ap point ment.

“Ing rid, I have to ask you things my self, about this Piet you pro -jected to us. What did he do to you?”

“Oh, he was dreadful. He slapped and threatened me all the time. I’d worked with him for many months you know; that came as thebiggest shock. I still can’t get over the fact that he really hated methat much.” Ed just sat with his arms around her and the silencemade her look at him.

“How are you and Yolanda? Where is she?”“Oh, my dear est, I must re ally thank you, you know, for in tro duc -

ing her to me. I al ways thought you were the only one for me and for years I was mis er a ble think ing about you, yet the mo ment I saw her,it was as if a thun der bolt struck me. I would not have be lieved it ifsome one had told me that this was pos si ble.” Ed’s face was glow ingand his eyes were spar kling when he men tioned Yolanda.

“Oh, Ed, I’m so glad. I do love you, you know, but now youknow it’s different. But where is Yolanda? I thought that somehowshe would be here?”

“Ing rid, she is so mis er a ble she does not want to see any one. Icom mu ni cate tele path i cally with her but even I have n’t been able toget near her since the kid nap ping. When you pro jected about Piet


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be ing in volved. Well..... when I had a dis cus sion with Ben that

Wednes day eve ning and told him about Piet, Yolanda went all pale

and shaky.”

“What has Piet got to do with her? Piet de Wit, don’t tell me, ohno!.... was that her ex-hus band?” Ing rid felt shat tered. She re mem -

bered Yolanda’s ex pres sion, when she had re acted to her work ing

for Plea sure Parks. So that was it! She knew Piet, her ex-hus band

worked there as well.

“Ed, what about Connie? Does she know about her father?”

“No, Yolanda is de ter mined to keep her out of it for as long as

pos si ble. She feels so bad about what he did to you, he gave you that

bruise did n’t he?”

“But, Ed, she is not responsible for his actions!”

“I know that and deep down she knows that too but she

somehow seems to blame herself for not being more intuitive about

him and she seems to think that she could have prevented all this. By

the way, Ingrid, who shot Toon, do you know?”

“Not Piet! The man’s name is Bruce, be lieve me, he is far

more”… Ing rid was shiv er ing think ing about him, the hu mil i a tion

and his in sin u a tion.

“Oh, love, I’m so sorry.….I men tally eavesdropped…Did

he…to ask you this now so soon. You must be so shaken and all I’m

think ing about is my self. I’m re ally sorry.” Ed choked while strok -ing her face. His warm em brace made her nev er the less shud der,

think ing back at how she was men tally raped by those creeps. Ed’s

shak ing body made her take note since he could read her thoughts.

“Ed, nothing happened. Really, it was just… very humiliating.

Gee, I even became violent and slapped him as I recall, but, Ed, can

you contact her, I mean telepathically?”

“You mean now?”

“Yes, now at this moment together with me,” “Yolanda, Ed is with

me. I now know why you are not with him. Please come. I need you as a friend,

you must come.”

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“Please, my love are you listening? Ingrid is fine, really, come and look foryourself,” It always amazed her that they could do this and she wonderedhow many more people around the world were starting tocommunicate this way.

When Deb bie came back and took her into the x–ray room shelooked up at Ed say ing: “Don’t worry. Yolanda will get over it. Takeher away; she needs you.” Ed kissed her on her forehead.

“Take care of your mother, Debbie.” He walked away.“Mom, was there something between you and Uncle Ed?” “That was a long time ago, love. He has now found the love of

his life; but what about you, Deb bie?” Ing rid sud denly re mem beredher and Rich ard, and won dered.

“Oh mom, life is so...unpredictable! One moment you think youare in heaven and the next time you are totally thrown into hellagain.” Debbie’s light blue eyes were troubled.

“That, my dear, I can relate to,” she said with conviction butrealising that it was an inner cry coming from Debbie herself. All ofthem created their own hologram, POWAH had said, and eachindividual could only change it for him or herself.

“Mrs. Barendse, may I ask you a few questions? I’m detectiveAndré Jaarsma and have been assigned to your case by request ofMr. Haardens,” a very pleasant, fa mil iar look ing man held out hishand.

“My mother must first have some rest. She’s just had a lot ofx–rays taken. Can’t you come back later?” Debbie was determinedthat her mother was not going to be unnecessarily harassed.

“It’s all right, love, I might as well get it over with. May I call youAndré? I would first like to set tle in. Can you come back, say inthirty min utes?” All she was in ter ested in at the mo ment was Toon. She had been away for at least three hours!

The heart mon i tor had been re moved, she was so glad. It hadbrought back sad mem o ries, she re al ised how much at mo spheres ofhos pi tals still af fected her.


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“Debbie, what took them so long?” Toon’s voice was a lot

stronger. She was helped out of her chair onto her bed next to

Toons’s with just a bedside trolley in between. He tried to pull back

the curtain that separated them.“I’m so glad they took your heart monitor away.”

“ Love I hope this drip will soon go as well. Deb bie, how long do

you think. I must stay here? I would hate to be here when your mom

goes home, and I feel a lot better now that she is safe.”

“Toon! You had a heart attack only three days ago! Dr. van

Houten will not keep you here one day too long, believe me. Mom, I

overheard that he booked you in for the whole weekend. He calls

you ‘Toon’s medicine.’ He’s never known a patient to recover as fast

as Toon has since you were freed and came back.”

“Kitty, what’s the verdict on your ankle, do you know?”

“Mom’s an kle is very swol len so they wanted to make sure that

noth ing was bro ken in side. It’s ap par ently just very badly sprained.

Mom, Sascia will come to night to bring you some cloth ing. She

thought you would hate our hos pi tal gowns. Ing rid looked into her

daugh ter’s face to see if she read any thing that Sascia might have said.

“Kitty, don’t even try to find out. They’ll soon know anyway,”

Toon glinted at her, she felt all glowing at their mental intimacy.

“Snooks, how do you know what I wanted to find out from Deb bie?”

While grab bing the cur tain, she peeked. “Woman, I know you! You’ve told Sascia about the baby.”

“The whole week end. Mmm yes, then I def i nitely need some dif -

fer ent clothes. Deb bie, when are you off duty?” She quickly

beamed “Snooks, there is a de tec tive, André, want ing to speak to me. I told

him to be back in thirty min utes. How much do I tell him?”

“I’m al ready off duty and I’m go ing to see if Rich ard is al ready

back with Sascia. I’m meet ing them and will have sup per down stairs

at the res tau rant later.” Deb bie gave her mother a kiss and went readily

to Toon’s side as well, where she re ceived a kiss on her hand as he held


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“Kitty, thirty minutes! I want some time alone with you!”“Debbie, I’d better stay in your good books! You can come in

quite handy. Oh…and please Deb bie, tell Richard I want to seehim.”

Ingrid could see Toon was getting better by the minute as he wasusing all his charm on her…



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Chapter 21

Becoming Aware of BeingUnaware

A proposal

“Kitty, can’t we move that trol ley away and push our beds to -

gether? You’re too far away,” Toon blurted in frus tra tion af ter Deb -

bie had gone.

“After the visitors and the nurses don’t have to come back, I’llmake a plan. Snooks, what do I say to this detective?”

“He’s all right, love. Tell him whatever you know, but I want you

next to me, come!” Toon held out his arm and she moved from her

bed into his under the bedspread.

“Snooks, people will talk!”

“Let them! I don’t care. Do you?”

A knock announced André, the detective. He acted as if it was

quite normal to see two people up close in one hospital bed.

“Snooks, his name is also Jaarsma! Is that a coincidence?”

“It’s a com mon name, but you never know. I won der if he has al ready spo ken

to Annelies?”

Ingrid gave a full description of what she remembered, to which

Toon had some difficulty not reacting out in anger and he practically

smothered her by his overwhelming feelings at the distress she had


“André, do you think I’m hysterical thinking Toon could still be

in danger?’

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“Mrs. Barendse, I would never call you paranoid. Many peoplewho have had your experiences would have cracked under the sheerterror of it all. We’ll keep someone from our police force observingthe door of Mr. Haardens room to monitor everyone who comesand goes.”

“André, please Toon and Ingrid will do. Have they heardanything more on Piet de Wit? I only heard yesterday that he is theex-hus band of my niece. That came as quite a shock.” His lastwords formed in his head for only her to hear. “Kitty, I know that Edtold you because I asked him to.”

“No, we have n’t found any trace of them yet, but the French po -lice found the de serted ware house two miles away from the Plea surePark build ing site. We were all sur prised that the lo cal pop u la tionhad n’t no ticed any thing sus pi cious. Ev ery trace of them is gone andthe tech ni cal equip ment in the base ment has been taken away for in -ves ti ga tion.”

“But that was all shot to pieces, what do you hope to find inthem?”

“Ingrid, you would be surprised, we are trying to link the burglary at Mr. Brinks home with the intrigues the Pleasure Parks projectbrought to light and what they wanted from you.”

“André, what about the se cu rity firm that’s been pa trol ling on thesite be cause so much equip ment is ly ing around?” Ing rid was amazedat Toon’s strength that had re turned at a fast speed. André sharedwhat he knew, some of it they knew and she was re lieved to hear thatHennie seemed all right. André seemed to be quite on the ball and she wanted to get past the in qui ries fast now that they were to gether again. When André left they were by them selves for a while.

Toon’s hand softly stroked her belly button. “What an or deal it must have been for our baby,” rest ing his head

on her shoul ders. She felt peace ful again among the many well-wish -ing cards, flower and plant ar range ments that started to dom i natethe room.


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“Snooks, go to sleep. I can feel you are tired and your soft

stroking is very soothing, very comforting,… very thought-pro vok -

ing, and”... She peeked at him and seeing his eyes were closed

already, she relaxed against him, his head near hers. Her mind was fo cussed on their lit tle girl and whether it was true

that she was preg nant. She was al most sure even though a med i cal

test was re quired to con firm her in tu ition. Ing rid was con tem plat ing

the soul that had cho sen them as par ents when she be came strangely

dizzy, as if she were spin ning slightly and things went out of fo cus... A weird feel ing came over her...Then she saw ... what looked

like the big yel low flow ers, many of them, al most grow ing like acreeper into a tree, they were called cups of gold. She heard de -light ful laugh ter com ing from a lit tle girl.

She was hold ing hands with a much older Timmy! Her light blonde mop of curls tum bled around her ex pres sive

shin ing face and her great blue eyes were mes mer ized by thegolden cocker span iel pup pies.

“Timmy, why can’t we keep them all? Snoopy won’t want to give themaway. They are her ba bies! Peo ple don’t give their ba bies away, do they?”

“San dra, it’s dif fer ent with dogs. They like to be spe cial to peo ple, they re -ally want to be close to peo ple to help them wake up. Re mem ber when weasked Snoopy?” Timmy’s wis dom while he stroked her hair re -vealed that he loved this lit tle girl, it al most re minded Ing rid ofher self long be fore...she had had a brother...but Timmy was notthe lit tle girl’s brother...

“Kitty, are you awake?” Sud denly ev ery thing came into fo cus again

and Toon beamed; “We have vis i tors love”

“Hi, I’m sorry, I must have dozed off...gee, hi, Liesbeth! It’s won -

der ful to see you! Gosh, I had the same ex pe ri ence as I had be fore,

in the cof fee shop, re mem ber?” Liesbeth was stand ing next to her

with a gi gan tic smile. Hans was on Toon’s side with a lap top and

some pa pers for Toon to sign.

“Toon, what do you in tend do ing with that lap top?” she sus pi -

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ciously asked when he moved to sit up higher. She could see that hewinced in pain.

“Hans, can’t you take it away? The pain, I mean. Don’t you havesome spe cial heal ing pow ers?”

“No more than you have Ingrid, but I’ll give it a go, move overToon,” Hans shovelled him gently. He held his hand over Toon’sshoulder where the bullet had entered. Ing rid’ watched how a blueglow suddenly appeared between Hans’ hand and Toon’s shoulder. Toon’s eyes were closed but the indulgent smile that spread all overhis face reminded her of a hot iron that took creases away. Wow!Most people would call this a miracle.

“Don will re ally be sur prised that my wound is heal ing this fast.” Hans’ hand looked pale when the blue light seemed to en ter into theskin. She could feel the heat, be ing that close. She could feel that her eyes were on stalks while hold ing her breath, watch ing as Hansgently pulled out the drain ing tubes! Toon moved his shoul deraround and Ing rid peeped up close. All she could see were somemark ings on his skin from the bul let. There was no lon ger an openwound! This form of heal ing was re ally mi rac u lous. Toon mas sagedhis shoul der in ab so lute dis be lief.

“Toon! What are we going to tell the doctor?”“I’ll tell them that it was your doing. You next to me made me

heal fast because you are my medicine!” Toon was ecstatic. The blue light had given him a new boost of energy. Hans had beamed hishealing thoughts to one specific point, which she knew from Quincy but…

“Hans, can you do that for her ankle?” “Toon, I’ll do it for now, be cause both your au ric fields are still

trem bling from the trauma; but re mem ber, what I do you can bothalso do. Hans re moved the com press as she re laxed on her bed andslowly she saw the same blue light ap pear ing, a tre men dous heat thatsi mul ta neously made her feel very loved pen e trated her whole feet. That was the de scrip tion! The feel ing of that ‘love’ emo tion came


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from the heat! They were one and the same! If only Deb bie could

see this now! As a nurse surely this kind of heal ing would re ally in -

ter est her.

“It is better when Debbie and others see this type of healingwhen they have fully understood that it is no miracle, no special

power.” Ingrid was acutely aware that Hans had read her thoughts.

“Ingrid, if people see this type of healing, they immediately

classify it as being separate from themselves, and that serves no

purpose. Your own body healed you because it responded to Hans’

energy field that communicated with both your auric fields, in order

to realign the vibrations around each cell,” Liesbeth explained in


“It all sounds so easy,” she sighed. “I know my body is an en ergy

sub stance like yours, so what you are say ing is that con scious ness ex -

presses it self through mol e cules and at oms. I can heal, or re align

them ac cord ing to my will, if I’m con sciously think ing about it.”

“Yes, you can ex plain it that way and you must be able to pro ject

love that co mes from the heart chak ra into the en ergy around you

and fo cus on a spe cific part; then it will start to glow and will gen er -

ate light. It forms light, for love is light.” Ing rid ten ta tively put her

weight on her foot and found that the pain was gone! She walked

around to test it fur ther and was amazed to ex pe ri ence a feel ing of

to tal well-be ing in her whole foot. Both Hans and Liesbeth were de -lighted at their re cov ery.

“Kitty, you’d better come back into bed. I don’t want them to

think that you can now suddenly go home sooner after all. They

promised you to me at least until Monday.”

Both Liesbeth and Hans shrieked in laugh ter at his nat u ral de vi -

ous ness, but sensed that he was ap pre hen sive at the same time. At

that mo ment their sup per ar rived and the vis i tors de parted, ap par -

ently to join all the oth ers at Mr. Brinks’ house for din ner in clud ing

Deb bie. Mr. Brinks had a live-in cook who loved en ter tain ing.

It was won der ful to be alone with Toon while en joy ing the per -

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fume from the flow ers that started to crowd their room. While in -spect ing their sup per, Toon com plained to the nurses, who had notseen that the drain ing tubes were out, that he would have pre ferred ajuicy ham burger. They re sponded with laugh ter. Toon cer tainly had a way with women.

“Toon, I’ve so many questions, I don’t know where to start.”“Kitty, ask me anything. I’ve no secrets from you; but come, join

me in bed. I hate you being so far away.” Toon was getting fidgetywith being immobile because of the drip that Hans had left for thenurses to remove. Ingrid snuggled next to him again.

“Kitty, it feels as if to day has been like a whole week, yet thismorn ing you were still in France with Helen and Pe ter and now youare close next to me. Did it all re ally hap pen?” When Toon be gannib bling on her ear, a shiver re turned. His phys i cal ground ing to -gether with his pow er ful mas cu line en ergy, while highly evolvedspir i tu al ity, cre ated a large field where their soul-love for each otherwould flour ish.

“Snooks, was this all meant to happen?” “Kitty, when we are linked by a com mon pur pose, who knows,

we move to gether as well through the ex ter nal men tal cre ations weall still have to deal with. I’ve been con tem plat ing that as well, andBen summed it up by say ing that we all ex pe ri ence di vine mind di -rectly through our in ner in tu itions. We cre ate co in ci dences be causewe are in a flow with each other, and each has a part to play. I onlyhope you did not have to suf fer be cause of any of my karma that isstill float ing around,” he said in ear nest while rest ing his chin on thetop of her head.

“So I was in the right place at the right time? I mean I had to alterthe drawing?”

“Kitty, we all belong to a group soul family that have been borninto the same period in order to work together, but you and I havebeen particularly blessed by finding each other so that we cansupport each other through all this resurrection process.” She could


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feel the rhythm of Toon’s heart as they kissed...the nurses had taken

the dishes away and she revelled at their privacy.

“How do you see the role of Piet? Could he not also be part of

the same group soul?”“Yes, he is. From what I’ve heard from Yolanda, Piet tends to

have an ag gres sive at ti tude only when he’s deal ing with women. He’s

trapped in a con trol drama of his own mak ing and I be lieve he’s a

gam bler too.” She won dered if Piet’s child hood could have made

him re act so bru tally?

“Oh love, see ing through his vi o lent be hav iour, es pe cially to -

wards you is not easy. I’ve never met him but Annelies told me a few

things. She sus pects that he was forced by Nick duToit to get in -

volved, or that there is some con nec tion be tween them through their

gam bling ad dic tions.”

“Snooks, POWAH said that Piet was living out the effects of his

own creation. I can see what a trap that can be. As you say, he is

controlled by fear, but we all are. I know I was.” She shivered as she

thought back, especially Bruce, who had really made her recoil, and

how terrified they all were when ‘the boss’ took over! Toon cuddled

her, sensing her reaction to the trauma and the humiliation.

“Kitty, I’ve experienced that sheer fear made me lose control. I

fell right into its clutches when I saw that you were forced against

your will in that van.” “Oh love the pain of losing you!”“Oh, Snooks, and you paid a heavy price, almost too big! Let’s

never take our physical bodies for granted. Please, do stop travelling

so much, I mean without proper breaks in between,” she pressed

herself firmly against him. Toon’s hand was slowly sliding under her

clothes over her abdomen, stroking her belly button.

“What did you say was the feeling when I do this, very soothing,

very comforting, very...what?”

“You were asleep!”

“Oh...stop doing that...not here...it’s too delicious...Oh I’ll get

you for this,” her voice trembled with arousal when they both heard

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a knock. Toon took his hand away and pretended to look at hislaptop that he quickly placed on his knees. Ingrid looked at him witha glint of mischief, “I’ll test you soon, you watch out, mate!”

“What have you in mind?”

“What, already working! Ingrid, this man has changed from avery ill patient to a far stronger man within a matter of hours! Whatis your secret, I could use some of that?” Dr. van Houten exclaimedin blank amazement. When his eyes travelled over Toon’s shoulder,while his hand prodded him all over, he saw that the draining tubeswere out. They both grinned at his display of disbelief andconfusion.

“Kitty, don’t say any thing about your an kle! Let the man re cover first” Her eye brows high she beamed.

“That’s not your rea son....!”“Toon, what happened? Please I’ve heard some rumours....but

this....I need to understand this. What kind of healing took placehere? This is not normal.” Toon explained that he had been healedby a friend under the understanding that no publicity would resultfrom this. Don asked lots of questions and they both realized thathe had an open mind and was genuinely interested to learn more. He would contact Annelies. After he wrote on the chart somethingthat would protect them from inquisitive people, he made sure hehad Annelies’ address.

“Does that mean, I can go home with her on Monday?’ Toonasked eagerly.

“Toon, let’s not overdo it. You were al most gone from us forgood three days ago. I have to be re ally con vinced of your mi rac u -lous re cov ery by Mon day to make any de ci sions. I’ll tell the nurses to re move the drip. I came to wish you both a good week end. Toon,to mor row you can get out of bed slowly to get your cir cu la tion go -ing. I’ll see you both on Mon day.”

He left them alone again. Ing rid looked am o rously at him and


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slowly moved her hand un der the cov ers.

“Kitty, don’t you dare, I’ll rip the nee dle out of my arm if

you”...Toon was tak ing a deep breath that sud denly made her come to

her senses. “I just wanted to see how well you had re cov ered,” she gig gled

but look ing wor ried at the same time won der ing about his heart.

Toon pre tended to tal obliv ion when there was another knock on the

door, and both Sascia and Rich ard came in.

“Hi, mom! Gee, you both look better, and Toon? Is he sleep ing?

I brought you some clothes. I hope I chose the right ones,” Sascia

chat ted.

“What is this daughter of yours implying? Are you going to seduce me while

you think I’m incapable of any decent action?” She ignored him with a

smile and took the overnight bag from Sascia, peeking inside. As she

winked at Sascia’s highly flushed face, she jokingly asked why she

was glowing like a ripe warm plum while touching her cheeks. Toon

acted suddenly awake wanting Richard’s attention.

“Mom! Please,” Rich ard seemed com pletely cap ti vated by

Sascia the way he watched her as he handed Toon a let ter. Toon

seemed to know what was in the let ter, be cause he sud denly be came

very sus pi cious and se cre tive.

“What are you hid ing from me? What’s in that let ter?” Toon opened it

slowly, read ing it while Ing rid tried to read his thoughts. Both Sasciaand Rich ard looked flushed. Rich ard was trem bling. What was go ing

on? Then Toon looked at her with so much love she al most melted.

Ing rid knew some thing was brew ing when he took her hand, kissed

it and looked deep into her eyes.

“Will you marry me?” pass ing the let ter. Oh, yes, she would

marry this man when ever. She opened the pa per and all it said was:

We can or ga nise by spe cial re quest a wed ding cer e mony in the hos pi -

tal cha pel on Sunday late af ter noon. Leo.

“What, here? In the hospital?”....

“Oh, Snooks, yes I will,” she beamed and kissed his se ri ous face

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gently in front of Sascia and Rich ard who were ob serv ing them withgreat de light.

“Mom, Toon, I’m so...I don’t know...happy for both of you, Iguess. What a sur prise! Toon, how did you ar range that from yourhos pi tal bed?’ Sascia asked in as ton ish ment while she hugged bothher mother and Toon. She could see that Toon had sto len herdaugh ter’s heart.

“Yes, tell me, how did you? And Rich ard, what have you got to sayfor your self? I sense that you know more about this scheme,” Ing ridde manded. Sascia was equally as cu ri ous by her ex pres sion of be wil -der ment. Rich ard be came shy from both women’s prob ing.

“I’m re ally only the mes sen ger boy, be lieve me. Toon, I did ex actlyas you told me to do and Ben gave these let ters on in struc tions fromLeo, I be lieve, to get co op er a tion from the le gal people.”

Rich ard handed him more pa pers. All Ing rid could think of nowwas, what was she go ing to wear? Toon loved her blue-linen suit, forob vi ous rea sons so she whis pered to Sascia ex plain ing what to or -gan ise from her side for this mind-shak ing event that still felt un realfor her.

The nurse re moved his drip and the re lief of hav ing both handsfree made a lot of dif fer ence.

While she cuddled up against him, Toon was working on hislaptop. The many commitments he still was responsible for nowasked for his attention. Then the screen suddenly changed withoutany warning.

“What’s this?” But they both knew it was POWAH when the text ap peared. <If the time has ar rived for both of you to an nounce your feel ings for each other through a spe cial dem -on stra tion, or through a cer e mony, make your dec la -ra tion to each other a claim that you will both live your truth. Do not make your love for each other an ob li ga tion.>

<What! I want you to be my part ner, my lover, my wife my..... ev -


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ery thing. That is for me liv ing in truth!> Toon typed.

“POWAH is sug gest ing that we should not make a prom ise to

each other?” Toon re sponded with great dis ap point ment and con -

fu sion.“Snooks, I think I know what he means, watch” and she reached

over to type her ques tion.”

<POWAH, what you mean is that when you give a per son

to tal free dom you give your self free dom as well, so they don’t

need to prom ise any thing?>

“But, Kitty, I would never want to take your freedom from you!”<Toon, many changes are tak ing place in your com -mit ments to each other, but viewed from a higherlevel of con scious ness, in your world you make useof pieces of pa per to make sure agree ments are be -ing kept. Would you not give and share au to mat i -cally re gard less? You are al ready liv ing in thatprin ci ple with the build ing of your com mu ni ties.>

“I know what he is implying Kitty; but what is the point of a

marriage between two people? I would like to be married to you,

have you always next to me, have people call....and he typed;

<POWAH, I would love it if Ing rid would carry my name.

Is that re ally so ego tis ti cal?><Why?>

Ingrid had to giggle at Toon’s expression of total frustration, she

had begun to love that look so much that all she wanted to do was

hug him.

<I want to shout to the world that my re la tion ship with Ing -

rid is very, very spe cial and that I hold this re la tion ship above

any thing else and I make that a prom ise. What’s wrong with

that?> Toon typed fe ver ishly.

“Snooks, you don’t have to make any promises to me; we’ll always

live in love for and with each other. When you need to make that a

promise, you are in a way denying your own freedom.”<Toon, it’s not a ques tion of right or wrong but of

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what would serve you both. Can you pre dict your ownfu ture?>

“I sup pose not, since I can change how I think and feel, but I can -not imag ine that I’ll ever stop lov ing you, or not want to be with you,or not want to make love to you,” he de clared while plant ing a kisson her nose.

“Snooks, I’ll al ways want to love you be cause I want to, not be -cause I have to be cause I made a prom ise to do so,” kiss ing the tip ofhis nose. Toon en cir cled her and from within the em brace he typed:

“I’m be gin ning to see what you two are on about. Most peo pleseem to per ceive a mar riage as some form of in sti tu tion. I’ve seenplenty of cou ples that treat it that way. You are im ply ing that whenpeo ple go into an agree ment with each other it should be with com -plete free dom, even as far as ac knowl edg ing that one per son is notmore spe cial than an other, but I’ve not yet reached that kind of un -con di tional love.”

Ingrid wanted to ask more questions about her feelings, andabout being called Mrs. Haardens. Correction: she would want tosign her name Mrs I K B Haardens, for she would keep the B forBarendse, but all these things were trivial and unimportant; sheknew how human they were.

<POWAH, are you against mar riage?> She knew that typ ingtheir ques tions made it some how more...

“Kitty, whatever the text replies, I want to marry you only if youwant it too. We can write our own marriage vows. My love for youhas no stipulations but I would like our child to be brought up in anatmosphere of family life, and I love the sound of Mrs. Haardens,”Toon softly stroked over her tummy. <I have no judg ment about any thing. I’m an ob -server but real love does not re quire an ex changeof vows; yet you seem to re quire them. The lim itsyou will or will not place on your love for eachother will re flect the val ues you hold about whatlove is.>


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“Snooks, what if our marriage vows have no limits at all? Why

don’t we write our own marriage vows. Would they allow us to do

that? Who’s doing the service anyway?”

“O, yes, Kitty, Leo is performing the wedding ceremony. You will meet him tomorrow. He is the head of the family clan so to speak,

and he was ordained as a Buddhist priest years ago. That’s another

story, I’ll promise to tell you soon,” he winked and started to type;

<I, Toon Haardens, hereby de clare pub licly my love for Mrs Ing rid

Barendse, whom I call Kitty; and that it is my choice to live and grow in en rich -

ment with her.>

Ingrid had an urge to type her own statement after his.

<I, Ing rid Katrine Barendse, agree to the above state ment and want to add

that our rit ual of bond ing is a re minder and a re ded i ca tion of a firm com mit -

ment to the truth we al ready are.>

Toon glowed and his fingers hit the keypad.

<I, Toon Haardens, hereby de clare that I see this phys i cal struc ture called

mar riage as a sym bol of my shar ing my life with Ing rid Katrine Barendse with -

out ob li ga tions but rather to cre ate op por tu ni ties for my own full self-ex pres sion so

that my in di vid ual life will be lived to my high est po ten tial.>

Ing rid loved the way he stated everything. After a cuddle she

followed up with her own added version.

<I, Ing rid Katrine Barendse, agree to the above state ment and add that we both

through this sa cred cer e mony up hold each other in truth and will never in any waylimit, con trol, hin der, or re strict each other. I, Ing rid, ask Toon, whom I call

Snooks, to be my part ner, my lover, my friend, and my hus band and it is my in ten -

tion to be with him for ever.>

Toon re luc tantly had to take his hand from un der the cov ers to

type his an swer.

<I, Toon Haardens, through this holy com mu nion prom ise to love Kitty as an

equal part ner, shar ing equally both the au thor ity and the re spon si bil i ties of a truly

lov ing part ner ship, bear ing to gether what bur dens we may need to carry and equally

re joic ing in the glo ries. I de clare to Kitty my in ten tion to give her my deep est friend -

ship and love in suf fer ing and joy. I fur ther an nounce that I will al ways seek to see

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the di vin ity within her and to share with the di vin ity within me es pe cially in the mo -ments of trib u la tion that may come, and that we to gether do the work our soulswere des tined to do and share all that is good within us.>

While Toon had been busy typing, she had been fondling himuntil he trembled with an ecstasy he needed to respond to.

“For someone who had a heart attack you are very active, mylove. I know they took the drip away but are you sure you are up toyour very high standards of…Snooks, not here, anyone can comein!”

Toon had pinned her in such a way she could only just wriggleaway to prevent him from fondling her in a way she wouldcompletely forget herself.

“You are truly asking for this, madam! Remember, I’m gettingstronger by the minute and I’ll not spend any more nights withoutyou. On Monday I’m coming home with you to finish this activityproperly, you can be sure of that,” Toon said with relish.<To both of you, in uni ver sal com mu ni ties, cos miccou ples are united in a de gree of un ion that you two have an ex pe ri ence of now. You two will climb highto gether my dearly be loved. Those that are prac -tis ing co-cre ative cou ple-hood are pav ing the wayfor hu man ity. I sa lute you both. LOVE POWAH>

They both had to laugh, this was so un canny, as if some one waswatch ing them! Oh she needed to un der stand how it was pos si blethat they could have a chat, like you can have over the Internet withPOWAH. Toon ex plained some com puter pos si bil i ties with her and sus pected that both Trevor, Leo and Ben would know a lot more.

“Oh, Snooks, it’s eleven o’clock, I know that’s still early for youbut love, please, you need to sleep,” Ing rid sud denly felt sleepy. Sheclimbed out of Toon’s bed just be fore the night sis ter came in tocheck on Toon’s prog ress. Be fore her head touched her pil low, shedrifted off…


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Leo & Ben

The next morn ing Toon was up and about for the first time sincethe shoot ing. Ing rid’s an kle was com pletely healed but Toon pre -

tended that it was still nec es sary for her to have her feet rest ing on

his lap af ter they had their break fast. They sat in two com fort able

chairs op po site each other in the lux u ri ous hos pi tal room that

started to look like an in door nurs ery.

“How is your shoulder?”

“But, love, you know I have no pain anymore! Only my arm is

stiff and I have to start moving about. It’s incredible that one can so

quickly become like jelly. Even this little exercise is almost as

strenuous as walking a marathon,” Toon was massaging her feet and

ankle with a strong hand.

“Snooks, tell me a bit about Leo. He’s Ben’s twin brother, but I

gather they are not alike?”

“You’re right. They’re not. Leo has always been the quieter of

the two. He’s a man who can sit for hours without moving as much

as a muscle in meditation and at the same time he can produce a

work schedule that makes most people run away.”

“You said he was the head of the family clan. What do you meanexactly?”

“I was re fer ring to the Jaarsma star map that he painted right af ter

he came home from In dia. He had some amaz ing rev e la tions while

he was in re treat and he slowly be gan to re veal some of the awak en -

ing ex pe ri ences he had. Kitty, you have beau ti ful legs, you know.”

Toon was by now strok ing her whole leg from her feet up.

“And you are an amaz ing mas seur. It’s good to feel your hands.

Toon, I’m sure they also have a heal ing qual ity about them. Oh,

Snooks I for got to tell you but in the en trance of that weird re sort I

saw the same star paint ing! When I saw it, I was stunned.” Toon’s

con cen tra tion on her legs was for a mo ment taken up by his


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“Snooks, do you think that Leo or Ben are behind the excerptsthat I’ve been receiving?”

“What makes you say that?” “I don’t really know. What does Leo do for a living? He sounds

like a very knowledgeable man.” “He is, and he never ex pects from oth ers any thing he can not do

him self. He has the mind of a sci en tist, stud ied ge ne al ogy, he’s amath e ma ti cian and has dis cov ered a hid den code that ap pearsthrough out many an cient scripts, texts, and even the Bi ble. He isalso well versed in my thol ogy and can write very cre ative sto riesabout them.”

The noises out side in Utrecht’s ac a demic hos pi tal’s park ing baysan nounced that vis it ing hours would soon start. Toon’s room was apri vate suite with a bath room. He was moved from in ten sive carethe morn ing she came back. What a dif fer ence this all was com -pared to when she vis ited Jan. He was in in ten sive care a week be -fore he passed over. For the first time she could think back with outget ting all de pressed.

“Kitty give me your other leg, I need to be useful,” When Toonmade an intensive study of her feet after dabbing a blob of handcream on them she needed to do the same.

“Hey! You give me yours and we both are use ful to each other.” Toon’s com i cal sounds of ec stasy as she was knead ing his toesbrought her to tears while ask ing more about the in trigu ing twins.

“Both Ben and Leo are re search ers but in dif fer ent fields. When I was only eigh teen, they both took me with them through In dia andTi bet. I’ll never for get those times I spent with them. Leo stayed be -hind for an ex tra few years while Ben pur sued a ca reer in crim i nol -ogy.”

“Really? Do you mean the police force?”“He’s a former criminology professor and while he was studying

law, psychology and criminology he discovered or rather uncoveredvarious sinister plots that had to do with interbreeding. This was


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done in the past and still is to day. It’s to create bloodlines of people

who can expand their control and power across the whole world.

Ben’s theories are that it’s to enslave the population of our planet to

prevent people from awakening,” they were interrupted by a knockon the door.

“Well, good morn ing to you both! Toon, it’s so good to see you

up and giv ing each other a foot mas sage!” Annelies chuck led. Ben

fol low ing be hind her.

“Toon, I can’t be lieve that only a few days ago your au ric field was

ready to in te grate with the as tral world, and now it is play ing a sym -

phony!” Annelies’ eyes wan dered over all the ar range ments.

“Gee Ingrid, you need a truck to move them all.”

“I believe we have a rather joyful event tomorrow and Leo is

arriving from his retreat specially for it. You two should be

honoured! Ben’s humorous voice boomed out. He was holding a

blue envelope which he handed to Ing rid.

“Are you responsible for sending me the excerpts?” As she

peered inside, she saw two letters.

“Ingrid, that’s rather a complicated affair. Trevor is the computer

genius so to speak, the one who made it possible that text seemed to

appear on your screen for you and Toon in a way that telepathically

answered your own questions through the medium of POWAH.”

“So at least POWAH is real?” Ingrid asked with some relief.“Very real, my dear.”

“Ben...but how...did I receive an excerpt in that ghastly place?”

“My dear the sym bol that ap peared in the back ground of your

draw ing is a sort of track ing de vice. You must ask Trevor. We’ll

come to mor row with the rest of the fam ily, Toon. I’m now grab -

bing this woman of mine to go off to a lec ture Rich ard is giv ing. I

want to test his knowl edge on the hi ero glyphic text Trevor has pre -

pared for him,” Ben grinned.

“Be kind to Richard, will you? What has Trevor in mind for


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“Noth ing he can not han dle, I’m sure. Theo tu tored him verywell. An nie, what do you think?” Ben turned to Annelies.

“He’s here you know,” Ing rid heard men tally. What was Annelies im -ply ing?

“Oh, he’s check ing up on you, is he? My love, I’ll never com petewith him, you know that, so let’s be off.” Both Ben and Annelieswere the most dy namic flam boy ant peo ple she’d seen in a long time.

“Toon, what was that all about?” she asked when they left. Toonhad moved the chair next to her and took her hands into his.

“My dear, there is a great deal to this fam ily of ours. I’ll grad u allyex plain it all, I prom ise. I can’t wait to leave this hos pi tal and takeyou with me and show you places. May I?” He took the en ve lopefrom her and they both started to read.


The Awakening Clan

Programme...Planet Earth

Be com ing Aware of Be ing Un aware

Rule Eleven on the awak en ing card game. Kitty and Toon, you have by now dis cov ered

that you can have it all. In the next few weeksyou will be pre par ing for a new life style to -gether in mat ri mony. Both of you have a vi taland life-giv ing role to play in the plan e taryawak en ing now at hand. Both your cre ative gifts will now be used for the higher pur pose that at -tracted you to gether of ex pand ing your con -scious ness, and you have both made this yourlast phys i cal in car na tion as you have known it.

Toon, the num ber of heart beats that you re -ceive daily gives off a sound which has been out of tune for a while but both of you have beengiven a heal ing through the col our ra di ancethat your au ric bod ies em a nate in or der to ful -fil your full po ten tial. Uti lise this new fre -quency range. This state of aware ness willcre ate a den sity shift, thereby cre at ing yourlight bod ies.

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“Wow, Ingrid, this is almost like a plot that is unfolding! Can you

remember what excerpt seven was all about?”

“It was all about the sound fre quency that cre ates the il lu sion of

time and a men tal ho lo gram. I know that POWAH talks a lot about

the Lan guage of Light.”

There was a knock on the door and when they both

simultaneously called out, André walked in followed by Harry

Brinks and Carla.

Becoming Aware of Being Unaware

Be aware of the sym bol of con scious ness ofyour planet in re la tion ship with your selves. Your phys i cal eyes will ab sorb each other’slight which holds the blue print of yourOversoul.

When the prep a ra tion for the left and righthemi sphere cards on the sec ond level of the game starts, the play ers be come bal anced and theirsouls re spond ac cord ingly. Your next job willbe to pre pare the synchronisation plat form with the sound beam that will be come a tun ing fork in the Plea sure Park tem ple in or der to bal anceboth your male and fe male, elec tro/mag netic as -pects of your selves for your later ini ti a tions.

The eye sym bol that is lo cated on a planet’sley-line grid is a macrocosmic equiv a lent to asound-card de vice. The ley-lines or crys tal -line mu si cal points in ter sect with each otherwithin the eye pu pil in or der to tune intohigher di men sional forces. It’s now im por tantthat you soon un cover the fire crys tals to ac ti -vate the en er gies that need to be used asetheric en ergy fo cus de vices. Look up your ex -cerpt seven on your Time-Zone and prac tisestay ing in the mo ment.

You will both find out what the gifts of yoursoul char ac ter are to the world so that you canplay the sec ond awak en ing card game level soon.


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“Good grief! Annie told me about your recovery, but this!” Harry was so overwhelmed by Toon’s miraculous improvement thatfor a moment he was completely off guard. André stayed in thebackground observing the whole scene while Carla gave Ingrid along embrace.

“André, have they found Piet and the other kidnappers yet? Toon asked as he pointed at some chairs in the corner for them touse.

“No, we have n’t. Carla told me all about the ha rass ment that Ing -rid en dured dur ing the last weeks from this Piet and we were hop ingthat you might be able to re mem ber some thing that would help uswith the in ves ti ga tions?”

“Ingrid, why did you never tell me about Piet’s conduct? He onlygot the job because Tieneke’s husband Roelof pes tered me. I wouldnever have employed him and I did it against my better judgment. Now I see how important it is to follow one’s gut feelings, especiallywhen they are screaming at one.”

Roelof de Beer was ap par ently quite ill and the kid nap ping af fairhad pushed him over the edge. Roelof had been very help ful withtheir in ves ti ga tion and Ing rid sud denly re mem bered that she hadseen Bruce at the mar ket in Beekbergen and she re called the truckwith or anges that had turned over one morn ing on the way to work. She told André as much as she thought was helpful.

“Ingrid that is a break, if the police were involved with thataccident we’ve got him. If you both feel up to it next week, wewould like to go over some photos we have on file.” They were onlyallowed to stay for a short while.

When they left, both were some what de pleted from the com plex -ity of events.

Ed’s voice boomed in the hall way and Yolanda and Ed walkedhand in hand. Ed’s eyes al most popped, look ing at them both.

“Yolanda, I’m so glad to see you! Come here and sit next to me.”


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Ingrid pulled the chair close to her. Yolanda still looked somewhat

distraught and the tears, mostly from relief, were running down her

cheeks when she hugged Toon.

“Ed, you said Toon was very frail, but there’s noth ing frail about him!”“Ingrid, I heard from Harry just now in the hallway about the....what has

she done to you Toon? Believe me, love, Toon looked very pale, thin, and

pathetically weak two days ago.”

“Toon, did Hans have anything to do with it?” Yolanda seemed

to recall something as her hands drummed frantically on her


“Yolanda, have you seen him using his healing powers before?”

“I think so, on Joris! Toon, when you were in Australia, Joris was

hit by a guest’s car in the parking bay of the hotel. Hans and

Liesbeth had just arrived. Hans picked him up and Joris was all limp

and still, he took him inside and he stroked his whole body. I

thought he was feeling for broken bones when I saw a blue light that

seemed to ooze out of his hands.”

“Blimey, did he do that trick on you Toon?” Toon explained why

Hans did n’t want anyone to know about his healing powers for ob vi -

ous reasons. Ingrid wondered if they all knew about it.

“Toon, Ingrid, tomorrow is your wedding! Ingrid, I’m so pleased

but sorry that I suddenly lost my faith in myself and the people I so

dearly love,” Yolanda interrupted her thoughts while gazing at Ed in absolute rapture.

“Hi, Mom!” Debbie’s voice interrupted their conversation.

Ingrid looked proudly at her petite blonde, blue-eyed daughter in her

uniform. Ingrid introduced Yolanda, explaining to Debbie about

their clothing enterprise together. Ed had always been Debbie’s

favourite uncle but Ingrid knew why.

Looking at them now made her see how much of a resemblance

there was between them.

“Kitty, you were right! That means that you are right as well about being

pregnant with my child this time!” Ingrid tried not to blush at Toon’s

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mental comment but now she knew that he had known all along. Edmust have told him.

“Ing rid, what is Toon im ply ing? Is Deb bie mine?” Ed butted in with astrong men tal re ac tion. Yolanda was star ing at her in ab so lute won -der and then she looked at Deb bie who was ob vi ously to tally un -aware of what was go ing on.

“Mom, I went past the cha pel just now and they are busy dec o -rat ing, con grat u la tions!” Deb bie was act ing as a nurse at the sametime. When she placed her hand on Toon’s now healed but still in -flamed-look ing shoul der, she sud denly closed her eyes and when she opened them again she looked in ut ter sur prise. Both sensed hercon fu sion.

“Debbie, what is it?”“Mom, I’ve never told you but…lately I’ve been getting very

strong mental pictures when I touch objects, I know when peoplehave been injured in an accident. When Toon came in a few daysago, I saw the whole shooting scene in front of my eyes when Iplaced my hand on him! The shooting, the lot!

“But it’s gone now. How come?” Ev ery one was si lent. Goodgrief, Deb bie was be com ing clair voy ant through the sense of touch.How ap pro pri ate!

“Deb bie, you have an amaz ing gift! You must tune up yourpsychometric senses and I will ex plain to you soon why your men talvi sion of the shoot ing is gone but do some thing for me, will you?” Toon grabbed her hand and placed it on Ing rid’s an kle, ask ing herwhat she saw.

“Nothing! Mom, when I bandaged your ankle and I receivedfrom you the image of being dragged out of a vehicle, and now it’sgone!

“Love, isn’t that disturbing? I mean to see some of the traumaspeople go through when they arrive?”

“Yes, sometimes but it’s still very new to me. I’ve been reading up on psychic power lately, knowing that I’m not telepathic as you both


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seem to be and I’d never taken much interest in it before now. But

you know it can also be fun. I told a friend of mine who has been

battling to fall pregnant that she is expecting a baby.” Toon grabbed

Debbie’s hand and placed it on her abdomen in such a hurry that she heard laughter coming from both Ed and Yolanda.

While Debbie’s eyes were closed, she saw a vision and all of them

could read her mind when she converted her image into words.

Toon glowed with such joy that Ingrid had to laugh. Yolanda’s

mouth hung open and Ed was just smiling since he already knew.

“Mom! You are pregnant! Did you know?”

“Well, Mmm, yes, but please, all of you, this is re ally some what

em bar rass ing. It’s also too early in its de vel op ment and I still don’t

want this to be pub licly an nounced. Toon, take that smirk off your

face,” while grab bing his shin. Toon took her hand and very gently

kissed it with such the at ri cal pa nache they all laughed at his boy ish


“Ed, we have to talk about Deb bie! I’m puz zled!” Yolanda pro jected

openly to Ed who was star ing at Deb bie...

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Chapter 22

‘The Eye of the Observer’

The Jaarsma clan

“Toon, should I have told Deb bie about Ed be ing her bi o log i cal fa ther?” Toon had walked around but it still tired him more than hewas will ing to ad mit.

“Kitty, you were never sure about that; but if it is important forher to know, well, then you must tell her. I would not be at allsurprised if she herself had awakened to that fact now that she hasdiscovered her psychic talents.”

Before they could say anything more, children’s voices roseoutside their door. Timmy and Karin came bursting into the roomeach with a bunch of buttercups.

“Uncle Toon, are you really okay?” They were both planted ontop of the bed with no room to spare. Both Helen and Peter sat onIngrid’s bed while Debbie must have seen them arriving because shejoined them and took the flowers after she had been introduced tothe visitors. Both Timmy and Karin had never been in a hospital soDebbie took them on an inspection tour.

“What a charming girl but she looks so different from Sascia andJeroen! So Richard is her boyfriend?” Helen conjectured.

“I think so... but now I’m not so sure ...Thanks for the flowers! They really bring back wonderful memories.” Winking at Toon.

“Tell me about it! At least we have earned a free weekend at yourTilburg complex because of the buttercups,” Helen sighed whenPeter suddenly placed his hand over her mouth.


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“Toon, I’m sorry but this woman cannot keep secrets very well.

It runs in the family, I believe?”

“What do you mean? Why a free weekend, because of

buttercups?” The silence in the room brought the hospital noises tothe foreground.

“Helen, when did you make a booking at our new complex in

Tilburg? I can’t remember”....

Ing rid sud denly heard a play back of a voice: “Sorry, Ing rid, but what

shall I do with this book ing? I have a cli ent on the line, and be fore book ing her

hol i day bun ga low in Tilburg for July she wants to know if there are any but ter -

cups or cups of gold creep ers grow ing at the new com plex in Tilburg. This

woman is very per sis tent be cause she had read some where that those flow ers are

very poi son ous and she is wor ried about her small chil dren.”

Toon’s arm glided around her waist while he dug his face into her


“Toon Haardens, I seem to re mem ber that less than three

months ago I phoned your firm to ask about but ter cups, all be cause

of a dif fi cult cli ent Marijke had to deal with. Ex plain to me in min ute

de tail about this in cred i ble co in ci dence,” Ing rid fixed a stare while

si mul ta neously get ting hold of him un der the cov ers in a way that

com pletely took him by sur prise.

“Kitty!…well, it all started… Stop that or else!…All right, I asked

Helen to phone Pleasure Park after I had heard your voice. I knew I wanted tomeet you and I couldn’t think of any reason for you to go out with me.

“Kitty, stop!” “I knew you were a very private person so, yes, it was

a set-up. Now you know my secret,” “Please have some mercy on your

future husband, you are making me all shaky and I’m supposed to stay cool,”

Both Helen and Peter were laughing at her confrontation strategy.

“How did you know I would phone your firm?” Ing rid’s in ter ro ga -

tion, while to tally ig nor ing his plea, made his whole body shake from

both laugh ter and en joy ment.

“I did n’t know, I was beam ing men tal thoughts at you the whole

day, hop ing you’d phone me back,” “Lady, you are play ing with fire!”

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“Have you both been to Buttercup Valley recently?” Toon askedto divert her attention

“Yes, Dirk flew us all here af ter fetch ing mom and dad. We are all stay ing with Un cle Harry. I be lieve Leo is ar riv ing to mor row morn -ing,”

“Where has he been for the last six months?” Pe ter beamed.“Toon, how many more secrets are you hiding from me?” she joined in,

knowing they would hear that as Debbie came back with thechildren. Karin and Timmy joined them on the bed.

“Where is your baby sis ter Jenny?” “Con nie is look ing af ter her, send ing her love.” Helen re plied as

she lifted Karin off the bed. She sud denly won dered about Quincywhom she had not seen at all.

“Ing rid, Quincy’s help ing Annelies with the prep a ra tions for your wed ding. She’ll be here soon,” Helen had re sponded to herthoughts. Ing rid felt in cred i bly priv i leged to have the love and sup -port of so many friends and rel a tives. They were tak ing their chil -dren for a treat to Plea sure Park’s trop i cal jun gle re sort nearBilthoven so they said their good byes.

Ing rid was still mull ing over Toon’s schem ing: so he’d been wait ingfor her to phone back the whole day when she had been en chantedby his voice, or…was it his mind?…Toon took her hands and ob -served her with the ut most se ri ous ness.

“I did n’t know if you would phone back; I just fol lowed my in tu -ition be cause your voice gave my mem ory such a jolt that I had to findout and re mem ber, the name ‘Ing rid’, was not al to gether un fa mil iar,”

“You then knew already who I was? From Ed, I mean.”“No, not really, there are so many Ingrid’s. I don’t even think that

Ed knew you were working. At least, I didn’t but when youconfirmed it by telling me about your children, then I knew.” Sheknew that they had met twice before, once at the Pannekoek and inthe pouring rain.


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“I know. I was on the way to the radio station in Apeldoorn!”

Toon was still trying to be very earnest but she now knew for sure

that he had been snooping, asking Richard about her.

“But you didn’t know about my being in Annelies’ class, didyou?” She held back her laughter while holding firmly on to his

hands, so that he could not copy her intimate strategy.

“Oh, no, not at all, that was the ab so lute proof the uni verse gave

me. All my un cer tain ties van ished, all my long ings were ful filled and

I knew I had found you. I have called you in my mind many times,

you know! I’m so happy...I wish we were not so pub licly ex posed,

the things I want to do...” Toon’s voice was drown ing in his own

need to love her. Ing rid felt the same. Would this al ways be like this

be tween them?

“Yes, I think so be cause you are a part of me.” Toon dem on strated

phys i cally.

“Snooks some would blame it on hormones...but”...

“My love it’s our souls that con trol our hor mones.” Toon’s hands were

sen su ally strok ing her belly.

“Snooks in what way are you say ing our souls are one?” She was

men tally see ing her light body first be ing sep a rate...but vi brat ing on

the same wave length...very com pat i ble...then...their blend ing and a

wave of ec stasy en tered her so lar plexus, this was so dif fer ent, al -

most....“We share the one di vine ex pres sion; you are the fe male and, I’m the male ex -

pres sion of the one di vine full cir cle; my light body is now join ing

yours”........they both felt much more alive, and the en joy ment of just

be ing in each other’s pres ence in the si lence, made them more in

tune with their own in di vid ual selves than Ing rid had ever felt pre vi -

ously. Ing rid knew that heal ing took place on many dif fer ent lev els.

Af ter the fine weather that day they were sit ting close to gether on a

bench out on the roof ter race of Hol land’s larg est hos pi tal, where the

sun con tin ued their heal ing. Ing rid was still burst ing with ques tions.

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“Snooks, why did you pur chase the build ing con struc tion that in -cluded the land scape di vi sion? I know you were asked by Ben andLeo, but why?” Both blended into the scene through the dress inggowns the hos pi tal had pro vided.

“Let me ex plain what went on be fore I came back to live tem po -rarily with Annelies. She had planned a birth day party for me that Ihated but she bribed me by re mind ing me that her vi sion of long agowas soon go ing to hap pen and I had to be at her home.” Toon playedwith her fin gers, trac ing her palm lines which made her tick lish.

“What vision was she talking about?”“Annelies told me when I was...around sixteen that I would meet

my complementary half and that she, Annelies, had to prepare mefor this reunion so that her work and mine could start. At the time Ihad no idea, what she meant. I don’t think she did either. Then inJanuary of this year she told me the same story again.”

Ingrid wondered if that was why he had always been looking forher, Annelies had had a precognition, like she had with Ed andYolanda.

“And where were you when she told you all this the secondtime?”

“Oh, I was in Sydney.” He sighed. “Annelies and Ben had comeover, because they’d been going through a difficult time and Benthought that a trip and a cruise would help their relationship.”

“Did it?” Know ing how much Toon loved them both.“I think so, they both love each other but they don’t have what we

have ex pe ri enced so in stantly. I think their re la tion ship is now verypas sion ate, make no mis take; but I think Annelies knows the dif fer -ence and she has had to come to terms with the fact that in thislifetime…well,…I don’t know. I think they’re happy enough now.” He hugged her to him while his other hand traced the lines in side her palm.

“Who had told Annelies about your meeting your twin soul?” She now knew that her marriage with Jan paled in comparison to the


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rapture she felt for him. She started to study his hand palm,

Annelies told them that on the second awak en ing level they would

learn all about their own individual lives through their journey map

that was already decoded into their hands. Toon started to squirmfrom the sensation.

“Oh, Annelies must have been around fifteen when she started

talking about Dienie the nun.”

“That was what Otto asked you?” So that was the story he was

going to tell her! There was obviously much more to come and who

was this Dienie? “You have a good mem ory, don’t you love?” Toon squeezed her

tightly to him.

“There you both are! I’ve been looking all over for you!” Quincy

suddenly appeared.

“Toon, meet my adorable sister,” Ingrid jumped up to hug

Quincy. Toon stood up and a shyness had come over him. Quincy

looked stunning, she always did, and Ingrid noticed that she was

summing up Toon’s aura in a big way. Toon knew it too.

“What is she seeing, Kitty? She makes me feel naked,”

“You are to her, be lieve me” Ing rid beamed when Quincy smiled at

Toon in a way that would melt any man’s ego.

“Toon, you are so tall! I’m so glad to meet you. I’ve been very

well in formed by your won der ful half-sis ter, Annelies, who took me

into her home on Thurs day when Ing rid was still miss ing,” Quincy

said heart ily, again em brac ing them both in great abun dance.

“Quincy, I’m so glad she did. I hope you didn’t have to hear it

over the news?” She observed that Toon felt rather guilty.

“Oh no, Jeroen con tacted me, and I’ve been stay ing with the

twins in Apeldoorn since Thurs day and we heard from Ben on Fri -day that you had re quested to be mar ried at the hos pi tal. Sascia told

us yes ter day that Ing rid had con sented, so Annelies leapt im me di -

ately into gear, as you can imag ine. We have some sur prises in store

for you both” Quincy added mis chie vously. She was not go ing to

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tell them what and she knew how to seal off her thoughts! Toon was con sid er ably im pressed with Quincy, who had an air of

so phis ti ca tion that re minded them both of some body... Their eyesmet for a fleet ing sec ond, “Kitty, I know what you are schem ing,”

They had a wonderful chat and would see more of Quincy thenext day. She took her leave after a short while as she still had a greatdeal to do before the wedding.

“Kitty, do you think your sister has met Fred already?” Ingrid laughed attheir synchronicity.

“I don’t know but I can just imag ine the two of them to gether. They are made for each other, don’t you think? Why did Fred nevermarry, do you know?”

“For the same rea son that I did n’t. He was told the same thing! Annelies said that Dienie had pre dicted that he would meet up withhis twinsoul later in life. Gosh! Kitty, what do you think? I wouldgive any thing to see Fred’s ex pres sion when they see each other forthe first time. I know they will re cog nise each other as we did! I canjust feel it.” The glint in his eyes re minded her of the tidal wave hegave her.

“My love at that same moment I suddenly got all warm, you knowwhere?”

“Re ally? Where?” She glanced around to see if they were pri -vate as she dem on strated where.

“I want to get back to our room lady. I need some privacy withyou.

The air in their room started to smell like a flo rist, the head nursethat came on night duty had al ready com plained that it took them atleast ten min utes lon ger to re move all the ar range ments out of theirroom to clear the air be fore the night.

“Well, match maker, we’ll all be to gether to mor row.” Ing rid placedher feet on his lap for a mas sage while look ing in the blue en ve lope re -call ing it had two let ters in side. She read out loud POWAH’s ex cerpttwenty-two that was ad dressed to them both.


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‘The Eye of the Observer’

Programme...Planet Earth

Hav ing the Mo ti va tion and the De sire to look into ‘The Eye of the Ob server’

Rule Twelve of the awak en ing card game.

My mis sion to Planet Earth, which is a liv ingli brary, was ini ti ated by re quest of the planether self. Gaia wanted to make an inter-di men -sional evo lu tion ary leap, but felt a great re -spon si bil ity to wards her in hab it ants, realisingthat many would not sur vive such a jour ney with -out some travel prep a ra tions. We of the col lec -tive cos mic coun sel from the ninth realm, thathave been ob serv ing for many aeons your evo lu -tion ary pro cess came to realise that you like toplay GAMES!

So it came about that one hun dred and twentyyears of your past earth time, we be gan prep a ra -tions in guid ing will ing souls who were seededfor awak en ing to in car nate. The star map willguide many frag mented souls to unite in thisjour ney. The key codes of the ex cerpts that grewinto a card mak ing game will co in cide with theawak en ing of the planet’s third eye that willre lease the il lu sion ary ho lo gram ex pe ri ence andpre pare the mor tal mind of your spe cies for thedif fer ent planes of re al i ties which you can notcon ceive of at pres ent.

With your nine soul char ac ter roles you willplay this card game pre par ing you for the realex pe ri ence that will take place in the timetravel ho lo gram tem ple that was left be hind byme. All have to awaken to their in di vid ual soulgifts, so that each can con trib ute to hu man ityin ser vice for the good of all.

Kitty and Toon, start cre at ing your fu turelight bod ies in your dreams. In your case itwill be a light body that re veals both your po -lar i ties that are joined al ready.

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Ing rid was pro foundly im pressed at the con tents and theco in ci dence with their dis cus sions. Toon was very quiet, his handstrem bled when he took hold of the let ter.

“Oh Kitty, I feel so priv i leged, so...now more than ever do I wantto fol low this awak en ing path, as Annelies calls it. No mat ter what ittakes, we have been granted such an hon our to re ceive these mes -sages.” The joy at hav ing found a part ner who felt like she did madeall the dif fer ence but even with out a soulmate, this awak en ing jour -ney would still be worth trav el ling.

“Toon is this all due to the relocation of our solar system into thephoton belt?”

“The the ory on the pho ton belt is years old, but it grabbed my at -ten tion when I needed to shift my aware ness lev els, as Annelies callsit. Leo, Trevor and Annelies work on the fact that our divine Blue -print is con nected with out planet’s through the Great Pyr a mid. This


The Awakening Clan

Al ways re mem ber and know that we all be longto the ONE SOURCE. Prac tise see ing the one nessin ev ery thing and ev ery one and know that manythought forms are un con scious pro jec tions frombe ings that are trapped in their own men tal ho -lo gram cre ations, liv ing per pet u ally withintheir own cre ated dra mas. See through oth ersas we of the col lec tive cos mic coun sel from theninth realm have seen through your cre ated il -lu sions and re cog nised your real beauty.

Both of you will start to ex pe ri ence thecausal plane that is ahead of time and will have to learn to mas ter thought–form tech nol ogy. That is part of the evo lu tion ary leaps yourspe cies needs to ac com plish.

Open your gate way to the heart and let thecer e mony of your cos mic mar riage be a sym bol ofyour un con di tional love for all life. In thislies true free dom.


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pyr a mid is a phys i cal tet ra he dron with an in verted twin that forms

the planet’s star tet ra he dron. We are try ing to ac ti vate a sim i lar

star-gate in the Val ley of the Gods re sort. That’s why I’m so glad

that I’ve found you, my twin soul.” “But what of others who do not experience this kind of union?”

Thinking back to her first marriage there had been moments of

great happiness which she would not have missed either, and some

people would never know the difference anyway. One cannot miss

what one never had, but what if one knew? Was that Annelies’

experience? And telling Toon was why he’d suffered the longing,

even knowing that searching for it was not the answer? But she

hadn’t. Oh, she always had so many questions!

“Not ev ery one has this pas sion that we share love. That has good

rea sons too I’m sure. It has been proph e sied that, when the fre quen -

cies are raised, many soul mem o ries would come back. This is for your

jour nal, not so?” Toon rolled both let ters up and ty ing them with a

rib bon from the ar range ments.

“Annelies was told that on ev ery awak en ing level of her de cod ing

work shops a jour nal had to be kept by one par tic i pant. Rich ard

takes the next as sign ment of the five awak en ing level ini ti a tions. I’m

re ally look ing for ward to play ing that card game.”

“Will that hap pen next Fri day?”

“Yes, possibly, I hope so. Will you join me?” “I hoped you would ask! I have to dig up my spac ings. When An -

nie used me as a guinea pig I never dreamed it was to pre pare me for

all this. I’m very cu ri ous about how this card game is go ing to pre -

pare us for en ter ing the ho lo gram plat form in the cen tre at Plea sure

Park re sort.” The head nurse in ter rupted their pri vacy, ask ing if it

was all right if any more ar range ments could be shared with some

rooms who had noth ing. They both in sisted that they took some

from their room as well. Toon made a note in his lap top for a reg u lar

de liv ery to the trauma unit as a to ken of his ap pre ci a tion.

“Snooks have you always been attracted to plants and flowers?”

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She saw that he had an affinity for plants. She had noticed that heautomatically cleaned and pruned the arrangements subconsciously.

“I sup pose I have. At the be gin ning I thought that was why I neededto get in volved in the con struc tion and land scap ing of the parks.”

“You mean the one in France?” “Yes, when Ben told me it was to pro tect Harry Brinks from los ing

the prop erty be cause Leo had un-coded a grid-pat tern that ran un derthat site. Only when you spot ted the sym bol did I be come aware thatthere was far more to it. Then I got side tracked by my other re spon si -bil i ties and by you!” Toon had been walk ing around and stood be hind her chair ruf fling her hair.

There was a knock and André, the detective, came in followed byMr. Brinks. Toon and Ingrid exchanged glances

“Talk about thought technology, Kitty.”“We won’t stay long. Annelies and your sis ter have pre pared a

fam ily din ner, so they are com ing to fetch you both shortly. Andréhas just come back from Tieneke. Roelof made a full con fes sion. He’s very ill but he wanted to come clean. His doc tor thinks that hehas lit tle time left. Ing rid, Roelof was very shocked when he heardwhat had hap pened to you both and he told André sto ries you would not be lieve! I have to come to terms with some of it.”

“What about Hennie, was she really ever in danger?” Harry’seyes looked troubled when she mentioned his granddaughter.

“We think she might have been fas ci nated by some of Roelof ’sgam bling mates. André just wanted to ask Ing rid a few ques tions be -fore he goes off duty.” Harry glanced at Toon for his ap proval.

“Mrs B...Ing rid, Roelof said that you knew he was be ing black -mailed be cause he told you.” André com mented. He still had dif fi -culty call ing her Ing rid.

“Yes, I re mem ber that he was very short-tem pered and he saidthat there was a con spir acy go ing on, and he was be ing black mailed. I heard ru mours about his sep a ra tion but you know how gos sip hasa way of in flu enc ing one’s judg ment. That’s why I did n’t take his


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panic se ri ously. I wish now that I had.”

“Ingrid, where was Piet at that time? Can you remember?” She

knew Piet had already gone home.

“André, you must ask Carla, be cause I re call that she had an ar gu -ment with him, and she told me that Piet had been both er ing her af -

ter hours, but she must have told you all that?” Ing rid re mem bered

that day very well. That whole Mon day had been a night mare but

just be fore clos ing she had Roelof on the line when Toon ap peared

in her life, hold ing a bunch of but ter cups! Toon winked.

“That day when Roelof made that in sin u a tion, I was with Ing rid. I

spoke to him over the phone when he was in a state of shock about

the truck ac ci dent. Think ing back, I real ise I was n’t re ally con cen trat -

ing as I should have, so I’m also guilty of not tak ing him seriously.”

“Well, Toon both Roelof and Hennie man aged to keep their un sa -

voury as so ci a tions from Tieneke, and that says some thing be cause she

is very in tu itive, so don’t feel guilty. I’m sure you two had better things

to do at the time.” Harry Brinks com mented.

“That’s an un der state ment if I ever heard one, love.”

“Ingrid, we have found the address of Bruce who apparently

lived with a woman called Iris. They have skipped Holland but

Interpol has a search out for them, they won’t get far. The third man

that you called the Boss, we have a suspect in custody on other

serious charges, could you come to the station next week for a lineup? We think it is the same man.” Ingrid shivered and Toon, while

embracing her asked firmly how important it was.

André re as sured them both that it would not take more than

three min utes. He would con tact them again on Mon day, thank ing

them for their co op er a tion and con grat u lat ing them on their wed -

ding the fol low ing day. Harry walked him out as Deb bie ar rived,

ask ing if they both felt like dress ing up. She would take them to the

diningroom where peo ple were wait ing.

“Are you going to be there? I really hope so, or are you on duty?”

“Mom, I’ll join you all later as I’m free after seven. I have to

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submit my report on both your conditions. A lot of wheeling anddealing has been going on around this wedding believe me! Ourhospital policies have been put to the test I believe, and apparently alarge donation made all the difference.” Deb bie beamed a knowinglook at Toon, who only ever so slightly raised his eyebrows.

When they both arrived at the room that had been hired for theoccasion they joined up with Fred who just arrived. He embracedthem both with great tenderness.

“Fred, have you been in volved in or gan is ing this fam ily din ner?”“No Ing rid, I have left that to Annelies and your sis ter Quincy. I

can’t wait to meet her. Annelies has been brag ging about her tal -ents.” He winked at her, while his eyes gleamed with mis chief. Toonsqueezed her hand when they both walked in.

“Let’s watch what it looks like when twin souls meet!” “But Snooks, we don’t know that for sure!’The diningroom was dec o rated with yel low but ter cups and cup

of gold creep ers. Ev ery one was there: Sascia, Rich ard, Jeroen,Liesbeth and Hans, Harry and Tieneke, Ben and Annelies, Ed andYolanda, Helen and Pe ter, Otto and Jill, but where was her sis ter?

“She’s prob a bly with the kitchen staff. I’ll go and get her as I’m also cu ri ous,be lieve me,” Annelies pro jected. Ing rid realised that most of themcould men tally hear thoughts. This was go ing to be very in ter est ing. What a pity she could not see their au ras, but she knew that Liesbeth, Hans, Annelies and Fred did, so she would read their minds.

The ta ble plan told her that her sis ter would be sit ting on one side ofher. Fred had al ready found his seat, which was next to Quincy. WhenQuincy ap peared with a ra di ant smile, her eyes rested on Fred. Ing ridknew be cause she could see a rec og ni tion of some thing. Fred greetedher in front of ev ery one in a ten der em brace that as ton ished them all.

When they laughed, Quincy was very shaken as they both turnedtheir at ten tion to them. Fred es corted her sis ter to her seat and re -vealed to them with rel ish what hap pened when, af ter hear ing fromIng rid about a sis ter in Delft, he had in ves ti gated Quincy by pay ing a


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visit. While eat ing their din ner Fred flirt ing out ra geously with

Quincy, shar ing how they both re cog nised each other.

“Whoever was in Quincy’s health shop must have had a feast.”

Toon and Ben roared with laughter.“When did you meet Fred for the first time?” Ingrid whispered

“Directly after you had dinner with Yolanda, that evening he

phoned me and later when Ed was introduced to Yolanda Fred

asked Ed about me. Then he visited me in the shop, well, the

rest.....we’ve been out a few times. It’s not that long ago, only”...

“Hey sister, he kissed you as if you two have known each other a

lot longer!” “I know, that was not in the plan, be lieve me! He took to tal ad -

van tage that I tell you, but Ing rid, I’m so...what’s the right word?”Quincy whis pered so Fred would not hear .

“In love, trembling with ecstasy”....

“Well, yes, yes, do go on,” Quincy’s em bar rass ment while Ing rid

saw that Fred was lis ten ing with a big grin warmed her heart. The din -

ner was a great suc cess. Liesbeth winked at her.

“I can see your love for each other is be com ing more sta ble, you are more syn -

chro nised, both your en er gies are very con nected, and it’s a joy to see. We feel very

proud to be with this fam ily.”

The wedding

The wa ter was cas cad ing on them. Toon in sisted on hav ing ashower as his ban dages were gone. Ing rid could see that the bul lethole left a scar but his strength was im prov ing each mo ment. Hislong ing for Ing rid was get ting stron ger as well.

“How can you ex pect me to stay calm when I can feel your whole vo lup tuous

body rub bing against mine?” Toon was still rest ing on a high chair whilehe was press ing her against him, soap ing her ev ery where while she

did the same for him. Oh, she wanted to make love to him but what

about his heart?

“Kitty, my heart will burst if I don’t! My mind will be come a wreck.. I”

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This was about the most pri vate place they would have be foreget ting mar ried that af ter noon. She men tally over heard that Benand Annelies had some thing schemed for af ter the wed ding. Shecould no lon ger con trol her own needs when he started to use hismouth on all the right places. She be came as ac com mo dat ing as shecould and Toon was tak ing ev ery advantage.

“Oh, Kitty, this is the one ad dic tion I hope that I’ll never have to give up.” “Do you think you have to?” She was en joy ing again the phys i cal sen -

sa tion of love mak ing. “Kitty, I feel that at our mo ment of ec stasy we ex pe ri ence spirit in mat ter for a

split sec ond. I don’t care what oth ers say this is. This feel ing of one ness ex presses that I love you with my whole be ing.” She snug gled up close to him, lean -ing her head on his wet shoul ders.

“Snooks, what do you think mys ti cal mar riage is?” He looked up at herand turned off the wa ter.

“Kitty, I sup pose it’s the un ion with God and it takes place in con scious nessonly. If we both awaken more in con scious ness af ter hav ing ex pe ri enced thisbliss, maybe we are then ready to let go. For now I’m very con tented with yourmag nif i cent cap sule that ac ti vates all my phys i cal senses.” His face ex pressedboth se ri ous ness and joy at the same time.

When they were both dressed, the sparkle in their eyes gave awaywhat they had been up to. They were so engrossed in each other that they didn’t hear a knock at their door when Leo appeared in theirroom to discuss the marriage service.

Toon embraced him with a respectful gesture. Ingrid was quietfor a moment, regarding the ageless countenance of this man wholooked as if he could be from a western or eastern geneticbackground. His eyes observed them both with a wise, very lovingexpression.

“Toon, I’m so glad for both of you that you have found eachother. We have little time left but I have seen and read your marriagevows what you both so well typed to each other and I’d like to goover them.”


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“Leo, how is POWAH com mu ni cat ing with me?” Ing rid butted

in as she was de ter mined to get to the bot tom of this still un an -

swered puz zle. The smile in his eyes deep ened as they trav elled in as -

ton ish ment past all the flower ar range ments. “ Ing rid sci ence has an un com fort able way of push ing hu man be -

ings from cen tre stage. That is why we all , from the Jaarsma clan,

made a choice to be come aware of the com pu ta tional na ture of the

uni verse as a whole, POWAH rep re sents cos mic in tel li gence. He

com mu ni cates with us all on a soul level. Many peo ple will be come

aware of their in ner guides dur ing the next six teen years.” The hos pi -

tal noises re minded her that for many those years would bring dif fer -

ent changes. Some would leave the planet and some would re ceive a

wake-up call in or der to par take in the great trans for ma tion that

would af fect everyone.

“We live in ‘times’ where the word evo lu tion is tak ing on a dif fer -

ent mean ing. Al ready there is ev i dence that more and more peo ple’s

‘neo cor tex’, which is part of the hu man brain, are rap idly de vel op ing

so that thought-ac ti vated vi sions are in stantly per ceived and man i -

fested.” Leo must have seen her frown as she tried to grasp what he

was implying.

“POWAH knows us all in ti mately as you know your self; he knows

all our thoughts, all our fears, all our feel ings and he is within all of us,

Ing rid. I’m just a chan nel for Trevor who in tu itively at first knew howto con nect onto a wave length through the mi cro-chip in side the

moth er board. There is re ally no easy way to ex plain how text, that

shows up on your com puter screen so you can val i date your own ex -

pe ri ence, is linked with your thoughts. But it was nec es sary with you,

was n’t it?” Leo’s mu si cal voice was both hu mor ous and warm.

“So we are multi-dimensionally communicating all the time?”

She could still not really grasp how they blended an intuitive message

on a computer screen that answered her thoughts!

“Ing rid, you have the same height ened sen si tiv ity with POWAH as

you have with each other. You com mu ni cate with him through your

‘The Eye of the Observer’

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soul senses, mean ing that all your psy chic chan nels are si mul ta neouslyex pe ri enced. It feeds and sus tains you, and it was re spon si ble for thetwo of you meet ing so that you could be gin to live the un lim ited po -ten tial that you both have on a higher soul level.”

“POWAH does communicate directly through Annelies as well,doesn’t he?”

“He com mu ni cates through all of us, but only as in di vid u als weex pe ri ence it dif fer ently, de pend ing on our in di vid ual soul’s ex pe ri -ences, and the tal ents of the per son al ity as pects we have at tracted inthis embodiment ”

“Which part of us is real then?”“The I AM pres ence you both ex pe ri ence when you feel an un con -

di tional love for each other, that feel ing is from your real soul es sence. This spirit spark, your life force, can trig ger a ra di a tion that is the an i -mat ing prin ci ple of the phys i cal body. When this ac tiv ity takes place,as it has with both of you, shafts of light spread through the up perpart of your body, not so? Each of our in di vid ual souls is the to tal ityof the con scious ness of all our re-em bodi ments, but as with most ofus, this soul con scious ness is frag mented as your work shops have al -ready re vealed.” The qui et ness in which he an swered her ques tionsimpressed Ingrid no end.

“So you are saying that soulmates are people that lived togetherbefore but they don’t necessarily share the I AM presence as we do?”

“Ing rid, in this life ex pe ri ence your com ple men tary half is Toon.Through out the aeons of time choice brought you to gether again in or -der to make you each con sciously aware within your selves. Only in thisdi vine iden tity can you reach the level of cos mic con scious ness that willpre pare you both to be gin your jour ney of cos mic cou ple hood.”

“Leo, you mean we can awaken as to how we might physicallyascend?”

“Yes Toon, with the over lay now re moved we have the op por tu -nity to re-ac cess our orig i nal blue prints con tained in the Akashic re -cords that con tain ev ery thing we have ever done or ex pe ri enced on


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this planet. Even that in cred i ble pos si bil ity can be come a real ex pe ri -

ence if you so in tend.”

“I still don’t grasp it. I can ac cept that this re al ity is not real, but...”

“Toon, the na ture of a morphogenetic field is such that when one in di vid ual or a group be gin to res o nate at a cer tain level of en ergy

and fre quency, it per me ates out through the rest of the ma trix, lift -

ing all up in the pro cess. Reach ing full con scious ness while hav ing a

phys i cal ex pe ri ence means dif fer ent things to dif fer ent peo ple, so

let’s say that we have to awaken to our unity con scious ness state as a

group soul first.” Toon was try ing to read Leo’s mind. She could see

it from his ex pres sion.

“What are morphogenetic fields?” she asked, knowing that Leo

waited for a sign from both of them that would re veal an un der -

stand ing.

“Morphogenetic fields are non-phys i cal blue prints that give

birth to forms. They are cen tred at the gate way of our hearts await -

ing us to re lease the il lu sions that bind us prior to pass ing through

the pil lars and en tering into a higher realm.” Leo re plied smiling.

For the first time she started to grasp POWAH’s role in the scheme

of things. Some how for her he rep re sented both her guide, her Higher

Self and also the en ergy what Leo called a group soul. It al ways felt as if

some one or a force was over see ing them. For now she would set tle for

the idea that her Higher Self was con nected to a group soul en ergy.“Let’s join the oth ers for your sa cred cer e mony, shall we. Ing rid,

we thought it ap pro pri ate to end the 22 ex cerpts from POWAH with

this last let ter for your jour nal. From now on you will ex pe ri ence

your ex pan sion of con scious ness into the twenty first cen tury to -

gether. We are all con nected in this man ner and through our ever-ex -

pand ing na ture, while in this phys i cal form, we ac ti vate and unite

with Gaia’s di vine blue print, and be yond.”

“Thanks Leo, I needed some form of ex pla na tion, even if I can't

yet fathom it all” Leo’s smile made her feel good.

‘The Eye of the Observer’

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The Awakening Clan

Programme...Planet Earth

will in tro duce:

The Aware ness of the Power of Words

a Words like num bers and let ters are en ergy pock -ets when they are com bined.

b Words rep re sent the sub stance of pure en ergy.

c Words have a vi bra tional es sence which tran -scends and goes be yond the in ter preted mean -ing.

d Words can bring into fo cus cer tain feel ingsand per cep tions.

f Words can not only be iso lated and cre ated for the sole pur pose of de fin ing the im me di ateper cep tion from the hu man per spec tive.

f Words which are much more than that, canhelp, as sist, guide, and move our con scious -ness to wards that which is Word less, thatwhich is lim it less.

g Words can only go so far, for words are usedonly to in ter pret, to la bel and to de fine.

h Words must flow, so don’t con tain them.

i Words must be what they are.

j Words point the way but they can also get inthe way.

k Move be yond Words and feel the word less mean -ing of that which is be ing pre sented.

l Words are only step ping stones to truth.

m Words can only serve as ar rows point ing to -ward the In ner Truth,

n Di vine Self, the Real Self, the Higher Self, the Real You.

o All of these con cepts are sim ply Words thatare at tempt ing, from the hu man per spec tive,to de scribe that which is in de scrib able,which is in fi nite, which has no bound aries,which has no lim its.

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When they were es corted to a car that took them to a dif fer ent

build ing of Utrecht’s large hos pi tal grounds, Ing rid ner vously

grabbed Toon’s hands. She took out the let ter and they both stared at the ti tle.

“That is the name of Fred and Yolanda’s book shop!”Ing rid whis -


They both looked at each other in rap ture, word less.

When they ar rived, Timmy and Karin were dressed in cute light-blue

out fits. Liesbeth and Hans were their wit nesses. The whole cha pel

was filled with so many flow ers. The fra grance was over whelm ing.

The mu sic was the Celtic mood tune Toon had played the first time

in his car. She squeezed Toon’s hand tightly, tin gling, know ing Toon

felt the same.

They stood next to each other holding two lighted candles and, as

Leo began the ceremony, all Ingrid heard were the words they hadspoken to each other before in the hospital room and her mind went

back to the dreams she’d had of Toon dancing with her and Toon as

a priest…Leo brought her back to the present with the words…

“These two can dles symbolise your spir i tual na ture and your spir -

i tual truth which shines upon you now and al ways. Toon and Ing rid,

are you both fully com mit ted to the mar riage vows that you have

writ ten for your selves?”

‘The Eye of the Observer’

p Words can only be a me dium of ex change be tween souls that rec og nize the love and the light ofCre ation.

q Both my be lov eds your awak en ing jour ney hasstarted. Prac tise hand ing over the lower will and sur ren der to the higher self. Recogniseyour selves as be ing in a state of grace and re -mem ber that you are al ways at the right placeat the right time, and that the I AM of you andthe IAM of me are the keep ers of the Game.


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“Yes, I am,” Toon removed the ring that was lying next to thecandle and gave it to Leo

“Yes I am,” Ingrid swallowed a lump in her throat before replying to the same question and doing the same with her ring.

Leo held up both rings. “These two rings sym bol ise the di vine cir cle of the im mor tal

orig i nal, each ring rep re sent ing both the mas cu line and fem i nine po -lar i ties that are joined as one.”

“Toon, please re peat af ter me.”“I, Toon Haardens, ask you, Ingrid Barendse, to be my life

partner, my wife, my lover, my friend, my supporter, and above allmy twinsoul in discovering who I am. I hereby declare my intentionto treat you with deepest tenderness, love, and compassion…hermind jumped ahead as if many lifetimes flew past…like amovie…Then Toon’s words drew her back “so that we may share all that is good within us and live our full potential for the good of all.” Toon kissed her hand tenderly after ending his commitment.

Leo turned to her and asked her; “Ingrid Barendse, do youchoose to grant Toon’s request for you to become his wife?”

“I do” and she made the same vow, a part of her re mem beredToon’s words which he ex pressed so well, she then took his handand kissed them in side. That brought some laugh ter from the con -gre ga tion be cause Toon had dif fi culty in with hold ing his need tokiss her more pro fusely. While their eyes locked, she was aware of asen sa tion of ab so lute bliss as if they were mak ing love, but this wasan ex pe ri ence that tran scended the phys i cal un ion en tirely. Leo’svoice brought them both back to the cha pel with the words;

“Toon and Ingrid, please take these rings and repeat after me:”Toon held her hand repeating in his low, powerful voice:

“With this ring, my beloved, I take you as my wife so that all maysee and know my love for you,” “Kitty, I’m so honoured, so incrediblyblessed to have found you to share this momentous occasion with.”

“Oh, my love, I’m so grate ful to our cre ator to have granted me such an in cred i -


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ble per son to share my life with,” she took his ring and re peated: “I take you

as my hus band so that all may see and know my love for you.”

Toon’s gen tle ex pres sion made her feel so loved and cher ished that

again only the voice of Leo brought her at ten tion to what he said.“I give you each a can dle, to symbolise your in di vid ual un der stand -

ing of this sa cred cer e mony called mar riage. I ask you each to light the

large can dle with your own to symbolise the un ion of two souls.”

They both ap proached the enor mous bea con and she saw Toon’s

grey-blue eyes laugh ing at her through the large flame they ig nited.

“I pronounce that in the presence of the one living spirit in which

we all reside that you are now husband and wife.” Leo called out in

his musical voice. Ingrid was somewhat shaky when she had to step

back and wondered how Toon was doing.

“Love, I feel fine! I think my happiness is holding me up.”

“Toon and Ingrid, may your home, wherever that may be, always

be a place of happiness for all who enter it; a place for sharing, love,

music, and above all a place for laughter. Toon, you may now kiss

your bride,” The audience roared at Toon’s enthusiastic response.

When they had to sign the reg is ter with Liesbeth and Hans she

wrote for the first time of fi cially, Mrs. Ing rid K B Haardens. She

sensed Toon was very fa tigued and Hans took him aside to boost him

with his heal ing en ergy. The many hugs from ev ery one were over -

whelm ing and she re joiced at see ing each one in di vid u ally, in clud ingfriends from work and Annelies’ class.

Her now for mer fa ther-in-law, Den nis Barendse, con grat u lated Toon,

he had made peace with the fact that Ed would marry some one else.When she held Toon’s hand again, he looked a lot better. Helen’s

chil dren were throw ing the but ter cups around their feet and Sasciawas tak ing many pho tos while Deb bie had Jenny in her arms.

When they both walked hand in hand out into the glo ri ous sun -shine and she heard the mu sic “Are you awake?” in the back ground. Toon’s laugh ing blue-grey eyes spar kled when she heard a men talvoice very clearly beam ing…“My love, the awak en ing clan is go ing home”…

‘The Eye of the Observer’

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The sub ject of im mor tal ity has gripped my at ten tion for thelast thirty years and many names are writ ten in my heart who haveshared and still share this awak en ing jour ney with me. Writ ing about philo soph i cal top ics in a fu tur is tic com mer cial novel can be prob -lem atic. To write about any spir i tu ally/ philo soph i cal top ics cre -atively, and then sim plify it, might of fend peo ple con ver sant inthose sub jects; which has never been my in tent. Added to that, towrite a ro man tic novel where a male and fe male be come as one wasdone on pur pose. Our dif fer ent hor mones and anat o mies re sultedin the de vel op ment of dif fer ent psy ches. The male and fe male, theYin and Yang of con scious ness must merge as one, which can neverbe rec on ciled by evolution. Each must un der stand and awaken theun der de vel oped ‘other’ within, in or der to fully evolve.

The theme of the nov els is cen tred at the gate way to our hearts,(The Eye of the Be holder) await ing us to re lease the il lu sions thatbind us prior to pass ing through the pil lars and to en tering into ahigher realm.

I trust that the read ers use this novel as an ex er cise of the mind,and not judge too harshly ei ther way.

Be fore I start on my ac knowl edge ment list, I must thank RobinBeck for his sup port, his be lief in me and for his love. In him Ifound my soul part ner who made it pos si ble that my vi sions for theJaarsma Clan se ries be came a re al ity.

To my chil dren San dra and Den nis, I thank them for al low ing meto be my self. They showed me their cour age in step ping into theworld by leav ing our home to be come in de pend ent world cit i zens.

To their fa ther, who al though he could not share my vi sion be -came my best teacher in un der stand ing that truth can be ex pe ri enced


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in many dif fer ent ways.

To my sis ter Margreet and Roland, her hus band. You both gave

me the op por tu nity to build a pri vate space, a loft room, a hide away

where I could be truly cre ative and sep a rate my self from the pub -lish ing world of Kima Global Pub lish ers.

Through out one’s jour ney the right teach ers are al ways there giv -

ing in ner guid ance; show ing me that the con cept of im mor tal ity had

to be re-pub lished as vi sion ary/fan tasy fic tion.

My grat i tude will al ways be to the Source of ‘All That Is’ for the

op por tu nity to be come a hu man chan nel through which this first

awak en ing novel came alive.

Nadine May


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About the AuthorNadine was born in Hol land and was

known as Hermien. She be came a nurse,em i grated to Aus tra lia with her fam ily andfour years later to South Af rica which is stillher home. She stud ied meta phys i cal sci -ences, es o teric psy chol ogy, art ther apy, andgave draw ing skill classes in Port Eliz a beth,lay ing the ground work what later would beknown as Art An a logue sym bol ism minddraw ing tech nique., pub lished as her firstwork book: The Lan guage of Light in 2003.Due to a pro found psy chic ex pe ri ence shewas shown what soul pur pose she had cho sen in this lifetime. The story of Liesbeth, in chap ter 7, was the be gin ning of herwrit ing ca reer (un known to her at the time).

Most of the spir i tual, es o teric con cepts in her novel was al mostblindly writ ten through her char ac ters. Her own awak en ing hap -pened hand in hand while she was teach ing many peo ple, us ing a cre -ative whole some pro cess to cre ate a bridge be tween our log i cal andin tu itive abil i ties. She in ves ti gated the con cept of awak en ing to fullcon scious ness by com bin ing many es o teric and sci en tific con clu -sions about life in this third di men sion, and to val i date what wasshown to her years be fore.

She en tered the first chap ter of her novel into the writ ers club ofSouth Af rica com pe ti tion un der the name of Nadine May, and wasplaced first in the Mi chael Brunners tro phy sec tion (first chap ter ofa novel) in 1999. She de vel oped a ge netic de cod ing sys tem, whichlater be came her sec ond work book, Our Body Codes of Light.

Dur ing 1995 -1999 she also worked as a mar riage guid ance coun -sel lor at the time her first awak en ing novel was writ ten un der the ti tle


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My Love We Are Go ing Home pub lished in 2001 by Kima Global

Pub lish ers.

Annelies’ awak en ing workshop, which is the focus point of this

first novel, takes the reader on a journey that could be their own. Nadine held these ge netic de cod ing trial work shops with nine peo -

ple, who all had a dif fer ent per cep tion of what awak en ing meant forthem dur ing the early nine ties. This in spired her to write the con ceptsbe hind her the o ries in the form of Vi sion ary Fic tion. To reach oth ersthrough story tell ing was the best de ci sion she’s ever made. It helped her to fol low her dream de spite all the ob sta cles she had to con front in herown life. It was through her draw ing skill classes that she no ticed theshift of her stu dent’s per cep tions from the way that they looked at theirdraw ings. When proof is shown, be lief be comes know ing. As a re sulther Art-an a logue mind-draw ing work shops were born that seem toawaken the lan guage of the soul.

Nadine moved to Cape Town and joined Robin Beck, herpublisher to be come his life part ner, and took on the job as the cre -ative di rec tor and ed i tor of Kima Global Publisers. Most of her au -thors and col leagues in the pub lish ing world to day know her asNadia van der Veen.

Nadine has cre ated her own website through which she car rieson ex plor ing the awak en ing of the Jaarsma Clan through the fiveawak en ing stages: 1 The de sire to be come aware - 2 Be com ing awareof be ing un aware -3 Let ting go of the old - 4 In te gra tion - 5 Free -dom. All the mind-draw ing ex er cises writ ten about in this novel arealso pub lished as The Lan guage of Light work book in or der to helppeo ple to ac ti vate their cre ative in tu itive side. These cre ative cardmak ing work shops will pre pare her read ers for their first ge netic de -cod ing work shop through her web site, or through the sec ond work -book: ‘Our Body Codes of Light’ which will be pub lished in 2009

You can visit her work shop page in Cyberspace at:

www.as cen sion–work shop.co.za

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The Jaarsma TreeCup of Gold Chateau / Half -way House

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The Jaarsma Tree The Prinsegracht Hotel

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But there is hope for the hu man race.


The Awakening Clan

The As tral Explorer - Rich ard’s first jour nal

by Nadine May ISBN 978-09802561-6-1

So much has hap pened since Or phan age of Soulmates was writ ten that

Rich ard’s jour nal had to be di vided into two vol umes to in clude the

higher aware ness lev els that have been ac ti vated dur ing the great

awak en ing. Rich ard’s first jour nal de scribes how the in ner ob server


Frag mented or dis torted en er gies have to be re leased when a

group soul en tity em bod ies more soul aware ness into its in di vid ual

ex pres sion as a hu man be ing. This is of ten called an “up grade”, a re -

birth, or a soul change ex pe ri ence. Rich ard was not previously aware

that his own re quest to fully awaken dur ing this life time can bring

about great changes within him self. Like wise the plan e tary soul is go ing through its own trans for ma -

tion, get ting rid of dis torted programmes, mostly cre ated by the hu -

man race. How does the great awak en ing play out in in di vid ual lives?

Annelies’ as cen sion work shop teaches him why the ge netic codes of

their ear lier years of life ex pe ri ences led to a chem i cal sig na ture

tracked by the brain and com pleted in a DNA code.

Page 473: Awakening Clan E-bk

The Cos mic trav el ler - Rich ard’s sec ond jour nal

by Nadine May ISBN 978-09814117-0-5This third awak en ing novel com pletes Rich ard’s jour nal when he


An cient tun nels are ex posed through an ex plo sion un der thecon struc tion site at the Val ley of the Gods re sort in France. Em bed -ded in the rock walls are ‘pictograms’ that fore tell a fu ture that seems to have hap pened in the past. Rich ard learns on the as tral plane thatself-mas tery can not be ex pressed in words or pic tures, but that it can awaken at great cost to our ma te rial re al ity.

Dur ing these cha otic times when the Outer Worlds (dark forces)are busy rob bing the planet of her valu able min er als, with the as sis -tance of many hu man be ings who are un wit tingly in fected by the vi -rus called ‘greed’, the peo ple who form the Jaarsma clan have toover come their iden tify through learn ing how awaken their in nerob server. Like wise the plan e tary soul is go ing through its own trans -for ma tion, get ting rid of dis torted programmes, mostly cre ated bythe hu man race.

What has been proph e sied by many seers, that man on Earth willdo the plun der ing for them and that the Outer Worlds had nothing


to do todo with

it; un for tu nately has come true. What does it take forthe Jaasma Clan to sur vive Ar ma ged don?

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Van ish ing Worlds - Annelies'


by Nadine May

Annelies’ jour nal is rid dled withmagic from Hid den Worlds where ourthought forms be come real.

By now the Jaarsma Clan’s groupsoul en ergy has to con front its own‘karma’ in or der to carry on the evo lu -tion path to wards en light en ment. Thein di vid u als who are, ‘on a soul level’,be long ing to the Jaarsma group-soulvi bra tion, have a hard time ad just ing to the new in com ing par a digm. But thereis hope for the hu man race.

Annelies in her jour nal shares how her in ner life hasman i fested her outer re al i ties in this in car na tion. She also has toprac tise LETTING GO OF THE OLD and come to terms with her owncre ated dis tor tions that shaped her life.

Her awak ened mas tery of clair voy ance, te lep a thy and her abil ity totravel inter-dimensionally helped her to see how the vis i ble worlds, cre -ated by em a na tions from the “Su pe rior Be ings,” had all dis ap peared be -fore. It was then that Annelies awak ened to the rules of the higher worlds.

The crys tal skull art ist shows her how the world as we know it will soon van ish but be fore that hap pens she learns how to re turn theright fre quen cies for the hu man body to over come the ag ing dis-ease syndrom.

This aware ness must spread through out the world in or der forhu man ity to make the tran si tion to a higher di men sion.

Many peo ple awaken to the awe some truth that to sur vive phys i -cally is noth ing com pared to the chal lenges of sur viv ing on a soullevel. Outer worlds (dark forces) know that, but they lost their soulcon nec tions a long way back. They are head ing for their own ex tinc -tion so they have to oc cupy the souls that are asleep to them selves, in or der to re turn home - be cause soon our re al ity will be no more,when the Grand Por tal is re-opened.


The Awakening Clan

Forth com ing!

Page 475: Awakening Clan E-bk

The Lan guage Of Light

By Nadine May mind draw ing

through the higher self

This cre ative work book is full of mind–draw ing ex er cises

that will guide the reader into their own in ner worlds. It also ex -

plains the chak ra sys tem and how it res o nates with our

thought-pat terns.

The char ac ter Tieneke (from the awak en ing nov els) is the

nar ra tor of this work book.

In Nadine’s first awak en ing novel Tieneke teaches these

art-an a logue mind-draw ing classes in or der to ac ti vate the Lan -

guage of the Soul.

Nadine has suc cess fully com bined truth with vi sion ary sym -

bolic art tech niques by teach ing mind draw ing tech niques to

awaken the Lan guage of Light, the lan guage of the Soul.This

first awak en ing work book will be a break through for many dur -

ing their ini tial stages of awak en ing. When the Light quo tient in

our be ing is 33% we feel as though we are open ing up our in ner

senses. Te lep a thy, clair voy ance and clairaudience etc. seem nor -

mal and nat u ral to us.


ISBN 0-9584493-3-3

The Jaarsma Tree

With an ac com pa ny ing Med -i ta tion pocket book on the Qual -i ties of our Soul en ergy










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Once the hu man ob server/ co-cre ator starts to un der stand why the 22 spac ings,The Lan guage of Light fre quen cies and the jour nals(nov els) had to be writ ten the way they are, the de cod ing stu dent willawaken to the aware ness that in or der to man i fest our Body Codes ofLight, we need to re store our cel lu lar mem ory back to the right fre -quen cies. Only then will our light body tem plate be re stored back intoits orig i nal blue print.

The Awak en ing se ries have the fol low ing pur pose.. In Nadine’s first awak en ing novel The Awak en ing Clan Ing rid,

one of Annelies stu dents, writes how her re al ity changes due to herown de sire to awaken her soul pur pose. Annelies’ as cen sion work shopteaches types of de cod ing ex er cises in or der to ac ti vate the ge netic cel -lu lar mem ory of her stu dents. The two fol low up nov els: The As tralEx plorer and The Cos mic Trav el ler, Rich ard writes his ver sion onhow Annelies’ awak en ing card game ti tled: the Eye of the ob server show that our re al ity is a ho lo graphic third di men sional game. Van ish -ing Worlds, ( not yet in print) is Annelies’ jour nal. When the Crys tal skulltakes her on a macrocosmic jour ney, her in ter nal di a logue with atomic level par ti cles that make up her ge netic body codes tell her a story how fan tasy par ti cles es tab lished the hu man iden tity. The future awak en ingnov els through Yolanda and the Eye of the Be holder en tity will pre -pare the reader for their own as cen sion jour ney.


The Awakening Clan

The Body Codes of Light -

The de cod ing of your orig i nal blue print

This de cod ing work book is full of ex -er cises that are backed up with a ques tion and an swer di a logue be tween Anneliesand POWAH (the higher self ‘guide’ ofthe Jaarsma Clan). The work book takesthe reader on a jour ney, like the jour neyAnnelies' stu dents write about. To getherwith the Lan guage of Light work book,an idea starts to emerge that could havefooled the most bril liant sci en tist. The ac -tual sim plic ity of cre ation!

Page 477: Awakening Clan E-bk


The Jaarsma Tree

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