Baskin Robbins PR Campaign 2013

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As part of the Public Relations Practices and Principles (JRN 350) class we were instructed to create a PR campaign for a particular organization. This document includes the campaign in its entirety.

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    D TSK Public Relations Agency

    Kalynne Defever

    Kristen Miller

    Katelyn Beno

    Taylor Butler

    Sean Sabin

    Dimitri Turner

  • Table of Contents

    Research and Situation Analysis

    PR Objectives







  • Research and Situation Analysis DTSK Public Relations Agency collected secondary data through the Internet, World Wide Web, and organizational materials in order to gain a better understanding of our client, Baskin-Robbins, and its competitors in the Mount Pleasant area. This research was all qualitative due to its insight of our specific situation of Baskin-Robbins and the public in which we are trying to reach. We first began our research on the history of the company itself to educate ourselves on the objectives and particular mission statement of their company. In 1945 Burton Baskin and Irvine Robbins founded Baskin-Robbins ice cream in Glendale, California. The brothers-in-law had a love for ice cream with a homemade, high quality ingredient taste that would create a neighborhood-gathering place for families and friends. Our next point of research involved the flavors and other specialties that Baskin-Robbins has to offer to its customers. Through Internet research we found that Baskin-Robbins has 31 original flavors along with cakes, milkshakes, sundaes, smoothies, cones, cups, SDUIDLWVDQGPL[-LQVBaskin-Robbins also offers grab-n-go treats, such as novelty treats, pre-packed quarts of ice cream and fresh packed ice cream that is available in any flavor. Research then moved on towards the pricing of Baskin-Robbins ice cream. The original 31 pricing for a double scoop is $3.19, a single scoop is priced at $1.99 and a kids scoop is $1.69. Build your own sundaes come in 1-3 scoops. 3 scoops cost $4.69 (with toppings included), 2 scoops cost $3.69 (with toppings included), and 1 scoop cost $2.69 (with toppings included). Cones or cup come in kids, regular, and large. Kids cones or cup cost $.99, regular cost $2.49, and lard cost $3.49. Milkshakes are small, medium, and large. The cost for a small shake is $3.79, a medium is $4.49, and the large is $5.29. Cappuccino blasts come in mini, small, medium and large. The mini cost $3.29, small cost $3.69, medium cost $4.39 and a large cost $5.19. Baskin-Robbins also offers fruit blast smoothies in mini, small, medium and large. The mini cost $3.39, the small cost $4.49, the medium cost $5.29 and the large cost $5.99. Baskin-Robbins offers an assortment of premium sundaes. The Banana Royal cost $4.99, the Brownie Sundae cost $4.99, the Banana Split cost WKH5HHVHV3HDQXW%XWWHU&XSFRVWWKH&KRFRODWH&KLS&RRNLH'RXJK6XQGDHFRVW$4.99, the Oreo Sundae cost $4.99 and the Snickers Sundae cost $4.99. Another important aspect of the research portion of our campaign involved the number of faculty DQGVWXGHQWVRQ&HQWUDO0LFKLJDQ8QLYHUVLW\VFDPSXV7KHDPRXQWRIIDFXOW\DW&08approximates to 1,130 members. Students that live on campus are 5,544 and students who live off-campus are 22,845. A proper location for Baskin-5REELQVRQ&HQWUDO0LFKLJDQ8QLYHUVLW\VFDPSXVZDVDQRWKHUpoint of research that we deemed extremely important to this campaign. The location had to be in a convenient location for all students to have an equal opportunity to access Baskin-Robbins and enjoy everything they have to offer. Organizational materials were used in order to figure out the best location for Baskin-Robbins. It was important to our agency to provide a location to Baskin-Robbins that will attract many students, be easy to find, and provide an enjoyable atmosphere. Park Library is where Baskin-Robbins will be located in order to yield optimal student attraction due to its easy location and warm, enjoyable atmosphere.

  • Through Internet research we were able to find the top ice cream competitors in the Mount Pleasant area that are popular amongst CMU students and community members. The businesses that seemed to propose the most competitiveness to Baskin-Robbins in Mount Pleasant are 'RR]LHV&ROG6WRQH&UHDPHU\'DLU\4XHHQ
  • Situational Analysis DTSK Public Relations Agency is working to promote the awareness of the opening day and month of Baskin-Robbins at Central MichiJDQ8QLYHUVLW\V3DUN/LEUDU\This promotion of the opening day and month is a one-time event that requires our agency to be well prepared in order to preserve and develop customer support and public support. Through 12 in-depth interviews with Central Michigan University students we were able to collect some very valuable information about Baskin-Robbins and our target audience. Baskin-Robbins has been a neighborhood ice cream shop for almost three quarters of a century. Their exotic flavors and delicious treats have won over the hearts of ice creams lovers in 5,800 locations and in over 30 countries. Competitors of Baskin Robbins vary from city to city. Specifically in Mount Pleasant Baskin-Robbins have 5 main competitors that consume Central Michigan University students. The FRPSHWLWRUVLQFOXGH'RR]LHV&ROG6WRQH&UHDPHU\'DLU\4XHHQ
  • Audience Analysis DTSK Public Relations Agency found it beneficial to analyze our audience to find out beliefs, attitudes, values and lifestyles, which would help us better promote our client to the intended audience. Our primary audience for this Baskin-Robbins PR campaign is mainly students and faculty. The demographics include ages between 18-24 years of age regarding students and 35-50 for faculty members. We are targeting both male and female audience members. Specific ethnic backgrounds and cultures are not being targeted due to the fact that we are broadly promoting Baskin-Robbins to the entire CMU campus. Income is another aspect of the demographic research of both students and faculty. Students typically do not have a steady income but rather no inward flow of money at all or a part time job along with schoolwork. Faculty members on the other hand have a steady income. The average income of a full-time professor is approximately between $75,000 and $100,00 a year. Many VWXGHQWVDUHFXUUHQWO\ZRUNLQJRQREWDLQLQJDPDVWHUVRUEDFKHORUVGHJUHHDW&HQWUDO0LFKLJDQUniversity. These students are enrolled in as many as 21 credits and as low as 12 credits per semester. Faculty at Central Michigan University has DPDVWHUVRUGRFWRUDWHGHJUHHLQDVSHFLILFfield. Central Michigan University students normally live 1-5 miles off campus or are housed on campus in dormitories. Most students live with other CMU students, which will help provide a broader audience scope when promoting the new Baskin-Robbins on campus. 7KHSV\FKRJUDSKLFVRIVWXGHQWVWKDWDUHSDUWRI&HQWUDO0LFKLJDQ8QLYHUVLW\VVWXGHQWERG\YDU\from student to student. However, all students are in the Mount Pleasant area for the sole reason of achieving a higher education and working to receive a degree and professional career. For the reason stated above normally beliefs, attitudes, and values do not have an effect on the buying and consumption of ice cream. DTSK Public Relations Agency decided that the secondary audience would just include the rest of the Mount Pleasant community such as high school students, families, elderly, and anyone living in the surrounding area. This is such a broad secondary audience that the ages range from young and old. Both male and females from any ethnicity is being targeted. Education is another category that we are not able to exactly pinpoint due to the fact that besides the CMU population being targeted we are simply just targeting every one else in the community. According to the United States Census Bureau in 2012 44.7 percent of persons living in Mount Pleasant live below the poverty level. Therefore the income of half of Mount Pleasant residents live below poverty level and are working hard to make or barely make ends meet. Psychographics of our secondary audience include the lifestyle, attitude, and beliefs of community members. Lifestyles of this audience are much different due to the amount of income and the fact that almost half of the people living in Mount Pleasant live below the poverty level. Lifestyles therefore are not very glamorous. Most people (44.7 percent of people) in the area live simply and strive to keep a steady flow of income. Beliefs, attitudes, and values are things that are going to vary person-to-person and household-to-household.

  • This is something that would be great for Baskin-Robbins. We strive to be part of the community DQGZRUNKDUGWREHSDUWRISHRSOHVHYHU\GD\OLYHV2XUVWRUHVWKDWDUHLQVPDOOHUFRPPXQLWLHVoften do very well since the stores support and service the area. Strategy '76.3XEOLF5HODWLRQV$JHQF\KDVWLWOHGWKLVFDPSDLJQ,FH&UHDP
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  • Tactics Tactics in which our PR agency will use in order to create brand awareness and draw students in to this fun, inviting atmosphere include a variety of different methods. The first tactic will be implemented during the month of August, before CMU students return to Mount Pleasant for the fall semester of 2013. This tactic includes Facebook and Twitter posts, along with flyers and posters administered to the student body during their first week back and posters hung in various places around campus. $QH[DPSOHRIRQHRIWKH7ZHHWVZLOOUHDG)ODYRUV6SHFLDOV'D\V2FWREHU&08 Flyers and posters will be handed out to students at major on-campus events such as Main Stage and a home football game, which will reach a large amount of students and provide an opportunity for students to learn about the upcoming opening of Baskin-Robbins. Along with the football game we will also provide free ice cream and t-shirts for students in order to promote brand awareness on campus. Baskin-Robbins will also appear in student announcements to CMU students. Every week students receive emails about upcoming events and activities on campus that week. Students receive an email from Angella K Coldwell, who provides information sporting events on campus, fundraising events, new things that are happening at CMU, and various other activities the student body should be aware of. Baskin-Robbins will be highlighted in this email every week in order to generate a larger Facebook and Twitter following, as well as larger audience awareness. The ePDLOVSHFLILFDOO\UHDGV%$6.,1-ROBBINS COMES TO CMU PARK LIBRARY. On October 1, 2013 CMU will open Baskin-Robbins ice cream right here on campus! Come and enjoy a delicious ice cream treat in this fun, inviting, and creative DWPRVSKHUH'RQWIRUget to check out the CMU Baskin-Robbins booth at the CMU Football Home Game against the Toledo Rockets on the 21st of September! Make sure to snag some free ice cream and t-shirts at the Baskin-Robbins booth! Keep an eye out for an Ice Cream Course 0DSWKDWKLJKOLJKWVVSHFLDOGHDOVDQGGHOLFLRXVIODYRUV Two weeks before the October 1st opening of Baskin-Robbins in CMU Park Library we will set up a small tent at the CMU home football game against the Toledo Rockets. The game is on Saturday, September 21, 2013. Our tent will provide free Quarterback Crunch ice cream and free CMU Baskin-Robbins t-shirts for students who arrive early to the booth. Ice cream and t-shirts ZLOOEHSURYLGHGZLWKDILUVWFRPHILUVWVHUYHSROLF\ Maps that will promote and highlight the Ice Cream Course for the opening day of Baskin-Robbins will be handed out to students at both entrances to Kelly Shorts Stadium, at the tailgate before the game and at the Baskin-Robbins booth. .HOO\6KRUWVVWDGLXPFDQVLWSHRSOH8QOHVVWKH&KLSSHZDVDUHIDFLQJDULYDORUD%LJ7HQVFKRROPRVWVHDWVDUHQWILOOHG+RZHYHUWKHDPRXQWRIVtudents, family, faculty, and alumni that attend games is still a significant number of people. The football game will draw in a large student audience that is excited about Central Michigan University and everything that this school has to offer. CMU Baskin-Robbins booth will reach a large audience that will make students excited about fun and flavorful ice cream on campus. On the 23rd of September DTSK Public Relations Agency will send both the CM Life and Morning Sun newspaper a press release regarding information about Baskin-Robbins on CMU

  • 3DUN/LEUDU\VFDPSXVDQGWKHRSHQLQJGD\HYHQW. The press release will state information about the opening day Ice Cream Course event. This will allow our event to be promoted to a wide audience range such as students, faculty, and community members. The more information the public has, the larger audience at our event. Between the football game and October 1st (the opening day of CMU Baskin-Robbins) all students that live on and off campus will receive a map displaying the different booths of ice cream spread across campus and the discounts that we have to offer. Students living in the dorms will be able to find these maps in their mailboxes as well as various shops, buildings and areas on campus. Off campus students will receive maps in their mailboxes as well. Along with students receiving this map via mail they will also receive an email about the opening day event with an Ice Cream Course Map attached. Baskin-Robbins employees will be strategically placed at different areas around campus in order to hand out the maps that promote our opening day event of CMU Baskin-Robbins. Our opening day event on October 1, 2013 will be an Ice Cream Course that will promote and draw students in through delicious and cheap ice cream promotions. We will have four stops on our map that will be placed strategically around campus that will be giving out a free sample of Baskin-Robbins ice cream. One booth will be in front of the Education and Human Services Building. That booth will highlight one of the 31 classic flavors of Baskin-Robbins ice cream. Another booth will be located between Pearce Hall and Anspach Hall. Fruittastic flavors will be free at this booth. One other booth will be placed between Moore Hall and Park Library. This booth will allow students to sample one of the nutmania flavors that Baskin-Robbins has to offer. Our final stop on the Ice Cream Course will end at the Baskin-Robbins CMU Park Library location where students will be able to sample a scoop of Quarterback Crunch ice cream. Arrows will be drawn with chalk on the sidewalks in order to ensure students are traveling in the right direction. Students will also have their map in hand to direct them to each station. Students may travel to any booth they would like first. However, students MUST finish at the Baskin-Robbins location in CMU Park Library. Students will present their map to employers at each booth. The employer will stamp their map at the location they received the ice cream and will be allowed to move on to the next station. Participants must complete each station in order to move through the entire Ice Cream Course. If the weather permits for booths to be able to be outside then booths will be located outside. If the weather is cold, rainy, or any other type of weather that may hinder the effectiveness of the course we will move booths indoors, displaying signs and placing employees to direct students to where they should proceed next. We will have four Baskin-Robbins staff members stationed at each booth. A full staff will be provided at the actual location in Park Library. During the month of October, which is the first full month that CMU Baskin-Robbins is open, '76.3XELF5HODWLRQVDJHQF\ZLOOSURPRWHWKH)ODYRUV6SHFLDOV(YHQWEvery day of October Baskin-Robbins will highlight one of the 31 classic flavors of ice cream. The flavor that is highlighted on that particular day will only cost 49 cents a scoop. Consumer perceive that 49 FHQWVVHHPVVRPXFKFKHDSHUWKDQFHQWVDOWKRXJKLQDFWXDOLW\LWVRQO\SHQQ\ that is why we made it 49 cents instead of 50 cents. Students will be able to access what flavor of the day is being highlighted through Facebook, Twitter, and at the actual Baskin-Robbins location on

  • campus. Everyday will feature one of the exciting and delicious 31 flavors that Baskin-Robbins has to offer. On Halloween CMU Baskin-Robbins will highlight the electric orange flavored ice cream, Orange Sherbet! We will also have another booth set up October 19, 2013 at Kelly Shorts stadium as CMU Football tackles Northern Illinois during Homecoming weekend. Quarterback Crunch Ice Cream and t-shirts will be given away free! These events will help draw in students and help each individual sample each of our famous flavors!

  • Calendar/T imetable 2XUFDPSDLJQ,FH&UHDP
  • Campaign T imeline August 1- October 31: Facebook, Twitter posts initiated August 12- 16: Flyers, posters and brochures are printed August 26-30: First week back to school, Flyers hung in various CMU buildings and handed out to students on campus September 1- October 31: Angella K Coldwell will highlight Baskin-Robbins as a part of the weekly emailed student announcements. Table tents will also be set up in all of the residence halls in order to promote awareness. September 21: CMU Home Football Game vs. Toledo Rockets, Baskin-Robbins Booth with free ice cream and t-shirts September 23: 3UHVV5HOHDVHV being sent to CM Life and the Morning Sun September 21- October 1: Maps of the Ice Cream Course will be handed out, mailed, and emailed to the CMU student body October 1: Opening Day of Baskin-Robbins in CMU Park Library, Ice Cream Course Event from Noon to 4PM. Entire Month of October : Each day we are highlighting one of the specific 31 classic flavors Baskin-Robbins has to offer. The next calendar will highlight each day and what specific flavor is highlighted for that day. November 1: Measurement RQWKHVXFFHVVRIRXU,FH&UHDP\RXVFUHDPZHDOOVFUHDPIRU&08FDPSDLJQ7KLVZLOOODVWXQWLOWKHDSSURSULDWHDPRXQWRIGDWDIRURXUPHDVXUHPHQWLVcollected.

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  • Measurement DTSK Public Relations Agency will measure the success of oXU,FH&UHDP
  • Appendices Interview #1

    Interview place and time: Deerfield 2:00PM on March 2, 2013 Interviewer : Sean Sabin Interviewee: Liza Gross (female, senior at CMU) Affiliation with interviewee: Friend Have you ever eaten at Baskin-Robbins?

  • Would you go to a Baskin-Robbins if it were on campus? Yeah, I would go all the time. What would give you incentive to go to Baskin-Robbins over any other in Mount Pleasant? Low prices are the only thing that would actually get me to go all the time. Where would you like to see a Baskin-Robbins on campus? The University Center or Grawn because that is where I spend all of my time and I would eat it more if it was right where I am all the time. :KDWV\RXUIDYRULWH%DVNLQ-Robbins F lavor? Chocolate chip cookie dough is my favorite flavor and I would eat a whole bucket if I could. On average, how often do you eat ice cream? Once or twLFHDZHHNDQG,I,HDWPRUHLWVEHFDXVHLWLVLQWKHKRXVH What other options would you like to see at Baskin-Robbins? Frozen yogurt would be a good option. How much are you willing to pay for a single scoop? 1.75 at the most anything more would be too much for one scoop. :KHQ\RXKHDU%DVNLQ-5REELQVZKDWGR\RXWKLQNRI" I simply just think about ice cream because it is an ice cream place.

    Interview #3 Interview Place and T ime: Kesseler 207 6:00PM April 3, 2013 Interviewer : Katelyn Beno Interviewee: Tim Merkel (male, freshman graphic design student) Affiliation with interviewee: friend, lives across the hall Have you ever eaten at a Baskin-Robbins? Yes I have. Where do you go for ice cream in Mt. Pleasant? Typically I go to Cold Stone Creamery, which is right off of campus. Would you go to a Baskin-Robbins on campus if there were one available? Heck yes I would. What would get you to go to a Baskin-Robbins on campus over (insert #2 answer here)? I would say it would have to be the prices. Where would be a convenient location for a Baskin-Robbins for you? Anywhere in North Campus would be a convenient location for me. It would be really cool if there were one specifically in Wightman Hall. :KDWV\RXUIDYRULWH%DVNLQ-Robbins flavor? Anything RHHVHVZRXOGEHP\IDYRULWH,ORYH5HHVHV How often do you eat ice cream? Usually it is between 3 and 4 times a year. I am lactose LQWROHUDQWVR,GRQWHDWLFHFUHDPWKDWPXFK Would you go to Baskin-Robbins for something other than cake? Yes. I would go to Baskin Robbins for their cake. How much would you be willing to pay for a single scoop of ice cream? $1.00 When yRXKHDU%DVNLQ-5REELQVZKDWLVRQHZRUGWKDWLPPHGLDWHO\FRPHVWRPLQG"Ice cream.

    Interview #4 Interview Place and T ime: Kesseler 210 8:00PM April 3, 2013

  • Interviewer : Katelyn Beno Interviewee: Amy Hein Affiliation with interviewee: Roommate Have you ever eaten at a Baskin-Robbins? Yes I have. Where do you for ice cream in Mt. Pleasant? I pretty much go to Yogurt Yeti, which is like ice cream. Would you go to a Baskin-Robbins on campus if there were one available? Oh yeah. I would definitely go to one. What would get you to go a Baskin-Robbins on campus over (insert #2 answer here)? Whether I had a car or not and whether or not I could use my flex dollars in order to pay for it would determine if I would go to Baskin-Robbins. Where would be a convenient location for Baskin-Robbins for you? The towers would be most convenient because I live there. :KDWV\RXUIDYRULWH%DVNLQ-Robbins flavor? Mint chip. How often do you eat ice cream? ,GRQWHDWLFHFUHDPWKDWRIWHQ,HDWLFHFUHDPXVXDOO\PRUHLQWKHVXPPHUDQGRQVSHFLDORFFDVLRQVOLNHKROLGD\VDQGELUWKGD\V Would you go to Baskin-Robbins for something other than ice cream? Yes. I would go to Baskin Robbins for their birthday cakes. How much would you be willing to pay for a single scoop of ice cream? If it was a cone it would $2.75 and if it were in a cup I would pay $2.00. :KHQ\RXKHDU%DVNLQ-5REELQVZKDWLVRQHZRUG that automatically comes to mind? Ice cream.

    Interview #5

    Interview place and time: Kulhavi 310 at 6:00pm on April 2, 2013 Interviewer : Kalynne Defever Interviewee: Andrew Gerber (Male, sophomore BCA major) Affiliation with interviewee: Friend Have you ever eaten at a Baskin-Robbins? Yes, I have eaten at a Baskin-Robbins a couple of times. Where have you eaten ice cream in Mt. Pleasant? I have eaten ice cream at the Malt Shop near campus along with at the cafeteria Real Food on Campus. Would you go to a Baskin-Robbins on campus if there were one? I would defiantly go to a Baskin-Robbins if there were one on campus. What would give you the incentive to go to Baskin-Robbins over another ice cream place? The price would defiantly take into factor is I went to Baskin-Robbins. Also, the location of the Baskin-Robbins would depend on if I went to it or not. Where would you like to see a Baskin-Robbins on campus? I would like to see the Baskin-Robbins in the Towers; it would be great to go along with the subway they just put in. :KDWV\RXUIDYRULWH%DVNLQ-Robbins flavor? My favorite Baskin-Robbins flavor is Birthday Cake.

  • How often do you eat ice cream? It depends on how much I eat ice cream due to the season, but in the summer I eat ice cream about once every two weeks. What other options would you like to see besides ice cream at Baskin-Robbins? I would like to see Baskin-Robbins offer protein shakes also. How much would you be willing to pay for a one scoop of ice cream? I would be willing to pay $2.00 for one scoop of ice cream. What is one word you think of when you hear Baskin-Robbins? One word I think of when I hear Baskin-Robbins is ice cream.

    Interview #6 Interview place and time: Kulhavi 310 at 6:00pm on April 2, 2013 Interviewer : Kalynne Defever Interviewee: Aaron Murdoch (Male, sophomore Health Administration Major) Affiliation with interviewee: Friend Have you ever eaten at a Baskin-Robbins? Yes, I have eaten at a Baskin-Robbins a couple of times. Where have you eaten ice cream in Mt. Pleasant? I have eaten ice cream at Cold stone and Yogurt Yeti. Would you go to a Baskin-Robbins on campus if there were one? I would defiantly go to a Baskin-Robbins if there were one on campus. What would give you the incentive to go to Baskin-Robbins over another ice cream place? The price would defiantly take into factor is I went to Baskin-Robbins. Also, the familiar name would attract me to go get ice cream there. Where would you like to see a Baskin-Robbins on campus? I would like to see the Baskin-Robbins in the Towers; it would be great to go along with the subway they just put in or another large dorm like at the Market. :KDWV\RXUIDYRULWH%DVNLQ-Robbins flavor? My favorite Baskin-Robbins flavor is Cookie Dough. How often do you eat ice cream? It depends on how much I eat ice cream due to the season, but in the summer I eat ice cream about 3-4 times a week. What other options would you like to see besides ice cream at Baskin-Robbins? I would like to see Baskin-Robbins offer donuts. How much would you be willing to pay for a one scoop of ice cream? I would be willing to pay $2.00 for one scoop of ice cream. What is one word you think of when you hear Baskin-Robbins? One word I think of when I hear Baskin-Robbins is yummy.

    Interview #7 Interview place and time: Campus Habitat April 6, 2013 Noon Interviewer : Taylor Butler Interviewee: Sterling Jordan (Freshman) Affiliation with interviewee: Friend

  • Have you ever eaten at a Baskin-Robbins? Yes I have eaten at a Baskin-Robbins. Where do you normally get ice cream in Mount Pleasant? I usually go to Dairy Queen for my ice cream. Would you go to a Baskin-Robbins on campus if there were one available? If there were a Baskin-Robbins on campus I would totally go to it. What would give you the incentive to choose Baskin-Robbins over (insert #2 answer here)? IF they took flex dollars I would go to Baskin-Robbins. Where would you like to see a Baskin-Robbins on campus? The UC would be a nice place to have it. :KDWV\RXUIDYRULWH%DVNLQ-Robbins flavor? DefLQLWHO\WKH3UDOLQHV1&UqPH How often do you eat ice cream? I usually eat ice cream about three times a week. What other options would you like to see besides ice cream at Baskin-Robbins? ,PKDSS\with just the Baskin-Robbins ice cream! How much would you be willing to pay for a single scoop of ice cream? $2.00 What is one word you think of when you hear Baskin-Robbins? Ice cream is what I think of.

    Interview #8 Interview place and time: Campus Habitat April 6, 2013 2:00PM Interviewer : Taylor Butler Interviewee: Sierra Thomas (Freshman) Affiliation with interviewee: Friend Have you ever eaten at a Baskin-Robbins? Yes I have had Baskin-Robbins before. Where do you normally get ice cream in Mount Pleasant? I usually go to the Real Food On Campus Cafeteria. Would you go to a Baskin-Robbins on campus if there were one available? Yeah, of course I would. That way I could walk and things like that. What would give you the incentive to choose Baskin-Robbins over (insert #2 answer here)? Probably the distance and if I could use flex dollars in order to pay for the ice cream. Where would you like to see a Baskin-Robbins on campus? I could see Baskin-Robbins in the University Center. :KDWV\RXUIDYRULWH%DVNLQ-Robbins flavor? Rainbow sorbet How often do you eat ice cream? I eat ice cream probably four to five times a week in the cafeteria. What other options would you like to see besides ice cream at Baskin-Robbins? I would like to see all of the normal, regular stuff that Baskin-Robbins has to offer. How much would you be willing to pay for a single scoop of ice cream? $2.00 What is one word you think of when you hear Baskin-Robbins? Yum!

    Interview #9 Interview place and time: Kulhavi Hall Noon April 3, 2013 Interviewer : Kristen Miller Interviewee: Audrey Oleniacz Affiliation with interviewee: Friend Have you ever eaten Baskin-Robbins? Yes but it was a very long time ago!

  • Where do you go for ice cream in Mount Pleasant? I usually go to Dairy Queen. Would you go to Baskin-Robbins if there were one on campus? Yes, of course I would! What would give you the incentive to go to Baskin-Robbins over (insert answer for #2 here)? If we could use our flex dollars at Baskin-Robbins I would go there! Where would you like to see a Baskin-Robbins on campus? I think the U.C. would be a good place for Baskin-Robbins. What is your favorite Baskin-Robbins flavor? Mint chocolate chip is my favorite flavor. On average how often do you eat ice cream? I usually eat ice cream only twice a week. What other options at Baskin-Robbins would you like to see? Self-serve ice cream would be great at Baskin-Robbins. How much would you be willing to pay for a single scoop of ice cream? I would pay about $1.50 for a single scoop of ice cream. When you think of Baskin-Robbins what is one word that automatically comes to mind? Ice cream is the first thing that I think of!

    Interview #10 Interview place and time: Kulhavi Hall April 3, 2013 4:00 PM Interviewer : Kristen Miller Interviewee: Alayna Sanford Affiliation with interviewee: Friend Have you ever eaten Baskin-Robbins? No. I have actually never had Baskin-Robbins. Where do you go for ice cream in Mount Pleasant? I usually just go to Yogurt Yeti for ice cream. Would you go to Baskin-Robbins if there were one on campus? Yes I would definitely go if there were a Baskin-Robbins on campus. What would give you the incentive to go to Baskin-Robbins over (insert answer for #2 here)? If Baskin-Robbins were really well advertised and promoted I would go to it. Where would you like to see a Baskin-Robbins on campus? I would love to see a Baskin-Robbins in the towers. What is your favorite Baskin-Robbins flavor? ,GRQWUHDOO\KDYHDIDYRULWHIODYRU,OLNHDvariety of flavors. On average how often do you eat ice cream? I usually eat ice cream only once a week. What other options at Baskin-Robbins would you like to see? I would really like to see different toppings that you can put on top of your ice cream. That would be really neat. How much would you be willing to pay for a single scoop of ice cream? I would spend $3.00 on a single scoop of ice cream. When you think of Baskin-Robbins what is one word that automatically comes to mind? I automatically think of ice cream.

    Interview #11 Interview place and time: Park Library April 1, 2013 2:00PM Interviewer : Dimitri Turner Interviewee: Allen Seales Affiliation with interviewee: Friend Have you ever eaten at a Baskin-Robbins? No. I have barely heard of it.

  • Where do you go for ice cream in Mount Pleasant? I usually go Wal-Mart or Dairy Queen. Would you go to a Baskin-Robbins if there were one on campus? Yes I would. However, it depends on where it is on campus because if it were QRUWKFDPSXV,ZRXOGQWJR,DPQRWusually in north campus much. What would give you the incentive to go to Baskin-Robbins over (insert #2 answer here)? Student discounts and specials would definitely get me to go to Baskin-Robbins. Where would you like to see a Baskin-Robbins on campus? I would have to say either the UC Down Under of in the Market on East Campus. What is your favorite Baskin-Robbins flavor? ,GRQWKDYHRne. I have never been to Baskin-Robbins. On average how often do you eat ice cream? I only watch ice cream about 2-4 times a month. What other options at Baskin-Robbins would you like to see? Smoothies, donuts, and other pastries would be really cool to see at Baskin-Robbins. How much would you be willing to pay for a single scoop of ice cream? I would be willing to pay no more than $1.50. When you think of Baskin-Robbins what is one word the automatically comes to mind? Exciting is what comes to mind.

    Interview #12 Interview place and time: CMU Park Library April 1, 2013 3:00PM Interviewer : Dimitri Turner Interviewee: Jasmine Smith (Junior) Affiliation with interviewee: Friend Have you ever eaten at a Baskin-Robbins? Yes I have. Where do you usually go for ice cream in Mount Pleasant? I go to Dairy Queen. I am a loyal fan of Dairy Queen. There is nothing against Baskin-Robbins but I am loyal to Dairy Queen. Would you go to a Baskin-Robbins if there were one on campus? Most lLNHO\,ZRXOGQWJRto a Baskin-Robbins on campus. What would give you the incentive to go to Baskin-Robbins over (insert #2 answer here)? The cheap prices would get me to go to Baskin-Robbins. Where would you like to see a Baskin-Robbins on campus? The University Center. It is right in the middle of campus and it gets a lot of traffic. What is your favorite Baskin-Robbins flavor? Cheesecake On average how often do you eat ice cream? Usually I have it no more than 2 times in the winter and usually about 5 times in the summer. What other options at Baskin-Robbins would you like to see? ,GRQWNQRZ How much would you be willing to pay for a single scoop of ice cream? I would pay no more $2.00 for a single scoop of ice cream. When you think of Baskin-Robbins what is one word the automatically comes to mind? I think of old-fashioned.