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  • 8/4/2019 Ciampa6


    Ciampa, Roy and Brian Rosner, The First Letter to the Corinthians. Eerdmans, 2010.

    VI. Letter Closing 16:1-24

    And so we arrive at the conclusion of the matter. Whereas R. and C. view this chapter as a

    simple closing I think it the aim, goal, and thrust of the entire epistle. For its here that Paul asks

    for support for his further missionary efforts. In other words, here, in this chapter, the letterfinds its real goal.

    Everything in the letter leads up to this point. Pauls insistence on the unity of the Church, his

    stress on community and love, and his complete hope that the Corinthians be supportive of hiswork all lay the foundation for the request for aid he presently makes.

    Indeed, this certainly was how the Corinthians themselves understood the letter as many of them

    went on to suggest that Paul was just out for money (see 2 Corinthians). They werent right- butthey certainly had reason to hold such a view based on Pauls crescendo in 1 Cor 16.

    Consider this:

    In 16:1-4 Paul discusses the collection for the saints in Jerusalem. In vv. 5-9 he describes his

    own travel plans and asks them, point blank, for help. In vv. 10-11 he requests Timothy be aidedand well received. In v. 12, Apollos is going and going costs money. And then in vv. 13-14 he

    exhorts them to be watchful, stand firm, be courageous, be strong, and do everything in love.

    And naturally one of the things that falls under the category of everything is financiallysupporting Paul and the other Gospel-Goers.

    But of course none of that has anything to do with C. and R.s view of the chapter so to their

    perspective we will turn.

    16:22 has served as a point of interest to many and here as previouslyCiampa and Rosner

    prove themselves well informed and insightful. Of v. 22 they opine

    In the Old Testament such a curse formula was used when the

    intention was to discourage someone from transgressing a far

    reaching legal or ethical demand. In this case the curse formula isthe most severe means of separating the community from the

    evildoer (p. 865).

    Thats as clear an explanation of as Ive seen.

    And of 16:24 they suggest

    His inclusion ofall the Corinthian believers in this expression of

    his love reflects Pauls own emphasis on the need for love to be

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    expressed to and among all the members of the body and not just

    between factions or cliques within it (p. 867).

    But of course that means that the excommunicated chap who is handed over to Satan for the

    destruction of his body is only handed over because Paul loves him and wants his redemption.

    Love, it seems, for Paul is always tough love.

    Final Observations

    This is a very fine commentary on that there can be no disagreement. Disagreement may well

    arise concerning minor points here and there, but overall there hasn t appeared a more thorough

    and more useful commentary on Pauls First Letter to the Corinthians in a very long time. But it

    isnt a commentary aimed at the general populace; it is intended for well informed Pastors,professors, exegetes, and theologians. Such persons will learn a great deal if they take the time

    and make the effort to work through the volume. And doing so would be time very well


    Jim WestQuartz Hill School of Theology