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  • 8/4/2019 complaintz2.0


    Dear Ms. Tan,

    It has come to the attention of some of the editors that Alicia Kim has become a detriment to the

    progress of our yearbook. This is not a personal attack against her as a person but an attempted,

    objective account of her multiple shortcomings.

    She has rarely taken time out of her own schedule to assist with the development of the yearbook

    yet still complains about her lack of involvement. She has made ridiculous, unfounded

    accusations against others and solicits supports from others in order to justify herself. Once she

    feels she has the necessary support, she will hostilely confront whomever she is displeased with.

    We think that she believes she is representing the student body as a whole when she solicits

    support, but instead her personal opinions always take precedence. She has a tendency to lash out

    when she feels her support is slipping and has demonstrated herself to be extremely rude to her

    fellow Editor-in-Chief as well as, we feel, to you.

    She has failed to perform many responsibilities entrusted to her. She failed to secure fundraisingdates in the summer Senate meeting, which is now causing many problems, due to her

    unexplained absence. She has subsequently given excuses for every task entrusted to her; she

    frequently puts off her work until a later time unless someone else picks up after her. She was

    entrusted with organizing an editors bonding as well as creating the contact sheet but failed to

    do either. The latter then had to be taken care of by someone else. Her attitude appears to have

    become that her work is never of pressing importance and can always be done later. For example

    she will claim that she will finish something at home. But on the following day she will have an

    excuse for not having completed the task and will instead finish it in class. We have already

    fallen behind because of her procrastination while she continues to give excuses for her absences

    and remains reluctant to give up her free time. She is even late to class on most days and wastesclass time socializing instead of working. As of now, she claims that her schedule will clear up

    on October 1st after the SAT, and that she will then dedicate her free time to yearbook. However

    this is neither a fair nor viable excuse; the rest of the editors also have to take the SAT yet still

    manage to put the best interests of the yearbook first.

    Besides her shirked duties, we have noticed that the duties she has attempted to perform have

    been of subpar quality. The Hall of Fame nominations process was unnecessarily confusing and

    has caused discontent among the student body due to her arrogance. The original ballot she

    created was difficult to understand and had a few mistakes. When we fixed her mistakes with a

    new ballot, she insisted on using her own, and nobody was able to reason with her. In addition tothe disconcerting issues caused by the use of two ballots, she took it upon herself to sample an

    additional class without first consulting anyone else, not to mention with her own faulty ballot.

    This threw off the balance between our intended even split between regulars and honors classes.

    Overall the process became hugely, and avoidably, convoluted due to her inability to cooperate

    with others.

  • 8/4/2019 complaintz2.0


    Alicia is evidently unqualified for her position. It has been claimed by others that she herself

    stated she did care about her title and was willing relinquish it. She also stated that she did not

    intend to dedicate herself to the yearbook this year. We take this to be absolute proof of her

    negligent attitude towards what we do here. If she does not care about her title then she does not

    care about the responsibilities entrusted to her position, which has already been proven. She may

    claim that the duties of her job have not been made clear to her; in fact nobody has been able to

    provide an answer for what exactly her position entails. However she has demonstrated no desire

    to actively seek out the necessary information for herself or to learn. We have previously

    arranged dates for her to learn design from fellow editors but she has neglected these dates. We

    also feel that for someone to be given her position, that person should be able to take initiative

    and not expect everything to be handed to him or her. Not only does she fail to do this, but she

    also accuses others for taking too much power in making executive decisions when it is her own

    fault for failing to attend meetings.

    Her attitude is harmful to our environment; she has caused emotional distress for others and does

    not actively seek to rectify her mistakes, nor does she even recognize her mistakes. Overall she

    has proven herself to be a gossipmonger, volatile in confrontations, hypocritical in her

    arguments, unhelpful to our cause, and generally incompetent in the few instances she attempts

    to perform a task. To relieve her of her position would be an extreme action, but she has already

    been given many chances to prove her commitment and has failed each time. If we give her more

    chances she will only continue to bring everyone else down and cause us to fall further behind.

    But ultimately the decision is yours and we hope you take these arguments into consideration.