DHANYAMLA236 Before going into the details of Dhanyamla Kayaseka it is necessary to understand the term Dhanyamla. A cursory glance itself reveals that the term “Dhanyamla “ is conjugate of two different words vi! "Dhanya# and "Amla# which in conjugation means "fermented cereal# in a $road sense. All the three major classics of Ayurveda at some instance or other have referred to its use at times singularly or along with other drugs. %aharshi &haraka 'usruta and (agh$ata have included this either in Amlavarga 'anthana kal)ana or in %adya vargha. %aharshi &haraka further mentioned the drugs used for Dhanyamla in *adi sweda and +)anaha. Synonyms: - A )erusal o f the anc ient te,t o f the medi cine revea ls that a num$er of synonyms have $een attri$uted to Dhanyamla which in most cases refer to a s)ecific attri$ute and when taken collectively gives a clear idea a$out the character and )ro)erties of Dhanyamla. *arisimha has in this conte,t very rightly stated that these synonyms to Dhanyamla are com)lementary to each other and as such there is no difference $etween "Dhanyamla# and "Kanjhika#. "-una dee)ika# a cele$rated le,icon on medical )lants gives the following com)ilations of synonyms as attri$uted to Dhanyamla. . Aranala/ "Aranalasya rigathownala gandha" i.e having acrid fast s)reading odour. 2. A$hishuta/#shunj a$hishave# i.e made of half cooked cereals. 3. Avanthisoma/ )re)ared out of "soma# found in Avanti Desha. 0. Kulmasha/ "Kula samsthyana# i.e having half cooked "masha# or $lack grain. 1. Kunala/ ndicative of fermented water. 6. 'owveeraka/ 4ound in 'owveera desha.  Among th ese 'ow veerka# and "Av antisoma# are synonyms )erta ining to g eogra)h ical )re)ondarance or indicative of )lace. A$hishuta Dhanyamla Kunala Kulmasha etc are indicative of the )rocess of fermentation. Aranala s)eeks of its acrid odour. 50 Properties of Dhanyamla/ 7he known fact that Dhanyamla amla or sour in taste serves as an aid in delving into other )ro)erties of the Ama in the sense that since it is Amla in 8asa the associated 9ualities of Amla 8asa as stated in the classics vi! :aghu +shna 'nigdha Dee)ana (atanulomana etc. can $e safely attri$uted to it. 7he )ro)erties of Dhanya like Brimhana 7ar)ana Balya and (atahara are also su))lemented. n $rief Dhanyamla may )ossess the following )ro)erties. 8asa Amla -una :eghu 'nigdha 7eekshna 'heeta s)arsa (i)aka Amla (eerya +shna General properties: - Dee)ana ;achana 8ochana Bhedi (i$handhahrasa <rudya Klamahara Angasada hara Dahajwarahara <rudrogahara ;anduhara Krimighna  Arshoha ra -rahan ihara and Bastisulahara. t can $e us ed for Asta) ana.  Among o ther indica tions for its use %aharshi &haraka has s )ecified its used in Dahajwara where in Avagaha of the )atients in Kanji has $een recommended 235. 7he same is also indicated to relieve )ain in Arshas 23=. 4urther in 8ajayakshma when ;rathishyaya and ;eenasa su)er im)osed on it renders the ailment com)licated *adi sweda $y Kanji has $een advocated 23>. 'ince Amla is 'heeta s)arsa and acts so in e,ternal wage &haraka has felt safe to vouch for its use e,ternally as :e)a 'eka etc. in +rustham$ha also? he mentioned the use of the drug Dhanyamla 20@. n short while going through the references of the use of Dhanyamla in different conte,t as found in classics it is a$le to conclude that the drugs which are used for the )re)aration of the Dhanyamla and Dhanyamla as such are )referred in (atarogas and (ataka)ha samsargha janya diseases.


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Before going into the details of Dhanyamla Kayaseka it is necessary to understandthe term Dhanyamla. A cursory glance itself reveals that the term “Dhanyamla “ isconjugate of two different words vi! "Dhanya# and "Amla# which in conjugation means"fermented cereal# in a $road sense. All the three major classics of Ayurveda at someinstance or other have referred to its use at times singularly or along with other drugs.

%aharshi &haraka 'usruta and (agh$ata have included this either in Amlavarga'anthana kal)ana or in %adya vargha. %aharshi &haraka further mentioned the drugsused for Dhanyamla in *adi sweda and +)anaha.Synonyms: - A )erusal of the ancient te,t of the medicine reveals that a num$er of synonyms have $een attri$uted to Dhanyamla which in most cases refer to a s)ecificattri$ute and when taken collectively gives a clear idea a$out the character and )ro)ertiesof Dhanyamla. *arisimha has in this conte,t very rightly stated that these synonyms toDhanyamla are com)lementary to each other and as such there is no difference $etween"Dhanyamla# and "Kanjhika#. "-una dee)ika# a cele$rated le,icon on medical )lants givesthe following com)ilations of synonyms as attri$uted to Dhanyamla.. Aranala/ "Aranalasya rigathownala gandha" i.e having acrid fast s)reading odour.2. A$hishuta/#shunj a$hishave# i.e made of half cooked cereals.

3. Avanthisoma/ )re)ared out of "soma# found in Avanti Desha.0. Kulmasha/ "Kula samsthyana# i.e having half cooked "masha# or $lack grain.1. Kunala/ ndicative of fermented water.6. 'owveeraka/ 4ound in 'owveera desha.

 Among these 'owveerka# and "Avantisoma# are synonyms )ertaining to geogra)hical)re)ondarance or indicative of )lace. A$hishuta Dhanyamla Kunala Kulmasha etc areindicative of the )rocess of fermentation. Aranala s)eeks of its acrid odour.50Properties of Dhanyamla/ 7he known fact that Dhanyamla amla or sour in taste servesas an aid in delving into other )ro)erties of the Ama in the sense that since it is Amla in8asa the associated 9ualities of Amla 8asa as stated in the classics vi! :aghu +shna'nigdha Dee)ana (atanulomana etc. can $e safely attri$uted to it. 7he )ro)erties of 

Dhanya like Brimhana 7ar)ana Balya and (atahara are also su))lemented.n $rief Dhanyamla may )ossess the following )ro)erties.

• 8asa Amla

• -una :eghu 'nigdha 7eekshna 'heeta s)arsa

• (i)aka Amla

• (eerya +shna

General properties: - Dee)ana ;achana 8ochana Bhedi (i$handhahrasa <rudyaKlamahara Angasada hara Dahajwarahara <rudrogahara ;anduhara Krimighna

 Arshohara -rahanihara and Bastisulahara. t can $e used for Asta)ana. Among other indications for its use %aharshi &haraka has s)ecified its used inDahajwara where in Avagaha of the )atients in Kanji has $een recommended235. 7he sameis also indicated to relieve )ain in Arshas23=. 4urther in 8ajayakshma when ;rathishyayaand ;eenasa su)er im)osed on it renders the ailment com)licated *adi sweda $y Kanjihas $een advocated23>. 'ince Amla is 'heeta s)arsa and acts so in e,ternal wage&haraka has felt safe to vouch for its use e,ternally as :e)a 'eka etc. in +rustham$haalso? he mentioned the use of the drug [email protected] short while going through the references of the use of Dhanyamla in differentconte,t as found in classics it is a$le to conclude that the drugs which are used for the)re)aration of the Dhanyamla and Dhanyamla as such are )referred in (atarogas and(ataka)ha samsargha janya diseases.

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51Method of preparation: -20 Dhanyamla can $e )re)ared out of different drugs. %anydrugs are availa$le which easily get fermented. 7he oga mentioned in 'ahasrayoga isselected in this study. 7he com$ination and )ro)ortion of the oga is as follows in ta$le 1/Table 5 7andula Cry!a sativa 1 )arts

2 ;ruthuka ;ressed form of Cry!a sativa 1 )arts3 Kulatha Dolichos $iflorus 1 )arts0 :aja ;uffed form of Cry!a sativa 2@ )arts1 Kangu$eeja 'etaria italica 0 )arts6 Kodravam ;as)alum scro$iculatum 2 )arts5 *agara Eingi$er officinale )art= *im$uka &itrus acida 0 )arts> Di)yaka &arum ro,$urgianum 2 )arts@ Fater @@)arts7raditional )hysicians of Kerala generally follow this )articular com$ination.Cn an aus)icious day at a time when the astral com$inations are favora$le thenecessary drugs and ;ara)hernalia for the )re)aration of the Dhanyamla are to $e

collected. ;lace a large dee) earthenware )ot on an oven and )our 2@@ ;rasthas of $oiledwater and )ut the )owdered drugs > se)arately made into loose $undles in clean cloth$ags.

 After )utting these drugs into the vessel along with water it has to $e looselycovered with a lid and heated gently and continuously in moderate fire )refera$ly of )addyhusks for a )eriod of 5 days. 7he )addy husks are to $e )ut under and around the vesseland fired taking every )recaution that the tem)erature of the water in the vessel does notrise a$ove the $oiling )oint. Cn the =th day the re9uired 9uantity of the li9uid is taken outand added same 9uantity of hot water. 7he methodes of )re)aration ado)ted in this studyare discussed in the discussion )art.567he im)ortant factors to $e recommended during the )re)aration of Dhanyamla is

that A$solute cleanness should $e maintained%oderate fire should $e ke)t through out he )re)aration7he details of the ingredients are as follows. TANDLA *.C. -raminae :. *. Cry!a sativa / 7andula )ossesses %adhura andKashaya 8asa %adhura (i)aka as 'heeta (eerya. By -una it is -uru. t alleviates;itta Dosha and )rovokes Ka)ha Dosha.2. P!TH"A *.C. -raminae :.*. Cry!a sativa/ t is made out of 7andula. ;re)ared$y little heating and wet )ounding of 7andula.3. "LATHA *.C. :eguminoceae :.*. Dolichos $iflorus/ Kulatha )ossesses Kashaya8asa Katu (i)aka and +shna (eerya. By -una it is :aghu (idahi and 'ara. t acts asKa)ha (atahara. t )rovokes ;itta Dosha also.

0. LA#A *.C. -raminae :.*. Cry!a sativa/ t is made out of 7andula. ;re)ared $y dryfrying in a smallmouthed vessel. 7his )rocess is known to induce :aghu -una.1. "ANG$%#A *.C. -raminae :.*. 'etaria italica/ Kangu$ija )ossesses Kashaya and%adhura 8asa Katu (i)aka and +shna (eerya. By -una it is -uru and 8uksha. t actsas Ka)ha;itta shamaka and (ata vardhaka. t )ossesses 'andhaneeya and (rushya)ro)erties.6. "&D!A'A *.C. -raminae :.*. ;as)alum scro$iculatum/ Kodrava is of %adhuraKashaya in 8asa Katu in (i)aka and 'heeta in (eerya. By -una it is :aghu and8uksha. t alleviates Ka)ha and ;itta Dosha and )rovokes (ata Dosha.

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5. NAGA!A/ Already descri$ed in Alam$ushadi oga.=. N%M$"A *.C. 8utaceae :.*. &itrus acida/ *im$uka is of Amla 8asa Amla (i)akaand +shna (eerya. By -una it is :aghu. t )acifies ka)ha Dosha. t has got

 Agnidee)ana 8ochana ;achana and 7rishnanigraha )ro)erties.55>. D%PYA"A *. C. +m$elliferae :.*. &arum ro,$urgianum/ Di)yaka )ossesses Katu

and 7ikta 8asa Katu (i)aka and +shna (eerya. By -una it is :aghu 8uksha. t actsas 'amaka for Ka)ha and (ata Dosha. t has got 'hoola ;rashamana 8ochana andKrimighna )ro)erties.PHYS%&(H)M%(AL ANALYS%S !)P&!TAnaly!ed at K.:.G. society#s ;harmacy college -adag.%* Alamb+shadi Yo,a :@. :oss on drying at @@ &. H 2.31 I wJw@2. Ash value H 5.15 I wJw@3. Acid insolu$le ash H @.001 I wJw@0. ;< of @ I wJw a9ueous solution H 1.02@1. 'olu$ility H <ighly solu$le in water weaklysolu$le in Alcohol.

@6. 7est for Alkaloidsa. %ayer#s 7est H ;ositive$. <ager#s 7est H ;ositive@5. 7est for &ar$ohydratesa. %olish 7est H ;ositive &ar$ohydrate )resent $. Benedict#s 7est H ;ositive 8educing sugar )resentc. Barfoedt#s 7est H ;ositive %onosaccherides )resent@=. Average weight of &a)sule H @.112 gram.%%* Dhanyamla@. ;< H 3.@3@2. ')ecific gravity H .@@3. 7est for Alkaloids

a. %ayer#s 7est H ;ositive$. <ager#s 7est H ;ositive@0. 7est for &ar$ohydratesa. %olish 7est H ;ositive &ar$ohydrate )resent $. Benedict#s 7est H ;ositive 8educing sugar )resentc. Barfoedt#s 7est H ;ositive %onosaccherides )resent

236. 'ahasra yoga Gdited $y 'hri K. (. Krishnan (aidyan et.al. ;u$lished $y(idyara$ham ;u$lishers Alle)y 23rd edition A)ril 2@@@. ;).22.