- 1 - 프랑스, 파리 출장 보고서 OECD와의 MRH 공동연구 협의 2014. 3. 18 (화) ~ 24 (월)

프랑스, 파리 출장 보고서 · 파리출발 (박병원, 허재준, 최항섭) 15:25 인천도착 (박병원, 허재준, 최항섭) 15:25 인천도착 (박헌주, 박진희)

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Page 1: 프랑스, 파리 출장 보고서 · 파리출발 (박병원, 허재준, 최항섭) 15:25 인천도착 (박병원, 허재준, 최항섭) 15:25 인천도착 (박헌주, 박진희)

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프랑스, 파리 출장 보고서

OECD와의 MRH 공동연구 협의

2014. 3. 18 (화) ~ 24 (월)

Page 2: 프랑스, 파리 출장 보고서 · 파리출발 (박병원, 허재준, 최항섭) 15:25 인천도착 (박병원, 허재준, 최항섭) 15:25 인천도착 (박헌주, 박진희)




















20:35파리출발(박병원, 허재준, 최항섭)

15:25인천도착(박병원, 허재준, 최항섭)

15:25인천도착(박헌주, 박진희)20:35

파리출발(박헌주, 박진희)

Ⅰ. 출장개요

가. 출장지 및 기간

੦ 출장지 : 프랑스 (파리)

੦ 출장기간 : 2014년 3월 18일(화) ∼ 3월 24일(월), 출․입국일 포함

੦ 방문기관 : OECD, UNESCO

나. 출장자 (총 5명)

Name Affiliate Position

박헌주 KDI 미래‧전략연구부겸임연구위원

(KDI대학원 교수)

박진희 KDI 미래‧전략연구부 연구원

박병원 과학기술정책연구원 미래연구센터장

허재준 한국노동연구원 고용정책연구본부장

최항섭 국민대학교 사회학과 부교수

* 최항섭 교수는 현재 원에서 진행 중인 『미래한국사회전망』 프로젝트 자문위원으로서 이번

파리출장의 경우 원에서 일체 부담함. 나머지 외부연구위원의 경우 자체 기관서 출장비 부담.

다. 출장 일정

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Ⅱ. 주요내용 요약

1 Overview

□ MRH 과제에 대한 OECD의 높은 관심과 호응도

ㅇ MRH 연구를 통해 정부와 사회의 근본적인 operating mode를 변화시

키고, 사람들의 인식을 개혁적인 마인드로 전환시킬 수 있다는 가치판

단을 공유하고 있음을 확인

ㅇ 올해 성공적으로 연구를 진행함으로써 향후 다년간의 research tradition

으로 자리매김할 수 있다는 데에 공감

2 OECD MRH과제 연구참여자 및 주제관련 후보리스트

□ GOV Directorate

ㅇ Alter 국장의 출장관계로 Public Sector Reform팀의 Deputy Head인

Stephane Jacobzone과 면담 실시

ㅇ Jacobzone에 의하면 GOV의 경우, 올해 두 가지 정도의 주제(중앙정부

역할의 재정립, elite collusion문제를 포함하는 정부-사회관계에서의

trust이슈연구 등)로 MRH연구 참여의사 표시. 더 자세한 내용은 추후

Alter국장의 귀국 후 협의하기로 함

□ ELSA Directorate

ㅇ Scarpetta 국장의 출장으로 협의를 위임 받은 Mark Pearson 부국장과

면담 실시

ㅇ ELSA의 경우, 올해 G20 정상회의 때문에 고용관련 연구에 여력이 없

는 상황. 하지만 International Migration Division에서 고급인력개발

및 관리이슈에 관해, 그리고 gender equality연구진이 여성의 노동참

여 실태 연구를 수행할 수도 있다는 의사 표시

ㅇ 연구주제와 관련하여 ELSA에서 조금 더 자세한 프로포절 보내주기로 함

□ ECO Directorate

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ㅇ Randall Jones는 한국의 농산물시장개방 또는 농업부문개혁사례를

MRH관점에서 연구할 수 있고 또 의향도 있음을 표함

□ DEV Center

ㅇ Carl Dahlman은 두 가지 주제에 깊은 관심을 표함: 하나는

chaebol-dominant to venture-friendly economy로의 전환, 다른 하나

는 한국의 환경정책에 관한 MRH적 고찰

□ 사무총장실 Strategic Foresight

ㅇ Angela Wilkinson와는 각 MRH 사례연구들을 국가 통합적 transformation

관점에서 비판적으로 살펴보는 연구 방향에 대해서 논의

ㅇ 이러한 연구를 통해 MRH와 미래연구와의 explicit한 접목을 시도해

볼 수 있고, 독립적인 chapter 혹은 총론 chapter의 한 부분으로 포함

하는 것도 고려가능

□ DAF Directorate, STI Directorate, Center for Entrepreneurship

ㅇ Global Relations Directorate의 Bonturi국장이 갑자기 19일 면담일 직

전 브뤼셀로 급히 불려간 관계로 Alexander Bohmer와 면담 실시

ㅇ Alexander는 MRH과제와 연관성 높은 Directorate별 연구로 DAF의 벤

처기업을 위한 금융시스템관련연구와 STI 그리고 Center for

Entrepreneurship(CFE)의 벤쳐육성 등 혁신경제생태계관련 연구를 추천

ㅇ 관련 연구자들과의 면담을 arrange하겠다고 했으나 촉박한 일정 탓에

수신국들의 협조를 이끌어 내지는 못함. 이 현실은 OECD쪽 연구의

coordinator 역할/역량문제와 연관 지어 볼 수 있음

3 OECD 쪽 Coordinating Office 선정관련

□ Coordinating Agency로의 역량 부족

ㅇ MRH연구와 같이 여러 directorates와 협업을 해야 하는 horizontal과

제의 경우, 사무총장실 산하에 있는 Knowledge Sharing Alliance

(Martina Kappman이 head)나 Global Relations Directorate이

coordination역할을 감당하는 것이 자연스럽기는 하지만 다른 국들의

협력을 주도 또는 유도하는 데에 있어서 역량문제가 있다는 것을 이

번 출장을 통해 확인함

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ㅇ Knowledge Sharing Alliance(KSA)의 경우, Plenary Meeting에서 각

Directorate별 국장급의 인력 동원에 실패

- 각 Directorate별 연구역량 및 현황을 듣기 위해 우리 측에서 직접

관련 국장들과 연락하는 등의 중복 노력을 기울임

ㅇ Global Relations Secretariat(GRS)의 경우, Bonturi국장이 직접 챙기지

못하였기 때문에 Coordinating agency로의 역량이 어느 정도인지 정

확하게 판단하기 힘드나, 과거 예산배정 문제로 각 국과 어느 정도

trouble이 있는 상황

- 예전에 비슷한 과제 수행을 lump sum fund를 받은 뒤 참여하는 각

국의 연구자들께 충분한 incentive를 제공하는 등의 배려를 하지 않

는 것으로 원성을 사서 현재 일종의 내부적 구조조정대상으로 올라

있는 상태라고 함

4 Research Output의 Quality 담보를 위한 조치관련 고려사항

□ 각 국별 예산 배정을 통한 commitment level 제고

ㅇ 각 국 연구자의 commitment level 제고를 위해 OECD 쪽에 coordinating

agency를 지정하더라도 예산을 그냥 lump sum으로 주기 보다는 각 국 별

로 필요에 따라 “사업비 성격의 인건비” 등의 조건으로 제시하는 것이 유리

ㅇ 이 점에서는 이 연구사업을 통해 자신의 존재가치를 격상시키려는 KSA

가 이 안을 수용할 개연성이 높음

□ 6월 이전 OECD 및 국내연구진의 preliminary meeting 추진

ㅇ 6월의 전문가 워크샵 내용을 언론 등에 여는 public or semi-public

event로 할 경우, 그 내용의 quality, coherence and impact를 조금 더

제고하기 위해서라도 워크샵 이전에 preliminary meeting 형식의

OECD & 국내 전문가/연구자들만의 closed workshop을 고려해야함.

구체적 일정과 장소는 추후 내부적으로 논의

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Ⅲ. 기관별 면담내용

1 Meeting with Alexander Bohmer, OECD GRS

Date March 19, 2014 (Wednesday)Time 10:30-11:30 (Paris time)Location OECD, ParisOECD Side Alexander Bohmer (GRS), Seungju BAEK (KSA)KDI Side Hun Joo PARK, Jai Joon HUR, Jin Hee PARKAgenda Discussion on the working model of OECD-KDI research collaboration on

“Making Reform Happen” project

Questions by KDI side and Answers followed by Alexander Bohmer (Head of MENA Programme at Global Relations)

□ Which directorates, do you think, should be included for this project? And what roles can they take?

ㅇ GOV has comparative advantages on public sector, focusing on governance and regulation etc.

ㅇ However, since the project is focused on transforming Korea into a creative economy, you should also look at the private sector. For this reason, directorates such as DSTI, ECO, EDU, DAF, CFE (Centre for Entrepreneurship, SMEs and Local Development) etc. should be included

․ DSTI leads researches on Global Value Chain and Innovation. Contact Dirk Pilat (Deputy Director, STI)

․ DAF leads researches on Financial and Enterprise Affairs. For this MRH project, DAF can cover topics concerning the reform of financial institutions and infrastructure. Contact Mats Isaksson (Head of Corporate Affairs Division)

․ CFE leads researches on Entrepreneurship. For the MRH project, CFE can contribute by conducting a research on venture ecology. Contact Sergio Arzeni (Director of CFE)

□ Is the Global Relations team interested in coordinating this project?

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ㅇ Yes. And we can also help by conducting a cross-country analysis

․ There are over 300 indices to measure/compare the countries horizontally

□ Will the OECD directorates be committed to the project?

ㅇ Yes, but money and timing matter.

□ What is the cost?

ㅇ Normally 10,000 euros per month for each directorate. In terms of writing, it normally costs around 5,000-6,000 euros for 20 pages

□ For the following weeks, what do you think is the most crucial step?

ㅇ Writing a concept paper. This needs to be done before the brainstorming meeting in June

□ Can you help us get in touch with other OECD directorates for meetings?

ㅇ Yes, I will send emails to the aforementioned directorates to arrange meetings for you.

2 Meeting with the Knowledge Sharing Alliance (KSA) team

Date March 19, 2014 (Wednesday)Time 14:00-15:00 (Paris time)Location OECD, ParisOECD Side Martina KAMPMANN, Seungju BAEK, Cristina MARTINEZ, Sébastien

MEFFLETKDI Side Hun Joo PARK, Jai Joon HUR, Jin Hee PARKAgenda Discussion on the working model of OECD-KDI research collaboration on

“Making Reform Happen” project

Questions by KDI side and Answers followed by KSA team

□ What is the division of labor between OECD DEV and the KSA team?

ㅇ Whereas DEV focuses on short-term projects with non-member countries, KSA focuses rather on long-term partnership with pilot countries (mostly non-member countries) and thus give continuous support to push forward OECD policy recommendations

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□ What role can we expect from the KSA team regards to the MRH project?

ㅇ KSA is a Deputy Secretary General Office which allows the team to bring in various OECD directorates into the project with more ease

․ Since 2012, OECD has stressed the importance of more horizontal and inclusive working environment. The establishment of KSA is to foster collaboration among many directorates in OECD

□ KDI wants to know, albeit a tentative outline, which directorates have the time and capacity to join the MRH project

ㅇ In terms of budget, NRCS and KDI will contribute 200,000,000 KRW (about 200,000 USD) respectively and plans to give a lump sum of 250,000,000 ~ 300,000,000 KRW to OECD for this project

Questions by KSA team and Answers followed by KDI side

□ How can the researchers at OECD contribute to the project?

ㅇ OECD researchers will focus on chapters where they have more comparative advantage such as cross-country case studies

□ For cross-country case studies, does KDI want cases other than the existing ones?

ㅇ No, since our time is limited, we want to concentrate on collecting the ones that are present; new case studies are to be done in the following years

□ Does KDI expect a synthesized report as the final output?

ㅇ Yes, the best option will be to publish together in the name of OECD. However, if it seems infeasible, the final report can also be published separately - where KDI focuses on the Korean case and OECD on cross-country cases. The mode of final output should be further discussed

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3 Seminar on Marking Reform Happen and Foresight & Strategy

Date March 19, 2014 (Wednesday)Time 15:15-16:30 (Paris time)Location OECD, ParisOECD Side Martina KAMPMANN (SGE), Seungju BAEK (SGE), Cristina MARTINEZ

(SGE), Sébastien MEFFLET (SGE), Stephane Jacobzone(GOV), Adam OSTRY (GOV), Angela WILKINSON (SGE), Deborah ROSEVEARE (EDU)

KDI Side Hun Joo PARK, Jai Joon HUR, Hang Sub CHOI, Jin Hee PARKAgenda Introductory seminar on the OECD-KDI research collaboration on “Making

Reform Happen” project and the Korean Foresight project

* This minutes is based on the feedback given by the OECD panels

Feedback by Stephane Jacobzone (GOV – Deputy Head, Reform of the Public Sector)

□ In Public Governance area, a recommendable topic for MRH will be “Trust in Governance”

ㅇ Trust in public governance is the key to make REFORM happen

ㅇ To make an abstract term, Trust, into an operational language we then measure Liability, Responsiveness (of general government service), Openness, Inclusiveness, Fairness, Integrity etc.

Feedback by Deborah Roseveare (EDU – Head, Skills Beyond School Division)

□ In terms of national skills strategy, there are 3 points of principle that need to be considered:

1. Invite people to own the reform agenda and reach a conclusion on what they need to reform

2. Engage all relevant ministries for horizontal coordination

3. Involve and manage all key stakeholders

□ The hardest of all is to persuade the people and the government to come along for a talk on reform agenda

ㅇ Strongly encourage you to speak directly with Dr Youngsup Choi, Research Fellow at KRIVET to hear directly from him about the challenges of making reform happen in Korea in the area of skills

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ㅇ Two concerns about the methodology :

1) In terms of participation

- The MRH project seems to be targeting at conducting a collaborative research by only OECD and the Korean research institutes. As this project aims at making reforms actually happen, it should invite various governmental bodies and stakeholders into the project

2) In terms of final output

- The final output should go beyond just publishing an OECD report. The project should undertake new process – talking with all other relevant ministries – to make itself a real example of MRH

Feedback by Adam Ostry (GOV – Project Lead, Public Governance Review - Poland)

□ Need to add more players into the project. The Key players could be Central Government, Sub-national Government, Business communities, Stakeholders in various spatial areas etc.

ㅇ Can use indicators or evaluations to monitor reform processes of these key players

Feedback by Angela Wilkinson (Counsellor for Strategic Foresight)

□ For this project, the Foresight team can add value by conducting a critical review on the MRH cross-country cases from a transformational perspective

4 Meeting with ELSA

Date March 19, 2014 (Wednesday)Time 17:00-18:00 (Paris time)Location OECD, ParisOECD Side Mark Pearson (ELSA), Jean-Christophe Dumont (ELSA)KDI Side Hun Joo PARK, Jai Joon HUR, Jin Hee PARK

AgendaDiscussion on the working model of OECD-KDI research collaboration on “Making Reform Happen” project

Dialogue with Mark Pearson (Deputy Director, ELSA) related to MRH project

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□ ELSA is fully tied up and virtually unavailable until this June due to the upcoming G20 meeting (plus the issuance of Employment Outlook which is going to be released in May)

□ If ELSA were to write a joint report with the Korean side, it will be hard to be published in the name of OECD.

ㅇ There is some room for flexibility, but to publish a report in the name of OECD, each member country needs to endorse the report, and this can be very hard in case we are writing of a single country

□ Employment division is fully devoted to G20 meeting, thus have no manpower and time to join the MRH project

□ However, ELSA can undertake issues related to Gender (ex. female labor participation etc.) and Migration (ex. highly-skilled labor movement etc.). We will soon send a research proposal to KDI on these areas

※ ELSA wants to know whether this project is supported by the Korean government. MRH involves sensitive issues related to central and local governments and we don’t want to take the risk of harming our relationship with the Korean government

Dialogue with Jean-Christophe Dumont (Head of International Migration Division, ELSA) related to GKBN

□ We are in charge of DIOC (Database of Immigration in OECD Countries)

ㅇ The data looks at 100 destinations and covers 80% of global migration population

ㅇ Conducted survey three times so far: 2000-2001, 2005-2006, 2010-2011

ㅇ A report on the latest survey (2010-2011) will be released by this June

□ Regional meetings concerning migration policy has been organized several times in Central Europe, MENA, and Asia etc.

ㅇ Country case studies include Ireland, Scotland, and Mexico etc.

Page 12: 프랑스, 파리 출장 보고서 · 파리출발 (박병원, 허재준, 최항섭) 15:25 인천도착 (박병원, 허재준, 최항섭) 15:25 인천도착 (박헌주, 박진희)

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□ The latest country case studies include Germany and South Korea

ㅇ The Korean case looks into the labor migration within the country, including the highly-skilled labor

5 Meeting with KSA

Date March 20, 2014 (Thursday)Time 17:30-18:00 (Paris time)Location OECD, Paris

OECD SideMartina KAMPMANN, Seungju BAEK, Cristina MARTINEZ, Sébastien MEFFLET

KDI Side Hun Joo PARK, Jin Hee PARK

AgendaDiscussion on the working model of OECD-KDI research collaboration on “Making Reform Happen” project

Dialogue with Martina Kampmann (Counsellor, KSA) related to MRH project

□ Martina claimed that KSA can cooperate with the Global Relations Team if necessary. However, she also showed her concern on GRS’s lack of research skill

ㅇ If KSA were to cooperate with the GRS, Martina thinks GRS can help on writing an introductory session about MRH in South Asian perspective

□ HJ Park stressed the point that since the MRH project has a limited time span of one year, it is important for KDI to know which OECD Directorates can participate in the project as soon as possible.

ㅇ KDI welcomes all the MRH related topics OECD could offer, including the trust in governance issue raised by Stephane Jacobzone and venture business-friendly eco-system issue hopefully by someone at STI or DAF.

□ HJ Park also said topics like venture ecology and innovation, brought up by Alexander Bohmer(GRS), could be interesting to tackle for this project. He asked KSA if Ms. Kappman or her office could check with the directors of STI, DAF, and CFE(Centre for Entrepreneurship, SMEs, and Local Development) for their interest in and availability for this MRH project.

ㅇ As Ms. Kappman would be attending the Southeast Asian Regional

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Forum with the other directors, she would gladly converse with them on the issues and let the KDI team know of the results.

□ Based on the updated information on all sides, KDI and KSA agreed to prepare a basic conceptual note by this mid-April, and finalize on the OECD coordination issue by then as well

6 Meeting with Randall Jones

Date March 21, 2014 (Friday)Time 15:00-16:00 (Paris time)Location OECD, ParisOECD Side Randall Jones (ECO)

KDI Side Hun Joo PARK, Jai Joon HUR, Byeong Won PARK, Hang Sub CHOI, Jin Hee PARK

Agenda Discussion on the working model of OECD-KDI research collaboration on “Making Reform Happen” project

□ When asked by the KDI side whether it is possible to publish the final output in the name of OECD, Mr Jones answered that it is feasible only if each side writes its own part and put them together into one volume. But he also mentioned that authors’ names are normally not printed in the front cover, but can be listed in the recognition section.

□ In terms of choosing the OECD coordinator for the MRH project, Mr Jones advised to stick with only one side – it’s normally how OECD works with projects

□ Mr Jones showed his interest in participating in the project. He wanted to know if Agriculture is one the topics that are being considered.

ㅇ He argued that agriculture may be small in terms of GDP percentage but is a crucial area to review in joining TPP (Trans-Pacific Partnership) agreement.

ㅇ On condition to join the project, Mr Jones said he will cover the agriculture sector and requested a mission to Korea to meet the experts in agriculture

ㅇ Mr Jones also asked if KDI is considering Health sector as he had done

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a research a couple of years ago with professors at SNU and Yonsei University on that sector

□ When asked by the KDI side what is it that OECD directorates usually want when embarking on such project, Mr Jones replied - 1. What the client wants as a final output 2. Deadline 3. Budget

□ Mr Jones also advised that in order to speed up the project process within the OECD, it is important for the Korean ambassador at OECD to inform about the project to the Secretary-General, Mr Angel Gurria