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teste engleza

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1. Traduceti:
A) Modalitati de refuzare a unei comenzi:
a. Nu vom putea accepta alte comenzi pentru acest produs pana la o noua comunicare.
b. Dificultatile de productie ne obliga sa refuzam deocamdata alte comenzi pentru acest model.
c. Marfurile comandate nu se mai fabrica.

B) Intarzieri in executarea comenzii
a. Livrarea nu poate avea loc imediat pentru ca suntem in prezent coplesiti de comenzi.
b. Nu vom putea evita o usoara intarziere in executarea comenzii dvs., dar ii acordam prioritate si nu veti avea de asteptat mai mult de o saptamana peste termenul de livrare initial. Regretam aceasta situatie si speram ca nu va va provoca neplaceri serioase.

C) Plati
a. Va rugam sa ne informati ce masuri ati luat pentru efectuarea platii.
b. Se pare ca s-a strecurat o greseala in pretul pe care il mentionati.
c. Regretam ca nu va putem acorda reducerea suplimentara de 5%.
d. Va acordam o reducere de 2% pentru plata prompta , in numerar.

2. Cum continuati intrebarile urmatoare:
a. I dont know what to do. (What ..do?
b. I dont know what to cook today. (What?)
c. I dont know if you want mw to help you. (.you?)
d. We dont know where to go at the weekend. (Where..?)
e. I dont know when to come again. (When.?)

a. We will be unable to accept any more orders for this item until further notice.
b. Production difficulties force us to decline further orders for this model for the time being.
c. The goods ordered are no longer manufactured.

a. Delivery cannot take place at once because we are at present overwhelmed with orders.
b. A slight delay in the execution of your order will now be unavoidable, but we are giving it priority and you will not have to wait more than a week longer than the original delivery date. We regret this and can only hope that it will not seriously inconvenience you.

a. Please inform us what arrangements you have made for payment .
b. There seems to be mistake in the price you mention.
c. We regret that we cannot allow you the extra discount of 5%.
d. We allow you an extra 2% discount for prompt cash.

2. Cum continuati intrebarile urmatoare:
a. What shall I do?
b. What shall I cook today?
c. Shall I help you?
d. Where shall we go at the weekend?
e. When shall I come again?

I. Completati spatiile punctate cu verbul potrivit din paranteza (must, should, ought to) pentru a indica obligatia, recomandarea si respectiv indatorirea morala:

1. You eat too much. Youmake a diet.
2. Brian has got a terrible cold. Helie in bed.
3. It is raining. You..take your umbrella.
4. Your relatives are intown. Youvisit them.
5. This is the best musical. We ..see it.

II. Inserati articolele atunci unde este necesar:
1. She isgrammar school teacher.
2. He works asengineer.
3. Jane went toschool in London.
4. Dont forget to buy ..bread.
5. I am very busym I have .little time.
6. Youll manage it, ..little bit of luck.
7. Id like ..beer, please.
8. Take..great care!
9. ..appleday keeps the doctor away.

III. Gasiti in coloana B continuarea propozitiilor din coloana A. Atentie la diferenta de sens intre verbul la infinitiv si cel in -ing

1. I remembered to go to the dentists.
2. I remembered going to the dentists.
3. I tried taking the pill.
4. I tried to take the pill.
5. We stopped talking.
6. We stopped to talk.

(a) as we hadnt seen each other for years.
(b) but I couldnt swallow it.
(c) but it did me no good.
(d) as the music was really beautiful.
(e) so I had a tooth pulled out.
(f) and having the wrong tooth pulled out.

IV. Completati spatiile de mai jos cu some-any-no:
1. Is there..milk left? yes, there is.
2. Help yourself to.more biscuits. No, thank you, I wont have .for the moment.
3. How aboutcoffee? Wont you have.? Yes, please; you can give me.But I wont take.milk in it.
4. Can I be ofhelp to you? Oh, yes, I need.help; I can do it alone.
5. ..of the people enjoyed the show but I dont thinkof them is going to see it again.

RaspunsuriI.1.should; 2.must; 3. should; 4.ought to; 5.mustII. 1.a; 2. an; 3. -; 4. -; 5. - ; 6. - ; 7. a; 8. a; 9. - ; 10. an, a.III. 1.e; 2.f; 3. c; 4.b; 5.d; 6. a.IV. 1. any-some; 2. some any; 3. some some some any; 4. any some; 5. some any.Test III
I. Puneti verbele din paranteza la formele corespunzatoare:

1. Your taxi (arrive). Its waiting outside.
2. I (lose) my credit card. Anyone (see) it?
3. She (read) all of Scotts novels and she knows all about them.
4. I never (be) to America.
5. I (know) her for a couple of years.
6. He (have) this car since 1992.
7. There (be) a lot of fights in that part of the world ths year.

II. Completati spatiile libere asa cum cere sensul propozitiilor. Observati ca actiunea a inceput in trecut si continua in prezent:

1. I(look) for my credit card since I noticed it was missing.
2. It .(snow) for a week now.
3. How long you.(wait)? Im sorry Im late.
4. Since when(listen) to the radio? It was off when I left.
5. She.(cook) for two hours but lunch isnt ready yet.

III. Sa ne amintim verbele neregulate! Raspundeti urmatoarelor indemnuri ca in exemplul de mai jos:
Learn your irregular verbs!
Ive just learnt them!

1. Cut the bread, will you?
2. You should put a patch on these trousers.
3. Let her into the building, please.
4. You should set your affairs in order.
5. Youd better shut the door.
6. Cast your net into the water if you want to have fish for dinner.
7. You should bet on Speedy, I think.

IV. Continuati propozitiile ce urmeaza, asa cum se arata in exemplu:

Ex. I usually buy the morning paper.
Ive bought it this time, too.
1. I usually catch a lot of fish when I go fishing.
2. He always brings me flowers on my birthday.
3. I never think twice when it comes to making a decision.
4. She usually writes a post card to me when she is on holiday at palma de Mallorca or in Brazil.
5. I always feel good when I see her.
6. I never find the right words to express my gratitude.

V. Vom continua enunturile ca in exemplul de mai jos:

Dont ring the bell.
Ive rung it already./Ive already rung it.

1. You dont have to lay the table.Helen..
2. Dont make any coffe.I
3. You dont have to beat the carpets. Your son.
4. You dont have to begin the conversation. They..
5. She neednt do the rooms. Her daughters.
6. You dont have to give him your adress. I.

RaspunsuriI. 1. has arrived; 2.I have lost/ Ive lost. Has anyone seen it? 3. has read; 4. I have /Ive never been; 5. I have/Ive known her; 6. has had; 7. there have beenII. 1. I have been looking; 2. has been snowing; 3. have you been waiting? 4. have you been listening? 5. has been cookingIII. 1. Ive just cut it. 2Ive just put one; 3. Ive just let her in; 4. Ive just set them in order; 5. Ive just shut it; 6. Ive just cast it; 7. Ive just bet on himIV. 1.Ive caught a lot of time, too. 2. Hes brought me flowers this time, too. 3. I havent thought twice this time either; 4. She has/shes written.this time, too; 5. Ive felt good this time, too;6. I havent found them this time eitherV. 1. has already laid it/ has laid it already; 2. Ive made some already/Ive already made some; 3. has beaten them already/has already beaten them; 4. have already begun it/have begun it already; 5. have done them already/have already done them; 6. have given it to him already/have already given it to him

Test IV

I. Puneti verbele din paranteza la past continuous:
1. When I turned the radio on, the orchestra (to play) Beethovens Ninth.
2. The day I had my birthday, our house (to overflow) with guests.
3. What you (to do) when I called you on the telephone?I (to do) housework.
4. Last time I went shopping, it (to rain).
5. When the airplaine took off, we (to wave) goodbye.

II. Completati spatiile libere cu adverbele corespunzatoare adjectivelor culese cu litere inclinate:

1. We had aquickmeal. We ate.
2. I am afasteater. I eat..
3. He is agoodwaiter. He serves
4. She brought in abeautifulbirthday cake. It was.decorated.
5. Water melons are ripe inlatesummer. You can eat them.in summer.
6. Hes been anawfulhost. He entertained the guestsat the dinner party. The brandy was.strong.

III. Cu ce forma a viitorului trebuie sa completati spatiile libere?
1. Dont call me at 9.30. I (watch) TV
2. What you..(do) this time eomorrow?
3. She .(come) round the mountain when she comes.
4. I(have) lunch at this time tomorrow.

RaspunsuriI.1. was playing; 2. was overflowing; 3. were you doing; was doing; 4. was raining; 5.were wavingII. 1. quickly; 2.fast; 3. well; 4. beautifully; 5. late; 6. awfullyIII.1. Ill be watching TV; 2. What will you be doing this time tomorrow?; 3. Shellbe coming round the mountain..; 4. How long will you be staying here?; 5. Ill be having lunch.

1. Traduceti:

Every afternoon, as they were coming from school, the children used to go and play in the Giants garden.
It was a large lovely garden, with soft green grass.
One day the Giant came back earlier.
What are you doing here? he cried .
My garden is my garden and I will allow nobody to play in it but myself said the Giant.
The children ran away.
He build a wall all around it.
He was a selfish Giant.

2. Traduceti :

a. Regret foarte mult ca trebuie sa va refuz.
b. Trebuie sa imi cer scuze ca am intarziat sa va raspuns la scrisoarea dvs.
c. Cele mai bune urari pentru Anul Nou!
d. Pot veni sa te vad pe tine si pe copil cu prima ocazie cand sunt in oras?

3.Completati cu articolul the in spatiile punctate acolo unde este cazul:

If you are a tourist in London you cannot miss..(16) Tower Bridge, one of .(17) famous bridges across ..(18) Thames. You will also see..(19) Tower of London, .(20)Houses of ..(21) Parliament(22) Westminster Abbey,.(23) St. Pauls Cathedral,.(24) British Museum.(25)Hyde Park and what not! You can visit London on(26) foot, by(27)bus or by.(28)boat.


1. Traduceti:

In fiecare dupa amiaza, cand veneau de la scoala, copiii obisnuiau sa se joace in gradina gigantului.
Era o gradina minunata, cu iarba verde moale.
Intr-o zi, Gigantul a venit acasa mai devreme.
Ce faceti aici? a tipat.
Gradina mea este gradina mea si nu voi permite nimanui sa se joace in ea spuse Gigantul.
Copii au fugit.
El a construit un zid imprejurul gradinii.
Era un Gigant egoist.

2. Traduceti:

a. I very much regret that I have to decline you.
b. I must apologize for delaying my answer.
c. Best wishes for New Year!
d. May I come to see you and the baby the first time when I am in your town?

3.Completati cu articolul the in spatiile punctate acolo unde este cazul:
16.--; 17.-the; 18-the; 19-the; 20-the; 21--; 22--; 23--; 24--; 25--; 26--; 27--; 28--.