Page 1 of 10 Copyright Robert Bosch GmbH, Automotive Aftermarket, Product Marketing Diagnostics & Test Equipment ESI[tronic] COM Interface Specification for Vehicle Identification and Acceptance of Data from Work Card Date: 03.05.06 Version 1.2 Contact: Email: [email protected] Web: www.esitronic.com Fax: +49 (0) 180 5812310 Document: ESI_COM.PDF (created from ESI_COM.DOC source file)


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Copyright Robert Bosch GmbH, Automotive Aftermarket, Product Marketing Diagnostics & Test Equipment


COM Interface Specification for Vehicle Identification and

Acceptance of Data from Work Card

Date: 03.05.06

Version 1.2

Contact: Email: [email protected] Web: www.esitronic.com Fax: +49 (0) 180 5812310 Document: ESI_COM.PDF (created from ESI_COM.DOC source file)

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Copyright Robert Bosch GmbH, Automotive Aftermarket, Product Marketing Diagnostics & Test Equipment

Table of contents 1. Objective ...................................................................................................................................3 2. Interface....................................................................................................................................3

2.1. Description...........................................................................................................................3 2.1.1. Vehicle identification ......................................................................................................3 2.1.2. Vehicle selection ............................................................................................................5 2.1.3. Job card ........................................................................................................................5 2.1.4. ESI[tronic] framework program.......................................................................................7

3. Annex........................................................................................................................................8 3.1. TypeLib ...............................................................................................................................8 3.2. ESI[tronic] language abbreviation .......................................................................................10

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Copyright Robert Bosch GmbH, Automotive Aftermarket, Product Marketing Diagnostics & Test Equipment

1. Objective Description/provision of a communication interface between the ESI[tronic] and an external application.

2. Interface The functions to be realized are based on the COM technology developed by Microsoft and are speci-fied below. ESI[tronic] is used here solely as a COM server.

2.1. Description

2.1.1. Vehicle identification Identification via KBA numbers, numeric (deprecated): Function name: Ident_KBA Type: Method Brief description: Identifies in ESI[tronic] a vehicle via KBA number (numeric) Call-up: ext. application ⇒ ESI[tronic] Detail: HRESULT Ident_KBA( [in] short ManufacturerNo, (vehicle man., code no. "for 2") [in] short TypeModelNo, (Type/version, code no. "for 3") [in, optional, defaultvalue(0)] short Year); (first reg., line 32) Identification via KBA numbers, alphanumeric (new!): Function name: Ident_KBA2 Type: Method Brief description: Identifies in ESI[tronic] a vehicle via KBA number (alphanumeric) Call-up: ext. application ⇒ ESI[tronic] Detail: HRESULT Ident_KBA( [in] BSTR ManufacturerNo, (vehicle man., code no. "for 2.1") [in] BSTR TypeModelNo, (Type/version, code no. "for 2.2"

(first three digits only)) [in, optional, defaultvalue(0)] short Year); (first reg., line 32) Identification via RB code (KHKZ): Function name: Ident_RB Type: Method Brief description: Identifies in ESI[tronic] a vehicle via RB code Call-up: ext. application ⇒ ESI[tronic] Detail: HRESULT Ident_RB(

[in] BSTR Brand, (Brand abbreviation) [in] long Number, (Number) [in, optional, defaultvalue(0)] short Year); (Year of manufacture)

Identification via designation: Function name: Ident_Description Type: Method Brief description: Identifies in ESI[tronic] a vehicle via designation

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Copyright Robert Bosch GmbH, Automotive Aftermarket, Product Marketing Diagnostics & Test Equipment

Call-up: ext. application ⇒ ESI[tronic] Detail:

HRESULT Ident_Description( [in] BSTR Manufacturer, (Manufacturer) [in] BSTR Model, (Model range) [in, optional, defaultvalue("")] BSTR Type, (Type) [in, optional, defaultvalue(0)] single Litres, (Liters) [in, optional, defaultvalue(0)] short Kw, (Output in kW) [in, optional, defaultvalue(0)] short Year); (Year of manufacture)

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Copyright Robert Bosch GmbH, Automotive Aftermarket, Product Marketing Diagnostics & Test Equipment

2.1.2. Vehicle selection Function name: Ident_RB Type: Event Brief description: Sends the vehicle currently selected in ESI[tronic] to ext. application

whether the vehicle was identified by the KBA/RB code or designation

Call-up: ESI[tronic] ⇒ ext. application Detail:

HRESULT Ident_RB( [in] BSTR Brand, (Brand abbreviation) [in] long Number, (Number) [in] short Year); (Year of manufacture)

2.1.3. Job card Placing/retrieving ‘fitter’: Function name: Fitter Type: Property Brief description: Place fitter in work card Call-up: ext. application ⇒ ESI[tronic] Detail:

HRESULT Fitter([out, retval] BSTR* pVal); (Fitter) Function name: Fitter Type: Property Brief description: Retrieve fitter from work card Call-up: ext. application ⇒ ESI[tronic] Detail:

HRESULT Fitter([in] BSTR pVal); (Fitter) Placing/retrieving ‘order number’: Function name: OrderNo Type: Property Brief description: Place order number in work card Call-up: ext. application ⇒ ESI[tr onic] Detail:

HRESULT OrderNo([out, retval] BSTR* pVal); (Order number) Function name: OrderNo Type: Property Brief description: Retrieve order number from work card Call-up: ext. application ⇒ ESI[tronic] Detail:

HRESULT OrderNo([in] BSTR pVal); (Order number)

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Copyright Robert Bosch GmbH, Automotive Aftermarket, Product Marketing Diagnostics & Test Equipment

Place ESI[tronic] ButtonText: Function name: SndBtnTitle Type: Property Brief description: This property is used to place the send button text in the ESI[tronic] work

card. Only the first 10 characters are sent. Call-up: ext. application ⇒ ESI[tronic] Detail:

HRESULT SndBtnTitle([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* pVal); (Buttontext) Sending work card data: Process phase:

1. Initialization 2. Data acceptance 3. Completion

Initialization phase: Function name: BeginData Type: Event Brief description: Initialization of data acceptance Call-up: ESI[tronic] ⇒ ext. application Detail:

HRESULT BeginData( [in] short NumPositions, (Number of work card positions) [in] BSTR Currency, (Currency) [in] single VAT); (Value added tax rate)

Data acceptance phase:: Function name: DataItem Type: Event Brief description: Work card data sent to ext. application Call-up: ESI[tronic] ⇒ ext. application Detail:

HRESULT DataItem( [in] short PosNo, (Position number) [in] BSTR PosType, (Type of position)

[in] BSTR ArticleNo, (Article no.) [in] BSTR Manufacturer, (Manufacturer)

[in] BSTR ArticleDesc, (Article designation) [in] single Quantity, (Quantity) [in] BSTR Unit, (Unit) [in] single Discount, (Discount) [in] single SinglePrice); (Single-Price)

Completion phase Function name: EndData Type: Event Brief description: Data acceptance completion Call-up: ESI[tronic] ⇒ ext. application Detail:

HRESULT EndData();

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Copyright Robert Bosch GmbH, Automotive Aftermarket, Product Marketing Diagnostics & Test Equipment

2.1.4. ESI[tronic] framework program Placing/retrieving ‘language abbreviation’: Function name: Language Type: Property Brief description: Placing language abbreviations Call-up: ext. application ⇒ ESI[tronic] Detail:

HRESULT Language([out, retval] BSTR* pVal); (Language abb., see cha. 3) Function name: Language Type: Property Brief description: Retrieving language abbreviation Call-up: ext. application ⇒ ESI[tronic] Detail:

HRESULT Language([in] BSTR pVal); (Language abb., see cha. 3) Placing/retrieving ‘close ESI[tronic]’: Function name: CloseOnRelease Type: Property Brief description: This property is used to set, whether ESI[tronic] should be closed or not after

ending the COM clients Call-up: ext. application ⇒ ESI[tronic] Detail:

HRESULT CloseOnRelease([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* pVal); (Flag: TRUE/FALSE)

Function name: CloseOnRelease Type: Property Brief description: Retrieval of current property status Call-up: ext. application ⇒ ESI[tronic] Detail:

HRESULT CloseOnRelease([in] VARIANT_BOOL pVal); (Flag: TRUE/FALSE) Placing/retrieving ‘minimize ESI[tronic] window’: Function name: Minimized Type: Property Brief description: This property is set to determine whether ESI[tronic] should be minimized or

not Call-up: ext. application ⇒ ESI[tronic] Detail:

HRESULT Minimized([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* pVal); (Flag: TRUE/FALSE)

Function name: Minimized Type: Property Brief description: Retrieval of current property status Call-up: ext. application ⇒ ESI[tronic] Detail:

HRESULT Minimized([in] VARIANT_BOOL pVal); (Flag: TRUE/FALSE)

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Copyright Robert Bosch GmbH, Automotive Aftermarket, Product Marketing Diagnostics & Test Equipment

3. Annex

3.1. TypeLib // Generated .IDL file (by the OLE/COM Object Viewer) // // typelib filename: Esi2.tlb [ uuid(AF21D48D-7AED-4A7C-9D03-773FC64B2361), version(1.0), helpstring("Esi2 1.0 Typbibliothek") ] library Esi2Lib { // TLib : // TLib : OLE Automation : {00020430-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} importlib("stdole2.tlb"); // Forward declare all types defined in this typelib interface ICASSIS; dispinterface _IESImaticEvents; interface IESImaticCP; interface IAWConnectionMsgSink; interface IESImatic; interface IPWEventProxy; dispinterface _IRepDocEvents; interface IRepDoc; . . . [ uuid(73AF0232-F6CE-4AE7-93BC-F34D97D410AB), helpstring("RepDoc Class") ] coclass RepDoc { [default] interface IRepDoc; [default, source] dispinterface _IRepDocEvents; }; [ odl, uuid(CA9A7C1E-B4D0-4E59-ACD8-429154570A13), helpstring("IRepDoc interface"), dual, oleautomation ] interface IRepDoc : IDispatch { [id(0x00000001)] HRESULT Ident_KBA( [in] short ManufacturerNo, [in] short TypeModelNo, [in, optional, defaultvalue(0)] short Year); [id(0x0000000b)] HRESULT Ident_KBA2( [in] BSTR ManufacturerNo, [in] BSTR TypeModelNo, [in, optional, defaultvalue(0)] short Year); [id(0x00000002)] HRESULT Ident_RB( [in] BSTR Brand, [in] long Number, [in, optional, defaultvalue(0)] short Year); [id(0x00000003)] HRESULT Ident_Description( [in] BSTR Manufacturer, [in] BSTR Model, [in, optional, defaultvalue("")] BSTR Type, [in, optional, defaultvalue(0)] single Litres, [in, optional, defaultvalue(0)] short Kw, [in, optional, defaultvalue(0)] short Year); . . . [id(0x00000005), propget] HRESULT Fitter([out, retval] BSTR* pVal); [id(0x00000005), propput] HRESULT Fitter([in] BSTR pVal);

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Copyright Robert Bosch GmbH, Automotive Aftermarket, Product Marketing Diagnostics & Test Equipment

[id(0x00000006), propget] HRESULT OrderNo([out, retval] BSTR* pVal); [id(0x00000006), propput] HRESULT OrderNo([in] BSTR pVal); [id(0x00000007), propget] HRESULT Language([out, retval] BSTR* pVal); [id(0x00000007), propput] HRESULT Language([in] BSTR pVal); [id(0x00000008), propget] HRESULT CloseOnRelease([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* pVal); [id(0x00000008), propput] HRESULT CloseOnRelease([in] VARIANT_BOOL pVal); [id(0x00000009), propget] HRESULT Minimized([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* pVal); [id(0x00000009), propput] HRESULT Minimized([in] VARIANT_BOOL pVal); [id(0x0000000a), propget] HRESULT SndBtnTitle([out, retval] BSTR* pVal); [id(0x0000000a), propput] HRESULT SndBtnTitle([in] BSTR pVal); }; [ uuid(423886EE-9413-4365-8E5B-B92AF77C2FFE), helpstring("_IRepDocEreignisschnittstelle") ] dispinterface _IRepDocEvents { properties: methods: . . . [id(0x00000002)] HRESULT Ident_RB( [in] BSTR Brand, [in] long Number, [in] short Year); . . . [id(0x00000004)] HRESULT BeginData( [in] short NumPositions, [in] BSTR Currency, [in] single VAT); [id(0x00000005)] HRESULT DataItem( [in] short PosNo, [in] BSTR PosType, [in] BSTR ArticleNo, [in] BSTR Manufacturer, [in] BSTR ArticleDesc, [in] single Quantity, [in] BSTR Unit, [in] single Discount, [in] single SinglePrice); [id(0x00000006)] HRESULT EndData(); }; };

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Copyright Robert Bosch GmbH, Automotive Aftermarket, Product Marketing Diagnostics & Test Equipment

3.2. ESI[tronic] language abbreviation Language Ab-


German DE English EN French FR Spanish ES Italian IT Swedish SV Portuguese PT Finnish FI Dutch NL Danish DA Norwegian NO

Czech CS Polish PL Hungarian HU Croat HR Romanian RO Russian RU Bulgarian BG Turkish TR Greek GR Japanese JP Chinese CN Korean KR