Gw 04 Hi Ho Squat Miner Gangs

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  • 7/28/2019 Gw 04 Hi Ho Squat Miner Gangs


    ffiIIi-IIo! ffiWSquat Miner Gangs

    SQUAT IINSR GANGSIN NE(f,iO}TUNDAThe worlds of the lmperiumare home to a bizare andvaried degree of mutations. Adistinct minority have bredtrue, such as the diminutiveRatlings and the large brutishOgryns and are tolerated to acertain degree, as genuineabhuman races. Another ofthese abhuman races that isconsiderably less well knownare the Squats - a short, stocky,muscular and, bad temperedpeople. Exposure to high-gravity mining planets over themillennia have mutated theoriginal colonists into theirpresent form and years ofisolation have made thesemutatlons permanent.This background is known byeverybody who has beenplaying 40K for a long time,like me. The question for me, adedicated Squat player, is howto get them into theNecromunda universe, andmake it plausible.Allowing for the fact that theSquat concept is changing, andthat the miniature line is inrework, the Squat player couldcome up short in the miniaturedepartment unless he turns tothe Warhammer range.Looking at the fine range ofCitadel miniatures for Dwarfarmies, I find that the mostuseful are the Dwarf Minersand Adventurers, and SquatBikers and Adventurers from

  • 7/28/2019 Gw 04 Hi Ho Squat Miner Gangs


    the old 4OK range, for adaptingto the Necfomunda universe.(Dwarf Slayers are pretty cool,as well, but shall be the subjectof another art ic le. ) Certainmodifications may provedifficult, the more lightlyarmoured Squats can be armedwith technological weapons. Is t ress ' l ight ly armoured'. Iwould stay away from the usingthe miniatures in armourheavier than chain mail, for themost paft. It is easy enough tocome up with all the techweapons you'll needsteal 'em fromopponents' spares,they're not looking

    - justyourwhenJustkidding. Ork heary weapons

    are appropriate here to givethat patchwork look. Lashtogether a few techno-bits formining geaq and you are set.Don't forget dwarf warmachine components, as well!By using the figures currentlyavailable, I have created myvery own Squat Miner Gang.BACKGROUNDIn the .wastelands, the slagheaps, rad zones, ruins and thelike, freelance miners set upoperations and scrape a livingout of the unforgiv inglandscape, looking for that onebig strike. Some Miners cometo the hive world Outlandsvoluntarily whilst some cometo hide from the unforgivinge1-esof the Imperium. In thiscircumstance I visualise as 'TheSeven Dwarfs' meet the Bogartmovie 'The Treasure of theSierra Madres'.,{iens are not tolerated in theImperium let alone in the hivecities but the authorities arenot too concerned about thepolitics of the nearinhospitable Ash Wastes,provided it doesn't become anuisance.

    The main tool/weapon forthese small elusive bands ofMiners is the pick axe ormattock and a nasty one it is.Muskets, crossbows andvarious types of pistols, roundout the basic arsenal. Thougha few highly technologicalpieces of equipment and

    weapons may be foundamongst these enigmaticwanderers.OUTLANDERS.Squat Miners are considered tobe Outlanders, and all of theOutlaw rules apply to themwith the exceptions noted


    PROSPECTOR l2O CreditsThe Prospector is a freelancer by choice and the senior memberof the Mining gang that all others will turn to for guidance andleadership. Not content to labour in the mines of other Lords ofthe Imperium, or on the payroll of a Roque Tradeq a Prospectoris out on his own, for his own gain. He is looking for the 'BigStrike' the claim which will cover him in the riches he craves, ifhe can avoid the many hazards of the Ash Wastes in themeantime. A Prospector must be as quick with his guns as he iswith his wits, or others will find his pick axe, and his bleachedbones in the toxic desen...


    lnitial Experience Points:1060+D6

    Weapons; A Prospector is equipped with a miner's pick. Hemay also be given equipment chosen from the Close Combat,Ranged and Special Weapons lists, plus the Grenades andShotgun Shells section of the Miner lists.SPECIALRULESLeadership: A Prospector's crew are loyal to their leader andtoughened by his presence. This means that any Miners within6" of the Prospector may use his Leadership when they takeLeadership tests. A Prospector can always attempt to recoverfrom being pinned even if he has no Miners within 2" of him.Resifient: Miners are remarkably resilient to poisons becauseof the harsh conditions in which they work. If a Miner goes outof action due to poison, roll twice on the Serious Injuries Thbleand choose which result to applyrEncumbranc: The Prospector is used to moving greatloads, and working with cumbersome drilling equipment. Torepresent this, all Miners are considered to have the abilities ofa Hear,y and therefore use healy weapons. In addition, theMiner does not have a penalty for fighting in hand-to-handcombat whilst carrying a heavy weapon and he can wearCarapace armour without the Initiative penalty.Nerves of Steel! All Squat Miners have tll.e Nerues of SteelFerocity skill.

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    MINERS 8O CreditsSquat Miners are the crew a Prospector needs to work the claimstake as effrciently as possible. It also helps to have a few extraguns about. Squat Miners come from all walks of Squat societyand most are reluctant to talk about it. A ganger would beadvised not to talk to them about their business or he may belooking at the business end of a pick axe!

    M W S B S S T920+D6


    Initial Experience Points:WeaponS: A Miner is equipped with a Miner's pick. He mayalso be given equipment chosen from the Close Combat, Rangedand Special Weapons lists, plus the Grenades and Shotgun Shellssection of the special Miner lists.SPECTALRULESResilient: Minersare emarkablyesiliento poisons ecauseof the harsh conditions in which they work. If a Miner goes outofaction due to poison, roll twice on the Serious Inluries Thbleand choose which result to apply.Encumbranc: The Miner is used to moving great loads,and working with cumbersome drilling equipment. Torepresent this, all Miners are considered to have the abilities ofaHeavy and therefore use healy weapons. In addition, theMiner does not have a penalty for fighting in hand-to-handcombat whilst carrying a heavy weapon and he call wearCarapace armour without the Initiative penaltyNerves of Steel: All Squat Miners have the Nerues of SteelFerocitv skill.

    sequence and generating anew camp on the MinefTerritory Table immediately.*Like the Outlaw Rad Zone,but on triples, the Miner will

    be hideously scarred fromradiation poisoning and causesFear ftom now on; no incomeis collected. Miners are betterat mining than regular gangers.The Miner's Resilient abilityalso applies to radiationpoisoning.**In a secret location, yourgang has staked it's claim. Theexcavations yield carnotitegems or some other valuableofes or stones. You can collect2d6xl0 credits because ofyourprospecting expeftise. Therules regarding capturedenemy fighters working in themines are the same.CAPTUREDTERRITORIESMiners will only keep and workthe following territories; SlagHeap, Mine Workings, GuilderContact, V/orkshop, andArcheotech Hoard. If a g rrgowning a Mine Workings losesa teffitory to a Miner gang, itwill automatically lose one ofits Mine Workings withoutrecourse to a random dice roll.MINE WORKINGSA Mine Workings captured byminers - they may work morethan one - will be protected bysentries and traps, or may justbe cleverly disguised as toavoid notice. Miners fighting todefend their claim stake willnot bottle for any reason.

    below As Oudanders, Minersdo not have a guild price andmay never pay off their outlawstatus.TERRITORYMiners start with one piece ofterritory generated on theMiner Territory Table. Thisbecomes the Miner's camp inthe wastes and normally theycannot hold more than oneterritory at a time, unless it's aMine Workings. The Miners candecide to move their campafter any game, crossing theold territory off of their rosterat the end of the post battle


    'Workshop D5x10

  • 7/28/2019 Gw 04 Hi Ho Squat Miner Gangs


    INCOMEViners collect income fromtheir territory(s), like any otherOutlaw gang.TRADINGMiners roll on the OutlawTrading Chart, provided in thisarticle.HIREDGUNSMiners will only hire BountyHunters, and especially PitFighters, if they can afford it.Pit Slaves with Rock Drills areespecially desirable and aMiner gang will pay 15 creditsfor a suitably equipped HiredGun. Income generated from aMine Workings using a Pit Slavewill be 4D6x10.The gang's rating will increasebv 75, instead of 50 for hiringthis type of Pit Slave.

    STARVATIONMiners suffer the effects ofstarvation just like everybodyelse.BOUNTYViners are often claimiumpers; roll a dice after youhave formed your gang. On theresult of a '1' on a D6, theProspector has been reponedto the Guilders. They thenbecome wofth a bounty equalro their cost, just like any otherOutlaw.CAPTURE-{nv captured Miner will add a+j to your Dd roll for incomefrom Mine Workings.SCENARIOS\liners may choose from thefollowing scenarios: The Hit,Loot and Pillage (defenderon-l-v), The Hunters, Caravan(defender only), Scavengers,Hit and Run (defender only),

    STAGGERS 4O CreditsSlaqgers are the Miner equivalent ofJuves. Squat Miners must betrained, and a Squat being hired by a Miners' Gang is in for someback-breaking work.Slaggers are generally young Squats and do all of the scutty iobs- loading and pushing ore carts, cleaning mining equipment,and the gunk out of the bottom of the shafts. Strangely, therenever seems to be a shortage of off-world Squats, willing to dothis work.

    M lTS BS S T srInitiaf Experience Pointsi 0Weapons: A Slaggers equipped with a Miner's pick. He mayalsobe givenequipment chosen rom the Close Combatsectionof the specialMiner lists.SPECIAL RULESResilient: Slaegers re remarkably esilient to poisonsbecauseof the harshconditions in which they work. If a Minergoesout ofaction due to poison, roll twice on the SeriousInjuries Tableand choosewhich result to applyEncumbfance: The Slagger s used to moving great oads,and working with cumbersomedrilling equipment. The Slaggerdoes not havea penaltyfor fighting in hand-to-handcombatwhilst carryinga hearyweapon.W'hena SlaggerbecomesaMiner, he automaticallygains he abilitiesof a Heary and mayuse healy weapons.A Miner Gang may still only contain twohearyweapons. n addition, the Miner can wear Catapacearmour without the Initiative penalty.Nerves of Steel: All SquatMiners have the Neruesof SteelFerocityskill.


  • 7/28/2019 Gw 04 Hi Ho Squat Miner Gangs


    SOUAT MINER WEAPONS IISTi:J! ---; el9:..:Y: i^;';iE:ry;#+:..\Autogun zoShotgun (solid shoVscatter hells) 20Lasgun 25BlunderbussCrossbowMusket

    Stub GunAutopistolLaspistolBoltpistolPlasma Pistol

    10r5t )20) \

    Chains 5Clubs, Mauls and Bludgeons 5Knife fuee/5Massive Axe or Hammer t 5Mattock, Pick or Shovel free


    Man-Stopper Shotgun ShellsHot Shot Shotgun ShellsDum Dum bullets for Stub GunDemolition Charges

    +*.:t-, j:;Ej.t:A.i:.:::ii:ii]i:!.i::]:;;.]iill/|?/46+1+:'e:.1a,i.F:..4e-


    40FlamerMelta GunLascutter (R)Rock Drill (R)Sonic Cleanser (R)


    2L-3O Miner

    41,-50 Miner

    61-80 Prospector

    101-120 Prospector

    14l--1,60 Prospector

    L81-200 Prospector

    4OI+ Master1. Stafting level for Slaqgers2. Starting level for Miners3. Starting level for

    MAXIMUM CHARACTERISTICSM $ T S B S S T T T I A Ld3 7 6 4 5 3 5 3 10

    Ambush, Raid (attacker, ifopponent has Mine Workings:defender, if owning MineWorkings), and RescueMission.SPECI,AL OT'IPMENTUSTMining Demolition Charges:Some-times the explosivesused in prospecting find theirway into the hives asimprovised weapons. A stick ofexplosives is difficult ro armand throw accurately but canbe used as a booby trap ^t apinch. In prospecting, theMiner sets a charge to loosen a

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    SOUATADVANCE TABLE2D6 Result2 New Skfll (anyTable)3-4 New Skill

    Characteristic Increasel-4 = +l Strength5-6 =+1 Attacks

    6 Characteristiclncrease1-3= +1WS4 - 6= + 1B S

    7 Chafacteristiclncreasel-3 = +1.Initiative4-6 = +l Leadership

    8 Chamcteristiclncrease1-3= +1WS4 - 6= + 1 B S

    9 Characteristiclncrease1-3= +lWound4-6 = +t Toughness

    1O-11NewSkill12 New Skill (anyTable)

    particularly stubborn sectionof rock.Special bomb counters mustbe made up to use explosives.These have a number from 2 to6 on one side, and a picture ofa bomb (or a smiley facel) onrhe other.To set a charge, a Miner maynot move or shoot during hisrurn. He then places a bombcounter in the place where therap should be set. Each

    player's turn after this, theMiner player rolls a dice: if theresult is equal to or greaterthan the number on the backof the bomb counter, the bombdoes not go off. Substitute thenext lowest number counterfor the one in pla;r Repeat thisprocedure until the bombexplodes. A roll of '1' alwaysmeans that the bomb exPlodes.

    Note that your opponent willbe aware of the trap. He justhas to see if it is worth therisk...Chainiack: Miners, workingwith explosives, sometimes getcaught in the back blast of amisjudged detonation. Fortheir protection, they will weara chain mesh overiacket,




    Combat Muscle Stealth

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    similaf to chainmail worn bymedieval warriors (Handywhen you are converting fromVarhammer Dwarf Sappers!).It is not as sophisticated asmesh armour, but in the caseof blasts, it is much better thanthe alternative. Chainiack alsooffers some protection in closecombat against low-tech hand-to-hand weapons, which isalways a good thing.

    Chainjack gives a 4+ saveagainst blast template weaponsar'd a 4* save against low-techhand-to-hand weapons(swords, clubs including PitSlave shears, etc.) but affordsno save against any otherweapons. This is a fairlycommon item for Miners and isavailable to Prospectors andMiners only Slaqgers just haveto be more careful. Chainiackcosts 25 credits oer suit.

    Mattock: The Miner's mattockor pick axe is a useful tool anda fearsome weapon. Themattock must be used with twohands, so it cannot be used inconjunction with other closecombat weapons.Dranas. Due to the ponderouslurching swing required towield this weapon, any combatwhich ends in a draw willalways be won by youropponent, regardless ofWeapon Skill or Initiative level.Your opponent catches you onthe upswing.Shovel: The Miner's shovelcan also be useful as a weapon.It also must be used yrith twohands. However a Mineqtrained in the 'Art of Shovel', isable to Parry attacks, as ifwielding a sword. The shovel isnot a good weapon however,so a Miner attacks at -Lstfength.Lascutter: This is theindustrial variant of thelascannon. A lascutter can beused as a ranged weapon. in apinch. It has almost no range,and is bulky to wield, but if irhits, well, this is why ir is amust have industrial tool inany mining colony or on anymerchant ship. Theseoccasionally find their way intothe Outlands where they arequickly snapped up by Minersof all sorts. More than one lifehas been lost over this piece ofequipment.Rock Drill: This is a twohanded version ofthe Pit Slaveweapon, and cannot be used inconjunction with any otherweapons except fof pistols.Fortunately for Miners, thistype of Rock Drill is notsurgically attached. Use theweapon's profile listed in thePit Slave Weapon section forthis weaoon.

    MINING DEMOLITION CHARGESShort Long To HitRange Range Short Long Str Dam Save AmmoUserSx2 -1 -2 5 D4 -2 5+

    MITTTOCK SHOVELAND PICKShort Long To HitRange Raqge Short Long Str Darr Save AmmoClose Combat only As User 1 As User

    I.AS CUTTERShort Long To HitRange Range Short Long Str Dam Save Ammo0-8 9-76 +2 -1 9 2D6 -2 +2

    SONIC CLEANSERShort Long To HitRange Range Short Long Str Dam Save AmrnoClose Combat only *Knock Down 4+

  • 7/28/2019 Gw 04 Hi Ho Squat Miner Gangs


    Sonic Cleanser: Nobody isquite sure of the origin of theSonic Cleanser. It may havebeen part of the trappings ofoffice of the rulers of anancient time, or simply havefallen out of the toolbox of anerrant spacefarer. The tool'sinstruction manual has beenlost as well, so no one reallyknows it's true functions! TheSonic Cleanser can detectfaults in minerals, split themalong the detected faults, un-iam iammed machinery 1or amit) or realign that troublesomecrystalline power source. In aMiner's hands, it's mostly usedfor cleaning and splitting gems.Howeveq by manipulating thesettings, it can deliver a sonicpulse that can knock anopponent off his feet.In game terms, the SonicCleanser is a close combat\r'eapon and can be used inconjunction with any closecombat or pistol weapon. Asuccessful hit will knock themodel back 2" and the modelmust make an I check or falldown. If the affected model iss'ithin 1" of a building edge,make the same I check with a+1 modifier. A knock-downqill end hand-to-hand combarthough any remaining hits inth current combat, can beresolved as normal.-{ downed model must halve itss-S, rounded up, if attacked infunher rounds of hand-to-hand. The model may stand upnormally during its nefirecovery phase.Technically, the Sonic Cleanseris not a weapon, and it cannotmaintain the output needed tosrun opponents. For every hitit makes, it requires an ammoroll of 4+. If it fails the roll, thedevice must be recharged and

    MINER'S MAP TABLE1D6 Result1. Fake -You show this map to another Prospector and heidentifies it as a fake, and tells you the story behind it. Youare out your money and a good bit of pride.2. Worn and Incomplete -You find the mine but it has beencompletely worked through. You get norhing for all ofyouf toil.3. Vague and Inaccurate - You didn't realise it when youbought it, but you have worked this mine before. It doespoint out a section that you originally missed so you canscrape out another D6x5 credits for your trouble.4. Ancient and Fad.ed - Barely legible rhough it is, the map

    is a genuine Miner's Map. You can work out D6x10 creditsbefore it is exhausted. and. it reveals the location ofancient tunnels nearby You can swap a territory forTunnels if you wish but this must be done now.5. Equipment Stasb - u/hile you find no ofes or gems in thismine, you find a small stash of mining equipment instead.

    Roll a D6:1-2 - Mattocks and ShovelsI - a rusry but serviceable suit of Chainjack4 - Explosives, enough for one Miner5 - Rockdrill, it will take d5x5 credits to get it working6 - Sonic Cleanser. It looks like someone just dropped itout of his tool box! The instruction manual is no whereto be found.

    6. Recent and AccurAte - The Prospector may add a MineWorkings to his teritory.

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    1 Lt2-1314-r5162t-22

    OUTLAW TRADE CHARTGamble and Lose (Special)Robbed (Special)Cheated (Special)Gamble and win (Special)Armour. Roll a D6

    l-4 - Chaigack5 - Carapace Armour6 - Mesh Armour

    Explosives: Roll a d61-3 - Enough for 1 Miner4-5 - Enough for 2 Miners

    6 - Enough for 3 MinersGrenades: Roll a d61 - Melta Bomb

    2-3 - Photon Flash Grenades4-6 - Smoke Bombs

    Gun Sight: Roll a d61-2 - Red Dot Laser Sight3 - Mono Sight4 - Telescopic Sight

    5-6 - Infrared SightArcheotech HoardBionics. Choose one oi Bionic Arm, Bionic Eye,or Bionic LegBio-ScannerBlindsnake PouchBottle of Wild SnakeIcrotic SlimeInfra-GogglesLas-CutterKalma FixerRad CounterRatskin MapScreamersSilencerSonic CleanserStinger Mould PatchStummersWeapons ReloadInside Information (Special)Miners's Map (see chart)Rumour (Special)Tip-off (Special)




    2631-32333435364r424344+)465 1525354


    cannot be used until the nextbattle.Miner's Map: You have foundan old Prospector's Map forsale in a secluded corner ofanOutlander bazaar. This couldbe the ticket to get off of thishell hole planet if it pans out.There have always beenrumours of secret mineshidden in the wastes that havetapped into rich veins of oresand gems, and in yourexperience, they have alwaysbeen just that - rumours, untilnow.Every ounce ofwealth that youassay in town has beendrenched in your and yourgang's sweat and the Big Strikealways seems out of reach.WeIl, the map seems cheapenough.. . .If you decide to buy the map,roll to see how accurate it isbefore you play your nextgame. If the map is accurate, itwill enable you to earn (orlose) some extra credits beforethe next game. The map is onlygood for one use.OUTLAW TRADE TABLEThis table is to be used todetermine what rare tradeitems are offered for sale to thegang leader. D3 items areoffered automarically and afurther f 1 for each gangersent to search them out. Theprices of rare items are givenon the main trade charts andare indicated by an @).Well, tbat's about it. If youbaue any comrnents do dropme a message on:

    [email protected]