INFOSYS.110 BUSINESS SYSTEMS: DELIVERABLE 2: BUSINESS SECTION 2014 Name HUIAO-CHUN CHIAO NetID cchu231 Group Number: 233 Website Link: http://infosys1102014ssgroup233.blogspot.co.nz/p/ d1_3.html Tutorial Details Tutor: Day: Time: Johnnie Tutor Wednesday 12pm Time Spent on Assignment: 30 hours Word Count: 1478 ONLINE COUNSELLING SERVICE INDUSTRY INTRODUCTION In 21 century of a realistic community, everyone will be evaluate by their appearance, outfit and body shape, especially female. This kind of unfriendly situation cause lots of social problems such as cosmetic surgery, over diet, suicide, and waste money on fashion shopping. Instead of making yourself more fit in others expect, to solve these problems has to reduce the fundamental thinking. For example, first, women need to recognize and accept their selves. Second, be enough confident about what they are. Last make them self-precious. To reach this goal I would like to build a special company that provide them a way to find out their own potential value through internet. 3. BUSINESS SECTION

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Name HUIAO-CHUN CHIAONetID cchu231Group Number: 233Website Link: http://infosys1102014ssgroup233.blogspot.co.nz/p/d1_3.html

Tutorial DetailsTutor: Day: Time:Johnnie Tutor Wednesday 12pm

Time Spent on Assignment:

30 hours Word Count: 1478



In 21 century of a realistic community, everyone will be evaluate by their appearance,

outfit and body shape, especially female. This kind of unfriendly situation cause lots of

social problems such as cosmetic surgery, over diet, suicide, and waste money on

fashion shopping. Instead of making yourself more fit in others expect, to solve these

problems has to reduce the fundamental thinking. For example, first, women need to

recognize and accept their selves. Second, be enough confident about what they are. Last

make them self-precious. To reach this goal I would like to build a special company that

provide them a way to find out their own potential value through internet.


3.1 Vision We are what we are, finding out our potential value instead giving up of yourself.


Force: High/Low: Justification:Buyer power: High The reasons that the buyer power is high is

because there are many website which provide this kind of special service (lesson). Therefore, buyers have lots of choices to decide which one to go. Westwind. (2013)

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Westwind counselling specializing in the well-being of women. Retrieved from http://westwind.mb.ca/counselling.php

Supplier power: Low The reason that the supplier power is low is because that the supplier cannot directly influence the industry. There are many competitors inside the industry. Community college. (2014) Community college New Zealand. Retrieved from http://www.comcol.ac.nz/

Threat of new entrants:

High The reasons that the threat of new entrants is high is because that there are low entry barriers as the cost and time that spend on setting up the new company. It is easy to enter the market if company have enough money and resource.

Threat of substitutes:

High The reason that the threat of substitutes is high is because customers have many alternatives to build their confident. For example, Jenny craig, medication or evening class can also be their chose. NCBI. (2008) Healing beauty? More biotechnology cosmetic products that claim drug-like properties reach the market.(EMBO report. Science and Society) [9(11): 1073–1077] EMBO. Retrieved from http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2581859/

Rivalry among existing competitors:

High The reason that the rivalry among existing competitors is high is because the competition between suppliers is fierce in the market.Advertise with Finda (2014) Retrieved from http://www.finda.co.nz/business/r/k/?k=Community+College

Overall attractiveness of the industry:

It is a low attractive market although every products form the beauty industry is

different, the purpose is same. Therefore, variety companies and products are

competing in the same time and also it is easy to enter the market. The only way is to

make our products more useful, customize and differentiated.

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3.3 Customers and Their NeedsNormally customers who will come to us is because they already lost their way and

confidence. Everyone can come to our beauty class but to be honest the lesson which we

provide is aim for women. For example, cooking, ikebana, design, make up...etc.

Therefore, our customers are mainly female from everywhere and every-age in New

Zealand. Our job is to make them more positive and optimistic to the life.

3.4 The Product and ServiceWe mainly provide our customers with some professional lessons (studio

classroom) which women will be interesting in like cooking, ikebana, design

and sports. Through these online training, they might be more confident,

proud of them self and know what they want. Also, we had a members club

which form up in our website that will hold parties regularly for them to

meet some new people which can enhance their social skills. Then is outdoor

activity, taking them to get fresh air and gain some positive thinking. In the

nutshell, our service aim to cure their mental problems in a simple way. Once

women have something they can show off and feel professional, they will not

be depress of themselves anymore or over focus on their face value.

3.5 Suppliers and PartnersOur suppliers would be some application companies who create an application of

believed our self to help us achieve the goal through entertainment (an humour way)

For example, as the video said, making an application which for women to type their

height and weight and it will comes out a Hollywood module to represent them. Also, an

application which can provide online lesson to our members in the cell phone so they

can learning anywhere and anyplace. Furthermore, women magazine will be another

important suppliers for us to put on company’s information and advertisement.

We would be working in partnership with women's union, schools or workplaces. With

the successful introduction of our online lesson purpose, women's union, schools and

workplaces will be able to follow suit and take advantage of the new and improved

(reduced) the environment discrimination on female. Furthermore, schools will be able

to educate children in the right values and hence they will be aware of the benefits of

believe them self.

3.6 Strategy: Differentiation (FOCUSED MARKET)

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The company mainly focused in female who already lost their confidence (psychological

side). Therefore, make our lesson special and suitable (customise) for each woman's

different needed. The differentiation of our products and service come from the

innovation behind potential capability the processes of learning in order to make it

reality and more persuasiveness for everyone. Also, the price will be charge differently

which depends in the service.

The overall strategy is therefore Differentiation.

3.7 Value Chain Activity: Make the product or service.

The most important value chain activity for this business is to make the product and service.

Company’s products are the lesson and service is counselling their thinking after class. Our products

have to be very useful and suitable for customers. Not only provide them special lesson but also

guide them to the right value of their body and appearance.

Overall, the service of the lesson, activities are very important to the business because if we cannot

make products correctly, then we are unable to fulfil the purpose of our business which is to provide

the chance and positive thinking for female.

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3.8 Business Processes


The course content delivery process is a stage to calculate the correct amount and

provide accurate production planning (right direction). As our company’s value chain is

to “make the product or service”, this is an important process for the business in order

to ensure the quality of products available. By doing so, we can provide our customer

with the best quality of our service. Ultimately this process leads to a valuable

production planning and this will satisfies the needs of our customers.


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If we doing well in customer information collecting feedback process it will increase the

company's market power. The reason is because we are providing the ideal products

which customers prefer. These processes mainly give us a chance to upgrade yourself

and reengineering our whole business functions. To be honest, success or failure

depends on how we use this information.


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3.9 Functionalities


Create enough richly colourful in the training lesson

Check the quality of online lesson and service


Update customers data base

Contact with customers and make a closer relationship

3.10 Systems


It is important to manage the storage, editing and our company information in a

collaborative society. Therefore, we will need to open such as a website content

management system which we can easy to add, remove and change the online content.

Also, if you are our customers then you may allow to share opinion after lesson which

can be improve, edit your personal detail online or get the course information. It will be

very useful either for internal or external users.


In order to store large amount of members’ confidential information detail and courses

history for the sale of our service, there is a need for this system to cater to the need for

organize, consistent and updated data. This system also helps store and backup all the

data and information which include courses and customers detail and helps us keep our

customers in long term.

3.10.3. CUSTOMERS RELATIONSHIP MANAGEMENT SYSTEM – It is a board system that managing all aspects of customers relationship. For our company, treat customers as family is very important because we need to understand why they are depress, what is their weak side and how can we help. This system not only help us to get closer with our customers but also improve customers’ loyalty, retention and company's profitability.

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3.11. Summary Table: Value Chain to Systems

Value Chain Activity

Processes Functionalities Specific Information System(s)

Broad Information System(s)

Make the

product or


1. Course content delivery process

1. Create enough richly colourful in the training lesson

2. Check the quality of online lesson and service

Online content system

Quality insurance system

Content management system

Collaboration system

2. Information collecting process

1. Update customers data base2. Contact with customers and make a

closer relationship

Updating information systemCustomer identification and prediction system

Data base management systemCustomer relationship management system

CONCLUSION Through our online lessons women should feel more proud of their self. Base on course content delivery process and information collecting process, we try our best to provide what customers actual needed, communicating with them, getting feedback then improve it to reach the target. With some specific information system such as online content system, quality insurance system, updating information system and customer identification and prediction system to backup, I believed that our online female body counselling service will be useful to most of the women.


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1. Advertise with Finda (2014) Retrieved from http://www.finda.co.nz/business/r/k/?k=Community+College

2. Wellington high school. (2014) community education centre. Retrieved from http://www.cecwellington.ac.nz/ 3. Community college. (2014) Community college New Zealand. Retrieved from http://www.comcol.ac.nz/

4. Westwind. (2013) Westwind counselling specializing in the well-being of women. Retrieved from http://westwind.mb.ca/counselling.php

5. NCBI. (2008) Healing beauty? More biotechnology cosmetic products that claim drug-like properties reach the market.(EMBO report. Science and Society) [9(11): 1073–1077] EMBO. Retrieved from http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2581859/