Journal and Objectives English II-H Mrs. Fenlon

Journal and Objectives

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Journal and Objectives. English II-H Mrs. Fenlon. After viewing “Shift Happens”. Reflect and respond to the following questions on paper: What modes of technology are you comfortable with? Write about a time when you used technology for any type of project and enjoyed it. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Page 1: Journal and Objectives

Journal and ObjectivesEnglish II-H

Mrs. Fenlon

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After viewing “Shift Happens” Reflect and respond to the following

questions on paper: What modes of technology are you

comfortable with? Write about a time when you used

technology for any type of project and enjoyed it.

Is there any type of technology that you are not comfortable with or do not enjoy using?

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Journal: September 10, 2010“Laziness may appear attractive, but work gives satisfaction.”—Anne FrankWhat does the quotation mean?Relate it to yourself, society, history, pop culture, etc.

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Bildungsroman A novel about the moral/psychological

growth of the main character

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Colloquial Informal Speech—slightly more formal

than slang

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Foil A contrast to another character

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Diction A writer’s or speaker’s choice of words,

which is appropriate to a specific audience.

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A statement or situation that seems to be a contradiction but reveals a truth

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Nonsequitir when one statement does not logically

connect to the one it follows

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Satire A type of writing that ridicules

something in order to reveal a weakness

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Epigram A witty, thoughtful statement

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Parody A literary work in which the style of an

author or work is closely imitated for comic effect or in ridicule

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Idiom An expression that is often peculiar to a

language that means something different from the literal meaning of a word

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Euphemism Substitution of a mild or less negative

word or phrase for a harsh or blunt one

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Dialect A way of speaking that is characteristic

of a particular group of people

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Epithet Adjective or descriptive phrase that is

regularly used to characterize a person, place, or thing

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Adage A saying or proverb that embodies a

certain amount of wisdom

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Allegory A narrative that serves as an extended


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Denotation The literal meaning of a word

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Aphorism Concise statement of a principle, truth,

or sentiment

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Tone The attitude a writer takes toward the

audience, a subject, or a character.

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Antihero A protagonist who is not on the side of


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Connotation All the meanings, associations, or

emotions that a word suggests

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Archetype Original pattern or model; a perfect


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Allusion Reference to a person, place, or event

from literature, history, religion, mythology, politics, sports, science, or pop culture

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Epiphany When a character suddenly experiences

a deep realization about himself or herself; a truth which is grasped in an ordinary moment

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Hyperbole A figure of speech that uses

exaggeration to express strong emotion or to create a comic effect; also called overstatement.

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Flat Character, Static Character, Dynamic Character A character who has only one or two

traits; no depth A character who does not change much

during the story A character who has many different

character traits, which sometimes contradict each other

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Ellipsis Omission of words that is implied in a

sentence—often by the use of three periods (…)

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Catharsis A cleansing of the spirit when feelings of

pity and sorrow arise from tragedy

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Apostrophe Addressing of an absent person or

inanimate object

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Begging the Question Also called Circular Reasoning; occurs

when the believability of the evidence depends on the believability of the claim.

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Climax A moment of great intensity or suspense

in the plot; usually marks the moment when the conflict is decided one way or another

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Simile A figure of speech that makes a

comparison between two unlike things, using a word such as like, as, than, or resembles

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Pun Play on the multiple meanings of a word

or on two words that sound alike but have different meanings.

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Syntax A word that simply refers to sentences

and sentence structure

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Direct/Indirect Characterization Author reveals a character by stating

directly what his/her personality is like Author reveals a character through

his/her appearance, speech, inner thoughts and feelings, actions, or through the speech and/or thoughts of other characters.

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Logical, Ethical, and Emotional Appeals Attempting to win an argument by

appealing to one’s sense of intellect Attempting to win an argument by

appealing to one’s sense of fairness Attempting to win an argument by

playing on the emotions of people

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3rd limited point of view, 3rd omniscient, 1st person The narrator zooms in on the thoughts

and feelings of just one character The person telling the story knows

everything about the characters The narrator is usually a character

telling the story using the pronoun “I”.

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Red Herring When a writer raises an irrelevant issue

to draw attention away from the real issue

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Metaphor A figure of speech that makes a

comparison between two unlike things without using the words like, as, than, or resembles.

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Foreshadowing Clues to events occurring later in the


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Oxymoron A combination of contradictory terms

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Local Color A detailed setting forth of the

characteristics of a particular locality, enabling the reader to "see" the setting

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Picaresque Novel of or relating to a genre of usually satiric

prose fiction originating in Spain and depicting in realistic, often humorous detail the adventures of a roguish hero of low social degree living by his or her wits in a corrupt society

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Situational Irony, Verbal Irony, Dramatic Irony A contradiction between what we expect

to happen and what really does take place

A writer or a speaker says one thing but means something entirely different

The reader or audience knows something that the character in a play or story does not know

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September 13, 2010 “When luck enters, give him a seat.”-

Jewish Proverb Interpret the quotation—agree or

disagree? Relate to self, society, history, etc.

Essential Question: How does a writer’s use of wit and satire help reveal social injustices existing in our world?

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“Mark Twain: Our Original Superstar” Discussion Questions What is the difference between satire

and irony? How would you describe the article’s

overall tone? What is the overall/main point of the article?

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Journal: September 14, 2010 “An early morning walk is a blessing for

the whole day.”—Henry David Thoreau Interpret the quotation: what does it

mean? Do you agree or disagree? Relate to yourself, society, history, etc.Essential Question:

How does a writer’s use of wit and satire help reveal social injustices existing in our world?

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Summary Pointers The article says that, “…” Punctuate titles correctly—short stories

are enclosed in quotations, novels are italicized/underlined.

Quote, cite, explain ALWAYS focus your summary on

analyzing the main idea—don’t stray from the main idea!

Replace dead words and weak verbs Work hard at building up to your final


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Sample Opening In Roy Blount Jr.’s article, “Mark Twain:

Our Original Superstar,” he asserts that Mark Twain was the first who addressed social and political issues eloquently and humorously, thus paving the way for current political satirists such as “Jon Stewart, Stephen Colbert, Bill Maher, and Keith Olberman.”

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Sample Closing Each year, an award is given in honor of

Twain, the Kennedy Center’s Mark Twain Prize for American Humor. Roy Blount, Jr. feels that Mark Twain’s essays are relevant even today; they still spark controversy, debate, and invite laughter.

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Sample Opening Statement In the article, “Mark Twain: Our Original

Superstar,” Roy Blount Jr. describes Mark Twain as not only existing at the root of American literature, but also serves as the conscience of America during his time.

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Sample concluding thoughts Mark Twain is certainly a name America

knows. He made America laugh in a time where it was needed most. He gave insight into societal issues and politics in a way no author had before. He is still considered the greatest author in American literature and is still looked up to as our “original superstar.”

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Unfamiliar Words—Newsweek Article Elusive Blithely Subversive Nihilism Clandestine Compulsion Polemic Droll Valedictory Punditry

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Unfamiliar Words—Time Article Adroitly Benighted Accolade Metastasizing Posthumous Fulminating

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September 15, 2010“Love is a fruit in season at all times, and within the reach of every hand.”—Mother TeresaInterpret quotation, and agree or disagree.Relate to yourself, society, pop culture, history, etc. Essential Question: How does a writer’s use of wit and satire help reveal social injustices in our world?

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Satire What is the writer’s/cartoonist’s point of

view on society? What is the writer’s/cartoonist’s target


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In the novel, Twain includes… Satire on man to man cruelty Satire on religious hypocrisy Satire on the concept of slavery

With your group, read your assigned section and figure out which of the three targets (listed above) Twain is satirizing. Be prepared to discuss Twain’s point of view on the issue as revealed through your assigned passage.

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Homework: Define Vocabulary, prepare for quiz Friday, and… Create a visual demonstrating one of

satirical episodes of Huck Finn. Bring in your creation on Friday.

Read “Advice to Youth” by Mark Twain for tomorrow and be prepared to discuss the main idea, as well as key points. (Highlight!)