Arsip untuk Mei, 2011 Kesalahan-kesalahan Dalam Degree of Comparison Ditulis TOQOTA Corporation di Bahasa Inggris pada 28 Mei 2011 Kesalahan-kesalahan Dalam Degree of Comparison Perhatikan beberapa contoh di bawah ini bagaimana kesalahan- kesalahan sering terjadi di dalam pembentukan Degree of Comparison: * (SALAH) Alice is taller than any other girls in the class. * (BENAR) Alice is taller than any other girl in the class. * (SALAH) Iron is more useful than any other metals. * (BENAR) Iron is more useful than any other metal. * (SALAH) He is in class fifth. * (BENAR) He is in class five. OR He is in the fifth class. * (SALAH) He is more taller than I am. * (BENAR) He is taller than I am. * (SALAH) From the two he is the smarter. * (BENAR) He is the smarter of the two. * (SALAH) From the three he is more tall. * (BENAR) He is the tallest of the three. * (SALAH) I have never seen a so good girl. * (BENAR) I have never seen so good a girl. Tinggalkan sebuah Komentar Inversion Ditulis TOQOTA Corporation di Bahasa Inggris pada 28 Mei 2011 Inversion Dalam Bahasa Inggris, suatu kalimat subjek dan kata kerjanya

Kesalahan-kesalahan Dalam Degree of Comparison

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Arsip untuk Mei, 2011

Kesalahan-kesalahan Dalam Degree ofComparisonDitulis TOQOTA Corporation di Bahasa Inggris pada 28 Mei 2011

Kesalahan-kesalahan Dalam Degree of ComparisonPerhatikan beberapa contoh di bawah ini bagaimana kesalahan-kesalahan sering terjadi di dalam pembentukan Degree of Comparison:

* (SALAH) Alice is taller than any other girls in the class.* (BENAR) Alice is taller than any other girl in the class.

* (SALAH) Iron is more useful than any other metals.* (BENAR) Iron is more useful than any other metal.

* (SALAH) He is in class fifth.* (BENAR) He is in class five. OR He is in the fifth class.

* (SALAH) He is more taller than I am.* (BENAR) He is taller than I am.

* (SALAH) From the two he is the smarter.* (BENAR) He is the smarter of the two.

* (SALAH) From the three he is more tall.* (BENAR) He is the tallest of the three.

* (SALAH) I have never seen a so good girl.* (BENAR) I have never seen so good a girl.

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InversionDitulis TOQOTA Corporation di Bahasa Inggris pada 28 Mei 2011

InversionDalam Bahasa Inggris, suatu kalimat subjek dan kata kerjanya dapat dibalik untuk tujuan tertentu. Namun pembalikan pola kalimat ini tidaklah merubah arti dan makna kalimat tersebut. Pembalikan tersebut disebut dengan Inversion, sepertinya dalam:

1. Kalimat Pertanyaan2. Kalimat Negatif3. Frasa Kata Depan yang menerangkan tempat4. Kalimat Conditionals5. Kalimat Elipsis

1. Pertanyaan

* He is a doctor. Is he a doctor? (inversion langsung)* He ate an apple. Did he eat an apple? (inversion dengan do)

2. Negatif

* He is a doctor. Not only is he a doctor, (but) he is also a millionaire.* He ate an apple. Not only did he eat an apple, (but) he also ate an orange.

3. Frasa kata depan yang menerangkan tempat (Diperlukan)

* On the table is a book. On the table (there) is a book.

Frasa kata depan dibutuhkan disini, karena tanpanya, kalimat ini tidak akan lengkap ( is a book bukan kalimat lengkap dan tidak dapat dipahami sampai disitu). Jadi Inversion dibutuhkan.

* At the restaurant, the food was too spicy.

(pada kalimat di atas, inversion tidak dibutuhkan), sebab tanpa frasa kata depan pun, kalimat the food was too spicy sudah dapat dipahami dengan baik.

4. Kalimat Conditionals

* If you had listened to me, you wouldnt have lost your job (= had you listened to me, you)* If I were you, I wouldnt do that. (= were I you,)

5. Kalimat Elipsis

* Henry will not go to the theater and so wont her.* You are so busy and so are they.


Bila suatu kalimat diawali dengan kata-kata/frasa berikut ini, maka susunan subjek dan kata kerjanya boleh dibalik.

* Never, hardly, scarcely, seldom, dll sejenis (ekspresi negatif).* Few, such, so, little, great* Only, not only


* I had never been asked to do the job. (= Never had I been asked to do the job)* This letter must not be opened on any account. (= On any account must this letter not be opened)* The coffee is so hot that I cant drink it. (= So hot is the coffee that I cant drink it)* She is not only beautiful, but she is also intelligent. (= Not only is she beautiful, but she is also intelligent)

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InterjectionDitulis TOQOTA Corporation di Bahasa Inggris pada 28 Mei 2011

Interjection (Kata Seru) adalah suatu bunyi seru yang ditambahkan ke dalam kalimat untuk menunjukkan perasaan atau emosi yang kuat seperti kegembiraan, kesedihan, keterkejutan, persetujuan, keheranan, dsb.


* Hey! Get off that floor!* Oh, that is a surprise.* Good! Now we can move on.* Jeepers, that was close.adaa

Ekspresi pengantar seperti yes, no, indeed dan well dalam Bahasa Inggris juga disebut Interjection.


* Indeed, this is not the first time the stand has collapsed.* Yes, I do intend to honour the bet.

Ada juga bunyi atau suara yang juga dianggap Interjection


* Phew! I am not trying that again.* Humph! I knew that last week.* Mmmm, my compliments to the chef.


Tanda Baca

Interjection dapat diikuti oleh koma atau tanda seru. Koma digunakan untuk menunjukkan seruan yang ringan atau lembut, sedangkan tanda seru digunakan untuk menyatakan seruan yang lebih kuat seperti terkejut, emosi, marah, atau perasaan yang lebih mendalam lainnya.

* Hurry! The bus is about to leave!* Jeepers! That is the largest beetle I have ever seen.* No, Im not going tomorrow night.* Well, the larva moves more quickly than you would expect.* Absolutely, a fifth of them do not count.

Ada beberapa Kata Kerja tertentu yang dapat dipakai dalam pengertian kalimat seru.

a. Noun-Infinitive

* To suppose that he could be pardoned! (Siapa yang sangka kalau dia masih bisa diampuni!)* To think that he should have died! (Siapa kira dia telah mati akhirnya!)

b. Subjunctive

* Would that I were rich! (Andainya lah kalau saya ini orang kaya)* Would that he were still alive.

c. Imperative

* Hear! Hear!* Shut up! shut up!

d. Noun

* Poor thing!* Terrible news!* Fool!

e. Pronouns

* What an idea!* What a shame!

f. Adjectives

* Strange!* Shocking!

g. Adverbs

* How beautiful!* How beautiful she is!

h. Conjunction

* If we had only known!* If I could only see her once more!


* hurray! = hore!* Alas! = Aduh! Sayang!* Bravo! = bagus sekali!* Hush! = Diam!* Bosh! = Omong kosong!* Ah! = Aduh!* Dammit! = Persetan!* Dear me! = Astaga!* For heavens sake! = Ya Alla!* Good heavens! = Masya Allah!* Good Lord! = Astaga!* Farewell! = Selamat Jalan!* Well done! = Bagus sekali!* Thank goodness! = Syukurlah!* Thank God! = Alhamdulillah!


Kalimat Seru Dalam Surat Resmi

Jangan gunakan kalimat seru seperti contoh di atas dalam surat resmi.

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Interested InterestingDitulis TOQOTA Corporation di Bahasa Inggris pada 28 Mei 2011

Interested dan Interesting kedua-duanya adalah Kata Sifat (Adjectives). Namun, penggunaan kedua kata tersebut berbeda. Perbedaannya sama dengan kata bored dan boring.

1. Interested = tertarik2. Interesting = menarik

Perhatikan beberapa contoh kalimat di bawah ini untuk melihat perbedaannya.

* I am interested in the lesson because it is interesting.(Saya tertarik dengan pelajaran tersebut sebab pelajaran tersebut menarik)* She is interested in the movie because it is interesting.

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Infinitives asObjectsDitulis TOQOTA Corporation di Bahasa Inggris pada 28 Mei 2011

Infinitives as Objects

Sering kita harus menggunakan verbs setelah verbs lainnya. Jika verb diikuti oleh verb yang lain, maka verb yang mengikuti tersebut berfungsi sebagai object kalimat. Verbs yang mengikuti tersebut dapat berbentuk infinitive atau dapat juga berbentuk gerund, tergantung pada verb yang diikutinya. Verbs pada table berikut diikuti oleh infinitives.

* agree (menyetujui)* appear (tampak)* attempt (berusaha)* claim (mengklaim)* decide (memutuskan)* demand (menuntut)* desire (berkeinginan)* expect (berharap)* fail (gagal)* hesitate (ragu-ragu)* hope (berharap)* intend (bermaksud)* learn (belajar)* need (membutuhkan)* offer (menawarkan)* plan (merencanakan)* prepare (mempersiapkan)* pretend (pura-pura)* promise (berjanji)* refuse (menolak)* seem (tampak)* strive (berusaha keras)* tend (cenderung)* try (mencoba)* want (ingin)* wish (berharap)* would like (ingin/mau)* begin (mulai)* cant bear (tidak tahan)* cant stand (tidak tahan)* continue (melanjutkan)* dislike (tidak suka)* dread (takut)* hate (benci)* like (suka)* love (cinta)* prefer (lebih suka)* start (mulai)* stop (berhenti)* remember (ingat)* forget (lupa)


* Kata Kerja berwarna ungu selalu diikuti oleh infinitives (tidak pernah diikuti oleh gerund).* Kata Kerja berwarna hijau selain diikuti oleh infinitives juga dapat diikuti oleh gerunds dengan makna yang sama dengan bentuk infinitive-nya.* Kata Kerja berwarna biru juga dapat diikuti oleh gerunds, tetapi maknanya berbeda dengan bentuk infinitive-nya.


* Everybody has agreed to meet again next week.* Look! The newly born calf is attempting to stand on his own feet.* He claimed to have returned my book but I am a hundred percent sure that he hasnt.* Our government decided to lower the gas price.* The laborers of that company are demanding to get better salaries.* If I make a mistake, please dont hesitate to correct me.* I was pretending to study hard when my mom entered my room last night.* I am so sorry. I didnt intend to hurt your feeling.* She refused to accept my help.* If you dont strive to learn English, your English will not improve steadily.* I want to write down all of the English patterns on this blog.* He needs to borrow some money.* I like to study English = I like studying English.* My grandmother couldnt bear to hear the loud noise coming from the construction site = My grandmother couldnt bear hearing the loud noise coming from the construction site.* They prefer to play football than (to) study = They prefer playing football to studying.* We started to try to study English last month = We started trying to study English last month.* I wants to stop to smoke.* My brother remembered to lock his car.* My brother didnt forget to lock his car.

Setelah object pronoun atau noun

Berbeda dengan verbs di atas, verbs pada tabel berikut umumnya membutuhkan object pronoun (i.e. me, you, him, her, it, them, us) atau noun sebelum diikuti oleh infinitive.

* advise (menasehati)* allow (mengijinkan)* ask (menyuruh)* encourage (mendorong)* expect (mengharapkan)* force (memaksa)

* invite (mengundang)* need (membutuhkan)* order (memerintah)* permit (mengijinkan)* remind (mengingatkan)* require (membutuhkan)

* tell (memberi tahu)* want (menginginkan)* warn (memperingatkan)* would like (mau)


* The teacher advised us to study harder.* Have your parents allowed you to have a boyfriend yet?* My mom asked me to help my younger brother (to) do his homework.* Ronny begged Rini to marry him.* The eruption of mount Merapi forced the villagers to flee their villages.* A success story can encourage people to be successful.

Setelah adjectives

Pada umumnya adjective dapat diikuti baik oleh infinitive maupun oleh gerund dengan tanpa merubah makna kalimat. Tetapi, ada beberapa adjective yang hanya diikuti oleh infinitive dan tidak pernah diikuti oleh gerund. Adjectives yang dimaksud disajikan pada table berikut.

* able (dapat)* anxious (cemas, antusias)* boring (bosan)* common (umum)* dangerous (berbahaya)* difficult (sulit)

* eager (antusias)* easy (mudah)* good (baik)* hard (sulit)* pleased (senang)* prepared (siap)

* ready (siap)* strange (aneh)* usual (biasa)

Catatan: able dan capable memiliki arti yang sama (i.e. bisa/mampu), tetapi grammarnyasangat berbeda; able diikuti oleh infinitive, sedangkan capable diikuti oleh of + gerund (Lihat contohnya pada pembahasan tentang gerund).


* Will you be able to finish your work by noon tomorrow?* Andy is very eager to wear her new cloth.* I am lazy to go to study English.* She is happy to give you this present.* My fathers car is dirty enough to be washed. I am ready to wash it now.* We have to be strong to accept this bad news.

Setelah nouns


* I will go to a shopping mall to buy a new bag.* He is looking for a knife to peel the mango.* He climbed that tall tree to get his kite.* My father usually puts on his sunglasses to protect his eyes from the sun ray.* Every driver has to push the brake to stop the car.


Infinitive dibuat negative dengan menempatkan particle (kata bantu) NOT di depan infinitive tersebut.


* Everybody has agreed not to meet again.* Do you prefer not to study?* We have decided not to tell her the truth about what her boyfriend did last night.* Today is a holiday. I am glad not to go to school today.* The laborers of that company are demanding not to get laid off.

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Infinitives asSubjectsDitulis TOQOTA Corporation di Bahasa Inggris pada 28 Mei 2011

Infinitives as Subjects

Sebagai subject kalimat, infinitive pada umumnya dalam bentuk infinitive clause.


* To play kites when its very cloudy is very dangerous.* To study the grammar is a must if you want to improve your English.* To play football when drizzling is very joyful.

Dengan tidak merubah makna, ketiga kalimat di atas berturut-turut dapat diekspresikan sebagai berikut:

* It is very dangerous to play kites when its very cloudy.* It is a must to study the grammar if you want to improve your English.* It is very joyful to play football when drizzling.

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InfinitivesDitulis TOQOTA Corporation di Bahasa Inggris pada 28 Mei 2011

Infinitives adalah to + verb1, misalnya: to run, to play, to sleep, to study, to do, to clean, to grow, to kick, to smoke, dan lain sebagainya. Infinitives pada umumnya digunakan sebagai object kalimat. Selain itu, infinitives juga kadang-kadang digunakan sebagai subject kalimat.Pembagian infinitif :A. Infinitives as SubjectsB. Infinitives as Objects

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InWhichDitulis TOQOTA Corporation di Bahasa Inggris pada 28 Mei 2011

In Which adalah penggabungan dua kata yaitu In yang berfungsi sebagai Prepositions (Kata Depan) dan Which yang berfungsi sebagai Relative Pronouns (Kata Ganti Penghubung). In which mempunyai arti yang sama dengan Where. Perhatikan contoh kalimat di bawah ini:

1. In my laboratory there is a blue cabinet where old equipment is stored.2. In my laboratory there is a blue cabinet in which old equipment is stored.

Kalimat asal dari kalimat Majemuk di atas adalah:

1. In my laboratory there is a blue cabinet.2. Old equipment is stored in it (= my laboratory).

Apabila kedua kalimat tersebut kita satukan, maka kalimatnya akan menjadi:

In my laboratory there is a blue cabinet in which old equipment is stored.

Kata In which pada kalimat di atas dapat kita gantikan dengan Where. Dalam aturan Grammar Bahasa Inggris, kata In which lebih formal digunakan daripada Where.

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ImpersonalITDitulis TOQOTA Corporation di Bahasa Inggris pada 28 Mei 2011

Impersonal IT adalah Kata ganti IT. It seperti kita tahu selama ini bahwa kata yang menggantikan kata benda, binatang atau hewan atau orang yang tidak diketahui jenis kelaminnya. Untuk lebih jelasnya tentang penggunaan IT di dalam Grammar Bahasa Inggris, silahkan perhatikan penjelasan di bawah ini:

Impersonal IT biasanya digunakan:

A. Sebagai Pronoun (kata ganti) yang menggantikan kata benda tunggal. Bentuk jamak dari It adalah They

* Look at that cat; It is eating a mouse.* I buy a book; it is an English book.* I have two cars; they are in the garage now.

B. Sebagai Preparatory (pendahuluan/pengantar kalimat) bila digunakan untuk menyatakan sesuatu yang berhubungan dengan:

* Waktu, hari, tanggal, hari, dan sejenisnya.* Situasi atau Keadaan.* Jarak.

1. Waktu

* It is seven oclock.* It is Saturday today.* What is the date today? It is the second of April today.

2. Situasi atau Keadaan

* It is sunny today.* It can be very warm in October* It rained for four days.* Its a fine day.

3. Jarak

* How far is it to Jakarta? It is sixty-three kilometers.* Its five miles to the nearest garage.* Its far to the museum.

C. Sebagai Introductory atau Preparatory subjek atau objek, bila subjek atau objek dari kalimat adalah Infinitive atau Clause.

1. Adjective/Participle dengan that-clauses.

Participle. (that-clauses yang menyatakan Rekasi Emosi).


* It shocked me that Elizabeth didnt tell anybody where she was.* It worried me a bit that she didnt phone.

Adjective dan Participle lainnya yang biasanya digunakan dengan that-clauses adalah: amazed, angry, certain, confident, dispointed, pleased, proud, sad, alarmed, annoyed, astonished, sorry, dll.

Dan juga Adjective lain yang mempunyai a Prepositional Phrase sebagai Complement, seperti: certain of, annoyed at, pleased with, dll.



* It is interesting you should like her.* Its true that she never turned up.* Its possible that well a bit late.* It appears that William might change his mind.* It seems obvious that we cant go on like this.

Beberapa Adjective lain yang sering digunakan dalam kasus ini adalah certain, evident, likely, obvious, probable, dllc. That-clause yang menyatakan Reaksi Emosi dan dugaan putative idea disusun seperti tersebut di atas, dapat pula menggunakan kata-kata berikut ini: curious, extraordinary, fortunate, important, odd, sad, alarming, disconcerting, embarrassing, fitting, irritating, shocking, surprising, dll.

Adjective dengan to-infinitive


* To remember all of my classmates is difficult. ( = It is difficult to remember all of my classmates )* To be with you is nice. ( = It is nice to be with you)* To meet you again is so glad. ( = It is so glad to meet you again)

Beberapa Adjective yang wring digunakan dalam bentuk seperti tersebut di atas adalah: difficult, impossible, good, glad, delighted, important, wise, wrong, necessary, clever, kind, naught, rude, silly, cruel, easy, dll.

D. Sebagai Preparatory Subject .


* It doesnt interest me whether you succeed or not.* It wasnt very clear what she meant.* Its a mystery what he sees in her.* Its surprising how many unhappy marriages there are.

E. Sebagai a preparatory subject untuk : for + object -+ infinitive

* Its impossible for us to go by car.* It will suit me best for you to arrive at about ten oclock.* Its essential for the classrooms to have plenty light.* Its important for me to join the club.

F. Sebagai Preparatory Subject dengan bentuk -ING.


* It was nice seeing you.* Its crazy her going off like that.* Is it worth reserving a seat?* Its not much good expecting Mary to help.

G. Menunjuk kepada Nothing, Everything, All serta subject lainnya yang tidak pernah digunakan dalam Question Tags.


* Nothing happens, does it?* Everything has now been revealed, hasnt it?* Nothing can stop us now, can it?* This is the first bus, is it?* Nice day, isnt it?

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ImperativesDitulis TOQOTA Corporation di Bahasa Inggris pada 28 Mei 2011

Imperatives adalah ungkapan yang digunakan untuk menyuruh orang lain agar melakukan sesuatu, memberikan perintah, memberi saran, membuat rekomendasi, atau untuk menawarkan sesuatu. Perhatikan contoh-contoh ungkapannya di bawah ini:

* Come in and sit down, please.* Dont open the window its cold.* Put the coin in the slot and press the red button.* Dont ask her she doesnt know.* See the doctor its the best thing.* Have a bit more wine.

Emphatic Imperative

Kita dapat membuat perintah yang sopan dengan pola do + imperative. Bentuk ini sering digunakan dalam bentuk permintaan yang sopan, mengeluh dan minta maaf.

* Do sit down.* Do be a bit more careful.* Do forgive me I didnt mean to interrupt.

Passive Imperative

Untuk menyuruh orang lain melakukan sesuatu, kita sering menggunakan perintah dengan pola get + past participle.

* Get vaccinated as soon as you can.

Subject with Imperative

Kalimat Imperative jarang digunakan dengan subjek, namun kita boleh menggunakan kata benda atau kata ganti untuk memberikan kejelasan kepada siapa kita berbicara atau siapa yang kita suruh.

* Mary come here everybody else stay where you are.* Somebody answer the phone.* Nobody move.* Relax, everybody.

Kata You sebelum Imperative boleh digunakan untuk menunjukkan persuasi atau ekspresi marah.

* You just sit down and relax for a bit.* You take your hands off me!

Question Tags

Setelah Imperatives, bentuk tag yang diguanakn adalah will you? wont you? would you? can you? and could you? Dan setelah pernyataan negative, hanya will you? yang digunakan. Dalam Question Tag, bentuk tersebut sama penggunaannya dengan please?.

* Give me a hand, will you?* Sit down, wont you?* Get me something to drink, can you?* Be quiet, cant you?* Dont tell anybody, will you?* Word order

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