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Great Reflexology Chart for Hand Points:

Press with thumb for 5 seconds and release for 3 seconds, to the affected point. Repeat it for 2-3 minutes for 5 to 10 days.You will get relief.Don't forget to share.It costs nothing.It may be useful to some one.

What is Foot Reflexology?

Foot Reflexology has become a well respected ADJUNCT to regular medical care. It is used in Hospitals, by Physical Therapists and Chiropractors to enhanceMOST forms of medical treatments.It is not a "miracle" or a "faith healing" type thing. Sometimes, like other therapies, it takes a few sessions.Foot reflexology can help ease the pain of achy joints and muscles, relieve headaches and toothaches, improve the functioning of major systems of the body.

Foot Reflexology works by applying pressure at specific points on the bottom of the foot. This is not the same as acupressure or acupuncture.In fact, the only thing that is the same is that medical science can't prove how it works...they just know it does!There are over 7,200 nerve endings at the bottom of each foot. Nerves connect to every organ, every limb and region of the body through the brain and spinalcolumn. It is thought that foot reflexology works in much the same way. Even though we don't actually work the nerve endings, the correlation of the bottomof the feet to every region of the body definitely exists. It was originally called "The Zone" therapy in the early 20th century and was successfullyorganized into a comprehensive therapy by a physical therapist, Eunice Ingham in the '40s. She coined the term "reflexes" when referring to this therapy.

Foot reflexology can increase the blood flow to the part of the body being worked, which in turn increases the oxygen going to that part.The increased blood flow helps take away toxins that build up in each cell of the body each day.This brings more health and vitality to the region plus adds a sense of over-all well-being. When our feet feel good, we feel good!Learn to do foot reflexology to help your family and friends feel better! Get help getting your body back to its' natural state of health by teaching yourfamily to do foot reflexology on you!

Please realize that foot reflexology is NOT a substitute for medical treatment, you are always encouraged to seek professional medical help when needed,however, this therapy can be used in conjunction with most treatments for most conditions.Please, if being treated by a medical professional, get that professional's permission before doing foot reflexology for that medical condition. Thanks.

What The Color Of Your Urine Says About The Hidden Problems In Your Body

Most of us dont really like to discuss things like urine or feces, but the reality lies in the fact that both of these excretions are crucial for a sound health. We may not discuss them openly but we all know that a little too much or a little too less of both or these excretions arent good for our health. But most of us easily flush it down without paying much attention or glancing over it to look for any abnormalities.

But then again there are a few things that are surely visible to all of us while urinating. Maybe for men it is easier to notice them when it enters the urinary bowl and for women only if they view the tissue after wiping it off. Other than that, if there is a burning sensation or pain during urination, it also triggers a thought to check what you are excreting. But then again, more physical specs are always very visible to most of us.Now what is important is to know what our urine tells about us. Well, experts say that urine is the easiest way to self-examine what goes on in your body. If there is a problem somewhere, it will show up in your excretion. The change in the smell, color and odor are direct indications of malfunctioning of our body systems.

The urine is helpful in indicating pregnancy, if you have an internal injury or problem that cant be detected on the outside or that your intake of some scrumptious colorful berry is a lot more than it should be. Moreover, it can also indicate some Urinary Tract Infection (UTI), dehydration by the change of color of your urine, which means that it becomes darker and more concentrated, also tell if the amount of nicotine or caffeine has increased in your body, especially that of women.Normally, the urine is and should be of a pale yellow color. This is because it contains a substance called urochrome; a substance produced at the breakdown of hemoglobin. But urine seems to change color for many reasons; some alarming and some harmless. Go through the different colors of urines and compare yours with them:

Dark yellow: as pale yellow is the normal color of urine, dark yellow indicates that the person is dehydrating as the concentration of salts is higher than normal. Lesser the water, darker the yellow shade of the urine, so try drinking more water than usual in such a condition.

Red: basically this is varying from a shade of pink to dark red. A test can really specify if the urine contains bloods or building blocks of blood such as the hematuria. But this is a serious condition which you must get checked. It can be because of any infection in the bladder, urinary tract, or urethra. Also, cancer in prostrate parts of men or in the bladder of both gender, and strenuous exercise can all lead to urine to be red.

Brownish black: here the color also varies from brown to black. It may be form of red urine in a darker shade. But this is because of malfunctioning of the liver and conditions like hepatitis, bile duct blockage, a tumor or even cirrhosis for the Bilirubin (blood building matter) appears in the urine. But more sever conditions like Hemolytic anemia and Malenoma can also be a cause for brownish black urine.

Orange: many medicines can turn the urine orange or even treatments like Mainstay TB treatment, Rifampin, isoniazid and Phenazopyridine. Also, excessive intake of citrus juices and carrots can also be a reason for orange urines.

Purple: caused by the purple urine bag syndrome, in which bacteria colonize the catheter. The urine consists of substances of red, blue and indigo color which collectively give the purple colored urine. The only cure is to replace the catheter bag.

Blue: blue urines are produced due to the presence of Methylene blue. Though it is used in our medications, the blue urine can also appear because of blue diaper syndrome (BDS) and the hartnup disease.

Green: this is linked to the Methylene blue of the blue urine that mixes with the urochrome of tour natural pale yellow urine. Yet, a few medications such as anesthesticpropofol, Tagamet and Elavil can be the cause of this mixture or green urine. As harmless as it might seem, in rare cases does it ever showcase chances of infections in our Urinary tract.