Licata Ethics Response 2

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  • 7/26/2019 Licata Ethics Response 2


    NIRENBERG VARANO LLP32 Mercer StreetHackensack, ew Jersey 0760(201) 996-1121Attorneys for RespondentJoseph Licata




    JOSEPH LICATA, President of the LodiBoard of Education ,




    I JOSEPH LICATA, _o f full age, hereby ce1iify the following:

    1. I am cmTently the President of the Lodi Board o f Education. I first became a

    board member in 2009 when I was 21 years old and a college student. I have lived in Lodi my

    entire life and have attended the Lodi Public Schools. I have been a member o f the Lodi Board

    o f Education continuously since 2009. From 2009 to 2012, I was Vice President . I was

    appointed President in 2012.

    2. I make this ce1iification in response to an inquiry contained in the School Ethics

    Commission decision of May 25, 2016 and to provide fmiher evidence in preparation for the

    probable cause review.

    3. At the outset, I wish to make it clear that in support of my motion to dismiss the

    complaint I did not assert that at the August 26, 2015, meetingof

    the Lodi Boardof


    the appropriate Doctrine of Necessity was invoked which permitted all board members with

    conflicts to vote to approve the Superintendent's Merit Bonus.

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    4 . Rather, as demonstrated by a copy of the minutes from that meeting at page 5535,

    annexed hereto as Exhibit A, a resolution was passed to invoke the Doctrine of Necessity with

    respect to voting on the resolution to amend certain labor agreements for emplqyees..

    5 As set forth in the resolution invoking the Doctrine of Necessity on August 26,

    2015, the following board members had conflicts of interest:

    1 Carole D Amico s son, Frank D Amico, is a Principal for theDistrict;

    2 . My wife is a teacher for the District;3 . Jonathan Carafa s parent, Emil Carafa, is a Principal for the

    District and his sister Stephanie Carafa is a teacher;4 Philip Carbonetti s daughter, Kristen Borrometti, is a teacher; and5 Jeffrey Telep s wife, Stacey Telep , is a teacher.

    6 Based on these same conflicts, a majority of the board members including me was

    precluded from voting on the resolution regarding the Superintendent s Merit Bonus and

    . therefore the Doctrine of Necessity was required to allow all conflicted board members to vote

    on ,that resolution.

    7 Accordingly, the only impropriety if any with respect to my voting on that

    resolution was that the Doctrine of Necessity may not have been properly invoked in that it

    referred only to the resolution regarding the amendment of certain labor agreements and did not

    specifically refer to the Superintendent s Merit Bonus .. However, based upon the Board s lack

    of a quorum to vote on that resolution, this is not a situation where I would not have been

    permitted to vote under any circumstance . Instead, I along with the other conflicted board

    members were permitted to vote on that resolution, just as we voted on the resolution to amend

    certain labor agreements for employees, upon the invocation of the Doctrine of Necessity by

    resolution .

    8 The board attorney was not present at that meeting .

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    9 At the May 25, 2016, meeting, the Lodi Board of Education unanimously .passed a

    resolution invoking the Doctrine of Necessity which specifically refers to the vote to approve the

    attainment of the 2015-2016 Superintendent s Merit Bonus Goals. 1

    10. The Doctrine of Necessity was required because the Board of Education lacked a

    quorum to vote on this matter due to the following conflicts of interest:

    1 Carole D Amico s son, Frank D Amico, is a Principal;2 My wife, Nikki Licata, is a teacher;3 Robert Marra s spouse, Mary Marra, is a learning disability

    specialist for the Distr ict s child study team;4 Jonathan Carafa s parent, Emil Carafa, is a principal and his sister,

    Stephanie Carafa, is a teacher;5 Philip Carbonetti s daughter, Kristen Bon-ometti, is a teacher;

    6 Jeffrey Telep s spouse, Stacey Telep, is a teacher;7 Nicholas Vara s cousin, Janelle Guido, is a teacher; and8 Michael Nardino s niece, Lisa Costa, is a teacher.

    11 My salary as Executive Director for the Boys and Girls Club of Lodi/Hackensack

    was determined by contract at the time I was h ired for the position i n or about December of

    2015. t is not based on any revenue that may be attributed to me .

    12 The revenue generated by the the Boys and Girls Club Educator s Training

    Institute comprises a small percentage of the Club s total budget.

    13 I do not receive a salary or any form of remuneration from Lodi Cares, a non-

    profit educational foundation whose programs include scholarships which benefit students

    residing in Lodi. In fact, it is not uncommon for me to utilize my own personal funds for the

    benefit of Lodi Cares.

    14 All funds raised by Lodi Cares are spent on scholarships, a high school barbecue

    and minimal overhead .

    As of the preparation of this certification, the minutes from the May 25, 2016 meeting have not been approved bythe Board.

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    15 . Lodi Cares primary source o f funding is the contribution it receives from the

    Boys and Girls Club of a p011ion o f the funds generated by the Educator s Training Institute.

    16. Jamie Ciofalo, as the Supervisor of Guidance, Curriculum and Instruction for the

    Lodi-Board of Education is a 12-month salaried employee. He is required to structure his time to

    insure all his professional duties are performed and his obligations are met.

    17 . Upon information and belief, no substitutes are hired by the Board of Education

    when Mr. Ciofalo is out o f the district for sick, personal or professional development days.

    18. Upon information and belief, Mr. Ciofalo is not the only administrator who is

    permitted by the Superintendent to use professional development days and therefore not docked

    or required to use a personal day when giving professional development workshops both in- and


    19 . The Educational Information and Resource Center (EIRC) provides professional

    development workshops for educators. EIRC rents a room from the Boys and Girls Club of

    Lodi/Hackensack . In conjunction with that transaction, as the Club s Executive Director, I

    arranged for EIRC to allow five Lodi Board of Education staff members to attend all of their

    workshops at the Club free of charge.

    20. I am a lifelong resident of Lodi and have strong roots in this Community. Over

    the years, my parents were involved in volunteering in Lodi having been coaches in the

    recreation department, PT A and PTO Presidents and volunteers for various fund raisers .

    21. I attended the Lodi Public Schools from kindergarten through high school. I

    attended Wilson Elementary School, where my grandmother, great aunts, great unC es, mother,

    father, aunt, uncles and all three o f my siblings attended . I then went to Thomas Jefferson

    Middle School and Lodi High School.

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    22. I concl uded my career at Lodi High School having been President o f the National

    Honor Society President o f he Studen t Council Editor of the Yearbook and President of the

    Science Club among other activities.

    23. I learned a sense of community at the Lodi Schools. Because of this and my

    desire to give back to the system that had given me so much in 2009 when I was 2 years old

    and still in college I ran for a seat on the Lodi Board of Education. Since that time twice ran

    for re-election unopposed.

    24. I had been fo rtunate to be able to volun teer as an Intern at the Boys and Girls

    Club of Lodi/Hackensack in 2009. That internship developed into a job caree r and personal

    mission to help those children who need it most.

    25. As someone who is burdened with student loan debt from my graduate and

    undergraduate education in 2014 in an effort to help other Lodi students lessen their student debt

    burden founded and created Lodi Cares a nonprofi t educational foundation which works to

    provide supplemental education funding and college scholarships .

    26. I want to do all I can to make Lodi and its schools the place of community it was

    .for me as a child. This is the reason am on the Board of Education work for the Boys and Girls

    Club and created Lodi Cares - to make Lodi a better place.

    hereby certify that the foregoing statements made by me are true. understand that if

    any of the foregoing statements are willfully false am subject to punishment .

    DATED: June 10 2016