Manual utilizare foto Fujifilm S1600.pdf

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  • 8/14/2019 Manual utilizare foto Fujifilm S1600.pdf


    Before You Begin

    First Steps

    Basic Photography and Playback

    More on Photography

    More on Playback




    Technical Notes



    For information on related products, visit our website at

    Owners Manual

    Thank you for your purchase of thisproduct. This manual describes howto use your FUJIFILM FinePix S2500HD/ S2700HD-series, S1800/S1900-series,or S1600/S1700-series digital cameraand the supplied software. Be surethat you have read and understood its

    contents before using the camera.

    YF07797-121 EN



    S2500HD/S2700HD SeriesS1800/S1900 SeriesS1600/S1700 Series

  • 8/14/2019 Manual utilizare foto Fujifilm S1600.pdf



    For Your Safety

    IMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS Read Instructions: All the safety and op-

    erating instructions should be read

    before the appliance is operated . Retain Instructions: The safety andoperating instructions should beretained for future reference.

    Heed Warnings: All warnings on theappliance and in the operating in-structions should be adhered to.

    Follow Instructions: All operating anduse instructions should be followed.

    InstallationInstallationPower Sources: This video productshould be operated only from thetype of power source indicated onthe marking label. If you are not sureof the type of power supply to yourhome, consult your appliance dealeror local power company. For videoproducts intended to operate frombattery power, or other sources, referto the operating instructions.

    Grounding or Polarization: This videoproduct is equipped with a polar-ized alternating-current line plug (aplug having one blade wider thanthe other). This plug will t into thepower outlet only one way. This is asafety feature. If you are unable toinsert the plug fully into the outlet,try reversing the plug. If the plugshould still fail to t, contact yourelectrician to replace your obsoleteoutlet. Do not defeat the safety pur-pose of the polarized plug.

    Alternate Warnings: This video prod-uct is equipped with a three-wire

    grounding-type plug, a plug havinga third (grounding) pin. This plugwill only t into a grounding-typepower outlet. This is a safety feature.If you are unable to insert the pluginto the outlet, contact your electri-cian to replace your obsolete outlet.Do not defeat the safety purpose ofthe grounding type plug.

    Overloading: Do not overload wall out-lets and extension cords as this canresult in a risk of re or electric shock.Ventilation: Slots and openings inthe cabinet are provided for ventila-tion, to ensure reliable operation ofthe video product and to protect itfrom overheating, and these open-ings must not be blocked or cov-ered. The openings should neverbe blocked by placing the videoproduct on a bed, sofa, rug, or other

    similar surface. This video product should not beplaced in a built-in installation suchas a bookcase or rack unless properventilation is provided or the manu-facturers instructions have been ad-hered to. This video product shouldnever be placed near or over a radia-tor or heat register.

    Attachments: Do not use attachments

    not recommended by the videoproduct manufacturer as they maycause hazards.

    Water and Moisture: Do not use thisvideo product near waterfor ex-

    ample, near a bath tub, wash bowl,kitchen sink, or laundry tub, in a wetbasement, or near a swimming pool,and the like.

    Power-Cord Protection: Power-sup-ply cords should be routed so thatthey are not likely to be walked onor pinched by items placed uponor against them, paying particularattention to cords at plugs, conve-nience receptacles, and the pointwhere they exit from the appliance.Accessories: Do not place this videoproduct on an unstable cart, stand,tripod, bracket, or table. The videoproduct may fall, causing serious in- jury to a child or adult, and seriousdamage to the appliance. Use onlywith a cart, stand, tripod, bracket, ortable recommended by the manufac-turer, or sold with the video product.

    Any mounting of the appliance shouldfollow the manufacturers instructions,and should use a mounting accessoryrecommended by the manufacturer.

    An appliance andcart combinationshould be movedwith care. Quickstops, excessiveforce, and unevensurfaces maycause the appliance and cart combi-nation to overturn.

    Antennas AntennasOutdoor Antenna Grounding: If an

    outside antenna or cable system isconnected to the video product, besure the antenna or cable system isgrounded so as to provide some pro-tection against voltage surges andbuilt-up static charges. Section 810of the National Electrical Code, ANSI/ NFPA No. 70, provides informationwith respect to proper groundingof the mast and supporting struc-ture, grounding of the lead-in wire

    to an antenna discharge unit, size ofgrounding conductors, location ofantenna discharge unit, connectionto grounding electrodes, and require-ments for the grounding electrode.


    Antenna Leadin Wire





    GroundingConductors(NEC SECTION810-21)

    Power Service GroundingElectrode System (NEC

    ART 250. PART H)

    AntennaDischargeUnit (NECSECTION810-20)

    Power Lines: An outside antenna sys-tem should not be located in thevicinity of overhead power lines orother electric light or power circuits,

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    For Your Safety

    or where it can fall into such powerlines or circuits. When installing anoutside antenna system, extremecare should be taken to keep fromtouching such power lines or circuitsas contact with them might be fatal.

    UseUseCleaning: Unplug this video productfrom the wall outlet before clean-ing. Do not use liquid cleaners oraerosol cleaners. Use a damp clothfor cleaning.

    Object and Liquid Entry: Never pushobjects of any kind into this videoproduct through openings as theymay touch dangerous voltage pointsor short out parts that could result in are or electric shock. Never spill liquidof any kind on the video product.

    Lightning: For added protection forthis video product receiver duringa lightning storm, or when it is leftunattended and unused for long pe-riods of time, unplug it from the walloutlet and disconnect the antennaor cable system. This will preventdamage to the video product due tolightning and power-line surges.

    Service ServiceServicing: Do not attempt to servicethis video product yourself as open-ing or removing covers may exposeyou to dangerous voltage or otherhazards. Refer all servicing to quali-ed service personnel.

    Damage Requiring Service: Unplug thisvideo product from the wall outlet

    and refer servicing to qualied ser-vice personnel under the followingconditions: When the power-supply cord or

    plug is damaged. If liquid has been spilled, or objects

    have fallen into the video product. If the video product has been ex-

    posed to rain or water. If the video produc t has been

    dropped or the cabinet has beendamaged.

    If the video product does not oper-ate normally follow the operatinginstructions. Adjust only thosecontrols that are covered by the op-erating instructions as an improperadjustment of other controls may re-sult in damage and will often requireextensive work by a qualied techni-cian to restore the video product toits normal operation.

    When the video product exhibits adistinct change in performancethis indicates a need for service.

    Replacement Parts: When replacementparts are required, be sure the servicetechnician has used replacementparts specied by the manufactureror have the same characteristics asthe original part. Unauthorized sub-stitutions may result in re, electricshock or other hazards.

    Safety Check: Upon completion of anyservice or repairs to this video prod-uct, ask the service technician to

    perform safety checks to determinethat the video product is in properoperating condition.

    Be sure to read these notes before use

    Safety Notes Make sure that you use your camera correctly. Read these safety notes and

    your Owners Manual carefully before use. After reading these safety notes, store them in a safe place.

    About the Icons The icons shown below are used in this document to indicate the severity ofthe injury or damage that can result if the information indicated by the iconis ignored and the product is used incorrectly as a result.


    This icon indicates that death or serious injury can result if the informationis ignored.

    CAUTION This icon indicates that personal in jury or mate rial damage can result if theinformation is ignored.

    The icons shown below are used to indicate the nature of the instructionswhich are to be observed.

    Triangular icons tell you that this information requires attention (Impor-tant).

    Circular icons with a diagonal bar tell you that the action indicated is prohib-ited (Prohibited).

    Filled circles with an exclamation mark indicate an action that must be per-

    formed (Required).


    Unplug from power socket

    If a problem arises, turn the camera off, remove the batteries, and disconnect and unplugthe AC power adapter . Continued use of the camera when it is emitting smoke,is emitting any unusual odor, or is in any other abnormal state can cause a reor electric shock. Contact your FUJIFILM dealer.Do not allow water or foreign objects to enter the camera. If water or foreign objectsget inside the camera, turn the camera off, remove the batteries, and discon-nect and unplug the AC power adapter. Continued use of the camera cancause a re or electric shock. Contact your FUJIFILM dealer.

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    For Your Safety


    Do not use inthe bathroom

    or shower

    Do not use the camera in the bathroom or shower . This can cause a re or electricshock.

    Do not disassemble

    Never attempt to change or take apart the camera. (Never open the casing.) Do not use thecamera when it has been dropped or the casing is damaged . This can cause a re orelectric shock. Contact your FUJIFILM dealer.

    Do not change, heat or unduly twist or pull the connection cord and do not place heavy ob- ject s on the connec tion cord . These actions could damage the cord and cause are or electric shock. If the cord is damaged, contact your FUJIFILM dealer.

    Do not place the camera on an unstable surface. This can cause the camera to fall ortip over and cause injury.

    Never attempt to take pictures while in motion. Do not use the camera while youare walking or driving a vehicle. This can result in you falling down or beinginvolved in a traffi c accident .

    Do not touch any metal parts of the camera during a thunderstorm. This can cause anelectric shock due to induced current from the lightning discharge.

    Do not use the batteries except as speci ed . Load the batteries as shown by theindicator.

    Do not heat, change or take apart the batteries. Do not drop or subject the batteries to impact s. Do not s tore the batt eries with metallic p roduct s. Any of these actions cancause the batteries to burst or leak and cause re or injury as a result.Use only the batteries or AC power adapters speci ed for use with this camera. Do not usevoltages other than the power supply voltage shown. The use of other power sourcescan cause a re.If the batteries leak and uid gets in contact with your eyes, skin or clothing, ush theaffected area with clean water and seek medical attention or call an emergency number right away .When carrying the batteries, install them in a digital camera or keep them in the hard case.When storing the batteries, keep them in the hard case. When discarding, cover the batteryterminals with insulation tape. Contact with other metallic objects or batteriescould cause the batteries to ignite or burst.Keep memory cards out of the reach of small children. Because memory cards aresmall, they can be swallowed by children. Be sure to store memory cards outof the reach of small children. If a child swallows a memory card, seek medic alattention or call an emergency number.

    CAUTIONCAUTIONDo not use this camera in locations affected by oil fumes, steam, humidity or dust . Thiscan cause a re or electric shock.

    Do not leave this camera in places subject to extremely high temperatures. Do not leave

    the camera in locations such as a sealed vehicle or in direct sunlight. Thiscan cause a re.

    Keep out of the reach of small children. This product could cause injury in thehands of a child.

    Do not place heavy objects on the camera. This can cause the heavy object to tipover or fall and cause injury.

    Do not move the camera while the AC power adapter is still connected. Do not pull on theconnection cord to disconnect the AC power adapter . This can damage the powercord or cables and cause a re or electric shock.

    Do not cover or wrap the camera or the AC power adapter in a cloth or blanket . This cancause heat to build up and distort the casing or cause a re.

    When you are cleaning the camera or you do not plan to use the camera for an extended period, remove the bat teries and disconnect and unplug the AC power adapte r . Failure todo so can cause a re or electric shock.

    When charging ends, unplug the charger from the power socket . Leaving the chargerplugged into the power socket can cause a re.

    Using a ash too close to a persons eyes may temporarily affect the eyesight . Take par-ticular care when photographing infants and young children.

    When a memory card is removed, the card could come out of the slot too quickly. Use yournger to hold it and gently release the card .

    Request regular internal testing and cleaning for your camera. Build-up of dust in your

    camera can cause a re or electric shock. Contact your FUJIFILM dealer torequest internal cleaning every two years. Please note that this service is notfree of charge.

    Using Batteries The following describes the proper use of batteries and how to prolongtheir life. Incorrect use can shorten battery life or cause leakage, overheat-ing, re, or explosion.

    Compatible Batteries The camera takes AA alkaline, rechargeable Ni-MH (nickel-metal hydride),or UL-certied lithium batteries. Do not use manganese, nickel-cadmium(Ni-Cd), or non-UL certied lithium batteries, as the heat generated by thesebatteries could damage the camera or cause malfunction.

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    For Your Safety

    Battery capacity varies with makeand storage conditions. Some com-mercially-available batteries mayhave less capacity than the batteriesprovided with the camera.

    Cautions: Handling Batteries Do not use batteries that are leaking,

    deformed, or discolored. Warning: Ifthe batteries leak, clean the batterycompartment thoroughly before in-serting new batteries. If uid fromthe battery comes into contact withskin or clothing, ush the affectedarea with water. If uid enters your eyes, immediately ush the affected area with

    water and seek medical attention. Do not rub your eyes. Failure to observe this pre-caution could result in loss of eyesight .

    Do not transport or store withmetal objects such as necklaces orhairpins.

    Do not disassemble or modify thebatteries or battery casing.

    Do not expose to strong physicalshocks.

    Do not expose to water, ame, or

    heat, or store in warm or humidconditions. Keep out of reach of infants and

    small children. Insert in the correct orientation. Do not mix old and new batteries,

    batteries with different charge lev-els, or batteries of different types.

    If the camera will not be used foran extended period, remove thebatteries . Note that the camera

    clock will be reset (pg. 14). The batteries may be warm to thetouch immediately after use. Turn

    the camera off and allow the bat-teries to cool before handling.

    Battery capacity tends to decreaseat low temperatures . Keep sparebatteries in a pocket or other warmplace and exchange as necessary.Cold batteries may recover someof their charge when warmed.

    Fingerprints and other foreignmatter on the battery terminalscan reduce battery performance. Thoroughly clean the terminalswith a soft, dry cloth before insert-ing the batteries in the camera.

    Ni-MH Batteries

    The capacity of Ni-MH bat teries maybe temporarily reduced when new,after long periods of disuse, or if theyare repeatedly recharged before be-ing fully discharged. This is normaland does not indicate a malfunc-tion. Capacity can be increased byrepeatedly discharging the batteriesusing the P DISCHARGE option inthe camera setup menu (pg. 100)and recharging them using a battery

    charger (sold separately). Do not usethis option with alkaline batteries.

    The camera draws a small amount ofcurrent even when off. Ni-MH batter-ies that have been left in the camerafor an extended period may be drawndown to the point that they no longerhold a charge. Battery performancemay also drop if the batteries are rundown in a device such as a ashlight.Use the P DISCHARGE option in thecamera setup menu to discharge Ni-MH batteries. Batteries that no lon-

    ger hold a charge even after repeat-edly being discharged and rechargedhave reached the end of their servicelife and must be replaced.

    Ni-MH batteries can be recharged ina battery charger (sold separately).Batteries may become warm to thetouch after charging. Refer to the in-structions provided with the chargerfor more information. Use the char-ger with compatible batteries only.

    Ni-MH batteries gradually lose theircharge when not in use.


    Dispose of used batteries in accordwith local regulations.

    AC Power Adapters (Available Separately)Use only FUJIFILM AC power adapt-ers designated for use with this cam-era. Other adapters could damagethe camera. The adapter is for indoor use only. Be sure the DC plug is securely

    connected to the camera. Turn the camera off before discon-

    necting the adapter. Disconnect theadapter by the plug, not the cable.

    Do not use with other devices. Do not disassemble. Do not expose to high heat and

    humidity. Do not subject to strong physical

    shocks. The adapter may hum or become hot to

    the touch during use. This is normal. If the adapter causes radio inter-

    ference, reorient or relocate thereceiving antenna.

    Using the Camera To ensure that images are recordedcorrectly, do not subject the camerato impact or physical shocks whileimages are being recorded.

    Electrical Interference This camera may interfere with hospitalor aviation equipment. Consult withhospital or airline staff before using thecamera in a hospital or on an aircraft.

    Liquid CrystalIn the event that the monitor or elec-tronic viewnder is damaged, careshould be taken to avoid contactwith liquid crystal. Take the urgent

    action indicated should any of thefollowing situations arise: If liquid crystal comes in contact with

    your skin, clean the area with a clothand then wash thoroughly withsoap and running water.

    If liquid crystal enters your eyes, ushthe affected eye with clean waterfor at least 15 minutes and thenseek medical assistance.

    If liquid crystal is swallowed, rinse

    your mouth thoroughly with water.Drink large quantities of water andinduce vomiting, then seek medi-cal assistance.

    Take Test ShotsBefore taking photographs on impor-tant occasions (such as at weddingsor before taking the camera on a trip),take a test shot and view the result toensure that the camera is function-ing normally. FUJIFILM Corporationcan not accept liability for damagesor lost prots incurred as a result ofproduct malfunction.

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    For Your Safety

    To prevent re or shock hazard, do not expose the unit to rain or moisture.

    Please read the Safety Notes (pages iiiv) and make sure you understandthem before using the camera.

    Perchlorate Materialspecial handling may apply. See .

    For Customers in the U.S.A.For Customers in the U.S.A.Tested To Comply With FCC StandardsFOR HOME OR OFFICE USE

    FCC Statement This device complies with Par t 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subjec t tothe following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interfer-ence, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, includinginterference that may cause undesired operation.CAUTION This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for aClass B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits aredesigned to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference ina residential installation. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiateradio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance withthe instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications.However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particu-lar installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or

    television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipmentoff and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by oneor more of the following measures: Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna. Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver. Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to

    which the receiver is connected. Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.You are cautioned that any changes or modications not expressly approvedin this manual could void the users authority to operate the equipment.

    Notes on the Grant To comply with Part 15 of the FCC Rules, this product mus t be used with aFUJIFILM-specied ferrite-core A/V cable, USB cable, and DC supply cord.

    For Customers in CanadaFor Customers in CanadaCAUTION: This Class B digital apparatus complies with Canadian ICES-003.

    EC Declaration of ConformityEC Declaration of Conformity We

    Name: FUJIFILM Electronic Imaging Europe GmbHAddress: Benzstrasse 2

    47533 Kleve, Germanydeclare that the product

    Product Name: FUJIFILM DIGITAL CAMERA FinePix S2500HD/ S2700HD series, S1800/S1900 series, S1600/S1700series

    Manufacturers Name: FUJIFILM CorporationManufacturers Address: 7-3, AKASAKA 9-CHOME, MINATO-KU,

    TOKYO 107-0052 JAPANconforms to the following Standards:

    Safety: EN60950-1: 2006EMC: EN55022: 2006 Class B

    EN55024: 1998 + A1: 2001 + A2: 2003EN61000-3-2: 2006EN61000-3-3: 1995 + A1: 2001 + A2: 2005

    following the provision of the EMC Directive (2004/108/EC)and Low Voltage Directive (2006/95/EC).

    Kleve, Germany December 1, 2009

    Place Date Signature, Managing Director


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    For Your Safety

    Disposal of Electrical and Electronic Equipment in Private HouseholdsDisposal of Electrical and Electronic Equipment in Private HouseholdsDisposal of Used Electrical and Electronic Equipment (Applicable in the EuropeanUnion, Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein)

    This symbol on the product , or in the manual and in thewarranty, and/or on its packaging indicates that this prod-uct shall not be treated as household waste.Instead it should be taken to an applicable collection pointfor the recycling of electrical and electronic equipment.

    By ensuring this product is disposed of correctly, you willhelp prevent potential negative consequences to the en-vironment and human health, which could otherwise becaused by inappropriate waste handling of this product.

    This symbol on the batteries or accumulators indicates thatthose batteries shall not be treated as household waste.

    If your equipment contains easy removable batteries or ac-cumulators please dispose these separately according toyour local requirements.

    The recycling of materials will help to conserve natural resources. For moredetailed information about recycling this product, please contact your localcity offi ce, your household waste disposal service or the shop where youpurchased the product.

    In Countries Outside the European Union, Norway, Iceland and LiechtensteinIf you wish to discard this product, including the batteries or accumula-tors, please contact your local authorities and ask for the correct way ofdisposal.

    Notes on CopyrightNotes on Copyright Unless intended solely for personal use, images recorded using your digitalcamera system cannot be used in ways that infringe copyright laws with-out the consent of the owner. Note that some restric tions apply to thephotographing of stage performances, entertainments, and exhibits, evenwhen intended purely for personal use. Users are also asked to note thatthe transfer of memory cards containing images or data protected undercopyright laws is only permissible within the restrictions imposed by thosecopyright laws.

    Trademark InformationTrademark InformationMacintosh, Power Macintosh, Power Mac, PowerBook, QuickTime, and MacOS are trademarks of Apple Inc. in the U.S.A. and other countries. Microsof t,Windows, the Windows logo, Windows Vista and the Windows Vista logoare trademarks or registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in theUnited States and/or other countries. Windows is an abbreviation used in

    reference to the Microsoft Windows operating system. Adobe and AdobeReader are either trademarks or registered trademarks of Adobe Systems In-corporated in the U.S.A. and/or other countries. HDMI, the HDMI logo, andHigh-Denition Multimedia Interface are either trademarks or registeredtrademarks of HDMI Licensing, LLC. The SDHC logo is a trademark.

    Note: The Designed for Microsoft Windows XP and CERTIFIED FOR WindowsVista logos apply only to the camera and camera hardware driver.

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    About This ManualBefore using the camera, read this manual and the warnings on pages iivii. For information on specictopics, consult the sources below.

    Memory Cards

    Pictures can be stored in the cameras internal memory or on optional SD and SDHC memory cards. In thismanual, SD memory cards are referred to as memory cards. For more information, see page 10.

    TroubleshootingTroubleshooting 104 pg. 104Having a specic problem with the camera?Find the answer here.

    GlossaryGlossary 115 pg. 115 The meanings of some technical terms may befound here.

    Table of ContentsTable of Contents xii pg. xii The Table of Contents gives an overview of theentire manual. The principal camera operationsare listed here.

    Warning Messages and DisplaysWarning Messages and Displays 111 pg. 111Find out whats behind that ashing icon or errormessage in the display.

    Camera Q ACamera Q & A ix pg. ix Know what you want to do but dont know thename for it? Find the answer in Camera Q & A.

    Restrictions on Camera SettingsRestrictions on Camera Settings ..........................Basic ManualBasic ManualSee the Basic Manual for restrictions on the op-tions available in each shooting mode.

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    Camera Q & AFind items by task.

    Camera SetupCamera SetupQuestionQuestion Key phraseKey phrase See pageSee page

    How do I set the camera clock? Date and time 14Can I set the clock to local time when I travel? Time difference 99How do I keep the display from turning off automatically? Auto power off 98How do I make the display brighter or darker? LCD brightness 97

    How do I stop the camera beeping and clicking?Operation and shutter volume 94

    Silent mode 18What are the parts of the camera called? Parts of the camera 2

    What do the icons in the display mean? Displays 4How do I use the menus? Menus 69Whats behind that ashing icon or error message? Messages and displays 111How much charge is left in the battery? Battery level 15Can I increase the capacity of rechargeable Ni-MH batteries? Discharge 100

    Sharing PicturesSharing Pictures

    QuestionQuestion Key phraseKey phrase See pageSee pageCan I print pictures on my home printer? Printing pictures 57Can I copy my pictures to my computer? Viewing pictures on a computer 63

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    Camera Q & A

    Taking PicturesTaking PicturesQuestionQuestion Key phraseKey phrase See pageSee page

    How many pictures can I take? Memory capacity 116

    Is there a quick and easy way to take snapshots? B mode 15How can I avoid blurred pictures? Dual IS mode 17How can I make good portraits? Intelligent Face Detection 21Can the camera automatically adjust settings for different scenes? M mode 35Can I choose my own settings for different scenes? Scene position 35How can I be sure my subject is smiling when I take a photograph? Smile detection 37How can I be sure that nobody blinked when the photo was taken? Blink detection 23

    How do I shoot close-ups? Macro mode (close-ups) 26How do I keep the ash from ring?

    Flash mode 27How do I stop my subjects eyes glowing red when I use the ash?How do I ll-in shadows on back-lit subjects?How do I take a series of pictures in a single burst? Continuous Shooting mode 29How do I take a group portrait that includes the photographer? Self-timer mode 75How do I shoot a panorama? N mode 39

    How do I turn off the lamp on the front of the camera? AF-assist illuminator 25How do I frame pictures with the subject off to one side? Focus lock 24Can I choose shutter speed and aperture? P, S, A, and M modes 40Can I save and recall camera settings? C mode 45How do I adjust exposure? Exposure compensation 33How do I shoot movies? Recording movies 52How do I frame pictures in the viewnder? EVF / LCD button 5

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    Camera Q & A

    Viewing PicturesViewing PicturesQuestionQuestion Key phraseKey phrase See pageSee page

    How do I view my pictures? Single-frame playback 46

    How do I delete the current picture? The b button 20Can I select other pictures for deletion? Deleting pictures 50Can I zoom in on pictures during playback? Playback zoom 47How do I view a lot of pictures at once? Multi-frame playback 49How do I view all pictures taken on the same day? Sort by date 49Can I protect my pictures from accidental deletion? Protect 86Can I hide the icons in the display when viewing my pictures? Choosing a display format 46

    Can I view my pictures in a slide show? Slide show 82Can I add a short voice memo to my pictures? Voice memo 89Can I crop unwanted elements out of my pictures? Crop (trimming) 91Can I make small copies of my pictures? Resize 92Can I copy pictures from internal memory to a memory card? Copy 87How do I view my pictures on TV? Viewing pictures on TV 55

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    For Your Safety ...................... ....................... ...................... .............. iiIMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS ................... ................... iiSafety Notes ....................................................................................iiiNOTICES

    About This Manual .......................................................................viiiCamera Q & A ...................... ....................... ....................... ................ ix

    Before You BegiBefore You Begi nnIntroduction .......................................................................................1

    Symbols and Conventions ..........................................................1Supplied Accessories ....................................................................1Parts of the Camera .......................................................................2

    Camera Displays ....................... ...................... ....................... ...... 4 The Mode Dial .................................. ....................... ..................... 6

    First StepFirst Step ssThe Strap and Lens Cap .................... ....................... ..................... 7Inserting the Batteries ...................... ....................... ..................... 8Inserting a Memory Card ...........................................................10Turning the Camera on and Off ...............................................13

    Shooting Mode .............................................................................13

    Playback Mode ..............................................................................13Basic Setup .......................................................................................14

    Basic Photography and PlaybackBasic Photography and Playback Taking Pictures in B (Auto) Mode ........................................15Viewing Pictures ............................................................................20

    More on PhotographyMore on PhotographyIntelligent Face Detection and Red-Eye Removal ..........21

    Blink Detection .............................................................................23Focus Lock ........................................................................................24F Macro and Super Macro Modes (Close-ups) ...............26N Using the Flash (Intelligent Flash) .....................................27I Continuous Shooting (Burst Mode) .................... ............29c Instant Zoom ............................................................................31

    d Exposure Compensation .....................................................33Shooting Mode ...............................................................................35B AUTO ..........................................................................................35M SCENE RECOGNITION .................................................35SP SCENE POSITION ....................................................................35N PANORAMA MODE .........................................................39P, S, A, and M Modes ...................................................................40C: CUSTOM MODE ........................................................................45

    Table of Contents

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    Table of Contents

    More on PlaybackMore on Playback Playback Options ...........................................................................46

    Playback Zoom ..............................................................................47Viewing Photo Information......................................................48Multi-Frame Playback .................................................................49Sort by Date ....................................................................................49

    A Deleting Pictures ....................................................................50

    MoviesMoviesF Recording Movies ...................................................................52a Viewing Movies .......................................................................54

    ConnectionsConnectionsViewing Pictures on TV ...............................................................55Printing Pictures via USB ...........................................................57

    Connecting the Camera ............................................................57Printing Selected Pictures ........................................................57Printing the DPOF Print Order ................................................58Creating a DPOF Print Order ....................................................60

    Viewing Pictures on a Computer ....................... .....................63Installing FinePixViewer ............................................................63Connecting the Camera ............................................................67

    MenusMenusUsing the Menus: Shooting Mode .........................................69

    Using the F -Mode Menu..........................................................69F -Mode Menu Options .............................................................70

    N ISO ............................................................................................70O IMAGE SIZE ............................................................................71T IMAGE QUALITY ..................................................................72P G COLOR ...............................................................72

    Using the Shooting Menu .........................................................73Shooting Menu Options ............................................................74

    B SELF-TIMER............................................................................75C PHOTOMETRY ......................................................................76D WHITE BALANCE .................................................................77E HIGH-SPEED SHOOTING ..................................................78F FOCUSING .............................................................................78G AF MODE ................................................................................79H SHARPNESS ...........................................................................80I FLASH ......................................................................................80J BRACKETING .........................................................................80

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    Table of Contents

    Using the Menus: Playback Mode ..........................................81Using the F -Mode Menu..........................................................81F -Mode Menu Options .............................................................82

    I SLIDE SHOW .........................................................................82Using the Playback Menu .........................................................83Playback Menu Options .............................................................84

    B RED EYE REMOVAL .............................................................84C IMAGE ROTATE ..................... ....................... ........................ .85D PROTECT ................................................................................86E COPY ........................................................................................87F VOICE MEMO ........................................................................89G CROP........................................................................................91

    O RESIZE .....................................................................................92The Setup Menu .............................................................................93Using the Setup Menu ...............................................................93Setup Menu Options ...................................................................94

    A IMAGE DISP. ..........................................................................95B FRAME NO. ............................................................................96D DIGITAL ZOOM ....................................................................97I PLAYBACK VOLUME ........................ ......................... ..........97J LCD BRIGHTNESS ................................................................97K FORMAT..................................................................................98M AUTO POWER OFF ..............................................................98N TIME DIFFERENCE ...............................................................99P DISCHARGE (Ni-MH Batteries Only) ..................... .... 100

    Technical NotesTechnical NotesOptional Accessories .................................................................101

    Accessories from FUJIFILM .................... ...................... .......... 102Caring for the Camera ...................... ....................... ................. 103

    TroubleshootingTroubleshootingTroubleshooting ...................... ...................... ....................... ...... 104Warning Messages and Displays ....................................... ... 111

    AppendixAppendixGlossary ...........................................................................................115Internal Memory/Memory Card Capacity ..................... ...116

    Speci cations ................................................................................118

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    ef or eY o u B e gi n


    Symbols and Conventions Symbols and Conventions The following symbols are used in this manual: 3 Caution: This information should be read before use to ensure correct operation. 1 Note: Points to note when using the camera. 2 Tip: Additional information that may be helpful when using the camera.

    Menus and other text in the camera monitor are shown in bold. In the illustrations in this manual, themonitor display may be simplied for explanatory purposes.

    Supplied Accessories Supplied Accessories The following items are included with the camera:

    AA alkaline (LR6) batteries(4)

    USB-A/V cable Strap Lens cap

    FinePix CD

    Basic Manual

    FinePix CD

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    Parts of the CameraParts of the CameraFor more information, refer to the page listed to the right of each item.

    11 N ( ash pop-up)button ...............................27 12 Microphone .........................................52, 89 13 Speaker ...................................................54, 90 14 Lens ...................................................................1

    6 G switch ..........................................13 7 Indicator lamp ............................................19 8 Mode dial ........................................................6 9 AF-assist illuminator ...............................25

    Self-timer lamp ..........................................75 10 Flash ..................................................................27

    1 Strap eyelet ....................................................7 2 Zoom control ......................................16, 47 3 Shutter button ...........................................19 4 g (Intelligent Face Detection/red-eye removal)

    button .............................................................21 5 I (burst mode) button ..............................29

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    ef or eY o u B e gi n


    S2500HD/S2700HD series

    S1800/S1900 seriesS1600/S1700 series

    23 EVF / LCD (display selection)button ....5 24 a (playback) button ...............20, 46 25 F (photo mode) button ............69, 81 26 Terminal cover ...................55, 57, 67 27 Memory card slot ...........................11 28 Connector for USB-A/V cable .....

    ....................................................55, 57, 67 29 HDMI connector .............................55

    15 Electronic viewnder ....................5 16 Selector button (see below) 17 Monitor ...................................................4 18 DISP (display) / BACK button ....... 17, 46 19 d (exposure compensation/photo info)

    button ...........................................33, 48 20 Tripod mount 21 Battery-chamber cover ................8 22 Battery-chamber latch ..................8

    The Selector Button

    MENU/OK button (pg. 14)

    Move cursor leftF (macro) button (pg. 26)

    Move cursor rightN ( ash) button (pg. 27)

    Move cursor upb (delete) button (pg. 20)m (monitor brightness) button ( see below)

    Move cursor downc (instant zoom) button (pg. 31)

    2 Tip: Monitor BrightnessPressing the m button brie y increases monitor brightness, making the display easier to see in bright light. Nor-mal brightness is restored when a photograph is taken.

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    Camera DisplaysCamera Displays The following indicators may appear during shooting and playback. The indicators displayed vary withcamera settings.

    Shooting Shooting


    ISO AUTO 800)ISO AUTO(800)99N

    F2. 850


    10:00 AM2/31/205012/31/2050



    * a : indicates that no memory cardis inserted and that pictures willbe stored in the cameras internalmemory (pg. 10).

    14 Self-timer indicator .................................75 15 Date and time.............................................14 16 Shutter speed and aperture .............41 17 Number of available frames ............116 18 FinePix color ................................................72 19 Metering ........................................................76

    20 Blur warning .............................27, 107, 111 21 Monitor brightness ...................................3 22 Focus frame .................................................18 23 Internal memory indicator * ...............10 24 Exposure compensation

    indicator .........................................................33 25 Exposure indicator .................................44

    1 Image quality ..............................................72 2 Image size .....................................................71 3 Sensitivity ......................................................70 4 White balance ............................................77 5 Flash mode...................................................27 6 Silent mode .................................................18

    7 Intelligent Face Detectionindicator .........................................................21

    8 Dual IS mode ..............................................17 9 Shooting mode .........................................35 10 Battery level .................................................15 11 Macro (close-ups) mode .....................26 12 High-speed mode ...................................78 13 Burst mode ..................................................29


    1 0 : 0 0 M10:00 AM

    100 0001100-0001



    5 Silent mode indicator ............................18 6 Playback mode indicator ............20, 46 7 Voice memo indicator...........................89 8 Gift image .....................................................46 9 Frame number ...........................................96

    1 Protected image .......................................86 2 DPOF print indicator ..............................58 3 Red-eye removal indicator ........21, 84 4 Intelligent Face Detection

    indicator .........................................................21

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    B ef or eY o u B e gi n


    The Electronic View nder (EVF) The electronic viewnder provides the same information as the monitor, and can be used when bright light-ing conditions make the display in the monitor diffi cult to see. To switch between the monitor and electronic

    viewnder, press the EVF/LCD button (your selection remains in effect when the camera is turned off or the modedial is rotated to another setting).




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    The Mode DialThe Mode Dial To select a shooting mode, align the mode icon with the mark next to themode dial.

    P, S, A, M: Select for full control over cam-era settings, including aperture ( M and A)and/or shutter speed ( M and S; pg. 40).

    C (CUSTOM): Recall stored settings formodes P, S, A, and M (pg. 45).

    F (MOVIE): Record movies with sound(pg. 52).

    N (PANORAMA): Take a series of pho-tographs and combine them to form a

    panorama (pg. 39).

    B (AUTO): A simple point-and-shootmode recommended for rst-time usersof digital cameras (pg. 15).

    SP (SCENE POSITION): Choose a scene suit-ed to the subject or shooting conditions

    and let the camera do the rest (pg. 35).

    M (SCENE RECOGNITION): A point-and-shoot mode in which the cameraautomatically adjusts settings to suit thescene (pg. 35).

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    F i r s t S t e p s


    The Strap and Lens Cap

    Attaching the StrapAttaching the StrapAttach the strap to the two strap eyelets as shownbelow.

    3 Caution To avoid dropping the camera, be sure the strap is cor-rectly secured.

    The Lens CapThe Lens CapAttach the lens cap as shown.

    To avoid losing the lens cap, pass the suppliedstring through the eyelet ( q ) and secure the lenscap to the strap ( w ).

    I i h B i

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    Inserting the Batteries The camera takes four AA alkaline, lithium, or rechargeable Ni-MH batteries. A set of four alkaline bat-teries is supplied with the camera. Insert the batteries in the camera as described below.

    1 Open the battery-chamber cover.Slide the battery-cham-ber latch in the directionshown and open the bat-tery-chamber cover.

    1 NoteBe sure the camera is off before opening the bat-tery-chamber cover.

    3 Cautions Do not open the battery-chamber cover when

    the camera is on. Failure to observe this pre-caution could result in damage to image les ormemory cards.

    Do not use excessive force when handling the

    battery-chamber cover.

    2 Insert the batteries.Insert the batteries in theorientation shown by the+ and marks insidethe battery chamber.

    3 Cautions Insert the batteries in the correct orientation. Never use batteries with peel- ing or damaged casing or mixold and new batteries, batter- ies with different charge levels,or batteries of different types.Failure to observe theseprecautions could resultin the batteries leaking or

    overheating. Never use manganese or Ni-Cd batteries. The capacity of alkaline batteries varies with the

    manufacturer and drops at temperatures below10 C/32 F; Ni-MH batteries are recommended.

    Fingerprints and other soil on the battery termi-nals can shorten battery life.

    Battery casingBattery casingattery casingBattery casing

    Inserting the Batteries

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    F i r s t S t e p s


    Inserting the Batteries

    3 Close the battery-chamber cover.Close the battery-cham-ber cover and slide it in

    until the latch clicks intoplace.

    3 CautionDo not use force. If the battery-chamber coverdoes not close, check that the batteries are in thecorrect orientation and try again.

    2 Tip: Using an AC Adapter The camera can be powered by an optional AC

    adapter and DC coupler (sold separately).

    Choosing the Battery TypeAfter replacing the batterieswith batteries of a different

    type, select the battery typeusing the T BATTERY TYPE option in the setup menu (pg.94) to ensure that the battery level is displayed correct-ly and the camera does not turn off unexpectedly.








    I ti g M C d

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    Inserting a Memory CardAlthough the camera can store pictures in internal memory, SD memory cards (sold separately) can beused to store additional pictures.

    When no memory card is inserted, a appears in the monitor and internal memory is used for recording

    and playback. Note that because camera malfunction could cause internal memory to become cor-rupted, the pictures in internal memory should periodically be transferred to a computer and saved onthe computer hard disk or on removable media such as CDs or DVDs. The pictures in internal memorycan also be copied to a memory card (see page 87). To prevent internal memory from becoming full,be sure to delete pictures when they are no longer needed.

    When a memory card is inserted as described below, the card will be used for recording and playback.

    Compatible Memory CardsCompatible Memory CardsSanDisk SD and SDHC memory cards have been approved for use in the camera. A complete listof approved memory cards is available at .Operation is not guaranteed with other cards. The camera can not be used with xD-Picture Cards orMultiMediaCard (MMC) devices.

    3 Caution

    Memory cards can be locked, making it impossible to format the card or to record or deleteimages. Before inserting a memory card, slide the write-protect switch to the unlocked posi-tion.

    Write protectWrite-protectswitchswitch

    Inserting a Memory Card

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    F i r s t S t e p s


    Inserting a Memory Card

    Inserting a Memory CardInserting a Memory Card

    1 Open the battery-chamber cover.1 Note

    Be sure the camera is off before opening the battery-chamber cover.

    2 Insert the memory card.Holding the memory card in the orientationshown below, slide it in until it clicks into

    place at the back of the slot.


    Be sure card is in correct orien-tation; do not insert at an angleor use force. If the memory cardis not correctly inserted, pic-tures will be recorded to internalmemory.

    3 Close the battery-chamber cover.Close the battery-cham-

    ber cover and slide it inuntil the latch clicks intoplace.

    Removing Memory CardsAfter conrming that the camera

    is off, press the card in and thenrelease it slowly. The card cannow be removed by hand.

    3 Cautions The memory card may spring out if you remove

    your nger immediately after pushing the card in. Memory cards may be warm to the touch after be-

    ing removed from the camera. This is normal anddoes not indicate a malfunction.

    Inserting a Memory Card

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    Inserting a Memory Card

    3 Cautions Do not turn the camera off or remove the memory card while the memory card is being formatted or data are being recorded to

    deleted from the card . Failure to observe this precaution could damage the card. Format memory cards before rst use, and be sure to reformat all memory cards after using them in a computer

    or other device. For more information on formatting memory cards, see page 98. Memory cards are small and can be swallowed; keep out of reach of children. If a child swallows a memory card,

    seek medical assistance immediately. miniSD or microSD adapters that are larger or smaller than the standard dimensions of an SD card may not eject

    normally; if the card does not eject, take the camera to an authorized service representative. Do not forciblyremove the card.

    Do not affi x labels to memory cards. Peeling labels can cause camera malfunction.

    Movie recording may be interrupted with some types of memory card. Use a card with a class 4 write speed(4 MB/s) or better when shooting HD movies.

    The data in internal memory may be erased or corrupted when the camera is repaired. Please note that therepairer will be able to view pictures in internal memory.

    Formatting a memory card or internal memory in the camera creates a folder in which pictures are stored. Donot rename or delete this folder or use a computer or other device to edit, delete, or rename image les. Alwaysuse the camera to delete pictures from memory cards and internal memory; before editing or renaming les,

    copy them to a computer and edit or rename the copies, not the originals.

    Turning the Camera on and Off

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    F i r s t S t e p s


    Turning the Camera on and Off

    Shooting Mode Shooting ModeSlide the G switch in the direction shownbelow. The lens will extend automatically.

    Slide the G switch to turn the camera off.

    2 Tip: Switching to Playback ModePress the a button to start playback. Press the shutterbutton halfway to return to shooting mode.

    3 Cautions Forcibly preventing the lens from extending could

    cause damage or product malfunction.

    Pictures can be affected by ngerprints and othermarks on the lens. Keep the lens clean.

    The G button does not completely disconnectthe camera from its power supply.

    Playback ModePlayback Mode To turn the camera on and begin playback, pressthe a button for about a second.

    Press the a button again or slide the G

    switch to turn the camera off.2 Tip: Switching to Shooting Mode To exit to shooting mode, press the shutter buttonhalfway. Press the a button to return to playback.

    2 Tip: Auto Power Off The camera will turn off automatically if no operations are performed for the length of time selected in theMM

    AUTO POWER OFF menu (see page 98). To turn the camera on, use theG

    switch or press thea

    but-ton for about a second.

    Basic Setup

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    Basic SetupA language-selection dialog is displayed the rst time the camera is turned on. Set up the camera asdescribed below (for information on resetting the clock or changing languages, see page 94).

    1 Choose a language.

    SET NO


    1.1 Press the selector up, down, left, or right to highlight a lan-guage.

    1.2 Press MENU/OK.

    2 Set the date and time.

    SET NO






    YY. MM. DD 1. 1 12 :00AM


    2.1 Press the selector left or right to highlight the year, month, day,hour, or minute and press up or down to change. To changethe order in which the year, month, and day are displayed, high-light the date format and press the selector up or down.

    2.2 Press MENU/OK. A battery type message will be displayed; if thetype differs from the type inserted in the camera, use the setupmenu T BATTERY TYPE option (pg. 94) to specify the correcttype.

    2 Tip: The Camera ClockIf the batteries are removed for an extended period, the camera clock and battery type will be reset and the lan-guage-selection dialog will be displayed when the camera is turned on. If the batteries are left in the camera forabout 10 hours, the battery can be removed for about 24 hours without resetting the clock, language, or batterytype.

    Taking Pictures in B (Auto) Mode

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    B a s i c P h

    o t o gr a


    y an d P l a

    y b a c k

    Taking Pictures in B (Auto) Mode This section describes how to take pictures in B (auto) mode.

    1 Turn the camera on.Slide the G switch to turn the camera


    2 Select B mode.Rotate the mode dial to B .

    3 Check the battery level.Check the battery level in the display.

    q w

    IndicatorIndicator DescriptionDescriptionNO ICONBatteries are partially discharged.

    q B(red)

    Batteries are low. Replace as soonas possible.

    w A(blinks red)

    Batteries are exhausted. Turn cam-era off and replace batteries.

    1 NoteA battery warning may not be displayed before the camera turns off, particularly if batteries are reused afterhaving once been exhausted. Power consumption varies greatly from mode to mode; the low battery warning


    ) may not be displayed or may be displayed only brie y before the camera turns off in some modes or whenswitching from shooting to playback mode.

    Taking Pictures in B (Auto) Mode

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    4 Frame the picture.Position the main subject in the focus frameand use the zoom control to frame the pic-

    ture in the display.

    By default setting, the cam-era uses optical zoom only.If desired, digital zoom (pg.

    97) can be used to zoom incloser.

    SelectW to zoom out Select T to zoom in

    Zoom indicator

    Holding the CameraHold the camera steady withboth hands and brace your

    elbows against your sides.Shaking or unsteady handscan blur your shots.

    To prevent pictures that areout of focus or too dark (un-derexposed), keep your n-gers and other objects awayfrom the lens and ash.

    2 Tip: Focus LockUse focus lock (pg. 24) to focus on subjects that are not in the focus frame.

    Taking Pictures in B (Auto) Mode

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    B a s i c P h o t o gr a


    y an d P l a

    y b a c k

    Shooting Information To choose the shooting information and guides dis-played, press the DISP/BACK button.

    Indicators displayed Indicators hidden

    Best framing

    To use best framing, position the main subject at theintersection of two lines or align one of the horizontallines with the horizon. Use focus lock (pg. 24) to focuson subjects that will not be in the center of the framein the nal photograph.

    Avoiding Blurred PicturesIf the subject is poorly lit, blur-ring caused by camera shake

    can be reduced using theL DUAL IS MODE option inthe setup menu (pg. 94). In B mode, blur caused by subjectmovement is also reduced (dual IS mode).

    Sensitivity is raised when dual IS is in effect. Note thatblurring may still occur depending on the scene. We

    recommend that you turn dual IS off when using atripod.





    CONT.1.5 SEC




    Taking Pictures in B (Auto) Mode

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    h Silent ModeIn situations in which camera sounds or lights maybe unwelcome, hold the DISP/BACK button down untilh

    is displayed (note that silent mode is not availableduring movie or voice memo playback).

    The camera speaker and AF-assist illuminator/self-timer lamp turn off and volume (pg. 94) can not beadjusted (note that the AF-assist illuminator may stilllight when C is selected in scene mode). To restorenormal operation, press the DISP/BACK button until theh icon is no longer displayed.

    5 Focus.Press the shutter button halfway to focus onthe main subject in the focus frame.

    Focus frame Camera selects small focusframe and focuses on subject


    1 Note The lens may make a noise when the camera fo-cuses. This is normal.

    If the camera is able to focus, it will beep twiceand the indicator lamp will glow green.

    If the camera is unable to focus, the focus frame

    will turn red, s will be displayed, and theindicator lamp will blink green. Change thecomposition or use focus lock (pg. 24).

    Taking Pictures in B (Auto) Mode

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    B a s i c P h o t o gr a


    y an d P l a

    y b a c k

    6 Shoot.Smoothly press the shutter buttonthe rest of the way down to take

    the picture.2 Tip: The Shutter Button The shutter button has two positions. Pressing theshutter button halfway ( q ) sets focus and exposure;to shoot, press the shutter button the rest of the waydown ( w ).

    q w

    Press halfway Press the rest ofthe way down

    Doublebeep Click

    1 NoteIf the subject is poorly lit, the AF-assist illuminator maylight to assist focus (pg. 25). For information on usingthe ash when lighting is poor, see page 27.

    The Indicator Lamp

    Indicator lamp

    The indicator lamp shows camera status as follows:Indicator lampIndicator lamp Camera statusCamera statusGlows green Focus locked.

    Blinks green Blur, focus, or exposure warning. Pic-ture can be taken.

    Blinks greenand orange Recording pictures. Additional pic-tures can be taken.Glowsorange

    Recording pictures. No additional pic-tures can be taken at this time.

    Blinks orange Flash charging; ash will not re whenpicture is taken.

    Blinks redLens or memory error (internal memoryor memory card full or not formatted,format error, or other memory error).

    2 Tip: WarningsDetailed warnings appear in the display. See pages111114 for more information.

    Viewing Pictures

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    Pictures can be viewed in the monitor. When taking important photographs, take a test shot andcheck the results.

    1 Press the a button.

    The most recent picture will be displayed in

    the monitor.100 0001100-0001

    12/31/205012/31/2050 10:00 M10:00 AM


    2 View additional pictures.Press the selector right to viewpictures in the order recorded, leftto view pictures in reverse order.

    Press the shutter button to exit to shootingmode.

    Deleting Pictures

    To delete the picture currently displayedin the monitor, press the selector up ( b ). The following dialog will be displayed.




    To delete the picture, press the selectorleft to highlight OK and press MENU/OK. To exit without deleting the picture, high-light CANCEL and press MENU/OK.

    2 Tip: The Playback Menu

    Pictures can also be deleted from the playback menu(pg. 50).

    Intelligent Face Detection and Red-Eye Removal

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    or e onP h o t o gr a

    ph y

    Intelligent Face Detection allows the camera to automatically detect human faces and set focus andexposure for a face anywhere in the frame for shots that emphasize portrait subjects. Choose forgroup portraits (in horizontal or vertical orientations) to prevent the camera from focusing on the back-ground. Intelligent Face Detection also offers a blink detection option as well as red-eye removal forremoving red-eye effects caused by the ash.

    1 Turn Intelligent Face Detection on.Press the g button to cycle through set-tings as shown below.





    OptionOption DescriptionDescription

    g OFFIntelligent Face Detection andred-eye removal off.


    Intelligent Face Detection andred-eye removal on. Use withthe ash.


    Intelligent Face Detection on;red-eye removal off.

    2 Frame the picture.If a face is detected, itwill be indicated by agreen border. If there ismore than one face in

    the frame, the camerawill select the face clos-est to the center; other faces are indicated bywhite borders.

    Green border Green border

    Intelligent Face Detection and Red-Eye Removal

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    3 Focus.Press the shutter button halfwayto set focus and exposure for the

    subject in the green border.3 CautionIf no face is detected when the shutter button ispressed halfway (pg. 106), the camera will focuson the subject at the center of the display andred-eye will not be removed.

    4 Shoot.Press the shutter button all theway down to shoot.

    3 CautionIf the subject moves as the shutter button ispressed, their face may not be in the area indicatedby the green border when the picture is taken. If

    the number of faces is large, additional time maybe required for processing.

    If g FACE DETECTION J REMOVAL ON is selected, the picture will be processed toreduce red-eye before it is recorded.

    Intelligent Face DetectionIntelligent Face Detection isrecommended when usingthe self-timer for group- orself-portraits (pg. 76).


    When a picture taken with Intelligent Face Detectionis displayed, the camera can automatically select fac-es for red-eye removal (pg. 84), playback zoom (pg.47), slide shows (pg. 82), printing (pg. 61), and crop-ping (pg. 91).

    Intelligent Face Detection and Red-Eye Removal

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    or e onP h o t o gr a

    ph y

    If an option other than OFF is selected forA IMAGE DISP (pg. 95), a warning will be dis-

    played if the camera detects subjects who mayhave blinked when the picture was taken. IfZOOM (CONTINUOUS) is selected, you can pressthe g button to zoom in on these subjects; anew face is selected each time the g button ispressed.






    If you are satised with the results, press MENU/OK to save the picture. If you want to try again, press

    the selector up to delete the picture and thentake another photograph.

    3 CautionBlink detection is not performed if the camera fails to

    detect a face or when OFF is selected for A IMAGEDISP.

    Blink DetectionBlink Detection

    Focus Lock

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    To compose photographs with off-center subjects:

    1 Position the subject in the focus frame.

    2 Focus.Press the shutter button halfway to set fo-cus and exposure. Focus and exposure willremain locked while the shutter button ispressed halfway (AF/AE lock).


    Repeat steps 1 and 2 as desired to refocusbefore taking the picture.

    3 Recompose the picture.Keeping the shutter button pressed halfway,

    recompose the picture.

    4 Shoot.Press the shutter-release button the rest ofthe way down to take the picture.

    Press the rest ofthe way down

    Focus Lock

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    M or e onP h o t o gr a

    ph y

    AutofocusAlthough the camera boasts a high-precision autofo-cus system, it may be unable to focus on the subjectslisted below. If the camera is unable to focus usingautofocus, use focus lock (pg. 24) to focus on anothersubject at the same distance and then recomposethe photograph. Very shiny subjects such

    as mirrors or car bodies. Fast-moving subjects.

    Subjects photographed through a window or otherre ective object.

    Dark subjects and subjects that absorb rather thanre ect light, such as hair or fur.

    Insubstantial subjects, such as smoke or ame.

    Subjects that show little contrast with the back-ground (for example, subjects in clothing that is thesame color as the background).

    Subjects positioned in front of or behind a high-contrast object that is also in the focus frame (forexample, a subject photographed against a back-drop of highly contrasting elements).

    The AF-Assist IlluminatorIf the subject is poorly lit, the AF-assist illuminator willlight to assist the focus operation when the shutterbutton is pressed halfway.


    1 Notes Avoid shining the AF-assist illuminator directly intoyour subjects eyes. See page 94 for information ondisabling the AF-assist illuminator.

    The camera may be unable to focus using the AF-assist illuminator in some cases. If the camera is un-able to focus in macro mode (pg. 26), try increasingthe distance to the subject.

    The AF-assist illuminator is not available in silentmode.

    F Macro and Super Macro Modes (Close-ups)

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    For close-ups, press the selector left ( F ) to choose from the macro options shown below.

    Choose from F (macro mode),G (super macro mode), orH (macro mode off)

    When macro mode is in effect, the camera focuses on subjects near the center of the frame. Use thezoom control to compose pictures. In super macro mode, zoom can not be adjusted and the ash cannot be used.

    1 Notes Use of a tripod is recommended to prevent blur caused by camera shake. Flash compensation may be required when using the ash (pg. 80).

    N Using the Flash (Intelligent Flash)

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    When the ash is used, the cameras Intelligent Flash system instantly analyzes the scene based onsuch factors as the brightness of the subject, its position in the frame, and its distance from the camera.Flash output and sensitivity are adjusted to ensure that the main subject is correctly exposed whilepreserving the effects of ambient background lighting, even in dimly-lit indoor scenes. Use the ash

    when lighting is poor, for example when shooting at night or indoors under low light.

    1 Raise the ash.Press the ash pop-up button to raise the ash.

    Turning the Flash Off Lower the ash where ash photography is prohibited or to capture natural lightingunder dim light. At slow shutter speeds, k will be displayed to warn that picturesmay be blurred; use of a tripod is recommended.

    2 Choose a ash mode.Press the selector right ( N). The ash mode changes each time the selectoris pressed.

    ModeMode DescriptionDescriptionA (AUTO FLASH) The ash res when required. Recommended in most situations.

    N (FORCED FLASH) The ash res whenever a picture is taken. Use for backlit subjects or for naturalcoloration when shooting in bright light.

    O (SLOW SYNCHRO)Capture both the main subject and the background under low light (note thatbrightly lit scenes may be overexposed).

    N Using the Flash (Intelligent Flash)

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    3 Focus.Press the shutter button halfway to focus. If the ash will re, p will be displayed whenthe shutter button is pressed halfway. At slow shutter speeds, k will appear in thedisplay to warn that pictures may be blurred; use of a tripod is recommended.

    4 Shoot.Press the shutter button the rest of the way down to shoot.

    3 Caution The ash may re several times with each shot. Do not move the camera until shooting is com-plete.

    1 NoteFor restrictions on ash settings, see page 41 of the Basic Manual .

    Red-Eye RemovalWhen g FACE DETECTION J REMOVAL ON is selected for Intelligent Face Detection (pg. 21),red-eye removal ( J ) is available in AUTO (K ), FORCED FLASH (L ), and SLOW SYNCHRO (M )modes. Red-eye removal minimizes red-eye caused when light from the ash is re ected from thesubjects retinas as shown in the illustration at right.

    I Continuous Shooting (Burst Mode)

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    Capture motion in a series of pictures.

    1 Choose a continuous shooting mode.Press the I button to display continuous shooting options. Press the selec-tor up or down to highlight the desired option and press MENU/OK.

    ModeMode DescriptionDescriptionJ

    (TOP 20Q ) The camera takes up to 20 pictures while the shutter button is pressed.

    K(TOP 10P ) The camera takes up to 10 pictures while the shutter button is pressed.


    The camera takes pictures while the shutter button is pressed. Shootingends when the shutter button is released or memory is full.

    L(LAST 3)

    The camera takes up to 40 pictures while the shutter button is pressed, butonly the last three frames are recorded.


    Each time the shutter-release button is pressed, the camera takes threeshots: one using the metered value for exposure, the second overexposedby the amount selected for J BRACKETING in the shooting menu (pg. 80),and the third underexposed by the same amount (the camera may not beable to use the selected bracketing increment if the amount of over- or un-der-exposure exceeds the limits of the exposure metering system).

    I (TOP 3) The camera takes up to three pictures while the shutter button is pressed.

    OFF Continuous shooting mode off. One picture is taken each time the shutterbutton is pressed.




    Continuous shootingat full resolution(maximum)




    Continuous shootingat full resolution(maximum)

    I Continuous Shooting (Burst Mode)

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    2 Focus.Press the shutter button halfway to focus.

    3 Shoot.Pictures will be taken while the shutter button is pressed. Shooting ends when theshutter button is released, memory is full, or the selected number of shots has beentaken.

    1 Notes Focus and exposure are determined by the rst frame in each series. The ash turns off automatically (pg. 27);

    the previously-selected ash mode is restored when continuous shooting is turned off. Frame rate varies with shutter speed. If the self-timer is used when L and N are selected, only one picture will be taken when the shutter button is

    pressed. At a setting of J , white lines may appear in bright areas of the image; these can be avoided by choosing K

    mode. The number of pictures that can be recorded depends on the memory available. Brack-

    eting is only available if there is suffi cient memory for three pictures. Additional time

    may be required to record pictures when shooting ends. In L , O , and I modes, pic-tures are displayed in the monitor while recording is in progress.


    c Instant ZoomI i t t th di th f i i ibl i th di l U t f ti ll i

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    The frame is displayedas shown at right. Thecomposition can be ad- justed using the zoomcontrol.

    3 Focus and shoot. The framed area willbe enlarged to create afull-sized picture.

    2 Intelligent Face DetectionIntelligent Face Detection will not detect faces outsidethe selected frame.

    3 CautionOnly horizontal (landscape-orientation) framing isavailable when I , L , N , or O is selected for con-tinuous shooting mode.

    In instant zoom, the area surrounding the frame is visible in the display. Use to frame erratically movingsubjects such as children, pets, and athletes at sporting events.

    1 Position the subject in the focus frame.Use the zoom control to frame the subject inthe center of the display.

    2 Choose a frame.Press the selector down(c ) to cycle throughframing options asshown below.

    No zoom

    Horizontal,low zoom

    Horizontal,high zoom


    low zoom


    high zoom

    c Instant Zoom

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    Digital ZoomDigital Zoom

    1 Enable digital zoom.Select ON for the D DIGITAL ZOOM op-tion in the setup menu (pg. 97).

    2 Choose a subject.Frame the subject in the center of the displayusing digital zoom.

    3 Press the selector down ( c ). The camera will zoom to the maximum opti-cal zoom position with the area that will berecorded using digital zoom indicated by aframe at the center of the display.

    4 Frame the picture.Use the zoom control to choose the area thatwill be included in the nal photograph.

    5 Focus and shoot. The framed area willbe enlarged to create afull-sized picture.

    3 CautionPictures taken using the instant zoom are lower qualitythan pictures taken using normal zoom.

    d Exposure CompensationUse exposure compensation when photographing very bright very dark or high contrast subjects

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    Use exposure compensation when photographing very bright, very dark, or high-contrast subjects.

    1 Press the d button. The exposure indicator will be displayed.

    F2. 8



    Exposure indicator

    2 Choose a value.Press the selector left or right. Theeffect is visible in the display.

    Choose negative valuesto reduce exposure

    ( sign turns yellow)

    Choose positive values toincrease exposure

    (+ sign turns yellow)

    3 Return to shooting mode.Press the d button to return to shootingmode.

    4 Take pictures.

    1 NoteA d icon and exposure indicator are displayed at set-tings other than 0. Exposure compensation is notreset when the camera is turned off; to restore normalexposure control, choose a value of 0.

    d Exposure Compensation

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    Choosing an Exposure Compensation Value Backlit subjects: choose values from + 2 / 3 EV to +12 / 3 EV (for an explanation of the term EV,

    see the Glossary on page 115)

    Highly re ective subjects or very bright scenes (e.g., snowelds): +1 EV

    Scenes that are mostly sky: +1 EV Spotlit subjects (particularly if photographed against dark backgrounds): 2 / 3 EV Subjects with low re ectivity (pine trees or dark-colored foliage): 2 / 3 EV

    Shooting ModeChoose a shooting mode according to the scene or type of subject To choose a shooting mode rotate

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    M or e onP h o t o gr a

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    Choose a shooting mode according to the scene or type of subject. To choose a shooting mode, rotatethe mode dial to the desired setting (pg. 6). The following modes are available:


    Choose for crisp, clear snapshots (pg. 15). Thismode is recommended in most situations.

    MM SCENE RECOGNITION SCENE RECOGNITION In this mode, the camera automatically analyzesthe composition and selects the appropriatescene mode according to the subject and shoot-ing conditions. The selected mode is displayedwhen the shutter button is pressed halfway.

    ModeMode Type of subject or scene detectedType of subject or scene detectedb Portrait: Human portrait subject.c Landscape: Man-made or natural landscape.d Night landscape: Poorly lit landscape.

    e Macro: Subject close to camera.f Night portrait: Poorly lit portrait subject.g Back-lit portrait: Back-lit portrait subject.

    1 Notes:M a (A ) will be selected if the subject does not match

    the scenes listed above. The camera focuses continuously on the faces of

    portrait subjects or on subjects near the center of theframe. This increases the drain on the battery, andthe sound of the camera focusing may be audible.

    SPSP SCENE POSITION SCENE POSITION The camera offers a choice of scenes, eachadapted to particular shooting conditions or aspecic type of subject, which can be assigned tothe SP position on the mode dial:

    1 Rotate the mode dial to SP.

    2 Press MENU/OK to display the shoot-ing menu.

    Shooting Mode

    h l d

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    3 Press the selector up or down tohighlight A SCENE POSITION.

    4 Press the selector right to display alist of scenes.5 Press the selector up or down to

    highlight a scene.

    6 Press MENU/OK to select the high-

    lighted option.

    Until the setting is changed as described above,the chosen scene will be selected whenever themode dial is rotated to SP.

    DD Natural LightNatural Light Capture natural light indoors, under low light, orwhere the ash can not be used. The ash turnsoff and sensitivity is raised to reduce blur.

    C NaturalNatural &N This mode helps ensure good results with backlitsubjects and in other situations with diffi cult light-ing. Before shooting, raise the ash; pictures canonly be taken when the ash is raised. Each timethe shutter button is pressed, the camera takestwo shots: one shot without the ash to preservenatural lighting, followed immediately by a sec-ond shot with the ash. Do not move the camerauntil shooting is complete.

    1 Notes Do not use where ash photography is prohibited.

    Only available if memory remains for two pictures. Burst mode is not available.

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    Shooting Mode

    O NightNight R SS

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    O NightNight Choose this mode for poorly lit twilight or nightscenes. Sensitivity is automatically raised to re-duce blur caused by camera shake.

    H Night (Tripod)Night (Tripod)Choose this mode for slow shutter speeds whenshooting at night. Use a tripod to prevent blur.

    P FireworksFireworksSlow shutter speeds are used to capture the ex-

    panding burst of light from a rework. Press thed button to display a shutter-speed selectiondialog and press the selector up and down tochoose a shutter speed.

    Q Sunset Sunset Choose this mode to record the vivid colors insunrises and sunsets.

    R Snow Snow Choose for crisp, clear shots that capture thebrightness of scenes dominated by shining whitesnow.

    S BeachBeachChoose for crisp, clear shots that capture thebrightness of sunlit beaches.

    U PartyParty Capture indoor background lighting under low-

    light conditions.V FlowerFlower Choose for vivid close-ups of owers. The camerafocuses in the macro range.

    W TextText Take clear pictures of text or drawings in print.

    The camera focuses in the macro range.

    Shooting Mode


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    1 Rotate the mode dial to N .

    2 Press the selector up to select a frame, andpress the selector left or right to highlight apan direction and press MENU/OK.


    3 Take a photograph. Exposure andwhite balance for the panorama areset with the rst shot.

    4 Press MENU/OK. An edge of the pic-ture you have just taken will be dis-played at one side of the frame.

    2 331



    5 Frame the next shot to overlap with the previ-ous picture.

    NN PANORAMA MODEPANORAMA MODE In this mode, you can take up to three pictures and join them together to form a panorama. Use of atripod is recommended to assist in composing overlapping shots.

    Shooting Mode

    6 Take the second shot as described in steps 3 4 PP SS AA andand MM ModesModes

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    6 Take the second