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University “SS Cyril and Methodius”

Institute of Earthquake Engineering and

Engineering Seismology

Skopje, Republic of Macedonia






Erald KERLUKU, graduate civil engineer,

- Master Thesis -


Prof.Dr. Danilo RISTIC

Skopje, 2014

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2 Master thesis

SUMMARY This thesis presents an investigation of different codes, methodology and techniques used in

different countries with the aim to define an appropriate concept for rehabilitation of

existing buildings.

Chapter 2 is focused on the seismicity of Albania as a country with a high rate of seismicity

in which earthquake risk reduction has been an important, on-going socioeconomic

concern. A revised catalogue of Albanian earthquakes, from 58 A.D. to 2000, with

magnitude Ms>4.5 in the region between 39/N and 43/N and 18.5/E and 21.5/E was used

in this study. Ten seismic source zones were used to define the seismicity. The four spectral

parameter maps allowed the construction of site-specific Uniform Hazard Spectra for all of

Albania and were suggested as the basis of the next version of the KTP-N.2-89 Technical

Seismic Regulations to improve earthquake-resistant design code in Albania.

In Chapter 3 seismic design requirements or levels are the intended post-earthquake

condition of a building; a well-defined point on a scale measuring how much loss is caused

by earthquake damage. In addition to casualties, loss may be expressed in terms of property

and operational capability.

The seismic performance requirement must be achieved through system selection, detailing

requirements, design force levels, and permissible drift, based on the Seismic Design Code,

considering also the use of the building and the seismicity of the region containing the

building site together with the effect of the site conditions.

Once the energy demand for a structure is estimated from the earthquake ground motion,

the damage potential must be quantified by a combination of response and energy

parameters according to Park and Ang, 1985.

Within the scope of a specific project the investigation was basically devoted to

development of a practical and consistent methodology for structural state diagnosis.

Basically, the development procedure is regarded as a specific tool which will provide

successful identification of the basic parameters needed for elaboration of an optimal project

for revitalization of the structural system, and it is predominantly based on application of

the experimental non-destructive tests studied in chapter 5.

Chapter 6 is focused on measures for improvement of structural systems in order that they

will be capable to withstanding the expected earthquake effects. Decay of the building is

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3 Master thesis

usually consequence of weather condition, load effects and foundation settlement, so,

building should be safe under normal load and resist the lateral loads without collapse. The

types of intervention necessary to enhance the performance of the building can be broadly

grouped under the following three categories - Repair, Restoration and Strengthening.

Chapter 7 explores a method for damage assessment, in which the mathematical model of

an existing building gives the level of damage index. The fragility curves developed inhere

represent one of the possible forms of the earthquake intensity – damage to structures

relationship. A random point on the fragility curve shows the conditional probability that

the damage under an earthquake of a given intensity will exceed a certain damage state.

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Во овој магистерски труд е прикажано истражување на разни кодови, методологии и техники кои се користат во различни земји со цел да се дефинира соодветен концепт за рехабилитација на постојни згради.

Глава 2 е фокусирана врз сеизмичноста на Албанија како земја со висок степен на сеизмичност во која намалувањето на ризикот од земјотреси претставува важно актуелно социолошко-економско прашање. За целите на оваа студија, користен е ревидиран каталог на земјотреси со магнитуда Ms>4.5 кои се случиле во Албанија, меѓу 39/N (северно) и 43/N (северно) и 18.5/E (источно) и 21.5/E (источно) во периодот од 58 година пред наша ера до 2000. За дефинирање на сеизмичноста, користени се десет сеизмички извори. Четирите мапи на спектрални параметри овозможија конструирање на подеднакви спектри на хазард специфични за локација за цела Албанија и за истите е сугерирано да бидат основа за следната верзија на KTP-N.2-89 Технички сеизмички регулативи за подобрување на кодовите за проектирање на сеизмички отпорни конструкции во Албанија.

Во Глава 3, сеизмичките проектни барања или нивоа се целните услови на зграда после земјотрес – добро дефинирана точка на скала со која се мерат загубите предизвикани со штетите од земјотрес. Освен жртви, загубите можат да бидат изразени и преку загуба на имот и функционалност. Барањето за сеизмички перформанси мора да се задоволи преку селекција на систем, проектирање на детали, проектни нивоа на сила и дозволено поместување врз основа на Кодот за асеизмичко проектирање при што исто така се зема предвид намената на зградата и сеизмичноста на регионот во кој се наоѓа локацијата на зградата заедно со ефектот од локалните услови.

Откако ќе се оценат енергетските барања од сеизмичкото движење на тлото, потенцијалот за штети мора да биде квантифициран со комбинација на параметри на одговор и енергија според Парк и Анг, 1985.

Во рамките на еден специфичен проект, истражувањето беше воглавно посветено на развој на практична и конзистентна методологија за дијагноза на состојба на конструкција. Во основа, дефинираната постапка се смета за специфична алатка која ќе обезбеди успешна идентификација на основните параметри кои се неопходни за изработка на оптимален проект за ревитализација на конструктивниот систем и истата е воглавно заснована врз примена на експериментални недеструктивни тестови киои се прикажани во Глава 5.

Глава 6 е фокусирана на мерки за подобрување на конструктивни системи кои ќе бидат во состојба да се спротивстават на очекувани земјотресни дејства, деградирање на зградите од временски услови, влијанија од разни товари и фундирањето.

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5 Master thesis


This thesis is part of the author`s larger education which started in 2005 at Institute of

Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Seismology in Skopje, Macedonia.

It is my pleasure to note that the investigations within the thesis were carried out in the

Institute of Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Seismology (IZIIS) where I found a

great understanding and extraordinary conditions.

I am taking this opportunity to express my deep gratitude to the entire IZIIS’ staff, the

director of IZIIS–Prof. Dr. Mihail Garevski, as well as to all professors and colleagues who

gave me their friendly support.

It is particularly my honour and pleasure to express my most sincere gratitude to my

mentor-Prof. Dr. Danilo Ristic for his great assistance, continuous support and very useful

advices during the elaboration of my thesis. I am particularly grateful for his assistance

during testing of experimental models and analysis of the obtained results as well as for his

advices and proposals during the elaboration of the thesis.

Erald Kerluku, grad.Civil Eng.

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Summary 2

Acknowledgement 5

Table of contents 6

Objective of work 8

Introduction 9

1. Chapter 1: Review of evaluation and strengthening documents 14

1.1. United States codes for strengthening of building 14 1.1.1. FEMA 356: Building information, evaluation and retrofit objectives 15 1.1.2. FEMA 310: Building evaluation 15 1.1.3. Rehabilitation methods and analysis 16 1.2. European Code for strengthening of buildings 17 1.3. New Zealand Code for strengthening of buildings 18 1.4. Indian Standard for strengthening of buildings 19

2. Chapter 2:

Probabilistic seismic hazards for Albania 20 2.1. Introduction 20 2.2. Seismicity model 21 2.3. Strong ground motion relations 25 2.4. Seismic risk in Albania 27

3. Chapter 3: Aseismic design requirements . 29

3.1 Basic requirements and design criteria 29 3.2 Structural configuration and material properties 33 3.3 Stiffness, Strength and Ductility 35

4. Chapter 4: Overview on construction of existing buildings 39

4.1 Information on damaged buildings during past earthquakes 39 4.2 Inspection of existing and new building structures in Albania 43 4.3 Common deficiencies in existing buildings 46

5. Chapter 5: Structural diagnosis and damage assessment 56

5.1 In-situ non-destructive tests and destructive laboratory test 56

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5.1.1 Ambient vibration test method 56 5.1.2 Forced vibration test method 57 5.1.3 Seismo-acoustics Based Methods 58 5.2 Adopting of nonlinear failure models for state analysis 58 5.3 Fragility models and expected damage 59 5.3.1 Basic components of Risk assessment 59 5.3.2 Pre-Disaster Event Activities 62 Criteria for Defining Acceptable Level of Seismic Risk 62 Planning for Earthquake Disaster Mitigation 64

6. Chapter 6: Measures aimed to reduce the impact of environmental hazards 71

6.1 Repair and strengthening basic concepts 71 6.2 Intervention Techniques 75 6.2.1 Bonding Materials 77 6.2.2 Strengthening techniques 80

7. Chapter 7: Efficient Method for Repair and Strengthening 92

7.1 Technical Characteristics/ Description of the Building 94 7.1.1 Analysis of vertical loads 97 7.1.2 Building`s Geometry 100 7.2 Building Capacity Curve and ADRS Models 106 7.2.1 Pushover and capacity model in both orthogonal directions 106 7.2.2. Building bilinear capacity model in ADRS format 110 7.3 Seismic Response of existing building 112 7.3.1 Capacity spectrum method (CSM) 112 7.3.2 Demand spectra 114 7.3.3 Performance point estimation 116 7.4. Building Seismic Response in Repaired Model 118 7.4.1 Building Geometry 119 7.4.2 Analysis of vertical loads 121 7.4.3 Building Capacity Curve and ADRS Models 123 7.4.4 Building bilinear capacity model in ADRS format 126 7.4.5 Performance point for Repaired Model 127 7.4.6 Building Fragility models and Expected Damage 128 7.4.7 Conclusion 131

Appendix 135 References 136

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It is well known that the aging of civil engineering structures, the applied construction materials, and

consequently the structural elements, change their mechanical properties and bearing capacity due to

existing unfavorable environmental conditions as well as due to other degrading effects including

permanent and excessive earthquake or other damaging loads. Considering also the fact that, during

serviceability period, a large number of civil engineering structures are inadequately maintained, it is

clear that the resulting structural deterioration may be in some cases very serious. Under such

circumstances retrofitting, repair and/or strengthening of critical structures may be usually needed. To

optimize structural repair and strengthening concept actual serviceability and seismic safety level of

structures which are in use for a longer period of time may be initially determined in all necessary

details. The need for repair and strengthening generally refer to all types of structures, which during the

serviceability period are characterized by various changes as:

♦ Changes in live load;

♦ Changes in serviceability loads;

♦ Changes in design seismic parameters based on the latest observations and knowledge;

♦ Modifications of service and seismic safety criteria;

♦ Aging and other destructive effects;

♦ Produced damages due to earthquake or other disastrous effects, etc.

To optimize structural revitalization measures of degraded or earthquake damaged structures,

application of practical and consistent methodology is essential.

Regarding this, this work presents important considerations for upgrading the seismic resistance of

existing structures including investigation of existing structural characteristics, identification of

significant deficiencies, and selection of appropriate upgrade criteria and retrofit systems. In addition to

all of the tasks required in design of a new structure, successful seismic upgrade of an existing structure

requires development of a thorough understanding of the existing construction, research into its limiting

strength and deformation characteristics, quantification of the owner's economic and performance

objectives, and selection of an appropriate design criteria to meet these objectives. It also includes

selection of retrofit systems and detailing which can be installed within the existing structure at a

practical cost and with minimum impact on building appearance, function and historic features.

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Many buildings are informally constructed in a traditional manner without formal design by qualified

Engineers or Architects. Such buildings involve stone, brick, concrete blocks, rammed earth, wood posts

and thatch roof or combination of some or all the above materials. They are built with mud, lime or

cement mortar.

Some times combination of mortars having a mix is also used. The safety of these non-engineered

buildings against earthquakes is of great concern especially because most losses of lives during past-

earthquake have occurred in such buildings. The term non-engineered building is defined rather vaguely

to include those which are not specifically designed against seismic forces. In fact such buildings are

built mostly with load bearing masonry wall, stud wall and wooden and other construction using

combination of load bearing walls, piers in masonry, and columns in RC, steel or wood.

Buildings decay due to weather, load effects and foundation settlement etc. The building, if it has to

resist an earthquake shock it should be safe under normal load and resist the lateral load without

collapse. The types of intervention necessary to enhance the performance of the building can be broadly

grouped under the following three categories - Repair, Restoration and Strengthening.

Many of the early structures were built of adobe. Adobe has many favorable characteristics for

construction of buildings in arid regions: it provides effective thermal insulation, the clayey soil from

which adobe bricks are made is ubiquitous, the skill and experience required for building adobe

structures is minimal, and construction does not require the use of scarce fuel. As a consequence of their

age, design, and the functions they performed, surviving historic adobe structures are among the most

historically and culturally significant structures in their communities.

However, earthquakes pose a very real threat to the continued existence of adobe buildings because the

seismic behavior of mud brick structures, as well as that of stone and other forms of unreinforced

masonry, is usually characterized by sudden and dramatic collapse. There is also the threat to

occupants and the public of serious physical injury or loss of life during and following seismic events.

Generally speaking, it is the evaluation of the engineering community that adobe buildings, as a class,

are more highly susceptible to earthquake damage than are the various other types of buildings.

Nevertheless, it has been observed that some unmodified adobe buildings have withstood repeated severe

earthquake ground motions without total collapse. On this point, a prominent seismic structural

engineer remarked, “The common belief that a building is strong because it has already survived several

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earthquakes is as mistaken as assuming that a patient is healthy because he has survived several heart

attacks” (Vargas-Neumann 1984).

The seismic upgrading of historic buildings embraces two distinct and apparently conflicting goals:

• Seismic retrofitting to provide adequate life-safety protection

• Preservation of the historic (architectural) fabric of the building

These goals are often perceived as being fundamentally opposed.

If conventional seismic retrofitting practices are followed, extensive alterations of structures are usually

required. These alterations can involve the installation of new structural systems and often substantial

removal and replacement of existing building materials. However, historic structures so strengthened

and fundamentally altered may lose much of their authenticity. They are virtually destroyed by the

effort to protect against earthquake damage, before an earthquake even occurs.

Thus, the conflict is seen to be between retrofitting an adobe building to make it safe during seismic

events, at the cost of destroying much of its historic fabric in the process, and keeping the historic fabric

of the building intact but risking structural failure and collapse during future seismic events

As compared to seismic upgrade of existing structures, design of a new structure for proper seismic

performance is a relatively simple and straight-forward task. Modern building codes for new

construction rigorously prescribe the design procedures to be employed based on intended building

occupancy and performance and extensive research and data on seismic performance of the materials

and detailing specified. The engineer designing a new structure has the opportunity to select the basic

structural system and specify the materials and detailing incorporated. The engineer can participate in

developing the structure's configuration and the placement of structural elements. Finally, the engineer

for a new building has the opportunity to require inspection of important aspects of the construction and

to confirm the quality of materials and workmanship incorporated. As a result, most structural

characteristics important to seismic performance including ductility, strength, deformability, continuity,

configuration and construction quality, can be controlled.

Seismic rehabilitation of existing structures presents a completely different problem. First, for most types

of structures, up to very recently, there was no clear professional consensus on appropriate design

criteria. The building codes for new construction are based on the use of modern materials and

detailing, and are not directly applicable. Further, they incorporate levels of conservatism and

performance objectives which may not be appropriate for use on existing structures due to economic

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limitations. The material strengths and ductility characteristics of an existing structure will in general

not be well defined.

The configuration and materials of construction are predetermined. The details and quality of

construction are frequently unknown and because the structure has been in service for some time,

deterioration and damage are often a concern.

In addition to all of the tasks required in design of a new structure, successful seismic upgrade of an

existing structure requires development of a thorough understanding of the existing construction,

research into its limiting strength and deformation characteristics, quantification of the owner's

economic and performance objectives, and selection of an appropriate design criteria to meet these

objectives, which is also acceptable to the building official. It also includes selection of retrofit systems

and detailing which can be installed within the existing structure (which may have to remain open

during the upgrade) at a practical cost and with minimum impact on building appearance, function

and historic features.

Damage to buildings was caused by a combination of affects:

• Old decaying buildings predating modern construction practices

• New Buildings not being designed to earthquake codes

• Lack of knowledge, understanding or training in the use of these codes by local engineers

• Unawareness that Albania is a moderate seismic region

• Buildings erected without owners seeking proper engineering advice

• Improper detailing of masonry and reinforced structures

• Poor materials, construction and workmanship used, particularly in commercial buildings

• Alterations and extensions being carried out without proper regard for effects on structure

during an earthquake

• Buildings having poor quality foundations or foundations built on poor soils

• Little or no regularity authority administering or policing the codes

Generally, commercial buildings were worst affected by the earthquake because of poor workmanship,

use of materials and inadequate attention to detailing.

Low-rise rubble masonry buildings were totally destroyed near to the epicenter, but some survived

(though badly damaged) when further away. These were also older forms of construction. Cutstone

masonry and more modern reinforced concrete framed buildings faired much better, although damaged

to varying extents. These later building types are largely built by owner-occupiers and hence better care

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was taken in the materials used and their workmanship. Many lessons can be learnt from those non-

engineered low rise buildings which survived.

The vast majority of owner-builders are also the ones who have spent their life savings in constructing

their homes, and who wish to ensure their homes are properly repaired to resist a possible future

earthquake, but who are unable to always obtain proper advice. This Guide is intended to help those

people. These are also the most in need of this advice, as they carry no home insurance.

Even though this Guide provides lots of advice on how to repair and strengthen buildings, each building

will respond uniquely in an earthquake, and therefore it is difficult to generalize in a Guide such as this.

Therefore, it is important for the property owner to seek professional advice from an experienced

structural engineer and builder to check whether repairs can be carried out. Also, any repairs must

always consider the safety of the people involved.

The need to improve the ability of an existing building to withstand seismic forces arises usually from

the evidence of damage and poor behavior during a recent earthquake. It can arise also from

calculations or by comparisons with similar buildings that have been damaged in other places. While in

the first case the owner can be rather easily convinced to take measures to improve the strength of his

building, in the second case dwellers that have much more stringent day-to-day needs are usually

reluctant to invest money in the improvement of seismic safety. The problems of repairs, restoration and

seismic strengthening of buildings are briefly stated below:

• Before the occurrence of the probable earthquake, the required strengthening of seismically weak

buildings is to be determined by a survey and analysis of the structures.

• Just after a damaging earthquake, temporary supports and emergency repairs are to be carried

so that precariously standing buildings may not collapse during aftershocks and the less

damaged ones could be quickly brought back into use.

• The real repair and strengthening problems are faced at the stage after the earthquake when

things start settling down. At this stage distinction has to be made in the type of action required,

that is, repairs, restoration and strengthening, since the cost, time and skill required in the three

may be quite different.

The decision as to whether a given building needs to be strengthened and to what degree, must be based

on calculations that show if the levels of safety demanded by present codes and recommendations are

met. Difficulties in establishing actual strength arise from the considerable uncertainties related with

material properties and with the amount of strength deterioration due to age or to damage suffered from

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previous earthquakes. Thus, decisions are frequently based on gross conservative assumptions about

actual strength.

The method of repair and strengthening would naturally depend very largely on the structural scheme

and materials used for the construction of the building in the first instance, the technology that is

feasible to adopt quickly and on the amount of funds that can be assigned to the task, usually very

limited. Some methods like splints and bandages, wire mesh with gunite, epoxy injection, etc., have

already been tried and applied in a few countries for repairing as well as strengthening earthquake

damaged buildings.

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In the 1990s, triggered by several damaging Californian earthquakes, a vigorous program of

seismic code development was undertaken. Two outcomes are the publication of FEMA

310 and FEMA 356.

FEMA 356, based on extensive theoretical and practical research advocating a displacement

based method and non linear push over analysis, is intended to become a nationally

recognized standard. It will lead and shape current and future earthquake retrofit practice

due to its technical and procedural rigor and breadth.

1.1.1 FEMA 356: Building information, evaluation and retrofit objectives

Although FEMA 356 can be used as an evaluation tool, the more traditional evaluation

resulting from the application of FEMA 310 may be more appropriate for a developing

country. Both documents take a rigorous approach to determining existing structural

conditions by specifying the as-built information required, including exposure of primary

reinforced concrete connections to ascertain the standard of reinforcement detailing.

Uncertainties associated with minimum data collection are accounted for in the analysis by

application of a Knowledge Factor. This approach might be redundant for buildings whose

existing structures are discounted completely, due to serious constructional deficiencies, and

in whom additional structures are inserted to resist lateral loading. The documents also

outline potential geological hazards and provide guidance on assessment and mitigation.

Assuming the evaluation process recommends retrofitting, FEMA 356 requires that the

“design professional” discuss with his/her client the retrofit objectives. For an appropriate

earthquake hazard level, such as a 450 year return period event, the target building

performance level is agreed upon. For typical Turkish apartment buildings, a performance

level between the Life Safety Performance Level and the Collapse Prevention level might be

appropriate. This implies a design standard somewhat less than the current Turkish code

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with associated cost savings and may need approval by Turkish authorities before being

accepted. The design professional also has to explain that in order to achieve the agreed

performance, the quality of design, detailing, construction and supervision will have to be

very significantly better than current practice. The contractual and cost implications of a far

more rigorous approach will be considerable.

1.1.2 FEMA 310: Building Evaluations

FEMA 310 is aimed at identifying vulnerabilities and deficiencies in non-damaged

buildings. It is structured in three tiers of increasing analytical detail and decreasing

conservatives towards safety. Building assessment is performed with respect to compliance

to certain criteria that are deemed sufficient to resist earthquakes. In the first tier criteria are

mainly qualitative, while the few quantitative ones are based on fully elastic performance of

the structure. Compliance of the system is considered first, followed by each of its structural

and non structural components. If the building does not comply with one or more criteria

then the professional has the choice to either perform a more sophisticated (Tier 2)

assessment, or if the building is deemed to fail the assessment, to propose a strengthening

scheme, thence reducing the cost of the assessment stage.

Tier 2 first requires a quantitative elastic analysis of the entire structural system, either

dynamic or static equivalent; compulsory if the building is in the highest risk zone.

Compliance criteria are again laid out by structural element with reference to the rules of

capacity design and assumed ductile behavior. If there is no compliance at this level then a

full non linear analysis, for instance the push-over method, should be performed. Reference

is made to FEMA 356 for the detailed application of Tier 3.

The limitation of FEMA 310 is the a priori assumption of ductility levels and hierarchical

performance of structural elements, which may not necessarily occur in reality, and for

which no alternative provisions are considered. Also, in the event of non compliance, no

suggestion is provided for strengthening strategies to be pursued in order to realize such


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1.1.3 Rehabilitation methods and analysis

For concrete moment frames, with or without masonry infill, the Systematic Rehabilitation

Method, involving consideration of non-linear response, is required. In developing countries

it is likely that designers will prefer the Non-linear Static Procedure. This procedure requires

all primary, secondary (defined in the document) and non-structural components (if their

lateral stiffness exceeds 10% of the total storey initial lateral stiffness) to be modeled


Stiffness and strength degradation is also to be included. Unreinforced masonry infill walls

may not be neglected. In fact, analysis may indicate these elements are beneficial, reducing

the extent of new rehabilitation construction.

FEMA 356 requires this procedure to be “reviewed and approved by an independent third-

party engineer with experience in seismic design and non-linear procedures.” This peer

review requirement is crucial as it acknowledges important factors: the innovative nature of

the analytical approach, its technical complexity, the need for consistency, and the

maintenance of construction and professional standards. Some consultants and clients will

react negatively. The document also outlines a Construction Quality Assurance Plan,

involving the contractor, design professional and building officials. The emphasis is on the

importance of detail, so often relegated to non-professionals in developing countries, and on

the structural consequences of poor detailing. For example, “For beams and columns in

which perimeter hoops are either lap spliced or have hooks that are not adequately anchored

in the concrete core, transverse reinforcement shall be assumed not more than 50% effective

in regions of moderate ductility demand and shall be assumed ineffective in regions of high

ductility demand.” ATC-40 [6] comments on an equivalent clause: “This severe

recommendation is made with the understanding that shear failure of poorly confined

columns commonly is a cause of column failure and subsequent structural collapse.”

Observed damage to Turkish apartment buildings emphasizes the relevance of these clauses.

The FEMA approach is thorough and its correct application can be expected to achieve

building performance as close as possible to that desired. Within and outside the US these

documents represent a significant step forward. Design professionals have to consider many

new aspects, especially displacement based design. For developing countries the documents’

content represents a giant leap. Strategies need to be developed to bridge the gap between

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current practice and the high standards necessary for successful rehabilitation. In this respect

local engineering bodies have a role to introduce and support the gradual uptake of the

documents by undertaking a number of measures including:

1. Testing of local materials, foundation conditions and masonry infill wall

properties, to provide ranges of engineering properties and appropriate default


2. Sensitivity analyses that result in simplification of some of the provisions and

provide guidance on overcoming common mathematical modeling difficulties.

3. Case studies of several typical building retrofit illustrating analytical methods and

different retrofit strategies.

4. Disseminating lessons learned from peer reviews to build up local technical



Eurocode 8: Design of Structures for Earthquake Resistance – Part 3: Strengthening and

Repair of Buildings is currently being developed. Comments made in this paper are based

upon Draft No. 1 (June 2001) [7] and an earlier Draft for Development [8] which includes

Annex G, Details for Concrete Structures.

While comment is not offered on technical details due to the draft nature of these

documents, some general discussion is warranted. Overall, it seems that the code may not

be of great usefulness to designers in developing countries. The main difficulty is a

widespread lack of explicit guidance. Principles are given, but without any specifics.

Designers are left without specific quantitative guidance on many issues. For example,

when undertaking a simplified estimation of stiffness and resistance “model correction

factors” may be used, but no values are given and designers are told that values should be

“conservatively chosen, taking into account available technical literature and local

experience.” Other difficulties include the need to keep referring frequently to other code

documents and an unclear document structure. This general lack of explicit guidance

limits the usefulness of the document.

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The most up-to-date document [9] has been in draft form since June 1996. It assumes a life

safety performance level and begins with a rapid evaluation procedure based on the visual

screening approach of ATC 21 [10]. Approximately fourteen structural criteria are assessed

and demerit points are awarded for features likely to impair seismic performance. The three

most significant parameters to determine evaluation outcome are the level of site seismicity,

the presence of significant torsion and a weak storey. The “score”, intended to relate to the

building’s damage ratio under a current code earthquake, is then combined with the gross

building area (to reflect the number of occupants and potential casualties) to confirm

whether a more detailed analysis is warranted. This evaluation procedure, if adapted to

typical building types in developing countries, may be very suitable given its simplicity.

For reinforced concrete moment resisting frames, with or without masonry infill, designers

can choose either a force or displacement based approach. Both procedures are outlined in

flow charts and elaborated upon in step-by-step explanations. Less experienced engineers

will prefer the force method. For an identified collapse mechanism and probable member

and joint strengths, assuming no degradation of shear strength, the lateral force capacity is

compared to the code response spectrum to ascertain the minimum acceptable level of

structural ductility. Checks are then made to ensure member ductility capacity exceeds

demand, and that, given member curvature ductility, degraded shear strength capacities

allow the development of member flexural capacities. If previous check outcomes and

ductility and shear capacities are adequate, seismic improvement is not required.

This procedure is suitable for application in developing countries: it is based on first

principles approach, with a clearly set out methodology and very few coefficients necessary

to account for hidden complexities. The designer understands the process and therefore has

better control, while advice is provided by commentary on assumptions and limitations. An

evaluation can be undertaken without reference to other documents, hence making the

process as straight forward as possible. Analytical procedures are expressed in terms of

current design standards: this assists in achieving uniformity of approach and enables better

control by building officials. It also enables easy comparison between the evaluation and

design of retrofitted buildings with new buildings.

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For example, the document suggests that it is generally appropriate for the strength of ‘at-

risk buildings’ to be just 67% the strength of an equivalent new building. Although this

reduced strength level effectively increases the risk to existing buildings between two and

three times, the lower standard makes earthquake improvement more financially viable.

The displacement based approach is also presented. Considerable analytical simplifications

are possible once the collapse mechanism is determined. Member plastic hinge rotation and

(joint) shear capacities are checked against the structure displacement demand which is

determined from displacement spectra, easily generated from typical code spectra, and

effective natural period and damping appropriate to the assumed inelastic mechanism.

Again, this is a first-principle approach and although a pushover curve may be used, it is

feasible to use hand methods. If either of the analytical approaches indicates serious

structural deficiencies that might compromise the life safety performance objective,

guidance is then provided on how structural performance may be improved.


The Indian Standard focuses on providing guidance on reinstating damaged or weak

elements by rebuilding or strengthening. General principles as well as some common

strengthening techniques are discussed. For example, details of encasing reinforced concrete

members to improve strength and methods of improving floor and roof diaphragm action

are provided. The Standard appears to concentrate on reinstating or upgrading gravity load

paths of reinforced concrete members, rather than improving seismic resistance. Its value

therefore lies in effecting rapid repairs, probably in most cases to non-engineered structures.

While the lack of emphasis on the need for engineering evaluation, analysis and design of

seismically deficient structures may be addressed in a future revision, it might be argued that

much repair and retrofitting will be undertaken without professional engineering advice.

This highlights the value of practical and detailed documentation in the form of manuals for

contractors who can then retrofit a limited range of common building types.

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Aseismic building regulations have been applied in Albania since 1952. The static method

adopted in the first regulations for the seismic calculation of structures, was replaced in 1963

by a version of the dynamic method. Currently, Aseismic Regulation KTP-N.2-89 is in force

in Albania [2, 3].

As a first step to our new evaluation of the seismic hazard of Albania we reviewed the

seismic zonation of Albania at a scale 1:500,000 published in 1980 [4] and more recent

studies of the seismotectonics, seismic source zones and seismic hazard of Albania [5, 6, 7,

8, 9, 10, 11].

Albania is geologically and seismotectonically a rather complicated region. The country is

characterized by obvious microseismicity (a high number of small earthquakes), sparse

medium-sized earthquakes (magnitude M 5.5 - 5.9), and rare large earthquakes (magnitude

M>6.5). Most strong Albanian earthquakes have occurred along three well-defined seismic

belts [12].

• The Ionian-Adriatic coastal belt extending northwest to north-northwest and coinciding

with the boundary between the European plate and the Adria microplate.

• The Peshkopia-Korca belt, extending north-south in the eastern part of the country, and

• The Elbasani-Dibra-Tetova transverse belt, extending southwest-northeast across the

former two belts.

Neotectonic Structure

The Albanian orogen lies on the south-westernmost part of the Eurasian plate, and is a

convergent zone due to northeastward movement of the Adriatic plate (= Adria microplate).

The orogen is divided into two domains of the present-day tectonic regime: a coastal

domain of compression dominated by northwest to north-northwest striking thrusts and

folds, and an interior domain of extension dominated by north-striking normal faults

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(Figure 2.1). Two offshore regions, the South Adriatic Basin and the Periadriatic Foredeep,

have not been further considered because the

first has few earthquakes and the activity rate

of the second is too low to make a significant

contribution to the hazard.

The Pliocene-Quaternary embraced strong and

progressive uplift in the Mediterranean region,

particularly in Albania. The commencement in


Pliocene was distinguished by extensional

tectonics, which affected the interior domain of

the country and created its horst-graben

structures. The faults have been statistically

analyzed and their importance assessed for

each seismogenic zone.

Figure 2. 1 Map of active faults in Albania


Earthquake Catalogue

The revised catalogue of Albanian earthquakes [6] forms the basis of our study (Figure

2). The subset of the catalogue used for hazard calculation includes earthquakes with

magnitude Ms>4.5 that occurred in the region between 39.0EN and 43.0EN and 18.5EE

and 21.5EE (see Fig. 2) between 58 and 2000 A.D. The magnitudes for historical

earthquakes are evaluated from intensity information (Io, or epicentral intensity on the

MSK-64 Scale) using the conversion formula Io = 1.5 Ms - 0.986 [18]. For historical

earthquakes in Greece the Albanian catalogue uses the coordinates and magnitude

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values given by Papazachos [19], and for earthquakes in the former Yugoslavia it uses

the “Balkan Region - Catalogue of Earthquakes” [20].

Earthquake Source Zones

Seismic source zones were determined from consideration of the present-day tectonic

regime of the region, as discussed above, the subset of the Albanian catalogue, and the

full catalogue for smaller earthquakes from 1964-2000 (Fig. 2)[21]. From these

considerations, the regional seismicity of concern to Albania was divided into 10 seismic

sources (see Figures 1 and 3; zone coordinates are available from the authors), which

includes some redefinition of eight zones previously discussed for Albania together with

an interior background zone and a source zone to model earthquakes in the Skopje

region [22]. Parameters used for the probabilistic seismicity model are given in Table 1

and the zones based on work summarized by Aliaj [10] are:

1. Lezha-Ulqini (LU) a coastal zone containing pre-Pliocene WNW-striking pure-

compression thrust faults that parallel the Dalmatian coastal offshore line. The thrust

faults are cut by rare ENE-trending strikeslip faults.

2. Periadriatic Lowland (PL) a coastal zone containing post-Pliocene oblique-

compression thrust faults, Nto NNW-striking, which are cut by rare ENE-trending

strike-slip faults.

3. Ionian Coast (IC) a coastal zone containing pre-Pliocene NW-striking pure

compression thrust faults, which are cut by rare strike-slip faults.

4. Peja-Prizreni (PP) an interior zone in Kosova comprising three normal fault systems,

N- ENE- and WNW-trending, along the boundaries of Dukagjini Pliocene-Quaternary


5. Kukesi-Peshkopia (KP) an interior zone comprising Pliocene-Quaternary N-trending

normal-fault controlled grabens.

6. Ohrid-Korca (KO) an interior zone comprising the Pliocene-Quaternary normal-fault

controlled Ohrid graben, and Korça and Erseka half-grabens, which are generally N-


7. Shkodra-Tropoja (ST) a transverse interior zone comprising NE-striking normal

faults, mainly along the boundary of Mirdita ophiolite zone.

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Figure 2.2 Seismicity of Albania. Red dots show earthquakes used for the estimation of hazard, gray dots

represent other earthquakes

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8. Elbasani-Dibra-Tetova (EDT) a transverse interior zone comprising fragmentary

NE-striking normal faults.

9. Skopje (SK) is a zone adopted together with its magnitude recurrence parameters

from Talaganov [22] to describe the seismicity near Skopje.

10. Eastern Albanian Background (EAB) a background zone comprising the interior

part of Albania and neighboring regions that lies to the east of the coastal zones and is

not included in any of the zones named above.

Table 2.1 Parameters for the ten seismic source zones

Figure 2.3 Seismic source zones used for the hazard maps. EAB encompasses all interior regions not in a

named source.

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After examining some recent ground motion relations applicable to the Balkan region

we chose Ambraseys [25] to compute the ground motions for our rock site condition

(average velocity >750 m/s). The Ambraseys relations were determined for MS

magnitudes and are hence consistent with magnitudes of M>4.5 events in the Albanian

earthquake catalogue. Ambraseys [25] follow the work of Boore [26] by using “pseudo


Each pseudo depth represents an effective depth that is derived for a particular period

from the regression analysis used to determine the ground motion relations, and it is

used instead of the actual earthquake depth distribution.

Reference Ground Condition for Albania

For the preparation of national hazard maps it is essential to choose a reference ground

condition for which to map hazard. KTP-N.2-89 used rock or firm soil (Soil category I).

Because rock was adopted for Eurocode

8, it is the appropriate choice for the next hazard maps for Albania. Choices in North

America are usually in the mid-range between very hard and very soft ground (thus

minimizing uncertainty in the amplification or deamplification factors) and typically

represent “stiff soil”, rather than being rock. For example Canada’s next building code

has adopted "Site Class C", defined by a 360 to 750 m/s average shear wave velocity in

the uppermost 30 m [27].


Seismic hazard values were calculated for a grid extending over Albania and

neighboring regions and used to create national contour maps for the five ground motion

parameters chosen (Figures 5 and 6). The four spectral values (together with spectral

values at a few additional periods) were used to construct Uniform Hazard Spectra

(UHS) for some important cities to illustrate the range and period dependence of seismic

hazard across Albania (Figure 7). Approximate UHS can be constructed for other

localities by reading the four values off Figures 5-9. We tabulate hazard values for some

selected cities and towns in Table 2.

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Table 2.2 Hazard at 10%/50 year probability for selected Albanian cities and towns %g).

The change of seismic hazard as a function of probability (“hazard curve”) for Tirana is

illustrated in Figure 4. The slope of the curve between probabilities of 10%/50 years and

2%/50 years is of especial interest because national multiplicative factors have

sometimes been applied to values at one probability level to estimate hazard at a

different level considered more appropriate for design [16]. The curve also gives an

indication of the ground motions that might be used for high-reliability designs, though

as the current hazard model was intended for 10%/50 year hazard its estimates for low

probability hazard may be inaccurate [16].

Figure 2.4 Hazard curves for Tirana

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Figure 2.5 UHS for Albanian cities.

Figure 2.6 PGA hazard on rock for a

probability of 10%/50 years (units =%g).

2.4 Seismic risk in Albania

A new suite of national seismic hazard maps provides an opportunity to assess seismic

risk in Albania, where seismic risk is defined in terms of seismic hazard * vulnerability. A

full assessment of seismic risk in Albania involves much non-seismological data,

knowledge and skills to translate the effects of seismic hazard shaking into likely losses.

It is thus beyond the scope of this paper, and beyond the current mandate of the

Seismological Institute. However, a first approximation is extremely useful for allocating

resources to those places where the benefits will be largest. Adams [32] assessed the

distribution of urban seismic risk in Canadafrom 3 probability of damaging ground motion *

city population. For the probability, we have used the probability of exceeding a short-

period damage threshold (18%g), which might be consistent with damage in the recent

Gjilan Earthquake [33]. Choosing different thresholds or ground motion parameters

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would produce results that differ in detail, but substantially mimic the risk distribution

shown in Table 4 and Figure 7.

Figure 2.7 Urban seismic risk in Albania

Tirana accounts for at least one quarter of the urban seismic risk, perhaps considerably

more if the official population figure is an underestimate. Albania’s six largest cities at

risk account for over two-thirds of the urban risk.

Table 2.3 Estimate of relative seismic risk for Albanian cities

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The level of damage will vary from the strength and energy dissipation capacity of

the structure according to the desired performance objective based on the dynamic

response of the building assumed by the Structural civil engineer in the Seismic

Design Analysis, according to the figure below.

3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

Fig. 3.1 Scheme, Limit States related to Seismic Performance Requirements

According to existing practice, the seismic effects upon structures are classified into

three levels:


DLS  ULS Elastic Analysis 

Elasto‐plastic Analysis 

Kinematic Analysis 

Collapse Analysis 

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Level 1

Under the earthquake of low intensity, with short return periods, the dynamic

behavior of the structure should be such that there will be no vibrations that will

induce damage to the structural and nonstructural elements.

Level 2

Under an earthquake of higher intensity, referred to as the design earthquake, with a

return period of 50 to 100 years, the structure should remain to behave in linear

range, with possible limited nonlinear deformation to individual elements of the

system, which means a limited decrease in stiffness and dissipation of seismic energy

with nonlinear deformation. The maximum top storey displacements are limited to


Level 3

Under maximum expected seismic effect, referred to as maximum earthquake, with

return period of 200 to 300 years, the structure elements behave deep into nonlinear

range, the stiffness and the strength of the structure being considerably decrease with

local crushing of material. However, such strong earthquake should also not lead to

failure of elements particularly due to shear forces. The maximum relative

displacements are limited to h/150.

According to Paulay & Priestley 2.2.4.

The seismic design limit states are classified into the next three categories:

Serviceability limit state

o Minor intensity of ground shaking

o No damage to structural or nonstructural components

o Component of the structure remaining essentially elastic

o Concrete and masonry may develop considerable cracking but no significant

yielding of reinforcement

o No crushing of concrete or masonry

o Normally seismic forces are calculated for 50 year return period

o Annual probability of exceedance P=0.02/year

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Damage control limit state

o Moderate intensity of ground shaking

o Yielding of reinforcement may result in wide cracks

o Repair requirement

o Crushing or spalling of concrete may occur

o Boundary between economically repairable damage and damage that is


o Annual probability of exceedance P=0.002/year

Survival limit state

o Strongest ground shaking

o Loss of life should be prevented

o Survival is the most important design criteria

o Extensive damage to both structural and building contents

o Attention on structural qualities

o Large displacement without significant loss in lateral force resistance

o Annual probability of exceedance P=0.0002/year

According to Eurocode 8: Design of structures for earthquake resistance

Part 1: General rules, seismic actions and rules for buildings.

The structures in seismic region shall be designed and constructed in such a way, that the

following two requirements are met, each with an adequate degree of reliability:

Non-collapse requirement

o To withstand the design seismic action without local or global collapse.

o Retaining its structural integrity and a residual load bearing capacity after the

seismic events.

o The design seismic action is expressed in terms of PNCR or TNCR

Probability of exceedance, PNCR = 10%

Return period, TNCR = 475 years

o The ultimate limit states which are associated with collapse, shall be checked

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Damage limitation requirement

o To withstand a seismic action having a larger probability of occurrence than

the design seismic action.

o Without the occurrence of damage and the associated limitation of use.

o The seismic action is expressed in terms of PNCR or TNCR

Probability of exceedance, PDLR = 10%

Return period, TDLR = 95 years

o The damage limitation states which are associated with damage occurrence,

shall be checked

From evaluation of level of seismic hazard, we will follow the design procedure based

on Non-collapse requirement (EC-8 2.1)

For non-collapse requirement Ultimate limit State is used as concept:

o Structural system having resistance and energy dissipation capacity

o Non-linear response

o Energy dissipation by q behavior factor

o Ductility classification

o Checking the stability of the structure (Overturning, Sliding)

o Foundation resist without permanent deformation

o Influence of second order effects

o Verifying the behavior of non-structural elements

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Earthquake resistant concrete buildings are classified into structural types according to

their behavior under horizontal and vertical loading, as EC-8 (5.2)

In o

Table 3.1 Types of system and load distribution

Structural Frame System:

Structural system in which both the vertical and lateral loads are mainly resisted by

spatial frames whose shear resistance at the building base exceeds 65% of the total

shear resistance of the whole structural system.

Dual system:

Structural system in which support for the vertical loads is mainly provided by a

spatial frame and resistance to lateral loads is contributed in part by the frame

system and in part by structural walls, single or coupled.

Both structures are symmetrically in respect to x and y axis in plan.

The mass distribution at the floor level is modeled by diaphragm in order to

generate: EC-8 (







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Story Shear Overturning Moment

Structural Frame Systems


o Rigid Interconnection

o Large plane stiffness

o Translation and Rotation of the floor behave as rigid body

o Transmitting the inertia forces generated from earthquake acceleration at all

horizontal force resisting elements

o Design to respond elastically, as they are not suitable to dissipate energy

• Criteria of regularity due to Response of the Structure

Fig 3.2 Response in Elevation

The building as a Vertical Cantilever

Center of Mass

During an earthquake, acceleration induced inertia forces will be generated at each

floor level, where the mass of entire story may be assumed to be concentrated. Hence the

location of a force a particular level will be determined by the center of accelerated mass

at that level.

Center of Rigidity

Due to displacement of the story plan �x, the forces induced will be proportional to the

respective stiffness uFK = . The resultant total force F induced by translational

displacement will pass through the center of Rigidity.

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Idealized response


Similar will be the force induced in the other translational direction. The point of

center of rigidity or center of stiffness will cause only relative floor translations. Since

the story shear force F acts through center of mass stronger than the center of rigidity, it

cause floor rotation as well as floor translation.

Displacement due to story twist, when combined with those resulting from floor

translations, can result in total element interstory displacements that may be difficult to

accommodate. For this reason we should attempt to minimize the magnitude of story


Fig. 3.3 Response in Plan


• Stiffness

Stiffness is the quantity that relates loads or forces to the ensuing structural deformations.

Familiar relationships are established from first principles of structural mechanics, using

geometric properties of members and the modulus of elasticity for the material. If

serviceability criteria are to be satisfied with a reasonable degree of confidence, the extent

and influence of cracking in members and contribution of concrete in tension must be


Fig. 3.4 Bilinear Response




Center of Mass

xCenter of Rigidity




This may be achieved by a deliberate assignment

of stiffness to lateral force-resisting components,

such as frames or walls, in such a way as to

minimize the distance between center of rigidity

and the line of action of the story shear force in

center on mass.

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According to fig.3.4 two bilinear responses are used, where Sy defines the yielding or ideal

strength Si of the member. The slope of idealized linear elastic response Y


Δ= is used to

quantify the stiffness.

• Strength

A structure must have adequate strength to resist internal actions generated during the

elastic response of the structure. The strength required to resist earthquake-induced forces,

and structural displacements Δ at the development at different levels of strength are related

to each other. This relation will be shown in definition of ductility given below.

• Ductility and Energy Dissipation

To minimize major damage and to ensure the survival of buildings with moderate resistance

with respect to lateral forces, structures must be capable of sustaining a high portion of their

Initial strengths when earthquake imposes large deformations. These deformations may be

beyond the elastic limit. This ability of the structure or its components, or the materials used

to offer resistance in the inelastic domain of response, is described by general term ductility.

In fig. above, is represented by dashed line brittle failure which means, loss of resistance,

often complete disintegration, with absence of adequate warning. For obvious reason, brittle

failure, which may be said to be the cause for collapse of the building in earthquake, and

consequent loss of lives, must be avoid. But fortunately using again the fig. inelastic

deformation may be still possible without structural collapse.

Ductility is defined by the ratio of the total displacement at any instant time to that at the

onset of yielding 1>ΔΔ


μ . The displacement � and �y may represent strain, curvature,

rotation or deflection and displacement. The design of earthquake resistant concrete

buildings shall provide an adequate energy dissipation capacity to the structure without

substantial reduction of its overall resistance against horizontal and vertical loading.

Therefore, three ductility classes are defined as low, moderate and high ductility, which

corresponding to different level of energy dissipation capacity (Hysteretic Loops) of the

element in analysis.

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Fig. 3.5 Level of ductility

The level of energy dissipation capacity is account in term of behavior factor, qo, which

depend on the structural type defined previously. The designing of the structure based on

energy dissipation capacity level must consider also seismic hazard analysis of a given site,

allowing or no some levels of energy dissipation applied in the analysis.

Table 3.2 Level of energy dissipation for structural design








HIGH yes yes yes

Therefore, for concrete structure are distinguished two ductility classes, according to EC-8

( table 5.1).

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Table 3.3 Types of structural system regarding ductility capacity

Structural Type DCM DCH

Frame system, dual system, coupled wall system 3.0αu /α1 4.5αu /αu

Wall system 3.0 4.0αu /α1

Torsionally flexible system 2.0 3.0

Inverted pendulum system 1.5 2.0

Both, moderated and high ductility capacity, correspond to structure which is enabling to

develop stable mechanisms associated with large dissipation of hysteretic energy under

repeated reversed loading, without suffering brittle failure.

According to this classification Albania is characterized to moderated ductility capacity.

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The identification of active faults can be the consequence of a direct approach (retrieval of

surface faulting evidence) or can start from considering in which European areas

earthquakes with M>6 occurred in the past (Fig. 4.1 and 4.2) and then identifying the active

fault zone to which each earthquake could be associated.

Fig. 4.1 - Earthquakes with Io ≥ 9 or M>6 included in BEECD Working File, 1500-1899

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Fig. 4.2 - Earthquakes with Io ≥ 9 or M>6 included in BEECD Working File, 1900-1990

The importance of going backward in time by means of historical earthquake records is

supported by the fact that for some cases surface faulting or the presence of an active fault

could not have been predicted just taking into account this century seismicity, and vice


Fig.4.3 - Epicenters of earthquakes associated with faulting evidence (from Ambraseys and Jackson, 1997)

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Today knowledge on active faults in Europe derived from historical data is mainly scattered

among studies dealing with large earthquakes. An important methodological approach is

available for the the Eastern Mediterranean region (Ambraseys and Jackson, 1997); the

contribution covers the area shown in Fig. 2a and 2b.


Historical data on earthquakes and faults are today available in formats which are not

homogeneous, as it is the case for macroseismic information. Obviously, the best data are

those related to recent, strong earthquakes, investigated with respect to macroseismic effects,

field surveys, etc.

An intermediate case history is chosen to show the type of information available on surface

faulting evidence. It is a strong earthquake occurred in northern Albania on June 1, 1905,

which is listed by Ambraseys and Jackson also. The map with the intensity distribution (Fig.

4.4) shows that the damage was concentrated in the area of the Scutari Lake, and that the

earthquake was strongly felt in Apulia (south-eastern Italy) and north in Croatia and on the

Dalmatian coast.

Fig. 4.4 - Intensity distribution for the earthquake of 1905, June 1, Scutari (Albania)

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Kociu and Sulstarova (1980) present a detailed description of earthquake effects, in about 20

localities located in the epicentral area, and a summary of natural phenomena associated

with the earthquake.

On November 30, 1967, a strong earthquake of magnitude M = 6.6 struck the Dibra region,

eastern Albania, causing considerable loss of human life and grave material damage both in

the territory of Albania and that of ex-Yugoslavia.

From the study of the macroseismic field of this earthquake and its fault, which extends

over 10 km in a 40° northeasterly direction, from the distribution of aftershocks in space and

the focal-mechanism solution of this earthquake, the conclusion has been reached that this

event is connected with the Vlora—Dibra seismogenic belt.

The authors have mentioned the existence of this traverse belt as early as 1969 (Sulstarova

and Koçiaj, 1969). The existence of this belt is also shown by the chronological and

geographical distribution of some strong earthquakes in Albania in the period 1800–1967

(their macroseismic field and the position of their epicentres), and by the focal-mechanism

solutions of some of these earthquakes. The Vlora—Elbasan—Dibra transverse seismogenic

belt continues for several hundred kilometers northeast and southwest beyond the territory

of Albania.

The earthquake seasonality of Albania is observed for the period 1901–1990. Of the

included 211 earthquakes with magnitude Ms > 4.5, 70% occurred in the year's period

November–April. One-third of all earthquakes occur in November and December. The

Schuster test is employed to asses the significance of the apparent earthquake seasonality.

For five zones of the country, an attempt is made to cross-correlate rainfall and seismic

activity. It is found that some zones show a better cross-correlation coefficient than others.

Detailed observation has been carried out for all the ‘felt’ earthquakes in Albania with

inland epicenters for the period 1969–1990. Some of them followed heavy precipitation. A

suggestion that changing underground waters can act as a valve allowing accumulated

seismic energy to be released earlier than without groundwater change is proposed for the

case of Albania.

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Table 4.1 Buildings by time of construction of mean cities in Albania


Time of construction Total Before

1945 1945-1960


1981-1990 1991-1995 1996 +

Durrës 1,778 3,485 7,016 5,188 4,312 8,417 30,196 Elbasan 1,955 4,004 10,165 8,827 4,473 4,722 34,146 Fier 618 3,255 10,819 9,693 4,420 5,649 34,454 Gjirokastër 1,847 2,080 3,768 2,648 534 669 11,546 Korçë 2,852 4,267 9,960 5,534 1,585 1,663 25,861 Krujë 884 1,369 3,035 2,909 1,210 1,656 11,063 Lezhe 864 1,362 2,775 2,352 1,359 2,136 10,848 Librazhd 1,081 1,815 3,405 2,454 853 864 10,472 Lushnjë 771 2,267 7,065 6,632 2,908 3,913 23,556 Pogradec 888 1,673 5,032 3,156 754 1,331 12,834 Sarandë 1,169 1,274 2,340 1,505 604 862 7,754 Shkodër 3,505 4,012 8,127 5,846 2,744 4,541 28,775 Tiranë 5,713 5,905 11,698 10,585 11,406 21,231 66,538 Vlorë 2,747 3,657 8,577 6,836 3,530 3,855 29,202

Table 4.2 Characteristic of the buildings


Type of building

Total Single

dwelling Masonry


Multiple dwelling Masonry

&RC Structures

Partially for other purposes Masonry &RC


Institutional household Masonry

&RC Structures

Other Masonry

&RC Structures

Durrës 29,007 1,189 168 261 62 30,687 Elbasan 33,099 1,047 46 145 13 34,350 Fier 33,525 929 66 84 7 34,611 Gjirokastër 11,152 394 23 110 1 11,680 Korçë 25,000 861 80 68 7 26,016 Krujë 10,797 266 14 44 1 11,122 Lezhë 10,251 597 106 94 219 11,267 Librazhd 10,229 243 20 66 10 10,568 Lushnjë 23,051 505 75 144 13 23,788 Pogradec 12,485 349 6 53 1 12,894 Sarandë 7,343 411 40 12 12 7,818 Shkodër 27,660 1,115 60 294 12 29,141 Tiranë 62,971 3,567 405 547 259 67,749 Vlorë 28,161 1,041 91 153 3 29,449

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According to this table more than 50 % of the buildings were constructed before seismic

regulation KTP-89, which indicate that damage assessment and development of efficient

technology for seismic upgrade is necessary.

Two types of structures are met mostly in Albania:

1. Masonry Structures

• Construction material

- Stone - Adobe - Brick - Ceramic blocks - Cement blocks

• Place of construction

- Rural areas - Urban areas

• Structural systems

- Plain masonry - Confined masonry

Fig. 4.5 Historical building in Albania (City of Gjirokaster)

Fig. 4.6 Typical 5 story masonry

building, build in 1961-1980

(Settled in City of Tirana)

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2. Reinforced Concrete structures

• Construction material

- Concrete + Steel

• Place of construction

- Urban areas

• Structural systems

- Frame system

- Dual system

- Prefabricated RC wall system

Fig. 4.7 New building structure, RC dual system

Fig. 4.8 Different types of

building structure (centre Tirana)

Fig. 4.9 Prefabricated type of building structure

(centre Tirana)

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This section describes typical deficiencies found in existing construction which can lead to

poor earthquake performance. For the purposes of this section, poor earthquake

performance is defined as endangerment of life safety through either partial or total collapse.

As previously discussed, for some types of structures and occupancies it may be desirable to

obtain better performance as merely protection of life safety. To obtain such performance, it

is necessary to mitigate each of the deficiencies discussed in this section, as well as to ensure

that expected earthquake induced deformations are kept small enough to prevent significant

damage to key elements of the structure.

Until recently, there has been little consensus in the engineering profession as to appropriate

methods for determining if an existing structure is seismically hazardous.

Some engineers have attempted to apply the current building codes as evaluation tools for

existing structures. The problem with this approach is that since the codes are revised every

few years, most existing buildings will not meet the current code to some extent, a few years

down the road. This would result in a finding that nearly every building is hazardous and

requires upgrade. Such a finding is obviously both technically incorrect and economically

not feasible to manage.

One of the most seismically hazardous classes of buildings common throughout the world

are structures constructed with load bearing walls of unreinforced masonry. A significant

amount of research has been performed in recent years on the performance of these

buildings and effective methods of improving their seismic performance.

Incomplete Lateral Force Resisting System:

One of the most common causes of earthquake induced collapse is the lack of a complete

lateral force resisting system. In order to successfully resist collapse, each element of a

structure must be positively connected to the whole in such a manner that inertial loads

generated by the element from motion in any direction can be transmitted back to the

ground in a stable manner.

As a minimum, a complete lateral force resisting system will include at least three no

concurrent vertical lines of lateral force resisting elements (moment frames, braced frames or

shear walls) and at each level of significant mass a horizontal diaphragm to interconnect

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these vertical elements. Together, this assemblage of elements must provide adequate

rigidity to control structural deformations to tolerable levels.

There are a number of common building configuration and design features which often

result in a building without a complete lateral force resisting system. These include open store

fronts/house over garage, clerestory conditions, and expansion joint conditions.

The open store front or house over garage condition, common in urban construction and for

older buildings, has often lead to building collapse during strong ground motion. In older

mid- and high-rise construction, the primary vertical elements of the lateral force resisting

system are often the perimeter concrete or masonry walls which act as perforated shear

walls. A similar condition to the open storefront is the building or house over garage.

When such buildings have store-front systems or open garage fronts at the lower story, the

vertical shear resistance provided by the walls of the upper stories is not present. This results

in a discontinuous lateral force resisting system.

Such a condition is most severe for buildings with openings on two of four sides, as the

building becomes torsionally or laterally unstable at the lower story

The clerestory condition is common in many low- and mid-rise buildings in either

commercial or residential occupancy. The problem is that the clerestory is a major

discontinuity in the horizontal roof diaphragm, which requires the structure on either side of

the clerestory plus the clerestory roof to behave as independent elements. If the structure on

opposite sides of the clerestory or the clerestory roof is not by itself stable, then collapse can

occur. If the structure on both sides of the joint is stable, then differential movement of the

structure on opposite sides can result in severe damage. Long narrow buildings with one end

having an open store-front are also a common configuration that has a high degree of

torsional instability.

Expansion joints are a common feature of many large buildings of low- and mid-rise

construction, particularly in areas with significant seasonal temperature variation. They are

placed in buildings to relieve stresses induced by thermal expansion of the building frame as

well as to provide relief in exterior finishes (particularly roofing). The system of expansion

joints placed in a building will effectively divide it into separate structural units. Some

buildings with such joints have not been designed with a complete lateral force resisting

system for the structural segments on each side of the joints. This can result in collapse.

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Another problem that can occur in buildings with expansion joints is pounding of the

adjacent structures (Figure 12-7). The severity of this problem is minimized somewhat if the

diaphragm levels on each side of the joint align so that the slabs of one structure do not act

as knife edges against the columns of the adjacent structure.

Structural Continuity and Inter-element deformations:

Structural continuity is an important factor for good seismic performance.

If all of the various components of a structure are not adequately tied together, the pieces

can move independently and in different directions.

This can result in dislodging elements from structures and the loss of bearing support for

vertical load carrying elements. Modern codes require that all elements of a structure be tied

together or that sufficient accommodation be made for the real displacements such that

failure does not occur. These considerations were often overlooked in older structures.

Common deficiencies include: inadequate anchorage of walls to diaphragms for out-of

plane and in-plane deformations use of sliding type beam bearing connections with

undersized bearing dimensions; inadequate attachment of architectural elements including

cladding, ceilings, and partitions to the structure; inadequate attachment of equipment and

utilities to the structure.

Excessive Lateral Flexibility:

Buildings with complete lateral force resisting systems but excessive flexibility in the

elements of their lateral force resisting systems have occasionally collapsed. Such buildings

can experience very large lateral displacements when subjected to ground shaking.

Structures with significant gravity loading can become unstable under large lateral

deformation, as a result of P-delta effects. Since flexible structures tend to have relatively

long fundamental periods of vibration, such structures tend to perform adequately when

located on sites with firm soils, as the energy content of ground shaking transmitted by such

sites to the structures is relatively limited. However, flexible structures located on sites with

deep soft soils can experience very large demands. Typically, structures with inter-story drift

ratios of 1% or less at real deformation levels behave acceptably.

Brittle elements:

Modern design practice for buildings expected to withstand strong ground shaking requires

the incorporation of ductile materials and detailing in the design of structures, such that

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deformations substantially larger than those expected at normal service levels can be

tolerated without loss of structural capacity. Older construction rarely was provided with

this ductility. As a result, elements tend to be brittle, and can rapidly loose strength when

strained beyond their elastic or nominal capacities.

Unreinforced masonry walls can be composed of common clay brick, stone, hollow clay tile,

adobe, or concrete masonry materials.

Walls of these materials have limited strength, and very little ductility for in-plane demands.

Slender walls, with large ratios of unsupported length to thickness have often failed due to

out of- plane demands. Inadequate anchorage of these walls to diaphragms is a common

deficiency which contributes to poor out-of plane performance.

Non-ductile Concrete Frames. If adequately designed, moment resisting frames of reinforced

concrete can provide excellent behavior in strong earthquake shaking.

However, many earthquakes induced collapses of structures relying on non-ductile concrete

frames for their lateral resistance have occurred.

A number of problems can result in poor earthquake performance of concrete frames.

These include deficiencies in: shear capacity, joint shear capacity, placement of

reinforcement for load reversals, development of reinforcement, confinement of the concrete

and lateral support for reinforcing steel.

Shear failure of reinforced concrete columns and beams is a brittle failure mode and can

result in sudden loss of load carrying capacity and collapse. In frames with adequate

strength to remain elastic under real deformation levels, the beams and columns should

have greater shear capacity than required at these deformation levels. In frames which

experience flexural yielding at the joints under real deformation levels, the shear strength of

the elements must be greater than their flexural capacity or failure can result. The shear

strength capacity of members with relatively low axial compressive stress levels should be

limited to that provided by the reinforcing steel as the shear strength of the concrete in such

members quickly degrades under cyclic loading.

Shear failure of joints in moment resisting frames can also occur. The beam column joint of a

moment resisting frame can be subjected to very large shears, resulting from the transfer of

flexural stresses between the elements. Failure has occurred at such joints, particularly when

the lateral confinement reinforcement in the columns does not run continuously through the

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joint zone. Frames with eccentric beam column joints or relatively slender beams tend to be

weaker than those without such features.

Moment resisting frames subjected to strong ground shaking will typically experience large

flexural load reversals at their joints. Some concrete frames designed primarily for gravity

load resistance have little if any positive beam reinforcing steel (located at the bottom face of

the beam) continuous through the beam column joint. As a result, the frames do not have

capacity to resist load reversals. For good performance, frames must have a minimum

percentage of the beam positive reinforcing developed continuously through the beam

column joints.

Inadequate development of reinforcing steel is another common problem. In frames with

inadequate strength to remain elastic at real deformation levels, the flexural reinforcing steel

will yield. Repeated cyclic loading of the bars into the yield range results in a breakdown of

the bond between the reinforcing steel and concrete, which can result in a loss of flexural

strength and frame instability.

Inadequate Concrete Confinement – Normal weight concrete elements with nominal lateral

reinforcement can withstand compressive strains on the order of 0.003 to 0.004.

Compressive strains in excess of this amount will result in crushing and spalling of the

concrete and degradation of the element's capacity to carry load. Strong ground shaking can

induce large compressive strains in concrete at flexural hinge regions of beam column joints.

Large compressive strains resulting from large overturning demands can also occur in

columns. Unless closely spaced lateral confinement reinforcing is provided, compressive

strains at real deformation levels in excess of about 0.004% in normal weight concrete and

0.002% in lightweight concrete can result in structural failure. This is not a concern for

members with low strain demands at real deformation levels.

Large tensile strains, particularly at flexural hinge regions of frames can also result in

member failure, unless closely spaced lateral reinforcement is provided. When a flexural

hinge forms, large tensile strains and elongation will occur in the longitudinal reinforcing


When structural response reverses, under cyclic motion, the elongated steel is forced into

compression, and if not provided with adequate lateral support, will buckle. In addition to

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causing premature spalling of cover concrete, this can lead to low-cycle fatigue failure of the

reinforcing and loss of structural capacity.

Reinforced concrete and masonry walls can have many of the same problems described for

reinforced concrete frames, particularly if they are highly perforated by openings, or are tall

and slender. Generally, walls with relatively low levels of axial load, moderate quantities of

vertical reinforcing steel and shear capacities greater than their flexural capacities behave in

a ductile manner, while those without these features can be quite brittle. Wall failures can

occur as a result of excessive shear demands, as a result of crushing at the edges under

extreme flexural strains, or as a result of failure of the reinforcement, as previously described

for concrete frames. The most common wall failures occur in the spandrel beams present

over door and window openings. Very large stress concentrations occur in these elements,

often resulting in damage at relatively low levels of lateral load.

Once the spandrels have failed, overturning demands on individual piers can increase

substantially, and the stiffness and strength of the structure decrease.

Braced steel frame structures have been commonly damaged in earthquakes, but collapses have

been rare. The most common damage is to the bracing itself. Light rod braces often fracture,

as a result of a concentration of inelastic strain demands at the threaded portion of the rods.

In heavier structures, inelastic buckling of compression braces is also common.

Compression braces of intermediate slenderness, and non-compact section properties can

experience brittle fracture as a result of low-cycle fatigue induced by large secondary stresses

at buckled sections. Failure of bracing connections is also common, particularly when the

strength of the connection is less than the strength of the brace itself.

Highly eccentric brace connections tend to fail prematurely due to the large secondary

stresses induced by the eccentricities.

Although failure of braces is one mode of common failure, other failure modes can also

occur in these structures. One of the more common failure modes occurs in structures with

"chevron" type bracing, where the beam at the apex of the chevrons can be severely

deformed by large unbalanced force in the "tension" brace following buckling of the

"compression" brace. Some structural collapses have occurred as a result of braces which

were designed too strong, relative to other portions of the structure. Over-strength bracing

can place very large overturning demands on columns, resulting in buckling of this critical

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gravity load carrying elements. Knee braced frames, in which the braces induce flexural

demands on columns can also result in premature column failure.

Inadequate diaphragms - Reliance on inadequate diaphragms can be another cause of

earthquake-induced collapse. Although the floors and roofs of most structures provide

diaphragm capacity, unless the structures were specifically designed to resist seismic loads,

these features are often grossly inadequate.

Common diaphragm deficiencies in buildings include inadequate shear capacity, inadequate

flexural capacity, extreme flexibility, poor connectivity to vertical elements of the lateral force resisting

system, and lack of continuity.

Diaphragms of differing materials have widely different shear strengths. Systems consisting

of cast-in-place concrete, composite systems of concrete filled metal deck, and horizontal

steel braced systems tend to have very large capacities and excellent ductility.

Diaphragms constructed of timber sheathing and certain metal decks have very limited

capacity but intermediate ductility. Diaphragms consisting of poorly bonded precast

concrete planks or of poured gypsum slabs tend to have very low shear capacity and

negligible ductility.

Flexural capacity of diaphragms should also be considered. Classic engineering evaluation

techniques of flexible diaphragms treat these elements as simply supported horizontal

beams, spanning between the various vertical elements of the lateral force resisting systems.

The diaphragm materials itself (timber sheathing, metal deck, diagonal braces, etc.) are

considered to act as the web of this beam while discrete continuous chord elements at the

edges of the member are provided to resist flexural demands. The presence of walls around

the perimeter of a diaphragm may alter the pattern of flexural demands. In such structures,

the walls themselves may directly resist the shear stresses at the boundaries of the

diaphragm such that the classic "simple beam" analogy is not valid. Regardless, a rational

stress path must exist such that the diaphragm remains in internal as well as external

equilibrium. A common deficiency in diaphragms is an absence of local flexural chords

around openings. This can greatly reduce the effectiveness of otherwise competent


The basic functions of the diaphragm are to tie the elements of a structure together at a

given level and distribute inertial loads to the various vertical elements of the lateral force

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resisting system. Diaphragms which are extremely flexible can result in very large interstory

drifts for supported elements such as walls subjected to out-of-plane loads. It is important

that the diaphragm have adequate stiffness to prevent excessive inter-story drifts from

developing. This problem tends to be most pronounced with diaphragms of timber

construction or those of unfilled metal deck construction.

Poor connectivity of the diaphragm to the vertical lateral force resisting elements is also

common, particularly in structures with relatively large diaphragms and isolated vertical

shear resisting elements. It is important that collectors be provided in such diaphragms to

transfer shears into the frames and walls.

Another common deficiency with regard to shear transfer is a physical separation between

the diaphragm web and the top of the vertical lateral force resisting elements.

Continuity is an important consideration for diaphragms constructed of materials with

limited tensile capacity including plywood, gypsum and concrete. Under the influence of

large concentrated inertial loads, such as generated by heavy masonry or concrete walls

supported at a diaphragm edge, diaphragms with limited tensile capacity can rip apart

unless directly provided with continuous elements to tie the structure together. In timber

diaphragms, continuity can best be provided through the framing members. In concrete

diaphragms, reinforcement must provide the required continuity.

Non-structural elements. Non-structural elements are those pieces of a structure which are not

intended by the designer to act as structural load carrying elements. Common non-structural

elements include non-load bearing walls, cladding, ceilings, ornamentation, and mechanical

and electrical services and utilities.

Non-load bearing walls including construction of hollow clay tile, concrete masonry, concrete,

and other materials are a common problem in structures. Often not directly considered by

the original structural designer of the building, these elements can have substantial influence

on the performance of a structure. They can alter its stiffness, deformation patterns, lateral

force resisting capacity and failure modes. Common problems include partial height walls

which can induce shear failures where they bear against the mid-height of columns, and

irregular placement of walls in a building which can create torsional problems and soft

stories. In addition to their effect on the behavior of the structure, partition walls can fail

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either due to in-plane deformations or out-of-plane accelerations resulting in potential

personnel hazards as well as substantial architectural damage.

Buildings of recent construction often have curtain wall type cladding systems. A common

deficiency of such systems is an inability to withstand the large lateral deformations the

building experiences under strong ground motion. If the cladding has not been provided

with adequate deformation capacity, panels can crush or connections can fail, creating a

substantial falling hazard.

Ceilings are a frequent source of damage in earthquakes. Suspended plaster ceilings which

are not adequately braced to a nearby diaphragm are a particular problem. These heavy

ceiling systems can sway independently, much like a pendulum, and batter adjacent

structural elements including walls. This is a common mode of failure initiation in

unreinforced masonry buildings.

Exterior ornamentation on structures including parapets, statuary, balustrades, balconies and

similar items can also be problem areas. Often, these decorative elements have limited

capacity to resist earthquake induced lateral accelerations. Failure typically results in a

falling hazard.

Mechanical and Electrical Utilities must be maintained in a serviceable condition for structures

which are expected to remain functional following an earthquake. Even in less critical

facilities, shaking induced damage to these elements can result in substantial consequential

damage to architectural elements.

For example failed mechanical and electrical systems can result in fire initiation as well as in

flooding. Unfortunately, most mechanical and electrical systems in existing structures are

not adequately installed to prevent earthquake induced damage. Major equipment items are

not adequately anchored to the structure to prevent sliding or overturning. Piping and

conduit systems typically are not adequately braced and provisions have often not been

made for earthquake induced building deformation.

Poor construction quality has contributed to the earthquake induced failure of many properly

designed structures. Masonry structures tend to be particularly vulnerable. A number of

failures have occurred in reinforced masonry walls because grout had not been placed in

reinforced cells. Poor quality mortar is also common. In concrete structures, under strength

concrete has occasionally resulted in failures. Welded reinforcing steel splices are often quite

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brittle and can prematurely fail if proper procedures were not followed during construction.

Similar problems can occur at welded connections of steel structures. Timber buildings are

also susceptible to problems arising from poor construction quality, including such basic

errors as framing the structure differently than intended, or failing to provide the connectors


Deteriorated condition also contributes to earthquake induced failures. Common problems

include dry-rot and infestation damage to wood structures, rusting of steel and spalling of

concrete on marine structures, and weather deteriorated mortar in masonry structures.

Site characteristics are also too often overlooked by structural engineers with regard to

building performance. Unstable sites with propensities for liquefaction, lateral spreading,

land sliding or large earthquake induced differential settlements can lead to extensive

damage to structures which are otherwise adequately designed. It is critically important to

assess the nature and likely stability of the local geotechnical conditions as a first step in the

evaluation and retrofit of any existing structure.

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Within the scope of specific project the investigation was basically devoted to development

of e practical and consistent methodology for structural state diagnosis. Basically, the

development procedure is regarded as an specific tool which will provide successful

identification of the basic parameters needed for elaboration of an optimal project for

revitalization of structural system, and it is predominantly based on application of

experimental non-destructive tests.


In the framework of this topic particular attention should be paid to adopting of various in-

situ non-destructive test methods for identification of the basic parameters defining the

actual state of the existing structural materials, constituent elements, as well as the actual

state of the integral structural system. In this case the following methods have to be

particularly focused:

1. Ambient vibration test method

2. Forced vibration test method

3. Methods based on application of micro-seismic, micro-acoustic or other waves

These methods are briefly described as follows:


Widely applied and popular full-scale testing method for experimental definition of

structural dynamic characteristics is the ambient vibration testing method, which is based on

measuring the structural vibration caused by the ambient. The method is very fast and

relatively simple procedure can be performed on a structure in use, without disturbing its

normal functioning. Ambient vibration testing method is very convenient for testing of

structures whose lower mode shapes of vibration occur at frequencies below or near 1.0 Hz

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in which range the output force of vibration generators has very low amplitudes and the

application of the forced vibration is limited.

The basic assumption used in this method is that the excitation forces are a stationary

random process, having an acceptably flat frequency spectrum. In such conditions, the

structures will vibrate and their response will contain their normal modes.

As ambient forces can be treated the wind, the traffic noise or some other micro-tremor and

impulsive forces like wave loading or periodical rotational forces of some automatic

machines. Even though, in a period of the time these excitations and consequently the

structure response to these ambient vibrations are nearly periodic, so for analysis of the

excited structural response to these ambient vibrations fast Fourier transform technique can

be used. The response of a linear system to e periodic force can be determined by combining

the responses to individual excitation terms in the Fourier series.

Usually, the wind as an excitation has relatively flat frequency spectrum and it is often used

for these measurements, because as mentioned, in such a case the structural response will

contain all normal modes.


The dynamic full scale testing of structures should be carried out interpreted on the basis of

a known theory and realization of the dynamic principles. The forced vibration testing

method is based on the principle of resonance when the structure is subjected to external

forces. In such a case, the governing differential equation of motion of a multi-degree-of-

freedom system is subjected to a vector of excitation forces is:

Where [M], [C] and [K] are mass, damping and stiffness matrices of the system, , and

are acceleration, velocity and displacement vectors and is the vector of the

external forces.

The theory of structural dynamics has shown that the free motion of a dynamic system as

well as the forced motion of such a system may be expressed in terms of the normal modes

of vibration and that the response may be obtained as the superposition of the solution of

independent modal equations. In other words, the normal modes may be used to transform

the system of coupled differential equations into a set of uncoupled differential equations in

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which each equation contains only one dependent variable. In such way the modal

superposition method reduces the problem of finding the response of a multi-degree-of-

freedom system to the determination of the response of single degree-of-freedom systems.

The exciting force can be any time depending function, but the largest structural response

will be obtained if the excitation frequency is close or equal to the natural frequency of the r-

th /mode of the system or if the so called vibration resonant state of the structure in the r-th

mode is achieved.


In the case of micro seismo-acoustic based methods, impulse generated waves propagating

through the given medium are recorded at previously defined points by special recorders.

Having the recorded propagation times of longitudinal, transversal and surface waves along

known distance between exciter and recorders, propagation velocity can be determined.

Using this information, the dynamic values of the elasticity module (Edin), shear module

(τdin), Poisson coefficient (μdin), bulk density module (Kdin), etc. can be determined. Through

interpretation of obtained results, relative linear, volume or area material quality variation

was identified. By correlation of the dynamic and the static values, “static” parameters will

be also defined.


Considering the advantage of the newly developed theoretical models and the analysis

procedures for inelastic behavior and failure simulation of the construction material,

constituent structural components and the integral structure, in this sub-phase, included is

development of nonlinear failure models and computer software for state analysis of

structural systems under critical service load combinations and expected seismic and other

excessive load effects.

Finite element formulations that allow modeling at the material level using a point by point

basis, with different elements used for the concrete, reinforcing steel and possibly for their

interaction through bond would definitely be the ideal solution. Such modeling allows

representation of even minor details of the geometry of the members, and allows the history

of stresses and strains at every point of the structure to be followed. However, the

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computational requirements of such an approach restrict its application to the analysis of the

response of individual members or sub-assemblages and therefore to date, the application of

such detailed modeling for entire structures under non-linear dynamic effects has not been

widely employed. However, given the hardware possibilities available nowadays 3D models

have assumed a leading role, wherein a member model is used as a founding unit and the

detailed stress-strain response at a large number of points over the cross-section of the

member is followed during the response analysis.

Having ruled out the practicability of using a general purpose finite element program, a

suitable platform had to be found that would allow the inelastic response of structures.

Many computer programs for the seismic response analysis of structures are available

amongst which DRAIN originally developed for 2-D frames but with later versions capable

of undertaking 3-D analysis, ANSR a non linear program specifically for 3-D structures,

IDARC 2D, SAP 2000 developed in California, RUAUMOKO developed in New Zealand,

OPENSEES, SEISMOSTRUCT and NORA 2000 developed in Macedonia. Although the

merits of each program is beyond the scope of this paper, in choosing a suitable analytical

engine various parameters had to be kept in mind, which included the availability of the

source code, the ability to analyze 3-D structures and finally the ability to model the spread

of inelasticity along the member length and across the section depth, thus allowing for

accurate estimation of damage distribution in reinforced concrete members. DRAIN-3DX

was finally chosen as a suitable platform given its widespread use by other researchers and

most importantly the possibility of adding the required information of the structure through



5.3.1 BASIC COMPONENTS OF RISK ASSESSMENT The disaster threat, or hazard, is any naturally occurring or human-induced phenomenon,

process or event with the potential to create loss to humans, to their welfare and their

environment. In other words, it is a general source of danger.

Many so-called "natural" hazards have both natural and human components. The

compound effect of natural and man-made hazards is better described by a term

environmental hazards defining a hazard environment as "extreme geophysical events,

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biological processes and major technological accidents characterized by concentrated

releases of energy or materials that pose a largely unexpected threat to humans".

When the interaction between the human population and a hazard results in the loss, at

sufficiently large scale, of lives, of material possessions or of what is valued by humans, the

event is termed a disaster.

Risk is defined as "the probability of meeting danger or suffering harm or loss", or "the level

of loss or damage that can be predicted from a particular [environmental] hazard affecting a

particular place at particular time". In other words, hazard (or cause) may be defined as 'a

potential threat to humans and their welfare' and risk (or consequence) as 'the probability of

hazard occurrence’.

So a disaster may be seen as 'the realization of hazard', although there is no universally

agreed definition of the scale on 'which loss has to occur' in order to qualify the event as

disaster. In relation to disaster, risk has been more specifically described as the probability

that a disaster will occur, using the relative terms such as high risk, average risk and low risk

to indicate the degree of probability.

In engineering context risk is a way of describing the probability and consequences of a

disaster. Risk tries to identify the expected losses from the impact of a given threat to a given

vulnerable element over a specified time period.

Risk analysis includes four basic components:

Fig 5.1 Basic component of Risk Assessment

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The exposure is defined as any element of human value (people and what they value)

sensitive to the realization of the hazard. Thus, people and/or what they value, e.g. the

elements at risk, are the essential point of reference for all risk assessments and for all

disasters. That is why when the large numbers of people exposed to hazard are killed,

injured or damaged in some way, the event is usually termed disaster. While hazard can

exist even in an uninhabited region, the risk can occur only in an area where people and

their possessions exist.

The location is defined as the position of the exposure relative to the hazard.

The vulnerability, i.e., the concept of vulnerability implies a measure of risk combined with

the level of social and economic ability to cope with the expected/resulting event. In its

simplest (physical) form, the vulnerability is defined as "the factors (of the community)

which allow a hazard to cause a disaster"; i.e. "the factors that increase the chances of a

community being unable to cope with an emergency". In an area exposed to multiple

hazards, vulnerability analysis should be carried out for each type of hazard.

The most essential and concerned physical vulnerability aspects are related to population,

buildings, infrastructure and agriculture.

The vulnerability of buildings is primarily controlled by factors such as characteristics of the

building site, their design, shape, materials used, construction techniques, maintenance and

proximity to other buildings. The weight attached to each of these factors will vary

according to the type of hazard encountered because different hazards produce different

forces affecting these structures.

The vulnerability of infrastructure is also specific, depending on the type of hazard.

Infrastructure may be considered in three broad groups; 1) transport systems (roads,

railways, bridges, airports, port facilities); 2) utilities (water, sewerage and electricity); and,

3) telecommunications. Hazard protection measures such as flood embankments are also

considered as a part of the infrastructure once they have been installed.

Risk management is the systematic application of management procedures and practices to

the tasks of identifying, analyzing, assessing, treating and monitoring risk. Risk

management involves a formal, quantitative evaluation of potential injury or loss over a

specified period of time, or the prospect of future mal-performance of a safety or security

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systems. In the cases of emergencies or natural disasters, it is a measure of the occurrence

and severity of losses from a particular hazard.


The year-by-year development of earthquake engineering has enabled many countries

exposed to high seismic hazard to decrease the overall seismic risk to populated regions.

Traditionally, the engineering response to the problem has almost been solely structural, i.e.,

(1) to demolish the highly vulnerable building and replace it by a modern one, designed and

built according to adopted seismic regulations, standards and codes, or (2) to repair and

strengthen it in order to improve its seismic resistance and overall safety. Although very

effective in the case of isolated buildings, the amount of capital resources that should be

placed in when the building class is considered becomes so high that only few countries can

afford it. Earthquake damage can also be reduced by proper land-use policy which should be

gradually realized through the processes of general, physical and urban planning. To

decrease earthquake damage, the urbanization pattern (land occupancy, adopted structural

typology, distribution of material property and its density concentrations, etc.) should

comply with the level and the spatial distribution of the expected seismic hazard. Criteria for Defining Acceptable Level of Seismic Risk

An appropriate earthquake-resistant design may be defined as one that provides adequate

safety against injury and loss of life, minimum damage to property and ensures continuity of

vital services, achieving this at an acceptable cost. However, it is a well-recognized fact, that

to provide complete protection against earthquakes is not economically feasible. It is

generally accepted that earthquake resistant design criteria should satisfy the following


To resist minor earthquakes, without damage

To resist moderate earthquakes without structural damage but with

some non-structural damage

To resist major earthquakes, of intensity and severity of the strongest

experienced in the area without collapse, and with limited structural

and vital nonstructural damage.

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In most structures, it is expected that structural damage, even in a major earthquake, could

be limited to repairable level. The achievement of acceptable earthquake-resistant design

criteria requires an understanding of how structures deform when exposed to earthquake

shaking, and how the materials the structure is made from behave when subjected to these

deformations. Several levels of understanding are required. The first is the elastic response

of structures during which the earthquake vibrations do not produce any structural damage

or any plastic deformations. The second is the large-amplitude non-linear vibrations of

structures when plastic deformations, cracking and other types of damage may be sustained,

but not to the degree that the structure is near to failure. The third is the very large-

amplitude vibration with increased damage to the point of collapse. Consideration of elastic

structural vibrations is required in order to understand how structures will behave when

subjected to minor and moderate ground shaking that should cause no structural damage.

This is the most likely ground shaking that structures will experience. However, very strong

shaking may occur during the life of the structure, even through the probability is low, and

in this case the ground shaking may be so severe that the structure is damaged. Economic

considerations require that ordinary structures be designed for controlled damage when

exposed to very strong ground shaking. Life safety considerations require that ordinary

structures be designed so as not to collapse in the event of a maximum credible shaking, but,

on the other hand economic considerations show that it is not feasible to design ordinary

structures to resist such intensive ground motions without damage. The percentage of

structures that will experience such intense ground shaking during their lifetime is quite

small and most will never experience such a strong shaking. Therefore, it is economically

desirable to reduce the design for structures in general, even though same structures will

require damage repairs. On the other hand, special structures, because of the cost, the

potential hazard they pose, the need to maintain operations, etc., require special

consideration. For example, attention should be given to how the structures or facilities will

perform during future earthquakes; what is acceptable infrequent damage; how much

should be invested in providing earthquake resistance. Such questions are certain to arise

when designing high-rise buildings, large dams, nuclear power plants, long-span bridges, oil

refineries, LNG storage facilities, offshore platforms, chemical process facilities, port and

harbor facilities, and other similarly complex and costly installations. It is very important

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that correct earthquake engineering decisions be made for such projects, from the standpoint

of safety as well as of cost. All social goals incorporate values that must be weighed against

the costs of achieving various objectives. Several factors must therefore be considered in

defining "acceptable risks" to life and property in relation to the costs and outlays required.

There is no uniform level of acceptable risk.

Acceptable safety levels vary with time, place, frequency of natural disaster occurrence; they

must be related to costs; and they are influenced by socio-economic and technology

development factors, and applied practice. Planning for Earthquake Disaster Mitigation

Action within this segment usually takes the form of specific programs intended to reduce

the effects of disaster on nation or community. There are various definitions of disaster

mitigation. The widely used one defines it as" Measures aimed at reducing the impact of an

environmental (natural or manmade) disaster on a nation or community". With this

definition, the basis premises is that whilst it may be possible to prevent some disaster

effects, other effects will obviously persist, but they can be modified or reduced provided

appropriate action is taken.

Mitigation activities can be broadly classified into structural and non-structural mitigation


The typical structural mitigation measures are:

Construction of structures to resist the forces generated by environmental

hazards (earthquake, high winds, flood, etc.)

Strengthen existing structures to render them more resistant against the

environmental hazard forces.

The structural measures should be developed based on:

Adequate site planning

Assessment of forces created by the potential environmental hazards

The planning and analysis of structural measures to resist such forces

The design and proper detailing of structural components

Construction with suitable materials

Good workmanship under adequate supervision

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Earthquake disaster prevention arrangements could be best achieved with continuous

implementation of the following activities: permanent recording of the earthquakes by

seismological and strong motion observation systems; strong motion instrumentation of

buildings and structures; continuous earthquake data analysis and studies of earthquake

phenomena for the needs of general, physical and urban planning, seismic design and

construction of new structures and prevention of existing structures and utilities; continuous

improvement of seismic zoning maps of the region and micro zoning maps of the urban

areas as well as seismic design and construction codes and requirements; continuous

education and improvement of knowledge of scientists, engineers and planners for the need

of application of established scientific basis in the process of physical and urban planning,

design and construction in the region.

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Structural Input

Geographical Identification

Soil Input Seismic Input

Soil Conditions PGAStructural

Properties Code Reqirements

Pushover Analyses


Response Spectra (1)

Demand Spectra

Strength Reduction Factor Rμ

Capacity Curve

BilinearCapacity Model


Damage State

Fragility Curve


Regression Analysis

Performance Points-PP

Damage Assessment

Fig. 5.2 Schematic presentation of Damage Assessment

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The static pushover procedure has been presented and developed over the past twenty year

(Saiidi and Sozen, 1981; Fajfar and Gaspersic, 1996; Bracci et al., 1997; Krawinkler and

Seneviratna, 1998; Kiattivisanchai, 2001; Imarb, 2002). The method is also described and

recommended as a tool for design and assessment purposes by the National Earthquake

Hazard Reduction Program 'NEHRP' guidelines for seismic rehabilitation of existing

buildings and by the Applied Technology Council (1996) guidelines for seismic evaluation

and retrofit of concrete buildings. Moreover, the technique is accepted by the Structural

Engineers Association of California 'SEAOC Vision 2000' (1995) among other analysis

procedures with various levels of complexity.

The recent advent of performance based design has brought the nonlinear static pushover

analysis procedure to the forefront. Pushover analysis is a static, nonlinear procedure in

which the magnitude of the structural loading is incrementally increased in accordance with

a certain predefined pattern. With the increase in the magnitude of the loading, weak links

and failure modes of the structure are found. The loading is monotonic with the effects of

the cyclic behavior and load reversals being estimated by using a modified monotonic force-

deformation criteria and with damping approximations.

Static pushover analysis is an attempt by the structural engineering profession to evaluate

the real strength of the structure and it promises to be a useful and effective tool for

performance based design.

The nonlinear static pushover analysis is a sample option for estimating the strength

capacity of building in the post-elastic range. The technique can also be used to highlight

potential weak areas in the structure. This procedure involves applying a predefined lateral

load pattern that is distributed along the building height. The lateral forces are then

monotonically increased in constant proportion with a displacement control at the top of the

building until a certain level of deformation is reached. The target top displacement may be

the deformation expected in the design earthquake in case of designing a new structure or

the drift corresponding to structural collapse for assessment purposes. The method allows

tracing the sequence of yielding and failure on the member and the structure level as well as

the progress of the overall capacity curve of the structure.

The capacity spectrum method, by means of a graphical procedure, compares the capacity

of the structure with the demands of the earthquake ground motion on the structure.

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Therefore, both must be defined with the same set of coordinates, which is defined as

Acceleration-Displacement Response Spectrum format (ADRS), means of Sa vs. Sd in

which the period can be represented by lines radiating from the origin. The intersection

between capacity and demand spectrum having the same ductility factor, μ, is the

performance point that represents the maximum structural force and displacement expected

for the demand earthquake ground motion.

Fig.5.3 (a) Capacity Spectrum (b) Demand Spectrum

(c) Demand Spectrum superimposed Capacity Spectrum in ADRS format

(a) The Capacity of the structure is represented by a nonlinear force-displacement

curve, which is referred as a pushover curve and explained in details in point 3

above for our structure using bilinear model as well as Spectrum Capacity.

(b) The demands of the earthquake are represented by Response Spectra. Earthquake

loading on structures is often characterized by its effect on simple structural

systems, namely Single Degree Of Freedom systems through response spectra, so

in other words, response spectra are the maximum response quantities

(Displacement, Velocity and Acceleration) of a SDOF plotted as a function of its

period (T) for a given earthquake record. Therefore, each earthquake is

characterized by it own set of spectra.

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Depending on the material behavior involved in the structural response, spectra are

generally divided in two main categories: elastic and inelastic.

Linear Elastic Response Spectra is assumed by code with 5% damping which corresponds to

ductility μ = 1, while Inelastic Response Spectra represent the modified linear elastic

response spectra in order to represent the effects of inelastic response by substituting higher

damping response spectra to account for hysteretic nonlinear response of the structure.

The general trend in developing inelastic response spectra is from their elastic counterparts,

by means of a reduction factor R, called the force reduction factor (or q in Eurocode 8). This

factor is designed to drag the system into inelastic response, thus causing it to dissipate

energy through inelastic deformations. The dissipated energy is usually expressed is terms of

the ductility � of the system, and is a function of its period of vibration T.

There are different approaches to define R – � – T relationship. From Displacement –

based approach damping ratio is defined in function of ductility, according to equation

)05.095.01(105.0 μππ

ξ −−+=

From FEMA 356 based in the graph R vs. T

For long period system μ=R

For short period system 1=R

For intermediate period system 12 −= μR

From Vidic et al. Model (1994)

For T ≥ TC μ=R (1)

For T ≤ TC 1)1( +⋅−=CT

TR μ (2)

Having in mind that the response spectra are a maximum response quantities of

Acceleration as well as Displacement, is in our interest to calculate Elastic Displacement

Response Spectra from their acceleration counterparts using the definition of the pseudo

acceleration bellow: )()( 2 tuwtA = ⇒ dMAXMAX ST

uwASa 2

22 4π

=== and then


)()( T


de π=

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So, each ordinate of spectral acceleration that is associated with the period T is converted

into corresponding spectral displacement ordinate by multiplying with the factor 22

4πT .

Now Demand Spectrum in ADRS format is to plot spectral acceleration versus spectral

displacement, for elastic and inelastic spectrum.

The most sophisticated level of analysis available to the designer for the purpose of

predicting design forces and displacements under seismic attack is Dynamic inelastic time-

history analysis. This involves stepwise solution in the time domain of the multi-degree-of-

freedom equations of motion representing a multistory building response. It requires one or

more design accelerograms representing the design earthquake. These are normally

generated as artificial earthquakes analytically or by “massaging” recorded accelerograms to

provide the requisite elastic spectral response. Since structural response will depend on the

strengths and stiffness of the various structural elements of the building, which will not

generally be known at the preliminary stages of a design, it is unsuitable for defining design

force levels.

Following EUROCODE 8 as alternative to a linear method, nonlinear methods may also be

used such as:

Nonlinear time history (dynamic) analysis

Nonlinear static (pushover) analysis

Fragility curves represent one of the possible forms of the earthquake intensity – damage to

structures relationship. A random point on the fragility curve shows the conditional

probability that the damage under an earthquake of a given intensity will exceed a certain

damage state. These functions are defined on the basis of defined discrete damage states and

the fitted probability distributions of damage under earthquakes of certain intensity.

The performance point represents the maximum structural force and displacement expected

for the demand earthquake ground motion, based on the intersection between capacity and

demand spectrum having the same ductility factor, μ.

Superposing performance point to the fragility curves, a Damage assessment is compute for

existing structure.

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Due to recent catastrophic earthquakes in the Mediterranean region, a large number of

residential buildings, schools, hospitals and other public, administrative and industrial

buildings, as well as other facilities of local and regional infrastructure have been severely

damaged. The largest number of damaged buildings is in the state that their use is not

permissible before adequate repair and repair or strengthening of the basic structural (load

carrying) system, nonstructural elements and installations is performed. In order to assure

appropriate safety and normal functioning of damaged buildings, it will be important to

recognize that these buildings will be exposed in future to a large number of small and,

moderate to strong earthquakes and with significant probability of exposure to catastrophic

earthquakes with large magnitudes similar to those in the past. To meet the requirements for

economic development and aseismic design, systematic scientific and applied research

should be carried out for the purpose of seismic risk evaluation, definition of economically

justified and technically consistent design criteria, and improvement of structural systems,

capable to withstand the expected earthquake effects.


Buildings decay due to weather, load effects and foundation settlement etc. The building, if

it has to resist an earthquake shock it should be safe under normal load and resist the lateral

load without collapse. The types of intervention necessary to enhance the performance of

the building can be broadly grouped under the following three categories - Repair,

Restoration and Strengthening.

Strengthening: reconstruction or renewal of any part of an existing building to provide better

structural capacity than that of the original building.

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Repair: reconstruction or renewal of any part of a damaged or deteriorated building to

provide the same level of strength and/or ductility which the building had prior to the


Remodeling: reconstruction or renewal of any part of an existing building due to change of

usage or occupancy.

Fig 6.1 Restoration scheme

Retrofit: concepts including strengthening, remodeling and repair.

Rehabilitation: reconstruction or renewal of a damaged building to provide the same level of

function which the building had prior to the damage.

Restoration: concepts including both retrofit and rehabilitation.

The purpose of repairs is to rectify the observed defects and bring the building to

reasonable architectural shape so that all services start functioning. This enables the use of

building for its intended purpose.

Repairs do not improve structural strength or stability. In fact a repaired building may be

deceptive. It may hide the structural defects. Outwardly it may appear good. It may suffer

from structural weakness.

Such weakness may cause collapse during future earthquakes.

Repairs include following interventions

i. Patching cracks and plastering.

ii. Fixing doors, windows, broken glass panes.

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iii. Setting right electrical installation, wiring etc.

iv. Fixing services such as gas lime, plumbing services including water

pipes, sewerage line etc.

v. Rebuilding non-structural walls, partition walls, plastering etc.

vi. Re-fixing roof tiles

vii. Repair to flooring and correcting slope for drainage etc

viii. Providing decorative finishes, white washing.

ix. Painting wood work.

x. Attending to root leakage during rain etc.

In fact, repairs will hide the existing structural defects and hence do not guarantee for good

performance when the structure is shaken by an earthquake.

The main purpose is to structurally treat the building with an aim to restore its original

strength. This intervention is undertaken for a damaged building if one is sure that the

original strength provides an adequate level of safety for future earthquake disasters.

The action will involve cutting portions of wall and rebuilding them, inserting support,

underpinning foundation, strengthening a weak component etc.

Some of the common restoration techniques are:

a) Removal of a partition or defective wall and rebuilding it with richer


b) Crack sealing using epoxy to regain the strength of a structural


c) Adding wire mesh on either side of a cracked component, crack

stitching etc. with a view to strengthen it.

Seismic forces are the most serious dynamic forces. Although various approaches to make

the building safe by minimizing natural period, increasing damping etc, are practiced most

common intervention for non-engineered building is strengthening it by various measures.

The seismic resistance of old existing non-engineered buildings is lowered with passage of

time due to material property degradation and structural strength loss. This deterioration

may occur due to climatic, biological or chemical causes. Strengthening is undertaken to

enhance the original strength to the current requirement so that the desired protection of

lives can be guaranteed as per the current codes of practice against possible future

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earthquakes. The level of strengthening should also consider the remaining life of the

structure being strengthened.

Strengthening of a building will involve either component strength enhancement or

structural system modification or both. It is expected to improve the overall strength in the

following ways:

Increasing the lateral load resistance by reinforcing or by introducing new walls and


Introducing the continuity between the

components of the structure to achieve

ductile performance. This will include

connection of wall with roof, including

bands and ties between walls and

introducing connections between roof

and walls and wall to wall.

Eliminating existing weakness in an existing building by introducing symmetry in

plan, changing location of mass, reducing large openings etc.

Avoiding brittle modes of failure. This will include improving anchorage and

providing bracings in walls.

The extent of modification has to be determined based on the principle of introducing

sufficient anchorage of all elements, providing bracing to vertical load carrying members in

order to avoid premature mode of failure and to ensure continuity of all structural

components in a building.

About repair materials, cement and steel are common materials that are used for repair

work. Various types of cement with properties such as shrinkage compensating, low heat

and sulphate resistance are preferred for specific repair applications. Steel in the form of

bolts, threaded rods, angles, channels and high strength pre-stressed steel can also be used.

Fiber reinforced polymers also have been widely used as one of the innovative method for

repair and strengthening of existing buildings.

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Among all the techniques there is an essential division between intervention methods:

Local Techniques

FEMA 273 and NZDC explain that the component is allowed to resist large deformation levels without failure by improving the deformation capacity or ductility of the component, without necessarily increasing the strength. For example, placement of a jacket around a reinforced concrete column to improve its confinement increases its ability to deform without spalling or degrading reinforcement splices. As per FEMA 273, the cross section of selected structural components can be reduced to increase their flexibility and response displacement capacity. According to Eurocode 8, local or overall modification of damaged or undamaged elements (repair or strengthening) can be done, considering their stiffness, strength and/or ductility. It also suggests full replacement of inadequate or heavily damaged elements. Structural rehabilitation, as defined in UNIDO manual, may also consist of a modification of the existing structural members so that their individual strength and/or ductility are improved. As a result, the respective characteristics of the structure are influenced (e.g., jacketing of the columns), even though the overall structural scheme is unmodified.

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Global Techniques

Large lateral deformations induced in the structure due to ground shaking, impose high ductility demand on the components of the structure. Also flexible structures with components having inadequate ductility behave poorly. It is essential that such structures be stiffened at a global level. FEMA 273 and NZDC propose the addition of new braced frames or shear walls within an existing structure for increasing the stiffness. While some existing structures have inadequate strength, which result into inelastic behavior at very, low levels of earthquake forces and cause large inelastic deformation demands throughout the structure. By strengthening the structure, the threshold of lateral force at which the damage initiates, increased. Moment resisting frames can be provided as they are more flexible and add strength to the structure without significantly increasing its stiffness, as per these two documents. Eurocode 8 suggests addition of new structural elements like bracings or infill walls; steel, timber or reinforced concrete belts in masonry construction; etc. or addition of a new structural system to take the seismic action. As per UNIDO manual, strengthening of whole structure can be undertaken to improve its lateral force resistance, stiffness and ductility. This can be achieved through the addition of new structural members to increase the respective characteristics of the structure, like bracing in a frame or skeleton structure or new shear walls in a shear wall structure in order to reduce the eccentricity of the masses. A new lateral force resistant structure can be introduced to act integrally with the existing system to resist seismic forces (e.g., stiff shear walls introduced in a flexible frame or skeleton structure). Such an intervention produces significant changes of the stress distribution in the structure as well as in the structural layout. FEMA 273 and Eurocode 8 also suggest mass reduction of the structural system, wherever possible.

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1. Epoxy resins

These are used for the following:

a. to bond plastic concrete to hardened concrete

b. to bond rigid materials to one another

c. for patch work

d. For painting over concrete to give color, resistance to chemicals, water and to give

abrasion resistance.

They are excellent binding agents. The low viscosity resins can be injected into small cracks.

The higher viscosity material is used as binding agent and for filling larger holes and cracks.

2. Epoxy mortar

The Epoxy mortar is made using epoxy resins and suitable sized aggregate (sand). They

have high compressive strength, high tensile strength and low modulus of elasticity. In

cement mortar or concrete, the inclusion of epoxy can be considered as an incorporation of

a second binder into the mix. The polymer mortars are two phase systems which forms co-

matrix with cement. In cementations water phase, fine polymer particles of size 0.1 to 0.2

microns are dispersed. In cement polymer system, the polymer particles join and chain link

reinforcing and there by increasing tensile and flexural strength. They achieve greater

plasticity and tend to reduce the shrinkage stress. Hence they vastly improve the property of

plain cement mortar.

3. Gypsum cement mortar

Based on hydraulic binder these readymade formulations are tailor made to give repair

mortar material which is flowable and shrinkage free. Hence they can be applied in

complicated locations and only addition of water is required at site. Cementicious mortars

such as gypsum cement mortar have limited use for structural applications and are intended

for hand/trowel applications

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4. Quick-setting cement mortar

These are patented mortars generally having two components. They come in pre-packed


They can be classified as:

Unmodified cementicious

Polyester or Epoxy resin based

Polymer modified and cementicious

Cement/ pozzolanic -modified

Various surface treatments used are shown in Table below, indicating their properties and

the defects they are intended to treat.

Table 6.1 Properties of Quick cement mortar

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5. Micro-concrete

Based on hydraulic binders these readymade formulations are tailor made to give concrete

which is flow able and free of shrinkage. They are applied in complicated location and in

thin sections such as those met with in jacketing. They can be made either as type A

(normal strength) or type B (high strength) depending on requirement.

Table 6.2 Properties of Micro-concrete

6. Fiber-reinforced concrete

Fiber reinforced concrete has better tensile strength and toughness compared to

conventional concrete.

They have also improved energy absorption capacity. These compositions offer high tensile

strength, durability, ductility and enhanced energy absorption capacity. They are being

increasingly used for structural strengthening.

7. Mechanical anchors

Mechanical type of anchors employs wedging action to provide anchorage. These can

provide resistance against shear and tension. Some of these anchorages are specialized

patented products which can be designed for a required tension or shear force.

8. Metal plates, steel and aluminum etc.

Application of bonded steel plate can increase the flexural and load carrying capacity,

improve stiffness thus reducing deflection and cracking and enhance shear capacity. The

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process of strengthening is usually bonding additional reinforcement to the external faces of

the structure. The steel plate is attached to the structure either by anchor bolt or by chemical

or epoxy bonding. Bolts are often used in conjunction with adhesive to provide mechanical

anchor for the plate at the ends to prevent premature de-bonding due to peeling. The bolting

also help support the plates whilst the adhesive cures. Sometimes instead of steel plates for

strengthening brickwork aluminum plates have also been used.

9. Ferro cement

Ferro cement is a type of reinforced cement mortar commonly made of hydraulic cement

mortar reinforced with closely spaced layers of small diameter wire mesh”. The mesh may

be made of metallic or other suitable materials. Fineness of mortar matrix and its

composition should be compatible with opening and tightness of the reinforcing system, it is

meant to encapsulate. The matrix may contain discontinuous fibers.

Well designed Ferro cement wraps can be an economical alternative to CFRP wraps

especially for non engineered construction.

Some of the common forms of repair and strengthening techniques for local and global

intervention are described below:


1. Shotcrete

Shotcrete is a process in which compressed air forces mortar through a nozzle to be sprayed

on a surface of a building at a high velocity. The materials used in shotcrete are generally

same as those used for conventional mortar. The reinforcement provided is generally

welded wire fabric and deformed bars tacked onto the surface.

Shotcrete is applied using either wet or dry process. The wet mix consists of cement and

aggregate premixed with water and the pump pushes the mixture through the hose and

nozzle. Compressed air is introduced at the nozzle to increase the velocity of application.In

the dry mix process, compressed air propels premixed mortar and damp aggregate and at

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the nozzle end water is added through a separate hose. The dry mix and water through the

second hose are projected on to a prepared surface.

Generally Shotcrete gun nozzle is held at 0.6 to 1.8 meter from the surface. In most cases

Shotcrete can be applied in a single application for the required thickness. It is versatile as it

can also be applied on curved or irregular surface. Its strength after application and its good

physical characteristics make it ideal for strengthening weak members.

This method is used for local and global intervention as well, it local where we speak about

a certain element and global when mostly of elements are involved in this intervention. Here

in are present some examples where this technique is chosen as the most appropriate:

Fig. 6.2 Shear-Drift (Storey 1) Infilled and Bare Frame

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Fig.6.3 Application of Shotcrete

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Column Shear-out (Overturning negative effects)

Fig 6.4 Column Shear-out

Fig 6.5 Shotcrete negative effect

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2. Injection of small cracks

Even fine cracks in load bearing members, which are un-reinforced, like masonry or plain

concrete, will reduce their resistance against loads. Hence they should be marked carefully

and critical ones repaired.

Cracks in width smaller than 0.75mm can be effectively repaired by pressure injection of


The surfaces are thoroughly cleaned of loose materials and plastic injection ports are placed

along the length of the cracks on both sides and secured in place with epoxy seal (Fig-……).

The ports can be installed at intervals approximately equal to thickness of the element being


Fig 6.6 Grout of epoxy injection Fig 6.7 Crack injection system

After hardening of the seal low viscosity epoxy resin is injected into one port at a time

sequentially beginning at the port of the

lowest level and moving upwards.

The resin is pushed through the packer till

it is seen flowing from the other end or a

port at a level higher than where it is

injected Fig 6.8. The injection port is

closed at this juncture and the packer is

moved to the next higher port.

Fig. 6.8 Grout or Epoxy injection in an existing weak wall

This operation is repeated sequentially until we reach the top most port and the whole crack

is filled with grout.

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Longer cracks will permit longer packer spacing depending on thickness of the member.

This technique can be used for all types member (beams, columns, walls or slabs). They can

be utilized to repair small cracks in individual masonry blocks or fill large continuous

cracks. Vacuum injection has a typical fill level of 95% and can fill fine cracks even as small

as 0.025mm.

3. Large cracks and crushed material

For cracks wider than 6mm and where brickwork or concrete is crushed, the following

procedure is suitable:

a) Loose material in the crack is removed and

any of the repair mortar mentioned is


b) If necessary the crack is dressed to have a

“V groove” at both faces.

c) A place where cracks are wide fillers like

flat stone chips can be used Fig. 6.9.

d) Additional shear and/or flexural

reinforcement are provided in the location

of the repairs based on structural necessity. Fig. 6.9.

e) The added steel has to be protected properly by sufficient polymer mortar to prevent

it from corrosion Fig. 6.10.

f) In case of walls or roof slabs additional

mesh reinforcement is included either on

one or both sides. This mesh

reinforcement is generally nailed, tacked

and tied by binding wire (Fig. 6.10).

g) To prevent widening of the cracks they

can be stitched. The stitching consists of

drilling small holes of size 6 to 10mm on

both side of the crack cleaning the holes

Fig. 6.10 and anchoring legs of stitching dogs with short legs.

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Fig. 6.11 Repair by stitching the cracks

The stitching dogs are variable length and orientation as shown. The spacing of

reinforcement should be reduced at the ends of the crack. Stitching will not close the

crack but prevent further propagation and widening.

4. Reinforced Concrete Jacketing

Jacketing should be applied in case of heavy damaged columns or in the case of column

strength. Because of the increased capacity of the columns, this is really a strengthening

procedure although it can also provide repair. Jacketing can be preformed by means of

adding reinforced concrete, a steel profile skeleton or steel encasement.

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Reinforced concrete jacketing according to the available space conditions around the

column can be preformed by adding jacketing to one, two,

three or four sides of concrete column sections. It is strongly

recommended that columns be jacketed on all four sides for

best performance in future. In case one, two or three sides

jacketing is all that is possible, the concrete cover in the

jacketed parts of existing must be chipped away so new ties

can be welded to existing ties. In case of a four-sides jacketing,

only roughening of the surface of the existing column may be

required unless greater load transfer is desired.

Jacketing only in the story space without reinforcement

penetrating through the floor structure can improve the local

axial and shear strength of the column. However, the flexural

column strength is not improved and the column-to-beam joint is

not strengthened. Thus, the total frame structure may show poor

behavior in future earthquakes. Jacketing only within the story is

e local strengthening which does not improve seismic response

unless significant shear walls are also added. Adequate column

flexural strength can be achieved by passing the new longitudinal

reinforcement through holes drilled in the slab and

placing new concrete in the beam-column joint region.

Special attention should be paid to the good confinement

of the longitudinal reinforcement in the region of the

floor beams.

In case of a one side jacket, adequate connection

between existing and new concrete must be achieved by

good detailing and closely spaced, well anchored,

additional transversal reinforcement. The following solution can be applied:

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Anchorage by ties to the existing longitudinal reinforcement. Welding is not

necessary, but chipping free space for passing the hooks of the additional ties is


Welding of additional ties to the existing column. The concrete cover in tie

region must be removed and every new tie must be welded to the existing one.

Connection by bent bars welded to the longitudinal reinforcement. The concrete

must be chipped only in the welding region up to the longitudinal reinforcement.

By this way, concrete keys capable of transmitting shear forces are formed. The

bent bars allow direct transfer of forces between longitudinal reinforcement. In

lieu of welded bent bars, a vertical steel plate can be welded between existing and

new longitudinal bars.

In the usual case of four-sides jacketing, several solution are possible as presented in Figure,

as follows:

Jacketing can be achieved with welded wire fabric and new concrete cover. This

solution improves the local column

ductility, but the flexural column strength

is not significantly increased because of

the impossibility of eh wire fabric passing

through the floor structure. The fabric

should be completely encase the column

with a long overlap or consist of two

sections with an adequate overlap on two

opposite sides.

Jacketing with connecting bent bars. The

added longitudinal reinforcement is connected to the existing reinforcement by

welding of bent bars. This jacket type is applied for large column cross sections

where the middle reinforcement cannot be confined by new ties.

Jacketing with ties. Concentration of newly-added longitudinal reinforcement at

the corners of the cross section allows an adequate confinement of all

longitudinal bars. The jacket should be of sufficient thickness with closely spaced

ties to provide confinement. With the new longitudinal reinforcement passing

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through holes drilled in the slab, this procedure a continuous connection of the

jackets to the upper story and lower story columns.

Reinforced concrete jacketing should also conform the following provisions:

The strength of the new materials must be equal or grater than those of the existing

column. Concrete should be at least 5 MPa greater than the strength of the existing


The thickness of the jacket should be at least 4

cm for shotcrete application or 10 cm for cast in

situ concrete.

The area of longitudinal reinforcement should

not be less than 0.01 and no more than 0.06

times the gross area of the jacket section. The

reinforcement should not be less than four bars

for four-sided jacketing and bar diameter should

be at least 14 mm.

Ties should be arranged so that every corner and

alternate longitudinal should have lateral support provided by corners of the ties with

an included angle of no more than 135 degrees. No intermediate bar should be

farther than 10 cm from corners of the ties. In some cases, it will be necessary to drill

into the core of existing column and epoxy hooked ties the hole or drill completely

through the existing column core to install new ties.

The diameter of ties (except welded wire fabric) should be minimum 8 mm, but not

less than 1/3 of the longitudinal bar


Vertical spacing of ties shall not exceed 20

cm, while the spacing close to the joints

within a length of 1/4 of the clear height

should not exceed 10 cm. In addition, it is

advisable that the spacing of ties should not

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exceed the thickness of the jacket.

Jackets can be installed either as conventional or special cast-in-situ concrete or by shotcrete

(gunite). For both methods, the existing concrete cleaned of all loose material, dust and

rease. The surface should be thoroughly moistened before placing the concrete or shotcrete.

5. Steel Profile Jacketing

Steel profile skeleton jacketing consists of four longitudinal angle profiles placed one at each

corner of the existing reinforced concrete column and connected together in e skeleton with

transverse steel straps as shown in fig. They are welded to the angle profiles and can be

either round bars (minimum diameter of 12

mm) or steel straps (minimum size of 25/4

mm). The angle profile size should be no less

than L 50/50/5. Gaps and voids between

the angle profiles and the surface of the

existing column must be filled with non-

shrinking cement grout or resin grout. A

covering with concrete or shotcrete

reinforcement with welded fabrics is efficient

for corrosion or fire protection. Tight bearing between the angle profiles and the floor

structures, important for transmitting the forces, is achieved by an angle profile collar

formed around the column perimeter directly in contact with the surfaces of the floor

structures. In general, an improvement of the ductile behavior and an increase of the axial

load capacity of the strengthened column is achieved. However, the stiffness remains

relatively unchanged.

This technique is implemented by the following steps as shown in Fig.6.11:

1. Removing the concrete cover.

2. Cleaning the reinforcement steel bars using a wire brush or a sand compressor.

3. Coating the steel bars with an epoxy material that would prevent corrosion.

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4. Installing the steel

jacket with the required

size and thickness,

according to the design,

and making openings to

pour through them the

epoxy material that

would guarantee the

needed bond between

the concrete column

and the steel jacket.

5. Filling the space

between the concrete

column and the steel

jacket with an

appropriate epoxy


Fig. 6.11. Increasing the cross-sectional area of column by steel jacketing

In some cases, where the column is needed to carry bending moment and transfer it

successfully through the floors, one should install a steel collar at the neck of the column by

means of bolts or a suitable bonding material.

Fig.6.12. Shows a column which was strengthened with steel angles.

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6. Fiber or reinforced polymer (FRP and CFRP materials)

Carbon fiber reinforced plastic (CFRP) material consists of strong and stiff carbon fibers

(approx. 7 micrometer diameter) embedded in an epoxy resin matrix. It has high strength to

weight ratios and corrosion resistance thus helps reduce maintenance cost. They are

manufactured in long lengths by pultrusion process, with unidirectional fibers ranging from

50-150mm wide and 1.2-1.4 mm thick having fiber volume content greater than 65%. They

are black in color and are about 10 times as strong as mild steel but one fifth of its weight.

They have low density, high fatigue strength, and high wear resistance, vibration absorption

and dimensional stability, high thermal and chemical stability. They are suitable to be used

as a protective and strengthening “jacket”. CFRP wraps can be used to strengthen masonry

piers and walls especially for seismic loading.

The term strengthening means the structural enhancement of existing weak members in

such a way as to restore or increase their ultimate strength in bending, shear or direct

tension and compression. Strengthening options may vary for specific case, depending on

the problems to be addressed, and individual attention is needed to assess the suitability of

the proposed intervention.

7. Base Isolation

An overall advantage of base isolation is

reduction in demands on the elements of

the structure. This technique is most

effective for relatively stiff low rise

buildings with large mass compared to

light, flexible structures. However, base

isolation is technically complex and

costly to implement and can be

considered for historic structures or

where a performance level greater than life safety is required. FEMA 273, NZDC and

Eurocode 8 propose base isolation as an option for seismic rehabilitation. However, they

generally refer to specialist literature for details of analysis and design.

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8. Supplemental Energy Dissipation

Energy dissipation helps in the

overall reduction in displacements

of the structure. This technique is

most effective in structures that are

relatively flexible and have some

inelastic deformation capacity and

can be less costly compared to base

isolation. As per FEMA 273 and

NZDC devices such as hydraulic

cylinders, yielding plates, or

friction pads, can be used for

energy dissipation. According to

Eurocode 8, addition of local

friction, global damping devices or

active control at appropriate

locations of the building can be


Design of strengthening scheme

using energy dissipation devices are

very sensitive to characteristics of

devices used and therefore, require

a higher degree of sophistication in

the analysis and design.

Fig.6.13. Energy dissipation devices. Different for each type of structure

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The Capacity Spectrum Method (CSM) compares the capacity of a structure to resist

lateral forces to the demands of earthquake response spectra in a graphical

presentation that allows a visual evaluation of how the structure will perform when

subjected to earthquake ground motion. The method is easily understandable and

generally consistent with other methods that take into account the nonlinear behavior

of structures subjected to strong motion earthquake ground movements.

The capacity is represented by a lateral load force-displacement diagram that takes

into account the sequential yielding of structural elements as the structure is laterally

displaced beyond its linear-elastic limits. This procedure is sometimes referred to as a

pushover curve. The lateral load force diagram is proportioned to represent the

fundamental mode of the building. The forced displacement diagram is calculated in

terms of lateral roof displacement (û ) and total R lateral force at the base of the

building (V). In order to be directly comparable to demand response spectra, û and V

are converted to a spectral set of coordinates (Figure 2) by using the R dynamic

characteristics of the fundamental mode to represent the structure as a single-degree-

of freedom structure. The procedure also allows the inclusion of higher mode effects.

The demands of the earthquake are represented by response spectra. Linear elastic

response spectra, assumed at 5% damping, are modified to represent the effects of

inelastic response by substituting higher damped response spectra to account for

hysteretic nonlinear response of the structure.

Response spectra have traditionally been plotted with S (acceleration in units of

gravity) vs T a (period in seconds) coordinates or tripartite log coordinates. In order to

more visually illustrate the relationship between accelerations and displacements, the

S vs T coordinate system for the a response spectra is converted to a set of coordinates

defined by S and S . When the spectral a d values are plotted in this acceleration-

displacement response spectrum format (ADRS), the period can be represented by

lines radiating from the origin (Mahaney et al. 1993).

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Structural Input

Geographical Identification

Soil Input Seismic Input

Soil Conditions PGA

Response Spectra (1)

Demand Spectra

Strength Reduction Factor Rμ


Code Reqirements

Capacity Curve

BilinearCapacity Model


Damage State

Fragility Curve

Pushover Analyses Sap2000/Idarc2D

Regression Analysis

Performance Points-PP

Damage Assessment


An existing 5 story building is chosen as example in this thesis, which is a building

settle in downtown Tirana, (constructed around 1996-1997).

This analysis passes through different steps presented in fig.7.1;

The real capacity of the existing building is evaluated using pushover analysis then is

converted in ADRS format which compared with demand spectra for Albanian Code

gives the performance point. A set of fragility curves developed inhere present a

different probability of exceedance for a certain damage state and compared with

defined performance point presents the appropriate state of the building, in which is

predicted the probability of exceedance for different levels of damage.

The same procedure is repeated for the repaired model. After all, the comparison of

the calculations and conclusions for this both models is giving the best scenario for the

repaired model.

Fig. 7.1 Steps for Damage Assessment

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Means: Description of the structure for vertical loads and other structural patterns (facade

walls, partition walls, material used, etc.), material characteristics, loading conditions.

Typical characteristics of building are presented in table below:


Structural Description

Nr Description of Elements

1. Frame Structure No. of typical frame 4

2. Isolated Footing No. of footing 18

3. Floor structure Prefabricated ribbed slab X-X direction

4. Defined Concrete Using sclerometer Mostly B-20


Reinforcement Lab testing Fy= 240 Mpa

6. Stories No. of story 5

7. Height of building 5 story x 3.06m/each 15.3m

8. Area of floor First to second floor Area 315 m2

Third to fifth floor Area 140 m2

9. Partition walls Ceramic hollow bricks T= 12cm,25 cm

10. Reinforced Concrete Columns

Dimension 30x30cm Concrete B-20


Reinforced Concrete Beams

Dimension 50x30cm Concrete B-20

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11 x 17 / 28 12345678910

4 x 17 / 28 123




i 2




i 1




i 3



+ a






Fig 7.2 Plan of floor and photo of façade for

Existing building

The diagrams of concrete and steel used for analyses as input in IDARC2D

Fig. 7.3. Concrete Stress-Strain curve Fig. 7.4. Reinforcement Stress-Strain curve

Concrete Fc (Mpa) Ec (Mpa) EPso (%) Ft (Mpa) EPsu (%) Model

1. 20 21500 0.2 2.4 0.35 Exist

2. 25 24800 0.2 3 0.35 Repair

Reinf. Steel Fs (Mpa) Fsu (Mpa) Es (Mpa) ESH (Mpa) EPSH (%) Model

1. 240 350 199949 3.33 3 Exist

2. 400 560 199949 3.33 3 Repair

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Fig. 7.5. 3D Model of existing building

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• Dead Load for 11.=mγ (safety coefficient for the material)


o Tile 1cm → 23 022.01.1201.0 mton

mtonm =××

o Mortar 2cm → 23 0396. mton

mtonm =××

o Sand 10cm → 23 mton

mtonm =××

o Plaster 2cm → 23 0396. mton

mtonm =××

o Slab 14 cm → 23 385. mton

mtonm =××

o Partition walls → 225.0 mton=

Total sum of loads for m2 22 0.990.0 mkN

mton ==

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• Live Load for 21.=fγ (safety coefficient)

Assuming that use of the building will be for residential propose we decide.

For interior areas_________ 222 mkN


mtonP ==×=

For balconies________ 222 mkN


mtonP ==×=

These loads are applied as punctual force in the nodes of the structure. The value of

these forces is determined from the combination of the dead loads and live loads,

according to code requirement, which are used as nodal weights in IDARC2D. The

values of nodal weight are presented in the following table for both orthogonal

directions, being the same for all stories.

From the geometry three typical frames are chosen to be analyzed, those are the most

loaded elements of structure.

Tributary Area (m2)

Frame 2-2 Area

around axis A-A

Area around axis B-B

Area around

axis C-C

Area around

axis D-D

Area around

axis E-E

Area around axis F-F

Story level 1 16.4 16.4 13.6 16 16 8

Story level 2 16.4 16.4 13.6 16 16 8 Story level 3 16.4 16.4 11 0 0 0 Story level 4 16.4 16.4 11 0 0 0 Story level 5 16.4 16.4 11 0 0 0

Nodal weight (kN) Story level 1 231.035 231.035 191.215 225.4 225.4 112.7

Story level 2 231.035 231.035 191.215 225.4 225.4 112.7 Story level 3 231.035 231.035 157.025 0 0 0 Story level 4 231.035 231.035 157.025 0 0 0

Story level 5 231.035 231.035 157.025 0 0 0

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Tributary Area (m2)

Frame 3-3 Area

around axis A-A

Area around axis B-B

Area around

axis C-C

Area around

axis D-D

Area around

axis E-E

Area around axis F-F

Story level 1 16.4 16.4 13.6 16 16 8 Story level 2 16.4 16.4 13.6 16 16 8 Story level 3 16.4 16.4 11 0 0 0 Story level 4 16.4 16.4 11 0 0 0 Story level 5 16.4 16.4 11 0 0 0

Nodal weight (kN) Story level 1 231.035 231.035 191.215 225.4 225.4 112.7 Story level 2 231.035 231.035 191.215 225.4 225.4 112.7 Story level 3 231.035 231.035 157.025 0 0 0

Story level 4 231.035 231.035 157.025 0 0 0

Story level 5 231.035 231.035 157.025 0 0 0

Tributary Area (m2)

Frame 4-4 Area

around axis A-A

Area around axis B-B

Area around

axis C-C

Area around

axis D-D

Area around

axis E-E

Area around axis F-F

Story level 1 16.4 16.4 13.6 16 16 8 Story level 2 16.4 16.4 13.6 16 16 8 Story level 3 14.4 14.4 3 0 0 0 Story level 4 14.4 14.4 3 0 0 0 Story level 5 14.4 14.4 3 0 0 0

Nodal weight (kN) Story level 1 231.035 231.035 191.215 225.4 225.4 112.7 Story level 2 231.035 231.035 191.215 225.4 225.4 112.7 Story level 3 204.735 204.735 51.825 0 0 0 Story level 4 204.735 204.735 51.825 0 0 0

Story level 5 204.735 204.735 51.825 0 0 0

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Graphical presentation of characteristics building’s floor plans and cross-sections.

Floor plans are not symmetrically in direction X-X as well as in direction Y-Y; they also

differ from one level to one other. Below are presented all the plans of the building;

Fig.7.6 Plan of foundation footing N-3.20

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Fig.7.7 Plan of columns N+0.00

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Fig.7.8 Plan of structure N+3.06,+6.12

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Fig.7.9 Plan of structure N+9.18, +12.24, +15.3

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The frames are not regular in elevation for both orthogonal direction (X-X &Y-Y). Below

are presented the frames in X-X direction (most loaded frames), with the corresponding

columns and beams types. There is also given the area of bottom and top longitudinal

reinforcement for all the beams.

Column and Beam Type Column and Beam Number

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The reinforcement of the typical columns and beams are presented in whole frame, as given


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The static pushover procedure has been presented and developed over the past twenty year

(Saiidi and Sozen, 1981; Fajfar and Gaspersic, 1996; Bracci et al., 1997; Krawinkler and

Seneviratna, 1998; Kiattivisanchai, 2001; Imarb, 2002). The method is also described and

recommended as a tool for design and assessment purposes by the National Earthquake

Hazard Reduction Program 'NEHRP' guidelines for seismic rehabilitation of existing

buildings and by the Applied Technology Council (1996) guidelines for seismic evaluation

and retrofit of concrete buildings. Moreover, the technique is accepted by the Structural

Engineers Association of California 'SEAOC Vision 2000' (1995) among other analysis

procedures with various levels of complexity.

The recent advent of performance based design has brought the nonlinear static pushover

analysis procedure to the forefront. Pushover analysis is a static, nonlinear procedure in

which the magnitude of the structural loading is incrementally increased in accordance with

a certain predefined pattern. With the increase in the magnitude of the loading, weak links

and failure modes of the structure are found. The loading is monotonic with the effects of

the cyclic behavior and load reversals being estimated by using a modified monotonic force-

deformation criteria and with damping approximations.

Static pushover analysis is an attempt by the structural engineering profession to evaluate

the real strength of the structure and it promises to be a useful and effective tool for

performance based design. The nonlinear static pushover analysis is a sample option for

estimating the strength capacity of building in the post-elastic range. The technique can also

be used to highlight potential weak areas in the structure. This procedure involves applying

a predefined lateral load pattern that is distributed along the building height. The lateral

forces are then monotonically increased in constant proportion with a displacement control

at the top of the building until a certain level of deformation is reached. The target top

displacement may be the deformation expected in the design earthquake in case of designing

a new structure or the drift corresponding to structural collapse for assessment purposes.

The method allows tracing the sequence of yielding and failure on the member and the

structure level as well as the progress of the overall capacity curve of the structure.

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From the configuration of the building that the 6h floor was difficult to model in IDARC2D,

so we skip it and its weight and mass were distributed appropriate in the other floors. Our

model now has 5 floors. Previous to perform Push-Over analysis we ask to the program to

push the building until the structure in the top story to have the upper limit for displacement

= 1% of building height. Once the program is run, from the out put is possible to get the

capacity curves for each story and overall building in both orthogonal directions.

The Capacity Curve can be approximated using bilinear approach, in order to define the

basic states of the structure, yielding point as well as ultimate point.

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• Graphical presentation of mode shapes and drifts stories.

Analyzing fundamental period of structure before Pushover 1.39s, gives a sense of a flexible

structure, because is bigger than 0.5-0.6s, which will an expected period.


Fundamental Period = 1.39 s


VECTOR (normalized) ϕ

5 1.000 4 0.877 3 0.671 2 0.388 1 0.197 0 0.000

AFTER PUSHOVER exist Fundamental Period = 8.88 s


VECTOR (normalized) ϕ

5 1.000 4 0.997 3 0.953 2 0.491 1 0.268 0 0.000

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& 3

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The application of the capacity spectrum technique requires that both the demand response

spectra and structural capacity (or pushover) curve be plotted in the spectral acceleration, Sa

and spectral displacement, Sd domain, or the so-called Acceleration-Displacement

Response Spectra (ADRS).

To construct the capacity spectrum, capacity curve of the multi-storey building is converted

into the capacity curve of the equivalent single degree of freedom (SDOF) systems based on

the capacity curve, which in terms of base shear and lateral roof displacement, is obtained

from pushover analysis and also based on its dynamic characteristic. Any point (V and Δ roof) on the capacity curve can be converted to the corresponding point Sa and Sd by using

the equations the following equation.


α= &






Where V: Shear Base of the structure

M: Total Mass of the structure

∆R: Roof Displacement

α: Effective Mass Ratio

PFøR: Roof participation Factor

The dynamic characteristics as Period (T) and Mode shapes (�) together with the lumped

floor mass (mx) are needed for determination of the effective mass ration and the roof

participation factor, according the equation below.











& RRm

mPF ϕ


ϕϕ ⎟





The transformation will be done for the bilinear capacity curve, which helps us to identify

the design capacity (DC), yielding capacity (YC) and ultimate capacity (UC) of the

structure, for both orthogonal directions. In order to perform the ADRS format of the

bilinear capacity curve for our structure, its lumped floor masses and its dynamic

characteristics have been taken from IDARC2D, which are presented in the table below.

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VECTOR (normalized) ϕ


5 1.000 0.19566 4 0.877 0.23536 3 0.671 0.31867 2 0.388 0.58007 1 0.197 1.39327





176 4 176 3 176 2 352 1 352


Σmi (kN*s2/m) (Σmi ∗ϕ1)^2 Σmi ∗ϕ1^2




1232 429123.823 457.9794037 0.76029 1.43036






0.00 0.00 0.07 0.30 0.07 1.10

μ max 3.67


Sa (g) Sd (cm)

0.00 0.00 0.09 3.21 0.10 11.78

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The capacity spectrum method, by means of a graphical procedure, compares the

capacity of the structure with the demands of the earthquake ground motion on the

structure. Therefore, both must be defined with the same set of coordinates, which is

defined as Acceleration-Displacement Response Spectrum format (ADRS), means of Sa

vs. Sd in which the period can be represented by lines radiating from the origin. The

intersection between capacity and demand spectrum having the same ductility factor, μ,

is the performance point that represents the maximum structural force and displacement

expected for the demand earthquake ground motion.

Fig.7.10 (a) Capacity Spectrum (b) Demand Spectrum

(c) Demand Spectrum superimposed Capacity Spectrum in ADRS format

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(a) The Capacity of the structure is represented by a nonlinear force-displacement

curve, which is referred as a pushover curve and explained in details in point 3

above for our structure using bilinear model as well as Spectrum Capacity.

(b) The demands of the earthquake are represented by Response Spectra. Earthquake

loading on structures is often characterized by its effect on simple structural

systems, namely Single Degree Of Freedom systems through response spectra, so

in other words, response spectra are the maximum response quantities

(Displacement, Velocity and Acceleration) of a SDOF plotted as a function of its

period (T) for a given earthquake record. Therefore, each earthquake is

characterized by it own set of spectra.

Depending on the material behavior involved in the structural response, spectra are

generally divided in two main categories: elastic and inelastic.

Linear Elastic Response Spectra is assumed by code with 5% damping which

corresponds to ductility μ = 1, while Inelastic Response Spectra represent the modified

linear elastic response spectra in order to represent the effects of inelastic response by

substituting higher damping response spectra to account for hysteretic nonlinear

response of the structure.

The general trend in developing inelastic response spectra is from their elastic

counterparts, by means of a reduction factor R, called the force reduction factor (or q in

Eurocode 8). This factor is designed to drag the system into inelastic response, thus

causing it to dissipate energy through inelastic deformations. The dissipated energy is

usually expressed is terms of the ductility μ of the system, and is a function of its period

of vibration T.

There are different approaches to define R – μ – T relationship.

From Displacement – based approach damping ratio is defined in function of ductility,

according to equation )05.095.01(105.0 μμπ

ξ −−+=

From FEMA 356 based in the graph R vs. T

For long period system μ=R

For short period system 1=R

For intermediate period system 12 −= μR

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From Vidic et al. Model (1994)

For T ≥ TC μ=R (1)

For T ≤ TC 1)1( +⋅−=CT

TR μ (2)

Response spectra is the maximum response quantities of Acceleration as well as

Displacement, is in our interest to calculate Elastic Displacement Response Spectra from their

acceleration counterparts using the definition of the pseudo-acceleration bellow:

)()( 2 tuwtA = ⇒ dMAXMAX ST

uwASa 2

22 4π

=== and then 224

)()( T


de π=

So, each ordinate of spectral acceleration that is associated with the period T is converted

into corresponding spectral displacement ordinate by multiplying with the factor 22

4πT .

Now Demand Spectrum in ADRS format is to plot spectral acceleration versus spectral

displacement, for elastic and inelastic spectrum.


From the Albanian seismicity map given, we assume earthquake’s magnitude over than 5.5

for Tirana city. (See chapter 2) According to microzonification for the city of Tirana and

with the value of PGA=0.32g, we find return period which is equal to yearsTR 475= , this

value correspond to probability of exceedance 10% for 50 years life exposure of the building.

This value corresponds to Non-collapse requirement according to EC-8.

Calculate the annual probability of exceedance.

( )R




TR → Return Period



LR 475





).ln()ln( PR → Probability of exceedance=10%

%.. 2100021047511


P TL → Life exposure

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So there is 0.21% chance that in any given year TR will occur.

From Site investigation soil is Subsoil class B, according to EC-8 Table 3.1



Description of stratigraphic profile





Cu (kPa)


Deposits of very dense sand, gravel, or very stiff clay, at least several tens of m in thickness, characterized by a gradual increase of mechanical properties with depth





RTSaTSa e )()( =

In order to represent the family of ductility demand spectra, an elastic spectra is scaled to

inelastic spectra corresponding to ductility μ = 2, 4 and 6, using equation (1) and (2) for

Acceleration spectra as well for Displacement spectra. And then its corresponding

percentage of critical damping can be determined using the formula mention above.

→ μ= 1 05.0105.0195.01105.0 =⎟



πξ or 5% of critical damping

→ μ= 2 132.0205.0295.01105.0 =⎟



πξ or 13.2% of critical damping

→ μ= 4 185.0405.0495.01105.0 =⎟



πξ or 18.5% of critical damping

→ μ = 6 2.0605.0695.01105.0 =⎟⎟



πξ or 20% of critical damping

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)()( TSdR

TSd eμ




The performance point is an intersection between capacity and demand spectrum having the

same ductility factor μ, plotted in ADRS format. This intersection represents the inelastic

response of the structure.

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From graphical presentation we conclude that bilinear capacity spectrum doesn`t extend

through the envelope of the demand curve, that means building will not survive. The

performance point is achieved in point 2, where capacity curve with ductility 1.5 is the same

value to ductility of demand spectra.

The table gives the components of interest according to performance point.

Right from these analyses there is a need of intervention in structure integrity, where the

technique of repairing and strengthening are indispensible.

Below are presented same picture done during the intervention where the poor quality of

construction take attention.

Fig.7.6 Photo of Beam-Column joint

Point 2

PGA %g

Sd (cm)

Ductility μ

Damping %

Base Shear V (kN)

Roof Displacement ∆s (cm)

X-X 0.09 4.88 1.52 10.1 846.3 6.97

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Fig.7.7 Photo of excavated footing Fig. 7.8 Photo of Distorted Column


Too many traditional techniques exist (mentioned in chapter 6) for repair and strengthening

of this building, but because of collaboration with factories that are mostly concerned in

concrete technology the owner preferred Reinforced Concrete Jacketing.

So, our design is focus on this method.

During the analyses of existing building five main problems were among the others:

1. The foundation footings were not appropriate designed for actual spectra of loading.

2. Building doesn`t possess enough capacity for surviving next earthquake.

3. Yielding Cracks happen in column and beams.

4. Not good distribution of floor masses.

5. Poor quality of construction.

The analyses for repaired model is passing through the same steps as presented for existing


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To improve all these deficiencies a new model is proposed, as steps presented below:

1. Strengthening and upgrading of footing with addition of grade beam.

2. Repairing and strengthening of columns

3. Integration of new shear walls, for seismic resistance

4. Extending the floor in 3,4, and 5th story, in order to balance story masses

5. Improving the structure by implementing good material.

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Tributary Area (m2)

Frame 2-2 Area around

axis A-A Area around

axis B-B

Area around

axis C-C

Area around

axis D-D

Area around

axis E-E

Area around axis F-F

Story level 1 16.4 16.4 13.6 16 16 8

Story level 2 16.4 16.4 13.6 16 16 8

Story level 3 16.4 16.4 13.6 16 0 0

Story level 4 16.4 16.4 13.6 16 0 0

Story level 5 16.4 16.4 13.6 16 0 0

Nodal weight (kN)

Story level 1 231.035 231.035 191.215 225.4 225.4 112.7

Story level 2 231.035 231.035 191.215 225.4 225.4 112.7

Story level 3 231.035 231.035 191.215 225.4 0 0

Story level 4 231.035 231.035 191.215 225.4 0 0

Story level 5 231.035 231.035 191.215 225.4 0 0

Tributary Area (m2)

Frame 3-3 Area around

axis A-A Area around

axis B-B

Area around

axis C-C

Area around

axis D-D

Area around

axis E-E

Area around axis F-F

Story level 1 16.4 16.4 13.6 16 16 8

Story level 2 16.4 16.4 13.6 16 16 8

Story level 3 16.4 16.4 11 0 0 0

Story level 4 16.4 16.4 11 0 0 0

Story level 5 16.4 16.4 11 0 0 0

Nodal weight (kN)

Story level 1 231.035 231.035 191.215 225.4 225.4 112.7

Story level 2 231.035 231.035 191.215 225.4 225.4 112.7

Story level 3 231.035 231.035 157.025 0 0 0

Story level 4 231.035 231.035 157.025 0 0 0

Story level 5 231.035 231.035 157.025 0 0 0

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Tributary Area (m2)

Frame 4-4 Area around

axis A-A Area around

axis B-B

Area around

axis C-C

Area around

axis D-D

Area around

axis E-E

Area around axis F-F

Story level 1 16.4 16.4 13.6 16 16 8

Story level 2 16.4 16.4 13.6 16 16 8

Story level 3 14.4 14.4 3 0 0 0

Story level 4 14.4 14.4 3 0 0 0

Story level 5 14.4 14.4 3 0 0 0

Nodal weight (kN)

Story level 1 231.035 231.035 191.215 225.4 225.4 112.7

Story level 2 231.035 231.035 191.215 225.4 225.4 112.7

Story level 3 204.735 204.735 51.825 0 0 0

Story level 4 204.735 204.735 51.825 0 0 0

Story level 5 204.735 204.735 51.825 0 0 0

Dead, self and life load already defined in 7.1.2

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The following graphics are presented in comparison mode between existing model and

repaired one.

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• Graphical presentation of mode shapes and drifts stories.


Fundamental Period = 0.69 s


VECTOR (normalized) ϕ

5 1.000 4 0.787 3 0.478 2 0.234 1 0.07 0 0.000


Fundamental Period = 5.7 s


VECTOR (normalized) ϕ

5 1.000 4 0.799 3 0.590 2 0.382 1 0.179 0 0.000

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& 3

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VECTOR (normalized) ϕ


5 1.000 0.05402 4 0.787 0.08798 3 0.478 0.13079 2 0.234 0.25045 1 0.070 0.73094





248 4 248 3 248 2 371 1 371


Σmi (kN*s2/m) (Σmi ∗ϕ1)^2 Σmi ∗ϕ1^2 EFFECTIVE



1485 454037.761 479.8543297 0.63716 1.40422






0.00 0.00 0.12 0.17 0.15 1.00

μ max 5.90


Sa (g) Sd(cm)

0.00 0.00 0.1883 1.85

0.24 10.92

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From graphical presentation bilinear capacity spectrum extend through the envelope of the

demand curve that means building will survive. The performance point is achieved in point

2, where capacity curve with ductility 1.7 is the same value to ductility of demand spectra.

The table gives the components of interest according to performance point.

This table comparing to existing one change in each properties, as:

1. PGA and Base Shear for repaired model is bigger showing that building is

capable to sustain more external forces.

2. Ductility and damping is increased.

3. Roof displacement is decreased according the values of existing model.

So, the basic conception for RC structures like enough strength, ductility and stiffness is


Point 2

PGA %g

Sd (cm)

Ductility μ

Damping %

Base Shear V (kN)

Roof Displacement ∆s (cm)

X-X 0.2 3.15 1.7 11.6 1835.6 4.42

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Fragility curves represent one of the possible forms of the earthquake intensity – damage to

structures relationship. A random point on the fragility curve shows the conditional

probability that the damage under an earthquake of a given intensity will exceed a certain

damage state.

These functions are defined on the basis of defined discrete damage states and the fitted

probability distributions of damage under earthquakes of certain intensity.

Fragility curves using Binominal Distribution Approach

Pushover / CBA Method

The CBA method is based on the following assumptions:

• The models of capacity and fragility curves are assumed to be HAZUS-type [6];

• The building model types and characteristics are taken from RISK-UE Buildings

Typology Matrix (BTM) [2];

• Definition of the seismic coefficient in accordance with: the period of construction (level

of seismic protection), seismicity, local soil conditions and dynamic characteristics of the

structures [7-10];

• To estimate the drift ratio at the threshold of structural damage state a modified

Park&Ang damage index is adopted [3, 4]; and,

• Definition of the overstrength and ductility ratios is to be done from the codes,

experimental data or expert judgment.

The building fragility functions define the conditional probability of being in or exceeding a

certain damage state noted as: Slight, Moderate, Extensive and Complete. They are

modeled as cumulative lognormal distribution and each function is defined by its median

value and lognormal standard deviation (β) values as follows

dS Seismic hazard parameter

dsdS , The median value of spectral displacement at which the building reaches the

threshold of the damage state ds,

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Sd1 Sd2 Sd3 Sd4

Dy Du

dsβ Is the standard deviation of the natural logarithm of spectral displacement of

damage state, ds.

Φ Is the standard normal cumulative distribution function.

The procedure for calculating fragility curves pass through the steps listed below:

1. Definition of damage threshold levels:

→ Slight DySd 7.01 =

→ Moderate DySd =2

→ Extensive ( )DyDuDySd −+= 25.03

→ Collapse DuSd =4

2. Definition of lognormal Standard Deviation (�ds) for each damage state as a function

of ultimate ductility, Y

Uu Δ

Δ=μ :

→ Slight )(07.025.01 uds Ln μβ ⋅+=

→ Moderate )(18.02.02 uds Ln μβ ⋅+=

→ Extensive )(40.01.03 uds Ln μβ ⋅+=

→ Collapse )(5.015.04 uds Ln μβ ⋅+=

3. Calculate the probability of exceed by of Cumulative normal Distribution for each

damage state: [ ]⎥⎥⎦







dsd S




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For repaired model:

Dy = 1.85 cm Du = 10.9 cm 9.5=uμ

Damage State


dsdS , (cm)

Standard Deviation


Cumulative probability for exceeding certain damage state

[ ]dSdsP /

Slight 1.29 0.3742 0.500 0.246 0.077 0.020 Moderate 1.85 0.5194 0.83 0.500 0.162 0.044 Extensive 4.11 0.8097 0.999 0.938 0.500 0.174 Collapse 10.92 1.0371 1.000 1.000 0.886 0.500

Model Sd


Probability of exceed for each Damage State

Slight Moderate Extensive Collapse

Exist 4.88 100% 96.9% 58.3% 21.9%

Repaired 3.15 99% 84.7% 37% 11.5%

Table. Correlation of Damage index and Damage states

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I. Existing Building

1. Existing building suffer yielding cracks in columns and beams.

2. Total displacement on top of building 6.9cm which is bigger than code


3. The structure is very flexible and fundamental period with value = 1.39s is more than

expected period for this type of structure, which would be in rage of 0.5-0.6s

4. Capacity curve expressed in ADRS format doesn`t extend through plot of demand

spectra meaning that building will not survive future earthquakes.

5. From site investigation in whole building is evaluated even problems in technology

during time construction, like distorted column presented in picture 7.8.

6. According plot of fragility curves and description of damage state performance point


There is 100% of exceeding slight damage or light cracking throughout.

There is 96.9% of exceeding moderate damage or severe cracking, localized


There is 58.3% of exceeding extensive damage or crushing of concrete,

reinforcement exposed.

There is 21.9% of exceeding collapse damage.

7. Maximum PGA carried by structure is 0.09 % of g

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II. Repaired Building

1. Regarding failure mode of repaired model cracks happen before in beams and

columns doesn`t not suffer yielding cracks.

2. Capacity curve expressed in ADRS format extend the plot of demand spectra

meaning the building will survive future earthquakes.

3. The structure is more rigid and stiff, its fundamental period = 0.69s and total

displacement = 4.4cm are less than previous model and within code provisions.

4. Maximum PGA and Base shear value in repaired model are at least double of

existing one, showing the model is capable to withstand bigger outside forces.

5. According plot of fragility curves and description of damage state performance point


There is 99% of exceeding slight damage or light cracking throughout.

There is 84.7% of exceeding moderate damage or severe cracking, localized


There is 37% of exceeding extensive damage or crushing of concrete,

reinforcement exposed.

There is 11.5% of exceeding collapse damage.

6. The model posses more ductility and damping, properties which are very important

in seismic buildings.

7. Reinforced concrete jacketing is a suitable method and easy technology to be

implemented in site. During site works all the recommendation mention in this thesis

were adopted, a special attention was done during reinforcing the beam column

joint. In continue are presented some photo of site works.

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Fig. 7.9 Photo of Reinforced Footing

Fig. 7.10 Photo of Reinforced Column

Fig. 7.11 Photo of Reinforced Column-Beam Joint

Fig. 7.12 Photo of Covering with Epoxy-Resin Fig. 7.13 Photo of Epoxy-Resin for Injection

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Fig. 7.14 Photo of Reinforcement passing through concrete slab

Fig. 7.15 Photo of Column and Shear Wall Jacketing

Fig. 7.16 Photo of RC Beam-Colum Joint

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A. Calculation of Bent bars for Columns

Max. Shear Force Q=130kN

For one side of Column: P=2.5* ø2*√ (Bp * Bs)

Bs (reinforcement yielding strength) = 3520 kg/cm2 Bp (28 days concrete strength) = 200 kg/cm2

Choose bar ø=12mm P=2.5*1.22*√ (200 * 3520) =3021kg or 30.2kN So, for one meter 130kN/30.2kN = 4.3 bent bars.

We define bar ø=12mm/15cm for each side of column

B. Cost estimation

Object: Repairing and Strengthening of Existing Structure Address: Tirana, Albania

No Description Unit Amount Price/unit Value (euro)

I. Excavation Works 1 Excavation and transportation of soil m3 300 26 7,800 2 Leveling the gravel m2 236 1.5 354 Sum I Euro 8,154 II. Reinforced concrete Works 1 Concrete B30 for foundation m3 240 82 19,680 2 Concrete B30 for columns m3 37 121 4,477 3 Reinforced steel kg 15000 0.85 12,750

Sum II Euro 36,907 III. Special Works 1 Demolishing the plaster m2 151 2.7 408 2 Boring holes and filling with epoxy resin HIT-150 holes 2500 1.6 4,000 3 Covering old concrete with epoxy Sika-dur m2 200 2.5 500

Sum III Euro 4,908 Total Sum I-III Euro 49,969

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