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Module 9 Unit 3 教学目标: 一般过去时 本模块重点词语 练习本模块主要知识

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Module 9 Unit 3 教学目标: 一般过去时 本模块重点词语 练习本模块主要知识. decide to do sth. 词组翻译. look around. knock on/at the door. be lost. 1. 决定做某事 2. 向四周看 3. 敲门 4. 迷路 5. 捡起 6. 赶去 … 7. 出来 … 8. 指着 … 9. 起先 10. 去兜风. pick up. hurry to…. out of…. point at/to…. at first. go for a ride. 完成句子. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Page 1: Module 9 Unit 3  教学目标: 一般过去时 本模块重点词语 练习本模块主要知识

Module 9 Unit 3 教学目标:

一般过去时 本模块重点词语 练习本模块主要知识

Page 2: Module 9 Unit 3  教学目标: 一般过去时 本模块重点词语 练习本模块主要知识

词组翻译1. 决定做某事 2. 向四周看3. 敲门4. 迷路5. 捡起6. 赶去…7. 出来…8. 指着…9. 起先10. 去兜风

decide to do sth.

look around

knock on/at the door

be lost

pick up

hurry to…

out of…

point at/to…

at first

go for a ride

Page 3: Module 9 Unit 3  教学目标: 一般过去时 本模块重点词语 练习本模块主要知识

完成句子 1 、昨天他去兜风时迷路了。 He ________ when he __________yesterday. 2 、很晚了,他拿起书包就赶去学校。 It was late.He ______his bag and ________school. 3. 起先他看了看四周,然后敲门。 _______he __________him,then he ____________. 4. 他指着那山,决定在上面植树。 He _______the hill and decided _______trees on it.to plant

was lost went for a ride

picked up hurried to

At first looked around knocked on the door

pointed at

Page 4: Module 9 Unit 3  教学目标: 一般过去时 本模块重点词语 练习本模块主要知识


动词的一般过去时态表示过去发生的动作、情况或存在的状态。行为动词(即实义动词)的过去式没有人称和数的变化。句中常有 yesterday, last…, …ago, in 2000, then, just now, once, once upon a time 等时间状语。

Page 5: Module 9 Unit 3  教学目标: 一般过去时 本模块重点词语 练习本模块主要知识

Be 动词用 was/were

陈述句:主语 +was/were+ 表语 . 否定句:主语 +wasn’t/weren’t+ 表语 . 一般疑问句: Was/Were+ 主语 + 表语? 特殊疑问句: Wh- + was/were+ 主语 + 表语? 或: Wh-( 作主语 )+ was/were+ 表语 ?

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Yao Mingbasketball playerShanghai,ChinaSeptember 12th, 1980

Yao Ming is a basketball player, he was born in Shanghai,China,he was born on September 12th, 1980

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Jolin, singer Taiwan September15th,1980

Jolin is a singer, she was born inTaiwan, she was born on September15th,1980

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Compare them:

He is 15 now.He was 14 last year. He was born

on January 12,1991. He will be 16 next year.

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实义动词:规则动词加 ed; 不规则动词逐个记

陈述句:主语 + 实义动词过去式 + 其它成分 . 否定句:主语 +didn’t+ 实义动词原形 + 其它成分 . 一般疑问句: Did+ 主语 + 实义动词原形 + 其它成分? 特殊疑问句: Wh- + did+ 主语 + 实义动词原形 + 其它成分? 或: Wh-( 作主语 )+ did+ 主语 + 实义动词原

形 + 其它成分?

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I .用动词的适当形式填空

1,She _____(go) to school late yesterday.2,He _______ up at 17:00 this moring.(get )

3,She _______(live) in Beijing last year.4,Lily ___________to the zoo last Sunday.(g

o)5,___(be)there a fly ( 苍蝇 ) on the table just





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7,Mary _______(read) English yesterday morning.

8,There _____(be) no one here a moment ago.9,I ______________(call) Mike this morning.

12,Last week we _______(pick) many apples on the farm.

13,My mother ___________(not do) housework yesterday.




didn’t do

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III. 句型转换 They came to China in 1990.( 变一般疑问句 )

__________ they ________ to China in 1990? 2.I was ill for two days last week? ( 同上 ) ________ you ill for two days last week? 3. The twins go to school on foot every day. ( 同上 ) _________ the twins _______ to school on foot yesterd

ay? 4.She washed the clothes last Sunday. ( 变否定句 ) She _________ ________ the clothes last Sunday

Did come


Did go

didn’t wash

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5. She went shopping just now. ( 变否定句 ) _____________________________________ 6. My mother liked her students. ( 变一般疑问

句 ) _____________________________________

_ 7. Do you watch TV on Sunday? ( 用 last Sund

ay 改写成过去时态的句子 ) ______________________________________ 8. Wei Hua get a new pen yesterday. ( 变否定

句 ) She ________ ________ a new pen yesterday.

She didn’t go shopping just now.

Did your mother like her students?

Did you watch TV on Sunday last Sunday?



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IV. 译句子 那个女孩子正在树下唱歌。 _________________________

________________________ 他们准备做什么? _________________________________

_______________________ 你昨天做什么了? _________________________________

________________________ 他的妈妈每天做什么? _____________________________

_________________________ 她昨天在这。 _____________________________________

____ 6. 他们上周六去公园了。 ___________________

That girl is singing under the tree.

What are they going to do ?

What did you do yesterday?

What does his mother do every day?

She was here yesterday.

They went to the park last Saturday.

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用所给动词的适当形式填空; Bob’s Day Bob ___ (get )up at 7:30 yesterday mo

rning.After breakfast,he ___(go) to school at 8:10 by bus.He got to school at 8:45.He __(has) his first class at 9:00.He ___(has) lunch at 12:30 at school.After school,he ____ (play) football with his classmates. After finishing his homework, he __(play) computer games at 8:30 last night.He __(go) to bed at 10:30 last night.





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Write a passage about Goldilocks and the Three Bears.

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表示现在的状态;经常性或习惯性的动作;还表示主语具备的性格和能力等。这个时态表示习惯性或经常性的动作时,常与 often, sometimes, usually 等频度副词连用。

I ususlly go to school at six in the morning. Sometimes he has breakfast at school.

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表示将来即将发生或计划要做的事。常与表示将来的时间状语连用,如: tomorrow,next year,later (on) 等。

She will go to her hometown next year. I shall go to the zoo tomorrow.

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be going to+ 动词原形,表示将要发生的事或打算、计划、决定要做的事


I am going to play basketball next Sunday.

What are going to do next week? He is not going to go fishing


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一般过去时的谓语动词有 be 动词 和行为动词两种基本形式


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be 动词和行为动词两种基本形式

be 动词(或系动词 be )的过去式为was 和 were 两个。 行为动词的过去式,其变化分


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一般动词原形末尾加 -ed 。如: look→looked, stay→stayed ; 以 e 结尾的动词只加 -d 。如: hope→hoped, live→lived; 末尾只有一个辅音字母结尾的重读闭音节的动词,应先双写这个辅

音字母,再加 -ed. 如: stop→stopped, plan( 计划 ) →planned; 结尾是“辅音字母 +y” 的动词,先将 y 改为 i, 再加 -ed. 如: study

→studied, carry→carried. –ed( 或 -d) 的读音:在清辅音结尾的词后读 [t]. 如: work→worked

[w : kt], help→helped[helpt]; 在浊辅音和元音后读 [d] 。如: call→called[k: ld], play→played[pleid]; 在 [t] 和 [d] 音后面发 [id] 。如: want→wanted[w ntid] , need→needed[ni:did].

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1. 表示在过去时间里发生的动作或存在的状态

Liu Jie got up at 7: 10 this morning. He was a student three years ago.

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2 .表示过去经常或反复发生的动作。

Zhang Yaru always went to school by bike last term.

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3 .表示已故人所做的事情。

Comrade Lei Feng did good deeds in his life. ( 雷锋同志做了一生的好事。 )

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4. 表示过去所发生的一系列的动作,而这一系列的动作是从现在的角度来考虑的,不是从动作相互之间的关系这一角度来考虑的。

Miss Liu got up at seven o’clock this morning, dressed, had breakfast, and went to work.

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1.yesterday 或以其构成的短语: yesterday morning(afternoon, evening)等;

2. 由“ last+ 一时间名词”构成的短语: last night, last year (winter, month, week) 等;

3. 由“时间段 +ago” 构成的短语: a moment ago, a short time ago, an hour ago 等;

4. 由“介词 + 一时间名词”构成的短语: on Friday, on Monday morning, on April 15, on the night of Oct. 1;

5. 频度副词: often, always 等;6. 其它: then, just now, once, 以及由 after 或 before 构成的介词短语等7. 由某些表示过去时态的从句等。

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1 , on time 2,call one’s name 3,this term 4,Teachers’ Day 5,give a talk6,talk about 7,for example 8,family name 9,full name 10,first name(given name)11,welcome back 12,be different from 13,be short for 14,the meaning of15,think of 16,not…any more 17,a waste of time 18,have a good time19,with one’s best wishes 20 wishes 20,have a good idea

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21,have to 22,the same as23,I am afraid 24,more than 25,many times 26,the t

hird lesson 27,go fishing28,in the east 29,on the top of the mountain 30,go hi

king 31,the day after tomorrow32,No problem 33,agree with 34,have problems doin

g sth 35,hurry up 36,go shopping(do some shopping) 37,trip over 38,some more 39,be

far from 40,go the wrong way

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Bob’s Day

Bob got up at 7:30 yesterday morning.After breakfast,he went to school at 8:10 by bus.He got to school at 8:45.He had his first class at 9:00.He had lunch at 12:30 at school.After school,he played football with his classmates. After finishing his homework, he played computer games at 8:30 last night.He went to bed at 10:30 last night.