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  • 8/4/2019 Nolan31



    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * **

    In the Matter Between: ** April 7, 2010


    -and- ** Volume 3

    IAFF, LOCAL 760 **

    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *



    HARVEY M. SHRAGE, Arbitrator



    BERLIN, CONNECTICUT 06037(860)828-8847

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    Representing the City of Hartford:

    ATTORNEYS FOR THE CITY OF HARTFORD550 Main StreetHartford, Connecticut 06103BY: IVAN A. RAMOS, Corporation Counsel

    Representing Daniel C. Nolan

    FERGUSON & DOYLE, P.C.35 Marshall RoadRocky Hill, Connecticut 06067BY: JAMES C. FERGUSON, Esquire




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    . . . The following is the Arbitration in the


    IAFF, LOCAL 760, held before HARVEY M. SHRAGE, Arbitrator,

    and Cheryl S. Damato, Certified Court Reporter in and for

    the State of Connecticut, held at the Sheraton Hotel, East

    Hartford, Connecticut, at 8:56 a.m. on Wednesday, April 7,


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    1 M I C H A E L P A R K E R ,

    2 recalled as a witness by the Union, having been

    3 previously duly sworn by the Arbitrator, was examined, and

    4 testified further on his oath as follows:


    6 THE ARBITRATOR: Good morning,

    7 everyone. We're beginning day three of this matter

    8 between the City of Hartford and IAFF Local 760, and

    9 we are in the middle of the cross examination which

    10 will continue here with Union's counsel.




    14 Q Good morning chief?

    15 MR. RAMOS: We have sequestered the

    16 witnesses.

    17 THE ARBITRATOR: Off the record.

    18 (Off-the-record discussion.)


    20 Q I am going to try not to go over ground I

    21 already covered. Despite my best efforts.

    22 THE ARBITRATOR: Let the record

    23 reflect, and I appreciate the reminder, that there

    24 was an agreement to sequester witnesses and at this

    25 time all witnesses have been sequestered and we can

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    1 continue.


    3 Q You stated in your testimony that there were

    4 three complaints brought forth against Mr. Nolan.

    5 A Yes.

    6 Q And the first one came from the chief operating

    7 officer of the City of Hartford?

    8 A Yes.

    9 Q And the second came from AC Milner?

    10 A Yes.

    11 Q And the third came from Local 760 President

    12 Fusco, correct?

    13 A Correct.

    14 Q And they were all basically within the same time

    15 frame within days of each other?

    16 A Yes.

    17 Q Prior to those complaints, had you had any other

    18 complaints concerning Deputy Chief Nolan?

    19 A In regards to?

    20 Q In regards to anything.

    21 A I don't think so, no.

    22 Q And refresh my recollection: You have been on

    23 the department and in charge of personnel for how long?

    24 A Thirteen-and-a-half years.

    25 Q So for more than half of Dan Nolan's career, you

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    1 know of no charges against him on any matter prior to the

    2 three that were brought forth in that short time frame,

    3 correct?

    4 A You're going back to disciplines or --

    5 Q Disciplines or any complaints.

    6 A I am aware that he was disciplined. He was

    7 suspended.

    8 Q During your tenure?

    9 A When I was there, yes.

    10 Q For what?

    11 A I believe he was suspended for a couple days

    12 for -- it was under Chief Dobson's administration, and I

    13 think it was removing a ladder, taking his ladder out of

    14 service at a scene or disrespecting Assistant Chief Smith,

    15 something to that effect.

    16 Q Do you recall the time frame?

    17 A I thought it was a two-day suspension.

    18 Q The time frame of when it occurred?

    19 A When it happened?

    20 Q Yes.

    21 A Prior to 2000.

    22 Q Other than that, anything else?

    23 A Not that I can recall, no.

    24 Q And that was prior to him being promoted to his

    25 position he held?

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    1 A He was a line lieutenant, I believe, suppression

    2 division at the time.

    3 Q So it didn't in any way affect his career ladder

    4 or his promotional --

    5 A No.

    6 Q Is it accurate to say that the complaint from

    7 the chief operating officer was anonymous?

    8 A Yes.

    9 Q Did you inquire or attempt in any way to find

    10 out where that complaint came from?

    11 A Yes. I requested did he have any more

    12 information. I was told no.

    13 Q So it was an anonymous complaint?

    14 A Yes.

    15 Q In your experience in being in charge of

    16 personnel and labor, is it common for you to investigate

    17 anonymous complaints?

    18 A Fifty percent of the time approximately.

    19 Q And do they usually result in disciplinary

    20 action: anonymous complaints?

    21 A I am trying to recall. I would say most of the

    22 time, no. The complaints are to follow up.

    23 Q But in this case you followed it up?

    24 A I was directed to.

    25 Q You were directed to by whom?

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    1 A Chief Teale, I believe.

    2 Q With regard to the complaint from AC Milner,

    3 that related to mileage?

    4 A Yes.

    5 Q And that was determined not to be sustainable,

    6 correct?

    7 A Yeah, I didn't find any serious problems.

    8 Q So basically we're here today from the anonymous

    9 charge of the chief operating officer of the city. What

    10 was the nature of the complaint, of the anonymous

    11 complaint from the chief operating officer?

    12 A His complaint was that Chief Nolan was I believe

    13 meeting with applicants prior to the interview with the

    14 chief and myself for the hiring process and that he was

    15 giving the applicants the questions that we were asking at

    16 the interview.

    17 Q And what was your determination with regard to

    18 that anonymous complaint?

    19 A We found nothing to substantiate it.

    20 Q So it's fair to say the only complaint which

    21 caused you to discipline or recommend the discipline of

    22 Chief Nolan was the complaint from Local 760 President

    23 Fusco?

    24 A Yes.

    25 Q And was that an anonymous complaint?

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    1 A Yes.

    2 Q Did you ever determine who the member or members

    3 of the fire department were who made the complaints about

    4 D.C. Nolan that were passed on to you from --

    5 A No.

    6 Q No. So we're here today because of an anonymous

    7 complaint from a member or members of the department and

    8 you have never determined who made those complaints?

    9 A The anonymous complaint came from the president

    10 of the union to me.

    11 Q You're not answering my question. We're here

    12 today because of an anonymous complaint from a member or

    13 members of the department and you have never determined

    14 who those members were?

    15 A Yes, I have not.

    16 Q Okay. You attempted to determine that?

    17 A I asked President Fusco if I could have the name

    18 and he declined.

    19 Q And did you ask any -- withdrawn.

    20 You also in your investigation spoke to members

    21 of the class which Chief Nolan oversaw, correct?

    22 A Yes.

    23 Q Approximately 20 members?

    24 A Yes.

    25 Q Did you ask each and every one of those members

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    1 or any of those members if they had filed a complaint

    2 through President Fusco?

    3 A No.

    4 Q Okay. So it's possible that none of the members

    5 of the class ever complained about Chief Nolan?

    6 A It's possible.

    7 Q All right. But you didn't even attempt to try

    8 to find out if they were the complainants?

    9 A Not through them, no. Through the president of

    10 the union.

    11 Q Did Assistant Chief Milner when he reported the

    12 complaint or the concern regarding the mileage of

    13 D.C. Nolan, did he indicate how he came upon or about

    14 making that complaint?

    15 A Yes. He informed me that there was a Garmin in

    16 Chief Nolan's car and I believe Superintendent Smith who

    17 is in charge of the maintenance division checked it or was

    18 doing something with it and came up with New York Airport,

    19 Airport of New York and I think Boston on it.

    20 Q Is it common for members of the department or

    21 the supervisors of the department to check on Garmins or

    22 GPSs in personnel cars?

    23 A It's the first time I know of.

    24 Q And does everybody have one?

    25 A I believe -- I know there's probably three or

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    1 four out there in the chief's cars.

    2 Q Are they supplied by the city?

    3 A Mine is. The fire marshal's is.

    4 Q What about Chief Nolan's?

    5 A I am not sure.

    6 Q So do you think it's appropriate for somebody to

    7 go into what might be a personal GPS in somebody's car?

    8 A If it's inside the city vehicle. If it was

    9 checked, if it was on. I don't have the facts on that.

    10 Q Is it proper for somebody to go into a city car

    11 and go through checkbooks, mail or anything else that

    12 might be in the car that's personal in nature?

    13 A No.

    14 Q How do you differentiate between the two?

    15 A I don't know if that's a city Garmin, city

    16 property or not.

    17 Q But you went ahead and what might not have been

    18 city property and investigated it anyway, correct?

    19 A Yes.

    20 Q With regard to the Milner investigation, are you

    21 aware that the superintendent actually reported the

    22 investigation concerning the Garmin about five months

    23 prior to his complaint, Milner's complaint to you?

    24 MR. RAMOS: I am going to object at

    25 this point. This is not the subject of the

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    1 discipline that's at issue here. We didn't sustain

    2 any of those allegations so they're not really --

    3 THE ARBITRATOR: Well, let me hear the

    4 Union on it. I think I know where they're going on

    5 it.

    6 Go ahead.

    7 MR. FERGUSON: Basically there are a

    8 number of charges against him anonymous in nature.

    9 Two of the three have been determined not to be

    10 effective. We're claiming disparate treatment.

    11 We're claiming he's being treated differently than

    12 anybody else. There's no action that that has been

    13 done to anybody before.

    14 THE ARBITRATOR: I'll allow it. The

    15 question of how it plays out and the weight of it,

    16 but in terms of the argument the Union wants to make

    17 here I think is within the realm.

    18 Go ahead.


    20 Q Are you aware of that, that it was five months?

    21 A No.

    22 Q Would that be appropriate for somebody whether

    23 it's a chief, officers or anybody else to hold information

    24 and then make a complaint contemporaneous with other

    25 complaints about somebody's action or inactions?

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    1 A I would like to have had it sooner.

    2 Q Does a complaint ever get stale?

    3 A No, I wouldn't say so, unless someone finds out

    4 about it. If it's brought to my attention.

    5 Q Well, you're aware that D.C. Nolan had been on

    6 administrative leave for over three months by the time

    7 A.C. Milner filed his fire service, correct?

    8 A Yes.

    9 Q And so it was post the administrative leave

    10 determination that it came to light. You agree with that,

    11 correct?

    12 A Yes, it was brought to my attention, correct.

    13 Q And what about the other two complaints? Were

    14 those post his administrative leave?

    15 A I don't believe so. I don't recall exactly the

    16 time that I received it.

    17 Q But they could have been?

    18 A No. I think I received -- no, it was before

    19 administrative leave. I interviewed him when he was still

    20 working there, I believe.

    21 Q So he was put on administrative leave pending an

    22 investigation for what actions exactly?

    23 A He was placed on administrative leave by the

    24 chief.

    25 Q For what actions?

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    1 A While we were looking into the allegations

    2 against him.

    3 Q Which ones? It couldn't have been A.C. Milner.

    4 You just testified that happened post administrative

    5 leave.

    6 A It was done after we received a complaint from

    7 the chief operating officer. That's what initiated it and

    8 same time I received the Union complaint.

    9 Q So you received two of the three complaints

    10 contemporaneous and then later you got the AC Milner

    11 mileage complaint?

    12 A They all came out the same time. I believe A.C.

    13 Milner was the last one in writing. He made a verbal

    14 complaint.

    15 Q Well if A.C. Milner's complaint, if his fire

    16 service was actually three months after he was on

    17 administrative leave, wouldn't that make the other two, if

    18 they were all contemporaneously because that was your

    19 testimony previously?

    20 A Yeah. I just don't recall the exact times these

    21 things unfolded.

    22 Q Did you find it unusual in any way that the

    23 three different complaints about D.C. Nolan were just

    24 prior to the new recruit class starting?

    25 A No, I didn't put any relationship with it.

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    1 Q Prior to this incident, had you ever received

    2 any complaints about D.C. Nolan concerning his running of

    3 the training division or the training school?

    4 A No, no formal complaints.

    5 Q Can you recall any other time when you received

    6 three nearly simultaneous albeit differently-based

    7 complaints about one fire official?

    8 A No, never recall that.

    9 Q And you didn't find that unusual?

    10 A Oh, yes, I did.

    11 Q And you don't find it ironic in any way that

    12 these complaints were received just prior to him training

    13 a new recruit class?

    14 A I didn't put that together at all. I just

    15 thought it was ironic they had all three complaints coming

    16 in.

    17 Q Now, you made some -- you testified concerning

    18 the issue of Play Stations. Do you recall that testimony?

    19 A Yes.

    20 Q And you stated in your direct that you asked

    21 D.C. Nolan specific questions about the allegations

    22 against him, correct?

    23 A Yes.

    24 Q There were eight questions that you gave to him.

    25 There were eight questions that you posited to him?

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    1 A I had written questions.

    2 Q There were eight?

    3 A If that's what there were.

    4 Q Do you remember?

    5 A I don't have them in front of me, no.

    6 Q And I believe Attorney Ramos asked you if you

    7 recalled exactly how you phrased the questions to

    8 D.C. Nolan in regards to the Sony Play Stations?

    9 A Yes.

    10 Q And you replied that you asked if he requested

    11 from recruits in training to donate Sony Play Stations in

    12 return for reduced hours to be run?

    13 A Yes.

    14 Q Okay. And what was his answer to that?

    15 A He said no.

    16 Q Okay. And that question was posited based on

    17 what information that you had that was the predicate for

    18 those questions or that question?

    19 A The Union's complaint.

    20 Q The Union's complaint. So the Union actually

    21 told you that he was soliciting Play Stations from --

    22 A It's in writing.

    23 Q And was that confirmed by testimony or

    24 statements from any of the 20 members of the class?

    25 A Yes.

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    1 Q And who? Who exactly confirmed that? Who in

    2 the class confirmed that?

    3 A That Play Stations were requested?

    4 Q Uh-huh.

    5 A Quite a few.

    6 Q Who?

    7 A I don't have them in my notes but I would say --

    8 Q What do you mean you don't have them in your

    9 notes?

    10 A I don't have my notes with me but I believe it

    11 was Shapiro that bought them.

    12 Q Ashley Shapiro?

    13 A Yes.

    14 Q And did he confirm that information when you

    15 talked to him?

    16 A Yes.

    17 Q So it's your testimony here under oath that

    18 Ashley Shapiro told you that Chief Nolan asked him and

    19 other members of the class to purchase Play Stations?

    20 A He was asked to purchase Play Stations, tickets

    21 -- Play Stations.

    22 Q No, no, we're just dealing with -- just Play

    23 Stations.

    24 A Play Stations. He was asked -- I don't have the

    25 exact question in front of me. I am going from memory but

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    1 he was asked if Play Stations were purchased before he

    2 reduced towers and he said yes.

    3 Q And did he say that he specifically was

    4 requested?

    5 A I believe so, yes.

    6 Q So if Ashley Shapiro said that wasn't true, then

    7 he'd be changing his testimony or statement?

    8 A I had quite a few other guys that mentioned it.

    9 Q We're dealing with Ashley Shapiro. So if he

    10 said that didn't happen, then he would be changing his

    11 statement to you?

    12 A I believe so, yes.

    13 Q And the fact that he stated to you that Chief

    14 Nolan asked him directly to purchase Play Stations is

    15 reflected in your notes?

    16 A No, I don't have anything that says directly he

    17 was asked by Chief Nolan.

    18 Q Okay. So is it fair to say your notes aren't

    19 complete?

    20 A My notes are what they are. They're the facts

    21 that were given to me.

    22 Q The facts were given to you according to your

    23 testimony here today that Ashley Shapiro was asked by

    24 Chief Nolan?

    25 A I don't think I said that. I said he was asked

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    1 to purchase a Play Station. I don't think I said he was

    2 asked directly by Chief Nolan. I am not sure that was

    3 even in my question.

    4 Q Well, who was he asked by if it wasn't Chief

    5 Nolan?

    6 A I am not sure. If I had my notes I could tell

    7 you exactly what the question was.

    8 Q I am not concerned with the question. I am

    9 trying to ascertain -- he's been terminated and partly

    10 because the allegation is --

    11 A Most of the guys.

    12 Q We're asking about Ashley Shapiro.

    13 A To the best of my knowledge I believe the squad

    14 leaders asked for the donations.

    15 Q And who were the squad leaders again?

    16 A I can't remember their names.

    17 Q But you talked to the squad leaders, correct?

    18 A They were part of the investigation, yes.

    19 Q And you can't remember who they were?

    20 A No.

    21 Q And when Mr. Ramos asked you what did D.C. Nolan

    22 say with respect to Sony Play Stations, you stated that

    23 D.C. Nolan said he never requested Sony Play Stations; is

    24 that correct?

    25 A I believe so, that's correct.

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    1 Q And as you sit here today you cannot tell me or

    2 name one person in that class or anybody else that you

    3 investigated who directly stated that D.C. Nolan requested

    4 Play Stations, is that correct?

    5 A I am trying to recall the testimony. I can't

    6 recall if that was directly asked. I know they said they

    7 felt intimidated.

    8 Q I am not asking you about that. I am asking you

    9 a specific question about a specific incident.

    10 A I can't recall.

    11 Q Okay. Can you recall -- we talked about

    12 Ashley Shapiro. Can you recall any of the other 19 who

    13 directly stated that Chief Nolan asked him or her to

    14 purchase a Play Station?

    15 A No.

    16 Q You also stated that D.C. Nolan -- you

    17 investigated whether he requested members of the class to

    18 purchase training tickets -- pardon me, raffle tickets in

    19 exchange for reduced hours, correct?

    20 A Yes.

    21 Q Now, who of the 20 people that you investigated,

    22 or not investigated but spoke to as part of your

    23 investigation, specifically said that Chief Nolan

    24 requested that they purchase raffle tickets in exchange

    25 for reduced towers?

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    1 A I don't recall their names.

    2 Q Do you recall if their names are explicitly a

    3 part of the report that you did or the investigatory notes

    4 that you made prior to making your recommendation?

    5 A What was the first part of that?

    6 Q Do you recall if your notes reflect who of the

    7 20?

    8 A Yes.

    9 Q You do?

    10 A Yes.

    11 Q They do, okay.

    12 A Squad leaders. Mentioned that they were in the

    13 squad when they were being asked to get donations.

    14 Q I am not talking about donations. I am talking

    15 about raffle tickets right now. We're being more

    16 specific.

    17 A Okay.

    18 Q Do you recall if they ever specifically were

    19 asked by D.C. Nolan?

    20 A I believe it was the squad leaders.

    21 Q He asked the squad leaders specifically?

    22 A To the best of my recollection, I believe it was

    23 the squad leaders when he had his meetings at the end of

    24 the day.

    25 Q And your notes will reflect who those people

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    1 were?

    2 A I think some of the squad leaders were

    3 designated in my notes, yes.

    4 Q Okay.

    5 A I think McCue was one, Stevenson was, Marvin

    6 Stevenson was. I don't know what they call them battalion

    7 leader.

    8 Q So McCue and Stevenson?

    9 A Yes.

    10 Q Anybody else?

    11 A Those six squad leaders, I believe. I don't

    12 have their names.

    13 Q And you would suspect since he stated that if

    14 you were claiming under oath, he would state that that was

    15 accurate?

    16 A That's what it says in my notes, yes.

    17 Q Other than the raffle tickets and the Play

    18 Stations, were there any other specific items requested by

    19 D.C. Nolan according to your investigation?

    20 A I believe money was involved. A salsa lesson

    21 was donated. A T-shirt was donated. Recruits were asked

    22 to go to businesses to solicit donations.

    23 Q Let's take them one at a time. Who specifically

    24 stated that Chief Nolan solicited money from the recruits?

    25 A Squad leaders through their meetings.

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    1 Q Which squad leaders?

    2 A I don't have their names.

    3 Q Are they reflected in your notes?

    4 A I believe so. If I had my notes I could tell

    5 you.

    6 Q What about the salsa lesson? Was it more than

    7 one?

    8 A I believe there was one salsa lesson.

    9 Q And who specifically indicated to you?

    10 A I can't recall his name.

    11 Q What about the T-shirt?

    12 A Can't recall his name. Something like a $20

    13 T-shirt was donated. Family members donated money.

    14 Q We're on the T-shirts now.

    15 A T-shirt, okay.

    16 Q And you say that Deputy Chief Nolan or Training

    17 Chief Nolan directed members of the class to solicit

    18 donations from businesses?

    19 A Through the squad leaders, yes.

    20 Q Let's talk about soliciting businesses. You

    21 testified that was a concern, I believe, because it would

    22 reflect negatively on the department to have a member of

    23 the department going out into the community to solicit

    24 business.

    25 A Yes.

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    1 Q So is it fair to say that as the person

    2 responsible for discipline, that that is verboten; that

    3 that is not allowed in the department to do that kind of

    4 thing?

    5 A To walk into a business and solicit money?

    6 Q Yes.

    7 A We frown on it.

    8 Q Did you ever discipline anybody else because

    9 they did that?

    10 A Not that I recall.

    11 Q Are you aware that that is an ongoing

    12 proposition as we speak?

    13 A To solicit businesses?

    14 Q Yes.

    15 A No.

    16 Q And has there ever been an SOP or directive from

    17 you, Chief Teale or any other leader of the department

    18 indicating that was not allowed?

    19 A I am not familiar with one.

    20 Q So even though you frown on it, you have never

    21 made it an official policy of the department to prohibit

    22 such activity?

    23 A I don't believe so.

    24 Q Isn't it true that you're aware that every year

    25 members of the department pass the boot for MS?

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    1 A Yes.

    2 Q And you have never directed members of the

    3 department not to take part in that activity?

    4 A Correct.

    5 Q And that members of the department as part of

    6 that activity, go to businesses soliciting money?

    7 A I am not aware of that.

    8 Q Not at all?

    9 A Not going to businesses. We stand out in the

    10 street and receive the money.

    11 Q So it's okay to do it directly from the public

    12 but not to do it from businesses who might have deeper

    13 pockets?

    14 A For muscular dystrophy, it's for causes.

    15 Q What about the recent activity in writing from

    16 members of the department soliciting money for Haiti? Are

    17 you aware of that?

    18 A Yes.

    19 Q And that's also allowed or countenance in the

    20 department?

    21 A Yes.

    22 Q Was it in writing?

    23 A I don't believe so.

    24 Q Was there a directive that that was an exception

    25 that was unpublished?

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    1 A I don't believe so.

    2 Q That the rules of the department to --

    3 A We frown on it. Something for Haiti or national

    4 cause.

    5 THE ARBITRATOR: I didn't get the last

    6 one.

    7 A Or national cause.

    8 THE ARBITRATOR: You do allow it?

    9 A Yeah, we do.


    11 Q So you make a determination, don't publish it,

    12 that certain causes are okay and yet are disciplining a,

    13 quite frankly, terminating a 20-year member of the

    14 department with no -- with one previous discipline when he

    15 was a line lieutenant for engaging in basically the same

    16 activity?

    17 A They were soliciting money to have reduced

    18 towers. That would be an added on. It's a little

    19 difference there.

    20 Q What's the difference? It's a charitable

    21 contribution.

    22 A They felt intimidated. They felt this

    23 individual had control of their career.

    24 Q Okay. So it's not the activity of charitable

    25 contribution you object to. It's about the person who

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    1 asked it and his relation with the people involved,

    2 correct?

    3 A We do not authorize individuals on the fire

    4 department to go on, without our knowledge to go in to

    5 businesses representing the fire department for donations.

    6 Q At all?

    7 A We don't. Without our knowledge we don't allow

    8 that.

    9 Q So let's take Haiti because that's the most

    10 recent. With regard to Haiti, somebody was in charge of

    11 doing that. Do you know who did that on behalf of the

    12 department?

    13 A I can't recall. The city did it also.

    14 Q And you approved of that?

    15 A Yes, I approved of that.

    16 Q Somebody came to you ahead of time and said it's

    17 okay to do that and you're allowed to do that, to solicit?

    18 A No one came to me, no.

    19 Q Okay. On direct you were asked about the drill

    20 tower, correct, and running towers?

    21 A Yes.

    22 Q And you were asked during your testimony to

    23 describe the inside of the drill tower at the fire

    24 academy. Do you recall that testimony?

    25 A Yes.

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    1 Q You stated that it had metal stairs going up,

    2 that it had no windows and it was six stories high?

    3 A No windows. It had openings.

    4 Q So it does have --

    5 A Well, it does have openings.

    6 Q And it's metal stairs?

    7 A I believe so, yes.

    8 Q You believe or are you sure?

    9 A I haven't been down there in years but I believe

    10 it's metal stairs.

    11 Q So it wouldn't surprise you if that's incorrect

    12 and it's actually concrete stairs?

    13 A No, it wouldn't surprise me. It's been years

    14 since I have been in there.

    15 Q I show you this picture and ask you if you can

    16 recognize it?

    17 A Yes.

    18 Q What is that?

    19 A That's where they -- that's the tower where they

    20 ran their stairs, they ran their punishment towers, I

    21 guess, at the training facility.

    22 Q And it's not six stories high, it's five,

    23 correct?

    24 A Six stories high, one, two, three, four, five,

    25 six.

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    1 Q You're counting the roof?

    2 A One, two, three, four, five, six.

    3 MR. FERGUSON: Okay. I'd like to

    4 offer that?

    5 MR. RAMOS: No objection.

    6 THE ARBITRATOR: Union 1 is received.

    7 (Union Exhibit 1: Received in

    8 evidence - described in index.)

    9 MR. RAMOS: It's a good picture.

    10 Looks different, though.

    11 THE ARBITRATOR: Hold on a second. We

    12 all need to have the same one.

    13 (Off-the-record discussion.)

    14 THE ARBITRATOR: Union Exhibit 1 has

    15 been received. There was a bit of confusion as to

    16 different versions of it that were inadvertently

    17 circulated. Union 1 is the official -- Union 1 does

    18 not show the stairs right in front of you as you look

    19 at the picture. It shows the stairs, just a slight

    20 bit of the stairs to the side and that will be the

    21 official copy.

    22 I am giving it back to the Union's

    23 counsel who will make additional copies at this

    24 point.


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    1 Q I am going to show you the stairs. Do you

    2 recognize those stairs?

    3 A It looks like the ones in the training tower.

    4 MR. FERGUSON: I'd like to offer that.

    5 THE ARBITRATOR: Union 2 is marked and

    6 received, which is the stairs which is identified as

    7 the stairs and tower and that's being returned to

    8 Union counsel as well to make additional copies.

    9 (Union Exhibit 2: Received in

    10 evidence - described in index.)


    12 Q With regard to your questioning of the members

    13 of the class, did they tell you that they had to run six

    14 stories each time?

    15 A No, I don't recall that.

    16 Q Did they tell you they ran all the way to the

    17 roof every time?

    18 A No, I don't recall that either.

    19 Q There was significant testimony from you

    20 concerning your concern that the running of towers in the

    21 case of that class was excessive, correct?

    22 A Yes.

    23 Q Okay. Did any member of the class indicate to

    24 you the number of towers that were actually run on a daily

    25 basis by members of the department?

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    1 A I believe some of the probation firefighters

    2 mentioned they were doing like 20 a day or something to

    3 that effect.

    4 Q Do you recall which said that they were running

    5 20 a day?

    6 A No, I don't.

    7 Q Do you recall some saying they didn't run 20 a

    8 day?

    9 A I am sure some said that.

    10 Q But your testimony is that some unnamed -- I

    11 don't want to use the word witnesses -- firefighters that

    12 you questioned said they ran 20 towers a day?

    13 A According to my notes.

    14 Q According to your notes. And did they say how

    15 many times they ran 20 towers a day?

    16 A I can't recall.

    17 Q Do you recall how many you said ran 20 towers a

    18 day?

    19 A I can't recall.

    20 Q You can't recall even one?

    21 A It's in my notes.

    22 Q Is the objection the number of towers they ran a

    23 day or the fact that he gave multiple towers as

    24 discipline?

    25 A The objection?

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    1 Q Well, the objection: the thing that you find

    2 warrants termination. Is it because they had to actually

    3 run 20 towers a day?

    4 A What warrants termination is firefighters that

    5 felt intimidated by soliciting and donating and in return

    6 they get reduced towers where they felt towers were being

    7 added on just to increase donations. And we had, out of

    8 20, 19 people in the class, one cadet. We had a vast

    9 majority say there were donations. Some of them felt

    10 intimidated and Chief Nolan denied all of them.

    11 Q Okay. So is there anything other than the fact

    12 that Chief Nolan denied it and the fact that members came

    13 to you and complained that or in your investigation

    14 determined they were intimidated, is that the sole reason

    15 he's being terminated, those two things: the fact that

    16 members were apparently intimidated because they had to

    17 buy raffle tickets or they were requested to buy, not had

    18 to but were requested to buy raffle tickets, and the fact

    19 that when you talked to Chief Nolan he denied that. Is

    20 that the reason? Is there anything else?

    21 A I wasn't part of the hearing that terminated

    22 Chief Nolan. I do the preliminary hearing to present the

    23 facts.

    24 Q I am asking you based on the facts you elicited,

    25 was there any other -- Objection?

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    1 MR. RAMOS: Finish.


    3 Q Was there anything other than what you just

    4 stated that caused you in your investigation to recommend

    5 to the chief the action that ultimately took place

    6 regarding --

    7 A I didn't recommend anything. I gave the chief

    8 the facts of what my investigation showed.

    9 Q Well, in your opinion as somebody who does

    10 discipline, is effectively in charge of discipline, what

    11 actually did you find that was in violation of department

    12 rules and regulations albeit not written, that caused you

    13 to determine that there was some actions that were wrong

    14 that were conducted by Chief Nolan?

    15 A In my opinion?

    16 Q Yeah.

    17 A Oh, okay. Abuse of power, having them again go

    18 out for soliciting money, et cetera.

    19 Q And what else?

    20 A I have 20 people come in front of me saying,

    21 most of them, the majority saying this went on. Chief

    22 Nolan denied it except for maybe -- let me correct.

    23 Except for the running of the tower at -- I can't think of

    24 the -- he did say that -- I can't think of the name of it

    25 right now. It just slipped my mind. Anyway, there was

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    1 one that Chief Nolan said.

    2 Q The Big Climb?

    3 A Yes.

    4 Q He admitted the Big Climb?

    5 A Yes.

    6 Q Was it okay for him to engage them in donations

    7 for the Big Climb? Is that okay?

    8 A If it was just for the Big Climb in my opinion,

    9 yes.

    10 Q And the other was the Lea Foundation?

    11 A The Lea Foundation was another one.

    12 Q Was that okay?

    13 A It's okay to a point where it wasn't being used

    14 to reduce towers, put towers back on.

    15 Q Okay. So the Big Climb was okay. The Lea

    16 Foundation was okay?

    17 A In my opinion, yes, the Big Climb was okay.

    18 Q So what exactly -- what exact charitable

    19 donations that were sought by Chief Nolan to the extent

    20 that that's true, was not okay?

    21 A From what I investigated?

    22 Q Yeah.

    23 A He asked for money. No routes were given. He

    24 asked for any donations.

    25 Q For what?

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    1 A Tickets to be purchased. He had family members.

    2 He had recruits going to their families to get donations.

    3 Q I understand the allegation. I am asking what

    4 events or what charitable donations were not okay?

    5 A Most of them didn't even know what they were

    6 donating to.

    7 Q Is it your claim that Chief Nolan enriched

    8 himself in any way as a result of these donations?

    9 A No.

    10 Q Going back to the 20 towers a day, did they say,

    11 the ones that supposedly said 20 towers a day, did they

    12 say how many times they ran 20 towers a day?

    13 A I don't recall.

    14 Q Did you ask?

    15 A How many times a day, I am not sure.

    16 Q How many days? They were there for 14 weeks, 14

    17 times 5?

    18 A The general consensus was they were running

    19 towers almost every day.

    20 Q Twenty towers a day?

    21 A Approximately, from my memory.

    22 Q If there were no donations involved for

    23 allegedly reducing towers, would 20 towers a day be cause

    24 to terminate somebody?

    25 A Depends what the towers were given for. No.

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    1 Q No, it wouldn't be cause for termination if

    2 there was no quid pro quo in your estimation?

    3 A Not to me, no.

    4 Q So you don't object to the number of towers.

    5 You object to the fact that in your words they were,

    6 members were intimidated to get reduced towers by making

    7 donations; correct?

    8 A Yes.

    9 Q And that constitutes abuse of power?

    10 A The abuse of power was the intimidation where

    11 donations would reduce towers. The towers were given just

    12 to a higher number. Some more donations were being

    13 brought in to reduce towers and at the end they thought

    14 that Chief Nolan had their career in his hands.

    15 Q Isn't that true for every training chief; that

    16 the careers are in the hands of the training chief and the

    17 training department with regard to their activities during

    18 the 14 weeks; isn't that true? They're probationary

    19 employees, right?

    20 A Right, they're probationary. They can recommend

    21 hiring or dismissal.

    22 Q Right. As a matter of fact, Chief Nolan, during

    23 that class, did recommend dismissal of a number of

    24 firefighters: three?

    25 A I believe he did, yes.

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    1 Q As a matter of fact you personally came to the

    2 training division to investigate his recommendations,

    3 correct?

    4 A I have done that a few times.

    5 Q And in fact you did recommend that at least one,

    6 if not two members of that training class be dismissed for

    7 not performing up to the standards of the department on

    8 the recommendation of Chief Nolan, correct?

    9 A That sounds accurate.

    10 Q With regard to the raffle tickets, you said that

    11 approximately half of the class stated in their statements

    12 to you that Chief Nolan, through the squad leaders,

    13 recommended that they purchased raffle tickets and if they

    14 did they would be reduced towers, correct?

    15 A Yes.

    16 Q So half of them said that wasn't true?

    17 A I don't know. I am going at least half, maybe

    18 more.

    19 Q Well, you previously testified?

    20 A Yes.

    21 Q Half, okay. So it's safe to say half of them

    22 denied that too, correct, or a little less than half?

    23 A I am not sure that's the right number.

    24 Q I am just going by what you said.

    25 A The majority of the class knew about raffle

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    1 tickets as a total, knew about raffle tickets, knew about

    2 donations.

    3 Q Okay. Just answer the questions. Your counsel

    4 will have a chance to ask you all the questions he wants

    5 after I am done.

    6 There was also some testimony on direct

    7 concerning Wiis. Do you recall that?

    8 A Yes.

    9 Q And what was your testimony, if you can restate

    10 it here, concerning Wiis?

    11 A A Wii was supposed to be purchased for Captain

    12 Costello, I believe, which the money was reimbursed back

    13 to I think it was Shapiro.

    14 Q And is that also -- was that to reduce towers?

    15 Was that also to reduce towers?

    16 A I was given that impression, yes.

    17 Q Were you given that impression or was it stated

    18 by Mr. Shapiro?

    19 A I believe it was to reduce towers. It was all

    20 part of the system, the ongoing problem.

    21 Q That wasn't a donation. That was something that

    22 one of the members of the training division was looking --

    23 A It wasn't a donation because I believe the

    24 firefighter was reimbursed.

    25 Q Is that one of the reasons he's being

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    1 terminated? That he sought on one of the members of the

    2 department --

    3 A Again, it was taken as part of the whole

    4 donation thing for reduced towers.

    5 Q When you spoke to D.C. Nolan, did you ever ask

    6 him about the Wiis, the Wii incident? Was that ever one

    7 of your questions to Chief Nolan?

    8 A I don't believe so.

    9 Q So he never had an opportunity to explain that?

    10 A I grouped that in with the Play Stations.

    11 Q Even though the Play Stations were for charity

    12 and the Wii was for --

    13 A Just electronic games, Wii or Play Stations. I

    14 used them both.

    15 Q There's no evidence on the record from your

    16 investigation that anybody was directed by Chief Nolan to

    17 purchase a Wii or chair for charitable donation?

    18 A Anything on the record? The recruits were -- I

    19 was told the recruits were told to get a Wii or electronic

    20 game for Captain Costello for his wife so she could give

    21 it to him.

    22 Q And that was at the Laudermill hearing, correct?

    23 A I wasn't at the hearing.

    24 Q You weren't at the hearing?

    25 A No.

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    1 Q So when did you learn about the Costello's Wii

    2 situation?

    3 A From one of the recruits.

    4 Q That was Ashley Shapiro?

    5 A I am not sure it was Ashley Shapiro. A couple

    6 of them.

    7 Q You testified previously that it was

    8 Ashley Shapiro.

    9 A I believe he's the one, to the best of my

    10 recollection, that purchased the electronic games.

    11 Q Did he tell you that?

    12 A I believe he did, to the best of my

    13 recollection.

    14 Q Okay. And other people mention that he did?

    15 A Yes.

    16 Q But did anybody tell you that it was at the

    17 direction of D.C. Nolan directly?

    18 A Directly. I am not sure. I believe it came

    19 through squad leader meetings.

    20 Q And you don't even know as you sit here today

    21 whether it was D.C. Nolan who directed them through the

    22 squad leaders to find a Wii for Captain Costello?

    23 A Squad leaders. I can't recall that.

    24 Q And you do recall that you never questioned

    25 D.C. Nolan in your investigation, in your discussion with

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    1 him at the start of the investigation about the Wiis?

    2 A I believe that's accurate.

    3 Q Okay. Your question No. 3 of your questions,

    4 did D.C. Nolan tell you in the class that if you

    5 participate in the Big Climb on your own time, the towers

    6 would be reduced, correct?

    7 A I guess.

    8 Q And 7 of them said yes and 13 said no?

    9 A That's correct.

    10 THE ARBITRATOR: What you're referring

    11 to there is something in evidence?

    12 MR. FERGUSON: He created a chart. I

    13 don't know if it's in.

    14 THE ARBITRATOR: This is what I was

    15 referring to earlier. It was marked for

    16 identification as City 2, is that consistent?

    17 MR. RAMOS: That's correct.

    18 THE ARBITRATOR: But I don't have a

    19 copy of that. I take it I didn't receive that. I'd

    20 have to go back in the transcript.

    21 MR. FERGUSON: It's City Exhibit 2.

    22 MR. RAMOS: Well, Jim doesn't want it

    23 in. I want it in.

    24 MR. FERGUSON: I am asking questions

    25 about it.

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    1 THE ARBITRATOR: Are you agreeing to

    2 it coming in now?

    3 MR. FERGUSON: Yes.

    4 THE ARBITRATOR: City Exhibit 2 is now

    5 received, and if the arbitrator can get a copy of it.

    6 MR. RAMOS: Okay.

    7 MR. FERGUSON: What I am referring to

    8 is the second to last page.

    9 THE ARBITRATOR: Let the record

    10 reflect the question counsel for the Union referred

    11 to that --

    12 Why don't we just take a three-minute

    13 break here and everyone can stretch their legs.

    14 (City Exhibit 2: Received in

    15 evidence - described in index.)

    16 (A recess was taken at 9:48 a.m. and

    17 the hearing resumed at 9:55 a.m.)

    18 THE ARBITRATOR: If we could just go

    19 back to that last exhibit we were just referring to

    20 now received as City 2 and, Mr. Ferguson, you made

    21 reference to.

    22 MR. FERGUSON: Yeah, on the second to

    23 last page, there's responses from the -- my question

    24 was predicated upon the second to last page which is

    25 a chart of the answers of the people concerning the

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    1 various questions which are on the preceding pages

    2 that were asked of the members of the department or

    3 the class.

    4 THE ARBITRATOR: What are we doing?

    5 MR. FERGUSON: I am going to ask some

    6 questions.

    7 THE ARBITRATOR: I am asking whether

    8 you're all set to go so he can continue.

    9 MR. RAMOS: I am all set.

    10 THE ARBITRATOR: The witness has in

    11 front of him City Exhibit 2.

    12 MR. FERGUSON: He can refer to it if

    13 he has no recollection.

    14 THE ARBITRATOR: Fair enough. The

    15 witness does not have in front of him City Exhibit 2.

    16 There are some questions that are going to be asked

    17 and if at a particular point we'll get it to him if

    18 necessary to look at.


    20 Q And I was asking you question No. 3, did

    21 D.C. Nolan tell you or the class that if you participated

    22 in the Big Climb on their own time that towers would be

    23 reduced; and your answer was yes?

    24 A Yes.

    25 Q And according to your chart, 7 recruits said yes

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    1 and 13 said no; is that correct?

    2 A If that's what it says.

    3 Q Question No. 4, D.C. Nolan asks you to donate

    4 money for punishment towers to be reduced?

    5 A Yes.

    6 Q And according to your chart, 8 of the recruits

    7 said yes and 10 said no?

    8 A That's what it says.

    9 Q So according to this chart these also had

    10 inconsistent answers that contradicted each other,

    11 correct?

    12 A Yes. That's how they said yes or no to.

    13 Q And that would by shear logic stating that if

    14 they were inconsistent internally among themselves that

    15 some of them would be inconsistent with D.C. Nolan's

    16 testimony also, correct?

    17 A I wouldn't know.

    18 Q Right?

    19 A Well, they answered the questions and some were

    20 saying yes and some were in the gray areas. I try not to

    21 point the gray areas --

    22 Q But 12 of them said no; 8 of them said yes.

    23 Twelve of them were consistent with Nolan and 8 weren't?

    24 A Okay.

    25 Q Do you know who those 8 were off the top of your

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    1 head?

    2 A No.

    3 Q Did those members you questioned, were any of

    4 them ultimately dismissed from the class?

    5 A The members I questioned?

    6 Q Yes.

    7 A One member was I believe.

    8 Q Just one?

    9 A Maybe two if you count -- two.

    10 Q And do you recall what their responses were?

    11 A No.

    12 Q Okay. Would you expect that the ones that were

    13 dismissed might have negative feelings towards Chief

    14 Nolan?

    15 A Yes.

    16 Q In fact, you know that they did have negative

    17 feelings towards Chief Nolan, correct?

    18 A I wouldn't know that but I would expect if they

    19 lost the job.

    20 Q Were those members that were disgruntled might

    21 have negative opinions against D.C. Nolan, were they

    22 appointed or recommended to another class?

    23 A Yes.

    24 Q And is that, in your experience, something that

    25 happens very often in the department; that members of the

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    1 department who are dismissed for inadequate performance

    2 are allowed to reenter another class?

    3 A No.

    4 Q Is that a policy of the department to allow them

    5 to do that?

    6 A I don't believe it's a policy.

    7 Q Was there any politics involved in that?

    8 A I wasn't involved with any discussions.

    9 Q Okay. So it's possible there were politics

    10 involved?

    11 A There's politics involved with a lot of things.

    12 I wasn't involved with discussions.

    13 Q Fair enough.

    14 Of the 20 people that you questioned, did you

    15 credit the testimony of any of them more than others?

    16 A No.

    17 Q Not at all. You gave equal weight to each

    18 response?

    19 A I just brought them in and we try to get them

    20 completed in a week's time the best we could, do it in a

    21 short period.

    22 Q With so many different answers to the seven

    23 questions and so many inconsistencies among the members of

    24 the class, how did you reach a conclusion with regard to

    25 what you're asserting here today?

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    1 A I didn't have -- those are the facts that were

    2 stated.

    3 Q So you never concluded like you're testifying

    4 today that he was abusive of power and that he required

    5 members -- members were intimidated? You never concluded

    6 that?

    7 A I concluded myself. I never put it in writing

    8 or was never involved in any meetings.

    9 Q So that leads me back to my previous question.

    10 Based on the inconsistency in the testimony where in one

    11 case 8 recruits said yes with regard to donating money for

    12 reduction in towers and 12 said no, how did you conclude

    13 that the 8 were correct since you didn't weight anybody

    14 differently, and the 12 were incorrect?

    15 A That was one question out of how many questions?

    16 There was a lot of --

    17 Q I am asking about that question. So you would

    18 conclude that the 12 were right because you didn't weight

    19 them, that D.C. Nolan never asked members of the class to

    20 donate money because 12 said no and 8 said yes. If you

    21 didn't weight them, if you didn't weight the 8 higher than

    22 the 12, how did you come to the conclusions?

    23 A Are you talking my personal?

    24 Q Well, you're the one that conducted the --

    25 A This is a preliminary investigation. I

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    1 conducted a preliminary investigation and it has to go to

    2 the chief's office. There's no conclusions or anything.

    3 It's just facts given to me.

    4 Q But now you're testifying, Chief, with all due

    5 respect, and I do have respect that you didn't weight them

    6 and you have concluded that Chief Nolan intimidated and

    7 abused power?

    8 A Some of the recruits, yes.

    9 Q I am a little confused. You say that all you

    10 did was report the facts and now you're testifying that

    11 based on those facts that you have concluded that Chief

    12 Nolan abused his power and he did a quid pro quo or

    13 solicited money for reduction in towers. That's your

    14 conclusion, correct?

    15 A Correct.

    16 Q And you also said you didn't weight the answer,

    17 that you didn't credit any of the particular firefighters

    18 or members of the class differently than others; and

    19 again, wouldn't you say that if 8 recruits said yes to the

    20 quid pro quo and 12 said no, that more than half the

    21 class, in fact 60 percent of the class said he didn't do

    22 that, correct, according to that answer?

    23 A That's what the answers were given to me, yes.

    24 Q But yet you conclude that the 8 recruits who

    25 said yes were correct and the 12 that said no were

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    1 incorrect, correct?

    2 A I concluded there was reason to believe that

    3 this should go to a formal hearing.

    4 Q But now you're here testifying based upon

    5 your -- withdrawn.

    6 Is it fair to say that once you concluded your

    7 report, you were no longer involved in the process?

    8 A Yes.

    9 MR. RAMOS: Objection. It's been

    10 stated many times.

    11 MR. FERGUSON: I claim it.

    12 THE ARBITRATOR: Here's the question.

    13 I want to make sure I am clear on this. You stated,

    14 and I just want to make sure I am stating what you

    15 have already stated. You stated you did not make any

    16 recommendations in your report, is that correct?

    17 A Correct.

    18 THE ARBITRATOR: Did you have any

    19 conversations with the chief or anyone who is in a

    20 position or who made the decision in this case as to

    21 your recommendations?

    22 A I had a conversation with the chief to go

    23 forward with a formal investigation and I think I was in

    24 there one day and I said, We have to do -- I would

    25 recommend a formal investigation.

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    1 THE ARBITRATOR: Okay. I think that

    2 you have exhausted his personal beliefs on this

    3 question here because the connection is not there.

    4 MR. FERGUSON: I'll move on.


    6 Q I also read the report of your findings that you

    7 submitted to Chief Teale, and is it fair to say that you

    8 only documented negative comments about D.C. Nolan?

    9 A I would say the majority of it, yes, to the best

    10 of my recollection.

    11 Q Were there any positive comments made by the

    12 recruits concerning the class and D.C. Nolan?

    13 A I believe some of them mentioned that it was

    14 voluntary. I am not sure if I put that in the page at the

    15 end. Some of them said it was voluntary -- this could do

    16 it. He would say it was voluntary that they could donate

    17 but they also felt intimidated at the same time.

    18 Q What about any other positive comments about

    19 recruits, about the class in general? Did you ask any

    20 questions concerning that?

    21 A No.

    22 Q No?

    23 THE ARBITRATOR: Let me make sure.

    24 The last comment you said that some of the recruits

    25 said that he said to them, they said it was voluntary

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    1 if they wanted to donate or not donate.

    2 A Yes. I believe two or three; or I shouldn't

    3 give a number but some of the recruits did say that but

    4 they also felt they were intimidated and they said it was

    5 sort of a -- forgot the word they said, but they felt

    6 intimidated and they were going to do it and they just

    7 wanted to get through training.

    8 THE ARBITRATOR: Thank you. You may

    9 proceed.


    11 Q And do you recall who those specific members who

    12 said they were intimidated are?

    13 A No.

    14 Q Wouldn't you think it would be important, since

    15 that's the reason he's being terminated, to note who was

    16 making these charges against Chief Nolan?

    17 A I believe it's in my notes.

    18 Q It is?

    19 A Yes, it is.

    20 Q Okay. And you previously testified this last

    21 time just as a way of recalling, you also testified that

    22 towers were reduced in many ways, correct?

    23 A Yes.

    24 Q Trivia, good old class performance, high test

    25 scores?

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    1 A Yes.

    2 Q Do you find anything wrong with that?

    3 A No.

    4 Q That's okay?

    5 A Yes.

    6 Q And you didn't denote that in your report to

    7 Chief Teale?

    8 A That they were reduced for that also?

    9 Q For a lot of reasons.

    10 A I don't believe so.

    11 Q Now, you testified that there were a certain

    12 charities that are countenance or allowed or recommended

    13 or supported by the department, correct?

    14 A Yes.

    15 Q And others that are supported by the whole city,

    16 correct?

    17 A Yes.

    18 Q In a more formal way?

    19 A Yes.

    20 Q The chief one being United Way?

    21 A Yes.

    22 Q And each member of the fire department receives

    23 a donation form for United Way along with a payroll

    24 deduction slip, is that correct?

    25 A Yes.

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    1 Q And it's also true that that's voluntary; they

    2 don't have to do it, correct?

    3 A Yes.

    4 Q It's also the case that the fire department

    5 members must complete a form stating even if they choose

    6 not to donate to the United Way, they would check "choose

    7 not to", correct?

    8 A I believe it's on the form, yes.

    9 Q And wouldn't that be a situation where a member

    10 might feel intimidated if they don't choose to donate to

    11 the United Way since that's something that's supported by

    12 the department?

    13 A I don't know. I don't believe so.

    14 Q So that's different. So in other words, it's

    15 okay for you or Chief Teale or the leadership of the

    16 department to formally submit United Way slips to all the

    17 members of the department with a payroll deduction slip

    18 and if somebody doesn't want to donate, they have to check

    19 specifically that they don't want to donate, correct?

    20 A Yes.

    21 Q And you don't think that could be intimidating

    22 to members of the department?

    23 A I don't believe so. I don't see how it could

    24 be.

    25 Q Well, don't you -- not you personally but

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    1 doesn't the leadership of the department have final say in

    2 who's promoted?

    3 A The chief does, yes.

    4 Q Okay. And it's the chief's charity, correct?

    5 A It's the city's charity.

    6 Q But he supports it; he's out front about it?

    7 A Yes.

    8 Q And that's not the only charitable charity or

    9 charitable event that is supported by the department, is

    10 it?

    11 A The only charitable event? No, it isn't.

    12 Q The fire department is also involved with the

    13 Cromwell Children's Home, correct?

    14 A Yes.

    15 Q And that's something that the chief seeks

    16 donations from the members of the department for, correct,

    17 or has in the past?

    18 A In the past I believe.

    19 Q Okay. And MDA we mentioned, and there's also

    20 toy drives for local elementary schools during

    21 Christmastime?

    22 A Yes.

    23 Q And you support that?

    24 A Yes.

    25 Q And in fact charities, that charity --

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    1 withdrawn.

    2 With regard to the toy drive, merchants are

    3 specifically solicited, aren't they?

    4 A I don't know. I am not part of that. I don't

    5 collect the toys.

    6 Q But if there were. If somebody comes here and

    7 testifies, you have no problem with it because you know

    8 that it goes on, correct?

    9 A If they solicit toys?

    10 Q Yes.

    11 A If they solicit for toys if we're aware of it?

    12 Q Yeah.

    13 A I don't think the fire department. I think it's

    14 the Union.

    15 Q So it's okay if it's a member of the department

    16 if it's Union activity but not for training?

    17 A We know where they're given. They're given to

    18 the children of the city.

    19 Q So is it your complaint that there's not a

    20 solicitation but rather that you don't know or didn't know

    21 with regard to this whether or not the charities went to

    22 Lea Foundation, for example, or the Big Climb or any of

    23 the other charities?

    24 A That's not my complaint at all. That's not my

    25 concern, I should say.

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    1 Q Okay. You stated in your previous testimony on

    2 direct that you had a big concern about the safety of the

    3 recruits, correct?

    4 A Yes.

    5 Q And you said the city's great concern about the

    6 investment in a recruit firefighter are for them to be

    7 injured or removed from a class reduces the amount of

    8 firefighters they can put on the line, correct?

    9 A Yes.

    10 Q And is it fair to say that you were also

    11 concerned about the safety of line personnel?

    12 A Yes.

    13 Q Would this concern extend the concern of the

    14 public citizens they are paid to protect?

    15 A Yes.

    16 Q Is it accurate to say when you want to

    17 supplement the line firefighters you in fact want them to

    18 be supplemented with probationary firefighters who can

    19 perform these fire evolutions not to endanger the

    20 firefighters or the public?

    21 A Yes.

    22 Q And in fact that's why you send firefighter

    23 recruits to training for 14 weeks, correct?

    24 A Yes.

    25 Q So that at the end of 14 weeks they can perform

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    1 A With another recruit, yes.

    2 Q Slide the roof ladder on the beam up to the

    3 pitch of the roof?

    4 A Yes.

    5 Q Then flip the ladder on the side and push the

    6 hook end of the ladder over the peak of the roof on the

    7 building?

    8 A Yes.

    9 Q And that's the evolution, correct?

    10 A Yes.

    11 Q Once that is accomplished, the recruit would

    12 then take up a gas powered saw, correct?

    13 A Yes, they would bring up equipment.

    14 Q And how much does that gas powered saw weigh?

    15 A I am not sure. Twenty pounds.

    16 Q Okay. Fair enough. And then they have to cut a

    17 ventilation hole in the roof, 4- by 4-foot ventilation

    18 hole, correct?

    19 A Yes.

    20 Q And the purpose of that is what? The purpose of

    21 cutting the hole in the roof is what?

    22 A The training purpose.

    23 Q Well, the actual purpose.

    24 A Getting the gasses out.

    25 MR. RAMOS: I am going to object --

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    1 MR. FERGUSON: Why?

    2 MR. RAMOS: -- on this whole line. I

    3 don't see the relevance of all that. Did I miss

    4 something?

    5 MR. FERGUSON: I am going to get to

    6 it.

    7 MR. RAMOS: It's very interesting.

    8 MR. FERGUSON: It's part of his direct

    9 testimony. I am going to cross-examine on it.

    10 THE ARBITRATOR: I am going to let you

    11 continue and then we may take a break.

    12 We're in the ventilation hole.

    13 MR. FERGUSON: He's answered yes.


    15 Q Is it fair to say this operation during a fire

    16 emergency is performed during five or ten minutes?

    17 A It's done as quick as possible.

    18 Q Huh?

    19 A Yes.

    20 Q Is this a crucial task when people are known to

    21 be trapped in a building?

    22 A Yes.

    23 Q And when recruits perform this evolution at the

    24 academy, is it in a controlled environment?

    25 A Yes.

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    1 Q With no actual smoke, fire, power lines down and

    2 recruits would have an air mask on, correct?

    3 A Correct.

    4 Q Do you remember being in a meeting at the

    5 training academy along with Debra Collins with human

    6 resources during the first week in November of 2007?

    7 A I don't recall.

    8 Q Regarding the -- let me -- regarding the

    9 substandard performance of Felicia Graves, one of the

    10 recruits?

    11 A Yes, I believe we did have a meeting.

    12 Q And did D.C. Nolan make it clear to you that

    13 recruit Graves was failing academically and physically and

    14 violated the code of conduct policy because of her safety

    15 issue and her lack of ability?

    16 A To the best of my recollection.

    17 Q And he put it in writing also. He gave you a

    18 fire service to that, right?

    19 A I don't recall but I believe that would be the

    20 normal course to follow.

    21 Q And do you recall at the conclusion of that

    22 meeting that you actually went out the front door of the

    23 academy along with Ms. Collins and D.C. Nolan and

    24 Lieutenant Juda to see Recruit Graves to perform that

    25 duty?

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    1 A Yes.

    2 Q Do you remember her performance or can you

    3 describe what you witnessed?

    4 A I believe Recruit Graves was at the top of the

    5 35. Another probation for her was a firefighter behind

    6 her with the roof ladder. She was having trouble pushing

    7 the roof ladder up the roof on the beam, if I remember

    8 correctly.

    9 Q And after fifteen minutes isn't it true that she

    10 could not effectively perform this evolution?

    11 A It was a while, yes.

    12 Q And you specifically, you personally asked

    13 D.C. Nolan to stop the evolution?

    14 A I don't recall that but I think I would have

    15 stopped it, yes.

    16 Q And would it be fair to say that recruit Graves

    17 was being evaluated in a controlled environment without

    18 dangerous smoke, fire or children to be rescued?

    19 A Yes.

    20 Q Would it be fair to say that she could not

    21 perform minimally the requirements of that evolution?

    22 A Yes.

    23 Q And you previously testified you received a fire

    24 service. What action did you take after you received the

    25 fire service?

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    1 A On Recruit Graves?

    2 Q Uh-huh.

    3 A I don't recall.

    4 Q Well, let me refresh your recollection or

    5 attempt to. Isn't it true that you and AC Milner met with

    6 Graves and allowed her to continue in the class despite

    7 all the deficiencies in the Nolan fire service and after

    8 you requested that she be dismissed from the class?

    9 A Yes, I believe that's accurate.

    10 Q Is this a common -- is it common practice for

    11 two assistant chiefs to have a private conversation with a

    12 recruit with numerous violations to include safety to be

    13 allowed to continue in the academy?

    14 A We have conversations with recruits to assistant

    15 chiefs.

    16 Q Is it common after viewing, understanding all

    17 the problems that she was having with a myriad of

    18 evolutions, with a myriad of safety concerns, to allow

    19 somebody to continue at that point?

    20 A We had the meeting with her and she was allowed

    21 to stay in the class. We do not have the ability to

    22 remove her from the class. That's up to the chief of the

    23 department.

    24 Q Did you make a recommendation to the chief to

    25 remove her from the class?

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    1 A I believe I did.

    2 Q You did?

    3 A Yes.

    4 Q At that time?

    5 A Within that time period.

    6 Q And the chief allowed her to continue in the

    7 class?

    8 A I believe so, yes.

    9 Q And you're aware, are you not, that many of the

    10 towers -- withdrawn.

    11 You're aware that the way discipline occurs and

    12 has occurred for many, many years in the department is all

    13 recruits, if some recruit does something wrong that the

    14 whole class receives the same punishment, whether it's a

    15 run?

    16 A Yes.

    17 Q That's standard operating quasi military

    18 procedure, correct?

    19 A Yes.

    20 Q And the idea behind that is that you work as a

    21 group, you work as a team on the fire grounds when you

    22 become a firefighter and that you're only as strong as

    23 your weakest link; would you agree with that?

    24 A Yes.

    25 Q And would you agree that in the estimation of

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    1 the fire training division, that Recruit Graves just could

    2 not cut the mustard, correct?

    3 A Yes.

    4 Q But she was allowed to continue by, you say,

    5 Chief Teale another couple of months, correct?

    6 A She was allowed to stay in the class.

    7 Q Would you consider that to be preferential

    8 treatment for someone?

    9 A I believe, yes, because we were looking for

    10 female recruits.

    11 Q Okay. So if she had been a male recruit,

    12 there's no doubt in your mind that she would have been

    13 dismissed from the class?

    14 A I am not sure.

    15 Q Well, based on your experience. Based on your

    16 experience.

    17 A Yes.

    18 Q Ultimately, two months later, she was dismissed

    19 from the class?

    20 A She was dismissed.

    21 Q And why?

    22 Let me refresh your recollection. Wasn't it due

    23 to more violations and substandard operations?

    24 A Substandard performance, I believe.

    25 Q And substandard performance?

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    1 A Yes.

    2 Q But yet you previously testified here today that

    3 Recruit Graves was invited back into the next class?

    4 A Yes.

    5 Q Why?

    6 A The chief of the department allowed her back in

    7 the class as other members. Other people that have --

    8 that were removed from the class.

    9 Q Based on your experience in the fire service for

    10 over 30 years, is that consistent with the way you would

    11 run a department? Well, you did run a department. Would

    12 you have done that same thing in West Hartford when you

    13 were the chief?

    14 A No.

    15 Q Now, she wasn't the only member of that

    16 department of the training class that was dismissed during

    17 that 14 weeks, correct?

    18 A There was other members dismissed.

    19 Q One was Edsel Rodriguez?

    20 A Yes.

    21 Q And he was also dismissed due to consistent

    22 substandard academic and physical performance, correct?

    23 A I believe so, yes.

    24 THE ARBITRATOR: Are you going to be

    25 going in a similar direction?

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    1 MR. FERGUSON: No, I am almost done.

    2 We're going to move right along. Thank you, though.

    3 I understand.


    5 Q And he's not a female. Edsel is a male, right?

    6 A Yes.

    7 Q And he was also recommended for dismissal by

    8 Chief Nolan prior to the actual dismissal, correct?

    9 A Correct.

    10 Q And in spite of that, he was allowed to continue

    11 in the department, in the class for some weeks thereafter?

    12 A Yes.

    13 Q Okay. And after he was dismissed, he was also

    14 invited back to attend the following class?

    15 A Yes.

    16 Q Is that consistent with the way these things

    17 formally happen; that people are invited back to a

    18 subsequent class?

    19 A No.

    20 Q And the subsequent class was just

    21 coincidentally, maybe ironically shortly after anonymous

    22 complaints against Chief Nolan and he was suspended,

    23 correct, or placed on --

    24 A Yes.

    25 Q So he was taken out of the class. They were

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    1 allowed to come back in even though they had inadequately

    2 performed in the first class, correct?

    3 A Yes.

    4 Q Okay. Was that political?

    5 A I don't make those decisions.

    6 Q Okay. Do you know if they have any connections

    7 with -- let's pick a name -- Mayor Perez? Aren't you

    8 aware, sir, let's just cut to the chase. Aren't you aware

    9 that Felicia Graves and her father, former member of the

    10 fire department, are good friends with Mayor Perez?

    11 A I wasn't aware of that.

    12 Q What about Edsel Rodriguez? Does he have any

    13 connection with Mayor Perez?

    14 A I believe he's acquainted with Mayor Perez, yes.

    15 Q And a third member of that class, Aida Ramos was

    16 also invited back to the next class after being dismissed,

    17 correct?

    18 A Yes.

    19 Q So there's three members of the department who

    20 were inadequate academically or physically and yet they

    21 were invited back to the next class?

    22 A Yes.

    23 Q Has that ever happened before to your knowledge

    24 in the 13 years you've been in the department?

    25 A I can't recall that --

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    1 Q Okay.

    2 A -- that it happened.

    3 Q And let's just throw one more name out there.

    4 Ernesto Santiago. He also was written up for substandard

    5 performance and dismissed from the class, correct?

    6 A Yes.

    7 Q And he was allowed to come back also?

    8 A Yes, he was.

    9 Q And Aida Ramos and Ernesto Santiago also have

    10 political connections in the town?

    11 A I am not aware of it.

    12 Q You're aware of any connection to Mayor Perez?

    13 A I am not aware.

    14 Q With regard to the investigation of Chief Nolan,

    15 was the -- you said you did the preliminary

    16 investigations?

    17 A Yes.

    18 Q And you recommended a formal investigation?

    19 A Yes.

    20 Q Is that normally what happens with an

    21 investigation? Is there normally an investigation after

    22 you conduct it with regard to discipline?

    23 A Yes. They do a formal.

    24 Q Who does the formal?

    25 A The chief will do it.

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    1 Q To your knowledge did the chief do the formal

    2 investigation in this case?

    3 A This case?

    4 Q Yes.

    5 A There was a meeting in his office when he had

    6 corporation counsel there and he was conducting it.

    7 Q Isn't it true that after you had talked to --

    8 maybe you don't know but if you don't state it and we'll

    9 go on -- isn't it true that the investigation was actually

    10 conducted by corporation counsel, by this gentleman here?

    11 A It was in the chief's office.

    12 Q It was in the chief's office. And do you know

    13 of any other time in 13 years -- you and I have done a lot

    14 of disciplinary situations -- where the corporation

    15 counsel --

    16 MR. RAMOS: Objection. It's

    17 irrelevant.

    18 MR. FERGUSON: No, it's not. I claim

    19 it. It's absolutely relevant. It's part of my case.

    20 THE ARBITRATOR: Let's finish this

    21 line of questioning here and then we're going to meet

    22 outside.

    23 Go ahead.


    25 Q Do you know of any other time in 13 years, and I

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    1 would venture to guess just from my recollection you and I

    2 have been involved in formal and informal investigations

    3 of firefighters a hundred times in the last 13 years, of

    4 those hundred, what other time other than Chief Nolan was

    5 the corporation counsel involved in what you term a formal

    6 investigation?

    7 A When Chief Nolan was disciplined back under

    8 Chief Dobson's administration. We had -- I can't think of

    9 the lawyer's name now for the city. I believe you were

    10 involved with that.

    11 Q So other than Chief Nolan who at the time was a

    12 lieutenant, right?

    13 A Yes.

    14 Q And there's been investigations in my tenure of

    15 deputy chiefs, captains, lieutenants, many line

    16 firefighters, other than Chief Nolan, has any other

    17 investigation, formal or informal been conducted albeit

    18 under the auspices of a chief by a member of the

    19 corporation counsel?

    20 The answer is no, correct?

    21 A I am trying to recall if there's any others.

    22 Because corporation counsel is involved with some of our

    23 disciplines, terminations.

    24 No, I don't recall.

    25 Q Not at the investigation stage?

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    1 A I would agree with that.

    2 Q I am talking about the investigation.

    3 A Yes.

    4 Q There's never been in the hundred-plus

    5 investigations I have been involved in and you have been

    6 involved in many of them if not all of them, where the

    7 corporation counsel is involved.

    8 A Yes.

    9 MR. FERGUSON: I am going to move on.

    10 THE ARBITRATOR: Off the record.

    11 Let's talk.

    12 (Short recess for counsel and the

    13 arbitrator to confer.)


    15 Q Moving back to the issue of safety, you stated

    16 in previous testimony that deputy chief of training is

    17 assigned the safety officer's role in the department,

    18 correct?

    19 A Yes.

    20 Q And what does he do as a safety officer?

    21 A He responds to major incidents and he has the

    22 ability to overrule the incident commander. He can

    23 change, alter or completely stop any evolution going on at

    24 a fire scene in fear of safety of the firefighters or

    25 civilians.

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    1 Q And that's to protect the safety and not just

    2 the firefighters but the public, too?

    3 A Yes.

    4 Q And so it would be important for him as the

    5 training chief to make certain that nobody gets out of the

    6 academy unless they can effectively perform the functions

    7 of a firefighter?

    8 A Yes.

    9 Q So you would agree with me that it's part of his

    10 responsibility to wash out firefighters who are incapable

    11 of performing at least at a minimum level on the fire

    12 grounds?

    13 A To recommend, yes.

    14 Q Right, the chief ultimately decides that?

    15 A Yes.

    16 Q And is it true that normally the chief goes

    17 along with what the training chief says with regard to the

    18 ability of the firefighters?

    19 A I would say after the chief looks into it, he

    20 would make a decision.

    21 Q Other than these four people we have talked

    22 about in testimony today, do you know of any other

    23 firefighters that were recommended for dismissal or ever

    24 reinstated?

    25 A I don't remember the names but some got hurt in

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    1 a previous class and have gone back.

    2 Q But I am not talking about people who were hurt

    3 or in fact there was one actually that was called to jury

    4 duty for a significant period of time?

    5 A Yes.

    6 Q I am talking about people who could not

    7 physically or academically perform the functions of a

    8 firefighter. Do you know of any who were washed out for

    9 those reasons directly related to the abilities of the

    10 functions of a firefighter who have ever been reinstated

    11 and put into a subsequent class?

    12 A No.

    13 Q Now, subsequent to Nolan's suspension while he

    14 was still employed, there was another class, correct?

    15 A Yes.

    16 Q And five recruits quit or were dismissed from

    17 that class, correct?

    18 A I don't recall but we dismissed people, ye