Nr.3 - 2004

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DRUM N LUCRU decembrie 2004 seria II numrul 3CE PUTEI CITI N ACEST NUMR:O recomandare de la Pusa din Biertan: Da, se poate! 2

PLANUL MEUProiectul Structur de sprijin pentru grupurile locale de tineret intr n al treilea an. La sfritul lui, structura trebuie s fie destul de tare ca s se in singur. Nu este vorba mai ales despre bani, ci - n primul rnd - despre puterea legturilor dintre noi. Ca i de puterea legturilor cu cei de acolo unde trim. La ntlnirea naional am spus-o iari: grupurile pot s devin - cu noi ca personaje principale punctul de maxim interes n zona petrecerii timpului liber acolo de unde suntem. Aceasta se va vedea cel mai bine cnd vom constata c toi cei din jur se raporteaz la ce facem. Atunci vom fi destul de influeni ca s decidem ce se ntmpl - n sat la noi - pentru copii i tineri. Noi vom decide politicile locale. Desigur, trebuie s tim s-o facem. Proiectul structurii de sprijin se va continua i n aceast direcie, ntre alte lucruri mai vechi i mai noi, de care Asociaia Grupurilor Locale de Tineret i prietenii si se ocup aa cum scrie n felicitarea de Anul Nou. DORU PRUTEANU

MY PLANSThe Local Youth Work Group Support Structure project is in its third year of working. At the end of this year, the structure must be good enough to maintain its self. It is not necessarily about money but - in the first place - about the power of the connections between us. As well as the power of the connections with the ones where we live. At the national meeting I said it again: the groups can become - with us as main characters - the maximum interest point in the area of spearing free time there where we are. This will be seen the best way when we will realize that everyone around are reporting at what we do. Than we will have enough influence to decide what is happening - in our village - for children and youngsters. We will decide the local politics. Of course, we have to know how to do it. The Support Structure project will continue in this direction. Through other old and new things, which The Local Youth Group Association and its friends are taking care of it as it says in the New Year greeting card we sent to you. DORU PRUTEANU

Relatare amnunit 3-8 despre Zilele naionale de contact scris de Cristina Enache Condiiile recunoaterii 3 grupurilor locale funcionale Noua conducere a Asociaiei Grupurilor Locale de Tineret Amintirea cursului de var de la Didi & comp. i de la Adina Atelier de origami la Reia Impresii de la Intlnirea naional trimise de Cristina Oancea 8

10 11 11 12

2%La ntlnirea naional s-a discutat despre legea 1%. Prin articolul 90 al Codului fiscal se lsa tuturor pltitorilor de impozit pe venit posibilitatea de a oferi unei organizaii non-profit 1% din impozitul pe care-l pltesc statului. ntre timp, legea 1% a devenit 2%, printr-o modificare hotrt de noul Guvern. Prietenii, prinii, noi nine putem da pentru Asociaia Grupurilor Locale de Tineret 2% din impozitul pentru veniturile realizate, impozit pe care oricum l pltim! Practic, aceasta nseamn c distribuim nite resurse pe care, altfel, le-ar distribui Statul. Dar nu lear distribui grupurilor locale. Calculai: 15 - 20 de donatori asigur minimul necesar pentru viaa normal a unui grup local!! Aadar, ndemnai-i pe cei care pltesc impozit pe venit din preajma dvs. s completeze n favoarea AGLT rubricile special dedicate legii 2% n declaraiile pe venitul global. Dureaz cteva minute ntr-un an.






tim cu totii ca tinerii care locuiesc in zonele rurale nu dispun de prea We all know that the youth that live in rural areas dont dispose of too multe posibilitati de petrecere a timpului liber. Grupurile locale de tineret many possibilities of spearing their free time. The local youth groups are constituie solutia optima pentru rezolvarea acestei probleme. Tinerii care the optimal solution for solving this problem. The youth that start such a incep un astfel de proiect trebuie sa se inarmeze cu multa vointa, ambitie si project have to arm with lots of will, ambition and rabdare pentru ca este posibil sa intampine tot felul de obiectii din partea patience because it is possible to run into all kinds autoritatilor locale. Cursurile de la Saliste din vara acestui an au fost of objections from the local authorities. The binevenite pentru ca ne-au fost prezentate aspecte legate de aceasta tema courses from Saliste in this years summer were pe care majoritatea dintre noi nu le stiam. Dar nu trebuie sa ne limitam la welcomed because they presented aspects conpartea de teorie, ci trebuie sa facem efectiv ceva practic pentru a avea nected to this task that most of us didnt know. But propriul nostru grup. Pentru cei care nu au un astfel de grup in localitatea in we mustnt limit at the theory part. We have to care locuiesc si care nu cred ca vor reusi sa infiinteze unul, o sa dau practically make something so we could have our cateva sugestii. own group. For those that dont have a group of Poate o sa ziceti ca autoritatiile locale nu va vor pune la dispozitie o this kind in their village and that dont think they locatie unde sa va desfasurati activitatea. Vara nu ar fi o problema, pentru can manage making one, I have some suggestions. ca un teren de sport ar fi suficient, puteti Maybe you will say that local authorities will not give you a location organiza excursii, plimbari cu bicicleta. Nu where you could make your activities. In summer it wouldnt be a problem, renuntati daca autoritatiile locale nu va because a sport field would be enough. You could organize trips, cycling sprijina, incercati sa gasiti sprijin la directorul etc. dont quit if the authorities dont help, try to find help at the school discolii din localitate sau la persoane care rector or at persons that have this kind of spaces and can give them to you dispun de asemenea spatii si care vi le pot for the activities. pune la dispozitie. Maybe youll say that money is a problem. Yes, it is true, but it can be Poate o sa ziceti sa si banii constituie o solved. In Biertan we organized different ecological activities like collecting problema. Da, intr-adevar, dar si aceasta se medical plants and giving them to natural products companies, of course Cristina Bolohan poate rezolva. La noi, in Biertan, am for a price. Another time we asked the children mothers if they could bake a presedintele aglt organizat cu copiii diferite activitati ecologice cum ar fi strangerea de Cristina a pus cteva ntrebri abonailor listei de discuii i a primit i cteva rspunsuri. Dac nu suntei deja nscris, plante medicinale si predarea lor unei putei participa la dezbaterile grupurilor locale trimind un email pe adresa [email protected]. Lista firme de produse naturiste, bineinteles ndeplinete funcia de serviciu de informare pentru participanii la proiectul Structur de sprijin pentru grupurile locale de tineret. contra cost. Altadata, am rugat mamele micutilor sa faca prajituri si Gndii-v la un rspuns concret, pentru negativiti i nchistai: cafea pe care le-am vandut la un festival care a fost organizat la noi in Care este finalitatea GLT-ului vostru?Ce ai realizat pn acum, concret, pentru comunitate?Copiii se pot juca i singuri localitate. De asemenea puteti sa n faa sau n spatele blocului, nu au nevoie de voi sau de un cadru organizat pentru a se distra. Biscuiii din pauz i pot primi de oriunde altundeva. Pot intra n contact cu oameni diferii i la coal sau pe strad. Pentru a se simi bine, invatati copiii sa faca diferite obiecte exist o grmad de alte metode. Ce ctig copiii i tinerii venind la voi i nu gsesc n alt parte? Ce schimbai voi? ornamentale pe care apoi sa le vindeti Cum? Ce rezultate avei? la targuri, festivlauri etc. Noi am facut toate astea si am reusit sa le oferim copiilor cateva clipe few cakes and cookies and make some coffee and we sold them in a festide voie buna si destindere. Am mai organizat si iesiri in aer liber cu val we organized in the village. You can also invite children to make differcorturile, excursii cu masina in orasele din jur (au vizitat diferite muzee). ent ornamental objects which you cam than sell at this kind of occasions Speram ca de Craciun o sa le putem face o mica surpriza si sa le oferim un (festivals, sells etc.) We made all these and we managed to offer the children some happy bal mascat. Pana in momentul in care am fost pusa in situatia de a lucra cu copiii nu and relaxing moments. We also organized camps and trips in the nearby am crezut ca o sa-mi placa acest lucru. n momentul in care am vazut cat towns (they visited museums). We hoped that on Christmas we could make de bine se simt si cat sunt de fericiti si stiind ca am avut si eu o mica them a small surprise and offer them a masked ball. When I had to work with the children I didnt think Id actually like it. In contributie, s-a nascut in sufletul meu un fel de pasiune din a-i face pe the moment I saw the childrens happiness and knowing that I had some acesti micuti fericiti. Noi am avut unele probleme in a convinge noi voluntari sa ni se alature, help in it, a passion of making these kids happy was born in my soul. We had some problems with convincing new voluntaries to join us, bepentru ca nu prea erau dispusi "sa-si piarda timpul cu copiii" si nici nu au crezut ca vrem sa facem ceva serios. Pana la urma am reusit sa gasim cause they didnt want to loose their time with children and they didnt becativa oameni de suflet care ne-au ajutat si totul a mers bine. Avem in lieve that we wanted to do something serious. In the end we managed to proiect sa atragem cativa tineri din satele invecinate care sa organizeze find a few persons that helped us and it all went wright. We want to make some persons from the neighbor villages organize activities in their village. astfel de activitati si la ei. n the end all I can say is: dont quit and youll do it. In final nu va pot spune decat: nu renuntati si veti reusi.





NTLNIREA NATIONALA / THE NATIONAL CONTACT DAYSO INTLNIRE N TON CU SEZONUL AS WE WERE IN THE RIGHT SEASONA drui a fost, poate, cuvntul-cheie care s-a putut citi n privirile i To give was maybe the main word that could have been read on the auzi pe buzele tuturor n prima parte a ntlnirii naionale a grupurilor lips and in the eyes of the participants during the first part of the local locale. Evenimentul cu mai multe nume ntlnirea naional, yout h wor k Convenia grupurilor locale, Zilele naionale de contact a avut groups national CINE V REPREZINT GRUPUL LA loc n inima Moldovei, la Iai, n cldirea n care-i are sediul meeting. This CURSURILE DE VAR 2005? ORIENTAI- event took place Asociaia Grupurilor Locale de Tineret. n atmosfera de srbtoare care ne nvluia, participanii i-au putut drui, printre V DE PE ACUM!! CEL PUIN UN OM NOU in the heart of materialele necesare confecionrii obiectelor decorative de Moldavia, in N FIECARE ECHIP! srbtori, zmbete, pupici sau mbriri calde de revedere. Iasi, in the buildAadar, prima activitate a fost atelierul unde fiecare a putut ing where The Local Youth Groups Association has its headquarters. In dovedi nu doar caliti de lider, ci i abiliti practice i creativitate. De the feast atmosphere that wrapped us all, the participants could give aceea, sub ochiul atent i experimentat al dnei Eugenia Apetroi, each other excepting the material needed for making up Christmas decorul mansardei care ne-a servit, pe rnd, drept loc de ntlnire, decorations, smiles, kisses and warm hugs. So the first sal de edine i pub a fost lesne modificat spectaculos de activity was a workshop where everyone could prove minile harnice care se nmuleau la fiecare sfert de or, venind leader quality but also practical skills in a creative dodin toate colurile rii. main. The attics design that served as meeting place, reunions room and pub at once was easily changed by the hard working hands that were multiplying with new RECUNOATEREA GRUPURILOR LOCALE forces from all around the country La activitile care au debutat oficial dup cin, au fost For one hour we could have between us a psychology prezeni 50 de participani, reprezentnd 24 de grupuri locale. n teacher that proposed as discussion theme the delicate realitate, datorit celor din Iai, numrul participanilor a fost situation of teenagers with difficulties. mereu aproape de 60. Printre cei care au luat parte la aceste trei LOCAL YOUTH GROUPS RECOGNITION zile speciale din viaa Asociaiei Grupurilor Locale de Tineret s-au Istvan Hesfelean numrat i reprezentanii coordonrii flamande a proiectului de At the activities that started immediately after dinner vicepresedinte aglt sprijin pentru grupurile locale Bart, Wies i Ben. n prima sear, were present 50 participants representing 24 local discuiile s-au concentrat n jurul ntrebrilor adresate de ctre groups. Also, between those who took part at these memorable days participani dup prezentarea propunerii de regulament de funcionare from AGLT life, were 3 representing the Flemish contributors: Bart, a reelei grupurilor locale (i a asociaiei), dar mai ales dup listarea Wies and Ben. In the first evening, the discussions were concentrated criteriilor de recunoatere a upon the questions that the funcionalitii grupurilor locale. participants asked after the Printre acestea se numr: presentation of the project for obligaia de a desfura the internal functioning rules of activitile cu grupuri de copii AGLT and especially about the deschise i nu doar cu unii din criteria for recognising a funcvreun orfelinat ori elevi ai unui tional local group. Between singur nvtor/profesor, this we can count: the developnumrul minim de activiti ntrment of activities with open un an va fi simplu, se cer groups of children (so working numai patru!, recunoaterea only with orphanage children dreptului de a folosi un spaiu de or with the class of a single ctre autoritatea competent, teacher cannot be accepted), existena a cel puin un lider care at least four activities during s fi parcurs mcar cursul de one year, the official recognidebutani. Du p discu ii tion of the right to use a certain ndelungate datorate location from its owner and the experienelor complet diferite ale participanilor, s-a convenit c o tax existence of at least one leader with the beginners summer course. All de nscriere de 20000 de lei (aplicabil din prima zi dup validarea the members will pay a inscription fee of 20000 lei and an annual conregulamentului) i o cotizaie anual de 150000 lei reprezint nite tribution of 150000 lei. This one is to be paid twice an year. The evesume rezonabil de mici/mari pentru cei de fa. Dup dou intervale de ning was completed after the end of discussions by the musical chord neplat adic dup un an membrul AGLT devine automat fost and by the reviewing of some small parts from the sunny days of the membru. summer the photos reminding nice feelings.



NTLNIREA NATIONALA / THE NATIONAL CONTACT DAYSSeara a fost completat, dup ncheierea discuiilor, de acordurile muzicii i revederea unora dintre fotografiile fcute n vremurile nsorite ale verii.

A BETTER SITUATIONThe next day, immediately after breakfast, the confrontation begun. Under the title You Better Run for Presidency, the two parts of the show took place following the up-to-date pattern that covered everybody because of the elections period. By answering to the questions more or less disturbing the participants brought before our eyes the real situation of the groups they represented at the national meeting. Reactions of those who had the luck to be questioned like How many bored dead people have you registered until now?, How many leaders are you for real?, Did somebody thought of changing the activities?, Why have you eaten the children cookies?, Why do you keep the children in a cold place if you pretend to have a good one for them? were variated, but confirmed our expectations, confessing us exactly Caption describing what we all wanted to find out: the situation picture or graphic. on the field. So, after the questions addressed in different manners the next things have been noticed: - 9 of the groups that were present have more than 5 active leaders and just 2 have one that deals with the activities - the majority of the lywg are working constantly with more than 20 children, 4 groups are dealing with more than 50 children at once and the group of Falticeni had even the record of more than 100 children - 12 of the present groups have activities of preparing the play-day on Friday (as Dumitresti and Nehoiu) or on Sunday as Codaesti - we could counted 4 new lywgs: Resita, Bucuresti, Murgeni, Satu-Mare - 5 are using special abilities of the children: Murgesti, Dumitresti, Satu Mare, Tg.-Neamt, Nehoiu - 19 overpass the number of 4 activities this year, 16 have periodical activities and 10 more often than 3 weeks - there is a local group that tried to collect money by asking for a membership fee Berbesti - 6 groups had already made known their activity on newspapers or the radio: Falticeni, Cluj (Protin), Oradea, Murgesti, Babadag, Dumitresti.

O SITUAIE MULT MAI BUNAA doua zi, imediat dup micul dejun, a nceput confruntarea. Sub titlul Running for Presidency, au avut loc cele dou reprize ale spectacolului pregtit dup modelele deja tiute ale campaniei electorale. Prin ntrebri formulate suprtor, participanilor li s-a cerut s a du c la c un ot in a auditoriului situaia grupului reprezentat la ntlnirea naional. Reaciile celor care au avut de rspuns la ntrebri de genul: Ci mori de plictiseal ai nregistrat la activiti?, De ce ai mncat biscuiii copiilor?, I-a dat cuiva prin minte s schimbe activitile, din cnd n cnd?, De ce inei copiii n frig dac v ludai c ai primit sal? au fost variate, dar ne-au confirmat speranele, mrturisind tocmai realitatea pe care credeam c o tim. Sau concluzionat urmtoarele: a. nou dintre grupurile prezente au peste 5 lideri i doar dou au cte un singur lider care se ocup de toate cele; b. majoritatea grupurilor locale lucreaz constant cu mai mult de 20 de copii i adolesceni, patru grupuri primesc adesea mai mult de 50 de copii la activiti, iar grupul din Flticeni a avut chiar (record!) mai mult de 100 de copii; c. n privina vrstei clienilor: la Oradea este grupul cu publicul format exclusiv din adolesceni, iar cele de la Tg. Neam i Dumbrava se bucur de popularitate i n rndurile celor din categoria bebe, unii dintre cei care vin la activiti avnd doar doi ani i jumtate; d) 12 dintre grupurile prezente au reuniuni de planificare i pregtire a aciunilor, fie vinerea (n cazul celor de la Dumitreti i Nehoiu), fie chiar duminic dimineaa (Codeti); e) s-au nregistrat patru grupuri active noi, la Reia (Clnic), Bucureti, Murgeni i Satu Mare. Chiar opt sau nou, dac le lum n considerare i pe cele dezvoltate sub umbrela Centrului mobil de tineret BAC, n

EXCHANGE GIFTED LEADERSSo, we could find out watch out those who need that many of the lywgs can focus their activities on meetings requiring special skills. Calnic group can make introduction in origami and can animate parties with the essential help of Zero-the clown. Babadag group can offer specialised services in psychology. The group from Dumitresti can reveal you the secrets of painting, vocal and instrumental (guitar) music, of folk dances and can offer the services of a professional social worker and a law expert. Those from Murgesti can also teach folk dances (Hungarian), wood carving and different folk trades (like ornaments, toys or other objects made by clay, wood or other natural materials, Andreea from Bucharest offers help for graphic



NTLNIREA NATIONALA / THE NATIONAL CONTACT DAYSjudeul Iai; f) cinci grupuri utilizeaz abiliti speciale ale copiilor: Murgeti, Dumitreti, Satu Mare, Tg. Neam i Nehoiu; g) 19 grupuri au depit cele 4 activiti minime n 2004, 16 desfoar activiti pe baz periodic, 10 organizeaz zile de joac mai des dect o dat la trei sptmni; h) exist un grup care a ncercat strngerea de fonduri prin instituirea unei taxe de membru la Berbeti; i) ase grupuri au avut deja parte de mediatizare n presa scris i la radio: Flticeni, Cluj (Protin), Oradea, Murgeti, Babadag, Dumitreti; drawing and the large team from Falticeni knows dancing, bricolage, singing, the girls from Ludus painting, from Codaesti drawing.

SIGNS OF CHANGEThose that could proud themselves with exemplar activities were those from Crucea activity with natural materials, Iasi dancing contest, body painting, a session of interviews taken by the children for their own magazine, Prisacani sports activities, Hodora festivity for The Mothers Day, Tg. Neamt party for Christmas and Easter, Oradea meeting with the youngsters of 12 grade (chess, backgammon, eating meatballs contest, basketball), Dumitresti activities with the children from the orphanage and painting workshop, painting on glass with an local exhibition. Between the most often met problems, in the top of the hierarchy was the relationship with the local authorities that create difficulties on one side by unimplication and so the refusal to help and on the other side by excessive implication which ends with the participation at the groups decisions and the selection of the leaders on external criteria. But we believe its ok because these problems arent general as it used to be. We are also glad that some of the lywgs have adult persons to assist and help them make better activities. A good news was that the participants were curious about information materials, books with games, administrative issues, organisational management, methodology in animation, effective communication and public speaking. Some groups organised even fund raising activities: in Murgesti they organised a show where the public had to pay an entrance fee; in Codaesti they proposed a tombola with objects brought by the children themselves, but they also paid a tax to participate. There were many suggestions about how to get money: membership fee, auctions, paper and other materials recycling, selling personalised objects, organising paid parties or paid dances (ex. The Romanian traditional Perinitza). One of the problems that asked for solutions was that of the migration from rural areas in the towns where the leaders study. The solutions that has been offered were based on the constitution of new groups in that municipalities and also first hand maybe training new comers that will take the places after.

TALENTE LA SCHIMBAm mai putut astfel afla aviz celor care au nevoie de experi c multe din grupurile locale pot desfura activiti care necesit anumite talente. Grupul de la Clnic este disponibil pentru a-I introduce pe amatori n lumea origami sau pentru animarea petrecerilor prin contribuia specific a clownului Zero; grupul din Babadag ofer servicii de asisten psihologic, cei din Dumitreti sunt deschii pentru activiti care includ pictura, muzica instrumental (chitar), dansul popular. Acetia au la ndemn i serviciile unui asistent social i ale unui jurist. Cei din Murgeti pot i ei s-i nvee pe alii dansuri, sculptur i diferite meteuguri populare (ornamente, jocuri confecionate din lemn sau alte materiale naturale, jucrii i alte obiecte din lut sau ln). Andreea din Bucureti ofer ajutor pentru grafic, grupul din Flticeni dans, cntece, ornamente i bricolaj, Dana de la Codeti asisten pentru desenatori.

SEMNELE SCHIMBRIICei care s-au putut mndri cu activiti exemplare sunt cei din Crucea ziua de exerciii creative utiliznd materiale din natur, BAC Iai concurs de dans, bodypainting, publicaie bazat pe interviuri luate adulilor, Priscani activiti sportive, Hodora serbare de Ziua femeii, Tg. Neam petreceri de Crciun i Pati, Oradea activitate cu tinerii din clasa a XII-a (joc de ah, table, concurs de mncat mici, baschet), Dumitreti activiti cu copiii de la orfelinat i un atelier de pictur pe sticl finalizat printr-o expoziie. Printre problemele cele mai des ntlnite se afl relaiile cu autoritile care creeaz greuti fie prin neimplicare i refuzul de a sprijini, fie printr-o implicare excesiv, prin ncercarea de participare la deciziile grupului i la selectarea liderilor pe criterii strine spiritului acestuia. ns ne bucur c asemenea neajunsuri au disprut din comentariile multora dintre noi. De asemenea, este remarcabil c unele grupuri locale au aduli care se ocup cu coordonarea i ofer sprijin pentru



NNTLNIREA NATIONALA / THE NATIONAL CONTACT DAYSSUPRA-LOCAL NETWORK optimizarea activitilor. O veste mbucurtoare a fost i aceea c muli dintre cei prezeni manifest mult curiozitate n ceea ce privete The second part of the day has focused on evaluation of the national materialele informative i nu numai, recomandndu-ni-se s rsfoim network. Using the pattern of the game Dont be obsess, my brother, mcar cri de jocuri, studii serioase de psihologia copilului i a the participants answer to some questions with the purpose of finding grupurilor, despre violena domestic, materiale de formare pentru out the opinions concerning the advantages of an existing network, the lideri, cursuri de comunicare practic, metodici didactice, modele de minimal conditions that have to be accomplished for a good functioning, acte administrative (contracte de sponsorizare, statute etc.). and to give the names of the persons or the Am aflat i c exist grupuri groups that can represent for the others the cocare au organizat chiar activiti ordinating points or can be seen as good for the de auto-finanare. La Murgeti constitution of some micro-networks, the qualis-a organizat un spectacol la ties needed for collaboration. care s-a perceput tax de FUTURE PLANS intrare n favoarea grupului local. Cei de la Codeti au After the 4 oclock break, Bart presented the propus copiilor o tombol la new proposals about the spring course (that will care acetia au oferit celorlali be Caption describing to April, the 3rd). The from March, 31, up obiecte aduse de acas, picture or will concentrate upon on one spring course graphic. pltind, n acelai timp, o tax side the content and the next steps for the de participare. La Iai au mers supra-local network and on the other side la teatru, pltind organizatorului the training for the leaders invited to be trainers aciunii preul biletului cu un mic in the summer courses. The summer courses adaos, iar diferena s-a folosit will take place in three periods and the organisapentru alte activiti. S-au fcut, tion team will try to locate it in different regions, n multe grupuri, propuneri de colectare de fonduri prin instituirea unor every participant attending to course in the period for his region. There taxe de membru, organizarea de expoziii cu licitaie, reciclarea will be three types of courses, one for starters and two for advanced: materialelor, comercializarea de obiecte confecionate i personalizate, one for organising activities and another for organisational manageorganizarea de petreceri cu plat sau instituirea unor modaliti de ment. There will be new conditions: nobody can attend the course 3 promovare a chetei (de ex. Perinia cu plat). years on a row; so, if someone wants the two advanced courses, she/ Una dintre marile probleme invocate a fost aceea a migrrii liderilor he will stay for one year after the starters or after the first advanced din localitatea natal nspre oraul n care i fac course. It will be impossible to be accepted at the advanced studiile, cu dificultile rezultate din lipsa de course without results in the first year. There will be a bigger contacte, att la nivel local, ct i ntre lideri, i de number of Romanian leaders, including training teams with two raritatea deplasrii acas. Soluia oferit liderilor Romanians and Romanians in the training team at the adamatori de activitate a fost aceea de a constitui vanced groups. grupuri chiar n localitile n care se afl colile sau FIRST ELECTIONS IN AGLT de a organiza activiti n sate apropiate, pentru strnirea gustului potenialilor lideri locali. Pentru When the down is setting in, we past to the general assemsatele de origine, cel mai bine este s se bly of the association, for the approval of the functioning rules Aurora Stefan pregteasc n permanen oameni noi pentru membra in consiliul de and new board election. The rules, already discussed, passed administratie agtl preluarea tafetei i continuarea activitii. quickly. The assembly decided to accept entire lists of proposals for the board and the presentation to be sustained with arNNOIREA REELELOR LOCALE guments. There was a single list, the founders one, the designations Partea a doua a zilei a avut ca finalitate evaluarea situaiei reelei being based on some criteria to ensure a balanced board: a young manaionale. Sub forma jority, president and vice-president must have different sexes, the main CURSUL DE PRIMAVARA VA ASIGURA jocului binecunoscut, Nu regions to be included, the Flemish partner will be represented, the prote supra, frate!, fessional workers will be in the board as project managers, the financial FORMAREA PENTRU GESTIONAREA participanii au rspuns responsible must be an expert. The proposed team was validated by ACIUNII N REELELE SUPRA-LOCALE unor ntrebri menite s open vote. DE COOPERARE sondeze opiniile despre The new board decided as president on Cristina Bolohan, viceavantajele existenei unei presidents will be Istvan Hesfelean and Bart Wynants, secretary Doru astfel de reele, condiiile minimale ce trebuie ndeplinite pentru buna sa Pruteanu, treasurer Ani Puiu and members Aurora Stefan and Crisfuncionare, persoane sau grupuri care pot funciona ca noduri tina Enache. Daniel Ciocan will ensure the internal audit.



NTLNIREA NATIONALA / THE NATIONAL CONTACT DAYSde reea sau pot fi vizate pentru constituirea de micro-reele, ori nsuirile necesare pentru un bun comunicator n reea.

OTHER NEW PROJECTSThe main subject of the discussions of the last day was the new project on youth work policy plans. After a policy plans contest, 5 projects will be financed for a period of two years and all the interested parts will be assist to create and implement such plans. During those 3 days, in a corner of Iasi there were brought together the five historical regions of Romania. Sealed with smiles and hugs the tight discussions of these moments were considered to be constructive and useful to ensure high conditions of developing the associations activities.

PLANURILE DE VIITORDup obinuita pauz de la ora 4, Bart Wynants a prezentat propunerile privind organizarea cursului de primvar i a celor de var. Cursul de primvar n perioada 31 martie 2 aprilie 2005 se va ocupa, pe de o parte, de instruirea trainerilor romni pentru cursurile de var i, pe de alt parte, va ncerca s aduc un suflu nnoitor n dezvoltarea reelelor supralocale, redefinind obiectivele, formele i coninutul acestora. Cursurile de var vor avea loc n trei perioade, ca i n 2004, i se va ncerca o dispunere orientat regional a locaiilor, astfel nct fiecare participant s se poat nscrie la cel mai apropiat curs. (Scopul demersului este diminuarea ponderii costurilor cu transportul n bugetul aciunilor: la Iai s-a cheltuit mai mult cu biletele celor 30 de participani delegai dect cu cazarea i masa tuturor! i la mas au fost 50 de oameni!) Vor fi pregtite trei tipuri de cursuri, pentru cele dou niveluri de formare. Cei din grupele de avansai vor alege ntre formarea pentru conducerea organizaiilor i cea pentru organizarea practic a activitilor. Pentru a favoriza accesul la cursuri a noilor lideri, n 2005 se va introduce o nou condiie: nu poi participa la curs trei ani la rnd. Poi urma al doilea curs de avansai doar dup un an de pauz. De asemenea, numrul trainerilor romni va crete. Vor exista grupe n care formatorii vor fi numai romni i n care se va vorbi doar romnete. Vor exista formatori romni i la grupele de avansai.


Ana Puiu trezorierul aglt

Bart Wynants vicepresedinte aglt

STRUCTURA DE SPRIJIN PENTRU GRUPURILE LOCALE DE TINERETeste un proiect al Somepro vzw Steunpunt voor Oost- en Midden-Europaprojecten i al altor organizaii neguvernamentale flamande din Belgia n parteneriat cu Autoritatea Naional pentru Tineret din Romnia, realizat de Asociaia Grupurilor Locale de Tineret prin BAC Centrul mobil pentru aciunea socio-cultural de tineret Iai, cu finanare din partea Guvernului Comunitii Flamande din Belgia i a Autoritii Naionale pentru Tineret din Romnia




NTLNIREA NATIONALAPRIMELE ALEGERI IN AGLTDup lsarea serii, dup consultri ntre membrii fondatori ai AGLT i participani, s-a fcut prima adunare general ordinar a asociaiei. Din 47 de membri nscrii valabil au fost prezeni 40, astfel nct transferul de putere ctre un nou Consiliu de administraie i aprobarea proiectului de regulament intern discutat cu o noapte mai nainte s-au putut petrece cu uurin. A existat o singur list de propuneri pentru 7 membri n Consiliul de administraie i un cenzor, aceea a membrilor fondatori. Ei au inut seama de urmtoarele criterii: preedintele i vicepreedintele s fie de sexe diferite, s fie reprezentate ct mai multe din regiunile rii, s existe un reprezentant al partenerilor din Belgia, s fie prezeni angajaii n proiectul Structur de sprijin, s existe specialiti pentru poziiile de trezorier i cenzor iar majoritatea membrilor s fie tineri. Lista a fost aprobat cu o abinere, iar noul consiliu i-a stabilit repartiia pe funcii: Cristina Bolohan preedinte, Bart Wynants i Istvan Hesfelean vice-preedini, Doru Pruteanu secretar, Ana Puiu trezorier, Cristina Enache i Aurora tefan membri. Dl. Daniel Ciocan va fi cenzor. Adunrile consiului se vor petrece periodic cu ajutorul Internetului. Prima este n 18 ianuarie.

IMPRESSIONS OF A PARTICIPANT AT THE NATIONAL AGLT CONVENTIONTaking part in an organizing meeting for the members of an association may have seemed a usual and worthless experience. But the meeting made by The National Convention Of Local Youth Groups in Iasi (10.12.2004 12.12.2004) was a event for us, the ones that participated, in the meaning of the particular moment in the life of the association building the administration council and the first reunion of it as much as through facilitating the members possibility of meeting and communicating. Reseeing our team colleagues from the work groups at the summer courses made us happy. We added new colleagues to our list through idea changing connected to each others activities and through discussing common problems. I became an A.G.L.T. member. Evan if it was just an official naming of something that was already there, this common name unifies the participants. For the extra-local system to work the key word is communication. We must pass the geographical distances and talk to each other as much as possible. Otherwise, we will only work at local level (which is also an important thing), and we will not be able to reach the unification that the association needs. Unification is not just each part next to the other but it brings up a definition note for all its elements. The association is for the local groups a linker, a umbrella, but mostly a mode of expressing and affirming of the youth interests. CRISTINA OANCEA Nehoiu

ALTE PROIECTE PENTRU VIITORUltima zi a adus prezentarea urmtorului proiect n care grupurile locale vor fi juctorii de baz: acela al diseminrii ideii de elaborare i aplicare la nivel local a unor planuri de aciune de tineret i de constituire de structuri de consultare ntre reprezentanii autoritilor i tineri. Dac Autoritatea Naional pentru Tineret i va respecta promisiunile, n cadrul unui concurs, grupurile de parteneri tineri autoriti locale cu cele mai bune planuri vor avea parte i de finanare n urmtorii 2 3 ani! Cristina Enache Pe parcursul a trei zile, ntr-un col al membra n Iaului s-au strns laolalt oameni din consiliul de toate provinciile romneti. Pecetluite de administratie al zmbete i mbriri, discuiile aprinse aglt din aceste momente au fost considerate constructive i necesare pentru asigurarea unor condiii optime pentru activitile proiectelor Asociaiei Grupurilor Locale de Tineret. CRISTINA ENACHE



ORIGAMIOn 17.12.2004 an action that we all want to repeat took place, with the effort of the local group ant the COGNITO student Association. It was the first successful meeting made at the Nr. 6 Resita General School with 6th graders (10 years old). They had a lot of interest, which tells us they are very receptive at novelty activities. The action taught them what we call ORIGAMI. Origami, in our language, is the technique of folding paper. We made two lotus flowers, a big one and a small one. Than we stacked them in a way in which we got an object with 8 corners and a flower support. We started through teaching the children the 4 main folds, which I am sure that they already knew. Of course they didnt know that through these folds they can get to objects that they admired, when, continuing together, we ended up making two lotus flowers and with the help of my colleague in this action, they made the support, logic, out of paper. I would like to say that during this action I noticed how interested the children were to realize something constructive. They need someone who can initiate them and, of course, to look after them, and work with them. That is why it is necessary that we make many different activities. Doru Pruteanu An interesting thing was that their teacher, whom is secretar aglt the mother of one of my colleagues, was very impressed of what happened and mostly of the demonstrative things, not many, but enough.

ORIGAMIAstzi 17.12.2004 a avut loc o aciune pe care ne-o dorim cu toii repetabil n viitor, prin efortul conjugat al membrilor grupului local mpreuna cu cei din Asociaia studenteasca COGITO. A fost o prim ntlnire reuit, derulat n coala General nr 6 Resita cu copiii clasei a IV-a (10ani). Acetia au manifestat mult interes, fapt ce denot c sunt foarte receptivi la activiti inedite. Aciunea a constat n a preda la orele de Lucru manual ceea ce numim noi ORIGAMI. Origami, pe romnete, este tehnica ndoirii hrtiei.. Am creat din hrtie dou flori de lotus, una mai mare i una mai mic. Pe urm le-am lipit n aa fel nct s obinem un Caption describing picture or graphic. obiect cu 8 coluri i un suport de flori. Am nceput prin a-i nva pe copii cele 4 ndoituri principale, pe care sunt sigur c le tiau deja i cred c le-au fcut de multe ori nainte; cu sigurana ns nu tiau c prin aceste ndoituri se poate ajunge la obiecte pe care le-au admirat mai pe urm cnd, continund mpreun, am ajuns cu ei s facem acele 2 flori de lotus i, cu ajutorul colegei mele n aceast aciune, au construit i suportul pentru flori, logic, tot din hrtie. A vrea s v spun c n aceast aciune am observat ct de dornici sunt copiii s realizeze ceva constructiv. Au nevoie de cineva s i initieze i, bineneles, s se ocupe de ei, s lucreze mpreun cu ei. De aceea e necesar ca noi s ne implicm n ct mai multe i ct mai diferite activiti de acest gen. Un lucru interesant a fost c i nvtoarea lor, care este mama unei colege, a fost foarte interesat de ceea ce s-a ntmplat i ndeosebi de obiectele demonstrative, puine, pe care le-am avut atunci la noi. Ceea ce am neles eu este c ORIGAMI se potrivete atat pentru cei mici ct i pentru cei mari. De ce spun acest lucru? Deoarece exist obiecte care necesit cteva ndoituri (de la 10 pn la 20 de ndoituri) i acestea foarte simple, care se pot face de oricine este dornic s-i pun pun mintea la lucru, nsa exist i obiecte care necesit un numr mai mare de ndoituri (3050), destul de complicate i pe care binenteles nu oricine le pricepe, nu oricine are rbdare s duc la bun sfrit; am gsit o pies care avea n jur de 70 de ndoituri, cred c e cea mai tare!, ns v dai seama c nite copii din clasa a IV-a nu ar nelege astfel de piese complicate sau ar necesita un timp de lucru mult prea mare. Pentru detalii, v recomand pagina de web: i, din aceast pagin, seciunea ORIGAMI STUDIO. Pentru cei care doresc i i permit, se pot cumpra de la adresa de web mai sus menionat CD-uri cu obiecte de acest gen. ns o metod pe care eu o aplic este copierea pailor de construire a obiectelor ntr-un document word i printarea rezultatului. Pentru cei care vor s se iniieze n ORIGAMI, le recomand aceast ultim metod. Aa s-a petrecut activitatea de la Scoala General 6. Noi cei de pe Resia neam propus s mai avem astfel de activiti i la alte coli din ora.

Zet Production

Zet Production



Amintirea cursului de vara

DE LA NOI ... PENTRU VOICu siguran dac orice prim zi dintr-o tabr te face s te simi stingher, pe parcurs se va ntmpla s nu-i mai doreti s pleci! Aa sa ntmplat i cu noi. Dei am ajuns n tabr deja obosite, prin tot ce sa petrecut n acele zile, am ajuns s ne simim extraordinar! De apreciat au fost cldura cu care am fost ntmpinate i modul n care ne-a fost explicat programul. Am avut ocazia i plcerea s cunoatem oameni speciali de la care am nvat foarte multe. Pentru a clasifica activitile nu este nevoie de o scar ierarhic, acestea fiind toate la nlime. Ce ne-a plcut nou cel mai mult a fost modul de organizare i metodele inedite de socializare. De neuitat este, bineneles, cha-cha song -ul, a fost cel mai original moment din tabr. Puncte forte: momentele dinaintea meselor, de sfrit de zi, csuele potale, cntecele, jocurile mari, diversitatea, materiale de lucru, metodele de nvare prin joc, nu au fost timpi mori etc. Toate momentele din zi i felul n care ne antrenau ne-au fcut s ne dorim mai mult, dar nu ntotdeauna se ntmpl aa cum ne dorim. Au fost jocuri care i ddeau senzaia c eti un personaj de basm, jocuri care dezvoltau imaginaia, spiritul de echip, jocuri de ncredere, de strategie, toate solicitndu-te ntr-un mod plcut. Atmosfera creat pe parcurs ne-a dat entuziasmul necesar pentru a anima copiii, astfel, ziua de joac a fost superb. Satisfacia noastr a fost bucuria din ochii lor i faptul c ne-am simit bine mpreun. n mod deosebit inem s mulumim tuturor liderilor belgieni i romni pentru aceast experien unic. De fiecare dat cnd trecem pe lng Chevere, ne aducem cu drag aminte de toate clipele petrecute acolo. Toate acestea ne-au determinat s ne gndim serios s ncercm i noi s nfiinm un grup local aici n Timioara i sperm s facem o treab bun. Nu uitai de copilul din voi!

FROM US TO YOUSurely, if a first day in a camp usually makes you feel out of place, by the end you wont want to leave! This happened to be our case. Although we were already tired when we arrived in camp, due to everything that happened in those days, in the end we felt great! We should mention the warm welcoming and the way in which the program was explained to us. We had the opportunity and pleasure to meet special people from which we had many things to learn. You cant really place all the activities on a scale of ranks, because they all were excellent. The things we appreciated the most were the manner in which it was all organized and the unique socializing methods. The cha-cha song, which was the most original moment in camp, was, of course, unforgettable. Strong points: the dinner and closing moments, the mail, the songs the big games, the work materials, the diversity, the interactive methods of learning, there was no wastage of time etc.. All the moments during the day and the way they challenged us have left us wanting more, but not everything happens as one would wish. There were games that made you feel like a fairy-tale character, games that made your imagination run wild, the team spirit, trust games, strategy games, all of them soliciting us in a pleasant way. The atmosphere that was created during this camp gave us the necessary enthusiasm to animate the children, and so, the play day was a success. Our satisfaction was the happiness in the childrens eyes and the fact that we enjoyed playing together. We especially want to thank all the Belgian and Romanian leaders for this unique experience. Every time we pass by Cheveres, we dearly remember all the pleasant moments spent there. All of these have made us seriously take into consideration forming a youth organization here in Timisoara and we hope we will make fine work. Dont forget the child in you!

Didi, Susu, OanaTimioara

Didi, Susu, OanaTimioara



Amintirea cursului de vara

AMINTIRI I BUNE URRICand am ajuns acasa, aveam impresia ca m-am trezit dintr-un vis. A fost...minunat, dar a trecut asa de repede, cum de altfel tot ce-i frumos trece repede. Acolo am reusit sa ma desprind de procuparile zilnice, sa las copilul din mine sa se bucure de tot ce-i ofera viata. Am cunoscut oameni deosebiti, de care imi aduc aminte cu drag si azi, si peste ani, am invatat foarte multe lucruri noi pe care leam impartasit si voi contiuna sa le impartasesc cu mare drag celorlalti, am vazut cum toti acei oameni faceau cu atat pasiune tot ce incercau sa ne redea noua au reusit. Pentru o saptamana am fost iarasi copil,un copil foarte fericit asa cum ar trebui sa fie fiecare copil, iar acolo am invatat ce trebuie sa facem pentru un copil sa fie fericit si folositor societatii. Pentru toate acestea , daca poate nu am facut-o atunci o fac acuma: VA MULTUMESC! Fie ca Sfintele Sarbatoti sa va aduca bucurie si liniste sufleteasca de care avem cu totii atata nevoie. AN NOU FERICIT!

YOU CAN DO IT YOURSELF!M-am bucurat cand m-au sunat de la secretariatul national si mau intrebat daca pot sa-mi fac o echipa de 4 persoane, fosti participanti la cursurile de vara, cu care sa ma duc in Ungaria unde se organizeaza un curs. Normal ca am acceptat propunerea foarte bucuroasa, afland ca in urma cursului voi sti cum sa intocmesc proiecte de succes. Programul a fost mult mai lejer decat la cursurile de vara organizate de belgieni, desi am avut ca traineri o belgianca, o poloneza,o maghiara si un italian. Singura problema, mare de tot, au fost tzantzarii, care, mai ales seara, erau foarte multi si te mancau parca de viu. Altfel, ne-am simtit bine si de aceea vom participa si la partea a doua a cursului, care se va tine in Belgia in vacanta de Pasti.


SOUVENIRS AND GOOD WHISHESWhen I got home, it seemed like Ive just woke up from a dream. It was wonderful, but it passed so fast, as well as all thats nice passes. There I managed to leave the every day work and let the child in me be happy for all that life offers him. I met nice people, which I will remember for the rest of my life. I learned a lot of nice things that I confer to you and that I will gladly confer to others. I saw how those people made everything with passion and tried to share it with us and they made it. For one week I was a child again, a very happy child as every child was supposed to be. There I learned all we need to make a child happy and useful to society. For all these, if I didnt do it than Ill do it now: THANK YOU & HAPPY NEW YEAR

YOU CAN DO IT YOURSELF!I was happy when they called me from the national secretariat and asked me if I could make a 4 member team, ex-participants at the summer courses, and go to Hungary where there is a course. Of course I accepted very happy, finding out that after the course I will know how to create successful projects. The program was easier than at the summer courses organized by the Belgians, even if the trainers Belgian, Polkish, Hungarian and Italian. The only problem, very big problem, was the mosquitoes, which, mostly at night, ate you alive. Otherwise, we felt very good and that is why we will take part at the second part of the course, held in Belgium at the Easter holyday.


Primim destul de multe oferte de intrare ca parteneri n proiecte ale altor organizaii, mai ales din strintate, fie direct, fie n cadrul unor aciuni de selectare de candidai. Grupurile locale dispuse s se angajeze n asemenea demersuri sunt invitate s se anune!

Alexandra Apan - Oradea

DRUM N LUCRU decembrie 2004 seria II numrul 3

98A/5.10.2004 16817591 RO09RZBR0000060005433104

98A/5.10.2004 16817591 RO09RZBR0000060005433104

Acest numr din Drum n lucru trebuia s fie despre finanare i s-a fcut desp re ntlnirea naional din decembrie. Dac ntlnirea a fost bun sau nu, cele mai multe i se datoreaz Mariei. Ea s-a ocupat de organizare, alturi de echipa de la coala Normal recoman dat de directorul Viorel Paraschiv (el nsu i scout cu vechime!). Articolele au fost scrise i traduse de Cristina (secretariatul naional), Alexa (Oradea), Cristina (Nehoiu), Miron (Re ia), Pua (Biertan) i Doru. A tradus la greu i Anamaria. i mulumim, i-a depit cu mult plan ul de aciune ca voluntar. Fotografiile provin din arhivele proiectulu i Structur de sprijin pentru grupurile loca le de tineret. Am favorizat grupul de la Falticeni, de unde vine noul preedinte AGLT. Tehnoredactarea, multiplicarea i distribuia s-au fcut la secretariatul naional.



IMPRESIILE UNUI PARTICIPANT LA CONVENIA NAIONAL A AGLTPoate prea o experien banal i lipsit de importan participarea la o ntlnire a membrilor unei asociaii n scop organizatoric. Dar ntlnirea prilejuit de Convenia Naional a Asociaiei Grupurilor Locale de Tineret de la Iai (10.12.2004 12.12.2004) a fost un eveniment pentru noi, cei care am participat, att prin semnificaia momentului deosebit din viaa organizaiei constituirea Consiliului de Administraie i prima reuniune a acestuia -, ct mai ales prin facilitarea posiibilitii membrilor de a se ntlni i comunica. Ne-a bucurat revederea unor foti colegi de echip din cadrul grupurilor de lucru la cursurile de var. Ne-am mbogit baza de date proprie prin cunoaterea unor colegi cu care nu am avut ocazia s ne ntlnim pn acum, prin schimburi de idei legate de activitile fiecruia, prin discutarea unor probleme comune. Am devenit membru al A.G.L.T. Chiar dac este vorba despre o botezare oficial a unei stri de lucruri deja existente, parc aceast denumire comun ne unete mai mult pe toi cei care am participat. Pentru ca reeaua supra-local a grupurilor de tineret s fie funcional, cuvntul cheie este comunicarea. Trebuie s depim distanele geografice i s lum legtura ct mai des unii cu alii. Altfel, vom fi funcionali doar la nivel local (ceea ce nu este deloc un lucru lipsit de importan), i nu vom putea obine acel ntreg pe care Asociaia l presupune. ntregul nu este doar suma prilor, ci aduce n plus acea not de sintez definitorie pentru toate elementele lui. Asociaia este pentru grupurile locale de tineret un liant, o umbrel, dar mai ales o modalitate de exprimare i afirmare a intereselor tinerilor. Cristina Oancea