令和 2 年度 第1回 入 学 試 験 問 題 英 語 ・ 試験はリスニングテストのみで時間は30分です。 ・ 試験開始3分後に放送が始まりますので、 問題をよく見ておきなさい。 ・ 解答をするときに、声を出して読んではいけません。 ・ 解答用紙の定められたらんに、はっきりと書くこと。 記入方法を間違えると、得点になりません。

令和 2 年度 第1回 入 学 試 験 問 題...令和2 年度 第1回 入 学 試 験 問 題 英 語 ・ 試験はリスニングテストのみで時間は30分です。 ・ 試験開始3分後に放送が始まりますので、

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令和 2年度 第1回

入 学 試 験 問 題

英 語

・ 試験はリスニングテストのみで時間は30分です。

・ 試験開始3分後に放送が始まりますので、


・ 解答をするときに、声を出して読んではいけません。

・ 解答用紙の定められたらんに、はっきりと書くこと。


- 1 -

【Part A】 英単語を聞き、下線 __ に入る最も適切なものをあ~えの中から一つ選びなさい。


__ay あ. n い. h う. b え. m

No. 1 __ate あ. l い. d う. g え. h

No. 2 p__t あ. o い. e う. u え. i

No. 3 ________ あ. boat い. vote う. beat え. boot

- 2 -

【Part B】 あ~えの英文を聞き、絵の内容を最もよく表しているものを一つ選びなさい。

例題 No. 1

例題 No. 1

No. 2 No. 3

No. 2 No. 3

- 3 -

【Part C】 対話を聞き、その最後の文に対する応答として最も適切なものを


例題 あ. I ran 7 km.

い. I had nothing to do.

う. I had a good rest.

No. 1 あ. No, thank you.

い. I’m good.

う. It’s wonderful.

No. 2 あ. OK. Have a seat.

い. Sure. I’ll talk to you later.

う. Yes. Let’s meet tomorrow.

No. 3 あ. It was great.

い. It was a new restaurant.

う. I went there with my friend.

No. 4 あ. I ate lunch there.

い. The sushi was very good.

う. How about Chinese food?

No. 5 あ. I like jackets.

い. Size L, please.

う. I’d like the blue one.

- 4 -

【Part D】 No.1 から No.4 までの質問を聞き、その答えとして最も適切なものをあ~くの中から

一つ選びなさい。同じ記号は 1度しか使えません。

あ. It was long.

い. No. On Monday.

う. Just last week.

え. It’s 30 dollars.

お. Of course. I like it very much.

か. It’s Thursday.

き. It’s 6 km.

く. It’s next to the ABC Store.

【Part E】 No.1からNo.5の英文を聞き、その質問に対して最も適切な答えをあ~うの中から


No. 1 あ. She didn’t buy anything.

い. She bought a pink T-shirt.

う. She bought a green T-shirt.

No. 2 あ. Kenta did.

い. Kenta’s mother did.

う. Kenta’s father did.

No. 3 あ. One.

い. Two.

う. None.

No. 4 あ. It is very big.

い. It is a monkey town.

う. It has an animal show.

No. 5 あ. She got up at 6:30.

い. She got up at 7:00.

う. She got up at 8:20.

- 5 -

【Part F】次の英文を読んで後の問いに答えなさい。

Risa Brown moved to Ichikawa last week with her family, so her only friend was her cute

dog, Taro. She enjoyed playing with Taro every day but wanted to make new friends.

On Wednesday, Risa was walking along the river with Taro and found a small bag. When

she looked in the bag, there were some dog toys and a card in it. A name was written on the

card: Suzuki Sayaka.

Risa thought, "Who is this? A girl? A lady? Anyway, she must be worried." Risa went to

the police and left everything with them.

Two days later, when Risa was walking in the park with Taro, he suddenly ran to another

dog. "Hey, slow down, Taro. Stop it," said Risa, but he didn't stop. At first, Risa was worried he

was going to fight the other dog, but they started to play together! Then, Risa heard a voice:

"Hey, what are you doing, Pochi?" Risa turned and saw a girl. "Pochi, come here," said the girl.

Taro and Pochi didn’t stop playing. Risa and the girl smiled at each other.

"Is that your dog? Pochi is so cute," said Risa.

"Thanks. Your dog is lovely, too. What is his name?" the girl asked.

"He is Taro and I'm Risa. Risa Brown. Nice to meet you."

"I'm Suzuki Sayaka. Nice to meet you, too."

- 6 -

問 英文の内容に合うよう、No.1からNo.5までのことばに続く最も適切なものを、あ~えの


No. 1 Last week, Risa

あ. moved to a new city.

い. bought a new dog.

う. met a new friend.

え. played with her sister.

No. 2 At the river, Risa

あ. found a dog.

い. found a lost bag.

う. found Suzuki Sayaka.

え. found a cat toy.

No. 3 When Risa was walking Taro in the park, Taro

あ. jumped on people there.

い. slowed down and stopped walking.

う. ran to Pochi.

え. found a lost bag.

No. 4 Risa and Sayaka smiled at each other because

あ. they were talking to their dogs.

い. they were playing together.

う. their dogs didn't stop fighting.

え. their dogs didn't stop playing together.

No. 5 At the end of the story,

あ. Risa and Sayaka introduced themselves.

い. Risa gave a card to Sayaka.

う. Taro was excited and ran to Sayaka.

え. Pochi got hurt and was taken to the hospital.


受 ※

番 名 点


【Part F】 No.1 No.2 No.3

令和2年度 第1回入学試験 解答用紙 英語

【Part A】 例題 え No.1 No.2 No.3

【Part B】 例題 う No.1 No.2 No.3

【Part C】 例題 あ No.1 No.2 No.3

No.4 No.5 No.6

No.5 No.6【Part D】 No.1 No.2 No.3

【Part E】 No.1 No.2 No.3


No.5 No.6 No.7

氏 得


No.4 No.5

受 ※

番 名 点


う No.4 え No.5 あ

【Part F】 No.1 あ No.2 い No.3

No.5 い No.6 い No.7 あ

【Part E】 No.1 い No.2 う No.3 あ No.4 う

お No.4 え No.5 く No.6【Part D】 No.1 い No.2 あ No.3

あ No.3 あ

No.4 う No.5 い No.6 あ

【Part C】 例題 あ No.1 い No.2

【Part B】 例題 う No.1 う No.2 あ No.3 あ

令和2年度 第1回入学試験 解答用紙 英語

【Part A】 例題 え No.1 い No.2 う No.3

- 1 -

Recording Script 一般入試第 1回

ただいまから令和 2 年度第 1 回、英語の試験を行います。これからお話することについて質問


このテストには、Part Aから Part Fまであります。Part Aから Part Eはリスニングテストで

Part Fは筆記テストです。リスニングテストでは、英文はすべて二度ずつ読まれます。Part Aか

ら Part Cで例文を一題放送します。放送の間メモをとってもかまいません。

では、Part A から始めます。これは、英単語を聞き、下線部に入る最も適切なものをあ~えの

中から一つ選ぶ形式です。Part Aの例題を見てください。

may (繰り返し)



では、実際の問題を放送しますので、用意してください。問題は No.1 から No.3 まで 3 題で、


No. 1 date(繰り返し)

No. 2 put(繰り返し)

No. 3 boat(繰り返し)

続いて、Part B です。これはあ~えの英文を聞き、絵の内容を最もよく表しているものを一つ

選ぶ形式です。Part Bの例題を見てください。

あ. There is a dog on the bed.

い. There is a dog under the bed.

う. There is a dog on the table.

え. There is a dog under the table.




では、実際の問題を放送しますので、用意してください。問題は No.1 から No.3 まで 3 題で、

解答時間はそれぞれ 10秒です。では、始めます。

No. 1 あ. A boy bought a ticket for August 3rd.

い. A boy bought a ticket for August 10th.

う. A boy bought a ticket for August 13th.

え. A boy bought a ticket for August 30th. (繰り返し)

- 2 -

No. 2 あ. A girl is using her smartphone.

い. A girl is watching TV from the sofa.

う. A girl is sitting on the sofa.

え. A girl is taking a photo with her smartphone.


No. 3 あ. A boy is writing something on the board.

い. A boy is turning on the light.

う. A boy is cleaning the board.

え. A boy is coming up to the board right now.


続いて、Part Cです。これは対話を聞き、その最後の文に対する応答として最も適切なものを、

あ~うの中から一つ選ぶ形式です。Part Cの例題を聞いてください。

A: You look very tired.

B: I am.

A: What happened?

あ. I ran 7 km.

い. I had nothing to do.

う. I had a good rest.

(A: から繰り返し)



では、実際の問題を放送しますので、用意してください。問題は No.1から No.6まで6題で、


No. 1 A: Good morning, Ms. Brown.

B: Good morning, Kenta. How are you?

A: Fine thank you, and you?

あ. No, thank you.

い. I’m good.

う. It’s wonderful.

(A: から繰り返し)

- 3 -

No. 2 A: Excuse me, Ms. Robinson?

B: Hi, Tom. What is it?

A: May I talk to you now?

あ. OK. Have a seat.

い. Sure. I’ll talk to you later.

う. Yes. Let’s meet tomorrow.

(A: から繰り返し)

No. 3 A: What did you do today, Mom?

B: I went to a new restaurant with my friend.

A: Oh, how was it?

あ. It was great.

い. It was a new restaurant.

う. I went there with my friend.

(A: から繰り返し)

No. 4 A: It’s already one o’clock. I’m really hungry.

B: Me, too.

A: Let’s get something to eat.

あ. I ate lunch there.

い. The sushi was very good.

う. How about Chinese food?

(A: から繰り返し)

No. 5 A: May I help you?

B: Yes. I’d like to see that jacket.

A: Which size would you like?

あ. I like jackets.

い. Size L, please.

う. I’d like the blue one.

(A: から繰り返し)

No. 6 A: I’m very happy today.

B: What happened?

A: I won the tennis game.

あ. It’s okay.

い. Don’t worry.

う. That’s great!

(A: から繰り返し)

- 4 -

続いて、Part Dです。これは No.1から No.6までの質問を聞き、その答えとして最も適切なも

のをあ~くの中から一つ選ぶ形式です。同じ記号は 1度しか使えません。この問題には例題はあり


No. 1 Are you going to Yokohama on Friday?

No. 2 How was yesterday’s game?

No. 3 Do you like shopping?

No. 4 How much is this?

No. 5 Where is the hospital?

No. 6 When did you get back?

(No.1 から繰り返し)

続いて、Part Eです。これは、No.1から No.7の英文を聞き、その質問に対して最も適切な答

えをあ~うの中から一つ選ぶ形式です。この問題には例題はありません。解答時間はそれぞれ 10


No. 1 Mary and I went shopping yesterday. She bought a pretty pink T-shirt. I wanted to

buy a green one, but I couldn’t because it was too large for me.

Question: What did Mary buy?

あ. She didn’t buy anything.

い. She bought a pink T-shirt.

う. She bought a green T-shirt.

No. 2 Kenta’s mother always cooks, but she was sick yesterday, so her husband made curry.

It was delicious.

Question: Who made curry yesterday?

あ. Kenta did.

い. Kenta’s mother did.

う. Kenta’s father did.

No. 3 Sarah had 30 dollars. She wanted to buy a CD and two magazines, but she didn’t have

enough money to buy everything. She only bought a CD and a magazine.

Question: How many magazines did Sarah buy?

あ. One.

い. Two.

う. None.

No. 4 ABC Amusement Park is very famous for its monkey show. A lot of children come to

see it.

- 5 -

Question: Why is ABC Amusement Park famous?

あ. It is very big.

い. It is a monkey town.

う. It has an animal show.

No. 5 Mika always gets up at six thirty (6:30) because her school starts at eight twenty

(8:20). But she got up at seven (7:00) this morning, so her father took her to school by


Question: What time did Mika get up this morning?

あ. She got up at six thirty (6:30).

い. She got up at seven (7:00).

う. She got up at eight twenty (8:20).

No. 6 Michiko’s father bought her a cat as a Christmas present. It was so small and cute.

She loved it.

Question: Why was Michiko happy?

あ. She bought a Christmas present.

い. Her father bought her a cat.

う. She gave her father a cat.

No. 7 Jessica likes to play tennis. She is on the tennis team at school and enjoys playing

with her friends. She also likes to watch tennis games at home. She wants to go to the

UK to watch a game there.

Question: Which is true?

あ. Jessica plays tennis at school.

い. Jessica watches tennis games at school.

う. Jessica wants to play tennis in the UK.

これでリスニングテストは終わりです。次の Part Fの問題に進んでください。