我會一眾會員在深圳大鵬古城拍照留念。 - HARTCO · 2016. 4. 21. · Manchurian language. General Lai died of illness in 1849, at the age of 63 years old. In 1860,

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Page 1: 我會一眾會員在深圳大鵬古城拍照留念。 - HARTCO · 2016. 4. 21. · Manchurian language. General Lai died of illness in 1849, at the age of 63 years old. In 1860,
Page 2: 我會一眾會員在深圳大鵬古城拍照留念。 - HARTCO · 2016. 4. 21. · Manchurian language. General Lai died of illness in 1849, at the age of 63 years old. In 1860,


2015 年 12 月 5 日,我會一眾會員參觀了






深圳市區 50 公里,從沙頭角口岸驅車前往

須 45 分鐘。大鵬古城建於明洪武二十七年

(公元 1394 年),原稱為大鵬守禦千戶所








的明代海防所城之一。 2001 年國務院將




Group photo in front of Dapeng Fort.

HARTCO members visited Dapeng Fort in Shenzhen on 5th December, 2015, and gained a deeper understanding of the close connection of Dapeng Fort with Hong Kong in the defense history of Ming and Qing periods. Dapeng Fort in Shenzhen is 50 km from city centre, a distance of 45 minutes by car from Sha Tau Kok border. Constructed in 1394 (Ming Dynasty), the Fort is divided by three main streets and many small lanes. The heritage sites include the old fortified wall, four entrance gates and watch towers, a general’s office, a defense office, warehouses, Tin Hau Temple, Hau Wong Temple, general’s residences, civilians’ homes, ancestral halls a well as others. Being one of the best kept coastal defense buildings in the Mainland; it has been listed as the 5th batch of important relics for protection by The State Council in 2001.

Page 3: 我會一眾會員在深圳大鵬古城拍照留念。 - HARTCO · 2016. 4. 21. · Manchurian language. General Lai died of illness in 1849, at the age of 63 years old. In 1860,


Dafeng Fort is strategically located and is crucial in defending foreign forces from landing on the Mainland via Guangdong coastline and attacking from sea based operations. During Qing Dynasty, the government further strengthened its military defense in the area by forming a navy. Dapend Fort played an important role in defending the coastal territory and took command from the command post in Humen. Historical record shows that, in 1368, peasant leader Zhu Yuanzhang overthrew Yuan Dysnaty and founded Ming Dysnaty. In early establishment of Ming period, Guangdong area remained a territory of the Yuan forces. The court of the Ming Dynasty sent two generals, Liao Yongzhong and Zhu Liangzhu to put down the threat, and they introduced a new system of defense by building walled garrison, one of which is Dapeng Fort. In the beginning of the 17th century, Qing Dynasty re-inforced its coastal defense by building cannon fort to defend against pressing threat from anti-Qing forces led by General Zheng Chenggong operating from Taiwan. In the middle of Qing Dynasty, the operation was switched to defend against pirate attack, and later against western powers from Spain, Portugal, Hollands and others. In 1838, Viceroy Lin Zexu initiated an operation to abolish opium trade. From 3 June, 1839, for a consecutive 23 days, all opium shipped to Guangdong coastal areas were confisticated, and a record of 200 chests of 200,000 tonnes of opium was burn to ashes. This operation had caused huge loss in opium trade of the British East India Company. In September of the same year, several navy fleets of the British appeared on the Guangdong water territory and China was on guard, with army forces deployed from Dapeng Fort under the command of General Lai Enjue.







歷史記載,1368 年,農民起義出身的朱元璋滅了元朝,建立了明朝。明朝建立初期,兩廣地區仍屬元朝餘疆,明朝廷派征南將軍廖永忠,朱亮祖平定廣東,並在廣東境內設立軍事防禦體系;大鵬所城就是其一。大鵬所城的選址,在海路上看,它扼守珠江口左海路,是外敵入侵廣東必經之路;從陸路上看,大鵬半島是外敵入侵的重要登陸地點,而大鵬所城能扼守要沖。

從十七世紀末開始,清廷為整治海防,對付台灣的鄭成功反清勢力,在中國沿海建造很多砲台和燉台。清代康熙中期,中國沿海海盜日益增多,中國海防轉以防倭抗盜為主。到了康熙後期,西方烈強西班牙,葡萄牙,荷蘭都曾經在此地虎視眈眈,大鵬所城發揮了抵禦外敵在海路入侵的威脅。 1838 年,林則徐展開禁煙運動,並組織了近代史上有名的“虎門銷煙”。從 1839 年 6月 3 日開始,他下令在虎門海灘當眾銷毀鴉片,歷時 23 天,收繳銷毀鴉片 200 多箱、200 多萬斤。中國的銷煙行動令英國損失慘重,1839 年 9 月,英軍多艘兵船抵達廣東海面,武力威脅中國。面對海上的英軍,中國軍隊嚴陣以待,海戰一觸即發,兵力都來自大鵬所城;而戰役的指揮者是大鵬營參將賴恩爵將軍。

明清時代軍用的糧食倉庫。 Military warehouses dating back to the Ming and Qing Dynasty.

Page 4: 我會一眾會員在深圳大鵬古城拍照留念。 - HARTCO · 2016. 4. 21. · Manchurian language. General Lai died of illness in 1849, at the age of 63 years old. In 1860,


林則徐令大鵬營參將賴恩爵率兵船三艘移師九龍,監視英艦。隨後,英軍十一艘兵船以求食為名,突襲清軍水師巡船。參將賴恩爵命令水師巡船開炮還擊,地面九龍山砲台施放密集炮火轟擊英船艦,多發炮彈命中敵船。經過 5 個多小時激戰,英軍受到重創,全部船艦被逐出鯉魚門海外。這一場九龍海戰是鴉片戰爭的首戰,賴恩爵取得鴉片戰爭首戰的勝利,在中國近代史上和香港的歷史佔有重要地位。

1842 年,第一次中英鴉片戰爭結束,香港




區的防禦能力,1846 年,賴恩爵廣邀官紳


砲台,建於 1811 年)。九龍寨城成了一座






賴恩爵將軍英勇抗英,並在 1849 病故,享年 63 歲。

1860 年,中國在第二次鴉片戰爭中失敗,

割讓九龍半島和昂船州(共 7.93 平方公


On the command of Viceroy Lin, General Lai of Dapeng Fort led three navy fleets to Kowloon to watch on British fleet movement. British army later made an excuse to go ashore to buy food and supplies and started to attack Qing navy. General Lin took revenge by firing guns from the ships and from Kowloon Fort. After 5 hours of battle, the British army was defeated and was driven out of Lei YueMun Channel. This marks the first battle of the Opium War and the beginning of modern China history. In 1842, at the end of the First Opium war, Hong Kong Island was ceded to Britain under the Treaty of Nanjing. With the cessation of Hong Kong, Kowloon area became the closest frontier of defense against further attack from Britain. In 1846, General Lai lobbied support to build a stronger fort and solicited donation from nobles and wealthy civilians. A wall-garrison fort on the site of the former Kowloon fort was established in in 1811. From a stone slab excavated from the site of Kowloon Fort, the inscription shows the name of General Lai in Manchurian language. General Lai died of illness in 1849, at the age of 63 years old. In 1860, China lost in the Second Opium War, Kowloon together with Stone Cutter’s Island ( a total area of 7.97 km square) was ceded to Britain.


General Lai Enjue won the Kowloon Sea War which marked

the first victory in the Opium War.

Page 5: 我會一眾會員在深圳大鵬古城拍照留念。 - HARTCO · 2016. 4. 21. · Manchurian language. General Lai died of illness in 1849, at the age of 63 years old. In 1860,


1898 年,中英簽訂了《展拓香港界址專


小島嶼 235 個陸地及大鵬灣,深圳灣兩處

水城,其中陸地面積 975.1 平方公里,稱






英國占據了香港後,便在大鵬灣和深圳灣海面立了海面界碑;而這中英界碑於 2007年被發現,是中國大陸首次發現的中英邊界的石碑。目前,這塊界碑展示在大鵬古城博物館。除了這一個外,另外兩個現存於香港。界碑一共有三個部份, 由方尖碑身、碑座和基座組成, 碑文有中英文描述。 英國因九龍寨城對保衛香港之武備有所妨礙,於 1899 年 5 月出兵九龍寨城,城內的官弁兵丁也被逐出,九龍寨城從此失去了軍用的功能。大鵬所成兩營亦被裁,大鵬所城再無駐兵防守,漸成廢城。近百年來,大鵬所城沒有駐軍,成為一處民居。 大鵬古城的明清兩代軍事建設,城內的遺跡和民居建築風格,足以讓我們一眾會員景仰留連三個多小時之久。


General Lai Enjue

In1898, China (Qing Government) and Britain co- signed the Convention for the Extension of Hong Kong Territory. The New Territories, from the north of Boundary Street to the North of Shenzhen River including 235 islands lying on the waters of Deep Bay and Dapeng Bay, were leased to Britain for 99 years. The lease area was 2/3 of the total area of Xin An County or ¾ of the defense territory of Dapeng Fort. However,. Kowloon walled garrison was not included in the Convention and hence the Qing officers and its army continued to station in Kowloon. After taking over the New Territories, The British government set up markers in the waters of Deep Bay and Dapeng Bay. In 2007, one of the three markers were discovered for the first time. There are two others found in Hong Kong water The marker stone is now on display in the Dapeng Museum. It is made up of three parts: the pointed top, the column and the base. There are inscriptions in Chinese and English on the stone column. As the British found Kowloon walled garrison a big threat and so in May 1899, the British attacked and took control of the Fort; it was, since then, evacuated and lost its defence function. From then on, Dapeng Fort lost much of defence function and had not been garrisoned for over a century. And soon, outsiders came to occupy the site and it has since turned into a domicile of commoners. The military structures, heritage site and walled city life in the fort has enticed our members during the visit to Dapeng Fort for three hours or more.


The ancient wall of Dapeng Fort.

Page 6: 我會一眾會員在深圳大鵬古城拍照留念。 - HARTCO · 2016. 4. 21. · Manchurian language. General Lai died of illness in 1849, at the age of 63 years old. In 1860,


香港註冊導遊協會獲江門旅遊局邀請出席 2015 年 9 月 18 日-20 日在江門舉行的「兩岸六地金牌導遊齊聚江門」學習交流會。我會一行 30 人由香港出發,與江門,澳門、廈門、台灣金門及澎湖代表團在江門匯合,開展為期三日的學習交流活動。本次活動主題為“一帶一路,串起兩岸六地風光無限;金牌導遊,演繹中華文化源遠流長”。

2015 年 9 月 19 日的學習交流會在古兜溫泉綜合度假區拉開帷幕,兩岸六地近 300名金牌導遊參加。開幕式上,江門市與廈門市旅遊局、金門縣政府觀光處簽訂了《旅遊發展框架協議》;隨後,兩岸六地簽訂了《共建“海絲之旅”框架協議》,並發布了《 “江廈港澳金澎”導遊共同宣言》。

HARTCO was invited by the Jiangmen Tourism Bureau to the Exchange Program of Six Tour Guide Associations Between The Strait from 18-20 September, 2015. A delegation of 30- members of HARTCO departed for Jiangmen and met up with the tour guide associations from Macau, Xiamen, Jinmen of and Penghu of Taiwan. The theme was Leveraging One Belt One Road to promote scenic beauty and top notch guiding professionals. On 19th September, 2015, over 300 tour guides attended the Exchange Program held in Gudou Hot Spring Resort. Marking the occasion, Jiangmen and Xiamen Tourism Bureaus co-signed a letter of joint tourism promotion, while the six tour guide associations signed the joint agreement in developing Maritime Silk Road, and announced a joint declaration.

我會一行 30 人出席在江門舉行的兩岸六地金牌導遊交流會。

30 members of HARTCO attended the event.

Page 7: 我會一眾會員在深圳大鵬古城拍照留念。 - HARTCO · 2016. 4. 21. · Manchurian language. General Lai died of illness in 1849, at the age of 63 years old. In 1860,


本會執委李麗莎女士帶領一眾日語導遊演唱日語歌曲。 Ms Lisa Li of Executive Board led a group of Japanese speaking tour guides to sing a Japanese song.


學習活動還包括考察江門的旅遊景點和設施 : 五邑華僑華人博物館,新會的小鳥天堂和陳皮村,開平的自力村碉樓群和立園。 這一個活動讓我會會員深入了解了香港和江門兩地旅游資源的優勢和互補性,深化我門對珠三角地區的旅遊產品的知識。

On that day, Dr Alan Wong, Honorary Advisor of Hartco and Mr Wing Wong, Chairman of HARTCO presented a speech on ‘The Challenges of Cultural Differences faced by Tour Guiding Profession, and Ms Wong Lai Hong and Mr Lan Kwok Bun presented a lively and inspiring commentary on Central and Western District Heritage Trail and Touring Lantau by Air, Land and Sea Transport respectively. For the finale, Ms Lisa Li of HARTCO Executive Board and a group of Japanese tour guides sang a Japanese song 《俺たちの旅》to conclude the Hong Kong Presentation. The Exchange program also included inspection and familiarization of tourist attractions and facilities in Jiangmen namely, Jiangmen Overseas Chinese Museum, Xinhui Bird Paradise and Chen Pi Chun (a village specialises in mandarin peel product) and Kaiping Dialou villages. Through attending the Exchange Program, our members have gained updated product knowledge of the tourism resources in Jiangmen, and better understanding of the competitive advantage and complementary support of the tourism products in the Pearl River Delta Region.


Dr Alan Wong, Honorary Advisor of Hartco and Mr Wing Wong, Chairman of HARTCO presented a speech.

Page 8: 我會一眾會員在深圳大鵬古城拍照留念。 - HARTCO · 2016. 4. 21. · Manchurian language. General Lai died of illness in 1849, at the age of 63 years old. In 1860,


日期 / Date

時間 / Time


Activity Name



5 月 30 日(六)





Ko Lau Wan On Lung

Qing Jiao Festival –

Opening Ceremony

and Giant Bowl Feast

(Invited Guests)


Newspaper Clipping


8 月 16 日 (日)



界之旅 (戶外考察)

Hong Kong Global

Geopark of China -

Ninepin Group

(Study Tour)


Introduction of Ninepin Group of Islands of Hong Kong Geopark


8 月 17 日 (一)




Yu Lan Ghost

Festival and Hong

Kong Chiu Chow


(Study Tour)


Intoduction of Yu Lan Ghost Festival


8 月 29 日 (六)




The 24 Solar Terms in

Lunar Calendar

(Themed Talk)


Themed Talk by book author


活動回顧 Activity Review

Page 9: 我會一眾會員在深圳大鵬古城拍照留念。 - HARTCO · 2016. 4. 21. · Manchurian language. General Lai died of illness in 1849, at the age of 63 years old. In 1860,


9 月 6 日 (日)




Volunteer Guiding on



義工領隊帶領二百名殘疾人士及其家屬,享受迪士尼樂園一天遊 Volunteer guides led 200 disabled persons and their families to Disneyland.

9 月 18 日(五) –

9 月 20 日(日)



Exchange Program of

the Strait's Six Tour

Guide Associations


Please refer to page 6 and 7

10 月 19 日(一)



號」維港遊 (考察)

Dukling Cruise

around Victoria





Introduction of Duckling


10 月 29 日(四)-

10 月 30 日 (五)



Exchange Program of

Hong Kong,

Guangdong and

Macau Tour Guide



Newspaper Clipping


Page 10: 我會一眾會員在深圳大鵬古城拍照留念。 - HARTCO · 2016. 4. 21. · Manchurian language. General Lai died of illness in 1849, at the age of 63 years old. In 1860,


10 月 07 日 (三)



Tsz Shan Monastery

- Guided Visit and

Vegetarian Lunch


The guided tour was led by the Master of Tsz Shan Monastery.



Promotions and Publication Committee

香港北角威非路道十八號萬國寶通中心 11 樓

11/F., Citicorp Centre, 18 Whitfield Road, North Point, Hong Kong.

電話:(852)2807 6512 傳真:(852)2807 6507 電子郵箱:[email protected]

彭早敏 陸翠茵 蘇妙娜 Priscilla Poon Maki Luk Helen So

周經偉 葉嘉欣 Global Chau Erika Yip