República Democrática de São Tomé e Príncipe (Unidade-Disciplina-Trabalho) Ministério do Planeamento, Finanças e da Economia Azul Agência Fiduciária e de Administração de Projetos AVISO DE MANIFESTAÇÃO DE INTERESSE SERVIÇO DE CONSULTORIA PAÍS: REPÚBLICA DEMOCRÁTICA DE SÃO TOMÉ E PRÍNCIPE PROJECTO: PROJETO FUNDO VERDE PARA O CLIMA SERVIÇOS DE CONSULTORIA: ESPECIALISTA EM ESTRATEGIAS CLIMÁTICAS O Governo de São Tomé e Príncipe (STP), através do Ministério do Planeamento, Finanças e Economia Azul, recebeu recursos do Green Climate Fund (GCF) para o programa de apoio preparatório, cujo objectivo é capacitação da Autoridade Nacional Designada (AND), apoio a entidades de acesso direto e desenvolvimento de estruturas estratégicas, incluindo programas nacionais para o GCF. Neste sentido, pretende-se recrutar um(a) Especialista em Estratégias Climáticas para fazer a síntese dos Programas Nacionais. Os Termos de Referência mais detalhados (TdR) para os serviços poderão ser consultados: Em anexo neste Aviso de Manifestação de Interesse ou Nas instalações da AFAP, nos dias úteis, das 8h30m às 12h e das 14h30 às 17h, cujo endereço e contacto encontram-se abaixo. Os candidatos devem ter o seguinte perfil: 1. Licenciatura nas áreas de mudanças climáticas, Gestão do Ambiente e Gestão Sustentável dos Recursos Naturais , mas com experiência relevante em financiamento climático; 2. Ter mais de 1O anos de experiência em investimento sustentável / financiamento de carbono e clima, e pelo menos 5 anos de experiência de trabalhos em países em desenvolvimento; 3. Familiaridade com políticas e intervenções na área de mitigação e adaptação às mu- danças climáticas; 4. Uma boa experiência com outros mecanismos de financiamento multilaterais, bilaterais, regionais e globais; 5. Experiência / capacidade comprovada de realizar workshops de treinamento com várias partes interessadas; 6. Bom nível de Português, falado e escrito e conhecimentos do Inglês;

República Democrática de São Tomé e Príncipe · o Actualização do documento sintético para facilitar o seguimento das diversas vias (Readiness, NAP, Projectos) de engajamento

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Page 1: República Democrática de São Tomé e Príncipe · o Actualização do documento sintético para facilitar o seguimento das diversas vias (Readiness, NAP, Projectos) de engajamento

República Democrática de São Tomé e Príncipe


Ministério do Planeamento, Finanças e da Economia Azul

Agência Fiduciária e de Administração de Projetos







O Governo de São Tomé e Príncipe (STP), através do Ministério do Planeamento, Finanças e Economia

Azul, recebeu recursos do Green Climate Fund (GCF) para o programa de apoio preparatório, cujo

objectivo é capacitação da Autoridade Nacional Designada (AND), apoio a entidades de acesso direto e

desenvolvimento de estruturas estratégicas, incluindo programas nacionais para o GCF.

Neste sentido, pretende-se recrutar um(a) Especialista em Estratégias Climáticas para fazer a síntese dos

Programas Nacionais.

Os Termos de Referência mais detalhados (TdR) para os serviços poderão ser consultados:

Em anexo neste Aviso de Manifestação de Interesse


Nas instalações da AFAP, nos dias úteis, das 8h30m às 12h e das 14h30 às 17h, cujo endereço e contacto

encontram-se abaixo.

Os candidatos devem ter o seguinte perfil:

1. Licenciatura nas áreas de mudanças climáticas, Gestão do Ambiente e Gestão Sustentável dos

Recursos Naturais , mas com experiência relevante em financiamento climático;

2. Ter mais de 1O anos de experiência em investimento sustentável / financiamento de carbono e

clima, e pelo menos 5 anos de experiência de trabalhos em países em desenvolvimento;

3. Familiaridade com políticas e intervenções na área de mitigação e adaptação às mu­ danças


4. Uma boa experiência com outros mecanismos de financiamento multilaterais, bilaterais, regionais

e globais;

5. Experiência / capacidade comprovada de realizar workshops de treinamento com várias partes


6. Bom nível de Português, falado e escrito e conhecimentos do Inglês;

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7. Conhecimentos das metodologias e questões de género serão uma mais-valia;

8. Experiência de trabalho com o GCF é uma mais-valia

A Agência Fiduciária de Administração de Projectos convida a todos os interessados a manifestarem o seu

interesse através do envio de Carta de Intenção, B.I, Curriculum Vitae e dos comprovativos das formações

e qualificações solicitadas autenticados pelo notário, em envelope fechado e devidamente identificado,

dirigido ao Director Geral da AFAP, até às 17 horas do dia 26 de Abril de 2019 para o endereço abaixo



Para o endereço de email [email protected] ou [email protected] com o Assunto: Concurso

Público para o Recrutamento de um(a) Especialista em Estratégias Climáticas, primeiro e último nome.

Agência Fiduciária de Administração de Projectos Caixa Postal 1029,

Avenida Kwame Nkruma,

Edifício do Afriland Fisrt Bank, 2º andar

S. Tomé,

S. Tomé e Príncipe Telefone: + 239 222 52 05

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A Agência Fiduciária e de Administração de Projectos (AFAP) é um órgão sob a tutela de Ministério

do Planeamento, Finanças e Economia Azul (MPFEA), criado a 23 de Outubro de 2003, pelo

Despacho Ministerial, como Unidade de Execução do Projecto (UEP) para a implementação do

Projecto de Apoio ao Sector Social (PASS), financiado pelo Banco Mundial (BM).

Graças aos resultados positivos e a acumulação de experiências na adoção de boas praticas de

gestão de financiamentos para o desenvolvimento de projectos de interesse nacional, obtidos ao

longo dos anos, foi aprovado em Julho de 2018 o Decreto-Lei nº 10/2018, que aprova. o Regime

Jurídico que Institucionaliza a Agência Fiduciária de Administração Projectos (AFAP).

Actualmente a AFAP tem na sua carteira de gestão diversos Projectos, em áreas como Educação,

Energia, Instituições Financeiras, Transportes, Saúde, etc, cujos financiamentos provêm

maioritariamente do Banco Mundial, mas também de outras instituições, como o Banco Europeu de

Investimentos (BEI) e poderá também vir a assinar acordos com outras entidades, para a gestão de

financiamentos destinados a sectores múltiplos.

O Fundo Verde para o Clima (Green Climate Fund - GCF) é um mecanismo financeiro das Nações

Unidas, ligado à Convenção-Quadro das Nações Unidas sobre Mudanças Climáticas (UNFCCC).

Surgiu em Dezembro de 201O em Cancún, México e tem como membros os 194 países membros da

UNFCCC. Seu objetivo é transferir fundos dos países mais avançados para os países mais

vulneráveis, a fim de implementar projetos para combater os efeitos das mudanças climáticas.

O Governo de São Tomé e Príncipe (STP), através do Ministério do Planeamento, Finanças e

Economia Azul, recebeu recursos do GCF para o programa de apoio preparatório, cujo objectivo é

capacitação da Autoridade Nacional Designada (AND), apoio a entidades de acesso direto e

desenvolvimento de estruturas estratégicas, incluindo programas nacionais para o GCF. A Agência

Fiduciária de Administração de Projectos (AFAP) foi selecionada pelo Governo de São Tomé e

Príncipe como Agência de Implementação para este processo.

Neste sentido, pretende-se recrutar um(a) Consultor(a) de perfil internacional para ap01ar a

Autoridade Nacional Designada (AND) de S. Tomé e Príncipe


A principal responsabilidade do consultor é de responder a execução do Programa

preparatório (Readiness Propposal), documento em anexo, validado em 18 Janeiro de 2018.

Dentro do marco geral de estabelecimento e fortalecimento da AND (Direção Nacional do

Planeamento, Ministério do Planeamento, Finanças e Economia Azul), a tarefa específica do

consultor é de elaborar o Programa Pais de STP para o GCF. Este documento é um elemento

chave das relações entre GCF e o país. Pretende-se apresentar uma síntese dos planos de

desenvolvimento do país e dos riscos dasMudanças Climáticas para, depois de um processo

de priorizaçao, listar os projectos e programas para submeter ao financiamento do GCF. A

preparação do Programa País requer um trabalho extensivo de recolha de informações, tanto

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documental (planos do país, NAPs, NDCs, etc) como através da consulta sistemática de

partes interessadas.

Durante sessenta dias, com base na sua própriaexperiência de preparação de documentos

estratégicos e de conhecimento da situação em S. Tomé e Príncipe, o consultor terá que:

o Investigar e definir bem, com base na documentação disponibilizada pelo GC F,a

estrutura e conteúdos para o Programa País;

o Aportar conteúdo para o evento de divulgaçao de lançamento do proceso de

preparaçao do Programa Pais e participar no evento;

o Recolher informação relevante das diferentes partes interesadas;

o Realizar um estudo extensivo sobre os diferentes planos e programas do país;

o Realizae o levantamento dos projectos ligados às mudanças climáticas no país,

de modo a evitar a duplicidade das acções a serem propostas ;

o Sintetizar os dados científicos sobre o impacto das mudanças climáticas em STP;

o Coordenar com outras iniciativas de mitigação e adaptação, em particular a

preparação dos NDCs;

o Apresentar uma metodologia de priorização de projectos que permita identificar

os que serão enviados para o GCF;

o Redigir o Programa Pais e participar na consulta de validação, integrando os

comentarias prévios do GCF;

o Colaborar no evento de conclusão dos trabalhos ;

o Identificar conteúdos e redactar resumos para incluir no website da AND;

o Identificar conteúdos para materiais de comunicação (newsletters, fichas,

brochuras, posters , flyers, etc.)


o Documento do Programa País (Este documento deve integrar as informações do

Manual Operacional, incluindo os Procedimentos de Não-Objeção)

o Resumos de informação para divulgação no website e nos diversos materiais

de comunicação (newsletters, fichas, brochuras, posters, flyers, etc.)

o Actualização do documento sintético para facilitar o seguimento das diversas

vias (Readiness, NAP, Projectos) de engajamento com o GCF e com os diversos

parceiros (Nacional, Regional e Internacional) ;

o Relatório de Capacitação da equipa da ANO, inclusive do consultor nacional para a

utilização de todos os documentos produzid os.


Para a implementação do trabalho pretende-se a contratação de um técnico de nível

superior com o seguinte perfil:

o Escolaridade mínima a nível de Licenciatura nas áreas de mudanças climáticas,

Gestão do Ambiente e Gestão Sustentável dos Recursos Naturais, mas com

experiência relevante em financiamento climático;

o Ter mais de 1O anos de experiência em investimento sustentável / financiamento de

carbono e clima, e pelo menos 5 anos de experiência de trabalhos em países em


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o Familiaridade com políticas e intervenções na área de mitigação e adaptação às

mu­ danças climáticas;

o Uma boa experiência com outros mecanismos de financiamento multilaterais,

bilaterais, regionais e globais;

o Experiência / capacidade comprovada de realizar workshops de treinamento com várias

partes interessadas;

o Bom nível de Português, falado e escrito e conhecimentos do Inglês;

o Conhecimentos das metodologias e questões de género serão uma mais-valia;

o Experiência de trabalho com o GCF é uma mais-valia


O Contrato terá a duração de 60 dias, incluindo duas missões de 12 dias, cada uma, a STP.


Os interessados devem manifestar o seu interesse através do envio da Carta de Motivação, CV

incluindo os nomes de três pessoas de referência com os seus contactos de email e telefónicos e a

proposta técnica incluindo a metodologia a desenvolver para o trabalho a realizar para o endereço

de email [email protected] ou [email protected] ou entregar no endereço abaixo indicado

até as 17 horas do dia 26 de Abril de 2019:

Agência Fiduciária de Administração de Projectos Caixa Postal 1029,

Avenida Kwame Nkruma, Edifício do Afriland Fisrt Bank, 2° andar

S. Tomé,

S. Tomé e Príncipe Telefone: + 239 222 52 05

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Readiness and Preparatory Support Proposal

How tocomplete this document? - A Readiness Guidebook is available to provide information on how to access funding under the GCF

Readiness and Preparatory Support programme. It should be consulted to assist in the completion of this proposal template.

- This document should be completed by National Designated Authorities (NDAs) orfocal points with support from their delivery partners where relevant.

- Please be concise. If you need to include any additional information, please attach it to the proposal. - Information on the indicative list of activities eligible for readiness and preparatory support and the

process for the submission, review and approval of this proposal can be found on pages 11-13 of the guidebook.

- For the final version submitted to GCF Secretariat, please delete all instructions indicated in italics in this template and provide information in regular text (not italics).

Where to get support? - If you are not sure how to complete this document, or require support, please send an e-mail to

[email protected]. We will aim to get back to you within 48 hours. - You can also complete as much of this document as you can and then send it to

[email protected]. We will get back to you within 5 working days to discuss your submission and the way forward.

Note: Environmental and Social Safeguards and Gender

Throughout this document, when answering questions and providing details, please make sure to pay special attention to environmental, social and gender issues, particularly to the situation of vulnerable populations, including women and men. Please be specific about proposed actions to address these issues. Consult page 7 of the readiness guidebook for more information.

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1. Country submitting the proposal

Country name:São Tomé e Príncipe

Name of institution representing National Designated Authority (NDA) or Focal Point:

Direcção Nacional de Planeamento

Name ofNDA/Focal Point:Fausto Policarpo Abreu das Neves

Position: Técnico da Direcção de Monitoria e Avaliação da Direcção Nacional de Planeamento

Telephone: +239 222 1410

Email: [email protected] ; [email protected]

Full office address:Largo das Alfândegas, CP.374,S.Tomé, STP

2. Date of initial submission


3. Last date of resubmission


4. Which entity will implement the Readiness and Preparatory Support project?

D National Designated Authority DAccredited EntitylRJDelivery Partner

(Please provide contact information if the implementing partner is not the NDA/focal point)

Name of institution:Agência Fiduciária de Administração de Projetos

Name of official: Alberto Leal Position:

Telephone: Email: : [email protected]

Full Office address:

5. Title of the Readiness support proposal

Strengthening the capacity of the Direcção Nacional de Planeamento to exercise the role of GCF NDA in STP. Building up the strategic framework of engagement with the GCF, including elaboration of Country Programme, consultation process with administration, civil society and private sector, integration of climate change in strategic planning, identification of applicant(s) to GCF accreditation, structured dialogue with Accredited Entities

6. Type of Readiness support sought


o Establishing and strengthening national designated authorities or focal points

o Strategic frameworks, including the preparation of country programmes

7. Brief summary of the request

Please include a brief description of the general readiness context; specific readiness challenge; solution/outcome identified; how GCF Readiness support activities will advance this solution; and how this change will be visible over time. (200 words maximum)

The Readiness support requested envisions capacity building of the institution which hosts the GCF Focal Point to enable articulation with technical institutions such as the General Direction of Environment and the National Institute of Meteorology. The overall target is an improved coordination of climate change actions, for engagement with the GCF. The exercise will rely on existing official planning documents such as Strategies for UNFCCC

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implementation, National Plan of Action for Adaptation to Climate Change, 1st& 2nd National

Communications, NDCs, among others. The Readiness Programme will enable establishing the NDA to work on the integration of Climate Change into national planning, by establishing institutional arrangements required for coordination of the different stakeholders in STP, defining roles and responsibilities in a coordinated mechanism (including no-objection process and engagement with entities that will implement the projects).

8. Total requested amount and currency

US$ 300.000

9. Anticipated duration 12 months

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SECTION 2: LOGICAL FRAMEWORK Please complete the table below by including proposed outcomes, baseline situations, the targets for implementation period, and the activities to be undertaken, including key outputs or deliverables. Please add rows for additional outcomes as needed.For further guidance on completing the table, please refer to the guidebook “Accessing the GCF Readiness and Preparatory Support Programme”, including specific Outcomes to select from.


ACTIVITIES Please including key outputs or deliverables where applicable

1. Country capacity strengthened

1.1 NDA/focal point lead effective coordination mechanism for annual participatory review of GCF portfolio

• An NDA coordination team is identifiedand constituted, including involvement of 1 junior full- time consultant to support GCF-related coordination activities

• Procedures for engagement with the GCF are defined (consultative process, coordination mechanism taking into account existing mechanisms, governance structure, periodicity of meetings, workshops and outreach events) with the support of an international consultant expert in institutional support

• Equipment (5 laptops, 1 projector, printer) and furniture (3 desks and shelves) purchase to strengthen the NDA operational capacity

• Website and internal administrative archives developed (included improved access to internet) provided by an IT expert, including maintenance on the full year

• Communication material (brochures, one-pagers, USB keys, posters and kakemono for the workshops)

1.2 No objection procedure established and implemented

• The no-objection procedure to be the result of the coordination mechanism and decision making metodology, defined by the international consultant

1.3 Bilateral agreements between the country and the GCF executed

• Development and implementation of Privilege & Immunities agreement between STP and the GCF, thanks to meetings with GCF legal team, organisation of high level meetings with Ministry of Foreign Affairs, supported by high quality documentation

1.4 Monitoring, oversight and streamlining of climate finance, including understanding of the different RfPs launched by the Fund

• A Climate Change international consultant to develop capacity and system (database) to monitor, evaluate and inform about the Funds activities and Climate Finance partners

• Training to strengthen capacity on preparing GCF templates and documents (Readiness Proposals, NAP request, Project Preparation Facility requests, Concept Notes), by the international consultant

• Include presentation and explanations on different GCF Requests for Proposals by the Climate Change consultant in a workshop

• Establish a Structured Dialogue with international and regional accredited entities (strategic meetings, supported by quality documentation)

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2. Strategic framework of engagement established

2.1 Stakeholders (including private sector) engaged in consultative processes

• The international Consultation expert, supported by the junior consultant, will establish lists of targeted stakeholders, including administration, public sector institutions, CSOs, and private sector entities such as Micro, Small, Medium Enterprises (see 1.1)

• workshops, monthly meetings, one national outreach launching event

• Transport of stakeholders involved in meetings, taking into account there are 2 islands

2.2 Country programmes, including adaptation priorities, developed and continuously updated

• Strategic Country programmes identified, updated and synthetized to define one GCF Country Programme, including a portfolio of projects, task for the international Climate Change consultant, supported by a second full time junior

2.3 Stakeholder consultations conducted with equal representation of women

• Undertake concrete actions (guidelines to be developed by Consultation expert and junior consultant) to respect gender balance such as checking composition of stakeholder representatives invited, involving the Ministry of Family and Social Affairs

3. Direct access realized

3.1 Candidate entities identified and nominated for accreditation

• Both international consultants to recommend national entity designation for accreditation

• NDA to expedite Nomination Letter as a result of consultative process • Keep at least ½ day within outreach event to disclose accreditation process

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Please explain how this grant will help deliver on the country’s readiness needs as identified above and build on institutions, processes or existing work already underway in the country. Please refer to the Guidebook for more specific information on completing this section.

The Democratic Republic of S. Tomé and Príncipe is an archipelago of volcanic origin, situated in the Gulf of Guinea and has an area of 1001 km2. It consists of two

islands and several islets and is characterized by a very rugged relief. The highest points are the Pico de São Tomé (2024m), in São Tomé and Pico do Príncipe (948m), in

the Prince. It is 300km from the African coast between parallels 1 45 'North and 0 ° 25' South and meridians 6 ° 26 'East and 7 ° 30' West.

The climate is tropical humid with rain for most of the year and precipitation is around 800-900 mm per year. There are two seasons, one of which is rainfall for nine

months corresponding to the period from September to May and the other one is dry, called "Gravana", for a period of three months from June to August.

Climate-Based Situation and Scenarios

Studies were carried out on the climate situation in the country, based on a study carried out by the Cluster Analysis Group of the University of Cape Town, South Africa,

on the climate of the geographic region where São Tomé and Príncipe Global Circulation Models (GCM).

The analysis of the trend of the real data of temperature and precipitation of S. Tomé and Príncipe shows that from 1976, the values of the average annual temperature

have an increasing trend, being above 25 ° C. The rainfall trend relative to actual observed data is decreasing between 1951 and 2010.

With regard to precipitation projections between the years 2040 and 2060, the team concluded through GCM scenarios that in the analysis of scenario B1, the decrease in

precipitation could be 8 to 10 mm of rain per year and in scenario A2 of 12 to 14 mm respectively.

Analysis of Vulnerability and Adaptation to Climate Change

The results of the vulnerability and adaptation studies in the framework of the SNA have confirmed the country's great vulnerability to climate change, as

referred to in the ICN, and indicate that urgent mitigation and adaptation measures should continue to be taken by national authorities, as a way to prevent

possible potential threats and to mitigate the effects that are already being felt.

In view of the identified climatic impacts, namely the increase in temperature and the decrease in precipitation, the following adverse effects / sensitivities

are highlighted, as follows:

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Agriculture and Livestock

Decrease in production: Existing crop areas may be reduced due to changing soil and climatic conditions; An increase in the incidence of pests is expected to reduce crop

yields and decreases in livestock numbers, deaths from excess parasites on animals from the grasses (ticks); Physicochemical alteration of the soil: It is predicted,

negative changes in the dynamics of the organic matter in the soils; Less effectiveness in the mobilization of chemical elements in the soil; Loss of nutrients from the

surface horizon; Rural income reduction for farmers and livestock farmers: Decreased production and consequently reduced farmers' incomes; Decrease of herds of

animals; deaths due to anemia and low pasture consumption.

Forest and Soils

Reduction of the forest area in case of prolonged drought: Shade forest adapted to the precipitation that varies between 1200 and 2500 mm; Secondary forest adapted to

the precipitation that varies between 2000 and 3500 mm; Increased Savana area extension in the NE of São Tomé Island: Indiscriminate cutting of trees and shrubs and

coal production in and around Savanas; Proliferation of predatory insects in forest ecosystems: Existence of rubrocinthus outbreaks; Flooding of forest areas of flat relief:

Shaded forest areas located in plains; Landslide forest cover loss: About 90% of the forest areas located in a rugged region; Reduction of soil water content: black and

brown mud, Savana soils, already subject to water shortages, Progressive erosion of soils: STP very rugged island country; Emergence of the phenomenon of

"hydromorphism": Low lands prone to flood.

Water, Energy and Fisheries

Reduction of groundwater: reserve of water resources, springs, irrigation of agricultural crops and extinction of some watercourses with lower flow; Decrease in flow

rates: low production and distribution to the population, with a higher incidence in the soil for agricultural production and the agro-livestock sector; Higher mortality and

immigration index of species (Fauna and Flora); High precipitation, increased flow, flood, natural disaster; Decreased Water Quality: increase of microorganism in

surface waters; High cost of water treatment; Reduction of hydroelectric energy production; Reduction of residential energy consumption; Reducing energy consumption

in small industries; Decreased productivity of small industries; Degradation of biodiversity due to diversion of sea currents; 50% reduction in artisanal fishing

production; Decrease of discharges of the Niger River into the Atlantic Ocean; Fishing activity (reduction of fishing effort); The displacement of fishermen's houses in

their respective communities due to invasion of the sea; Increase of 0.55 meters of sea level.

Seaside Resort

Economic losses: An increase of 0.13m to 0.43m (SRES B1) could affect about 15% to 20% of the houses in Praia Melão, affect hotel infrastructures and restaurants, and

housing on the coast in the same proportion and about 35% to 45% of the facilities of the main port of S. Tomé; Habitat loss: An elevation of 0.13m to 0.43m (SRES B1)

could cause about 40-50% of the corals in the blue lagoon area to be destroyed, from 25% to 30% of the endemic species live in mangroves, from 25% to 35% of

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mangroves and migration from 30% to 45% of sea turtles; Flooding of coastal towns: Sea level rise of 0.13m to 0.43m (SRES B1) will reach 30% of Malanza coastal

dwellings, 35% of Santa Catarina and 40% of Ribeira Afonso, the beach of Agua Izé and the Bay of Santo António; Coastal erosion: sea level rise of 0.13m to 0.43m

(SRES B1) may cover about 30% of Diogo Nunes beach, 20% of dove beach, 10% of coastal roads Lagarto, Neves, Ribeira Afonso, Santa Catarina, etc.) and 15% of the

houses on the Lochinga beach; Flooding of the river banks due to floods and floods: an abnormal rise in the water level of the rivers (Afonso river, Papagaio) between

0.25-0.40 m, about 25% to 40% of houses are completely flooded and lost / dragged assets.

Population, Health and Education

• Poverty: - The incidence of poverty – 66,2%; Incidence of extreme poverty - 11.5; Intensity of extreme poverty - 14%; Depth of poverty – 24,8%; GINI Index – 32,9%.

• Migration: - More than 60% of the population is concentrated in only two of the country's seven administrative areas, which represent only 13.8% of the national

territory: the Água Grande and Mé-Zóchi districts. • Changing habits and eating habits: Decreased consumption of bananas, matabala, cassava, and other local products.

• Malnutrition: Decreased intake of animal and plant protein by the population

• Respiratory, epidermal and vision disorders: Increased incidence of respiratory diseases or acute respiratory infections affecting mainly children in the Autonomous

Region of Prince and District of Lemba.

• Increased cases of diseases such as malaria, cholera, diarrheal diseases and others.

• School failure: Decrease in the net enrollment rate in primary education; increased dropout rate; increased repetition rate in primary education; decrease in the rate of permanence in basic education

• The degradation of school infrastructure: Increase in the number of schools at risk; increase in the number of classrooms at risk.

• Low level of information and training: Existence of a significant proportion of education professionals without adequate training; lack of teacher guides or guidance


• The time horizons used in the projections took into account scenarios based on the Global Circulation Models (GCM). The 2040-2060 horizon was retained. • The year 2005 was chosen because it is the year in which the data available for the different sectors guarantee a careful analysis of their vulnerabilities.

• Adaptation measures (see annexes, Table 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6) and the bodies responsible for forecasting, monitoring and resilience were also identified in the expert



The inclusion of the mitigation chapter in the SNA is new to ICN and represents an effort by the authorities and the team of national experts to improve each national

communication that is submitted to the parties taking into account the data quality aspects , as regards veracity, control and transparency (QA / QC).

In fact, the seizure capacity of S. Tomé and Príncipe increased between the ICN and the SCN.

The country's engagement as a "non-Annex I" stems from the clear awareness that climate change has an effect on the global scale.

The main mitigation measures are:

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• Construction of hydroelectric plants

• Construction of solar and wind farm

• Efficient exploitation, through appropriate management techniques, of potential agroforestry lands;

• Reforestation, through the application of agroforestry techniques, of the wooded forest areas;

• Introduction of furnaces for the production of improved coal and stoves, and monitoring of wood-fuel consumption;

• Efficient exploration, through appropriate techniques of handling farmland; • Composting to the detriment of burning of agricultural waste;

• Promotion of sustainable agricultural and livestock practices in land use;

• Elaboration of a Master Plan of Urbanism

• Construction of the landfill with recovery of natural gas (if there is a quantity of garbage that justifies the emission of gas and then it is transformed into electricity)

• Composting (domestic and community) of organic waste accompanied by training and awareness of the population.

• Awareness and information of the population on the recycling and reuse of waste.

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4.1. Budget Plan provided in Excel sheet

Please provide a breakdown of cost estimates and implementation schedule analysed according to the activities suggested in Section 2. Please feel free to replicate this table on Excel spreadsheet if needed.

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4.2. Procurement Plan

For goods, services, and consultancies to be procured, please list the items, descriptions in relation to the activities in section 2, estimated cost, procurement method, relevant threshold, and the estimated dates. Please include the procurement plan for at least the first tranche of disbursement requested below. Also, please feel free to replicate this table on Excel spreadsheet if needed.





THRESHOLDS (Min-Max monetary value for which indicated procurement

method must be used)




Goods and Non-Consulting Services

e.g. Open tender

e.g. Shopping

e.g. Direct Procurement


Consultancy Services



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4.3. Disbursement schedule

Specify the proposed schedule for requesting disbursements from the GCF, including amounts and periodicity. For amounts requested, keep to multiples of USD 5,000, and for periodicity, specify whether it’s quarterly, bi-annually or annually only.

It is proposed that disbursements are made to the Delivery Partner in three tranches:

1st Tranche: 40% of total grant, which equates to USD 120,000 (one hundred and twenty thousand US Dollars) only will be disbursed upon or after effectiveness of the Grant Agreement and also upon fulfilment of the disbursement conditions specified in the Grant Agreement and Standard Conditions.

2nd Tranche: 40% of total grant, which equates to USD 120,000 (one hundred and twenty thousand US Dollars) only, will be transferred (provided that at least 70% of the 1st Tranche has been incurred) upon submission of an interim progress report and Certified Financial Report, and also upon fulfilment of the disbursement conditions specified in the Grant Agreement and Standard Conditions.

Final Tranche: 20% of total grant, which equates to USD 60,000 (sixty thousand US Dollars) only, will be transferred upon submission of a project completion report and final Audit Report. Submission of a completion and audit report will be furnished no later than three (3) months after the completion of the Readiness Support.

4.4. Additional information

This box provides an opportunity to include further explanations related to the budget, procurement plan and disbursement schedule, including any details on the assumptions to justify costs presented in the budget.

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SECTION 5: IMPLEMENTATION ARRANGEMENTS AND OTHER INFORMATION 5.1. Please attach an “implementation map” or describe how funds will be managed by the NDA/FP or

delivery partner If the entity implementing the readiness support is not an accredited entity of the GCF, please complete the Financial Management Capacity Assessment (FMCA) questionnaireand submit it with this proposal.

• The Project Management Fiduciary Agency (PMFA) will make available a resource person / facilitator to coordinate and supervise project implementation. This person will work and interact closely with Designated National Aurority (NDA)

As PMFA will receive and manage the funds on behalf of NDA, ensure technical and financial reporting that will be transmitted to NDA and Green Climate Fund (GCF) secretariat, supervise work of the coordinator consultant, provide technical and strategic guidance in project implementation including financial accounting in accordance to required procedures

NDA is main beneficiary of this project and will provide necessary support for project implementation. The NDA will facilitate planning and implementation of approved activities, inter sectorial collaboration between the various technical ministries and other institutional requirements to enhance project delivery

A small coordination unit will be put in place comprising NDA and PMFA to oversee project implementation. This unit will comprise the NDA and project focal person from ministry, PMFA and project coordinator consultant. Members will meet every two months to discuss progress and any eventual modifications in planned activities including other management and institutional backstopping required to ensure project delivery



CoordinationUnit NDA + AFAP

NDASecretariat +

Coordination consultant

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5.2. Other relevant information

This box provides an opportunity to include any important information you wish to bring to the attention of the GCF Secretariat, but did not have an opportunity to provide in the sections above.