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  • 7/25/2019 rpp2.doc




    Sekolah : SMK HARAPAN

    Kelas/Semester : XI/1

    Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa InggrisProgram Keahlian : Semua Program Keahlian

    Keterampilan : Menulis

    Alokasi aktu : ! " #$ menit %1 pertemuan&

    I. Standar Kompetensi1' Berkomunikasi (engan Bahasa Inggris setara Level Novice

    II. Kompetensi Dasar1') Menuliskan un(angan se(erhana

    III. Indikator:a. Koniti!

    Sis*a mampu mengenali ragam +entuk un(angan se(erhana ,ang

    sering (itemukan (alam kehi(upan'

    Sis*a mampu men,usun se+uah +entuk un(angan se(erhana

    ". A!ekti!Perilaku Berkarakter

    Mampu +ertata karma saat +erkomunikasi

    Menja(i pen(engar ,ang +aik

    Mematuhi aturan saat +erinteraksiKetrampilan sosial

    Mampu +erkerjasama

    memiliki rasa per-a,a (iri saat +erkomunikasi

    I#. $%&%an Pem"e'a&aran:a. Koniti!:

    Mampu menjelaskan +entuk.+entuk un(angan se(erhana (an mampu

    mem+uat (alam +entuk ,ang +erterima (alam kehi(upan sehari.hari'

    ". A!ekti!Pa(a akhir pem+elajaran (iharapkan sis*a mampu +erkomunikasi se-ara

    +enar (an +erterima (alam kehi(upan sehari.hari' Selain itu sis*a juga

    (iharapkan mampu memupuk rasa per-a,a (iri (alam +erkomunikasi (an

    mampu +ekerjasama serta saling menghargai satu sama lain'

    #. Materi A&ar:In0itation letter

    . $e


  • 7/25/2019 rpp2.doc


    It -onsists o three lines' 2he 3rst line -ontains ,our

    a((ress' 2he se-on( one is the name o ,our to*n an( postal

    -o(e %i there is one&' 2he thir( sho*s the (ate' 2he most

    -ommon *ritten (ate is month (a, ,ear'

    +. $e Sa'%tation

    It greets the rea(er' 2he usual orm is the *or( 4(ear5

    ollo*e( +, the person name *ho is a((resse( to' 2here is a

    -omma ater the salutation'

    ,. $e Bod-

    2he +o(, is the real letter itsel' In a -ommon personal

    letter the 3rst line is in(ente(' 2he e"ample -an +e seen on

    the letter a+o0e'

    . $e C'osin

    I the -losing -onsists o more than one *or( onl, the

    3rst *or( o the -losing is -apitali6e('/. $e Sinat%re

    2he signature is +elo* the -losing *hether the letter is t,pe(

    or han(.*ritten' It shoul( not trail o7 the spa-e o the right margin'

    #I. Mode' dan Metode Pem"e'a&arana' Presentasi+' 2an,a ja*a+-' 8atihan

    #II. Keiatan Pem"e'a&aranA' Kegiatan A*al %19 menit&

    1' Apresiasi



    A+sensi sis*a

    !' Moti0asi

    uru mem+erikan konteks (imana sis*a akan mengha(api +entuk.

    +entuk teks (alam kehi(upan sehari.hari'B' Kegiatan Inti %#$ menit&

    1. Eksplorasi

    uru mem+erikan se+uah -ontoh invitation letter

    2. Elaborasi

    uru men(iskripsikan pola.pola in0itation letter'

    uru mem+erikan latihan (engan question answer execise'

    uru mem+erikan se+uah in0itation letter (an meminta sis*a untuk

    menganalisis un(angan terse+ut +er(asarkan pola ,ang telah

    (ipelajari'3. Konfrmasi

    uru meminta sis*a untuk meren-anakan se+uah pesta (an

    menuliskan surat un(angan untuk pesta terse+ut'

    uru melakukan re0ie* terha(ap +e+erapa pekerjaan sis*a

    ;' Kegiatan Akhir %!9 menit&Reeksi

    uru menilai hasil kerja sis*a (an menan,akan kesulitan ,ang

    (iha(api sis*a

    uru mem+erikan penjelasan ulang jika masih a(a kesulitan ,ang


  • 7/25/2019 rpp2.doc


    #III. A'at0 Baan0 S%m"er Be'a&ar.

    Alat/ Bahan : 8;

  • 7/25/2019 rpp2.doc


    X. Materi pembelajaran

    Activity 1. Look at the example of the invitation bellow. Discuss the pattern with your


    Activity . Look at the pattern of invitation letter bellow. Then, discuss it with your friend.

    1. !he "eadin#

    It consists of three lines. The first line contains youraddress. The second one is the name of your town and postal

    code (if there is one). The third shows the date. The most

    common written date is month day, year.

    . !he $alutation

    It greets the reader. The usual form is the word dear

    followed by the person name who is addressed to. There is a

    comma after the salutation.

  • 7/25/2019 rpp2.doc


    %. !he &ody

    The body is the real letter itself. In a common personal

    letter, the first line is indented. The e!ample can be seen on

    the letter above.

    '. !he (losin#

    If the closing consists of more than one word, only the

    first word of the closing is capitali"ed.

    ). !he $i#nature

    The signature is below the closing whether the letter is typed

    or hand#written. It should not trail off the space of the right


  • 7/25/2019 rpp2.doc


    A9tiit- ' Read tis initation 'etter and ans;er te