T>»« traUis •.■Jli*;:. ieath of 1955 fn ; ^ggic Valley occur- Tti Oct. 26 <u a re- ittlt of accident H P iQ iB Oct. ii in Twtn FalU' cowty. m I Rivals C] fStraw Mei ^Blanks!’! .................. • Br United Prm FcrmliiioTnrecpresaed-by-Wahtfs-r *i Indicated that the state a 1966 ^ I "straw man" who went forth Snition was •■blanks." Democr S Churth said at Preston thnt ^ "likes nothing better than 1 I !. «id then bravely proceed to beat inded at Twin Falls t h a t --------- lurth. ; . has nothinK [ blank* In this campaiRn, IUM it is obvious to Ida- ...... uu be had no ammunition ^ •lart with." imjtf Sen. aUn H. Tiylor. « . indepeodenl c*n(Jkl»U for l •. i huflwl *ordi i t boUi jitSi Uld Welker. He lo*l Uie ^ U e oomlasUon to Church t . m t8i« b Uie AUS. M primiry. -■ ■ niior »1<1 Church, b j “obatnici. frtiT *r(6rt lo obUSn ■ recou ItU eonrtneeil Uiouuruli ^ ToWn prlniry <lee> fjffcr.v ivai cotnpt* [Ithured Welker *lUi eonduci- •ntirc»np*Ifn''kfaliut him In tb* IBM u m p t l t n *nd u l d P |P 3 .l>U»tecot as b«d-u teiudly lUaj 10 elecUon." tntb mtd« hU "<tri» m u" ;oiBtKtln(t Welker In accui- yLSS tbtKUtor of lltUe beUer Uiui «it< eCforla b) frighten the a n loto roUnc for. him by tha j n r f v n m ^ n t tneUiod." iuch nSd ht had *\wst mkln* (d Uiat Dothlni ihoulil be per* ted lo loterfrre wlUi Jrriratora* 1 rlihU to th* UM or Idftho I htn alvayi pledged myseK to M cny rirer derelopment, Ibtrpubllecrprirfte.Uiatwould I UT Uve«t (o the fum en’ act* Idaho waUr ^ h t* uH (ilei¥lUv»{ed^!HeU*c«nr feffl. , Atr ttld’Ohtuth.vu flrlnf iia2ul*bMRriue<llofte«Uie taet.*' iH H I n.RcMrt z. Smylle, campalsn* •l.-i fer Ibi n*publlc*n party. «ld ftiUfy U«t Idaho would flw ,®* iSa«U,El4enhou'Pr 'a hou*ms ^ 52“ In Uie Not. 8 election “ *• »the Indent “h« been IHU Uie aiate'a population waa o HO' i{D( (uier Uian U hid alnce .ntt* and buylns dollan had Hied, tsd Uie itaU had aecured VTdopBtnt prosram tor the U tlitr “Uiat will keep our /\ tr rlxhti ttfe and produee kilo- ^ U of po»'tr for Induatrial Ith.- ,.By 1 tp. RiBier Budse. n.. Ida., run- Idaho h t for rKltellon, told a Jerome « « ' *nd i « » U»t nitht lhat "Uie family « « « ‘Or 1U w* ody belns preserved, but « « “SI'S ^e’s Relapse iS A More an umor Denied TV ^ low normi By Chief Aide inS»£ * ^ d T O N . Oel. 28 H\-I>re*s The row ^ J»me* C. Haserly 'today tween Mo W u “Uie moil amaiinsdoc* »lt«r fl»* 9l of Ultthood U ut I have ever by rain. » Rport by ColumiiUt Drew „ * "*o* *0 lhal Preildent El«nhower f; “> ndi'mlldrflapaeonhljwest- Moe^i.Inr ca&QiiSi trip'* AflhtQCi so Wtjf r td It ii •■ab.vjlulely and ^ s ^ ”r„ . ‘: r . n ^ s G ovei « wp Hajeny told I'eporlera -ni ^SMlKUMiotionhUown, e ® S i . W *^Uns for qa«Uon* at hli L S « wafetenst, »ald he Z ^ ? l S r a copy ot the Pearaon col- for many c ^ fof publication Saturday. Red Croa W j latd Him on one p « e Tho boyi Ijs-! . >nlMtalemenla of -nent alwa “^ in o n e ie n ltn M . Hascrty oper»l« wH *tui he called Uie mla- »t*t« aervi 006 by one. . UonadMls ^Identified as ______^ ^-Hali Resident „ ,, „ Tuesday */ail time' l r . wi “’ .‘ UNITED '•4 ««-nr '' found by K balled the mcK.=. flldiu , , n«d Cro« ’ la hll t lf killed white imot ** «lth«r and blood s. oil a *«axwnd imiU town itaouUni f( \ fic JfT fr r~ ^ iu ' ' > .M ___1 ^ A Regional N ti OUklil OI> Cant7 Mi«it>ip<r lO C harge K en” and (, inT ^lks^^ ■eat )^»-politicaKcflndldat€8-lft9t-------------- 156 election campaign Im - )rth into battle where'the “If Ca locratic senate candidate major ai lat Sen. Herman Welker, naive to an to conjure up a straw speech p eat him to death.” Welker would lil --------------------------------- * Republicans We 1 ifl ; 'it® * '. >oal M ptriona laelodlns Sevubllean coiml i Sen. vmun T. KnowUsd. ceoUr. The Leden ball -and addreaaed • rally Friday Hmbw BbJi:*. laft. tad 8ea. lUraun W low Plows, Bm lander Used On Highway . O J A Rurvi By Thi AwoeUtcd Preaa near Burl 10 hlshway deparunent eand- , f hII nd anow plows wire oul In pe for tha first tlm* In the aea- Thursday riday on the heel* of %seneral fiaid he c lortn. W(>)k(>r b department reported danser- Vf rlrlns In aome P*rU of eaalem ‘'‘Oney ^0 . Roada wer* wet throushout propriatcc ate. ---------------- e anow wa-i expected over the » end. and the weaUief bureau A I h a i emperaUirea would be fw be- ormal. deparUneni reported three K | I or anow In the Cr»ters of ■*-*' {oon area, with roadd allck. vnnnjA road waa muddy and aliei be- ,„1, Mounuin Home and Dixie „ u ‘*J .1 ww floor eoTered much of u. in upper Snake river valley. ^Inn sot fire Inches'of anow. X sot four Itwhea. Wbanian e, ; _________________ factory hn< . - demonxlratli i^ernor Lauds ‘'"^;iour^e Blood Programs SB. Oct. Sfl nn-Oor. Robert demowlratli lylle today commended the Report or can Red Cross blood donora' oostraUons : im aa one lhat has done much from the tli iny over a tons period of yearx. Uon bordere lie's remarks came al Uie aad the Adr IS or a reslonal conference or roa blood program workers. sovemor noted sUle sovem- always ha« been wllllns to co- VERNON, e with the program and many publlcans^foi servants had made contrlbu- headquarUn Surlna dr**lng» In the rtale-: the alrtel. I rokinda, '___________________Saenhowef NEWS BULLE By The Aasoclated Preti Usht Ka’ilK Umt tndi Ssfiday (ar ab«al . la (be NnUieMt. Other seeUuu ef lb* e Ume" durini lhe summer went back la a lieM arts* hare a pepaUUoo ef aboat IS NNA. Oct. aj tn -p rm r Qroh, Auitrian b Ouulan tanks had deserted to Uie Hunsar uUd this added to the coofusloo, because boi lg the same uniform. TED NATIONS. N. Y., Oct. J# (IB—Pretli lha esUbllsbraent e( (be InUnaUonal ato d'lI.MO poDBda ef nuciear material to It li Uh denaUan* ef naslesabU maUrUl (rom ECELSDORP.-'AusUo-HunsarUn PronUer. O :rou ambulance, driven by an elderly doc imock. cfaued Into Austria tonlsht pleadln ood pluma. The docU>r said there had be< lown-MasraroTvar-when Russian aoldlen m for “Xrtedom for Hunfiry." 1 I Newspaper Scrriox ^ T\vi: lOLa Cnowlai Steveni EI/O If Candidate Slcven.<ion is not awai or agreement with non-Communisi ‘e to be President," asserted Sen. :ch prepared for delivery at the Id Id like nolhing'1)ctlcr than for ua * * * * * W c l c o m e K iiow lani ' ■■ ___ 'V^'. • ceimlr candidate* turned esI a( JesUi. I . The CAUtomU RepublluB was a luoch ■riday ftftcrsoen In tha Idaho theater. Wi an Welker, (8lafr pheto.tBiraTlnsi urley Survey( Federal Pri survey of nURgested sites for a fed< Burley hasTbeen made by A. H. Co; f the federal bureau of prisons. Ct sday after spending three days in he came to Idaho nt the suggest ,cf, a member of the senate subcc ■y for the two new federal penal riatcd durlns the last session ol ---------------------------------------W e lk e r b a n ia M a y 5".?^ Tfc Tfc I Conner. 1 B e m R ev o lt NNA. Ocl. as (W-Larse.scale three DOJ Uwslan demonatraUons h a v e .- — ^ - pUce In a Soviet-controlled ™ ®,'* y In the RuMinn satellite eoun- plaCCS In Albania, well-informed sources ing COnsi oday. , The aen sources snld workers In a l&rse Idaho Collt lan chrome, copper and oil Rt, Albion i y hnd organised a prote.il under cona: ulrstlon asalnat ‘‘hunser sal- ^.Quid In Albania. maximum ; soureea sa'd "many" demon* rs were arresUd by police but * lad no fui'ther detalU on Uie I''" Drt or Uie anU-RujuIsn dem- , f. ' Uons In Albania was the first lhe tiny Isolated SAlelllle na. I^nal sell ordered by Yusoslavla. Greece two new pr le AdrlaUc. ' bureau of i , - senator sU OFFICE OrESS ^ JlOK, T « .. Ocl. H IIV-IU- ins^for Stevenson opened Ihelr jarUre Uat nisht. rlsht acrott mlwfone" rtel from th* DemocraU for lower office. LETINS I fc i I Maslc Vl Pren trans ot Wi ab«al iO tnllUon Atscrlcans. ntcUon vil lb* eeimlry which had used Same planr I la iUwdard tlm* a nooUi weit AbC usi )Qt IS ntlUleo. announced Isn businessman, said today Armsa, ^ua unsarlan rebels In Budspest rscks said ise both sides vere frequently are belns ■ the veteran] promolen. -Pretldent Efseahower today _ al atomic eoersy aseney. Ue e It ImmedUUly aod offerMl (rem other eonatries. S018E, C partment o ier. Oct. 28 tIV-A Hunssrian wheat sUick ly doctor In a blood-stained asehousea li leadlns for bandases. serums to 33465.001 ad been "a maasacre".ln hls less Uian Ui ildlen tired on demoottrator* bul five pei far tvtni ] T rV vl^lil FALL rWIN FALLS, IDAHO, FRIDAY, ( fm ind^las ison s P 3€aE53( aware of the Russian rccord of I jnist imlions it has made in the pa Sen. William F. Knowland. R., CnI e Idnh#^ theater in Twin Falls Fridn • us to stop our testing of atomic ' * * * * provision in d to T .F . NOW Ihl •' ' • our partle ' Iln* lo Ul. obJecUve- ' atomic we ' In repudls iiB *l ■ ’. I Sen. W I ported w ' cUy th a t ^ Salmon, and Mn. I Uuvt’s W l I always b< he v; I ' sanln to i senle* 1^1 elKtlon." Knowlan of Uis Kt social sect of Uli fed benfflla. ui ralnlstnUo *4. vmn Bcmisrlu Stfaurer i the Democ “Are the than they ■'Wuone* O r could II rlsht la llll, field Friday »om la« ie oUier?- uocheoo suett at the Amer* At a lui r, Weleomlos him ar* Idah* Lesion h»l srea party. -----------------------;------------------- dldaUa "I 1 U vlUlly Ir yed as y may be so e or Idaho d nson bite si'ss federal maximum prison or ute mos . Conner, associate direc* senate men I. Conner left for Seattle “ hJ' s in the Burley area. He gestion of Sen. Herman ore„) and ubcommitlee on prisons, tum'ed to \ tnal institutions was ap* ai senator n of eongrcss. Senator kwwUr ker in Twin Falla on sday night said he did lake the. survey trip with u imporui er. He said he previously be p*per*u sent a man to Burley to Referrins ! a survey and two cr »ho. ainoi ! possible sites were rec* tended. He said other i„ ^th^ , s in Idaho also wera be* who commi lonsidered. ■ hUcoiiea«i icnaUjr said the SouUitm Colleje or EduciUon bulldlnsi «uose, lion were net amanc the tiles Spesklns conalderaUon. since the build- flelt Kould nol be sulUble for a ^ ium security prison. ker said he did not know what u e u ’that P m would be m ^ e on the lo- opposed to and other C iftve done my best; now It is opposed his Ir hands." he said. "We need ll selecUon of locaUons for the caa consre :w prisons wlll'be made by the caury oul I of prison commlisloners. the sr*m,"*ald r sUted. Exact specifications /<«■ 0 be met by an area before It cted. Horrn; ukUis OiB aelecUon the com- «rs Uke into conalderaUon .0..- ^ P „ . s. c i.„ s s ---------------------------- Idaho durii erans Have No -"'S'".". eup With Event kj Valley btrw ela SOO. Vet* 1 U I . it world War I, has no con* -*-V J-a 1 «llh a donXty baseball planned here by the North. knCusement company, i t was : JHclS^t^iee, and-wmiaii^ Ins »old for the'event, but The asri< erans have no Ueup with Uie « id yeaUn - conUacted ---------------------------- out of win: UOLDINCa CITED the 1MS*57 JE, Oct. 38 on-Hie U. 6. d<* {5?? ,i” , M « wrlcuium uM tod., 8U)cks on farms and In stor* innounced isea In Idaho a« of Oct. 1 came Jion dcSim SS.OCO bushels, two per eent frosen turki an the holdlnss of a year aeo elfsrV t» bc e per cent more Uian Uii lt>* ert for Uul vertit. - r <nu: « || m Y. OCTOBER 26, 1956 m sts R( i’lan I 3 riss— )f having broken every VIENN ; past 25 years, he is too revolution CnIif., in the text of a of Hunga riday. "The Soviet Union reports sa lie weapons without any tal city of !ion for inspection to on Ihcir activities," he O —, lucd. nno lhat th* leader of one of irtles Is followlns a parsllel I Uist of lhe Soviet Union's IJ ve—slopplns U. 8. teallns of trnpom, Knowland stAted. ust stand wlUi the Prrsldeiil w i,„,r In udlallns lhe effort of Bul- bii^kei of s ’roxy Idahoan I bul trsveler I. William P. KnowUnd re* ruler Wmak d while In Twin FalU Pil* hat hU wlte-s moUier. Mrt. le Mae Davis, wss bom In on, lhe daushur of Mr. 2'’? '’ *,'1'*^ Mn. Kaleb DstIs. -Maybe P'lrffcW I why lhe Knowland* hare Between 1 rs been InlereeUd In Idaho," Ided. Minidoka Ci Imost of Till '■“ J""' While ano' to eaiit. In effect. UiU 'ab- i„ the lowei W lof In our Presldentui pridty and : fiand hailed th* compleUon ^ Korean war, the extended I ’ g\ security eorerase. balsnclns V j* O federal "budset, reducUon of riflns employment and oUier a under the Clsenhower ad- ■aUon. •!' nhower and NUon have work- ither for three and one-half ■Xfinrlr \ u > team,- said Knowland. •I m Ohelr eooperaUon wllh industrial Mt«.inBd*i}y-etevens<m and oi-Comme er Ibout uch other befort 14*10? 'Ca mocrtUe national convenUon. M iAufaet't Uiey any more 'rlshV now lit, .tr! aa,.- htaikrf. jppevoo. newnsandtheoUitfflshtr ttnns wil Id It be thsl they w t» both points wer In their eeUmaW of each (jgy night luncheon at th# American chairm an hsil. KnowUnd told Uie 300 ing the sc rty members and c6unty can- trial firm: "I know Uial Uie President chamber ly Inleresud In the reelccUon hnm o . Herman Welter.’ The Re- 'cnmf n majority In thenext senate so close Uiat what Uie people g 'd ^ n M I^ 10 do on elecUon day could in prU AuencewhtUier we even have uuir. at Ui parUclpaUns dded lhat "Welker Was one irlbuu free i most. If not Uia most, acUve such aa hoU membert In Uie defeat or Uie becued turki anyon blU. That Imub eould drinks, pened If our nelshbor to The purpoi it (Sen. Wsyne Morse. D . ctU the put ind oUiers like him are re* In Uie valley to the nenate and men such In hnnd wit itor WeUerare not.- new sroups. lUnd predicted an “over- ns- reelecUon for Elsenhower (00. addins Uiat “Uie major* he house and teoate. equaUy "£i„“ S I J li. tins to Rep. Hamer Budse. Jnof WlUl Oor. Robert. E. iT „ ^ i.T w u present at the luncheon. H U IiI 13 .n.ds*ldhe"kaow«ornoman rn 1 er Ul* hotis* or the senate I rnni mmands more respect amons , “ et«uu and oUiers acquslnted Tn , m lhan Idahp’s BepcesenU* A U-lo of ( tins st a press conrerence at ruined three fleld ShorUy after his ar* Thursdsy wl I Twin Palls. KnowUnd re- pickup truck narse* made recenUy by Paul overturned o n In a recent msstxlne ar* three miles « at President EUenhower was was Injured. . to the reelecUon of Welker Clyde Ooc er OOP lawmakers who have pickup, and his policies. . Yuba CUy. C leed all our present Republl* ahan. Ma^si isressmen, plus seveJiiI more Ins from a i - out the admlnlstraUon pro- vada souUi laid KnowUnd. “When 1 seek obtained Uir r Uie admlnUtraUon as sen- anUers. and only leader, I cerulnly don't ‘ TTie deer i orfman." of the picku Und added. In- answer lo a Jeep. The J( 1. Uial Uiere U "absolutely no loose srtvel mce In the fact Uiat Uie lose control i It U not scheduled to stop In to the plekui lurins hU nsUonwlde cam* and to the J t trips. There wUl be many Uie three b i» cannot visit, chiefly be* The acclden u«»»<»» r m I. » Sheriff Jamt L.7 Millions Givi Under Paymei UNGTONr—O ct—*«—iW -= g J -mllHoir 1 have received I0I.7 million producla In ■n “soil bank“ payments from The soil I emment so far thU year. all crops U iSrioullure.. department also thla year un Ilerday wheat growers have new prosraj led lo Uke 10 million aaea pr^ucUon. wlnUr wheat producUon In T h e 101.7 1*57 season. Thla woultj net to farmers I: .>7 mlUlon dollara In soil IS. was S3 m lymtnU n u t year. Uie previous other, move, th* department mUllon dblls Kd Ul* purchase of 7.1 mU* Iowa ran llara worth of hamburter, amount^SJ wkeys, esst and lard In an fanaeta wen » boost pnow-piLSd te {ana? Uoa .tisUatt.; Nina Iciigat^ I^aho Counties W m lxr «t ADdIt Bu>t»a ____________________ At>o»l.l*l rm . »i.« III IF HU I ievolutio Fight tc :NNA, Oct. 26 (U.R)—Rebel forccs i tionnry regime and battled to oust ingarian nrmy elements, Soviet dc: s said heavy mortar and tank firin y of Budape.st, where the revolt stai low Blankets,] Part^of Magic er Isn't creeplns up on Masle Valley UiU ) . of snow has fallen In the northern part i on Uie sround. Forest service at Hailey reporU a foot of s: .velers over the summit claim the forest ' make lu meaauremenU. There was a foot o nd snow h u been falllns sUadlly since the ium, at noon Priday. had four Inches of ti had Uiree Inches, palrfleld reported two li nd between four and five Inches In the I d Friday mornlns. cutUns down th* snow cen Men and Oretnwood alons the ntw ellon work has been converted Into a “sea i to County Sheriff Theo Johnson and Depi : Tliursday nisht pulHns motorists from U ! anow has been falllns In the north countr lower reslona Twin Palls reported M Inc and Rupert reported JS Inch, of C. Tribute I For Local Ii ric Valley citirens will have the opf rial output of the area at Ti nmerce Agrlculttirsl ^Wlslon uTut 'CaJled thiy**Atf>^Pr^r A lrlaltd faeturing fair, the .Aent will' be voo. Many valley A nns processfnj -will havf’booths-to dispky the were reviewed at the division’s regt ight. Arlon Bastlun is : nan of the affair. Dur- le same time, all Indus- flU C irms are asked by the .- t , ►er to hold an open VxCtl Commercial division of Uie T T\C r U cooperaUns In Uie event JjJLIjJ kilns "Miveral hundred dol- I prizes lo be slven lo spec- 'willUm h It th* fair.' In addlUon, the beriy, died a laUns firms will also dls- ujshosnlUI free Mmplea of their product, injunes recel hoWoss. fried chicken. U r* Vwln Pall turkey. Ice cream aad soft lurpose of Uie show U to edu- hllrhwav*M** * public of lh* Induatry now ,»,! >j ■alley and how It works hand S ' I'i 1 « a .irlcuiua. m a bvm. “ ?> " oups. It alao U deslsned U> He wu tJ new Indualry. ' Valley Memo Calhoun. re]>resenUUTi of hoeplUl Wed rrlew Grans*, u ld Uie (arm- Borii Aus. i livestock men are “deeply S orU us^fc lUve" of Uie project* »pon* y Ul* chamber and service U»«4 n F»t« I. C*liaia I) 'F |tn f itEj^edition &( ophies Ruined I lrala!mM u n Auto Mishap » I of CalifomU deer hunters Maslc Valle three trophies around noon Idaho, ISU ly when ISSS Studebaker Idaho, ISJS iruck stnick loose sravel and U led on the Salmon dam road Uet west or Roserton. No one nlM«. Hetp jred. ‘he * Ooodnlsht. driver or Uie ‘Irtrer i and Hershel Howard. boUi * membe: lly. Calif., and James Cam- ^u«h, arysrille, Calif, were return- Survlvins, 1 ft a week of hunUns In Ne- Mra. Bci lUUi or Jarbldse. They had °h« wn, Wl 1 Uiree bucks, each wlUi bis dw jft'er. Be and Uiree does. moUiV,' eer were loaded In the rear Kimberly; 11 pickup which was towlns a Broner. Oakl. he Jeep slid sideways In the er, air force, avel causlns Ooodnlsht to and Donald I trol and overturn. Damase and Robert J ilekup was oUmated at 4tOO »nd one tUl Uie Jeep a t S7B. AnUert on tTwIn PalU.! ee buck* were broken off. In deaUi In 1 cldent waa investlsated by \ Puneral w Jamts H. BeAham. ^ e Twin pal iven Farmers so lents for ‘Sou Bi inoiraom m i’firm^oi thesenlTS.siSinr » In the past flTe weeks. <^rado, 13 ul) bank pa]‘ments covered 8)3.01. p taken out or produoUon io». >28 ir under Uie administration's OMJil^7' 1 osram lo cut down aurplus iflM W it’tt Jon. . • rKraeui;' ;0l.7 mUllon doUar toUl. paid ers In 4J tUles throuih Oct. S3 mUllon doIUn nore than rloualy reported total.oT«U dWlan ttn u sli Otrt.. I* .». ,* T«SiL-.fi-fc wera tS^iuQgS ^ ' FII S; ■Eor .... .1 ClRB).liu.' I m o n F o rci 0 Oust I :es seized control of mo.st of Hung oust all Russian troops from the cc t deserters and a general worker; Hring continued in thc suburbs nm started as a protest demonstratior ............................................ .spread in iNorth l-l ttt n northeast 1 C Valley sfXi' ill* yrsr-ll's here. A heavy '.t^on'ln*' >art of Uie valley and much J|ty ot snow on Oslena summit real service U uslns a Ions ihelr mlllU 'oot on the summit Thuraday n»nort« e Uien, Uiey cUlm. . of tnow on Uie sround and .u wo inehea on the sround at mow*'ol}*Ui?«round" ntw stretch ot hlshway 15, •sea of mud“ by the rainfall. Deputy Eldon Hunter apent im the mud hole. jogg 3unU-y, rain h u been falllns more a'ound $ inch of rain up to 8 ajn. The toli a the turmoil ""7 ready h u U eSet, S' Soviet troop Industry J S opportunity to see tho Alw rTwin Falls Chamber aTute to indus^/Kov. on^%>i oltON Procenliii^ and <ai£ “dutt be M id a t^ h e lU d lo trucks; Jn 81 »fni(.iioducft-of;_IW their.’produdts. Tbiese we» roundi regular m eeting Thurs* wiui machit “But who ley Mishap stim Dies in )S Hospital m. LmII* Broner. 28. Kim* led at IJ ajn. Priday at Uie ' ----- iplUI In SaJtl.ake'Clty from T l^' a.1 recelred in a traffic accident 1 /631] PaUi county lut.Sunday, _ ironer w u faUtly injured i\C 1 when hU ISH Chryaler left U I J ' B3 about alx miles north ot __ tio-Nevada line, went off a p ,.1 ok and overturned. J.I.IJJ u transferred trom Maslc ammam CemorUl hospital to Uie LDS „ ? a Y ^l^ Wednesday. AUS. 38. 1830, In Slliom slnated. _Ark.^he came to Kimberly A paUee I T^n-mnw-nn <«/>• w .1 Inated In Pi raffle Death ?;• Score 1 )oard I in London^< U a comparison of tratfie porta, es u or UU* daU tor ISU Bashdat ' i}« tor Maslc Valley aad royal cablne 1enUre sUt«: "Uie kins U Valley, IBM__________ - 38 *nd • ereryth Valley, 1858.__________ 33 man." ISU ________________-IM An aasUts 1858 ----------- __.__JII French forel I told newsme: He spent tomT^ars In Korea m ^'elthw he war. Mr. Broner w u a taUs. irer and warehousemaji and ____ smber of Uie Hanaen BapUst _ . ins. In addlUon to hU vii- ^riV eri , Bcity OverUn Broner, are A r ot , William L. Broner; one -fUCi r. Belly Jean Broner. and oscar Au tiv,' Mrs. Flora Broner, lUl cited for tal y ;' live brothers. Raymond way toltowli Oakland. CaUf.; Pred Sron- Rpd MMn sl torce. Indian Sprlnst. Nev.. Aufderhelde lald Broner. Troy Lee Broner cherrolel i ert Joe Broner, all Kimberly, rome waad • ilaUr, Mrs. Nancy Smkth, Uie eolllsloi au. Hit father preceded him Clyde-Me 1In IBM. w u fined t al aervices ar*. pendbig at Twin Ptll* n paUs morttjary. yield Uie t. ~ . ----------- driver of a 30 F a r Bank’ P lan O M; Callforals. *305,i«.08: fdr Madi 0, 83,138,M U I; Idaho. 83II.* forecast i socUUd.l 8J847«478.«: Kansas. 81* 'App« 57; Minnesota, 83^I8,8MJ0; U S«r,r 1. *MU,0UA1V M o a ta a a . 't w S n r t iska. 8<.748488.T«; ggKM fINAL .] ) ITIO N PKICE 6 CENTS j IRY •; '.I ; ees; 1 Red lungnry today, set up a | lj lie country with tho help i j rkers strike. Diplomatic .j I 5 nnd center of thc capl- .; [ition Tuesday night and i; :1 into full-scale rebel* riic rebels look.over tha ; sliition in the city of ;olc in the-industrial * cast and broadiyjst re- ;J i demands to Commu- |j ‘rcmicr Imre Na<ry. i’. Sovtmmenl-conlroUed radio |] In me souUiem Industrial ‘5 : Pecs said Uie rebels bad , a "revoluUanary council'* ' surroundlns area to direct' i nlllUry campalsn. rU reachlns Viemia aaM ;il rian worker* Uiroushout th« '*P f lUrted a seneral strlki - ' jl hU mornlns. Hunsarlan rail- irkers were reported to bavt ! lie first lo Join the walkout. '. far, Uiere have been no' kc- i flsures on caaualUea. bu t i ;C3 have ransed up to more S.OOO killed and' ttaousasda ■ounded. 1 H toti scmed cerUIn to rlM In ; 19 -moll of ciTll war, which al* IU Uken srlm torrw ot mU- '‘Ifl UllAlory execuUons. ' ,11m ot Ul* UshUnt seemed -io ‘iU veen Uie'rebet foties and th i i{4 troopa who re^woded to the ;>9 [ovemment's appeal ioe belp line Uie rebellion. ifcf I eyewttaeaa who , reached jlM . frop Hunsatr aald the RUS- IW l^fcd a .“reign of terror" ^w ere rounded up aii^ cttot -iiji Jn 8 » u it the dtjr.eaAnred H ^them i^SBil .y >Undsd up c Q d . i i m ^ d o w n . j lachlnefuni. ., • • * where Uie rebek I W ttWT ■ uUileM tstlntt : tha .Sorlet I hare seen red Mldlea Soremment-controUed .ruUo t amnesty to eva ytim idio wn hU am a by 10 p.' n.' (5 S D tonlsbt. In Uie tatoft of i et surrender deadlines wtiieh t ir havi been Ignored bjr tha ath Report > I Jordanian j luler Demed | | :an, Jordan, Oct. 36 VTh-V^ t H Mlace today denied report* } [B ins nusMla'lud been asM - B Uce ofilclal said there vaa lul irid'ure Hpmrwhleh orig- fifi In Paris earlier In tAS <tsT. 1 H i Kins Hussain prtsenfly waa U nan palace. V - > H ously, Uie JordanUn en»as>7 I M lon ofncUliy denied thk ra-. K H dat Talhouni. chief o t\th e | fl iblnet In'Ammam. said Ibat ns U In the beat ot health |H erythlns 1* normal In iW * sUtant'spokesman at tba IH foreign office In Paris Had vsmen fUUy a ^ d d a y tb a t’ had been assasdnated. glT- Uier QualUlcaUons nor de- IH ^ers Cited for !■ rea’s Accidenffi H r Aufderhelde. Jenime, |H ir taUure ui yield the risht M ( I^ B Itowlng an accident at Birth iln street at 8 ajn. Thuiada^ held* v u driving a let and Vem Rulchlns, vaa drivlns a m i Bulck w be&^H illslon occurred. \ e-Metcalf, 280 Harrison ctrM d ned 81S and $3 cdsts Priday l i l ^ H ^ police court for- lallnre lhe rlsht ot vay. He m a of a im Studebaker lnvolT*«^H traffic accident Monday I street and Ninth arenue I Mask M t teoelval

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T>»« traUis • . ■ J l i * ; : . i e a t h o f 1955 fn

; ^ g g ic V a lley o c c u r - T ti O ct. 26 <u a r e - itt l t o f a c c id e n t

H P i Q i B Oct. i i in T w tn F a lU ' c o w ty .

mI Rivals C] fStraw Mei ^Blanks!’!

.................. • B r United P r mFcrmliiioTnrecpresaed-by-Wahtfs-r*i Indicated that the state a 1966 ^ I "straw man" who went forth Snition was •■blanks." Democr S Churth said at Preston thnt

^ "likes nothing better than 1I !. «id then bravely proceed to beat

inded at Twin Falls t h a t ---------lurth. ; . has nothinK [ blank* In this campaiRn,IUM it is obvious to Ida- ......uu be had no ammunition ^•lart with."imjtf Sen. aU n H. Tiylor. « .

indepeodenl c*n(Jkl»U for l •. i huflwl *ordi i t boUi jitSi Uld Welker. He lo*l Uie ^ U e oomlasUon to Church t . m t8i« b Uie AUS. M primiry. -■ ■niior »1<1 Church, b j “obatnici. frtiT *r(6rt lo obUSn ■ recou

ItU eonrtneeil Uiouuruli ^ ToWn prln iry <lee> f jf fc r.vivai cotnpt*[Ithured Welker *lUi eonduci- ■ •n tirc » n p * Ifn ''k fa liu t him In tb* IBM u m p tl tn *nd u ld P | P 3

.l>U»tecot as b«d-u te iud lylUaj 10 elecUon."tn tb mtd« hU "<tri» m u ";o iB tK tln (t Welker In accui- y L S StbtKUtor of lltUe beUer Uiui«it< eCforla b) frighten thea n loto roUnc for. him by thaj n r f v n m ^ n t tneUiod."iuch nSd h t had *\wst mkln*(d Uiat Dothlni ihoulil be per* ted lo loterfrre wlUi Jrriratora*1 rlihU to th* UM or Idftho

I h tn alvayi pledged myseK to M cny rirer derelopment, Ibtrpubllecrprirfte.Uiatwould I UT Uve«t (o the fu m e n ’

act* Idaho waUr ^ h t* u H ( ile i¥ lU v»{ed^!H eU *c«nr feffl. ,Atr t t l d ’ O h tu th .v u flrln fiia2u l*bM R riue< llofte«U ietae t.* ' i H H In.RcMrt z . Smylle, campalsn* • l . - ifer Ibi n*publlc*n party. « ldftiUfy U « t Idaho would f lw ,®*iSa«U,El4enhou'Pr 'a hou*ms ^52“ In Uie Not. 8 election “ *•» t h e I n d e n t “h « been

IHU Uie aiate'a population waa o H O ' i{D( (uier Uian U h id alnce .n tt* and buylns dollan had Hied, tsd Uie itaU had aecured VTdopBtnt prosram tor the U tlitr “Uiat will keep our / \ tr rlxhti ttfe and produee kilo- ^ U of po»'tr for Induatrial Ith.- ,.By 1tp. RiBier Budse. n .. Ida., run- Idaho h t for rKltellon, told a Jerome « « ' *nd i « » U»t nitht lhat "Uie family « « « ‘Or 1U w* ody belns preserved, bu t « «“SI'Se’s Relapse i S

A More an

umor DeniedTV ^ low normi

By Chief Aide inS»£* ^ d T O N . Oel. 28 H\-I>re*s The row ^ J»me* C. Haserly 'today tween Mo W u “Uie moil amaiinsdoc* »lt«r fl»* 9l of Ultthood U u t I have ever by rain.

» Rport by ColumiiUt Drew „ * "*o* *0 lhal Preildent El«nhower f ; “> nd i'm lld rflapaeonh ljw est- M oe^i.Inr ca&QiiSi trip'* AflhtQCi soWtjf r td It ii •■ab.vjlulely and ^ “

s ^ ” r „ . ‘: r . n ^ s G o v e i« wp Hajeny told I'eporlera -n i

^SMlKUMiotionhUown, e ® S i . W *^Uns for qa«Uon* a t h li L S « wafetenst, »ald he Z ^ ? l S r a

copy ot the Pearaon col- for many c

^ fof publication Saturday. Red C roa W j latd Him on one p « e Tho boyi I js - ! . >nlMtalemenla of -nent alwa “^ in o n e i e n l tn M . Hascrty oper»l« wH

* tu i he called Uie mla- »t*t« aervi 006 by one. . UonadMls

^Identified a s ______^

^ - H a l i R e s i d e n t „ ,, „

Tuesday * /a il time'

l r . wi “’ .‘ UNI TED '•4 ««-nr '' found by K balled the

m c K .= .flldiu , , n«d Cro«’ la hll t lf killed white imot** «lth«r and bloods. oil a *«axw nd imiU town

itaouUni f(



J f T f r r ~ ^

i u ' ' > ■ .M

___1 A Regional N ti

OUklil OI>Cant7 Mi«it>ip<r

l OC h a r g e K

e n ” a n d (,

i n T ^ l k s ^ ^■eat)^»-politicaKcflndldat€8-lft9t--------------156 election cam paign Im - ) rth into ba ttle w h e re 'th e “If Ca locratic senate candidate m ajor ai l a t Sen. H erm an W elker, naive to an to conjure up a s traw speech p ea t him to d ea th .” W elker would lil

--------------------------------- *

Republicans We

1 i f l

; ' i t ® * ' .

>oal M ptriona laelodlns Sevubllean coiml i Sen. v m u n T. K nowUsd. ceoUr. The Leden ball -and addreaaed • rally Friday Hmbw BbJi:*. laft. t a d 8ea. lU rau n W

low Plows, B m lander Used On Highway .

O J A RurviBy T h i AwoeUtcd Preaa n e a r B u r l 10 hlshway deparunent eand- , f h I I nd anow plows w ire oul In p efor tha first tlm* In the aea- T h u rs d a y riday on the heel* of % seneral fiaid h e c lortn. W(>)k(>r bdepartment reported danser- V f

rlrlns In aome P*rU of eaalem ‘' ‘Oney ^0 . Roada wer* wet throushout p ro p ria tc cate. ----------------e anow wa-i expected over the »end. and the weaUief bureau A I h a iemperaUirea would be fw be-ormal.

deparUneni reported three K |I or anow In the Cr»ters o f ■*-*' {oon area, w ith roadd allck. vnnn jA road waa muddy and a lie i be- ,„1, M ounuin Home and Dixie „u ‘*J


ww floor eoTered much of u . in upper Snake river valley.

^ In n so t fire Inches'of anow.X sot four Itwhea. Wbanian e,

; _________________ factory hn<. - demonxlratli

i^ernor Lauds ‘'" ;iour e Blood ProgramsSB. Oct. Sfl nn -O o r . Robert demowlratli lylle today commended the Report or can Red Cross blood donora' oostraUons : im aa one lhat has done much from the tli iny over a tons period of yearx. Uon bordere lie's remarks came a l Uie aad the Adr IS or a reslonal conference or — ro a blood program workers. sovemor noted sU le sovem-

always ha« been wllllns to co- VERNON, e with the program and many publlcans^foi servants had made contrlbu- headquarUn Surlna dr**lng» In th e rtale-: the alrtel. I rokinda, '___________________Saenhowef

N EW S BULLEBy T he Aasoclated Pre ti

Usht Ka’ilK U m t tn d i Ssfiday (ar ab«al . la (be NnUieMt. O ther seeUuu ef lb* e Ume" durini lhe summ er went back la a lieM arts* hare a pepaUUoo ef aboat IS

NNA. Oct. a j t n - p r m r Qroh, A uitrian b Ouulan tanks had deserted to Uie Hunsar uUd this added to the coofusloo, because boi lg the same uniform.

TED NATIONS. N. Y., Oct. J# (IB—Pretli lha esUbllsbraent e( (be InUnaUonal ato

d'lI.M O poDBda ef nuciear material to It li Uh denaUan* e f naslesabU maUrUl (rom

ECELSDORP.-'AusUo-HunsarUn PronUer. O :rou ambulance, driven by an elderly doc imock. cfaued Into Austria tonlsht pleadln ood p lum a. The docU>r said there had be< low n-M asraroT var-w hen Russian aoldlen m for “Xrtedom for H unfiry ."


I N ew sp ap er S c rr io x ^


lOLaCnowlai Steveni

— E I / OIf C and ida te Slcven.<ion is not awai or ag re e m e n t w ith non-Communisi ‘e to be P re s id en t," asserted Sen. :ch p re p a re d fo r delivery a t th e Id Id like n o lh ing '1 )c tlc r than fo r ua

* * * * *

W c l c o m e K i i o w l a n i

' ■■___ 'V '. • ••

ceim lr candidate* turned esI a( JesU i. I . The CAUtomU RepublluB was a luoch ■riday ftf tcrsoen In tha Idaho theater. Wi an W elker, (8 lafr pheto.tBiraTlnsi

urley Survey( Federal Pri

su rvey o f nURgested sites for a fed< B urley hasTbeen m ade by A. H . Co; f th e fe d e ra l bureau of prisons. Ct sday a f t e r spend ing three days in he cam e to Idaho n t the suggest ,cf, a m e m b e r of th e senate subcc ■y fo r th e tw o new federal penal riatcd d u r ln s th e last session ol ---------------------------------------W e lk e r

b a n i a M a y 5 " . ? ^Tfc • Tfc I Conner. 1B e m R e v o l t

NNA. Ocl. as (W -Larse.scale three DOJ Uwslan demonatraUons h a v e . - — ^ - pUce In a Soviet-controlled ™ ®,'*

y In the RuM inn satellite eoun- plaCCS In Albania, well-informed sources in g COnsi oday. , The aensources snld workers In a l&rse Idaho Collt lan chrome, copper and oil Rt, Albion i y hnd organised a prote.il under cona: u lrstlon a sa ln a t ‘‘hunser sal- .Quid In Albania. maximum ;soureea sa 'd "m any" demon* „

rs were a rresU d by police but *lad no fu i'ther detalU on Uie I ' ' "

Drt or Uie anU-RujuIsn dem- , f. ' Uons In Albania was the first lhe tiny Isolated SAlelllle n a . I^nal sell ordered by Yusoslavla. Greece two new pr le AdrlaUc. ' bureau of i

, - senator sUOFFICE O rE S S ^

JlOK, T « . . Ocl. H IIV-IU- ins^for Stevenson opened Ihelr jarU re U at n ish t . r lsh t acrott mlwfone" r te l from th* DemocraU for lower office. —

LETINS I fc iI Maslc Vl

Pren trans o t Wiab«al iO tnllUon Atscrlcans. ntcUon vil lb* eeim lry which had used Same planr I la iU w dard tlm* a nooUi weit AbCusi )Qt IS ntlUleo. announced

Isn businessm an, said today Armsa, ^ua unsarlan rebels In Budspest rscks said ise both sides v e re frequently are belns ■

the veteran] promolen.

-P retldent Efseahower today _a l atom ic eoersy aseney. Ue e It Im m edUU ly aod offerMl

(rem o the r eonatries. S018E, Cpartm ent o

ier. Oct. 28 tIV-A H unssrian wheat sUick ly doctor In a blood-stained asehousea li leadlns for bandases. serums to 33465.001 ad been "a m aasacre".ln hls less Uian Ui ildlen tire d on demoottrator* bul five pei

f a r t v t n i

] T

r V v l ^ l i l F A L L

rW IN F A L L S , ID A H O , F R ID A Y , (

f mind^las ison s P3€aE53(aw are of th e R u ssian rccord of I jn is t im lions i t h a s m ade in th e pa Sen. W illiam F . K now land. R., CnI e Idnh#^ th e a te r in T w in F a lls Fridn • us to stop ou r te s tin g o f atom ic '

* * * * provision

i n d t o T . F . NOW Ihl• ' ' • our partle

' Iln* lo Ul. obJecUve-

' atomic we

' In repudls

i i B * l ■’. I Sen. WI ported w' cUy th a t

^Salmon, and Mn.

I Uuvt’s WlI always b<

hev ; I

' sanln to i senle* 1 1 elKtlon."

Knowlan of Uis Kt social sect of Uli fed

benfflla. ui ralnlstnUo

*4.v m nBcmisrlu

S tfa u re r i the Democ

“Are the than they ■ 'W uone* O r could II r lsh t la

l ll l , field Friday » o m la « ie oUier?- uocheoo su e tt a t th e Amer* At a lui r, Weleomlos him ar* Idah* Lesion h»l

srea party.-----------------------;------------------- dldaUa "I

1 U vlUlly Ir

yed as ■y may be so e

• or Idaho dnson bite si'ssfederal m ax im um p rison or ute mos

. Conner, a ssoc ia te direc* senate men I. Conner le f t f o r S ea ttle “ hJ ' s in th e B urley a re a . He gestion of Sen. H erm an ore„) and ubcom m itlee on p riso n s, tum'ed to \ tnal in s titu tio n s w as ap* a i senator n of eongrcss. S en a to r k w w U r k e r in Tw in F a lla on sday n ig h t sa id h e did lake the. su rvey t r i p w ith u imporui er. H e said h e prev iously be p*per*u sent a m an to B u rley to Referrins ! a su rv ey and tw o c r »ho. ainoi ! possible s ite s w ere rec* t e n d e d . H e sa id o th e r i„ ^ t h ^ , s in Idaho also w era be* who commi lonsidered. ■ hUcoiiea«i

icnaUjr said the SouUitm Colleje or EduciUon bulldlnsi «uose, lion were net am anc the tiles Spesklns conalderaUon. since the build- fleltKould n o l be sulU ble fo r a ^ium security prison.ker said he did not know w hat u e u ’tha t P m would be m ^ e on the lo- opposed to

and other Ciftve done my best; now I t is opposed his Ir hands." he said. "We needll selecUon of locaUons for the c a a consre :w prisons wlll'be made by the caury oul I of prison commlisloners. the sr*m,"*ald r sUted. Exact specifications /<«■0 be m et by an area before Itcted. 8® Horrn; ukU is OiB aelecUon th e com- « r s Uke into conalderaUon . 0 . . - ^ P „ . s. c i . „ s s

---------------------------- Idaho durii

erans Have No -"'S'".". eup With Eventkj V alley b trw e la SOO. Vet* 1 U I . i t world W ar I, h as no con* - * -V J - a1 « llh a donXty baseball planned here by th e N orth. knCusement company, i t was

: J H c lS ^ t^ i e e , and - w m iaii^

Ins »old for th e 'e v e n t, but The asri< erans have no Ueup w ith Uie « i d yeaUn

- conUacted---------------------------- ou t of win:UOLDINCa CITED the 1MS*57

JE, Oct. 38 on-H ie U. 6 . d<* {5?? , i ” , M « w rlc u iu m u M to d . ,8U)cks on farm s and In stor* innounced isea In Idaho a« of O ct. 1 came Jion dcSim SS.OCO bushels, two p e r een t frosen turki an the holdlnss of a year aeo elfsrV t» bc e per cen t more U ian U ii lt>* e r t for Uul v e rti t . - r <nu: « | | m

Y. OCTOBER 26, 1956

msts R(i’lan I3 r i s s —)f having broken every VIENN ; past 25 yea rs , he is too revolution CnIif., in th e te x t o f a o f Hunga

riday. "The Sov iet Union reports sa lie weapons w ith o u t any ta l city of !ion for inspection to

on Ihc ir ac tiv itie s ," he O — ,lu c d . nno

lhat th* leader of one of irtles Is followlns a parsllel I Uist of lhe Soviet Union's I Jve—slopplns U. 8. teallns of

trnpom , Knowland stAted. ust stand wlUi the P rrsldeiil w i,„ ,r In udlallns lhe effort of Bul- b ii^kei of s

’roxy Idahoan I bul trsvelerI. William P. KnowUnd re* ruler Wmakd while In Twin FalU Pil*h a t hU wlte-s moUier. Mrt.le Mae Davis, wss bom Inon, lhe d a u sh u r of Mr. 2 '’? '’ *,'1'*^M n. Kaleb D stIs. -Maybe P'lrffcWI why lhe Knowland* ha re Between 1rs been InlereeUd In Idaho,"Ided. Minidoka Ci

Imost of Till '■“ J " " ' While ano'

to eaiit. In effect. UiU 'ab- i„ the lowei W lo f In our P reslden tu i p ridty and :

fiand hailed th* compleUon ^Korean war, the extended I ’ g \

security eorerase. ba lsnclns V j * O federal "budset, reducUon of ■ •

riflns employment and oUier a under the Clsenhower ad- ■aUon. •!' nhower and NUon have work- ither fo r three and one-half ■Xfinrlr \ u > team,- said Knowland.•Im Ohelr eooperaUon w llh in d u s t r ia l Mt«.inBd*i}y-etevens<m and o i-C om m e er Ibout u c h o ther befort 14*10? 'C a mocrtUe national convenUon. M iA ufae t't

Uiey any more 'rlshV now l i t , . t r ! aa ,.- h t a ik r f . jp p e v o o . n e w n s a n d th e o U i t f f l s h t r t t n n s w il Id It be th s l they w t » both p o in ts w er In their eeUmaW of each (jgy n ig h t

luncheon a t th# American c h a irm a n hsil. KnowUnd told Uie 300 in g th e sc rty members and c6unty can- t r i a l firm : "I know Uial Uie President c h a m b e r

ly Inleresud In the reelccUon h n m o . Herman W elter.’ T he R e- 'cnmfn majority In th e n e x t senate so close Uiat w hat Uie people g 'd ^ n M I ^ 10 do on elecUon day could in prU AuencewhtUier we even have u u i r . a t Ui

parUclpaUnsdded lh a t "Welker Was one ir lbuu free i most. If no t Uia most, acUve such aa hoU membert In Uie defeat o r Uie becued turki anyon blU. T h a t Imub eould drinks, pened If our nelshbor to The purpoi i t (Sen. Wsyne Morse. D . c tU the put ind oUiers like him are re* In Uie valley to the nenate and men such In hnnd wit itor W eU erare no t.- new sroups.lUnd predicted an “over- n s - reelecUon for Elsenhower (00. addins U iat “Uie major* he house and teoate. equaUy

" £ i„ “ S I J li.t in s to Rep. H am er Budse.Jnof WlUl O or. Robert. E. i T „ ^ i . T w u present a t the luncheon. H U I i I 13

.n .d s* ldhe"kaow «ornom an r n 1 er Ul* hotis* o r the senate I r n n i mmands more respect am ons , “ e t« u u and oUiers acquslnted T n , m lhan Idahp’s BepcesenU*

A U-lo of (tins s t a press conrerence a t ruined three fleld ShorUy a fte r his ar* Thursdsy wl I Twin Palls. KnowUnd re- pickup truck narse* made recenUy by Paul overturned o n In a recent m sstx lne ar* three miles « a t President EUenhower was was Injured.. to the reelecUon of Welker Clyde Ooc er OOP lawmakers who have pickup, and his policies. . Yuba CUy. C

leed all our present Republl* ahan. M a^si isressmen, plus seveJiiI more Ins from a i - out the admlnlstraUon pro- vada souUi laid KnowUnd. “W hen 1 seek obtained Uir r Uie admlnUtraUon as sen- anUers. and only leader, I ceru ln ly don 't ‘ TTie deer i orfman." of the pickuUnd added. In- answer lo a Jeep. The J( 1. Uial Uiere U "absolutely no loose srtvel mce In the fac t Uiat Uie lose control i I t U no t scheduled to s top In to the plekui lurins hU nsUonwlde cam* and to the J t trips. There wUl be many Uie three b i» cannot visit, chiefly be* The acclden u«»»<»» r m I. » Sheriff Jamt

L.7 Millions Givi Under Paymei

UNGTONr—O c t—*«—iW -= g J -mllHoir 1 have received I0I.7 million producla In ■n “soil bank“ paym ents from The soil I emment so far thU year. all crops U iSrioullure.. departm ent also thla year un Ilerday w heat growers have new prosraj led lo U ke 10 million a a e a pr^ucUon. wlnUr w heat producUon In The 101.7 1*57 season. Thla woultj n e t to farmers I: .>7 mlUlon dollara In soil IS. was S3 m lymtnU n u t year. Uie previousother, move, th* departm ent mUllon dblls K d Ul* purchase of 7.1 mU* Iowa ran llara worth of ham burter, a m o u n t^ S J w keys, e s s t and lard In a n fanaeta wen » boost pnow-piLSd te {ana? Uoa .tisUatt.;

Nina I c i i g a t ^ I^ ah o Counties

W mlxr «t ADdIt Bu>t»a ■ ____________________ At>o»l.l*l rm. »i.« III

IF HUIievolutio Fight tc

:NNA, Oct. 26 (U.R)— Rebel forccs i tionnry regim e a n d b a ttled to oust ingarian nrm y e lem ents, Soviet dc: s said heavy m o r ta r and tank firin y of Budape.st, w h e re th e revolt stai

low Blankets,] Part^of Magicer Isn't creeplns up on Masle Valley UiU ). of snow has fallen In the northern pa rt i on Uie sround.Forest service a t Hailey reporU a foot of s: .velers over the summ it claim the forest ' make lu meaauremenU. There was a foot o nd snow h u been falllns sUadlly since the ium, a t noon Priday. h a d four Inches of ti had Uiree Inches, pa lrfleld reported two li nd between four and five Inches In the I d Friday m ornlns. cutU ns down th* snow cen M en and O retnwood alons the ntw ellon work has been converted Into a “sea i to County Sheriff T heo Johnson and Depi : Tliursday n ish t pulHns motorists from U ! anow has been falllns In the north countr lower reslona Twin Palls reported M Inc and Rupert reported JS Inch,

of C. Tribute I For Local Ii

ric Valley c itiren s w ill h av e the opf rial o u tp u t o f t h e a re a a t Ti nm erce A g rlcu lttirs l ^W lslon u T u t 'CaJled thiy**A tf>^Pr^r A l r l a l t d

faeturing fa ir , th e .A e n t w ill' be voo. M any valley A n n s processfnj -will h a v f ’ b o o th s - to d isp k y th e were review ed a t th e d ivision’s reg t ight. A rlon B astlun is : ” nan of th e a f fa ir . D ur- le sam e tim e, all Indus- ▼ f l U C irm s a re asked b y th e . - t ,►er to hold a n open V x C t l

Commercial division of Uie T T \ C r U cooperaUns In Uie event J j J L I j J kilns "Miveral hundred dol-I prizes lo be slven lo spec- 'willUm hIt th* fair.' In addlUon, the beriy, died alaUns firms will also dls- u jsh o sn lU Ifree Mmplea of their product, injunes recelhoWoss. fried chicken. U r* V w ln Pall turkey. Ice cream a a d soft

lurpose of Uie show U to edu- hllrhwav*M** * public of lh* Induatry now ,»,! >j ■alley and how I t works hand S ' I'i1 « a . i r lc u iu a . m a bvm. “ ?> "oups. I t alao U deslsned U> He w u tJnew Indualry. ' Valley Memo Calhoun. re]>resenUUTi of hoeplUl Wed

rrlew Grans*, u l d Uie (arm - Borii Aus. i livestock men are “deeply S o r U u s ^ fc lUve" of Uie project* »pon* y Ul* chamber and serviceU»«4 n F»t« I. C*liaia I) ' F | t n f

itEj^edition &( ophies Ruined I lrala!mM u

n Auto M ishap »I of CalifomU deer hun te rs Maslc Valle three trophies around noon Idaho, ISU ly when ISSS Studebaker Idaho, ISJS iruck stnick loose sravel and U led on the Salmon dam road Uet west or Roserton. No one n lM «. H etp jred. ‘he *

Ooodnlsht. driver o r Uie ‘Irtrer i and Hershel Howard. boUi * membe: lly. Calif., and James C am - ^ u « h , arysrille, C alif, were re tu rn - Survlvins, 1 ft a week of hunUns In N e- Mra. Bci lUUi or Jarbldse. They had °h« wn, Wl 1 Uiree bucks, each wlUi bis d w jf t 'e r . Be and Uiree does. moUiV,'eer were loaded In the rea r Kimberly; 11 pickup which was tow lns a Broner. Oakl. he Jeep slid sideways In th e er, a ir force, avel causlns O oodnlsht to and Donald I trol and overturn. D am ase and Robert J ilekup was oU m ated a t 4tOO »nd one tUl Uie Jeep a t S7B. A nU ert on tTwIn PalU .! ee buck* were broken off. In deaUi In 1 cldent waa investlsated by \ Puneral w Jam ts H . BeAham. ^ e Twin pal

iven Farmers so lents for ‘Sou Biin o i r a o m m i’firm ^oi th e se n lT S .s iS in r» In the past flTe weeks. < ^ ra d o , 13 u l) bank pa]‘m ents covered 8)3.01. p taken out or produoUon io » . >28 ir under Uie adm inistra tion 's O M Jil^7 ' 1 osram lo cu t down aurplus if lM W it’t t Jon. . • r K r a e u i ; ';0l.7 mUllon doUar toU l. paid ers In 4J tU le s th ro u ih Oct.S3 mUllon doIU n n o re th a n rloualy reported to ta l.o T « U dW lan t tn u s l i Otrt.. I * .». ,* T«SiL-.fi-fc

wera t S ^ i u Q g S

^ ■ ' ■ FIIS; ■ Eor

. . . . .1 ClRB).liu.' I

mo n F o r c i

0 Oust I:es seized contro l of mo.st of Hung oust all R ussian troops from the cc t d e se rte rs and a general worker; Hring con tinued in th c suburbs nm s ta rted a s a p ro te s t dem onstratior

............................................ .spread in

i N o r t h l - l• t t t n northeast

•1C Valley sfXi'ill* y r s r - l l 's here . A heavy '. t ^ o n 'ln * ' >art of Uie valley and much J|ty

o t snow on O slena summitreal service U uslns a Ions ihelr mlllU'oot on the sum m it Thuraday n»nort«e Uien, Uiey cUlm. .of tnow on Uie sround and .uwo inehea on th e sround a t

mow*'ol}*Ui?«round" ntw stretch ot hlshw ay 15,•sea of m ud“ by th e rainfall.Deputy Eldon H unter apent im the m ud hole. jogg3unU-y, rain h u been falllns more a'ound $ inch of rain up to 8 a jn . The toli a

the turmoil ""7 ready h u U

eSet, S 'Soviet troop

Industry J Sopportun ity to see th o A lw

r T w i n F a l l s C h a m b e r aTute to i n d u s ^ / K o v . o n ^ % > i o ltO N P r o c e n l i i i^ a n d <ai£ “d u t t b e M id a t ^ h e l U d l o trucks; Jn 81

» f n i ( . i i o d u c f t - o f ; _ I W th e i r . ’p r o d u d ts . Tbiese w e» roundi

r e g u la r m e e t i n g T h u rs* wiui machit “But who

ley Mishap stim Dies in)S Hospitalm. LmII* Broner. 28. Kim*led a t IJ a jn . Priday a t Uie ' -----iplUI In S aJtl.ake 'C lty from T l ^ ' a.1 recelred in a traffic accident 1 / 6 3 1 ] PaUi county lu t.S u n d ay , _

ironer w u faU tly injured i \ C 1 when hU ISH Chryaler le ft U I J ' B3 about alx miles north o t _ _ tio-Nevada line, w ent off a p , . 1 ok and overturned. J . I . I J Ju transferred trom Maslc am m am CemorUl hospital to Uie LDS „ ? a Y ^ l ^ Wednesday. •AUS. 38. 1830, In Slliom slnated.

_Ark.^he came to Kimberly A paUee ■ I T^n-mnw-nn

<«/>• w .1 Inated In Piraffle Death ?;• Score1)oard I in London^<U a comparison of tratfie porta,

es u or UU* daU tor ISU Bashdat 'i}« tor M aslc Valley a ad royal cablne1 enUre sU t« : "Uie kins UValley, IBM__________ - 38 *nd • ererythValley, 1858.__________ 33 man."ISU ________________-IM An aasUts1858 -----------_ _ . _ _ J I I French forel

I told newsme:

He spent tom T ^ars In Korea m ^ 'e l t h w he war. Mr. Broner w u a taUs.irer and warehousemaji and ____smber of Uie Hanaen BapUst _ .

ins. In addlUon to hU v i i - ^ r i V e r i , Bcity OverUn Broner, a re A r o t , William L. Broner; one - f U C i r. Belly Jean Broner. and o scar Au tiv ,' Mrs. Flora Broner, lUl cited for ta l y ; ' live brothers. Raymond way toltowli Oakland. CaUf.; Pred S ro n - Rpd MMn sl torce. Ind ian Sprln st. Nev.. Aufderhelde lald Broner. Troy Lee Broner cherro lel i e rt Joe Broner, a ll Kimberly, rome waad• ilaU r, M rs. N ancy Smkth, Uie eolllsloi a u . H it fa the r preceded h im Clyde-Me 1 In IBM. w u fined t a l aervices a r* . pendbig a t Twin Ptll* n paUs morttjary. yield Uie t. ■ ~ . ----------- driver of a

30 F a rB a n k ’ P la n OM ; Callforals. *305,i«.08: fdr Madi0, 83,138,M U I; Idaho . 83II.* forecast i

socUUd.l8J847«478.«: Kansas. 81* 'A p p «

57; Minnesota, 83^I8,8M J0; U S « r , r1. *MU,0UA1V M o a t a a a . ' t w S n r t

iska. 8<.748488.T«; g g K M

fIN A L .]) IT IO N


IRY•; '.I ;

ees; 1

Redlungnry today, s e t u p a | l jlie country w ith th o h e lp i jrkers strike. D ip lom atic .j I 5 nnd cen ter o f th c cap l- .;[ition Tuesday n ig h t a n d i;:1 into full-scale rebel*riic rebels look .over th a ; sliition in th e c ity of

;o lc in th e - in d u s t r ia l *cast and broadiyjst r e - ;Ji demands to C om m u- |j‘rcm icr Im re Na<ry. i’.Sovtmmenl-conlroUed rad io |]In me souUiem Industrial ‘5

: Pecs said Uie rebels b a d ,a "revoluUanary council'* '

surroundlns area to d i r e c t ' inlllUry campalsn. ■rU reachlns Viemia aaM ; i lrian worker* Uiroushout th« '*P f lUrted a seneral s t r lk i - ' jl hU mornlns. H unsarlan ra il -irkers were reported to b a v t !lie first lo Join the w alkout. '.far, Uiere have been no' k c - iflsures on caaualUea. b u t i

;C3 have ransed up to more S.OOO killed an d ' ttaousasda■ounded. 1 Htoti scm ed cerUIn to rlM In ; 19 -moll of ciTll war, which al*IU Uken srlm to rrw o t mU- ' ‘I f lUllAlory execuUons. ' ,11m

ot Ul* U shU n t seem ed -io ‘i Uveen Uie'rebet fo ties an d t h i i{ 4troopa who re^w oded to th e ;> 9 [ovemment's appeal ioe be lpline Uie rebellion. ■ ifcfI eyew ttaeaa who , reached jlM. fro p H unsatr aald the RUS- IW l^ fc d a . “reign of te rror"

^ w e r e rounded up a ii^ c tto t - i i j i

Jn 8 » u i t the d tjr .e aA n red H

themi SBil .y>Undsd up c Q d . i im ^ d o w n . j lachlnefuni. ., • • *where Uie rebek I W ttWT ■

uUileM t s t ln t t : th a .Sorlet I hare seen red M ld lea

Soremment-controUed .ruU o t amnesty to eva ytim id io

wn hU a m a by 10 p.' n . ' (5 S D tonlsbt. In Uie ta to f t of i e t surrender deadlines w tiieh t ir havi been Ignored bjr th a

ath R eport >I Jordanian j luler Demed | |:an, Jordan, Oct. 36 V T h -V ^ t H Mlace today denied report* } [B ins nusM la 'lud been a s M - B

Uce ofilclal said th e re v a a lu lir id 'u re H p m r w h le h o rig - fifiIn Paris earlier In tAS <tsT. 1 Hi Kins Hussain prtsenfly w aa Unan palace. V - > Hously, Uie JordanU n en»as>7 I Mlon ofncUliy denied thk ra-. K H

dat Talhouni. chief o t \ t h e | f l iblnet In'Ammam. said I b a t ■ ns U In the beat o t h e a lth | H erythlns 1* normal In iW *

sU tan t'spokesm an a t tb a I H foreign office In P a ris Had

vsmen fUUy a ^ d d a y tb a t ’ had been assasdnated. glT-

Uier QualUlcaUons no r d e - I H

ers Cited for ! ■ rea’s Accidenffi Hr Aufderhelde. Jenim e, |Hir taUure ui yield th e r i s h t M ( I ^ BItowlng an accident a t B irthiln street a t 8 a jn . T h u ia d a ^held* v u driving ale t and Vem R ulchlns,vaa drivlns a m i Bulck w b e & ^ Hillslon occurred. \e-Metcalf, 280 H arrison c trM dned 81S and $3 cdsts P rid ay l i l ^ H^ police court for- la lln relhe rlsh t ot va y . H e m aof a i m Studebaker l n v o lT * « ^ Htraffic accident M ondayI street and N in th a renue

I ■MaskM t teoelval


E a s t G e r m a n

R e d s F e a r i i ^

R e v o l t T l i e i

I i l ' l ' ; ' BBRUN, Oeu 38 OR-A W ett 1 iln IsteU irnM oru iicaU oa Mid

III"’!: E u t O cm un Oommunlau i »3erte<l »0.0(» troojM in d poUc X w fif • H unj»riin-type m o li

» |l|'l Th« antl-communUt “nch *M.: croup t n t n s t Inhuminlty'* aald

n d i h»T» a lerud the ir 100.000-I peopl®‘» u w «nd border polio

l i r - m i l u K asK y u jd terrlti I*!*"'; poUee. . •

' -Al U u uinfl Ume. tha eoounui , t,,. ors«nt*e<P ipecUl cU ues l a t< ' Ihelr mlllU i h w to' pu t doira

Mit TOit*.Tba InUlUreiM report from :

1 ' ; ' Oennmny Mid “il* n n Ihree"- • 1 ;«•. niMt u r jen t ilert—w u icnt.ou '

; I ' |iyj {jjg m n y and (U poUca unllA.All M ldien except thosa i

«p<cUlpusca vere confined to ,I ii ilj- <' b ir r u k i .T h e ; were allowed to ll ^ 1 ■' thetr quartets ocly In aimed r o : the V/eal Berlin organinU on i

unit! were belnj fflven two ' irUnuta poUUcal lecture* dally

the t r o u ^ tn Poland and H •, -Baiy. . ,

' . The erierjeacy meaiure dlicl( ' ' ' a de«p te tr lo the Sorlet zene I

' ‘I, tha Polish and HunearUn delliJ . ______ of tha Soviet Union m l«hl ipt'I to S u t 0 « rm a a y / ' ■ — ■ ■ - •

t ’T T ' C n r e l t y O r a r g e d -

I " I n I M v o r c e C a ii i ' Nellie B e r t charsos m enial cni ' L | - • U a dlTorca action «Ied PHdaj , i| . Twin ra lla dtotrtct court aga

: s i r : Berg wera m a r•filiih In Idaho City oa Au*. 18, 1‘. ' V ■’ They ha ra married and divorcedl- l two prevloui occasloni. The a' t H>; ■ p la in t Uita jio eoimnunlty prope(• I/. : They h»va tn-o chlldrtn . M n . , l

. ‘IK . u k a cuitody of the y o u n ro t \i"},'. •• l i l t T e tn o t a r -

/ 1 A ttom er Uard J. W alter reijk iji,,, kanta M rt. Bers.

ii| Hospitalsj | ! | j i --------------------— ------------------11': f. Magic Valley Mcmoria

1 -^ 1 VUJUnr b oun a t Ma«lo Va’ V MemoriaJ boapltal a ra from 3 t.

:f 'lU.'' tad I t o 6 pin. r . • ADMITTED ,:]i ' ' ‘ Mr*. JOhnnla Morrla, M n. Pn ■S '.I .: : a lcoP lna, Andrew P iih e r .M n . w n. j- bum A fltmi. WUlUm Raevei i

Mr» Albert Becker, a l t Twin Pa r-: : M n . Rodney t W llien and h

I - , M aurlc«aueny ,lr..bo lhB uhl;,M ; ; ■ Je ff aelber. CaWeford: Mr*. Alb I , 'tl K rtU ,'PU er; Mt«. A »hel M un

‘ I' . 'a im berly; M n. A rthur sm yth. I ij, ; , p r t u M V r n W h t o l t o n K i i . .41 , mSMlfiBEO

i Hugh -MacMulUn. Mr*. Nonr " ' Allan and aon and Michael Dune

:-l- aU T w laP«ll» :lin»-W “ ^M«‘“ *'' r R a l p b Boursln and M rt. woodi

• , Clay, all BuhS; Pay Wllhlta. M ■ : tau sh ; Dennli TlUey. H anien; h

11 il I ii 1 B u i Ruuell aad ton. zden^ tn d tr H l f l - O r a Weedop. Burley.

B lB T ns D authtera wera bom .R rlday

</•,') I Mr. tn d M rt. Rodney * . •Wfli . Suhi. aJKt Mr. a n t iir* . 2 u t

' ' • c u tm o . Twin ptU a.lU uraday bin ' ' Include a ton to Mr. tn d Mr*. Mai l|.- • lo t Q u tny . Jr.. Bubl. and a daui

' ' te r to Mr. tn d Ur*. W llbum A du n ; T w1h P»U«.- ..... ........ ..............

SSj' St. Benedict’s, JeromeifijV ' VlalUnf hou n a t flU Benedlc [ : <- hoipltal ara from a to 4 tn d 7 U

p in .B '* K ADSUTTEDf i l l : Ann Xine. weodeU; O. R.H [ . ahepherd, Mr*. R o u S h e m a rd ai HH l;' M n . Richard Paterson, a ll Jeron

> if, s n m s s E D: iU j. M n. Ployd BeU tn d dau sh t

• ; , Moore; Mrs. Brwin O aich, Debon ' j " !|< Meuleman and M n. J e u Mullln

' t l l Jerome, tn d Olauda aU m t ■ .; Twin Palli.

c • • • BIRTHSI i • A daughter w u bom lo Mr. t i [. : Mr*. R o u Bheppetrd. Jerome.

l ' i , : Goodingr M emorialL.'! [,’i > • VlslUng h oun t t Ooodlng Coun

Memorial hosplttl t r a from )llV ' > 4 :S 0 tn d 1 to 8 ;8 0 p .n i .[!• '. DISMISSALSk 'I Kelly Leach tn d Edwtrd BmcF t! : . ' ' both H agenntn; Andrew Pfiulac' tn d K ty Plavel, both Richfield, ti:

' i H ; M n. Pred Ja m n tn d ton , Ooodln

i Cottage. BurleyI , l l ’ ADMITTEDI I )(i 1 Robert Breeding. Murtaugh, t r1 1 :

R ; M rt. LUa Turner; Mr*. E ln t Ro<i l l l i i l rtguet, MTfc lUith' lU ll tn d MrRS !l?l Bandot M a rtln e f tU Burley; Mt* j ,tV[ •Patricia TTiorapton. Eden; M rI I l|f Marjorie Bmdahaw. M urUugh; Miifkl f r ' Virginia Bagley. Rupert, tn d Mi

H trriet Crane, Oakley. '

riH l I Rupert General■ l l Iji I A D M im D'■ l l U l . M r* ;^ an k aam er.M eybum . t l L M llW l Mrt. John Notgle. R u p ^

K l ' l l CUude K nltht. Minldokt. ' i n u m BlRTIIS

^ daughter «-w bom to Mr. a

Illfl I l e a t h e r

■ ■ H I B , tlfBal rain Unlchi aM tw ie n H t I H " t t i e tenpeTS(of« chaact. K ithI n H n o m w 44 la u , low toDlghl n t<■ ■ IU GttUr wlDdl (ea lih t. Low U tt n:■ V IB U . U a t 8 t jn . and 47 a t neon. 1E i i f l clplUUon (rem S p .n . Thundt;■ ] ■ H Boon Frtday, j « of an Inch.

■ ■ f f l *‘iV'

u M

I; i i

liM,, i ■ ^ -i

“ g. & leree tt Ber- ‘H C T f f I aald to . ^ A a A ^

aU have ' JPoUca in .......... - |H »

.. ^'flihU ns W hen a i«wa eelebrmlca Ita eat the taanlal, why do all tba m ea lr? >

ooo-man oatwhliker tach albarTjollca u ■

Senator Raps Stevenson in

SIJS; T.F.AddresJ ^ (n * a r« t. o m >

Turning lo agriculture, Knowlau with ta ld th a l ’’although the farm vi to ,the lr rarie* from area lo t r e a and ei to leave w llhln Individual tU le t, the M

1 ro u p i . weat. u well u the W ett will t.on u ld . predominately ReptdiHcan.'*:wo 30- Ha tald hU own tU le wouli)lally on for Eltenhower by “400:000 or motd Hun* votet.

Accompanied hera by h it wUtcloaed and daughl£r. b te lle . Knowlaane th a t Je/t Twin P»U# a t j p . m . PMddefiance for a tpe tking engagement Prld■ tpread evening a t Idaho Palls. T hus i

th e CaUfomla teo tto r haa been 23 atatea and traveled 34.000 ml

J i l____ MT b il CTPWrCountiT campalynl

P“®f,aose Quarters wU" Politics Slate(

BORLEY, Oct. J« — eome clc q ua rten polltlci t r a predicted 1 Burley S ttu rd ty n igh t when ctnc

■ L 5rr- ' dfttci for the u ftia c o n re u lo r offlcet appear cn the aame progri

y ’s high school. TOe high tchc debate club U aponsorlng tha eve

. a t 1;aop jn .Among Uioie on the program w

be 5«n. Herman Welker, Ropubllct “ 1 and his opponent, P r tn k Churc

Boise, and Rap. H am er Bduge. R I publican, and his opgwnent, Jol

Reynolds. Burley. H enry D w orthi -1 Republican, although n ^ t a cand

, I d tte , will ba present. S e n tto r Dwo m a t t h tk U t Burley resident.

Vtlley Mayor Leonard Salmon will lnt{< 3 to 4 duea the speaJcert and Parley B tk i

s tudent body president, will t e t i m aalcr-of ceremonies. M embert i

. P ran - th a debate club will debate the far rs. Wll- Issue and musical num ben will 1 e i and provided by the high school band. 1 PaUs; -------------------------7 -

JZ : Death of Woman aSS?. Hikes Road Tollh. R u- WEMER. Oct. 38 Oft-M n. Ohatl »*“• L . Clement, M, Ontario. Ore.. w

killed yesterday afternoon when U 4orm tn car In which th e w u riding crash* Junctn, he tdon Into tn o th e r c t r on U. lerhoff, highway M thre* mile* south < roodrow here.9. Mur* Sha w u IdahoVi 310th traffic fi n; Mr*, ta ilty for USS. camparad with 1. ndM r*. highway deaths during th a corre

ponding period of l u t year. Washington eounty aheriff’* o

Iday to fleer* tald they had been unable ' Wflaon. determine w hal u u te d th a crash c ziabel) th e a ln lg h t t tn l c h o t hlghwty. Tl

r b irth* woman'* husband and G nu ■bout 45. Kyaw. Ore.. drln

rikuih . o th tr c tr, wer* hoapltalluby U i.

M agic Valley .Mief. Funerals7 to 8 [_______________________________

BD H L -Puneral aerrlcea for. Mr _ „ Carrie ElUabelh Brabb wll be hel

** 3 p. m. Monday a t tha Pin BapUst church with th e Rav. Joh R . O atrabrandt. Jr.. offlcUtlng. Oon eluding ritea will be held a l tha But

S5S ______iilllnlx, JEROME - P un tm l te rv lcu fc Umtn. Mrs. Virginia Andnia wlU ba hel

a t I I a. m. Tuesday a l Uie f ln ^ ward LDS church w ith Blthop Lei

r. and s . P m tt officiating. Concluding rlt* WlU ba held a t tha E lba cemetery Friends m ty c ill t l tha WUey mor

I tua ry from 1 to 9 p .m . Sund ty tn> Mcm^ay tn d to tlma of aerv lc« oi

JEROME — Funcfal aerrlcea fo Roy Pranelt pace will be held a t :

Elmer, p jn . Monday a t tho WUey funera iiulton chnpel with LDS Blthop Lew 8 1. and P ra it otficlaUng. Concluding rile; odlng. wiU be h tld a t lhe Jerom e cemelery

TWIN P A u J ^ P u n e n l tervlce fo r Howard Leon Ainsworth will b

U ld conducted a t 3 p jn . S a lurdsy in Ihi W hite mortuary chapel wlUi LD£ Bishop ROU Ward offlciaUng. Las:

H od. rites will be held in Sunset Memorit M n park . Friends may Call a t the WhlU M n . mortuary Friday and unUl 1:30 pm

M rs . Saturday, ______

■ BUUL—F unen l services for Doug. . ' l u Eugene FriU w|U be conduclei!

a t 3 p.m, Satunlay In the Alberlsor Memorial chapel wlUi the Rev. Ear: Terpenlng. p u lo r of the Tylei Street a tp U it church. Twin FAllt

n. and olflciaUng. L u l riles wlU be held lc Sunsel Memorial paik,

tr. and «

i V o js(«i

h ocea. o l any tiir.n8emeTti

n ? o ofItt Bljhl, '>'« Ion. P ra -' eriticiMa.nd»7 to

------------ - E»*Ty /,Kh. n p ,i ra n g e mi” I ice o f hi

^ ---------------------------- ---* price i4M pay.

Twin FaiI i Mr, and M n . S l ^ e y f

' . ‘** /| - • 14-HOCm

lUj l I

VrM Industry-Fete Is Planned bj T.F.Chambe

• <PrM r* ft 0**l clubt to develop betteritow n i country relaUont. ■ ■

- M i He propoaed ftrm orginlsaU< sponsor slmlku- ‘ days" lo allow

Ita ban retldeoU to study (he proble t try (a m d jlv ln g condlUons on farmt.

tdded thU p u n thould ba ataod ed with tha "avenge fanner" t» t Uu d tha tucceatful. atU blfcl

ipefid lnr th# day ca :• __ farm. Calhoun propoted iha b i1 1 1 neatmen be hotted a t a f trm p

duce dinner followed by t progri H a r v e y QuesneU, repretenl

r e s s Twin Pa llt O nnge. n ite n te d C houn's propoaal tn d said “O n n a n aware of Uie need for butln

nowland tn d fam i undenundm g and tr e i rm vf)(« ranging programs lo acoompl Ild eren Uils."ha Mid- ty le Schnltter, Twin Pall^ « ►111 rote terraUon dUtrict repreaentaUve,

. minded the group of the s U « iroul4 go eonaervaUon convention to be h nr m on" jiere during Lhe tam e period u i

Ag Prom.Ha ta ld more than 400 delegt

from throughout Uie sU ta a n > : p«ct«d tn d will be Interested In !t p riasy ,ucce„ of the local fair.Tius far j_ DougUss reviewed hU p

“ potal for a dam across Snake rl00 mllet jjnyon n e a r-O le n n s Peny. P*iy»lhg pointM out the nrolect would ot

much of the arid lands fiUtiie we em portion of the tU le . He a

f * i* e ^ *In bringing In more Und a t t

I time while many farm commodlt l l 6 a sre In tuiplus. Douglaia said he

looking "ahead 10,.iO ar 30 yeoi le do te ~H we do h tr a surplusta, would ;led for not ba better to feed our nelghb1 candl. than to give them our h trd e trc retslontl dollars}"program Douglast noted two of the Urg b school dam* ever underUken by Uie g< It event em m ent ara being conslnicted ni

A 700.foot high dam wUl ba bi "am will across tha Colorado H rer t t Ol lUbllcan. canyon In northern Arlwna and t Church, tecond will be placed acrou t Ige, Re- Oreen river a t Plaming gorge. Thi t, John two projects are expected to o ronhak, TtO mUllOQ dollan.

candU Douglast u ld thU project w r Dwor* bring 130,000 acret under culUv

Uon bu t tald a ll UiU land U ilkallII Intro- with poor drainage. Me added I r Bakrr, s)lt In th t Oreen river would fill

act u the reservoir and tald lls wall ibers of have a high u i t content, tie farm 'T hU would no l ba t problem will be ths D ouglau Gap damslte for t b tn d . lUt content of the Bntk t rlrer beli

Shoshona ftlU U pnclIcaUy uro ," charged. -AUo, the life espanta

I I I the rcMrvolr would ba from now ( r r ^ l l *0, «0 or 80 yean t s 1 O i l lh t esUmated Ume 11 will u k e to 1

up tome of our reservolrt." re w u NoUns lhe Increase In popuUU hen th» '"Hi tometfny press American tgi washed «“Hur« to feed the naUon. Douglt n V . $. u U that.populaUon esUmates 1 xiUi e t r tnga between 100 mllUon m

310 million. “It's going to take a 1 •fflc fs- of acres to feed our growing popul rich lU tlon and sinca wa hava the wai ■cortet- here In the Pacific Northwest. '

will become the fastest growing ar ff’* of- In tha United States,*’ ha asserted, labla to NoUng U ten are only IB yea r ts h o n unUl 1075. Douglass tald the proJi ly . The m u il be ’•inlUated-today." S i^la l

O ran t ing. ha ta ld It would ba a t les• years before Uia w tU r wou iltaiUed be available, which would leave on

14 ye an to 10T5.___■ I _j:A iLih6jtffO!Ould.iiDLbtireug:

under the plow a t Uie ttm e Ume. would taka ta v en l ye an to brii tha enU n trac t under culUvaUor he noled.

-■* Ha added Idaho m ust begin 3r Mr*, develop Its watei' reaoureea If M held plans lo keep thetn- noted Wasl » P in t Ington. O r e i ^ and Colorado af. John "Intereated" in obUlnlng it.g. Oon- 'la Buhl PICKUPS COLLIDE

BURLEY, Oct. 29—Pickups drlvi by Oeorge Bunn. Burley, and D(

CM for MoyJf. Heybum, were damaged• lnU necU onal8p .m .T hundayw h! ® Bunn alowed dawn for Uia IntenWi ^ i f * tlon. Damage to his l9So Chevrol

esUmated a t MO tn d damage Moyle's 1950 pord w u estimated i

Th« collided wlUi Uie rei 5 ^ * " “ of Uie Chevrolet.________________

i£.JJ R A N D A L L [ r i ltj ^ y ^F L O R A L

S[. U i t m on.l

N i c e S e l e c t i o n

Television S PLANTER-

LAMPS .FWli, ,

leld In

^ CHECK T in s

o i h i n gJ ■ I .n i t a lA . « ,,■"y f.mily m tkin* t i .

lo , . ( u „ „ . l .™ • ! Kijh e ic iUt o .


^ h m ily ta n « r . ■ „ _ wiih'ut (or a serv.

o f high M andtrdt u irice it can agaf,4 __________________

i’aJlsTVIortuary ®nley phllllpt and John Wllkerson


M ir e o a tu e t a s ■ t U U »jff0r0d.

I • ■ <

T I M E S - N E W S , T

I® TwinFalls'b y H am age UeauM . . A mardage Ueenie v u Issued K a w * Twin PtU t eounty c lerk ‘Xburt^

to A drtsa. Matthew VJca. and DoroUiy A. M oOoy.'Twln Pa

I .X u ™.I rl iu r. . release of Income ta x lien InUOM o . l a u , jo j 1P53 ,

filed P rld ty wiUj Uie Tw in p i m i . He “ “" V recorder.

Tax U e a FUed •w ta h S A fed e n l Income la x lleiMitat]

ArUiur Mitchell. M urU ugh. i filed wlUi Uie Tw in PaUs eouniy; corder TTiurtday. T he Hen ti ,

ia busi- laxet from 1M4 th rough 1852, i rm pro- t ,u n g $3,17454. irogram. •H en t^g viiU In Twin Pall*.“ Roy Lockmaa. conralUs. Qjrt..;

daughter, Jitn e Coyle, PortU cd , s Mr. and M n. Paul K ing. Rushyi: Nebr., vUlted th e K ennelh Barth s

famlllea and J. II4 con- S»rth ’ T*’ln rw U .,

*p;i Meet to Plan State Sessioi

a n ex . ooO D m O . Oct. 36-SupervUi ! In th e of the seven Maglo Valley sojj a

servatlon dlsU-IcU will he ld Ui lU pro- aemi-annual dlvUIonal meeting te river if,g American Legion ha ll lo Ooc ry. He jng a t 7:50 p. m . Sa tu rday to pl Id open for Uirt sUl« convenUoa in T« le weal^ Nov. 15 and'lB .Ife also Don O. FTedericksen. Ocodli u* 8tp president of. th e s ta to asaoclsU

, . and a naUonal d irector o f the pi 'n t . NtUonal Association of S

nodltles conservaUon dUtricta. m a t In T« ^ " Palls earlier thU week wlUi Ole

Nelson and Lyle Schn lU er.' c chairmen of Uie convenUon arranj

‘ menta, to dlscuu th e convenUan.The" 1958 convenUon U expect

, . . . lo atU acl one of th e U rgest tur Jsntesi jj, 14-year hU tory of t

Ih UfoclMUon. Top sp e ak e n la the n ^ llo ru l aoll and w ater conservaU ? movement aro acheduled to spei ,* J Series of panel discussion* on tlra*

topics v iu l to f am ie r . conserv UonUU alio will be held.

“ I Cast Selected for Area Productio

led th e BtniLEY. O c t 38 — T ho Burl fill up h igh school will p raaen l “Life Wit w a ten out Pather" u an all-achool pity 1

Dec. 5 tn d 6. ilem a t T h ec as lo f 18 hu t> eenp icked ai for th e reheanaU will tU r t T hu rsd iy ev r below nlng.sro, h e M emben of th e cas t a re Jim Ma m ta of KAri, S a n d n Schofield. O nry Hogt low on. Tom Schoetter. Roger Price, Lyi rt as U IfoUand. Shirley Goold. E lda Joh) e to nil son. Dennis EUlnga. W arren Jense

Sieve Allen. LaRae Steel. Rob: lUlaUon Pace. C a r o l Frederlcka, Shlrl 1 tg r f . S iriagM Isv and S a a d ra JerJcJm. ouglass The producUon s ta f f w;^l consl les for of memben from th e HramaU on and being dealgme a lo t prepartUonloQult- underway for ga thering 10th cenlu ■w ater p rep^ tle s tn d aU ge plecea. tst, wa a t t e n d V d n e r a l

MXmTAUOH. Oct. 38 — Mr. at Mrs. Oeorge Galley a o d family ha' r e t u r n e d from B ax te r Sprini Kans.. w hw re they a ttended funer s a r l e a for hU m other, Mr*. Jieu

. . w i Her to n s Bill GtUey. P t iand Mr. and M n . R . W. OaUe

ro oniy Rupert nnd a nephew. Ralph Dei . . ton. MurUugh, also a ttended.

tCfiughl --Ome. it f

bring 6 t t f « r S o e k a n i f C / f t ShopaUon,” B018K

Chureh Rtippllea. BIMea. Books, gin to . Plelurta. Recordi

M R S . m ; H . M CD O N A LDlo a re RepresentaUve

IM Blat la k ea Blvd. Ns. Phont 17(1 Tw in FtlU

drivend Don ______________________________1 ;il an r when

e ^ i e t — S c ie n ce O v e rc o m e s M aj

HEARING HNo more eorda—

^ No Clothing Noise

IE h e a r V i t h -} C o n i to n t P o w e r

B rillian t C lo rity I C om plet* S a tis fa cH o n

T h e U i» e n e r t h a t y o u hovj N offonof M a g a r in e s is f r t e n ce . T h e L is te n e r i t n o t < L isten er i i a fu ll p o w ered h in eye g lo sses.

/ \ n «

« Tht USTENERl^ — 11 \ o p e r

Y o u r L is le n e r w il) b e fil t ro in e d c o n s u l ta n ts , w ho w ono lysis o f y o u r h e a r in g cc

See th e L is te n e r— T ry th e I life m ay b e w ith th is new \

T h e L isten er c o n s u lta n t coi fo r hom e o p p o in tm e n t todc

---------------- SEE UOU-;_ _ a i_ E E R R lH E_ West M ain and Sl

O '

Jim Miller at M

Foiights H< P. 0 . Box


t w i n f a l l s . I D A H O

is'News in BriefLDSDaBoaSet . .

ued by Tha Twtn P slU LDS. *t*ka .wl lurtdty hold a Ballow ten < u n c « 'tl S pJi ascade, B^turfUy a t th a ataka houae a 1 Palls. Msurice street nonh. Cart Black'

orcheatra will plsy for the..even Admission wlil be wiUi budget card

Ien for only.;» w u ------- -1 palls Cooked Pood Sala Set

Junior High Y-Teena wUl eon duct a cooked food sale begtnnln a t to asn. Saturday a t C. C. Ander

against »&'*. Proceeds wUl be uted to de >. fn y expenses of metnben atlendln nly re- uia stsU fall conferenca In Oaldwe tl for Nov. J.

52. to- ^ ^

Opinions S t^ t More Fires in Political Fighl

{rr«« r«(f Om )I U being strengthened." '•Fifteen y e a n ago leas lh a n 7

, per cent of Idaho's f a m s wer m n opereled by Uie owners, w h ereu 1 i w i * 1958 belter th a n 82 p e r eent of ih

farais tn Idaho wera acluall i le en - opented by owners,"1 Uielr OOP s u t o C hslrm tn Jam es 1 Inc t t Ocaiett said a t Moacow Uiat Demo Oood* c n ls killed President Eltenhower

0 plan school construction bill for Uia ‘ s tk1 Twin of pollUcsl expediency and wit--------a n o u r n i g m m - fDr- -uia- -u ruaDodlng. needs of our school system." eUUoo The chalnnaQ of the Idaho rolun le par- teen for Slevenson accused Presl if Soil dent EUenhower of being “Inooa 1 Twin slslenl'^ cc\ hU H.bomb stand, qienn The Stevenson chairman. D r. Cla

r. CO- E .WUcox. a Boise dentUt, ta ld Mi range- EUenhower ta ld on Oct. 5 th a t test lon. of large weapons by any naUo :pected could be detected when they oc ■ tum* eurred. bu t "since haa done a o f 'th e ijirupt about face wlUi Uie sU U he n a - aent^ th a t detection ia n o t asaured. rsU on sta te DemocraUc Chairm an Joh: ipeak. O luby described Vice Preslden timely Richard Nixon u " tha weak Iln: « rv a - In Uit Republican bid foc reelec

Uon."Ha said Nixon had been “an tn

r consUtent official and an Incoo ^ slslent pollUclan."

ion 7 ^Duiin Pipeline ConcernI™ ~ Sued for Damage. . Mr. and M n . Herman J . Vai

^ Zanl* sued Paclflc Northweat Pipe f line corponUoQ for |8j00.03 Pridt; w In Tw in F tlU district court for t l

in *„■ Jfged d tm s je to toelr nroperty b; ,* „ ■ the coosm ictlon of t gas pipeline.

John- oomplalnl s ty t tha co rpon fiuen tlon h ta no t repUced o r restored th' nnhvii Und to any level of productivity, h a Imrley to fulfill lU agreem ent wlU 1«. Mr. U ld M n . Van Zanle. aod mU »nsUt represented th e fscU to ttiem whet maUcs they signed t a agreement wiUi thi Ilgned corporation.ion U I t U fu rther charged th a t U r . am mlury M n. Van S an te have been damagei

beeaute i t waa imposslbit to Itr lga t Uie land during Ul* 19M s t tw n anc

/ tha c o o io n tlo a h u refute i^lo rd m r. and bune them fully for 'all dunaga t« r hava the ir property. .■rings. Mr. and M n . Van Zante are r ^ r e . uneral tented by Raybom. Raybom , aoi B«*ie K rtm er and Lloyd J . Walker. '

^ ^ R U B B E R: n S T : ^ M P Soks. '1 • p h o t o s t a t s

;l • PH O T O CO PIES.D ll • CO M M E R C IA L


; , J PHONE 38» . t II ■ T IM E S-N E W S

I I E arravU g Dapfc

M ajor H earing A id Problem s—


lOve reod obout In mony leading fruJy 0 miroc\e of modern sci-

ot 0 godget_ or. ottachm^Tit. T he td heoring did entirely concealed

<1 }leau(i/ul in A ppearance B Com forlable lo wear

andip e ra le s wllh a m a z in g e c o n o m y

filled by experienced foctpry D will moke 0 thorough test end ] condition befor* fitting.

^e Listener— Leorn how d iffe ren t rw kind of heoring.

con and will help you. A rrange odoy.

I SCHIFFGEN lElEHARMACaC___Shoshona - Twin Falls

Miller Drug - Burley

Hearing Service

DX 2572, Boise

Burley Area — Is Eyed for

' U. S. PrisoDitack’a (P r .. P u « Om > .event, climate. trantportaUon. schools ane cards otKer community fsclUUes. Ttii

building aad m ainteoanee of a max. Imum security p rison would brtni many new people Into a n ares, thi

eon- senator said, and th e govemment li im lng Inleruted In w h al faciliUes an Bder* available for them.« Conner , who served a s attome]

genenl In Idaho from }S2a to 1D3T Idwell le n jfljho for SeatUe on t routini

inspecUon of penal InstlluUo&s ot the Paclfle coast. Re tU X ei Utal

„ | . final selecUon of a alia w ould no l bl 1 1 up to him.

Burley offltUU were, fo r the moti , part; unaware of Conner's vUlt. May H i o r J . L. Salmon aald T hursday nfghi ' _ he had not heard any th ing aboot thir r i f -. U l man. Chamber of Commerce Man- ager Roy L. T itu s said he knet

noUilng Of, Uie vUlt, aa d id Proaa. euUog A ttcmey N o m tn nitU oa.

«» 15 SU le Sen. K. C. B trlo w ' refuteC were to comment

e u In ___________________>f the STRIKE OK’D

SAN FRANCISCO. Oct. 38 W -N a. Uontl offlcen of th a CemmunSct' tlons w orken of A merica have ap- proved a strike by 20,000 telephom

ow ert worken In northern California anc * « 5 Nevada set for m idnight tomorrow.w ith ___________________

" r o t ~B 5rihg“uie i i n i y e tr 01 U14“UTB , anny reserve foreea a c t of 1955

roiun- niare Uum 137JOO men cnlUled li P resl. roservlst programa. noon- ____L ^

I I A W ^ FORUdent ■: linkeelec- ^

A tn - b ^ h b b /


f u wS y ^

ty by I tIne. I /p o rt- ■ IId the ^ 3 1 \ ^y< h u I

h the Jl ( I

iiiS T C ®rlaata ^ -a a n d •relm - "go to

'^ r e . ^

g Sat. Bl

1 T eai AND HIS C



: I I i s N o w ^ , ^J J


t I DUSTY ' TAYLOR' ! T V S T A R S a n i


A P P E A R I N G N I G H '

Lc a c i; H ighw ay 93,

— >

Seen TodayDog wearing and green

aw eater,S U xden ta walking do*-n- v - U oo t w cloaely watched bi

teachers., . Msn rtanovlnr nlnpoat I and to cover ehlld before walking from

Ttie atora doorway to car. . ' c at m ax. screeching to' h a l t as temUtnller bring unit pulb away frocn curt> on Sec- I. Uie streel north. . . W omtn shik. eat U ta r rooP ««■ « front tiep of I 4re houte on SevenUi avenue north. . ,

- W tler tpUshed over klndergirten om ei H tnU on t t r e t t aod

’ Bhoup avenue by careless motorist niUrul “ Children wait to crots itreet

»h.* tag order u purchaser ImpaUenlly ,o?£ l •w ta g ln g d r in

" wide tum to left a t SevenUi avenue • . and Seccnd alreel e u t to ccwiolete

^ right hand tum . . . Rain spattering " r leiten u ,m o to rU U tries to retch

curt mallbot while parked too far from c u rb .. . W et dog trying U) get lolo deparUnent store ahead ot owner. . . O lrt • removing yiuuc


McCoy Coal- N a - WILL BEtnJcs- __

SAT. AFTERNFor th e f

^ — ---------H rtrA if

\ r O R L D 0 1 R E V E R Y (

— -A T T H

k c A c S P E T

"Fun Spot South

r i i t e n ^

!ud ; is ley j5 ORCHESTRA I

is "Cosh NiV

6 0 0 i i



3H T L Y

T U & H93, 14 Mile Across N

P o m


“V - ■


------1 driven by David a.peen “ 'moIUheii a t » pm.Io*-n. Burlrr

when Johnion. afi»r n.^.V T 'K s d by a truck. ' ^ , l o a ,ricoat in lf lc and lott

8* * Johnson . I t u » i* d M

o p c n U n g t^ rh ic I tu l th o m ^ ^

CLASS TO START, tr „ ^ Oct.beck, of Maho U tljfjime «n« fttr„2 lenlly o ' extension eoursei , . u r ln n»<J»y a t U ie'tnjn *renue 'W br =Iplele &-sluaiions" under the dlrttu** « ln g pr- John A- Oretn of u ,,retch • —-------- - _0 far n in hat as rain »too. kn ■o gel And overheard: - lu t n l e e t^ d of Uon-Uie only ih ln j u r o c t ^ iluUc is Uiat I f t Illegal.- • ‘ ***

}ol & T ransfe il BE CLOSED I UNCON, OCT. 27 I16 F u n e r a l o f I

WNSWORTH------------ 1


: t u s r i ^ s Ith of the Border" I

IWe Feature I The Finest FoodlN oth in g b u t U.S. InspecleiH a n d G ra d ed "C ho ice" M ecaH or* se rved a t C o c tu s 'P O i'tH

T S -IB O x : ~ A . O ( l

T-Bone . . . / IF r .n c h .F r l ld l , 3 l l

Shrimp . . . I Iy . Pound i n |


7] l l

Nevada L i" ® J

Chambe■ • ■

^ E ^ T i r i a r*l>* Cbasber of Comraere* li | M» look for UiU jt»T . Alone

i^ ^ ? < a U « >V*d 6*aU CUui t l r u , pletni lh* cllr- Abore. Normjuj Anthe

* * * * , *

jeveral Thousam On Outstandin

gmnl (hcuund dolUr* tre be* which ev t wenl Uil> 5f'‘ f by the Chiunber be proud, CoBBot*'® "ouUtandlns" mini of t: t( i AKtnUoni for ChrlsUnM. decorate Tti iwlKt U expKlfd to become Points lo OTrtm thin? wltH Mldltlon of a trtc t fit anUtni pUnned e*ch yenr, *»y* Bouth Pa: ffVlffi cutfonl SmIU). suppo rt«'U outi. tbe Initial coit will be few yeua I frttlot.'' Smith ttid . "Here- Sm ith i ter. Ux u u il unount spent for begiin he « t detsrttint wilt Insure tdded w m dcfei BiV <he moreEl nld thi chtmber h u Intur- er-proof I ctaoircrA nrlM iordK orallons m d the 1 ;n >1 per eenl, Ltat yenr, he the p itn Ud. ftod -prMUetlly m ined’ ttll tW i ye I dcccnUoai. I t th t t thould hap - c iau t fai } *llh Iht new Rierchandlie. the r I m j , i u ssttf (111 p*y Its 25 per cent and inir The f I iDnruee wilt ellher replaca or siuminun) enu tin rerailnder, tween forTbliBietM ve will have 75 per th u * tlldt ltd n r tktllsble funds for pur« p««f with IM of new deeorttions. ralher tls lns pei la b>Tb( ta begin all over," he um^ to ^ sponsoredItetuu the project benefits th e other tate Jn (cm. Bmllh itld . for the tlvlUes.It Uffli ‘even’ buslneu" In lown IbeioUelled. "This project thould I D l l k i t eaiitr of drlc pride with ev- I “ U /V) eetlaTRlR rtlls.” he tald. “ancl I SAL s to Ihl wholehetrted tupport 1 aH m tl •D finni. chamber member* or I effJdenI

I? tddlnf more decortUoni each l l tp y n w i r.WKCTirlU have td lsp lay o f i m S ^

— f l


f O R C R O P D I V I D E N D S N

farrolne. Bood'mantE

»ITR0C?«^!. . *» a Kood Investtnent i Anttnirt? I ‘“ ' ’Idends In low-eos

a * k ^ ? Nl^-nU Improves yc)Our twin (jhekn u p , n j g b o W . C n v i : f 'r tU iw lowers your i* ^ n )cw rf.rm ln jrlik . *

WORK! Anaeonc «w»otk 5'““ valuable Ume

-w a it™ ,. . " “ fostn fertlltrer-because ‘">-10 handle, easy to apply.


feed andj ^ S t h A Y c r S o . --------------------------

je r Readies Cliristm

^ I i P « ' ■

I Is civlnr the Cbrlttmae tlr te t Conmercla 9BC with new fetteealor. II of m aoaitr. > ietnred abete. will b« placed iDlendeot c Dtheny. left, cbalnuiB ef ibe dM entlons

* * * * ' *

tid Dollars Spen ing Decorations1 everyone In Twlii Falls can Becauie I ■oud." Sm ilh added. *'U Is the clw ed a l t of this program to eventually ftces c tn r -ate Mflln avenue from Plve lutlly* dim] s lo Five points nnd Shothone by wetther.I from WnahlflRton achool lo Tt.» W n< , Park bridge. W ith eyeiyone't "« w» can accomplish ihls In a „ iored for

Z L l d . sim ilar program was1 here aeveral years ago, bul » iik jt.n rt tldcfeaUd by weather. He aaldlore careful tclecUon of wetth- no,....er Ui00/ Jtemt purchnned thU year:he Insurance make tueceu of ' ,,I tn more cerUln. As h u bs year. 18 double.tlded S tn ta p u t several

faces have been obtained recreation i w llh a new supply of festoon< supervision i

lie S anU faces are mounted In Intendent. ' num frames wllh lights In be- tions.I for lllumlnaUon. Bmllh notes tildes can serve a double pur- vlth the tubtlllullon of adver-

pMUrs. The algns could be to publicise such chnmber-

ored events as dollar dnys and sates In addition to civic ae- i

s. -

JM P REPAIRING 1SALES AND 8EBV1CX Mm akei repaired proapUy, 4

clently *M ecooomlcaUy. fiP H O N * T S 8 -W fi

M P P M ? h B Q C P M P ff I

^ ' 9 1

1 1

WmSBS t i




intsem enl pays off Inipllcatlon of Anaconda ,:nt because you BANK'•cost crtfp profit gains. | caes your soil fertility . . . i | t ’iW ... fu te r . healthier.our un ll c o i t . . . helpi ;

•. '■ I thiiconda Ammonium N l- . [ *»•ilme next tprlne whtn •u work . . . less won? tuse the.am all coaled

n Nitrate ^ t s you Jess \ \ ______

i 1

nCE \J.P h o n i T 9 r |


.• ■ T

itmas Decorations

J l

I JU.' •’•

f m '

aerela] dlvUlon. and^HllehHI Hunl, r id irtr. look over tha new deconllpni wllh dent ef pa rk t and ttcreaUoR. Craner's der atlpns. (SU ff phote.eDgravlnd

* * * * ---------------

ent Here^ C. Hend

IS for YuleSS? '.. „ Mondrsgon

ause the frames are not an< ger tach po 1 a t the bottom, the S a n U yaiU police c tn Rlve w ith the wind, vtr- pufiting viol• ellmlnnllnK any destnictlon--------— —tther.festoons w b mnde of a tlrong | lUCnn

I# plasilc and more nalumlly d for a sofler effect. The M j l iu l ^ Is wrap teveral times around )uble wire. T h it U expccled lo I ( f l P and th e elemenU betier ih tn 1 Uil P ' neUl type previously used. w L [ ^ ■er, Uie cham ber expeci* mort LW tg ^

I iu been lU cuitom for the V 7rveral years. Uie clly pnrks and 'tion departm ent, under the (JTII'Islon of E m e tt Craner, Kjper- tiu n Aent. will e rect the deoora- *

t l i e t l i r i f t y e a r p o t l i s p r r e d b y n

S c a t U t k w e a v lB j


HIGHLAND) TWF irth w en t a lt the way to SeoUtnd . . learned the weaving secrets, of Uie g Scotch crafUmen . . . duplicated ihe ric rad ia n t cotora of th t Highltndi, to maki thla fabulous new Vlnd ot pur* u«el b r loom — A u r p e t a t beauliful, durabl colorful •* traditional Seoltlih tweeds, cau te It’* made by Firth's "Tuftwoven It’s one o f Ult mott economical oIMmoI •v e rt You’ll love its dKp springy eomi the 10 re fre th in i color tlTtcls. Youll be th a t iuch truly lu u r lo u t ^utlily carp be *0 ea*7 to afford. See it now,

ta t). t. Pit. Of.

.JB tig e L JZ Z ifc E E RT erm s DECORA

ItTome-Since-liOS---- ------ -F U R■ U ta n U j jm n ta n OTO „ n l » ,



S ' ' .f~^



Tichl. cham ber tecreU ry- ^wllh (Irnest Craner. auper- I deparim ent will plaee the

8 .

i r k i i ig F i n e sifenderson, Donna Wldmer.Egberl. Avery Floyd. H. Gtr-E. New mnn. a . E, Nutlle, J. L. wngon nnd Mrs. Joe Hnrahbar-:h posted «i bonds w ith Twinlollce T liursdny for overtime; violnllons.


ShotwelVsU T IL IT Y SE R V IC E UHONE 2737 or 3782 l l

m L iW e n

I k i p C lI

r ^ <

■ B Ct

Suib y » a . l v e


W E E D ”\ i . . . ' I------------1 I-----he ffreat W 'K B M10 rich. M '

limlurable and v le « d s .A n d b ^»oven" process, ^•ipool carpet* T lcomfort,

,11 be surprisedcarpet can ^

ERIOIt— II— - ^ 3 *

b a t

. / S(tdon dU R N IT U R E . ^rentogi by mppelntinetii-

5 W E E T ^ g ; ^ ^ r ~

^ CHOCOLME I 'C'ran eSticIis I ci

a c k a k ! 6 9 c f



Low Prices A re I


8 - h o u r C a p o c ity


VAPORIZER l e s>Res. 7,35 W J

6 .9 5 l l^ — Regu

Fully A u to m a tic 1 TVlRVIN Electric --------

HEATER1 6 . 9 5 Regul

Hi/ e m in 's - C h l ld r a n 't P A C K

: l u t c h


9 8 c CN' ^ UP V

[ar Seat ^2 ONLY

3 .9 8 ®^ «aeh ^


u it C ase ^ nsem ble

R e g . 24.95 ^ ^

16.884 ONLYI j p ^

I r tMi • r IM

B o y 'i - M I t t e t ' .


SOCKS “ 1.49 ^



iCAlES ^(RITZ) • -

r «

ALLS, IDAHO ’ ' ' '

A u to m a tic E lee trie U

B lankets I ^srngl. 1 7 . 8 8 I ^

- 'C o n tro l............ I / ■

D oubI* I C o n t r o l ..... ^

• N o th in g like g e t t in g ' | H A in to 0 w orm b c^ . r H *

! BORN H ere an

jtom afic Popcorn—

>OPPERSALE Chew ing T ab lefs fc

rita-SweetsV IT A M IN S .

g u la r 1.79 Each—

V TRAYS^LUES Up to $5 - NeW Fc

EWEIRYg u la r 98c (C om plete Port]

IALLOWEE^C K A G E i n c i u d c * — 6 B a l l o o n

Blowouts - 6 Hata - 6 Featl

L J ' y>4 . kIi***! d.tlgr


b f MW K M.’ »—rt-knM«|tn-rt_IU( t l . i t }

l '» ' I I'A’ WSfaMlfalMn____ t.M I.Jt ■ «'/.*{■*•'•1M ^ t i W l ___tw . l . l t II <V.' M ItMt IrtMMI . V I t.J t t r M«M M f tm ____ It j I.JI • 1 r B*i-

S r O ' R B M A M

riaki Itll. Ugt>l m4 N etrr JWetsiiircWla I

» | 9 S

L a r g i S i s t ^ -


2^^^ I


ifW TTTrV^^

............ R egu lar 5.49

s-for C h ild ren— I

i . Reg. 3.98 C

set of 4Fall— 1 ■.............................. eaci

irty A ccessoriei)—

:N favors ■OOM • 6 H o rn s - 6 w w -w k

eathcr Ballons I

j f M ed te ./ 7 ^ j T ' \ ?®*» •/ ____r f i A i — f - d o c l o t" ■ •.• pk

. » e ienc iJ r p r e ie r if -. , We do

• '^—f o w m o s t ^ ' ^ y ^

ntlery rvvr hOM ll aili^ D jI IKI> >^(lolIy Mlielid, >p«. r Ic«d gitop Vf f tw ynt ll m9i» el flneit kel 6r»p Mben ifeel . . . rr»ry lapi*.■ ipUxdld *«!»« at tWi «*. B iItt t f t l j » M<h er } ler , ' ■ reot yevfieir te iheeri w>idolgnid e>ereii>r ler ttol I > _ ’ink Ikrt tiM III) . . . M. Ifc. rreW'»i bi*i proaililig ye«r>*ll _'».ie<toy.

^ 4 D,

O '4 - ^ . r J' ImmM U m __LU l .» .

___ U i 1.]t' (Wri, ictM _ _ U l l.i« ^ 3 ^ *•w v i« * i___ _ t » i.i»*(•«•«• I.M U f V «'M If w n ______Mt !.]« A \

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ftdteol tclene* ] iI I tnro your }e t0 rfa ,p m M lp H a a :— i {. pha'rmflcttiHeot 1 {ienc« goei Into th« f IM c rip tio n i w t fill! I SI do no t 'V onnter'pr**' , | lbe.» for i n n (honid: y be Bsed noder doctor'a ler*. I

PH. 211 I FREE Idescription j DELIVERYI D .Ih .riei bollr 9

U M B O C O . . 'NTS— 3yei e p &in t 'b 6 6 e a c b

work done by EASTMAN Ak C om pu iy 'i aew metb>

. t to e -Q tlauoui Piper F m taao t

loM 820 (to baodlo.port-- I w ltb mall ^ e r t .


Il> : ': ' ' Calmd ^ Mm4 <Iua M il tu tU r A»n

It'.;; ptttM 1« T»l« rtlU. «»<«> “ » ■

j ]:,::■ Hlil;?l'. ' flUUCUPTION RATI^ :^ i. 'IT cLum >-rA Y AB LS m .I f t r i i S J S i g - . . - -17I- . I r »ii ■*«»»• ■,}ill..' Bf lb* TWr ■ .T ■ " ' —I *!'-; -------- -----T t"M A Il^*T A BL K IN AI,• ., WUUa 141k* » 4 J B * Otmtf, VtrU*>

■ J , ’ WATlOMAt. RCTnESENTAtrj3T.K0U.lCAT CO. 1 'l|l? «tl Mtrtot Bwt. g*J rr«»cU

: I W EST GERMANY’S P I '*'■ ' Despite the fact lh a t the po!

today 13 on nuclear weapona!i-' tu re , It la s till true th a t th e U n! , Its allies must rely upon the p:

of the NATO armies. And w , ' projected contribution Is a vl

A German army of 500.000 tbe plan. But almost from tr Oennans were admitted to ^ bave cluttered the path to Its

■ I , ' • Righ t now the barrlcts seer'i ~ I t took Chancellor AdcH&Trei ■ • tpproval of draft legislation aii' i ed thla victory only a t the cost I gervlce period to a year—short i Jor NATO army. The d ra ft does:• tintU next spring, and there

SI > •; U might be delayed until a f te r Ik Mil' general elections.

(.1 German leaders up to now 1,1. •, on raising a volunteer force ol lj ’ ' ' the end of this December. But o i 'ia u g g e s t they may fall short

V ’ largely because of a shortageJ . ': • There are indications th a t tl I'-'I'-*- the end 6f 1967—some 270.0QD Sli;, revised downward to around 5i ‘ The problems are many. Tl i l l . cldedly unpopular in Germn

!||(ll n tu e r’s political opponents, ch ;• ,, Democrata, have seized on th , ) not helped tha t Adlal Stevenso

l | , v try has talked of an early ei i L " draft, or tha t reports have flit

*' adminiatration of ^ sharp cu t ■ tional military manpower,

j - The social Democrats’ main Jv,'.;; pofllnff a German NATO arm;

i 1 their belief It will throw a pe f ' , i block In the way of German

'• ! They play, too. on Germahy’j It I aerve aa a battlefield In a fui

I .1 ! become Involved In a major I ’,; 1 the Bovlet union.• r i But the basic realities in Ei ' 1 ’ materially changed. The wa:

; . . Russians oft Germim.Boll is t- the ground In Europe as well

treserna and nuclear arsenal.

Adenauer imflerstands this • will need not only our m o p l good deal of Juck, however.

J ;;i '« German ariny toto being In a 1i!Ik! bera 80. tba t It may fill Its k<j, ! NATO.aWeli • . . '

I'lf W e m ^ hope he h aa .th a t ll iljji ah e ad ;.- ;

lljlp ■ ; IK E WATCHES TJ [^(j. President Elsenhower Is a tte I P ' dlscrlm lnatlngly-w lth-the- d .y .- presented by what may be a pr« Sir by President Tito of Yugoslav

I __ Tito. only_recently_cqnclud_e[ of confidential talks with So' ? Yalta; -No one can be aure wl

.. feet of those discussions will b : closer to Moscow.

The Yugoslavs have given ' S tate Dulles "assurances" that ‘ th a t £ort la contemplated.

' ,j But aiich declarations are i ;i conclusive evidence. They coui

■ r' ; for a ride.: f In this dilemma, the Preside

on a cautious course he hope i ‘ t hrust Tito Into the Kremlin’s s I : the United States the dupe of n

' ; Communist strategy.)(•. Since the law now leaves It I ,,U tlon whether or not tb contlnui

• slavla, Elsenhower "says wc ecortomic assistance but hold u

: 1,. 1 Of already ordered heavy mllltt Including 200 Jct planes.

I R If Tito Is still earnestly try 1 u in the.middle” -a s .an Indepei

Ij close tics to either West or E S nltely to our advantage to 1

I ( strong:. Economic aid obviously his basic underpinning of strer

, 'stT So. naturally, would heavy , I lljy not canceling arms aid for If 11'; I but suspending deliveries whi h .(Jr 1 the concrete results of the ret 111 Ittl talks. Should our feel u l l prove groundless, wellllt shipments.

hand, should l ( [ | | mistakably clear that Tito L B J Ihto the Bovlet orbit, we woi ■UlBs UU all luither arms asslstanc ■ r. m l economic help as well. ■ bH I present posture tbcr«

one o! "wait and see.” The I M IB B |lt awins, believes we can a ti H I I a while longer lo get plalne n IB Tito's Intentions.

y 9 ~BOOM IN BEA>■ n f l Definite proof Is now ava

minded women are eager fo S a H None other than the fish a ■ I ^ J c e j e p o r t J that during the, j M H aeaaon more than 183,000 tx H H collected.

. W o m en a r e losing: I n t e r e s t i t ,aeem a. B e a v e r

t b a i b w n o t a Ju m p e d I n d e m .tb e r e a r e n ' t p .

H f ” /®* a k i ^ , r a c c o o n s , o p o s iBm rwfijtaff wfjc^ wfldlife omclaIs. lt 's J tu t th a t

bringlui: such low prices tb a t t: Wff Intereated.'9 t ’


£ i > t


WHiMUUkikad )■ l»0<.

Iwead SUMt Wmu T»U WASHINOTON-ifc. M.t eftecuvely di

met •( ilm h I. HTI. llnatice hl« U ll twi1 I f ii„rt 'doIlM *ub«rtplion

will b* pgbiuM Ib »>• w(«Uhy. ceiuervRlto 8m. «»•«•» Kih* CUm. , ,U e ij bccaUM otLATKS •IN AorANCT J .J I

T advakcb ~ j

" * **» !o 3 * w c “ w »ny a-■m Imb. C«iir. tlOO-k-DUtc dlDnei

lood-nnured »ndP R O B L E M "EUenhower g lau i

i , t , I domeAUe u idp o l i t ic a l ncpubU cn eye«.“ ]

a n a a n d tn e i r lu * over*4 closed elrciU n i te d S t a t e s a n d Democwu.

I v i t a l c le m e n t . prob»ble d e fa t , bl 300 h a s lo n g b e e n paper polls. Almot I t h e m o m e n t t h e n»tiop»i, mdiciie#

I t s f u lf i l lm e n t . the numle e m h ig h . jy in uie aouth. th « re r - f t7 e a r to w in- - T h w repe r ^1 a n d h e h a s g a in - “ " J "lo s t o f l im it in g th e luinou. o il o r t e s t o f a n y m a - i n electoral vo t« . lo e s n o t ta k e e f f e c ti r e a re e v e n h i n t s g l o o m y r e p o

,„w h „ . counted e o f 96,000 m e n by ride wlih % winner J u t c u r r e n t r e p o r ts voteri fell into thli

Ige o f b a r r a c k s . caiendir h u twice i t t h e o b je c tiv e f o r popuUr iiju re u i 000 m e n — m a y b e hero could hnve de

™ a y ? s » s J c , r it h e Issue. I t h a s the »ho*t," u v e {

n s o n In th i s c o u n - main e«o rt now u / e n d to o u r o w n be » l

I f Stevenson collecUt f i l t e r e d o u t o f t h e cowensua: u t In o u r c o n v e n - nomlne« wlU b« luc

. ISO, or poulbty n s . a i n r e a s o n I o r o p - 1! “ R Swwiu n f pniiri:«> In whlci} Went lo Pres r m y , o f c o u rse , la ,3p e r m a n e n t r o a a - uexiw , M innew u

n a n r e u n if ic a t i o n . The addition o(n y ’jf f e lu c ta n c e t o Uve ^ e n m le:

f u tu r e w a r , o r toJ o r c o n ll lc t w i th c o s b e b v a t i v i

does not seem to tx\ E u ro p e h a v e n o t D*»ia Eisenhowerw a v to k e en th e Msocikteir t J b “ . a . o Je l l a s In o u r p la n e Many of ike's oka l . stltuUon or SUtes t h i s . E v ld tn t ly h e

'P > • “ P P 'r t; e r , to b r in g th e reiiers. who headn a u f f lc le n t n u m - aUon; UeuL Ocn.! k e y p la c e In th e cu d # k . Rich, m

number of other ni t lu c k in th e y e a r fo r* " th r “l


JTiTO V I E W Si t t e m p t ln g to d e a l ^ »» o I- d i f f ic u l t p u z z le WAR p e r r i n k f p r o -R u s s la n s h i f t Tlie pioneers of

rou3-wi»e In most

u d e d _ s e v ^ l _ d a y s T ith^gh u” ™y!b. S o v i e r i e a d e r s a i u »«m s to us

: w h e t h e r t h e c f - * i« n to i . b . Pen l l b e t o m o v e T l t p

span li—or was v v e n S e c re ta r y o f manrcL it hardly .j , h a t n o c h a n g e o f “ 'o faU ier of the

® . no t named for Per ment of the tract.

:e n o t n e c e s s a r i ly oUier than the b :o u ld b e ta k in g \is after l. s . Perrtne

H «'DUld ha re b

lO pcs w ill n e i t h e r The « u n ty seat. Vs a rm s n o r m a k e cated a reUtlvely >f n e w ly c o n c e iv e d m 'sh t have bern r

one of the other • \ . i J I _ ****” named Perrin

5 I t to h i s d ls c r e - Xhe name* of ot InUC a id to Y ugO - the ntme« of flnni /c Will m a in ta in »n<l do no d u p on d e liv e r ie s ‘" H o » e « r it aeem l l l t a r y e q u ip m e n t , has receive its du

and Uie determlna t r y in g to " s ta n d »hlch Mr. Perrine

r E a s t , I t Is- d e f l - honor,-K im berly J0 h e lp h i m 's t a y -------------isly c o n tr ib u te s to a .t r e n g t h . The Uilrd la ta l

o r sood and all, our n,,i„ . rS .L v W hile w c o b se rv e the rwldenilnl su-i r c c c n t Y u g o s la v - fpeeoers, :n fnct »i te a rs o l a closer i? * " ” V>' S ? '” ' ’ w e m ay resum e ror. K o V a K , . . But the new. uni

u ld I t b ecom e u n - m rd to eood advn0 Is m o v in g b a c k undprswod by mot w o u ld p re su m a b ly »P*«iini a n c e and probaUly S S i ’” * "

In lh n « three ra c r e f o re is la rg e ly tersnftons. and u>.10 Prc-Mdcnli. w lM ly , T ''* drivera f f o r d to h a n g o n m.'Jli

l in e r In d ic a tio n s ot- do not ren ird ii ai- d6« not u.ie t tu x

----------- --------------------- -b* mad*.U> «to «o^A V P 'I? l^hment. Tlie jim

. . .. Uils r w r d . - 6 . l ta v a i la b le t h a l f u r - __• f o r b e a v e r. \ t h a n k;h a n d w l ld l l f a je r v - T» a child th 1C. I f lS i-5 5 ..trn n n liig1 heaver pelts were

Wltli papers to Rt■est In o th e r lo n g - . i>»che« spendrar I s th e o n ly f u r ^e m a n d ’7 ’''^c xn iu in .

e p le n ty o r m u s k - i a tocher <K>as ,p o ssu m s , w ea5 els , / in*, stom achaches ivfJd, say- i i s h a n d / d u m u jh a t r a w fu ra 'a re i'^ l!* ^^ “ ^*'**^“***' f . t tra p p e rs a r e n ' t h ” ^ ^ . ;

j ce(t«. 1 ,

; e r ’s n a t i o n a l

ilR L IG IGTON—THe rash of anll-Stevenson polls ely dried up the contributions needed lo LSI two w eeksfiLfaznpaicnlns.The D*day iption d rlT t-w i^ a complete failure, and tervallve Democrats have tlppered their is« of th e DemocraUc nominee's seemlne

sufTtnder to Uie extreme Ilberml and labor elemenU o( the party.

' • .Stevenson, for Inilance. consld- (. ered his Cincinnati speech 00 for-

J . elcn affairs hU besl effort in tha t V - fleld. but i t was b roidcasl only lo-

cally Instead of over a naU onal •*3i radio or televUlon network. More* H over, the money for even th a t llm lt- ■ ed distribution was raUed only a t ^ 1 the last moment. And h e revised his

m anuscript to such a late hou r tha t H i Jt got only scant pUy la dU tant

newspapers. As a rciull. he p lans to* repeat the same talk.rru m an mode a sparkllni speech a t a llo n e r a t Waahlngton a week ago. H e was

and humorous. Donning w hat h e called glasses.*' he loolud upon and analyzed and Republican acene through “myopic

yes." B ut for lack of funds. I t was carried 1 circuit to audiences consUtlng on ly of

Tfl BLAME NKWePAPER POLLS — tides, refusing to admit th a t h e faces Ukt. blame the financial famine on news- Almost every csnvau , whether local or Icates th a t. alUiough he Is stronger now four years ago. he has no t gained enough sldent Elsenhower. They are also dlscour-* num ber of leading newspapers, especial* ,lh. th a t support R e editorially, rto^ w ir. more 'parileu>ariy.-that-at<yen- e t no chance of carrying such electortalJy ates aa New York. Pennsylvania, New lU. Ohio and California. W ithout these votes, he has no chance of irlnn ln f.

REPORTS ON STEVENSON'S CHANCES ying up.contrlbutlORS of money, these u so near to elecUon day also affec t mil- w -called •^andw sgen voters." H aving no t tlea or pollUcal pHllosophy, they like to I'lnner. The larga number of "undecided" to th is category.liiklne hlBlorlcally raUier thnn politically. 4m lrer» regret the fsc t th a t the polUlcal twice forced him to run agaUist auch a

e aa Elsenhower. T hey believe th a t tiielr ive defeated almost any oUier RepubUcan n mentioned for the nomination before ) run again. ,

CORRAL 200 ELECTORAL VOTES—In m ocrats have, albeit privately, "given up lave for the congenlUl optlmlsta. T heir ow la to conal a t l e u t 400 electoral votes, be a f a r better ahowing than the 80 which llecUd four years ago. ruus is. however, Uint the Democratic be lucky. If ha winds up w llh as m any as ly n a . In giving Stevenson thU 150 or 17S Igured th a t ha may carry these su te a > President Elsenhower four yeara ago: Ifld. Tennessee. T e ia j, OkUhoma, New lesot* and Missouri.m of these sUCes Ut h is I0S3 toU l would m IS l electoral balloU against 370 for

m V K “B B A 88-—T he “old -anny Ue" I lo be working In favor of **Oen.'' Dwight lower in the iSSS campaign. &lany of his clatea have eolUted In the enemy camp, ner superior, Oea. Douglaa M acArthur. puoU ng silence.e 't old friends are lined up w ith th e Con- lUtes RlghU party, whlcb haa nom inated indrewa e f Richmond for P resident. They t. O en. Edwaiij M. A lm ond.-vho ,eom- lenth corps In Korea; Brig. Gen. Bonner head MacArthur'a psychological o rsu iU - G en. Albert C. Wedemeyer. Brig. Gen.

J l, R e a r Adm. Paulus P. Powell, and a h e r mUltary figures of lower rank , hower and Stevenson. It seems, a re too h a ‘■brau." a notoriously con»ervatlve

l^S OF O T H E R SINE RECEIVED DUE .RECOQNlTIONr rs o f Uie Twin Tails trac t were wond« m ost wn>'», bu l tliere U one respect In TlS to Ui they might hAve done better, iiAy,.be too late to do much about It.0 us th a t no t enough recognlUon wiut . Perrine In lhe nnmlng of geographlcnl the trac t. The lntcr*county bridge near e ars the name of Perrtne. b u t whUe the WAS when ll was built—an engineering •rdly Jiufflcea }o give due recognlUon 10 f the great Tw in PViIIs Iract. and I t was ir Perrine unUl long after th e establish- u»cUUie bridge, about alt you will find named

Trine Is a hotel and a drug store, ave been no more thnn logical a n d Ju it sd ou r county after Mr. Perrine. nnd. In other person would hnve been alighted,

seal. Twin Falls—which Li actually lo- Ively long distance from the tw in {alls. )Cfn named lo r Mr. Perrine. O r perhaps other town.1 on tha trac t m ight have Perrine.of o lher towns on the trac t today bear flnnnclers or con.'lructors o f the proj-

do no t wish lo belllUe lha work of auch

aeeRU to us thn t, while finnnclnl power Its due recognlUon, the power of vUlon rmlnaUon lo transfer vUlon Into renllly rrlne had, hnve not been given adequate

* no t too Inle to give I. B. Perrine greater erly Adverlt.«r.

A JO n FOR RADARFaliil accidcnt In the p u t few weeka to1 traveled slrecLs in Snlt Lake City proves lerd law enforcement elsewhere thnn nn TlaU. Admittedly police cannot patroKnll ll fttrect.1 In. Uie elty In order to curb ’act such patrol would be of scan t value llalnly marked palrol cars or easlly -ven fleers would w arn the speeder long be- be clocked nnd given a ticket.'

A-. unmnrketl police rndnr unILt m ich t be advnntngr—und If It became generally

r motorlsCfi th a l (here te no aaTety from leedlng anywhere, wo ralijlit be nble to '■ th is dangerous speeding on rrAldentlnl

iree recent accldenU cara collided 'a t In­nd Ux> litUe walchfulneaa for oUier car*. Irlver win drive more carefully and alow- ; w ldenU al »ue«i becauae he knowa Uial UU and pedeaU-lan*. parUcularly children, fl ll aa haiardoiu. The unwiie driver, who I reasonable care In auch a alluaUon. mual <10 «o by-jmnlahmmt-or the -tea r n t pun;

f—S a lt t* k f Tribune.

ANK HEAVEN rO R TF.ACHHRSlid th ru st Inlo a’ airanse world, a boo<he beat thing th a t cnn pavMhh--hnaptii.. i.> i.,uui»i;r m m Kleenex in lt.i pockri lU-ugRllng WlUl a anoaflult, and Patlenc

to gmde.•pend alK hours a day aearchlnc for lh inoUier six hours searching for rrrfiij.

IncorrupUble, IndLtpenuible. Invlnciblt InexhausUble.’does no l rea/fjr trtind the m tim es. *qu(rm aches. spHU. sloUi and sauelnr.vv Neillic: I sm u g rate , before tears. trIflM . flghL^ ses. p*rents-w ho-apoutrllttlff-tx>yjt,w h{ -ue glrU who pouUven for Tedcher*.—Augusta (KanA.) Ga*

' i ,

iL'\ ~} P O T

S Sh o t sand '

the ir.Ding '1 and GOTTA NEW F lA O r

Dear Pot Shots: u id - Living In Gooding. I only get to for- Twin Palls once or twice a month, th a t bu l when I do. I alw ayt hopefully

y lo- take a trip up by the courthouse to lonal sec If anything has been done about lo re- the exUUng American flag a t that Imlt- building.ly a t In l u present condlUon. the flsi d hU U a dUgrace boUi- to th e counlry tK at and to Tw in PalU county .C an some*

ita n t thing be done to either ge t a new ns to flag or to hava the old f lag cleaned

or repaired? a t a Dla GustecT: waa (Ooodlng)ailed . • • •

PUPS FOB XIDR D E PT .ThU amall golden pjip U p a rt Pom*

eranUn and p a rt terrier, th inks the present owner. The pup'a a female aboul 3 m onUu old. You can get her

a by phoning Tw in Palls 3283>J or ^cea HlsW snd avenue.

Dear p o t ShoU: ‘ now P*rt-O ennan pointer

DUffh T heir mother U an excepUon* -n?r. *tly good bird dog and m inds per-

fecUy. One U light and one'a dark and they're boUi males. We live one

-v«n- m ilc -K ca U D d .tb m -fg u rU n ,p1..« ru iiv mile south of Deadman'a corner In y i i Tiler. Phone DAvU 8-4743.Ihese . . SaekeU

M IGHT BE HONEY ICES Mrs. J . R. BeiUa has dUcovered Jiese why ao many bees appeared ,to-be mil- buzzing around a fU r th e fsmlly g no moved InU) a house a t 468 Van Bur- ce to en street.ded" She found a beehive iR'back of th t

house. Presumably, the bees are In :sll.v. Uie beehive, bu t Mrs. BelUa wouldn't Itlcal swear to It. Sha h u n 't InvesUgated c h a u i a i f a r .their 60 If any of you good consUtuents ilcan w anu a beeh lve -e lthe r with or •fore without beea—you can phone Mr*.

BelUa a t 13M-R. And d o n 't forget, there Just m ight b« aome honey in

—I n th a l beehive'. If so. removing the n up honey Is your problem.Ihelr . . •oles. Medicine and advlca a re easy to hich give and hard to Uke, notes Our

expert on Such Tilings, rallc . .ly as KITTENS FOR KIDS DEPT, f *7S Pol shoU :

A stranger came* caUlsg on us and refuses to p a rt with our hosplul- Ity* H e Is a weJl-bred. by th a t 1 mean seemingly pedigreed filamese

o u 'd cat. has blue u 'es. male gender and ' JO*" approxlmajejy a year old. Very af­

fectionate M y, bu t frightened allly .. of doga. You can reach m# by

,« e ' phoning 1059-W.'igh t WlnUred. U U ns> (HIS N inth Ave. E.)»^P* (Twin P ^ )Uiur. J

OUR BCLLCTDf BO A RD . 5 0 ^ Mra. O .C A ,' Filer - Sorry, bul

le lte a •oUclUn* «lJD(J»t anything us- ually t r e n t used Id e rtro r . W i used your flrat n o te iu s t a i a sort of

D f " exoepooa to prove-the rule.

» Mr*. E. C , Twta F a ll» -W e don't know th e hlsUiry of th a t lltUe poem,

,'too bu t we suspect I t originated In Uie »Uve Pliocene age. Really. It's been kick­

ing around in one form or another so long It has whUken dowa to

g here. Thanks, anyway,

L . 5W5-B. Tw>“ Fa lla -Sorry , bul lost )N- pups a r t considered advertising, ond* Hott-ever, if we see a UtUe Boston :l in bulldog wllh hl>ck body, w hite head. :tter, red collar and poiiibly walking wllh

n Ump, we'll either phone you or le* waa tu rn him to 345 Quincy s tre e t

hical • • •near TUBERS FOR FREE DEPT.! “ 'B Pot Shou::rlng i have about two buahels of dahlia " tubers to give a tfay free. I w ont be WM home Sunday morning or any week

days so all the time I will be homa ^ U Sunday nftemoon.

imed Anyone e*n have aa m any as they w in t unUl.all are gone. All are amail

1“^ bnll.typo of yellow and red colors d. in nnd 11 mixed U>gether. I can't

tell the color you may get.! ?■ I live in Uie flrat houae on High- Inlla, Innd avenue off highway No. 74 on haps rond to the airport, hove Mra. J u p e r UunI

(118 HlgWand Are.) bear (Twin PalU)>roJ- . . ."UCh FAMOUS LAST LINK

. . lie aayi wild horses eeuldn't d rag htm out fo r Uia f irst twa days

Ll on of pheaaant hnnUnr.- " “ ly GENTLkMAN IN THB


•aterT R A D E N O W

» • « C V O U R

V m , O L D

’p W A T E R H E A T E RWAaDUU Of r m tm M coNorwH


aLMCTHtC WATMIt MMATIMI 10 YiAt raoncnoN ouAtxmn

£^JIL U _E IE (™ C -tience ^^our APPLIANCE Blott”ir the; _____________________

icible.l BURLEY ~~\1U3 Overland

u(rm -i Phon# OR 1*7671;lilicri .---------------lKhi. 1,w h a |-------- T W IN FALLS

4<1 M ala E. Phone 1S4 Gn* L_____________________________ !

------- ----- rn iE S ^JE W S T T T ^

n " W A S H I N G T O N

MARQUIiL o r r R O r r - N o p e u u c a lc a a p a lg n w l u eomplaU wlUioat.K ^ frfi whcMe

fn an a a n ha Invoked ta doajur* up I the maairold w ic t e ^ e n '^of th e oppoalUoa Por th a cpubQ eao t u

_ J thU fim naign haa ' ■ ftow a hotter.devil Is n e l U i t r ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ H

, AdUi ” nor XsUa K e f a u - ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ H

^ u U ie r . head o f ^ m ^ ^ | I ” Uie United A u t o - ^ ^ H ^ ^ I

mobile W o r k e n ^ m ^ H WlUl lU m l i l i o n ^ H I ^ H H and a half

VIM P r e a i d e n t H H B HRlchanl M .Jilxoa ___

in r f CUM.chanca when he U UUclhg to Re-

~ pubUcaa workers lo aay th a t Reuther ^ u Ul* m an to defeat. High on ' Uie

W hite House target l u t U Michigan’s Oov. O. M ennen WlUlams. nu in lng for a fifth term and, in the vocabu-

om- U ry of Republican denuncUUon, • It)* hlreUng of Uie DAW boas. Portner

n *!' Gov. Thomaj Ef Dewey of New York haa twice come Into thU a u ta to

I or pour hU parUeular b rand of cold fury on R euU iu and. In passing, on

. Williams.One ot th* W hite House Inner

nter circle rem atted rece&Uy U u t ILonly ion- w iliUms could be defeated. Uie per- "RcuUier plan" would- be check­mark mated, the Reulher 'p lan being a one pervasive aystem of pollUcal and

r in through every union channel and no t Jusl for a few weeks In elecUon

:tt campaigns bul day In and day out, year after year.

Pour yeara ago the D etroit area ered *■’ * Blevenson a m ajority of IBS,000.

WlUl auU) workera voting three to _,iy one loe th e Z?emoamtie csndidate

for prealdent and alx U) one for governor Wllllama. Prealdenl EUen*

th i hower plied up such a large lead out- . aide D etroit Uiat he took Uie alale Hn-L *nd lU 30 electoral votea by a m a .

Jorlty ef more Uian 330.000.Most pollUcal aurveyora pu l M lch-

, - 1, Igan la the £U eah»w er coJuma „ again, alUiough-Uiey believe the

vote will be closer and W illiams will run far enough ahead of the n a - Uonal Ucket U> defeat Uie Repub-

'[ i " llcan candldau, D etro lfa Mayor At- b e rt E. Cobo,

B ut th* UAW’a Intenalve organis- , ( . Ing Job. alongside unemployment In o „ - th e aulo InduaUy and the absence > - of Usuea auch aa th e K orean war

w hldi gave the Republicans a shnre of tha Ubor vole la s t tim e, makes I t almost cerUln Sievenaon’s major* lly will be greater In th e city .while Prealdent Elsenhower'a ouU tate ma- Jorlty U likely to be amaller.

^ If there ahouid be a n upset and Blevenson should c arry Michigan,

Vl" th e ReuUier system of pollUcal In- ‘ }* doctrlaaUon would • have paid off

“ II’ Uie biggest pollUcal jackpot thus far.

The head of thU rem arkable school . of pollUcs doea n o t Uilnk, however. ■' solely In Urma of tiecU ens won or

lost. He U lks with th e dynamUm of a bom leader of long-term trends, of

. p arty reaponalblllty a n d . the lack o t I t aad w hat th a t lack .meana In

^ cynlcUm^ Indlfferanu , a . sense of tnisfraU on UiwarUng thi^lemocraUc process.

Tha poUUcal lofiueoce of ReuUier ., and tha UAW U by no meana con-

ftoed to Michigan, W herever there aro UAW locaU In 36 aUtea th e same InUnalve. pollUcal IndocUlna-

I“ * Uon goes forward. I a Michlgan'a delegnUon to the DemocraUc na-

“ Uonal convenUon ther# were 31 UAW members. U A W -m em bers were on tho detegaUona of 10 o ther

lost lU tee, someUme* la mnuenUnt po- ing. alUons.

' In .Texas in the runolT prim ary ^f..' 'for goveftior a t Uje end of August.

th e coniervaUves centered the ir fire **• n o t so. much on the more llb e n l

candidate, Ralph Yarborough, a s on ReuUier. Every possible link waa exploited to make it aeem as though

, Reuther wer* dlcUUng and paying hlia —: be , , . .•eek5ma

A l1957 1. • • •

ays ' l lW

l l


I Seo y o u r H U D S I

; R a i H B L E R ,

for a <l«nionilrati

126 Second I - A ve. W est I

r w iN “

I N C A L L I N G " B Y

IS CHILDStlgn for th e Yarborough c a m p a i f There iM e ar« fewer th a |i 30.090 UAW mefflbera ) up la Texas.th e D cip ttt.tb e aaU -R eolher barrage,

t u Yarborough, wlUi eaS ilS voUa,___ nearly defeated Price Daalel. whe■ I poUed 688.1U . ThU waa Uken by■ aome to IndlcaU .the beginning of a H Dew poUUcal alignm ent In the Sooth.

CodservaUvef would solidify against the more Uberal forces In a two*par-

■ ty ayatem having lltUe resembUnce■ to tbe oiTpoalUoa ef Democral aod■ Republican.H While he makea no predicUons.

Reuther can foresee a greater lole■ for Ubor organized for poUUcal ac^ V Uon. aa U th e UAW.. T h a t could mean, too, a giialer

n ie ' for W alter ReuUier. alUiough he U careful no t to lalk about his

,^C '' OWTI pa rt In thU new kind of union- the itBt. Because R ^ub llcans and con-

■•»’* servaUre DemocraU undentandlhU 3lng J, It new kind of unlonUm U ecrtaln* ‘bu- ly one reason he h u been made Uie a. • chief devU of Uie RepubUcao cam- rner paiyn

In the tradlUonal union approach,» J® Uif big boaa Uiunderwj. out hU pro-

nouncement on tha eve of the elec- • Uon aa did John L. U w U when he

urged his miners In 1940 to toU for Wendell WlUkle. ThU might be call*

“, ' i ' ed the trickle-down Uieory of Ubor poUUcs. I t worked someUmes. More

***■ ofU n.asw lthLew U lnl940.-IH slled. • 5 The UAW haa UlU year held a le-

rlea of paUOMl^^wgJon^^and sUU

the spring In Waahlngton, when ' leadera of boUi paKlea Ulked to

delegatea from all over Uie c*uotry. O n fiept. IS. 3M0 elecUd delegatea

^ met In Detroit to voU In secret bal- 1 lol on the course to be foUowed In \ , t , lhe campaign. The voU to endorae

Jo- SUvenson was per cent, for Mr. •cn EUenhower leas than one per-cent, nuu with roughly two per eent for no en- 1. 1, doraement a t all. m . I f the American pollUcal system

were Uke th a t of BrlUin. wlUi. a leh- CtonservaUve and » U b o r party,

ReuUier would be, If no t head of Uia th e Isbor oppoalUon. Uien weU on hU v lll way to the top. n * . He U. much too knowledgeable to mb- lUuslons about a labor party A i. here, reallilng lh a t unlona raust

work cloeely w ith other groups If n is- Uiey are to be pollUcaUy effecUve.I in But w hether he U devil o r not, Uiere •nee ts * ferment In thU red*hea.ded labor w ar leader who looka so much younger fnre tb*n hU 49 years, ikes --------------- ------------

i"; Funeral Held for Resident of Paul

ian . RUPERT, Oct. 28—Puneral, serr- In - ices were held Wednesday aflemooa off a t the Paul CongregaUonal church

:hu3 for Mrs. Alma Ochaner WlUl the R«T.Rhlnehold Opp offlclaUng.

Hool Pallbearcra wero Dale etoUer, Oer- ver. *ld StoUer, weaiey Stolier, Ronald I or Zemke; Gerald Pfeifer and Merlin n of Pfeifer.I. of fihlrley Zemke. Pay* Weat. EtUicr c o t P^Uer, M artha-M eytr. Peg Brower,> In Jo MarUn and Mra. J ttm Blminf

of were In charge of flowttx. cooeludloff aUc rites wer* held a t Uw Paul ceaeteiy.

AnniversariesTwo employee of MounUla SUUi

Telephone a sd Teltgraph company f marked a U>U1 of 68 ye an wlUi U » *“ concern thU month.

T hey are Bert HarrU. central of- flee repairm an, who observes hU S ith year, and Alfred D. Steren*,

'pg . lest deskman, 30 year*.

RETURN FROM BUOW uat. HKYBWRH.-Oct. 3^-C arol Jean fire Abo, janU Orton and LoU Helner e n l and iKr. and Mra. OUa Orton have 1 on returned from PorUand. Ore., where waa Uie glrU represented the souUicea- ugh tra i Idaho 4-H dUtrlot a t Uie Pa- rlng clflc Intem aU onal Livestock ahow.



...way up in pow<

Quick . . . wllh tbe____ _ ,,_y28_engine.,5mo|ofA

Hajhaway Hydra-WtS O M f a n d / « / « . . . with the.

of any big car on t R d » o l e r ■ .*■ with a ride three

' than any u ’ve ever'

. 'i '* * T ha ftth en ew Hud*

It’s bigger inside than


A u t u m n N i g h t i S ; F u U o f B i r d siho Theae are tha lUghts when the by mystery U compounded: Mamnislj.

If a bird* «nd InsecU a rr again making lto . their fantaaUc annual migraUoni. Inst mostly by dead, of night.' •* r - Theae nocturnal trips, undertaken « « even w hen the mooo U dark, thesod llara are clmid. --------------------

. covered and Uie , ^ K lOM gfoimd U hidden ^ role by fog. are unex- ' sc^ pHioable. Conald- ’

er: A m other tem Her arlaea la Uie sigh t, <uth dU appev* tn .U te <hU fog bank, files to •on- the w a t e r and <on- irithia « / e v h o u n . ^ a o k f ^ ^ ^ l ' IhU re turns from h e r ' ^ H ^ ^ R ^ B < Jn- gyrations over Uie V t t N M H * the sea w ith a crop '« • tull of fUh to dU- gur«« B>r«t <

gorge lo he r ravenous, damorous * >ch, yoaog.*'*Mlnd. relum ing through ■ n>- dukneaa and fog to Oie exact squire * lee* foot—for ther« a t) counUeas other * he nesU nearby, most conUlnlng equal* for ly clamorous, ravenous young. ’ •11* As anow m o v u down the sides of ' bor Uie Rockies wlUi the coming of win- > ore ler. *o too do Uie elk herds move led. down Uttle by UtUe each night to ' se- w lnler-feed In Uie bottoms. In Cans- aU da's northU nd. lemmings may be ' - in w altfn j— Uieti— latclBal—y u twara * hen drive, on and en. again mostly by *

to Eight, down Uie valleys, Uirough ' try. the tund ra, past Uie spruces, all In ' lies one m ighty franUc rush, Not one win ' >al- oome back; bu t the populaUon will *

In sta rt again almost from scratch ptr* > )r*e cnted by a few suy-at-homes. ’ Ur. Prom somewhere In Central Amer* mt, Ica, n o ooe knows where—the col- ' en- ton -w orn moUii fly by night to ar- '

rive In our southern slates and a fu r ' -em breeding for several dUastrous gen* ‘ 1 a eratloru, fly on again by night to ‘ rty, the n o r th reaching as (ar u Canida | lha in such numbers aa to slow traffic. ' hU Of these millions, nol one survive*. '

B u t greatest of the mammsltan ' to overland migrators U Uiot of some \

fty of the baU which both feed and ml- f ust g ta u a t night. They go trlppbgly, ‘

If (topping here and there, over day ' ive. and eating and drinking on the wing, ere B u t th e most amaelng mlgraUoni l)or ef ail—If no more than reckoned In ? ger num bers and klnd»-are our birds, n

Of th e migrants, the ;naJorlty are » , n ight flyers, among them being shore I,

bUda, ralU, flycatchers, orioles, most « of the g reat family of sparrows, wood "

I w arblers, vlreos. wrens. Uiruthes, In d III fact sUmost every one of Uie small ” “ Mrds. _ ^ j!

For th* Bolonce of (

DOUBLE Tallow ance fo r j

, a p p lia n c e on pu i


WASHER-A N OTHER PROOF, thi b e t t e r ^ c r e .




wer, way down ii

’♦H e/lrr^W k • «*«ic ^ i

the world's newest price. It's builtopth w th new linglc unit p f(fa-Malic. light on ol wirfl.'carcTnthe easiest handling bigger, safer tiion the rond. Solid soaks up the blute limes smoother rufigetl perforrn'

A ^ i t ’iabargaludsonl lower lhan lastthan any car a t any now. Phone fo


a fortnight or »o hv 'he-yrsr t n o h.i;-* t o l . u



ikenthe I

I M - '- t l 'm e V r SK 'n 'Jht-w ould be S ;■ and they would be i h m ^ r ^■ food supply Of■ «CU. and llllle run.■ haustion wlUiout (he

stomach would by f . t . i ^ J |, feeding lnsecUvorou.1 ™ . ,„ d w W „T O r.Jf;u |h oy day: and fl»y.fe«w7 „re secuvorous birds, .uch t ,„ and nycatchera migrate by S u l . How fast are th e « m lf r .a u ^

vary. A lone gooie trsckrt h S , Of [Of « minutes av«is*d « ^ ,1„ . hour. Radxr has p^ved ^,ove U’lns: Unui recently 11 ; to most m lgranu lie* i f S

15.000 feet. In flying over mo«S be radar shows U iai u,rj- n i,7 t»

u a even-W.OOO-rfwt- in jt by after they have cro«(ij.

ugh to Uielr nornul U11&slUlude Which U well b c f t

» 1II feet. Ul crossing oeesni, aua <».,Il only a few feel over the a im J « r . parenUy in an effort to in S j

verie winds. i „ . Tlie moon, of course. i i , »»■01- help In observing bird moti-cii.

night. Dy fixing on its li|ht,u J fu r “ " f f equipped wllh a teld=w, jn . field glass can see the

(0 migrants. UnUke ihei;Ida floeklngs. now most seem lont Iflc. *“ ‘y evening, ipirai uptvji J, stnke out In (he proper iixa lan In I»«. the cns

number arc migrating by ak iiBefore dawn most settle dotaUf

-l„ beforednyllght.wmil|ghi,ifinj|' -p reparing for Uieir next hm

(CoWflSbl. It t t . >, ons rrn l Dr tpNlit •rtmtiianl *a

ore Ui“Jlost ■'OiU-facnoui MC<r«ne< >tik li i»«1 .gU l I n u, In (lltrrL S«rrr, t ilnplr ?4n ‘ mi>b

___m . Bta.«ni». c»iir. ^

of October W e Offer f f

TRADE-IN Ifo r y o u r p r e s e n t H n

p u reh a ae o f n e w


th a t y o u c a n a lw a y s do M l

lE w m

E T V - 8 I

1 in pricei B

I Wnll'vf <W«'

built in a doubly -ipromtsciyou thousandi . areTree' miles. It ride* tr t ire s -h u p lhe:he bumps. It’i thefonner of t h c f n ^ l

,argairi. . * »ct«aBy last year’* models.

le for a d e m o n i t t t u a l . - ^ ^ ^ H

T w in’'• '; c > g |H

raiDAY. OCTOBER 2,.,^

V " ' I


I ftfllest —I Shoddy ItemsV -

B ^ Q g ‘f . ^ f , l r In p d p b t to -

■ « M j a g k . v * u n t n they w»rt f / ■ y £ f 5 b U c . p o » i y . J » p « « «

i > ; S £ » W « m n . lt«n»■ r t ^ “ ? f r S r on Tue»«J*y. rtpo ru

Chin* wplUl■ e * £ r « S « d * y “ r r crowi■ • * 2 u J ibtorrice* WM> rtfiuea

Olflel*!* ■»!«<• ^ »P0>9-B t, u toM newp*!**” ',-.B P ^ g Z ^ tr td e mlnUtty Md

■ • ( ‘'S S r f t i r . iJioekfd *l«n InvMUjHIon

1 ‘2’w ilS ^ n t lor u ty m in u lK .

■ ^ w 5 « * « » T e jp o n < Ie n t of theBt*»D*pfr **1^ eocnplilnt* „

■ S ^ iD m d to purthM* •« « • of

^ f c S ' e ^ P fount**" P*n* 1*^*'tH tm j to in for 31 (*n'» m l t» -,, K u not wrl«. P«» .■2*boxt* fuw»M«<l K> • A

K ? i * S i . b<»W q»»uty

^ 'u b U t^nnU pKd. I j biA tw« l»r«f» of lu b b tr * w

E r toxe* of ond y eonUlned un- , " I ”- :„ 1 w '

K .U mck loteUier «nd w tre tom . .. „ ■ m burtn W«1 to ®P«n Wi«n: , ■ m perfuB* bottle* »er» empty.K T (S r* ttmUlntd on>y coVottd “ |® “ i K r . » h.«m«P«x^^n^ *«»<»•

pife Offers Last I Word in ‘Lesson’°tl"Blit b»d left unlocked In a ihop- “" V P , ilM.1, . C .lllon.1. h ig h . . , " ^ (jffltw too lc ieT eriJiM w Iypur. ,K tM p«cki|M. gtcel| t e w cHl«r-* *rri»iJ home. r . .■ ta lb* p iW l’* monthly 'report, iKtioni ftum tnu iei. the wife «*ile<l th i t (tw ui I m i w nhuti hid befn *(«Ien.■•Ks BM lettins exdUd." the o»I- . i _ , . r j

, j ,* # ld .. .b f ln * ln i In the m lu ln r ^ ^ ^ " ,1,

S W w k l t h U b f » Je M o n to io u ." f " ““ ■"flT fry Intertitinr,** I*«t-K’orded ^ A (U n -* T forvoc to menUon I went] ^ ^ U i n d boufht the um * ,ihlns<i ^ ^ E & T ou u n r ttu m the p * ^ * se i

K le e t * . ■ I " u i r p L A N N O r

■CMTUrOBD. Oct. 3S—C u tle - |B d ow m vlll hold * coolcMl Xood; ■ i b ts n U y »t th i W e*tcm Auto I ■ n b Bohl. U n . m . A- U u tln * ' f ■ d Un. U lt TouDln *r« In chvga tl ■ d htn uked *11 Onuige membet*'■ htn till food *t. th* Q n n g t hAllI P .■ M * J iL ,8 * tiii i|jiX D r^ k e t t to ' ^ ■ lT M (tm A u lo « io ^ t iy n * jn . |

M l■ K H Flw p w SHm I - I

| y s [ E...... - HUI I

; ^

Russians 01)


M. I. n u b e u le ln , V. L. Xudrr»rt*er. m d I heir Brrlral a t New York lo obtcrre Ih* Ai lale'deparlR ient. They declined lo lay wh {Mketman for the trig, quettloned on luue Bd h u the luppori of Ih t fiorlet peoplf. (

Lward Given to V.ill In Community Scr

RUPKRT, O o t J8—The New Plo- whfrrby er Oranee will receive a ilOO bond nimiinir d a b ro n u plitqUe for pineins apc- "rnrrldli d In the Or'imge "community lerT- EluhUi ” cont«*t th is year. . runnlnerhe m ajor project Uint helped ''bawniie J Orange Into iecond plnce waa Uic• county road m arker p re j« t In nd* )n*ored by th e group, P i n t plnce home ni* aft-arded to Knull O ranse In by Arm« 'In FalU and th ird place wenl to couid be I Kendrick a ra n e e Jn U U h nnnnc mfj*. ringed 1 'he road m arker project, one of county ai I mo«l amblttou.1 un d rru k e n by doniUne r Orintte, make* Minidoka county funds i,* > of the (ew countlen In the tions nnri ■thwMl w U h »y»tenintlc rond >n,g rker*. The project Involved thcof <00 * t« l po«U and IS i »igns “ “ " ‘" k

itMl w ith baked enamel printing. "®un In IM wert! i)lacrd * t a \l rond Inter* commltlr tloni. Oo*t o f th e project w«* prolrct I lUl 13,000 plus 1.250 mnn hour*,Vith the aasUUnce of County £n- oiHiiv.n rer R. D. AmwtxonB. th« Gr*nj:e imitlM worked, ou t a nyntem

Please for me, Frank

^Forgive m e Fronk and I promise f( lhe 1957 DeSoto . . . fhe most ex world todjiy! It will b e on displo; Company, T w |n FoU* op Tuesdoy,

▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼

■ D E E M o d e l S 0 7 Rem lngtc■ 1 2 - s o u g * pu m p ecHc




B 4 -9 SPE R W E E K

iU 18N _________ - .A H M .*m oU .dew iPo y m en t

R N IT U » £ I 3 1 8 SO . LINCOI


Observe U. S. Elect

, a n d I .N . BoloTjff. le ft U rlfhl, nUnd Ih* Amerlrnn polltleal caD palrn and ett« ay whether they raTorcdianytiod)' In th* luue of hn llin t H -bom b' leal*, lald Ih*

nple. (AT wlrephatn)

idle-y€i!aiifie—l-fliJ ” WENI

lervice Contest "KWenfleH

ifrrby the former cem etery rond, j, miinit nnrih iTna nouth. was called valiey. irrldlnn" wnrt and th* former rxpecie<: RhtJi nUeet road from Rupert, {)*y rio nnlne e.ul and we«t. va5 cnlird Auperlnl iwnne" rn.id. Ail n iark ln i* aie pjpeUne )in Uiav: tuo rond*. The iIn addiiion. a syat«m of farm Saturda: me numbrrlnca waa «-orked cut back In Armitrons *o locntlne any farm u id . Ai

Jid be nccompiLihed w ith cnne. *-ork l5 i^nnncin; Ui* projec t was ar- loyln; tl iged by the OranRe w ith the ^mty and the highway dl.'itrlcl eiieh n/JiRV MUne IMO. The bnlnneo of Ihe Ids r.Lwl by clvlo orjnmlr.*. no^„efd n» nnri bu*inensmen. ^.|jjDie Mlnleo h ish •chooi maflunl ,{ ^ qq mine cInA5 donated aome lU ton Nov. i n In weldine- and d fllllne: The — nmltl^* Jn chars* of th * marker >]ect Included Ttonatd Wheeler.

W nkew ^ and Mra. JeMlen llivnn. Mr*. Wtllnrd Hayw ard pre- •ed the cnnlMt report.

orgivelklise fo toke you to see)St exciting cor in th elisploy ot Gore M oto r Isdoy, October 30 .




We .

S& H .Green


Lddwii. . . . . . . - - - - - - - - - - -




ictions Na\

ilunct roi,


^ ^ ^ ^ ■ f C T . * a n d nrxtraiiircir V boiiilM

^ ^ B a F h x r f f i P r y 3 5 8 6 l w‘'>>7 / < A b

on.sofl<^ - **jwy I from null

H B l ' 4 f ' ( ' s i ty eiiK-r

elation ii

B K S M -.< ^ v S u S i^ H ' m lraii ii

lUnd at Idiewlld airport after elttilon n . lueit. of the V. S. th* prealdenllal rare. Solorytr. WALL. Ih* SoTlri propoaal li ilneer* «cl• ___________. ■ addlUon

■_r- Mounifli!

W orkH earsE nd- iSJiKVENDELL, Oct. 3 fi-W ork nf of ensln clng cnwiiKa under IrrlRntlon There ;hea norihea.^t nnd noulhenat of bid* alii ndeU. to c.irry the aU-lnch ea.i 'In from nuhl throush Orchnrd h e a d T liey. Wendell and Goodins. In - — - — lecied to be completed by Sntur- y ™ ™ *

Floyd Schoolcraft, con.^lnictlon a , , itrlnttndent for* ihe Unlverwl S U cllne company. reporUf. g ®■he work mu.1t be llniihed by O urday ao wnUr cnn be turned B k Into the ditcher. Schoolcraft n > 1. A* noon n.i thi* ph a« of the 9 J •k 15 over work will begin In >J * ins the main, he anid. □

nA*u.Y~sciTEDi;ij:R' o Ph( /ASHINOTON, Ocu 34 UTV-The 8 ^ . lubllcan national commlit/e nn- n / / tneed th a i vice PreJildyjl Nixon M I wind up hln rreleellon cnmpalsn n a t n OOP eieetlon-tve rally In Bo*. 5 . 'N°* ' »•________________________ SBOC300

Payload UocUrf Ford's T-itOO li rate lo carry up to 2 ^ tona mor* pnylo* than other erimparable tandems. Vo get a choiee of two Tnrtiue K lnj V-R’i 200- tnd 212-homepower.New, optiom GVW of dS.OOO lb.

For b ig j

fO R L. . . less to (

Before you buy your next trucf nl both sidp, of Ford’s story of what you jfct and what it coata.

' . like w h a t you soe.

- . Look at the cosla. Ford’s first i low. Rcjsalc value i.s hiRh. Ford's S^ke cHfriiic.'j are dcsiW«i fo friction, less wcar» lower running J ntcivancc costs arc .lower, .lo

■‘’cauRc Ford trucks arc built stronj ruCTcd lonR.lifc ntU-lO-million study.prorcj Ford trucb la.it lonjixiokntL whai; you Rct and you'

fb p o T k u c• Dull UMtttabnHdM M il

YOUR NEIGHBORHO__ ________________________ T '


a\al Chiefs VisiKINO 7

^ le ii t io iiN c w . Armed Mi«;ht'9r"J;

O f.iliilly. Lo; A.«H1NOTOS. Ofl. : s H '--in a iiii: hw bi-o innilar »riif» of fli^(•loJyIe. 'f*llUly.I.' pir'fiiieil 111 *11 nrf.llie.cuff, .'Irj, Lvr

u u . iisvv olftcmL^ nnld'nre vuitin •ict.iv inni: .Cpllctl, atAn 'stoniif d'-iiiti rlini-je. Ihe, VyilllnsII." opn.ilioii or n rn rly ip Jll >» '

•m u mav ifvolulionlre » iill.!T* ''^ l^ ‘'Slu :;i;e ».-i;(,i;r. tlir :invy*av». i .Mt :he n4\v-» .n rrle r pl,)ne«|(•ie»» ' In ili» l9«l jlecree ' »re irri mid fiiuii'ix'd in'f.M ry ilomlc.

*kN>u- rni;e i> iK'u- HI* niocked'• lomic weiii>oii<.

A ti.’illinlic intv'lte w illi a rnn^e ,500 iiiile», r.iji.ihlr o rb n n c fired'I »iil)mnitne» »ml Aurfnrr veiwvis.

re Afliii. WillPtn V. Dnvi.', d'epil* ^U'f (if nnv?l op ri.n tnm for nir, Ieuins nil AviAtini; Wrilern nHO. ' Ion luiichroii, «nicl he hnd a pie- I1 le d hui «nuld *i>ei>k from' / J » lii.«ie,id. .spiiif of hi* rrmnrks: ^

el.iboialrd mwin by other *d-j f Is nt the liinelir<in. ' I '

Bids Canceled IKLLA WAI.LA. Wn.Ov. Orl, 3fi' k schrdulfd bid openlnc on nn Uan lo ll)e po* t. rxcliang«-at^ itaJn Home nlr fo rc t bnse, Idn., cnnreled )r.\ierdny on ln.Mnir--t>f-thf-!ftrforrrrttir*Tm rw ni.r--------------nslnerm reported. «ere «»a no leport. nn when the Wlil b* rendverlLiert.



ALLIED VAN LINES i at « 0 0 >XX3ttXXXX.%K» K 30aS ■

- ■ ;d ^ A

rated ‘ ^yload


9 g

own .^.jess■uck, look y o u R c t more fo r yo u r nio f v a lu e : F o r e x a m p le , o n ly Fi

Ita. Y ou’ll m o d e m S h o r t S troke r t r u c k , V -8 o r -S ix . Sod

s t co.tt is ..h f tu .ttv a lv e .'i in H eavy Dd ’s S h o r t • “ P ^ 22.5" coolei^', IsRt lon"for Ic.-w w ith n D riverlzed Ci

in g cosU . w t h F o r d ’s cxclusivcL ift

b n truck- ' F o r i t™clclonger. S’™ ” "1_____________ g r e a t d e a l w ora for v ni'o u ’!!' m c y o u r F o r d D ea le r.

O fC SlA SrlO AX IMOUll tratUluaiK* ^ rvd Intb Im b.


'isits Reported Egypt10 HILL. Ocl. :« Mr. and l l / I f l - Scoii Elliworih nnd Mr. nnd T r l LII FVank ElbwoiUi. nil nerkeley. , , . . , x r n nrr vUlllnB Mr. nnd ^frs, Tom

.» ^nd Jamtly. 'f , . ; - ” ;V1nnd Mr*, Allen 0*in(w nnd "

•, Ansele.*. C.Uif,. nrr vi.-lt- " ,t.< bi-other. su n k * ' 0 »mc*. nnd

I A fnrnini , Lvnn Rherni.m niirt rtnushirrj Uitme her niJier. Mrs. Allonj D,ie Jiniiiai I, «[ Notiis. lc ,'ie neina;Uns M'’- 'Mr.i. -WilIHiiilroiiipiaiilt » his mollier. Mr;*. W. 5 .|*.V'U\Uiice i Engle. 'covfrnmciil




W eil I6 th ond C





: ^ C G is to ruh. ..iajr money in a'Ford.' _ ,.y Ford gives you ‘»'0ke power in eveiy h >cb tharSodium-cooled «• FT=’r»^«i;>y Duty enginesrun..... | 1.1 ^t longer. More com- ^‘d Cab. More safety >aSa ^jLifeguard features. ^lon.'Jder c v e i^ in g . ruck* cost lcfl.^ jjive an t a g reat d e a l - a i omi-jaonoif—flee—;----;—■—

VMS®?.U M . V


r ' p t I s C h a r g e d c h ic a c

i t h A i d t o R e b e l s on the auTED NATIONS, N. Y.. Oct. 2d Kf.ince rhnrsed Ecypt iadny 'Th'y direct ropoRMUilliy in the cK111 lebelllon nml railed o n jU f "Z ' ~ <rcurlly council lo nrl. . m ini rrqiie.'l for II. N. nrtlon,.iniled to SecretftV General ‘^gniiiinatskjold by French Dele- ' einairt Cornut-Gentille. The< {llilt Iblcd »*: ■Mllllrtrj'^ n ylire rendered by th* E sypiisn, iggg m ent lo Ihe rebels In Algeria,"*


SCHOOL AUDITORid Occidentol Slreel* in Burley

M E ......................... .." HereT heodore D orpo t, S p o k o n e , W a s h .




^ >'! '!>' I

— T ‘-

i i n * t i ^ c M N « w 8-r t .b *b. (Ivei you mor* loadap* othtr H 'tflnner. R eju lar «

. . . a l l j o b s

)sri£SSst longer, tg fl«eh buy more Ford than any ortier make

S e e .u s . ' . t o a ^ i | l

•• ■

P A G E F I V E . I

C L E A llE D O irr f l CAGO. Oct. 28 il) -> ‘ZUnrei U a clear iwcep In a predty raid H e auburbsn Prcupect Bdghta- 1 of th e a ec tro luz corpontUoai- U todk the planl'* lupply ot 12(1 m cleaner*. ___

R EM O D EL NO W INn Dotrn Paymeni

. 60 Month* to Pay


» Klmberiy Ud. Ph. <Ul

W~l\m :


f P M . ;



:re I S tan d "ish.


*> ■ I

-rt .baz*aI18-Io . 9idapaee than any Hll>Itr e ^ f o o t box n& ^ .t t .e a p a d t] r . ' M

I^ It o o ! I


I | p ■ MAG]f p t KBAB . KA

i i . j i ' t ( m * KUpejd**) ( " • KH

■ ••jfi** 3( t Jnk* n » *i« ««»•

/■ ;; 111* Tfci C«»u« « iO »T «‘(N»w» . tiilTraic

Sii I :!;r. s i s i ' ;!. MUI KiiUir Tls* iiU Tvpo-

,■ i .'«|M T«irk CouXtT »:jg lllk CiL. > .T|MK»» ol ri«>*tn 10:09 NfVt.' < ,Ti>«Miuk4l Irvltrlud* IftiOi Nim*I; ' (iM R^u«l Unit iliu ! u »

llj; iiiii H 'il l . • • 1:]0 C41WI. Jlo«tT » *•n :‘.' n j i S t e . , . . . . . I!;S!2?.'--

M. , M:!* Muik ler Dlnlax )::10 Xarl 1 :| '< 'lilO n*^ Dim* SsOO n' wi.>1 . ''-l:0«Kf.i■ ilr •' , J J'JJ }}»“ “*

I . " , . :! : ! !? » ,iSr iSSiSii' h i :!iS5KJ- iSSti':;

’ [ ' I ' ' ' UwrtflC* Wrt^ 1:41 nillhoj'*:• ■ Uwptnc* Wflk »H01 ' . tilO »lO» N«wi.T* , t:l* C«eoiiiil flrovo No«»

a Sj NavalFighter i| l - Is Shot Down !: ! By Own Shell

' j I ''; BALTIMOnE. Oet. J8 M> - 'i> t<' BtlUmora Evening Sun u ld toda) B l l i i , ' K new n»vy Jet flshter. flylns ai

•' mperaonlc »pe«J. ihM lUelt dowr • \ i ; , ^ b y ru n n ln s ln to c a n n o o ih e U ilH itd y M * ’' Ilred teeonda before, i i ',- • In u l o r y by DonaM Bremner, th« .] , paper quoted tha navy In Waahlnj-

lon th a t the fan taa tleaeeW en t-nm ;s , ; . . Dl JU type Jo avUUon hUlory—oe- u e u r r e d laat m onth while a teat pilot K .I ;w ai te st flrlDK new ao-mllllm«l«r '11)1;'. •eamiotii over th s AtlanUo ocean M ;ju a r Lone laland. i , J - Brtm ner u ld T es t PUot Tom At- J in * ; Wd«B waa maldn* » aeriea of dlv- fill' !<'' loc n in i Beol. a t In an F l i r i . a new

tloKl<-«eat cairler-b tM d fighter »tiU !h ‘ivJil tmderfOln* t*»t by the Qruraann iH|ii V Snitfneerinc A ircraft company.JI r ' ■ The article aatd the navy save thli -i If/ ’ account:it -.I ' ' The pilot's miaalon wu to reach a .!• „ : eertWn apeed and teit the four can- ,j I .'nons at that tpeed by flrlnt them I. ' '. , 'lolo the oocan.'.X'l : He put hla Jet Into a ahaUow dire i; ' i . ' -at a fpeed of S80 mllea per hour

■';;aomelI,000feelabOTethewat«rand : I .fixed ft four-tecond bunt from hla ’ :[( ; 'cannona. After a pauae. ha Ilred

laoDther four-aeoond buntAab«nnlibed the aecond round ot

.?:flrlos, tn object ihattered tha bui- ;t.'' .let>pn»t Ilati In bU wlodihleld.

Thinking he had rammed a bird, At* : ' ' , ' tridgo headed for the field at peco-

;''ii ; aJo Jiver near Oalwrton. L. I. f ..li/U But unknown to the pilot, ik aecood [] 1'' ‘i: ahell had pierced hU jet enilnt U i ||l) vhlch dltd, ctutlof the Jat to eruh |/I HN'' land in voodi • half xolle ahort ot 1} ly, . tbe field.;< k H u battered cannon alur wu r«. Mk’ cove ed fnm. tha jet aogloe—proof jlH' .of whtthtppeoed.■j: ■ ► Bremoer nld tha naty i t r t thU i,Vi. *probtbla ezpltntUon ot the teel- il ,f ^dent:Uj. r When tha atretm of cannon ahella tin '(pewed from tha four lun* at the f h Tato of 1.000 xounda per minute, or fB ibetter thao M nxinda for each'tour- th.) laecond burat, they were trtvellns Ij ’mor* thaa JMO-feet per aecood

IM;* ^uttr than tha iUxplant.* But they Immediately brctn to

HJU alow down_beeaUMjof alr_reel*Unce n il a ^ ib fall from the firing path be- f|l*r:cause of m rJty. ao that they were

.followlog t ounred courae toward the |liW OCCAO.f.: li The Jet meanwhile weot into a

I allghUy aUeper diva and about two ••• ; to three mllaa from the point where

. ! ■'; the firing began, the plane and I (pent shells arrived t t tha aame

1>. f point azxt collided. •|'': j Hibernation by c e ^ la falrdj b j;’'.f merely t mechtnlim for conserving l'i ' energy, reporta t group o( Univer*

ally of CiUlfomlt toologUla.


'i 'i The Oldjig W O O D E N

I .^ h o e '

i i i OLD-TIME i |i |; MUSIC BYl l l l l i Cordtr Two SomtIlll & SUN.

i l l FOR ■mm heatii^g I h , . ' o i l s .I l l Phone 1 6 8 0l l f l "“DoyrorNighr"■ B M ^AutoaaUe Keep-filled Mrrlea 'H |m * B o d n t Fayment Plan n i ^ M*Badte diapatched tnieta

fflC VALLEY R.JAYT - K E E P1 KUocyelea) . <1U« KUoeyclei) l*TUH5^T rwDAT

t . „ « W...W, 1 Ij•e» ‘0 Moralil J :U Ma.1. FU ..

I t ^ i i n Mu<>« r«* C«a:i«7ar<N>U :00 Muil< P » C*a

;i! u w - i ’. m m ; - ;:ss:wc-.-Jnx »*4 Wulktr :>l Miub r«» C«*

Up«n CM Mtuu r« .111. CfiirtI CIO n th Z4 f i . . .

Uutli Ijopulir u'ibotrj >:>0 U(bUrmOBr SkM l :1( MuiU Pvpulirlas About Multi t:04.Uu<U r*«ultr (•*•. WoliMt 4:i« Utk t i H f 'MU.U r.»

1:M Mutk r«s Cm 1:>0 Klh ZA N oi

tm . WMiktr iluilt Fg* C«a .■li’ti': i J J s r J T . ; : ;

UM TuMf Mutle repulit: .n R»porWf »lU m i k ^ rr ti .t'wi. w 'liktr ««<*i W Nf>i

relk* t i l l MttiU r»;gltilkUB*^V>rl«tlM !•:«• M uik^a^ulirllui»* Vtht'lM loi]( Muiic r»»Jlip

Intl. w utau - i : :o i c««i N(fki ' f lT U U A T

Card Party H elF lra lll P fttftry- ^

n Quarterly Udlta n ig h t and card ^ , party Wedneiday a t American U ‘

tlon hall. I.> 1 1 Club Preildent Jo lm Anierbauer . j U . u y i more than M couplei pUytd J » bridge*ind pinochle. A bulfet din- _

n tr Wll served a t 10:30 pjn. Co- oday hoBLs Ior the evenl were Mr. and g » t Mri. ja m u H ln ln a and Mr. and lown Mr*. John Anderson.• had , ___________________ {|

;CPUC Reports "2 Permit Action E« te r B018B, Oct. S8 Wt — Th# lUU « » " public uUllUei cotmnlaslon yeiter- P

diy granted alx common can ler per- “ ' A t- mill, turned down an appIleiUcn “ ‘ll''- for one and poatponed h o r in p cn H new tppiictUoDa for tw o othera.' lUU Sand and gravel hauling permlla

lann vere luued to Ross Telford and Soni, Preiton: Ooorge W. Nenty

th li ftnd Robert A. Curzon. PocaUllo, and Wlllli E. Johnion. SheUey.

ch t I t granted perm lta to Lyli WhU- lun- U8 *nd Son*. Burley, lo haul ll<p- hem stock In aouthem Idaho and to

Carloa Reea of Richfield to haul d ire cheeae for the Nelaon Rlcka Cream- liour ery company,and I t denied t aand tn d grtvel haul-

. hla lng permit to Dennla Boden of Twin tired Palls on grounda h e had tailed to

Ihow ft need for th e aervlce. id o t I t pcatpooed h e a r ln a cn an In- bul- reatlgatlon of th e r a te pracUcei of Jeld. Harrlicn T rtnafer of S t. Anthony , At* aod on the perm it tpplieatlooi o( >eco- Hal W. U tfler of Poealello tod

VemoQ Palrchlld of Bhul. eood ■'iglne ' EX-OPFICML DIES s - I ^ h IDAHO PALLS, O c t 3S W — J.< Of Burt Holland, mayor o f BheUcy from

1MB to IHS and ft JongUme SheUey I re* produce dealer, died he r* ytatarday root followlog t brief lllnesa. He w u M.

Survlvora Include h la widow and ^ five ChUdren.____________________

,.u.| STEPPIN 'O U T

” ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' *

b T h e Club CH EEK-OHI- In lng Kimberly li the r ig h t place to e r- Uke a cllenl,"

I TOIm .


J I^ H ^

III d | |


(U ll KUocyclaa) '{ i n i Kile

niDi; i i W t u , r j i x n . . . .in till

V :r .? t ' i r cl! ll mil Ttrrr ihew ]OiM DiUf TI lll lllullii

1|:M R ^r^P tm ab»* ^IITCK)

**TU«J)4T J|;M C»U U rr>7«r n»jrB Tti l l atnartk far ■ Oat Kt Vatlrr j

:i3 is '.as:;l:«« ‘Na mkaot r ,J ,tii|!&-ia-x iiiiiiS;M l «■- Uuk , r m.1:11 K.l/l-X'tPa 1;M xUoxilaiCM Jsa»u Bklm 4|}» lUaslUi

' i i i s S ; ; : : i ii is iS' 1:H 'N o i t:tO M. V. K?;M XIU 7,«» FtnSp i

1 :0 - U » r a r . Wrlk . TUO iQi»<l■ :U • r ^ t . lirara Orck liOO R.O.C.

t9:Di ’NiU JuU* n«c *:lt N»<I1:0t Kill Kt1«liloMe|,a 'iIO dhe« Tu l t :00 KuiUln KaU 10:00 >0aa<«:

_ l:M SliBaCf_______________________

r Krmland Olfers -Goodinvestmentsfe

W A 8inNaTON ,O ct28W t-Parm - > Iind generally waa retarded u a gootl buy during the year ended lu l JuneJO -there was an average .ihree *“ per cent Increase In farmland value

CO' over the nation. d',-rt The changes In value ranged from

a 1> per eent rise In' Merida to a live per cent decline In Colorado, a '• new agriculture department report

, uy i.* On July 1 farm land valuta itood

unchanged from thote of a year earlier in three lU tea—U uh , New Bl iiiulco and K an su . - tt-

(.*, Increasea Included: Idaho, five P* u , . per cent; Arizona and MonUni, 0* ,. four per cent; Nevada and Wyo- « Uon mlng. three per cent; W uhlngton « I ^ and Oregon, two per c e n t ”


s; ★ e LHand


:: SATURDAYI to It'S t coatume baU . . . and

for the b u t <


- ARLON BASTIAN' <'100 Per Couple



•'i f e


;n. ■

DULES^IT FI KART, Kileeydca] (ItN KUeeytlej)


raiDAT ■ ‘ '

i;iiK^“'^aura UtrrUa l:I« Caatlallfkl th;il .U .o f Span. 1:««Nattaal4aJ»«Wr« IniIdAf -rT rw M ' a r ; " " tieliu. .-n*. * iu HM Cluk

i:;S Jn^‘c,akiTC»4r ^

, „ , laTutDaT Juj;i:‘-r“ M"'a** • c k o- n «,7r/K .uM uT l i t i'aabUii Ullloa til* N o tVtrl4Nt>t «:0t llr iau 0'ihiPrS nil MrMr gicp a .

S S - - ?

s ;;:(aslltr - l:»a KAnTvkMko tr n»lt liH Nt>i

V. KtrrM. 1:00 N i.t•nit ft }ilit t:U ntmt Jieettli»<l Oil Oprr 1:10 nKord naott 0-C. liU Tkaalar QuIl««T;m. Tlma t I » N«tbIj4»V»«keptaiaa..Tt-t •

T m hers SlrikT“teachers were on atrilca In the Rlo

“ de Janeiro federal dliUict today In lupporl of their demaoda for higher

^ The teaehera decUred th jl r two* day walkout yeiterday a fte r tumlag down lu t-m ln u te appeali by Khool

. adm lnlitralora and Ignoring a- |ov- , ernm ent ruling th a t the ilrtke would

^ >»• llleg«l;_______________

od MERGES TOLDar SALT LAKE CTTV. Oct J# 0H- !w Standard UranlMm corporaUon .

atockholden ha r« been told the eom- fc pany h u Joined w ith Ulex Stplora-

tlon company for ezploraUen aod 0. development of 1,52} acrea. of oU g„ and ffu le a a e fln New Mexloo'aEddy


ieeI ^ allY , OCT. 2 7. and prixea wlU be twtrded <>ut coitumea

R O M 1 0 'T I L 1

r s ORCHESTRA j^ Domer W. BerUch !B DANOS.CHMNr’ • 1 .

' I'% MoHnee Sot>Sun. 1[) OPEN 6 :0 0 WEEK-DAYS I * Ends Saturday .




jiUnfit Farmers 'W J Termed Drain p

On Taxpayers^SPOKANE. Oet V m -\ton thtn

ft mlUloo American ftnnera a n not - produclog enough to Juitlfy open- Uco and ahouJd be eUmlnsted Uke Iha old “gmertl atote.“ tho Waih-

• ingtoo SUlo AaaoclaUon of Irrlga- tlon DlitrlcU wu told today. *'

•TVhy Ihould the taxptyera be atked to subaldUe theae Inefficient ^ operatlooi?- aald Ertn IUU of Wtr- ^ den. Wath. “There U no'ecocomic juiUIIeaUon In keeping the old time "1 farm (rom going th^ way of the tlos central itore." UU

Hall., fonner agricultural tgenl (or the UUwtukee rmllroad tnd now 8** ■ pmoBJul execuUyo tor the Near r Eut (ousdallon. u ld U Sraa unfair to lelUe unfit men on ColumbU Buln (arma when they could ba bet- ter olf at their former Joba. one

-Wa could aettle our Columbia ata

HEAR“U . s . S E N A


W E L KTONIG HTK lflX -T V ....,.................SA T U R D A Y ............10



a n d m e m b e r s o f ll< o n

"Report to thi

TONIGHT f KLIX-TV9:00 - 9:30 p .m .

Your H o st '— C ongressm an ^


Paid Pot. Adv. RepubUcan SUU Jtmea P. Oouett, C

“ H

i s n

B IGS H O* A n d w e recoim m



TODAY!Doors Open Af 1:15 P. M /


Warnings Issued On Newest Riots

PROVO. Utah. Oct 3S l*-6en. WUUam r . Knowlaiod. R.. Calif.. ^ aald yeiterdat the t«ceot upheavals tn Poland aod Himganr ara "the ^ ° aubttUuUott oJ, one group of eom- “ J* BOUit dictator* for another.*• Speaking at Bxlghmm Young uni-

vetilty, the aenate minority leader wiZ warned of *belng ttken In by the qi iQtenuUosa) coauounbt 1> ^ Jook*.’

-Wllh the recent developmenu In he a Poland aod Huogtry," KnowUnd for ’i aald, "aome obaerven went over- ault board In predicting ft *%ew freedom* BoUi from comnmnlim. Oan

-It la oot lhat It U the aubaUtu- tlon o( one group of communbt die- ^ Utors for another."___________ '• tuck;

Buln wllh good famera,** ha aald.PUsllr arms canl b« deflocd Jn

acrca, ha told delegatea, alnca a family unit ean eaally vary from AO to 400 acrea, depending on crop, and one family In Moottna even oper- • B alM a M.000 acre ranch.________ H


MAN IfK E i r ~ ^

...... 6 :4 0 -6 :4 S P . M .

.1 0 :0 5 -1 0 :2 0 P . M .

rtM r a t Air.

HSENHOWER ENT NIXONf Ike's C abinet' | |

su u Cenlial t t Chairman

H Ei ^

I G K ^im a n d i t f o r A d u l t s o n l y !

. \wM Na eJtos.

- l i f f l i S i SI kmiruih«llUtmiltodiHitk|lii>iM

'____________" FRT

Debt Suit FiledUr. and J£ra. A. O. Peeke,’-piler P«I

wert sued Thursday tn Twin Palb probaU court for <340 allegedly due filCompact Salea for a vacuum eleantr I j

Tha convlalnt (Utdforihecltan.; ^ er company by C..Robert Qamrd.j uya Ur. and Ura. Peeke became In- / debted for the cleaner IB :1M«. when they algned -a promlt-'- aory oole for |2«. The note pro-' vlded fcr 30 paymenU of gij each

Garrard uya no paymenU have ^ been’made. fn addlUon to the 1240 & he 1 the court to award him 138 S for attorney feea plus cost o( the ault Atlomey J. Charles BUndon. Bobe, rvpreaenU the compiny and a Garrard. / |

Uammoth cave lo aouthkeal Ken-1 lucky h u five leveb of llmealond caverM. ____ ^

liTiH IT S

^ T O D A YAnd From 1:15 P..M

wlthi JANE WTATX • WATNE MOB: — — — P lus T h il Com poni<

niiiw w M iuiiE

i i lC N E Yd 'P R IE NO B N N l^ r ___ _ _


50l!6EH IBff-< U H H M £»‘» g M

i f t Cl y l i J O m

l i M n m m a a E

> H i i i im in i i i i i a i i i i» » i i ! M » .« i i i« - ia


M g

iw p le . . Jrj

• e n d s t o n i g h t *A ta L . l d .


ENDS TONIGHT IA nlhony'stW --Itflniij


C lneaaS topt. . TMhnlcl,

n TiT?Y o t 6:30P..SI. oo SATCRDAT * BUxmj,


lo n io n F to tu ra ■ .

J I E O F G U ^

,M :C O L b ^ P * ^ } vs


ra m A T J J C E o B g ,. ,^ .^

■ V ' ■ ' '

WillJo1& i» S ;Bid on W h e a t s .

Oel. M nP -T h e a 12-

art^fL tm on »erra tm\ ol W l wheel r tOt ' “ jrTpfttlueUon under th c pinne tl

C l o" • . '^ iW M e e n tr tc t* tre uJly » ‘® ? l if» n n tn *U1 187.8 ^ j ^ l n M l » b « n k p * y i n t n l a J P |

>>•“*= P « P ’* '" 'S f - a f*m »ovemm«nt. pay- W

production of *ur- O

P“ 5 ? 'm e tplcullore dep#rt- »• ^ t Wt*l 1M7 w h e.t Cloud ^ ot IS n>mion w tw Inlettno

Tl>e PMl

‘,'!sl'f»nner*»ijne<> rUoniJ i million »cr“ of turca d

S ^ S S l thrtugh Oct. 19 to earn ArizonaS S t M ratnu til l i mlUlon <Iol- u wlH b;% 5 ;if l,» .u M < » D d w lth IB.- South;fflBlnft* eoverln* 13 million *-ere tjg t s i WJ million doll»r». T hur#dt

«nH'*c'* tor 1.1 A s te rnK?S,-intJ-l»-mHllon-<ioll«rtr S ! » ? W conlr.el4 for 1.2 mil-

I S S * — fo' 'f S T ^ M d U J m lJ llo n d o lltr s . iMhlngteo. 1300 cdntrnctJ for *

C m 1560 wntracU for 90.400 n:I J million doIUr*. ' P ^ U o '

»10 wnUscls for 113,- Ifbur* H I tm kA 3-1 million dollars. W on. id uuhiwn. 11.400 conUwcU for »M.- ^ S ^ S tT n i i i million dollnn., ^

u—uni JJOO contraetA for 100.>I (S H U J 3J million dollars. O H IS T l

Ji66 eonlTKla tor Q<aOO 2 sUUon doIUra. Q

----- --- . T he T

Texas Democrat S 't " Flays Stevenson

HASHmiX. Ttnn.. O tt, 58 t f \ - 'w Allffl Bhl»er» of Texu* tccUMd JJ^oninan. 4U etm nttn l u t night of-reclc- ■ tiBperijif »iU« our naUonal e m to i the lecurlty of • tJie tn ree-par * Iiw world by lil« propoMi to ?>»‘P 1* «

rf tbl H-bomb teita." “ody-(poUsr to a rally iponwred by i S T w tn .nH w t.-N t.oo . th i “OU Demoertt IlsKd rewwna ,Ud b* tald ttiued him lo -think Oi SUtenion U pollUcally Irre- a tm . IncoiubUnt tn d un5ta-

> ---------------- I w fl- -KVENT PLANNED I ^ CmUPORO, OeL 2« - The I „ utkferd PHA and FTA eaniival I "d due* ll being held Uiii aft«r> I UO to d (0 u d erenlng t t the high tchool I M cR I BMliUM._____________________

I w a n t6 Y E A R O L D ‘ .


I w a n t 'f a m o u s n a t i o n a l . ,

d i s t i l l e r s q u a l i t y j V ':

E w ^

w a n t


4 1 0 0 P


"rrU iU io** - ---- --------------



Search Stopped Bean.lADRlD. Oet. 36 nN-6 patil» and > T ) icrlcan »earchen tnnounced lo- i v £ r they «ould eatl o]{ a Soui-diy I t fo r « missing U. s . air force ®ne fthd lu five occupanu «i *® '■ ^S ci hU all u n le u ■•*omeimrj deflnlle" ‘•" c n c r V ound. • J**'. I 2-p lanc tenrch ttam flew lodny r «n area off Uie Bircelont ctwst *"5 '« t r t ft flslUns boat found the rlRhi '" ‘“ ’on ti Pel nnd a in il ot. the L-M tlnlsoii ne t h t t dlMppeaffd Monday cn t . " ' f h t from Madrid to Barcelona. Jo*

loudy Skies ""y- Predict Rain.' s h o s h

' course In

Snow Storms•vhool. Si

Bt T h e AiaMltltd Preu Ralph VU loudy ikiet'w lll conilnuc over th r rrporu . ■ttnounlftkn u « i FtUlay ui tlvr' Tlie kip )nd cold frqiil In l»o dayi c roufj Meld for f rtg lon . ifrrated li

'ealhern icn predicted rain or *• In a ll cenlral and northern “Jon* of the region wllh Wmpern- D roanlr a dropping allKlilly. Only In U '"''’'; ona will aunny *kl« prevail and IH be a llltle warmer thtre. • « . .■ ■ ■ n ith ^ m Idaho points, wlilch •• tprlnkled by general rains . I r l rwlay..will gel more Bf Uie snme • ay a» will Utah. Nevada and \ O' e m M ontana and ax the mer- ■ ' •allder'flOvnwiird.-nhe-nilir-iirlll ------------

o s t.h igliwAya in.ihf. rnltrmimtUL___ \a^aZarea are clear ihoujli light , )i:oi>-

kels of snow fell In some moun- > paaac« during the nlglit-'" J J:n>-

w lm um s. mlnlmums and pre- ! a tlon reported during the pajtt ■ 4 'iin- burt Included « . 4t. ,09 In Lew- ;I. Idn .: « . 30, .« In BoIk ; 4Q. ■ iiin ': 21 in Idaho Falls; 4B, 39. JS In *> P f tl l» ;.« . 32. ,09 In pocntello; I I-"" •I ftt S a il Lake City, and 38, gr • ii [mi­ls Plney. wyo. J

igers Organize ■For T. F. College: "e T w in FalU Biulnew colIeRe JII c roup again haj been organ^ • . K .m ' jindcr. th e dlr«cUon cf lUndal ■

'leers elected are LoretU Me- Iey. p resldenl: Baodti 'njomas. ■'lan. and Donna e u n w l and « 3 : i : - lJl ^CM lnger, accompanUU, •:h jfenr the college organlie* a ! J 'l 'n l !-p a r t choral group, Xfember- ■Is open to the enUr# student •

addition to group ilnging, aex- I fttvd tr io s »r« (onwtd. T h t ■■Ul furTtlah musical numben for , n1 a ^ e m b liu and pngram i ■ored by community organlia- J -looZ!

W IN T E R ’S COMING! | . ;L et D i Serrlet Tour | i J I 'w —1 RADIATOBNOW I l i ; l i f ­

te d A««. K. F h o n i n t l * i ; » 'IcR IL L A U T O REPAIR I I

, *i>a— £ «!10—

■ S S i I^ s , ,m » la i ? t l

M m: liifcs

^ ' : i ' i s t s

' \. U:»0-K

m m ' I i i l! iiii I ■ : !;!«'

ody i i^ 11 11:D»—Kl

: i i s t s ;■ f :00-K r■ 1:»»—W

s > ; »

i . l ip c M -n o

H e aue—.Sal

M i^ ■ 'Ii0»—Ulj

■ i :1»-Thi■ «:0«—Jm

p r o o f : i i i S i ?

3i B O U R B O N ' • ! ! S U ! r■ «iW>—w»• e:Qt—Y«<• 0 i l^ N a• liOS—KL

__ _ _ _ _ , _ _ J_ _:i»#-K L

i^ j W


Jars Eat Pears, Rancher Is RiledI WAS]

AN BEIWAUDINO. Cnllf,. Oel, f '-B ear.in rp fa ilng lJ icpeariand ,:h c r W, E, Robb doesn’t like It. ' f aiked the board of supen-lsors' cun* » Ither reimburse him for the dam-: to hla orcli.ud or give him per-

H om o kill lhe beara tha t sirolll , rv nearby Ssn Oabrlel mounUlns. _ ^ tie aupcrysnrs tuBgested Robbthe alnif drpnrtment of fish and ------------r for a prrm lt to kill the peaky

Study to StartIOSHO.S-E. Oct. 36-A Brudunlc i , ^ . 1,' se In Etliic.iilon guidance a n tj' . - n _ . .n i aellne will becln a t 8 p, m. riidny nlRlit at ihe Wendell lilKli ,ol. Supcnniriident Of School lh Villrrs. Shailionf, Infllrucior, *‘'""»'“ ' r r u . Todayle nippiti\s Hint n lsh t wlU Ik- 'I 'e state

for orRHnlmiloii nnd I h a v ln . nirelH'K I Ited In rnrollmc may repon' nihnmorrow

time, . I , ---------------------------- , In Ocl.

■fwnlns* »!>• »econd only roiihi* coun >r vehicles m a c.iu*e of accl-|n ,m on - v •ll denlh- ■________ iMishtly Ir

K L I X ^ S ' S H r i l

OeL 2* (tirniigh KoT. I ,

-------------- Hl'SDAY--------- ----------------------U 'h , ________

NMinnVci'-S.''''’’1 -.no - In Anorr lo Viiijr QuniIoii4,'iili- T.it|,h‘ n, V(m,*(CUS)

i:.i V ’li ^ h s w j ic n . 'i

ijlnn-M irhy, r „ ,e |t;.MiIli;”. ’m „. cUy«.r eiu'»

Tkr»a IJ.M

M KI.IX *■

MONDAY;>nn ncir Ui» IlrraVt ICtllii ^10-KljlX

: '{ii-'MiV nt'’Ni'^v ‘fcnsi S;no--^-'|nj«lr^Tlmt (NIICJ B

isiiSSi” ™'"™' I<:.li>~(iiyirrrr Tal<nl K^ouli.iCUS) U?!lti-I)Krmb.r'°niM. ,CRS| |»;I0-n.)- Wlllind HhBir »;liO-Uf. rf lllirr ♦ ;^n—►oH TtMI.f (AllP' n:on Hurni^<f«I Allfn iCBR) -,

tlooZjcLix \i.Vd'iirJ'* •

TUESDAY::M - Oi>r Hl» llmolii (CUS) r::i»—KI.IX Tfl«h»tlr» jroo—nriikuf Dlf irni»)

l i i iE i • ^liAO—KUXTii.Nfwt mo—Rlt Canon r:no—H»rfc flh.iMf ICBJI 1 ISO—Dr. ChrldUn

DuMtln (CBS) l:SO—Waurfraal liDlM,Dr. Ilodaan

'I 't^K U X TftAlTLlNM

WEDNESDAY!:0 » ^u r Wiu nrec^i iCnS)IlSO-KUIX T«l«lhMlr»:iM-.nrl«bt»r Oir rCIIKI ;iU—iu«r«l Slorm irri.<i

of Nlikl .CnSI :«a--ConMlr Tin* iNnC :>a-KUX K i«.r. lU—KLIX Kowluiiili KK'H :IS—Doiulai Eilirinia I<«w«.:]»--A<tr>nli>r« Tina:0«—KI.IXTn •Ito—OliBtrliaJ

Tl« ,rOO-'SOIh C»nliirr f ' l . I

:IB-KUX TalilkMirt ' ’ ™:»»—KUX llw<lllnM

THURSDAY:Aft-Oiir Mill nrooli 'iCIIRl h i:2n_Kl.IX TflxhMIr* i I (:80-Hrl»hl»r Oir (CR.Ij I ' :lt_S w » t Slnrm (CUSi:ll>—U ta of Nlihl |Cn8) ,:|lSZK U?K ?l” r. Iiu-K LlX Kluh f;IS—nooflaa UwtHi Nt»< I

:in-rrapl* Ara runnr 'iIKUiClK-o KM I;]0—Crunch aM Pn:nn—T*nnHir« r.rnla (NflCl;]»—5cl«r<ra rinlnn Tb»l«r:00->ln)l7'a r.ani |iao_ir.A filar fliitt ' JDS—K1.IX Vla^dlloM

FRIDAY Ins.O ur Ulll RreoVi (CPS)

KUX T«lMlia«ir*0»—Krlchlar S ir icnitlIS—(Weral Alorn (CllSi S»—M ia nf NliM iCIWi00-^ .r jd r .T lm t (NnCI‘i z s a t ; ; a .15—DeusUa Ki{«ir.I< N,m,j t a i a - rtS Z ^fsrlt^ a io rr •S»—C«I« M m Ibov (cnsi0»-Tba Un«up iCnSl >I>—rm en tii Knon ICBH)M—ITohamlan ria;ho<iM 10—.Salt UV* WrMUfnc16-KUX iltadlln*.


I t w a l t T «"* W*ti*rt (NnC)IB—Mrinhr Dink . \10—KoMlonc CtnKr <10—Fnolball naundiip (rlMI ^>0—UlfhlT Uou» n.»h»u.. StO-KUX Kowhind. Kluh. C IS-CapUln K>niirt>o (CRSI * Z10—Tha l.ono llanirr iCIISl 7>0~Jaikl* (ilnMn >Cn.<l) . *)0—Annla Oakl^r ICR. J •lO-llMt Ih. Clnrk10—(SunimBka (Cnftl10—OwT«« (;«h*l (NnCt)0—I.aw rxo W.lk <AnCI»—W ».k^il WnlkifIS—Y«tir Ull. ra rda <KBC|! t i J E S ‘a . s r , ’, .10— _______________

'■------------- -

Cold Feet:iVASHINOTON, 'Oct J8 W -A J vJ ot.Ru-Nshnj may havercold lj o \ K l \ 'I Ulb winter. .

radio MoKoa’ broadcMt jigu icr uli -nitored hrre Mid tonie Soviet j„ ,„ , j,,,,, oe factoiiM have been "in- D fnstir c nilisablr .ilow" m producing Iter footwear and mnny fac* ^ les are sd ll turning out sum*

— Rny . . ;

eat Inspection 2.n';S Laws Discussed r — ;

)1SE. O rt. 2(1 (.n—Tlie s t a t e :h boatcl m n yeiterday wllh I m•seniallvr.i of the alnie depart-’ ■ 1 t of ncrlttilture lo discuss Uie. for new tnws covrrlnir meat and I

Ehter huu.ir in.sprcilon, day It will i. ike ti|i affnlra of; sta te hriiUU rteparinienl. T hei ., inR Is rxprc ird to run through j irrow mornim:. C or

October, issfi, rmplnyjnent Inl counli-y U.I.; nboul 67 million,' t^A in -w ide iniPMiploymrnl wftA tly leM thnn three million, _ _ L « a * ™ i

r r z z N o w ^ E N u

a t

Mthe mai

" r I iA T V N


T H E G O T H A M 2 4

Trade-In your old imall-Kreen le^^ icent MtgnaVox wiih-Gold Seal ( le rv ice ...ill a t a new low pricei N thrilliog 335 sq, in. bisser-than-life tremely compact cabinet. Alf contro (o t t%ij stand-up tun ing ...co itcc panel, 'h ie tuper dependable "Ma{ Chromatone optical filter, reflectio big 8 ' hich fldelity ipeakers provi light and lOund perform toce in T \

• S e e a n d H e a r IVI

*11 i Ip ^ S

■ll I P I Pm m *

* * • o • * •

^ n R j ^ Q

■ a ■■ ■■•■ B u a a a a t a a a A a a B a iv a lb l i

TIMES-NEWS,'t w i n FA

hoan Dies in Me x i c o '

Jet Plane Crashil.AN'fl, Ciillf.. Oct, 26 A ye.ir. a 40

rnslne NnvT Banshee Jet- lhe anme p ‘ ul.iiic e,\ptixled and crnslicd einbiwy nn li»nir, whicli burnnl. in nn e x - l = ^ 2 i i ^ <■ OiiUjimi Ittlls resldniilAli p , Imrih' Ix-forr noon yesterdny.:I'lioi; Eni. I.uren D. ^t•lrlIn. BLAZI killed. A womsn was illghtty'1. Muriin. son ol KU. and Mrs, \ t j A

M.niiii.»M0 Inwa atreet. ' T T /* u;ii, Idn . «ns a reserve flier on jihity,^

Mary, pleas come homeC o m e hom e M ory, e n d I'll tok«* you t D eS o lo . , . flic m ost c x c itin q c o r in tl It will b e on d isp loy o t G O ^E MOTC d a y , OCTOBER 30.

I a a ^•7"C LI> ''b> r‘f n n '' Ll.sT“• I

J O Y - R E A L L V l i

It a t t r a c t i v e Ic

nagn lficen t

a n a v Qi r t e l e v i s i o n


leM iow onthiJinignlf* ' al Quality guaranteed il N ew design permit!•life picture* in tn cx- itro b are top-mounted n o w Olitcealed by a iM ati Magnapower" chaisii, ction barrier tn d two rovide the very fineit T V todayl <- Speaker '

M a g n a v o x , b e t i e r s

i t a l l E M M a M a B B K n ' K i ^

b ig g e r

Wf 11^ to ihHlling life[HB con tro l]-no u

tn d provide ei M agnavox per anteed letvice

I | S n - tive o f luperic

® • l i g h t ly h ig h a i

( h l o h l



ICO CITY. Oct. S« (U'-|I citlzen.1 Irnvfliiig lo tlie I SU tes ipen t J5.M4.000 .dur-1 I lrs t M vrn niontlis nt th tt 40 per een l intren.i« over -

lie period In loss, the U. 6.1 >' announced today. ' | ‘

*"zS COAL -- A T - A


=— — = d R.

3 s e

l e V

■ou t o see th e 195 7 ' iin t h c w orld today!O T O R C O ., TU ES.

S iG - P IC T U R E S

l o w p r i c e s

, 2 9 9 “ "/ on ly M ,^„p,

' S i g h t a n d b e t i e r s o

n ^ :!^ ^ s s tS !^ a s s a /m w « is s M

e r - t h a n - l i f e p i c l u r e i

l e n d s d - r a n g o s p e a k i

M A O N A R A M A ^ 4

reatest T V value! Really big 335 iq . in. pict t life w ith 2-tpeaker, front-projected tound. i no unsightly knobs-greatly enhance cabir de efTortleu stand-up tuning. In c o rp o ra te : X perform ance IeatuTes...plus...oew Gold rvice w arran ty without ex tn coat to you—p perior M agnavox quality and depeodabflit;

In C o rd o v a n , com pI»t» w ith c tam

now only $ 2 4 > 9 wJ h e r In 6 y n t* x 'M « h o 8 «ny, 0 » k o

gh fldalily in iln ifn an h fro m $99.50

F R ID A Y NU IL 9 : 0 0 PaAf


ALLOWAIO n The Purehoio o f .A ny Hi

R A N G E , R E F R I G E R .

W A S H E R O R D R '

'4 MORE day :



kOct. I f

"D ■ .';0»3ku“ ci^ \ Jilft-WllJ I

A , ^\ ------ V-'iUlrVuii

• \ •ln^V JSu7 ^

’ ^ I j i r c t t :

^ ^ I JJr«-U-V„or,

I f tillt-SfcrrI~ ‘ 1;10—Srireh

. i <;U—llriihl, ' f \ 4MI»—AulD-

f \ S;nfi-M«rrr/ « 'i s ^ t j" »

> *;*fcnobIn' •• T:3l)-N.m»

I S Hi'ldTl l2v. S Uk S

■V W ivtcvlni!/ "J ^ UilO-M«iali

V ^ I ilKU-rnron. I ilS—.<t«re{\ iJO-.S«itth

. ^ !lS-Rob C. Worn*

i - “ t ' 5 . " " l i l t—litlihl S ■ « tj^.n^hiinn

• ^loIiVrih*

. iSEs^ilOMO-CkaanIIilO-Momli

In S y n t« x ^-M iih o g a h y ” ,

130—Wen* :nn-vid<<] Its—.Irertl lOO-fllrika

i t E S ;<!1S—llrlthl'

s o u n d : S ; S '. ClS-t.Ulla

A ;lt—FIfwa

Ri loio^Rnhtr^B) lOilO-CkarlK

r o s § “ ‘‘ ' - “ " a '"

> k e r a | I sM KS-JohnnrM ': i tw '" “ r

.p ic tu resc o rn s g . <ii^nrifbMind . Concealed Q s ‘j t v m “|cabinet beau ty B JiislLHiuliates all p rovea g .io ld S e a lg u ir . Hni-prooi pod* u n iio -u m iE‘bflity. W ,

. 1 l i t S|5®- I iiKr.1" w H F l I ! ; t g . S

■ k o r C h o r r y | i i S s f " 3 < is - u t i i* i

I c a A n - * :li—Nfwa> .50 J fl vno-p,K.n<

IGHT 'my i ' iiits®IVI.- litSS

aiDO—Ja«kl< >mo_A4Ui

-------- ----------------------- ------- lJ-i«i-VUti'. ___________ »lU»-Jlonil

S 5 B 5 5 5 5 W l? j? ie r a e e 7 e ie a iB e ^

> s... . ‘


le1 .1-IN^NCEy H o tp o tn r <

■ R A T O R , i

I R Y E R .

\ Y S :


f ) | B O IS E ' 9 ■ I ^ 1 CHANNEL A . • fl

t. 2H Ihrough Nov. I ^ I“ SUNDAY I " I

I'hiprl of Inrlrallon Sl-nu Ar. Thar. , !Kll Carton _IVlIJ IIIII Hlek«(k I;ir . ,5 S ;_ n .. , ;

W Sulll*an Sh»» JWhifi‘ M$‘llf^a* fSimilar Arl ThiiUf ■Uoralflf lliadlint* a K


sE’.S”‘'“ : Ijlrireh^for ToBorwif • 5 i Bsm lalrn ttk ^ ■ I t tu i« of NitM • I n1,-wr or l.irt * { ■llriihl'r D>r * ' BEAulr)-n<vl»ri Ranck ■ ifjwMarrr^nikitiia ■ 'r tg

no^n tliwJ ■ i l nN.m. Thai T<ia« " B ttnumi A Allia " .iK SI.l»yal.ucr ■‘iS SRir Uniand " ' l aDK^mhcr RrMa * IMlin t th« Clnrk ■ Iffi:V«nMl S tfc.mW ■ mUdialiia HMillBa* * flm

TlfESOAT '■Rnrera rrrrorm*BM ■ I Hkllil.«lar Nawt ■ I w<«cret ■ I m>>irch ror Tomomv ■ KffRob^Crnibr ^ ■ ,'|M

a « ? ‘ ■ : ; illrlahlrr Dar ■ .V BChinnd : CorrU ■ ;Karrr Hllkmta ■ ' (OTT.rrr Tunta ■ ; 1m 1Llltl. IlaKali « |n UM7!;rl.ni) rilcka ' j f f inr, lludisn Q UBitt,OOO Qunllna C l lBW M ” 'S 3 & T A * ■ ' 3 Ii:i>aantl 2 Tti.aUr 9Korelar a««llla« 3 f l

WEDNBBDAT ® Kr.nur« TcrtermuM 5 fllIVen.n-. WerU i 'Uld<<]> N««i M {Irertl Slorm ‘ [iVflm*>ii WorM ■ )s ; ; ! a “ :

SjiiS!?* Ij'iliJ RiJell. ■ffTh'ur r« )fr ./----------- ■i v r d s r v . ' . " " " • :lla Mllllenilr* ■*

Cot • RKrH ■i«h.mUn riMbOM. ■ H ;karlla Chan * n l

loralpt n.i4IIaa ■ M

TU iniSDA T S elnrnr* P.r/ornaaM ■ {H«d^a/N .-i ■ U.ir th For Tooorroir • Ub !obnafCanoa * M li/omani WorK ■ m ls ; 3 1Irlfbtrr Dar " B A:hanail : Ceml " , N fl(.rr/H lllin .» . ■ ■ ■I'llU BucUs 2 j | H im£ii DoUar Uerlt ' ' ^ Hiom.'nMtm ■ I nlarslEt IlMdllM 2 M

n U D A T S H

t e S ™ " ™•cral'Storsi»S» It”.'sa^p'a WorUa n w ' Wilib u rD ir { l l ^ H

errr Tsaritill, luxai* H ^ n

■ 9|«ll u u WrMillar lonilBl BM411a«.

BATUBDAZ a ^ M:,n.E.Wttlara MaUn««FUlurdar MMlaM I'arloon Caralraini!{f'‘.^o°Din Jr.imllf uT vuk» 'n u n of .Crasd OU Oprf

' P A G E S E V E It l

| | pA6e e io h t

| l New Titles for ■ -Local Library [

^Sre Reported' b u new fiction UQe» »re «mon8 '

. ; Ute new books tdded U> th e lib rary ' 'j! „ eoUecUoa In the p u l week. « c o rd - ‘r;-. In s to A rt tu r I*. DeVolder. clly- !!• ‘afe-br ar l ui . — — f

-eo il# of Sleffl." Amblw. lU ipenM. , [ j w «kJ oUi “Ju*t l>e Y ourteir;: , I;,. B ard, a n unnupcctUis m other be- I

c ttncf a Brownie U&der: ‘'XmmorUl <• Qneen." % novel of Mary, j' ' Queen of ScoU; "The Bailor. SenM f

: of Humour, and OUier Slorlee." | . ■ I Prllchett. "Hilda M inntne,“ Beaaer. I

a to rr 0/ a n i«-w est<m *((tm »'om*1 an : aod "A call for iT rrB an o n .'

llch t romance. IBiographical wortu Include “Dem* i

ard 8haw,". Ervlne: - ‘'Policeman’* v r Lot.- Sodennan: and "A treasury

of Oper* Biography" Davldaon. j Books to r the fanner and ranch - f

/ r r Include '‘Corunerelal fertlllier*," ’ C olllnn : CatUe and Men.“ . Towne ' and W entworth; *'FV)re*l- »nd Range .

-I policy." O ana: “The nang« and • Pastura Book." Donahue. Evans and |

'^ '^G ^enU of hlslory and m an will | en joy “HUtorr of nome," H adas: £

' • -HUlofT of ChrisUanlty. 1«M .»M ." Nichols: “Amerlcani by Choice."; Pellw rldl; "In Search of Adam."| W endt; and “Brin? 'eat B te k P ei-

-------Hneff.-TJr(Jwn:----------------------------- - r -____ HobblesU ean leam some pointers |

■ from “aiv lng illfl u e tO n rT tw in Jff t: ' P o r Plower Arrangement." C yphers:,• “Berried Treasurer.” Klngdon-W ard. w• ihn ib s for autumn and winter color

in U18 garden: and 'C eram ics P o r j■ th e ArUst PotUr," Norton. j

Play materials for am aU ura are 'T alxlotlc Plsyj and Program s." -

- F isher and Rabe; -nad lo Plays of ^ I f , . Pftmous Stories,- OUwn; "Mystery J

. Plays for- Young People." Murray,. , , and "SU gecraft for Nonprofesslon- ' I lls ." Bucrkl.

Oeneral non-flctlon Includes: ' 'I t* , All Btarted W llh Eve." Armour: "A «

Hlll P*rm Year." Christman: "Our ■ Backward Children." Helser; "Tlie

•*. chaUeng* of Auiomstlon," CIO :® '' ". . . Marriage In the M odem World," PolaUn and Phlltlne: ‘T h e m Right lo Know," Cooper; "Parade

, and Ploftt Oulde." Vsughn; "A P ic - a ri f ‘ tu re History of Railways," Ellls. and 0<. ' ’PloUire HUtory of the O. a Navy." M.

I Itoicoe and Freeman.! Books of special Interest to teen- ” ,

' ' ; a g e i include these llUes of fIcUon O'] f ; ' and non-flellon: "Gold Hazard," Ja

Aimsttcng, a sea story; -Ran»)m for i»j, . ft Knight," Picard, a romance of q ,

medleral m jU n d ; "Prise Plays for _ . Teen-Agen," Miller; "Wonder World

of Microbes." O ranl; •The TechnN• cal tnsUlule.* Bmllh and Lipsett. Ri


. THE PRESENT TAX Li - i i A B £ . .Y O U aw are th a l a cot

law s w as m ade In 19547

),fe A R E YOU fam ilia r w ith th e m inors and those u n d e r SocL

j! For a complete study ofa individual, partnership« tinder ihe direction of2 eountant who is both a ^ p er t . . . attend the


b esin i

M ONDAY,The slie of th e cl*s.i

make your reservation



I GRAND OL I HALLOWE'EI|l| Dance-fol lowin(

I WEDNESDA'IH Show StartsI FEATURING. . .H • Artie Duff, thc sini y • Cart Smith and his8 - • Cow borC opaa-----9 • ’JustinTabb-----H I • H i e F a r m e r B o y s

m T W IN Ihi-sch

I M ) r e t e r e e t e a l t - f i r i t ,

I C o m e e a r ly S i

1\ 1

Stop, Looh

« / 4 ®ry ■ ' ■ ' J m ' \

al > ^i

se ■ '^ B P T w ^ K m

:r. \\

' * ' • ■ 1

H ' 'l - l .



d.»■ Thre* small boys drape Ihemseltes •*

Ing sign a t Niles. Mleh.. to . f t l ft better NIxoa wl)» speaks frem rM r pUlfonn

re wirephato)__________________________

7 Rupert PTA Unit '■ To Hold Carnival SI t RUPERT. OcL a»—T he Uncoln- prei A Wsshlnglon PTA will hold a csr- ^ nlvsl a t the Uncoln aU-puipo»e " r .cm Ator. S. M n . BID OTjfeoM

chairman, reports. n Supper will be serred a l S:10 p. H t m. The caralvftl will s ta r t a t a p. n . e OomtnlUee members Include .Mr.- and Mrs. T hom u, Mr. and Mra d Oene Stoker, Mrs,' D onald Ashcraft," Mts. Wayne Hollenbeck. Chsries

Parr, Mrs. Bobert Balch. Mr.-and . Mrs. Oliver Hansel. Mr. and Mr*, n Olen McBride. Doyle Lowder, Ur*.■■ Jack Alenxancer. Mr*. N. A. Deug- r lass, and Mr. and M rs. R(<>eft


't and “How (« Plao for CoUege," Uo- I. Reynolds. ________________

MG THE iT S UNDER CLAWS?complete revision o f t a x ,

he riffhls and benefits o f iociai Security?

’ o f ta x returns, in ch td in g lip and corporation fo r m s o f a certified p u b lic ne- i a tcacher and a ta x ex-


f , OCT. 2 9elfts.1 will lim ited - 'tion todsy. Phone 18M.



HE OPRY ENSHOW^ing the Show!

Vt, OCT. 31ts 8:00 P.M.".

iinging school teacher ^ his ‘Tunc*Smith8


FALLSHOOL GYM» i eo rw —f i r g t s e r v e d

S ia y la te l

. _____________ ^

(ok Listen . ‘1



j i u S K ^ v W r i V i T /

M IA)g n

" w l

. - t en

I n KrI t '

“i i r t t i o

theI i j U for


res over the a m s of a railroad eross- ra i w tter view of Vice President Hlehard loe fonn of special campaign train. (AF <iui

/-------- -- ------------------------------------------ wh


1 will be observed Sunday a t the ^ MethodUt church. The- MYF wlli I* present the program. A motion pic- ' ' tu re will be shown. fjs


4 . •




M ashed polofoej w ith chickct gravy, b u t t e r e d new p*os tossed green salad, hot rails bu tter, coffee.

During P h easan t




‘Peace Atoms’ Statute Ready Fot Signature^

VNTTED NATIONS, N. Y , Oct. 1# urdi iVU-The United Nations openM tor H slgnstu ro today Ih^ statute unanl* Ing

) mously approved by <3 nation* to Hlll govern the first global "atoms for c'elv peaee" program. ly «

p residen t Elsenhower, wbo turned fort down an invitaUon lo addreu to- spei

- dsy 's closing session of the confer* 6tU' ence w hich approved rules for the • V! InU m allonsl atomic energy agency pen, (IAEA), aent a personal message to up‘ be read >by Adm. Lewis L. Strauss. Ctu

chairm an or the u . S. atomic energy Evi- eomml&sion, tens

Delegales had worked over the S IAEA slAlute parsgraph-by-pan- l u t g raph since mid-September. Thry del', reached tins] agreement Tuesdsy moi w h e n Prane* • and SwlUcrlsnd T worked ou t a compromise, formula a I on th e Inspectlon-and-control ays- K in tem th a t hsd threatened unyielding Invlopposition from India and the A slan-----countries, bscked by Russia. , f

• U. N. orriclals ssld sbOUl 80 ns- I ■ tioas were prepared to Ugn the char.te r In today's ceremony.

Pollowlng signature of the statute.11 will be sent to the psrlltmenU of . the countries signing It for raUdca* SI tion. T he IAEA will go into oper*- coui tlon when 18 countries have ratified and the-st»lule ,-T h»-la jgst-dst*-*asati-hoai fo r nex t spring. imee—V ntH-the-flrit-boBrd-of-fovernoisJUx.Is elected, an 18-member preparatory Tl com m lulon will Uke charge of ar- SU t rangemenU. Including provUlon for and locating IAEA's permanent head- quarters in Vienna.

Ambassador James J, Wadsworth. . ^• who rep reunted the U. a govern-

m ent throughout tha Jong proceed- “. Ings on the statute, will ipeak for

W ashington on the commission.

I l ic e n s e ’ is s u e dJEROME. Oct. 2S — Tha county

aud ito r's office h u Issued a mar- ^ rlsge license to George Wlllism Bur- lon. M urUugh, and Anna Le* Close, ** * H ansen. ____________________ ^




" H a p p y

H O U F Iand His Double

"The-Happiest Ban


r a lls i ' ' "int Season . . . the Ho

^ Will Give A

1 ^ 5

-------- -------- ----------------- w ith - to p -


73 South - Across the Nevi


“Wheelchair Evai Speak at Youth

S tan Hlll. known a* the wheel-.L.. chair evangelist, «IU address the mm Y oulh for Christ n l ly a t a p jn . Sat* ■ urday a l the Twin Palls lO O P h ill. E

Kill, who w u shot while attem pt- ing a liquor store holdup in Beverly HllU with a .to y pistol in IMT, re­ceived a spinal Injury which para­lyzed him from the waist down. Be- lo re - th e atttm pted-hoW tJp-hf hnd spen t nearly three yean In Juvenile - detention homes and Institutions.. W hile serving In San Quentin penitentiary for the a tum pted hold- up frotn 1950 to 1S33, Hlll became a CtirUttan and founded the S tan Hill . |B EvangellsUc assoclaUon upon hU re- | ] | {ease from prison. fiB

Serving as president df the orgsn- K lia tion . he h u held youlh camps for ] ■ del'-nquent* during th« s u m m e r H m onths In California. B

T h e n l ly program will also Include ■ a Bible quiz between teams from ■ Kimberly and Jerome. Tho publle Is ■ Invited.- _____________________ I

Lincoln County Fa By Board for C

' SHOSHONE. O ct. 3S—The Uncoln lh* : county fair will be held on Aug. 9 Mvei and 10. 1957. members o f ,th e fair rtqul b o a rd -d fc ld c d ^ W c dnc«lay _ * t _ n to_b* m eeting In the couniy agen ts o(- Demjf i f r ________________________the c

T h e board decided to Join the i^Esl S tate Pair and Rodeo assoclsilon the : and voted to allow *35 to send a has 1 delegate to the Nov. 10 and I t con- build ventlon a t McCall, Th

purpose of 'lhe meeting Wednes- barr: day was to set dates for the fair a coi and to difcuss price per polnl to be was < given 4>H youths for their aunrds.The board decidcd to continue glv- Ing 35 cents per polnl for 4-H ^ awards th is year. Total cost a t UUs ra le will be around «25.

M r. and Mrs. Paul Bancroft were “nam ed delegatea to th e convenUon------a t McCalL

I n discussing fniprovement* ^ _

S H U — (

i Y a n d *- R D A Y ! I

r H o l l y " ,

FBERG ;le-H Buckaroos'and in Idaholand"

ic h 's Fam ous 4 9 'e r


W IT H 'D R E S S IN G:n noodle soup, tossed green m ashed poUtoes wlth g lb ls t- — buttered nev^ peas, h o t rolls,

, deasert. coffee.


lorse Shu Club ^


» 0 - “ IK

fo r th e LONGEST 5;HE AS A N T SL F E A T H E R S5ught- in fo th e c lu b P,u r in g th is seoson

Hr c f o r s e c o n d • «D . LO NG EST •

: n FO R t h i r d r -LO NG EST

w ill b e k e p t o t th e c lu b Lo p - e n tr ie s - p o s te d - d o i ly iii

t_____ _________ :_____________ » —Bi


evada Line• A

t^angelist” to S [th Rally ijaT.F.,|l

| P ' ' , jifft 1


Fair Dales Set . Coining Season

lh* fairgrounds, the bosrd decided Mvering for th e b sm s was the f ln t rkqulrement.f The type of material to_l>c ii.w l wAa considered an^t«u£* __ D em ster'w as asked to ItivcstlRite the coal and qualities ot a new type iilaslle now on Uie market. During the l u t two years, the fair board has hsd to borrow canvass for the bulldlnsK.

T he possibility of purchasing a barracks building to remdoel Into a communlly produee headquarters was considered.

i ^ Y S FINE JEROME, Oct. 3 f r-H U Thom-

ton. Declo. appeared In probate court Tuesday and paid a fine of t i 'a n d costs for failure to register ^ a m otor vehicle.

o u r s le ofo r tha t Important Dinner D\


A com plete dinner for two, includi soup, so lod , Idoho baked potato) rc bu tler, co ffee and dessert.

• A lso . . . your choice of






? u i LT o b e h e l d 5 m i l e s n o r l

p o o d i n g , I d a h o , o r 4 m i l t

I d a h o , a t t h e W i l l a r d J

MONDiSale S la r tn a t 12:.10 p.m.

^ HEAD H olstein Dairy Cal

DLACKIE—Holstein cew, 7yr*. old. t t PANSY—HoliUln eow, S yr*. old, mllkl QUEENIE—Holstein eow, 5 yrs. old. spt DUSTY— IlsliU In cow, 2 yrs. eld, tallkl VIOLA—Holstein cow. S yn. eld. apritii KATHY—Holiteln eow, i yrs. eld. aprli


' BONN IE^H oItleln eow, S yn. eld. fre*Ii PEACHES—Holiteln bred heifer GIRDIE— Hol«(ein cow, 4 yre. old. miiU ROSALIE—Drindle cow, S yrs. old, mill K IT ~-llotstein cow,.S yrs. old. sprlngla MATILDA—Holiteln cow, 1 yrs.'«Id, apt GEIIANIUM-HoUUId cow, 4 yrs. eld. i BOBIE—H oliteln eow. S yri. eld. spring PA T -H o lsU ln cow, i yrs. old, mllUng CHERRY—Holiteln eow. 4 yrs. old. mill MAGIC—HoliUln cow, 3 yrs. eld. mllkii H oliteln heifer. IS monltif old, epen H oliteln he lfir, yearllDg, op«n • All of these cows have been TB am

tested in Uie last 30 dsys.

5 Holstein Heifer Calve«1 (o 9 monthn old

Halsteln tte e r ealf, •-m«iotha-old-~-----t Bull calves

- J l id .h e lf t f - c a l l_______________________

___ Hoy ond StrowtOM B alea of f ln t, second aad third ei

s tr in g Ued , SM Bales ef good eleao itn w .

TERMS . 7 .

T O M U RIEA U CTIONEEtlS-Cene Lsrseo aad Joh

Gooding. Idaho—Tboae (ZS er 0690.

■ . , ' ' _ . . F R II

Speaks bn EgyptSHOSJIONE. Oct. 2fr-A UJk oh ,

vork reclaiming land In Egypt w « H®‘" riven a t the Rotary club meellns bif* Wedne-day by U rry Shea, who ^ worked there. ^Ibei

Ho told of living condlUons, fsmlly Ife. wages and Improvement work Mr wing conductM in Uie project- Bay e n c Jrown w u program chsirmsn.- Sand

----------------------------SchBT he U. 8 . soybean crop averages

klltUo more Uian 400 million bushels Wc blndt


' DONE I T /W e've combincfl forccs w FAM OUS MAKERS -OK C A R P E T . . .TO BRING YOU A NEW P E T PRICES . . . IN ALL A L L MAKES! -

-'Nothing Downl-3ilCome in Now for

• Sorry, we csnnot give prii over Uie telephi

S W E t

n k $ a r e <r Date J


:luding; ,

i a 5 B a M B B | P

rrscil o r t h , 6 m i l e s e a s t a n d y

l i l e s n o i - t h a n d 9 ' m i l e s w (

i J o n e s R a n c h o n

)AY,OCT.lUunch on Grouni

Traci:a t t le T ractor I

195(1 FORII, springe r' Good Rubb milking ' L— —— — pringer , Desrboni 6-ft. mower, springer ford beet and bean eu O T O Ford resr-end b a n ct

Case 4.bar side rake Dearborn 2-way plow

fre*li 1------------------------ ------I Hoosler 16*1

" H u " . , ' w l th S « d . .Inglag I------------------------------

. Horse ^Jringer { g-ufl »nd com enltlviling ,pua differ

m iliilnr I horse plowsnllking |,nd bean ealtirsl

{ Dump raket , , ^ McCormlck-Deering m<) a n d Bangs Slogle-wing ditcher

--------------- 12 Geese *(e« — — —

_____ Milking I__________Da.XaTst-milking mael

------------- :----- --- - - - i t t n w e k s -------------I Good Bilk eans

,— V- n -S*t-dalCTJeslet.T=-8t« ffeed Chopper fencer

Miscelrd drop hay. Drop-leaf kllehea Ubla

Lawn mower t Electric motor*

. . c a s h ; . . D a y o f S a l e

E & S O N , C

'K r a A Y . S c T 0 B E I l 2 ^ J

Plj-mouUj. i l < 0 ^ 1

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PRICEsil> h a v e IAGAIN! I

Ih c M A JO R I O f BR O A D L O O M I

K"’ >''■ <'AR- ‘ IA L L G R A D E S AND ■

i Y e a f r t r P o ^ lfor Details’ Is price lorormaiion H:lephone.

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29th Ioundn by Partners UfllnHp"

— B b i

ic tp r and K | ir Equipment l |'ORD TRACTOR tubber a n d Motor

iwer, food atie ■ 1 1 ^in eultlvkter ■ | ( usn culler ■ U p Ike . ■ 9;

____________________j l kIS -ho le G ra in Drill ■ 8 <

‘e d e r A tta c h m e n t

I Machinery I .:nItlTator* H I


I piIf mower ■ y j • r ________■ J ,

:se and 8 Ducks

.S tM h U n f c ___ B P


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I |'tt)U<3COrel>APUKn’ IN )UUHTT fiE T H IP tD PU W IE R J ' . T r r * ANPTVJOMOBE e q j ^

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CHURISrt., Oct. 2 7 ,8

buhl AMERK legion HAI

All locol County Can Will Be Present

free co ffe and DOUGHNI

T .M r» in p o t i^ uc Cm

urches . j l l l. CIIHISTUN Kl'ICSCK "vT r.bn 'i^l

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i n d i d a t e s

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“S f i ™ - s il]------- - 5---------^BabieNeighboring j Sms


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C a r pfo r every room in thi

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: o c k i n ' M a g i c . A ^ 1

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r i c e s S t a r t i n g -

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ChooM from (cn

bwulUul eolon. ^

' Completely In s ta lled > O ur H eaviest P ad d ir


• V

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T IM E S -N E W S . T W IN F . \ I

lancial Status Ne For Co-Op Clear u“ ''!SHO KALLS. Oct. :s WV-Dlrtc- 'r Slie Idnlm K«llj N»tur*l 0 “ *c*reelv bf

J nn»%cia:‘*ob?icatmM'^“ “ ‘’"

Adlai”irH r HH“°')ies Coming in S l r H i^aller, V

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s I f f “ V . r s S ^ A ( m a c h

i f » Fr „ . „ . .

ear! Disease L

'. A lm a Hardin l l iCniROFBACTOR

I e t | ith e house ' ‘

g e s t

Z.9 5 ^

YD. ~ p5---------------- -------- ~ i i (

DOWN L -■AY Only


. 9 5d W i t h ■d i n g ! ■ I


.'iLLS, IDAHO. : ■ .

ews Hailed I -new vo"ON.'OcC :s in -U ft ning copper I ■Kdcr Aiieuriij Bevin j»lrt In.U. S. produc ;iy nwpiipprTrisunr toany P^lccir nfft* {rom Poland could 'e'el o

li Backed by | H aiifornia Paper

~ B ~ m S ~ H HH i i Ip l ' S l i i ■

r C M E l I>RAPER I CHAIN ■fo r ail makes ■

rATO and B E E T ' H | (ARVESTERS H i

l i l H S'0 M E \: h i n e w o r k s

^ — • " ' ' n i l . . .—


10 REjO I Lm pare oil heat w ith o th er fuc fnplete hcatinj;: sa tisfaction .

COMPARISOc O iT N . No d in , ™ n o m o i S A F E . Frp» from dnngor o t .c r i , AUTOM ATIC. Sot i t and fo rg e t il

tem p era tu re . C O N V EN IEN T. N o w ork, no w or PE R SO N A L . Supplied by y o i i r io

business m an who.________ your BfLtiafaction.

ECONOM ICAL. Gives you th e m fo r y o u r m oney.

D E P E N D A B L E . P len tifu l supply IN D E P E N D E N T . Y our-choice. of

• • •____________you choose.PR O T ECTIV E. S toraRe on y o u r <_________________ yo u r own fuel «iM O D ERN . Enffineercd fo r th c m

— w arm a ir , s team , o

ly O IL H E A T fills a ll ten rc ( |

You'll Like




Phone 3697

. Y our Indepe.

. ' ■ . . 1

JP rE R CUT JOINED ROYORK. Oct. 2« MwKtnne- PA RIS. Oc 'per cgrp<*r*tlon. Hit hlssMt .oducer of copper. v » « d f ty o ...jrlcc four crnts ft pound lo A ntenor Patti tl of 38 ceiiij< « pound, in Uielr seve: c K cui by Plielphs-Dodgc yeiicrdfty by

m ^ W i

■ S r

W a t c h f o r ' t h


fuels! Only OIL H EA T o f fe r


, T Z r c “^ ' . t . • • ------------Gt it. A lw ays a comfortable

worry, no tcndinjf furnace, r local dealer, an independent ho is personally-jnterested in n.0 most heatintr comfortfiey.______________ply of fuel (reliable delivery). e. of any brand and dealer

mr own property. You control v..;1 supply.______________________c most modern healing system s • n, or. hot water.

requirem ents for com plete h<

ike Doing. B u f l n tu W ith I


E D O I lA B E R D E E N

. P h o n e 128.. :, ,

epe i ^ a i t D e a le r — H u m e O m

1 .

nOUST> OPENS. Oct. 3J! tl '—TJie e*tr4rs* K o d a lof BoHvlin tin mnsnatf —DAi

Patino'opened a new round m M M n i seven-yenr'-ord ItRtil batUe’ by aeeklne n court order \13 Bhoahoihts Alilpmeiit or household We Olr*

nziVD 'nME

t h e S w e p t - W i n

IS WHA T ^f e rs you a ll the ten features

Modern Fuel Fuel ^ o n Heat B________C _

---------YES---------Y ^ ----------

_ No Yes

YES Yea No

YES No No YES * Yes No

YES Yea No

YES Yea ^ No

' Ye s N o Yea

i h ea ting com fort in your h(

h U a-W E O FFE R


L i M. p io i i » ,O E - S .< M a . a o

t e i w d i i g M O p w a < « » ..........

■ - PAGE K D ® ,

d a k F b d s U t a g l - l-DAn.7 BIR710*.! - J ?S D O M P H O T O ] Ioahone North - Oow pitalt* I GiT* 8 B O reta B u m ft ir** ' ' ■ " ariMES-NEWS WANT ADfl. |

^ I

B E S T ! Ires essentia l t ° H

[P A S S E OE w i e ^ l


f M iss Harms Is ^ Mitchell ir; WENDELL, Oct. 2»-Bom)le tJe- :■ -ner* HBrm*. d iughU r of Mr. in d C

M rs. A. J . Harms, «nd James w . I MKchell, Buhl, son of Mr. snd M n. s:

, . Hoy Mitchell. -Ooodlng, exthsnged m a rr i i je vo»s Tucsdsy evenlnj s t

■< the home of the bride's parenU. t T h e Rev. W ayne P. Hsgemeler, li pasto r of the Church cf the N s» -

rene. £ u h l. performed the doubli ,( rtn tf terem ony before the ftreptsee *> decorated with llsht«d candles snd j rtanked by baslceU of roie-pfnle ‘ . cho 'un them um s.

T he bride, given In m arrlsgt by ; h e r la ther, wore * gown of nylon '« ]aeo fashioned w ith a fitted bodice,

scoop neclcJtne sn d b w l t tn l bt»er- In n -len g th skirt. Her ihoulder-

i length veil w u held by a coronet of ' seed pearls. She wore three itrands .

Hi ot p e ^ ls and carried a bouquet of 'f p ink roses.' Mrs. Leslie Mock, mslron of hon-

Vr. wss gowned In gold and eggshell i embossed faille. June. H smu, sis­

te r o f the bride. w « bridesmaid. She wore yellow nylon neU Eaeh

•[ carried a nosegay of row -pink chrysanthemums.

Melvin MlWhell. Ooodlng, wsi ; best m an for his brother. Larry A.1 H arm s, brother o t ths bride, w u

’ I -usher.Mrs. Harms chose a blue-gray

faille drcM wjlh beige aeceawtles and a white carnntlon coruge for h e r daughter’s wedding.

•! Mrs. Fred E aton pUyed wedding J music and accompanied Lola m d

Lulu MltcheU, who asng "Z love Ycu ■ ■mily."

, Mr s. David Mink w u In cliarge of the suest book a t the reception and L W anda Meyers. Castleford. arranged • th e glfta. The bride’s Ubla was cen- te red -witli a four-tlered wedding ^ cake lopped with ia mlnlatura bride

'I and bridegroom. aR«cepUon asslslanU were Mrs. -

Richard Jasper. *lster of th« bride- " ■r groom, a n d M n . Charles Doty, Mrs.

Edward McNutt. M n . Oeorge Hud- i'll ■ son and Mrs. Wallace Kaufman. .

F o r traveUng. the new ftfw. Mljeh- I ell chose a beige ault with red «c- H cessorles. Following a short trip ^' the couple will live In Wendell. ,

T he bride was honored a t a re- .t. IJ cen t shower given by Mrs. Ssm Sav-I „ ace and Mra. Melvin Mitchcll.it --------------------

History Outline Given for Class «

II Mrs. Bernard M arlyn outlined the el t l history of BspUst work in Idstio j,'- from IBM to 1804 for the Pidells «

c la u of the F irs t BspUst church ■ Tuesday a t her home, U

T he devoUons. b ued on the U rd psalm, were given by M r i ,F lo y d .,

I' M ali and Mr*. Howard Burkhart ^ offered the p n y e r.

Mrs. Howard Durward and Mra. P J . . .P reaton Durbin presided a t Uie Uble 1' decorated in a Halloween moUf. The I , a rrangem enl committee w u Mr. and i * M rt. Bernard M arlyn. Mr. and Mrs.\ HQward Burfcharl and'M r. and Mrs. I ■> Preaton Durbin.W • * » • ^

it Auction Plonned I Fof Club's Meet jS M em ben of th a ishamrock club

voted to have a country store auc* tli tton Tueeday a t th e hom# of Mrs. lA

f Jo h n Plorence. pl . r *nie event wlU be held a t the No* th )!? vember meeting and a cash dona- br li' tion will be m ade to the Idaho th h' R anch for YoutJi. Rupert. Mra. W. a % W . atephens reported on Uii prof­i t ress a t the ranch.$ M n . U oyd Kimpton received h i'(( p rises fo r oontesta and Mrs. T . F. leij Skaggs, Mra. G all MeOee and M n. wcin' WllUam Rosenof v e n guesU. M n. th

f Oeorge Rosepot w as co-hostesi. faj

AAdrian Martin Pattern ^

E a s i e r t o c u t

S a w a n d f i t t°.


Printed p a H e r n in halt.iii#ii! ntrcri' ' sa n n rd —for 'thr'T hB nrr.* Her rig u re-n pfrfect fit witliout ioratlons. See iu novel sldr-.linr *tm en t: buttons slimming do« n '

> ft«p-ln /ton t,'r to ted patteim «06S: Hslf sizn

]0 !i, 30 'i . 33 'i. Slse '. »Q U lrea .3? i yards 3# .lnch l| m ; t» yard con tnu t. IUa prin ted p«etem assures per- I A t. Sa<y (UrecUons pdoted o n ll UMue p a tte rn part. I

w t t e m ^ d « r e cents for eac h /I J m /o r first-class m alliiv. 6e n d fl ir la n M artin, c a n of n S S r l l P a tte rn D ept., a s Wesl IBth I e

sw York I I . N.Y. P rin t p la Jn lr 'l address w ith zone, ske a n d ljP '

________ ittttbef. • . . 1



Is B ride o f in H om e Ritese- The fo rtner MlM H srm rw u grad- id Cited (rom Wendell high school In J N. fDSJ'and MlUhell attended Ooodlng wn rs. schools. He is em plj-ed a l Buhl.

a t * • G«

,,, • Becomes Bride 2m";Rc

:k Frwo


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MRS. JAMER W. MITCHELL ■. (A nbroM pholo—t u « espsTtng)

„ Social CalendarId

'T h e rum m sgs sale sponsored by ‘ i the Challenger class of the First Hf,

jS BspU st church wlU be held 4n the k I “ ehurch basement instead of a t » (

Sweet's furniture company u an- ch nounced. - m i

«• . ¥ ¥ •;*• BHOSHONE-MolAer'J elrfle wll] •

Itieet a t . 2:30 pjn. Friday a l Uie home of Mra. H srry Turnbull.

'* * f ¥CAREY — A Halloween eontume

dnnce will be sponsored by Blaine „ su k e LXtS MIA Saturdsy evening a t "j,, the recreation hall. Proceeds will "

'* go to th e church building fund. ‘ * * * g '

Dessert Served c"SHOSHONE. Oet. 2 8 -M n . Angle

5 W hitennck wss hostMS a t dc-uert for m em bers of Wednesdsy bridge .

le club a l he r home, l‘0 Club prises went lo Mrs. F . O, em “ Ooodlng and Mn. Margaret Had- Str •h dock. M rs. Eiwood W erry received Hu

Uie guest prlre, TuOUier BUCAts wVre M n. LoUle Pll- Wl

ger. Mrs. Frsnk Clem. Mrs. Slgel Mr HaJl a n d M n . W. Z. Oros«. th«

*. —

I; C are o f YouI By A N GELO

AU lack of hearing u n n o t be far tn e ed to defecUve ears. Soma of It f In children U cauied by ina tten- Ihe

t Uoa. A busy ehlld. absorbed Jn ite whatever he Is doing, U not likely Ing to hear w hat U going on about him. hlr lb Buddy U ly l^ O Q Uia floor pu t- tpc

:• Ung a eut-«utiogeU ier, Ue Is look- Ing a. lAg tor a n Im portfnl piece of the .

plane w hen his m other rslls from i,I- the nex t room, "Buddy, you'd better >»■. ,- briny In j-our aweater. I fs lying on •*»' 0 the porch and It U going to n t n In f. a m lnule . . . Buddy?" ti.:• "M m -hm .'' m urraun Buddy. k «

MoUier Uilnks ha h u heard. He d h u n 't . H e w u centered on hU|'. search, a n d the meaning, of the I. worda h e heard did not penetrate!I. the th o u sh l barrier. The rain Came

f u t a n d copiously and ih i sweater- - was S9,aked.

“Oh.' ge# whlis. Couldn’t some­body h av e brought tn my sweater? Look a t it.''

"It 'a y o u r own fa u l t I ealled toj you In tim e. Why cUdn’J you go. when I told you about It?" I _

"You called me? I niver heardl I

^ " i certain ly did nnd now you lell I t me th a t j-ou didn't hear me. You I

aiuw ered me." I"I never heard you,"He la correct. He did not hear.

One m u st listen w ith one’s mind . M well a s with-the ears. Esra are

bu t th e besionlnj; of hesrlxi;. lm -| po rtan t indeed, bul fiot the whole cf it by any means. The mind m ust I listen a n d interpret Uie sounds the ears received.

I f a ch ild is busy and on# w ants ' him lo h e a r a message. It U neces- . sary to s e t his whole attenUon. D on't U lk imtll tlia t Is oblalned. Have th e child stop Tvhat he is do­ing. look a t the one who Is Ulking j lo him a n d then tell him whnteveri | Is to be told. T hat way his hearing; i Is Assured. I

In try ing to conimunlcste wllh] I a slow learner. IhU is .of flrsi lm-< < portance. Bring the child up close; lo llie speaker. Make cerUln he ls| looklnK a l him. ihen . snd only! then, can one be certain h« is going; lo liesr. I

W ith such children 11 U wUe to' ask. -W hn l Is It you are to do?" orl ‘•What waa ll I told you?" It he can tell w h at wss said to him In hU own words, he U likely to have tirord and-undersiood • This o fien U a classroom prob -1 I lem. T h e children in the bsck of] I ‘h® usually are remole from Itne* doing in the troni. unless th* ■ ‘“'hw *nakts a point ol .welng I

“ttenuon. ThU I _done_bj^M ktng the .pupU in u,e I

I-N OTJ CE 1n) BU HL, READERS iL"n; H. H. Scarborough, ; ! « i h e Vision Specialist 11 0,1 f ro m Salt Lake City, r .l w ill b e a t th e BUHL HO- o TE L. BU H L, FR ID A Y and J SA T U R D A Y . OCT. 26 and j / l 27, t o exam ine e.vea and f i t . l l a ’Ia s se s in a 'th o ro u R h a n d '| l e x p e r t m anner. M ake It a

p o in t fo eonault him .

Five Candidates For Lodge Taken

J. In Rebekah Meetin SHOSHONE, Oct, 2ft—InltU tlon ng was held for (Ive csndldstcs of Opal hi. Rebekah lodge Tuesday, n lsh t a t the

IOOF hall. They were M n . Elden OchrU. M n. Walter Berry. Mis. Clay Durnurti Mrs. Ooy Crooks and Mrs. Marilyn Couch.

The charier was draped in mem- ' ory of the Ute Ruth Robinson by M n. Howard Hill, Mrs. W lnltrcd ‘ Relsinser. Mrs. E. E. McNee, Mrs. ' Fred Clingcr. M n. C h sr ie s ’Undcr- vood. M n, Cecil Dudley and Mrs. Willard Nelson. “ '

Oue.iU were Mrs. Tom Lowman. Mrt. Manning Patterson. M n . Pern Klelfer and Mrs. Thelm a ysughn. atl Ooodlng,' and Mrs. Ruby Petei"- son. Richfield,• An inviUUon was extended from e Ooodlng lodge lo local m em ben lor a meeting Nov. 21.

The sovereign grand lodge of odd Fellows iw srded a certificate of ap- | precUilon to the local lodge -for • recognlUon of the .outstanding achievement In membersliip lii-

(.> crease. Tlie ne t Increase w u more Uian five per cent belween Jan . 1 t and June 30 of IhU year. |>

Word w u received th a t Colby Sat- geant. a patient a t the Home nn the Hlll.rCaldwell, an "adopted- broUier for the lodge, had died.

-------Hostesses were-Mrt. D elberl Geh- „rig, Mrs. Arthur M artin. Mrs. Jolm

•• Conway and M n. Clarence Gehrig, d ' * 11

”1 Family Stressed J For LDS Society I^ ' SHOSHONE. Oet. 28 - "Family I t life" w u the loplc of Uie social ,, he Klence lesson of Uie LDS Relief ‘‘ *l society Tuesday afternoon a t Uie ,, n - church given by Mrs. W ard B, lUw- ^

,T h e tnnual bo iaar and ward din- .“J ner-cnrnlval waa announced for ("* Nov. Ifl. H ie group will conduct the ^

magazine drive nexl Tuesdoy m om ­lng followed by luncheon s t the churcliund an atternoon o f qulIUng.

, M em ber will meel a t B a jn , a l the W m church.-

Mr*. M. J. Dlllr wns In charge of ^the music and prayers were offered {*'by Mrs. lUwson and Mrs. Lawrence “Clltford. , F;

* * ¥ >*

ll , Gives LessonDECLO. Oct. 2 0 -T he socUl scl-

0 , ence lesson on the life of Joteph d- Sm ith was given by Mrs. Winfield « ed H ursi for the LDS Relief soclely

Tuesday a t the church. Mrs. Don w ll> Whipple, Melvin Dnrrlngton and [el M n.' Harry Darrlnglon assisted with P

the lesson. ^

Dur Children h3EL0 PATRI

be far corner, "Wliat a re you lo do?'’ se It And Uils Is a good way to train g>

n- Ihe hsrd-of-hearlng child to look sc Jn Iteadlly a t the one who is spenk- Jy Ing, If he can hear a t a tl, Uils helps R n. him. tspeclally If he is close lo the W t- ipeaker. Engage Uie m ind in hear- Ic- Ini. Wl ie ___

er tT»ii’<irbJ.°pMH'i ifVi'iH i5;!« L()n lUnS." illKuiMt th, » r tn bandl, rhlU Min ’f . 'K " . ; : i;

tl. at.1hr. C. K,» York l». >1. Y._______ R



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THELMA LOUISE BENHAM ^ "K (K elherphoto-sU ffeugiavIn i)

* * . * ,n

‘ Miss Benham and u S; Brede Nome Date ^

Mr. and Mrs. Jsm es H. Benhsm ju snnounce_the enRSiemenl and ap- p ,

"* proaching marriage of thelr-dsugh'- • ler, Tlielma Louise,' lo William G.

*«• Brede. Jr.. son of Mr. and Mrs. Wil- j,,, llam G. Brede. sr. 'The daU h u been W| set for Nov. 18. ,

Mls.1 Benham was graduated from ug Twin FalU high school In 19S2 and

y L5 employed ,by W trberg Brothers ^ Healing c om ^ny . Brede w u g n d - w , uated (rom Tti'ln Fslls hlgti school

"} In 10« and served four yesrs in the air foree. He is employed by ItUho H osplul Scrvlce, Inc., of lh« Blue

"■ Croas plan, Boise. u

* ** *j; Officers Seated S ;; For Junior Club S!IB, Officers ot the Ttt-in Falls Junior I ? he Music club have been InsUlled.

For the junior group they are Mike 1 Fisher, president: Barbara Nye. vice du

-rt president, and Sally perrine, secre- Br „ U rj'. and for’ . the Intermediate » l

group, KaUiy Duvall, preildent; Wi H airy Tom Denton, vice president. Hu and Bliaron Blrrell. secreUi7- Karen Da Cednrsirom Is scrapbook chairman. I’T ■ Miss Duvall and Pally Brim pre-

•1. (llded a t the tea table Saturday a t / 3h the home of Mra. Rlclfbrd Robert- Ma .]d son. Background music was plnyed gui .ly by the members and their m othen PH Qn were special guests. sernd Club meeilnga will be held a l 2 hoi th p .m .' the third Salurday of eaeh P°'

month a t iha home of M n. Robert- 1 son. Joy

*1 * M * Juc

Name Chosen for - stJ Blue Bird Group

- J "Mountain Blue Birds" hss been > ?'• selected as the nnme of a newly-or- Bfc In ganlred Blue Bird group a t Lincoln 5k school. lngl(. Peggy Long U president, fiussn Lu ^hi pi Russell, vice president, and DUIe hy tie Walton, secretary. mr- Other memben are Dianne Gallo­

way. Cheryl Weigt. Ann Blggi. KaUiy Devlin. Gina BarreU. Becky Brelnholdl and Neoml Waldrum.

IJI Leaders are Mrs. L«Vem Long and ill. M n. Bliss Ru.uell. The next meet-

Ing will be held Nov. 3 a l Mrs. Russell’s homa on Grandview drive.


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Thermosbtwirej nteded



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Grand Guardian Makes Her Visit cp • To Wendell Unit g

.WENDEL, Oct. 28 — M rs. N ina H MacDonald. Bayvlew. grand gua r- H dlan of Idaho, made" h e r official ■ visit to Wendell beUiel No. 12 In - ■ lemaUonal Order of Job’a D iugh* ■ ten . W e d n ^ a y a t the M iaonlc ■ temple. ‘ |M

X council membtrs. M n . R ay n Mrs. Denton Adams. M rs. B0

Z. E P a rr and M n. H. 6 . Lamb. K mnL wllh Mrs. MacDonald for a | b coffee hour a t the home of M rs. B Lamb. ■

M n. MacDonald w u honored th a t ■ evening a t a banquet with M n. M . f l A, McCloud as chalrmsn auU ted by H M n. Paul Flngerson. M n . Charles f l Gatee. Mrs. Clyde Petersen. M rs. f l John Melser ahd Mrs. Paul Marlow ■ served. B

Tables were .decorated wlUt fa ll f l flowen and lUlloween motif. T h e f l piacecardsxarrled the them e select- f l ea by the grsnd giiardlan. " lilnd words can never die."

Joyce Henton. JoAnne Flngerson • and CoUeen Parr were In charge * ' 0/ the table decorai/ons; Linda L.amb. Joan McCloud and Barbara Marlow, table setUng: Olorla M ar- low. Julle- GCtes and N edra \ y u - L well, ptacecards and Judith Melser. „„ Julle Strickllhg and Ann King, pro- gram. .

In tr5 d u ce d "sr.th e hieellng were ,e Peggy Over and Doris Dalby. p a s t — honored queens of bethel No. ]2 ; , Mrs. MacDonaldl Virginia Norwood. W senior princess. HsferTTisn bethel ' ' No. 45: M n . Vera Ambrose, Jerome. C vlee grand gusrdlan; M n . H arriet •J Miller. Jerome, p u t g n n d guardian; i Mra. Ray Short, guardian of W en- I dell beUiel. M n. Virgil Norwood, guardian of beUiel No. ,iS . Hager- man: Paul Flngerson. assoclntc . guardian of W endell bethel No. 12:H. J. Barton. M n. Pred Eaton. Mrs. AlberU Campbell. M n. 8 . K. B un- itum. M n . D, B. Bradshaw. Fred Eston and ‘Ihom as F rith are p a s t “ . guardians and p asl associate guar- dU ns or Wendell beUiel. and M rs. S ' T h o m u FrlUi. worthy maUon of s u r of Uis Wesl chapter No. 35.

IniUaUon ceremonlea were eon- x dueled for Sally Rydalch, P a tty cjjo Brown. Susan Wbwell, Pau la Y dar- ^qi rtgo, Diane Peterson. C h irlo tle ^nt Weston, Sharon Bungum,- D iane mIs Hutton, Beverly Crawford and Laura Davis. Special music was furnished ^ da by JoAnne Flngerson, Sheryl Crow ^nj and Colleen Parr. , q jo

A gift w u presented by G loria m Marlow for the bethel lo the g rand (rai guardian’s project, Uie ah rlne hon- she p iu l, A girt and co ruge w u p re- for sented to Mrs. MacDonald by th e has honored queen. T he .librarian’s re - of port w u given by Colleen Parr. - {{ 2

The program Included songs by plaj JoAnne Flngerson. accompanied by ibel Jud llh Mei.ier, and U p dance num - w u bers by Julle Oales and Julle T Strickllnf. ' • - ■—

* * * ■ ■ TOUR MADE . •{ I

Members of the Robin Blue B i rd j l group toured the Twin Falls f l r e l l sU U on‘following the busine.u m e e l - |l lng Monday a t th s f ln l C h r is i ia n i l church. Refreshmenu were served I by Colleen Frlabee. _______


i i i i ®I p g



W o u ld Sell fo r 2 6 .9 5 . . . if c u s to m m o d e

InU-oductorj Dp U 7 t“ wld* p , i „ .

'T r a v a n # ro d to f i t ..1............. . I ,

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Betrothed . Tc


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mauClayHsgiM n.sociigran

CAROL KARhEN Paul, . , whose engagement to Nor-

n a n E Brogdeo. aen of Mr. and Mrs. Fnnk Brcfden, l i announced by h tr parenU. Mr. and Mrs. Joa ^hln Karren. all. Jerome. A December Oral weddlnf Is belog planned. Brog- bert. den U stU ndlnr Brigham Young Burl univmlly, Prore. U U b. whera ahe Lloy U emplflTed. Both were graduated Mi In 1355 frpm Jerome hlgli aehooL dlan (SUff engravlDf) uo^i

' was

Woman's Society Sponsors Dinner' Russ

For Area Church P « eHAGERMANj Oct. 20-'The har-

vest dinner held Wedne.iday evening _ In ihe Metliodisii chureh was spon- sored by Uie Womiin's Society of Christlnn Service.

M n. Emeat Blillivrd was Jn eharge ot the program and lhe opening . p nyer was offered by Uie Rev. A. E. Cart Gilbert. A hj’mn, 'T h L i ' la hly Fsltier's World." wn.i directed by Joyce Oeorge. accompnnled a l IJie w "- piano by Mra. V. W. Carson. ' ' ‘®n‘

Tho Junior high achool glrU’ chorus s.mg ’'Oh. W hn t a BeauUful M« Momlng," and "Loch Lomand" wlUi Alfn Ann Jensen u soloist, directed by *'*'! MlM-OforRe.-’rwo comic readings,"A Women's Way" and "Fleas—Adam llndam" was given by Jody “y “ Fruit: two songs, wera sung by Miss George. Fo;

Mrs. Viola Shumway gnve a lund (nvelogue on Egypt nnd Palestine, butte She w u sUlloned in Cairo. Egypt, andfor lfl monUw with the WACs, S h e -------haa vUlled Palestine, the Gnrden r - = ot OeUisemene. Sea of Galilee, Naaireth and Bethlehem and dls- ' played many Items nnd 'explained Uielr common iue. 'The txnedlcUon was given by M n. W illn Juatlce.

The dinner was arranged by M n.

I w m m m a m S S m m m m m m C 'For Uie Finest In


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l i ^ p l ^ I D E -

' F o r W indow s — — j’ T ro v e rse Rod ti

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5 W o u ld Sell fo re . . . i f c u sfo m

ictorr ll*! Up to M* wide

. . ,.1 ,2 9 T r o v c n e rod to f i t ...

ve p rin ts s ty led o r id f o b r ic o te d 'b y fo

ts o n d solids in t h e la te s t d e c o ro to r <

1 T oday . . . Enj(

T o p O f f i c i a l o f

O E S V i s i t s M e e t . > g

F o r L o c a l G r o u p pM n . j J o h n Pickering, R u p e r t ' ^

worthy arand malron of ihe g ran d ' » chapter of Idaho. Order of E as te rn ' £ « 8 U r. made her of/lclai vlsll to T w in ■ R l FaUs chapter No. 39 Tuesday a t Uie iH M isonlc temple. ^

She was honored, a l a luncheon; B liven by th e memben of the O m esai 9 s u r club. M n; E D. Plppett a n d '- ’ Mi». Maude Dygert presented lh e i+ 1 program. M n . Pickering conducte^d a school of InstrucUon following thel<' ' ' ' ' luncheon.

/A ceremony of InlUatlon w u c o n - ' ducted a t tbe chapter meeUng. Hon- '' ored guesu Inuoduced were M rs ' Uaude McRoberU. pssi grand m a- iron; Mrs. Henry B a ^ n . p u l grand ^! ’ matron and g n n d treuurer; Alonso Clayton, Burley, and FTed Roberu.; Hsgerman, boUi patt gnn d palron.A-1 M n . BtyUie, Clemmons. Gooding, a n l! soclaie grand matron; Olidya WiUis •. grand Adah; M n, Edith Morgan,! < Paul, grand ElecU, and M n. Dygcrl. | Li grand organist. i

G rand rcprestnlativei were Mrs. fih; P rancli Decker. Buhl; Mrs. ArdlUi .Nr Shfmm. Jerome, and Mrs. F»y H atin. am G rand commllUe ;nemb«rs were E l- an< ben. Rice. Jerome; Howsrd Bates Wa Burley, and Vemon Riddle <hd Mrs. Lloyd Mason. »he

M n. Nina McDonald, grand guar- dlan of th e grand council, in te rn a . ,u , Uonal Order of Job's D aughten. also — was preseni.

Refreshmenu were served by Mrs. Hans Thome, M n. Albert W egener. „ Mrs. N onnan Croasley, Mrs. C harles J , Russell. Mr. and Mrs. Vem Routh,Mrs. G n ce 'ThompMn. M n. Alfred Pe ten . Mrs. H. L. Holmes, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Walker. O. H. W elnrlch . " and M n J . T . Vaught._____________

Alfred Sandy, Mrs. Delmer Pinkston, inc and M n. Elgle Swenion. OUier com - w m ittee mem ben included Mrs. D on- rrai old P. Rea. M n. Sam T ate, I^lrs. Ted C art Hardwick, Mrs. Sandy, M n . M n Robert O u to n . M n. Chartea Sk in ­ner, Or* Midden. Jfni. V. W. C a r­aon. Mr,. Al K anloff, Mrs. W ll- llam Wollburg, Mn. John T ow n- oi send and M n. O. F. Afolony. •

M n . Claude ButU w u hostess and ! ; , t Alfred Bandy w u host. M n. B illia rd S) , waa in chaste of the fancy work ih . Uble. assisted by M n. A. E. 'O il- du'i b e rt.'A candy booth .was opera ted 7-3(1 by the mem ben cf lhe MYF. ' hnll

For undw lch filling In children'slunch boxes, try combining pean u t ^butter with-chopped cooked p ru n es ^and orange marmalade. <

p WE MAKE ^ IW O O D F R A M E S ^

Photostats Commercial Photos j—


A a t » Pram Medical ArU

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I Drapi% R e a d y - M a d e

• REGUL• W -l-D-l

b! ANI

- WIDE -I W IN D (N Special In trodu

Reg. 9,98 ■fow s (Jp T o 4i-in: W ide iod to f i t ......................... 2 , 2 9 •

r NOW or Uie Sear5 Coup

fo r 3 4 .9 5 ■ ‘ W ouldo m m o d e . • • • '

We“e f •' lo I « “I f .................. 4 ,4 9 T r a r e n e ro<

y fo re m o st designers . -W ide selecfic

to r co lo rs . Fully lined.

I joy Them T om

s : r :


I; ■ .

^ Engaged


fiharon AltxrlK^* lo ^ .n i ’r .Mn. S. II. Alberuon. announced by her Mr,nU. wl and Mrs, O .J. Relnwih, AbertiM Wash. Belli are letilor,s u t e eolteie, C<irT»1lli. Ore IS lahe ll BfniUled wllh |)flu ms sorority and he It » a,-wi of SIcma Alpha tSU ff engnvinc)

Reports GivenReporls were given by cox=.;v

chairmen for ihe Womfn el Moose 'Tuesday evenly al la hall.

M n. Fred Jeuer reportrt on i care; Mrs. Gareili S»at2fl. pjbio Mrs. Harolrt FVrsiij'nii MoovW' and M n. John Searliii, hotaiiu lng.

Mrs. FersuJon prrjfnljd if., - gram and served, awittfd bt kr Ted Soprr. SUi Meilin MiiUt u M n. Lenlal Cliild5.

♦ ¥ *

Plan MenuSHOSHONE, Ocl.

Orange Home Eccinniiurj rn,;* met Wednesday rvrninj i t of Mrs. Vem E. Joim.yjn is > the menu for llip nrmuiil Id jb ; duce dinner, l l i r dliiiit; uiiii, 7:30 ,p. in. Friday «i ilif G:t hall follottrd by a Cranj» r.r.


Running’s, Im tNext lo Idalio Poier £

W f \.INED


leries jde to Fit. . i

JUR I>-E ^ND £

- WIDE “DOWS I>ductory Price!

7 . 8 * IPAIR a

lupon Books-Ju>^

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iiDAY.mrroGEn k, ,55,

Gen ^ o n Nea iducing I

i j d ^ K O c t 2 6 ( /P > ^ Id ah o 'fl 1956 S 5 fo r th e sp o r ts m e n w h o p re

u p land b i r d s e s so n . t h e f g - j - i l y > r e goo d e x c e p t f o r

jwi/iNel«‘j III ii> t^out »i

2 T ____ — ;i i i 1 ” . i - — biUns I^ _ L m M IM « » sir ta .

T-* - a w S * D*..k.u J,,. 1 ---------------- 111 II* s» counly.

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i ili iii McCall

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>!•«• . . , , , Mnitie------------------ 'J l \ J I from bc

—~ :r i ;» ;« i n «« below U

£ : r . J l | ! ; t i i S i K y J—------ i _ ---------------- cannla o

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f | «w— nt Ul 11 Coach;*««»«— ........IM j<* }Si }| “how ed^

----------------1___ fenMvo wi- .....«i« 110 »i» « i 7 week, ton

f i s , - ■ ,!i i l l ! = ^

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- !!f “ *■ *“ NEW Y■' • ,« ' a •?!! m uked I

•iJ?''"- ;}i we hft»e I------- -------151 n» <ti weight et

’■••i —. - — 7,7>4... ***■•-I : • - 'I ; ;» : u defend h

- . r ' ■■ !i :} iJf againat 0- ■ lu Ji Ji? d»n. U W

------- i»i 11' Jll den Dec.‘i„‘ — 77^ lng on Kl• " Nov. 30 f.

‘t< -"I <"« yacattd bJ i . — lot ! JliS The bou

- • I 't 111 j ” mon AS e - .— JM, 3,s eWcrlj

5“ i«> running ■■* - ....... _ 1;J ‘{‘ lUiblnion.i«,i, • : - . • --------- J T h e r e

' ■■ 1 ® akepllcl&m. ti..V m7 jM-i •* annouE" 'n lr •''* :"i ■ “ '"c off-

■ ! 'i *’ 111 the Sugarn» J i l JJi e*-«l he 1

......... --‘‘S - i:? --------IJI Bknoplnf-’«*« • ---------------- /llctlon w

'.m .nk. “ * solng thnT ; ^ ' ' ~ — -------- in

J-oi^ lledOff I U-.S S S “ " ' " S S . ” . ”S .‘ i I - ,

neral Fishi ars With ^ Good Cate

556 f re n e ra l fi.sh in jf se n so n comc.*? to p r e f q r th e rod a n d reel t h i s w cek -e i ne s t a l e l is h a n d Ram e d e p a r im e n t ' a f e w a p o ts h i t b y ra iii o r .<!now a mt e r le v e ls . F o r th e m o s t : ------------r t . t r o u t r ish in tr i.i K o o i i . i w r • ilteflih are bfjlnnln* to bite In! TT d

tl no rlh Idalio, the deparimecil 1. a ll lakes have been producing I .O I U 1. eapeclally Prleil lake for ko- lee. cutth roat and tome chnr, ioeur d'Alene, JJauaer and Hny- I l I v i I IftkM all were Ilated m sood * 7 * Jt apout and kokanee liAve been ng In Pend OrelHe. SAN J;ireama. especially tho North World rt •k. have been good. Iri Lewis cJiamplor n ly . steclhead were being caught ®n earUi"

^ ''c p '^he: ck 1 9 around the moulh of the Olj'mplc < mon. for grabstie sn a k e river above Pittsburgh T uo m ding ts recommended for sUir- *<,und all n a n d channel cats. Feathen,-n the centriil and southwrstrm bnnlnmni a of the state, all waters In the lonmUc i S a ll-w eos were Ibled «!i prelty trania In d for end of seaaon flsning. t , . . ' „ Tie N orth fork of the Pnyelle : ,

s “ ? , » r ‘"'™ ™ SStand, Uie department said, the lUi fork of the Payette from Pine if,,:k u tr is loaded with fish. *nderson reservoir and llie river Paul Ar ve and below the dam are fair to d, , broken e[agio rcaervolr has been good «co rd sir n bo th bnnka and boats. W ater yeAfs ago. >w th c dam la quiel because the choice" li: a have been closed. Around *l»o featu ey. P tah Creek re«cvtor and the lyn. N.Y. als of the Little Wood river were champion best fishing spoU. >037.I enatem Idaho. Island Park re.i- -Plr and tJie Snake river frocn Big m i n 1 ta Aahton were all good. 1 . JT , 10>^.pound rainbow wa.i caught 'nUy in Uie W and Park reser- J

le -Teton river haa been very _I below Tetonla. In thc Roberts \ ¥ / ^ { . | .. Lower Caniaa creek was rec- TT I H lended.IS Snftke river anfl Sprtnjlleld T h t Tui were listed as best bets for the wore fool

;kfoot area. 1058, senaId in F raklln county. Twin L*lea , * '' Bear rtver wer# producing good “ ** * hes. Johnny

-------------------------- for ft Twi:I f T i 1 second gulenison la k e s “j" '"0 Victory d."'V

J ble and r

g a in st R ival e'ex !^ Klmberl'3LUMBIA, .8 , C.. Oct. 36 <iT1— tie up Uie tson qUftrtcrbftck Charlie Busaey julng kick « re d a SouUi Onrollna fumble u ;»h nr,' nd hla own gooi line wlUi less ' ’ „ i „ v , , Uireo minutes to play Tliurs- ‘ to aave a T-O AUaotlc Coiaf

erence fooUiaarlelory for Cltm-

u lh Carolina fullback Don The T k ison. who had been the herb of £amea dm unecock dflve' from 111 oii-n aa one. T lielr le Clemson three. Jumbled away ot thn HaJ' h C a ro l^a 's chancea for a Ue. ~:mson eafned lU rletory wiUi a T T _ Ting ram alUek on Uie SouUi X l d l l t Una line, never once taking to C

e sUlA of SouUt Carolina de- Will a Thuraday of stale fa ir week a _

ngalsTryto landon Cellar SSSJ„“iiCATELLO. Oct. 3J tf t-T lie de- Hager s i ng champion Idaho Stale foot- dlan. had t£am will fttlempt lo move out flghU" ag le Rocky MounUIn conference Utle conte: - Uils Saturday when It playa I9M iind IS ■ado college here. bouU.e B « a j ^ havs two conference Matlhewi .14 on^U ielr record and also fighter wl to O m aha. They hava scored SeatUe In i 18 points in Uielr l u t Uuee he wad con

s. losing all of them. tender andB o te Caccia aald the team huvle« In

ed some Improvement in ils of- Matthews ve wprk In pracUce sessions Uils year and . somethlntr he has been seek* weight cha. or th e paat three weeks. SeatUe this

obinson-FuUmer ates as Sure ThrVf YORK. Oct. 25 CTl-Thli fall Roblwon ed th e first In several 'years saying thn ive no t had an ouldoor heavy- a ring whe it championship fight. dlUon. everngs a re perking up. however, the day of mve Ray Robinson booked to on a l least d hLi middleweight c ro w n u u r e p o at Gene Pullmer of Weal Jor- one Bob P UUh. a t Madison Square gar- mneup bou )ec. 12, and Archie Moore tak- *hich flllei n Woyd Patteraon In Chicago i„b cliib wl 30 fo r th e heav>Tvclght crown gon rullme ed by ^ k y Ifareiano. Lai^ m jom1 bouLn have something In com- i. nifas each offers Uie plcturr!-of . ,derly tnan . llatleally speaking.: u> tu m back Uie clock and requesting Uie aur^e of youth. Time ia was fearful

ng o u t on boUi Moor# and give Sugar ison. injury,e r e always is conslderalile , ,.clwri when a Robliison'bout nounced aa to whcUier it will k off. bccause nol Infrequently I M I

ugar K id has belatedly dlscov- ■ ” ^ he had come down with the ling lilccUjSa'cfMm'e oUier'af- ' — n which prevented him ;rom 1 1 through'w lU i It._________ '

OPPORTUNin. . . fa r Married Man 13 PASIb W s j n i i f s ; ™ ' ' ; ! O u r lConnaelor. S e e - | is no

Jay M. Merrill i3 6 M o lt i N „ T . l n M i l ’ (B eh ir

^ I


lir.ivywflI " I nhicU Cl

tones ■ie.<? to n clo.'<e nc.xt W ednes- PaTiri.^ ^ek-eiid to.HhotKuiis fo r th e buliiM»f le n t had tliis to sny : W a- ^ i V nnd a few nrcaatw ith low

i^eightMen ^ ompete foi- M •lympic BerthsAN JOEE, CoW.. OeU 38 IT — 1 T l l l t rid record h o ld e r- s , Olympic!mplons and.the "itrongest m anI 1earUi" go for Uie big prUes S a tu r . i i . U J

when live ipois on the U.S. I On Umplc weight llltinc team come up i Is beinggrabs In final American Ulals. j Ing thi

•uo member* of the seven-mnn Pwlcdnd a l^ady have been aeleeled. 'V*Ihernelght Isaac Berger and n’lUM- inmwelRhl Cliuck Bind were a u - .iftUc nomliieej-M the only en -! P«t*d 11. In lli tit C1.S1C... . ;lie 12 eonipemon Include live , ^ Ik n e r Olympic wlnnera, naUonal.mpioiw and a Ilock of b a rb e ll ‘ “Jrd owners. Dul Uie big a ttra c tio n ' .ceorHi. 23-year.old CeorKlan goine for j-rnm efirst Olympic berth. partme. aul Anderwn. 3«-pound "strong . | _ _ 1 _m.m" from Toccca, Qa.. h as ^

ten everj- exlitlng,heavyweight v i o i ' >rd since he besiui lifting severalrs ago. He U considered Uie "only . _Ice" In the heavy division, w hich A o r t

features John Davis of Brook-N.Y.. 19<8 and 1911 OljTnjilc y v «

mplon .and «;orId MUlst since] I I f 1

—----------------------- ■ CHICA

F r t I Marlon q. o o p lis1 under pn

I suspectedIld season - c ie v M ,

^itli VictoryI t T u ln PaUshlsli m\ioo1 aopho- Marlon e foolbnll team cloied ou t lls

senson Tliursday. afternoon ‘a hard*fought 20-13 victory J ® ''" ' ' '"

Uie Kimberly varsity squad. hnny Ulrich scampered 35 yards uudcy X Twin Palls touchdown In Uie Dctroli l tid qunrter but ihe conversion replaced :ailed and Kimberly went ahead schefflln jefore Uie flrat hnlf ended. Cubs. Th« ter a scoreless third quarter, wlUi Leo Fix grabbed a Kimberly fum - rell raled

and ran 30 yards for ano ther Lope* v 1 Polls louchtfown. TW i Usnc pa , Fla.. V extra point w u good. appronclumberij. c m . ro .rln i b a d to :p Uie score by rumilnB Uie e n - “ om«>“ f kickoff bsck an Uie way. - f .hJ’ w Ilh only four minutes le lt In the e. Pike wenl 60 yards en a keep- ay for tho deciding touchdown, '« the Twin PalU crew the vie- »eieci<.

Marlon’e Twin Palls sophs won five prise. Th« rs d udns Uie season and lost the St. Lc T iieir defeat came at the h aad s ^Vhlte 8oj It Ha«ey vanity Uam. place Iln

-------------------------- league Uilr n * He hai

ager Signs ss' • I I * O tha BalUruiiam sior atthews Bout S h a w

ISE. Oct. 26 W — Pight pro- J J l v H r T e i Hager today announced DENVE UgTilni ot Alvln WUVtanw o t t . tBiKk) JLS City to 'flg h t Harry (Kid) Air Force h e w here Nov. 9. anid Wediger said Williams, a Caddo I n - W est in U

had fought two "very good lly gome : )" againat nght heavyweight Shaw, f contender Ployd Patteraon in feaslonal . m d 1855, alUiough he lost bo th ho waa o

phone calltUiewa is a former Bolae valley !T who has fought out of Sluw re le In recent years. At one Ume whcu considered a likely UUe con- _ _ “

DuketUiews started a comeback th is MlNNEy and defeated former heavy- —The Mir

it champion E uan l Charles In twined sev le thU, August, d ra f t righ

er Fight sB i_ rlghU lo

hnllerTori Ke

ilMon explained Uils to ua by nll-Amerlc g Uiat h# never would en ter wIUi Uie 3 g when he wasn't In top coh> — ' '1. even if he had lo cancel out ay of the fltht, which he did D l A . least one occasion. i D \ - Ts reported tha t he was U) m eet . m Job Provini In Hartford In a ■p bout next month, an ouUook * 1.fined Uie IntemaUonal Box* ub with alarm and M arr Je n - H i "ullmer'a manager, with te n o r.InformaUon ts Uiat Uie tuneup

ire Q{ Robinson's^ tecoKl t<*Itlng postponements, Jenson earful Uie Jfartford bout might Jugar Ray an^ excuse to claim

NOTICE m-----TO— — ------------ *j^Hlorse-Shu U

BUS ^ASSENGERS ^)u r New Bus Stopis now located a t 2 miles

4 1 5 S E C O N D a r i 'p S r "

W E . S O U T HBehind Firestone's)


/loore, PattermCAOO, Oct. :« i.fl — Light Prtaldn' v>u<ighl c h a m p io n Archie soring li; ’>c. wiio'niny be iU old as « . and said Uir.I ■rsr-old Floyd l*ailfrson formally sc a lr t lor ipd Tliuradny tor Uiclr Nov. 30 t<^ for ih vvwelght chiimploiulilp b o u t fo r Rocky cil could be worth IISO.OOO U) The ' l yI IlKliter. Uia IBC sl (Kirr. wtio cliiliiu lo be going ^ l e , Norr; <0 111 PccrjnUcr. exuded much get a 30- f ronfidencr ihtiii lhe youthful ^axen' ri.v)n a.i pliolocrnplicr's flash .w iwpped III <i fancy ceremony a t • "■mil town hotfl.________________OOP ahuig

lunting Areas ]y [a 'o Be Posted tOn UiB Hagrnnan refuse whleh j I f Tbeing opened to pheasant hunl- M ^ I 1 g this season, signs sre beingated U> iei Uie huniera know N E W9t where shooting will bs per- V ii-(|oij <

Areas open lo hunting will bested and "no hunilng" signs -300 nJ* iII mark the areas in which p ile d l)V intlng is furbldden. a c t lv c v A large dliecilonal mnp a t Uie i u . i ,,,, m s u t alio will deilgnale the “ cn areas and the elowd areas. I c a s i .IUl cording lo Charles S. Blake, tim e nv( rome. sta tr fi.iii mid inme de- le r . rtm ent blologlat. Boston'*

• t . while Staianon (^mtS s Manager • £ S ,f - w v r i • oI w h i te ' S o x« C A a o . Oct, 2« wt - Marly hfctimB m lon quit Tliursday as inajiager of *"" 'V Chicago While Sox. apparently T pressure, and It wai strongly I'"* ected his successor will be form- oj*‘y leveland Indian pilot, Al I^opei. We from t reslgning wlUi still a year to ‘‘‘n* « «

n a two-year conU«cU Marion “‘J tr he hi "Uiry (White Sox officials) In no l happy with niy work."

irlon's re-'lRnation eame two ®'*;s to the day a f« r Stan Hack ‘Ja. field manager of the cro.'4- «

I Chicago Cubs and marked Uie -353. raise lh .luch big league action since ^1050 season ended, ni, ^ ^24 iicky Harris quit recenUy as oil Tiger manager. Harris was iced by Jack Tlghe and Bob P“-fftln succeeded Hack on Uie r. The Cleveland Job still is open °Leo Durocher snd Kerby Far- unit n i 'c 1

raled top candidates,p « was quoted frora his Tam - . “ “ *** ° !»-. home th a l he I'iavl iwl;be«R , jonched by Uie While Soxr»irt' lasiied he sUil would like a Job ^

:e-ptc«ldcnt Chuck Comlskey I n j U n le W hite Sox snld "you might / i ^ , ‘ a Lopez would be on oiir list of C r O V O l >ecUve, candidates.” He said a q a i j iw i manager .probably «-ould nol , „» m .

■lecled for about a week. handlcapwjlon 's decision came as a sur- . The fonner sU r shorUtop of ^it. Loula Cardinals directed Uie e Sox to a tecond sU-alght Uilrd "I llnlslilhg in th# American „ le Uiia year. hrok« . v

had succeeded Paul Rich- whom he had served m While * " V

coach, when Richards left for JalUmore Oriole# afttr Uie IBM 'h- •_________________ in Uie gam

aw Will Coach ,Chanty Game:NVER. Oct. 2« (fl — LauTfnce Saturday. Hick) Shaw. coMh ol —Force Academy fooUiali team. \ T _ 'O ' ; Wedneaday he wlli eoach Uie I > 0 H I in the annunl East-West char- m i

ime in San Francisco Dec. 39. I j V X f l iw. former coach of'U ie pro- inal San Pranclsco 49eni.- aald as offered Uie Job in a tele-0 call from Bill Coffman, man-

director of Uie game. goes nuntuiw replaces Red Sandent.-UCCT *1? ^ ^., who wlUidrew Monday. Anderson

deer on a i1 c t . 1 creek. I t luikes Signed“mEAPOLIS. Minn,. Oct, 26 TOI MlnneapoU* Lakers today ob- ___1 seven.fool W aller DUkcs and „ n n R„m rlghU to Olympic baskeUiaU

Burdeiu Haldoraon In a trade Uie New York Knickerbockers. ■1 Lakers gave up velersn guard r (Dugie) MarUn and draft I to two o th 'er^ayeni in Uie

ri Heinsohn, former Holy Craw J K J merlcan baskeUiall player. Is Uie Boston CelUg Uiis season.




• E >pi

: Roaci - D«c.

FOR SALE "liles north; 2 ’/ j west of r on Highway 30. iHow- Porish w rm . • ]



tlJiIES-N EW S, tW IN F.4

rson Sign foiJdriii Jim Norris of Uie spon- Norris. "bUl

International Doxlng ciub cauie UiUhr,ChtcaKo stadium would be which coulIor n H71.000 gate w llh a S30 UC3,000 nel

r lhe l5-TOund home TV boul .„ , >eky Mareiano'a vacated llUe.;i'V aw*g will br S300.000 wilh n ^ k y Qra;

IC sheiotlng for a *300.000 gate bom jh,'Orris said. Doth fighters wilt jg 1947 -n,

30-.30 cul of recelpls after, Moore an

* will iiirnn perhnp.1 a liSO.- U pM *'’hc? i»is tor ea^h llRliter." said much more


antle, Aaron [fetime 300 C:w YORK. Oct. 26 (/P>—H ank Aaro in of PiUsbiirKh niiii M ickey M ani ee.s boo.stcd th e ir m a jo r leaKue Hf' IS n rc.Hiilt o f th e ir lUSC'porforniHi l)v thc. .•\s.si)cinlcd..Prca.s diadosei

I RmouK IhottChave purtic ipalcd in n t ;iOO jfanien. po.sscs.-? life- nveraKe.-i of .300 o r bet- t o ]

on'* Ted Wllllnms boa.M.i ihe ®I Americnri league m ark. .318, 1 . T S tan Mu,ilsl of Ihe S t. Louis A f I P lals lopj the National loop a l ^

The flrslIve Natlcinal leaguers nre in ing of the : le d group wilh Aaron. TJ50 juncUon w [ cliamplon. and Vlrdon, the clinic condi ookit-oM ht-year, th e latest, verse Rubb ins. Aaron utilized hla .328 Uve, a iS p .i e as a sprlngbonrd to lift his high school g m ark from lo 310. Vir- Em rat ( hfeved 301 games and an even commlsslom erage.Cards' Wally Moon was the onstraUons enior clrcuiC p la y e r 'to lum - thp same m Uie JOO class. Moon's life- 5.? ‘ nark fell from JOO.;to JB9 ,o a ch u are e h it J98 Uib past aetson. tho Amerlcnn league nine ; a re over JOO llfeUme wiUi * displacing Cleveland's Bobby

n th is elite category. ManUe, d Uie league In balUnij wiUi ? f i ilsed his career figure from I JOa. Avila'S IlfeUme m ark k. “ J .M il from JOO lo J89 a fte r hllUng »

24 in 1D5B.ams swung a t a J4S clip dur- ': paat season and his lifetime C « . ^ l , i lremained the same. T he 38- O l a i i Jd outfielder ha* won the bat-:le four time-i. his besl aver- T n * . _ _ ,ng .<0C.ln 1041. X l a V 'al batted JIO UiLi paat year.

t t MOSCOWines Hamperote Eleven i"";';;';3WELL. Oct. 38 lA -T h e Col- rr y,.Idaho Coyotes will be badly p r t ^ ” oS

ippcd by injuries when Uiey ^ tie field Saturday n igh t inigalnat California Polythech- “ ‘nIrnUUiM. Coach Ed Troxel opportunity, d Thursday.lid cuard Art Holllnger. who ^ •’*a hand In Ui# WillameUe « « « n ‘fUll week, wni be oul of acUon jlU ek . Youly be lost the rest of Uie sea- bu t I have

win make uoUier Coyote-1 were Injured O tah,team Ijame. which College of Idaho h*ve met U.7. - had belter I:1 aald four of them—tackles --------Ruby and Jim Kngallon. cen- VALDES Wt Douroux and halfback Rich BOSTONd - m a y nol b e jJ jle to sU rt valdes spoil>y- ftll-s. upset,7 7 7 ~ .--------^ ------ « « a t 3;J1 of IHikinff Needed rhis HunterVALLEY. Oct. 36 UW W hen 1 J A idarsOQ. head of th s sports ♦le n t a t UiU deluxe resort, t ^u itlnc he , does ll in deluxe X ^

•son Ihot ft four.poIhl'Tilfei' 2 _st ridge ftbove nearby Trail f ”

t lurched forward and rolled J . t . t u , hc hill — atopplwt w llhln 1 eet o f the toll gala of his f_________ I Sur|3umon Is In b is eighth cam* ± i t Block K basketball cotch a t Rice J

H U N T EPack Into tf

SOI FOR ' t \ S E D

The Best f fu h t in g h From No balance o f ihe Seaton, There f Elk.x p a r ie n e e d G u ide* • P I tn ty i

i n i n i d r a c V e n , • G ood E

ioad P low ed u n ti l * F ree In>ec. 6 th R ood f

We Have Had Years o f Exf. This Area. FOR FULL Dl

P H O N E : G e r a l d R i c h i e , I

M o n t a n a ; p h o n e :

: R O Y R O S E , R u p e r t I d a . , ]

f a l l s , IDAHO

Dr MatchiSta"but that's a low figure, be-UiU U an stU'acUve bout T J l — ^could bring more 'lhan a 1-4 O f<

onel." J ? C W .indoor reeOrd for receipts was ____S for the second Tony Znle*Oraitsno mWdlfivelght. title 1 ^t the Chicago fUdlum July I k , l(..There wss iio-TV. . « - W W K e anti Pallerjoii posed plra.i-or picture?, tjiii the veteran c f i i n f i i rd

voSJi S--------~ n -------- ^ ^ C o n s t confi^ M fornia,' & nHi that pits t

M Stftiiford'i i ^ r the running

y C. R. Robert

^ 1 / / \ \ f’AsadrnnJ \ •

pul ft seiU.ui-- ------------------------------------ battle plan.

, T lie reJs a 1

I Join •I 195i PCC Cl1 who. along w

f I l l K ton. a r t ln e l li ^ i U K J OrCBOOSU^ ence game. l<

^ aron of M ih«iil<ee. B ill “ ’J*la n t le o f th c N ew Y o rk B e a S l ^ r c ‘ life tim e avernR ea o v e r two p c c engi 'niHiiccfl. StatiflticR com * trouble a t Si losed J h u i - .^ .v t h a l - 2 1 ,l?^» .^ « « h ln

In non-coi

ire.Chnic S'S?;;^ t I I • - | lege of lhe I

scheduledX T lie Trojai

Jei ome l f u « a n d H "first buketball Drilclals m eel- lu m t enough Uie year will be held In con- cast from tl in with a public bniketball sum m er, conducted by Dill Clou. Con* Southern ( Rubber company represenu- g »„e8 ,n d J , 8 p.m,, Nor. 13 s t th t Jerome game: :hooI gymtiaalum. '■ y t^ r, can be at Craner, Fourlh district th e leadir uioner. iild Clou will give dute Stanfoi lie InlerpretatlBns and dem- M ichigan Sl Jons on lh l fundamentals of _____

P r o s p e c t iv e offlcUls ftnd C h a n i K , are uked lo slwnd m d ball_ „ d i , a i .w a .„ H a m p e

er a ^ed all couches to bring LONG BE/ ;oMn Khedule to Uxe m eetlns. After balUln ley are completed before lime udc. a heavs them lo him a l Ihe clly hnn, renui. Or. B

gain reminded Uils clinic will m ain land 17 ildertd Uie f ln l meeUng fo r a fl« r plunglr s. nel.----------------------------- B u t when 1l ^ - i f v * I day h e foundliley Picks - m ;; ivelers for h;25,“'L

i T he 48-yei

lh Contestand retum »

COW. Oct. 36 (fl - Coach Beach, ahley nnmed a 31-man squad -ny lo travel lo Salt Lake Clly ho 's lootball gime Saturday . the Unlverslly of UUh. lenm w>U fly from LewUton momlng,will probably face a team

to throw If you give them the inlty.” Blahley Uld the Van> roue p»ss defenses w in'have y ~x tle r lhan a t sny Umt th is . iIf you hope Ut contain the ir i-You will be thin In numbers ilave 110 doubts but that you F ■ i.ike up for that in spirit. The ;am la as fine a squad u you B Jlet Uius far Uils season. Ifou ■ ■tier be ready."

:s WINS ' ,[X>N. Oct. 36 UV-Cuban Nino B f lspoiled youUiful Bob Wood- Miset hopes wiUi a knockout B Hot Uie third round of' Uielr —

eight fight Thunday night.



S i te s -K ln d s - r r le e i Z S

urplus Sales t\ VIlock West ef Post OftiM ■

SRS! Ithe DUTH )RK of the


LWAY -uite i

N ow Tkruihe'......................ere Are Plenty. _

........ _______________________ ^

nty of H ertet «■>d Equipment e InformoHon te sd Hunler* ^

Experience in DETAILS "

B, Hamilton, me 57W

Ph; HB M424I -

I ' .

anford Ind ice Obstacl Dse Bowl J

B r The A^so^late^l Press fo rd ’s R ose-B ow l-fiiV ured fo o tb a l l l e s i Ih ls Wk'ck-ciid iti t h e l o p R an ro n fe ren ce e levens. T h c I n d ia n s tic & non -elig ib le how l, m a c h in c , n l P

its th e passin^r artiH tr.v ] ford's Jolm Drwlle *B»lnsl. Q f ling skill of Jon A m ett nnd I O L v l l J ^ C

:a trt even drrnm of a vl.sll I j y i Q U f l g dena agaUiH lhe Dig T en . °ir'S day, biii ihc Trojniis cmi "*=■«:il(.us crUnp In the Indiniu ' Dillon (Cmc Iju his New Yorl4s ft bowl tu nne^M-eorx’flJIIs, • , ‘1>» IWO | ere O ttson StM» w n th rea t alive If ll bents th r . "Rcr-ol-Uie«

:C champion UCLA Bruins, mg with USC nnd W islilng-! T lie cagy Ineligible for bo«l fluty. ■ Uie. :0T balli

a SU le hss lost one confer-1 Uie Basebnll ne. lo u s e , and needs a w in lA m eiioa .ln

Uiis one. ^ e a poll. 1rnlft's bndly bruised Oolden oulsUndlng M r of four games, liicludinff Stengel,; engagements, fnceitin more world'a chi a t Seallle.from one of the [Brooklyn Ch »ahinglon_Iluiky-leamfl in .'UUe In 1955.

<n-conference affnln. ihrice H H BI Oregon plnys PlllsliurBli In:. Waahlngton State nnd Col> .the Pacific play a l Stocktonight game, and Idnho nndeet a t Salt U ke Clly.Vojan-Slanford encounter Is

war—the purged and Uie i a long rlvalr}- thnl wa.n na> ough without deep overtone.^ rm th e aUilello probes Uii.i j | | g | H B

em Cal Is unbcnlen In four ■md Anietl. ending his lim itlamcs permitted in h li senior P ^ f c p S in be exixcted to go all outeading ruslier In the, loop to »anford dropped decisions to —f Hn Stats and Ohio S la te , ■ M x ,

[inel Swimmer ipered by Tide s« thBEACH. Cntlf., Oct. 30 ITl— w ilh b

ilUlng loush-K attt, a n .eb b arouncicttvy swell and strong cur- i/a ;{n tJr. Bill Slater reached the i , ,d 17 houn and 30 minutes / ,unglna into Calattna chan- J fa iurtt

. . in g Pohen h e reached land T hurs- 5 m thiround It was an Inaeces&ible. a f n * c » t 4 4 milea north of his lon a t Palos Verdes,only way T oould get ou t.” ' ■% ' ’ ■Budock to ft boat which hod 'h lm 'from Catalina Island um ed aboard It lo Long ^


H f c i k W A y a

K m i i K y Sour W \ lmade with .Calvert Reter>e 1 ■■ Mu ite s ■ ' Ilimply.dtlleioui. . jT ry iu I . J | M

. ; : : ^ ' F : ' v V R E ^ E ^ i S

V E « r i l l J T l i tE « > C « l ,»KCy • PROOF • 65* 8RAIH *

dians j I3le.to . j I Jaunt 1ress ' i «:ball team RCts ita ' ac- ; HRs\me involving PacvJte ; «1 tic into So iithern Call- '■ 't 'n l P alo A lto .in a gam e S’

i g e l N a m e d ; i j

l a g e r o f Y e a r ; iYORK. Oct. 28 UB—Chartea W

:Cii3cyi Stengel, who guldid *i ' York Yoiikecs to a runaway t [ ;

1050 pcm w nt race. Thursday S iued Amcclcnn lewtue m an- • 'w lf -Uie.year In-ft landslide Tic- t g

sgy "perfesaer” drew I6< of M M ballots cast by membera of

«bnll W riters AMOClaUon of fW Jll i . ln the annuiL-Assoclated oil. The honor climaxed a adins season for th e SS-yeor- lM 7 |jngel, who also regivlDed th a l U i a

championship from Uw TttWJ]n Dodgers After loslnf Use I T l1 9 5 5 . _______________ 1 2

^feW 0‘7 ^v l n v i t O e s ^

e the outboard m olort lh boaiinR’t finest all* ound p e rfo rm a n c e . . . , CtiBOfl

nnv powtr . , . t tU y j f j |V btauljr. . . jtarj-oJuaJ |Mifurrr. . . a n d W hisper* J j r a g Pow er quitl! 1 « E« them te d d y . A iic fo r . jw H

id & Mark nl 4 4 - 2 n d . S M o t t

lR V h

ryI U S Z K f * .


m m u i tu

ACROSS 35. PI.Sw ord cdx# I r r i t ib le 5

- e.Slop* » 88. D o w n ‘ 5I I . T u \ 39. V ehicle o l S

____ .12.ArctIc--- - t r a n jp o rU - P: 13. Shield- tio n I

. ihaped 41. L e p ja rc ic tl c14. Lower 4 M n d iv id u ii fI S . I o U ,^ 43. O ne of 2lfl.Spu»lih , Colum buf* - t

« ‘S !iS Tlealher 48. U n it of ^

19. Nfclc m c iu u re -fe a th tn m en t: 2- ^

J l .S o tk u p phyiic* 3-^31. PlnoeWo 48. G iven *■

tetiTt M .S e v e rifrtJ.HeartlCM 51. S m o o th ed ,as. Cany on B2. C oncerning ®-* J7 .0 ld C en n a a 53. Looks a fle r

aofw ent u h o r# DOW N 8.1 S3. Jump !• P e ra id p u i w;

. ; ^ 5 ] ' P ' l f F

■' itZ JL Z Z ^ Z -'* _J ' _7 " ^

T "* * ” ^ f e S " » "

^ if jjr

j_ _ _ — 5 " “

■ s-j ' MnfM r TM«irWM>vW



U P ir t ; ; e 5 S SM Aio>ia / . DOVM ACORKJ5 A N D \ t

— ^ CHESTM0T5 TO 6TUFP \\ i ■ r a N . 'iC u r : H i p s B e fO K s I

Kle MEAHs JTOO. BA X reg*

L I F E ’S T .T K R t h a t

I ' i

" I w ish th a R c n n to r w o u ld RCt n e rv e w rn c k in g n e v e r k n o w in f f ’ c o m in g f ro m ."


1/ • ,/0R A S»CO 4-Tw e \ «1 , BASHFUL JiVXiUL II ASKeOMCTD /> » > — . . / '

| t • . P R O P O S E --■ y ''"* ' \

w S B if i O N ' A L b D U C K

■ raiD A Y , OCTOBER Z9. lB5fl


' f ‘ ^5fl ■ • •* .

•tlirtlan *1 YMtirdwjr** f t m l i 8

3. nium ijuled I . O f th e bom : 5 a. Alack . lO .InclinaU oa 1 ^4.Lovm»« i i . r a j t e n I 5i

r ’ F i S l E S p -* ‘"S* llan kin*

n— r. - i f ' l . I 24-S h e lte r ' f » , ^ 28, M ountain------- -----------pasa

2 3 .£ .lo d ia a------------------ h tn r e i t

30. T akes ou t 'r ? ; * ----------- 31. CaUed

* J fo rth. ----------------f r o . W et w ith

” X H sh t m o ll- ■"— ■■■A'.y, r ? tu re

» 4 .U a m e d '' — t i l ' B rahm an C

^ teacher ®-------------------- 38. Striped---------------------------anim at------------------ ^T n ---------------->7. A nother

tim e' W ^ 58. N ative namfc

' / ( of N orw ay• J T ------------ <0. i-* y »w»y

43. S a u e r I ,44. P resen tly '

v .j 47. Electrified

lo -a

! - MAJOR HOOPLE: £ ' ( Aviv:?-vtoiJ s o R P R i s s 1 7 ? ^ ME TOO. PA>rrER.' FD C !;1^'\0USTAM iMSTAf^T V WEM

I SAVJ VOOK FA C e j S , V J: ? te e B iM e a t _a«<~3

•‘' 7 / A \e o v e e t u b . j / / F e w e iT H o o e r t T y C ^


g e t out of po litics . . .,lt[.s lg where your n e x t vole is "j

I r ‘1

r v c E T I wwioce.' IM A wait.' v x 't y15VUER H it iW PpltiT ) MAKIMC- FT 55/ 6IRUC IM , /PIFPlCyLT PC

J TMt W R U O . ^ X s , ^ -----

“O U l" O m WAY——

/TH 'TD O L^fM \ / nO./TAIW__/ BRMfiilM’ &**•< ----- HOOJ-UPAKBMTHAT A»Wi HiS'frBUSJ o t t a k e 'g w A ^f •^ v rJy J T o o e ^ n3Sa POWT-0*W WCR TOW KOC»CK<

' *TRAP PGK. FtVEoS a. m :kx/ tc s a fts* ifypa 6 ivim’ •!

X LEAV6/ lO H 6.S*t‘TarO>^ LEtTUO

W ft ISeQM

' 1

" a f e

TWe L£gTUIt6*


“Jnne nnd B ill Jira rea lly In r te th e p aym ent on th e ir ficw nports i fo r th e TV a c t o r th e house!"


\ ■ m $ ^

"And w hen you in troduce m e r Ir ‘rcnl g o n e / n o t ‘rcnlly » sonci

SCt.i’RB B ll K HEAHT .FT i , K i r w o S V .


— iB y-W A L


r - - 4

tIM E S -N E W S , TW IN

— ^By W IL L U M S - -p~

— r r - i— _ ArAlWTMO y w s ia . , r p «S3P \ l N J -U P JC iS - rTllstWWAWT • -BUSTSt? I AFItAlPOPIMJCr ,


X K A 9A M WILLBC6IUIM'. J H t ^ r o r / I U&AUOM6 /

'IM' m u \ ) HOWLAWP / 'i.SA «A *TlC y SHOWW'US \ H TUKE^OH y WH*rHKP1C» 1 .fK o y tx . < \Torne-K>oLs.'J A£ A w c A « ) S ~ .— __ y { r

'& E

.......— - — s

B y G A L B R A I T H ^

B terrible pickle—they made B rts cor nnd have nothinK left y



i Ymi D

/ - E

- ug s M Go p p A



ne r e m e m b e r th e e jcp rcsB ion ^ o n e r ! " ’

W A T E R .' I ■^ 5H8S MIMTCr.'

m S ^N

A L T - D I S N E Y - ----------



U . ' .■■• ■ '■■ “ *■ WeVBRAC


■ U U J^^ S ^

C 'eee^w^i^A too* TH» MOKiy.MB. K

S What am 1 to think.) I’m ?Ori

O ' Judv^ S'eu lied t o lc ,ima ab o u t f la c k ie ? I a lit tle w '

Lb r a i f 'c c a t . ____ < lio a n d me

_ / ITJ-H WTJ . :---------------- , -------- THATI> ------ --------- T '/W r O U T A 'f E I?U N ( ( FENTCRIN A ,



IT^W W TTD 5UWEV-me RANCH )s WfTHU5,J4V7 h .

^ ■ ^ - E M i r ^I bui; LCWERBO/MIK.7 )0PEM1>f* •O’D0N£MrSSED65 T > ^ ’S '

CONCELRTS.' My rs ^ «C O T S i T DEPRIVIN'TM-POBHC |I,} N - '^ a - o R C M O o s i c . r ^ r n j H ^

A- \W 7 ^ ^ W iL 'l ‘ W " . 'L

>T FALLS. roA HO -

Tl | « W / f / A N T I n y

JPIPMT A N07H1WM II TW6M*NWiktTACl ;u JM e p \P R eu iuv ' voux OFf’ic e . 'cla HLIUMNmplWUiOW KNOCKEP OUTANC

^ ■mwnieTiiM HOW MUCH IS M f ~* * 1 TtttlOffMP

■ [‘ ...WOL.CER.OPTHN'i--------------g r ~ ■ \ A 3 c w r c ? i ^ a c E T -

f f l \% tNT\TU 'ED...*

H H r U s t h i n g ? 'b isn w 'ln g onth o ?lv tiie fTun / V o u 'r e ^

HAVE I HOWMUCHOOl)— ^HAT OWE m o w ' y n V E 0r

<cT-THCf HEVER VCS.THIS IS _I IT SO GOOD.';'- \o je P S O fu jK s ) JTWV/INOCW.7 I PARDNER.'.',<

L ^ ' /V V Cm A TRO U Tt'l R^ lO w ^ t J , mawomaKI ru-L ■

) GOTENFOUNP5! EaSS<, <d W AliaW ESHCW Ki-rwiocxcccr ^

<* F R ID /

BXHiH-oirr ■ iMiwSSI,F W W W « F P 1 1 P / r -



\r ^ W « 2 0 0 -A N P ^ ■ a o o u 'w a tc .h -"-^^ T rP T rx ^ ■ ik e p t in ^^ ^ ^ M Y C A fE ' '^ v / y p a k ^ l

S e 9 ) H b


V\N<i IL 'RtsTPVH TVCHET POR. ^ =T -------O K TH ft-roV T W O iW W O tE-V

- w . . « t l , V “

')— J S

X iJ> 0 -Z 6 ^

H M I'm (joing t o ta k e ^ ' ' H ere ’ \ ■ t h e th in a b3C « t o . rairw rcat.

■ him—W ith tny . I tv ? p e 't

TH A T^ R r 7 " 0 K W T i s ^O inW A fiE O U ^f IF V A C N * U M 5 N -T IM IT / V CHEAPBK

^ v l C ^ ^ ^


g g P O g M A ^

--------- ^ vJA L f.'.A im r| \ (

r r - % ( 5 j < S n - . ? ( t o n ig h t .'.;^

i ^ r ^ '


;vinTi.b MDt.Lv /

f f i ' c ' s , t e s i j

■ ] •

fm M E MPXX. o p p u d s I I ~1

E - W ^ y = j " h 3 -

2’ VCJirc a t . ii-d k ■'? it

T1SHTWA7/ SEC A CN G ETIT PONG J E>fi^60M E- . r < yHEffe ^

E OUST HAD an ] MAffiET'

« r r V 'M is m 6 U P T D Y w , /m s e t» u , t e n o - -

- . MB. s u n W


a . ' . 'T ^ t T [ K « ^

Sl u l

' 77 I Is

C"{ - ^ ^ '

TOAT. o r rn B E jj^ ,^

f |[S k e tsIsfcck^ L:

^ ~ ] IDAHO I

€w vm . »»«»SyjSS*** „ u WfWr. lS.UO.i:.UO;

lHuliS.Uon ihd

j g t i n l ’ '> ■'■“ ; " . » ”u " . •Isas '•’

crr,.sS*fi:"sS' •<■•"■• ;a;i K;up »n«» frw‘1'"* “’

• * ** *f *l •POU"* 1.-»»• S»lnt rcII, ,B< alii .W .a IJ.fl. -llh

y ^ S T i ^ r .f p l- ■'*"•

f s »!'• K X l ^ i l ‘iR . . J S

•* r t iipfnH »Uiuiw>j: si!s;:’ S K;i..vI , . i * t;rp«um <*'» Ift.Oft-Il.SO;

I'y. J 'iS 'lX '.'

^ u :»!!»!so:" u 4 r» i> HR n*. Ihiti Iichtii

IJ*. rwilp Morrli 4J'« trorf and tl n i ? 'imlp. r . l 4»1. U,ctl.is.;s;

e a -------?{l ' mwu mifi— u"K 'r i^ '“f t , p ., 4i*. ntt Tol. II u s shMp »o(r»o*i. •■>w " » . h 5J :

](»[ Set V»c t i ‘,'Sww '•** ronri.Af

'!!iis.SS ‘i SSLln^VrkM »]♦ *jj

!T»irL*« ' i l i Tcl*(:>Iit Sul >0% •t' 7o,0(ii‘i uf!„. II TIaik'n W.4 (rw :o.m> rij; Trttii Amrr 1* •Undinl Sr

U !«'• :<1>< CrnuKoi 36\ IMO: rint><- i s K S i S oS"' 'ii;;rfb u r ll'* I'n^" IT'tS: utilityKV lla Alillnr* »>, itn I.OO.II.rTaToi i;i, Iln A irtiid fSV tOOiioodir

i Itii tin C«r. ti{ ,r« i« >nil,r« i, 1( lltl Kmil r»H »"•! rh,)M }J'‘ }{.? ;!?'* J j o o '*'{” ■

siTill pf " ’ii'i Imb JO’* f«UrV u o i

s f ■ii-'H'ssT*iltj wSnltorlh ItIw ! ".I"*

Kkkil ••<, Z«nllk lO: S90.SS0 It». :T4T JS'. -Sl'rfp for

i«KlCAN EXCIIAStjr tJ?!oJ *h. w,(C*TOBX,OrL :( iVI'>-LmI ••It: inp ll.OA «n iln luu ll'j TKhnlrotor I.', (rtJtr Iini1> I I « S :i ', Uuk Jd» Su» <», thorn »U«ih k Kit IS___

INVUTMENT TBUSTS ^ ^^ENVEn.in4 tOBiV«ar) ‘ U'u^ IM;

It * Sh AiVH lowtr Wii«,

i‘:»3 i.ns angj

n i*nj ” * ........................|S :! S“ "hi ‘” i .

cw « ~ ’Z'y'Z''.r'Z~Z!^ *!ll r iM O m ;"•■«* SI.-------------------- J.ll tliu(kur ral2 J M --------------------- -•- ‘.Jr »0»I >n4 .A l r»d . -........................... i.»7

-------------- OMAHA. -I* iW IlMinl Slotk ................ JS-ea S.nn ; liu^br

Stock Averageitridr: iietk u iliu /co» i

. Inilui. Jt.ili . mil. Rin Li rhnlrA .l A.; |,n,|„ :0.00.:'

---- *— -------------ClllCM',0.worn, Ilp»i >,00d; n

WJroilK.^Oii, («-Wnnl finurr. I'Ulehm U.;,

,p„, IIJ.ON. rtlpt> Itirrlr

V e h ic le s C o l l i d e®OUE. Oct. 2G—Ttiree cnr* I*"**- I».d*.j: »Jnrolvrt in itl iceldcnt Tum - , _ ~ 7 ^wiereoon on E-wt Main « l r « t M r g A

W. IIirrLv drlvlnR a 1856 r ’l o i w r t »u PMkttif. Jtis foot slipped L l a l l T

Mcclcra- JEROME, a c i^ s hk UT to Wl A ,1052 Andrus. 74, ■

drivfn by Ktlldred Mer- d ic f . hosp IS “ f M «- AVI'!S l L J } ''" J- 1881. *t curM ,k. f* " '" ' ^ y 'e <»U- rled to H ya

--------- —I Survlvlns

,.T w in MlivestoclfPrices S l sr~7;-------------- -------- . . J Puneml «i“Msllowins livestoclc prlcc* w e ”

the Tuin R ilb Uveatack eonijmny b«ed on llm

Ja u itO c i . j,- wUl be hew

S ' '

^ ......- .....<n tot2Q3S Women-I clu

^ T w i n F alls M arI IU..;, .is i i l . ' jfv ,• ••:------- !?•” s«fi ft,

I '• «ll.OO.|3,r.o riBInt. Nn. I .

J* «>.on.in.rD M# auoiinf I ? • - ...>l*.ntt.:o.no nrf*. No, 1 _t f*-“ i OuauiloBif»:i g | : - . : r : | p « !

S j S ''«'»i ----------- -^ i:rz rr»? :'ik t«f» m i<

. ‘®“ *" •** *' ----------- :« f . ■

^ ^ ^ E K 2 G . 1 9 5 l _


s and FinaLivestlck i

II1AHI> *'AUJ rHlCM:o110 KAI.I.S. Oi-i, :« iSwtI.ll-LI,.. llihln . ,,r,'or xkL: •frtlino rn iIr rrrripli; >.(0t htiHi rlxilrt Ittln Al iiinr.trr> jo.ou.n.jd: ITT.loui tU>'r ■ l(>r> I‘.;a.J0.nil; £«.d »•! 'hrifr.. Mllli *.U0; rummi'lrrkl riiwi lo:>MI.;>i: Jn m.al iC...I l.ou-iouii; rtilirr (o>i ri.J ut.;{it i

r.Bntf* bglli 1 l.utt-la.ou; .n r .rvn , pi i l .t i ll.OU-K.IKJ; <UM<] frtiler .Im . Wh»i:.00: rie.lluiii »tr.l»r .lrtr». 11 nu. „llol.trii firrri I.UU-l1.ee; cwl (rr,|. I.JM .sfi,; ,tifrr. i:.in.li.iU; mrdlum llrr.mUr J9, ll.OO-l'.VO; r,i.._»,l'0-lonip. hithtr, Drr.nlVw.l».00; .iilr» IXM tti^M ‘.c" :0 ,fnUC»~j i IckV root and «I«I-llh tiU’n hlfhr•, nnn> «.ffrrr.).__


iTHir.I IMO* and jirfilJ'lM «7r • :

■. 0 ;■.■l«•"1'n.lr^ jM 'li.' i:.Jn.U.li>'; Ju” ij .I lU. ll.K»-i:.S0: ih.. ii>,i.>. -»|.i j.4( r,„r OO IU. ».00.|C.]li . l i . . I.io. <1. 1,

:.5»-«.flD. _ Orr ...flCDKN - Mir in

>;n. OfU :t <a-) -if.SDAi-riitir Jui» .:■ippir almoil »mlf»lf fnr trtdrr ..Ir.; Sn '

?Sh— iliimr.1i»n. ll.iD-U.ee: ronnoi. • : 0.

niiCAfio,ml chriirr >lr«r cilx i IH.Sl; <Kolrr t{o. i >tHu» l!sO; tonimnn H.'mfdliiin lo.eo-lj's'o'; irS-%. '.So,I chtlir<i and dalrx irpn )«>n<lf<il; n ..nd thoirr tlcKk .nd h.Iftr r.I.r. i.-.i; li.dl.Wual cholrt K .ll; D.tdlum I.U; KA>. to- nominallr iU.dr: lt.1 Ko. I KANHAS C tet Ih. h«rro». tnd illii 11.00; ry«;

p Mfi: '.t.'.i»Mrr I.rati. lU.dr li> J “•; ran.Hr rholci 10* lh. M.ho (l.ulb. I« I5.11SN; IIhl 11,10. ^ U^rnj^w r.

PORTtAKI) II.SJN; Nu. :TI.AND, on. :• JU n-CiU l. for lo II.JiN..tIaMi 1.100: markit uiittoM far! .0 «“ i •>iid hrlfitt amunil 1.00 Iow.r; icrat «.f: No. J ?„ 'H l,4»-:.00 ef/: eih.r tiMri .ndkSllt'^.trun^-’rhSCl Vlwri ^ .*d -n j. tU lV

1.00: xood I9.00.;i.00; iiindirii tl.K-.1. rf.iwn M (1.10 Itit: utllllr iln rt A>r*<tni i: n.U.00: choltr . n in.ii,no Cirlr; »ood htlfrn l«.:».l«.o«:

-Pota10.».U,«0; n.mmrrcl<l U.OO. -

utllllr bulli 1},00-H.0e; llcM <uU00.11.04: talrca for wt*k tal.Utod and cbolc* vaaltit ilttdr; lowtr CIIICACn, and < f.« c .l . t . SO-I.OO l,» tr: Arrl.ali tl. ,

tid rholc# v«al»r» 11.00.11,00; kith ■•H* HO.:t.s0.:;.00; .landard T ..lm ItOO. Suppllr. mo.ull. .l..-n tn t.OO: f«w t~xl (Itiilb. tlrm ■<> .llchlln; lood and (holctilntk Track lainIt.00.17,10; <ult and uuillr cal.n wllh t l_nch m

!»f *>rA-ai1aM* T.»J: b<itc>.ir US « lra r . ( •71 lowar; aowa tiradr to weak; 1,3.., t lo 1<I and : trada buithtri lata i:,:i- Waiklnsinn ri

nli.,1 JJck 1. and I fr.d« 11,10- itT. i : .00-ll.00r"t'<)rr pit. tcirti! num «.U;''\V)for %r»li talahl* 1,71$; iliuchKr minimum 4.J1

II 10-1.00 l9> rr: (nod and cholrt tO« Ih. wuoIrO lamU H.OO-IH.DO; aarir I.M.IA «n few choir*; rood md tholr> -Ilrttt .air. Iin.1.a i;,0O.|A.DO; ruU u food f*>r miilllr 1.1.«rhl*r aw« :,00-1.10, lar^t

DBNVBR rcHulnir Vu..''ER. OcU :« lAI—(IISnAt-C.lll* Inltofl M i; k too 1 ^alUu'b^Vftitt TKrattr*'**' • I h h, m^ilrr fontal>od anil tholcr (radra It.SMoVo' f'O’i W n KOI ntabllahrd. Onhnt: tins

I.OS ANCRI.RA Tuck lalr. iANGEI-ra, Oct : i Non. rewrtrj.teO; auppir larftir cowi; olh.r ^I'ctl talta:r.claato .c tc u ; m«t iinrf>; «Ui- an'l WKir 2.K commfrtlal C4»> ]0.00. | 1,00: tin . and U n tr Z.10I ctilUn T.10.M 0; odd ulllllr buUi l>h t to > Inr00: calraa (0: tood and loa eholct tlob* madltlm Ir ral.rt tlcadr <l 11.00-111,00. and taritr 2.0and ah«*p nos*. atdlum U-1.<1

OUAIIAlA. -Oet. :» UT)—(i;8DA>-Ilofi I ln fnlWIni ulchrn and aova artiund i i lowtr; li't Idaho poli J8 Nn. 1 and 2 bukhrra lOO-tlO >ldxl br E. M’‘ jSo MO r^ri" u 'i» .u“ii ’ *lh., mMllr No! 2 and 1 ll.lO-Ru! Noi'tmhtr. ntw1,;00; ctlTM MO; il.uihltr cowi Januarr ....._....ileckrra anil frrdtn unchaniM; >'«|.cuar7 ........ind jul^rr rnwt motllr t,;t-j.l>; March

Reside ciriCAc'o Taki

K'lO. Ocl. « n i r j—(\!RD\^- t in n r rv i00;mo.trr.lrlracllM. clo.adalow; .U.:s lowtr. but laltr tradt and bCth Braljb,

’J tnI*A'o'n''‘ii!IJkL“ i/!;nl^rf«‘ «» t'hom e h! ioo‘: t ; i ,r ; ;oo; .ra^ii /rnh r i JowlnK a lom

ffflr m «.; cowa l«i atilt, th.n Mr*. Bmbhiff’iu," .a-h-.i.r';; >■tr.; Iinll. dull, wtik: yralrr. Ol OeOFBe .

l.OJO: mo.!.rai*lr acll.t, tl.adr; O tl#„ and n» alTMo’v J ti aW.STki ^ I 'id S>’« WB* a m« ,oo.j:,m. ■ tb t church.

------ ; ----------- — , Surviving i

.A ndrus,74,Is limed by Death BrtTb, Buh?/iME. Oct. 3((—M n. Vlrslnla ford, u id Clai 74, died Friday a t SU JSene- Wnah.; one i

up lla l. Mound* CUyA ndnu w u bom Dec. I. Andrew Beld Clirton. Ida. Slie wa# mar- hiUf brother,

Hyrom Andru* Nov. 23, ISM. u . Okla., 34 In 1W6. She wiui a member creat-pM \acl

church and the Daugt;* r u n tm l sei Utah Plonecm. p.m. Mondayiflns are one d*ujhl«r. Mr*, church with t itley. Elba: four »on*.’Charles brandt. jr.. i

William A ndnu. OeorEB ju * , b« j nnd Ted A ndnu, nU Jerome, under th i^ h lld ren and 18 g r e a U

ai services will be held at. Tuc«dnv a l Lhe flrtt wardlapel with Bishop L«w 8,fflclAt4ns. Concluding ritesheid n l the Elba cemetery L KIB direction of the Wiley fu . V

•EA TO BE SERVED _ME. Oct. 3S—A publle t<a M jserved a t the Dcmocntle l l Jrters here from U a, m. to g WBaturday by the DemocnUc I club.

arkets t

Ibt. — __ SLOOn quoWdl

•ihtmik No- 1 ....... II IP I 70111 ll.lOi * fli'elin* 11.70) iini'irdoiBC !(.:>; < quoUar ll.t lini far Na, 2 aach taruir U (tau

' 5 T

CO-------. . . .w

•UVgPOULTKT •et ttM ilul

• u r n a /A T


■ ___________ 1

la n ce |®‘f' *^* *. * <?.«EV.

b ra inr. €in Ihr nf iradr i™U*. 'Cev.lon c'OI

(.vc »ji,p.<it 1„ Ih> liiTK'l r>i»l. Tluv mil

vril,‘ p'*rJ''J,,:';’;;i.,‘5s “ “’ '•nuirnl a l |'.t _ cIjicI •.\ lilfh.r. DrofiiiLrt I |X'rrciH.l ttll

^ ' l \ . i ' r « K* 'hl»hr'rV° l’i'i''l''eb»r ]„ ,,r t.. I iiSUppilf.', Rl, I)rr.ml»r I.M ; i,„,bani lo -ri'drinl; fOUl

I hi,h.r. . if i .c M imIirr iiivlled

;-a<;o.''*im !‘ ’=i'-• tn-n U * Cl,... T l'f t'Ofl


Mi« vuit«• •’*1 ; ;»S 1.3" I Oovfrnni5*1 . :.ji!» :.a i’,'i ,p funibhi » ;'. n : ' . I.i: i.i: I"'-'*'vL-iltor

i.< i\ i .n S !.* '> nRr space :11" . Ir u ' , il»i'’ i j i s i li^ J plunibiiiB.

fim lbr f*(• I’’ ir* ’is**' *'

‘ • !«i',‘ ;.n*l !«i ’ other thai;■•il* o ther facll■' ' tlip cnncMi

i-'"S i.''V. !•,!!»; 1 ." '. ^'llrthcr_________ 1 ___[>> _ _ j ; ^ "I ttie o»l

i i ! , i I.U',. *•»•'.L'AHII i ; i u is ----

' ' ' ' I ' Ort. :i i r . .S„ »h*al. C.nn ^ ,i Lions. .Sorbtan ni»l K.Ou-K.lO. llarirr

ll: lO.llln* rhclc. 1.20. 1.<1; lr«l D l j j

tiSMS RUPEmSAS CITV. 0,-1, :,l U l—Wbrat = ‘"iCrmacIulL k.W h..!i i:.:o s li i;,3J '!.; Mle* camp

bulb.1'I u;Vh.'ni^".‘o-d,„’ n ‘ '..r: lor eyeslghi•hll* II.«« to ||.1<\ : No. 1 11.17 I.. The club .| Nu. 2 ,flluw .nd and ml«»d I1.5J for■■ i ran: unch.ni*.!! Np. 1 »hilt » ta « At 7 |

*»'• ‘ l lo 'l- l'S''ii.Vi lo i r i i r ■ be awarded

•*■’. <• «*;«•________ ^ucDon«*a1 e.iptaln of

otatoes-Onions '> nI BUllL. 0

n i i r a r n ':aco. tkt'. si I iir i — rouinr.! Klamnth F';• tt. U.tk ] |(. loul U. B. ahlp. nuoke Whll llr. mo.|>tatc: dtmanil »ood; maiktl Mm. AlllOn.llchllr aironttr. ---------------

. i . ln IIOO lb..i I^S lA waihrfl

U:^V,nmIr«^'uw.i^■l's HI l"'n l. ^m 4.J1; IM Il.rr vallrr r<inlliri

tOa 2,10: UR cnmmtrclal 101)’.

•r ru.ana Idaho 2.01-2,10. Wa.h- IVATf'tt ' M J; Mlni.riola.Noflh B.kola JW WATLH:,'oJ.;.uT‘'w ".*^\iurj6-"‘ k*’^o‘» ItopoflJr'onlalntr M l: Wl.toniln lOO'a Maglc Vnl

•J.1. f.lt 1.00; ruMtla 1,00; .arlr CtlCCk Indl' .rsup'olltt llibi: dtmand ImproT. for 'Ikrt Iirra, <• Items to belalra (10 Ibi,) t,*!i I unit*, aultdi portrtl.

talta: Colondo Hpanl.h » Inch 'ttr t io ’'*id* il "o''* ^ ' ‘ "hl? H*"'’’ --------1 J Inch" MO-LTl; Jdlchlaan ohll* AdftrlUi adltlm I-IO: Kan.a. SpanI.h 2 Inch KUtS a t I tr 2,00-3,21; mlilwnltrn ToUowi U -l.» l nd flobaa mtdlum 2-00.

rufCwfl.llowin* Cliic.n fulurr* quolallnni . . to pol.loaa and onloni ar* pr» AarertlM ' Tm W. McRobcrla and tom^nr- Laratn ^ Ei

. iniS’ Low Clo.* Car. ':!! , i : | ! '

L!:::::r:;''';.l:i* !;'u !:?» I? . Adrertl ' - ■ — I -I ■ Klaai an

ident of Bulil f 'aken by D eath Adm<L. Oct. 2ft-Mra, CarrlC Ellwi- Edlnbouoi rabb, S3, died n t the Hnrrnl me here Thuradoy nlRht foi- ^a long Illness,Bmbb wa* bom April 3. 1673. AdrerUMi ysvlllf. Mo, She wn* mftrried **“ » ■“ )rge A. Bmbb a t O gnlbh , «Otc. 33, 1888, They cnme to ‘Ul* In 1913 from Bridgeport. '»nd moved to Buhl In lOlB.• a member of the Flrsl D ap- ' irch.vlng are her husband. Uiree . ^:r*. Mr*. Bessie Ollmore. Mr*. Ananii Ui 8 CufTlngton and Mrs. Enrl all Buhl: three *on*, Leslie « 'n » o ro u |h Buhl; Steve A. Brabb, Castle- id Clarence V. Brnbb. Palouse. ^one slsttr, Mrs. Ada Goble, P

I City. Kans,; one brolher, Adierl Beldlns. Lovelfind, colo,; it lT*t»on i

>ther, John Deldlng. Henrlel- 1,, 34 grandchildren ond 43 Nr«\dchlldr«n, Ma-al services n’lll be held a t 3 Aonday n t the P lrs t BnptlsC Edlnborouch with the Rev. John R. O nrnt-

jr,, officiating. Concluding NII be held a t the Buhl ceme- Afl der the dlrectloti o t the Al- Advert .funeral home. ___________ U a a i *

mat sMON, OCI

1 1 :00 A .M

p p r o x i m a t e l y - i 5

g o o d q u a l i t '

c o n s i g n e d c a t


Phones 536-254

’ _ >


(Is Sought ■ Goc■Jp o . • • SPAItK.r o r s e r v i c e s

XEY. Oc!. :6-Offer7i for. pro- plannin? i: .iccammoti.isioiu nnd services lined ud tMicrs of Ihr .Moon national school c.xtiJiPiit. nr;ir Arco. will be eon- Thc citll 111 conrirction wllh a con* Cl*)' *: 1n c'ontrur! v.iUi Uir natlonnl four lioiif:jrrvice. E vni'tt \V, Bright, «u. I ’

V coiiiraci Mill Include all con. T > - - I - 1 n fncilliifs "lid tcrvlces re- f j l l H I 1 a l the mnniimeht. Int«re«t<d u ttlio nrr {iimnclnlly qualified i * ' ivlde Kii.'olinr nnd oil, camplns / V l C l f.', Rrocfrir.', luncli room, sofl .

founinln. *i»tloiicry, 'photo- b u h lV C lc nnd curin ^imp tncllltlea and i^tivcA for r.', iindrr n voiicculon contract, ivited lo fiiiUinlt offer* by Jan . Q om , ^m r '• . . .*.w Mrs, Oroi■ normal u a v t\ w ason a l the jj,g tiienl U In.iii ubout Mny 15 lo w iIm: lS..Appu>Min;il.'ly 110,000 per- . " j . c wi 'Uited Uic iitonumenl U st year. da.v•ernmenl (ncllltlrs. which will ^morr cluu nibhed, include space In the frrj,),,,, L-illor c fiitir bulldlnc nnd ntor* j|,n io r Ii »ce In tlie covcmment. equip- ,

storasr building. R o u s h . , ling, flrctrlcnl ouUets f t n d ^ ^ , r fncillllr^ will br Jumlshcd ' 'le govfrnn.rni. All fixtures. thnn rifd rlcal flxlurrs, and i " „ faellllle.i will be furnished by ^

incesf.lonrr. _ w ilsorther InJonnnllnn'tii available ,,r offlcr nf Itir suprrlntendcnt, p , “ ^y Mr.

"Niuionnl m a ^ n ie n trw c o . ' Jf*™ -Wend Scotl nnd N

ms at Rupert Plan Bulbs Sale s r - 'PERT, Oct, 26 -T h e Rupert “

'^ul‘ u‘ri'rna^il‘? ^ h * i* bcrrGtlbiTT canipalsn on Hnllowccn nlgni, , , n iri,„ ulb.i will be Mid to ralae fund* Jf-i,' cslght nnd playground projecu, , 1elub liM been divided Into two y ,.,,,: for Ulf c.impniKn which will

«t 7 p,m. The team with the It salM will be ireaK d to a dinner wlille the losers wlU

irded n bilked benn dinner. ih ir f grade ding one t/nm will bc Oeorge _jnnia, John Blmpson will be n ^ n n f ,* n of Uie other.

IU- IN OREGON • —IL. Oct. 3(t-Mrs, J . J . Heldel ■

serious condition In the • Illh F'alls, Ore,, hospltfl! a fte r a S while vLilUng her daughter,

Vlnon Oeclse._______________

le CalendarI r

rCH T in s SPACE DAILVt iporunt' new* and date* lif ■

Valley's Farm AucUon*. • ■Individual ad* a* they ap-> ■

for locaUoa and listing of ■lo be sold. I ■

O c io b « 2 9 , . *- . E. n . u n e y rtrllstm ent Oelober 2«.21 as and K l s ^ aacUoneer* m

O ctT b ^ 29 'Tom \Jrle *>4 Ron

erUsemeol—Oelober ZS-27 A Edloborouih—Auctioneers

O c t7 b ^ .3 1 IJ. A. »UlUrd f

dTertlsemeol October t t u and Ktaas, auctioneer*

November 1 C. W. Blackhart

drertlsement Oct. SD-3I Ibouoniib b Larteb. AucL

Novem ber 2 CBob Durtke

irtUement—Oct. 31-Nov. 1 SS and Klaa*. AucUoneen

N ovem ber 2 ■ ■W. It. RAEDELS I }

(rtlsemcnt—October 30-31 Ini aod Bon-AucUoneeri

N ovem ber 3 Ul Hardware & Implement :rtlsemenl—Oct. 31-Nav. 1 1 rouih i l Larsen—Auctioneer*

Novem ber 5 Rusiell Wolfe

idiertlsement Nov. 1-2 son and Roe, Auetloneen

Novem ber .'5 M an ia O lm iltad

Adv. Not. 2-S |ough <1 LarMn, Auctioneer*

Novem ber 9 Afton L Tanner

dverUseaenl Nov. 7-1 a i dk Klaa*. AueUoneer*

T 2 9


150 h ea dity • attle.'

WERS >NCO. Cid SONS T2547- - :


ood Training l^^ th o iiltKS. Nrv., Oct. : g l i r O U B■.Mr Clay, smdying Journal- • .. • ‘: Uinvrr.siiy of Nfvndn and in? n newjpnprr cnrrrr. hns I« • ••UD » pnri.itme Job io n ir r l i®°'-'' «<>““ >

rxpcii»ry MrlhodlSl Ccity of Sp.iiks hn.i hired 'nom'h*

»: 1100 n inoiiih to work irn lly a lB u rl lour, a dny *j<.do« catcJirr, 1 - llic rnlly I_______ ' ____________ I dh tric t youU

od in conferc

Ill’s Scliool, 1. T ' 1 Clirlttlni

.idcs N am ed S.,_ ^ hlKh scliool

-, Oct, 26=TConi rc p rw ii- ballon ofJlcei for th r four Buhl schools q .,

•cn nDiH)lii!fd by Mr.v Paul l« u.iriirrai rli.irtmiii. rr,'.L llr .n .OrovK- Ayirs is ctmtrninn of confrirnc# v :i v-hool ifDrnfnl.illve*. Mrs. ^'ilMiii IS room rrpresciiuxtlvel

wnlni cln:.i, M rs./M f Jo* T n v iT I A rla.v. Mrs, II. J, piper soph- JL JO - jlllC :lfts..i. nnd Mr*. Vernon C m - C JIo ^Million. O l a lr liltch »cho»l room repre* r.t a rr Mrv U onard Clnrk.■ii; Mrs. D .J, Fwler, Mrs, 2“";?

Will.ird, Mr«. Clyde Cox, a wn.'oii Pori>Ir».rll. Mr.', Ches- : r « n and Mrs. Aldrich Ko- « ' j

In school* rhslrnian Is Mrs, lUon nnd rrwm rrpresrn ta- t Mis. n . Erl). Mrs. Jame* Pnrtlclpatli -M i4-J:-iaak_C aaujnd-ilr4 . lic_Erint_B) , Aiulcison, fourth grnde: Ronk. lay li 'ciidcll Ciiiinon. Mrs, Bud KelUi Evans, Id Mrs, Allred Iverson, fifth who will dell md Mr.v Mnrk Flynn. Wm, M se on "I U Jlcn , Mrv D. J, Cox nnd Tlie cham in N. Onrralirandl, Jr., sixth Robert Wll»<

"O Divine IK. ButU &chix>Va cliulrtuen Justice ptsM

1. G uy Ulrich and Mrn. Ak ■ n-CbiTTcIf JlepreKniailvcs nre a t t f iIchnid Tliomet2. Mis. Ted Mrs. Gflbnrdl and Mr*. Vern BURLEY, •nt gradr; Mrs, Don W alker. Jny-C-Ette* 'llliain Roberu, Mr*. Paul Call to atler nd Mr*. Mnson Popplewell, " re M r.and l crndc; Mrs Ernest Rolnnd. Mr*, Jnck K ibcrt V, Pcncc. Mrs. Vonlcy Rupert. Mr. *

and Mr*. Wllllnm Taylor. Mr, and Mrs, ade. Mr*, cleo C---------------------------- Aonald Knocn M K -N E W S WANT ADS. Jam es SkllM

H E A T B ]

» N 0T ested p

• IProven • ■ Ul

* ' ' ' High- r

Q uality 1

S eatin g


C onvenien t E

^ A ‘ Bl


Wc also give


4 R A D I O D I S P A T C H E D '

H E A T I N GiVe hove.every ty p fl_ bleating Oil you Neec

G E M STwin FaHs

'.ALLS. IDAHO. . ,


hodists’Youth Divoi )up Plans Meetipnnled by Uie Rev, R ichard ^ e jr 'm s at, II members of ihe M eth- ^S rto ir Va i ’oiiUi Peltow.shlp of First g ^ , ' ^ 'y si church will lesi'e Satur-. fj,,, ^ rnln* for a i*o-day >oulh Burley. ■ioie divorce is-,iilly 1* spon^<'rcd by eastern him with m<nyouth division ol the M eth-. --------nference, of wlilch the R e v .jp ^ .Rue, MurtniiKti. ts d tr c c lo r .[J [_ /lU H g r t of the rnlly u ■'Drtnklns .Ittlnn Uvlng." apenkers will L a S S l ; f.'enUtlves of Slindel's of the lU te hislmny patrol. BURLEY, nool foaclicfl. Iiivenlle pro- OOP dinner » ifJlcers afld medical doctors, evening al th Items on Uir program In- *•.

iLv:uwlon groiiDv worship. Cnul«in and Uie e lra ion of a »«»•'>,c. , .u .>

llnl MBtlliew

men s Day Is :;S. ir.nf”,' Hated at Church I Mra,- Wtlllill Uymen-s d .y wtll be ob-“ ' ‘’* 1 ™ ' " ; Sunday by Ftrsl M ethodist I»lUi Uie mlnt^ters. the Rev, ^A. MncArUiur a n d 'th e Rev. ioi‘r >e*rs.

H, N. Yojt, lilting in the "Iny members of the church P o i i i tho morning worship serv- 1 C t l l

A petition fIpatlng In th* servlce.i will tratlon to Ui» lie BriBtB nnd Dr. Hpwurd aas-411tdJ>ld ay leadera nf tlie church; i)Ate court by vans, and Wllllnm Lnngley, coin.'1 deliver lhe niomlng mes- 'M r Dnnlels, "I Uphold th# Chureh," consUla of pe :hancel ctioir. directed by Everett M. 8» Wilson, will *lng G ounod’* 3 p.m. Nov. S. ne Redeemer." w ith Blllle by Attorney 1 prsstnVSnit the »oJo p * n . -------------------

- 4 W p iJ C f lTTENDINCf CONFAB t J | | C ,EY. oct, 3fl — Jaycee* ahd p A L d :tle* wha left Priday for Wc- , attend the atate convenUon . tO O f « n and Mrs. Onll Keen, Mr. and Noloni«rtN ck Keen. Mr. and Mr*. Del Mr. and Mr*. Orral Rudolph. mi?“ d(>S*cu Mrs. Oene Morton. Mr, I'nd vourpuusso eo Cheney, Mr. and Mr*. iS l .^ A 7 2 S Knopp, Jerry Johnson. Mr*. H n t t W t ® klle* and Mr*- Al Neftger.______________ _

( E T T E R ^


IS NO BET:m s t a t e hii i m f i i i a n i j u j u i i i i i u i



TERMSAvailoble i t

' ~ SYI


: d t r u c k s t o ' s e r v e y o



I ■'

vorce Asked-EX.O ctlC-rSultior.dlY orcc _ ------. brought agalnit W eaver Clmball by Carol K im ball. IH V •e married May 37, I 9 i i ; i i t Va„ and hnve no children. p 'I ks tha t community prop- . iiftnrded to the de fendant J JliO attorney-fee unless :e I* contested. She charges ^ minUI rnielty. '

--------------:----------- aboui 1

er Served byssia GOP Unit tionil ■:Y, Ocl, 36-A no -host veriified ner wns served W ednesdnyIt the Nntional hotel w llh .,

A. H. NleUon, cJinlrmnn ,_»ecuritlenulK county cenlral com- choiea K .ln, u » . . l c r 01 .= rc-

}<nlk.(ave U^f Invocation. lion po:;Uiews led group singing, .onihlf , Don Orayot. vice chair- lhe central commtit«e. and Free jaion, Albion, tpoke.WlllUm Detweller.- v i c e witn coi 1 ot the slate central com- ' from: ,lso apoke fin lhe progress ins have made In th e lasl , .

jtition Filedlon for leiler* of adm lnls- I Ult u la te of Leroy Daniel* J^tday-lnJU 'ln-TalU -pro... —I by fils nephew, Rny L in- '5 ^ %

nlels^led June 8. His eslate K w ii l 3f personal properly, jud-je<. Sweeley set a hearing for _____}V. S. Lincoln 1* represented ley Tom 5 . Alworth.

i J t o u - g v e r c o m e ^ ^ ^L S E T i r n r j iM d"u

ftn.H ond Worryl«r b« umoyod er ImI lll-au Nam* .,.ilT ira .**aU nw w < f a J ^ Addnu.D*«eU) iwwdof. aprtnUaa on A»anu.,u s boldt U lta Bnntr fO th tr« csmlorUbU. Avoid tm bar. CFty___I eauiM br leeM plata*. Oat rKtoaitiaartfcuccouBCar.


R Y m


— I ' = = ^

= \ ■ ir

T T E R H E A H E A T I N G 0 1....................................................


“DEGREE-DAY” System lit Yon t of Always HavinE A Supply of 1

Y O U P R O M P T L Y , E F F I C I

UR B U S I N E !

ONE 1 6 8 0

Investing in i |

STOCKS? l iI'ou c»n obtain the (act*>ui In v es to rs Stocknd. Inc,, *n opcn-«nd j S Hiiuat (und with pfo(e*« ‘S f jnil lupcrviilon o( <U-jified wcurities, exHph»- . .lng common iioclu. Tbe • (uritlei for this (und are ']tea for objectives of ‘ u Mi|-term capital appreda* ^ 8 ®D pouibilliies aad ra> iible income.Free proipcctus.booklet ,Jl complete in{orm*Uoarm;

U T . D O LPH IN ™Zona Mgr; i R a

4)1 Eboihone SL East I B r aPb. 4IU reprcaenlinc

-------------- Hireriifitd Scnricts, Inc. | p y i

t, MAtl THIS COUPON ’ I m j

clnt-bMlI*! dtiolbing l» - t i l lH iloti Stock funtf, !•«,

on,! j i


■s* j ^ f a


A T 9M L ! m

t Your H

mais I I------------------ M l

Y onr A n u r*o f F a i l o u t ,

i i i i in m i i fl

1 C I E N T L .Y .



tllll? ' ■ •: 'J

; N o l e d G e r m a n j

■ ' M u s i c i m D i e s S• ' LONDON. Oct. Oer- eup! m w ipU nU tW *ll«W llbtlm 01ejelc- ^’ JJH died m » London hofplltWurlDB

.1 lh#ni«ht.Uw»itmKitvJee(Ho(l*y., ;B ew u0O . ' t l£I n u de»th w u »nnoun«d b y ,» —: K u k em u n M B t hospltaJ. ^

[ i Tbe fp o k e sn u Mid OelseUns V■' died s t 9:90 of h t t r t lalture. He. H id h e w u admllled to Uu hotplUl

•evcr*l d*yi *«o w fferta t from "»n »cut« w r s lu l coDdlUon.'' B s de-

[ d ined to e ltbonte . j iOleMklnf who »ehlevtd „»'orld ,

' ' fu u e u • concert pkn itt %tt bom In Lyoni, Pm iM , Nov. B. WS. Hi* pucQ U WUt Oermin. Hli niutlcai

; m em orx .w a coniMe«d »lmoet m ir- ~ ftculoua. '


?0%Sgv!SgVi£r’''” P

; in° tiib*«/?tt!:r or Tiir wtate okCoun. T

•• j:, fiifc * r «/ OtuUt. itu . tlI*. JC of fild 4*r. iinln Court Rwjm of .: Ml4 Court. «t A C.uair Ceurt 'f. __ lnjh»rit» of TwiB »’.IU. C«U«lf of Twin ik.

tk* i(>plkiUoh or ►Iof».C. Ur««fl for On , li>une« to btr of Irtim i»<l»meiil»ry. —

«h*n and »lur* onr t«ruii m r•M>«r «d4 MBlMl iim*.D.U4 0<t. Illb. llll. - c u i

r j i s r ” ' KruMuht otL i:. It. II. ltn CCI


eSTATK OK MATUtLLS B. KEAD. BK- I----' ' K»*«'’S'li.Tt4j- i(r«. hr r«< w. ««<(.I AdnilnlitMler of uU nuu to Iht ' ton of in< 4l| ;<rnnt h*>ln| claim*

I * atalsat Ut;t«1l> R. R<>4. liKxixi. or btr Mlau, to.oIblbJl tbtn «|tb Ibt owMtorI ■ flm^JuWlrtllon’cf “tbli ?o°Uct,*l«*'b« ttW

Admlnlttrator al mm Ibm lit, Kld.IUr r lUsk ilulldliif. at T«lB ralla. Idabo. (bit b*lAr Blato flitd ht Ibt UiBiacllon

; of tb« biu^m of WUU. *—SfUd Otio'l-r « . IHI. ~

rRED W. RKADAdmlnUltatot of tb* Tj UIo of —< MtfUn R. IU*d. 4Kr»»d SPK. yubliihl Ott. i i ; Hat, i. I. It. 1»»_______ Wl

N o w ' s T h

KiLL iW i t h P r o v e n C


S e e Y o u r




I A u c tt A s I am quK lins fa rm in g: of th a Curry Store, 4 m iles



1945 Oliver 60 tractor, j u s t o v laat fnll. Now rubber on t in

I'J is in cxccllcnt shapeM B ee t and burn cultivator fo r 01 [,( tra c to rh W hirl type phosphnte d rill

AUIb Chalmer# tandenPdisc, 7 i Uke new

II I .H . steel wheeled m anure sprc l i John Deere IB-inch single b o tt I I 2-way trail plow ,i l Oliver horae mower. 5 foot. Ilk i l IHC bee t and bean drill H I 16 Hole horeo type g ra in drill H wagon and rack■ 1 Moline 8 t» r bWc raVe m harrow,B l Walking plow ^

!1 A -tyM pole dcrrlck I Baled hay fo rk .

I Stock trailer


I P res5 d rill,/p rw ,cu )tivn tf)rt« [ shovels and m any o th e r

numerous lo m ention

E H . IK faos & K/oos, A uchom

h “ >


NO B ^A B IN O SOUGHT HENVlS^, Oct. M Ml-Defen»e tt- cEqi

tamey# for John Gilbert Or»h*jB. condcmne<I'pUn«-W«t-iniaimur' derer, h»ve unnounced they will not rub seek » rehearing ort the Colorado _W2 eupreme court’* ortfer ch*t Orth«m • b« executed durlnj the week endlns Jiai. 12.

r e a d TlMES-WEWa WANT ADB.

Classified |• W A N T - A b r a t e s ! c m

iBaMd a t to.U p.r-ord)

! S ; ! ; = r ! : r f s f i i ; f e(AmhlmvrnttUmcidtlit- .Qulrad la aor *01 tliMinad ad) ' j|.|, Kor taamplt. lakit b«l»«l__ , 'rol*

Word r r idtr ^

----- :t------- 1.» —».«» <->» ANt•n7i.i«.i~»w/eytdii"k».' ti.9~.tub;U>b*4 ca,b CBUH ttccmfitBr enltf. j.jg

DKAOLINR ftr ClaulfM onlri •- Uoodtr't adj — t p.m. Dilurdtri |

Tuftdir^ Ibrauib

Suod<;» - I t.m. ll^nT;~nilnd Adi” a it tltlcUr tonlldtiiatl jp-TTTr

*• '■ ^ Error* tbaiild bt rtporlid Imiatdltl*.

r^ c iirJ llAV 1


"j.i.-V" aia;dtnU >«ib ftt«. Mublntltti tnd fold ritca

U.M, TlMiH, An. » |l .- LCT 11


’" r n ? M n " u i« r ,u .* " " " r . / H i S r

roAHO BARBEa ii BEAUTY Woin BHOP___________ I

SPECIA l. NOTICESSrRNCIUI C«ntU*n.~Un. Lm>« Uardatri --------

att «lb attjgt tatt. Pbtnt WW. r Trlmt I ptrlti

h e T i m e ! ^ro



IUM)RATE ll____ — -• KXl’ill

i r C o u n t y L | ^



t i o n S lIn ^ I w ill Kell th e fo llow inff locnted i le s w e s t o f W e a t 5 P o in ts , T iv ln F i

X T , O C T O B ILunch: by Un

y LIVESto f S ' ““intSS'r” 't ire s , and ^ Gueni.sey cowa. d

in November rO h v e r 3 Holstein springer

November Y earlinp Holstein h

, 7 foot, • 2 'l lo h tc in fitcer.t, >', The HolJtfJn cow and h>

(prem ier uuooed. The aufmsc>0 t t 0m *nd lound el(iin. RxAct

breedlni date* «lll b«, l i k e new

M Milking ESurge milking mnc * .DcLaval pump B Ten gallon milk c

HAY an150 bales of 2nd ciEOUS I t i l bales of wire t

ir tools, forks,ie r item s too ^ n i \

90 Au-slrn W hile 1


L E f i i i r . b w iDneers : Jim Me


Vub t ti'am* Aitl.U**. D*b Cotr'a ^ CH IR O PR A C T O R S TNKIIVK »rw;iAUirr.'5r. Alma lUrdln. _JJ»» M.ln Worth, l-tonr.nit.___ OTKy

SCH OO LS a T R A IN IN GTHAW firr pwlUon if C.r.A.. P.bll. A*. WAN rouBUnl «r lleokkaftwr al bomt. Dl»l> u iR j-;.l io 'r f /t; ' tJli‘r'.‘«b’otfu r.o” Doi "lU»! Sall'ul*.’


!l'taur.”'dtf!'oSb’cir Wm o\'l?.”''TofliVTrbJ.’5'“p«p"p-iak to* Affr., (ran: tlK> tonciJn ./(aoiln 5aIaji.l, tilcjui Jr “itiuautJinl'ilit H..I


3-MBl or Box lf03________Bolt*

LOST A N D FOUN>) ~ILU.lT: Am.II biMb Ibi.duf. An».r> )•••. tlif". "NJirrr." ;ilO.J, Irtdilub d.llt'td Itr I1U» ptr ui. al F“ I JmouaUlB >utl -Compan,. Pboot


llAV llAULINi; and tutbloa. . AUo tUf f um com.iBlni. rhan. Ii;l».nt. tUHTVM plowlDi and dUclm. i’boat o;4b.iit,___;____ _

OllUaUAKINn, lallonnr. UcC.frluiii. Mr*. KiBploa. :>• Trl.r. Pb»ot1.CT US-niXOiniBttD ■-rHiabU.MUVu , ■nd p*M>b*af*r. Arilitl* Dlilrlbuun. lATlSrACTOliy «iid dttlnlni i«o wblp»trt. Honl K«7*r, lUaus. CAr-

tl.M MH«.UAnr£:<>Ul oora—ali aisca. Ntv •oa- , _ •tnulosMr*aodtl kaar M |*k lOfCalliuir B.BU atn.ral offjtt w«,k. Tnlnf. — tborlband. bnakbt«pln(,'rull7 .iptrl- - •nftd. Infludln* offlrt w.nti.nital. _ Thnn, aCIrr mo pm,___

U and II TREE SERVICE Trimmlnf. loppin( tnd rrmarlnr. Kt- . ptrltnttd and lniuc«l »;ulfpid. Pbtat not for frt* wllmaia. ^_____________________________ _____

VAUGHN'S TREE I L*- SERVICE —TniHMtNrr—Torrmn-RcunvAi. IUIIM «arbm.n. rampl.l.lr *«ulPJ>«!. rullr iMurtd W£ SUVK AI.I. or SOUTHERNJDMIO Ifor rr.t KtllnolM 1 • vrbont SMI Twin r.llt - . 3 Y

I— ■ — I Yem~ thlJ

C U S T O M S P U D ; 2DE-VmtKO aad DIOOINO j

Track Available |I f Needed -------

C A L L m -W JE M JM K . — Mn.iHELP W A N T E D — FEMALEfoffk w*J!l*fl. Apfiy la P.WO.

KxrZ J/ui ntodt. at o«. tjo aUn btnd,'muit htr. Inulatl.t. Wrila 0*z.o., u,b— ttmbir »orb al bnmt. Na *»p*tlfn« MOUBI nRm.rr. Wril*. H.ncs Mf(. Co.. HOJ yiitST Wril Third, 1.0* Ant.l„ Callfori.1., *'~i; EAJIN MUNtir In your o»n bomt "(tb NlCt:L ronfpbo<i». Jfoor/rofmmmfMloii*.InfointlloB phon. Jtroa.. for .Inrornullon In Wtndtll. Coodlnc Tb.nt * ' 0t}0. Coodint.________ JlJJ};'wantad for nnCldtnll.l ultpbont m-sWlairtr «ork. Ttili i, a ..lailtd j»p.lU»n *-‘;AI'>1 tl.eo p«r hour. Worb .lon. dlr«(tlr 11," from ,our homt. al m.nr hourt » r»ut.n ip.t. ta<h d*rp..Ujul bt>t rfl»»lt t.HOUjjl.»b0nt. WrlU A.iT-'ij </a Tlmt*- aulla

ft(ed 1 '/j miles Norlh *’r'lUn;In Falls. ™

B E R 2 9 Sf Union School PTA I L-liUUX

RESTOCK(lue with 2nd calf cr O"WS, due with 4th calf er lak<;einger heifers, due in n i:ein heifer • EoU2r.t, yenrling.i and helfen are vncclnated and uenuey cow ha* beeii tu te d C<, V ' '' Exnct production rtcoriU and I

III b« given day ot tale. I -•m »: luoJi Cur'/.

ig Equipmentm n c h in e , 1 u n i t w ith r iiu u T

am p • ■ .n ilk c a n s '


and STRAWInd c u t t in g h a yviro tie d a t ra w rboi..HICKENS ^h ile h enn nE»“

1Mn c

ivnerM essersm ith , C le rk

i .

t .

. ■ T IM ES-N Enro, TW IN F-

H a p W AKTED--M ALE f WA»urK.^>NG f.r > « ,i..r aaUi.ta. oal, m T T

il.»d, a ^ a^nbltioui «a|k.rt *ilb r.t.f. . d.lrr,

WANTED 1 imukla niuaf. marriad «»a U Mil for cat of Asi.rka’a oMnI lOtiH —21222 pantn. Our m*(lun4tM a n«<taili7 la « ..r , bomr. Halarr plut umaliiloo. a .d ' Wfll* Hot 0-tl €/» Tloua-N.-t. ilrlail r /a7 .£». m.rrlt*. ilalua, >i»«rlrnr.. rtr. I

HELP W A N T E D L — — M A L E A N D FEM ALE I " 'i.V .

CXI’KKltNCCU (rr cook. AppI, la p.r. 1inr. Ilof.rton hol.l c«tf>« «l»p.______ • a.Mf

KllV coon al Club C*l». Arm. U 4, p e * .L iiii: r«rr«l. alibi tbili. rb**t Dill C*lbr,. Oil

«A/.a:i' MAKr.'fC, and c ^ ' t b*(p«f' A n..l, rli.a fait'vork.r «an autllf, «-.[ **'"

Vn'd"5i«U*i‘o Jt?rt.‘‘ l'l‘b^J'rr i*"**' »*<k. p .n ln it >M nliblj 'Suadar* aff. I

B uV lN K T ^bp*P O R T U N IT IE S | ; =KKNT OK UKASK Club Cb**^OKI tluk j.fom

NKW^KJIA^U^ t*U. la«»/« J j

■"-I—UI.TJIA-MIIOKIIN S kar **rTl«a .uiwn for | HV'TJ

|«tM. Twin fall, bifboar ^Md, Wll .fcoaf.

SMALL CAPE ||DelBf nlrt buiIsM*. Idr.l for maa sm4 ,,4.i(>. Own.r muil Mil latatdialtlr f-r l<--------hraKb M.Mni. Go»4 Wnai. rboa* « T I --- -----


50 x 1 0 0 FT . B tJnild* Truck Divlii for 4 TrocU I PHOh

U I :o JT. D00R.1 l|TRACKSIDE LOCATION --------

___________ I'llONK UO | l|


for lea**. WlUj U rje buDdlai I •ulUble Jor expandlaj bu ilou i. J ry... CaU No. 3 or 323.Twin rail* ... ■ ■ ■■

H IGH VOLUMETala rallt Btnrit* lUUoa j j


rboat No. 1 or U l Twla Falli I*

M O T E L ^H O T E L

SUN V A LLEY ' |3 YEARS OLD, Orowlns Each ".m « Yenr. 17 U nlu v.111 nel tl3.SOO i.oHr thi* year. Extra value wltli »e- curlly. *20,000 Ca*h, plu* e « y : term* buys tt. , -


FU R N ISH ED RO O M S i n.ih.'UONT llOOM. hall tnlianr#. Vtr, rta. Adtmt

s i . jBSMt‘imd*Uliu"^l» »Vh''A*.‘n*?N oi^ ^ ■FU R N ISH ED A PA R T M E N T S ----------

IKST CLAS.1. Cloti la. IUa*oaablf. Waaii Oa lar or iKonlh. «»0 Main a«ma. nnrih, I„lH I

IlCELY rUllNiailEO 1-b.dtootii ai^rt.

7oV»IS."'*.N lurnl.b..1.‘ 'V rl« '» balh. llptUlr.^ ap.ilen.hL Inqulr. a l Jlh

LtAN, nlfOljr furnuard. Vtr, clo.t In. l i t Ut LaunJ^ fatl1lll«». Adtlli. Pbont i l l I

KOUNI) fUJUll. 3 Hfir .oomi^.nj b a^ ■■Hifiw!.* Vbona »H "w»*kd.,i, UH-R

lirU:X. l.b»drooiii.,,«tr» fl»an, ullllly *2]mein with wraah.r. Ainpit cupboaril. .inr> (1,1. . ,a (. clottu. lltf.rrnc'o, Ut.toniblt. In.I hai irdftul» IMO Klwb»rlr ll»oH I I, lullmiAUTIVt. tkaa. nlt.lr furni»!irt~» ptlb »room and prl>.lt Uib: alto a t-rootn T«rm>.and prloi* bttb. Clix. In. L.undr, f.> nniverlllilx. RrauBibl.. l l i Alb. Tbon. 1171 T.,|„ror ;ua.w.___________________ __ __,„ i, .


UkUKUUU .parimtnu. UL H*rttLotBit Apartgtala. Ctll Hll.______AiKlK llilM mom. KMjroom. Kllrbto.i 8M Ml

IlilKK rwmi. balb and .u ra it lonm.l Sl«.». r»frl»»ralor, auiem.llr waib.r and b».l furnlih»d. Pli-n» Illt.W. ----------

r.ni». ijrftjnr.lof futnlibtd. >:( «uj JJ^QQl

liUUU .p.rln.aU ilr.l, w.I.r, tltcirlc NICK * . 10.* fu>olib«d. AdulU. No rtu . la. Waihlni gulra toi Wm Ilfrbura________ i pouml

U N FU R R iyH E D H O U SE i~~!IIUUM sa J4 •trn ot xrouod j i'AST 1

KW TWU roumi wllb f .ru * altatbtd.On Polk. Pl«nr ««:. f."...” ; I.UKIIN ho»... CIO.. In. I„ Iklnlk«>(l iM.llon, rbon. ; tn Caiilrtofl. wllbln VK<«L MrooiiT. bardwoo,! floon. ffne.d btndl* I ,.nl, an 3nl A.mu. .S»tlb, P.rm.ni lir.DIIUUH. full bMmcnt Adullt. >01 Adiml. Pk/.n. UI».J nrJUKllN I brtrmm ««ut«.. Pl.aila* LLOYlluftTun^lnc. 301 ;ih A.rnu. Nntih. ;:7 i<bnNl llOdM fiiol.fn hnui. on all ’oad, Nol a Mulh.iil^ of Ml.r. RrfjrtncM. Tlion. I

nnl,. full baiim.nl. ilnVtr furn.c*. •\il tlh Av.nu. Ni'tlh. Pban. 11. COOKlumnoims wllh ban. l->.alrt al

Cur//, HI Bionlh, would furnlih al *»♦ ‘nil j«V n .fit.a t.t iMulr^d. Pbon.lTI or

F U R N IS I^ D HOUSES ^ 1llUUMS .t|iClj.lh. UU rni.mil. No chll. rTltrd "t

lIlKh” KOUMa, m Hlffn. l i .r tr .: at« COMIt

4M.U mod.fn Imum. Inqutl. tl l l l i |

“ " '■ ■ - '- “ I


(AKMIUim.^ J»’»tg-. wllk u ttk .i ..

'*• . ....

TRUCKS FOR RENT _M A C K S U-DRIVEpicxur-KLAT nr.o-ruRNiTU»« ; .~o«. n


PHONE 1161 T w l. - -------1 _A

W A N TED T O REN T. LEASElUtr ntchinrrr. hntncr tn4 '»

jiulpminu Wrllt iloa WT, Tlmw.^l


a U S O H R E A L E S T A T E X ' "

...... LUKE'S

J IM V A N D E N B A R i; | ----------' Ph<in»'‘Vll*'ar” :ii** ' LAHCE

i i s i S g

l i f ta . ; - ? , “ ■ o

i S S M s p

1 ?A R 0 L D ^ A G E N C Y

^ 1 = 6S I S

m m f iR E A L ESTATE ' .


i S i i l 1SW IM INVEST.MENT- S i ' i i i

= l i i0 . , VES YOU CAN, |l


■> ••


i i l f i i i 11

im s m ^

i l E l i S i i i iA G IC V A L L E Y R E A L T Ynifd I N S U R A N C E CO . of it.* i


p s §

B S S f i

■ m m M SJ . E. W hite Agency


i i S i gA . G . H O L L A N D :




i i i S l i i lIS P P S g

J . B i^ C O N A G E N C Y K ^ °

i l

l g

P g r - r s i s ' j i s f l lEEIIVICE STATION AND , HO

KA IU.3 f '" : ; ' ; ;


n S - W E E K ’S X E A D E R S

i S i i p S'M


.x'ID A H O R E A L T Y ------------


i|‘“ '■TlmS-N'.-."'*"'''- “" I ^

V'"to‘''p.JlV ln'lV,'.:i.5'ir‘! " „ P ‘k!| 1,i Mil.

T a r m T T o r ' T a l e --------1 Au^

P«, Sh;.;h.,n,._____________ p,

M A K E O F F E R I *■

I . .

l i i f M i l l S

§ l i l | £ i p

W-~ &,G IC V A L L E Y R E A L T YIld I N S U R A N C E CO . iZ H H anI

S H w

i s

s a i l

I l i i l l i p S

S i i i t a

I '*R E A L E S T A T E H iS E R V I C E , INC., . nwE

• ■

■ _______ __ rniDAID A Y ...0 C T 0 B E R 2 g .u ^

—EARmT forja^ ,

hagerman VALiJ7


. . . . i . SPKCIAL

I0MSI^ JV E R S O N R E A L n-

^ B lK .L . J E N K I K s

111 Mai.s av k .m t

p g f l H g p





C atll . W atem .'

P a u l E q u ip m e n t sai

W eld in g Shop

SALE OR 1*“ ^ ^

i k # ’ I


iT i -------I MISCE

?.r - - r ; ; ^ A R T O T 01A L . Hed oi

5S3rrtiUON-eERVlC* OiiAWt„. IW. D.ir7— ;5;“ “* ^ »«» c«“^ ‘ "•'sri::. = ;

~1 GH" K)B p r o m p t• removal ... . I ..

^ Oetd »Dd D»*l“ * VUVESTOCK

• rioKK 0» CPLLECT j__ \^ ^>1,15t-R'*»*n Itc-Jie* _______


. . . I . :-;n

fnr-ii. _—J----- m, . . , II7U« “ I* luikJilf' .« »uf«r K«l»r;^ „ . . r T - »tH.» P.U..K.. 1 fi-PiECy r s s •■ ■'•"• „>i"‘iii>' iu>j-<irg~pomflwr~n~!w iiiL W.Dd.U A».n«*.

t ______________________ — IffilUAN ‘‘“ “W •I’S'i**- R<

^!?*L Rl^'ir'd'DtUeroLt^".*tiWL Klmh.Vr/'*

.'Sii.rii: ■S J i »!r^J»»‘. M • ' Line ol

Ji.Vr.2~ r* .4H»«. pfc«»t - • ehi»»jf:________ _______ ;— -T lenni.

c. c,sr

,»%»««• »riw- McnnUo* '0m iuw )----------

»iili-------------------------:----------- FURNI

r i “'s ± 5 .■' " ‘•j r- BOWDiiN onciiAni) . 11 Hlb SAUIh ..f KImWrl. _ l KJIH;il)AI

APPII3 iO B W INTER I wS tlaiiiiu DclMaui. II*U F I f t i r i r . mionili Cn«. C.M.» •■>< Sl.»m« Wln«ip.. aiMiLCil

KENYON G R E E N nZ "\mIbjtJu >\ ««.t. <i Baulk f ~ « . *'*'*• T»H r>iU 11 Alryert «o«a CAl JIt________PETS

TiormFi ' f «!!• »Mi

wwijj?»hi” Mi/'mini. I rSr ■Wlliin. P||.'H» flArfi.M KX'UA J.A>6 ’'«»•«"" **“ li. m.

SoTt ' HuuaL'g ' T ' - E ’tU A>k,nl P.M. Ilf

*=» n n MB puIA I' /■»>. ■'■< •IW iWJll.r RMMMbl* PtaM '"•''■l"••

w S i;|» « U I inliitrfi >lniiU)> l'«lal»rM4jn. I l,. |„ r t,„ i J „ « 1 , ,r.l«r.«. 'j*,t ^'« U Nii*i7JhJ —i i i i —I

I a u c

tr* i r'•‘M. I iWk «'.l «f niL. A.Innr, Rro Nfc I. bui5«i»i.

~roit SAirOR TRADE '-Ijr m 3 oil bMii

»n*lrv PkoM mt-W . C r ^ .« lr t .h T«r»L Ui; Klmb»rlr Itiatf, »«U Mi.:

r ^ T E D TO BUY

JL2ajit«m''’p’’|in ''o’liw'u "** '"»ho«*n.^ 'w r , 1 |„Vh ur « inth U or M ’ "‘’'mm

ii^ ^ N E O U s 'F O R s a l e


m ir -m..... .. 5 ^ ^


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vr;; ^

“rt-t J-, ’"• rhoi.. IMiAv" r £

' ? s b 5 i s ™ I 'S i i i'CK'S CUN SHOP

~------ «• ANUKIBUILDINO i T i l i ^

*i"°-a',‘‘:. ” ■ *»*• |

■ ■ i r " ^

| s stS S P '^ '- '- Mii-i. ' ”" 5 S S

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P A R K A - J A C K E T S 1!d or OD - ......................IM.P5 “’“ llIAW»:I1S ANII L'StUUISIURTa, N»-

' I " " . ......... '— . . t U i . r SEs wnoi. nn^wKits ___ ij.«» i oxIKi:r-LINKl) riltbl buoH. u>H IS.»l I Ibtm

iiAiiiiV K orrM . <;(>. i i

C H R IS T M A S C A R D S r.ov. iT 39 ALBUMS

Frocn j'i..t«i Ulw in c n .TO CHOOSE t h a d

HUNNlNQ-8, INQ. <11Next to Idnho Power I


lumUf. - W ...I . »r r.<.il.S4U>ra D<il l^nU r SalM. >t Lxtrn Ibrriponn lunch, lluprrl. Idalii>. '<A’lSo' t^r IbouiinV >nd un! j ^Ml In Irutk lol»- a«llr«^ In J ubJ ij i t . Sf VailRMt. S«« t»nipl«» »v R<)\>»t»•I I.un.Wr S.I» Yiid, Ynuf luml.»r. . . r n,„^r.. ci.h; __SIM p;

.TTENTION! ——------- H U N T E R S ^ -------


JJ . to 38-Giugi j , 2j . vvii

Regular 89c-NOW 4<el ;

------- S E E ------- - ^

M isle Valley'* • ^


le ot Guns, Shells and H unt- [[ AcceiuorlMl Use your ACO | W O' I charge account w ith budget I 101 Main


R N IT U B E A A P P L IA N C E SILEII Oil ).«»«. HHlun .IX. |J», 172* Kh m r , ^ . m.«,.CUIr..____________ j,„ ^y

ion 'nn". Jiniia£i» 'rh“n'’.'"m *' '** 10-P’V ^;il)AlllK M « i.r .l« r^ l„ u " - lr .i WlnC

0.1bMSKU S«hl7h~Kloltlim. Con- M pirw.au, «■»» t»0. ni..p.c«m».

nonillif. r‘h^n. <I»MI*' ' ‘ °**'‘ 'LCIl on h»*l»r. U n« >lir, IImm)B< t. rbon» DA»1» «•»«;« Kll>r.

AUTUMATIC lr«n>r. I rt«r oil. . . .»■ T»mi.. wii.nifn.i>.._________ "ol Main

1‘UINT tlRlrlc rini* and t*fr1(n*wr, i cireuUllft* h«t«r wllh UcraotUl.

iinir ^'nr^urr? 191 SkuboBt' S ^ t Inh. r>ion»l1D».ICA CLKaN r.<rlr<ri^r. I

OVEttt rannciin. ?>»«» 71.UATrTn~iwiu^’TJ««»73”Tr««»JT. Q[ 4*l‘.° M*cu*iy. ,‘‘ffnl*Tr.nVf«?!

= ' S . ; ^ “'-a.‘. r r : r kS : : « * - A r e

Vi.n"r " ” S ; dc'bln.. Cridimtn Ukl. «t«. rb«D« ti l l NASI:hiL_________________________ IMI NASHrc M»la> BiMblnn. Hal*, md >'rr. iM irtY b

T«f M.fle V.ll.r 4Ulr)bui»r. Wll- I J J. “ fnt 8«wlaf Utcbln. tUn>l«, 111 >UtlIL PKnn. OR H-1111. nurlrr. Mtho. >1(1 Ft.Yh~ ~- ......... r :— ~ imsTUDAUCTION SALE MONDAY !Iu

NIOHT I „ „7;oo PAC !•<• ronn

nniNt; y o u r rvnNi-nlnnABSIitnrM la Th* r>ini1lur« Aur> D

. Hou.* |Op.D r.,r j d./1. 1(0 2a4 •«*"• *“ **• W . WUl

I cation, I-------------------------------------------- Avenui 1

— ■ «n'» .)bMlInt •latr. IM l» t i i ; d»r*n*

3 ; ‘S 1 E S H H 5 GOKillnjhouM r.nc* l«I.IO; W.uUlui ___<0(.nf M ..I lUt.tO: ;i" TV I1.M: rhllrn ri<Ui>phonorrth rnn-tll.lO; ht.! *n<l ifrlnf. IIMO ui<, )

IT Mh.r bu,.. I-.7 l-rm.. Lrt 1 «kl T«d.r Mt* rau man,,. pJ,oni IJ

T R A D E R H O R N _________

RADIO A N D M U SICLYON.IUJkC/KY plaao ( ikI b*neb, W C

d MBdlUon. rhon* IIIVM. wnCnt*.I Wuilllur .pla*t pitaa. Uland (l»>_T.rn.., Wbl»>_M.i.lf C.nl.r, *D t?TpU) 18 ll«,. u.*l pl.r.0. rbai.*! i S l i l l

S hT.' u ~ f” t*l*.cal«, ,«u. Wk ar BOaCbi r««M«tb>* raUi. FuMrr IMI CADtt

’ clctiir* tub*. Catrtnl**!.' Onl,In^ i X “ ■ >»> CADII

KAUNAVOX. Ridle-ilMta ooaiblv n. H .- > .(-.d chiBitr. UibanBT n«l. t It-' tpftbtrv GturaaU^ r ^M . A lMj t*alU MBblaBtlaB. IMI POOT

flANUtL. U n * MlwUoa. ttm d t. "** '!cbu. mldini. bub pUbs «»BpI«t«- • I rKgodlClaB i, loBod. d*II«ir«< *b<rtBCnd. Uiaall dava ptrmval. moBt^ . . . . ____PMB'BU' Ilt. n a t Claud* Orair* >*»l> .I.J Kufnli.r, Ca. Twin r»ll. J“<»«r


•a. ^Twia r»ii«. XIII. ni*f jij .w . m t nooe;

iUCKS A N P TRA ILER S I'M c » tvNUKl.UH trmCl.r bam.. Ci»d .o»- 'IB, 1017 Colof io Sir.*!. Goodlnr. (

. 1 1 condition, l i t AddCm A ri It*

on TIIAI>R rar intll uwd Uall.rl';r.«Vn'l> ’•




Df.li. 3>i________

■ •■-

RUCKS A N D T R A ILER S 1_____ MTVljlO V.. j.i»ku» iriKi. Cai.lop ctr^ '"i

KII tr.ij.i Bon<f. Mo4*>n, 5 ^I wulif. Dw-. I-."-. ‘

SELLW a'AT COBTl . unT~u^. II f...i AIh, ir.ll.r kamal , frr '.> Ib.m tll .1 k.n Carff TrtlKr I;w, i:i» klmh.«|, B*«4. I—— _


. gn I.lfl*.0*IC.«T, y.Miy lo Ul.— _ . .


<11 Ad.u.0.. Wmi How.______ ° ____ 1- Shan

~ i.~ . S3 STUIMV. ARR IIKREI 4*D0<


11 TO <1 »00T . lr.4* for •n.lhlnr W. ki.* t ' B R O \ ,d ..l..llon or ui*4 furailupt. Optn >dt,i I ualll I.

UMPspiLBODy„sHOj_-------llllbwt, 10. Ruprii

Tkoao ilCmlotk M il l• — ___________ I; 195

---------- ' D

New 1956 ’ ;GMC ’ j-Toii P ickup ..nn- nf,i

windowa1- Wheel b»se, 8i0xI8. 8*ply i na. Pree«. J.Uine blue, deiuxi cab, I FuUy aiidramatic (ranam iuloa I beauUfu:

I broni#

^ S A V E $500!' N E W (


. Main East P ho n i 1818 j; 701 Mail

New 1956 j TriGMC 2-Ton Truck

1' nthetl b m , V-8 motor, i F O R nvy duly rear sprlnga. Dx3},£, i i u mki; ply Ure.v J-apeed axle, elec- |: wlndahleld'wiper*.

S A V E J 7 5 0 I

YOUREE I '“‘ 1 ;MOTOR COMPANY j _ K S Main East Phon t I8I8

A U TO S fO R SA LE Eili**** cifu ’

G O R E 'S j s ;

)VERSTOCKED! i i ; iI l i l t NAItl

O N '« 't 0 'M MODELSl |I SHA]

n Are Just A F e w - | “ “ jj?r*I D.SOTO iJooT !I CODCE M«ar , '; NASH Ambtutdsr j .J; NASH RctlMmtB 4-doof I .: ri.YMOUTll «-door i 501 Mall. PLYMOUTH <-<)a«P 1 *'•*»*

rl.YUOUTir J-donp i I STUDKBAKCn l-doar I n,YUOUTII i'dnorI aruDEnAiEn i-donr iI Kard 4.d«r. OMrdri.o. I I roitO 2-doar. 0.in)rl>*

R E M E M B E R — ! w ill B« a l Our NEW Lo- 1 •r i i

lon, November Ut. ISO 3rd 1 ^ :nui E as t (Formerly Carle­'s.) I ilM KORI



- 6 - 0 - 2 — ' I.., r»cit b.tU


ini 1J8 - Open Evenlnga ailf^i{ alul<

' ' ~ . /I IHI stu:

Workman Bros. ;f!S . . •"<.!

BETTER BUYS! i "“ .’ "i;ip**d

Doublt. E«iIo.nhii*>All .Urn. j ,

CADIU.AC "< r i-donr i*d>n. Ri.I,* tl.tn. All Ib* (In* CadlllM ...• pp«l»tm*nu, I Y

PONTIAC -119- C l.lin . Waar m Z ^ } \ HtrtlOB. Onl, l,«eo mllH. Onii.f ' * ' ® o t t <i(V*d ta Mnlet. UWt M«•t a DIG SAV1NC7I ' Optn C

PONTIAC Ckl.fliln.RoUio -'•1- l-lo«r 4*dta. All lh* llm roBtlt* ItKttMiri*.. VUY BHARrt j jg

CADII.LAC l ^ r . ; - |OODCC Cordell <-laar. . ICHEVROLET ~ } ir Club Caup*.

om .r I NEW . BIC1Cim c a d i D a c u r t i ..

T rad . NOW-

and TRADE IUOHTI ••• ..nd.


ORKMAN BROS,P O N T IA C C O . i - n. LVc* u

• MOTC»ERT-Dlal HEmlodt 8.3478 ImSiu . c t.;.

• nous[— 7“ ------------- — 'I — m r i


A U TO S FOR SA LE * AUM,ni. .ouw. ii.«. S3T.. jL.

m»r. raon. l)A>lt »-S00» r

HHUJ V.' Kadlo. h*»wr.| A>dll..^ >(«. .nntllllnn, T/»4* •f 1

llMNhH IM> M.rcu'r. U>*Hn».i H ilrM, run. <««l, Tbon* GArfltMl

W l

S P E C I A L ,O N E W E E K O N L Y I ' ■ •* ',7 ';.

BUICK Speclil 4.Door. D yiu- i t,*"i‘Jflow, healer, A -l coniJlUon. 1Sharp. SPECIAL ATI...4UW

BTUDSBAKiiI\ Coimna'fiati >” *4-Door. Radio, heater, over- j 'drive, apolllshL Very elean. : . ,*•».SPECIAL ATI------------_..44J5 j „ „

R O W N IN G A U T O C O . I t t l O ir

-■ ^ IIM niH

1956 O L D S M O B IL E S

‘ Demonstrator »“ f};\\ S A V E ?l\O O O l

B<' HfilMnv.frfdin ■ * ■ > « - --------------dowa, braiiei, sl«erin(. antcn*Premium while wall tires,

ly a ir conditioned, 8,000 miles. 600 Butlful J - tone beige and rn u finish. T hU . U Mr. ‘iree’a personal car. '

: w C A R G U A R A N T E E ! *


Main East P honi 1818 ^

Triple CheckedT E S T E D a n d T R IE D

— N o w R e a d y — T P OR Y O U T O D R IV E !

n ..,lr Whlc* lop and mtUblnC {‘•J’,'I.il niinn and wbic* 1«.Ch*r. l«l*rl- «r. H.fcomtCk. radio, homr. tiBl- I M fliM, -bln-alW. fklnt. dual | >*“ ribtu.u. barkvp llihu, buap*r- *^n

» u s 'K 'KVKIl KINDI .......... .CHKVnOl.rr 'IIO- v .i Moor. , , , , llnullful broni* and <r»am <6lor. "* • J,°“ ‘ Kiulpp»d wllh **trdrl»». r»<lU>. roraoIlI*.t"’'*.h»'Jm* .'l7^‘- h r .’« ll!! ” *• Ol-O*n n .. Chl. «tr—h«fort YOU BUY i . t t ’»nnrANYTIHNOI ......................411« **“STUDEDAKER Commacidtr V.llltrdCOB RCarllAtr tuup*. Aul»* . . . .ntClt. radio. k«at<r, apotllikt. 1»U PLYIblrVu'?l/Jd"p ^ rS )" - iu " lh lu : > '« J S " ' an* of >h. tclatl llctl* « ... latnwB. ONLYI........... ........ llOIICIIKVROliCT Moer “ll. '’ 0**tr- Clful (rMB and hotr wlli BtUlr*Ine nxlon t« l «i.*r». radio, htal- *r., turn tlsntli. llm Ilk* Bt*.'W1nl*rUt4 AND nAlimO TOt S I , ..M(ry)ulpp.d «llli (tt.*aT[nr «T*r-

tbrouabnuC ...'..... ...... .. I l l iNAAH fluCrtnin-t.door. Ridln. AORIhtaur, (9od tirm. tictlltal Ib>I.rlnr and «iC*rlar. A-lSHArEI ...- . ,_ ____ U llMERCURY Cl.b tU4»iL. RUl«. ---------------

- THEISEN s h a :M O T O R S, Inc .

Main E aat— Phone IHS-W I T'•a rt Krltndlr CourUout (Urvlc* I ^•

— 19M OLE I 4-do

B e S a f e w ;

U RE and SA TISFIED “ “ ••JS," I actu

B U Y C E R T IF IE D 1 |19U OLC

KORD Cutionllnt. Radio, b.tltr. 4-dO

CHEVnOI.KT «-doof i«Itn. Hat. 1M3 OLDiodH h .iu r tnd It IN VERY aed«:VOOD CONDITION - ... .... IIIII |PACKAHD Moor .«ltn «lch CLE.H,0« ACTUAL m’|L«?* 18J1 PON

"iV“ *hH?.':“ ;a;?:,o'^ .^;*^^"B‘; w s i c a dalulon. A COOD ONIL dUU

I e<iuljTRUCKS

: Only RTUDKIIAKKR H-ton e le b t tp Iniih hl» n.o>ar. .~ rd ri... httttr. “ EP<l>*lllibl. Iralltr hlub. dlr*ellan^ TUdiMd'*n‘ A-r.coifmTioN*IL.msWHITE C*bo..r wUh .l*t»tr. 1W9 OLD itft-iir *«(int. lo.xs nibbtr, s- . aedai;ss.-fli.c-;E-™-v& ■»KTVIOEBAKtR tV^.lsn Inxb. kiRjCEi’ * ‘ 0iVE.AWAr palol

W Y L L I E ’S , IW IN FA LLS MOT'OR ; w „ .• *1 SCudtbakor tn,l Patkard Ctc« M O D

PH O N I 3300- Mfl E..I Tll l-Hund.r-TIt t ■ 701 MAIh

B U S I N E S S a n d P R O F E


L ^ N E R S O o r e r s " .1 . CI. .-nd a, >10... ,}6. WATE

■andad bm frtli.Hhwl. t-h. wmHIl. * fl£Ffli

6 H ^ r w 6 S A K E ]

UEL O IL ~ E^22LW ,~~0<> fhon. lisa U n.-. Uadicro7x5fi(J75E2S— . d*i unuarfk

s ; , u m c ’r~L Cuaiim aa^ pmm aau i»SU t r m

s w i r o iAUTOS FOR SALE A UT

----- - 1>I1 |-.).\|IA«

A FEW LEFT ' '— stil l— , ,


HURRY! utrtitvtKii.irr iitdin. b..i- AT ',^. r . r .u .n .„ . , . .» .l l .0C.lrt. IMI JJO ’l’l

k.'l'r." '. '1 riinT 'f '^ ’ m ti'liM 601 fcI'OHTIAO -SUipt.bajV."Htdlo. bt>l». *,^rtm.ll< , ...iiU . Vour ChrosT{Ar i-i.-r. R»di«. h ttu f. 1.nd .l.ndiid li.M«l..lo^ ...MM

[I.mTrit lV.^Tm,",«’L^.'* .''''|Ili ^I'HEVnoI-KT l,d«r, R t d l* . , lOii r» h.tltr, l'o>tf|Md. tr.niinl>ii>«<. CtI ... ;,<u„. ptlni ..... UU........................................ .lilt., ••M«lkffln.lt-'. .I ll HITninvsi,1:ic n»..i ci.ik (Viii,.. I 1951H^.-Aa-'i‘it ': *'“'. ‘-.'‘*...''“'.‘rm- ----------C[)i.o.-<uni<ti,>: v.l " ir- «.d«or <>*d.n. |C.4I», bi.ltr, hidrt. 195£

rr.VMrX'TH |.d«.r, Jt.dl*, hMl- , ’If. food c m . — ......— ii : i :

» 1052

B O B R E E S E i

USEI)CARTOT~^— :-----—2K) Block Jnd Ave. South ! ‘ i t for •'N utty Northrop Excepl

or Dlek Slevenson j __________

■ ' ^ M IF I T o Oui

0p , C L O S I

I NEW a^ t i l l I-ACK/

- R - A - D - E I - > } - S ! m , ;.onV;

:nEvnnM n-r.u*if V.i KoH-r 'S - ; r : . . . . r o jDXV.W'.imV Mi.Mti.» M<r,r ti». . ' Itmtmlkin W.ion vllh aulanitllc. IlntnUrilKVROLCT <.4*ar lltcioa | m i ClIEVlVtkon. hcactr.

»»* f"*Kvjoroomaut t" t li.vw miita. Coupt.)LD8M0B1LE “I f *.<oor.

. n . '* ™‘LVHOUTII lubuiUiL C L w i^RD HalallBt 4-daor *lUi vrtr- n u TONTI

TTXTT/-VXTUNION MOTORS, Inc. |a e ch lfd tr - J a k e Roth ■

CROSS FROM SEARS i lilacs ai __________________________|[ • Leftl


IN TOWN! ----- ;

OLDSMODILE Super -ee* W W A H •-door ledan. Radio, heater. . ■“tiydnunatlc. ONE OWNER. I „ a x t /- iD n l ,______________ 41B9S FANCPOBD Cuitomllne V-8, Ra* - .y - 8 M allo, healer, averdrivi, 34,000ictual mile*. JOST LIKE -A U TO M .SEWt ____ :________ »tMS T n A n a t

3LDSM0BILS Sup tr “88- -W R A P - 1-door. Radio, heater and W lN DSl tiydramatic. _ : _ 4 1 3 9 5 _ o v E R c r

3LD6M0BILE "98' 4-dOOf „ , « r « v ledao. Radio, heater, hydra- n a t l e . V ERY , V E R V WAOONJLEAN------- ;-------------11195

»ONTIAC. Very clean »i95 •

:ADILLAC “83" 4-door M - B U Ylan. Radio, heater, lully _^<julpped with all aecea- orles. LOCALLY OWNED.> n ly -----------------------I1S95 -r p ,p . .T JMERCURY 4-door ledan. L U O r U dio, h e a t e r , overdrive. to H A -ru JLEAN...................... ...4893 "

JLDSMOBILE ”98’ 4-<Ioor I » t w«o edan. VERY CLEAN _»39S v -i “ 2

irtntaili}MC S'Con pickup. Com- <)ub. >.cltUly <withiul»4 and ticn I ’hUSl.lalnt -----------------------|7 9 i


Y O U R E E I a p

: o t o r C o m p a n y t S

:a in e a s t - p h o n e i b u ■ i '»,< ; . a iw jliI lB ( , . t

I around



)RSESnOEiNG____________ “ “«ln| ror «>o4 horMhetlBc c*D drnalUh*Tor* I B.W., tfu r I p.m. braktt,ATEfi S0f7£N £flS



S S $ r a 5 5 5 H = = ' L r r — r



BY OW.S|':i|^^^^^ r

— ■■ ,tn MO


r. ASHWORTH ' as:lOTOR COMPAN*Y . j j o t (01 Main Avenut East Y-,, T»in Fallsr Chr>*>frijro».,ih D.il.r P L \ N19SS DESQ'rO ------4-Uoor Sedan : —.— --LOW MILEAGE |-------$2304.001 ,,S CHEVnOLCT 4-TONrickun Ml-eu Than H.OOO Miles*1295.001 TRAL195jj n iR Y S I.E R I’M >-Ami

- NOW lu’ill1955 PLYMOUTH ■ station WAOON i:..ii.>,inosi irj.'i,1053 PLYMOUTH n*:'*'"STATION WAOON I«» J><-;i*t : II095 1 —1951 CHRYSLER___mMrly4.Door Sedan ““xcepUonal 1-Onner Car iirt., o..so,

--IHl [illKVJiMOVINGO ur N EW Location i401 MAIN AVI-. EAST , TittiolNOVEMICER IST ; jjij STDDE)SEOUTon ALL S IW a n d USED CARS! ^

ACKAItt) ■•lOO-'M-.W ttdan, AVKRA! o „ . . .I>... premium llln. .SHAItn Oprn SONTIAC ■'»'• Suptr nrlu.t Cl- ' JEROMEIna Count. Itadlo. hr.Irr. ituil |....met hriliamaClr. Ilntnl fit... I

a ; ;c i :a - S ', " ' ' - •■■■", —ORD Cuitnmlln* V.| Moor '4iB, Radio, ht.i.r, .lindard ' ’mtmlt.ho, t'ttralum tUn, Con- i _ntnul hll. htaiiUlul IlibC dtttfl. [lIEVnoI.ET l-itiMf itdan. Riillo. ,ractr. I'a.tr-Elldt. i».rr ttrrr. 1QCC ( If. anuonle *7*. REAL CLEAN I iOOO VHEVnO|jjT V*'rdnVnCal klVn.OCS tctual'mll«. aNCOLM Carri Moar tidan. ' Model 570:LEAN I ; ward, V8ONTIAC "i~ CMtiiain Dtiui* axle hcav]i t t ; I ^ 1 ° '^ ^ '“Ion* fr*tn palnl and Inctriof.Lb.SMOOILE Suptr ••HI" lloll. «««« WO- ir Hardicp Court, ritdia, btaMr. tmnimissicLEAN I SinC. 16’ II eraln b«d.J Will Really 'TRADE" the Few New 193S Cad> 'ICS and Pontlacs We havi Qttl:arleson’s ^TIAC - CADILLAC I t t q -I PA LM - PHONE 3037

■ " Y o u r S


AP . ABOUND ' 85 CHEVRiIDSHIELDS7 j Coupe.UlDRma? . I 55 PLYMOIDTOP or STATION - I “30N DE5IQNSJ ... I aw-Air.1 M CUEVWOU Don’t-H av e To , ,

I 54 FO RD rU Y A N EW CAR! | 54 fx3RO 3■0 GlTThw Jeaturu i 54 PL'YMO'


.YMOUTH «a,nt4.d»r ttdan. ' « MEROU:.■n.x'on“i;iifc‘.%T‘i‘j :« d'’lpa.bltlda.u "■ "'iT iI « b u i c k

EWI I 52 BUICK)NTIAC Slar Cblrl Calillna ^.up*. V-I raacor iSOt ll.r.l.‘i s i : ] " l ‘^ 'C s S £ r d " v i rd- ‘Y o i^ CAN SAVt 'mioo SToLD SM COM NEW PRICEIYMOUTH CualoBi SubuikaB, ^ CHEVR iKjllndtr Biolar akb ca«-tat> 49 CHEVR ( «<trdri<*, radio, htaur. «ra»r „ '. .s r ; s i « * s K ’ “r HOOI ; 49 OLDSWUSMOOa^RuMr 4.dnflr ; (B CHEVF Ja'aat* bjdramall”Vadia'ai ’ . .•• •

^ COm e . n , . , . , . c , . . V.. ; » '

J*on**' rinuS*l»h1c M FO RDsV.5?‘feE?V '‘" ® "■

■ 40 OMO !

i.LLEY MOTORU007 JACK YOUNa GXlEN ■ boae«9k uJtJrta atmi SMik .vuQS la M 1 M«M) . jj, ,

~ ll -A U I

-----------------— J ; G OkU T O S FOR SALE I j ^ j ; ;

_________________________ ' HONES

M O V IN G !MO. 2nd Avt. Enst , ■ A S

H-liwiU'lr. BuildiiiK ) • im< rnKvrtiidt. I

iARANCK PRICES! „ „ h .vmc

A S H W O R T H . . . .L 'I * o ro R C0M P.\NVYOUR CIIRYSLKR- '•LYMOtrrtl DEALER m * >|OlcD

— TW ;E C H E V R O L E T e q i

•Manic Vnllcy'« ! ™

HADING DEALERAOlIJrAC Hw-ood ..iltn, Ra- ~0.^liraCii,, Hl2r.iii.ll/^|->".f_ I

I C H UmcK spttiti Ri-irit "•ijUoP' : ^ J iw.r bfakrt, •hllt»tll*. CCnCt,i

' next

J C i iM -d r M iX I1

*|":./ ^ | ] >^'lW • JMt-iLW U

litVKOiilT-'j'lO'-lw’w r i r . t l . I “ I”' -. i>la>ilc •III cnran. rictlltnt im }q[iq■»ni.ntll»*'l"n r.r* and* WAY 1 <J«<i ollOVK AVKllACtl----- III95. | IIM KOIIDUKVI|(H.KT ac.ltlirt D . lu i* I

! • «la£'VEirANlKl"'*"' I'.'I'JiTlI

COMMERCMLS' IITKKNATIO.SAL 'j-Con pkk-1. lUaCtr. lov mllrxt, <>nt.ntr, I't* TilM. PEllY V.flT C(IIROUCItOUTl----------- 1114. , , , , „ „ „rUDEIIAKIIII V.I Mnn Cruck.

TTu’c'j iH { OOD■KAl.1 ......................... IlM l u n CIlEVlJDCE ’rlnn bltkun, Kotir-.ptod. _ •(«<»'aCrr, arltln.l (tlnl, •.rtll.nl ■-UfSOTt. K>lra nlt»-WAV ABOVE «MbaiVKRACiEI ..... —.... .........M»» In I a.t<i. la I p.m. ITttkdtra >„n^S.ndaj. 10 OptB Ertnl

-N E W - ■ j


TRUCKSt r s m e :

5703-a 'lon . low cab for-,V8 entlne, 3. ipeed rear

leavy duly ipring*. electric W IL L S .1 Held wlpera.

8503 - 3!4 ton, 8 ipeed «mission, 3 ipeed rear axle. | er hydraulic btakw , VB cn- i 16’ combination beet and WHERE C bed. .


Q U A L IT Yt i l l CHEVB

• -OK- - aIniarlar


i r Symbol of Value” In m i '

l t » OLD&MICK Rondmaster 4 -D oor .an. Dynallow. power ite e r- '

' t e r S l ^ ^ S w 7 ^ “EVROLET 4.Door Sedan.-Air. n i l MRDBVROLCT 4-Door Sedan. J^iS!“'

EVROI.Brr D el-R ay Club w lf i Jipc.I'MOUTH 4 . Door Sedan. m i'.N asii

iUaiar,EVROLTT 4-Door Sedan. <Uai>>a

* n i l CHBvnSVROtET i-DoQT Sedan.

i d ' Ranch Wagon, »»* h a 8H iCoup*.XO a-Door Sedan. uk* b,rMOUTH 4 -Door Sedan.

„ „ ^ t i l l OLDSMrMOOTH Suburban b*ac*r. ISVROLffT 4-Doer Sedan. i » | hash

fMOOTH Suburban •RCORY 4-Door s id a n . „ „OCURY Hardtop Coupe. 'SVROLCT 3-Door Sedan. i i « duick

rWOUTU 4-Door Sedan.'tCK 4-Dobr Sedan.ICK Riviera. i „ j 0 ^ , 3,

)L D E R MODELS SDSMOBILE 4-Door Sedan. c u eEVROLET 3-Door Sedan. |1 :E V R O L n 4-Door Sedan. : UDEBAKER 4-Or. Seoan;.DSMOBILE J.poor Sedan. . ^ CEVROLTT 4-Door Sedan.

COMMERCIALSiE V R O L Sr ‘I . m Pickup. | p £lEVROLST S.Ton. pgpJRD H-Ton Pickup. . I . -lEVROLET l-lto . , . 11 V : ™ ; HO M-'nm p ^ i p . [

AUTOS FOR SALE - - MICK Sup*r *mp«. licoi caadltka. .By3aat.J ate*, t p.m. ■ • *91KVKuU.-r Htl-Alr t.<Soor. *»41» [K{altr. Phon* IIS.W Jtmma. ,.*5GOOD USED mARS and TRUCKS . i 'f f iFairly Priced and jlK

INESTLY D E S C R ia m i : 5 | l

I'lCK Kuptr' IMoar. DrnallOW. idc». htaur. vbli* wail tin*.i'ilIpi!id,”“EXTnA*CLSuJ. “''^HKVRUI.LT l.doar, rp*<f ' 'lldt. radio tnd btaltr. '.jZmt.VMOUTH llardCop, T«p bn* •{£9ilTti. Itdlo, bttur. ublea valla.SHARP ONEI ’j|MURD >vIon plrkup. V.| a«t«r. '46]„~ d J MHEVIlOI.KT :-l«n Irvrk «llk •.‘}ii|l.tp**4 aalt and a:i<:0 tirtt. y.llntcn v.l tiuck. MAKS AN /umKfERi >garWIN FALLS HEQUIPMENT CO. ' 1 9TRUCK LAN C WEST K

Phone 191J H

HURCHMAN’S IA-l USED CARS i g:XT TO OUR OARAOS .ifgOUD V-1 Culoa Rantb WU»<U OK:idlo, htaltr. «.*rdrt... prMli- ’BU:.'i'n .^*i:*Vn^d^i;blf?V.3n» Mivi.r'.TTU — - iKytiiin and htaltr. Uibl Un 'Sn io t_________________IIIMORD ]-.loor. Radio aad kaaUr. aQl|i»od cooddlofl „ -_r__ IlKl 1OUD V.| Cii.lomllna Uoar. g»|Itdlo, hrtttr. («tr4rl>a Irua. Kgilil.ilnn, :-cant blut, ena e«B<i. ' luBiILAL SHARP ___ tllilHRVROL>rr Moor Ib «x(.|1«bI ' |sH|

j ! yCOMMERCIALS | M j ]ono >'-:iO .|0B pleka Cua-. =Sfflj

^arnM on. '?l(ht‘*blut tHHlIOOD CONDITION__|Utt-ilEVROLCT Moa tniek. f t r . p M B Jp*t<i traniniluiofl. 1 ipm4 uia. ? U M.Ui:o llrt*. frala badr. raeMUr B m

JEROME ' HErtnlnia rbeaa 111


■ ,~ A t A— ,

,MENDpUS_SAVINdV- u f f l


“ S H O P ” i m


“ L O O K ” " r / m

HCVSOLrT Bal-Air 74 4-4Mr., j|jP|K o i 'W 's a s a ^ ^ . 1REVftOLET »*>.Alr N 14 ■LB6H0BILS n P lUtU.lalar. hnmaiib UIB) A3 A> RUCM0H8TWT0S. •, MgASH nAMDLEB ■latia W««n' Mdaor. 0»*rtrt»*. bad ntt, r,- f»iBlac aMU- jllV

Irm i 'I f iIta.Ita. 'Hfl|9ASH SlalataiaB Cuttan Coepc :B9Haaiar, hrdrBOuUa. .bad nalt, L‘Am

, i B M

A8II SUlaanan CutVn Rar<to»H

ASH awuwiaa Coiua «.deor. iHHadla. b*aUr, etardrit*. ncilaUaala. b*4 uok M«u tliUh. BHHORO CmtoRllflt i.doer. Sa- lU H talar bbI orardrl**.UiCK Sp«aM|jeer. Ba aa<

IE SOTO t-doar. B»4U, blMM ad ludranaUa drl**.:HC H-U>n pickup. Cxtn :oad^l^a. tftWa

—These And-~MANY MORE AT ;


THE W J L |S | |^ | u ^ b


T . F . S o l d i e r ! '

T o p s a t A r m y I ^A r m o r S c h o o l J

WASHINOTON. D. Cy Oct. ,S g t l/e l L t w I. B lo»h«n. » r n t- llotuil BuirdBDM Irom Twin PalU. t tod*7 vru tlDSleQ oul (or ipeeltl coowncndiUoo by the chief o( lhe - , DiUoiul p u n l bure«u’* tn n y <Uvl- / Ilon * tter-8«du»tlns w ith ,lop hon- Xl Ofl /n o t Ute * m y *nnort<S whooJ * t Pt. Knox. Ky. •

Btoxh*ai. » member o( hew lquii- U n company. 3rtl b a tu llon . IlCi}> •rmored cavalry regim ent, a l T «ln PalU and a (ull-Unie civilian em-

I ploye of the company. (Inbhed th e• ichool’i armor aucomofivc eupetvl- :I alon courte on OcU 3 a t the lop of in

a 2J-man c lau . SoiIn a Utter W MaJ..Gen. John E. the

Walsh. I d a h o ad ju tan t general, iro: MaJ.-Oen. D. W. McQowan. cJilef of ers

. lho guard'* arm y'dlvblon, wrote; - j -U U deilred U> commend . . . lan

’ Bloxham for hla excellent rrcord as in i a Itudent while altending the . . . gy

1' tchool. KU cUi» Itandlng . . . l» car evidence o( marked qualities of

II leadership, InlUaUva and compeU- res ;i Uve iplrlt. ^ mu

“I t U a record lUch I I thU th a t i r Increuei the preitlge o( th i na> nm ; Uonil fu ird ." McGowan aald. u n

The general added th a t Bloxham> -Ni I -accompllshmenU while a t school fro: ir~ ie ii~ a c ta if lo 'th n d a h o -n a U o tja J the

fuard.” "N- Brlr.'O en. Raj-mond W. Curtla. Ma

'• asststanl commandant a l the P l. ron r Knox Khool. aUo wroU lh a t "grad, m-i |> uating f ln t In the c la u of 31 s tu . ^ ' <jenta U ^ dUUncl aceomplUhmcnt.’' cor

--------------------------- - thr

' 2 Dams Hearing S'i WASHINOTON, Oct. 31 (Ift-Thet' lederai power commUslon U>da;>) pcntponod from Nov. 6 U> Nov. 7 the, icheduled hearlnga on an appUca- ^ ,

Uon by Pacific N orthw u l Power• company. Portland. Ore.. to bulld [»,•' two new dama on th i Snake river In

Idaho and Orc«o:t _ „ u 'T h i poalponemfnt was requeiled

I by th« National I Hell'« d n y o a u - ^ ) loclaUon. Inc., which la oppoelng the •I llcenio appUcatlon. T h# assoclaUon 11. ; and other public power' concern*>1 w ant • (ederal dam constructed a t

i Nemerto on the Snaks zlrer.Th« propoied dama by Pacific _

N orthvHt. to bt ealled MottnCafnV hSeep and Pleasant Valley, would' coit t n BUmaKd 17.4 million doU J” ' ; U n .

4 Artists Win as j ! Loan Is Stoppedf PLORENOE. Italy. Oct. 39 f n - hav .1 I ta l ia n EducaUon MlnUter Paolo ‘ I R ou l haa -luipendM " pU ni to loan the L . p rletleu workl o fD oren llne renaU- • «I n n e * a rt to Iho.UDlted SUtea, i t w u itp o r te d today. f “ <=

H« bowtd to the obJecUona o( a rt lorer* who aald hrtttl# palnUngi

• ■ a m h t be damaged In trwisll.Poor aitUU who *Uced a iltdown

' atrlliB In tha bell toVcr of the Plor*II enc« d ty haU to p ro te it the p ro . ;

■I; poMdahlpment two days aft> climbed of :i. down last night when they learned can I! t b u R c« l b td chanffod hU mind, pro

C l u b F o r m e d S o; AliUO. o c t 3 t - ^ l e a Bodily, C as.

tU cotDty ( ten t , u i4 Marjorie OU- j>„ ! letple. eoualy hom i demonalrtUoti ) i r e o t , eondueted » mt«Un< Monday — -

•ven ln t a t th e Almo Khool houM to I organu* a 4>H chib.

Jack frtckaon v a a cfaoi«a leader J (or the boys' club bu t a Uader for ^ th a ilrU 'c lub waa n o t ielected. . ■

ENLIST IN GUARD II K IM a HXLL, O e t 3>—T en youn^ ■' m en from King HUl have enlUted to ■. th e naUonal guard a ir force aod a n ■i lo tiKlnlng a t the naUonal euard ■V training center In BoUe. They are H > Peto Bamei. L a rr r H eath. Jerry ■< Heath, K e n n e t h Pugb. Larry ■

O rahun . Vcmie Q raham , Merrill H i XeUer, £1^0 Mltler, R onald Lalb and M

Pa lo MoUierahed.__________________^

l O O K M O M . W E R E

W ho cflTM ab o u t t h i wei w inter>wear h a s been Lust and m ade a s w«t«r>repeUe Quick d ependable aerviee!

I \ ~ " I — : '! I ' l l C i N S E D .

j \I p r o c e s s\ 1 c o n » ro ll® d cl<

■ P k111 ' ’’iSA M



Bad Choice ^FOGGIA, lU ly , O c t 28 . Dt—

Pour you n t thug* picked, on the

I wrong girl when they tr led^to „ rob IB -year^ld T em a di L*uroi'

^ e * g 'l r l* * d o in ,p l one t>t the ■ y«31hi.»)Ui a hard r i jh t to the • Jaw. The other th re t picked up j their dazed eompaalon aod fled.

: K i - e m l i n S e t s 1“) how

R e v i s i o n s f o r “1 "Tl

: A i - m e d M i g h t S

LONDOW. Ocl. 3S W—Uprisings liny In eastern Europe msy force the dsn( Soviet Union to end Its reliance on Impi the M tclllle aimles lo m sln taln T) lron-Jt»l«d conuol, weslem observ- on*l ers u ld today. Som

.Tlie an tl'R u sslin revolU In P o - of U land and Hungary tUo may result Ame In a switch In Soviet m ilitary stra te- cam. (ty In Europe, they a id . W llh the ir M canddence In the sstellltcs armies ;con shaken. Moscow may b « f-u p IU a l- *mll resdy (onnldable forccs In the com- talkl m unlu .ou tposu .

The l i mlllfon strong satellite armrcs, linked with the red army u n d e r th e War»aw CommunUt "NATO" p a c t formed Russia's front-line m ilitary shield against the— West— In—Europer— n ie — red "NATO" waa set up l u l M sy with Marahal Ivan Konlev, the Soviet’s foreman atrategUt. as commander- in-chief o( the unified command. •

Mow:ow look pracUcally unlimited control of the sstelllle annles through lho assignment of Soviet oUicen to key posts, openly er te - creUy. B ut changes appear in the making.

The official downgrading of M ar- fha t-^ to n aU n ltn —Kokoasoviky In — Poland brought home with unex­pected auddenntss to Moscow the potenCUt th rea t to (U dom lnttlon of east European armed forces. Po­u n d has th e largest anhy amons (he sntcllltea-betw een 350.000 and 400MO stronj; and reputedly well equipped w llh the latest In Soviet- supplied a ir and ground weapons.

Bachelor Toasts Women He Lost

BELMONT. Mass.. Oel. 38 im - Charlea W. Thlery celebrated hU lO tth birthday today by toasting the girl he never found.

"A good U tlnr l^ ld n 't o r T might have been dead years ago.’ *he said.

Thlery U convinced th a t hU bachtJor life, along with h is rtfuaal to smoke or drink, hss made him a happy centenarian. B ut mostly no l having any truck wllh domes.

■'MarrUge U all right If you (Ind Uie righ t woman." he said, ‘■but how are you going lo know until afler the wedding? M y fa ther w u alim ys encouraglns me ta gel married, bu t then he w u a n opUmUt about everything."

Water StoppedPORT HALL. Oct. 2! Lft-The flow

of water Into some 350 miles of canals In Ihe-P o rt Hall irrlgaUon projecl will be cu t off Nov. l.

IrrlgaUon manager A. K. D raper u ld the drawdown will b« alow, wlOi v t l c r r tm ln in g AVtlUtble lo r » week e r 10 days a lte r the cuUi((. Repairs will be conducted on Uie cantU a fte r Uie waUr U turned off.

J T.V. & RADIO I SERVICEI Q uoliflid Techniclani

I MOON'SI 301 M ala W i. Phene I j

w eather w hen their U istre-Shcen cleaned >ellent a s newt

B « 'c i • a n i n g

IIThree Russians A Faces Are Blani

NEW VORK. Oet. 38 rtfU-Three sht Russisn face* sUred up In Uie beg dsrkne*s In Maduon Square garden As a t an atomic explosion cloud spew- ped Ing Up on a raovie screen. T he face* bJa< were blank. cop

The pictures of Uie R u u lan l^ d - V er* B u l g a n i n and Khrushchev gov flashed on Ihe screen In th e Reputk- too llcsn psrty movie a t the huge EUen- spc hower rally last night. T h e crowd oba hlst«<l. The thre* faces stayed of I blank. usu

The movie ended. Pale blue apot- v»g I lights roved th e Eifden. ConfetU B I sparkled down. The crowd » n g the

•'flsHle Hymn of Uie RepubllcX and Rui s tiny flags fluttered and “Ike” signs Ini

dsnced. The three SUvlc face* were svtj Impaislvei kep

Then President Elsenhower eame dof on*ln person to deliver hU ipeech. tie Someihin? hsppened to th e faces the of Uie Uiree Riissians who came lo 3 Ameriet U> obterre th e naUohil ^ csmpslgni and elecUon. wes

M. I . Rubensh^ln, a doctor- of besi economics w h o speaka EnglUh, the smiled. When Mr. XUenhower began Idei talking extemporaneously. Ruben- l

SAVE 102.90!

A u tom a tic Aetioi

WASHEReg. 169.95

mS A V t 5 1 . W

ONLY 5 .0 0 DOWN

5 -Y « a r G u a r o n lt* o n H H #rn)»«coH y S tn U d ■ F r « e x J n e U n '» - - ‘ ,

H ' f r e e i i n g a lw oy i*

■ y :


rAttendRally; ®mk Most o£ Time I RUSe shteln broke Inte a b r a d p tn and• began Jabbertof • eaopanlon. “ , AS the ipeech p rac ro M d . he whip-- ped ou l a iwtabook. fUpped oo ^ I black-rlo! <psc«. b eat «k.*, t a d took ^

copious n o te i... V. L. K ud^sTlaeT. «f tb« lu ftaun _ T I govem m enr paper I m s U a , n l le d• loo when! Prealdent ou a« oo to. speak. L. N. floloryer. bead of the i? * 1 obeerver de littU on .and • deputy ^ 1 of Uie luprem e aovlet. perm itted his

usually s u m face to r«Uz In a han ■ vague flicker of w arm th.1 B ut When th e 'P re s id e n t h it Into ^ [ the main secUooi o f hU addrqu. the <ni 1 Russians were a ll aeriou* a ttr itio n .I In icrpreten trans lated fo r'K udry- ,> avtsev and Solovyev. Rubenshteln |

kept a t hU notes, now and then y,! doffing hU glasses Uke a caplUUs- ■*. tie business m an and iqainUng a t Xi. t l t t apeaker. g> ^ e three were grave when Mr. *i I Eiaetihflwer aald AraericaQ m iu u o ’ 5

weapons “m ust be proven to^be the te [ best In tho world." T hey atood with , n . the rest of the crowd w hen the P ris- nI Idem flnUhed. Ik• Solovyev declined comment on any

m I P " Bekm r COMPA^ — ^ S P iE C

11 —

tion A utom




K lf f i _ J U S T !

on S

S ^ O I D S

m U o v e r ik O F FOC

id Bro o d

flN FALLS, IDAHO— ------------------- ^ ---------phase of th i apeech on . Uia cround i lha t It m ight a e m Uka TBctfdllog m ’ 0 . 6. Internal a f f t t^ . LC

•Th they have nUUe* il3u tbU la T b t RusttaT- h i w a iju k e d , alty

He u ld . through th e Interpreter, that It was different, l a Russia, thc apeeehe* usually cama f ln t . and then Uie entertainm ent, w h k h abo w tt different—a concert or pU y or •oneUitnf Uta th a t. « » . .

T t i RuisUn*. Who w ent to a SorUt U. H. delcftU on p a rty a fte r ■ r r Ull rally.-watkM -from Uie garden acrou 4«th a U tet. lo Broadway. o n « T hen Uiey took letve of the ir V . B. state depsnm eot e scort ahak in f ^ .y ,hands under a newsreel m a rq u e e __—emblswned; **PolUh RUlng Shakes ffS C Sorltts." th e y wandered off dox-n I th i blailng honky.tonk of Broad- > way, gawking apace.______________ f.

F e t l A c h y W H h ( t e M 7 |

■ar* iBUsel* pata, w m local eoa. i ntUon. V apoiifrDjn c h « t opca K

' ss:sists&sn^ir& Itaffi tubes. O et Husterela aaw t fl

A*>«n i.« » w t'& 0 0

jfore You Buy—ARE Q U A L ITY -G U /

C lA L tO W lTl-

>matic Electric j | l

RYER Iteg. 149.95 . | |

99 \;avi 50.9S ^LY 5.00 DOWN


;T 5 .0 0 D O W N ^ _ I

n S ea rs E asy ^ 3 ay tn en f P la n

i m ffto fiey a a i "


Gifts Accepted r rLOS ANOELES, CaUf., O e t M O V - J -

T b t board o l rcgenU of the TJnlrer- ps l ty ' of CaUfomla today accepted ,*3rgUU to u u n c gt» .937 .n and research fori r in u tou llng tsso03s a t It* meeU Hog on the Loa Angele* campus. pari

President Robert* Oordon Sproul TheaUo xrported pledge* totalmg (355,- pau too., — .

EDUCATOR DIES CORVALUa, O c t 28 t»l.:^Heber , AU

Howard Olbson. 73. reUred head of Oregon SU te college ag rlcu ltun l ^ A educaUon. died a t hU h o a e •Ihurs- day momlng. ________________ REAt


UNITED OIL. ' K Im b .rir Kood, T ,






F n i r

J}o Unto Others i r *PABSAIC, N. J . O c t 38 1!^-

.U ro th a ly lore“ did n o t pay off for M vatore M aauro. CUfUm.

He waa fined tlO yesUrday for ■ parking In frqnt of a drlve»-ay I T he Ucket a-as glren him by hU I patrOJflian broUier. A nthony. ■

BETCSN HOME «ALMO, O ct 36 - Mr. and Mrs -

lames Uoj’d have returned from •-oe Angeles. ^

lEAD T n q g -N E w a w a n t a d s .


n i s ME 957. I P

L CO., Inc. I, Twin Foil, ' I

b e t i

r WHY T T ^ W O I

^ 30-In. K31 d e l i

m R ASov

R e i

^ 1 5^ • A utcm oM t

■ . # G ic n t 2 5 '


S nH I REFRIGT l ® - ^ S p a ,

r t ' SaveR e g .

i 1 4

\ . • Full width freef ro z e n food

• C h ille r fray for



H i w Gi>

P is®! 'V-'.-'-jj' o toL O

| l l 2N O W . . . Y

/ C e n v en lin ce

T IL 9 :0 0 P.M.

pMoii^ldentures I• d u p l ic a te d II• repaired I• r e - m a d e j l

22 V tars cxpcrienc, 1 1 your service! ! ■


M cD ow ’s Ip u b lic d e n ta i I t e c h n i c i a n s I(Oppojlie fdsho Thestrt) l l

111 SbostiaDi N o . - r h o B i m l l


f t e r . I

r . P A Y - j [i m *

. J K e ^ ! n >r l m n • I ^

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Kenmore I LUXE I

VNGElive 31.95 Iteg . 199.95 E

5 8 » Jnotic T im ir Oven

2 5 " Oven K

luord ho* lomp, clock


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