San Diego Chinese Academy NEWSLETTER Number 144 September 2014 二零一144 頁數 目錄 Table of Contents 2 開學通知 School Opening Announcement 3-5 開學日行程表 First School Day Schedule 6-7 科書介紹 &價目表 Textbooks & pricing 8-9 學校行事曆 School Calendar 10 電腦課 教學計畫 Computer Class Teaching Plan 11 理事長的話 Words from the President 12-13 校長的話 Words from the Principal 14 教師名單 Teacher Roster 15-16 行政人員名單 Board Member & Staff List 17-18 義工工作說明 Volunteer Job Descriptions 19 禮卷值勤表 Scrips Schedules 20 家長資訊 PTA Information 21 成人班資訊 Adult Class Information 22-25 財務報表 Financial Report 26-29 廣告 Advertisements Please visit our website: www.sandiegochineseschool.com

San Diego Chinese Academy NEWSLETTER Registration/SDCANewslette… · 快樂幼兒華語 My First Chinese Words $54.00 (Textbook & CD) PA, PB 學華語開步走: 漢語拼音 Learn

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Page 1: San Diego Chinese Academy NEWSLETTER Registration/SDCANewslette… · 快樂幼兒華語 My First Chinese Words $54.00 (Textbook & CD) PA, PB 學華語開步走: 漢語拼音 Learn

San Diego Chinese Academy


Number 144 September 2014

中 華 學 苑 校 訊

二零一四年九月 第 144 期

頁數 目錄 Table of Contents

2 開學通知 School Opening Announcement

3-5 開學日行程表 First School Day Schedule

6-7 科書介紹 &價目表 Textbooks & pricing

8-9 學校行事曆 School Calendar

10 電腦課 教學計畫 Computer Class Teaching Plan

11 理事長的話 Words from the President

12-13 校長的話 Words from the Principal

14 教師名單 Teacher Roster

15-16 行政人員名單 Board Member & Staff List

17-18 義工工作說明 Volunteer Job Descriptions

19 禮卷值勤表 Scrips Schedules

20 家長會資訊 PTA Information

21 成人班資訊 Adult Class Information

22-25 財務報表 Financial Report

26-29 廣告 Advertisements

Please visit our website: www.sandiegochineseschool.com

Page 2: San Diego Chinese Academy NEWSLETTER Registration/SDCANewslette… · 快樂幼兒華語 My First Chinese Words $54.00 (Textbook & CD) PA, PB 學華語開步走: 漢語拼音 Learn


Special Announcement!

New Recycling Policy on LJCDS Campus: 資源回收規則 There will be tall recycle bins

installed on campus: 校園將會設置高高的回收桶

Only plastic bottles and cans go in these bins 只有塑膠及鋁罐可丟入回收桶

Partially full water bottles need to be emptied into the garden over plants. All

other bottles and cans must be rinsed w/ water, then put in the tall bins.

所有水瓶裡的水請先到入草地上, 飲料類請先沖洗後在丟

Bottle caps go in the trash. 水瓶蓋請丟日普通垃圾桶

No paper goes in these bins. 請勿將紙張丟入回收桶

Paper must be put in the blue paper only recycle bins. Rectangular ones that look

like open plastic boxes with a recycle symbol on the side. The paper recycle bins

are in every classroom. 紙張類也要回收, 但請丟入紙張回收桶

We are grateful to have such a beautiful campus and we ask that everyone helps to

keep the campus clean and eco-friendly by following this new recycling policy. Thank

you. La Jolla Country Day 學校給了我們新的資源回收規則, 希望每個家長小朋友

都能遵守, 中華學苑很榮幸能夠長期租用這麼棒的校園, 希望我們大家一起來維持,

也一起響應環保的運動. 愛護地球, 人人有責!

科工會奬學金 SDCASEA Scholarship and Tuition Assistance Program

For high school senior, class of 2014 only. Application deadline: 11:59pm, September 30,

2014. For detail and application forms please see the two links below:





不要因為違反這項規定而失去這個使用資格。感謝大家的幫忙與合作。 Once again,

we want to remind everyone to not park by the curb. We are very lucky to have usage

of such a wonderful facility and we don’t want to lose the opportunity to continue this

usage due to violation of the policy. Thank you for your help and cooperation.



The best way to get updated information school communication is to sign up for our

PTA blog at http://sdcapta.blogspot.com/. Remember to verity your subscription by

following the instruction in the confirmation email.

May We Have Your Attention Please

Page 3: San Diego Chinese Academy NEWSLETTER Registration/SDCANewslette… · 快樂幼兒華語 My First Chinese Words $54.00 (Textbook & CD) PA, PB 學華語開步走: 漢語拼音 Learn


聖地牙哥中華學苑 SDCA 2014~2015 學年度

☆ 開學日 First Day of School ☆

September 14, 2014

班 別

Class Type


Class Time

學分班 Credit Class

(Credit 1 to Credit 4) 1:30-5:45 pm


Regular Class

(KA, KB, 1A, 1B, 2A, 2B,

3A, 3B, 4A, 4B, 5A, 6A, 7A)

1:30-4:30 pm


Chinese as Second Language

(CSL) Class




1:30-4:30 pm

學前班 Pre-school Class

(PA, PB) 1:30-4:00 pm

☆ 註冊組長Registrar ☆

林立婧 Lesley Lynn (858) 523-0830

[email protected]

☆ 校長Principal ☆

陳玫秀 Michelle Mitchell (858) 205-7322

Page 4: San Diego Chinese Academy NEWSLETTER Registration/SDCANewslette… · 快樂幼兒華語 My First Chinese Words $54.00 (Textbook & CD) PA, PB 學華語開步走: 漢語拼音 Learn


聖地牙哥中華學苑 SDCA 2014~2015 學年度 ☆開學日(9/14/2014)活動行程表 First Day of School Schedule☆

時 間Time 活 動 事 項Activities 地 點 Location

12:30 ~ 16:30 註 冊New Student Registration 辦公室SDCA Office

13:00 ~ 13:25 教師校務會議Teachers’ Meeting 辦公室後面

13:30 ~ 14:20 上課 (第一節)

Class in Session (First Period) 各班教室Classrooms

14:20 ~ 14:30 第一節下課休息First Recess

14:30 ~ 15:20 上課 (第二節)

Class in Session (Second Period) 各班教室Classrooms

15:20 ~ 15:40 第二節下課休息Second Recess

15:40 ~ 16:30 上課 (第三節)

Class in Session (Third Period) 各班教室Classrooms

15:40 ~ 16:30 學分班家長說明會

Credit Class Parents’ Meeting Community Hall

16:30 ~ 16:40 ※ 下 課 休 息Recess

16:40 ~ 17:45 學分班上課 (第四節)

Credit Class in Session (Fourth Period) 學分班教室Classroom

※學前班於 4:00pm 放學。Pre-school classes end at 4:00pm.

※普通班與雙語班於 4:30pm 放學。Regular classes and CSL classes end at 4:30pm.

※學分班於 5:45pm 放學。Credit classes end at 5:45pm.

Please pick up your students promptly after class. Thank you!

Page 5: San Diego Chinese Academy NEWSLETTER Registration/SDCANewslette… · 快樂幼兒華語 My First Chinese Words $54.00 (Textbook & CD) PA, PB 學華語開步走: 漢語拼音 Learn




Important Meetings

That Parents Should Attend


第一週 (9/14/2014) Week 1:

學分班說明會: 請學分班家長務必參加第一週的學分班說明會。校方將介

紹學分班各項規定與教學規劃。 時間 3:40 PM ~ 4:30 PM, 地點

在 Community Hall。

Credit Class Parents’ Meeting: The Principal’s Office cordially invites all credit class parents

to a meeting on 1st day of school. We will introduce credit class curriculum and grading

guidelines. Please join us for this important meeting. Time & Place: 3:40pm – 4:30pm, at the

Community Hall.

第三週 (9/28/2014) Week 3:

校方/家長座談會: 請家長們撥冗參加第三週的校方/家長座談會,會中將

講解教材及介紹學校各項活動 。時間 2:30 PM ~ 3:30 PM, 地

點在 Community Hall。

Conference with Principal: The Principal’s Office cordially invites all parents, especially new

parents, to the Conference with Principal during 3rd week of school. We will welcome new

families, explain school activities planned for the new year, and preview textbooks for different

grade levels. This is also a good opportunity to communicate with the Principal of any

questions you may have. Time & Place: 2:30pm – 3:30pm at the Community Hall.

Page 6: San Diego Chinese Academy NEWSLETTER Registration/SDCANewslette… · 快樂幼兒華語 My First Chinese Words $54.00 (Textbook & CD) PA, PB 學華語開步走: 漢語拼音 Learn


中華學苑教科書介紹 Textbooks


Textbooks for Chinese as Second Language Classes

** Better Chinese Series **

學前班 Preschool

拼音班 Pin-Yin/CSLK

雙語班 CSL 1 - 7

快樂幼兒華語 My First Chinese Words

學華語開步走:漢語拼音 Learn Chinese: Pin-Yin

快樂兒童華語 My First Chinese Reader


Textbooks for Regular Classes 注音班


普通班 1A – 7A

學分班 C1 – C4

美洲華語 MeiZhou Chinese

美洲華語 MeiZhou Chinese

中文聽說讀寫 Integrated Chinese

Page 7: San Diego Chinese Academy NEWSLETTER Registration/SDCANewslette… · 快樂幼兒華語 My First Chinese Words $54.00 (Textbook & CD) PA, PB 學華語開步走: 漢語拼音 Learn


2014-2015 教科書價目表

Price List for Textbook




Price Per Unit




My First Chinese Words

$54.00 (Textbook & CD)


學華語開步走: 漢語拼音

Learn Chinese: Pin-Yin




My First Chinese Reader

$48.00 (Textbook & Workbook) $22.00 (CD ROM) - optional



MeiZhou Chinese

$18.00 KA, KB


MeiZhou Chinese

$18.00 1A – 7A

聽說讀寫 L1P1

Integrated Chinese L1P1

$74.00 (Textbook & Workbook) 學分一 (C1)

$26.00 (Wordbook)

聽說讀寫 L1P2

Integrated Chinese L1P2

$81.00 (Textbook & Workbook) 學分二 (C2)

$26.00 (Wordbook)

聽說讀寫 L2P1

Integrated Chinese L2P1

$87.00 (Textbook & Workbook) 學分三 (C3)

$28.00 (Wordbook)

聽說讀寫 L2P2

Integrated Chinese L2P2

$89.00 (Textbook & Workbook) 學分四 (C4)

$29.00 (Wordbook)

※ 注意事項:

1.為提高學生學習效果及維持教學品質,各書籍單套若含 CD、DVD,或學生練習用



3.只有聽說讀寫可以單買 workbook。


※ Special Notes:

1. To enhance students' learning and maintaining the quality of teaching, any textbook set with CD, DVD, or student practice Workbook, may not be purchased separately. 2. There are no returns or refunds on textbook/textbook set purchases. 3. Only workbooks for Integrated Chinese can be purchased separately. 4. Please prepare a check made payable to “SDCA” for each of your students on the first day of school for the correct amount of the textbook (with your student’s name and class) to purchase textbook. We apologize that we do not accept cash for the purchase of the textbooks.

Page 8: San Diego Chinese Academy NEWSLETTER Registration/SDCANewslette… · 快樂幼兒華語 My First Chinese Words $54.00 (Textbook & CD) PA, PB 學華語開步走: 漢語拼音 Learn


聖地牙哥中華學苑 2014-2015 學年度 電腦課 教學計畫 San Diego Chinese Academy 2014-2015 Computer Class Teaching Plan

班 級


教 材



(Computer Class Goals)

成人班 (Adult Class) 聽打生詞

Listening and typing practice

學分四 (C4A) 即習寫作


學分三 (C3A, C3B) 寫作練習

Essay Practice

學分二 (C2A, C2B) IQ CHINESE 500 短文練習

Composition Practice

學分一 (C1A, C1B) IQ CHINESE 500 造句練習

Sentence Practice

七年級 (7A, 7B) IQ CHINESE 400

Lesson 1-5


Short Paragraph Practice

六年級 (6A, 6B) IQ CHINESE 300

Lesson 6-10


Short Paragraph Practice

五年級 (5A, 5B) IQ CHINESE 300

Lesson 1-5


Listening and typing practice

四年級 (4A, 4B) IQ CHINESE 200

Lesson 6-10


Listening and typing practice

三年級 (3A, 3B) IQ CHINESE 200

Lesson 1-5


Pin Yin typing practice





Short Paragraph Practice





Short Paragraph Practice







Listening and typing practice




Lesson 6-10


Listening and typing practice




Lesson 1-5


Pin Yin typing practice




Lesson 1-5


Pin Yin typing practice

Page 9: San Diego Chinese Academy NEWSLETTER Registration/SDCANewslette… · 快樂幼兒華語 My First Chinese Words $54.00 (Textbook & CD) PA, PB 學華語開步走: 漢語拼音 Learn


聖地牙哥中華學苑 San Diego Chinese Academy 2014-2015 Calendar

週別 日期 教務及家長會活動 電腦課 電腦課 電腦課 電腦課

1 9/14/2014 開學、註冊、學分班家長會 第一堂 第二堂 第三堂 第四堂

2 9/21/2014

3 9/28/2014 慶祝教師節、校方與家長座談會/家長大會

4 10/5/2014 各班親師座談會、班代表會議、退費截止 七甲 六甲 五甲 學分一甲

5 10/12/2014 轉班截止 雙六甲 雙五甲 學分一乙 學分二甲

6 10/19/2014 教務研討會議(2) 四甲 四乙 雙語三甲 學分三甲

7 10/26/2014 上學期期中考、防火演習、學生資料審核交回 雙語二甲 雙語二乙 雙語三乙 學分三乙

8 11/2/2014 拍攝班級師生照、演講比賽報名 七甲 六甲 五甲 學分四甲

9 11/9/2014 班代表會議、家長大會、講座 1 雙六甲 雙五甲 學分一乙 學分一甲

10 11/16/2014 班級寫字比賽、演講比賽報名截止 四甲 四乙 雙語三甲 學分二甲

11 11/23/2014 文化節、演講比賽抽籤、中文 SAT II 模擬考 雙語二甲 雙語二乙 雙語三乙 學分三甲

11/30/2014 感恩節放假

12 12/7/2014 演講比賽(1) 七甲 成人班 1 學分三乙

13 12/14/2014 上學期期末考、學生商店(1)、就讀六,九,十二年的學

生申請獎勵開始、演講比賽(2?) 成人班 4 學分四甲

12/21/2014 ~12/28/2014 寒假

14 1/4/2015 中文打字比賽開始、班代表會議、家長大會 七甲 六甲 五甲 學分一甲

15 1/11/2015 班級說故事比賽 雙六甲 雙五甲 學分一乙 學分二甲

16 1/18/2015 班級說故事比賽、發成績單、就讀六,九,十二年的學

生申請獎勵截止 四甲 四乙 雙語三甲 學分三甲

17 1/25/2015 交回上學期成績單、詩詞朗誦比賽報名、班代表會議,

新年手工坊、年刊截稿 雙語二甲 雙語二乙 雙語三乙 學分三乙

18 2/1/2015 教務研討會(3)、補拍班級照、就讀中文六,九,十二

年的學生照相 三甲 三乙 成人班 1 學分四甲

19 2/8/2015 詩詞朗誦比賽報名截止、新年節目總彩排 成人班 4

2/15/2015 放假(春季教師研習會)

20 2/22/2015 慶祝中國新年

21 3/1/2015 詩詞朗誦比賽抽籤、家長大會、講座 2 雙語一甲 雙語一乙 三甲

22 3/8/2015 中文 SAT II 模擬考、下學期期中考、雙語班口試 拼音幼甲 拼音幼乙 三乙

23 3/15/2015 詩詞朗誦比賽(1) 雙語一甲 雙語一乙

24 3/22/2015 詩詞朗誦比賽(2)

25 3/29/2015 班級認字比賽、詩詞朗誦比賽(3?)

4/5/2015 復活節放假

26 4/12/2015 學分班統一筆試口試、家長大會--理事改選

27 4/19/2015 預註冊(1)、義工表揚同樂會

28 4/26/2015 預註冊(2)、學生商店(2)

29 5/3/2015 預註冊(3)、教務研討會(4)、下學期期末考、結業典


5/10/2015 母親節放假

30 5/17/2015 校內頒獎、結業典禮、謝師宴

Revised 20140908

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聖地牙哥中華學苑 San Diego Chinese Academy 2014-2015 Calendar

Week Date Activities Computer Class Assignment

1 09/14/2014 Back to School, Registration, Credit Class Meeting 1st Period 2nd Period 3rd Period 4th Period

2 09/21/2014

3 09/28/2014 Celebrate Teacher’s Day, School/ Parents Meeting, PTA Meeting

4 10/05/2014 Teachers/Parents Meeting, Room Parents Meeting, Last day of Tuition Refund 7A 6A 5A C1A

5 10/12/2014 No Class Change CSL6A CSL5A C1B C2B

6 10/19/2014 Teachers Meeting(2) 4A 4B CSL3A C3A

7 10/26/2014 Mid-term Exam, Fire Drill CSL2A CSL2B CSL3B C3B

8 11/02/2014 Picture Day, Speech Contest Registration Begins 7A 6A 5A C4A

9 11/09/2014 Room Parents Meeting, PTA Meeting, PTA Seminar #1 CSL6A CSL5A C1B C1A

10 11/16/2014 Class Chinese Character Writing Contest, Last Day of Speech Contest

Registration 4A 4B CSL3A C2A

11 11/23/2014 SDCA Cultural Day, Speech Contest Order Draw, Chinese SAT II Simulation


11/30/2014 Thanksgiving Break (No School)

12 12/07/2014 Speech Contest (day 1) 7A Adult 1 C3B

13 12/14/2014 Semester Final Exam, Coupon Day (1), begin accepting application for 6,9,12-

year study award, Speech Contest (day 2?) Adult 4 C4A

12/21/2014~12/28/2014 Winter Break (No School)

14 01/04/2015 Class Chinese Typing Contest Begin, Room Parents Meeting, PTA Meeting 7A 6A 5A C1A

15 01/11/2015 Class Storytelling Contest CSL6A CSL5A C1B C2B

16 01/18/2015 Class Storytelling Contest, Report Card goes home, 6,9,12-year study award

application deadline 4A 4B CSL3A C3A

17 01/25/2015

Return Report Card, Poetry Recitation Contest Registration Begins, Room

Parents Meeting, New Year Festival Arts and Craft workshop, Yearbook

Entries Due


18 02/01/2015 Teachers Meeting (3), Make-up Picture Day, 6,9,12-year study award

recipients photo 3A 3B Adult 1 C4A

19 02/08/2015 Last Day of Poetry Recitation Contest Registration, New Year Program

Rehearsal Adult 4

02/15/2015 Teachers Spring Training (No School)

20 02/22/2015 Chinese New Year Festival

21 03/01/2015 Poetry Recitation Order Draw, PTA Meeting, PTA Seminar #2 CSL1A CSL1B 3A

22 03/08/2015 Mid-term Exam, Chinese SAT II Simulation Test, CSL Class Oral Exam CSLKA CSLKB 3B

23 03/15/2015 Poetry Recitation Contest (1) CSL1A CSL1B

24 03/22/2015 Poetry Recitation Contest (2)

25 03/29/2015 Class Chinese Character Recognition Contest, Poetry Recitation Contest (3?)

04/5/2015 Easter Break (No School)

26 04/12/2015 Credit Class Written/Oral Exam, PTA meeting (Board Election)

27 04/19/2015 Pre-Registration (1), Volunteer Appreciation Potluck Party

28 04/26/2015 Pre-Registration (2), Coupon Day (2)

29 05/03/2015 Pre-Registration (3),Teachers Meeting (4), Semester Final Exam, Graduation

Ceremony rehearsal

05/10/2015 Happy Mother’s Day (No School)

30 05/17/2015 Award Ceremony, Closing/Graduation Ceremony, Report Card/Yearbook

Distribution, Teacher Appreciation Dinner

Revised 20140908

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校長 陳玫秀

副校長 王如雪

副校長 戴寶蘭









副理事長 曾梁菁

執行秘書 楊同增

財務理事 陳冠燕

家長會長 謝自潔

活動理事 葉聰穎

禮券理事 林佩瑾




理事長 王意筑

Words from the President

Dear San Diego Chinese Academy families, welcome back! I hope you all had a great summer vocation and are ready for another year of learning Chinese.

Our school is in its 27th year serving the community with pride and at the same time providing our students with an outstanding Chinese education. The progress year after year is due to our great teaching staff and supportive administrators.

We will continue our tradition of hosting another Chinese New Year festival this school year as well as many meaningful events throughout the year.

Our Principal, Ms. Chen, and Vice principals; Ms. Wang and Ms. Tai, and teachers have diligently prepared for the new school year. I couldn’t express enough appreciation to these dedicated staffs working with teachers to serve San Diego Chinese Academy. For the school year of 2014-2015, we are honored to have a group of passionate Board Members to continue the work to make SDCA a better school.

Principal Michelle Mitchell Vice Principal Snow Wang Vice Principal Paolan Tai

PTA Board members

Vice President Isabelle Yang

Secretary Tom Yang Treasurer Carol Chrisopoulos

Activity director Joseph Yeh Scrips director Kelly Lin

Thank you for your support the school with positive attitudes and kindness. I am looking forward to another year of great memories.

Best Regards

Celine Chen, Board President

Page 12: San Diego Chinese Academy NEWSLETTER Registration/SDCANewslette… · 快樂幼兒華語 My First Chinese Words $54.00 (Textbook & CD) PA, PB 學華語開步走: 漢語拼音 Learn



























Page 13: San Diego Chinese Academy NEWSLETTER Registration/SDCANewslette… · 快樂幼兒華語 My First Chinese Words $54.00 (Textbook & CD) PA, PB 學華語開步走: 漢語拼音 Learn

Welcome back to San Diego Chinese Academy! I hope everyone’s summer was full of joy and new adventures.

Are you ready for another year of fun and learning? This year, we will not only be working on our own learning but

will also be focusing on helping others. It is said, helping and serving others is the foundation of happiness. Let it be

our school motto this year where we enrich the knowledge that we have through helping others as we continue on the

journey of learning the beautiful Chinese language and culture.

We are very excited to welcome Ms. Paolan Tai to our administration team this year. Ms. Tai has been a SDCA parent

and an avid volunteer at our school for over a decade. I am sure many of you are familiar with Ms. Tai, as we

frequently see her helping out at various school activities and functions. We are very lucky to have such a passionate

education supporter as our vice principal this year. Ms. Snow Wang will continue to be our vice principal and Ms.

Lesley Lynn will lead our registration team as before. With their experience and dedication and everyone's support, I

am confident that we will have another wonderful and fulfilled year at SDCA.

Our teachers participated in the summer training workshop, and are eager to share their knowledge with the students.

We hope for the school to run even more smoothly and students to enjoy learning even more. Please give your continual

support to not only our school and teachers, but also to our students. Let the students know how proud you are of their

progress and dedication. Your love and support is the key to the students’ success as well as the foundation for our

school. Please encourage students frequently and give them recognition, it makes a world of difference.

As the Chinese proverb goes: "It is better to travel ten thousand miles than to read ten thousand books." Each time I

travel, I experience this idea profoundly. Traveling broadens our horizon and widens our views. It never ceases to

amaze me how an unintended conversation with people out of curiosity often surprises me with the most wonderful and

unexpected knowledge. We are always learning and there is always opportunity to learn. I would like to encourage

our students to take all the opportunities available to them and do the same. Don't be afraid to speak even if you think

your Chinese isn't good enough. The proper way to learn is with an inquisitive mind and the courage daring to fail.

Participate in a camp overseas (many are almost free) is also a great learning venue. Learning is of no use if the

knowledge cannot be applied, wouldn’t you agree? So step out of the box to explore the world with the tools you have

obtained (your Chinese learning) and see the world in a brand new way, connecting the knowledge from books to real


To a year of adventure and discovery, let’s see what we will discover this year!

Best wishes,

Michelle Mitchell, Principal SDCA

Page 14: San Diego Chinese Academy NEWSLETTER Registration/SDCANewslette… · 快樂幼兒華語 My First Chinese Words $54.00 (Textbook & CD) PA, PB 學華語開步走: 漢語拼音 Learn


2014-2015 聖地牙哥中華學苑教師名單 SDCA Faculty List

教 室 班 級 Class Last



Name 姓 名 職 稱 電 話 Email Address

MR 辦公室 Office Mitchell Michelle 陳玫秀 校長 760-476-9301 [email protected]

MR 辦公室 Office Tai Paolan 戴寶蘭 副校長 858-720-0260 [email protected]

MR 辦公室 Office Wang Snow 王如雪 副校長 760-271-0800 [email protected]

MR 辦公室 Office Lynn Lesley 林立婧 註冊組長 858-523-0830 [email protected]

US205 成人四 Adult 4 Miera Meiling 朱美玲 教師 619-259-1882 [email protected]

US204 成人二班 Adult 2 TBA TBA TBA 教師 TBA TBA

US203 成人一班 Adult 1 Shi Xiaoqin 施曉勤 教師 858-342-3908 [email protected]

US212 學分四甲 C4A Wu Karen 鄭美妙 組長 858-487-0976 [email protected]

US105 學分三甲 C3A Liu Man-Lin 劉曼玲 教師 858-756-3539 [email protected]

US104 學分三乙 C3B Su Daisy 蘇惠琛 教師 858-523-0518 [email protected]

US106 學分二甲 C2A Yau Lucia 程靈芸 教師 858-793-3672 [email protected]

US108 學分一甲 C1A Sun Amy 孫麗敏 教師 858-536-7033 [email protected]

US107 學分一乙 C1B Fong Grace 張少華 教師 858-380-7228 [email protected]

US101 七甲 7A Lu Daisy 陸明卿 教師 858-780-2655 [email protected]

US102 六甲 6A Chung Chi Chieh 鍾奇杰 教師 858-350-0073 [email protected]

US113 五甲 5A Lam Yi Yi 林猗猗 教師 858-837-1750 [email protected]

MS110 四甲 4A Chang Jojo 張瓊芳 教師 858-523-9798 [email protected]

MS109 四乙 4B Cheng Hui-Ping 鄭惠萍 組長 858-794-7378 [email protected]

MS210 三甲 3A Huang April 黃思蘋 教師 626-203-1059 [email protected]

MS211 三乙 3B Su Ariel 蘇彥怡 教師 858-281-1555 [email protected]

MS104 二甲 2A Chen Connie 黃思嘉 組長 858-350-9185 [email protected]

MS203 二乙 2B Chiu Sunny 邱淑娟 教師 858-755-1169 [email protected]

MS201 一甲 1A Huang Fu-Pen 黃芙盆 教師 619-669-8843 [email protected]

MS202 一乙 1B Lee Shun-Hua 李舜華 教師 858-484-8961 [email protected]

MS103 幼甲 KA Lee Paulina 李玉婷 教師 858-699-0969 [email protected]

MS102 幼乙 KB Hsu Wen-Hsuan 許文宣 教師 626-241-2194 [email protected]

US103 雙語六甲 CSL6A Pao Pamela 包曼純 組長 510-367-5782 [email protected]

US109 雙語五甲 CSL5A Kao Julia 高筠智 教師 626-379-7529 [email protected]

US110 雙語三甲 CSL3A Hsiao Yawen 蕭雅文 教師 858-386-6720 [email protected]

US111 雙語三乙 CSL3B Luo Maggie Yuhui 羅宇慧 教師 858-735-6251 [email protected]

MS213 雙語二甲 CSL2A Lee Tina 唐彩霞 教師 858-342-0526 [email protected]

MS212 雙語二乙 CSL2B Shen Jim 沈 鈞 教師 650-833-8325 [email protected]

MS205 雙語一甲 CSL1A Wong Cherrie 譚倩媚 教師 619-279-1155 [email protected]

MS204 雙語一乙 CSL1B Chao Carol 趙詩芳 教師 858-333-2326 [email protected]

MS101 拼音甲 CSLKA Kuo Jennifer 郭淑珍 組長 760-539-6118 [email protected]

MS111 拼音乙 CSLKB Liu Wenwei 劉雯瑋 教師 619-519-1617 [email protected]

LS1 學前甲 PA Chang Hsiaojung 張筱蓉 教師 650-833-8324 [email protected]

LS3 學前乙 PB Tseng To-wen 曾多聞 教師 978-390-4238 [email protected]

Library 圖書館 Library Chen Yu-Feng 陳玉鳳 圖書館長 760-632-8985 [email protected]

Please check school website www.SanDiegoChineseSchool.com for the most current information

Page 15: San Diego Chinese Academy NEWSLETTER Registration/SDCANewslette… · 快樂幼兒華語 My First Chinese Words $54.00 (Textbook & CD) PA, PB 學華語開步走: 漢語拼音 Learn


理事會 Board of Directors


理事長 PRESIDENT Chen Celine 王意筑 760-522-9184

副理事長 VICE PRESIDENT Isabelle Yang 曾梁菁 858-353-1228

執行秘書 SECRETARY Yang Tom 楊同增 858-461-0646

財務理事 TREASURER Chrisopoulos Carol 陳冠燕 858-344-1613

家長會理事 PTA DIRECTOR Hsieh Jessica 謝自潔 858-717-1344

活動理事 ACTIVITIES Yeh Joseph 葉聰穎 858-382-8339

禮卷理事 SCRIPS Kelly Lin 林佩瑾 619-890-6139

行政人員名單 Administration

校長 PRINCIPAL Mitchell Michelle 陳玫秀 760-476-9301

副校長 VICE PRINCIPAL Tai Paolan 戴寶蘭 858-720-0260

副校長 VICE PRINCIPAL Wang Snow 王如雪 760-271-0800

註冊組長 Lynn Lesley 林立婧 858-523-0830

教學組長-學分組 Wu Karen 鄭美妙 858-487-0976

教學組長-中級組 Cheng Hui-Ping 鄭惠萍 858-794-7378

教學組長-初級組 Chen Connie 黃思嘉 858-350-9185

教學組長-雙語組 Pao Pamela 包曼純 510-367-5782

教學組長-幼稚組 Kuo Jennifer 郭淑珍 760-539-6118

圖書館長 Chen Yu-Feng 陳玉鳳 760-632-8985

會計師 C.P.A. Chang Philip 張裕華 858-693-3333

L.J.C.D.S. 聯絡人 Hagar Meiling 周美伶 858-793-1976

法律顧問 Lee Celia 李彩珠 619-236-0900

校務顧問 Law Show 羅秀琳 858-229-8877

校務顧問 Yau Lucia 程靈芸 858-793-3672

校務顧問 Shen Danny 王丹妮 858-794-0453

校務顧問 Auer Jennifer 王鑑平 858-756-9659

校務顧問 Liao Cindy 謝純美 760-480-8848

校務顧問 Lee Judy 廖鸞嬌 858-205-7322

校務顧問 Liu Sunny 劉曉琴 760-727-6635

校務顧問 Wu Karen 鄭美妙 858-487-0976

聖地牙哥中華學苑 2014-2015 年行政人員名單 (1/2)

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家長會 PTA

家長會理事 PTA DIRECTOR Lee Jessica 謝自潔 858-717-1026

家長會副會長 Co-Chairman Tsai Victor 蔡承懿 714-609-3511

家長會副會長 Co-Chairman Chen Sandy 陳怡君 714-488-7023

家長會副會長 Co-Chairman Han Jerry 漢述宗 858-451-2678

禮券組 Scrip

禮券主任 Director Lin Kelly 林佩瑾 619-890-6139

禮券組長 Chairman Hom Lisa 黃惠瑩 619-846-9034

網路組 Webmaster

執行秘書 SECRETARY Yang Tom 楊同增 858-461-0646

網路副組長 Co- Chairman Hu Frank 胡飛 858-523-9558

網路副組長 Co- Chairman Kan Yvonne 760-612-8098

活動組 Activity

活動主任 Director Yeh Joseph 葉聰穎 858-382-8339

活動組長 Co-Chairman Lin Carlos 林子超 760-579-9035

活動組長 Co-Chairman Yu Eugene 余御鋪 760-840-1780

財務組 Treasurer

財務理事 TREASURER Chrisopoulos Carol 陳冠燕 858-344-1613

編輯 Publishing


Vice President/Editorial Director

Yang Isabelle 曾梁菁 858-353-1228

副總編輯 Associate Editorial

Director Yu Vera 方宜瑾 858-205-3221

聖地牙哥中華學苑 2014-2015 年行政人員名單 (2/2)

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Volunteer Job Descriptions 義工工作說明

Volunteer Committee – coordinate parent volunteers throughout school year, remind volunteers to show up, and assist PTA where needed. (service for one full year)



Event Coordination Committee – prepare gifts and snack for contests judges and staff, assist school events for PTA and Admin. Dept. (service for one full year)



Student Store Committee – purchase Student Store items, host and coordinate Coupon Day event. (service for one full year)

學生商店組–購買學生商店之商品, 策劃並主持學生商店活動(服務一學年)

Chinese New Year Festival Committee – plan and coordinate festival activities (incl. stage design, food/game booths, VIP list, etc.), coordinate with PTA, Activity Dept. and Admin. Dept.

中國新年園遊會計畫組–規劃和協調園遊會活動 (包括: 舞台設計,食物及遊戲攤位,來賓名單

等等), 與家長會,活動組和教務處密切合作.

Registration Assistance – help as cashiers during registration time and assist with imputing student data into school’s database while applicable (work of 6 weeks for full refund)

協助註冊組–於預註冊和開學期間幫忙收錢及整理註冊資料 (服務六週)

Room Parent - coordinate and assist with activities for the classroom and school. (service for one full year)

班媽/班爸–整合班級和學校的活動 (服務一學年)

Ground Supervision – patrolling campus during school recesses (work 5 weeks for full refund)

校園巡邏組–下課休息時間巡邏校園 (服務五週)

Bell Ringing & Office Coffee/Tea preparation – ring bells between classes and prepare coffee/tea for the Office (work 3 weeks for full refund)

上下課敲鐘和準備辦公室茶水–上下課敲鐘和準備辦公室用的咖啡/茶/熱水 (服務三週)

Office Duty– assisting with documents handling at the Office, work with PTA and Adm. Dept. (work 4 weeks for full


辦公室職勤–協助文書處理, 幫忙家長會和教務處 (服務四週)

Coupon Day and Chinese New Year Festival Set-Up – help with Coupon Day, and help campus set-up forNew Year Festival (work 2 Coupon Days and New Year Festival set up for full refund)

學生商店日及新年園遊會協助–協助學生在學生商店日中兌換獎品, 及新年園遊會布置(服務

Page 18: San Diego Chinese Academy NEWSLETTER Registration/SDCANewslette… · 快樂幼兒華語 My First Chinese Words $54.00 (Textbook & CD) PA, PB 學華語開步走: 漢語拼音 Learn



School Contest Assistance – assisting in score keeping & other tasks for school Speech Contest and Poetry Recitation Contest (work both events for full refund)

校內比賽服務組–幫忙比賽活動 (服務演講比賽以及詩詞朗誦比賽)

Photography – taking pictures of school activities &events (work 4 events for full refund)

攝影組–拍攝學校活動 (服務四次)

Scrip Sales – help with Scrip Sale Day at the Office (work 4 weeks for full refund)

禮券銷售組–在辦公室幫忙銷售禮券 (服務四次)

Chairman – assist Board of Directors (President, PTA, Publication, Activity, Finance, and Scrip) with school affair. (service for one full year)

會長/組長–協助理事們 (理事長,家長會,出版組,活動組,財務組,和禮券組) 處理學校事務(服務


Event poster committee–assist PTA in making event poster, flyer for school events. (service for half year)

美工宣傳組–協助家長會設計活動海報, 幫忙宣傳鼓勵學校家長參加活動 (服務半學年)

Library assistant – Assist book fair / book exchange event and help librarian organizing books.

圖書管理組–協助家長會交換圖書或是書展的活動, 或是圖書館書籍分類 (服務四次)

Webmaster committee- assist maintain school website, Facebook and blog (service for half year)

網路組–協助學校網頁, 臉書和 BLOG 的更新與管理

Event treat committee–assist in preparing drink/snack for school contests, events and workshop. Second recess snack sale (service for half year)

美食點心組 - 協助準備校內比賽和各項活動的點心和茶水. 第二節下課點心販賣

Teacher’s Snack Duty – purchasing snacks for the teachers (work 5 weeks for full refund) ***Reserved

老師點心輪值–準備老師點心(服務五週) ***保留

SDCA weekly mail pick up – pick up mail weekly at Sorrento Valley postal office and bring to school (week 1-15, or week 16-30) (work 15 weeks for full refund) ***Reserved

幫學校拿郵件服務– (服務 15 週) ***保留

***Reserved for preschool parents who need to stay in the classroom during lecture time. 保留給學前班需要留在教室的家長.

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Your Support Is Greatly Appreciated!!!

Scrips Sales Schedule

Date Volunteer on Duty

September 14, 2014 Kelly, Irene, Monica

September 21, 2014 Kelly, Wendy, Irene, Monica

October 5, 2014 Kelly, Irene, Monica

November 2, 2014 Kelly, Irene

December 7, 2014 Kelly, Irene, Monica

January 11, 2015 Kelly, Lisa, Linda

February 1, 2015 Kelly, Lisa, Angela, Linda

March 1, 2015 Kelly, Lisa, Angela

April 12, 2015 Kelly, Lisa, Angela, Linda

April 19, 2015 Kelly, Linda, Angela

May 3, 2015 Kelly, Monica

Scrips Director 林佩瑾 Pei-chin (Kelly) Lin [email protected] (619) 890 6139

Team Leader 黃惠瑩 Lisa Hom [email protected] (619) 846-9034

Team Member 王家楓 Chia-Feng (Irene) Wang [email protected] (858) 220-1362

Team Member 何文琪 Wendy Chou [email protected] (619) 946-1573

Team Member 田明子 Angela Huang [email protected] (619) 756-3716

Team Member 譚孟華 Monica Byler [email protected] (619) 852-3337

Team Member Linda Moren [email protected] (858) 345-5081

Please support our school by purchasing Scrips

99 Ranch

Barnes & Noble

Bath & Body Works

Bed Bath & Beyond




Jamba Juice


Neiman Marcus

Old Navy (Banana Republic/Gap)

On the Border (Chili’s/Macaroni Grill)


Regal Entertainment



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9/14 開學相見歡!一定要來家長會攤位找我們!


表, 文化課程簡介,家長會活動,以及好玩的義工職缺等您來認領!


Come visit us (LOCATION) on the first day of school to find out about

Volunteer Opportunities

Cultural/adult Classes

PTA Events throughout the year

Pick up campus map

Light Refreshment will be served! Join us and meet other SDCA parents


如果您在 Amazon 網路上購物,您就可以替學校增加收入!請使用您 Amazon 帳戶進入

AmazonSmile http://smile.amazon.com/ , Amazon Smile Foundation 將會捐入中華學苑您購物金額的

0.5%。 請您和您的家人朋友使用以下的網路連接:http://smile.amazon.com/ch/33-


Let's help earn $$$ for SDCA! Do you shop online on Amazon? Use your Amazon sign-in information to log into AmazonSmile http://smile.amazon.com/ and the Amazon Smile Foundation will donate 0.5% of the price of eligible purchases to our school. Here is the link to share with all your family and friends to help us earn more donation: http://smile.amazon.com/ch/33-0290580

Page 21: San Diego Chinese Academy NEWSLETTER Registration/SDCANewslette… · 快樂幼兒華語 My First Chinese Words $54.00 (Textbook & CD) PA, PB 學華語開步走: 漢語拼音 Learn

San Diego Chinese Academy


學中文了沒? Learning Chinese yet? NOW is the time!

San Diego Chinese Academy since 1988 ©

www.sandiegochineseschool.com; 858-205-7322; Email: [email protected]

Or Mail Registration to SDCA, PO Box 910093, San Diego, CA92191-0093



at SDCA Small Class Size

Practical Conversation-based Curriculum

Chinese Characters Recognition and writing practice

Participation in the Chinese New Year Festival and other school events

Field Trip

Hands-on Cultural Experience

SDCA offers the best

Adult Chinese learning program!!

Don’t wait!

Class starts

on 9/14/14!

Tell all your

friends to join us!

Page 22: San Diego Chinese Academy NEWSLETTER Registration/SDCANewslette… · 快樂幼兒華語 My First Chinese Words $54.00 (Textbook & CD) PA, PB 學華語開步走: 漢語拼音 Learn

San Diego Chinese Academy Balance Sheet As of June 30, 2014

Jun 30, 14

Jun 30, 13


Current Assets


CD-752 8/21/14 mature 103,619.19


Checking 702 4,691.24


Money Market 703 0.55% 267,221.50


Total Checking/Savings 375,531.93


Accounts Receivable

Accounts Receivable 250.00


Total Accounts Receivable 250.00


Other Current Assets

Scrip on Hand 19,430.00


Total Other Current Assets 19,430.00


Total Current Assets 395,211.93


Fixed Assets


Accumulated Depreciat -4,817.44


Equipment - Other 4,817.44


Total Equipment 0.00


Total Fixed Assets 0.00


TOTAL ASSETS 395,211.93




Current Liabilities

Other Current Liabilities

Pre-Reg-Adult Class 1,275.00


Pre-reg-Registration Fee 0.00


Pre-reg-Scrip Deposit 11,350.00


Pre.reg-credit class tuition 26,780.00


Pre.reg-regular class tuition 77,600.00


Pre.reg-service fee deposit 13,840.00


Pre.reg-student fee 13,600.00


Scrip Payable 9,800.00


Total Other Current Liabilities 154,245.00


Total Current Liabilities 154,245.00


Total Liabilities 154,245.00



Fund Balances 229,966.81


Unrestricted Net Assets 600.00


Net Income 10,400.12


Total Equity 240,966.93





Page 23: San Diego Chinese Academy NEWSLETTER Registration/SDCANewslette… · 快樂幼兒華語 My First Chinese Words $54.00 (Textbook & CD) PA, PB 學華語開步走: 漢語拼音 Learn

San Diego Chinese Academy Profit & Loss

July 2013 through June 2014

Jul '13 - Jun 14


Ads Income 900.00

Cultural Classes Income

Adult Chinese Class 4,600.00

Total Cultural Classes Income 4,600.00

Donation 8,705.00

Educational Material Income

Library Books 719.00

Total Educational Material Income 719.00

Fee Income

Registration Fee 6,300.00

Service Fee 5,610.00

Student Fee

Miscellaneous 13,680.00

Total Student Fee 13,680.00

Withdrawal Penalty 1,380.00

Total Fee Income 26,970.00

Fundraising Income

E-Scrip 240.37

Scrip 8,088.76

Scrip Deposit Forfeiture 10,515.00

Fundraising Income - Other 874.80

Total Fundraising Income 19,718.93

Interest Income 1,696.41

Special Events Income

CNY 6,580.00

Snack Sale 615.25

Sweet Rice Event 754.00

Total Special Events Income 7,949.25


Credit Class 28,200.00

Regular Class 104,896.67

Tuition Refund - Credit Class -1,580.00

Tuition Refund - Regular Class -4,100.00

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Total Tuition 127,416.67

Total Income 198,675.26


Accounting 772.96

Activity fee - Credit Class 2,382.78

Advertisement 2,060.00

Auto Expenses 278.66

Award 1,884.57

Bank Fee 30.00

Depreciation 4,817.44

Dues & Subscription 75.00

Educational Material Expenses

Educational Material -2,880.51

Printing copy-teacher

Supply 262.79

Printing copy-teacher - Other 6,606.81

Total Printing copy-teacher 6,869.60

Total Educational Material Expenses 3,989.09

Fringerprint Fees 630.00


LJCDS 711.02

SDCA 1,146.89

Total Gift 1,857.91


Students Liability 1,055.00

Worker Comp 874.00

Insurance - Other 1,210.00

Total Insurance 3,139.00

Licenses & Fees 70.00

Maintanance 15.64

Office Supplies

Computer Class Supply 86.39

Office Supplies - Other 1,624.08

Total Office Supplies 1,710.47

Outside Services 3,443.32

Payroll Taxes 7,418.32

Postage & Delivery

PO Box Annual Fee 78.00

Postage & Delivery - Other 263.63

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Total Postage & Delivery 341.63

Printing and Publications

Newsletters 801.19

Student Directory 420.03

Yearbook 3,659.69

Printing and Publications - Other 178.94

Total Printing and Publications 5,059.85

Public Relation 3,501.92



Salary 96,971.50

SAT testing 0.00

Scholarship Expense 100.00

Seminars & Meetings

Regular 1,285.19

Spring 1,003.00

Summer 1,540.00

Training 1,781.95

Total Seminars & Meetings 5,610.14

Special Events

BOD & Staff Social 343.28

Chinese New Year Festival 5,806.47

Fall Festival 945.84

Graduation 812.93

Parents Seminars 250.14

Poem Recital Contest 499.82

PTA fundraising event 318.89

Speech Contest 180.45

Teacher Appreciation Dinner 4,229.67

Volunteer Potluck 1,164.33

Total Special Events 14,551.82

Student Store 4,066.02

T-shirt Sale -45.00

Telephone 969.64

Website & Computer Expenses 217.97

Weekly Snacks 2,354.49

Total Expense 188,275.14

Net Income


Page 26: San Diego Chinese Academy NEWSLETTER Registration/SDCANewslette… · 快樂幼兒華語 My First Chinese Words $54.00 (Textbook & CD) PA, PB 學華語開步走: 漢語拼音 Learn
Page 27: San Diego Chinese Academy NEWSLETTER Registration/SDCANewslette… · 快樂幼兒華語 My First Chinese Words $54.00 (Textbook & CD) PA, PB 學華語開步走: 漢語拼音 Learn
Page 28: San Diego Chinese Academy NEWSLETTER Registration/SDCANewslette… · 快樂幼兒華語 My First Chinese Words $54.00 (Textbook & CD) PA, PB 學華語開步走: 漢語拼音 Learn

Tutoring Available!

My name is Ashley and a junior at Canyon Crest Academy. I have a 4.0 GPA and can help with:

Organizational skills

Individual lesson plans

Review and preview curriculums

Homework, projects, and reports

Subjects: math up to Calculus AB, Biology, Chemistry, English, History

Contact info: (858)353-1228 [email protected]

Page 29: San Diego Chinese Academy NEWSLETTER Registration/SDCANewslette… · 快樂幼兒華語 My First Chinese Words $54.00 (Textbook & CD) PA, PB 學華語開步走: 漢語拼音 Learn

Tai Chi & Self Defense Class offered by Master

Henry Cheng

When: September 28 to December 7, 2014

10 one-hour classes

Where: SDCA Office

Time: 4:35pm to 5:35pm

$150 for single person

$270 (two family members)

$382.50 (three family members)

Join us for a FREE demo class on September 21 at 3:30pm in the

Community Hall

Please register or make inquiry at the front office

Page 30: San Diego Chinese Academy NEWSLETTER Registration/SDCANewslette… · 快樂幼兒華語 My First Chinese Words $54.00 (Textbook & CD) PA, PB 學華語開步走: 漢語拼音 Learn


San Diego Chinese Academy

P.O. Box 910093

San Diego, CA 92191-0093
