Sant Kirpal Singh's Last Satsang

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  • 8/14/2019 Sant Kirpal Singh's Last Satsang


    w w w . S A N T - K I R P A L - S I N g H . o R g

    Today is the Day of Independence or the country.Tis independence was gained aer one hundredyears, you see. Tats all right; people are trying tomaintain the independence some are or, some areagainst. But we are not very much concerned withthese things. We are mainly concerned with our ownindependence. It is only aer a hundred years thatwe have got outer independence; and we aer ae-ons o years, ever since the world began, we are stillexiled rom our home, turned out o the country, you

    see. We have not been out o bondage yet. Te gold-en opportunity has been aorded to us rom time totime to regain that independence but, unortunately,or one reason or the other, we did not derive the ullbenet o our manbodies. Let the past bury its dead:again God has given you a golden opportunity o themanbody so that you may regain your independence.Now we have to see how ar we have gained our inde-pendence.

    15 Auust, 1974, Independence Da India

    Sant Kirpal Singh after His last Sunday Satsang, August 1974

    Sant Kirpal Sinhs Last Satsan

  • 8/14/2019 Sant Kirpal Singh's Last Satsang


    U N I T y o f m A N - S A N T K I R PA L S I N g H

    So I was just saying that this bondage started aeonsback when we were sent to the world. Te rst bond-age was o the mind. We are subservient to mind.Mind is under the control o the outgoing aculties:sight, audition, taste, smell and touch. Trough theseindriyas we are just stuck ast in the nine doors o

    the manbody; we cannot disentangle ourselves. Weare identied with the body and the world outside somuch so that we cannot extricate ourselves. Teresone way up, ortunately, and that is within us. Ninedoors are open: two eyes, two ears, two nostrils, onemouth, and two underneath nine doors. Tere isone tenth door. Tat is within you, latent within you,and starts when you go deep down into the darknesso your body: when you enter the oxhole o yourbrain, you see. Where does that start? Just as at thetime o death our soul is withdrawn rom outside,then the outgoing aculties, nine doors, are with-

    drawn, extricated. Tese physical outgoing acultiesleave us. Tey come to the back o the eyes and therethe way to the oxhole o the brain, or the tenth door,starts. Tats the door at which you are to knock andwhich will open to you. On the other side, o course,is where Masterpower is waiting or you. What or?o sup with you! And you are outside!

    In the back o the eyes is where it starts. Its all pitchdark. Tat is the way into the oxhole o the brain.Tat is the only way in which you can have your inde-pendence rst rom the physical body and physicaloutgoing aculties, then the astral body and astral out-going aculties, and then the causal body and the cau-sal outgoing aculties. So these are the three layers bywhich we are bound. I you could rise above all thesethree, you would have your independence. For thatwe have to rise above the nine doors o the body. Tatway is within you.

    You are man, born as man with the same privilegesrom God. No high, no low; no east, no west. Youare conscious entities environed by mind and mat-ter and outgoing aculties, identied with matter somuch so that you cannot dierentiate your Sel. Iyou press here (on the arm), you eel it. So you have

    to withdraw your attention rom the body, rom theoutgoing aculties, the nine doors. How? When youlook inside, just look within you into the middle othe darkness lying in ront o you. Tere, when thesephysical eyes are closed, the inner or single or thirdeye is open to see the Light within. You can see with-in. Te dense darkness o the body is shaken o. Iyou cease to hear rom all outside, you begin to hearinside within you. Tat minstrel, our blessed God,is playing music all the time. Unpaid or. No moneyrequired. He is always waiting or you, to make youhear that music which is going on within you. I you

    dont smell anything outside, that smell within youwill have a ragrance thats jasmine-like. Tat you willhave only when you rise above physical body, not be-ore. When you withdraw rom the tongue outside,

    just try to taste within you the elixir o Naam withinyou, the bread and water o lie. When you come incontact with the ringing radiance within you (thattouch which is God within you), youll be absolvedo physical bondage. But this is not complete inde-pendence; it is the rst part o independence. Tesecond part will start when you rise above the astralbody and the astral outgoing aculties. Ten the thirdpart, when you rise above the causal body. Rise abovethem; then you will really get your independence.Now youre all under bondage.

    Te only difculty is that which lies within you.

    When you come in contact with the ringing

    radiance within you, youll be absolved of

    physical bondage.